Annotation to the research work of an elementary school student. Diatery of data logging


to research work on the topic: "The teacher dynasty - the phenomenon is precious and inexplicable!"

The work was performed by Vorobyanskaya Anastasia, student of grade 6, MBOU Kyndelinskaya Sosh Tashlinsky district.

Veteran of pedagogical labor, a member of the Great Patriotic War, Honored Teacher of the School of the RSFSR, Chairman of the District Organization of Society "Knowledge".

In September 1931 he entered the school. At the end of Shumayevskaya elementary school He studied in the Tashlin secondary school, which he graduated in 1942. In 1940 he joined the ranks of the W CLKSM.

In March 1942 he was called in the ranks Soviet army and sent to the Chkalovskaya school of Voalnfeldshers, which he graduated in January 1943. The title of younger Lieutenant of the Medical Service was awarded and sent to the Leningrad Front as a senior military parachor of a separate sapper company 73 Marine Route Brigade, where he participated in battles until September 1943.

From 1943 to 1945 - fought on the Leningrad, Belarusian, II Ukrainian fronts, in Poland and Germany. Was demobilized in 1946

Since March 1946, teacher activities began, and in May of the same year he joined the CPSU ranks. He worked as a history teacher and wrap in Vyazovskaya part-time secondary school.

From August 1947 to April 1951, teacher and teacher of the history of Tashlin secondary school, from April 1951 to June 1954 - Director of this school.

From June 1954 to October 1959, the head of Tashlinsky Rono.

From October 1959 to September 1961. At the party work, the secretary of the Tashlin RK CPSU, from September 1961 to December 1962 - 2 Secretary of the Tashlin RK CPSU.

From 1985 to 1988 - Director of Tashlin School No. 2.

He led the regional organization of the Society "Knowledge", conducted an active lecture work as a lecturer-international.

Delegate II of the All-Union Congress of Teachers 1968, twice (in 1972 and 1990) was elected by a delegate of All-Union Congresses of Society "Knowledge", was part of the propagandist delegation in Germany.

In 1978, the title of "Honored Teacher of the RSFSR School" was awarded.

Repeatedly elected by a deputy and a member of the executive committee of the district council of people's deputies, a member of the Bureau of the CPSU.

Awarded the orders of the Labor Red Banner, Patriotic War II, 12 medals: "For the defense of Leningrad", "For the victory over Germany", "250 years of Leningrad", "for the development of virgin", etc., Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the icon "Excellent of Folk Enlightenment."

Pedagogical experience of 42 years.

From 1945 married to Czech Maria Alekseevna, who worked as a librarian in Tashlin secondary school before retirement.

Brought up three children.

In 1958 she graduated from the Orsk Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Initial Classes and the Fundamentals of Pedagogy. Since 1959 he worked as a physical education teacher in the Labor High School, he met a young beautiful girl, they got married and in 1964 were sent to Kilinsky high school, he worked as an organizer for extracurricular work, became a communist, worked for 10 years. In 1974, when a secondary school was formed in the village, he was sent by the director. For 9 years was the director of this school, he taught history and social education, then worked as a teacher primary classes. Pedagogical experience of 30 years. After retirement care, worked in the collective farm.

My Tring Upbabatu Salo (Rozhkov) Maria Andreevna - Vladimir Kirillovich's wife was born on August 17, 1948. In 1965, he began working in the Kalininian secondary school a pioneer vacancy, received in absentia in the Orenburg Pedagogical Institute for Naturally - Biological Faculty. Was versatile developed man, erudite teacher. Her work experience was summarized by the Institute for the Improvement of teachers and was distributed throughout the Orenburg region. He lectured at the Institute for Improvement of Teachers for the Organization of Circle Works and Student Projects. Under her leadership, a student production team "Dolphin" was created for the cultivation of calves on the farm. He worked a "carnation" circle for growing colors. The Cabinet of Biology was one of the best in the area, in the office there was a living corner: aquariums, terrariums with marine pigs and a very big variety of plants. At the school, a greenhouse was created, where they grown seedlings for a school site. Maria Andreevna laid a school plot in a new school. Maria Andreevna worked in the creative team, she very warmly responds about Sautkina Taisi Petrovna - teacher geography of the same school (her girlfriend), about the silence of Valentina Efimovna - teacher of foreign languages, Burlaka T. in - teacher of the Russian language and literature, Nikishena E. A. - Teacher of the Russian language and literature, about Sadarenko Maria Kuzmichnina - teacher of primary classes, man of the crystal soul, about the spouses Shevchuk et al. Collaborated with teachers of the biology of neighboring schools, for example, with Davydchenko Alexander Vasilyevna - teacher of the biology of Novokamensk secondary school. Together with her we went to the Borov school of the Buzuluksky district, adopt experience in the organization of internical work. Bathed in the month of September in the Borovka River. Cabinet biology (head.) Was equipped with technical means very good for that time. The teacher from the Institute of Improvement of teachers has been for a long time in the Kalinin school and generalized the experience of Maria Andreevna. Huge support from the director of the school Ivan Petrovich Kuznetsova and the enthusiasm of the teacher gave a positive result. Here, in this school, Maria Andreevna worked for 10 years, and then together with her husband moved to Vyazovskaya high school, worked for 10 years and went to rest on the length of service. Pedagogical experience 25 years. Brought up 3 children.

My roshoshnaya Prababato Pushina (Salo) Nina Alekseevna Born in 1938 in the family of Alexei Emelyanovich Salo and Mirgorod (Salo) Ganna Ivanovna simple workers. After graduation, a biology teacher was sent to Kurtashinsky 8-year school. He studied in absentia in the Orenburg ped. Institute on Naturally - Biological Faculty since 1956 - 1961. In 1954 he left the family to the city of Mednogorsk. At first, he worked in high school number 12, and after birth, the second daughter moved to work in the SRM teacher of biology and chemistry. According to family circumstances, they were forced to move to the village of grateful, where 1 year worked as an educator in the extended day group. Then they moved to Tashl, he worked as a teacher, Methodist Rono on evening education, in 1986 he moved to work in the second school teacher biology and chemistry. And worked up to 70 years of age. Headed school district, conducted open lessons and events for teachers of the district, collaborated with the Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, headed by RMO of chemistry and biology teachers. Veteran of labour. Now leads an active lifestyle, sings in the district chief "Sudarushka", he is engaged in needlework, very well knit crochet, finished products gives her relatives and girlfriends. This is a man with a huge generous soul. Pedagogical experience of 52 years.

2.2. Second branch genealogical tree

My grandmother Salo (Radaeva) Maria Ivanovna Born on March 10, 1953, in the village of Wide Tashlinsky district. Here she graduated from the eight-year, continued his studies in Novokamenskaya high school. Successfully passed the entrance exams in the Orenburg Pharmaceutical School, but he thought. Yes, and parents advised to become a teacher. On the recommendation of the Director of the Novocamen Central Secondary School Vladimir Georgievich Vlasov in 1970, a girl was sent by the teacher of history and geography in the village of Irtek. In the same year, Maria Ivanovna Radaeva became a student of the Chkalovsky Pedagogical Institute. Having successfully graduating from him, he received the appointment as a teacher of history and social studies in the Cyndelian secondary school. Here she proved the loyalty of the chosen profession, he ordered a character, managed to show himself a great teacher, a thoughtful teacher, a true friend for his students. In found and family.

For four decades, Maria Ivanovna gives strength and knowledge to girls and boys, teaches them to deal with people and be useful society. Good, responsive, she can calm down in a difficult moment.

In the team, it respects and appreciate, as an open, generous to participate, man. Many of her students went in the footsteps of their teacher, and what heights did not rose each of them, they are not sick of success, because they know: Maria Ivanovna does not cease to be interested in their fate and can give a fair and wise assessment of their actions. For former pupils, Maria Ivanovna Salo remains a senior comrade. One can only admire her by professionalism: Maria Ivanovna is constantly working on improving the level of pedagogical knowledge, a lot reads a lot, vividly interested in all the innovations, advanced methods of teaching the subject. She participates in the district, regional and all-Russian competitionsHe is a member of the pedagogical club "First of September". It is compiled and successfully used by the author's programs for the "History of Russian Peasantry Supplies", elective course "Oral history and regional studies", a program for the local history "Russian Starina". This allowed her to achieve significant results in the project and research activities Students, accumulate a rich local lore material on the history of the village, schools, family dynasties living in Kindel. Her disciples occupy prizes in the competitions of social projects on the history of the family, a professional choice on the basis of the employment center, the competition called "Take a look at the family album" with the presentation of students' school students.

Maria Ivanovna has been led by a school local history museum for many years, on the basis of which interesting and informative events for children, rural holidays and excursions were held. Maria Ivanovna thanks to his perseverance and deep knowledge achieved significant results in the organization of research activities of schoolchildren.


1999- Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region;

2008- Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

2009.- The winner of the competition "The Best Teachers of Russia", which took place within the priority national project "Education";

2012 - thanks to the administration of the Tashlin district;

2012 - thanks to the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region and the Prosecutor's Office of the Orenburg region;

2013.- Thank you from GBU "Tszn Tashlinsky district";

2013 - Thanksgiving letter from Muuo Tashlinsky Rayna.

It has the title of veteran of labor. Pedagogical experience: 43 years old.

My cousin Ryshev (Salo) Svetlana Nikolaevna

Since 1973 he worked as a foreign language teacher in Kamennaimanguil Tashlinsky district.
In 1974 he graduated from the Institute with a degree in French and German Yayki, worked in a rural school teacher.
In 1978 he moved to Orsk where he worked as a teacher foreign languages. Pedagogical experience: 35 years.

My cousin Salo (Concessorebina) Valentina Fedorovna - Alexander Nikolayevich's wife was born on November 22, 1951 in the city of Orsk. He studied perfectly and led public operation

(Chairman of the Druzhina Council, secretary of the Komsomol School organization) in 1969 he graduated from school and entered the Orsk Pedagogical Institute for the Physics and Mathematical Department. From September to December 1973, he worked as a physician teacher in the Stamno district of the Imangulovskaya school of the Tashlinsky district. From 1978, he worked in the city of Orsk teacher of mathematics.
11/25/1994 - an excellent student of folk enlightenment
05/23/1999 Labor veteran
in school 31 worked 28 years
from June 1996 - July 2009, at the same time, with work at school, he worked in the year-round sanatorium camp with senior tutor
from 2010 to the present, working as a teacher of mathematics at the rehearsal center, preparing children to GIA and EGE. Pedagogical experience: 40 years.

2.3. Third branch of the genealogical tree

My mother, Vorobyanskaya (Salo), Yulia Alekseevna and my uncle, who continued the teacher's Salo dynasty, were born in my grandfather and grandmother's family.

My Mom Vorobyanskaya (Salo) Julia Alekseevna Born on August 16, 1977 in the village of Kindel studied in the Kindelin Central Security Council, which he graduated from 1994. In 1997 he graduated pedagogical College in the specialty teacher of primary classes. In 2003 he graduated from Orenburg State pedagogical University in the specialty teacher biology. Since 1997, and now he has been working in the Kindelin Central Security Teacher of Biology. Since 2011, chairman from 2011 trade union organization. Since 2009, he has been heading a school area, which is the best in the area and region.

During the time it shows high level Scientific - methodical knowledge in the field of biology and ecology. Julia Alekseevna monitors new trends and directions of education system, is a participant in a permanent seminar and the head of the school Mo teachers of the natural geographical cycle.

Has awards:

2012. -Ind grades department of the administration of the Tashlin district № 000 dated 15.06.10.

2013.- gratitude to the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region No. 01-21 / 171 of January 28, 13. Diploma of the Center for the Development of the RF G. Perm (2010).

2012.- Grand Gaudoda "Oodbz" for the best methodical material According to the patriotic education of young citizens "Keeping small homeland - Revive Russia. "

2012. Diploma I degree of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region.

With her husband, Vitaly Vitaliy Vladimirovich brought up two daughters: Anastasia, 2002 R., Svetlana 2006. Pedagogical experience is 17 years old.

My uncle Born on April 10, 1979. In 1996 he graduated from the Kindelin Secondary School entered the pedagogical college. After graduating from college before calling in the ranks of the Armed Forces, he worked in the Kindelin Central Security Teacher physical culture. Pedagogical experience: 2 years.

In the family of teachers and Valentina Fedorovna were born sons, one of which became a teacher.

My cousin uncle Born on March 12, 1976. In 1999 he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Orsk Pedagogical Institute, since 1999 he worked in the village of Khmelevka Gay district by a physics teacher. Then he received the second higher education teacher - a psychologist.
He began to work as a psychologist in the MIA system. The Orenburg detachment was twice in Chechnya, worked at the Psychological Center in the city of Khankale, the Republic of Chechnya.

Pedagogical experience: 18 years old.

The dynasty continues in the family of Salo Viktor Nikolayevich and Taiiy Vladimirovna Son and daughter Elena Viktorovna Pedagogues.


There are many professions where the continuity of generations is a success cement. Pedagogical dynasty - the phenomenon is precious and inexplicable. The teacher, working intensively, by calling, gives all the school. All that he has, among other things, their own children are included in the educational process. In our pedagogical dynasty 14 teachers 14 vital roads. After all, this whole story of human destinies, which includes only a common pedagogical experience of 350 years! There is something to be proud of the young generation! Although they all worked and work in different time And in different places, but everyone had one common goal: to correct children, give them strong knowledge and grow decent people.

Thus, every generation of teachers of our family takes all the best to their senior mentors. The secrets of pedagogical skills are transmitted to the successors of the teacher's case.

I would like to finish my job a poem

Dynasty - Proud Word,
Sleep generations in it.
We are the glory of the labor of our ancestors
We carry through the years.

Hereditary doctor Ile Teacher ...

How nice and proudly sounds!

And in line with family happiness

The spirit of the unity is boiling.

In the glory of a single case

They were born on earth.

Secrets and Experience, and Knowledge

Inherited passed.

So let them grow, flourish.

For the benefit of the beloved country.

After all, labor dynasties

Undoubtedly, you need and important!


1. The chronicle of Tashlin secondary school number 2.

2. Materials of the district newspaper "Mayak".

3. Materials of the School Local Lore Museum.

4. Scientific and Methodical Journal "Primary School" No. 7, 2009, "Three Centuries in Pedagogy", 128 p.

5. "Teacher, the name of yours ...", IC "Union of Group", 2010, -169 p.

Internet sites.


My rosulor Prababatushka

My rosulidic great-grandfather - on the front

My rosium great-grandfather with wife Maria Andreevna

My Tring Upbabatu Salo (Rozhkov) Maria Andreevna

My roshoshnaya Prababato Pushina (Salo) Nina Alekseevna

My grandmother Salo (Radaeva) Maria Ivanovna

"Research works of younger schoolchildren" - the object of study - New Year's holiday. The subject of the study is to study the history of the monument. Tropein Andrei, grade 1 student. And we will try to take care of the beauty of the Northern Word. ". History of creating a sculpture monument "Soldier". Development research skills and skills junior schoolchildren In the lesson and in extracurricular work.

"Scientific research work of students" - an individual module. We form a technical task in accordance with the issues. Scientific research work of students (NIR) in the magistracy. A graduate student has the right. Estimates for the implementation of the Nir are fixed. Evaluation of the results of Nirts. The results obtained NIR. The results obtained can be represented in various forms.

"Stages of research work of schoolchildren" - literary sources. Educational and research activities of schoolchildren. Selected topic. Examples of design of bibliographic links. Structure of school research work. Applications. Studying transport hubs. Results and its discussion. Literature review. Summary of the results of work.

"Work of the study" - justification of the relevance of the topic. Serve to illustrate any phenomenon. Naturalistic and descriptive. Lyubimova Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher of the highest category, work experience of 23 years. Determination of research activities. Do not know the work process - 62%. Conclusion: Used-62%, do not use-38%.

"Children's research work" - Title page. Drawing drawings. Structure of work. The numbers shown in brackets. Methodology for creating children's educational and research works. Requirements for research work. Approach to the removal of the industrial. Registration of the list of literature. Monthly publications. Additional requirements. Pages are numbered by Arabic numbers.

"Research work" - submission of research. Criteria for assessing research works. Scientific tasks (the studied value depends on the presence of many factors). 2002. Model 3. In any case, everything starts with the help of the teacher. Basic course topics: how to write research work. Structure of research work.

Annotations of the best research works of students who have encountered prizes on the regional NPK "Step to Future"

· Features of the conclusion of an employment contract with minors

Egorova Evgenia Dmitrievna, MBOU "Secondary school №7

them. V.N. Pushkareva "MO" Ostrovsky District ", 11th grade

Employment of minors helps them acquire a certain experience in one or another area of \u200b\u200bactivity, to implement creative potential, as well as support the financial well-being of the family. But many schoolchildren weakly own legal knowledge. This is the relevance of this study. Objective: Find out that schoolchildren know about the peculiarities of the conclusion of an employment contract with minors. The following tasks have been solved during the work: Labor Code and Comments on it are studied in the section "Conclusion of an employment contract with minors"; A comparison of employment indicators of minors for 2009-2011 has been made. in the island of employment center; Identified knowledge of students on this issue. The level of legal knowledge was investigated on the issue of employment of minors through the materials of the survey of high school students of School No. 7.

In the course of the study, it was found that in most cases a minor, having arranged to work, does not know about the peculiarities of the conclusion of the employment contract. Therefore, recommendations on employment of minors have been created.

· Large families and their role in solving demographicsituations in Russia

Alekseeva Anastasia Vitalevna, MBOU "Secondary School No. 7. V.N. Pushkareva "MO" Ostrovsky District ", 10th grade

The work considered the problems of a large family through the prism of solving the problem of the demographic situation in Russia. A large family is at the origins of the decision of a demographic problem in the country. Therefore, the topic studied is relevant and modern. The purpose of the work: to study the problems of large families in modern Russia, consider the role of such a family in the mass consciousness.

The following tasks have been solved: documents and materials on large families in Russia have been studied, problems of large families and some ways to solve them are identified, according to the results of a sociological survey, an image of a large family is compiled. Collected and analyzed information about large families in the Ostrovsky district and in his school. At the same time, the following methods were used: collection, analysis, systematization of information through printed publications and the Internet, representing information in graphical form methods of mathematical statistics, survey, survey, interview.

The author came to the following conclusions: Support for large families is the possibility of overcoming the demographic crisis in the country; Students of the school are not fairly informed about large families, most do not quite understand her problems, together with them there is a proper understanding of their future family.

· Sea of \u200b\u200btaste in the ocean of life

(Study of certain types of chips and carbonated drinks)

Dadilo Lilia Aleksandrovna, MBOU "Average general education

School number7. V.N. Pushkareva "MO" Ostrovsky District ", 11th grade

Currently, the global environmental problem of humanity becomes the problem of a multifactoric effect on the organism of people of nutritional supplements, other components of food used by young people. The chosen theme is undoubtedly relevant, as people are increasingly useing unfulfilled products that adversely affect the functions of human organs.

Objective: Analysis of certain types of chips and carbonated drinks, most frequently used students of our school.

This goal is implemented through the study of scientific and popular literature, Internet resources, collecting information, sociological survey of students and their parents, analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization of the data obtained, representing their graphics. An examination of chips and carbonated beverages was carried out and the influence of various components on human health is clarified.

· Great river

Siyarov Ivan Eduardovich, Matveeva Valeria Valerievna,

MBOU "Secondary school № 7 them. V.N. Pushkareva "

MO "Ostrovsky district", 3 class A

Everyone has his name, his parents carefully pick up his child. And who gives the names of the mountains, rivers, cities, why are they called that? And do they justify their name? The answer to these questions, young researchers tried to find in their work about the relative and beloved River of the Great, flowing in the city of island.

The analysis of the theoretical material has given clear and specific ideas about the history of the name of the river, its geography.

Great value is the use of an interview method as a primary source of information, as well as testing the ability to apply this method.

Work has an environmental orientation, demonstrates the beginning of the formation of the social maturity of the younger schoolboy.

The study can be used in the lessons of the surrounding world, the history of the native land, in extracurricular work.

Take part!

Among tasks with the parameters of those included in profile EME In mathematics, you can select a special class of tasks, which are almost impossible to solve with standard school techniques. Often the functions in the left and right parts of the equation have a fundamentally different nature, which does not allow using an analytical approach. And the complex appearance of these expressions makes the construction of graphs. An output in this situation may be a minimax method for solving problems with parameters, which relies on the use of monotony and limited functions.

Some lessons may seem boring children. And then discipline starts to suffer in classes, schoolchildren quickly get tired and do not want to participate in the discussion.

Case lessons were created to combine training school knowledge with acutely necessary competencies, such as creativity, systemic and critical thinking, dedication and others.

Thanks to Cases, you can help the schoolboy to benefit and enjoy learning, cope with his personal problems!

Read new articles

Many are asked the question, because the so-called "sammary" ("Description" from English) may be needed both to an article and a program or to any project. Depending on the details for annotation, special requirements may be placed. We will consider them.

What is abstract

As already mentioned a little higher, abstract is a description. This word happened from the Latin analogue denoting "Note". That is why another definition of annotation is considered a brief description.

How to write annotation

So you have already done some written work. Now it needs to competently arrange. How to write an annotation for work? Now you will understand that it is completely not a problem. The main thing, adhere to the basic rules and the following advice:

  • include the characteristic of the main topic;
  • write briefly and essentially;
  • select the main thing;
  • tell the essence of the work without going into key details;
  • catch.

What you need to know before you write an annotation

As a person is found along the clothes, and the scientific article is met by annotations. Her task is to show that the author knows how to systematize and analyze information, and also briefly, it is cooled and clear it. How to write an annotation to the article so that the work looks like a more presentable?

  • This article is argued by ...
  • The article introduces research ...
  • Special attention is focused on ...
  • Characteristic features are allocated and described ...
  • The relevance of this article is ...
  • The author traveled to the formation ...
  • The rationale is provided ...
  • The glances are outlined ...

It is important to emphasize in the annotation, which is the innovation of the work than it stands out among others why it is worth familiar with it.


Consider an example of how to write an annotation to the article (the work contains the projects of space elevators):

"This work is an analysis of the latest achievements in the field of space aerotechnics. Possible projects of development of space elevators are systematized. On the basis of these data, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the models are given."

Annotation to the Economic Article:

"The article introduces a study in the field of government and state procurement. The reorganization of this process has been proposed. The conclusions are made on the basis of the analysis of the financing of the education and health system of such states as the USA, Britain and Korea. Comparison economic reforms Russian Federation and these countries. Special attention is paid to the relationship between economic processes In Russia and its mentality. "

To the project

In fact, how to write an annotation to the project is not too different from how to compose Sammari to scientific article. In both cases, the innovation is a prerequisite. So, in annotations, first of all, it should be indicated that the author brought by his work. The difference is that the abstract to the project is usually larger and more volume than the article.

Annotations are written in the same style, which work was performed. It should be clearly and dry outlined all the information. For the project, this means the following:

  • specify the topic;
  • the essence of the project is the purpose of writing it;
  • what problems analyzes what focuses on;
  • what are the results of the study / analysis;
  • conclusions based on the work done.


Since projects can be completely different, annotations to them can also be very different. In order to know how to write the annotation correctly, it is better to consider a couple of examples.

Example for the economic project:

  • Project task: Formation of an experimental product that allows you to increase the degree of consistency of residents of the area.
  • Submit new banking services, taking into account the demand and implementation of technological processes.

Project problem:

  • Professional activities in the financial sector.
  • Data analysis and practice of providing services by the Bank as a base for the acquisition of experience
  • Generalization and formation of summed outcome in the reporting form.
  • Collect and classify the types of bank services for residents.
  • Based on the survey conducted, draw conclusions about the need for banking services in a particular region.
  • To identify the shortcomings of this approach.

Completion of the project:

  • As the results of the project, the research team presents a report on the work done with the indication of the results and conclusions.
  • Each of the team members demonstrates their own considerations about banking services, agreeing with the Group's leader.

Annotation example to term project:

"The purpose of the course design was, first of all, the preparation of a program, convenient to use it by a simple man in the street.

The program was drawn up according to the requirements set forth in the task of the course design, the wishes of the teacher and the logical conclusions on the application of this program by the subsequent user.

No less an important goal Course design was polished student skills as a future programmer in C ++, the development of his understanding of the requirements and wishes of potential customers, the ability to think logically and work in the designated timeline.

When solving the presented task, the BorlandC ++ Builder6Full software package was used.

Steptedly developed each of the parts of the program:

  • entering the necessary string variables to the appropriate fields;
  • description of the operation of the buttons for editing, translation, output and adding a new word;
  • designation of conditions for the output of the translation of the word entered, indicating the fields where the translation is output;
  • in addition, the program is tied to two text files containing a list of English and Russian words in the appropriate order, there is the possibility of expanding the lists using the same program.

The BORLANDC ++ BUILDER6FULL program package has developed a form of a dialog box, the target of each of the buttons and I / O windows in this form has been defined.

As a result, a program was compiled, which transfers the word entered by the user or gives a message that there is no such word in the database. The user has the right to add it himself or not to add (optional). In the development of the program, possible cases of entering more than one word are in different order. "

To the program

Under the program in this case it is understood educational plan, i.e working programm To discipline. From this the question arises: how to write an annotation to the program?

It must contain:

  • regulatory documents according to which it is compiled;
  • target educational discipline, and how many hours of it allocated;
  • distribution on topics or list of basic sections;
  • how is the certification, as often, at what time.

Important moment: the compiler of such an annotation is not specified. It is also necessary to distinguish the concepts and short content. The first is more in volume.


The article discusses how to write an annotation to an article, project and program. By compiling any description, you should remember what the abstract means. Essentially, she is a response to the question, which represents the document to which she wrote. So, there is no place for empty arguments "not in business", but there is only a dry and short statement of facts.