Ethical problems in conducting a sociological study. Ethical problems in sociological research

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In any studies related to people, not only in sociology, ethical dilemmas may occur. Medical experiments on people, including patients and dying, became familiar, although not so easy to say how much these experiments are justified ethically. When testing a new drug in the interests of effectiveness, patients are tested. One group of patients can get a new medicine, and the other can say that she received it, although in fact it is not. Vera man in what he was given a healing medicine, may in itself lead to positive effects on health; It is possible to control this, giving medicine only half of the patients participating in the experiment. But will it be ethical? IN this case We are definitely approaching the boundaries of the permitted, much will depend on the actual efficacy of the drug. On the other hand, if you do without such experiments, the effectiveness of many drugs will remain unidentified.

Similar problems occur every time in sociological and marketing research in a situation where a deception is used in relation to the participants of the study.

Ethics - moral principles or values \u200b\u200bthat an individual or a group of individuals are guided in their behavior.

Researchers have commitments to their colleagues, customers and respondents; They must adhere to high standards Ethics not to undermine either your prestige or confidence in the collected information. Ethics also shows whether a specific action is true or incorrect, good or bad.

1. Ethics of sociological research

The moral norm, which sociologist should be guided, is primarily in objectivity (impersonal). This, however, should follow any researcher.

For sociologists, it is also important to observe strict confidentiality - to maintain that information in secret that may damage to people in the role of the surveyed.

Ethics of sociological research also includes issues that have to solve sociologist in organizing research, during its holding: how to be, if people refuse to participate in the experiments conducted, respond to the questions.

A practical assessment should be separated from the knowledge itself, for which the "intellectual honesty" must be taken. Sociology is not moral guidance, but the sociologist himself must be guided in its activities with moral principles, which is the case of its conscience. [2, c. 10]

The following basic principles should be considered by a sociologist as a guideline when choosing an ethical behavior in various contexts.

1) respect for human rights, his dignity and individuality.

Sociologists must respect the rights, dignity and individuality of each person. In Ov professional activity They must avoid prejudice, any forms of non-fear and discrimination against the floor; age; ethnic background; race; national origin; language; religion; incapacity; health status; family Regulations each person. They are obliged to be attentive to cultural, individual and role-playing differences in the provision of services, training and research groups of people with different characteristics. In all over practical activity

sociologists should recognize the rights of other people on their values, opinions and relationships other than their own.

2) Professional competence.

Sociologists are obliged to maintain the highest level of competence in their work; They understand that their professional opportunities have their limits, and are taken only for those tasks for whom they have enough education, skills and experience. They recognize the need for a constant increase in their educational level in order to remain professionally competent; They use appropriate scientific, professional, technical and administrative funds necessary to maintain their professional activities at the competent level. They consult with other professionals in order to improve their work with students, research participants and customers.

3) honesty.

In his professional activity - in scientific research, teaching, practical work, providing services - sociologists are obliged to act honestly, fairly and respect the rights and interests of each other and other people affected by their professional activities. Sociologists are obliged to build their relationships on the basis of confidence in each other and in no case to put forward consciously allegations of misleading or deception.

4) Professional responsibility.

Sociologists are required to adhere to the highest professional standards and take responsibility for their work. In their professional activities, they are guided by the fact that all together they constitute one community and are responsible for the development sociological knowledge and maintaining the authority of sociology in the scientific and socio-practical spheres of society. Sociologists are aware

the value of public confidence in the conclusions of sociology, they are interested in ethical behavior of each other, they are worried that some of them can compromise this trust. Sociologists should strive to act collegially, but should not allow this desire for collegiality to become more important than their personal responsibility for ethical behavior. If necessary, sociologists should consult colleagues to avoid violation of ethical standards.

5) Social responsibility.

Sociologists must understand their professional responsibility to society in which they live and work. They are obliged to submit their knowledge and skills to the benefit of society itself. Conducting research, sociologists should try to develop sociology as science and benefit society.

Ethical norms of sociological work are recorded in a number of regulatory documents. For example, in the International Procedure Code of Marketing and Sociological Research, ICC / Esomar, the Code of Ethics of the International Sociological Association (ISA), the Code of Ethics of the Sociological Sociological Association of Russia, the Code of Ethics of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), the Ethical Code of the Russian Marketing Association.

Their basic provisions are based on the principles of decency, honesty, social and professional responsibility of the interviewer. Respect for human rights, the dignity and individuality of the respondent, the medical principle is "not harming" in relation to Him concerning confidentiality issues, privacy of personal life, are the main aspects of the ethics of the interviewer.

2. Ethical marketing research problems

Ethics-- The section of philosophy, considering the actions of a person through the prism of their "adequacy" and "correctness" in terms of irreversive human values.

A number of aspects of marketing research has a strong ethical subtext. Marketing research is usually carried out on a commercial basis or independent firms (external subjects) or departments within corporations (internal entities). Most of the marketing research for the company's customers is carried out for the sake of profit, which sometimes forces marketers or customers to compromise with the objectivity of the study or professionalism associated with marketing research.

According to generally accepted views, three stakeholders are involved in the market of marketing research: the customer, the contractor and the public. They have certain obligations to each other and before the project of marketing research.

ICC / Esomar International Code of Marketing and Social Research.

General rules:

1.Marketing research should always be carried out objectively and in accordance with generally accepted scientific principles.

2. There should always comply with national and international legislation in force in the state included in this project.

Respondents' Rights:

1. Participation only on a voluntary basis

2. Respondents should remain anonymous

3. Researchers must make sure that this information will not be no one for any goals unrelated to MI, as well as the fact that the recipient of the information agrees to assist in accordance with the requirements of the ESOMAR code.

4. Respondents should be guaranteed from direct harm or other unwanted impact that may arise as a result of their participation in the study. The consent of parents should be obtained to the poll of children and young people. Or their guardian.

5. If during the study, it is necessary to use any technique or recording equipment and if it does not occur in public places, at the very beginning, the respondents must be prevented by the respondents about this technique or equipment. In such situations, the anonymity of the respondent is also not available. By their desire, the record or the corresponding partition should be destroyed or deleted.

6. Respondents should be able to check the name and details of the interviewer without difficulty.

Professional duties of researchers:

1. Researchers should not (deliberately or negligently) perform actions that can discredit the profession of a marketing researcher or lead to loss of public confidence in it.

2. Researchers should not make false statements about their (their organization) skills and experience.

3. Researchers should not unreasonably criticize or discredit other researchers.

4. Researchers should always strive to develop the study of the required quality on advantage of this quality of prices and take into account this in customer agreements.

5. Researchers must guarantee the safety of all relevant records at their disposal.

6. Researchers should not allow the dissemination of unconfirmed proposals made on the basis of a marketing research. They should always be ready to submit technical information confirming the accuracy of any published information.

7. They should not be combined with research any other work based on the use of personal information.

Mutual rights and obligations of researchers and customers:

Provided by the Code of Law and obligations are divided into 2 categories: the requirements of the first category determine the conditions for using information related to the conduct of MI and can be changed if the customer and researcher provided it in the text of the contract. Unless otherwise provided, then:

1. The client has no right to the exclusive use of the services of the researcher or its organization, in whole or in part. However, conducting work for different customers, the researcher must try to avoid possible collisions of interest between services provided to these customers.

2. Entries remain the property of the client and should not be represented by a third party without the consent of the client:

a. Summary of marketing research, specifications and other information provided by the Client;

b. Data research information projects (except for those projects in which several customers or services participated in the implementation of which the same data became available to more than one client).

3. A number of materials available from the researcher and the client of the material is the property of the researcher, and the client has no right to disclose their content to third parties. This refers here:

but. The proposal for the conduct in particular its section on the amount of payment. With this offer, the client has the right to acquaint only the consultant hired, well, or if it does not work on another project. Exception - when the development of the proposal was paid by the client;

b. The report, if only it is not publicly available to purchase or subscribe and is not prepared as a result of the work paid by several clients. Par permission from the researcher, the client has no right to disclose information;

in. Researcher's tools and other materials prepared by the researcher to implement the project.

4. The deadline for storing workers after the completion of the project must comply with generally accepted professional practice during this period on the client's request;

5. The artist should not tell the third party the name of the client, as well as any other secret information. Except as provided by law.

1. Cables are fully responsible for the truthfulness of publications based on materials, the form and content of publications is in advance with the Contractor.

2. If the survey in the questionnaire is combined in the questionnaire questions for different customers, the Contractor will inform the client about the fact of such an association

3. The researcher must inform the client in advance or as early as possible.

In the event that any part of the work for this client must be transferred to the subcontractor outside the organization of the researcher (including the use of consultants). At the request of the client, it must be reported by the details of such a subcontractor.

4. If the client wants to check the quality of work performed and ready to pay everything, the performer is obliged to provide such an opportunity

5. The researcher must provide the client by all relevant technical details of any research projectcarried out for this client.

6. The report on the results of the work of the Contractor should be clearly allocated:

but. Information collected during work

b. own interpretation of these information

7. Researchers should not allow the use of their names or names of organizations in connection with the research project as a guarantee that it is made in accordance with the requirements of this Code, if they are not sure about this.

8. Researchers must make sure that customers know about the existence of this Code and the need to comply with its requirements.


There is no single set of rules for solving ethical problems. An important feature of the head of the head is the availability of situations from which in general may not be ethically impeccable exit: refusing a "doubtful" order, you can leave your employees without livelihood.

To learn how to ethics, and most importantly, it is possible to form our own ethical beliefs on the basis of practical experience, often at the cost of expensive errors. Therefore, it should be constantly remembered about the ethical aspects of research.


sociological marketing ethics

1. Bakshtanovsky V.I. Applied Ethics: Idea, Base, Method of Existence / V.I. Bakshtanovsky, Yu.V. Sogmons // Vopr. philosophy. - 2007. - №? 9. - P. 39? 49

2. Bakshtanovsky V.I. Professional Ethics: Sociological Rackers / V.I. Bakshtanovsky, Yu.V. Sogmons // Socis: Sociol. Research - 2005. - №? 8. - P. 3? 13

3. Ganopolsky MG Professional morality as a project culture phenomenon / MG Ganopolsky, A. Tyotenseva // Vestn. Tyumen. State un-ta. - 2012. - №? 10. - P. 76? 83

4. Koter F. Marketing Basics: Per. from English - M.: Business Book, 2003. - P. 391

5. Peshkova, E.P. Marketing analysis in the activities of the company / E.N. Peshkov - M.: Ace-89, 2006. - p. 368

6. Solovyov, B.A. Marketing / B.A. Soloviev - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2003. - P. 381

7. Negotadin A.G. Public values, ethics of entrepreneurship, the processes of globalization and the peculiarities of Russia // Corporate Management. - 2002. - №? 6. - P. 35? 37.

8. Sergeeva, S.E. Effective marketing is the key to the success of the company / S.E. Sergeeva // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2000. - №? 2. - C.114? 120.

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The moral norm, which sociologist should be guided, is primarily in objectivity (impersonal). This, however, should follow any researcher.

For sociologists, it is also important to observe strict confidentiality - to maintain that information in secret that may damage to people in the role of the surveyed.

Ethics of sociological research also includes issues that have to solve sociologist in organizing research, during its holding: how to be, if people refuse to participate in the experiments conducted, respond to the questions.

A practical assessment should be separated from the knowledge itself, for which the "intellectual honesty" must be taken. Sociology is not moral leadership, but the sociologist himself must be guided in its activities with moral principles, which is the case of its conscience.

The following basic principles should be considered by a sociologist as a guideline when choosing an ethical behavior in various contexts.

1) respect for human rights, his dignity and individuality.

Sociologists must respect the rights, dignity and individuality of each person. In their professional activities, they are obliged to avoid prejudice, any forms of non-fear and discrimination against the floor; age; ethnic background; race; national origin; language; religion; incapacity; health status; Family position of each person. They are obliged to be attentive to cultural, individual and role-playing differences in the provision of services, training and research groups of people with different characteristics. In all its practical activities, sociologists should recognize the rights of other people on their values, opinions and relationships other than their own.

2) Professional competence.

Sociologists are obliged to maintain the highest level of competence in their work; They understand that their professional opportunities have their limits, and are taken only for those tasks for whom they have enough education, skills and experience. They recognize the need for a constant increase in their educational level in order to remain professionally competent; They use appropriate scientific, professional, technical and administrative funds necessary to maintain their professional activities at the competent level. They consult with other professionals in order to improve their work with students, research participants and customers.

3) honesty.

In their professional activities - in scientific research, teaching, practical work, the provision of services - sociologists are obliged to act honestly, fairly and respect the rights and interests of each other and other people affected by their professional activities. Sociologists are obliged to build their relationships on the basis of confidence in each other and in no case to put forward consciously allegations of misleading or deception.

4) Professional responsibility.

Sociologists are required to adhere to the highest professional standards and take responsibility for their work. In their professional activities, they are guided by the fact that all together they constitute one generality and are responsible for the development of sociological knowledge and maintaining the authority of sociology in the scientific and socio-practical spheres of society. Sociologists are aware of the value of public confidence in the conclusions of sociology, they are interested in ethical behavior of each other, they are worried that some of them can compromise this trust. Sociologists should strive to act collegially, but should not allow this desire for collegiality to become more important than their personal responsibility for ethical behavior. If necessary, sociologists should consult colleagues to avoid violation of ethical standards.

5) Social responsibility.

Sociologists must understand their professional responsibility to society in which they live and work. They are obliged to submit their knowledge and skills to the benefit of society itself. Conducting research, sociologists should try to develop sociology as science and benefit society.

In various textbooks of sociology, published abroad, as a rule, contains a section dedicated to the ethics of sociological research. It is advisable, however, to raise the issue more and consider the problem of ethics of any sociological activity, which, as noted earlier (see 4.1 and 4.2), is not reduced to sociological research. As for the latter, the moral norm, which sociologist must be guided, is primarily in objectivity (impact). This, however, should follow any researcher.

For sociologists, it is also important to observe strict confidentiality - to maintain that information in secret that may damage to people in the role of the surveyed. To illustrate this rule, we usually refer to the study of various kinds of illegal behavior - homosexuality, drug addiction, prostitution, etc. It is clear that the work of the researcher cannot be identified with the work of the investigator, although there are some similarities in their work. In one of the textbooks of sociology, it is described, for example, about the inventive ways to conduct a study of homosexuals. The researcher, on the one hand, managed to characterize the family life of the studied, without issuing their secrets to any close nor the police. On the other hand, as a result of the study, it was possible to attract the attention of public opinion to the fact of an unfair assessment of the behavior of homosexuals, to prove that their behavior is not

socially dangerous and should not be criminal offended32.

Ethics of sociological research also includes issues that have to solve sociologist in organizing research, during its holding: how to be, if people refuse to participate in the experiments conducted, respond to the questions. The characteristic of the ethics of sociological research is responsible for such issues: if the subjects of a sociological study are not aware of the true purpose of the observer, is this invasion in their private life And to what extent is this invasion?

Indeed, a number of problems arise due to the fact that the source of sociological information is the person himself. And the preservation of his dignity, respect for its right not to give compromising information or report the information that he would like to keep secret is the law of a sociologist. This, by the way, is one of the differences in the activity of a sociologist-researcher and a lawyer of the investigator. In many cases, the delicacy of the sociologist, its contact becomes a prerequisite for obtaining information.

But there is a more complex problem, similar to those referred to when it was about socio-engineering activities (see 4.2.2). In applied research, the question often arises to which one can not always give an unequivocal answer: whether sociologist can give the customer (as a representative of the authorities, or a manager of any level) information that will hurt to people will complicate their position. (They will be fired, will be transferred to another job, finally, will close the enterprise, etc.)? Should a sociologist proceed from the interests of "business", who seems to be an official who gave an order, or the debt of a sociologist - proceed from the interests of people who were examined? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question.

Much depends on the method of "filing" of information, its interpretation and comprehension (they will be completed on the examples, which were previously provided - see 4.2.2). It is clear that all kinds of information falsifying information attempts are categorically unacceptable, even if they were guided by the "good" motivations, "humanistic" ideals. Nevertheless, the commandment is "not harming" not to a lesser extent than

the doctor must be guided by sociologist. To give accurate recipes, as in each case, follow this commandment, almost impossible. This can suggest moral intuition, which the sociologist must be developed.

If you listen, however, to the classics of sociology, which were able to reflect and combine civil debt with high levels Professionalism, then the position of Max Weber is interesting. He believed that activity in the field of sociology was inextricably linked with ethics, although Sociology itself cannot serve as a moral guidance, because its task is to give an unbiased knowledge. However, the sociologist must adhere to special ethics, which M. Deber called "ethics of responsibility." Its essence is that it is necessary to foresee the consequences of its activities. This principle M. Deber distributed both teaching work. He believed that the only specific virtue, which should be brought up in students, is "intellectual honesty." By this, he did not want to say that they should prepare "clean specialists" in the most direct sense of this expression. He wanted to emphasize only that one and more should be divided - professionalism and moral debt, because the latter is connected with deep personal life decisions, "to which everyone should come to himself" and which he should gain "in its own conscience" 33.

So, a practical assessment should be separated from the very knowledge, to obtain which it is necessary to show "intellectual honesty." Sociology is not moral leadership, but the sociologist himself must be guided in its activities with moral principles, which is the case of its conscience. But where does the sociologist take these principles how his moral position is formed? A crucial role in this, according to M. Deber, is playing philosophy. It is it that allows you to estimate the meaning of sociological activities, to form the ability to foresee its results. We again came to where they started familiarizing with sociology, finding out her connection with other areas of knowledge and, in particular, with philosophy (see 1.2.2): to recognizing the significance of philosophy for sociology. For practical activities in the field of sociology, it is important

Sociology and social life

the way we decide for yourself philosophical problems: the question of the meaning of human life in general, the meaning of sociological activities in particular.

And yet, although Sociology itself does not produce moral leadership, the exercise in the field of sociology contributes to the formation of a humanistic moral position. This can be explained as follows: Sociologists deal with the most different numerous human needs and problems; They see the scale of the distribution of certain phenomena, preventing people to express themselves, realize their abilities; They use such methods in their work, which cause people to frankness, encourage to see in the sociologist of the intercession, give rise to hope for solving the problem.

We give examples to illustrate this conclusion. In the 1980s, when they began to practice a different kind of surveys, in sociological centers, held them, came to letters with gratitude for the fact that they finally became interested in the opinion ordinary peopleOr with detailed explanations of the positions expressed in the questionnaires, as well as recommendations, how to change the current situation. They also wrote desperate people with a request to help, defend, answer various questions. With similar situations, sociologists who worked in the sphere of labor sociology and conducted research in various labor collectives are: representatives of the enterprise staff, especially ordinary workers, told the sociologist sometimes that they would not tell anyone else. Naturally, this can not not find a response in the consciousness of a sociologist, can not affect its moral position. It can be assumed that accordingly sociologists to a greater extent than representatives of other public disciplines, tend to become in the position of socially unprotected segments of the population. As the American sociologist Herbert Hans writes, for example: "I personally got the impression that sociologists conducting research among representatives of the lower layer are largely inclined to support them, while economists are more likely to consider them a dangerous group" 34.

It is not by chance that representatives of the authorities often relate to sociology or negatively, or wary, counting

that she is conclusive, "subversive" character. Indeed, as a result of research, new problems are often detected, and those known previously can acquire a completely different meaning. So, the introduction of compulsory universal secondary education in the former USSR (which was presented as the greatest public good) in the specific social and economic and economic conditions of the country gave rise to new problems in the field of labor - the unwillingness of young people to work. High employment of women in national economy (which was also considered a blessing, a sign of equality) in the absence of necessary public forms The organization of extracurricular time of children and adolescents contributed to the growth of the number of young criminals, etc. It is sociologists who reported to public opinion the complexity of these and many other problems and made otherwise evaluating various large-scale solutions that were taken before that.

Power representatives their negative attitude to sociology demonstrate precisely when the positions of sociologists do not correspond to their own positions. There is a temptation to "correct" sociological data or declare them not corresponding to reality, since "sociology is generally imperfect" or it is these sociologists "not at height", etc. Favoricity to sociology is shown in the case when the data confirm the "correctness" of the leadership views, expediency " course"Well, a sociologist, in any case, should defend its point of view, to protect the results obtained by them, to show independence and independence of judgments - in this, first of all, it consists of not only professional, but also a civil debt." Intellectual honesty " Above, and the ability to defend it for a sociologist - manifestation of civil position. And this position should not depend on what political party sociologist at the same time comes to what public movements He is adjacent.

Of course, the relationship between the sociologist with the political and economic elite of society is contradictory. On the one hand, he must show independence and independence, and on the other - it is, of course, dependent on the "power of this world." After all, the main resources (financial, political, organizational, "popularization", etc.), without

Sociology and social life

which cannot be studied and the more impossible to implement the recommendations obtained as a result of the study are in their hands. An alternative for power structures and public financing is various public and private funds, sponsors, commercial structures. Classes in the field of sociology Prepass-1 The ability to find such a "patron", which would have given the opportunity to maximize "sociological resources" and the individual abilities of a sociologist with the "low cost" of moral order.

Given the special complexity and responsibility of the sociologist's activities, the significance for the implementation of this activity of moral principles and civil position, sociological communities are trying to coordinate sociological activities. In many countries, national sociological associations create various kinds of codes that regulate the work of a sociologist, relationships within the sociological community, the interaction of a sociologist and society. So, the American Sociological Association "Code of Ethics" was adopted in 1971, revised in 1989. In 1987, the "Professional Code of the Sociologist" was adopted by the Soviet Sociological Association.

It is characteristic that the CSA Code began with the following position: "Sociologist in his daily activities is guided primarily by public interest" 35. The code contained norms regulating research activities sociologist, maintaining scientific discussions and controversy, the ratio of a sociologist to other ideas and people, to scientific publications and relationships with the surveyed. Responsibility was also determined for violation of the sociologist's professional code. At the Presidium, the CCA also created the Council on Professional Ethics, which was designed to consider cases of violation of the Code and give them an appropriate assessment.

After the collapse of the USSR, it was necessary to create codes that would regulate the activity of the sociologist within the respective country. So, the Institute of Socio-Political Studies Russian Academy sciences on the basis of the American "Code of Ethics" prepared "rules of work and ethical norms", which can be

view as a draft of the new sociologist code for Ros-; Siy scientists. Here, the center of gravity was moved from responsibility before the state for social responsibility of PE-preparing itself to future sociological activities, the words faithful Mills for young people should be remembered: "Let me remind you, my young reader that the thinkers you have honored with such admiration, Life and work were not divided. They were very serious about their interpenetration, allowing each other to enrich each other. Although, of course, in ordinary people, life and work are divided. You will have to make sure that you have an exceptional opportunity to plan your own way. life Paththat he will be a reliable support of Gvorçug. The scholarship is the choice of how to live, and at the same time this is a choice of career. Do you know that the intellectual person forms | yourself as it and at the same time as he is improving! in skill? To realize your potential and accuracy- | The opportunities that fate throws up to him, scientists designed their own character, which is the core of its best qualities as a professional "37.

Ethics sphere.

General ethical problems of science:

a) responsibility to society as a whole (high moral principles and side results, material costs);

b) responsibility to the scientific community (subtoping results, plagiarism);

Specific problems social Sciences (vivisection):

a) the accuracy of the information (possible distortion);

b) the consent and cooperation of the subjects;

c) confidentiality;

d) deception and cruelty.

In any studies related to people, not only in sociology, ethical dilemmas may occur. Medical experiments on people, including patients and dying, became familiar, although not so easy to say how much these experiments are justified ethically. When testing a new drug in the interests of effectiveness, patients are tested. One group of patients can get a new medicine, and the other can say that she received it, although in fact it is not. Vera man in what he was given a healing medicine, may in itself lead to positive effects on health; It is possible to control this, giving medicine only half of the patients participating in the experiment. But will it be ethical? In this case, we are definitely approaching the boundaries of the permitted, much will depend on the actual efficacy of the drug. On the other hand, if you do without such experiments, the effectiveness of many drugs will remain unidentified.

Similar problems occur every time in a sociological study in a situation where a deception is used in relation to the participants of the study. An example is the famous and controversial experiment Stanley Milgrim. He set the task to reveal how those who are ready to hurt another, receiving the appropriate teams over.

Was this deception is ethically acquitted, especially since the participants surveyed found their experience unusually heavy, knocking out of the rut? The general opinion of the experiment critics was that the study "went too far", since the reception used contained a potential psychological hazard for volunteers. However, it is unclear where the line between the "prosperous" and "unforgivable" lie. Milgrim's study was extremely widely known not so much due to the scaldings, as a result of the stunning results he received, this study showed that many people are ready for brutal actions towards others if they "give an order" to do it.

Ethical problems arise in sociology also due to the possible consequences of publications that use research results. Subjects of research can calculate the results offensive or because they are depicted in unattractive, in their opinion, light, or because the views and methods of behavior, which they would prefer to leave their personal property, were committed to publicity, in public life, people make many actions They would not want to make public domain.

In most cases, despite the possible hostility from both the participants in the study and the rest, the duty of a sociologist is to make the results of the study by the general heritage. In fact, it is one of the most important contributions that sociological research can make the education of a free and open society. As it was once noticed, " good study Be sure to annoy someone. Probably a sociologist should not be afraid of this if his research Competently performed, and the conclusions made are supported by clear arguments. But the sociologist researcher must carefully assess the possible consequences of the publications of its research, as well as form in which he represents them. Often the researcher seeks before the publication to discuss these issues with those whom they concern.