The lines of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople in the Aran SPBF meeting. Watch what is "Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople" in other dictionaries

Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Russian History St. Petersburg I1Lial

For manuscript rights

Basargin Ekaterina Yurevna

Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople (based on the materials of domestic archives)

07.00.09. - historiography, source studies and methods of historical research

St. Petersburg 1904

The work was performed in the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Scientist - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher I.P. Medvedev

Official opponents - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher A.N.zamutali

candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher I.V. Tinkina

The leading organization is the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The defense will take place "^^ 1994 at the watch

at the meeting of the specialized bove d 002.33.03. under the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute russian history Russian Academy of Sciences (197110, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya ul., D.7).

The dissertation can be found in the library of the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Russian History of Rai.

Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council on /// C ^^^ T.V. Andreev

Relevance of the problem of problem. The study of the history of historical science is currently becoming increasingly important. This is due to the overall trend of modern historiography to present an accurate picture of the phased formation of scientific historical ideas, including in the field of Byzantinology. Domestic scientific institutions have made a great contribution to the development of medievalism, so the study of their history and understanding the results of their activities is one of the urgent tasks of historical science. Choosing as the dissertation the history of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople (hereinafter referred to as the Razh or Institute), the author was guided by the fact that the activities of the Institute had not yet received comprehensive holistic coverage in domestic historiographyDespite the fact that the merit of the Rihar before the Byzantinity is known and generally accepted. The ventilator, founded in 1894 (his solemn discovery in Istanbul was held on February 26, 1895), for 20 years, to the Eugent entry of Turkey in I world War October 16, 1914, led intensive scientific work. Russian scientists whose activities have been associated with Rihar, including a permanent director of the Institute of F.I. Supens and Researchers, different time The observed parties of the Scientific Secretary (P.D.Pogodin, B.V. Farmakovsky, R.Kh.Lerper, V.A.Panchen-Ko, F.I.Smit, N.L. Fokan), made an invaluable contribution to the development of domestic Byzantinology. They were engaged in an archaeological study of monumental monuments of antiquity and art, collecting and describing the ancient manuscripts, epigraphy and numismatics. The results of them scientific researchconducted in the steps of the Rich and published on the pages of his printed authority "Izvestia Riik", did not lose its importance to the present time and continue to influence the development of historical science.

Literature about Rich is small, there was a reflection of the scientific achievements of the institute, the history of its creation and scientific and organizational activities. The scientific life of the Rich and the content of his "news" was constantly reflected on the pages of the "Byzantine Teamon", "News of the Academy of Sciences", as well as magazines "Russian Thought", "Historical Bulletin", "Archaeological news and notes", "Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightement -

stumps "; The most honorsome results of his activities were reported on archaeological congresses. Great scientific scientists showed a great interest in the activities of the Institute: V.N. Zlatarsky, I. RDDonich, K. Kadlets, K.Shgllpil published the Ferris of Materials, which were published by the Izvestiy Rich, And they gave a detailed description of the activities of the Institute in Slavic countries. West * European teachings got acquainted with the work of the Russian institution thanks to publications. "Byzantinische Zeitschrift", "Deutsche Literaturneltung", "Archiv Für Slavische Philologie".

The history of the institute began writing his director, F.I. Supens. In 1Q26, he prepared an essay on the history of the foundation of the Institute, published in the protocols of the historical and philological department of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the amount of 100 copies on the rights of manuscripts. Thanks to this work, compiled on the basis of regulatory acts and documents, which remained *-in the archive of the Rihik, and other materials that were at the disposal of the author, as well as personal impressions of l memories, the important details of the history of the establishment of the institute became known, its initiators, as well as discussions, Deployed around the project of the Institute. In this work, however, some materials stored in other archives and personal funds, to which F.I. Supenssky did not go access. In the same year, F.I. Supenssky placed in the magazine "BySantLCN" article in French about the open flows in. Russian Byzantine, the original of which is kept in Russian in the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In the future, for many children, the raik was written only in connection with the name of his director. In the collection dedicated to the memory of F.I. Supenssky, we find a wonderful essay of S.A. Lebedeva "F.I. Sucansky and Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople", in the gator, an objective assessment of the personal contribution of F.I. Supensa in the scientific heritage of rage . M.G.Popruzhenko M. Winggart and K.Schkorpil wrote about the merits of F.I. Supenssky in the field of studying Bulgaria. Important place ■ Activities of F.I. Sucansky as director of Rihar is given in the anniversary sketch of V.T.Goryanova about this outstanding scientist.

In 1960, the Bulgarian Researcher Zh. Vyszharov in his capital labor "Russian scientists and Bulgarian antiquities" published a large set of documents from the archives of the USSR

and Bulgaria with Dusts-Llyus Paiik B Bulgaria.

A special monograph about Rihar is laid only in 1934. She is written in Greek K. Papuldissa to reissued in 102? The importance of this work for the history of science is that the attempt was made by an attempt to comprehensively analyze the scientific activities of the Rich, the history of this institution is set out using the already known and some new materials identified by the author of the Archives of Russia, Greece and France. However, the essence of the lack of this book is the NEIS-Poland the Fund of the Basic Fund of Sources on the History of the Rihik, Stored B SPb branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. EES The history of scientific and administrative activities of Raek is far from complete.

In the domestic scientific literature, priority in the development of the history of the Rihar belongs to L.P. Laptayoy, which devoted several of its articles to the works of Riik, mainly according to Saleyantic topics. Achievements of the Rich B region of Slavovatiy attracted attention to both MG Mironova, which devoted his dissertation work with the study by the Institute of History and Culture of Bulgaria. The researchers pay great attention to studying the collections of the Rich. The description of the Greek manuscripts of the Rihar meeting was made up by E.E.Granstrey and I.P. Lebedeva. E.V. Herzman published the text and kranventoving "! Translation of one music-theoretical manuscript of the Rih Collection. Lock-stsy Yu.A.Pyatnitsky. Along with the works dedicated to the individual aspects of the activities of the Rich, there are both overall activities, for example, the article of Archimandrite Agustina (Nikitina). The result of the painstaking APXIMINJX of the research was the article S. Erisov, 10.Pyatnitsky and K. N.Vabashyan. In the framework of the scientific project "Archives of Russian Ezantshshstov" (head of I. P. Medvedev), an intensive archival search work was carried out.

However, there are still no works that would be introduced into a scientific turnover in all its totality of the valuable scientific materials of the Riik, "currently stored in archives, as well as comprehensively summarized and comprehended archival" sources showing the history of this unique institution. Outside the field of view of the researchers, there were questions of the organization of research, pro-kinds at the Institute, "and the relationship between smart.

Sang and ride dissertations. The main purpose of this study is Pop Protgl with a holistic characterization of the scientific and scientific and organizational activities of the RIIC on the basis of newly identified archival data. QUA is implemented in solving the following tasks:

1. Determination of scientific value and place in the creative heritage of the Rich earlier unknown archival materials, studying little-known directions research activities Institute.

2. Analysis of the participation of employees of the Rich in the life and scientific activities of the Institute, the definition of their personal ECLADA in strengthening the authority of the Institute.

3. Reconstruction of the history of Riq as a state institution, identifying its place and role in the development of science.

4. Introduction to the scientific turnover of new documents that are important for the history of Byzantinology and historical science as a whole.

The source base of the study is published in the "Izvestiy Riik" and in the "Byzantine Bremennik" reports on the work of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, the works of the Rich staff, published in the Izvestia of Rich and other magazines, and such new archival materials on the history of the RIK found in St. Petersburg branch of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PTA RAS: F. 116, 127, 169), Russian State, Historical Archive (RGIA: F, 757), handwritten archive of the Institute of History of Material Culture (Raimk RAS) ,. The archive of St. Petersburg of the branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Afivan RAS), Central State Archive of St. Petersburg (Iga Sankt-Petersburg), Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (AVPRI). The newly identified archival sources contain valuable scientific materials and many documents that recreate a holistic picture of the activities of the Rich.

Most of the scientific works identified in PFA refers to the topography and architectural monuments of Constantinople. Large historical and scientific interest are the unpublished works of B.A.Panchenko "Gold medallion with an enamel image Ap. Jacob", dedicated to Na. KE in the Studiosky Monastery, and "Description of antiquities (architectural fragments and foundations); found during work on the work of the second rut railway on the territory of Constance

tinopol in 1909 - 1910 "In the same archive, new data was found on the works of the Institute in Malaya Asia, Greece and Macedonia, about the unfulfilled research projects of the Rihik, in particular, about jointly with French scientists the project studying the monuments of Athos, as well as expedition materials 1916 -1917 Topfezund occupied by Russian Qualities. In the Rihar Foundation there are fragments of materials intended for 17, unpublished Tom "News Riik".

A large complex of materials was revealed about the scientific and organizational activities of the Institute: official correspondence, reports of the director of Raik F.I. Supenssky, the reports of the institute, which outlines the results of its activities for five, ten and twenty years, as well as a number of documents characterizing the personnel of the Institute And his financial situation, the process of forming his library and museum collections, the history of the creation of the Slavic branch. In RP1A, for example, a read-lost document was found, which has a cotton value to recreate the history of the Riik - a memorandum of the employee of the Russian Embassy of PB Mansurov. Materials preserved in PFA RAS and RA IIMK RAS, give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the fate of the Riq after 1914, introduces projects to restore the activities of the Institute.

The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that it represents the first prevention in domestic historiography to analyze the activities of the Rake Part of the entire totality of data, but the author in the archives recently revealed recently recently identified by the author in the Archives of Russia, to consider St. Epros, related to the establishment and internal organization of the Institute, operation of it personnel. Much attention in the thesis was paid to the previously unexplored or poorly studied aspects of the activities of the Razh, the results of his work on the study of monuments and the topography of Constantinople and Malaya Asia (primarily the ladder Zunda).

The practical significance of the dissertation work. Materials and conclusions of thesis can be used in scientific and teaching work, in the preparation of summarizing work on the history of domestic scientific humanities. Materials

the proposed research may be useful in drawing up lecture courses and conducting seminar studies on historiography.

Approbation of dissertation research. The main provisions of the thesis are set forth by the author in published articles, in plenary report at the International Anniversary session dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Riik "A, and oral performances on scientific conferences. The proposed study was also discussed at a meeting of the Universal History of St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Structure and maintenance of work. The dissertation consists. From the introduction, four chapters, conclusions and applications.

In the introduction, the relevance and scientific significance of the study are justified, its goals and objectives are identified, historiography analysis is given, the source base is characterized.

The first chapter is devoted to the foundation and internal organization of the Rich. It is well known that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe foundation of the Russian scientific institution in Constantinople (Istanbul) originated in 1837 in the environment of the Russian embassy in Constantinople and belongs to PB Monsurov, who was vigorously supported by the Russian ambassador A.I.Nelidov. The institute mentioned them as a permanent scientific center for the study of the Christian and Muslim East. In the discussion of the Institute's project, prominent Russian scientists participated. A.S. Pavlov made him for discussion of the Moscow Archaeological Society (MAO), which developed it to grandiose sizes. The MAO project suggested the existence of three branches, the Muswansky, Ellino-Byzantine and Muslim, and, according to A.S. Pavlov, was the "dream of one". The more modest and realistic project was offered professors of the Novorossiysk University A.I. Kirpichnikov, N.P. Kontakov and F.I. Supens, limiting the tasks of the Institute with the study of the Christian East. They motivated the need to create a scientific center in Constantinople as scientific and political interests of Russia. Petersburg scientists took an active part in the project discussion. As evidenced by private. Letter V.I. La-Mansk "A.I.Nelidov from January 17, 1838, they supported. Odessa project. Russian diplomats also gave him preference, and from November 1883 began the passage of the project on official ITanzles, which took about six years of IE-ha

iiaiicoeux difficulties. At this time, a discussion of the project of scientific circles continued. The Special Academic Commission, for example, expressed the wish that Greece was preceded into the circle of scientific interests of the institute. The project's rapid discussion occurred in 1390 at the VIII archaeological congress in Moscow. In 1891, prof. N.P. Kondakob prepared the draft Charter and the State Institute. The purpose of the Institute was announced by the study of the monuments of the An-T! Gshoy Greece and Christiansgago East. Amendments to A.I.Nelidov, A.F. Babkov and Mao were made to the draft charter. A.I.Nelidov, for example, considered it useful to put the institute dependent on Rubago Ambassador to Constantinople and under his patronage, and Mao subjected the project with a sharp criticism for the narrowing of the tasks of the Institute. Akadeş science, on the contrary, gave about projects a positive feedback. The draft charter of the forces is privately reported in Odessa F.I. Supenssky, F. E.Korsh L N.F. Krasnoselsev, who expressed concern that Vizantinology could be absorbed by classical archaeology. As in the case of the foundation of "Byzantineis-ítoro. Average", the fate of the project decided not so much the authority of scientists, so much the vigorous support of high-ranking public individuals, primarily the President of the Academy of Sciences Vel.Kn.Constantina Konstantinovich and the State Controller T.I. Filippova. Discussion of draft charter and staff, as well as its goals and objectives, held at two meetings of the State Council on December 4, 1893 and February 24, 1394, and on May 23, 1894, the Charter and the staff of the Rich were approved by Alexander III. The charter was commissioned from July 1, 1894, the solemn discovery of the Institute in Istanbul took place on February 26, 1895. The F.I. Suspenssky was appointed director.

Rihik in his activities was beyond the scope of tasks provided for by the Charter, and included Slavic countries in the sphere of scientific interests. The institute's activities were expanded on its internal organization: in 1911, on the initiative of Slavic scientists, a special Slavic department was organized for the study of the antiquities of the Balkan Peninsula. Although the office of NE managed to expand its work, the fact of its creation itself testifies to strengthening the credit authority in Slavic countries. The classical archaeology classes, provided for by the Charter, were not among the priority, as a member of the institute's failure to open to FSHGGESCOM


Over time, the material base of the institute has been strengthened: if at the basis of the rake, its funds were 12,000 rubles, then in 1913 this amount increased to 26700 rubles. The petition of the Director of the Institute for Increasing Financing is often satisfied due to the fact that they had a solid ideological rationale. As evidenced by the records of F.I. Sushensky's records with Nikolai II, the institute used as a patronage: the Svender, but he never got the names of "Imperorsgash". As a result, the Institute was not recognized by the Turkish authorities as an independent institution, carrying out scientific tasks within the Ottoman Empire. Within 20 years of its activities, the institute did not have its own premises, as the question of the construction of his own building was positively resolved only in 1914

Together with the institute, his scientific library was created, which eventually became the best in Istanbul and, as the Second part of the handwriting inventory of the Riik Library of the Library of Ranik testified in the library, which had previously survived in the library of the Ryik Library, she had to stop the activities of the 22622 Tom Institute in 8909 names. At the same time, the Rich Museum was formed, in which the Byzantine monuments were presented, the works of antique masters, the collection of Greek, Slavic and oriental manuscripts. Although, according to F.I. Sucunsky, the institute never put the goal to enrich the domestic museums, with the assistance of Riik Russia acquired a number of valuable monuments: Purple Gospel VI B. "(RNB), Palmish tariff (GE) and the statue of Christ" Good Shepherd "(GE). The institute had his own printed body, the Izvestia Riik (total volumes were published, fragments of the 17th volume prepared on the eve of Toms are available in PPA RAS). Institute Having a well-equipped photo laboratory and a drawing office. Material-technical base of the institute was It is quite sufficient to meet his scientific needs.

The second chapter is devoted to the personnel of the Rich. At the head of the institute stood Honorary Chairman, they were the Russian ambassador to Konotankinopol. There were two staff members: Director and Scientific Secretary (from 1899 - Two Secretary Scientists). The Institute also included honorary, valid members and members * Employees. Washa role in the creation and activities of the Rich

rAS His feathers Honorary Chairman A.I.Nelidov, an enlightened diplomat H a passionate amateur of ancient. After Nege, this post was consistently occupied by I.A. Zinoviev, N.V. Barikov, A.N.Sve-Chnn, M.N.GPRS. The expert director of the Rihar was the famous Byzantinist F.I. Suspensky. Thanks to its tireless energy and an outstanding organizer, the SIM abilities of Rich became large center Byzantinology in the east. F.I. Supenssky, former until the advantage of the historian, continued his studies on generalistory topics, paying a large-intensification of the examination of the ancient Byzantine manuscripts and introducing many new sources to scientific circulation byzantine history, as well as publishing an important epigraphic material. Becoming the director of the Institute, named "Archaeological", F.I. Supenssky was forced to pay great attention to archaeological issues and develop them. Changing the Celebrations of the Cabinet Scientist, he personally participated and headed almost all major archaeological enterprises of the Institute: excavations in Abobe-Plisses in 1899 and 1900. and E Preslava in 1905, examine the antiquities of Tyrnov and an expedition to Syria in 1900 and 1901, excursions to Rabita and the study of the Basilica of St.Dimicia in the feves. The scientific interests of F.I. Supensorsky, related to the history of Slavic peoples, influenced the program of classes of the institute, and the activities of Rihar received the Slavic orientation. F.K.Uspensky constantly took care of strengthening the international authority of the Rich, as evidenced, in particular, an unfulfilled draft study of artistic and written monuments of Afona together with French scientists (1396).

At F.I. Yesucsensky, six scholars of secretaries changed: P.D. Podogodin, B.V. Farmakovsky, R.Kh.Lerper, B.A.Pankchenko, F.I.Smit, N.L. Khunev. The contribution of these scientists to the development of the institute is unequal. P.D.Pogodin, enrolling in a ray of protection T.I. Filippov did not leave a noticeable trace in the life of the institute. B.V. Farmakovsky, the first regular archaeologist in Rich, contributed to the institute to work archaeological work. For example, in 1893 and 1899. He participated in the first excavations organized by Riik, the EO time of which in Patelers (Macedonia) was opened by the Nekstock Galstatat period. The materials of these excavations were not entered into a scientific circulation, in the archives there are only inventory inventory of finds and letters B.V. Farmakossky, p

ryy is written off the course of work. Since 1901, the scientific secretary of the Rich was R.Kh.Lerper, which was mainly engaged in numismatic epigraffic issues. He disassembled a numismatic gathering of the Rich, did not leave him a complete description, made three travels! In Malaya Asia, began to work on the study of the topography of Constantinople. Kitchen activity Speed \u200b\u200bE Constantinople B.A.Pangsshga, one of the most loyal employees of the Rich. He showed a huge interest in the work in the field of the topography of Constantinople and enthusiastically engaged in studying. The exclusion of the Byzantine seals of the Rich. The result of this work was his cake a well-known "Catalog of Molivdovulov". The name of FI SMIT, who worked here, first, is closely connected with the scholarship here, and then the Secretary Scientist. He prepared the publication of a complex of artistic monuments Kahrie-Jami, wrote a book about the mosaics of the Church of Assumption in Niche, explored the mosaic of a new monastery on the island of Chios and prepared a monographic work about them, from which only a small part of the corrective sheets was preserved. About the works in NEM MSNI FFShmit wrote in his small article "Chios Older", also unpublished. Nr. Vyunov did not have time to expand the session activities in Rich. A noticeable figure at the institute was an artist in liberty N. Kluga. He served at the Institute for 16 years and participated in almost all of its major events. In the work of the Institute, his honorary members, members and members of employees took the accuracy. Actively collaborated with Rich M.I. Gostovtsev, Ya.I. Sirnov, G.P. Eegleri, P.K. Kloktsov, A.A. Pavlovsky, K. Shvcorpil, etc.

An important function of the Rihar was pedagogical activity. She did not immediately receive a proper development, as Konstangopol did not attract young scientists to himself. To correct this abnormal position, F.I.U. Supenssky put a lot of effort, thanks to which, in the walls of the Rich, the preparation of 18 domestic and 3 foreign scholarships were trained, including O.F. Kulf, A.A.Vasiliev, D.P. Sustakov, Balaschev.

The third chapter provides new data on the scientific activities of the Rich. Archival materials indicate that the Rihar for £ 0 years of its activities in the capital of the former Byzantine. The performance carried out a comprehensive program of studying the most prominent monuments of architecture and topography of Constantinople. From 1329 to 1304 N.K. Kluga I.

F.I.Smit was engaged in the study of the Mosque Cachrie-Jami, the ancient Cathedral of the monastery choir. Works F.I.Smit about this monument became a notable phenomena in science. From 1006 to 1909. B.A.Pontan-! SO and N.K. Kluga was investigated by the Basilica of the Studio Monastery (Mosque of Serahror-Jami). B.A.Pankchenko issued a monumental study on the reliefs of the studio basilica. All unnefused materials from the SMHR-DGLS - Akbarel of the Mosasha Floor, the plan, sketches of cuts and the drawings of the details - remained in Constantinople and, apparently, are lost. In archival materials, save.15 photographic pictures and a complete list of photos taken during the study and excavations of the monument, as well as an article B.A. Panchenko "Gold medallion with an enamel image Ap. Jacob", dedicated to the find in the Basilica dungeon. The author leads a detailed description of this unique monument of Byzantine art and dates his X - the beginning of the XI century. In his opinion, the medallion was a fragment of a military crown, salary or binding.

In 1909 - 1910 B.A.Pankchenko conducted a study in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Byzantine Acropolis, which was the result of his work "Description of antiquities (architectural fragments and foundations), found during the work on the location of the second track of the railway on the territory of Constantinople in 1909 - 1910, which was intended for XVII Tom "News Riik" and never saw the light. At present, her manuscript, the content of about 300 scattered sheets, is stored in PFA RAS. The work of B.A.Pankchenko consists of two sections: one is dedicated to topographic issues, the second contains a description of open antiquities. The main subject of the topographic tea * L of work was to determine the location of the gate of Eugene and the royal gate and the study of the ancient quarter Evgenia, in whose territory an ancient portico was found, the foundations of four walls of the time church of Paleologists "and three Cloaks of the XVI - XVIII century. Among the foundations of the Late Church were The architectural fragments, which B.A.Panchenko dated U-U1 c was found. And I identified the Virkos Virgin, as well as the epigraphic material IX - X centuries, which pointed out that the temple of St.Dimitri was supposed to replace the ancient temple on this place. Virgin at the end of the XI or early XII century. The main result of the work carried out by B.A.Pankchenko considers the define directions

streets and even the detection of 1Fa one of them, in the ancient hour of the city. Materials of this work may be useful for compiling the history of this little-learning quarter.

An important historical and topographic material allowed us to collect work on the territory of the Big Palace after the 1912 fire. They are represented in the archive "Report of the reporting of the V.A.Panchenko's report on reproduction in the drawings and photographs of the preserved part of the Byzantine buildings in the territory of the Big Byzantine Palace" dated 1912 G. In 1914, the Institute received permission to produce prodes on the territory of the Big Palace. According to an unpublished report on the activities of the RIIC in 1914, the staff of the Institute, V.A.Panchenko, N.K. Kluga and seconded to Rihar A. Bashkirov, for two weeks produced gonduzzi in Ali Effendi's house, in which it was opened A whole complex of ancient structures, and made a plan for those who have discovered - now lost. Only photos taken during work are preserved.

In the same year, it was possible to investigate the remains of the famous Church of the Chalcopratypskaya Mother of God. The remains of this church were described in detail and carefully photographed; Preserved 10 photos. E.A.Pankchenko In recent years, before World War, a capital labor on the history of the topography of Constantinople took, in YUTO should have found "reflection of all new materials obtained during perennial archaeological works. According to the testimony of F.I. Supens, preparatory work related To the topography of Constantinople, with Eeezg / Nia of the Institute in 1914 were left in place and lost. Thus, the plan of systematic study of Constantinople was performed only partially.

Riik consistently and systematically acquainted with the most important historical and artistic monuments of Malaya Asia. To this end, he undertook a number of excursions into this area, paying attention to the antiquities of Niccomedia, Niko and Trapphend. A special place in the activities of the Rih is occupied by the study of traverse. Employees of Raik visited this city for the last time in 1916 and 1917, when the circumstances of the First World War allowed Russian scientists to organize two expeditions in the Russian troops occupied by Russian troops under the leadership of F.I. Supens. The 1916 expedition consisted of

rudnikov Rihar (except F.I. Suspensky, Her F.I.Smit P N.K. Plow) N was funded at the expense of the Institute, and, as it seems to us, can be considered as a direct continuation of the activities of the RIIC, especially since f . And. And supansky just treated this expedition. The main focus on the three main monuments of the city is focused on the three main monuments of the city: Churches of St. Sophia, Sv.Evgynia and the Virgin Zlatovna. However, to achieve archaeological material - watercolors, photographs, plans and drawings - entirely. In the bidet of the monumental publication, it was not possible to publish. The main value of this modest for the scientific results of the expedition is that it has planned a plan for further systematic work and attracted attention to the monuments of the Tepsend as domestic and foreign scientists.

In the fourth chapter, the circumstances of the closure of the Rich in 1914, the fate of his scientific property and the impossible plans to restore his work. In 1914, some precautions were accepted for the protection of the property of the Riik, when B.A.Pankchenko suffered the most valuable small things for storing to the Russian state consulate in Constantinople. October 16, on the day of Turkey's entry into the war, the elimination of the institute occurred for one day, and the property of the institute was sequential. The question of the return of the property of the Institute was solved only in 1929, when the Turkish government agreed to exchange it on the handwritten Quran, prudently exported in 1916. F.I. Supenssky from Trzlezund to Petrograd. In Istanbul, the reception of property was engaged in MD Belyaev, to which it was transmitted without inventory. In 1930, the scientific materials of the Rihar arrived in Leningrad. P / Kopchs and books were transferred to the ban, some of them moved to the library of the Loia of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Museum exhibits, total 94 luster items, replenished the Hermitage Collection. A few years earlier, in 1926 the question was resolved about the transfer of the Archive of the Riik of the Academy of Sciences.

The possibility of restoring the activities of the Institute in Turkey has repeatedly discussed. In 1920, this issue was raised to the Bureau of Rihar, created at the Academy of the History of Material Culture; Rich's recovery project was proposed by the Academtest Commission on the renewal of the Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, organized in 1925. in

In 1926, the draft Eastern Research Institute E Constantinople, proposed by the SNK scientific institution department, was discussed. The latter and also unsuccessful attempt to restore the Rihar was made in 1945

The conclusion summarizes the results of the study, outlined conclusions, the main of which are as follows:

The newly revealed archival materials on the history of the Riik are of important historical and scientific importance, there are some aspects of his scientific activity, help. Restore the history of this sole Russian humanitarian scientific institution abroad.

New materials found by the author in RGIA and PPA RAS, first of all, "note PB Mushurov" unequivocally show that the basis of the raik meant not only scientific, but also political goals. During the long-term discussion, the objectives of the Institute and the objects of its activities were specified, as a result of which his tasks were included in the study of classical antiquities in Greece. Failure "F.I. Sucankovsky Establish in Athens & H Branch of the Rihar allowed the Institute to focus on the study of Byzantine and Slavic antiquities. The Institute approved a failed priority in the study of the ancient Easter Slavs and established contacts with Slavic scientists, by creating a special Slavic branch on their initiative in 1911.

Thanks to the constant, albeit small, state-owned firm and organizational talent, F.I. Supenssky, who managed to attract the institute of diplomats and the scientific community to participate in the activities of the institute, has possessed the best-in-east scientific library and an excellent museum, annually published his "news", carried out Cooperation with many research centers.

Forces of their few personnel, Rihar held a number of "wonderful research." Despite the fact that the director of the Institute of F.I. Supenssky was not an archaeologist, he encouraged the AR heology research and headed a number of archaeological enterprises of the Institute. Important archaeological work Spells and Bl; FF Assistants F.I. Supens, Scientifics of the secretaries Rich B.V. Farmakovsky, B.A.Panchenko and F.I.Syit. However, the Institute could not establish the systematic training of archaeologists in its walls.

Archival materials show that an exceptional place in the activities of the Riik and in the scientific work of B.A.Pankpko sniffed the study of monuments and topography of the ancient Constantinople. Some of the work remained in the handwritten form are currently the value of the original source, since the antiquity described in them is lost.

Scientific interest is also a small group of preliminary and untreated materials, in particular, the excavations of the necropolis of the Halstatt period in Macedonia, in which E.V. Farmakovsky, and the works of F.I.Smit on the study of a new monastery on Chios participated.

Analysis of archival data plumps that the Institute has become a reliable support for Russian national policies in the East due to the fact that he acquired himself well-deserved authority in the scientist and political world with its fruitful scientific activities.

Thanks to archival data, the circumstances of the closure of the Rich and its evacuation from Constantinople are found. The activities of the Institute, however, was not interrupted until 1017, because The director of the Riik organized at the funds of the Institute and led in 1916 and 1917. Expedition to Trapezund. Discussion of the recovery projects of the Riq did not lead to anything, since this was not conducive to Pollt1! Holy conditions; Only the question of the return of the property of the Rich was positively resolved.

The appendix presents a memorandum of PB Mensurov dated 03/20/1837, the official letter of F.I. Yu. I. I. Filippov with a notice of election to His honorary members of the Rich and a response letter T.I. Filippova, a letter to the honored chairman Archaeological Institute in Constantinople A.I. Neldidow from the Director, Scientific Secretary and Members with an expression of gratitude and regret about his departure and Constantinople.

1. Historical and archaeological expedition to Trapezund (1916) // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1991. T. XXIII. P. 295 - 306.

2. A.A.Vasiliev and the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople // Russian scientists and engineers in emigration.

M., 1993. S. 1E7 - 135.

3. Shsht F.I. Fedor Ivanovich Uspensky. (Publication, Preface and Notes by E.Yu. Kasargina) // The figures of the Russian Nzukka XIX - XX centuries. St. Petersburg., 1953. II. P. 33 - 49.

4. Archival Funds of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople (Riik) // Byzantine Temperator. M., 1994. T. 56. Ch. 1. P. 33 is.

5. Activities of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople // Russian Byzantinology. Results and prospects. Abstracts of reports and communications at the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Byzantine Temperator and the 100th anniversary of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople. (St. Petersburg, £ 4 - 26 small 1994). M., 1994. P. 13 -

The Russian Archeological Institute in Constantinople is the only Russian scientific humanitarian institution abroad. Created by joint efforts of scientists and diplomats in 1894, the institute enjoyed high authority in the scientist and the political world. The permanent director of the institute was Byzantinist Academician Fyodor Ivanovich Asspensky (1845-1928), he was assisted by the scientific secretary, first one, and then two was the staff of the Institute.

The theater of the activities of the Institute served as the countries that were once part of the Byzantine Empire, and in this area the institute did not have equal. Institute staff fulfilled an extensive program of studying the most prominent antique and early Christian monuments: they traveled to the Minor Asia and the Balkan Peninsula, visited Syria and Palestine, were permanent guests on Athos, conducted a study of the most important architectural monuments and topography of Istanbul, opened the first Bulgarian capital of Abobu-Pliss. Thanks to the perfectly compiled library and the extensive museum, the institute was in Istanbul the only scientific center attracted scientists different countries. Many of them were elected to honorary, valid or members of the institute.
The First World War interrupted the activities of the institute in its very full swing. In October 1914, the Institute was hastily evacuated from Istanbul. Almost all his property remained in place and returned only in 1929. Museum exhibits have replenished the Hermitage meeting, the library is located in St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Archive - in St. Petersburg branch of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The assembly of the complex of the collection of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople is stored in SPBF Aran.
The layout (from FR. Estampage) is called paper prints with inscriptions or images on any solid material - stone, metal or ceramics. In order to make the liner, the wet paper is placed on the inscription, a flat heavy brush is driven into the surface of the monument and then leave until complete drying. Most often used rag buried paper or paper for drawing a "filter" type. The laying brush in shape resembles a brush for clothes, it is usually at least 35 cm long, has a long handle and an elastic bristle with a length of at least 2 cm. In cases where the inscription has deeply cut letters or when the letters have sharp edges, it is sequentially superimposed Multiple sheets of laying paper.
The turnover, i.e., adjacent to the stone, the side of the line is a high-precision negative copy of the inscription, which can be subsequently studied and photographed with different lighting. Other advantages of the presence of relatives are that they are easy to transport, they make accessible monuments located in remote and sometimes hard-to-reach locations. The lines were very often made immediately after finding the inscription and fix it, thus, the best degree of its conservation. According to all epigraphy specialists, the lines can be stored for a long time and later century retain the accuracy of the smallest detail of the surface of the stone. In many cases, they are a facsimile copy of monuments affected or destroyed as a result of wars and natural disasters. In other words, in the event of the loss of a genuine monument, the library acquires the value of the original source.

The exhibition was prepared by E.Yu. Basargin, N.A. Pavlichenko, N.V. Chernova



Fedor Ivanovich Asspensky (1845 - 1928). 1880s.
SPBF Aran. R. X. OP. 1-y. D. 21. L. 1.
Diploma of the Honorary Member of Rich V.I. Laman. 1895 335 x 500.
SPBF Aran. F. 35. OP. 3. D. 75. L. 1.
Inventory of the library of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople.
Library of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
"Issuance of books from the library of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople. Cover. 1895
F. 127. OP. 1. D. 167.
Kachrie-Jami. Album to Xi to the news of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople. Drawings and drawings performed by the artist N.K. Kluga. Clean sheets. Munich, 1906.
F. 127. OP. 1. D. 120A. L. 1.
View Cachrie-Jami from the West. Photo from the album to Xi to the Izvestia Riik. 1906. Typographic printing.
F. 127. OP. 1. D. 120A. L. 69.
N.K. Kluga. Jesus Christ. "Country of living". Figure No. 120 from the album to Xi to the Izvestia Rich .1906. Typographic print.
F. 127. OP. 1. D. 120A. L. 2.
N.K. Club. Narray Anna. Figure No. 71 from the album to the XI of the Izvestiy Rich. Typographic print. 1906.
F. 127. OP. 1. D. 120A. L. 3.
Palmir duty rate in situ. 1901. Photography. 235x294.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 4.
Syria. Maalula village. April 25, 1900 photo. 167 x 118.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 24. L. 30.

Monastery in the name of St. Fekla in the village of Maalula - one of the monuments that visited the expedition of the Riik led by F.I. Uspensky in 1900
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. Table. 7.

Syria. Maalula village. Gorge Fekla. April 25, 1900 photo. 294 x 237.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 1.
The line of the inscriptions of the first centuries from Maaluly. Front side. April 25, 1900 Paper type filtering. 348 x 530.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 39. L. 1.

The text of the inscription: ἔτοςς [-] / αἶμος διοδώρου φ φλιππίωνος ἐπήλε / ο σ συνετέλεσεν συνετέλεσεν - "In the year ... Aimos Son Diodoron's grandson of Philippiy built this benefit cave for".
Publ.: Waddington W. Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de La Syrie Recueillies Et Expliquées. 1870. P. 584. № 2565.

F. 116. OP. 1. D. 169E. L. 9.

Record in the forwarding diary F.I. Uspensky dated April 25, 1900, in which he leads the text of the inscription from Maaluly about the construction of the cave:
"In the monastery of the icon of SV [YUTA] Fekla (miraculous). Painting the past century, in Damascus [...]. Many pilgrims. The staff of SV [YUTA] Fekla in the rocks, like Suleimani Church. In the mountains surrounding M [ONST], and in the rocks there are many caves in which the inscriptions are preserved. This cave is especially preserved. In the ceiling traces of the Eagle relief (seem to be doubled) with well-preserved wings, exactly such traces of the eagle in one bottom cave. But in general, reliefs are significantly abused and from time to time, part of the malicious hand. Niche, in which the inscriptions are written, is on top of the sink. On the side of this niche, the remains of embossed figures and traces of the inscriptions are visible. The plan of the cave is made of [ospoznin] club. "

F.R. Expeditionary Diary page Assumption. April 25, 1900. Manuscript. Autograph F.I. Assumption.
F. 116. OP. 1. D. 169E. L. 9B.
Syria. Calat sem. Parking of the expedition of the raik in the monastery of Simeon Still during the expedition of the Rich. April 15 - June 19, 1900. Photography. 171 x 239.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 31.
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. Table. 42.
Syria. Monastery Simeon Stalnik. General form. April 15 - June 19, 1900. Photography. 117 x 163.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 24. L. 46.
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. Table. 31.
Syria. Colonnade and tents of the expedition of the Rihar in Palmyra. May 1-7, 1900 photo. 224 x 281.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 3.
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. Table. sixteen.
Syria. Mosaic in the terms in Sergilla. April 15 - June 19, 1900. Photography. 169 x 212.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 16.
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. Table. 27.
Syria. Church in the village of Gass. In the center of F.I. Assumption (?) May 17, 1900 photo. 221 x 281.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 11.
Syria. Inscription 588 AD. On the rock in the area of \u200b\u200bCASS-EL_BENAT, located between Aleppo and Antioch. April 15 - June 19, 1900. Photography. 224 x 168.
F. 116. OP. 3. D. 3. L. 36
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. Table. 45.
Also. In mirror reflection. The photo. 170 x 126.
F. 116. OP 3. D. 24. L. 50.
The layout of the inscription 588/589 on the rock in the area of \u200b\u200bCASS-EL_BENAT. Front side. April 15 - June 1, 1900, rag buried paper. 660 x 570.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 42. L. 1.
Text of the inscription: ☩☩αὰ έέλευσιν / παύλου, τοῦ ἐν / Δοξ (οτάτου) όόμ (ητος) τῆς ἕω / διὰ ἰωάννου λαμπρ (οτάτου) / κανκελλαρ (ίου) τοῦ καπ / ροβαραδέ (ων), ἐπίχθη τὸ
/ ὁὁοήΣι (ον )ῶν / ρςς) ικζιῶν / ἰνδ (ικτιῶνος) ζ'νδ (ιῦλῶῶῶῶςς - "According to the command of Paul, the most magnificent Committee of the East, the wages of the Square Kankellaria Kapurobaradey was approved by the border of the village of Bizik. Indict of seventh, year 636. "
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Archaeological monuments of Syria // Izvestia Rich. 1902. T. VII. P. 201-202.
The epitaph of the epitaph of unknown origin (small Asia?), Dating back not earlier than 2 V. AD, from the Museum of Rich. Front side. Not earlier than 1904. 450 x 542.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 43. L. 1.

The text of the inscription: [-] ων κό (ϊντος) κέρδων ὅς καὶ [-] / εἰς ταύτην δὲ τὴ (ν) Σορὸ [ν μηδένα] / ἕἕερον βλέῆῆναι εἰ ὴὴ τ [ὸν ἱὸἱὸν] / καὶ τὴν νεικὼν (?). Ἄν δ [ὲ ἀνοίξῃ τις / καὶ βληθῇ ἕτερον, Δοῦναι [ὲὲν εἰς τὴ] / ν πόλιν (Δεινάρια) χείλια πεντα [κόσια. Τοῦ Δὲ] / μηδέναν ἕτερον βληθθ [ῆναι ἶἶναι] / βέβ (αι) όν μου κλη [ρ] ονόμ [ον, ἐὰν Δὲ--] / [-] καὶ ἀν (οί) ξῃ τςς Σορὸν, [ἀποτεισ] / [ άτω εἰς] τὰ [ς ἀρχ] άς - "... Kerdon, who ... In this urn, let no other place (dust), besides my son and .... If someone else opens and placed (dust), let it pay the city by a thousand five hundred (denarya). And let my heir ensure that no one else placed (dust), but if ... and reveals the urn, let him pay to the magistrates ... ".
Publ.: Leper R.Kh. Several Greek and Roman inscriptions // Izvestia Rich. 1904. T. IX. P. 239-240 No. 4.

The lineup of the poetic epitaph of a resident of Nicea (Sovr. G. Girl, Turkey) Surdota and his wife Sea 2nd. AD (Anthologia Palatina. 15. 4-8). The front side of one of the sheets. May 1, 1898 buried rag paper. 575 x 830.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 4. L. 3.
The layout of the inscription on the border post of the Bulgarian king Simeon 904 from p. Narysh Kay (Sovr. Nea-Philadelphia, Greece). Front side. 1895-1898. Thrown rag paper. 575 x 830.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 22. L. 1.

Text of the inscription: ἔτου [ς ἀ] ὸὸ κτ (ίσεως) κ (όσμου), ςςιβ ', ἰν (Δικτιῶνος) ζ' / ὃὃὃ ρωμαίων κ (ὶὶ) βουλγάρ (ων) / ἐπὶ συμεὼν ἐκ θ (εοῦ) ἄρχ (οντος) Βουλγάρ (ων) / ἐπὶ θεοδώρου ολγου τρακανου / ἐἐὶ Δριστρου κομίτου - "Summer 6412 from the creation of the world, Indict 7. The border between Romains and Bulgarians. In Simeon, Prince Bulgarian in the grace of God, at the farodore Olga Tarkan, when ledge, Committee. "
Publ.: Uspensky F.I. Two historical inscriptions. I. Border post between Byzantium and Bulgaria at Simeon // Izvestia Rich. T. III. P. 184-188; Bezhevlyyev V. Parvobligar's inscription. Sofia, 1992. P. 182-185. № 46.

Also. Drawing ink. Front side. 1895-1898. Thrown rag paper. 525 x 704.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 22. L. 2.
The layout of the inscription - Dedication to Poseidon, the oscillator of the Earth, the 2nd floor. II century AD, from Antique Geras (Sovr. Jarash, Jordan). Facial side before restoration. 1900 Paper type filtering. 244 x 482.
F. 127. OP. 3. D. 28. L. 1.

The text of the inscription: λωχβωρ / [ὑπὲρ σεβασ [τῶν] / Διὶ ποσειδῶνι / πνοσείίοοίῶιι /ῆῆῆῆίῆίίίίςςςῆῆῆ / ἀνήγειρεν - "For the well-being of Augustus - God Poseidon, the oscillator of the earth, the Savior, Antioch (Son) of the Gaja Vodig.
Publ.: Cagnat R. Inscriptiones Gracilae Ad Res Romanas Pertinentes. Vol. III. Paris, 1906. P. 483 No. 1365.

Also. Facial side after restoration.
In 2017, N.V. Chernova developed a method of restoration of paper plaspages. The technique is simple and convenient to use, and most importantly, it allows you to preserve the volume of the monument. The technique is as follows. The liner is washed in cold water, its paper base is strengthened with an aqueous solution of methylcellulose. Then, on a flat absorbing surface of the break and loss of the loss of the mixture, it is agreed with an unpainted paper mass from the front side, calculating its volume depending on the loss area and the thickness of the paper base of the pretty. The relay is then dried in a free state on a pillow of filter paper.

Russian Byzantist Fedor Asspensky, who subsequently became his director. The proposal was supported by the ambassador in Constantinople Alexander Nelidov and an adviser to the Ober-Prosecutor of the Victorossev on the Eastern Question Ivan Troitsky.

The main directions of work of the Rich, according to the Charter: the study of the ancient geography and topography, the study of the history and archeology of all territories of historical Byzantium, description of manuscripts, epigraphics and numismatics, research of architecture and monumental monuments of art. Ambassador Nelidov managed to get permission from the ports on excavations throughout the Empire and holding half of all finds.

Studies of employees of the Rihar were published in the magazine "Izvestia Riik"; 16 volumes were released: the monographs of the Assumption "Archaeological Monuments of Syria" (1902. T. 7. Issue 2-3) and "Konstantinople Seraral Code of Eight Code" (1907. T. 12), F. I. Schmita "Cachrie-Jami: History of the monastery choir. Mosque architecture. Mosaic Narefikov "(1906. T. 11) and others.

The activities of the Rich was interrupted by the beginning of the First World War: In December 1914, the property of the institute and the museum, with the exception of the previously exported parts of the archive and a number of objects, a tour was confiscated. Government and transported to Ottoman Museum. In May 1920, the Institute was officially abolished.



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Watch what is "Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople" in other dictionaries:

    - [Russian archaeological in t to the field of the raik], the first Russian. Scientific on the study of history, archeology, art of Christ. East abroad. The creation of a raik was the result of the development of Byzantinology in Russia with Ser. XIX century And his heyday ... Orthodox encyclopedia

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    Kondakov N. P. - Nicodemus Pavlovich Kondakov Date of birth: November 13, 1844 (18441113) Place of birth: Halan village, Russian Empire Date of death: February 17, 1925 Place of death ... Wikipedia

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  • The history of the Byzantine Empire. Volume 3, F. I. Uspensky. The book offered to the reader is the work of the wonderful Russian historian, Academician Fyodor Ivanovich Asspensky. For Russia, the greatness of once mighty and extensive Byzantine ... buy for 5300 rubles
  • . The book is a represented edition of 1900. Despite the fact that a serious work was carried out to restore the initial quality of the publication, on some pages they can ...

Scientific Society for the study of history, archeology, art of the Christian East abroad (in the Ottoman Empire).

With a proposal for the creation of Rihar, in 1888, Russian Byzantist Fedor Assumptionsky, who later became his director later. The proposal was supported by the ambassador in Constantinople Alexander Nelidov and an adviser to the Ober-Prosecutor of the Victorossev on the Eastern Question Ivan Troitsky.

The main directions of work of the Rich, according to the Charter: the study of the ancient geography and topography, the study of the history and archeology of all territories of historical Byzantium, description of manuscripts, epigraphics and numismatics, research of architecture and monumental monuments of art. Ambassador Nelidov managed to get permission from the ports on excavations throughout the Empire and holding half of all finds.

Studies of employees of the Rihar were published in the magazine "Izvestia Riik"; 16 volumes were released: the monographs of the Assumption "Archaeological Monuments of Syria" (1902. T. 7. Issue 2-3) and "Konstantinople Seraral Code of Eight Code" (1907. T. 12), F. I. Schmita "Cachrie-Jami: History of the monastery choir. Mosque architecture. Mosaic Narefikov "(1906. T. 11) and others.

The activities of the Rich was interrupted by the beginning of the First World War: In December 1914, the property of the institute and the museum, with the exception of the previously exported parts of the archive and a number of objects, a tour was confiscated. Government and transported to Ottoman Museum. In May 1920, the Institute was officially abolished.

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An excerpt characterizing the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople

It was seen that this strong, strange man was under the irresistible influence of this black, graceful, loving the other girl.
Rostov noticed something new between Dolokhov and Sonya; But he did not define herself what new relationships were. "They are all in love with someone there," he thought about Sonya and Natasha. But he was not the case, as before, deftly with Sonya and Dolokhov, and he less often began to be at home.
From the autumn of 1806, again, everything spoke about the war with Napoleon, with a big heat than last year. It was appointed not only a set of recruit, but also 90 more warrids with thousands. Anathema Bonaparte was cursing everywhere, and in Moscow only and sense that about the upcoming war. For a family, the growth of the whole interest of these preparations to war was only that Nichushka did not agree to remain in Moscow and waited only the end of Denisov's leave in order to go to the regiment to the regiment after the holidays. The upcoming departure not only did not interfere with him to have fun, but also encouraged him to this. He spent most of the time outside the house, on dinners, evenings and balas.

On the third day of Christmas, Nikolai dined at home that recently rarely happened to him. It was a formal farewell dinner, as he and Denisov went to the regiment after baptism. Lined twenty people, including share and Denisov.
Never in the house of growth love air, the atmosphere of love did not give themselves to feel with such a force, as these days of the holidays. "Catch a minute of happiness, forcing yourself to love, fall in love yourself! Only this one is present in the world - the rest is all nonsense. And this one we are here only are busy, "this atmosphere said. Nikolay, as always,, having underwent two pairs of horses, and then did not have time to visit all the places, where he had to be and where he was called, came home in front of the dinner. As soon as he entered, he noticed and felt the tension of the love atmosphere in the house, but also he noticed a strange confusion, which reigns between some of the members of society. Sonya, share, old countess and a little Natasha were especially excited. Nikolay realized that something should have happened before dinner between Sonya and Doolohov and with his peculiarity of him, he was very gentle and careful, during dinner, in circulation with both. On the same evening, the third day of the holidays had to be one of those balls at Hogel (Dancer Teacher), which he gave on holidays for all his students and student.

1. From the first collections to the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople

The acquaintance of Slavs with the subject world of Christianity began with the arrival of them in Central Europe and Eastern Mediterranean in the middle of I thousand n. e. Having taken the Balkans and reaching it to Italy, they had the immediate opportunity to plunge into the world of Basil (then still very new), extensive Christian cemeteries, church city life. However, it did not concern the Slavs, settled the Eastern European Plain. They could meet European and Byzantine Christianity only indirectly, thanks to trade, exchange embassies and military raids in the territory of the "Old" Europe. East Slavs Closer to get in touch with the church artifacts, ranging from the temple and the icon and ending with the nutrient cross, only after the adoption of the Rus. Of course, the works of Byzantine art began to fall on its territory before the state here, but from the IX-X centuries. They came here regularly and in significant quantities, competing with imports from Muslim countries (Iran, Arab world). The flow, noticeable during the entire Middle Ages, did not stop even after the final death of Byzantium in the middle of the XV century. The clergy from Greece and the South Slavic lands in the XVI-XVII centuries. Often came and for a long time remained in Russia; Brought books, icons, relics. Therefore, church antiquities were accumulated not only in the cathedral sacrifices and princely treasures, but also from individuals. The cities layers constantly supply us with new and new Byzantine products and it would be interesting to consider this generality as a whole, from the end x to the end of the XVII century.

Already in the era of the Moscow state to the Byzantine relics and the Byzantine "church archeology", the enlightened clergy showed quite understandable interest. However, their study in Russia is customary to begin with the appearance of the first collections of the works of the late Tandytic Municipal Applied Arts of Europe, among which Kameomi and Intalia Hermitage, collected Catherine II, attracting researchers to this day. The royal surname supported the state meetings of "Russian-Byzantine" church antiquities and later. 3.

A special role in the formation of the base for the studies of Christian antiquities was played by materials of private "ancillars" (meetings of Orthodox Church Starny, such as the famous "Pododinskoe") and collections of European art. (Far of the incomplete list of "the ancillary": Polunin, Frolov, 1997). Among the latter, the meeting of the official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Alexander Petrovich Basilevsky (1829-1899) played a special role. His collection of Christian art of Europe and Byzantium made a big impression on the public already at the Paris exhibitions (1865, 1878) where they took a special room for her. In 1884, this meeting bought the Russian government for the Hermitage. four

Not all collectors were limited to gathering, of them often grew beautiful connoisseurs of church antiquities, which contributed to scientific literature, and in the "ideas foundation". One of them is Peter Ivanovich Sevastyanov (1811-1867). 5 serving in the Caucasus, traveling around Russia and abroad Sevastyanov not "entertained by the gathering" of Christian antiquities, but worked as a true archaeologist (that is, it was not necessarily looking for possessions of things, but she sought to be completely information about them). Waning out artifacts around the world, he did numerous copies (darisi and photographs, which only came into use) with the fact that it was impossible to buy or refuse, becoming a pioneer of creating a "data bank" and proposing to form a single photo archive of copies from ancient manuscripts and antiquities ( Later this will be carried out in France, and, to a certain extent, in the United States in the "Index of Christian Art", see ch. Vi).

Sevastyanov was one of the first organizers of the "journey scholars". Numerous trips to Athos in the 1850s. brought an abundant vintage copies, enthusiasticly met first French academyAnd then in Russia. The success of exhibitions and reports had "official" continuation. Synod, the Academy of Arts and the Imperial Surname sacrifice money for a new expedition to Sevastyanov. 6 Thanks to the practice, the amateur has become a subtle connoisseur of his subject. His strongly occupied the clarification of the origins of Christian art, which led to the preparation of the first Russian iconographic encyclopedia ("Key of Christian Iconography").

In order to understand what passionate collectors of Eastern Christian antiquities were Russian scientists, you need to look at the sight of ancient manuscripts at least one eye. For the sake of acquisition of the necessary manuscript, there was sometimes on the abduction of codes, cutting out the necessary sheets, etc., which, however, was in the spirit of time that had not yet known photocopying. However, the main goal was the increment of knowledge, and not the accumulation of objects. Porfiry (Uspensky), for example, even left his signature and the date of extracting a sheet with the information necessary for his scientific work (the name of the scribe, miniature, etc.) - as if dodging this leaf for a while. 7.

For the tradition of "enlightened collectibles" and later, many large scientists (A. S. Uvarov, N. P. Likhachev n others were restored). The interest in Byzantine antiquities was stimulated by the Collections and archaeological discoveries, it was constantly already in the XVIII century, and Russian-Turkish wars played a huge role in it. With the second floor. XVIII century In Russia, one after another was part of the territory on which many early Christian and Byzantine church monuments remained: Crimea, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Transcaucasia. In Chersonese and Kerch in the XIX century. The most important archaeological discoveries were made (though, first in the field of pre-Christian). By the middle of the century, however, we can talk about the excavations of large churches and about the real stream of Byzantine antiquities that have gone into the meetings of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The interest was supported from the end of the XVIII century. Labor translations on the overall history of Byzantium, and from the 1830-40s. - and special research in this area. (Kurbatov, 1975).

The antiquities of Byzantium were clearly realized by society, and the government as one of the areas of preferential scientific interests of Russia, the successes of Russian Byzantinistics were recognized in the second half of the XIX century. Luminous science luminaries (Karl Krumbach, for example, specially studied Russian). In 1888-94. Creation "Byzantine temporary" It was found to be the beginning of its organizational design (Medvedev, 1997; Medvedev, 1993; Sobolev, 1993). 8 New Journal, according to his actual editor of V. E. Regell and the largest Byzantinist V. G. Vasilyevsky Program, was intended to "satisfy the national need for a long time and at the same time to make unity and system in Byzantine classes in Russia, recently More and more expanding ... "Calculated that the magazine will help dispel indestructible" scientific myths "(what is relevant today); The gap between the confessional (Orthodox) and secular historical science as a harmful phenomenon was noted. nine

The "Byzantine Temperator" was conceived not as an exclusively Russian magazine, not as the "inner" edition of one of the local, national schools, but as the focus of the Byzantinisty of states located within the former possessions of Byzantium: Greece, Turkey, other countries of the Mediterranean. 10 The program did not accidentally underline the underlined attention to the archeology and the entire circle of special disciplines, "geography, topography, ethnography, chronology, numismatics, paleography and other auxiliary sciences that serve to understand Byzantium." In the second floor. The XIX century Russian science was deeply involved in the study of the church antiquities of the East and early Christianity. Russian experts of church antiquities often first aware of the prospects for the study of certain areas (for example, Coptic Egypt) and there were energetic and effective work in two to three decades, before the broad European and American and American science programs. Sin was not to use a public and political situation to scientific research.

Deeply symbolic that Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople (Raik, 1894-1914) - the first archaeological institution abroad of Russia, similar to the "schools" of Western European states to this day in ancient cities (Rome, Athens, Jerusalem) - appeared in Istanbul. The use in the name of the old, the Greek name of the capital of Byzantium emphasized the ideological focus of the action (about political correctness In relation to Turkey, it was not accepted to think). The project of the Institute in Constantinople was mainly prepared for the professors of the Novorossiysk University in Odessa (N. P. Kondakov, A. I. Bricks, F. I. Uspensky), but in its creation, the government's initiative was played (especially the Russian ambassador in Istanbul Alexander Ivanovich Nelidova), supported by led. kn. Konstantin Konstantinovich. eleven

The activity of the Rich, although he was released only 20 years of life - one of the most remarkable episodes in the history of Russian science on antiquities; Many of his projects significantly changed the traditional directions of scientific thought. The goal was to study the monuments of the Byzantine period, among which the huge place occupied, of course, church antiquities. At the head of the institute stood by the famous three-volume "history of Byzantium", the largest historian F. I. Uspensky, who managed to organize the study of "artistic archeology". When Rihar was founded by the Cabinet of Antiquities, which turned soon to a beautiful museum. Especially important and new was a sharp increase in the inventory studies of monuments of church architecture and painting.

At the end of the XIX - beginning. XX century Constantinople, in essence, remained a "forbidden city" for European science. The inaccessibility of his antiquities, and primarily the antiquities of Christian, became a serious brake in the overall development of Byzantinist. It was the Russian Institute, thanks to the move of political events and diplomatic support, the first of the foreign scientific institutions received from the Turkish authorities such rights to the intensive studies of Christian antiquities of Constantinople, which included the conduct of archaeological excavations in the temples. He fell out the honor to start the planned excavation of the church monuments of the early Christian Istanbul.

The first were revealed by the remains of the Temple of the Studiosky Monastery (Mosque of Serahror-Jami, affected by the earthquake of 1894). 12 At the head of the research stood a young secretary of Rich B. A. Panchenko and a permanent artist of the Institute Nikolai Karlovich Clog. Excavations were successful. Removal of late masonry and layers opened well-preserved basil V c. With mosaic floors, the ruins of which have been studied repeatedly since then. The East Wall of the Southern Nafa found "Igumen graves with the remains"; And nearby - the Latezantine Syplay-Osyman, built, apparently, after the plunder of the Crusader Temple at the beginning of the XIII century. (Turks hidden by a solution of the grave and the crypt remained unknown). The crypt overlap limestone plates with wonderful reliefs. But the materials of the excavation were not published and were mainly disappeared. Current reports on the work and a whole book dedicated to the iconography of the found lateral reliefs, these losses to compensate, of course, cannot. 13

A serious field fixation of monumental painting and architecture, not related to excavations, was held in the monastery of Choir (Cachrie-Jami) in 1899-1903. fourteen

The staff of the Institute began in Constantinople a number of projects, which were destined to have a big future, - but to bring them to the end of Russian science, alas, was not destined. Riik led an active observation and, as they would say today, "express work" at the construction facilities, under which one for another ancient church was opened. 15 According to these observations, data collected by the predecessors during construction work in Istanbul, and B. A. Painchenko's written sources began to capitalize materials for the historical topography of the city (almost the only arch then there was also a book of the Great French Byzantinist XVII century. Charles Dunzanza "Christian Constantinople"), but the materials almost died almost completely, and the task was destined to fulfill others. 16 When cleaning the city after a fire of 1912, Panchenko conducted particularly wide observations and recorded the remnants of the Grand Palace, and with the beginning of construction in its zone (1914) received permission to partial architectural studies, but because of the political situation, they could not deploy them. 17.

The field of work of the Rich was not limited to Constantinople, it was about the entire territory of the Ottoman Empire from the very beginning and wider - about all the "Byzantine space" (there were even projects to put the center in Jerusalem before the establishment of the institute). Rihich sought to collect information about the most promising monuments, his members checked traditional and developed new archaeological travel routes, conducting expeditions throughout the Mediterranean, and some of the projects remained unfulfilled (for example, the Russian-French expedition to Athos). 18 The assembled materials were published in the Izvestia of Riik, beautiful collections and monographs on church monuments of Byzantium (temples, their paintings and mosaics; manuscripts; archaeological research materials - such as excavations in Pliss). In total, 16 capital volumes were published (although the publication, as all the almost fundamental scientific works, was dismissed). nineteen

In October 1914, Turkey entered into world war and the activities of the institutions of the Entente countries on its territory was suspended. The property of the Rich was evacuated, but not quite successful (the director was subsequently forced to justify in his actions by orders over). 0 The last action carried out on the means of the Rica after his evacuation to Russia was an expedition to the condepsend occupied by the Russian army (see below). Attempts to restore the Rihar were taken in Soviet times (the first in the 1920s, then in 1945), but unsuccessfully. 21 structures similar to the Rich, to a certain extent that were the function of the political interests of Russia and its instrument in the competitive struggle with Western powers in the Middle East, which resembles the "military archaeological" strategy of France and the "diplomatic-intelligence" archeology, typical of England. However, over time, the high scientific level of the Rich and the contribution to the studies completely departed its "geopolitical" value.

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