Cognitive psychology and logic briefly. Brief description of cognitive psychology

The essence of cognitive psychology is reduced to the fact that for the knowledge of motives that encourage people to action, it is necessary to study the processes occurring in the human mind. This course in psychology is studying human psyche, the process of perceiving the person of information or knowledge. Psychologists seek to understand how information is perceived, thinking, the memorization process, logical thinking etc.

As a rule, the study of behavior occurs in cognitive psychology through the formulation of laboratory experiments. Cognitive approach in psychology is scientific, therefore it requires laboratory research or experiments. For example, in the laboratory, the memory of the subjects were tested, which were in the rigorous framework created by scientists.

The results obtained by the experienced way are often criticized by opponents in the psychological community. It is indicated that the conditions created artificially far from everyday reality. From this result loses cleanliness (there is no environmental validity).

Especially strong impetus in development cognitive psychology Received in the middle of the last century. Several factors contributed to this.

First, a behavior-oriented approach external behavior man, began to lose supporters. Scientists were increasingly inclined to the need for the knowledge of the internal processes.

Secondly, it became possible to conduct better experiments and receive more accurate results.

Thirdly, it became with which to compare human thinking, thanks to the development of computer equipment.

With the advent of technical device, the possibilities of scientists - psychologists expanded. They were adopted to explain the processes studied part of technical terminology. Comparing the processes occurring in the car and in the human mind, when solving the same task, the researchers have moved significantly in the knowledge of the area under study.

The history of cognitive psychology

1948 - Publication of Nubert Wiener "Cybernetics" - Labor, in which there is a talk about communication between machine processes and human thinking. From this time, the terms "entrance" and "output" got a value other than traditional entrances and room access.

In the same 48th, another American - Edward Tolman, putting experiments on rats, received evidence internal representation animal behavior. The scientist called them a cognitive card.

1956 - George Miller was experienced by the "short-term memory" of a person. This discovery is decorated in its famous work "Magic number 7 plus-minus 2".

1960 - opening at the Harvard Center of Cognitive Research. The center, where the processes of thinking were studied, was created by the joint efforts of Professor George Miller University and Dr. Jerome Bruner. Since 1962, the last has become the director of the Center.

1967 - the situation of the Book of Ulrich Nisser "Cognitive Psychology", which marked the beginning of the rapid development of a new direction in the study of human psychology.

1968 - Richard Atkinson and Richard Schiffrin developed a human memory model. Their model, consisting of three components, was called: "multi-storey memory model".

Attitude to the cognitive approach

American psychologist Karl Rans Rogers., which is a supporter of humanistic psychology, did not recognize the method of cognitive approach. His opinion was reduced to the fact that it is impossible to take the results of laboratory experiments for the truth due to the fact that they have too small environmental validity. Artificial environmentin which the subjects are placed, does not match real life. Rogers emphasizes the need for a holistic approach when studying the behavior of people.

Burres Frederick Skinner, a well-known American psychologist, an adherent of biheviorism, acted with criticism to a cognitive approach. He believed that reliable facts can be obtained exclusively by studying visible reactions of human behavior. He pointed out that it was impossible to notice and measure the effect of the stimulus for the reaction. Skinner found the confirmation of his theory and inconsistency of the cognitive approach. In particular, the approval of the German psychologist Wilhelm Wyandt, who was trying to decompose the human mind on the components were criticized.

Fully relying on the comparison of human thinking with the processes occurring in the computer, supporters of congline psychology misses a number of factors. For example, computers do not feel feelings, they cannot be tired, upset, get angry or, on the contrary, to experience joy and fun. All listed inherent only man. From the emotional state, the actions committed by the person are largely dependent. A person is not a computer and can never think of the rules established by the program.

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- Science multifaceted and versatile. It has many directions and branches, each of which is focused on its own understanding of the mental reality and the features of its functioning. Each direction has its approach to analyzing the aspects of the psyche. And to relatively young, but rather progressive and very popular directions include cognitive psychology. This article is devoted to a brief review of this area, as well as a review of the therapeutic approach associated with it - cognitive psychotherapy.

The concept and brief history of cognitive psychology

Cognitive psychology is a section of psychological science involving cognitive processes of human psyche. Exquisitions based on a cognitive approach in psychology are focused on studying feelings, attention, memory, imagination, information presentation, the ability to make decisions. In fact, this is a whole concept concentrated on the activity of consciousness and the process of knowledge.

Cognitive psychology explores the process of obtaining a person's information about the world, the way it seems to be stored in memory and becomes knowledge, as well as how this knowledge does not affect the behavior and attention of a person. This direction concerns the entire range mental processesStarting with the feelings and ending with perception, attention, training, recognition of images, memory, formation of concepts. It concerns the language, memorization, imagination, emotions and development processes, as well as all possible behavioral areas.

This direction appeared in the 50s of the 20th century in the United States. Although, of course, attempts to study the problems of consciousness were made before. More antiquity philosophers were asked by issues where thoughts and memory are placed. For example, in Ancient Egypt They believed that they were located in the heart. Alistotle supported this idea. However, Plato believed that the place of storage was the brain. Without going into details, it is possible to say that people showed a huge interest in the problem of consciousness for hundreds of years before the cognitive psychology has developed a scientific direction.

The considerable merit in the development of cognitive science belongs to such well-known philosophers as Immanuel Kant, David Yum and Rene Descartes. Thus, the theory of Descartes about the mental structure over time became the method of studying the psyche. The works of UNMA contributed to the establishment of laws of the Associations of ideas and the classification of mental processes. And Kant pointed out that the mind is a structure, and experience - facts that fill this structure. But, of course, it is incorrect to believe that only these people should be thanked for the formation of cognitive psychology. The activities of scientists and from other regions played a huge role.

One of the people who influenced the formation of cognitive psychology more seriously, is a German psychologist and physiologist Wilhelm Vundt, because he repeatedly talked about the consciousness possesses creative potential. In the future, this topic partially developed in functionalism and structuralism, and only with the advent of behaviorism, focused not on consciousness, and on behavior, at the beginning of the twentieth century, interest in it is almost half a half.

But in the 1950s, a new stage began in the development of cognitive science. One of the pioneers of the movement was the American psychologist Edward Tolman. He pointed out that it was important to consider cognitive variables and contributed to the abandonment of the inherent behaviorization approach "Stimulus-Reaction". However, the most significant contribution to the formation of the approach was introduced by a Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, who studied children's psychology, focusing at the stage of cognitive development. And even despite the fact that the work of Piaget was dedicated for the most part of children's psychology, the spectrum of applicability of the cognitive approach was significantly expanded, and Piaget himself received a reward "For an outstanding contribution to the development of science."

In the 1970s, cognitive psychology began to allocate as a separate study area and therapeutic practice. Many of its provisions became the basis of psycholinguistics, and its conclusions began to be used in other sections of psychological science, such as educational psychology, psychology of personality and.

Currently, cognitive psychology is largely based on the analogies between the mechanisms of knowledge of humans and the transformation of information in computing devices. (And this is despite the fact that its foundations were laid before cybernetics and complex computational and information technology appeared.)

The concept is most common, where the psyche is represented by a device that has a fixed ability to convert the resulting signals. It is the main value in it internal cognitive schemes and the activity of the body involved in the process of knowledge. The human cognitive system is considered as a system with input, storage and data output devices based on its throughput potential. And the basic metaphor of cognitive psychology is a computer metaphor, according to which the work of the human brain is likened to work the computer processor.

For those who are interested in representatives of cognitive psychology, let's call them names. This is Boris Velichkovsky, George Sperling, Robert Solo, Karl Pribram, Jerome Brunner, George Miller, Ulric Nisser, Allen Newell, Simon Herbert and some others. At the end of the article, we still give a small list of books of some of these authors. Now the main ideas of cognitive science are of the greatest interest.

But taking into account the severity of the topic and the physical impossibility of telling everything in one article, it will not be superfluous if you get the time to view the one and a half hours. This is a record of the lecture "What is cognitive psychology, where she came from and where it goes" Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Senior researcher Center for cognitive studies of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University Maria Falikman. However, you can see it and at the end of the article or at any suitable time.

The main ideas of cognitive psychology

Cognitive psychology in its research is based on several fundamental ideas. In theses, imagine each of them:

  • The main objects of study are cognitive processes. These include thinking, speech, perception, imagination ,. In addition to them cognitive science Engaged in the study of human and artificial intelligence, the emotional sphere of personality, the psychology of development and the process recognition process.
  • The most important prerequisite for cognitive psychology is to study and analyze the processes of knowledge in the form of the functions of the computing machine. Representatives of the direction are considering the cognitive processes of human psyches exactly as, for example, an electronics engineer studies a computer. The computing machine performs many operations related to obtaining, processing, storing and issuing data. Cognitive human functions are responsible for similar operations.
  • The third idea follows from the second. She says that the psyche processes the data in stages. Those. Any stimulus obtained from external world, passes through the chain of ordinal transformations.
  • Mental information processing systems have their limit capacity. This assumption explains the direction of work and the task of cognitive psychologists - they seek to find the natural and most effective methods Work with information coming into a psyche from the outside world (cognivist therapists with the help of this knowledge corrected patient behavior).
  • All information that enters the psyche through cognitive processes is encoded and reflected in a special (individual) manner.
  • For any studies, it is necessary to use chronometric agents that allow you to estimate the response time to the proposed tasks and / or the speed with which the psyche responds to signals. Cognitive psychology does not use introspective technologies (when a person himself observes the processes occurring in the psyche and does not use tools and standards), and considers them not accurate enough.

These ideas may seem pretty simple at first glance, but in reality they constitute the base on which a whole complex of the most complex scientific research. This in turn says that cognitive psychology, despite its relatively small age, is a very serious scientific section. Studying the processes of knowledge taking place in the psyche, it can make certain conclusions based on the evidence they obtained empirically.

Cognitive approach in psychology allows us to explain the behavior of a person through a description of the processes of knowledge, study and interpret the processes of perception, recognition of images, solving problems, and memory operation; Explore the mechanisms for building a cognitive picture of the world, unconscious perception and knowledge, and not only in humans, but also in animals.

All studies are being implemented in the field of cognitive psychologists using special methods. First of all, these are methods of microdynamic and microstructural analysis of perceptual processes. The microstructure and microdynamics of mental activity refer to the subject of cognitive science that studies the peculiarity of mental life. The structure here is a relatively static presentation of the organization of the elements of mental processes. And microdynamics is a study of processes occurring in the mental life through the processing of information coming from the world around. Thanks to both methods, human actions are considered as part of a single intrapsychic system, and not as separate phenomena.

The following method is a microgenetic method based on one species of Gestalt-theory (Leipzig School) focusing on the features of the formation of mental phenomena. According to this theory, the images of items arise in human consciousness not immediately, but after passing a few stages that can be identified by creating certain conditions. But the main task of the method is to study the final result of the thinking process or its relationship with the conditions, and the process itself leading to this result.

The three of these methods are intended for analyzing thinking and cognitive processes. But there is another, attracting the most attention. This is a method for replacing a personal construct developed by the American psychologist George Kelly in 1955. Despite the fact that the cognitive approach in psychology was still formed, the works of Kelly became decisive for him, and today there is such an important area of \u200b\u200bpractical cognitive psychology as cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy around them. With its examination, we slightly touch the above method.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy

cognitive approach in psychology

Today, with the help of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, therapists work with mental disorders of people: eliminate them, smoothed or reduce the likelihood of recurrence in the future. It helps to eliminate psychosocial consequences, adjust the behavior, increase the effectiveness of treating medication. The support of this area was the ideas of George Kelly.

The theory of personal constructs Kelly states that every mental process proceeds through different paths Predictions of events in the surrounding reality. Neither instincts, nor incentives, nor even the need for self-actualization are owned by the consciousness and behavior of a person. He acts as a scientist learning and knowing the world around and himself.

According to Kelly, a man, exploring the behavior of others, trying to delve into his essence and give him forecasts, builds his own system of personal constructs. The concept of "construct" is the main in the theory of scientist. The construct consists of the features of perception, memory, thinking and speech and is a classifier of how a person perceives himself and the world around.

This is the main means for the classification of reality phenomena, which is a bipolar scale, for example, "stupid-smart", "beautiful-ugly", "brave-cowardly", etc. The process of choosing a man of constructs characterizes it as an object of knowledge, which is the subject of interest of all therapy. The constructs fold into the system, and if it turns out to be ineffective, a healthy person or changes it, or replaces the new one. In the case of mental deviations, they resort to the care of therapy.

In general terms, the therapy can be designated as a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of perception and interpretation by people of external information. This analysis consists of three stages:

  1. At the first stage, the patient works with different tools that help identify erroneous judgments, and then find their causes.
  2. At the second stage, the patient with the help of the therapist is mastering the techniques of the correct relations of the phenomena of the surrounding world. The task of a specialist Show a person benefits and harm, advantages and disadvantages of an existing construct.
  3. At the third stage, the patient must realize the new construct and start building its behavior based on it.

It is important to note that the specialist only launches the treatment process, and after it simply adjusts it. And there is a lot here (which is characteristic and other areas of psychiatry and psychology) depends on the person being in treatment.

Kelly's theory describes the conceptual scheme that allows a person to comprehend reality and create specific behavioral patterns. She, by the way, was supported by the famous Canadian and American psychologist Albert Bandura. He developed a "scattering" system used to change behavior.

The personality construct itself is applied by world experts learning, fears and phobias, depressive states. Cognitive psychotherapists believe that the cause of any mental disorder lies in dysfunctional (incorrect) constructs. Therefore, Kelly theory is so important for therapy.

Instead of imprisonment

If we talk about the relevance of cognitive science in general, it is in demand by experts studying the features and mechanisms not only perception, memory, attention and speech, but also to form judgments, decision-making, solutions, the work of intellect and many other issues.

Taking into account the fact that cognitive psychology concerns some other sciences, its study requires people working in completely different fields. It is of interest to neurologists, linguists, teachers, teachers, engineers, artists, scientists, designers, architects, developers educational programs, specialists in the field, etc.

Cognitive psychology and its representatives played a huge role In understanding the patterns of the entire process of knowledge and individual mechanisms. The activities of cognivists contributed to the development of the psychology of the personality, psychology of emotions and age psychology, made a major contribution to research on the ecology of perception and the study of social cognitions.

Such in general terms the foundations of cognitive psychotherapy and cognitive psychology. Recall once again that this article is purely familiarized in nature, and we do not apply for a full disclosure of the topic of cognitive science, which is devoted to a huge number of books and scientific Labors. And therefore we recommend that you (if there is an appropriate interest) to read the works that the representatives of the Cognivistic Direction written. Here are some such books:

  • "Cognitive psychology: history and modernity", Reader;
  • "Cognitive Psychology", R. Solso;
  • "Cognitive Psychology", D. Ushakov;
  • "Cognitive Psychology", A. D. Robert;
  • "Cognitive evolution and creativity", I. Merkulov;
  • "Little book about big memory", A. Luria;
  • "Mimethetiousness", Krushchenin A. L., Krohina I. m.;
  • "Your memory", A. Baddelide;
  • "Invisible Gorilla", D. Simons, K. Sharbi;
  • "Cognition and reality", W. Nisser.

And in conclusion, see a small video about cognitive therapy and the mechanism of its work. Develop, train your perception and know the world. We wish you good luck!

Cognitive psychology - Section of psychology studying cognitive, that is, the cognitive processes of human consciousness. Studies in this area are usually associated with memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, decision-making ability. The main principle, on the basis of which the cognitive system of man is considered, is an analogy with a computer, i.e. The psyche is interpreted as a system intended for processing information.

The rapid development of research of conscious mental processes caused an outbreak of interest in unconscious cognitive activity. A new look at the nature of the unconscious represented it is more rational and emotional. The unconscious manifests itself at the initial stage of human knowledge - at the stimulus response stage. The unconscious (unconscious) is an integral part of the process of learning and processing information, and therefore it can be studied during the controlled experiment.

Scientific prerequisites:

1) criticism of biheviorism and the revival of interest in the subject of consciousness in the United States since the 50s of the twentieth century;

2) the effect of gestalt psychology - the adoption of the active role of the subject, interest in the problem of consciousness;

3) the teaching of J. Piage, who conducted a number of significant research on child psychology from the standpoint of the study of the stages of the child's cognitive development;

4) Change scientific paradigm In physics, the refusal to the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute objectivity and recognition of the active role of the subject in the cognitive process.

The formation of cognitive psychology:

1) 1960 - Opening J. Miller and J. Bruner at Harvard Center for Cognitive Research, in the center studied a variety of cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking, speech, including the analysis of their genesis. It was the first application of the term "cognitive";

2) In 1967, U.Nisser published a book called "Cognitive Psychology". This book has opened a new research field. U.Nisser identified knowledge as a process, with which "incoming sensory data is subjected to transformations, reduction, processing, accumulation, reproduction and are used in the future ... Cognition is present in any act of human activity." P. Thus, cognitive psychology deals with sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and all other types of mental activity. Expressed in the book "Cognition and Reality" (1976) of the computer's metaphor formed the basis of works in which computer programs Serve a model to understand the processing processes by man. Intellect is not considered as a set of consecutive, frequently lowered stages or processing stages, as it was in traditional psychology, which it was believed that after the feeling there was perception, then memory, thinking, etc. In a new approach, a comprehensive system has complicated structureAnd the hierarchy is built on the types of information processing and depends on the challenges.

Cognitive theories:

1) the theory of cognitive dissonance (from the English Cognition knowledge, Dissonance is a discrepancy) - a socio-psychological theory created by the American psychologist L. Festinger, in which the status of motivation designed to ensure the elimination of the emerging occurred in the collision With contradictions of discomfort due to changes in existing knowledge or social attitudes.

It is believed that there is a complex of knowledge about objects and people called a cognitive system, which can be of varying degrees of complexity, consistency and interconnectedness. At the same time, the complexity of the cognitive system depends on the quantity and diversity of knowledge included in it.

2) Cognitive memory theories: R. Atkinson as methodological foundations focused on a "computer metaphor", conductive parallel between human cognitive processes and information conversion in a computing device. And in 1968, he proposed his three component memory model, in which the information first enters the sensory registers, where the shares of a second in the form of a very accurate equivalent of external stimulation, then - in accordance with the conservation task, falls into the perceptual signs, in short-term The repository where it is constantly restored due to the repetition of tens of seconds, after which it can be translated into a long-term storage, where it is stored in semantic form (in conceptual codes) for a very long time. S.Sternberg is known for the study of short-term memory, solving problems of mnemic search and the logic of additive processes.

3) speaking about the development of cognitive directions, it is necessary to mention the theory of personal constructs of Kelly (1905-1967). This theory, although it is a mansion, is essentially close to the main provisions of cognitive psychology. Kelli's point of view, who considered a man as a researcher seeking to understand, interpret and control himself and the worldIn many respects stimulated the interest of cognitive psychology to the process of awareness and processing of information about their world.

IN lately Cognitive psychology, like other schools, is increasingly focused on achieving related directions. In modern (especially European) variation of cognitive psychology, symbolic and connectational approaches were common. The symbolic approach is predominantly considering advantageously operating with symbols as units of information (for example, in speech), and conjunctionalism studies the relationship between elements in the cognitive system.

The results obtained by scientists of this school penetrate both the work on age psychology, the psychology of emotions and personalities (especially the works of Kelly). In social psychology, the study of social cognitions of their role in intergroup interaction is becoming increasingly distributed, as mentioned above. The works of Nisser and other scientists contributed to the emergence of a large number of research on the ecology of perception. It can be argued that these works, as well as Gibson's research, led to the fact that the environmental approach is currently one of the most common areas in modern psychology, a real alternative to an information approach in many areas of cognitive psychology.

Practical use:

1) Cognitive psychotherapy - psychotherapeutic method developed by A.T. Beckomy based on the development of optimal assessment and self-examination techniques. As the basis of this method, the statement was approved that knowledge is the main determinant of the emergence of certain emotions, which in turn determine the meaning of holistic behavior. At the same time, the emergence of mental disorders (initially depressive states) was explained primarily at the expense of incorrectly built self-knowledge. The procedure of this method includes three stages. At the stage of logical analysis, the patient receives criteria for detecting errors of judgments arising in affectogenic situations; At the stage of empirical analysis, it works out the methods of correlation of the elements of an objective situation; At the pragmatic analysis stage, the optimal awareness of his own actions is building.

2) rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, Rapt (English. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Rebt) is an active-directive, training, structured, multimodal approach in psychotherapy and psychological counseling, concentrated on the problem created by A. Ellis in 1955 and considering As the main reason for mental disorders of erroneous, irrational cognitive installations (beliefs, beliefs, ideas, assumptions, etc.), and not the last experience of the individual (in contrast to psychoanalysis). Such cognitions in the terms of RAPT are called "irrational beliefs" (sometimes - "Irrational beliefs", Eng. Irrational Beliefs) and the main purpose of therapy is their elimination.

Cognitive psychology is actively developing and far from completion, possesses all signs of the scientific school and has become part of the mainstream of psychological thought.

Similar information.

XIII. Cognitive psychology: the formation and directions of development



1. Izdan, A.N. History of psychology. From antiquity to this day: a textbook for universities. - 5 ed., Pererab. and add. / A.N.zhdan - M.: Academic project, 2007.- 576 S.- ("Gaudeamus", "Classic University Tutorial"). Recommended MO RF.

2. Luchinin, A.S. History of psychology: Tutorial / A.S. Lucin. - M.: Ed. »Exam, 2006. - 286 S. (Series" Tutorial For universities ").

3. Martzinkovskaya, etc. History of psychology: a textbook for the stud. Higher studies - the 5th ed., ERS. / Etc. Martzinkovskaya - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 544 S. Gryd Umo.

4. Sangstad, per. History of psychology. From sources to this day. Translation from Norwegian E.Pankratova / P.Saugstad - Samara: Publishing House "Bakhrah-M", 2008. - 544 S.

5. Smith, R. History of psychology: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Institutions / R. Smith. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 416 p.

6. Shabelnikov, V.K. History of psychology. Psychology of the soul: a textbook for universities / V.K.Shabelnikov - M.: Academic project; World, 2011. - 391 p. - (Gaudeamus). Griffe UMO.

7. Yaroshevsky, M.G. History of psychology from antiquity until the middle of the XX century / M.G. Yaroshevsky - Publisher: DirectMedia Publishing, 2008- 772 S. Recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

1. History of psychology in faces. Personals / Ed. L.Akapenko // Psychological lexicon. Encyclopedic dictionary in six volumes / red.-Sost. L.Akapenko. Under total. A.V.Petrovsky. - M.: Perse, 2005. - 784 p.

2. Lyha, Thomas. The history of modern psychology is the 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 448 p. ("Series" Master of Psychology ").

3. Oil A. Motivation and personality. - SPb.: Eurasia, 1999.

4. Morozov A.V. History of psychology: Tutorial. M.: Academic Project, 2004.

5. Mei R. Meaning of anxiety. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 2001.

6. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. History and theory of psychology - Rostov-on-Don: Publisher "Phoenix", 1996. - T.1.2.

7. Rogers K. Cliente-centered therapy. K.: Wakler, 1997.

8. Frank B. Doctor and Soul. SPb.: Juven, 1997, K.: PSYLIB, 2004.

9. Hall Art, Lindsay G. personality theory. M.: "KSP +", 1997.

10. Hiell L., Zigler D. personality theory. Basic provisions, research and application. St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1997.

11. Schulz D.P., Schulz S.E. The history of modern psychology. St. Petersburg 1998.

12. Yakunin V.A. History of psychology. - SPB.: 1998.

13. Yal I. Existential psychotherapy. - M.: "Class", 1999

14. Frankl V. Zehn Thesen Über Die Person (1950) // Frankl V. Der Wille Zum Sinn: Ausgewählte Vorträge Über Logotherapie. 3., ERW. Aufl BERN: Huber, 1982. Existential tradition: philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy. 2005. №2, p.4-13

Cognitive psychology - section of psychology studying cognitive, that is, the cognitive processes of human consciousness. Studies in this area are usually associated with memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, decision-making ability. The main principle, on the basis of which the cognitive system of man is considered, is an analogy with a computer, i.e. The psyche is interpreted as a system intended for processing information.

The rapid development of research of conscious mental processes caused an outbreak of interest in unconscious cognitive activity. A new look at the nature of the unconscious represented it is more rational and emotional. The unconscious manifests itself at the initial stage of human knowledge - at the stimulus response stage. The unconscious (unconscious) is an integral part of the process of learning and processing information, and therefore it can be studied during the controlled experiment.

Scientific prerequisites:1) criticism of biheviorism and the revival of interest in the subject of consciousness in the United States since the 50s of the twentieth century; 2) the effect of gestalt psychology - the adoption of the active role of the subject, interest in the problem of consciousness; 3) the teaching of J. Piage, who conducted a number of significant research on child psychology from the standpoint of the study of the stages of the child's cognitive development; 4) Changes in the scientific paradigm in physics - the refusal to the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute objectivity and recognition of the active role of the subject in the cognitive process.

The formation of cognitive psychology: 1) 1960 - Opening J. Miller and J. Bruner at Harvard Center for Cognitive Research, in the center studied a variety of cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking, speech, including the analysis of their genesis. It was the first application of the term "cognitive"; 2) In 1967, U.Nisser published a book called "Cognitive Psychology". This book has opened a new study field. U.Nisser identified knowledge as a process, with which "incoming sensory data is subjected to transformations, reduction, processing, accumulation, reproduction and are used in the future ... Cognition is present in any act of human activity." P. Thus, cognitive psychology deals with sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking and all other types of mental activity. Expressed in the book "Cognition and Reality" (1976) of the computer's metaphor formed the basis of works in which computer programs serve as a model for understanding the processing processes by man. Intellect is not considered as a set of consecutive, frequently lowered stages or processing stages, as it was in traditional psychology, which it was believed that after the feeling there was perception, then memory, thinking, etc. In a new approach, a comprehensive system has a complex structure, and the hierarchy is built on the types of information processing and depends on the standing tasks.

Cognitive theories:1) Theory of cognitive dissonance (From English Cognition Knowledge, Dissonance - Missing) - Socio-psychological theory created by an American psychologist L. FestingerIn which the status of motivation is encouraged to ensure that the status of motivation is encouraged to ensure that the feelings of discomfort arising from the collision with the contradictions of discomfort due to changes in the existing knowledge or social attitudes. It is believed that there is a complex of knowledge about objects and people called a cognitive system, which can be of varying degrees of complexity, consistency and interconnectedness. At the same time, the complexity of the cognitive system depends on the quantity and diversity of knowledge included in it.

2) Cognitive memory theories:R. Atkinson As a methodological grounds, focused on the "computer metaphor", conducted by the parallel between human cognitive processes and the transformation of information in the computing device. And in 1968, he proposed his three component memory model, in which the information first enters the sensory registers, where the shares of a second in the form of a very accurate equivalent of external stimulation, then - in accordance with the conservation task, falls into the perceptual signs, in short-term The repository where it is constantly restored due to the repetition of tens of seconds, after which it can be translated into a long-term storage, where it is stored in semantic form (in conceptual codes) for a very long time. S.Sterbergit is known for the study of short-term memory, solving problems of mnemic search and logic of additive processes.

3) speaking about the development of cognitive directions, it is necessary to mention theories of personal constructsKelly(1905-1967). This theory, although it is a mansion, is essentially close to the main provisions of cognitive psychology. Kelli's point of view, who considered a person as a researcher, seeking to understand, interpret and control himself and the world around him, largely stimulated the interest of cognitive psychology to the process of awareness and processing information about their world.

Recently, cognitive psychology, like other schools, is increasingly focused on achieving related directions. In modern (especially European) variations of cognitive psychology with common steel symbolicand connectual approaches. The symbolic approach considers predominantly operating methods with symbols as units of information (for example, in speech), and conjunctionalism studies the relationship between elements in the cognitive system.

The results obtained by scientists of this school penetrate both the work on age psychology, the psychology of emotions and personalities (especially the works of Kelly). In social psychology, learning is increasingly distributed social cognitions and their role in intergroup interaction, as mentioned above. The works of Nisser and other scientists contributed to the emergence of a large number of research on ecology of perception . It can be argued that these works, as well as Gibson's research, led to the fact that the environmental approach is currently one of the most common areas in modern psychology, a real alternative to an information approach in many areas of cognitive psychology.

Practical use: 1) Cognitive psychotherapy - psychotherapeutic method developed by A.T. Beckand based on the development of optimal appraisal and self-examination. As the basis of this method, the statement was approved that knowledge is the main determinant of the emergence of certain emotions, which in turn determine the meaning of holistic behavior. At the same time, the emergence of mental disorders (initially depressive states) was explained primarily at the expense of incorrectly built self-knowledge. The procedure of this method includes three stages. At the stage of logical analysis, the patient receives criteria for detecting errors of judgments arising in affectogenic situations; At the stage of empirical analysis, it works out the methods of correlation of the elements of an objective situation; At the pragmatic analysis stage, the optimal awareness of his own actions is building. 2) rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, Rapt (English Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (Rebt) is an active-directive, training, structured, multimodal approach in psychotherapy and psychological counseling, concentrated on the problem created by A. Itllis In 1955, and examining erroneous, irrational cognitive plants (beliefs, beliefs, ideas, assumptions, etc.) as the main reason for mental disorders, and not the last experience of the individual (in contrast to psychoanalysis). Such cognitions in the RPTT terms are called "irrational beliefs" (sometimes "irrational beliefs", English IRorational Beliefs) and the main purpose of therapy is their elimination.

Cognitive psychology is actively developing and far from completion, possesses all signs of the scientific school and has become part of the mainstream of psychological thought.

Practical tasks

Give examples of the manifestation of cognitive dissonance (at least three).

Model the scheme for the possible development of dezadapive behavior in terms of the theory of J. Celly personal constructs.

Make a matrix of ideas according to the scheme:

Relying on the knowledge of rational-emotive psychotherpay A.Ellis, give examples emotional violations As a result of irrational thinking.

Make a crossword puzzle on the topic "Cognitive Psychology" (at least fifteen words).

Control questions

1. What are scientific prerequisites, subject, methodological basis Cognitive psychology.

2. Theories of cognitive psychology (U.Nisser, R. Atkinson, R.sterberg, Gardner).

3. Describe the nometic and environmental approaches of cognitive psychology.

4. Give examples of passing the role of the unconscious in the cognitive processing of information.

5. What is the specificity of the theory of cognitive dissonance L. Festinger.

6. What are the features of the cognitive theory of the personality of J. Celly?

Psychology - the thing is much more intricate, rather than just medicine. Body problems always make themselves felt, but with the problems of psychological properties, a person can live a lifetime, not even realizing to the end, which gravity in the form of experiences and complexes he carried in his soul for many years. To understand sensations, experiences and complexes of psychologists helps the cognitive direction in psychology.

This direction appeared in the sixties of the last century, and was an initially decent alternative to behaviorism in the days in America. Cognitive psychology sees a goal - to explore the role of knowledge in human behavior, as well as changes in the information he receives with the help of sense authorities. It is extremely important for this direction to study the organization of knowledge and information in memory, as well as mechanisms of thinking and memorization.

Cognitive Psychology - Basic Provisions

The patient's psyche is seen as a clear system of cognitive operations. This is what modern cognitive psychology studies: imagination, attention, perception, image recognition, development, human intelligence.

The main provisions of this area was developed by A. T. Beck. This scientist believed that various impaired psyche could be explained, first of all, incorrectly built self-consciousness.

A person suffering from violations does not know how to adequately evaluate the world around, people around and himself. For example, patient with depressed syndromeThe pretty and physically developed twenty-year-old young man sees himself sick and broken, and its future is a turn of torment and failures. The cognitive psychology of the individual is studying such cases, and puts the goal and a patient to determine which of its judgments, thoughts led to such a painful state. Methods of cognitive psychology teaches a person to learn themselves, adequately perceive reality and work out in practice the methods of knowledge.

The method consists of three stages:

  1. Stage of logical analysis. The patient receives tools with which he learns to identify its erroneous judgments that occur sometimes in the affect state.
  2. The stage of empirical analysis. During the passage of the second stage, the psychotherapist together with the patient practices techniques to help relate elements of objective reality among themselves.
  3. Stage of pragmatic analysis. At the final stage, the patient to learn best to realize their actions.

Now this method Effectively applies not only to work with depressive states, but also to work with people suffering from excessively understated self-esteem.

Cognitive-behavioral psychology is one of the directions of cognitive psychology. Specialists working in this area believe that all identity problems arise due to its wrong behavior. Her goal is to train a person adaptive, adequate behavior, consolidate his skills, resolving, thereby, his problems. During the consultation, the psychotherapist together with the patient comes harmful behavior models and offers in return for their new ones. The patient will also have to perform tasks in ordinary life, working out new models of their behavior.

Cognitive social Psychology It is already exploring the problems of a separate individual, but the mechanisms of its social judgments that are within the framework of its everyday consciousness. Specialists of this direction are engaged in research in personality methods to explain and perceive the rules of surrounding reality.