Cycle Commissions SPO. Regulations on the admission committee of Odebeki SPO "Smolensky Pedagogical College

Regulations on the subject-cyclical commission of the state budget professional educational institution Samara region "Syzransky Polytechnic Technical Academy"

    General provisions

    1. This provision (hereinafter referred to as the provisions) determines the procedure for the formation, functioning and management, as well as the main content of the work of the subject-cycle commission at the State Budget Professional Educational Institution of the Samara Region "Syzransky Polytechnic Technical Academy" (hereinafter - technical school).

      The situation is developed in accordance with Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"And technical school charter.

      Subject and Cycle Commission (hereinafter - PCC) is a merger pedagogical workers Technical school formed on the principle of combining teachers of several related academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules.

      Subject and cyclical commissionscreated in order to:

    educational and educational and methodological support for the development of academic disciplines and professional modules by specialty;

    development of working programs of educational disciplines and professional modules, educational and industrial practice, pre-diploma practice, workers curriculum By specialties, charts educational process, intermediate and final certification that meets the requirementsFederal states educational standards Medium vocational education (Further -GEF SPO);

    assisting teachers in the implementationGEF SPO;

    increase professional level of pedagogical workers;

    implementation of innovative pedagogical and information technologiesaimed at improving the quality of training specialists.

    1. The subject and cycle commission is building its work on the principles of scientific, publicity, taking into account the interests of members of pedagogical and student teams. She has the right to develop and implement an event in the main areas of its activities.

    The composition and procedure for the formation of PCC

    1. Communication Commission At least 5 people are organized from among full-time teachers (industrial training masters) and partners of the technical school.

      Pedagogical worker can only be included in onePCK.. If necessary, it can be involved in the work of anotherPCK.without being her list member.

      List and compositionPCK. Approved by academic year Order of the Director of Technical School.

      Direct GuidePCK. Performs chairmanPCK.appointed by order of the Director of Technical School from among the most experienced teachers united in thisPCK.. For leadership workPCK. ChairmanPCK. Payment is made in the prescribed manner.

      General management workPCK. Exercises Deputy Director of Technical Software academic work.

    Operation of PCC

    1. WorkPCK. It is carried out according to plan approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs for each academic year.

      The content of the workPCK. Determined with the specific tasks facing the technical school.

      MeetingsPCK. held at least once a month.

      MeetingsPCK. are issued by the protocol signed by the ChairPCK.. Each protocol indicates its number, date of the meeting, the number of present, the agenda of the meeting, a summary of the performances and the decision on the issue under consideration (Appendix 1).

      SolutionsPCK. Accepted by a simple majority of votes and come into force after approval by their director or deputy director for academic work. With disagreement of the chairPCK. With the decision of the membersPCK. The final decision takes the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

      Joint meetingsPCK. specifies in work plansPCK. and draw up by a joint protocol.

    Main Directions of PCC

    1. Educational and methodical support of training disciplines and professional modules - the development of working programs of training disciplines and professional modules, educational and production practices, themes and content of the course and thesis design, content of educational material disciplines and professional modules for independent study Students methodical manuals, recommendations (instructions) on the study of individual topics and sections of disciplines, the implementation of laboratory and practical work, term projects, organizations independent work Students, etc.

      Ensuring training technology, choice of funds and methods of training, innovative pedagogical technologies, Adjustment of the plan of the educational process in terms of redistribution on semesters allocated by the curriculum of the volume of hours on the disciplines studied, including their relationship between theoretical and practical classes.

      Ensuring the organization of extracurricular independent work of students.

      Ensuring the current monitoring of knowledge and interim certification of students (Fund Developmentestimated meansaccording to academic disciplines and professional modules).

      Ensuring the final state certification of graduates of technical school: definition of the form and conditions of certification, the development of programs of the state final certification in the specialties, graduation requirements qualifying work, criteria for assessing knowledge of graduates.

      Improving the methodological and professional skill of teachers, replenish them professional knowledge, assisting novice teachers, making proposals for certification of teachers who are part of PCC, distribution of their pedagogical load.

      Studying, generalization and introduction into the educational process of new pedagogical technologies, means and methods of training and education, preparation, conduct and discussion of open lessons.

      Management of scientific, creative work of students.

      Consideration and review curriculum, textbooks, educational and methodical manuals, posters, videos, presentations, other learning tools.

      The development of uniform requirements for the content of the work of the Cabinets of academic disciplines, consideration and discussion of the work plans of teachers, plans for conducting classes, other materials related to the competence of the subject-cyclic commission.

      Consideration of creative reports of teachers of PCC, submission of materials to certification of teachers, ideas of methodical, educational and educational work.

    Rights and obligations of PCC members

    1. The teacher, which is part of the PCC, has the right:

    speak with a pedagogical initiative;

    independently determine the pedagogically substantiated forms of training sessions, funds and methods of teaching and educating students;

    use experimental teaching techniques;

    to make proposals for the distribution of the pedagogical burden of members of their subject-cycle commission.

    1. PCC members are obliged:

    attend meetings of PCC;

    take an active part in the work of PCC;

    make proposals for improving the organization of the educational process;

    perform the decision and assignment of the chairman accepted PCC.

    Rights and obligations of the chairman of the PCC

    1. The chairman of the PCC has the right:

    make suggestions before the administration about the promotion and recovery of PCC members;

    attend and analyze the classes of PCC members and other members of the pedagogical team.

    1. The following duties are assigned to the chairman of PCC:

    plan, organize and directly lead the work of PCC;

    consider the calendar-thematic plans of teachers;

    organize and manage work on educational and educational and methodical support of academic disciplines and professional modules;

    organize and manage work on the development of working programs of educational disciplines and professional modules, educational and production practices, working curricula in the specialties, graphs of the educational process, interim and final certification that meets the requirements of GEF SPE;

    organize and manage the work on the development of materials for current control of knowledge, interim and final state-state student certification;

    organize control over the quality of classes;

    lead the preparation and discussion of open training sessions and extracurricular activities;

    organize mutual education teachers;

    study, summarize and distribute the experience of members of PCC;

    control the state of the main indicators of the educational process and ensure their positive trend on PCC disciplines;

    organize systematic checks earlier decisions taken PCC, Methodological and Pedagogical Council;

    keep records and submit reports on the work of PCC.

    Documentation of the subject and cyclic commission

    1. The PCC work plan for the current school year is formed with:

    the unified work plan of the technical school;

    the work plan of the Pedagogical Council;

    analysis of the results of the interim and state final student certification in the previous school year;

    leading methodical theme Technical school, as well as tasks that solve this PCC.

    1. Each PCC, in accordance with the technical school's nomenclature, leads the following documentation for the current school year:

    pCC work plan (Appendix 2);

    decade plan;

    control copies of all current educational and methodological documentation included in the circle of operation of PCC;

    protocols of PCC meetings (2 copies, incl. 1 on electronic media), solutions, reports and other documents reflecting the activities of PCC.

Attachment 1

Sample Protocol

state budget professional

educational institution of the Samara region

"Syzransky Polytechnic Technical School"


00.00.00 № 0


meetings of the subject-cyclical commission


Chairman: Vinogradova N.R.

Present: Ivanova M.I.,




We decided:

Chairman I.O.Familia

Appendix 2.

to the Regulations on the Supplementary Commission

Sample Plan of work PCK.


Deputy. Director for academic work

AND ABOUT. Surname

"_____" _______________ 0000

Operation plan of the subject-cyclic commission


0000 - 0000 academic year

p / P.

Name of the event

Period of execution


Mark of execution

1. Organizational work

2. Informational support

3. Innovative activity

4. Diagnostic and control and correctional activities

    Improving the level of professionalism of pedagogical workers

    Thematic meetings of PCC

Chairman of PCC I.O.Familia

Sheet of coordination


Deputy Director for Academic Affairs E.V. Werner


Deputy Director of PO

educational and production work E.V. Salitova

One of the main links of secondary vocational schools, which organizes and makes a methodological work on learning and education of students, are cyclical commissions (CC).

The content of their work, definitely in general by the relevant instructions of the educational institution. Forms and methods of work should take into account the specifics of the subjects taught, the contingent of students, the form of training, the composition and qualifications of teachers, etc. The work plan of the Commission cannot be stereotypical for all commissions. This work is creative, defined, primarily by the general methodological tasks in accordance with the plan for the development of the educational institution, as well as the analysis of work for the past period.




One of the main links of secondary vocational schools, which organizes and makes a methodological work on learning and education of students, are cyclical commissions (CC).

So if in the work of the Commissions of General Education Disciplines a significant place occupy the issues of adaptation of students (especially for 1 course), then in cyclical commissions of special and profiling disciplines, the focus should be on the instill of learning professional competencies.

At the senior courses, work becomes the most important, since the Commission of Special Disciplines ensures the release of specialists with certain functions necessary in practical activities Student.

Naturally, all subject cycle commissions decide and general tasks, such as learning on their own, work on improving their knowledge, love their profession. Teachers must study the individual features of each traine in, instilling social useful work skills, etc. Therefore, the work plan of the Commission cannot be stereotypical for all commissions. This work is creative, defined, primarily by the general methodological tasks in accordance with the development plan of the educational institution, as well as the analysis of work for the past period.

The focus of subject cycle commissions should pay the improvement of the training and education methodology, which is achieved by a constant increase in pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers. At the same time, a significant place in its work is occupied by educational and organizational issues, and directly on the chairman of the PCC are assigned issues of analyzing the work and organization of control over the activities of teachers.

The exemplary structure of the work plan of the subject cycle commission and the content of its individual directions is given in the form of a scheme.

Scheme 1.

Approximate structure of the PCC work plan.

Starting compiling a work plan for the year, the Chairman of the Commission should:

  • analyze the results of the previous school year, identifying "narrow" places and problems;
  • determine the main tasks of the subject cycle commission for the current school year;
  • note common events and exemplary individual tasks to teachers based on common tasks Taking into account the potential possibilities of each (work experience, special and methodical experience, results of certification, intrahechanical control, etc.).
  1. Analysis of the work of the Commission for the academic year.

When analyzing the work of the subject cycle commission, it is necessary to identify (at the end of the school year, the report of the chairman of the work is drawn up:

  • how managed to fulfill the work plan of the Commission;
  • what specific problems managed to solve;
  • contributed to the extent to which the Commission's activities improve the educational process;
  • what is the level of assimilation of educational disciplines (preparedness);
  • what are the characteristic gaps in knowledge, skills and skills (according to the results state exams, protection of coursework and diploma projects, subjects for subjects);
  • what changes occurred in the qualifications of members of the Commission.

Each position must be supported by examples, figures, give comparisons with the past school year.

The analysis must contain the data where the improvement has been achieved, the reasons for reducing the quality of work.

The main analysis of the work should be focused on the quality of professional or basic student training.

  1. Organizational work.

Significant in volume, especially at the beginning of the semester, is the organizational work, most of which falls on the Chairman of the Commission, therefore it is advisable to have a deputy chairman of the Commission responsible for the organizational work.

IN educational institutions The volume of this work is mainly planned correctly (consideration of all plans, examinations, graphs, tasks, etc.).

Scheme 2.

Organizational work PCC.

  1. Educational work.

Much attention should be paid to developing measures to improve the quality of training and education, improving educational work in the learning process, improving the practical training of students experimental and scientific work.

For proper planning and organization of educational work, the Chairman of the Commission must analyze its results for the past academic year and change ways to eliminate deficiencies using casual work with teachers and discussion of individual issues at meetings.

The main in academic work should be an analysis of the level of basic and professional training of future specialists, the definition of basic gaps and measures to eliminate them.

Scheme 3.

Educational work PCC.

  1. Methodical work.

One of the main activities of the subject cycle commission is a methodological work.

Traditionally, the Commission represented her in the form of writing and discussion methodological developments And pose into a methodical office.

From the experience of some educational institutions, you can recommend the following directions:

  • at the meetings of the Commission as a result of the exchange of experience, discussion of special articles in scientific and methodological journals, methodological developments or the results of mutual promotions and control of the teacher, we produce a single approach to improving the methodology for learning and education;
  • every teacher on behalf of the manual or based on individual Plan Develop a specific question to improve professional or pedagogical knowledge, improving educational work, etc.

The result of the teacher's work can be a report on a pedsovet, a scientific and methodological advice, the meetings of the Cycle Commission, the development of methodological recommendations on the integrated provision of classes, visual aids, the use of TSO, writing a textbook, textbook, articles, abstract, etc.

The chairman of the subject cycle commission conducts work on the generalization of the outcome of the intrahekhnikov monitoring, on the basis of which methodological recommendations are also developed by the teacher.

Scheme 4.

Scientific and methodological work PCC.

  1. Training.

Improvement methodical work The Commission is impossible without an effective system of advanced training of teachers and other technical school workers.

The basis of this work, especially for teachers who do not have pedagogical education, should be the study of the principles of training and education of students, improving the teaching methodology, knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and psychology.

Improving the qualifications of teachers without separation from work is organized both individually for each teacher and by conducting common events. This direction is closely related to the study, generalization and distribution of advanced pedagogical experience.

In case of individual improvement of the teacher's qualifications, it is necessary to consider specifically to complete its completion: writing a report, abstract, articles, performance at the Commission meeting, etc.

When planning general training measures for both commission and united, it is necessary to take into account the general scientists and events, the development of methodological benefits. Based on this purpose and the subjects of open lessons, mutual reasons, seminars, pedesters, schools of best practices, schools of a young specialist, etc.

Scheme 5.

Advanced pedagogical experience of PCC.

  1. Control inside the subject cycle commission.

The control of all types of activities of all members of the subject cycle commission is of paramount importance, and effectiveness depends on its proper organization.

Control over the implementation of curricula and programs begins with checking compiled working programs, which is the direct responsibility of the Chairman of the Commission.

Methodist and Chairman of the Cycle Commission should organize periodic verification of their implementation, including laboratory and practical, test work etc.

The main link in control is to verify the quality of classes, the level of competencies of students, the effectiveness of extracurricular activities.

When drawing up the schedule of such control, it is necessary to clearly formulate the objectives of the inspections that can be based on the purposes defined by the general technical scheme control plan.

When planning, it is necessary to provide control on the following issues:

  • improving forms and methods of training and education of students;
  • improving the quality of knowledge, improving the organization of independent work.

Periodically, it is necessary to check the effectiveness of improving professional and methodical qualifications.

The chairman of the subject cycle commission should be provided in terms of control to verify the implementation of the decision-making of the Pedsovet, the Scientific and Methodological Council, the Commission.

Result control events Methodist, Chairman, should be a deep, objective analysis of inspections, conclusions made by their results. The entire subsequent work of the Commission should ensure the elimination of the shortcomings noted during control.

It is necessary to inform teachers about the progress of inspections in a timely manner.

Scheme 6.

Control of the educational process in PCC.

Attachment 1.


Works of the Cycle Commission _____________________ disciplines for 20 __- 20__ academic year

Objective and objectives of the cycle commission.

No. p / p

Name of events



Mark of execution

  1. Organizational work
  1. Educational work
  1. Scientific and educational work
  1. Quality control of the educational process
  1. Improving the qualifications of teachers
  1. Studying and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience

Calendar Plan of the Cycle Commission

Disciplines for 20 ____- 20____ academic year

No. p / p

Name of events


Mark of execution











Chairman of the Central Committee __________ _________________

(Signature Chairman of the Central Committee) (F.I.O. Chairman of the Central Committee)

Appendix 2.

Methodical work

teacher __________________________ for 20 ___- 20___ academic year

No. p / p

Direction of methodical work

Sample and work program

Abstract open lesson

Themes of methodical developments

Topics reports

Topics methodical instructions



Spit, Kima

Visual manuals, TSO, computer

Extracurricular events


Chairman of the Central Committee

Appendix 4.

Schedule of the mutualization of training sessions of teachers of the Central Committee _______________________ disciplines

at 20 ____- 20_____ academic year

FULL NAME. teacher










Chairman of the Central Committee ________________ ________________________

(Signature) (F.I.O. Chairman of the Central Committee)

Appendix 5.

in the 1st half of the year 20____ -20 _____ academic year







Chairman of the Central Committee

(Signature Chairman of the Central Committee)(Full name Chairman of the Central Committee)

Cycle Commission __________________________ Disciplines

Terms of open lessons and extracurricular activities

in the 2nd half of the year 20 ____- 20____ academic year



Theme of an open lesson and extracurricular activities

Chairman of the Central Committee ________________ ___________________

(Signature Chairman of the Central Committee)(Full name Chairman of the Central Committee)

Appendix 6.

Results of the subject week

in the disciplines _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

conducted by the Cycle Commission ________________________________________________________________________________________

chairman ______________________________________________________________________ "_______" __________________20____



FULL NAME. teacher



Open lessons

Open extracurricular activities

Abstracts, Crosswords


Exhibition of student creativity

Exhibition of coursework projects


Tso manufacturer


Appendix 7.

Indicators of the methodical work of cycles commission for 20 ____- 20____ academic year

No. p / p

Name of cyclical commissions

FULL NAME. Chairman of the Cycle Commission

Total teachers

Visited lessons

Open classes and extracurricular activities

Prepared in the reporting year on disciplines

Chairmen of the Central Committee


Located control works of abnormalities

Methodological development of classes

Methodological reports on learning and education

Tasks for practical sessions on cycle disciplines

Tasks for independent work of students on disciplines

Work curricula on cycle disciplines

Lectures tutorials

Visual manuals

Knowledge test tests





















Deputy. Director for UR.


Appendix 8.

Statistical report

about the operation of the cycle commission for 20 ___- 20___ academic year


Considered issues



Written methodical developments



Written abstracts



Printed methodological developments, abstracts, articles in magazines and collections



Methodical reports made, reports



Developed (adjustment) of working programs on the disciplines of the cycle commission



Developed guidelines and tasks for practical training



Developed guidelines and tasks for laboratory work



Developed tasks for independent work of students on disciplines of the cyclical commission



Developed guidelines; Tasks for the performance of test works by architects



Prepared lectures, textbooks, textbooks, on the disciplines of the cyclical commission



Conducting open activities, events



Mutually promoted teacher training



Subjects on disciplines

count /



The number of excursions carried out on production, museum, etc.



Conducted subject evenings for students



Held reading conferences



Conferences on the problems of the discipline of the Cycle Commission



Wall newspapers, bulletins



Conducted lessons with the use of computer learning tools, testing, knowledge control



Conducted classes in production



Made educational and visual aids (catalogs, posters, albums)



The number of real diploma (courses) projects (works)



Number of teachers who conducted additional classes and consultations



The number of hours carried out in order additional classes and consultations



Developed tests


Chairman of the Central Committee ________________ ________________________

(Signature) (F.I.O. Chairman of the Central Committee)

"_____" ________________ 20 ___.

SOCHBO SPO "Roslavlsky technical College" Page

Ministry of Education and Science

Krasnodar Region

State budgetary educational institution

Secondary vocational education

"Krasnodar Polytechnic Technical Academy"

Krasnodar Region


about the reception commission in GBOU SPO "KPT" KK

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation is determined by the procedure for organizing the Admission Commission of the Technical School, its rights and obligations, the main directions of work.

To organize the reception of documents entering the technical school, carrying out entrance examinations and enrollments to students of persons withstanding entrance tests and those who have passed through the competition (if available) are organized by the technical school admission committee. The admission committee also coordinates the vocational guidance work carried out in the technical school.

1.2. The Reception Commission in its work is guided by:

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" №273-ФЗ dated December 29, 2012, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities According to educational programs secondary vocational education", Federal state educational standards secondary vocational education in the specialties and professions of the technical school,Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 50 of 01/28/2013. "On approval of the procedure for the admission of citizens to training on educational programs of secondary vocational education for the 2013/2014 academic year," by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 30, 2013. №1422 "On approval of a list of entrance examinations in admission to training on educational programs of secondary vocational education by professions and specialties requiring incoming availability creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, "Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013. №697 "On approval of the list of specialties and areas of preparation, when admitting for training undergoing obligatory preliminary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner prescribed when concluding an employment contract or a service contract for the relevant position or specialty," technical school charter.

Rules for receiving technical school.

1.3. Structure reception Commission The technical school is approved by the order of the director. The Chairman of the Admission Commission is the Directortechnical school.

The Chairman of the Admission Office manages all the activities of the admission committee and is responsible for the implementation of the established control numbers of admission, compliance with legislation and regulatory documents on the formation of the contingent of students, determines the responsibilities of its members and approves the work plan of the Admission Commission.

1.4. The responsible secretary of the admission committee is appointed by the order of the Director among the Teaching Participation of the Technical School.

As part of the Admission Commission, the technical school may be the Deputy (Deputy) of the responsible secretary.

1.5. The term of office of the Admission Commission is one year. The work of the Admission Commission is completed by the report on the results of the reception at the Teaching Council of the Technical School.

1.6. For entry tests and timely preparation for them, the order by order of the Director creates the examination commissions from among the most experienced technical school teachers and their chairmen are appointed.

The Chairman of the Examination Commission prepares and submits for approval by the Chairman of the Addequency Commission examination materials, and systematic control over the work of the examiners is carried out, it is reported in consideration of appeals, a report is drawn up on the results of entrance tests.

In some cases, teachers of other educational institutions may be included in the examination commissions.

1.7. To ensure the work of the Admission Office, before the start of acceptance of documents, the director's order is approved by the technical staff from among teachers, engineering and technical workers and educational staff of the technical school.

1.8. The order for approving the composition of the admission commission is published no later than March, examination commissions - no later than a month before the start of entrance examinations, technical staff (technical secretaries) - no later than a month before the start of receiving documents.

1.9. The compositions of the admission committee and examination commissions, as well as technical personnel (technical secretaries), are partially updated annually taking into account the characteristics and preceding work in these commissions.

The chairmen of the exam commissions can perform their responsibilities for no more than three years in a row.

2. Functions of the Admission Commission

In order to successfully solve problems on the formation of a contingent of students of the technical school Reception Commission:

2.1. Develops a strategy and determines the tactics of preparation for receiving, conducting care guidance, conducting entrance tests, for which:

With separations is determined general principles their activities together with schools on the preparation of graduates to enter the technical school coordinates the amount, list, deadlines for final tests, counted as entrance;

Develops and approves the conditions for admission to the technical school on targeted areas;

Defines the conditions for the reception, the number of places in the specialties, the size and form of payment for applicants under contractual basis.

2.2. Develops the rules for admission to the technical school for the current year no later than March 1.

2.3. Coordinates the activities of all organs and divisions of the technical school responsible for the vocational guidance of young people and prepare it for introductory tests.

2.4. Organizes and conducts fairs of training seats.

2.5. Deciding on the conduct of introductory tests in the technical school.

2.6. Organizes the reception of documents, decides on the admission of entering the entrance tests (if available) and determines the conditions for participation in the competition.

2.7. The Secretariat of the Admission Commission of the Technical School (Responsible Secretary, his deputies, technical) organizes the year-round reception of visitors on receipt of the technical school, carries out the processing of letters and queries of citizens, gives timely answers to them, consults with coming on the choice of specialty, the most appropriate abilities, inclinations and preparation.

2.8. Carries out control over the work of the examination commissions, considers and approves all the results of the work of the appellate commission.

2.9. Considers the results of entrance tests carry out a competitive selection and decides on enrollment of students to the first course.

The decision of the Admission Commission of the Technical School, executed by the Protocol, is the only basis for enrollment in students of the technical school.

2.10. Considers and approves reports of examination commissions on the results of commissioning of entrance tests.

2.11. Systematically and timely posts the necessary information on the website of the technical school and stands of the reception commission.

2.12. Controls the activities of technical, information, automation and household services, providing the organization and admission of students.

2.2.13. When admission, the Director of the Technical School ensures compliance with the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, publicity and the openness of the work of the Admission Commission, the objectivity of the assessment of the abilities and the inclined incoming.

2.14. The admission committee monitors the accuracy of information, and also has the right to verify the documents submitted by the incoming.

In order to confirm the accuracy of other documents submitted by the receiving Commission, it is entitled to apply to the relevant state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

2.15. Controls work preparatory courses (in the presence of).

2.16. Controls the conclusion of contracts for education with admitted students and their parents or their legitimate representatives.

3. Rights and obligations of the Admission Commission

3.1. Chairman of the Admission Commission:

3.1.1. Manages all the activities of the Admission Office and is responsible for the implementation of established reception plans, compliance with the rules of acceptance and other regulatory documents, including the requirements of this Regulation and decisions of the Admission Commission.

3.1.2. Approves the annual work plan of the Admission Commission and the Plans for Material Technical Supply.

3.1.3. Determines the mode of operation of the admission commission, structures and divisions leading the preparation of applicants to admission to the technical school, as well as all services that provide preparation and admission.

3.1.4. Distributes the responsibilities between the members of the Admission Commission within the established functions.

3.1.5. Approves materials of entrance tests.

3.1.6. Approves the schedule of entrance tests. Exhibits direct management of the work of the examination commissions.

3.1.7. It is generally a guide to the work of the examination commissions.

3.1.8. Consignment of citizens on receipt in the technical school.

3.2. Deputy Chairman of the Admission Commission:

Does the direct leadership of the vocational training work of the technical school, the system for the preparation of applicants for admission to the technical school, advertising and informational support of the reception;

Organizes the selection and represents the director for approval subject commissions;

Organizes controls the preparation of materials of entrance testing;

Organizes and controls the reception of students with full cost reimbursement;

Organizes the need to attract in the prescribed manure to conduct entry tests of teachers of other educational institutions;

Organizes the study by members of the admission committee and subject commissions of the Rules for reception in the technical school and other regulatory documents under the reception of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

Determines the list of premises for the placement of the secretariat of the Admission Commission, for conducting entrance tests, as well as the necessary equipment. Makes the appropriate submissions to the technical school director and on his behalf directly leads all the technical school services that carry out logistical support for the preparation and conduct of the reception;

Determines the mode of operation of the admissions commission during the introductory tests, organizes the placement in the hostels of non-residents of the incoming.

Monitors the accuracy of information, and also has the right to verify other documents submitted by the incomingorganizes the work of the preparatory courses.

3.3. Responsible secretary of the Admission Commission:

Coordinates and controls the activities of structural units leading care guidance and preparation of applicants to admission to the technical school;

Organizes the information work of the technical school (toned FIS GIA), systematically and timely posts the necessary information on the website of the technical school and the stands of the technical school;

It leads year-round reception of citizens, promptly gives answers to the written requests of citizens on reception issues;

Prepares for publication avenues and other advertising and informational materials of the Technical Academy Commission;

On behalf of the Director (Deputy Director for Educational and Educational Work), performs operational management of services that ensure the work of the Admission Commission;

Organizes the preparation of documentation of the admission committee and its proper storage;

Carries out general guidance of subject exam forces;

On behalf of the Chairman of the Admission Office (or Deputy), conducts operational management of the preparation of examination materials (tickets, options for written tasks, tests), their placement and storage of strict reporting documents;

Organizes studies, instructing technical personnel of the Admission Commission, and also implements the operational management of its work;

Controls the correctness of the registration of documents of the incoming and maintenance of registration journals;

Organizes the preparation of the schedule of introductory tests, additional entrance examinations and pre-exponential consultations in front of them;

Conducts encryption and decrypt written examination works of the incoming;

Prepares materials for the meeting of the admission committee;

Controls the correctness of the execution of personal cases of the incoming;

It monitors the accuracy of information, and also has the right to verify other documents submitted by the incoming.

Organizes the preparation of the schedule of preparatory courses;

Organizes the conclusion of contracts on education with admitted students and their parents or their legal representatives.

3.4. Deputy Responsible Secretary of the Admission Commission:

Works under the direct supervision of the responsible secretary of the admission committee and fulfills its assignments;

Performs the responsibilities of the responsible secretary of the admission committee in its absence;

Permanent functions in the Admission Commission, assigned to him by the Chairman of the Admission Commission, his deputy or responsible secretary.

3.5. Members of the Admission Commission:

Organize and manage care guidance work in the specialties for which preparation is underway;

Ensures compliance of the activities of structures that are preparing applicants to enter offices, regulatory documents of the technical school, decisions of the Admission Commission and the orders of the Director;

Conduct an interview with persons entering the specialty department;

Check the compliance of the documents submitted by the winners of the Olympiad, the rules for admission to the technical school and represent these documents to consider them at a meeting of the Admission Commission.

Participate in the interview with the faces entering the technical school;

Take part in the work of the appellate commission;

Prepare proposals for the competition and enrollment of students of the technical school of persons who have successfully passed entrance exams.

4. Organization of the work of the admission committee and office work

4.1. The organization of the work of the admission committee and office work should ensure compliance with the rights of the individual and execution state requirements For reception in the technical school.

The work of the Admission Commission is issued by protocols that are signed by the Chairmen and the responsible secretary of the Admission Commission.

The decisions of the Admission Commission are accepted by a majority vote in the presence of at least 2/3 of the approved composition.

4.2. The admission committee determines and documented the responsibilities of all persons involved in the preparation and admission of students in the technical school.

4.3. Before receiving documents, the educational institution announces the following:

Rules of reception B. educational organization;

The list of specialties in which the educational organization announces the reception in accordance with the license to carry out educational activities (with the allocation of forms of obtaining education (full-time, correspondence);

Requirements for education, which is necessary for admission;

Total seats for reception for each specialty, including

Various forms of education; the number of budget places for admission for each specialty and profession, including in various forms of education; the number of places for each specialty under contracts with the payment of the cost of training; information on the availability of a hostel and the number of places in the hostels allocated for non-resident incoming;

Sample contract for applicants in places of contracts with payment for the cost of training.

Information is posted on the information booth of the Admission Commission and on the official website of the technical school. During the reception of documents, the Admission Office posts on the official website of the educational organization and the information booth of the Admission Commission on the number of applications submitted for each specialty with the allocation of formation forms (full-time, correspondence).

The Technical School Admission Office ensures the functioning of special telephone lines and partitions of the site of the educational organization for response to appeals associated with the reception of citizens into an educational organization.

The information mentioned above is posted on the information booth of the Admission Commission and on the official website of the CPT of the

During the reception of documents, the Admission Commission of the Technical School informs every day about the number of applications filed, competition and commissioning of entrance tests for each specialty.

4.4. Reception of documents is registered in the magazines of the established form. On the end of the end of the reception of documents, magazines are closed by a final feature with the signature of the responsible secretary of the Admission Commission.

4.5. A personal business is started at each incoming, in which all the documents submitted to them and the submission of entrance tests are stored. Registration magazines and personal affairs are stored as strict reporting documents.

4.6. The receipt is given to receiving documents.

4.7. The Admission Office in accordance with the received documents received from the incoming documents decides on admission to the introductory tests, the conditions for its participation in the competition and informs it about it.

4.8. The working incoming is given a certificate of admission to the introductory tests.

4.9. Applicant, admitted to the introductory tests, the exam is issued.

4.10. Examination groups are formed in the order of registration of documents in the amount of 10 - 15 people.

4.11. The schedule of introductory tests is approved by the Chairman of the Admission Commission or his deputy and is declared no later than 10 days before they start. In the schedule of introductory tests of the surname, the chairmen of subject commissions and examiners are not specified.

4.12. For incoming consultations on the content of the programs of entrance examinations and the organization of the survey, the criteria for assessing the requirements, the procedure for competitive enrollment, etc.

4.13. Introductory tests are conducted within the time limits established by the reception rules.

4.14. Intervals between testing - as a rule, 2 - 3 days.

4.15. Materials of entrance examinations are compiled annually, signed by the Chairman of the relevant subject examination committee and are approved by the Chairman of the Admission Commission.

4.16. Materials are replicated in the required quantity. Each of the sets is sealing and stored as a document of strict reporting.

4.17. The chairman of the Admission Commission or on his instructions, the Deputy Chairman prior to the beginning of the test issues the presidential commissions to the presidential commissions, the required number of sets of introductory test materials and assigns examiners to the Group. Presence on introductory tests unauthorized persons (including inspection authorities) without permission of the Chairman of the Admission Commission is not allowed.

4.18. The working day of the examiners should not exceed 8 hours, including lunch.

4.19. At the entrance to the audience, where tests are held, the incoming passport or another document certifying the personality, and the examination sheet.

4.20. The exam for each incoming is accepted by two examiners.

4.21. The duration of written (creative) test is established by the rules of reception in the technical school, but not more than four hours without interruption.

4.22. Written examinations (creative) are performed on A-4 sheets, which are not allowed by any conditional marks that reveal the authorship of the work.

4.23. At the end of the introductory test, all written works are transferred to the Securel Secretary or his deputy.

4.24. Responsible secretary or his deputy conducts encryption written workFor which it is a digital or other cipher on the back of the back, the common statement with ciphers is kept in a safe from a responsible secretary.

4.25. After encryption, creative work is returned to the Chairman of the subject examination committee, which distributes them between examiners for verification.

4.26. Verification of work is carried out in the institution's room and only the examiners of the Commission.

4.27. Creative works may not be encrypted.

4.28. The chairman of the subject examination commission additionally checks the work applied by the examiners on the "unsatisfactory" and the highest ball, as well as 5% of the other works and the correctness of the assessment certifies its signature.

4.29. All cases of the subsequent change in the assessments issued by the examiners are certified by the chairman of the subject examination committee and are approved by the decision of the Admission Commission.

4.30. Verified works, as well as completed examinations with cipher, estimates and signatures of testing examiners, the chairman of the subject examination commission are transferred to the responsible secretary or its deputy, which produce decrypting of work and enter into the statement the names of the applicants.

4.31. Examination statements after registration by their examiners are closed and signed by the responsible secretary.

4.32. Creative works enrolled in the technical school are stored in their personal affairs or can be used for samples, and not enrolled in the technical school - are destroyed six months after the end of the introductory tests.

4.33. Incoming who did not appear on the introductory tests valid reason, confirmed by documents, allowed to pass the missed entrance examinations to resolve the Deputy Chairman of the Admission Commission or a responsible secretary within the deadlines of entrance tests.

4.34. Appeal is filed personally the day after declaring an examination. At the same time, the incoming has the right to get acquainted with his examination work. The admission committee ensures the reception of appeals throughout the day.

4.35. Consideration of appeals is carried out within one day from the date of familiarization with examination work.

4.36. Consideration of the appeal is issued by the act, the decision of the appellate commission is approved by the Admission Commission.

4.37. The decision of the Admission Commission on enrollment to students is issued by the Protocol, which indicates the basis of enrollment without testing, outside the competition, according to the competition.

4.38. Enrollment is carried out on the basis of submitted statements, the outcome of the competition (if the number of applications exceeded the number of places) in accordance with the Rules of Technical Technique and after the completion of entrance tests.

According to a written statement of the coming original documents of the State Sampling on Education, submitted by the incoming, should be returned to the technical school during the next working day after submitting an application.

The expiration date of the entrance test is considered to be the moment of announcement on the official website of the educational institution and the stand of the receiving commission of the female list of persons with an indication of the number of scored points, the enrollment of which is considered by the admission committee on various conditions of the competition (hereinafter referred to as a sofaming list).

4.39. Order (orders) about enrollment based on the results of the competition, indicating the number of points scored on entrance tests, as budget placesand to places under contracts with payment of the cost of training, published on the information booth of the Admission Commission and the official website of the educational institution and should be available until December 31 of the current year inclusive.

4.40. The incoming represents the original document of the State Sample on Education (qualifications) within the deadlines established by the educational organization in the Rules of Reception.

After the deadlines for the submission of the originals of educational documents, the head of the educational organization published an order to enroll the persons recommended by the Admission Commission to enrollment and submitted the originals of the relevant documents. The application to the order of enrollment is by the family list of these persons. The order with the application is located on the next business day after the publication at the information booth of the Admission Commission and on the official website of the educational organization.

4.41. Upon admission to the simultaneous parallel development of the two main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education (in one or different educational institutions), the originals of the State Sampling Document on Education in enrollment seems to be applied by its choice on that major professional educational program Medium vocational education on which he will be trained as a student. When enrolling on another basic professional educational program of secondary vocational education as a listener, the incoming submissions presents a certified photocopy of the document of the state sample on education, a certificate from the educational institution, where he is a student. Listeners are credited to places under contracts with payment costs.

4.42. Enrollment in the educational organization in the presence of free seats can be carried out until December 31 of the current year.

4.43. Enrolled in the staff at their request are issued certificates for making dismissal from work in connection with admission to the technical school.

4.44. Non-resident students enrolled on correspondence training, Written notice is sent.

5. Reporting of the Admission Commission

5.1. The work of the Admission Commission is completed by the report on the results of the reception at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council.

5.2. As reporting documents, when checking the work of the admission committee, they are:

Rules for admission to the technical school;

Documents confirming the reception control numbers and the established number of additional and target places;

Orders to approve the composition of the Admission Commission and Subsection Commissions;

Protocols of the Admission Commission, logs of registration of documents of the incoming;

Schedule of entrance tests;

Personal affairs;

Examination statements;

Acts of consideration of appeals;

Orders to enroll in students.

Deputy Director for Ur M.Yu.chizhova

Agreed with the Council of Students

Considered at the meeting of the working team of the Technical School.

Methodical work in the educational institution of the SPO system is quite diverse and provides for massive forms (pedsovets, methods, subject (cycloous) commissions, methodical cabinets) and individual work of teachers that are coordinated by PCC.

IN; IN; In the structure of methodical work subject (cycloous) commissions (PCC) occupy one of the leading places, as provided:

· Complex educational and methodological equipment of the educational process;

· study of advanced pedagogical experience;

· development and implementation of new teaching and control technologies;

· organization of individual methodical work of teachers;

· analysis and improvement of control and measuring materials;

· the training system of teachers;

· system of independent work of students;

· quality control of vocational education at all its stages;

· Monitoring and efficiency learning activities students.

In the structure of the PCC, one of the main directions is the planning stage, when various activities are scheduled to fulfill the objectives and objectives of this methodological association and coordinating the activities of the teacher's team. As a rule, plans are deciphered:

1. Organizational work, providing for consideration of educational and methodological materials, development of plans and work schedules, for example:

· working curricula and calendar-thematic plans;

· PCC meetings;

· control issues and task options for students;

· laboratory plans, practical classes and production training;

· plans and charts of tests, consultations, examinations, protection of various types of SRS;

· plans to improve the qualifications of teachers.

Organizational work is the most time consuming at the beginning of the school year and the second semester.

2. Educational (educational) work provides:

· analysis of students' training activities at different stages of training on the results of various types of control;

· selection of various conditions for improving the quality of vocational training;

· analysis of typical errors in the knowledge and skills of students and the causes of low progress;

· development of activities (measures) to improve the level of training;

· Improving independent work of students;

· analysis of the quality of educational activities in the specialty.

· Educational and methodological and scientific and methodological work provides:

· development and application of educational materials (UMM) (manuals, developments, recommendations, memos, instructions, etc.) for equipping the educational process;

· development and use of visual manuals, reduction and illustrative material for equipping theoretical and practical classes;

· developing and implementing modern pedagogical (innovative) technologies;

· analysis of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers using various forms Its studies ( open classes and events, mutual recommendations, analysis of the UMM of the teacher).

3. The advanced training of teachers provides for their training:

· with a separation from work;

· without separation from work.

Particular attention should be paid to the variety of forms and advanced training methods, among which are often found only training in courses (or seminars). It is rarely planned by the internship of teachers, for example, in the conditions of production (or organization), are one-time internships in related educational institutions or planning for integrated internships, for example, an alternation for the entire period of training in production, in the OU SPO system (or HPE). With the established links of related PCC, various colleges and technical schools it is advisable to organize a group internship of teachers of the same discipline with the choice of advanced enterprises, organizations and the OU SPO.

In the system of advanced training inside the AU, it is advisable to plan for different categories of teachers:

· thematic seminars;

· "Schools", conference;

· mutual action;

· open classes.

To conduct them, it is necessary to formulate goals and objectives, which are considered at the PCC meetings and can be recommended by pedsovets, methods and methodical offices (methodists).

Quality control of vocational education is the section of the work of PCC, which plans and implements the Chairman of the Commission. The goals of such control visits can be coordinated with the Deputy Director (on educational, educational, methodological, scientific and methodological, industrial work).

An example of monitoring results records. This work of the chairman of the PCC is part of the system of intra-treatment (intrahekhimovsky) monitoring, and for greater efficiency it is advisable to plan uniform objectives of learning quality control at joint meetings, the Methodological Council and administrative meetings.

At the end of the school year, at meetings of PCC summarizes the work of the methodological associations, in which:

· The goals and objectives are defined for the new school year;

· The causes of insufficient work efficiency are analyzed;

· Measures are scheduled (activities) to improve the quality of students' preparedness.

Any direction in the work of PCC is part or an element that improves educational and methodological support of the educational process as a whole, and therefore contributes to the improvement of the methodological work of the educational institution. Therefore, periodically, the results of the work it is advisable to hear on the methodological, pedagogical councils or administrative meetings. The purpose of such reports can be considered to determine the level of work of methodological associations and the wording of various proposals for their improvement.