Test on the topic of the board of Alexander 1. Test "The period of the Board of Alexander I"

To the question of the test on the topic "Epoch of Alexander 1". You can copy the text to the text and where to put + or 1 correctly, anything. Posted by the author Scroll The best answer is Option 1

a) in 1801;
b) in 1803; +.
c) in 1812;
d) in 1814

c) join the continental blockade against England; +.

a) nobles and people of the "mid-condition" (merchants, membrane, state peasants); +.
b) nobles and peasants;
c) only nobles;

a) June 12, 1812;
b) September 22, 1812;
c) December 14, 1812;
d) August 26, 1812 +

a) A. A. Arakcheev; +.
b) M. M. Speransky;
c) N. N. Novosillese;
d) V. P. Kochubay.

a) in 1801;
b) in 1804;
c) in 1812;
d) in 1816 +

a) M. I. Kutuzov; +.
b) M. B. Barclay de Toll;
c) P. I. Bagration;
d) A. P. Tormasov.

a) in 1812;
b) in 1813;
c) in 1814; +.
d) in 1821

a) in 1815;
b) in 1816;
c) in 1818; +.
d) in 1821

a) in 1801;
b) in 1803;
c) in 1815; +.
d) in 1821

Answer from Oleg Nikolaev[active]
Option 1
1. A decree on free blades was published:
a) in 1801;
b) in 1803; one
c) in 1812;
d) in 1814
2. According to the Tilzite Treaty with France, Russia obliges:
a) recognize all territorial change in Europe for France;
b) become an ally of France in the war against Austria;
c) join the continental blockade against England; one
d) Start the war against Turkey.
3. According to the project M. M. Speransky political rights in Russian Empire Received:
a) nobles and people of the "mid-condition" (merchants, membrane, state peasants); one
b) nobles and peasants;
c) only nobles;
d) all citizens without limitation.
4. Borodino battle took place:
a) June 12, 1812;
b) September 22, 1812;
c) December 14, 1812;
d) August 26, 1812 1
5. Who is meant? He was born in 1769 in the Tver province in a small -coming noble family. Since childhood, he was distinguished by a closure and seriousness, graduated from the hatchiete engineering building, began his career with Pavel I. The emperor gave him the title of the count and wrote onto the gerby: "without a flattery is dedicated." He served three emperors - Pavel, Alexander and Nikolai. Developed a draft cancellation of serfdom, according to which the peasants had to be released to the will gradually for 200 years. His name is connected with the tightening of the internal policy after Patriotic War 1812 and the creation of military settlements.
a) A. A. Arakcheev; one
b) M. M. Speransky;
c) N. N. Novosillese;
d) V. P. Kochubay.
6. Serfdom In the Baltic States, it was eliminated:
a) in 1801;
b) in 1804;
c) in 1812;
d) in 1816 1
7. Who is meant? Member of the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774, from 1777 he fought under the command of A. V. Suvorov, received an award for the assault of Izmail. Aleksander I appointed it to the commander-in-chief of the Russian army in war with Napoleon. Basinista I. A. Krylov dedicated to him the fancy "Wolf on Psarn".
a) M. I. Kutuzov; one
b) M. B. Barclay de Toll;
c) P. I. Bagration;
d) A. P. Tormasov.
8. The Vienna Congress took place:
a) in 1812;
b) in 1813;
c) in 1814; one
d) in 1821
9. "Union of prosperity" was formed:
a) in 1815;
b) in 1816;
c) in 1818; one
d) in 1821
10. Alexander I bestowed the Constitution of the Kingdom of Polito:
a) in 1801;
b) in 1803;
c) in 1815; one
d) in 1821

Option 1.

1. Defeat B. Crimean war Forced Alexander 2 to eliminate:

A) Streletsky troops b) absolutism

C) serfdom d) of local troops

2. "Temporary" in the 19th century were called:

A) peasants-peasants b) residents of military settlements

C) peasants who have completed emergencies in favor of the state

D) peasants who performed the subsidy in favor of the landowner before the conclusion of a redemption transaction

3. The cause of the peasant small ground in the second half of the 19th century:

A) Segments

B) community elimination

C) the transfer of land for the construction of factories

D) reducing the territory of the Russian state

4. The main control body in the village after the peasant reform of 1861:

A) magistrate b) lifting elder c) rural gathering d) landowner administration

A) the peasants were exempted from paying the puff

B) the size of the peasant noodle depended on the quality of the earth

C) It was forbidden to attract peasants to the barbecan work on weekends and holidays

D) peasants received economic and civil rights

E) the peasants at the request of the landowner received put on the Earth to Property

Option 1: 1-B, 2-g, 3 - a, 4-b, 5 - b, g

Test on the topic "Board of Alexander II"

Option 2.

1. The value of the peasant reform of 1861 consisted in:

A) liquidation of the estate b) acceleration of the country's modernization

C) liquidation of the operating system d) elimination of landlord landing

2. The lands that were withdrawn from the peasants in the event that they were put on exceeded the norm installed on the peasant reform, were called:

A) segments b) put on c) shine d) tenth

3. The cause of peasant impoverishment after the cancellation of serfdom:

A) redemption payments b) community elimination

C) the growth of the household chores d) the beginning of the global financial crisis

4. The largest land on the peasant reform of 1861, the peasants received in:

A) Siberia and Asia b) non-black minced strip

C) chernozem zone d) Baltic provinces

A) Military settlements were eliminated

B) Restricted the right of landowners to link peasants to Siberia

C) before the transition to the redemption, the peasants were considered temporary obligatory

D) peasants were allowed to trade freely and base their own enterprises

E) the landowners in their will provided personal freedom to peasants with the allocation of them put on use.

Option 2.: 1 -B, 2 - a, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - in, g

Test on the topic: "Russia under Alexandra II"

Option I.

  1. Who was the mentor of the Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich?

a) F. Lagarp; b) V.A. Zhukovsky;
c) M.N. Pogodin; D) S.S. Uvarov.

  1. Who owns the words about the fact that "it is better to start the destruction of serfs from above, rather than wait for the time when it starts to destroy from below?"

a) A.I. Herzen; b) N.P. Ogarev;

c) Alexander II; d) Chairman of the reactionary commissions Ya.I. Tovtsev.

  1. What of the listed refers to the judicial reform of 1864?

a) adverse parties during trial;

b) punishment by rods of the perpetrators;

c) the publicity of the court;

d) periodic replacing judges;

e) creating a special court for nobles;

e) the salary of judges is one of the highest in the world;

g) the introduction of the jury;

h) courtesy of court.

  1. Zemskie institutions did not solve the issues ...

a) road construction;

b) the construction of schools and hospitals;

c) organization of judiciary;

d) trade and industry development.

  1. Representatives of what class prevailed in the zemstvo?

a) peasants; b) nobles;

c) merchants; d) Messenger.

  1. What peasants were considered temporary obligations?

a) who did not enter into a repurchase transaction with landlord;

b) the peasants of the Siberian provinces;

c) state peasants;

d) all indicated under a), b), c).

  1. What were the editorial commissions created for?

a) to collect statistical data on peasant posts;

b) to compile a single draft law on the liberation of peasants;

c) to compile a final report to the Chief Committee on the Peasant Cause;

d) for the editors of magazines and newspapers.

  1. According to the reform of 1861, the Earth after paying the redemption became ...

a) property of the peasant family;

b) property of the peasant community;

c) state property;

d) passed to the peasants landowner in the life lease.

  1. How many peasants were supposed to pay the landowner for the bounced put on?

a) at once, 20-25% of the cost was put on, and 75-80% paid the state;

b) immediately 100% of the cost of one

c) 100% of the cost of 59 years;

d) 50% of the cost, and the rest paid the state.

  1. The work of the peasants on the landowner land for the land for rent is called ...

a) month; b) use;

c) born; d) testing.

  1. What does the bourgeois character of great reforms reflect?

a) the abolition of serfdom;

b) the volost court for solving small peasant affairs;

c) endowing the peasants of the earth;

d) competition of the trial;

e) community land tenure;

e) the emergence of the exhaust system;

g) the all-known nature of the scum;

h) Universal military service;

and) peasant mallet;

k) segments.

  1. New industrial base based on oil production in the 70s years XIX. in. It was laid:

a) in the Donbas; b) in Siberia;

c) in the area of \u200b\u200bBaku; d) in Central Asia.

  1. Relate event and date:
  1. the beginning of the transfer of peasants to redemption; a) 1878
  2. judicial reform; b) March 1, 1881
  3. alexander II murder; c) 1863
  4. Berlin Congress; d) 1864
1. 2. 3. 4.
  1. The founder of which population was P.L. Lavrov?

a) bunaric; b) propaganda;

c) conspiratorial; d) liberal.

  1. What was the name of the first populic organization in Russia?

a) "Earth and Volia"; b) "Black convey";

c) "People's Volia"; d) "Labor Liberation".

  1. To which direction public thought related to born Chicherin, k.d. Cavelin, defending the introduction of the Constitution, democratic freedoms and continuing reforms?

a) liberal; b) radical;

c) conservative; d) reaction.

  1. What is the name more superfluous and why?

a) I.V. Gurko; b) A.M. Gorchakov;

c) ppm Schelov; d) ps Nakhimov.


  1. On the Berlin Congress happened:

a) revision of the provisions of the San Stefan peace treaty;

b) strengthening Russia's positions;

c) recognition of solutions of the San Stefan peace treaty;

d) the creation of a new coalition against Russia.

  1. Which country in 1860 was signed by an agreement that secured the Ussuri region for Russia?

a) with Japan; b) with China;

c) with the USA; d) with Korea.

a) San Stefan Peace Treaty;

b) the beginning of the transfer of peasants to redemption;

c) split "Earth and Will";

d) walking in the people;

e) the defense of Shipkin Pass.

Option I.

  1. a, in, g, w
  2. a, B, r, g.
  3. 3-b, 1-B, 2-g, 4-a.
  4. b, G, D, A, B.

Test on the topic: Test on the topic: "Russia under Alexandra II"

Option II.

  1. Implementation of great reforms of 1860-1870s:

a) slowed down the development of capitalism in Russia;

b) gave impetus to the development of capitalism in Russia;

c) did not affect the pace of capitalism in Russia;

d) made it impossible to develop capitalism in Russia.

  1. What bodies were engaged in the compilation of a single draft law of the abolition of serfdom?

a) editorial commissions; b) provincial noble committees;

c) peasant committees; d) all indicated under a), b), c).

  1. World mediators ...

a) checked the correctness of the compilation of statutory reference;

b) were assigned to the Senate;

c) resolved peasants with landowners;

d) all specified under a), b), c).

  1. What was the named peasants before moving to the redemption?

a) not redeemed; b) landless;

c) serfs; d) temptedly obligated.

  1. Which of the listed was part of the Zemstvo reform of 1864?

a) the election nature of the scum;

b) Zemstvo on the first two Kuria was elected on the basis of the property cencing;

c) the provincial officials could be appointed only with the consent of the departments;

d) in a number of provinces, it was decided not to create;

e) the score contained hospitals, schools, prisons, roads;

e) at the head of the provincial zemstvo stood Central Zemstvo;

well) deputies called vowels.

  1. What reform was not conducted in the 60-70s?

a) peasant; b) the highest authorities;

c) judicial; d) military.

  1. Which of the above terms reflect the capitalist nature of Russia's development, and what are the preservation of feudal remnants?

a) testing; b) segments;

c) rent land with peasants; d) the construction of factories and factories;

e) repurchase payments of peasants to the ground; e) peasant malskie;

g) Railway boom.

  1. The analysis of small criminal and civil cases was engaged in ...

a) District Court; b) the volost court;

c) world court; d) global mediator.

  1. The jury meetings are ...

a) judicial officials; b) specially selected people for the submission of verdict;

c) judge in minor cases; c) candidates for global judges.

  1. In 1862, the nobility of the city appealed to Alexander II with the address about the refusal of all class privileges ...

a) Moscow; b) St. Petersburg;

c) Voronezh; d) Tver.

  1. What was the goal of "walking" into the people?

a) get acquainted with the life of peasants;

b) teach the peasants with different specialties;

c) cause a revolutionary explosion in the villages;

d) Explain to peasants the value of the cancellation of serfdom.

  1. What an active participant in the People's Movement expressed the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing a revolutionary state for free autonomous societies?

a) P.N. Tkachev; b) MA Bakunin;

c) P.L. Laurels; d) G.V. Plekhanov.

  1. What organization in Russia dealt with terrorist activities?

a) "Black convey"; b) "Folk Volya";

c) "Ax and Spravel"; d) "Earth and Will".

  1. With the name M.T. Loris Melikova is connected:

a) the creation of the III department;

b) the draft convocation of elected from the land with the right of a deliberative voice;

c) the establishment of the State Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

d) the draft convocation of the State Duma.

  1. Relate event and date:

1. Manifesto on the liberation of peasants; a) 1874

2. "Walking to the people"; b) 1877-1878

1. 2. 3. 4.
  1. What states united in the "Union of Three Emperors"?

a) France, Russia, Turkey; b) Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Russia;

c) France, England, Russia; c) Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary.

  1. What the main foreign policy task was to the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.M. Gorchakov at the first stage of his activity?

a) the search for the allies for the military revenge after the defeat in the Crimean War;

b) the creation of a military unit against England and France;

c) the struggle for the abolition of the restrictive articles of the Paris World;

d) Creating a coalition against Austria-Hungary and Prussia.

  1. According to the San Stefan peace treaty 1878 ....

a) proclaimed the independence of Bulgaria;

b) the independence of Herzegovina was provided;

c) Russia received contacting from Turkey;

d) Russia was departed by Ardagan, Batum, Kars, Bayazet.

  1. What event Chancellor A.M. Gorchakov called the darkest page in his career?

a) Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878

b) London Conference 1878

c) Berlin Congress 1878

d) San Stefan Peace Treaty.

  1. Arrange B. chronological sequence:

a) Manifesto on the release of peasants from serf dependence;

b) the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war;

c) the creation of the "Union of Three Emperors";

d) Zemskaya reform;

e) Berlin Congress.

Option II.

  1. a, b, d, w.
  2. 1-B, g, g; 2 - a, b, d, e;
  3. 1-g, 2-A, 3-b, 4-in;
  4. a, G, B, B, D.

Test on the history of Russia "Board of Alexander II", grade 8, 1 option

1. With the name M.G. Loris Melikova in history Russia XIX. in. related)…

BUT. Creation of the III branch, the casing of gendarmes;

B. the project on convening elected from the land with the right of a deliberative voice;

IN. Project of the Creation of the Legislative Body - State Duma;

G. Conducting judicial, military and peasant reforms.

2. Name the years of Alexander II of Liberal Reforms, called the "Great":

BUT. 1880-1890; B. 1860-1870; IN.1810-1820; G. 1890- early 1990s.

BUT. the peasants received equal rights with landowners;

B. The peasants received the Earth without redemption;

IN. The temporal position of the peasants is canceled;

G. The peasant community was preserved.

4. Specify the main task of the military reform of the 70s of the XIX century. in Russia:

BUT. creating a system of military settlements;

B.creation of a system of military field courts;

IN. the transition from the principle of the recruit set in the army to the all-class military service;

G. Creation of new types of troops as part of the armed forces.

5. Which industry of the Russian industry was most developed in 60-70. XIX century?

BUT. mechanical engineering; B.oil production;

IN. light industry; G. Forest processing industry.

6. Determine the line that cannot be called Reversing of serfdom after reform 1861:

BUT. providing personal freedom peasants; B. segments;

IN. landowner land tenure; G. redemption payments.

7. Indicate the hell not characteristic The position of the peasants after reform 1861:

BUT. Maja; B. Most;

IN. disagreement; G. Creating farms.

8. Specify the year in Russia reform local governments:

BUT. 1861; B.1864; IN. 1874; G. 1880

9. Indicate the correspondence between the historical personalities of Russia and the type of their activities:

1 . Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich; but. initiator of the creation of a Moscow merchant bank;

2. A.I. Herzen; b. Minister of Enlightenment, against real gymnasiums;

3. YES. Tolstoy; in. Headed the Chief Committee for the preparation of the project

4. V. Kokarev. peasant reform 1861

g. Editor of the journal "Bell".

BUT. 1A 2B 3B 4G; B. 1B 2A 3G 4B; IN. 1B 2G 3B 4A; G. Any answer

10. Indicate that the basis for calculating the amount of redemption paid by the peasant under the reform of 1861?

BUT. summary amount; B. land rental;

IN. nominal value of land; G.the number of male shower in the family.

11. Determine which of the provisions not envisaged judicial reform 1864:

BUT. Introduction of advocacy; B. Introduction of a single all-known court;

IN. institution of the court of jury; G. Cancel corporal punishment for peasants.

12. Specify the value of liberal reforms 1870-1880:

BUT. They actually became a constitution;

B. contributed to the transformation of Russia into the bourgeois monarchy;

IN. They destroyed autocracy;

G. They completely destroyed the political missions of the people.

13. Centers of large engineering in Russia in the 60-70 years of the XIX century. become:

BUT. Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow; B. Petersburg and Moscow;

IN. Baku and Shuya; G. Tula and Petersburg.

14. Name public figures of the XIX century, who were Western:

BUT. V.G. Belinsky and A.G.Grenz; B. MA Bakunin and N.P. Ogarev;

IN. K.D. Cavelin and G.N. Granovsky; G. P.Ya. Chaaadaev and S.S. Uvarov.

15. Specify the characteristic feature of the revolutionary ideology. public Movement Russia 30-50 XIX in:

BUT. The hope that the initiator of reform will be the Supreme Power, based on support for the advanced public;

B. the rationale for the legitimacy and the need for revolutionary violence in order to carry out changes in society;

IN. Confidence in the need to preserve the foundations of the Russian society - Orthodoxy, autocracy, nation;

G. Calculation of the fact that reforms will be gradual and cautious.

16. Which of the events of the Russian-Turkish war is 1877-1878. happened before others:

BUT. taking adrianopol;

B. Forcing the Russian Army of the Danube;

IN. Falling the Fortress of Pleven;

G. Signing a San Stefan peace treaty.


17. The form of feudal rent (income that is not related to entrepreneurial activity), the forced labor of the serf, who worked with its inventory in the farm feud. In Russia, was widely used until the middle XIX century

18. Land plotprovided for the use of the peasant feudal or the state for the implementation of certain duties.

19. Name the ancient form of the organization of Russian peasants, which remained up to the 20th century, for which regular redistribution of land, a patch, gathering, were characteristic.

20. Russian military commander halves XIX. in. Member of the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 Under his command, a brilliant victory under Covel was obsessed, two storms of the Pleven were carried out, a winter transition through the Balkan ridge, a fight was won under p. Shainian. The soldiers called him "White General" for the habit of appearing in dangerous places on the white horse in the White Kittel and White Cap.

21. Persons of different ranks and ranks.

22. The name of the St. Petersburg journal, whose editor became N.G. Chernyshevsky.

23. The socio-political movement, striving for the transition of Russia to socialism through the peasant community.


17. corvee

18. allotment

19. community (or peasant community)

20. Skobeliev MD

21. Miscardians

22. "Contemporary"

23. Phealthy

24. Bakunin MA

Test According to the history of Russia "The Board of Alexander II", grade 8, 2 option

1. Name the statesman who offered Alexander to strengthen the commission of elections from the zeal and to create a representative body with a king, which has the right to advisory vote:

BUT. MG Loris Melikov; B. A.A. Arakcheev; IN. OH. Benkendorf; G. S.S. Uvarov

2. Choose a historic term characterizing the liberation of peasants from serfdom, indigenous transformations in public, social, cultural life in 1870-1880. When preserving the state system:

BUT. the revolution; B. counter does; IN. reforms; G. Counter-revolution.

3 . Indicate changes in the life of the peasants, which occurred during the reform 1861:

BUT. The estate appeared state peasants;

B. there was a layer of "temporary-shaped" peasants;

IN. Most peasants increased significantly;

G. There was a class group of "economic" peasants.

4. Specify the new industrial area of \u200b\u200bRussia, which emerged in the first columns of the XIX W.:

BUT. Ural; B. Petersburg; IN. Moscow; G. South.

5 . Indicate the mandatory sign of the capitalist factory in the middle of the XIX W.:

BUT. work on treason orders; B. Using a steam engine;

IN. the use of wage labor; G. Work on the external market.

BUT. Alexander II; B. Nicholas I; IN. A.I. Herzen; G. ON THE. Milyutin

7. Determine the progressive feature of the peasant reform 1861:

BUT. Liberation of peasants with push; B. Redemption (cash) peasants for land;

IN. Circular lyg peasants in the community; G. infidelity of personal freedom of peasants.

8. Name the years of the reign of Alexander II:

BUT. 1801-1825; B. 1855-1881; IN. 1825-1855; G. 1881-1894

9. Specify the correspondence between public figures and their transformations prepared by their reform projects:

1. MM Speransky; but. Development of the project to convene elected toes;

2. A.A. Arakcheev; b.. The basis of military settlements;

3. YES. Milyutin; in. The draft convening of the law-based body - the State Duma;

4. MG Loris Melikov; g. Preparation and conduct of military reform of the 60-70-Hg.xix c.

BUT. 1A 2B 3G 4B; B.1B 2B 3G 4A; IN. 1B 2G 3B 4A; G. Any answer

10. Specify invalid The situation in the list of reasons that prompted the Emperor Alexander II to hold reforms of the 60-70s.:

BUT. the growth of peasant performances;

B. Economic disadvantage of conservation of serfdom;

IN. deploying liberal frostal movement;

G. Enhanced pressure from leading European powers.

11 . Continue the offer. Zemskaya reform of 1864 ...

BUT. was a reform of local self-government;

B. recognized that the Zemstvo meetings claim the governor;

IN. suggested large state subsidies to the depots;

G. Transmitted all the completeness of the authorities in the province of the Noble Assembly.

12. Specify the position provided for by the military reform of 1874:

BUT. Cancel recruit sets;

B. introduction of a limited military service;

IN. Mandatory service in infantry (10 years);

G. The opportunity to the representative of any class, including peasants, mesh, becomes an officer.

13. Determine the function of the Zemsky institutions under the reform of 1864:

BUT. implementation of political and legislative power in the field;

B. execution of police functions;

IN. the solution of economic and administrative and cultural issues of local significance;

G. Collection of taxes and duties.

14. The basis revolutionary movement In Russia in the second half of the XIX century. become:

BUT. peasants; B. breasts; IN. nobles; G. Distributions.

15. Name public figures of the XIX century, who were Slavophiles:

BUT. G.N. Granovsky, A.I. Herzen; B. FM Dostoevsky, V.G. Belinsky;

IN. MP Pogodin, S.P. Shevyrev; G. K.S. Aksakov, Yu.F. Samarin.

16. Determine which of the events of the political history of Russia XIX century. happened before others:

BUT. the creation of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party;

B. The emergence of the organization "Earth and Volia";

IN. The emergence of the Northern and South Society of Decembrists;

G. Creating a group of Labor Liberation.


17. Name the year of the murder of Alexander II by the people.

18. The path of the development of society, assuming a sharp, jump-like transition to a new socio-political device is ... the path.

19. Methods used by an illegal organization to preserve in the secret of their existence and activities.

20. Name the appearance of the feudal service that the serf peasants until the middle XIX centuryin Russia, they should have paid in natural or cash.

21. What was the name of the newspaper, which A.I. published Herzen and N.P. Ogarchov abroad from 1857 to 1867.

22. What was the name of the Turkish fortress, which the Russian troops stormed three times during the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878?

23. Mandatory payments for land freed from the fortress dependence of peasants, which should be repaid in 49 years.

24. Organized termination of work in order to achieve fulfillment of requirements.


· revolutionary way

· Conspiration

· "Bell"

· Plevna (Pleven)

· Redempted payments

Test on the history of Russia Domestic politics Alexander I in 1801-1806 For grades 8 grade with answers. The test includes 2 options, in each version of 7 tasks.

1 option

1. Which events refers to 1801?

1) acceptance of manifesto on the liberty of the noble
2) Killing Paul I as a result of a palace coup
3) providing autonomy to universities
4) the adoption of the decree on free blades

2. Which of the legislation was adopted later than the rest?

1) Tabel about ranks
2) Manifesto on the creation of ministries
3) Military Charter
4) pledged diploma cities

3. Which of these transformations refers to 1901-1825??

1) termination of the distribution of state peasants in private hands
2) Bargland restriction in three days a week
3) Cancel of serfdom in Russia
4) Prohibition of the prohibition of peasants to complain about their landowners of the supreme power

4. Which of the listed can be attributed to the results of the decree "On Free Bakery"?

1) Liberation of most fortress peasants
2) Obtaining the Signal Society from the authority about the desire to cancel the serfdom
3) mass performances of peasants against the preservation of serfdom
4) translation into the position of free bumps of state peasants

5. Alexander's desire to refuse the serfdom led to the abolition of serfdom

1) in the Urals
2) in the Baltic States
3) in the Volga region
4) in Ukraine

6. Read the excerpt from the article historian A.N. Sakharov and define the name of the body, the meetings of which in it it is said.

"The first meetings were held in July 1801. The Committee included young people, close and trusted friends of Alexander I, - Prince A. Chartersky, Count P.A. Stroganov, N.N. Novosillese and V.P. Kochuby. They first, until the erection on the throne (emperor), gathered in his rest, were sophisticated conversations, hot spores, dreamed of reforms for Russia, to update the whole of her life. Moreover, Alexander was the soul of these conversations, their initiator. "

1) Committee of Ministers
2) Senate
3) Supreme Secret Council
4) Slags Committee

"At the very beginning of his reign, Alexander I spent in relation to the punished under his father - Paul I - __________ ie. Full liberation from judicial punishment. "

1. Palace coupwho led to the murder of Emperor Paul I occurred in

1) 1796
2) 1798
3) 1801
4) 1805

2. Which of the listed events refers to the period 1801-1812?

1) the creation of the Supreme Secret Council
2) adoption of a complained diploma to the city
3) creation of an indispensable council
4) institution of the Governing Senate

3. One of the consequences of Alexander I reforms was the creation

1) Colleges
2) Senata
3) Synod
4) ministries

4. Which of the listed historical figures occupied important state posts later than the rest?

1) A.I. Osterman
2) A.A. Bezborodko
3) V.P. Kochubey
4) G.A. Potemkin

5. What of the listed refers to reforms in the field of the formation of the beginning of the reign of Alexander I?

1) Introduction of the prohibition of lower estates for education
2) strengthening the role of the church at school
3) provision of autonomy universities
4) the creation of the first highest educational institution in Russia

6. Read the excerpt from the Decree and define its name.

"If someone from the landowners wishes to let go of his peasants or a whole village to the will and at the same time, to approve the land plot ... That, having done the conditions with them, which in terms of mutual agreement are recognized as the best, has to submit them to the minister through the provincial Internal affairs ... "

1) Decree of free blades
2) Decree on the three-day bargery
3) Plugged diplomacy
4) Tabel about ranks

7. Write down the word (term) in question.

"The solemn appeal of the power to the people, the example of which can serve _________ on joining the throne of Alexander I, in which he promised to manage" according to the laws and to the heart of the grandmother of his own - Catherine Great. "

Answers to the test on the history of Russia Domestic policy of Alexander I in 1801-1806.
1 option
1-2, 2-2, 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-4, 7 amnesty
Option 2
1-3, 2-3, 3-4, 4-3, 5-3, 6-1, 7-manifest


This version of the test rear is made on the topic "Alexander I" in the format of the exam. Detailed answers are given to all questions, as well as exemplary abstracts of historical essay on three topics associated with the era of the Emperor's Board. Testing will help when preparing for the exam.

Convenient for use in the lessons.


Place the historical events in the chronological sequence. Record the numbers that are indicated by historical events, in the correct sequence in the table.

1) Council in filients;
2) a decree on free blades;
3) Upper Napoleon


Correct answer

Answer: 213


2) Decree of free blades - 1803;

3) the overthrow of Napoleon - 1814


Set the match between events and years: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters


Correct answer

Answer: 4621


A) accession to Russia eastern Georgia - 1801

B) Friedrichsgam World with Sweden - 1809

C) the creation of the State Council - 1810

D) taking the Constitution to the Kingdom of Polish - 1815


Below is a list of terms.

All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the events of the period of the Board

Alexander I.

1) global judges; 2) populists; 3) free bakery;

4) Patriotic War; 5) the unlawful committee; 6) ministries.

Find and write down the sequence numbers of terms belonging to another historical period.


Correct answer

Answer: 12


1) World judges - the Board of Alexander II, judicial reform;

2) populists - the Board of Alexander II;


Record the term about which we are talking about.

The system of organization of troops in Russia in 1810-1857, which combined military service With a productive work, first of all, agricultural


Correct answer

Answer: Military settlements.


Set the match between processes (events, events) and facts related to these processes (events, events): To each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Correct answer



A) system improvement government controlled - creation of ministries instead of colleges from 1802).

B) development higher education - The opening of universities in a number of Russian cities (in Korpte in 1802, wine in 1803, Kazan in 1804, Kharkov in 1804, St. Petersburg in 1819 the Pedagogical Institute was transformed into university).

C) the decision of the peasant question - the adoption of the Decree "On Free Bakery" in 1803

D) expansion of the country's territory - the signing of the Gulistan peace treaty with Iran in 1813, the accession of part of Azerbaijan.

6. Install the match between fragments historical sources and them brief characteristics: To each fragment indicated by the letter, select two corresponding features indicated by numbers.

Fragments of sources

A) The general subject of all laws have to establish people's relations to the overall security of persons and property. In the great complexity of this relationship and laws, from them arising, you need to decide the main divisions.

The general subject of conversion is to ensure that the Board is accustomed to autocratic, decide and establish in an indispensable law. It is impossible to establish the Board on the law if one container will also be a law and execute it. Hence the need for establishments acting in the preparation of the law and its execution. From the Trojk order of government forces arises of the Trojak order of these establishments. One of them should act in the formation of the law, the other, in execution, the third - in the part of the vessel. The mind can be different.

B) we declare through this, by mutual agreement between us and its Majesty king, the Swedish mutual authority due to these powers were concluded and signed in Friedrichsgam 5/17 of September this year, a peace treaty, which from the word before the word reads Taco: in the Name of Most and inseparable Trinity.

Art. I. The world, friendship and good consent will be among him between His Majesty by the Emperor of the All-Russian and His Majesty King Swedish; High Contracting Parties will make all their efforts on the preservation of the perfect consent between them, their states and subjects, avoiding pretty that it could have to shake the connection to continue, happily restored.

Art. V. Aland Sea (Alandshaff), Batnient Bay and the Tornoo and Moro River and Moro will continue to serve the border between the Empire of the Russian and Kingdom of Swedish.

At an equal distance from the shores, the nearest islands to the solid land of the Aland and Finland will belong to Russia, and the adjacent Sweden will belong to it.


1) War, at the end of which a document was signed, was carried out simultaneously with the war against Iran.

4) The contract was unprofitable by Russia.

5) According to this peace treaty, Russia has significantly expanded its territories in the North-West.

6) on the project set forth in this document, it was implemented only the creation of the State Council.

Fragment A. Fragment B.


Correct answer

Answer: 3615.


A) .m.m.Stransky "Introduction to the deposits of state laws", 1809

5) Of the whole project, there was only one position - the creation of the State Council. (Yes, in 1810)

B) An articles are given from the Peace Treaty of Russia with Sweden in 1809 -Fridrichsgam world.

1) War, at the end of which a document was signed, was carried out simultaneously with the war against Iran. (Yes, the War from Sweden was in 1808-1809, and with Irn in 1804-1813)

5) According to this peace treaty, Russia has significantly expanded its territories in the North-West. (Yes, Finland was attached).


What of the listed refers to the provisions of the Decree on "Free Bakery"? Select three responses and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.

1) The liberation of the peasants from the earth was mandatory for all landowners.

2) The peasants could pay the debt for the land for a certain time specified in the contract.

3) The landowners received the right to provide their peasants freedom and land for money.

4) The cost of redemption of the land is determined independently.

5) Peasants could get a loan in the peasant bank.

6) The peasants were obliged to pay the full amount immediately, otherwise they became serfs again.


Correct answer



1) The liberation of peasants from the earth was mandatory for all landowners. (No, it was the desire of landowners)

2) Peasants could pay debt for land for a certain time specified in the contract. (No, they had to pay the whole amount immediately)

3) The landowners received the right to provide their peasants freedom and land for money.

4) The cost of redemption of the land is determined independently.

5) The peasants could get a loan in the peasant landing bank. (No, there was no such bank yet, it will appear only in 1882)

6) The peasants were obliged to pay the full amount immediately, otherwise they became serfs again.


Fill in passing in these proposals using the list of missed items below: for each sentence, indicated by the letter and containing the skip, select the number of the desired item.

A) after the end of the war, Napoleon was convened ________, on which the boundaries of states were determined, and the monarchy restoration system was developed.

B) Crossing the remnants of the Napoleonic army took place across the river _________.

C) a big role in the creation of military settlements was played _______.

Missed elements:

1) Holy Union.

3) Vienna Congress.

4) N.N. Novosillese.

5) Berezina.

6) A.A. Araqs.


Correct answer

Answer: 356.


A) After the end of the war, Napoleon was convened by the Vienna Congress, on which the boundaries of states were determined, and the monarchy recovery system was developed. (1814-1815)

B) Crossing the remnants of the Napoleonic army took place through the Berezina River (November 1812).

C) A.A. played a big role in creating military settlements. Araqs.

1) Holy Union. (No, in 1815 it is designed to save the world order defined Vienna Congress; Participated: Russia. Prussia, Austria).

2) Neman. (Not).

4) N.N. Novosillese. (Not).


Set the correspondence between events and participants of these events: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.





Correct answer

Answer: 6314.


A) the draft reforms "Statutory Limit of the Russian Empire" - N.N. Novosil residents, 1815

B) the creation of the State Council - proposed by M.M. Speransky in "Introduction to the Molding of State Laws", 1809

C) the activities of the "Neglass Committee" - in 1801 -1803, members: V.P. Kochubey, N.N. Novosillese, A.S. Stroganov, A.Yu. Charterian.

D) the decision to leave Moscow to the French - such a decision was made by the commander-in-chief of M.I. Kutuzov during the Council in filients, September 1, 1812


Read the excerpt from the Roman of the Russian Writer and write the name of the author of the work.

"June 12th force Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia and the war began, that is, the opposed human mind and the whole human Nature event".



Fill out the empty cell cells using the list of missed elements below: for each pass indicated by the letter, select the number of the desired item.

Missed elements:

1) Napoleon's accession to Moscow.

2) "One hundred days of Napoleon."

5) Tilzite world.

6) Gulistan peace treaty.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.







Correct answer

Answer: 648291


1) Napoleon's accession to Moscow. (Napoleon occupied Moscow from September 2 - October 8, 1812)

3) 1814 (no).

5) 1805 (no)

6) Gulistan peace treaty. (1813, following the results of the war with Iran in 1804-1813)

7) Opening of the Tsarskostsky Lyceum. (In 1811)


Read the passage from the document.

"The spectacle of the troops had fallen incredible! I can hardly believe your own eyes. Who could do this? Not take away worthy glory neither the commander-in-chief over the troops famous commanderwho brought the immortal to the Fatherland of merits, nor in other skillful and courageous leaders and military leaders who marked themselves with zeal and diligence, neither at all in the entire brave of our military, we can say that there are more than the strength of human.

Great Lord Our God is in the Miliations and in your anger! We will go the goodness of the affairs and cleanliness of our feelings and thinking, the only leading to him by him, in the temple of Holyness, and there, they are gloriously crowned with his hands, we will thank the generotes exeted on us, and fall to him with warm prayers, let the mercy extends her We will stop banging and the battle, the victory to us is victory, the desired world and silence. Dan in Wilna on the 25th day of December in the summer of the Nativity of Christ the 1812, the reign of ours in second-hand. "

Using an excerpt and knowledge of history, select three faithful judgments in the list.

Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) The document meant appeal to the people in the first days of the war with the enemy.

2) War, about the crust goes speech in the document, lasted a little more than six months.

5) The war lasted for several years.

6) the war, which is discussed in the document, entered the story as domestic.


Correct answer

Answer: 246


1) The document meant appeal to the people in the first days of the war with the enemy. (Not).

2) War, about the crust goes speech in the document, lasted a little more than six months. (Yes. From June 12 to December 25, 1812)

4) The author of the document - the emperor, in whose board Russia defeated Napoleon.(Yes. The war went to the rule of Alexander I, this is an excerpt from his manifesto "On bringing the Lord's Thanksgiving God for the liberation of Russia from the invasion of the enemy", which put the end of the war).

5) The war lasted for several years. (No).

6) the war, which is discussed in the document, entered the story as a domestic. (Yes).


Write a figure denoting the place where the Council decided to leave Moscow.


Correct answer

Answer: 1

Explanation: It was on the Council in filia on September 1, 1812, a decision was made to leave Moscow.


Write a figure denoting the place that gave the name of the famous maneuver during the war of 1812


Correct answer

Answer: 2

Explanation: This is a Tarutinian maneuver.


Write the name of the commander-in-chief who headed Napoleon


Correct answer

Answer: Kutuzov.



What judgments related to events marked in the scheme are faithful? Choose three judgments out of six offered. Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) The enemy's retreat took place along the Kaluga road.

2) M.I. Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief in the first days of war.

3) the enemy could not work on the plan - not to give Russian armies to unite.

4) During the war, Moscow had to pass into the enemies.

5) One of the reasons for the victory over the enemy was the unpreparedness of the enemy to conduct war in the winter.

6) The enemy's army significantly exceeded the army of Russia in the number of soldiers and weapons.


Correct answer



1) The enemy's retreat took place along the Kaluga road. (No, in the Smolensk Road).

2) M.I. Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief in the first days of war. (No, only on August 17, before that, these duties were performed by the Military Minister Barclay.

3) the enemy could not work the plan - not to give Russian armies to unite. (Yes, failed, 1 and 2 armies were connected in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk.)

4) During the war, Moscow had to pass into the enemies.(Yes, it happened after the Council in Files. From September 3 to October 10, Napoleon was in Moscow).

5) One of the reasons for the victory over the enemy was the unpreparedness of the enemy to conduct war in the winter.(Yes, it was one of many reasons).

6) The enemy's army significantly exceeded the army of Russia in the number of soldiers and weapons. (No, the army were about the same in about the same. Compare: Napoleon was 610 thousand soldiers, 1370 tools; Russia - 600 thousand soldiers, 1600 guns, 400 thousand militias.)


Set the correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: to each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.





Correct answer

Answer: 4625


A) Monument K. Minin and D. Pozharsky - is devoted to victory over the Poles, the liberation of Moscow by popular militia, 1804-1818 g, sculptor I.P. Martos.

C) Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg - Revo O. Monferran, the cathedral was built in 1818-1858.

D) tragedy "Boris Godunov" - the work is written in one of bright representatives "Golden Century" of Russian Poetry, A.S. Pushkin in 1825


What judgments about this architectural monument are true? Choose two judgments out of five offered. Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) The building is located in St. Petersburg.

2) The building is located in Moscow.

3) The building is built in honor of the victory over Napoleon.

4) Building architect - Tom de Tonon.


Correct answer



1) The building is located in St. Petersburg. (Yes).

2) The building is located in Moscow. (Not).

3) The building is built in honor of the victory over Napoleon. (Not).

4) Building architect - Tom de Tonon. (Yes, this building of the Exchange in St. Petersburg is built on his project in 1805 - 1816.

5) Architect of the building - K. Rossi.

19 Which are architectural monuments built during the reign of AlexanderI. ? In response, write down the two numbers that are indicated by these monuments.



Correct answer

Answer: 24


  1. Weapon Chamber in Moscow, 1844-1851, Architect K.Ton.
  2. Mikhailovsky Palace in St. Petersburg, 1819-1825, Architect K. Rossi. Currently, the Russian Museum.
  3. Historical Museum in Moscow, architect V. Sherwood, 1875-1881.
  4. Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, 1801-1811, Architect A. Voronikhin.

To record responses to the tasks of this part (21-29), use the response form No. 2. Record the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then expand the answer to it. Records write out clearly and picking up.

Read the text and execute the tasks 20-22.

In the conversion experiences of the first years of the young emperor, a large role was assigned to the central control apparatus. Petrovsky colleges were transformed, already under Catherine lost their original character. Manifesto on September 8, 1802, they were transformed into eight ministries. That was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Military and Land Forces, Sea Forces, Interior, Finance, Justice, Commerce and Folk Enlightenment with the Committee of Ministers to discuss cases requiring general considerations. The main difference of new organs central office There were their sole power: each department was managed by the minister instead of the previous collegial presence; Each minister was reported before the Senate.

Simultaneously with the reforms of administrative rates were also a public relations. This was controlled by the equation of all public states before the law. Among the first measures of the new emperor was the restoration of quantities of the estimated literacy, canceled, as we saw, the former emperor in their main parts. They affected the timidly delicate question about serfdom. A number of measures since the beginning of the reign was stated was the intention of the government to gradually prepare the minds to the abolition of this right. Since 1801, there was a distribution of settlements in private property. On December 12, 1801, on the birthday of the emperor, an even more important decree was published, which provided to the persons of all free states to acquire outside the cities in the property of immovable property without peasants; The law on December 12 destroyed the age-old landowner monopoly of the nobility. On February 20, 1803, a decree was published on free blades: the landowners could enter into an agreement with their peasants, liberating them without fail with land with whole villages or individual families. These liberated peasants, not recording other states, formed a special class of "free blades". The law on February 20 was the first decisive expression of the government intention to cancel the serfdom.

Such were the first experiments of the restructuring and public relationsThey constitute the first era of Alexander's conversion activities. These experiments were not thought out sufficiently and suffered important shortcomings: there were no one with others enough, they were treated extremely hurry. Then the well-known external events followed, for a while distracting the emperor from internal works; It was part in two coalitions against France - in 1805 in the Union with Austria, in 1806-1807. - In the Union with Prussia. During these wars, an intimate circle of the first emperor advisers was upset. Hiking and failures cooled the initial liberal idyllic mood of Alexander; Observations, they assembled, settled dissatisfaction with others. Members of the informal committee one after another were removed from the emperor. Their empty places occupied one person who became the only trusted officer of the emperor. That was Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky.

3. Incidentally, wars with France postponed reforms.


In historical science there are discussion problems for which various, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science.

"The adoption of the decree on free blades is undoubtedly the progressive step of Emperor Alexander I along the path of the civilized state."

Using historical knowledge, Bring two arguments that can be confirmed by this point of view, and two arguments that can be refuted. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

The answer is written in the following form.

Arguments confirmation:

Refuture arguments:


Correct answer

Arguments confirmation:

one). For the first time, the peasants were able to bother free, albeit at the will of the landowners.

2). The serfs of the peasants received the opportunity to redeem the earth, or to carry a message for her, they became the owners of the Earth.

Refuture arguments:

1) The decree was not mandatory for landowners, the emperor was afraid to repeat the coup.

2) just 2% of the peasants were released. It is about 150 thousand people. The landowners did not want to part with the earth, nor with peasants.


You need to write a historical essay of one of the periods of Russia's history:

3) 1813 -1825The essay requires:

- indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes),

referring to this period of history;

- call two historical Personswhose activities are associated with the specified events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the roles of these personalities in these events (phenomena, processes);


When characterizing the role of each person named, it is necessary to indicate the specific actions of this person, to a large extent influenced the course and (or) the result of these events (processes, phenomena).

- indicate at least two causal relationships characterizing the causes of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in the data period;

- Using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, evaluate the influence of events (phenomena, processes) of this period for the further history of Russia.

During the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historic terms, Concepts related to this period.


Correct answer

Approximate essays according to these periods are given on the site.

iSTORICHESKIY-PORTIRU..R. in chapter "EGE. History. Task 25.Things in the format of the exam.

1) grandson of Catherine 2 and brother Paul 1

2) the nephew of Catherine 2 and the son of Paul 1

3) grandson of Catherine 2 and the son of Paul 1

4) The nephew of Catherine 2 and Brother Paul 1.

2. Alexander 1 became the Russian emperor:

1) in 1803 after the death of his brother

2) in 1801 after the death of Catherine 2

3) in 1803 by decision of the unlawful committee

4) in 1801 after the murder of Paul 1 as a result of the palace coup.

3. The unlawful committee did not enter:

1) P.A. Stroganov

2) V.P. Kochubey

3) N.N. Novosilsev

4) D.N. Senyavin

4. Fortress peasants, according to the draft reform of 1809, had

1) General Civil Rights and the right to transition to a higher estate through redemption

2) the right of their repurchase and the right to acquire workers

3) the right to participate in Zemsky management and the limited purchase of land

4) the right to redeem itself and their relatives by court decision.

5. Election right, according to the draft reform of 1809, received:

1) only noblemen and mothers

2) only persons who owned fortress peasants

3) everyone who had movable and immovable property

4) All those who were born in Russia and lived in it at least 10 years.

6. The State Council was created

2) in the fall of 1811 to prepare elections to the State Duma

3) January 1, 1810 for the preparation and adoption of new laws

4) in March 1812 to evaluate the M.M. Speransky reforms.

3 option

1. Decree on "free blades" was accepted

1) in 1803 and allowed landowners to sell fortress peasants along with one

2) in 1802 and allowed serf peasants to sell surplus their products in the market

3) in 1803 and allowed the fortress peasants to redeem themselves and their put on money for money from the landlord

4) In 1802, and allowed the fortress peasants to buy land from the landlord to the property.

2. The Convention "On Mutual Friendship" was concluded

1) in 1801 between Russia and Sweden

2) in 1804 between Russia and Austria

3) in 1801 between Russia and the United Kingdom

4) in 1805 between Russia and Sweden

3. The fourth antifranzus coalition was created

1) in 1804 after the defeat " continental blockade"Napoleon

2) in 1805 after the conclusion of the Tilzite world

3) in 1806 after the victory of Napoleon under Austerlitz

4) In 1807 after the war with Sweden.

4. Select the correct sequence of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812

1) Berezina-Smolensk-Tarutino-Borodino-Moscow-Neman

2) Smolensk-Neman-Moscow-Borodino-Berezina-Tarutino

3) Smolensk-Borodino-Neman-Moscow-Tarutino-Berezina

4) Neman-Smolensk-Borodino-Moscow-Tarutino-Berezina.

5. In the battle with Borodino, the Russian army was:

1) almost three times less than the French army

2) equal to the number of French army

3) slightly more french army

4) more than the French army twice.

6. The general Borodino battle occurred:

4) August 26, after two and a half months after the start of the war.