Scientific paradigm. Paradigms of education

The ancient Greeks we are required by the invention of the philosophical category "Paradigm". This concept is initially characterized as belonging to two parts of speech simultaneously. It can be interpreted and as the name of the noun by the type "model" or "example", and as a verb that is translated as "compare."

The ancient and medieval philosophers of the paradigm called a certain sphere of eternal and primary ideas that are a source of creativity for demiurge (God).

Paradigm definition

The scientific and philosophical category of the paradigm initially implies a holistic system of intuitive orientation. Obviously, carrying out creative and cognitive activities, a person should act in no urgently, but based on certain principles.

Extremely rationally from the point of view of science, "not inventing a bicycle", initially take into armament of the system of discoveries, technologies, allowing to go on and on the shortest and, accordingly, the most efficient way.

The paradigm is just the optimal source theoretical conditions, starting from which scientific knowledge has the best prospects. This is ensured due to the active role of the relevant paradigm as feedback.

This feedback is implemented by optimizing the possible directions for finding a scientist. He converts them from the currently existing fundamental theoretical basis - both explicit and implicit. In other words, it relies on the paradigm as at baseline conditions.

It is obvious that the high-quality paradigm is a global theoretical development, the most friendly and adapted to the epistemology of human knowledge and, accordingly, correlated with a relevant segment of the evolution of mankind. A certain paradigm "works" on the time interval, where it corresponds to normal science (we will consider this concept below). Thus, the philosophy of consumption of this concept initially has certain boundaries.

Paradoxically human knowledge. Periods of stagnation suddenly go into the development of a new tool and the theoretical base. Accordingly, it is not surprising that over the decade before the start of the era of the scientific and technical revolution (the beginning of the 70s.) The category "Paradigm" found its priority use in general scientific philosophy, as well as sociology.

Summing up our arguments about the phenomenon of the paradigm, limited to a compact definition: paradigm is a certain initial theoretical basis, consisting of actual theories, ideas, views in a certain specified time. Its maturity and adequacy is taken into account when determining the conceptual working circuit of the primary scientific problems taken into the current permit.

Thomas Kun and his theory of development

The first to use the concept of paradigm in the modern context of California Professor Thomas Samuel Kun. Studying historically scientific knowledge as a process, the scientist showed the uneven, the jump-shaped character of its development.

In its most prominent scientific work, the "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), the scientist determined the phenomenon of progress as an epistemological (approximate to the science) change paradigms. Each paradigm is, according to Kuna, the concept suggesting a certain cyclicity is from the stage of its adoption before replacement.

From this point of view, the Kunovsky theory of scientific revolutions determines the well-standard classic stages of development of averaged abstrapy-based scientific discipline:

Preceding paradigm;

Functionality of the paradigm;

Paradigm crisis (normal science crisis);

Paradigm change by scientific revolution.

In the theory of Kuna, the concept of normal science plays an important role. It can be described as a steadily developing, having decent theoretical elaboration. It takes place when all occurring phenomena find an exhaustive interpretation within the paradigm - official scientific theories that define scientific and technical progress (NTP).

Generalization of the theory of Kuna - a look at the development paradigms

At this stage of the narration, we draw your attention to the generation of the theory of the Kun. By default, the entire scientific community automatically transferred the perfect scientific instruments of the Kunovsky phenomenon of scientific and technological progress to other private areas of social progress. Thus, a universal development paradigm formulated by Kun is made.

Its essence: the dialectical denial of the old paradigm of the paradigm is new through the constant increase in the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and social practice.

Explain wider. The Company develops, at the same time accumulating the different experience of people's activities in many areas. For each such area, its specialists (and it is natural) formulate their paradigm. For each of them, the default toolkit of the theory of paradigms developed by Kun is transferred. Moreover, the cyclicality of its existence is also subject to regularities informed by the Californian scientist.

The main paradigms are thus peculiar to all spheres of society and they are sensitive to progress. The theory of California scientist turned out to be demanded not only by science, but also social sphere, sphere of culture, education, etc.

Anomalies of the sphere of knowledge. Life cycle of scientific paradigm

Let's return to our arguments again to a more private concept - the paradigm of scientific. At the same time, we comply with the classic principle of conclusions - logical transitions from private to the general and vice versa, as well as transitions from the consideration of the process statics to the consideration of its dynamics.

Over time, in any science, an increase in abnormal phenomena is invariably, that is, such that do not find a suitable interpretation with the help of official scientific instruments.

Scientific discipline is included in his crisis in critical accumulation of non-explanations of anomalies. They are at this stage or refer to ignored valid errors, or they are fundamentally ignored and officially silent.

Obviously, in this case, the scientific paradigm (this can also be said about all others) is included in the crisis stage.

Usually the change of paradigms is determined by the replacement of generations of scientists, where the "new wave" of theorists becomes adherents of a more progressive theory. This is evidenced by historical experience:

Thus, in cosmology, a new paradigm - Copernikov scheme - replaced Ptolemeevskaya;

Newton managed to formulate and substantiate its mechanical concept of the universe;

The relativistic theory of Einstein has accommodated as a subset of Maxwell electromagnetic theory;

Quantum physics has accommodated as a subset of the mechanics of quantum.

Changing generations of scientists, therefore, is an important point of the sociological aspect of the paradigm. Its essence lies in the coverage of a certain part of the scientific community. Thus, the scientific paradigm suggests a certain subjectivism, since it combines scientists, agree with it.

The paradigm scientific in a broad sense implies three aspects of its interpretation:

Paradigm as a rational picture of the universe;

Paradigm as a valid system of theories, uniting specialists and distinguishing a certain scientific community;

Paradigm as a kind of algorithm, a technological map of solving standard scientific tasks.

Paradigms and life of society. Selective Overview

The general characteristic of the scientific paradigm considered above is a good precedent for further generalizations. Recall, we have already talked about the fact that all spheres of society are sensitive to progress. In the future, our presentation we present our readers some of the basic paradigms of various spheres:

Paradigms operating in sociology;

Forming paradigms (a general way to transfer human knowledge);

Programming paradigms (private example of scientific knowledge);

Cultural paradigms (as a phenomenon of society's life);

Social paradigms (forming a person's attitude to society).

Sociological paradigms

The care of sociologists' scientists is the constant search for the actual toolkit of the methodology reflecting such a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon as social reality.

Paradigms of sociology are thus quite numerous. Therefore, we will only imagine their classification (association in metaparadigm):

- Positivist metaradigma (Marxism, positivism, webcamism) is considering the development of society as a linear and progressive. The society itself acts as a social organism abstracted from people. Ideologists Paradigm positivism - Marx, Durkheim, Spencer.

- Interpretative metaradigma (Neomarxyism, neopositivism, non-prophercy, conflict theory) involves the nonlinearity of the development of society and the dialectics of social communities. The main paradigms are formulated by Collins, Merton, Cupper.

- Integral metaradigma (Philosophy of cultural pluralism and integral use of cognition channels). Involves the integration of various paradigms. Ideologists metaradigma - Parsons, Sorokin.

- Reflective metaradigma (Society is analyzed at the same time institutional and from the point of view of the human factor). At its framework, society is globalized and unified. Ideologists Paradigm - Giddens, Rosenau.

- Metaparadigma Postmodern Represents the company managed chaos. The SOCID itself has a tendency to desocialization and is inclined to self-development. The main paradigms are created by Bodryar, Lio - Tard, Lasha.

Social paradigm

Social paradigm, as no other, is related to human psychology and its social activity. Therefore, it is best reviewed precisely in the works of scientists - psychologists (Vygotsky, Foucault, so on.).

To a large extent, the social paradigm forms a medium where a person lives. Obviously, only from the person himself depends on the choice of "his" social paradigm: survival or development, cooperation or egoism, conflict or tolerance, following or nihilism, selection of activities, identify itself in the family and so on.

A promising way to optimize the social paradigm of a person is to acquire the skills of transformation of the Company's challenges from the category of problems in the category of tasks. Accordingly, the skills of consistent overcoming such tasks are important. Thus, a person becomes socially active.

Eight paradigms of education

The development of society involves various paradigms of education. Describe the most common among them.

Programming paradigms

Programming as a phenomenon that allows for the tasks set by a person, to automate the various processes of its civilization activities, in its development steps that define four paradigms are determined:

Declarative (Machine Languages: GPSS, Prolog);

Imperative (algorithmic languages: Fortran, Basic, Pascal);

Functional (functional programming languages: Haskell, Standard ML);

Object-oriented (object-oriented C ++ programming languages; Ruby, Python, PHP);

Obviously, the modern paradigm is the concept of relative. After all, the range of tasks facing programmers is constantly complicated, respectively, its abnormality is increasing. Paradigms replace one other. What of these, strictly speaking, the programming began?

With declarative. This paradigm assumed the use of machine languages \u200b\u200band pseudocodes. With their help organized a sequence of commands. By changing the input data, programmers manipulated output.

The imperative paradigm introduced additionally to its competence, the solution of nonlinear multivariate and cyclic tasks. A fundamental point in the imperative paradigm is a programmer of the algorithm.

The functional paradigm comes from the conditional presentation of the program as a set of functions ("black boxes"). Moreover, each of them receives its input data (both from the external environment and from other "boxes". They are combined with each other in such a way that the output "black boxes", respectively, generate output information with the required parameters.

The highest degree of development of the programming paradigm is an object-oriented paradigm (OOP). Also has a certain level of abstraction. It allows the programmer to group such tasks in classes.

The benefit is evident. By changing the code in one place, the programmer updates the entire algorithm! OOP operates with the concepts of class and object. How do they relate? Let us explain on the example. If the class is a complex of full design documentation for the construction of the house, the object is the house itself. That is, returning to the programming process, we denote by the class as a complete set of formal rules for the implementation of related programming tasks, and the object is as a specific implementation.

Obviously, having a powerful toolkit, which shown by us, the "Programmer" will be several orders of magnitude more effective than the programmer acting within the imperative paradigm.

Actual paradigms of culture

Culture - as a phenomenon that emerges and developing in society is subject to the evolution of its interpretation by society. Based on the above, historically correctly distinguish the three most common paradigms of culture: first - "high culture", then "Kulura as repression" and, finally, "culture - lifestyle".

All of them arose in the period of the latest history.

The first paradigm generated German xIX literature century. Its founders are considered writers O. Spengler, M. Sheleler, tennis. They proceeded from religious views on the nature of the person - the essence of the fallen, but gifted "God's spark". Accordingly, (according to their views), and human activity, two antagonistic incentives are determined: the lowest is civilization and the highest culture.

On the one hand, civilization causes its work activity on creating a utilitarian. On the other hand, the culture stimulates the works of human genius: harmonious, beautiful, conceptual. Thus, a high culture paradigm implies the initial conflict of categories "Civilization" and "Culture".

The creation of the second - repressive paradigm - we are obliged to philosopher Z. Freud. His point of view is based on the opposition of culture as a phenomenon of the public and individual nature of man.

The last internally inherent in the natural mental authority is Ego, expressing its nature, instincts. It is on it that society actively affects the "human eye". The purpose of such an impact is the unification of a huge amount of EGO to an extra-sized averaged mental authority - Super Ego.

Human instincts are rapidly changed by sublimation (translation into forms, "approved by" society). The instrument of such transforms is a culture that repressing these instincts replacing them to Erzatsians. For example, it is the culture, according to Freud, makes the person express a passion in poetry, painting. Thus, Freud is based on its paradigm of culture put the attitude towards her.

The third paradigm is also called the paradigm of sociocultural institutions - independent components that determine the lifestyle. Each of them is based on certain, traditionally developed customs, traditions, rituals. Recall the Japanese proverb, given by V. Pelievin in the novel "T": "Man from the animal is distinguished by tradition." Thus, an institutional view of the culture involves the active category of "lifestyle", thanks to which people seem to be certain carriers of culture.

Instead of imprisonment

When summing up the summary of some major paradigms, the conclusion about their relevance. In fact, a dynamic person, being in a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge or activities, firstly, must consolidate himself with it, adequately assess the possible directions of its activity.

Exercising the above-mentioned binding to society, it should correctly represent the existing paradigms in this area.

Is it important? Currently - super life. The problem is that in modern information society There is a certain practice: in parallel with the main paradigm, as a rule, there are several "legends", inflated media and advertising. A person can be very expensive to make a mistake in choosing a paradigm.

Evolutionary activities.

The paradigm may be an absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted.

Generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary decision-making method, a model of peace or its parts (industries, areas of knowledge, lives and activity), taken by a large number of people. Examples: The beneficial paradigm of the Constitutional Course of Russia of the Sample 1993, the overall programming paradigm.

Personal paradigm is a substantial decision making method, a mental model of a particular person. Incorrectly appropriate assertion that "it will naturally be different from generally accepted, because it takes into account the personal experience of the subject, and is also not complete - no one can know everything about everything." The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm determines not the "knowledge of everything", but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the person in social reality and the acquisition of the mind.

History of origin

Since the end of the 60s of the 20th century, this term in the philosophy of science and sociology of science is used to designate the original conceptual scheme, models of problem formulation and solutions, research methods that are dominant during a certain historical period in the scientific community.

Initially, the word was used in grammar. So, for example, the ESBE determines this term as follows: "In grammar, a word serving a sample of declining or auction; In rhetoric - an example taken from history and compared to comparison. "

Vocabulary Merriam-Webster. 1900 gives a similar definition of its use only in the context of grammar or as the terminas for illustrating parables or fables.

Private cases

see also

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    Scientific paradigm - (Scientific Paradigm) Universally recognized scientific achievement, providing examples of sample problems and solutions to the scientists community (Kun, 1962). Kun is criticized for a variety of terms of term (for example, in relation to ... ...

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    Sample or model. As a special term, the concept of P. was introduced by Amer. The methodologist of science t. kun in the book. "Structure of scientific revolutions" (1962) to designate the prevailing ODA. scientific problems of problems and solutions. P.… … Encyclopedia of cultural studies

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Paradigm (Vіd Gold. Rbasdigmb - Butt, Visritsen) - CE is Іnttegrapal. Characteristics of T_їi Chi Іnshio science in Singer. Includes to themselves: Prshess, symbolnі Uzagalnennya (formalіznі component of theorem); In a friend, the picture of STITU (modeling is despicable, referring to the "Skat_novo); in-tertє, Zagalnoprianytі in the Danny Spevtovalius of the Presentation Methodologian Vimoga Y Tsіnnіsnі Orіntatsії; in the fourth, Zagalnopriantі in the sciences of the bays of the band Concrete science problems.

Vіdomo, Scho Vusually, regulatory with Paradigs (Sukupnіtnyskiy, Svіtoglyadniy, Scientific, Governorates, Scho, Shavpnіtskiy, Іstoriki, Іstorotі І nastyatі, ілілноті і і каз зазова, rate, virtue problem problems). Prior to ZM_sti Paradigm include Sukupni theoretical standards, Tsіnnіsny Cryterіїv, Svitoglyadniy Position, Methods І Principle Delije.

Distille of science Zgіdim, Z Thomasom Kun, Vіdbuyuyuyu Schnini, Competitia and Zmіni Paradigm. Narrin, science passed from his product through the metaphic, dialectic, clasic, post-block postmodern_stski by paradigs. For the shortcut, the science is characteristic of multipadigmalnіst. Won Maє Kilka Vіdno-Self-Safety Paradigm (about "єktivіstsky, critical, symbol, pragmatic, Intsitzіin, Dyalnіsna, regulatory and tsіnnіsna, system, іnestrumentalnu, іnnovatyn).

Suspіlnі, Cultural Tu Inthettelynі Tendenzії, Scho Scho Supreme Supreme Supils, zoomed about "I am called « postladodernіzm» I am the new suspective realist, pіdkrіptomy freedoms, tolerant of that Lyudskoy Solіdarnіsty. For the first, "postmodern є theoretical Vіrus, a clarified paralysis of the Mallennya, Pol_tikika I practice." Postmodernіm can be interpreted by the Yak "Complex of ІNTelectual Maps", Scho to kill the Suspian practitioner of that Misena Kіntsya XX Storchchia.

Postmodernіstichny projectzaggzhuzu іnststsіonalna Science in € Sudzhnіshniy formі. In ObMіn proponu, Lyudsky pіnomnia singer. Voni is a polarity of the methodologic in the tradition of "Jazu) of the Methodology" Jazuєmo with the thermal "methodologі". There is a paradigm in the meaningful T.S. Kunov.

Introtative paradigmvidrigum the status of the science system Delivaje Jacques type. In Nib_lsh, the Methodologian "Wide" Sasvizhani visited Yak Dzvivna Suspіli Svituzynzya Svituzyn Schosyniki І Group in the natural intelligence of Γh ...

Introtative paradigmto wake up with the felt of the ontologicchnya, the Episstomologian river "Yazkіv. Pribamniki Tsoy Zgіdnі, Scho Valvena - Tseva Witvіr Lyudsky Roseum.

The factories, di, and Tim Bіlsh, people pіdlagyut zmіnam. Environmentalizing є Description ї ї Neshmіnnosti Tom Zmіnnosti; UNVERSALNI, Khovani Elementi of our globokih know Bethi Vіdkriti at the time of Zitknennya З DOSZідZHUYNE item, and not a pіd hour about "єkivny, internal Society; deformitzії, Vinikayuchi s anal_tical risk of Factiv," Specifier's characteristics of people in the warehouse "Elementy, you can vroliovyuyi MІZH them "Yazkіv that Society of Yak Tsіlіsnostі. In Intrpretatskії y, Nadanі's key, the key role is the role of Vartosti, vannanі Delivіdniki і Dzhulіjuvanimi.

Critical paradigmcONSTATUє KIPIR TEZ, SHO, is noted to the proceed of Pіnannune and Suspilniy Funki and Institute of Constitutsіonial Science, the prodegeanih of critical theorests. In his figure "Critical to theorem to valented by Suspilnaya order with such a rank, the stump became catizer Zmіni Tsoy-order of Yak Krasii, which caused critical paradigs.

Vcheni, Yaki Misiting within systemic paradigs It is vivented by the Vivchens of the Systems in Tsіlomi Іzmzv "Yazkiv Mіzh Tsim Tsіlim and the Size of the parties. Vuzkiy, Petrocya Analiza Mozda Bethi MajorIbi IINSTRUMT Doszlіzhenna, Ale Vіn not fit into the framework of system paradigs.

The system of paradigm is not possible to be starred to the Yako-Skump Oven Disciplіni (Econiki, Socyolіologi, Polіtologії). Їїrya Warto Retriendi Yak School of Unionless, Susіl Suspiliy Suschi. Prailiba of Uva during the Czech of Pottuba Calibery Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation (Polіtiki, Econiki, Culturi, Ideological).

Systemspace Paradigm Vimagaє Tіsno WC "Glasses in the Rosuminnі іsnicho-ї зальізації испільсии і іstornyh process, at the sort of von vona Vonnika. They have their own words, a duplennik, a kind of nadikhuz, Tsієu Paradigm, Monsignnesses of Shukati Lessenna Scho Vіdbuvyuyu in Istorії.

The crisis of the turning per_yod (transformation of Suspіlnny Vіdnosin) in the meanings of the Miri is wrapped up by the magnifications of the vys_shiti Іsnychі problem for the additional old paradigms. Same to potrіbnі pevnі paradigmalnі zmіni SSMSC b vіdpovіdali eposі іnformatsіynoї tsivіlіzatsії, zapochatkuvali mіzhparadigmalnu diskusіyu vchenih, aktivіzuvali paradigmatic іnstrumentalno-pragmatic complex near vіdpovіdnostі to require suspіlstva, zabezpechili domіnuvannya sistemnoї paradigm spriyali zrostannyu values \u200b\u200bNAUKOVO doslіdzhen sinergetichnoї th postmodernіstskoї paradigms SSMSC give maximum mozhlivіst schodo Synthesis of knowledge, healthy galluses of sciences.

Thermain "Paradigm" of the introductions of the philosophian of the science of the Positiv_stom G. Bergman and widespread popularity of T. Kun. At the monographer "Structure of the Scientific Revolution" T. Kun Visnachaє Paradigm Yak Sukupnіst Present Speed \u200b\u200bPresents Science І Method Visnimny Novyih Dones in Periodi Ekstenless Squint of a Science Change. Same Vіn tempting Pithenan about Neso-Lyazysti Rosiminnya Sutі science knowledge of the pose by an іstoriy context, about the science of Yak Sotzіalniy Est Westitut, in Jacob Dіyti Spіliki-Prof.Onevіv І Naukovі Organi.

He is headed about "the beginning of the beginning of the science spitovarianism, on Dumuka T. Kuna, є єDine style of Misenny, the vessels of the І methods of Doszvenna. The factors, ucho about" the paradigm and the paradigm. SAME WHNI SPIRY SPІLTSI SPILENNY MODEL OF THE SPIRY OF THE SPIRY OF PROBLEMS. ZIKHIKH MODELS VIONNYY OF THE SOVNI TRADITSIA OKH ONSHIME DOES AT DOSELIMENNIA. Paradigs Valid the Yak pivigan, so і і и и перетвий Standard Rozav "Yasannya Problems. Pіznіsh, T. Kun characterizes the paradigm of the Yak Disciplіnar Matrix, Shah, to introduce the scientists to the visual behavish, the singer style Mislin. Vicerovychi understood paradigs, you can see three main periodi С. In a friend, digest technologist, Material-virility Orієntatsiya science (I basy Methods of Scientific Diyalnosti in Tsei Perigod of Promislovo Revolution, becoming the ignition of the Tekhniki Yak "Singer Sili", Yak Factor Verbunical Process); In-tertє, Orієntatsiya on the ignition of the OgnTectual Creative Points of Observation Sobistosti (I maintain a method of scoopy dіylnosti in Tsyi Perigod of the Scientific and Technical Revolutionary Factor of the Material II of the Spiritual Physician).

Naukova Paradigm to become theoretical methodology of the basis of the formation of phiscory science. The paradigm is the chi-shades of ABO Awareness of the concepts of the concepts of the concept of theoretical pіdhoda. PID Paradigm Rose:

Vannanі Svіma Sciences Movement, Yaki singer's singer, make a model of the problem of the problems of the problem of the problem of the problem of T. Skivovnia;

One Abo dec_lka fundamental theores, which cigarette cigarette forensic і і like a singer hinge hidden sciences leslіzhenna;

Panіvnia for a singing Іstorial perigrian in the science spitovicatius of the tagging of the exercise, Eeton Mallennya Abo, the productions of the Vishennia problem, a kind of whaling, the result of a science joke;

SYSTEM ІDEY І Empty, zdayniki роз я азати сетовості, Шо и и иниклина в Навания, datya squeezed by accumulated Empirichnye Mater_alu І Vіdkriti Shaty to the detached merry boss.

List of Vicoristano L_Teaturi

paradigm Postmodernіz Suspilia іntgl

1. Cruzelnitzka O.V. Methodologian Ta Organizatsiya Sciences Dellіjen: NROW. Posybnik. - K.: Condor, 2003. - 192 p.

2. The newest Philosophical Dictionary / Sost. A.A. Gitsanov. M., 1998.


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regiment. Services CZ.

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1. Understate the paradigm of the Nauchny Revolution (for that).

2. The principle of Falsifіkatsії Gіpotez in the theorem of Critical Realіzm K. Popper.

3. І. Lakatosa is the concept of internal dynamies of the proves Tu Sarkovnya.

4. Stari Dichotomy in the crown sciences.

5. Clastic, inconspicuous is the first psychologist, the basic dichotomi in them.


1. Kornilova T.V. Methodological basis Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

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3. Malanov S.V. Methodological I. theoretical basis Psychology. - M. - Vladimir: Zarya, 2005.

4. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Fundamentals of theoretical psychology //

5. Sergіnko N.P. Theoretical methodology of psychologies: Lertsi's course. - H.: 200

6. Yudin E.G. Science methodology. Systemity. Activity. - M.: URSS, 1997.

Understate the paradigm of the musical revolutionary (for that).

Іstorik science americannets T. Kun. (1922-1996) VVIV Tsіili A number of foundations to understand for the description of the laws of functions of the function of science.

Naukova Paradigm - Sukupnіst Fundamental Movement in Daniy Galuzі Science, Yaki Acknowledged Zagalnovannan Rods, Gunning Girls, Problems І Method ї ї Dolіzhenna, recognized by the Soviet Highcake Speed \u200b\u200bSpevchatovniki Jac Basis.

For this zrai. boytni Bethi:

In sufficient mіrі, a coherent, kone, briefly to his side of the Poshiktіv z competing directly;

In the same time, it was possible to reserve Vіdkriti, the cure of the new bed of business could know for themselves the Neviroshenii problem be-like. Tse model, zkikhki for the traditions of the traditional leopard.

Vchenі, Dyalnіst Pindly to be on the basis of the same paradigm, spirals on one th ti ru Rules of science practitioners. In the singer Sensi, the Paradigm is a majority of the Odinica Vimіra for SIM, HTO Vivchaє processes of science.

The Qia of the Odinica Yak Tsail is not possible to be ranked before їїry logizes.

Formulava paradigm є. meet Susіlostі. Scientific Dissenіplіni, Tobto Decorate Virodia Disciplini for Stadian "Normal Sciences".

Priviayucha in the Yakosti Paradigami Theorem of Connecting is the most competing of the first theorests, Ale, Won Vonіm not Zobov "Yasana explains the SII Facts to Vіdpovіdati at the ViSi Patnia.

Diyalnіsti scientists at doparadigmalnia perigod Distribution of the science of Mensen systematichnaya і shhilen to fatty vipadkiv. If there is a synthetic theorem (gear, a type of paradigm), it is brought to its side to its side of the undershirt of the midfielder, the Kolichni Skoli of the Ackanuity, Schnarky, is objected to the solenches of їknіx dick to new paradigs.

Pochatkovі Etap of acceptance paradigm zazvichay Stand "yazanі Zi stvorennyam spetsіalnih zhurnalіv, organіzatsієyu NAUKOVO tovaristv, vimogami about vidіlennya spetsіalnih kursіv in unіversitetah. PARADIGM zmіtsnyuyutsya in mіru of yak їh vikoristannya only be sold to bіlsh Shvidky of Success, nіzh zastosuvannya konkuruyuchih of them sposobіv virіshennya GOSTR doslіdnitskih problems .

Normal (VIL) science - Stadiya Division of the science margin, on the Systems of the SystemsNoisnown, in the framework of the Systematizatsiyia, in the framework of the Systematizamia, in the framework of the folding paradigm of the IT of the Logging of the paradigm, theorette of the Method of River "Jasannya of the actors of the unproductiveness of the І Polіsphennia of the problem, the Yaki Rishche of Buli is tasked with estate.

The riser of this kind of tasks of T. Kun Odivibnuє Risenna Puzzles, de Tostozhe needlessly dіyati within the framework of strict regulations-provisions. The problems of normally (Viіloї) of science in the dude of Maliy Mіrі Orієntovі at Vіdkrittya Novich Factіv Chi Cotener Novo Coorsion. DIIA In the framework of the strict rule-site register, it is not possible to lead to the remedies of Novyii Paradigm, Scho Rіvnoznoko Revolutiony in Nasuy, Tobto Radical Zmіnіi Systems of Rules-Zatis_VIV Scientific Dyalnosti.

Vіdkrittya finish themselves with Usvіdomlennnya Anomalіy, Tobto z is an insertion of that fact, Scho Nature was jammed by Navivane's Paradigm. Came to make it up to the romelnia Delz.Jen in the domain anomalії. Vikoniku Paradox - Yak Normally Science, Shah, do not seek a challenge to Novyih Vіdkritіv І Maiuchi Namir Schurku to attend to invent ї ї, you can serve the ІNSTRUMT, Scho Podkjuє Tsi Vіdkrittya. Vіdpovіd Poleyad in the fact that Ochko Anomaliya can manifest himself on TLI paradigs. Chim Bіlsh is accurate і іvinenin Paradigm, Tim Bіlsh Chutlivim Іndicator for the virginity anomalії vona Vistaєє. Singer Miroy Navіt Opіr Zmіnі to bring cavities; Wono Garanto, Shaho Paradigm Buda Vіkinuta, notes easily, Shcho to Zmіni Paradigm to bring Tilki Anomalії, Piercely Nakhukov Zakhov to Samtsevini.

Ala vіdkritty not є є geerell destructive-constructive zmіn paradigm. Another jerlee is a bouncy of the station in the virtuality of the virtative of the Normal Normal, the Northwest Puzzles in Tiy Mіrі, in Yakiy Vona Robiti. Yak і at Vybniktvі, Nasuzі zmіna Іnstrumentіv (Varnigue) - Tset Skorek Zakhіd, Ichly stammering Tіlki for vicious Serious Systems Crisis.

ECRASTARDARNA NAUA - Science at Stadії GIRD CRIZI, Kolya Anomaliya ї ї їн иствика ина нато ина і і и и и проста більшістю дослідниківіва на Dun region.

Be-yak crisis finish the schumbay in the paradigm of the І blessing rules of normal rezvіzhenna. Situratiya Pokhaинаnnya Paddigadigmalniy Perigodi at the Squint of Science.

Crisis Complete one s Trioh Vipadkiv:

1) Normally, science can bring their buildings to the viroshita problem, Scho spawned the critic;

2) Bіlshіsty in the pity of ZiDigree, Shah, the problem in Niblizhіyi Perspective, I can not know the Holy Rishennia І Vona Yak Bi to heal at the pitch of Maybutno Mining;

3) Z "is a new applicant for the role of paradigs, I am painfully fighting for the" throne ".

Ale is often Nova Paradigm Vinikiє (Prinimnі in Gerod) Before that Yak Crisis took NADO far Abo Bouv explicitly. In the Ishiga Vipradov, the value of the hour of MІZH Pershomsi Middigamine is the collapse of the old ones. At Tsei Perigod to Square Zb_lshennya Messenger for the completion of the philosophy, Burkchliva, the reflexian of the Fundamental Nisavlennia, the reflexian of the Fundamental of Science - all the TSA symptoms by the transition of NIF normal sciences to Ecstandinea.

Naukova Revolution - Tse Nevmulativenі Episodi Squinting of science, if the result of Krizi Stara Paradigm Deployed by the NEWSE ABOUT ABO.

ZMNNA has such a genus T. Kun Vbachaє Bagato sPILY W Revolutiony Social. SAME Vchennі about the nature of the І Neminukhostіy's Sciences Revolution The author Nab_lsh Glyboko to part in the days of the positives, Yaki, the singer of the well-over-open accumulation nature of the knowledge of the value of the І POSIstorichniy, the most important rules-entry-writings і іtalonis of the science leisure. Sciences of revolutionary can noise tilki to the radical zmіn plotting on Svіt (Probudovii's picture of Svitu), ale і to Zmіn himself Svitu himself, in this alone, Lyuba.

Navіt Pіsl Colody on the throne of newly independent Paradigs OPIR Dovgo is not pressed. Okremі Vchenі Take a new paradigm for the ourselves of the Rіzrkuvan themselves, in the number of the number of the sphere of science (threshing, the cult of Sonzia Dopamig і. Kepler of Copernantic). Great the role of Vіdіrtyut Torozh Yestetic Factor. Natzіonalnіst і Новина Новатания Новататора зірать спарить in the center of the procession I mean a role. Brotherhood in Novu Viru Buda Trivati \u200b\u200bto Tych Pir, the rest does not trim in the lives of the Zhivnik Old Paradigm.

Z points Zoru T. Kuna, science progres not є strictly arrogant. Vіn Nab_lsh is obvious to Periodi її normal (cumulative) product. Under the zmіnі paradigm, the number of Vіdkritih problems will porch up the number of permissions. Ale Same Vіdkrittya of the new field of problems Zezkchuyu, enjoyed on the Cherny ETAPI of the Schnuvnoya Normal Sciences in the framework of new paradigs. T. Kun Torozhnaya Zvetsen Uva to those novels novelty novelumes not є Methods of science, Yak Tset often Buwaє in the innovations of Creative. I want a new paradigmi R_DKO Abo Nіkoli not Volodya Usіma, the vonya sazvysya zzvyanya zrіgіgyut the magnitude of Kilkіst Nib_lsh, the senentіv co-arrived, Vіdkryvyuchi, with the Tsomoy Mozdlyosti, the new more concrete problems.

Ale Chi can be registered with the skin of the science and the records of the world, about "єkivny, the Istinist state about the nature? Before the positive, Vіdpovіdі in this is set by Patin T. Kun, the speed is skeptical simply, so with such an absolute value in the principle of Іsnuvati Can't. Alle Mi can speak about all Bіlsh_TRUTOVIVIE І Procedures ADRIZHENNE THAT, SHO MI VIVCHєMO.

On Zakіnchennynya, Svetiy Vaja on the special payment is understood " science Spіypportion"Pіddhodі T. Kuna. "Paradigm - TE, SHO ON" YDNUє NAUKOVE SPIVTICERIAGEII, AL NEWPAKI, NAKOVE SPIVIVATORIYA WARKING WARKING MUNE, YAKI SPIRY PRAIDIGMU ". POSSIBLE OF SPECIFIC SPIUTVITCERNATIVE PRESENT IS PRADIGS PREDIGS SVIY SENS. Such a nonsense; About reforming in the framework of the Tієїi Chi Іnshoiya Paradigs of Novikh Factiv Abo Zmіnі Paradigm, Magnifying on the Uva Realna Life of the Science Spevitarius. That Socioology of Science - NiDid "Login's Logki Division of Science.