The value of extracurricular independent work of students. Types and characteristics of assignments for extracurricular independent work of students

Independent work of SVE students can be regarded as the basis for education in all forms of education. This type of activity involves minimizing contact with the teacher at the stages of implementation.

At the same time, the goal for students is to learn how to acquire and use knowledge in practice on their own, to show initiative in completing assignments, to use a creative approach to work. Independent work accounts for a significant proportion of the time spent studying the course, and the result of the thesis often depends on how responsibly the student will treat it.

The teachers and masters have another goal - to provide this activity at all stages with appropriate assistance: to plan, organize, control. It is possible to expect positive results from this type of activity when it is systematic, defined by goals, planned.

Extracurricular independent work of secondary vocational students

Extracurricular work is the totality of the work of teachers, librarians, administrators, methodologists, in fact, the students themselves. It is a system of educational activities along with industrial, theoretical and practical training.

The learning process in professional educational organizations today cannot be organized without the initiative and creative activity of students. Therefore, independent work has become an integral part of the educational process.

Professional skills are better formed precisely with the acquisition of experience through independent activities. Those graduates who, over the course of their studies, never learn to independently acquire knowledge and apply the skill of self-education, will most likely have a difficult time in their future life.

But what leads to the manifestation of student activity? The answer is simple - motivation. Here are just some of the methods to increase it:

  1. The benefits of the work performed.
  2. Active use of the results of independent work in educational activities.

Necessary conditions for organizing independent work of students:

  • availability and accessibility of reference, educational, methodological and information and communication materials;
  • tracking and evaluation system;
  • consulting assistance of a teacher;
  • provision of educational and methodological aids;
  • the willingness of the students themselves.

The public display of the best works of students is very important for further success. Practical conferences on selected topics, systematically updated works at a specialized stand, as well as protection of creative projects will not be superfluous. The publication of works will stimulate the development of students' creative abilities, contribute to the development of self-education skills, and arouse the desire to improve themselves. This can be the publication of scientific, research, project or methodological articles in student journals, participation in conferences of an all-Russian or international scale, or in subject Olympiads.

Regulations on independent work of secondary vocational students

Independent work is carried out by students on the instructions of teachers and masters. At the same time, the teachers and masters themselves do not interfere in the direct process.

Tasks for independent educational activities should be aimed at developing general and professional competencies. The regulation on planning the independent activities of students should be developed by a professional educational organization... On its basis, students are organized to fulfill the prepared assignments.

When a teacher works on the creation of teaching and methodological recommendations, he must follow a certain order of actions:

  1. For a good start, it is necessary to analyze the work and calendar-thematic plans, the discipline program (for a start, an approximate one). In this case, one must not forget to take into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. Make a choice of topic in favor of a working curriculum.
  1. Determine the type and structure of work on a given topic, assign goals, objectives, and also determine the scope and content.
  2. Figure out how to motivate the student.
  3. Decide on the type of activities and the time that the student will have to spend on their implementation.
  4. Think over how to implement system control with the assessment of planned tasks.
  5. Carry out preparatory work to collect recommendations for working with the training manual.
  6. Carry out preparatory work to collect a list of basic and additional literature on the topic.
  7. To issue educational and methodological recommendations, not forgetting to check them with the Federal State Educational Standard.


First, you need to decide on the goals of independent work of students, which will represent an image of the positive consequences of completing tasks.

The main goals (take into account the federal state educational standard, the reality of implementation, focus on development, training, education):

  • mastering professional skills of activity in the profile and assimilation of relevant knowledge;
  • the formation of the desire for self-education, responsibility, readiness to act independently;
  • development of a creative approach to solving educational and professional problems.

How to contact students?

It is necessary to provide for this moment too. Attention should be focused on why the student needs to do the work. Brevity, attraction of interest and motivation to do independent work are the main vectors.

How to determine the scope of work?

It is important to remember about the comparison of the intended tasks with reality. According to the plan, no more than 30% of the amount of time for the discipline is allocated to work.

Selection of forms, means and methods of extracurricular work

At the next stage, the teacher must understand how the student will be able to achieve the goals: methods, means, forms of assignments (more about them in the last section of the article).

An auxiliary list of tasks that can be included in the provision on independent work of SVE students:

Criteria for evaluating the work performed

Polls, tests, test assignments, essays, defense of creative projects, essays, abstracts, etc. - all this can be used as tools to test the knowledge and skills of students when developing criteria for evaluating the work performed.

For example, a mark with a teacher's assessment or the amount of points that a student will gain in the process of completing assignments can become a form of accounting for a student's extracurricular work. It is imperative to inform the student about the criteria for evaluating the work performed. The results of the CDS can be summed up in the form of a mark in the journal in the section of theoretical or practical lessons. For example, like this:

After the main sections of the curriculum have been drawn up, you need to prepare tips for students on working with the material in the manual. It is also necessary to take care of the list of required and optional literature, websites. The purpose of the recommendation is to provide the student with useful and relevant information on the topic of the lesson and set a real deadline for the delivery of the work.

In the teaching aid, it is a wise decision to place the recommendations for the student immediately after the introduction. Recommendations can be submitted in the form of a diagram or instructions for working with a training manual.

Organization of independent work of secondary vocational students

Let's outline the key points in the organization, control and assessment of independent work:

  1. To organize independent work of students, it is necessary to provide:
  • proper teaching materials;
  • free access to information on the Internet;
  • control (tests, assignments with grades, etc.);
  • list of necessary and additional literature.
  1. Students can do CP both individually and in groups... Here you need to pay attention to the goals, topics, the level of complexity of work for students, the level of knowledge and skills.
  2. Masters and teachers should inform students in a timely manner about the basic requirements for the results of work, about the goals, forms of control, auxiliary means, labor intensity and timing of work.
  3. College may plan teaching consultations for students at the expense of the total budget of time allotted for consultations (100 hours per year according to the FSES SPO). A trainer or apprentice trainer must instruct on the completion of the task, starting from the data prescribed in this task (goals, deadlines, requirements for the result, etc.).
  4. Monitor results it is possible within the time allotted for classes in an interdisciplinary course, extracurricular work of students in written, oral or mixed form and for compulsory classes in an academic discipline. For convenience, you can use computer technology and the Internet.
  5. Establishment forms of control should be carried out by a subject-cycle commission. In this case, the forms must be indicated in the work program of the discipline of the main educational program:
  6. Current control:
  • oral answers, creative work, reports at laboratory, practical, seminars, communication, interview, presentation of tables that compare data analysis, process diagrams, generalizing models, etc.;
  • handwritten texts;
  • solving situational tasks in practice-oriented disciplines;
  • introspection, projects, abstracts, reviews, reports, references, essays, reviews, conclusions, tasks, programs, plans, etc .;
  • notes on a independently studied topic;
  • control, term papers in text format and their protection;
  • independent research;
  • practice reports;
  • articles and other publications in popular science, educational and scientific publications based on the results of independent work;
  • provision and presentation of a product or product of the student's creative activity;
  • testing;
  • participation in Internet conferences, protection of electronic presentations, exchange of information files.
  1. Interim certification at the end of the semester;
  2. Final examination.
  3. Results evaluation criteria:
  • the degree of mastering by the student of the educational material;
  • the degree of development of the student's skills to use the theoretical stock of knowledge in practice;
  • the degree of development of the student's skills to use electronic educational resources, seek out the necessary information, master it and apply it in practice;
  • the degree of development of general and professional competencies;
  • skills of formulating a problem, issuing decisions on it, critically evaluating one's own decisions;
  • the validity of the statement of the answer;
  • skills of analysis and presentation of options for action in situational tasks;
  • skills of material design in accordance with the requirements;
  • skills of forming one's own position, its assessment and argumentation.

Types of extracurricular independent work of secondary vocational students

Note that the types of independent work are determined by the requirements of the FSES SPE, the degree of preparedness of students, the content of the academic discipline, professional or interdisciplinary module. They must be approved by the subject-cycle commission when drawing up the work program of the academic discipline of the main educational program.

The types of assignments and their content can be variable and delimiting in nature, taking into account the studied discipline / interdisciplinary course, the specifics of the professional bias and the individual characteristics of the student.

Levels for which tasks can be prepared:

  1. Introductory (note-taking);
  2. Productive. Acquisition of previously unknown experience and its application in a non-standard situation. Such assignments will help students develop the ability to research and be creative.
  3. Reproductive. It is supposed to work in the form of an algorithm based on a similar situation using familiar methods of action and theoretical knowledge of students in conjunction with partially changed situations.

Here is a rough list of the types of student self-study:

  1. Writing an abstract.
  2. Drawing up test items and samples of answers to them.
  3. Drawing up a reference outline.
  4. Drawing up diagrams, illustrations (drawings), graphs, diagrams.
  5. Preparation of an information message.
  6. Drawing up a graphological structure.
  7. Formation of an information block.
  8. Writing a summary of the primary source.
  9. Compilation and solution of situational tasks (cases).
  10. Creation of presentations.
  11. Compilation of a glossary.
  12. Drawing up crosswords on the topic and answers to them.
  13. Research activities of the student.
  14. Essay writing.
  15. Drawing up a summary (summarizing) table on the topic.

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CHAPTER 1. Theoretical basis organization of extracurricular independent work at the 1S university

§1.1. Development of a view on independent work in the university

§ 1.2 Didactic characteristics of extracurricular independent work at the university

Conclusions on the first chapter

CHAPTER 2. Technological aspects of the organization of extracurricular independent work of students at the university.

§ 2.1. Model of organization of extracurricular independent work at a university

§ 2.2. The technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students at a university

Conclusions on the second chapter

CHAPTER 3. Experimental and experimental substantiation of the technology of organization of extracurricular independent work of students at the university

§3.1. Experimental verification of the technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students at a university

§ 3.2. Analysis of the results of the experimental experimental research

Conclusions on the third chapter

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Theory and methods of vocational education", 13.00.08 code VAK

  • Activation of independent educational work of students in the process of extracurricular activities 1985, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia Petrovna Grekova

  • Formation of educational skills of students in extracurricular independent work: On the example of a foreign language at a non-language faculty 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Ivanova, Marina Avenirovna

  • Formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of a technical university in the process of extracurricular independent work 2010, candidate of pedagogical sciences Chichilanova, Svetlana Anatolyevna

  • Problem-modular technology for organizing the independent work of a future translator at a university 2010, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Novikova, Olga Nikolaevna

  • Formation of foreign language competence of future teachers at the university by means of independent work: based on a differentiated approach 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kuzmina, Yulia Olegovna

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Technology of organization of extracurricular independent work of students at the university"

Changing socio-economic conditions in Russian society, the transition to the market led to the fact that the requirements for the level and quality of specialist training at the university have significantly increased. A modern professional must possess such qualities as purposefulness, efficiency, enterprise, initiative, independence, that is, to be competitive in the labor market. As a result, in the system of higher education, the task is not only to teach students about hum or other sciences, but to teach them to learn and replenish their knowledge throughout their lives. You can achieve these goals in the course of independent work. New approaches to vocational training have indicated the need to revise the content of education, which is reflected in the State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education. The constantly increasing flow of information, the development of science and practice required the inclusion of both classroom and extracurricular independent work in the standard. Educational standards oblige teachers to teach students to work independently, acquire knowledge, expand their scientific horizons, and strive for truth in science and practice. Currently, a significant amount of the content of education provided for in the State Educational Standards is allocated to extracurricular independent work.

The provision on the need for students to work independently in the educational process of higher education has long been generally recognized. But right now, this important component of the educational process at the university is receiving special attention not only at the local level, but also at the federal level. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 defines the main tasks of vocational education: training a qualified employee of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, capable of effective work in a specialty at the level of world standards, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility; satisfaction of the needs of the individual in obtaining an appropriate education.

All these tasks can be solved only by increasing the share of extracurricular independent work of students. This is due to the fact that in the course of independent work, not only didactic tasks are solved, but also the tasks of educating a personality. By the middle of the 19th century, in the writings of progressive teachers, the idea of ​​the objective unity of teaching and upbringing was expressed and affirmed. This point of view was most clearly expressed by I.F. Herbart, who noted that learning without moral education is a means without an end, and moral education (or character education) without learning is an end without means. Independent work is one of the components of the learning process, as a result of which, one of its functions is educational, which consists in the fact that in the course of independent work, as well as in the entire learning process, moral and aesthetic ideas, a system of views of the world are formed, individual needs, motives of social behavior, activities, values ​​and value orientation, worldview.

The idea of ​​developing cognitive independence in the process of cognizing the surrounding world has occupied the minds of thinkers since ancient times (Archytas, Aristoxenus, Socrates, Aristotle). Later, the problem of cognitive independence was reflected in the works of Ya.A. Komensky, A. Disterweg, E. Kant, K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Kaptereva and others.

Today this problem is given a significant place in psychological and pedagogical research. In the works of L.G. Aristova, L. P. Esipova, I.P. Ogorodnikova, M.I. Makhmutova, T.I. Shamova explores the issues of activating and developing the independence and activity of students. L.G. Vyatkin, V.N. Kormakova, I. Ya. Lerner, V. Ya. Laudis, P.I. Pidkasisty, A.V. Usova dealt with the problems of enhancing the independent and creative activity of the individual; S.I. Arkhangelsky, N.F. Talyzin considered the ideas of the formation of the content of education and the process of organizing training; M.S. Kagan, A.K. Osnitsky studied the psychological foundations of the development of cognitive independence; V.P. Bespalko, V.A. Romanov, G.K. Selevko investigated the possibilities of using modern technologies in the development of cognitive independence of the individual; Yu.K. Babansky, S.V. Parshin in his writings highlighted the ideas of the integrity and consistency of the pedagogical process; A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Serikov, A.V. Tretyakov, A.V. Khutorskoy considered the personal aspect of this problem; V.A. Verbitsky, E.G. Osovsky, V.A. Slastenin dealt with the problems of professional and personal growth of students; L.G. Vyatkin, A.M. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutov considered the problem of cognitive independence in the context of the problematic organization of training sessions; ideas of philosophy, methodology and psychology of creativity were studied by V.A. Kazakov, Yu.N. Kuljutkin and others.

In recent years, a number of dissertations have been carried out on this issue, some of which are devoted to research on the development of the cognitive independence of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren (G.A. Kapitonova (1996), O.V. Kopylova (1997), and the other part -the problem of the development of independence of adolescents and high school students (N.A. Akinfeeva (1996), S.Yu.Dolgova (1998), V.G. Orlovsky (1996), M.A. Fedorova (2003). A number of studies have raised the issue of the conditions, methods and methods of developing the cognitive independence of students of higher education, in connection with the formation of professional independence (V.I. Magoichenkov (1996), in connection with the development of independent thinking (S.N. Filipchenko (1992) , with the intensification of independent cognitive activity of students (A.N. Ryblova (1997). Methodological aspect the problems were studied (I.K.Kandaurova (1999), T.M. Ponomareva (2002)).

However, despite the significant theoretical potential accumulated by pedagogical science, it is not fully used in university practice: the educational process in higher professional educational institutions remains basically poorly controlled, based on traditional forms and methods of teaching. Insufficient attention is paid to the development of the student's personality, his independence, self-development and self-improvement. Out-of-class independent work of students is organized fragmentarily. All this leads to significant problems of the formation and development of a modern specialist-professional.

In the changed socio-economic situation in Russia, the qualities that are in demand for a specialist are independence, initiative, enterprise, efficiency, the ability to quickly and efficiently adapt to changing market conditions. It is these professionally significant and socially important qualities that are now so necessary for a professional that should be developed in the process of studying at a university and, in particular, in the course of extracurricular independent work of students.

The course towards enhancing the role of independent work is associated with the objective need for a transition to a system of lifelong education. In the conditions of an ever-increasing flow of information, education should accompany a person throughout his life. The need for constant renewal and replenishment of knowledge forces us to move away from learning according to the principle of “filling the vessel”. Further expansion of programs, an attempt to squeeze into them everything that might be useful to a future specialist, is not suitable in modern conditions. It is much more important to lay a solid foundation of knowledge and provide an opportunity to replenish it as needed in the system of lifelong education.

In accordance with these requirements, the role of extracurricular independent work of students increases, since a significant part of the volume of the studied material is devoted to independent study and mastering by students.

Independent work of students is an essential, even decisive, component of the specialist training system. After all, only knowledge acquired by persistent independent work can in the future turn into a real driving force of scientific and technological progress. Modern higher education is called upon to seek further activation of the educational and cognitive activity of students, developing their creative abilities and culture of thinking, the ability to independently navigate in the flow of scientific, technical and socio-political information. This can be achieved only by forming cognitive independence in trainees, that is, such a personality trait that manifests itself in the desire and ability to independently master knowledge and methods of activity, apply them in educational, practical and professional work.

The higher school is called upon to teach and accustom the student to strive for the constant renewal of his knowledge, for permanent self-study throughout his working life, to create for everyone and consolidate the corresponding stereotypes of activity. And the main area for the efforts of teachers in this area should be extracurricular independent work of students. This is a complex, qualitatively different type of training compared to classroom studies. In the course of extracurricular independent work, the student is faced with the need to mobilize his ability to generalize the information received, turning it into knowledge. But even more important psychological outcome: in the process of independent work, the student constantly feels himself to be a person who independently makes decisions, bears responsibility for them - and really becomes such a person.

Independent work necessarily presupposes the ability to self-organize one's activity, and a purely individual one. For most of today's students, the decisions they make are far from optimal. A significant part of the students does the tasks not on time, with a great delay. The quality of work is often only satisfactory. That is why the inclusion of independent work in the curriculum, that is, the regulation of it as a special type of educational activity, characterizes a fundamentally new stage in the organization of the educational process in higher education.

The purpose of changing the qualitative essence of modern higher education is to activate students' independent work. The implementation of this task requires a systematic approach, a revision of the established views on practically all organizational and methodological foundations of the educational process.

The educational process in a higher school provides for mandatory extracurricular independent work of students, since only in the process of active independent activity can learning and cognition be effectively and fruitfully carried out, that is, knowledge is assimilated, skills and abilities are acquired in a certain area of ​​knowledge.

Independent work contributes to the formation of such important personality traits as hard work, organization and discipline, develops memory, thinking, attention. The consequence of the above is the need to move from an empirical solution to the problem of organizing extracurricular independent work of students at a university to the development of issues of theory and technology of organizing this type of activity.

Thus, contradictions are revealed: - between the socio-economic need for proactive, independent personnel and the traditional system of their training, which does not sufficiently ensure the formation of these qualities; between the requirements for a modern specialist who has a high level of independence in his professional activities and his real level of preparedness, characterized by a low level of independence.

These contradictions determined the choice of the topic of our research, the problem of which is formulated as follows: what are the pedagogical conditions and didactic tools of the technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students? The solution to the problem is the goal of the study.

The object of the research is the independent activity of students in the university educational process.

The subject of the research is the technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students.

In the course of the study, a hypothesis was put forward, according to which independent activity is carried out more efficiently and purposefully, when in teaching, along with the classroom, extracurricular independent work of students is consistently and systematically organized.

The technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students is successfully implemented in the educational process if:

It is based on the content of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, which reflects the necessary minimum requirements for the training of a specialist;

It is based on a theoretical model of the organization of extracurricular independent work, which includes the subjective, motivational, purposeful, content, organizational and activity, control and regulation, performance and evaluation components and the component "organization conditions";

It has a staged structure and is represented by diagnostic, procedural and control-effective components (stages);

In the process of its implementation, it takes into account certain organizational-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical conditions.

In accordance with the object, subject, purpose and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were set:

1. Determine the essence and structure of extracurricular independent work of students.

2. Design a model for organizing extracurricular independent work of students.

3. To develop a technology for organizing extracurricular independent work of students at the university.

4. To reveal the conditions for the effectiveness of the application of the technology of organization of extracurricular independent work of students in the educational process.

To solve the set tasks, research methods were used:

Theoretical (comparative analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, study of advanced pedagogical experience of higher education, methodological services of higher professional educational institutions, modeling);

Empirical (sociological methods: survey, questionnaires, interviews, observation of the work of students, teachers, analysis of the products of students' creative activity, ascertaining, forming and control experiments); - statistical methods of data processing.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of Oryol State University.

The methodological basis of the study was the concept of a holistic and systematic approach to the consideration of the pedagogical process (MA Danilov, VV Kraevsky, VA Slastenin, NF Talyzina, etc.); theory of personal and activity approaches in domestic pedagogy (A.N. Alekseev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V.Serikov, E.V. Kukanova, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.) and psychology (B.G. Ananiev , M.S.Kagan, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Petrovsky, C.JI. Rubinstein and others); principles of optimization of the learning process and updating the content of education (Yu.K. Babansky, V.V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, etc.).

For the development of the theoretical concept of the research, the ideas of activating and forming independent activity of students (L.G. Aristova, L.V. Zharova, B.P. Esipov, P.I. Pidkasisty, T.P. Shamova, G.I. Shchukin and others), the idea of ​​using pedagogical technologies in the educational process (V.P. Bespalko, M.V. Klarin, G.K.Selevko, A.I. Uman, etc.).

Research stages. Three stages can be distinguished in the development of the problem.

At the first stage (2000-2002), the study of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature was carried out, the state of the problem in university practice was revealed. The goal and objectives of the study were set, a model for organizing extracurricular independent work of students was developed, practical approaches were identified to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, provided that the technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students was used, the scientific hypothesis was refined.

At the second stage (2003-2004), theoretical provisions on the problem of organizing extracurricular independent work of students were developed, a stating experiment was conducted, during which the state of the level of cognitive independence of students was revealed, the necessary organizational-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical conditions for the technology of organization of extracurricular independent work were determined. students, development of a methodology for a formative experiment and its implementation, testing of the developed technology for organizing extracurricular independent work of students.

At the third stage (2004-2006), through experimental work, the developed theoretical provisions were concretized and verified, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experimental work data was carried out, methodological recommendations and proposals for their implementation were developed, the research results were formalized in the form of a Ph.D. thesis. ...

The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the essence and structure of extracurricular independent work of students is revealed, a model of organization of extracurricular independent work (HRV) of students has been developed, the technology of HRV organization has been substantiated, a complex of psychological, pedagogical and organizational and pedagogical conditions for an effective process of HRV organization has been determined.

The theoretical significance of the research is as follows: the definition of extracurricular independent work of students has been clarified; the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the technology of organizing extracurricular independent activities of university students have been determined; This study contributes to the theory of independent activity of students, expands the understanding of the possibilities of extracurricular independent work of students in terms of the formation of their professional competence.

Practical significance this study consists in the development and implementation of the technology of organizing HRV of students into the educational process of the university. The theoretical model developed in the course of the research ensures the formation of extracurricular independent activities of students at the university. Based on the research materials, a special course program and a methodological manual for the special course "Fundamentals of the Scientific Organization of Students' Independent Work" have been developed and tested. The dissertation materials can be used in the organization of extracurricular independent work of students in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.

The reliability of the results is ensured by their compliance with the original methodological foundations; the use of a set of methods adequate to the object, subject, purpose, objectives and logic of the research; verification of the results in the course of experimental work; reproducibility and use of the results obtained in the practice of universities.

The following provisions are submitted to the defense:

1. Extracurricular independent work of students is a form of independent cognitive activity, organized on personal initiative and at a time convenient for the student, with indirect management by the teacher and the direction to form the key competencies of a specialist-professional, which determine the degree of mastering the content of education.

2. Organization of extracurricular independent work of students is determined by the processes of modernization and standardization of the educational process at the university, the need to develop incentives and motives for training a specialist, which determines the need to develop technology for organizing extracurricular independent work.

3. The model of organization of extracurricular independent work of students in the educational process of the university consists of the following components: subjective, presented by the student and the teacher; motivational - target, including the choice of a goal and the determination of the motive for independent activity; meaningful, which includes determining the volume and structure of the content of educational material allocated for extracurricular independent work of students; organizational - activity, containing various types and types of tasks for students, determined to be performed in extracurricular independent work; kotropyu-adjusting, including control and correction of the results of independent work; the productive and evaluative component, represented by the analysis and assessment of the results of students' independent activities; the component "conditions for implementation", which includes psychological-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical conditions for the organization of extracurricular independent work of students.

4. The technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students includes the following stages: diagnostic, which diagnoses the individual and personal qualities of the student and the level of independence; procedural, during which goals and objectives are set, students are motivated to work independently, content is selected and tasks of various levels are determined; control and effective, represented by control and assessment of the results of extracurricular independent work of students. The implementation of the technology for organizing extracurricular independent work of students at the university provides an increase in the level of readiness to perform independent work, the level of knowledge but organization and implementation of HRV, the development of organizational and activity skills and an increase in the level of development of the cognitive independence of students.

5. The effectiveness of the organization of extracurricular independent work of students is ensured if the following psychological and pedagogical conditions are met: diagnostics of students' personal characteristics, determination of the content, forms, methods and means of organizing extracurricular independent work, monitoring and evaluating the results of assignments; and organizational and pedagogical conditions: the development of internal motivation of students to study; the presence of a cognitive interest among students in the process of obtaining knowledge, a sufficient amount of knowledge for the organization and implementation of HRV, the acquisition of skills for self-organization of extracurricular independent work from students.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main results of the study were presented at scientific and practical seminars for teachers of the Department of General Pedagogy of Oryol State University (2002-2006), an interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of vocational education in the context of modernization of higher education" (Orel, April 25-26 2004), All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: "Actual problems of teaching mathematics" (Orel, November 27-29, 2002). “Pedagogical heritage of K.D. Ushinsky and modern problems of modernization of Russian education "(Kursk, February 17-19, 2004), All-Russian Congress" Problems of moral and aesthetic education of youth: current state and prospects "(Orel, April 6-7, 2005) , International scientific-practical conference "Independent work in a modern Russian university: problems of organization and development prospects" (Orel, November 11-12, 2006), in the collection of scientific papers of Chernivtsi University, containing conference materials (Ukraine, Chernivtsi, 2005), the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Independent Work in a Modern University: Organization Problems and Development Prospects" (Orel, March 23-24, 2006), the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Rural School: Analysis of Pedagogical Systems in the conditions of its restructuring ”(Orel, November 28-29, 2006). The research materials are reflected in the methodological manual "Fundamentals of the Scientific Organization of Students' Independent Work" and are used in the practice of the Oryol State University.

The structure of the thesis: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, annexes.

Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "Theory and methods of vocational education", Yakushkina, Lyudmila Pavlovna

Conclusions on the third chapter

In the course of the pilot study, the tasks were solved and the corresponding conclusions were drawn.

The ascertaining stage of the experiment showed that the organization of extracurricular independent work of students in the conditions of the educational process of the university is carried out insufficiently efficiently and does not fully meet the trends of modernization of Russian education.

The formative stage of the experiment showed that the mastery of key competencies in the course of extracurricular independent work of students proceeds more successfully within the framework of the proposed model of the organization of this process, which includes the subjective, motivational-target, content, organizational-activity, control and regulatory, performance-evaluative components.

The criteria that characterize the effectiveness of the process of organizing HRV are: readiness for HRV; cognition; organizational and activity.

The results of the formative stage of the experiment showed that in order to increase the level of motivation, the motivating actions of the teacher proposed by us are necessary: ​​a) the use of algorithms for mastering knowledge and methods of cognitive activity; b) the inclusion of problem-historical material in the course of presentation of educational material; c) stimulating personal achievement; d) providing the educational process with diagnostic methods and attracting students to the self-diagnosis process; e) attracting students to independent cognitive activity of a research and search character.

The effectiveness of the organization and implementation of extracurricular independent work of students is influenced by the formation of organizational and activity skills. To form these skills, we have proposed a special course, during the study of which students gain knowledge about specific ways of performing basic educational actions, they form a holistic idea of ​​the structure of activity.

For the effective organization of extracurricular independent work of students, it is necessary to rely on a personality-differentiated approach.

The results of the formative stage of the experiment showed that the technology developed by us, aimed at the formation of stable cognitive motivation in students, the development of cognitive interests and organizational and activity skills, is sufficient for the effective functioning of the model of organization of extracurricular independent work of students in the educational process of the university.

The experimental work confirmed the validity of the conditions for organizing HRV: psychological and pedagogical (diagnostics of students' personal characteristics, selection of content, forms, methods, means of organizing HRV and the organization of control); organizational and pedagogical (intrinsic motivation, cognitive interest, availability of the amount of knowledge necessary for organizing and implementing HRV, organizational and activity skills).

The analysis of the results of the experimental study was carried out using the statistical criterion "chi-square" (criterion about

X) ■ Interpretation of the data obtained allows us to conclude that the indicators we have identified experimentally have increased.

The results of the formative experiment showed that rationally organized extracurricular independent work of students is an effective means of mastering the content of education and increasing the level of development of independence.


Recently, in our country and abroad, there has been an intensive search for techniques, methods and forms of organizing the educational process at the university, contributing to the stimulation of cognitive activity and independence of students. The formation of a creative personality of a future specialist is an urgent problem not only for higher education, but also the most important socio-economic task of the whole society. The solution to this problem lies, first of all, in the development of students' creative abilities at all stages of education, increasing their intellectual potential, activity and independence.

Studies by didactic specialists, psychologists, representatives of private methods have shown that the purposeful and specially organized development of the cognitive independence of students is carried out during the entire educational process at the university (both in classroom and extracurricular activities). This is the main condition for the successful organization of the educational process. Only independent work of students and control over its implementation, with their appropriate organization, contributes to the formation of independence of thought and a creative approach to solving problems of the educational and professional level.

The organization of independent work of students in modern higher education is becoming one of the most important areas of the entire teaching methodology. This is due to the need to increase the cognitive activity of future specialists, to turn the learning process itself from a school of memory into a school of thinking. A modern specialist solves frequently changing tasks that are often of a search nature. Therefore, higher education should not only prepare a specialist, but also form a creative personality. Hence, one of the general ways to improve work in the university is the transition from informative forms of education to controlled learning, identifying students' abilities and managing their development. That is why forms of education that instill the ability to educate themselves are so important.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the study of the practical state of affairs of the educational process at the university showed that a fairly wide range of issues needs to be developed. It is necessary to search for new ways and means of organizing students' independent work in the conditions of a modern educational institution, which will make this process more purposeful and effective.

This dissertation research is devoted to the development of technology for organizing extracurricular independent work of students at a university.

In the course of this study, the following tasks were solved:

Various approaches to the concept of "independent work" in domestic pedagogical science are analyzed, a generalization of various points of view on this issue is carried out, on the basis of which the concept of "extracurricular independent work of students" is formulated, which we have defined as such a form of organization of educational work of students, carried out during free from classroom studies, on the instructions of the teacher and is a means for obtaining scientific knowledge, developing skills, skills and personal qualities; the structure of extracurricular independent work of students has been determined, which includes the following components: target, motivational, content, activity, effective;

Based on the analysis of these structural components, the process of organizing extracurricular independent work of students is presented in the form of a model developed by us;

The specified model of organization of extracurricular independent work of students consists of the following components: subjective, presented by the student and the teacher; motivational-target, represented by the choice of the goal and the determination of the motive for independent activity; meaningful, which includes the determination of the volume and structure of the content allocated to the extracurricular independent work of students; organizational-activity, containing various types and types of tasks for students, determined to be performed in extracurricular independent work; control and adjustment, including control and correction of the results of independent work; productive and evaluative, presented by diagnostics, analysis and assessment of the results of students' independent activities; the component "conditions for implementation", which includes organizational-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical conditions for organizing extracurricular independent work of students. The content of the model allows you to rationally organize extracurricular independent work at the university;

In the course of theoretical analysis, we found that the main results of educational activities of higher educational institutions at present are not only the system of knowledge, skills and abilities in itself, but a set of key competencies, including, in addition, the professional and personal qualities of a specialist;

The criteria for the effectiveness of the organization of extracurricular independent work are highlighted: readiness for extracurricular independent work; cognitive; organizational and activity and their indicators are determined;

The technology of organization of extracurricular independent work of students has been developed, which includes the following stages: diagnostic, at which the individual and personal qualities of the student and the level of independence are diagnosed; procedural, during which the setting of goals and objectives is carried out, the motivation of students for independent work; content is selected and tasks of various levels are determined; control and effective, represented by control and assessment of the results of extracurricular independent work of students;

The technology of organizing extracurricular independent work of students is carried out in the presence of organizational and pedagogical conditions, which include:

Positive motivation of students to learn;

High degree development of cognitive interests;

Availability of knowledge necessary for the organization and implementation of extracurricular independent work;

Organizational and activity skills for self-organization of independent work; and psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Availability in the required volume methodological developments and directions, textbooks and other necessary aids;

Provision of students with laboratories, classrooms, reading rooms, modern information technologies;

Implementation of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students' personal characteristics;

Control over the course of extracurricular independent work of students and assessment of the results of the tasks assigned to HRV;

In the course of the ascertaining experiment, we found that the existing system of independent work of students at the university does not fully meet the trends of modernization of modern Russian education. The need for a systemic organization of extracurricular independent work of students has been determined, which affects the effectiveness of the educational process at a university and the process of professional training of a future specialist;

The difficulties encountered by teachers in organizing extracurricular independent work of students were identified: lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and diagnostic skills, insufficient knowledge of the methodology for organizing this work, a low level of cognitive independence of students, difficulties with the selection of content, forms, methods and means of organizing independent work, insufficient provision of students with educational and methodological materials;

In the course of the formative experiment, the forms, methods and means of organizing extracurricular independent work were used, which contributed to the effective and high-quality mastering of the content of education, regulated by the State educational standards; the results obtained in the course of the experimental research indicate a positive effect on the formation of stable cognitive motivation among students, the development of cognitive interests, knowledge of organizing and implementing extracurricular independent work and organizational and activity skills, which, in turn, contribute to a high level of development independence. Analysis and interpretation of the data obtained during the experiment allows us to conclude that the level of development of independence has increased. The number of students at a low level of independence decreased by 16.9%, while the number of students at a high level increased by 21.4%.

This allows us to conclude about the legitimacy of our hypothesis and the effectiveness of the experimental work done.

It should be noted that there are further opportunities to improve the process of organizing extracurricular independent work of university students.

In this direction, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Revealing the psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the regularities of the student's independent work, combining it with classroom work;

Fostering a culture of independent work as the most important condition for cognitive activity and independence of students;

Ensuring an inseparable connection between educational and scientific activities;

Technical and material equipment for self-study at the university; establishment of the most effective system of control over the independent work of students.

The work presented by us can be further developed in research related to: the development of curricula, programs, guidelines related to the organization and implementation of students' independent work; development of issues of formation of a creative personality of a future specialist in the course of extracurricular independent work; development of the problem of organizing extracurricular independent work of students in conditions of multilevel training.

Independent work with the correct and adequate organization technology allows solving a wide range of teaching tasks and can serve as a powerful reserve for increasing the effectiveness of teaching at a university in the face of an ever-increasing volume of teaching and educational tasks at the present stage.

An increase in the proportion of independent work with a simultaneous strengthening of the directing and organizing functions of classroom studies is the main direction of improving the organization of the educational process in modern higher education.

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Art. Karginskaya

    Introduction 4

    General information on the organization of extracurricular activities 4-5
    independent work of students

    Characteristics of assignments for extracurricular activities 5-17
    independent work of students

    Criteria for assessing the HRWS 17-19

    Appendix 1 Sample title page 20

    Appendix 2 Sample presentation design 21

    Appendix 3 Sample Tests 22-23

    Appendix 4 Sample Problem Solving 24

    Appendix 5 Sample design of syncwine 25

    Appendix 6 Sample pivot table design 26

    List of used literature 27


The purpose of this manual is to assist teachers in organizing extracurricular independent work of students (ESWS). The manual provides brief characteristics of various types of tasks for HRVS, recommendations and requirements for their implementation, role algorithms for the actions of the teacher and the student. Teachers can become familiar with both their role in this process and the role of students. This once again emphasizes the democratic nature of the educational process, deprived of constant direct guidance of all student actions by the teacher, the absence of his direct instructions, recommendations in order to exclude obedient and mechanical execution of actions prescribed by the teacher.

When organizing HRWS, teachers should strive to awaken students' desire to become independent researchers in mastering knowledge for their future profession. Completing assignments of extracurricular independent work will allow students to develop and consolidate the qualities necessary for this.

General information on the organization of extracurricular independent work of students

The purpose of independent work is to promote the optimal assimilation of educational material by students, the development of their cognitive activity, readiness and need for self-education.

Self-study tasks:

    deepening and systematization of knowledge;

    setting and solving cognitive tasks;

    development of analytical and synthetic abilities of mental activity, the ability to work with information of different volume and type, educational and scientific literature;

Practical application of knowledge, skills;

Development of skills for organizing independent educational work and monitoring its effectiveness.

In this regard, students need to be reminded of the rules for planning and implementing independent educational activities:

1. Before doing any business, clearly formulate the goal of the upcoming activity.

4. Choose the best option after weighing all the conditions.

5. Mark the intermediate stages of the forthcoming work, determine the time of completion of each stage.

6. During the implementation of the plan, constantly monitor yourself and your activities. Adjust the work taking into account the results obtained, that is, implement and use feedback.

Characteristics of assignments for extracurricular independent work of students

1. Preparing an information message- this is a type of extracurricular independent work on the preparation of a small oral message for sounding at a seminar, a practical lesson. The information provided is in the nature of clarification or generalization, carries novelty, reflects a modern view on certain problems.

The message differs from reports and abstracts not only in the amount of information, but also in its nature - messages supplement the studied issue with factual or statistical materials. The task is drawn up in writing, it may include visual elements (illustrations, demonstration).

The time limit for reading a message is up to 5 minutes.

The time spent on preparing the message depends on the difficulty of collecting information, the complexity of the material on the topic, the individual characteristics of the student and is determined by the teacher. The approximate time for preparing an information message is 1 hour, the maximum number of points is 2.

Additional tasks of this kind can be planned in advance and entered into the map of independent work at the beginning of the study of the discipline.

The role of the teacher:

    define the subject and purpose of the message;

    determine the place and terms of preparation of the message;

Provide advice in the formation

Assess the message in the context of the lesson

Role of the student:

    collect and study literature on the topic;

    make a plan or graphical structure of the message;

    highlight the basic concepts;

    enter additional data into the text characterizing the object of study;

    arrange the text in writing;

    hand over to the teacher for control and announce it in due time.

Criteria for evaluation:

    relevance of the topic;

    correspondence of the content to the topic;

    depth of elaboration of the material;

    the presence of visual elements.

2. Abstract writing- this is a more voluminous than a message, a type of student's independent work, containing information that complements and develops the main topic studied in classroom lessons (Appendix 1). The leading place is occupied by topics of professional interest, carrying an element of novelty. Abstract materials must represent a written model of the primary document - scientific work, monograph, article. The abstract can include a review of several sources and serve as the basis for a report on a specific topic at seminars, conferences. The schedule for dubbing the abstract is 7-10 minutes.

The time spent on preparing the material depends on the difficulty of collecting information, the complexity of the material on the topic, the individual characteristics of the student and is determined by the teacher. Approximate preparation time - 4 hours, maximum number of points - 5.

As an additional task, it is planned in advance and entered into the map of independent work at the beginning of the study of the discipline.

The role of the teacher: is identical to the role in the preparation of an informational message by a student, but has features concerning:

Selection of sources (varying degrees of difficulty in assimilation

scientific works, articles);

    drawing up an abstract plan (order of presentation of the material);

    formulation of the main conclusions (compliance with the goal);

    registration of work (compliance with the requirements for registration).

Role of the student: is identical when preparing an informational message, but has features concerning:

    selection of literature (main and additional);

    studying information (understanding the logic of the source material, choosing the main material, summarizing, formulating conclusions);

    registration of the abstract in accordance with the established form.

Criteria for evaluation:

    relevance of the topic;

    correspondence of the content to the topic;

    depth of elaboration of the material;

    literacy and completeness of the use of sources;

    compliance of the abstract with the requirements.

3. Creation of materials - presentations- this is a kind of independent work of students to create visual information aids, performed using the MS PowerPoint multimedia computer program (Appendix 10). This type of work requires the coordination of the student's skills in collecting, systematizing, processing information, formatting it in the form of a collection of materials that briefly reflect the main issues of the topic being studied, in electronic form. That is, the creation of presentation materials expands the methods and means of processing and presentation educational information, forms students' computer skills.

The presentation materials are prepared by the student in the form of slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. The results of any kind of out-of-class independent work can be presented as presentation materials, according to the format corresponding to the presentation mode.

The time spent on creating presentations depends on the degree of difficulty of the material on the topic, its volume, the level of complexity of creating a presentation, the individual characteristics of the student and is determined by the teacher.

The approximate preparation time is 1.5 hours, the maximum number of points is 2.

An additional task on the creation of presentation materials is entered into the map of independent work in the dynamics of the educational process as needed and presented for control in practical classes.

The role of the teacher:

Advise in case of difficulties.

Role of the student:

Study the materials of the topic, highlighting the main and the secondary;

Establish a logical connection between elements

    select reference signals to accentuate the main

information and display in the structure of work;

Criteria for evaluation:

    correspondence of the content to the topic;

Aesthetics of design, its compliance with requirements;

The work was submitted on time.

4. Drawing up a pivotal outline- is a kind of extracurricular independent work of a student to create a concise information structure that summarizes and reflects the essence of the lecture material, the topic of the textbook (Appendix 5). The supporting synopsis is designed to highlight the main objects of study, give them a brief description using symbols, reflect the connection with other elements. The main purpose of the pivotal synopsis is to facilitate memorization. In its compilation, various basic concepts, terms, signs (symbols) - reference signals are used. A pivotal note is the best form of preparation for and in the process of answering. Drawing up a reference outline for topics is especially effective for students who are faced with a large amount of information in preparation for classes and, not having the skills to highlight the main thing, have difficulty memorizing it. The supporting outline can be represented by a system of interconnected geometric shapes containing blocks of concentrated information in the form of steps of a logical ladder; drawing with additional elements, etc. The task to compose a reference summary on a topic can be either mandatory or optional.

Supporting notes can be checked in the course of the survey by the quality of the answer of the student who compiled it, or the effectiveness of its use when answering by other students, or within the framework of seminars, a micro-competition of abstracts can be conducted according to the principle: which of them is shorter in form, capacious and universal in content.

The time spent in drawing up a reference outline depends on the complexity of the material on the topic, the individual characteristics of the student and is determined by the teacher.

Approximate preparation time -2 hours, maximum number of points - 4.

An additional assignment for compiling a reference outline is entered into the map of independent work in the dynamics of the educational process as needed.

The role of the teacher:

Help in choosing the main and additional elements

    advise in case of difficulties;

    periodically provide an opportunity to test the effectiveness of the outline during the lesson.

Role of the student:

    present the characteristics of the elements in a concise form

    select reference signals to emphasize the main information and display in the work structure

    formalize the work and provide it on time.

Criteria for evaluation:

    correspondence of the content to the topic;

    correct structuring of information;

    the presence of a logical connection of the stated information;

Accuracy and literacy of presentation and presentation

Work completed on time

5. Drawing up tests and standards of answers to them- this is a type of student's independent work to consolidate the studied information through its differentiation, concretization, comparison and refinement in the control form (question, answer) (Appendix 8). The student must compose both the tests themselves and the standards of answers to them. Tests can be of various levels of difficulty, it is advisable to provide the student with freedom of choice, the main thing is that they are within the framework of the topic. The number of tests (information units) can be determined or given arbitrarily. Quality control of tests can be brought up for discussion ("Who made the most of them?", "Whose tests are more accurate, more interesting?", Etc.) directly at the practical lesson. It is also advisable to assess their quality within the framework of the lesson. The assignment is made in writing.

The time spent on writing tests depends on the amount of information, the complexity of its structuring and is determined by the teacher. The approximate time for preparing one test task is 1 hour, the maximum number of points is 0.5.

The role of the teacher:

    to acquaint with the variant of tests;

    check performance and evaluate at the end of the lesson.

Role of the student:

    study information on the topic;

    carry out its systematic analysis;

    create tests;

    create standards of answers to them;

Criteria for evaluation:

    correspondence of the content of the test items to the topic;

    inclusion of the most important information in the test tasks;

    Advantages and disadvantages.

    Presenting your own approach / idea.

Resources required to implement this approach. Action plan for the implementation of the idea.

Prospects for the use of this approach / its development

    Pros and cons of the proposed idea.

6 Drawing up crosswords on the topic and answers to them- this is a type of displaying information in a graphical form and a type of knowledge control on it. The work of compiling a crossword puzzle requires the student to master the material, the ability to concentrate his thoughts and the flexibility of the mind. Solving crosswords is more often used in classroom independent work as a method of self-control and mutual control of knowledge.

Composing crossword puzzles is considered as a type of extracurricular independent work and requires from students not only the same qualities that are necessary when solving crosswords, but also the ability to systematize information. Crosswords can be of different shapes and lengths of words.

The time spent on composing crosswords depends on the amount of information, its complexity and is determined by the teacher. The approximate time for preparing one crossword puzzle of at least 10 words is 1 hour, the maximum number of points is 1.

The role of the teacher:

Concretize the task, clarify the goal;

Role of the student:

    study information on the topic;

    create a graphical structure, questions and answers to

Submit for control on time.

Criteria for evaluation:

    correspondence of the content to the topic;

    competent formulation of questions;

    the crossword puzzle was completed without errors;

    the work is submitted for control on time.

7. Solving problems - this is a kind of independent work that allows use various types of cognitive activity to solve problems, apply the basic methods of cognition (observation, description, measurement, experiment) to study various aspects of the surrounding reality. The ability to solve physical problems determines the degree and depth of understanding of physical phenomena. In this regard, practical training is an extremely important type of training. When solving problems in physics, it should be remembered that they reflect the physical reality of the world around us. The solution to any problem, even a very simple one, must begin with the recognition of the phenomenon and its mental representation. And only after that you can proceed to the solution.
The time spent on solving problems depends on its complexity and is determined by the teacher. The approximate time for solving the problem is from 0.5 to 1 hour, the maximum number of points is 5.

The role of the teacher:

    concretize the task

    explain the “key situations” on which most of the tasks on this topic are based.

    setting the problem together with students.

    check implementation and evaluate.

Role of the student:

    formulation of the problem;

    the solution of the problem;

    analysis of the solution.

    wording of the answer

Criteria for evaluation:

    a short record of the condition.

    recording units of measurement and converting them to SI.

    writing formulas.

    implementation of the decision

    analysis of the results

8 Compilationsyncwine requires the student to be able to find the most essential learning elements in the educational material, to draw conclusions and express succinctly. The use of modern educational technologies is a prerequisite for achieving a new quality of education. State educational standards for disciplines imply the mastery by students of a number of research, design, information and communication skills. Using the elements of technology for the development of critical thinking in the practice of his work, the teacher reveals the spiritual potential of the student, and also provides an opportunity to fight his own shortcomings and overcome doubts about his own strengths and capabilities.

Sinkwine - concentration of knowledge, associations, feelings; narrowing the assessment of phenomena and events, expressing one's position, view of an event, an object.

Syncwine writing is a form of free creativity, which is carried out according to certain rules. The traditional syncwine consists of five lines and is based on the counting of syllables in each verse, its syllable structure is 2-4-6-8-2 ".

A correctly composed syncwine has a pronounced emotional connotation.

The role of the teacher:

Concretize the task, clarify the goal;

Check performance and evaluate in the context of the lesson.

Role of the student:

    study the materials of the topic, choose the main and the secondary;

    establish a logical connection between the elements of the theme

    present the characteristics of the elements in a concise form

    formalize the work and provide it by the deadline.

Criteria for evaluation:

    Compliance with the topic (the topic of the lesson and the syncwine are the same).

    Literacy (there are no spelling or punctuation errors in the content).

    The presence of an aphorism (a quote or a catchphrase is included in the syncwine).

    Artistic images (transfer of mood, state, character of a person, environment, events).

    Originality of performance (general impression of syncwine).

9. Drawing up a summary (summarizing) table on the topic- this is a type of student's independent work on the systematization of voluminous information, which is reduced (summarized) in the framework of the table (Appendix 6). The formation of the structure of the table reflects the student's tendency to systematize the material and develops his skills in structuring information. The brevity of the presentation of information characterizes the ability to curtail it. Within the table, both sections of one topic (one-sided material) and sections of different topics (multi-sided material) are clearly displayed. Such tables are created as an aid in the study of a large amount of information, wanting to give it an optimal form for memorization. The assignment is most often mandatory, and its quality is assessed by the quality of knowledge in the process of control. Drawn up in writing. The time spent on compiling a pivot table depends on the amount of information, the complexity of its structuring and is determined by the teacher. The approximate preparation time is 1 hour, the maximum number of points is 1. Tasks for drawing up a summary table are planned more often in the context of a compulsory task for preparing for a theoretical lesson.

The role of the teacher:

Determine the theme and purpose;

Monitor the correctness of execution, evaluate the work.

Role of the student:

Study information on the topic;

Choose the optimal table shape;

Provide information in a compressed form and fill it in the main columns of the table;

Using a ready-made table, effectively prepare for the control on a given topic.

Criteria for evaluation:

Compliance of the content with the topic;

Consistency of the table structure;

Correct selection of information;

The presence of a generalizing (systematizing, structuring, comparative) nature of the presentation of information;

Compliance with the design requirements;

The work was completed on time.

Criteria for evaluating the extracurricular independent work of students

The quality of performance of extracurricular independent work of students is assessed by monitoring independent work of students using a point system. The current control of the HRWS is a form of systematic control of the quality and volume of competencies acquired by the student in the process of studying the discipline, it is carried out in practical and seminars and during the consultations of the teacher.

Maximum points independent student work on each type of assignment, the student receives if:

    expresses the relevant topic in detail and with sufficient completeness;

    gives correct formulations, precise definitions, concepts of terms;

correctly answers the additional questions of the teacher, with the aim of finding out the degree of student's understanding of this material.

70~89% a student receives if:

    incomplete (at least 70% of the complete), but the task is correctly stated;

    during the presentation, 1-2 insignificant mistakes were made, which he corrects after the teacher's remark;

    gives correct formulations, precise definitions,

concepts of terms;

    can justify his answer, give the necessary examples;

    correctly answers additional questions of the teacher, aimed at finding out the degree of student's understanding of this material.

50~69% from the maximum number of points a student receives if:

Incomplete (at least 50% of the complete), but the task is correctly stated;

    1 significant error was made in the presentation;

    knows and understands the main provisions of this topic, but admits inaccuracies in the formulation of concepts;

    sets out the performance of the assignment not logically and consistently enough;

    finds it difficult to answer the teacher's questions.

    A student receives 49% or less of the maximum number of points if:

    the task is incomplete (less than 50% of the complete);

    significant errors were made in the presentation.

Estimated amount of time to complete tasks

Annex 1

Sample title page of the abstract

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Rostov region

state budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region

"Karginsky Agrarian and Technological College"

Theme: "___________________________"

by discipline "____________________________________________"

Checked by: teacher ___________________

Is done by a student___________________ course, groups

F.I. student

Appendix 2

Sample presentation design

The first slide indicates Subject of an information message (or other type of task):

Prepared by: full name student, course, group, specialty Supervisor: Full name teacher


On the second slide present an outline of the presentation of information

On the third slide, etc. concisely reveals the content of information, you can include pictures, autoshapes, graphs, diagrams and other methods of visual display of information

Appendix 3

Sample Test Design

Types of test items

By the way of answering, test tasks can be of the following main types:

1. Closed tests with one correct answer,

in which it is necessary to choose from the proposed options

only one correct answer.

For example: Define the SI unit of measure for speed ... A) km / s. B) m. C) m / s. D) m /.

2. Closed tests with two or more correct
in which of the proposed options
it is necessary to mark at least two correct answers.

For example: Choose the quantities on which the body impulse depends

a) mass b) weight c) speed

3. Closed Matching Tests,

For example: Indicate what kind of deformation it is experiencing:

1.connecting rod a) stretching

2. rivet b) compression

3.PTO shaft c) shift

d) torsion

4. Closed tests for finding a sequence, where the proposed variants of events, phenomena, concepts must be placed in the sequence specified in the test condition.

For example: using the words and phrases below, formulate the definition of an oscillatory circuit:

A) consisting of b) a system c) of a capacitor d) in which e) and coils f) free electrical oscillations can occur

5. Open tests, in which there are no options for correct answers, the student must give the only correct answer on his own. As a rule, it is used in the formation of tests that assume an answer in the form of a calculation result, according to the conditions given in the test.

For example: What is the current in the circuit if the voltage across a resistor with an electrical resistance of 2 ∙ 10 3 kOhm is 15 V? In this case, you need to carefully monitor the uniforms used in the answer.

measurements and calculation error.

Appendix 4

Sample problem solution

Task: What is the current in the circuit if the voltage across a resistor with an electrical resistance of 2 ∙ 10 3 kOhm is 15 V?

Given: SI Solution:

R = 10 3 kΩ = 10 6 Ω J=

U = 20V J=6 = 2∙10 -6 A

J-? Answer: J= 2∙10 -6 A

Appendix 5

Sample compilation of syncwine

Exercise: Make a syncwine: the topic "The structure of matter"

Molecule. Small, mobile.

Moves, attracts, repels.

A molecule is what a substance is made of.

Appendix 6

Sample PivotTable

Field type



Vortex electric

Vortex electric

Field source

Electric charges

Moving charges, current

Changing magnetic field

Field indicator

Electric charges

Moving charges, current

Electric charges

Potential or vortex




Closed loop field work

Equals zero

Not zero

Not zero

Field lines (closed or open)

Not closed, start and end on charges



List of used literature

1. Alkhanov, A. Independent work of students / A. Alkhanov // Higher education in Russia. - 2005. - No. 11. - S.86-89. 2. Izmailova M.A. Organization of extracurricular independent work of students: Toolkit... - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K °", 2008. - 64 p. 3. Plotnikova, O. Independent work of students: an activity approach / O. Plotnikova // Higher education in Russia. - 2005. - No. 1. 4. Tailors, V. On the education of students' independence / V. Portnykh // Higher education in Russia. - 2006. –№7. - S. 155-157. 5. Rosina, N. Organization of IWS in the context of innovative education / N. Rosina // Higher education in Russia. - 2006. - No. 7. - S.109-114. 6. Rubanik, A. Independent work of students /

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Organization and conduct of extracurricular work

1. The place and role of student independent work in higher education

2. Organization and conduct of cultural practices at the university

3 Methodology for guiding the student's educational research work. The educational role of the student's supervisor

4. Educational characteristics

5. Educational and scientific-methodical work at the department


1. The place and role of student independent work in higher education

The teacher's work with students in the classroom during lectures and seminars, consultations, tests and exams is the main content of the educational process. However, the transition to the activity-competence model of education, the emergence of innovative teaching methods, when large volumes of scientific and educational information have to be mastered outside the classroom, the introduction of a lifelong learning system presupposes a significant increase in the share of independent cognitive activity of students.

The transformation of a student from an object of pedagogical influence into an active subject of the educational process, building his education together with the teacher, is a necessary condition for him to achieve the appropriate competencies.

Moreover, the student's independent work is aimed not only at achieving educational goals - acquiring the appropriate competencies, but also, first of all, at the formation of an independent life position as a personal characteristic of a future specialist, increasing his cognitive, social and professional mobility, which forms his active and responsible attitude to life.

It should be noted that independent work has always occupied a sufficient place in curricula and basic educational programs ah, however, there independent work was mainly left to the mercy of the students themselves. Attention to it on the part of the teachers was limited to help in choosing the topic of the course work, recommendations for preparing a report for the conference, and rather formal guidance of the thesis, if any were planned. Of course, these types of work, which make up the so-called UIRS complex - educational and research work of a student, are important for the development of his skills of independent research work and participation in public scientific events.

Nevertheless, this was completely insufficient within the framework of the old scheme of interaction between the university, the teacher and the student, when the task was to convey the maximum amount of knowledge and information, to the limit, and often - for the whole life - to "load" the student with information. Due to its rapid obsolescence, this information, to a large extent, turned out to be a "dead weight" that had no methodological significance, and even excessive, which weakly helped a person to independently navigate in the rapidly changing world of worldview ideas, a wave of popular scientific publications and scientific paradigms and technology.

To give education a methodological orientation, to teach a future specialist to be creative with his own education, professional growth and the ability to remain open to the rapidly renewing world of knowledge and skills - this is the task of modernizing education. This common task is implemented in a whole complex of organizational and scientific-methodological activities, among which the independent work of the student is highlighted. The independent work of the student becomes the main factor in the transformation of the student into an active subject of his own learning through a well-thought-out system of such work and its guidance by the teacher.

The traditional understanding of CDS was reduced to the student's labor input in preparation for seminars, writing term papers and reports to the conference as part of the usual implementation of the training course "lectures - seminars - tests - exams", and its results were checked during classroom sessions - at seminars, tests, exams.

This understanding of the CDS can be called independent work in broad sense of the word... It was and remains the subject of concern for university pedagogy, because the transition from school to university is usually accompanied by a psychological shock of students from a sharply increasing level of independence in general. Lessons with daily homework assignments and their checking, constant step control, to which a person is accustomed at school, give way to lectures, often in free attendance mode, a significant increase in the volume of tasks for preparing for seminars, session control, etc. This poses a task for the teacher to teach the student to listen and record lectures, work in the library, the ability to take part in seminars, plan their time and classes correctly, that is, to change the attitude towards the educational process in general, focusing on the development of the student's internal motivation, on the awareness of the need knowledge to the student himself.

Ultimately, the student acquired the experience and skills of extracurricular independent work, however, within the framework of this approach, the psychological inertia of the teacher's thinking and his conviction that the main task of the student was to master the material that was given in lectures and seminars and tested on tests and exams was preserved. which should be enough for a specialist. It is characteristic that the majority of teachers are very nervous about any reduction in classroom lessons. At the same time, the total amount of material offered for mastering in the classroom is constantly growing, gradually surpassing all the student's imaginable abilities to "pass" it, which causes stresses and complexes in conscientious students instead of curiosity, and in the rest - the desire to imitate an interest in learning.

Modernization of education can be successful only if it is “built in” into the process of general democratization of society, when education and competence, and not acquaintances and connections, become the basis for a successful career of a specialist. Only this can change the motivational component of the educational process, its optimization, which finds expression in an increase in the student's interest in personal development and professional growth. And this is impossible without developing the skills of search heuristic thinking, the ability to navigate in a huge amount of material and take initiative in mastering it, to participate in the formation of the baggage of knowledge and skills necessary in future activities.

For this, the educational process should acquire a more open character, be built on such a methodological basis, where redundancy in the presentation of factual and informational material, excessive regulation and rigidity in the educational process, limiting the possibilities of the student's personal development, would be overcome.

Modern ideas about the organization of knowledge agree that education should increasingly be of a generalized, methodologically oriented nature, associated with the independent comprehension of the basic principles of the assimilated material and its organization.

Only in such conditions the student will be able not to "drown" in the sea of ​​constantly multiplying information and will be able to learn to independently acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of assimilation of social experience.

As a result, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the technology of conducting CPC in narrow sense of the word- as a special technological type of activity. The competence-based approach presupposes an analysis of the target characteristics of all stages of the CDS as a prerequisite - what the teacher should be aiming at when using this technique.

Activity characteristics


Explains, gives detailed instructions on the goals and methods of CDS

Understands and accepts the purpose of the CDS, gets acquainted with the requirements


Reveals the theoretical and practical significance of the CDS, motivates the student for success

Forms the need for fulfillment, forms the mindset for implementation


Carries out a targeted impact, provides general guidelines for the implementation of the CDS

Carries out management of the CDS (designs, plans, allocates time)


Preliminary midterm control and final

Operational ongoing step-by-step control and correction of methods of activity and results

General assessment of work, indication of errors, methodological advice for improvement

Self-assessment of your cognitive abilities

Here, the CDS already acts as a special kind of educational work, along with lectures, seminars, tests and exams, which involves a number of measures. Work in such conditions, focused on enhancing the creative abilities of the student's personality through the "unloading" of classroom work and and the intensification of learning by expanding and deepening the CDS, involves a certain sequence of stages and steps.

First of all, it is necessary to agree that the CDS is an important part of the educational process, designed to develop the skills of extracurricular educational research activities students, instill the ability to independently work with literature, present material in writing, participate in discussions and argue their own position. It must be recognized that the CDS is a separate genre of the educational process along with lectures and seminars and is built according to a certain technological cycle, which assumes the following sequence of stages:

1 - planning;

2 - selection of material taken out to the CDS;

3 - methodological and material and technical support of the CDS;

4 - continuous monitoring and evaluation of the CDS.

For this, the methodological support of the IWS should include: an indication of the topics (or fragments of topics) that are submitted for independent study of students and the number of hours allocated for independent work on each topic. In total, the number of hours on each topic should be equal to the total number of hours devoted to independent work. Next, you should compose questions for each topic submitted for independent work of students, indicate a list of references and offer methodological materials for independent study of the selected topics, formulate questions and tasks for self-examination of the studied material by students. It is necessary to clearly define the forms and frequency of monitoring students' knowledge - tests, abstracts, consultations and interviews. The recommended frequency of such control is twice a semester: in the middle of the semester, a written test and at the end of the semester - an essay or interview.

At the same time, the practice of carrying out this form of work has shown that a simple task without guiding instructions from the teacher is not enough. The task and the literature for its study often appear in the student's mind in the form of a chaotic pile of information, because an unprepared mind selects, analyzes and systematizes material according to random signs that do not allow adequately reproducing the internal logic of the material. It will take installation lessons and consultations of the teacher, through which he sets the student a coordinate system that guides the supporting structures for the optimal way of mastering the material.

As a material base for conducting CDS, you can indicate the need for a large-scale printout of assignments and teaching materials to students, or their placement on the faculty server and their availability for classes in a computer class or via the Internet.

The final phase of the CDS is ongoing monitoring, which implies periodic control in various forms and final control, revealing the degree of achievement of the set goals.

The effectiveness of the CDS is determined precisely by the formation and interaction of all the listed elements of the technological cycle of the CDS.

2. Organization and conduct of cultural studies inUniversitye

The most important element in a practice-oriented way of education is the task of obtaining practical skills, abilities, experience in studying, mastering and organizing the processes of the functioning of culture, identifying the foundations of self-preservation and self-development of culture, and the performance of its functions by culture. In relation to the specialty "cultural studies" SES formulates the requirement for a four-week ethnological practice and four-week museum and library (cultural) practice, and undergraduate practice in specialization, lasting sixteen weeks.

Each of them has something in common and differences arising from the goals, objectives, and nature of the practice. The organization and management of the practice is entrusted to the most theoretically and methodologically experienced teachers, who develop regulations on practice, bases for conducting practices, set a task and distribute students for practice. independent student practice methodical

The objectives of the internship are to gain real experience in practical activities in the workplace with the performance of the duties of an employee. Exactly practical work In the workplace, practice differs from excursions, from study visits to cultural institutions, from studying and describing their work.

Ethnological practice is carried out after studying the course of world and national culture. It aims at practical acquaintance of students with the methods and forms of preserving the ethnocultural identity of various ethnic and confessional communities at a distance from their historical homeland, acquiring practical skills in working in organizations designed to support and cultivate mechanisms of sociocultural identification.

In the course of its passage, students get acquainted with real organizations and public structures, with the peculiarities of the functioning of cultural institutions designed to represent national and confessional formations in the public life of the region, take part in the preparation and conduct of relevant events by them. In the context of the current aggravation of interethnic and interfaith relations all over the world, real practical participation in the work of organizations and institutions designed to preserve the ethnocultural self-identity of communities in a multiethnic and polyconfessional society is the most important condition for training a specialist in cultural studies.

The bases for passing this practice are various public, national, cultural and religious organizations, with which communication is established through the city administration. These are the organizations of Greeks, Koreans, Germans, Armenians, varieties Christian churches, Muslim and Jewish community and others public organizations with whom we manage to establish working contacts.

Cultural the practice is aimed at acquainting cultural students with the direct work of organizing and functioning of primary public institutions of culture - first of all, museums and libraries, palaces and houses of culture, exhibition halls and art workshops, theaters, cinema and concert halls, music schools, entertainment and leisure institutions , tourism organizations, as well as ways of managing the sphere of culture.

In the course of this practice, students should get acquainted with the process of the real functioning of cultural institutions, acquire skills to work at workplaces in these institutions, and gain practical experience of participation in the processes of preserving and developing cultural heritage.

The documentary expression of the internship is the internship diary, which reflects such information as the trainee's personal data, the place of his study and specialty (direction), the place of internship, the practice leaders - the entire internship and at the workplace, the terms of the internship. In the diary, the task, the plan of the internship, the course of its passage and the report on its passage are formulated. The diary ends with a general conclusion about the nature of the student's work, which is done by the leader at the workplace.

At the end of the practice, a general conference is held, at which students briefly report on their work, share their impressions, express wishes for improving the practice, and the group leader of the practice counts this work.

On final stage receiving education, students of cultural studies go through the final educational cycle undergraduate practice in specialization. It involves the acquisition of skills and experience in the implementation of exploratory research activities - setting research goals in the thesis, the tasks necessary for their implementation, planning the stages of work, the sequential implementation of these stages and the defense of the final thesis at a meeting of the state attestation commission.

The base of practice is the graduating department, in which the student specializes.

The correct and systematic conduct of cultural practice allows students not only to gain theoretical knowledge, but also to consolidate their participation in the real practical process of the functioning of culture.

3 . Methodology for guiding student's educational and research work. The educational role of the student's supervisor

Receiving culturological education also includes the student's independent research in the form of student educational research work (UIRS). The forms of UIRS are quite diverse - this is the preparation of abstracts, reports for a seminar or student conference, writing term papers and completing the final final qualifying work. All these types are united by a common task - to learn how to engage in search research activities, to discover and learn new things - new, perhaps not for the whole society, but, at least, for the student himself.

Nevertheless, the student is faced with an abstract, a report already in the first year, when he is asked to read two or three articles, a section of a book and present the main content, rethought and built in accordance with a certain search task. Managing such work is not too difficult - the teacher should clearly articulate what the student needs to do and why it should be done, what he should learn as a result and what to learn.

Among the types of work that make up the UIRS, a more significant place is occupied by such a fairly traditional type of educational activity as term paper. There are at least two interpretations of the meaning of writing a term paper. The first is that the work reinforces the knowledge of any of the main professional courses studied in the corresponding year of study (and then the subject matter and guidance for writing term papers will change quite radically from year to year). And the second, which proceeds from the fact that the student does not just consolidate the knowledge of theoretical courses, but also builds a strategic plan for replenishing his research potential. When he chooses a leader and a topic and over several courses works on it, expanding and deepening his understanding of this topic in order to approach the final stage with a large accumulated knowledge base.

In fact, this is part of the question of the appropriateness of early specialization or, conversely, the greater value of broad fundamental training. Undoubtedly, a more liberal model, focusing on the interests of the student and his independence, on the choice of his own individual educational trajectory, tends to early specialization, to the choice of topics according to his interests and the development of the chosen topic consistently over several courses.

In both cases, a feature of the course work is the fact that it is a jointly shared activity with the teacher, when the gradual weakening of the leading and leading role of the teacher is compensated by an increase in the student's search activity and initiative. Compared to lectures and seminars, where the educational process is mainly built as the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, writing a term paper is not limited to the acquisition of new knowledge on a particular topic. It involves mastering new skills and abilities of educational and research activities in setting research tasks, searching for sources, selecting, comprehending and processing material, structuring it, aligning it in accordance with a certain logic, and, finally, writing a text. As a result, coursework leadership serves as a serious means of enhancing the CDS, a way of developing practical skills and abilities to acquire new knowledge, and the work itself can serve as a measure of the level of student achievement in their growth.

At the same time, the entire useful effect of this type of work depends on the correct organization of methodological work to ensure the entire process. First of all, it is necessary that students be provided with the opportunity - to get acquainted with the personnel potential of departments, scientific interests and educational work of teachers. Further, the departments should have a list of topics for term papers and theses, which will also help the student choose a topic. However, the final choice of the topic, its formulation, should be discussed with the teacher whom the student has chosen as a scientific advisor, after which it should be recorded at the department.

In terms of methodology, the supervisor himself must correctly understand the role of the course work in the educational process, see the main goals of the student's work on it (what to learn and what to learn), and provide him with the means corresponding to these goals. This should be methodological help, explaining how best to tackle the chosen topic, how to pose a problem, how to collect, analyze and select the material necessary to solve it, what sources to rely on. How to weigh and evaluate the argumentation, draw the appropriate conclusions and, finally, the most important thing - how to build the structure and text of the work itself, so that these conclusions do not look like they came from nowhere, but logically follow from the entire analysis of the material.

A teacher in the role of a supervisor should also convey to the student that the course work, being an initiative initiative of the student in the form of creative cooperation with the teacher, nevertheless, there is a mandatory type of educational and research work, which is carried out not in one swoop, but for at least six months ... That the skills and habits achieved here can be developed, developed only through persistent and systematic work.

Therefore, in the end, the teacher must evaluate not only the text of the presented course work and its compliance with the stated goals and objectives of the work, but also adjust the assessment taking into account the nature of communication with the student - his activity, depth of interests, scientific conscientiousness, hard work, or, conversely, indifference and passivity ...

The UIRS organized and conducted in this way over a number of years, subject to the productive cooperation of the teacher with the student and the deepening of the development of the chosen topic, acquires a consistent and systemic character. In fact, such work serves as a preparation for the generalization of the material and in-depth, taking into account the acquired knowledge and experience, the comprehension of the chosen topic in the diploma work of a specialist or the qualification work of a bachelor.

The student's graduation work (diploma), its writing and defense, is the pinnacle of the process of gaining knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience. Here, in the works of the best students, although I would like it to be in everyone, there are elements of the student's research work (NIRS), when in the diploma work it is really possible to find some kind of angle of view on the problem, see a new aspect of its consideration, outline new ways of argumentation.

Undoubtedly, the first serious stage of cooperation between the head and the student regarding the thesis is the choice of the topic. If the work continues the student's studies on a topic, it is necessary that the topic of the diploma does not repeat the topic of the course work, but to a certain extent generalizes their content, reaching the solution of more fundamental and significant problems.

The choice of the topic of the diploma should be based on certain principles - first of all, its relevance, that is, practical social importance, which is of personal interest to the student. Here the student should be able to clearly explain to himself what he would like to know, understand and tell others why it is important for him. Further, the topic must be sufficiently developed and at the same time leave room for research.

It is important to maintain a "golden mean" here, because the most common mistake is the choice of a topic on the basis of the principle "no one considered it", which should alert the student. After all, if no one has considered this before, has not undertaken it, so maybe this case is not worth it? If a lot of works have been written on this topic, it is worth considering whether you need to add something else to them?

The chosen topic should give a perspective that you need to be able to see - we are talking about how to fix the problem in it - difficulty, ambiguity, incomprehensibility, what is unknown and what needs to be learned. No less important is the consideration that engaging in this topic should give a real increase in knowledge in their specialty, which can then be used either in continuing research work or in practice.

It is desirable that there is a certain baggage of sources on this topic. The main literature should already be available to the student as a result of his activity on writing term papers, but the diploma requires the development of such sources by an order of magnitude more. Something should be suggested by the supervisor, something can be taken additionally from library catalogs, from the Internet. But the most productive way of accumulating thematic literature is the so-called "chain reaction" method, when the bibliography cited there is extracted from the studied literature, the reference to which, in turn, gives the following wave of sources.

The selected and carefully formulated topic of the thesis is approved by the graduating department. Further, after the completion of the winter session, the student is given as many as sixteen weeks for undergraduate practice in specialization (and passing the state interdisciplinary certification exam).

Here the supervisor should outline the stages and terms of this practice. These will be the stage of collecting material, when literature is found, read, outlined, undergoes primary processing. The next stage is the analysis and processing of the accumulated material, the selection of the most important sources, the search in them for the main elements of the topic of their work - the formulation of the problem, tasks, ways of approaching them, argumentation, conclusions. During this period, one should completely refuse to read new material, remembering that this process is endless and that reasonable self-restraint is necessary.

As a result of such analytical comprehension of the accumulated material, a vague understanding of the main idea of ​​the entire work should gradually arise - that is, some kind of primary answer to the main problem of the work.

The main idea of ​​the work is its conceptual axis, which the author of the work should be able to formulate in several sentences. And already the substantiation of this main idea, the search for appropriate arguments, their detailed presentation, grouping and classification gradually form the structure of the work.

Sometimes the structure is set in advance - for example, this is considered traditional - the historical part, where an overview of the research topic is given, a theoretical discourse, where approaches, methods of posing and arguing the stated problem are analyzed and a statement of its own vision, supported by its own structure of evidence and justification. In any case, it is desirable that the content of the work looks logical, and the material presented seems to follow from the previous consideration.

Only after such analytical work should one sit down to write a text, the initial version of which the supervisor should review and make comments. After that, an introduction is already written, which substantiates the relevance and interest in the chosen topic, the degree of its elaboration, the problem is posed and the goal of the work is determined, which is revealed in the set of tasks, the methodological base is formulated.

In conclusion, the results of the thesis are presented in the form of brief conclusions from the research carried out, and a bibliography for the work is given.

The final stage in guiding a student's work on a diploma is writing a review of the supervisor. You should clearly understand the difference between a review of your graduate student's work and a review of another student's thesis. The supervisor, first of all, should characterize in the review not the text of the work (let alone give it an assessment), but the very nature of the student's activity in the process of writing a diploma throughout the cooperation, his personal qualities, which are expressed in the presented work. Was this work systematic, did the student show scientific conscientiousness, hard work, the level of qualifications and understanding of the material, the ability to work with it and get a result.

But the reviewer must already give an objective analysis of the text itself, to reveal how much the stated goals were achieved, the set tasks to be solved, and the problems to be resolved. He assesses how successful the chosen structure is, how the analysis is carried out, how widely the available scientific material is used, and makes his critical remarks. But the reviewer should not give an assessment of the work in a categorical form, because its defense has yet to be defended. It can be very useful for a student to consult with the supervisor about the review - what is there to agree with, and what, perhaps, needs to be disputed during the defense.

The cooperation of a teacher with a student as a supervisor also imposes on him the obligation to establish personal contacts, knowledge of his human qualities, circumstances and living conditions, problems that prevent him from learning.

Life situations sometimes require a student to write an educational description, and since none of the teachers knows better than the supervisor, the dean's office usually turns to the supervisor for appropriate help.

4. Educational characteristics

Training characteristic suggests the wording to whom it is issued - a student of such and such a course, such and such a group, such and such a faculty (if a student has already graduated from a university, then a graduate of such and such a faculty) in the specialty (direction) of such and such. This is followed by the last name, first name, patronymic of the student. The characteristic fixes the formal conditions and grounds for its issuance - when the student entered the training, how long he studied there.

It is necessary to note the student's attitude to the studies - conscientious and motivated, corresponding to the established order and regulatory requirements or violating them. It is necessary to characterize the personal qualities that the student showed - conscientiousness, hard work, intellectual abilities, the ability to prepare for classes and take part in them. Qualities such as deep awareness of the issues discussed, student's erudition, general culture of thinking, clarity of language and style of presentation will significantly complement its characteristics, of course, if they exist. The ability to conduct a discussion, polemize with opponents, and the ability to convincingly defend one's position is very important. It is possible to separately characterize the student's attitude to lectures, seminars, to the implementation of independent work, term papers, possibly a thesis. It is possible to note the orientation of the student's interests, in which disciplines his successes look more impressive, what specialization and department he chose. The text will look more convincing if the level of the student's grades is given - whether he studies mainly with excellent and good grades, good and satisfactory, simply satisfactory, whether he has academic arrears.

The second point - whether or not the student has a propensity and ability to participate in the student's UIRS and SRWS - refers to scientific and educational circles, speeches with reports at faculty and university student conferences, at the Science Week. In case of successful performances, it should be noted that the student received the title of laureate, diplomas and certificates for good performances. It is very important to have articles in collections student works or other publications.

The third item includes the degree of participation in the social life of the group, faculty, university. This can be participation as a headman, a trade union organizer, a participant in amateur performances, KVN, sports events.

The fourth point of the characteristics. After considering the main activities of the student, one should dwell on his human, personal and moral qualities - the presence of intelligence, will, character. These are also qualities such as modesty, sociability, friendliness and attentiveness to comrades, responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of collectivism and a willingness to come to the rescue. Very important now are such characteristics as the presence or absence of leadership qualities and organizational abilities, the ability to independence and self-organization, the so-called creativity (active and creative attitude to any business).

Either the presence of other or even opposite qualities - irresponsibility, immodesty, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness, passivity, etc. It must be remembered that an objective characterization cannot only be laudatory, but should also contain critical remarks.

In conclusion, it should be noted the student's relationship in the group and the attitude of the collective to the student - whether he enjoys authority, respect, and in general, what is the student's status in the group.

5 ... Educational and scientific-methodical work at the department

The department is an educational and scientific unit that carries out the main methodological work on the organization and conduct of the educational process and control over the implementation of this work by the teachers of the department. The head of the department appoints his deputies - for educational, methodological and scientific work from among the most experienced and knowledgeable of the structure of the educational process and the main scientific directions of the work of the department of teachers. There is a distribution of areas of activity and main responsibilities between them. The head of the department carries out general management of the work of the department and bears personal responsibility for this.

Under their leadership, the methodologists and laboratory assistants of the department prepare and maintain the necessary documentation - folders of incoming and outgoing documents, minutes of the department meeting, plans for the meeting of the department, reports on the work of the department, the staffing of the department, information about teachers and employees, a plan for advanced training of teachers of the department.

The most important training documents, for which the deputy head for academic work is responsible, is the teaching load of the department, the specialization program (for graduating departments) - a list of courses and special courses read, lists of students specializing in department specialization by years of study with supervisors and approved topics of coursework and diploma theses ... This also includes educational and methodological documentation (first of all, teaching materials) for all taught courses, the summary topic of coursework and diploma works carried out in the department, the presence of a journal of mutual visits of classes by teachers of the department.

The area of ​​responsibility of the deputy head of the department for scientific work is the research work of the department - scientific directions, research plans, participation in grants, research reports, reports on publications, lists of doctoral students, graduate students and trainees of the department by years of study.

All these types of work are regularly discussed at the meetings of the department so that the work of teachers meets the regulatory requirements of the organization and conduct of the educational process.


1. Abasov Z. Design and organization of independent work of students // Higher education in Russia, no. 10, 2007 //.

2. Kondrashov V.A. The place and role of practical training of a student in the educational program in the specialty "cultural studies" // Prospects for the creation of the Southern federal university- a world-class innovative university. - Rostov-on-Don, 2006 //.

3. Kondrashov V.A. Coursework guidance as a way of developing student skills and abilities and their control in teaching humanitarian disciplines // Diagnostics of the level of educational achievements of students in modern higher education. - Rostov-on-Don, 2005 //.

4. Kondrashov V.A., Pavlova E.L. Scientific, methodological and organizational grounds for enhancing the independent work of students in the study of humanitarian disciplines // Problems of humanitarian education and upbringing. - p. Persianovsky, 2004 //.

5. Culturology. - Rostov-on-Don, 2008.

6. Kuzmina E. Pedagogical practice as a form of integration of the educational process // Higher education in Russia, no. 10, 2007 //.

7. Fundamentals of philosophy teaching methods. - M., 1971.

8. Training course on culturology. - Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

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Organization of extracurricular independent work of students

1. Regulatory requirements for the organization of independent work (SR) in the implementation of the FSES NPO / SPO of a new generation

With the introduction of the new generation GEF, the value of SR increases significantly. The need for her in training is due to the fact that the development of the subject of professional activity is impossible outside the activity in which its goal is independently set, actions and operations are planned and implemented, the result obtained is correlated with the goal, the methods of activity are adjusted, etc. The student's subjective position in learning becomes the main condition for the formation of practical experience and, on its basis, for mastering competencies.

This, in turn, requires a corresponding reorganization of the educational process in terms of the educational component, improvement of educational and methodological documentation, the introduction of new information and educational technologies, updating the hardware and software of the SR, new technologies of self-control and current control of knowledge, skills and possessions. In this regard, a part of the work of teachers is qualitatively changing, which is reflected in their individual plans in terms of educational and educational-methodical work.

In the context of the growing importance of extracurricular work of students, the activities of the teacher and student are filled with new content.

The role of the teacher consists in the organization of SR with the aim of acquiring a student of OK and PC, allowing the student to form the ability for self-development, self-education and innovative activity;

Role of the student is to become a creative person in the process of SR under the guidance of a teacher, able to independently acquire knowledge, skills and possessions, formulate a problem and find the best way to solve it.

Independent work - This is a planned activity of students within the framework of the curriculum for mastering the content of OBOP NGO / SVE, which is carried out on an assignment, with methodological guidance and supervision of a teacher, but without his direct participation.

Tasks of the SR organization are to:

    motivate students to master educational programs;

    to increase the responsibility of students for their learning;

    promote the development of general and professional competencies of students;

    create conditions for the formation of students' ability to self-education, self-government and self-development.

Analysis and generalization of modern practices of SR organization testifies to the variety of types and types of independent activity of students, various methods of pedagogical management of independent educational and cognitive activity by teachers.


    Lecture work. Drawing up or following the lecture reading plan, working out the lecture notes, supplementing the notes with the recommended literature. In the lectures - questions for independent work of students, indications of the source of the answer in the literature. During the lecture, the so-called "Blotches"performances, student messages on specific issues of the plan. Advance tasks for independent study of fragments of future topics of classes, lectures (in articles, textbooks, etc.). The most important means of enhancing the desire for independent activity are active learning technologies. In this regard, an effective form of training is problematic lectures. The main task of the lecturer in this case is not so much to convey information as to familiarize the listeners with the objective contradictions of the development of scientific knowledge and ways of resolving them. The student's function is not only to process information, but also to actively engage in the discovery of unknown knowledge.

    Work in practical training.Seminar-discussion is formed as a process of dialogical communication between the participants, in the course of which a practical experience of joint participation in the discussion and resolution of theoretical and practical problems is formed. The student learns to express his thoughts in reports and speeches, actively defend his point of view, reasonably object, refute the erroneous position of a fellow student. This form of work allows you to increase the level of intellectual and personal activity, involvement in the process of educational cognition.

"Brain attack". The group is divided into “generators” and “experts”. The generators are offered a situation (of a creative nature). For a certain time, students offer various options for solving the proposed problem, fixed on the board. At the end of the allotted time, the "experts" enter the battle. During the discussion, the best proposals are accepted and the teams change roles. Providing students with the opportunity to offer, discuss, exchange ideas in class not only develops their creative thinking and increases the degree of trust in the teacher, but also makes learning "comfortable".

The game form of the lesson ("What? Where? When?").

Students were pre-divided into three groups, homework was given, team numbers were prepared, and a score sheet with the names of the players for the captains. The game consists of six stages.

    Introductory remarks by the teacher.

    Warm-up - repetition of all key questions of the topic.

    The time for thinking about the question and the number of points for the answer are set.

    The game “What? Where? When?".


    Closing remarks from the teacher.

Business games. Such a lesson is more convenient to carry out when repeating and generalizing the topic. The group is divided into teams (2-3). Each team receives a task and then announces their decision. Tasks are exchanged.

Round table. A characteristic feature of the round table is the combination of a thematic discussion with a group consultation. A presenter and 5–6 commentators are selected on the topic's problems. The main directions of the topic are selected, and the teacher offers students questions, on the solution of which the solution of the whole problem depends. The presenter continues the lesson, he gives the floor to the commentators, involves the whole group in the discussion.

Collective discussion teaches to independence, activity, a sense of involvement in events. At the same time, the information obtained as a result of listening to lectures and independent work with additional material is consolidated, as well as problems and issues for discussion are identified.

Analysis of specific situations- one of the most effective and widespread methods of organizing active cognitive activity of students. The method of analysis of specific situations develops the ability to analyze life and professional tasks. Faced with a specific situation, the student must determine: is there a problem in it, what is it, determine his attitude to the situation, offer options for solving the problem.

Method of projects. To implement this method, it is important to choose a theme taken from real life, significant for the student, for the solution of which it is necessary to apply his existing knowledge and new knowledge that has yet to be obtained. The teacher and the student choose a topic jointly, reveal research prospects, develop an action plan, determine sources of information, methods of collecting and analyzing information. In the process of research, the teacher indirectly observes, gives recommendations, and consults. After the completion and presentation of the project, the student participates in the assessment of their activities.

Technology for creating a cheat sheet. This technology is unconventional and arouses an increased interest of the student audience in the opportunity to participate in the creation of such a "creative product". It allows the student to develop and form a number of important skills, such as:

    think out of the box, in an original way;

    summarize information into microblocks;

    deeply study the material, focusing on

    basic, main, core information;

    choose and organize key concepts, terms,

The implementation mechanism of this technology is as follows. At the first stage, students create their own "personalized" package of cheat sheets for all questions that are submitted for an exam or test (participation is voluntary). Before the exam, students hand over cheat sheets to the teacher (the teacher checks this product for compliance with technological requirements).

You can use the "cheat sheet" on the exam in the following cases:

    personal request of the student in case of difficulties; only when answering at the teacher's table;

    viewing time no more than 2 minutes (if the student material

    knows that this time is enough).

Using a dictionary-cheat sheet is a student's ability to show how to get a thoughtful and detailed answer to a question posed from a minimum of encrypted information.


1. Designing... There are two different ways note-taking - direct and indirect.

Direct note-taking is an abbreviated record of the essence of the information as it is presented. When recording lectures or during a seminar, this method turns out to be the only possible one, since both of them unfold before your eyes and will not be repeated again; you have no opportunity either to run into the end of the lecture, or to "listen" to it several times.

Mediated note-taking begins only after reading (preferably rereading) the entire text to the end, after the general meaning of the text and its internal content-logical interconnections are clear. The synopsis itself must be kept not in the order of its presentation, but in the sequence of these interconnections: they often do not coincide, and the essence of the matter can be understood only in its logical, and not rhetorical, sequence. Naturally, the logical sequence of the content can be understood only after reading the text to the end and realizing its content as a whole.

With such work, it will become clear that in each place it is important for you what will be obviously blocked by the content of another passage, and what can be omitted altogether. Naturally, with such a note-taking, it will be necessary to compensate for the violation of the order of presentation of the text with all kinds of notes, cross-references and clarifications. But there is nothing wrong with this, because it is the cross-references that most fully capture the internal relationships of the topic.

Indirect note-taking can also be used in a lecture if, before the start of the lecture, the teacher distributes the lecture outline to the students (plate, short synopsis in the form of basic concepts, algorithms, etc.).

    Bibliography of literature... Referencing reflects, identifies not the content of the corresponding work (document, publication) in general, but only new, valuable and useful content(increment of science, knowledge).

    Annotating books, articles. This is an extremely concise summary of the main content of the text. It is especially suitable for superficial preparation for colloquia and seminars for which certain literature is assigned to work. Also suitable for preliminary bibliographic notes "to oneself". It is built on the basis of a synopsis, only a very short one. Unlike the abstract, it gives an idea not of the content of the work, but only of its subject matter. The abstract is built according to the standard scheme: subject heading (output data; area of ​​knowledge to which the work belongs; topic or topics of work); general structure of labor (or, the same, "summary of the table of contents"); a detailed, head-to-head listing of the main and additional questions and problems raised in the work.

The abstract includes: a description of the type of work, the main topic (problem, object), the purpose of the work and its results; indicates what is new in the given work in comparison with others, related to it in subject matter and purpose (in case of reprint - what distinguishes this edition from the previous one). Sometimes information about the author is given (nationality, country, period to which the author's work belongs, literary genre), the main problems and themes of the work, the place and time of the events described. The annotation indicates the reader's purpose of the print work.

    Report, abstract, test.

Report- a type of independent work, used in educational and extracurricular activities, contributes to the formation of research skills, expands cognitive interests, teaches people to think practically. When writing a report on a given topic, you should draw up a plan, select the main sources. Working with sources, one should systematize the information obtained, draw conclusions and generalizations. Several students are involved in a report on a large topic, among whom the questions of the presentation are distributed. In educational institutions, reports are practically no different from essays in content and are credited work.

abstract- a summary in writing or in the form of a public report of the content of scientific work or works, a review of the literature on the topic. This is an independent research work of a student, which reveals the essence of the problem under study. The presentation of the material is of a problem-thematic nature, different points of view are shown, as well as their own views on the problem. The content of the abstract should be logical. The volume of the abstract is usually from 5 to 15 typewritten pages. The topics of the abstract are developed by the teacher leading this discipline. Before starting work on the abstract, you should outline a plan and select literature. First of all, you should use the literature recommended curriculum, and then expand the list of sources, including the use of special journals, where there is the latest scientific information.

Abstract structure:

    Title page.

    Introduction (the statement of the question is given, the choice of the topic, its significance and relevance is explained, the purpose and objectives of the abstract are indicated, the characteristics of the literature used are given).

    The main part (consists of chapters and subchapters that reveal a separate problem or one of its sides and are logically a continuation of each other).

    Conclusion (summarizes and provides generalized main conclusions on the topic of the abstract, makes recommendations).


The list of references should contain at least 8-10 different sources.

It is allowed to include tables, graphs, diagrams, both in the main text and as attachments.

Evaluation criteria for the abstract: relevance to the topic; depth of elaboration of the material; the correctness and completeness of the use of sources; knowledge of the terminology and culture of speech; registration of the abstract.

At the discretion of the teacher, abstracts can be presented at seminars in the form of speeches.

Test- one of the forms of checking and evaluating the acquired knowledge, obtaining information about the nature of cognitive activity, the level of independence and activity of students in the educational process, the effectiveness of methods, forms and methods of educational activity.

A distinctive feature of the written test is a greater degree of objectivity compared to oral questioning.

For written control works it is important that the system of tasks provides for both the identification of knowledge on a specific topic (section) and the understanding of the essence of the studied objects and phenomena, their patterns, the ability to independently draw conclusions and generalizations, and creatively use knowledge and skills.

When performing such tests, the proposed basic literature should be used and additional sources should be selected.

Test topics are developed by the teacher leading this discipline.

Answers to questions should be specific, logical, relevant to the topic, contain conclusions, generalizations and show their own attitude to the problem, where appropriate.

Independent work on the Internet New information technologies (NIT) can be used to:

    searching for information on the net- use of web browsers, databases, use of information retrieval and information and reference systems, automated library systems, electronic journals;

    organizing a dialogue on the network- use of e-mail, synchronous and delayed teleconferences;

    creating thematic web pages and web quests- use of html editors, web browsers, graphic editors.

Possibilities of new information technologies.

Forms of organizing training sessions

1. Search and processing of information

    writing an abstract-review

    review of the site on the topic

    analysis of existing abstracts on the network on this topic, their assessment

    writing your own version of the lecture plan or a fragment of it


    preparation of a fragment of a practical lesson

    preparation of a report on

    preparation of a discussion on the topic

    work with a web-quest prepared by a teacher or found on the net 2. Dialogue in the network

    discussion of a past or upcoming lecture on the group's mailing list

    communication in a synchronous teleconference (chat) with specialists or students of other groups or universities studying this topic

    discussion of emerging issues in a delayed teleconference

    consultations with the teacher and other students via a delayed teleconference

3. Creation of web pages and web quests

    posting completed abstracts and reviews on the course support website, creating a rating of student papers on this topic

    publication of related bibliographies

    creation of thematic web pages individually and in mini-groups

    creation of web-quests for work on the topic and posting them on the course website

A web-quest is a specially organized type of research activity, for which students search for information in the network at specified addresses. They are created in order to better use the students' time, to use the information received for practical purposes and to develop the skills of critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of information.

This type of activity was developed in 1995 at San Diego State University by researchers Bernie Dodge and Tom March.

To make this work as effective as possible, web-quest(specially organized web page) should contain the following parts:

    Introduction, which describes the timing and sets the initial situation.

    An interesting task that you can actually do.

    A collection of links to network resources required to complete the task. Some (but not all) resources can be copied to the site of this web quest to make it easier for students to download materials. These resources should contain links to web pages, expert e-mail addresses or thematic chats, books or other materials available from the library or from the teacher. By providing accurate addresses when completing assignments, students will not waste time.

    Description of the process of performing the work. It should be broken down into stages with specific deadlines.

    Some explanations for processing the information received: guiding questions, concept tree, cause-effect diagrams.

    A conclusion reminding students of what they have learned in this assignment; perhaps ways for further independent work on the topic or a description of how you can transfer the experience gained to another area. Web quests can be short-term or long-term. The goal of short-term projects is to acquire knowledge and integrate it into your knowledge system. Work on a short-term web-quest can take from one to three sessions. Long-term web-quests are aimed at expanding and clarifying concepts. Upon completion of work on a long-term web-quest, the student should be able to conduct a deep analysis of the knowledge gained, be able to transform it, master the material enough to be able to create tasks for working on the topic. Work on a long-term web-quest can last from one week to a month (maximum two).

Web quests are best for work in mini-groups however, there are also web-quests designed for individual students. Additional motivation when completing a web quest can be created by offering students choose roles(for example, scientist, journalist, detective, architect, etc.), and act in accordance with them: for example, if the teacher offered the role of the Secretary of the United Nations, then this character can send a letter to another participant (who plays the role of the President of Russia, for example ) on the need for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

The web quest can be about one subject or be cross-subject.

The researchers note that in the second case, the work done is more effective.

Web-quest forms can also be different. The most popular ones are:

    Creation of a database on the problem, all sections of which are prepared by students. Creation of a microcosm in which students can navigate using hyperlinks, simulating physical space. Writing an interactive story (students can choose options for continuing work; for this, two or three possible directions are indicated each time; this technique resembles the famous choice of the road by the road stone by Russian heroes from epics).

Creation of a document that provides an analysis of a complex problem and invites students to agree or disagree with the opinions of the authors.

    On-line interview with a virtual character. Answers and questions are developed by students who have deeply studied this person. (This can be a politician, a literary character, a famous scientist, an alien, etc.) This work option is best offered not to individual students, but to a mini-group that receives an overall assessment (which is given by the rest of the students and the teacher) for their work.

WITH independent work as a form of training organization is possible and necessary to obtain any educational result. However, its types for obtaining different educational outcomes will be different:

    for mastering knowledge: work with dictionaries and reference books; familiarization with regulatory documents; educational research work; work with lecture notes; work on educational material (textbook, primary source, article, additional literature, including materials obtained via the Internet); note-taking of texts; answers to Control questions; preparation of abstracts for presentation at a seminar, conference; preparation of abstracts, etc .;

    for the formation of skills and possessions: solving typical problems and exercises; solving variable problems and exercises; execution of drawings, diagrams; execution of computational works; solving production situational (professional) tasks; design and modeling of various types and components of professional activity; performance of term papers and final qualification works; experimental and design work; exercises on a PC and a simulator, etc.

In accordance with the levels of mastering the educational material, the following types of SR are distinguished:

    - introductory - notation of literature;

    - reproductive - writing test

    - productive - essay preparation

According to the coverage of students, the forms of independent activity can be divided into differentiated(individual or in small groups) and frontal forms. Independent work in an educational institution can be organized individually with each student, with several students (for example, project teams) and for the study group (lecture stream) as a whole.

To a large extent, the choice of specific forms of organization of independent activity of students depends on the profile of training, the discipline studied, and the level of professional education.

Among the methods of organizing SR in teaching a foreign language, for example, the most common are:

    home reading, translation, essay writing;

    dialogue on the Internet;

    creation of web pages and web quests;

    work with e-mail;

    watching videos with subtitles and karaoke;

    case study;

    training in the language laboratory, media library;

    reviewing and abstracting of texts, etc.

In technical disciplines, the following forms of SR organization are often used: execution of drawings, diagrams;

    execution of settlement and graphic works;

    solving situational production (professional) tasks;

    preparation for business games;

    design and modeling of various types and components of professional activity;

    experimental design work;

    experimental work.

Independent work, not provided for by the educational program, curriculum and teaching materials that reveal and concretize their content, can be carried out by students on an initiative basis, in order to realize their own educational and professional interests.

Time volume distribution for extracurricular independent work in the daily routine of students, as a rule, is not regulated by the schedule.

2. Planning the SR of students in the framework of PM and UD OBOP NGO / SPE

Independent work as a form of training organization and type of training is planned and designed by the teachers of the PM and UD programs of each OBOP educational institution.

When forming the PM and UD program as part of the OBEP NGO / SPE, the selection of the content of education at the stage of its design occurs when working with sections “2.2. Thematic plan and content of the discipline "and" 3.2. The content of training for the professional module "(Models of the program of the academic discipline and professional module). Further information on independent work is located in the calendar-thematic plan.

Often in these sections you can find such formulations as

    Systematic study of class abstracts, educational and special literature

    Preparation for laboratory and practical work

    Report preparation and preparation for their protection

    Work on a course project

These types of SR are not formulated diagnostically and are not associated with any educational outcome that can be assessed. These types of SR indicate processes, not results.

It is more expedient to indicate not the types, but the approximate topics of the SR for the PM and DD when planning the SR. In this case, the topic should be presented in a “task” formulation.

    Justify with examples the general and professional culture of the teacher, the essence, the meaning

    Fragment of the technological documentation of the technological process of mechanical processing according to the sample

    Implementation of a decorative solution to a human figure

    Composing with CorelDraw

    Development of a set of measures to reduce injuries at

production site

    Drafting and execution of contracts: lease and contract

Next, you need to calculate the complexity of the SR. As a rule, software developers are guided by their own professional experience and common sense. The time spent on the independent fulfillment of a specific content of the educational task is determined empirically, taking into account the observations of the students performing independent work in the classroom, their questioning about the time spent on a particular task, the timing of their own costs for solving a particular task. According to the totality of tasks, the amount of time for out-of-class independent work on PM and UD is determined.

It is also advisable to assess the potential need of trainees for consultation, as well as take into account the amount of time for control activities to assess the results. During the performance of extracurricular CP by students and, if necessary, the teacher can conduct consultations at the expense of the general budget of time allotted for consultations. All this should be reflected in the schedule or technological map of SR for PM and UD.

The extracurricular activities of students make it possible to organize the individualization of the educational activities of students, for which technological maps of the passage of IOM are drawn up for each PM, UD, individual schedules of the SR are drawn up.

The process of organizing extracurricular independent work of students includes the following stages:

First step- preparatory. Includes drawing up a work program highlighting topics and tasks for the HRWS; preparation of teaching materials; diagnostics of the level of preparedness of students.

Second phase- organizational. At this stage, the goals of individual and group work of students are determined; individual group setting consultations are held; the terms and forms of presentation of intermediate results are established.

Stage Three- motivational and activity. The teacher at this stage must provide positive motivation for individual and group activities; checking intermediate results; organization of self-control and self-correction; interchange and mutual verification in accordance with the chosen purpose.

Fourth stage- control and evaluation. Includes individual and group reports and their assessment. HRMS control can be carried out by means of intermediate and final testing, writing in the classroom written tests, colloquia, intermediate tests, etc.

3. Technology for the development of tasks for the organization of SR

One of the most time-consuming activities in the planning and design of SR is the design of educational, cognitive and practical tasks

Within the framework of the competence-based model of education, tasks for independent work should be of an activity nature. Students should be encouraged to do more than just read and retell teaching material as homework assignments. It is advisable, having proposed a new educational content as a source material, to give the task to rework, transform it into a certain kind of product using certain means and operations, relying on some knowledge and cognitive skills.

In this case, the assimilation of knowledge becomes a necessary condition (means) for solving a specific educational and professional task (problem).

When drawing up a fund of tasks, you can use the "Designer of educational and cognitive tasks"

Constructor of cognitive tasks for SW










What are the main parts….

Explain the reasons why ...

Display information about

... graphically

Uncover the features ...

Suggest a new (different) option ...

Rank those ... and


Group everything together ...

Outline the steps

necessary to….

Suggest a way

allowing ...

Analyze those structures ... from the point of view ...

Develop a plan


(hindering) ...

Will determine

e, which of the solutions

it is optimal for…. From the point

view…. Make a list Show connections, Make a sketch Make up Find Rate concepts that are on your drawing a list of unusual significance

concerning ... look, (scheme), the main way, b for ....

there exist which properties ..., allowing between .. and ... shows ... characterizing ...

them ... from the point


Position in Build Compare ... and Build Come Up Define a specific prediction ... .. and then categorize the game, in order .... development… .. justify…. … To which…. possible on the basis of ... e

criteria for evaluation …

Submit in Comment Spend Locate in Suggest Speak in the form of the text

(abstract)… what…. experiment, scheme, etc.) then, the classification is critical

confirming that ... u ...

oh what ... judgments

O …

Recall State differently Spend Compare points Describe Rate and write ... (reformulate presentation ... view ... and ... possible maybe

those) the idea of ​​being on…. (most likely for .... what is probable)

development scenario ...

Read Give an example Count on Reveal State in Conduct yourself what (how, where) the principles, form ... your expertise

…. ... data on ... lying in the opinion of

based on ... (understanding) the state

… …

How convincingly proven v psychological and pedagogical research, the greatest educational and cognitive tasks:

    with insufficient conditions, when part of the information must be found in reference books, the Internet, by questioning, interviewing, etc .;

    with redundant conditions, in which (as in real life) there is a lot of unnecessary information, and it is required to separate meaningful information from "noise" (choose only what is needed to complete the task);

    with several solution options (the best option is selected according to a given or independently formulated by the student the basis / criterion).

Such general competence how "Search for information required for efficient executionprofessional tasks " and "Useinformation and communication technology in professionalactivities " are formed in the conditions of work with tasks for information processing. These include:

    assignments for the transfer of information (preparation of reports, messages on the topic, posters, MS Power Point presentations for educational material, tutorials on the topic, etc.);

    tasks for ordering information (building logical, causal relationships, chronological ordering, ranking, rating);

    tasks for recoding information (drawing up diagrams, diagrams, graphs, tables and other forms of visibility to the text and vice versa);

    tasks related to the interpretation, analysis and synthesis of information received from primary sources or from teaching materials;

    generalization tasks and / or assessment (reviewing) of materials discussions, discussions held in the classroom.

In modern practice of vocational education, telecommunication projects are widely used for organizing SRs, involving work in thematic Internet forums and the exchange of information by e-mail. This type of self-study is widespread as educational research work, within the framework of which various research methods are being worked out, including laboratory observation, experiment, surveys, the use of mathematical methods for processing the obtained data, as well as the competent presentation of the results obtained in the form of structured text, drawing up conclusions, etc.

Such forms of SR organization as solving situational tasks and work with educational cases.

Actually training case is a description of a specific situation from a specific area of ​​professional activity, compiled in an entertaining (popular-journalistic) style. It contains a plot with a certain intrigue, containing a hidden or explicit conflict (interests, positions, actions of various actors and / or their consequences). The description of cases often includes direct speech of the actors in the plot (to personify positions and meanings), a description of their actions and behavior, as well as, if necessary, small tables and diagrams illustrating the plot, etc. Sometimes the description of a case study situation is accompanied by multi-page appendices, from which information is selected to solve the problem. Having familiarized themselves with the content of the educational case, the students formulate the problem, diagnose the causes of its occurrence and describe (justify) the ways resolution of contradictions.

Recently, the presentation of cases on electronic media (multimedia presentations) or in the form of a WEB-publication on the Internet has become more and more popular. Obviously, in certain professional areas, it is impossible to do without figuratively visual presentation of information.

The tasks for independent work considered above are suitable for achieving such intermediate educational results as knowledge and skills. Most often they are used as part of educational and methodological complexes of interdisciplinary courses and academic disciplines.

Results over of a high order (practical experience, subcompetencies, general and professional competencies) can also be formed in the process of SR of students. In this case, assignments for independent work should be formalized as practical (including project) assignments.

Practical task is a set of requirements (tasks) organized in a certain way for the performance of labor operations and actions that correspond to the content of labor functions and the professional and general competencies necessary for their implementation. Practical tasks that are used in practical classes, training practice, can be associated with the manufacture of any product or other material product, which is especially valuable in the professions of NGOs, since in them most of the professional competencies are of an applied nature. However, for such competencies, as a rule, not only the parameters of the manufactured product are important, but also the characteristics of the process of practical activity (for example, compliance with safety regulations). Therefore, for SWs, practical tasks of this kind are used only for certain professions and specialties.

Design assignment - this is a series of requirements (professional and labor tasks) related to the general professional and labor situation and the "storyline", corresponding to the content of labor functions and the professional and general competencies necessary for their implementation. The specificity of the development of project assignments as one of the types of practical assignments lies in the construction of an integrating "storyline" that unites various professional tasks. In this case, the formulation of tasks is preceded by a description of the professional and labor situation. Often not all the necessary information is presented in the description; it must be found in reference books, use the Internet search, make information requests, etc.

One of the traditional types of design assignments are coursework works (projects) - independent educational work performed during the academic semester (course) under the guidance of a teacher and aimed at solving a particular problem or conducting research on one of the issues studied in the professional module (academic discipline). It is one of the forms of educational and research work, its implementation is mandatory for all students.

The approximate subject of coursework for the choice of students is formed on the basis of the planned educational results of the professional module, and should also have a "task" formulation (as opposed to the abstract). The structure, design, training and defense regulations are determined by the Regulation on coursework (course design) agreed with employers, which is part of the educational and methodological complex, which ensures the implementation of the corresponding OBOR of an educational institution. To organize the defense of term papers, it is necessary to develop assessment criteria that include indicators formed on the basis of the planned educational results (general and professional competencies).

The distribution of tasks for independent work should be accompanied by instructions from the teacher (master of industrial training). In some cases, it is advisable to attach instructions for the student to complete the assignment to the materials of the assignment in writing. As a rule, the briefing includes the designation of the purpose of the assignment, its content, deadlines, approximate scope of work, basic requirements for work results and criteria by which the resulting products of activity will be evaluated. The teacher can inform students about typical mistakes that occur when completing such tasks. The instruction is carried out by the teacher at the expense of the amount of time allotted for the study of the discipline. For complex, complex practical tasks and projects, intermediate counseling is also provided (planned or at the request of students).

4. Monitoring and evaluation of SR results

Modern assessment systems in vocational education require a change in the position of the teacher, who, before studying a professional module, an academic discipline, presents to students a system for assessing the results of its development, including within the framework of SR. Positions are also changing student who becomes an active participant in the assessment processes, which promotes awareness experience gained in educational and vocational activities and knowledge integration and skills in competence.

SR control includes an assessment of the progress and intermediate results obtained in order to establish their compliance with the planned ones. The results of SR are assessed in the course of current control and are taken into account in the process of intermediate certification of students in the professional module, academic discipline. Monitoring the results of out-of-class CP of students is carried out at seminars, practical, laboratory classes in the professional module, academic discipline or at a specially allotted time (test, exam).

One of the tools assessment and product accounting self students' activity is the formation of a "portfolio". In the practice of institutions vocational education there are three types of portfolios:

    portfolio of achievements,

    portfolio report, portfolio self-assessment.

Achievement portfolio represents a personal choice of work for students, which selects and forms itself your "portfolio". Collect educational products made in process CP, for a certain period of time, which the student considers as his own achievement.

Portfolio report contains individual current works: tests, essays, design work, bibliography and etc. It is kind diary independent activities.

Self-Assessment Portfolio contains both the student's work and the teacher's notes about the work, grades for completed tasks with characteristics and explanations, as well as the student's self-assessment.

The regional center for the development of education in the Orenburg region has developed a form of the journal, which will take into account the extracurricular work of students. Data for registration of the journal are taken from the KTP.

SR accounting LOG FORM





Topics (tasks) for




rma and methods


for CP

Forms and methods

control of SR

are being developed


worthy and

are prescribed


Innovative means of organizing students' independent work

Bibliographic description: Morozova NV Innovative means of organizing students' independent work [Text] / NV Morozova // Young scientist. - 2011. - No. 2. T.2. - S. 102-104.

Modern society sets before the higher professional school the task of training a thinking teacher, capable of independently acquiring knowledge and ready to apply it in practice. The solution to this problem is carried out through the search for content, forms, methods and means of teaching that provide wider opportunities for the development, self-development and self-realization of the individual. Competitiveness, competence and independence, as the most significant personality traits, are key for the creative individuality of the future teacher. vocational training, therefore, the organization of the learning process in a higher professional school should be associated with their development. In this regard, such an organization of the educational process is necessary, where the independent work of students acts as a means of organizing cognitive activity, as a leading form of educational activity, ensuring the assimilation of fundamental, methodological knowledge, building a student's “thinking tool”. Thus, the problem of organizing extracurricular independent work of students (hereinafter referred to as the IWS) acquires special relevance.

Out-of-class IWS is a planned, organizationally and methodically directed by a teacher, student activities for mastering academic disciplines and acquiring professional skills, carried out outside the framework of classroom educational work of students. SRS is, along with classroom educational work of students, an integral part of the process of training teachers of vocational training, where up to 55% of the total academic load is allocated to it for full-time education. The development of the content of education and the formation of the independence of the personality of students occurs in the process of implementing various types, types and forms of organization of the IWS at a certain level of their independent activity.

The presented understanding of the CDS, as well as the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education for the results of mastering basic educational programs and the introduction of innovative teaching technologies determine the improvement of the content, the development of new methods and technologies of educational activities.

In this regard, at the Department of Materials Science, Control Technologies in Mechanical Engineering and Vocational Training Methods of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, within the framework of the discipline "Pedagogical Technologies", innovative means of organizing extracurricular IWS using case technologies have been developed and put into practice.

The name of these technologies comes from english word"Case" - folder, suitcase, briefcase, also "case" can be translated as "case, situation". The learning process using case technologies is an imitation of a real event, combining, on the whole, an adequate reflection of reality, small material and time costs and variability of training. The essence of case technologies lies in the fact that educational material is presented to students in the form of professional problems (cases), and knowledge is acquired as a result of active and creative work: independent implementation of goal-setting, collecting the necessary information, analyzing it from different points of view, putting forward a hypothesis, conclusions , conclusion, self-control of the knowledge acquisition process and its results. Case technologies help to develop the ability to solve problems taking into account specific conditions and in the presence of factual information, develop such competencies as the ability to analyze and diagnose problems, the ability to clearly formulate and express one's position, the ability to communicate, discuss, perceive and evaluate information that comes in verbal and non-verbal form.

The basis for the emergence of the case-study technology was the theoretical justification and practical implementation of the case-study method. The case-study method is not just a methodological innovation, the spread of the method is directly related to changes in the current situation in education. We can say that the method is aimed not so much at mastering specific knowledge or skills as at developing the general intellectual and communicative potential of the student and teacher. The most common methods of case technology are situational analysis and its varieties:

    analysis of specific situations;

    situational tasks and exercises;

    case-study or case study method.

The key concept of the method is the situation, i.e. a set of variables when the choice of any of them decisively affects the result. This denies the existence of the only correct solution. Situation Analysis is the most common situational analysis method. It is a deep and detailed study of a real or simulated situation. The advantage of the method is not only the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of practical skills, but also the development of a system of students' values, attitudes, a kind of professional attitude and world transformation.

The case-study method or analysis of specific educational situations means that a student, having read the description of the problem, independently analyzes the situation, diagnoses the problem and presents his ideas and solutions in a discussion with other students. This is a teaching method in which students and teachers participate in direct discussion of business situations or tasks (cases). Cases form the basis of a teacher-led classroom conversation. That's why this method includes both a special type of educational material and special ways of using this material in the educational process.

The case-study method was chosen for the organization of extracurricular IWS in the discipline

"Pedagogical technologies". The academic discipline "Pedagogical technologies" is professionally significant in the preparation of a bachelor of vocational training, since it lays the foundations of design activities for students in the course of didactic design and methodological design. Requirements for the level of mastering the discipline correlate with the competencies of the bachelor in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.

The goal of the discipline "Pedagogical technologies" is to prepare future teachers of vocational training to design individualized, activity-oriented and personality-oriented vocational training technologies and adapt existing pedagogical technologies to specific training conditions for blue-collar occupations (specialties) of students of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

Discipline objectives:

    to form students' understanding of the essence of pedagogical technologies, about the features of technologies for vocational training of workers (specialists);

    to acquaint students with the classification of didactic technologies, their characteristics from the point of view of the didactic process and didactic activity;

    to form knowledge about the design process of didactic technologies, about the features, essence and characteristics of the design stages;

    to prepare students for the design of vocational training technologies and the adaptation of existing training technologies to the specific pedagogical conditions of training in working professions for students of institutions of the primary system

vocational education, as well as middle-level specialists in institutions of the secondary vocational education system.

Thus, the substantive basis of the developed cases is related to the structure of the design activity of the teacher of vocational training, in relation to pedagogical technologies.

The structural components of the developed cases are:

    a situation that simulates future professional activity;

    a question that determines the subject area of ​​resolving the situation;

    a task that contributes to the formation of design skills of students;

For example. Case No. 7 .

Situation. You have come to the teaching practice at the primary vocational education school. You have been allocated a group of 2 courses. Since you have your first teaching experience, the first lesson was not successful in organizational terms (there was no discipline, no interest in the lesson from students).

Question. What learning technologies would you use in the next lesson to maximize the interest of students?

Exercise. Choose an academic discipline. Present a fragment of the educational process and didactic tools for its implementation on the example of your discipline in accordance with the requirements, principles and characteristics of the chosen teaching technology, which allows you to solve the situation that has arisen.

    Analyze the theoretical course offered by the teacher in the discipline "Pedagogical technologies".

    Study carefully the description of the situation, analyze it, imagine it in reality.

    Read the question. Pick up scientific literature from the proposed list or your own to help.

    Choose the pedagogical technology in accordance with the proposed situation.

    Briefly describe the selected pedagogical technology and formulate the rationale for your choice.

    Read the assignment. Select a fragment of the educational process (a stage of a lesson or lesson, an excursion, practical / laboratory work, game, seminar, conversation, independent work) by the example of which you will implement the selected pedagogical technology or elements of different technologies.

    Develop a fragment of the educational process that implements a specific pedagogical technology or elements of different technologies.

    Indicate the didactic tools (posters, task cards, handouts, questions, reference notes, forms, workbook sheets, assignments, drawings, drawings, presentations, tests, layouts, slides, regulatory documents) necessary to implement the developed fragment of the educational process.

    Develop one didactic tool in accordance with the didactic requirements for it.

    Arrange the work in accordance with the teacher's requirements.

Since the main task of the discipline is the implementation of design activities, it is advisable to determine the stages of design. The design of pedagogical processes is a complex multistage activity that is performed as a series of successively following stages, bringing the development of the forthcoming activity closer from a general idea to precisely described specific actions. Let's highlight the following content of the stages of pedagogical design in the process of working with cases:

    stage. Modeling. In this case, students are offered a ready-made model

(simulated situation), which is formed mainly mentally and performs the function of setting for design.

    stage. Design. Creation of a project (prototype) - further refinement of the model and bringing it to the level of practical use. At this stage, work is done with the created model, it is brought to the level of use for further transformation of pedagogical reality. The project becomes a mechanism for transforming the educational process. This stage is implemented in the process of students choosing learning technologies, justifying their choice, describing the conditions for implementing the selected learning technologies in a particular situation.

    stage. Construction. The creation of a construct is a further detailing of the created project, bringing it closer for use in specific conditions by real participants in educational and educational relations. In this case, students develop a fragment of the educational process using the selected learning technologies and didactic tools necessary for its implementation in specific conditions.

The results of extra-curricular CDS with cases imply further work in teams, thus, students are invited to defend cases in classroom time in the form of a business game on the topic: "Case examination and presentation of a project of vocational training technologies."

The developed innovative means of organizing extracurricular IWS in the discipline "Pedagogical technologies" are aimed at developing the following competencies in students:

    the ability to substantiate professional and pedagogical actions;

    readiness to search, create, distribute, apply innovations in the educational process to solve didactic problems;

    the ability to design individualized, activity-oriented and personality-oriented training technologies for workers (specialists);

    readiness to design, use a set of didactic tools characteristic of a specific technology for vocational training of workers (specialists);

    readiness to organize the educational process using effective technologies for training workers (specialists);

    readiness to adapt, adjust and use existing pedagogical technologies in the preparation of workers (specialists).

Education outcomes - these are the planned and measurable individual achievements of students, expressed as knowledge, skills, practical experience, professional and general competencies, describing what the student or graduate will be able to do upon completion of all or part of the educational program.