Professor Baksansky Oleg Evgenievich Cognitive science and cognitive technologies: from knowledge to practice.

(p. 19.11.1966) - special. by philosophy. natural science, methodol. science, theory of knowledge; Dr. Philos. Sciences, prof. Genus. in Moscow.

B1991 graduated from physical. Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University, in 1996 - psychol. Faculty of Moscow State University. In 1993 he defended his candidate. diss. at the Department of Philosophy. Moscow State Pedagogical University. The teacher worked. at the same department.

Since 1996 - at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Art. ns, then led. n. with. Center for Bio and Ecophilos.

IP RAS. At the same time he teaches philosophy, sociology. and psychol. disciplines at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Ross. econom. acad. them. G.V. Plekhanova et al. universities, as well as at the Department of Philosophy. RAS. Doct. diss. - "The unity of scientific and social representations of knowledge" (2000). In his works, B. proceeds from the following ideas: 1) main. fact func. human. psyche consists in the existence of a tendency to judge reality based on their expectations; 2) experience determines the human. cognition through innate structures of cognition; these structures are acquired phylogenetically; they are independent of the individual's life experience, that is, they are ontogenetically a priori, but were formed in the course of evolution. development, that is, phylogenetically a posteriori; 3) the cognitive abilities of the brain, developed in the course of evolution, are able to comprehend structures the real world at least adequate for survival; for this they are d.6. adequate to the world; 4) the cognitive niche of a person, in which he lives and acts, reconstructs and identifies, is the "mesocosm" (G. Fall-lmer), corresponding to the world of medium dimensions.

Main direction of scientific research. B.'s work - a comprehensive system analysis " social construction reality "(P. Berger, T. Luckman), carried out on the basis of methodological hypothetical realism (D. Campbell, K. Lorentz, G. Vollmer).

This is achieved by research. ontol., methodol., axiol. and praxiol. aspects of the theory of social. representations (S. Moskovichi), the cognitive theory of personal constructs by J. A. Kelly, built on the basis of philosophy. alternative constructivism.

In this context, philosophy is considered. reflection of G. Kelly's theory of causal attribution; epistemol problem. cognitology status; the problem of changing the scientific research. paradigms (transition from class. cognitive model to information.). The development of all these issues testifies to the formation of modern. cognitive science, edges studies the device and funkts. concept. structures in a human. consciousness, first of all, the mechanisms with the help of which the individual acquires, transforms, represents (represents), stores and reproduces information, builds cognitive representations of knowledge.

Cit .: Man's place in the Universe. [In co-authorship] // Earth and the Universe. 1993. No. 6; Schemes for understanding and explaining physical reality. [In co-authorship] // VF. 1998. No. 11; Co-evolutionary representations of the modern orientation of consciousness.

M., 1999; Epitaph as an expression of the portrait of the era. [In co-authorship] // The idea of ​​death in the Russian mentality.

SPb., 1999; Co-evolutionary representations of modern knowledge // V. Russian Philosophical Society. 1999. No. 4; Humanistic ideas and the problem of euthanasia. [In co-authorship] // FN. 1999. No. 3, 4; Co-evolutionary representations evolutionary theory knowledge // Scientific works Moscow State Pedagogical University. M., 2000; Modeling and cognitive representations. [In co-authorship]. M., 2000; Image of the World: A Cognitive Approach. [In co-authorship]. M., 2000; Virtual reality and virtualization of reality // Concept virtual worlds... M., 2000.

Cognitive science is a family of disciplines, united by a single issue and similar methodological principles. Traditionally, they include philosophy (epistemology and methodology of science), linguistics, psychology, neurophysiology, the field of artificial intelligence of science

What is cognitive science? Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary synthesis of sciences connected by a single issue (consciousness-brain-language). Cognitive science deals with the cognition of cognition - metacognition. The main feature of cognitive science in the study of cognition in a multidisciplinary dialogue is philosophy of science, neuroscience, information theory, linguistics, psychology.

Cognition in philosophy The phenomenon of knowledge has been studied in philosophy, starting with Parmenides and Plato for more than two thousand years. In the philosophical theory of knowledge, questions have traditionally been raised about the knowability of the world, about the sources of knowledge, the boundaries of knowledge, criteria of truth and many others, in which the nature of knowledge was analyzed. The ontological and socio-cultural conditionality of cognition was revealed. Problems of cognition methodology are investigated. Various cognitive practices are identified as models of cognition.

Research of cognition in science Since the XX century. cognition begins to be studied not only in philosophy, but also by means of specific sciences - psychology, physiology, medicine, cybernetics, linguistics. Since the mid-twentieth century, the interests of scientists have focused on cognitive topics, a new understanding of human behavior as determined by knowledge has been formed.

Stages of development of cognitive science Cognitively oriented studies of cognition were supplemented by cybernetic ones, in which cognition is viewed from the informational point of view, and a person is viewed as a channel for transmitting information. This stage in the development of cognitive science is called symbolic; the computer metaphor of cognition dominates here. In connection with the decoding of the human genome, there is growing interest in the search for the genetic basis of individual cognitive functions and individual differences. There is a convergence of cognitive research with those branches of neurophysiology that study the affective-motivational aspects of behavior. At the same time, cognitive linguistics seeks to use language as a tool to penetrate the structures of the brain.

The Connectionist Model of Cognitive Science In the connectionist model, the study of cognition is not limited to what happens in the brain, but involves the constant interaction of the organism and its environment. The cognitive system is seen as including the brain, body, external environment. The functioning of the neural networks of the brain is not based on the abstract logical thinking, and pattern recognition.

The role of philosophy in cognitive research The role of philosophy in cognitive research is not, or not only, to perform an integrating or communicative function, but also in rethinking concepts, in posing such questions that bring cognitive research to a new level of conceptualization.

Interdisciplinarity and Education Interdisciplinary research has two dimensions of integration. The first is associated with the transition from a discrete world perception to a systemic one. The second aspect of interdisciplinary integration is characterized by thinking that combines cognition and the complexity of self-developing natural systems. Interdisciplinarity is the integration of individual disciplines on various issues, as a result of which a new systemic quality arises

Transformation of the education system based on the achievements of cognitive science Education should teach not subjects, but cognitive skills and abilities (R. Schenk) how is it going; 3- planning as a key process, without which any activity is not possible.

Interpretation of cognition In cognitive science, cognition is understood as a function of a universal evolutionary process. Cognition is understood as the creation and processing of information. Evolutionary epistemology is a model of cognition that is adequate to the practice of cognitive science.Cognitive science is a technology of knowledge, the main feature of which is social and practical orientation

Cognition in cognitive science (evolutionary cognitivism) Cognitive science studies the structure of human subjective experience not in the traditional abstract form for philosophy, but in a practical aspect. Evolutionary cognitivism, carrying out systemic engineering of knowledge, constructs knowledge in accordance with the laws and prohibitions of evolution (D. Denett).

The "Consciousness-Brain" Problem in Philosophy and in Cognitive Science Cognitive science allows one to overcome contradictions and find intersections in various philosophical interpretations of consciousness. Consciousness is not limited to the anatomy or neurophysiology of the brain. Consciousness is a complex phenomenon that forms at the junctions of biological (natural) and cultural, functional process or operation with cognitive information (D. Dennett)

The problem of human nature The theme of human nature has become urgent problem modernity, requiring scientific and philosophical analysis, due to the possibilities of science and technology, especially NBICS-technologies, to transform human genetics, his cognitive abilities. The term NBIC convergence was coined in 2002 by Michael Rocko and William Bainbridge, authors of the report Converging Technologies to Improve Human Nature. In connection with convergent technologies, the question has arisen of to what extent are we ready to go in these transformations when they concern the person himself? Human nature perceived as a relatively stable image of a person, a kind of invariant In philosophy, the nature of man is correlated with the biological nature of man, and the essence of man with sociality.

Philosophical and scientific programs research of human nature In the philosophical anthropology of the twentieth century. it was emphasized that human activity is not determined by biologically given needs, not genetic program, and historically formed socio-cultural programs “The realist stubbornly defends the aspiration of the research look outside, not realizing that he himself is a mirror. The idealist insists on looking only in the mirror itself, averting his gaze from outside world... This means that both of them do not take the trouble to understand that every mirror has a downside. But this reverse side itself does not reflect anything, and in this sense the mirror belongs to the same kind of objects that are reflected in it. The physiological mechanism, whose functions include the comprehension of the real world, is itself no less real than the world "K. Lorentz

Human nature in cognitive science In cognitive science, a new level of conceptualization is reached through the integration of natural science, culturological, natural science approaches (N. Chomsky, S. Pinker - about language; M. Hauser, D. Dennett - about cognitive activity, W. Maturana, F. Varela - on cognition) Cognitive activity turns out to be evolutionarily conditioned, characterized by the multilevel nature of man - a biological, rational and social being. Consciousness is designed to play the role of a life-preserving factor (Campbell).

NBIC technologies as a means of self-preservation The use of cognitive technologies to enhance the human mind is a matter of science. Can NBICS-technologies, which were formed in the course of the development of science, become a technology for fixing in human nature those properties that are necessary for finding a dynamic balance between a subject endowed with intelligence and reality?

1959 Laureate Nobel Prize Richard Feynman declares that in the future, having learned to manipulate individual atoms, mankind will be able to synthesize whatever Mr. Achievement of atomic resolution d. Creation of an atomic force microscope, which, unlike a tunnel microscope, allows interaction with any materials, and not only with conducting single atoms d. Manipulation of single atoms d. Beginning of application of nanotechnological methods in industry. The main stages in the development of nanotechnology:

Directions of nanotechnology: 1. Manufacturing of electronic circuits (including volumetric ones) with active elements comparable in size to the size of molecules and atoms; 2. development and manufacture of nanomachines; 2. development and manufacture of nanomachines; 3. manipulation of individual atoms and molecules and the assembly of macro-objects from them. 3. manipulation of individual atoms and molecules and the assembly of macro-objects from them.

Creation of molecular robotic doctors that would "live" inside the human body, eliminating or preventing all damage that occurs, including genetic damage. The implementation period is the first half of the XXI century. Creation of molecular robotic doctors that would "live" inside the human body, eliminating or preventing all damage that occurs, including genetic damage. The implementation period is the first half of the XXI century. Medicine.

Erythrocytes and bacteria - carriers of nanocapsules with drugs Erythrocytes with nanocapsules glued to them, capable of adhering only to certain types of cells (sick), will deliver these capsules to the target cells. A method of delivering nanoparticles with drugs or DNA fragments (genes) for the treatment of cells

Gerontology. Achieving a significant increase in the duration of human life through the introduction of molecular robots into the body that prevent cell aging, as well as the restructuring and improvement of the tissues of the human body. Achieving a significant increase in the duration of human life through the introduction of molecular robots into the body that prevent cell aging, as well as the restructuring and improvement of the tissues of the human body. Implementation period: third - fourth quarter of the XXI century.

Left - the drop does not wet the surface consisting of nanofibers and therefore does not spread over it. On the right is a schematic representation of a surface that looks like a massage brush; theta is the contact angle, the value of which indicates the wettability of the surface: the more theta, the less wettability.

Agriculture. Replacement of natural food producers (plants and animals) with similar functional complexes of molecular robots. They will reproduce the same chemical processes that occur in a living organism, but in a shorter and more efficient way. For example, all unnecessary links will be removed from the chain "soil - carbon dioxide - photosynthesis - grass - cow - milk". There will remain "soil - carbon dioxide - milk (cottage cheese, butter, meat)". Such " Agriculture"will not depend on weather conditions and will not need hard physical labor. And its productivity will be enough to solve the food problem once and for all. The implementation period is the second - fourth quarter of the 21st century.

B BB Biology It will become possible to introduce nanoelements into a living organism at the atomic level. The consequences can be very different - from the "restoration" of extinct species to the creation of new types of living things, biorobots. Implementation period: mid-XXI century.

Space exploration Apparently, space exploration by the "usual" order will be preceded by its exploration by nanorobots. A huge army of robotic molecules will be released into near-earth space and will prepare it for human settlement - make the Moon, asteroids, nearby planets suitable for habitation, build it from "improvised materials" (meteorites, comets) space stations... It will be much cheaper and safer than existing methods.

Cybernetics There will be a transition from the currently existing planar structures to volumetric microcircuits, the size of active elements will decrease to the size of molecules. The operating frequencies of computers will reach terahertz values. Circuit solutions based on neuron-like elements will become widespread. A high-speed long-term memory on protein molecules will appear, the capacity of which will be measured in terabytes. It will be possible to "relocate" the human intellect to the computer. Implementation period: first - second quarter of the XXI century.

How much does nanotechnology cost USA (years) - 4 billion dollars China (years) - 300 million dollars EU - 3.5 billion euros. Russia (2015) - 200 billion rubles.

In the United States at the end of July 2007, at least 300 consumer products, including sunscreens, toothpastes, and shampoos, are made using nanotechnology. The FDA still allows them to be sold without a special “Contains nanoparticles” sticker. At the same time, many researchers argue that penetrating inside such nanoparticles can cause inflammatory or immunological reactions. Therefore, to some extent, as we enter the era of nanotechnology, we are putting ourselves in the shoes of guinea pigs. (, 26 July, 2007) Is nanotechnology safe?

Over the past decades, humanity, in fact, has not made any fundamental technological breakthrough. Technological progress developed linearly, by modifying, improving what had already been invented, such as increasing the number of elements on an electronic chip. No global discoveries were made, in fact, they were not required.
At the time of Newton (more than 300 years ago), there was, in fact, only one scientific specialty natural philosophy, natural science, and only one "type" of a scientist is a natural philosopher, a natural scientist who studied the world, a single and indivisible nature, incomprehensible at that level of knowledge and, in particular, therefore deified. Then, with the growth of knowledge about nature, the development of research tools, humanity began to artificially divide a single nature into segments for their easier understanding and study. This is how physics, chemistry, biology, geology, etc. arose. As a result of these processes, mankind has gradually formed a highly specialized system of science and education, which exists and functions successfully to this day.

Only a few decades ago appeared information Technology, which at first were considered in the old industry paradigm: there was another industry, another new technology. But in reality, in the face of information technology, a technology of OVER industry-specific nature appeared for the first time. And already after information technologies, nanotechnologies appeared, the internal logic of the development of which is designed to combine the existing highly specialized science and sectoral economics into a single picture of natural science, but already at a new level of development of civilization, a new way of industrial production based on the use of individual atoms and molecules. Playing the same important supra-industry role as information technology, nanotechnology, unlike the former, provides a fundamentally new way of designing materials. And any area of ​​knowledge, any branch of industry involves, first of all, the creation of materials.

The development of nanotechnology implies the development of two independent directions

The logic of the development of science has led from a narrow specialization to interdisciplinarity, then to overdisciplinarity, and now, in fact, to the need to unite the sciences. But not to a simple geometric addition of the results, but to their synergistic effect, interpenetration

REFERENCES 1. Bainbridge M.S., Roco M.C. // Managing nano-bio infocogno innovations: converging technologies in society. Springer Vercors, Coronel // Quota or Abundance Supporters. M: Progress, Kovalchuk M.V. // Crystallography at the turn of the century: results and prospects. Crystallography. 44 (6) Kovalchuk M.V. // Organic nanomaterials, nanostructures and nanodiagnostics. Bulletin Russian Academy sciences. 73 (5) Kovalchuk M.V. // Nanotechnology as a new technological revolution. Industry of nanosystems and materials. Collection of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

(p. 19.11.1966) - special. by philosophy. natural science, methodol. science, theory of knowledge; Dr. Philos. Sciences, prof. Genus. in Moscow. B1991 graduated from physical. Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University, in 1996 - psychology. Faculty of Moscow State University. In 1993 he defended his candidate. diss. at the Department of Philosophy. Moscow State Pedagogical University. The teacher worked. at the same department. Since 1996 - at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Art. ns, then led. n. with. Center for Bio and Ecophilos. IP RAS. In parallel, he teaches philosophy, sociology. and psychol. disciplines at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Ross. econom. acad. them. G.V. Plekhanova et al. universities, as well as at the Department of Philosophy. RAS. Doct. diss. - "The unity of scientific and social representations of knowledge" (2000). In his works, B. proceeds from the following ideas: 1) main. fact func. human. psyche consists in the existence of a tendency to judge reality based on their expectations; 2) experience determines the human. cognition through innate structures of cognition; these structures are acquired phylogenetically; they are independent of the individual's life experience, that is, they are ontogenetically a priori, but were formed in the course of evolution. development, that is, phylogenetically a posteriori; 3) the cognitive abilities of the brain, developed in the course of evolution, are able to comprehend the structures of the real world, at least adequately to survival; for this they are d.6. adequate to the world; 4) the cognitive niche of a person, in which he lives and acts, reconstructs and identifies, is the "mesocosm" (G. Fall-lmer), corresponding to the world of medium dimensions. Main direction of scientific research. B.'s work - a comprehensive systemic analysis of the "social construction of reality" (P. Berger, T. Lukman), carried out on the basis of methodology. hypothetical realism (D. Campbell, K. Lorentz, G. Vollmer). This is achieved by research. ontol., methodol., axiol. and praxiol. aspects of the theory of social. representations (S. Moskovichi), the cognitive theory of personal constructs by J. A. Kelly, built on the basis of philosophy. alternative constructivism. In this context, philosophy is considered. reflection of G. Kelly's theory of causal attribution; epistemol problem. cognitology status; the problem of changing the scientific research. paradigms (transition from class. cognitive model to information.). The development of all these issues testifies to the formation of modern. cognitive science, edges studies the device and funkts. concept. structures in a human. consciousness, first of all, the mechanisms with the help of which the individual acquires, transforms, represents (represents), stores and reproduces information, builds cognitive representations of knowledge.
Cit .: Man's place in the Universe. [In co-authorship] // Earth and the Universe. 1993. No. 6; Schemes for understanding and explaining physical reality. [In co-authorship] // VF. 1998. No. 11; Co-evolutionary representations of the modern orientation of consciousness. M., 1999; Epitaph as an expression of the portrait of the era. [In co-authorship] // The idea of ​​death in the Russian mentality. SPb., 1999; Co-evolutionary representations of modern knowledge // V. Russian Philosophical Society. 1999. No. 4; Humanistic ideas and the problem of euthanasia. [In co-authorship] // FN. 1999. No. 3, 4; Co-evolutionary representations of the evolutionary theory of knowledge // Scientific works of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. M., 2000; Modeling and cognitive representations. [In co-authorship]. M., 2000; Image of the World: A Cognitive Approach. [In co-authorship]. M., 2000; Virtual reality and virtualization of reality // Concept of virtual worlds. M., 2000.

Watch value Baksansky, Oleg Evgenievich in other dictionaries

Vavochkin Vladimir Evgrafovich (Evgenievich?)- (? -?). Social Democrat. Arrested in 1921 and on April 26, 1921, he was imprisoned in the Yaroslavl Political Isolator, in February 1922 he was in the same place. The further fate is unknown.
Research and development center "Memorial", I.Z.
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Lvov Georgy Evgenievich- (October 21, 1861, Dresden, - March 7, 1925, Paris). Prince. Large landowner. Graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow University (1885). Chairman of the Tula Provincial Zemstvo ........
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Motylev Alexander Evgenievich- (c. 1901 -?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP since 1919. At the end of 1921 he lived in Moscow, worked at the headquarters of the Moscow Military District. The further fate is unknown.
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Talychih Sergei Evgenievich- (c. 1885 -?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP since 1917. Lower education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ivanovo-Voznesensk province, worked in the printing house of Sokolov. Local chekists characterized ........
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Ufimtsev Timofey Evgenievich- (c. 1886 -?). Member of the PLCR. Fist. Rural education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Yekaterinburg province. Local chekists were characterized as "ordinary" and "passive" party ........
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Slutsky Evgeny Evgenievich (1880-1948)- Russian (Soviet)
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influence on the economic and mathematical theory of consumer behavior when changing their income and commodity ........
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Markov (Markov 2nd) Nikolay Evgenievich- (1866-1945), politician, one of the leaders of the "Union of the Russian people". Head of the extreme right faction in the 3rd and 4th State Duma. Since 1915, a member of the Special Defense Conference .........
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Baksansky, Oleg Evgenievich

(p. 19.11.1966) - special. by philosophy. natural science, methodol. science, theory of knowledge; Dr. Philos. Sciences, prof. Genus. in Moscow. B1991 graduated from physical. Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University, in 1996 - psychology. Faculty of Moscow State University. In 1993 he defended his candidate. diss. at the Department of Philosophy. Moscow State Pedagogical University. The teacher worked. at the same department. Since 1996 - at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Art. ns, then led. n. with. Center for Bio and Ecophilos. IP RAS. At the same time he teaches philosophy, sociology. and psychol. disciplines at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Ross. econom. acad. them. G.V. Plekhanova et al. universities, as well as at the Department of Philosophy. RAS. Doct. diss. - "The unity of scientific and social representations of knowledge" (2000). In his works, B. proceeds from the following ideas: 1) main. fact func. human. psyche consists in the existence of a tendency to judge reality based on their expectations; 2) experience determines the human. cognition through innate structures of cognition; these structures are acquired phylogenetically; they are independent of the individual's life experience, that is, they are ontogenetically a priori, but were formed in the course of evolution. development, that is, phylogenetically a posteriori; 3) the cognitive abilities of the brain, developed in the course of evolution, are able to comprehend the structures of the real world, at least adequately to survival; for this they are d.6. adequate to the world; 4) the cognitive niche of a person, in which he lives and acts, reconstructs and identifies, is the "mesocosm" (G. Fall-lmer), corresponding to the world of medium dimensions. Main direction of scientific research. B.'s work - a comprehensive systemic analysis of the "social construction of reality" (P. Berger, T. Lukman), carried out on the basis of methodology. hypothetical realism (D. Campbell, K. Lorentz, G. Vollmer). This is achieved by research. ontol., methodol., axiol. and praxiol. aspects of the theory of social. representations (S. Moskovichi), the cognitive theory of personal constructs by J. A. Kelly, built on the basis of philosophy. alternative constructivism. In this context, philosophy is considered. reflection of G. Kelly's theory of causal attribution; epistemol problem. cognitology status; the problem of changing the scientific research. paradigms (transition from class. cognitive model to information.). The development of all these issues testifies to the formation of modern. cognitive science, edges studies the device and funkts. concept. structures in a human. consciousness, first of all, the mechanisms with the help of which the individual acquires, transforms, represents (represents), stores and reproduces information, builds cognitive representations of knowledge.

Cit .: Man's place in the Universe.[Et al.]// Earth and Universe. 1993. No. 6;Schemes for understanding and explaining physical reality.[Et al.]// WF. 1998. No. 11;Co-evolutionary representations of the modern orientation of consciousness. M., 1999 ;Epitaph as an expression of the portrait of the era.[Et al.]// The idea of ​​death in the Russian mentality. SPb., 1999 ;Co-evolutionary representations of modern knowledge // V. Russian Philosophical Society. 1999. No. 4;Humanistic ideas and the problem of euthanasia.[Et al.]// FN. 1999. No. 3, 4 ;Co-evolutionary representations of the evolutionary theory of knowledge // Scientific works of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. M., 2000 ;Modeling and cognitive representations.[Et al.]... M., 2000 ;Image of the world:cognitive approach.[Et al.]... M., 2000 ;Virtual reality and virtualization of reality // Concept of virtual worlds. M., 2000.

Big biographical encyclopedia . 2009 .

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    Appendix to the article Medal "For the salvation of the dead" Contents 1 Republic of Adygea ... Wikipedia


  • My picture of the world. How a person creates everyday reality, Kucher Elena Nikolaevna, Baksansky Oleg Evgenievich. This book is devoted to the analysis of the methodology of the process of cognition and is a logical continuation and development of the ideas of the authors' previous work `Cognitive Image of the World: Prolegomena to Philosophy ...