Course work. Is done by a student

The educational process involves not only the transfer of students with some amount of information in a circle of stated disciplines, but also the impulse of the skills of reproducing this information and its independent deepening through work directly with sources. The achievement of this is the practice of implementing students and students of other educational institutions a number of research and development. One of the most simple such works is an abstract. His goal is to summarize all available material for 15-20 pages of printed text within the framework of the stated topic.

Thus, the abstract does not have a practical, actually research part. However, despite its simplicity and small volume, the abstract requires proper attention to its design. Proper formatting is a part of the task and significantly affects the final evaluation of the work. According to the formation standards, incorrectly executed research cannot be admitted to protection.

Particular attention in the design of the abstract, as well as any other work, should be given to the title leaf. Titon is the first thing that rushes into the eyes. Depending on how it is decorated, the first and often decisive impression of all work is formed, and the credibility of the teacher increases or decreases or decreases. It is necessary to take into account that the impeccable informative content of the abstract can be lowered only due to errors in the design and on the contrary, weak from the point of view of the study can be deserved "excellent" only due to impeccable design.

By issuing an abstract, students must navigate primarily on the requirements of the teacher who implements scientific guidance and on the recommendations of the educational institution of the educational institution set out in a special methods for the design of scientific works. If there is no such, and the supervisor did not provide specific instructions, then you can use national regulations prescribed in Guest. The corresponding samples and recommendations for the design of the title leaf will be given below.

General Rules of Title List

The first thing you need to keep in mind when placing a title page is a number of general requirements for text - font, Kehal, a line interval, register and fields.

Traditionally, at least it is not determined by any rules of the GOST, the text scientific work Visits Times New Roman font. The same font is used in the formatting of the title. As for the bow, then different parts Different Kehel can be applied: 14 PT. and 16 pt. The line interval in the text of the title leaf is usually single. In some cases, both one can apply both. The register is used both upper and lower, depending on the importance of text. Field Requirements Standard: 15 mm. for right and upper fields; 25 mm. For the left field and 30 mm. For lower. Additionally, some parts of the title text can be highlighted in bold and italics.

Formatting of the central part

The formative and most important component of the title page is the central inscription, which includes the type of work, the name of the scientific discipline and the topic of the study. The text of this part is lined in the center of the line. The type of work, in this case, this is an essay, is written by capital letters. The use of the top register is also allowed to name the topic. If the text is obtained too much, you can additionally highlight the type, discipline and theme fat like the most important information.

"Mythology of the peoples of the European Region"

« The image of Kukhulin as a folk hero and archetype warrior»

Several lines below the topic are the following information and value information, which includes information about the student who owns the work and about the teacher, who carried out scientific guidance. Aligns the text of this part over the right field. Although, as an option, it is possible to align and on the left edge with the transfer of the left field to the right for two thirds of the page width. The words "performed" and "Scientific Director" can be allocated in italic and fat.

Sample 1:


Student 3 courses

groups №14-11

Karev A. M.

Scientific adviser:

Dock. Eastr. Science


Felisov A. M.

Sample 2:


Student 3 courses

groups №14-11

Karev A. M.

Scientific adviser:

Dock. Eastr. Science


Felisov A. M.

Another element of the title page is located at the very top of the page. Its content is the name of the educational institution or its branch, the departments and faculties, if any. The name of the educational institution is prescribed by capital letters. Then follows the pass of one line and only then the faculty is prescribed, and another line below the department - lower register. All this information is leveling in the center.

Regional Agency for the Education of the Republic of Tuva

GOU VPO "Tuvinsky History and Ethnography University"

Faculty of anthropology

Department of mythology and folklore

The last block of information, from which the title page consists is the name of the city, where the school is located and the year in which the abstract was written. As a rule, this information occupy two lines, aligning the center.

When all individual parts of the title are written, they can only be harmoniously located on the page to keep the overall visual harmony.


It is worth recalling that these samples are not the only, although reflecting standard practice. Nevertheless, it is necessary to apply them in the absence of other instructions on the part of the educational institution, since the choice of a national standard to the detriment of the local local practice of the educational institution may lead to a decrease in the assessment.

Job Added to Site Website: 2016-03-05

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Bryansk State Engineering and Technological Academy

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Department of Engineering Psychology, Pedagogy and Rights

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Essay

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e" Love - as a moral feeling "

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e executed: student of the ad-402 group

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Chmutov V.I.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e checked: teacher

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Khokhlova M.V.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Bryansk 2009

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Introduction

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e What is love? This question has been interested in humanity. People asked themselves when and how love arose - made her man from the animal kingdom or she appeared later.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Interesting the fact that love appears in times when a woman falls under the domination of a man. It can be assumed that love arose in history as a psychological refund for women's slavery. But this approach is unicname.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e is indisputable that the birth of love, like other human feelings, depended on the set of reasons, the main of which is spiritual complication of a person, the birth of new ideals, I put on the new steps of ethical and aesthetic development. Entering the life of mankind, love changes the whole system of its values. This is a completely new incentive of human behavior, and, appearing, he throws his dance on all other stimuli, shifts their balance, dramatically changes the proportions. Easy Human life now disappears, the birth of love confuses, complicates individual life, deprives it with former clarity and wholeness. And a long time ago it became clear to people: love brings not only light, but also darkness, she not only raises, but also the oppression of man.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is a direct, intimate and deep feeling, the subject of which, first of all, is a person, but there may also be other objects that have special significance. Love represents a means of socializing a person, involving it into the system of public relations. Love is the only way to understand another person in his deepest essence. Only in love and through love a person becomes a man. Without love, he is an infallible creature, deprived of genuine life and depth and not capable Act effectively nor understand adequately others and yourself.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Love is interpreted as an attraction, impulse, inspiration, like will to power and at the same time, the desire for loyalty, as a special form of creativity and at the same time stimulus in creativity in various Oblasts as the subject expression of the depths of the personality and its freedom, and more freedom, ready to freely lead themselves into slavery, as a complex multi-flexible intersection of biological and social, personal and socially significant, intimate, cured and at the same time open looking for seeing pretending.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is not a happy accident and not a gift of fate, but high art that requires self-improvement, creativity and inner freedom. Genuine love is rare also because Many are not ready for her and even fear her, for it requires a "living soul", dedication, readiness for action, anxiety and care. The depth of love and its species manifold are determined by any subject of love, but also the deposit of the ability itself to love, the development of human qualities itself loving.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Passion to love, as E.Fromm notes, this is the most significant manifestation of human positive, life-affirming trials." Love is the only satisfactory answer to the question about the problem of human existence " . However, most people are not able to develop it to an adequate level of mature, self-knowledge and determination. Love in general is an art that requires experience and ability to concentrate, intuition and understanding, in a word, it must be comprehended. The reason why many do not recognize this necessity, Are, by ferry, the following circumstances: Most of the people look at love from the position "how to be loved", and not "how to love", not from the position of the possibility of love; the idea that the problem is in love itself, and not in the ability to love; mix The concepts of "inlentibility" and "the state of love", as a result of which the idea is dominated that there is nothing easier for love, while in practice it is quite different.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e To overcome this condition, it is necessary to realize that love is art (as well as human life at all) that it must be comprehended. First of all, it is necessary to understand that Love can not be reduced only to the attitude between opposing sexes, a man and a woman. Love all human activity in all its manifestations (love for work, to homeland, pleasures, etc.), moreover, love can be a motivress of this activity, her Incentive, source of energy. Therefore, different types and aspects of love were distinguished into each era, attempts were made to systematize the forms of its manifestation.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e So, the purpose of this work is to try to answer questions, what is" love "; figure out how this phenomenon is related to the development of the person and what to do ( How to live) to experience this great feeling.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e The following tasks were set for realizing the target: the bibliographic search and selection of literature on the topic was made; the phenomenon of alienation (remoteness) was studied and an attempt was made to present love as a way Its overcoming; the forms and types of love are analyzed; some pathological displacements are identified - the form of pseudolyubvi; approaches to the question, how to develop the ability of love; clarified the value orientations of modern youth related to the issue of love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e 1 love as a feeling

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e man is gifted by mind, he is aware of himself, his neighbor, his past and the possibility of his future. This is awareness of itself, as a separate being, awareness of your own life. that he is not in his will be born and despite his will die that he may die earlier than those whom he loves, or they used to be, and awareness of their own loneliness and remoteness, their own helplessness before the forces of nature and society - all this makes His alienated, disconnected existence is unbearable.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Estimation of remoteness gives rise to alarming. To be distant - it means to be rejected, without any possibility to use your human strength. To be remote - it means to be helpless, unable to actively own The world is things and people, it means that the world can step on a person, and he is not able to resist him. Thus, remoteness is a source of tense anxiety. In addition, it gives rise to a shame and a sense of guilt. Of this implies the corresponding conclusion that The deepest need of a person is the need to overcome their remoteness, leave the prison of his loneliness.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e at all times, in all cultures in front of a person stands the same question: how to overcome remoteness, how to achieve unity how to go beyond your own individual life And to gain oneness. The question remains the same because its basis remains its basis: the human situation, the conditions of human existence. Answers to this question are different: worshiping animals, human sacrifices, militaristic seizure, immersion in luxury, ascetic reduction, obsession . artistic creativity, love for God and love for man.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e response to a certain extent depends on the level of personality, human reached. The little child "I" is already developed, but it is still very weak, it does not feel remote while the mother is near. From a sense of remoteness, his physical presence of the mother, her chest, her skin is protected. Only, since then, when a child (teenager) reaches such a degree of separation and individuality, that he is already not enough for the presence of the mother, it begins to increase the need for other ways to overcome remoteness.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Similarly, the human genus in his infancy still felt unity with nature. Earth, animals, trees - still made up the world of man. He identified himself with animals, and This was expressed in the wearing of animal masks, worshiping the animal and animal gods. But the more the human race broke with these initial bonds, the more he separated from the natural world, the more tense the need to find new ways to overcome remoteness.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e One of the ways to achieve this goal is all types of orgiastic states, they may have the form of a trance into which a person introduces itself or with the help of narcotic drugs, the form of group Sexual orgies. The entire external world disappears in the trance state of exaltation, and with him and a sense of remoteness from the world.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e When such orgiac states are common to all members of the social group, they do not cause senses of guilt or anxiety: so do everything. In the" non-orgiastic "culture is perceived. as
"Liberation", "Alcoholism", "addiction".

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e All forms of the orgiastic union are characterized by three features: they are strong and even violently; they capture the entire person and the mind, and the body; they are transient and periodic. Straight The opposite of them is the form of unity, which is most often elected by people as a solution to overcoming remoteness both in the past and in the present: unity based on adaptation to the group, to its customs, practices and beliefs.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Union by means of fixture is not strong and stormy. It is carried out quietly, dictated by the template and it is for this reason that is often insufficient for pacifying loneliness anxiety, and cases of alcoholism, and cases of alcoholism, addiction, erotomania and suicide in modern society There are symptoms of this relative failure in the device. Moreover, this way out of the problem affects, mainly the mind, and not the body, and therefore it does not go to any comparison with the orgiastic solution of the problem. Style conformism has only one dignity: it is stable, and not periodic.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Add to adaptation, as a rescue paths from anxiety generated by loneliness, it should be borne in mind another factor of modern life - the role of the work template and the entertainment template. A person becomes Part of the army of workers or managers. He has little initiative, its tasks are prescribed by the organization of this work, and there are few differences even between those who are at the top of the stairs, and those who are below. All of them perform the tasks prescribed by the organization's structure, with the prescribed speed and in prescribed manner. Similarly, the entertainment is similar, although not so tough. From birth to death, from morning to evening - all the manifestations of life are asked in advance and subordinate to the template. How can a person captured in this network templates, do not forget that he is man , unique individual, the only one who is given by his only chance to live life, with hopes and disappointments, with sadness and fear, with the desire to love and horror before the destruction and loneliness?

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e the third way of acquiring unity - creative activity, artist or artisan activity. In all types of creative activities, the Creator and his subject become something united in the process of creation. Combines himself with the world. This, however, is true only for creative labor, labor in which a person himself plans, produces, sees the result of his work.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Union achieved in creative work is not interpersonal; the union achieved in an orgiastic merger is coming; the union achieved by the adaptation is only a pseudo union. Consequently, they Give only partial answers to the problem of existence. A complete answer is to achieve interpersonal unity, mergers with another person, in love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e But they already agree to pay madness, they already agree to pay at any cost - and life would have risked, so as not to give to break, to keep the magic invisible thread, which it stretches between them ...

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The desire of the interpersonal merger is the most powerful desire in man. This is the most fundamental attraction, this is the power that makes holding together the members of the human race, clan, family, society. The failure in its achievement leads to the madness or destroy itself and others. Without love, humanity could not exist and the day. However, not every achievement of an interpersonal merger can be called love. The merger can be achieved in various ways. And it is important to know what kind of unity is available in see when we are talking about love. Or is love, like a mature response to the problem of existence, or these are immature forms of love that can be called a symbiotic link (the relationship between mother and embryo in her womb, and there are two of them, and yet it is one ).

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Mature love is an active force in man, the force that grips walls separating a person from his neighbors; which combines it with others; love helps him overcome the feeling Insulation and loneliness; at the same time will allow him to remain himself, to maintain its integrity. In love, there is an order: two creatures become one and remain in this way. It should be borne in mind that love is highly different from other human feelings. Envy, jealousy, ambition , any kind of greed is passion, love is an action, the realization of human force, which can only be implemented in freedom and never in coercion.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is activity, and not a passive effect, this is a help, and not a passion. In the most general form, the active nature of love can be described through the approval that love before In total, it means to give, and not to take (get). "Diving" is the highest manifestation of power. In each act of giving, a person carries its strength, his wealth, his power.
Such an experience of high viability and strength fills a person with joy. He feels confident who is capable of long full of life And therefore joyful. Giving - more joyful than to take not because it is deprivation, but because the expression of human viability is manifested in this act.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e the most important area of \u200b\u200bgiving is not the sphere of material things, but a specific human sphere. What one person gives another? He gives himself, the most precious what he has, he gives his life. But this does not have to mean that he donates his life to another person. He gives him what is in him living, he gives him his joy, his own interest, his understanding, his knowledge, his humor, his sadness "All experiences and all the manifestations of what is in it lives. With this right of his life, he enriches another person, increases his sense of vitality. He gives not to take: the gift itself is acute pleasure. But giving it, he is not May not call something in another person something that returns to him back: Truly giving, he can't not take what he gives him in response. Given encourages in another person a desire to become giving, and they both share the joy that contributed to life. In the act of giving something is born And both of the person involved in this act are grateful to life for giving birth to both of them. In case of love, this means that love is the power that gives rise to love, and impotence is the inability to generate love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e" The simplest example gives the sphere of sexual relationship. The highest manifestation of the male sexual function is to give; a man gives a woman himself, his sexual body. At the moment Orgasm He gives her his seed. He can not not give if he is a normal man; if he cannot give, he is impotent. For a woman, this act means the same thing. Although it is more complicated here. It is also given; it opens access To the center of his female nature; getting, she gives; if she cannot give, but it is only able to receive, she is frigid. Then this act of "giving" is repeated in it no longer in her love, but in maternal care. She gives himself a growing inside She germin, gives his baby his milk and the warmth of his body. It would not give for it to suffering. "

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e In addition to the grade element, the effective nature of love becomes obvious and in the fact that it always implies a certain set of elements common to all forms of love. This is care, responsibility, respect and respect knowledge.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e that love means care, most obvious in the love of mother to his child. No assurance in love will convince us if we see the lack of care for your child. If she neglects feeding, does not bathe him, it does not try to completely bypass it; but when we see her concern about the child, we fully believe in her love. This applies to love for animals and plants. If some woman tells us, What loves flowers, and we will see that she forgets to water them, we will not believe in her love for flowers.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is an active interest in life and in the development of what we love. Where there is no active interest, there is no love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Care and interest lead to another aspect of love: to justice. Today, responsibility is often understood as an imposed duty, as something imposed from outside. But responsibility in its The true sense is from beginning to end a voluntary act. Being "responsible" means being able to "answer". Loving man He feels responsible for all the neighbors, as he feels responsibility for himself. This responsibility in the example with the mother and child encourages her to care, mainly about his physical needs. In love between adults, it concerns mainly the mental needs of another person.

"XML: Lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e responsibility could be easily degenerated into the desire of superbness and domination, if there were no component of love - respect. Respect is fear and reverence; it means the ability to see a person Thus, what is it, to realize his unique individuality. Respect means the desire for another person to grow and develops such, what it is. Thus, respect involves the lack of operation. Respect exists only on the basis of freedom: "Love is a child of freedom, and never - domination "

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e to respect a person is impossible, not knowing it. Care and responsibility would be blind, if they were not guided by knowledge. Knowledge would be empty if his motive is not There was interest. There are many kinds of knowledge; knowledge that is an element of love is not limited to the surface level, but penetrates the most essence. This is only possible when a person can cross the limits of his own interest and see another person in his own manifestation.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Knowledge has another attitude to the problem of love. The fundamental need for conjunction with another person so that you can be able to free yourself from your own isolation, closely related to other specific human By desire, the desire to know the "secret of man". Although life is already in the most biological aspects, a miracle and secret, a person, it is in his human aspects, is an incomprehensible secret for himself - and for his neighbors. The deeper we penetrate into the depths of our being or any other creature, the more the goal of knowledge is removed from us. And yet we cannot get rid of the desire to penetrate the secret of the human soul at the intimate core, which is "he".

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e There is a desperate way to know the" secret "- this is the path of complete domination over another person, the domination that will make it as we want to make the fact that We want; turn him into a thing, our thing, property. The extreme manifestation of this method is sadism. Another way of knowledge of "Secrets" is love. Love is an active penetration into another person, penetration in which the desire of knowledge is satisfied due to unity. Thanks to the experience of unity, a person acquires such a way to know that another person is alive and what is capable of, but this knowledge cannot be obtained thanks to the thought.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e care, responsibility, respect and knowledge - interdependence. They are a set of installations that should be laid in a mature man who develops its creative forces that wants It is only the fact that he himself created, which gained humility based on the inner strength, which only truly creative activities can give.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e But love should not be considered only as overcoming human loneliness, the exercise of the passionate desire of unity. There is a more specific, biological need that rises above the universal need for unity: desire The unity of the male and female sexes. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis polarization is most strongly expressed in myth that the original man and the woman were one being, then were divided into halves and therefore every male half is looking for the former female part of herself to unite with her again. Miф value It is clear enough. Polyarization causes a person to seek unity in a special way, as unity with a person of another sex. The polarity between the male and female start exists inside every man and every woman. As a physiologically every man and a woman have opposite sex hormones, so bisps they are in psychological terms. They carry the beginning, forcing Ipay deep into the beginning of the matter and spirit.
A man and a woman acquire internal unity only in the unity of their male and female polarity. This polarity is the basis of all creation.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e The same polarity of the male and female start exists in nature; not only as something obvious in animals and plants, but also in the polarity of two main functions, The functions of obtaining and the function of penetration inland. There is a polarity of land and rain, rivers and ocean, nights and days, darkness and light, matter and spirit.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Thus, love is a satisfactory response to the problem of human existence, for in love (with all its varieties), a person finds unity with the world around him, unity with People. Love is the very key that is a liberating person from his own prison of loneliness, in which he would be deprived of genuine life and would not be able to act effectively and understand adequately others and himself.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 2 Multiflower world of love

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e in love especially affects its diversity of species and forms. We are talking about love for yourself and love for a person, love for life and homeland, love for truth. and good, love for freedom, to power, to God, etc. Also, love is the romantic, knight, platonic, fraternal, etc. There is a love-passion, love-need, love for neighbor and love for long-distance, love Men and love women, etc.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e What connects to extremes heterogeneous passions, attractions, attachment to unity, called" love "? The question of the mutual relationship of love is not easier than the question of its sense.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e T.KEMPER The basis of its classification is pushing two independent factors: power and status. Power is the ability to force a partner to do what you want; status - The ability to call the desire of a partner, to meet your requirements. Depending on whether the level of power and status is low or high, seven types of love are distinguished: romantic love in which both partners have high status and power: they seek to meet each other and together With that, each of them can "punish" the other, having deprived him of manifestations of their love; parental love for a small child in which the parent has a high level of power and low status (since the child's love for him has not yet been formed), and the child has little power, But high status; fraternal love, in which both members of the couple have a small power over the other, but willingly go towards one to another; charismatic love, there is a place, for example, in a pair of a student teacher.
The teacher also has the possibility of coercion, and the desire to meet the student to meet, and the student does not have the authority over the teacher and willingly fulfills his wishes; "Worship" with a literary or other hero, with whom no real interaction and which does not have power, but high status, and his fan has no status or power;
in love when one of the partners has power, and the status, and there are no them, as it happens in the case of one-sided, unrequited love; "Treason", when one possesses both power and status, and the other in power, as it takes place in the situation of married treason, when both spouses retain power over the other, but one of them no longer raises the desire to meet him.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e This interesting typology of love, characterized simplicity and clarity, is, however, in our opinion, abstract and clearly incomplete. Two elementary factors, power and status Obviously insufficient to identify and distinguish between all the diverse relations that are covered by the general word "love."

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Attempts to understand the types of love are known for a long time. So, to express various aspects and shades of love, the ancient Greeks, for example, used various terms.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The word" Eros "they denoted the feelings sent for the subject to fully absorb it in themselves. This term expresses love-passion, jealousy and sensual attraction and is connected With his pathos, an affectable, sensitive side. "Eros" expresses the polarity reigning in nature and an insurmountable craving for its overcoming. Eros is a passionate self-dedication, enthusiastic love, which does not leave the place of pity and sympathy to itself.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The word" Philia "(" Love-Friendship ") denotes the relationship of individuals, due to a social or personal choice. This love affects the relationship of people close to each other, she usually Satisfied with the presence of a loved one and the development of natural feelings. These feelings appeared without much effort, in the process of personal communication, their value is that they are necessary for a person as something, and not as taken in its individual features. Main independent state Here - "spiritual peace", inner proximity, mutual understanding. Thus, Philia means spiritual, open, based on the inner sympathy of love, expresses the connection of such principles (whereas Eros is the struggle and connection of opposite).

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e word" Storge "means love that is associated with organic generic bonds, uncompressed cancellation (especially family connections). This is gentle, confident, reliable love which is established between parents and children, husband and wife. In such love, a person finds peace and confidence, a sense of confidence. This term expresses a sense of not a separate personality, but a sense of generic community, without which the Greeks did not imagine their existence.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e The term" agape "in the Greeks meant a reasonable love arising from the assessment of any particular features of his beloved, his traits, etc. This love man can It is reasonable to justify, because it is based on convictions, and not on spontaneous feelings, habits. This aspect of love is historically connected with an adequate assessment of another personality, which is the basis of mutual respect; in it, the more understanding, the less place is the feelings. This is love, strengthened Mind, so it is abstract, impersonal more than other forms of love. This will be sent by reason.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e in the Middle Ages Christianity interpreted love as the highest principle of morality, the most widely revealing human essence. Lovely understood some inner strength A person who never dries up, and inconspicuously, without fatigue applies to all the actions of a person, directing him to prosperity.

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Christian thinker Averali Augustine highlighted three forms of love: the love of man to God; love for neighbor; the love of God to man;

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The first form of love is expressed as a man's desire to perfection on the way to God. She is connected with man, his nature, which gives you the opportunity to think, decide. It begins as a desire To love God, however, without the right clarity about the subject of love. As a result of the search, a person needs to achieve the right direction of love and, of course, sublime love for God, and not low-length love for the created world.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e According to Augustine, all the love for people, things in this world are true when she is in the name of God, and not in the name of a person.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Love for the neighbor - the second form of love, adopted in Christianity. It is possible because" near "is a similarity of God. It unites all people without exception in Single.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The third form is the love of God to create. God does not only love, he himself is love. And his love breaks out to the cut and delivering a person from sins; although In such an aspect, it is not comprehensive in its initial depth, is not available to a person.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love Classifications, having a fairly clear base, have the advantage that they can be at least theoretical inspection. Such classifications are useful in psychology, in the study of emotional relations. But Their role in the philosophical analysis of love cannot be substantial.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is very heterogeneous, it includes not only different types and their subspecies, but also what can be called forms of love, its mododules. Love species are , for example, love for neighbor and erotic love. Forms of manifestation of love to neighbor are love for children, love for parents, fraternal love; modows are love men and love women, love northerners and love of Southerne, love medieval and love modern. You can say simply About the love of neighbor; You can talk more specifically about the love for children or, even more specifically, about the father's (maternal) love. Specification can go further, as a result of which not only forms and modes, but also "modes modes" stand out.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e We will get acquainted with some forms of love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Maternal love is the concern and responsibility required for the life of the child. This is an installation that inspires the child to love for life, and not just a desire to remain viable, which gives It is good for him to be alive, it's good to be a little boy or a girl, to live well on this earth.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Communication of the mother and child by nature is inequality, where one completely needs help, and the other gives it. Because of a disinterested nature, maternal love is considered to be higher. The type of love and the most sacred iso of all emotional connections. The essence of maternal love is a concern for the growth of a child - involves the desire that the child separated from the mother. This is the main difference from the love of erotic. In erotic love, two people who have been separated become uniform. Maternal love Two people who were united become separate from each other. Mother should not just endure, namely wanting and maintaining a child's distance. It is at this stage that the maternal love turns into such a difficult task, because it requires selflessness, the ability to give everything and Not to desire anything in return, except happiness of your loved one. It is at this stage that many mothers are unable to solve the task of maternal love.

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Maternal love is love for a growing child, love that does not want anything for himself. This is perhaps the most difficult form of love from all achievable, and most Deceptive because of the easiestness, with which mother can love her baby. But precisely because it is difficult, a woman can become a really loving mother. A woman who is not able to love, can not be a tender mother, can not be a loving mother whose The task is to be ready to transfer the branch of the child - and even after the branch, continue to love it.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Bratsk love is love between equal; Maternal love is a love for a helpless creature. No matter how they did not differ from each other, they have something in common with them. They are by their nature of everyone. The opposite of these both types of love is erotic love. She is eager for a complete merger, unity with a loved one. She is exceptional in nature, and not universal, moreover, it is probably the most deceptive form of love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e First of all, it is often confused with the experience of" love ", a sudden crash of the barriers that existed to this point between two other people's people. And besides this, erotic love often Take the attraction to each other, which contributes to the deceptive nature of sexual desire.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e sexual desire requires merger, it can be inspired not only with love, but also anxiety and loneliness, to conquer and be conquered, vanity, the need to hurt And even humiliate. Sexual desire is caused or easily merged with any other strong emotion, one of which is love. Due to the fact that the sexual desire in understanding most people is connected to the idea of \u200b\u200blove, they are easily blown away that they love each other. when they are physically attracted to each other. When the desire of sexual merger is caused by love, then physical proximity is devoid of greed, the need to conquer or be conquered, but performed tenderness. If the desire of the physical connection is not caused by love, it never leads to unity that it would be Something big than orgiastic transient unity.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e In erotic love there is a preference that is not in fraternal and maternal love. It is preferable only in the sense that a person can connect itself entirely and firmly with one person .

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The relationship of love forms to its species and modes to the forms does not remain constant: different types of love can have different forms of their manifestation, and different forms are different modes.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e and now focus on the types of love. They can correlate them differently. The simplest and most naturally natural ordering is the representation of the entire field of love in the form of a series of "shielding" on each other
"Circles". Each of the "circles" includes some of the close types of love, and the movement from the kernel to the periphery is subject to certain principles.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e following this principle, nine such" circles "stand out, leading from erotic love through the love of neighbor, love for man, etc. To the love of truth , to good, etc. And further to the love of power, to wealth, etc.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e In the first" Circle of Love "follows, apparently, include erotic
(sex) love and love for yourself.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e What is erotic love, known to each of his own experience or scientific literature. Only 16% of men and 10% of women doubt whether they know that they know that Such love, the rest in this are quite sure. According to our studies, only 8% of boys and 5% of girls could not define.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e in a certain, very important meaning of erotic love makes a person full: she informs him such completeness, saturation and sharpness of being, which is not able to give nothing else.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e It should also be borne in mind that erotic love is not identical to sexual attraction, it is not a simple appendage of the latter. Love is just as the main phenomenon as sex. Normally sex is a way to express love. Easy of sex, no obstacles depreciates love. Love is preserved and after the sexual stress falls. If erotic love was a clean desire for physical possession, it would be possible in many cases to satisfy it, and loving I would not like to be loved, which is very essential for love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e the love of a person to himself is the prerequisite for its existence as a person and, it means that the condition for all his love. Love for yourself is that elementary school of love (first of all love for a person), in which no elementary literacy remain unavailable "High Universities" of Love. A person who loving only one person and not loving "his neighbor," actually wants to dominate or obey, and not to love. In addition, when who He loves the near, but does not like himself, his whole life proves that the love of neighbor is not genuine.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e The second" Love Circle "is a love of neighbor. It includes love for children, to parents, brothers and sisters, family members, etc. importance And the fundamentality of this love is very significant and weighty, since this love is a kind of "school of humanity" (F.Bekon). Love for the neighbor is the best check of more general love for a person and the best school of such love.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The parent love and love of children for parents occupies a special place in love towards the neighbor.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e here should also be taken into account that the love of neighbor includes not only related feelings, but also love to all those who entered our lives and turned out to be firmly related to neh.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The third" Circle of Love "is a love for a person, about which it was still said in antiquity, that it happens only big, there is no little love.
Love for man includes love for yourself, love for neighbor and love for each other person, regardless of any further definitions.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e this, in particular, love for future generations and related to it is responsible to them. The leading principle of such love is simple: the needs of future people are just as important as The needs of modern. Each generation should strive to leave the next generation everything that it received from the previous one, quantitatively and qualitatively not at worst state, which had itself. On how difficult it is to realize this provision, the wastefulness of the modern economy speaks expressively. resources.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e in the fourth" circle of love "- love for the homeland, love for life, love for
God, etc.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love for the Fatherland is one of the deepest feelings, enshrined in the human soul of centuries and millennia. Love to the Motherland means love for his native land and the people living on it. These two components of a single feeling usually go together, supporting and reinforcing each other. But it happens that they are tragically diverge: a person loves his homeland, but not his compatriots. Love to the Motherland, opposed love for living people, inevitably turns abstract and destructive for others. And if such a person dates back to the top of power, he brings disaster to his people. The opposition of the Motherland and its people never brought and cannot bring goodness: in the event that the interests of the Motherland are becoming higher than the interests of the people, when the love of the people Preference is preferred before love for native land.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e a sense of patriotism makes a person a particle of the great whole - his
Motherland with which he is willing to share and joy and sorrow.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love to the Motherland is less likely to be blind, instinctive feeling that thoughtlessly extract Fatherland, not noticing his vices.
Love the Motherland means, first of all, wish her good, seek it to be better.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The fifth" Circle of Love "is a love of nature, which are dedicated to the beautiful pages of fiction.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The cosmic feeling referred to hereinafter, is one of the aspects, one of the components of the love of nature. Aimed at the world as a whole, it says about the unity of man and The world, about their fibony and even mutual influence. Of this feeling, it seems, as it seems to us, the belief in animation animation.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e However, the cosmic feeling is not available to everyone. The one who does not believe in its existence, the spiritualization of all and the filling of being meaning seems to be an extreme indicating the presence in our Consciousness of the elements of mythological thinking. But those who have such a feeling is, it seems one of the deepest and most striking sensations.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Cosmic feeling of unity from the universe, dissolved in it is clearly manifested in a non-colonal instinct, entailing our hearts to unity whenever our passion is excited in any direction . It manifests itself and covering us with nostalgia when contemplating nature, in front of beauty, in music - in anticipation and sense of great availability.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The sixth" circle "is love for truth, good, excellent, justice, etc.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Seventh" Circle "- Love for freedom, creativity, glory, authorities, its activities, wealth," law and order ", etc.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The eighth" circle "is love for communication, game, collecting, collecting, entertainment permanent novelty, travel, etc.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e and, finally, the last, ninth" circle ", which, in fact, is not already a" circle of love "- an attraction in food, addiction to foul language and T.P.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e in this movement from the first" circle "of love for her last" circle ", from her

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-E "\u003e Center to the periphery, some regularities are quite clearly detected.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-E "\u003e First of all, as the emotional component of the love, the immediacy and specificity of this feeling are reduced from the center.

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e from" Circle "to the" Circle "falls the intensity of love, coverage of the whole soul of man. Erotic love and love for children can fill the entire emotional life of the individual. Love The creativity or love of fame most often is only part of such a lifetime. Prone to the game or collecting is only one aspect of a holistic human existence, as a rule, deprived of independent value.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e decreases from the" circle "to" Circle "and covered by the love of people. Erotic love captures each or almost everyone. God, truth and justice love not all . Love for glory or to power - a lot of fourth.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e with a decrease in the immediacy and concreteness of love grows by the social component of this feeling. She is present in love, and in love for children, but it is much more noticeable in love. to power, freedom or wealth.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e The farther from the center, the usually below the standard assessment of those values \u200b\u200bto which love is directed. With the removal from the center, these values \u200b\u200bare becoming increasingly unstable, ambivalent. The question is interesting, how does the division of the types of love on the "circles" of their occurrence and development in the course of human history correspond to the "circles"? It turns out that erotic love has always accompanied the person (in the ensuing it is already in the animal world); love for itself is almost as old as And man himself; Later there was a love for justice and freedom, etc.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 3 love in the modern world

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e if love is the ability of a mature, creative nature, then it follows that the ability to love the individual who lives in any defined culturedepends on the influence of this culture on the nature of this individual.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Now, at present, love is a relatively rare phenomenon, and its place occupies different forms of pseudolubvi, which, in fact, are numerous forms of decomposition of love. A modern man is alienated from himself, from his neighbors, from nature. Although everyone tries to be as close as possible to others, everyone remains extremely lonely, imbued with deep feelings of anxiety and guilt, which always appear where human loneliness cannot be overcome.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Human happiness today is to have fun. To have fun - it means to enjoy the use and consumption of goods, spectacles, food, beverages, cigarettes, people, Lectures, books, moviestin - everything is consumed and absorbed. Our character is adapted to exchange and receive, trade and consume; all objects, both spiritual and material, become the subject of exchange and consumption.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e One of the most significant expressions of love, and especially marriage with its alienated structure, this is the idea of" coherence ". The ideal of a happy marriage is the ideal functioning coherence: husband Must "understand" his wife and help her; he must make favorable comments about her new dress and delicious dishes. She, in response, should "understand" him when he comes home tired and upset; should listen carefully when he Speaks about his business difficulties; not angry, but to "understand" when he forgets about her birthday. The whole set of these types of relations is reduced to a well-established connection of two people who remain in someone else's lifetime:

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e" ... We are in the ring of one captivity - in a double stream of being. "

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e They never reach the" deep connection ", but are kind to each other and try to make life as much as possible.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e With such an understanding of love and marriage (" team ", mutual tolerance), the main emphasis is on finding asylum from the feeling of loneliness in other cases. In" Love " It is finally found, salvation from loneliness. A union of two persons against loneliness is created, and this union is mistaken for love and proximity.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Emphasizing the spirit of coherence, mutual tolerance, etc. - this phenomenon is relatively new.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e In the years after the First World War, this was preceded by the concept of love, where the basis of satisfactory love relationships and, especially the happy marriage, there was mutual sexual satisfaction. It was a conviction that the cause of many unfortunate marriages should be sought in the fact that the partners in marriage did not reach "sexual conformity"; the cause of this misfortune was seen in ignorance "the right" sexual behavior, i.e. in ignorance of sexual equipment in one or both partners. To "heal "This misfortune and help unsuccessful partners who could not love each other, many books gave instructions and advice on the right sexual behavior and promised, hidden or clearly, that then happiness and love comes. The fundamental idea was that love is a sexual child. enjoyment and if two people learn to sexually satisfy each other, they will love each other. The fact that truth is exactly the opposite This fundamental assumption. Love is not the result of adequate sexual satisfaction, the knowledge of the so-called sexual equipment is the result of love.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e love, like sexual mutual satisfaction or love like
"Sophisticated work" and shelter from loneliness is two "normal" forms of depreciation of love in modern society. There are many individual forms of love pathology, which, leading to consciousness, consider neurotic.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e the basis of neurotic love is that one or both loving remain tied to the image of one of the parents, and, already adults, carry feelings, expectations and fears, who were tested in relation to the father or mother, on a loved one. These people are never exempt from the image of child dependence and, becoming adults, are looking for this image in their love requirements. In the most difficult cases, emotional immaturity leads to a violation of the social capacity of such a person; In less severe cases, the conflict is limited to the sphere of intimate personal relations.

"xml: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e a more complex view of a neurotic violation in love based on a different parent situation, takes place when parents do not like each other, but too restrained to quarrel Or manifest in outside of any signs of displeasure. Restrain does not allow them to be involuntary in their relationship to the child. The child lives in the atmosphere
"Correctness", this atmosphere does not allow close contact with his father or mother, and, therefore, the child turns out to be deprived of the opportunity to resolve their problems and lives fearful. He never knows that parents feel or think; In this atmosphere there is always an element of uncertainty, mystery. As a result, the child goes into his own world, in dreams, and in reality remains removed and retains the same installation in his future love relationships. Further, this closure in itself affects the development of intense anxiety, the feelings of mistrust to the world, and often leads to masochist inclination, as the only way to experience tense excitation.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e form of pseudolubvi, which is often found and often perceived as" Great Love ", it is love - worship. If a person has not reached the level on which he gains a sense of authenticity. , Own "I", thanks to the productive implementation of my own opportunities, it has a tendency to "worship" a beloved person. He is alienated from his own forces and projects them on a loved one who honors for the highest benefit, the embodiment of love, light, bliss. In this The process he deprives himself any feeling of his own strength, loses himself in his beloved man instead of finding himself in him.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e Another form of pseudolubvi may be called" sentimental love ". Its essence is that love is experienced only in fantasies, and not here and now in existing relationships with Another real person. The most widespread form of this type of love is the substitution sense of love satisfaction, experienced by the consumer of novels, screen and journalistic love stories. All unfulfilled wishes of love, unity and intimacy are satisfied in the consumption of such products. For many couples looking On television, this is the only way to survive love - not to each other, and together - as the audience of "love" of other people.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Another form of neurotic love is to use projective mechanisms in order to get away from its own problems, focusing on the disadvantages and weaknesses of the" favorite "person. Individuals They are able to figure out perfectly in small disadvantages of another person and blissfully pass by their own, ignoring them.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e There are many other options for the pathology of love in modern society. And the form listed above is only part of the most common forms of pseudolubvi our society.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e True love is possible, only if two people are connected with each other existence centers, and therefore each of them perceives itself from the depths of its existence. Only in this
"Central Experience" consists of human reality, only here is vitality, only here is the basis of love. Love is a permanent risk, this is a state of movement, growth, work together; The presence of harmony or conflict, joy or sadness is secondary to the main fact: two people feel the completeness of their existence, in oneness of each other each of them finds himself, and does not lose. There is only one proof of the presence of love: the depth of the relationship, the vitality and the power of each of those who are loving is the fruit for which love is recognized.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Today's our souls are much more accustomed to the discrepancies than to harmony, and even in our personal relationships more disadvantage than Lada, distribute than friendliness. Parents and Children, young men and girls, husbands and wives - their souls and relationships more than the springs of pride, than "dick", "I- requests" than "We-requests". Souls are more competing more than living in the world, their power strings live. It sounds more often peaceful. Almost from the cradle, the microbe of the disorder infects our psyche and creates a ruined subconscious conquest in us.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Civilization of fragmented humanity and a fragmented person - it would be possible to name the current civilization.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e New civilization, which ripes in the Lon of the present, will become, possibly, the civilization of one humanity and one-piece person, and its general law will probably be not rivalry, but Commonwealth of people.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-EN "LANG \u003d" RU-EN "\u003e and one of the main builders of this civilization can be the love. Every love is fraternal, sex, relatives as the principle of human relations to the world and to other people.

"XML: Lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Do you have time? Do we manage to make this greatest in the history of mankind of humanity? Rearrange whether the primary human molecules - a family, a social group - so that their atoms are not bonded. external forces, as now, and internal with each other?

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Conclusion

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is the most difficult, mysterious and paradoxical reality with which a person faces. And not because it is usually believed that from love to hate only one step. , Because that "neither to calculate, nor calculates love! In it, it is impossible to be calculated - nature is easy to led any calculations! It can only be sensitive in order to keep track of its whimsical flow and in time to guess all its bends, elusive for the soul The displacement eyes, inexplicable sometimes for the mind of the turns. In love it is impossible to be petty and talentless - here you need generosity and talentedness, heart disease, the latitude of the soul, a kind, thin mind and much more than in abundance we had nature, and that is unreasonable we We are cleaned and dulted in our vulnerable life.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Genuine love is an expression of creativity and it involves care, respect, responsibility and knowledge. This is not an affect, in the sense of exposure to someone's exposure, but an active struggle for the development and happiness of a beloved person, coming from the very ability to love. If you love - it means to have an installation for love for everything, if love is a character trait, she must be present not only in relation to his family and friends, but also to those With whom a person comes into contact at work, in his professional activities and, in addition, love should be present in relation to the whole world to all the manifestations of life.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Libra's love and its world inexhausive, because every person loves her own way. Love is a personal experience that everyone can survive himself for themselves; In fact, it is unlikely that at least someone who did not have or has this experience at least least, at least in childhood, youth or in adulthood.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Love is one of the few spheres in which a person is able to feel and survive its absolute indispensability. Here it is the highest value, the highest meaning. It is because only in love. A person may feel the meaning of his existence for another and the meaning of the existence of another for himself. Love helps him manifest itself, detecting, increasing, developing good, positive, valuable.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e It should be noted that love is one of the manifestations of human freedom. No one can make love (much can be made to do: work, even make evil, But not to love) - nor the other, neither yourself. Love is a matter of free initiative, it is the basis of itself. She does not have external motives, it does not boil down to instincts.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e thus love is the foundation of the human world, the main one
"Shrine", fortunately, reviving his importance, along with mercy, conscience, faith and hope.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e only feeling like a ship, staying afloat for a long time, before you know what" I love, "the same thing that I breathe or live!

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Love is now so far much easier than she can be. She bothers and our today's psychology that is hostile to love, because she lives from" I am, and not from "We".

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e Our modern discrepancy and even licentiousness in promoting sex, the cult of sophisticated erotica is involved modern man To worship in love that in it is secondary and subordinate spiritual and moral and aesthetic beginning. Whatever happiness brings sexual communication, still the "star vertex" of love - in spiritual harmony, heart intimacy, and absolute indispensability of a loved one, whereas in sex the replacement is quite possible.

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "lang \u003d" ru-ru "\u003e now - whether it fiction, art, religion or philosophy - you must first of all wake in a person the ability to love and especially - to love another person.

"XML: lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e only in love and through love a person becomes a man ...

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Literature Literature

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 1. Ivin A.A. Multiflower world of love // \u200b\u200bLove Philosophy. Part 1 - M.: Polizdat, 1990. - 399 p.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 2. Spinosa B. Ethics / Per. from Lat. N.A. Ivaqsova // Spinosa B. Select. Mot.: 2 t. m ., 1957. T. 1. - 610 p.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 3."XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Sukhomlinsky"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e V. A. Book of love. M.:"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Mol. Guard"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e, 1983. - 191 p.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-E "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 4. Freud 3. Psychology of the unconscious: Sat. Works - M.:" Enlightenment ", 1990.- 448 p.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 5. Froch E. Art love. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990 - 160 p.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-R "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e 6. Froch E. Soul Man - M.: Republic, 1992. - 108 p.

"XML: Lang \u003d" RU-RU "LANG \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Content

"XML: lang \u003d" ru-ru "Lang \u003d" RU-RU "\u003e Introduction .............................................................................. ... ... ... ..2
1. Love as a feeling. ... ......................................................... ... ... .... 4
2. Multiflower world of love ............................................................ 10
3. Love in the modern world ...................................................... .... 18
Conclusion ..................................................................... .. ............. 23
List of references ................................................................................ .. ... ..24

At all times, a person has always strived for knowledge. In modern science, the trend in the implementation and implementation of ideas learned directly from observations of the environment and studying them is clearly visible. Thus, the science of Bionics is engaged in the introduction of technologies implemented precisely on these ideas.
Science Ethology becomes a considerable help, even such, it would seem, a purely humanitarian industry as sociology. Nevertheless, the study of public animals gives interesting material to study many patterns of populations.
All animals have in one degree or another expressiveness to navigate in space - bioorientation. One of the simplest forms are Taxis - ZB, Chemotaxi, Phototaxes, Termotax Etc. Also in a number of animals there is a pronounced ability to bionallion - i.e. The possibilities of animals choose the direction of movement with regular seasonal migrations, for example. Eliminate such types of orientation, as a compass (stellar compass), transposure, olfactory, taste, gravitational, atmospheric pressure, chemical, acoustic, optical and some others. As you can see, a touch system is always used - whether it is a visual, olfactory or any other. In the aspect of this work, I consider the optical orientation (according to polarized light), and therefore I still stop naphtoceptor.
Organ of sight

The eyes are in the eyelabies formed by the bones of the skull, surrounded by six muscles: four straight and two brazy eye muscles. These muscles can move the eyes in any direction and make it possible to accommodate both eyes in the center. If for a long time to hold the eyes at close range, as it happens when working with a computer or reading book, pressure, chemical, acoustic, optical and some others. As you can see, a touch system is always used - whether it is a visual, olfactory or any other. In the aspect of this work, I consider optical orientation (according to polarized Light), and therefore I still stop in the photo seventors in a detail.
The eye is the peripheral part of the organ of vision serving for the perception of light irritation.
The eyes are in the eyelabies formed by the bones of the skull, surrounded by six muscles: four straight and two brazy eye muscles. These muscles can move the eyes in any direction and make it possible to accommodate both eyes in the center. If for a long time, hold the eyes at close range, howto occurs when working with a computer or reading a book, eye muscles relax, which causes harm to vision.
The peripheral part of the organ of vision includes:

Main apple
Protective apparatus of the eyeball (upper and lower eyelids, glaze)
The gifting apparatus of the eye (tear iron, its ducts, as well as a glasses consisting of muscles).
The eyeball occupies the main place of extinguishing or an eyeburn, which is a bone spacing eyes and also serves to protect it. Between the eye and eyeball is a fatty fiber, which performs shock-absorbing functions and there are vessels, nerves and muscles in it. The eyeball weighs about 7 grams. The shape of the eyeball is slightly flattened in the front of the ball.
The wall of the eyeball consists of rations of the shells:
Outdoor shell. Most of it is a protein dense opaque fabric. This is a sclera or
white of the eye. In front of the sclera goes to a smaller part of the outer shell - a transparent cornea. Place of transition
Sklera in the cornea is called Lamb. The cornea is located on the front surface of the eye, through it in the eyeball
penetrate the rays of light. The form...

from. one

Tambov State University. G.R. IDRZHAVINA

Department of Theory and Methods physical education

Basketball Development History

Abstract performed

Student of the 1st Course 3 Groups

Diditsky Alexander

Tambov 2007

1.1. Opening James Neussmit ............................................... 4

1.2. The appearance of professional leagues ............ .. ............. ... .. ......... 8

1.3. Formation of the NBA ......................................................... 10

II. Basketball development in Russia .................................................. ..12

III. The characteristic of basketball, like a means of physical education ............................................................................................ ..15

IV. Olympic basketball ...... .. ................................................ ..16

V. Basketball in Tambov ................................................................. 26

Literature ................................................................................. 30.


Agree that basketball is not only the most exciting, but the most perfect sporting sports. It is preferable to all others by dynamics, a variety of game situations, entertainment and emotionality of perception. Basketball does not limit the number of playful points, such as volleyball or tennis, and victory with a ridiculous score today 19: 8 In the final match of men's teams and Canada at the Berlin Olympiad in 1936, no less convincing than any victory with a three-digit account in NBA Championship. Basketball does not imply the use of power techniques, a person can not be shot down from the legs, push and push aboard, as in hockey, so basketball can afford to be more diverse on individual equipment, coordination, plastic, and, as a result, it is more intellectual. Basketball does not collect such enormous and uncontrollable audiences as football, and does not lead to massive psychosis with terribly, death and collapse of stadiums. It is generally not intended to perform the role of the valve for waging the vapors of social and inter-ethnic tension. Simply put, in basketball, the flame of the audience hearts never reckon on the structure.

If hockey with a washer (as they like to say now) this is a fight of gladiators, then basketball is more likely to the theater action with unlimited space for coaching director, performing skills and the decoration and artistic abilities of organizers of matches and tournaments. Strictly speaking, basketball has only one ambiguous property: the "vertical coordinate" provides the initial (and undeserved) advantage of tall players. Basketball grows up, becoming more elite. With all the losses arising from here. First of all-in mass. There is no other sport, where the anthropometric parameters of the athlete (growth, length of the hands, etc.) would be so important. The latter partly compensated for by the improvement of tactical techniques, the evolution of the rules of the game, and the very population of the Earth will permanently grow. (Sometimes, however, the organizational measures were used and were used. So, in 1969, the Fiba, concerned about Giantomania, organized the European Championship in Spain among basketball players, whose growth did not exceed 190 cm. According to the memories of eyewitnesses, the tournament attendance was low: the viewer voted his legs against Such "care". However, not even evening ...) And although the eternal dualism between the perfect technique of "babies" and the relative helplessness of supergullivers, the bunches of hanging on the rings after each throw on top, will not long be a phenomenon of such universal, as Gennady Volnov, Alexander Belov and Arvidas Sabonis, instills hope.

Basketball Today is the most harmoniously developing sport. It will not be clamped in the vice of alone in the intensification on the principle of "Athletism Plus speed", like other sports games. It laid richest internal opportunities for the development of gaming thinking and improving technical techniques.

I. To the history of the nucleation

Screensaver to this section, reminiscent of the bench, of course, the metaphor: the priests in ancient Egypt to basketball did not play. In general, look for the origins of modern basketball in the depths of centuries - the case, apparently, hopeless. He is not similar to anything too far from the natural, initial motor skills of man. The bouncing ball, this children's fun, is definitely fascinating. As, however, any other periodic process: oscillations of the pendulum, the rotation of the rope or popular today's desktop souvenir Mobil, imitating the eternal engine. In this sense, a person left the cat near the cat.

Of course, the ideas of all kinds of games with the ball in the history of mankind were much more than those several games that were formed as modern sports ...

As a possible forerunner of the basketball, sports historians call games: "Poklokok" (VII century. N. E., Central America); "Tlachtley" relating to the culture of the "Maya" tribe in South America, and Olamalitzli (Mexico, XVI century). In all these distant edges, rubber tree grows, so Poemic was from rubber. However, today is generally recognized by the fact that basketball does not have historical roots even in an illustrative plan. He is completely invented, as it should be assumed to any artwork.

Invented basketball James Neussmit (1861-1939), a college teacher in Springfield (PC. Massachusetts, USA). College belonged to the Association of Young Christians (YMCA). Later student basketball in the United States began to lead the National Athletic College Association -NCAA. Through it received a ticket to professional NBA clubs almost all the stars of American basketball.

1.1. Opening James Neussmita

Basketball, perhaps, the only one popular species Sports, the date and place of the occurrence of which are known to be known. Not one dozen books written about this significant event, often with the fictional details of the narrative of the first steps of this future of the Future of Millions. And yet, it makes sense to at least schematically designate the main points of the formation and development of basketball, artificially invented the game, who managed to win the hearts of fans in the whole world in a matter of decades, which in itself is an unprecedented phenomenon.

Already, being a physical education teacher, a professor of college in Springfeld, James Niximite faced the problem of creating a game for the winter of Massachusetts, the period between baseball and football competitions.

Naismit believed that in connection with the weather of this time of the year, the best solution would be invented by the game for closed premises.

Nightsmith wanted to create a mobile game for students of the school of Christian workers, which would not only have to use forces exclusively.

He needed a game that could be carried out in a closed room in a relatively small space.

And here, in December 1891, James Naismith presented his gymnastic class in Springfield (YMCA) his nameless invention.

Less than an hour, James Naismith, sitting at the table in his office in YMCA formulated the thirteen rules of the basketball game.

  1. The ball can be thrown in any direction one or two hands.

  2. On the ball can be beaten one or two hands in any direction, but in no case by the fist

  3. The player can not run with the ball. The player must give a pass or throw the ball to the basket from the point in which he caught it, an exception is made for a player running at good speed.

  4. The ball should be held one or two hands. Cannot be used to hold the ball of the forearm and body.

  5. In any case, shocks, captures, retention and pushing of the enemy are not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player must be recorded as a foul (dirty game); The second foul disqualifies it until the next ball will be clogged and if there was an obvious intention to injure the player to the entire game. No replacement is allowed.

  6. Punch on the ball - violation of points of rules 2 and 4, the punishment is described in paragraph 5.

  7. If one of the parties makes three fouls in a row, they must be recorded as a goal, for opponents (this means that during this time, opponents should not accomplish a single foul).

  8. The goal is counted - if the ball thrown or bounced on the floor falls into the basket and remains there. Protecting players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket at the time of the throw. If the ball touches the edge, and the opponents move the basket, then counted the goal.

  9. If the ball goes into Out (beyond the site), then it must be thrown into the field and the first player who touched it. In the event of a dispute, throw away the ball in the field, the judge should. A throwing player is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds him longer, the ball is given to the enemy. If any of the parties tries to delay the time, the judge must give them foul.

  10. The judge must follow the actions of the players and for fouls, as well as notify the referee, about the three, perfect in a row fouls. It is endowed with the authorities to disqualify players according to Regulation 5.

  11. The referee must follow the ball and determine when the ball is in the game (within the site) and when it goes into Out (beyond the site), which of the parties should own the ball, as well as control the time. It must define the defeat of the goal, record the goals scored, as well as perform any other actions that are usually performed by the referee.

  12. The game consists of two half a hundred to 15 minutes each with a break of five minutes between them.

  13. The party that threw more balls during this period of time is the winner.

Over time, basketball changed ...

In the winter of 1891, students of the college of the Youth Christian Association from Springfield, Massachusetts, simply disbanded from longing in physical education classes, forced to carry out endless gymnastic exercises, who were considered hardly the only means of the attachment of young people to sports. The monotony of such classes was necessary to urgently put an end, to make a fresh jet in them, which would be able to satisfy the competitive needs of strong and healthy young people.

The way out of the seeming deadlines found a modest college teacher named James Neussmith. In December of the same year, the first game was played by a football ball, and instead of the rings, he tied two baskets from under the peaches to the railing of the balcony of the sports hall and, dividing eighteen students for two teams, offered them the game, the meaning of which came down to abandon more The number of balls in the basket of rivals. The beginning was laid. Could the doctor of Neussmit could assume what a great future is waiting for his brainchild?

It is quite pragmatically called "basketball" (Basket - Basket, Ball - Ball) The game, of course, only remotely reminded that the enchanting spectacle that we know under this name today. The players did not exist, the players just moved him to each other, standing still, and they sought to throw in the basket, and only with both hands from the bottom or chest, and after a successful throw, one of the players climbed the staircase attached to the wall and removed the ball from the basket . From the current point of view, the action of the teams would seek us sluggish and inhibited, however, the goal of the Neussmith's doctor was to create a collective game, which could be involved at the same time a large number of participating, and this task of its invention was fully responsible.
But soon, after the first game, the sheet with the rules disappeared ...

A, a few days later, one of Naismit students, Frank Mahon, confessed to the "crime" ...

"I took them," Mayhon said to his teacher.
"I knew that this game would have a great success and I took them as a souvenir.
But now I think they must belong to you ... "

Already on February 12, 1892, having studied the rules and having mastered the basics of technology, students of the Springfield College in the presence of a hundred spectators held the first in the history of the basketball "Official" match, peacefully completed with the result of 2: 2. His success was so deafening, and the rumor about a new game spread at such a speed that soon two Springfield teams began to carry out indicative meetings, collecting hundreds of viewers in their speeches. Their coin grabbed students of other colleges, and the next year the entire American north-east was covered by basketball fever.

The natural education of amateur teams and Leagues led to the fact that students sought to deal with exclusively basketball, preferring him not only to such traditional game species as American football and baseball, but also hotly beloved trustees of colleges gymnastics. Officials of the Youth Christian Association, hinting complaints of opponents of new trends, did not turn the eyes on such a blatant trapping of the curriculum and practically slammed the doors of student sports halls before the basketball. However, their desire to prohibit rapidly inflated popularity. A new sport was like attempts to manually stop the accelerated train.

However, in these prohibitions, if desired, it is possible to detect a positive direction, for it was they who provoked the holding of the first professional basketball match, that is, the match for money. It happened in 1896, when a team from Trenton, New Jersey, in order to pay for rent a hall, was forced to sell tickets for their game. Having paid at the end of the meeting with the owners of the premises, the Trenton team found that she had a part of the money reversed for tickets, which was equally divided between the players, making each of them richer by $ 15 ...

1.2. The appearance of professional leagues

P an officially registered association of professional basketball teams, called the National Basketball Liga, originated in 1898 and existed for five years, after which it was broken by several independent leagues held their own championships.

The rules of those years allowed teams to conclude contracts with different players for each game, team formulations, therefore, differed in extreme instability, and any player for one championship, if desired, could speak almost for all teams, selling their services to those who Pay more. The cost of individual contracts amounted to approximately one dollar per minute of the game, which gave the opportunity to the best players held on the site more time, earn an impressive amount of attention to the siny, bruises and abrasions for them; Basketball at the turn of the centuries was more than a contact sport, in which the shocks, captures and backs of rivals were not rebiring.

One of the innovations designed to speed up the game, but in fact, only an injury athletes increased by athletes, the introduction of a wire mesh, which beats from all sides a basketball court. Thanks to her, the ball has always remained in the game, but only the most desperate, who, from such martial arts, with numerous bruises, who left these martial arts with numerous bruises, and for a long time retained grid fingerprints were drilled into the struggle for possession of them. Such fences that are more suitable for hockey matches or battle without rules have been canceled only in 1929.

Fortunately, reasonable innovations was significantly more. Back in 1892, the baskets began to cut down the bottom, in order not to climb them on the stairs after each clogged ball, and then replaced them at all on metal rings. However, exactly sent to such a ring, the ball could get into it, did not touch the meadow, which often caused disputes about the effectiveness of the throw, and the rope meshes of the cylindrical shape appeared on the rings, slightly tapering the book, clearly fixing each ball getting into the ring.

At the first basketball matches, the audience, located on the balcony behind the ring, often prevented to hit his guest team, simply chopping balls directed to the basket of their favorite team. Such foreign interventions were summoned in 1893 the appearance between the ring and a balcony of a barrier shield, and a little later it turned out that it was much easier to get the ball into the ring with a bounce from the shield, rather than try to hit the ring itself.

The gradual changes have undergone the rules of the game. The practice has shown that violations of the rules when attacking the rings should be punished with a penalty throwing without interference from a distance of 4.57 m from the ring (1894), which for the resulting throw from the game should be charged two points, and for a penalty throw - one point ( 1895) that five people on each side are the optimal number of attendant athletes at the same time (1897). Each player was allowed for the match to make no more than five violations of the rules - the sixth error automatically led to its removal from the site until the end of the meeting.

The most fierce discussions flared around the ball. Never come to a common opinion on this issue, different leagues conducted their own tournaments on their own rules - in some maintenance of the ball was prohibited categorically, in others it was allowed to strike the ball on the site only a certain number of times, and in the third, the maintenance was allowed without any restrictions, that is, Having tapping the ball on the floor, the player could catch him, and then renew the maintenance and repeat this procedure to infinity. But in any case, the maintenance of the ball was simultaneously both hands.

With the example of the National Basketball League, for the first time in 1898, professional clubs in one tournament in 1898, in 1925 an American basketball league was created, which covered the commands of the Northeast of the United States. The first seasons dominant position in it occupied the outstanding New York Club "Original Seltiks", who was superior to all his competitors, and only Rosenblums from Cleveland could have to compete with him to some extent. However, after three tournaments, Seltiks was disbanded, his players replenished the ranks of other teams, and from that moment on Rosenblums remained unquestible league leaders until 1931, when the Great Depression forced to stop holding the championships.

Basketball is not dead finally - he only went to the background, and for the years of depression, as it was not surprising, a sharp jump in the development and promotion of a young game. Firstly, amateur basketball teams began to emerge throughout the country, who, moving from the city to the city, conducted demonstration matches among themselves or with the team of owners, attracting thousands of fans with their performances. Often, such basketball holidays turned into a theatrical show with tricks and prepared in advance numbers, and then the demonstration of filigree equipment ownership of the ball eased the sports result of bilateral meetings.

In January 1927, Eib Seyperstin organized a team of basketball circus called "Harlem Glottters", which fully consisted of black athletes, which, having changed several generations of outstanding masters of an orange ball for its history, for almost three quarters of the century, making millions of fans in admiration All corners globe. Combining in its ideas unique circus rooms with brilliant technical skills, "Wanderers from Harlem" are so easily and easily treated with the ball, which make the audience look at the basketball in a different way, to perceive it not just as one of the sports, but as real art. Is it possible to stay indifferent at the sight of how the players standing up to the ring with the back, several times in a row throw balls from any point of the site or having caught the ball bounced off the shield and making squirrels in the air, stuffed it from above in the ring with both hands? And such numbers in the arsenal of basketball kudesnikov not one dozen.

Another stimulus, which did not allow basketball completely to leave the scene of American sports life, was its rapid development in colleges and universities. Student basketball leagues not only continued to safely exist and hold their championships, but also upgraded the rules, gradually making the game more and more spectacular. The ball with a protruding outward Nipelm was replaced with a perfectly round and smooth, after which he had dreamed of a question about the admissibility of jurisdiction - dribbling (and only with one hand) became one of the most important components of technical skills; Almost simultaneously with this, the rule of ten seconds was introduced, during which the team owned by the ball was obliged to translate it to half the rivals platform, which immediately made the game much more dynamic.

1.3. Formation of NBA

1936 was marked by a new milestone in the history of basketball - the appearance of him in the program of the Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, but only the next year there were two significant events, sharply approximate basketball of the first half of the century to the game well known to us today. In the January match of the two student teams, the Stanford University player Hank Lizetti for the first time in the history of basketball made a ball of a ball one hand! (Strange, is it not true that such a simple, and at the same time, a brilliant thought first visited a basketball player's head only after forty-five years after the game occurs.) An example of a student, by the way, nothing more in basketball did not show up, was instantly picked up literally every one of His colleagues in the sports shop, as a result of which, by the end of the season, the game has acquired a completely different quality drawing.

Thanks to this innovation, the game has become more high-speed and, accordingly, the spectacular, the outcome of it now depended primarily not from the growth of players, but from their accuracy, speed of running, the speed of moving the ball and, of course, from successful tactical finds of coaches. And the more surprising looks like the National Basketball League, recreated in 1937 and united 13 professional teams of the East and Middle West of the United States, did not immediately perceive the positive nature of the rules. Realizing their progressiveness, but being unable to overcome the conservatism of thinking, the League functionar came to a solution, which with famous stretchs could be recognized by Solomonov - the entire first season of the team team had the right to decide which the rules every specific meeting will be held, namely, How to enter the ball into the game after taking a ring.

However, by the beginning of the next season, common sense triumphed, and the National Basketball League fully adopted the rules of student basketball, which immediately raised her rating in the eyes of the public and allowed to invite the best athletes of university clubs to professional teams. Since 1938, a sharp rise of the popularity of basketball began, and nothing seemed to have succeeded to him, but the incarnation of rainbow hopes and enviable prospects had to postpone another five years due to the entry of the United States to the second world war. The world championships held by the National Basketball League continued during the war, but athletes who participate in it, who are not suitable for military service, could not, of course, attract the increased attention of fans to themselves.

Only in 1946, when former professional basketball players began to return from the fronts, the League again tried to resume its full-fledged existence. But she had an unexpected competitor in the person of the educated basketball Association of America. Having impressive financial resources, she combined the team of New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Providence, Toronto, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and St. Louis under its wing. The first match in the Basketball Association of America, later renamed the National Basketball Association, was held in November 1946, officially denoting this date in the annals of history as the birth of one of the largest sports and commercial enterprises of modernity - NBA.

The historic meeting in Toronto between the New York Nicerbox and Toronto Haskiz basketball players was completed with the score of 68:66 in favor of the guests. And the first champions of Baa became "Warriorz" from Philadelphia, in the final series, held up to four victories, overclocked with the final result of 4: 1 "Chicago Stumps". Moreover, rivalry between the teams was so sharp that in the last two games the superiority of Philadelphia was expressed only in one and three glasses.

The Basketball Association of America has embraced the revolutions successfully lasted not only individual players, but also whole clubs of the National Basketball League, some more seasons somehow continued to resist the expansion of their younger, but a much more powerful sister. The inevitable occurred in 1949, when the National Basketball League (who stopped after this existence) left six of the best teams that felt in the America's Basketball Association. From now on, it began to be called the National Basketball Association ...

II. Basketball Development in Russia

The homeland of domestic basketball is St. Petersburg. This fact is well known and no doubt causes.

The first mention of this game in our country belongs to the well-known Russian propagandist of the physical culture and sports Petersburger Georgia Dupperon and refers to 1901. Back in September 1900, a committee was established in St. Petersburg to promote the moral and mental development of young people. The program included lectures on various sections of human vital activity. And already in 1904, physical culture appeared in the Committee's program, which, along with moral and mental development, added physical. Society gave the name "Lighthouse". In the report for the 1907 year of its activity (from 09/22/1906 to 09/22/1907) there was a mention of the invitation to Russia of the American specialist E. Moraller, who told Mayakov on a completely new overseas game. It turned out that with basketball, first of all, the best athletes "Lighthouse" were acquainted. At the end of 1906, the first basketball fights were held in society. The winner of the first competitions was invariably became the team of "Lilovy" (in color of Mains), headed by one of the best gymnasts of the S.Vasiliev Society, called the "Grandfather of the Russian Basketball" subsequently.

And in 1909 an event took place, which became a certain milestone in the history of not only the domestic, but also the world basketball, a group of members of the American Association of Christians arrived in St. Petersburg. Of these, a basketball team was drawn up, which, to the overall joy of Petersburgers, lost to the local team of "Lilovy" with the score 19:28. This meeting was held in the new hall of the "Lighthouse" society in the house number 35 at the Nadezhdanskaya Street (in Soviet times - Mayakovsky Street). It is this historical meeting in the Basque Basketball Book, published in Munich in 1972 by 40, -Ethree of the Basketball Fibe Federation, named the first real international basketball match. Thus, it turns out that it was Russia that has become the place of the first international basketball match on the planet. These two events are the first game held in 1906, and the first international match of 1909 - and gave rise to doubt the definition of the birth of basketball in Russia. For many years, anniversary tournaments were held, conducting their own counts from 1906, up to the 80th anniversary of the domestic basketball. But then one inaccuracy was discovered: in the memoirs of the already unsuitable "Grandparents of the Russian Basketball" was mentioned that first game of 1906, held in the Company's Hall

"Lighthouse" in relikhenskaya street. It is archived that the new Lighthouse Source Hall was put into operation a little later. Apparently, on this basis, some hot heads "decided" to count the date of birth of basketball in Russia not 1906, but, say ... 1909th! And this after multiple anniversaries on the occasion of the 50th anniversary - in 1956, the 60th anniversary - in the 66th, 75th anniversary - in the 81st, finally, the 80th anniversary of the 86th century?

This question is not idle. It must be resolved by scientists of sports, they can make the necessary clarity to put the final point in this matter. But back to St. Petersburg. Thanks to the efforts of "Mayakovev", Basketball soon began to spread in other sports societies and educational institutions of the city, and after the revolution, it was confidently walked around the country and already in 1920 he was introduced to the All-Communications School Program on a par with football as a mandatory discipline. In the 21st in St. Petersburg, the first basketball league was created in the country, the chairman of which F. Yurgenson became the chair. And it was this organization that was a prototype of the current federation, and it was under her aegid that the first year of the city of basketball was first conducted.

The future fourth federations on the organization of all sorts of championships, tournaments, and since 1923, the country championships first among cities, and then among sports societies. It must be said that Leningrad teams have repeatedly become champions: in the 23rd both teams - both women and men, then feminine - in the 35th, and men's - in the 36th. In 1955, the men's team of Leningrad became the champion of all-union competitions in closed premises among the national teams of the Union republics, as well as Moscow and Leningrad. Then the title of champions of the country our teams won another four times: the Women's team "Spartak" (ch. Coach S.Gelchinsky) - in 1974 and the team "Elektrosila" (ch. Trainer E. Khozhevnikov) - in 1990; The men's team "Spartak" in 1975 became the champion of the Soviet Union, and in 1992 - the CIS champion. Both victories were obsessed under the leadership of Coach V. Kondrashin.

Great contribution to the organization of urban basketball, in the problems of the growth of young specialists, in the preparation of masters of higher qualifications, perfectly served as subsequently in the national teams of the USSR commander and Russia, first introduced the Basketball Section of the City Committee for Physical Education and Sports, and then the federations of Leningrad Basketball Federation (St. Petersburg). In the pre-war and first post-war years, the head of these organizations stood S. Golstein, M. Krutikov. In subsequent years, the Federation was headed by a Honored Master of Sport V.razzhvin, secretary of the district office of the G. Memibrats, a responsible worker of the Lengor Executive Committee B. Telshukov, a scientist and journalist M. Chuprov and, finally, the Tax Police General of Polytavchenko. As part of a public organization, which was a federation, people of various specialties actively worked. Their contribution to the development of basketball in the city on the Neva is huge. Only a few of them are: V. Herendin, Yu.Gerasimov, E, Ershova, B.Ivanov, A.Dmitriyev, Ulyashenko, Yu.Appolonov, V.Samis, Yu.Kuznetsov, S.Shimokov, N.Pozanskaya , E.Ivanov, V. Perezeskal, Yu. Tailors, O. Klovin, Y.Alegseev, S.Afanasyev, V. Builovkin, O. Mamontov, D. Frololov and many, many others. The main areas in the work of the Federation were: mass basketball, preparation of the reserve, performances of teams of masters, judging issues, including the preparation of judges, and the propaganda of basketball in the media and on television.

With the collapse of the USSR, domestic basketball, like other sports, as well as all Russian life, fell into a protracted one. The transition from the All-Union to Russian rails was accompanied by many devastating processes: the financial collapse of clubs and teams, the outcome of a large sport from the capitals, the outflow of players, etc. The influx and dominance of the legionnaires brought the interests of clubs. The interests of the Russian national teams were reduced to some optional. Sacramental question sounded with might and main: "What do you play for my homeland for money?" And there is no intentive response yet.

And if the Russian women's team eventually could overcome this decline, won "silver" at the 2002 World Championship, winning the European Championship in 2003 and won the Bronze at the Olympics in Athens (coach - V.P. Kapranov), Male basketball landed into a deep systemic crisis. Eighth at the European Championships (twice in a row); The tenths at the World Championships are still not our places. In addition, the men's team could not "take place" either at the Athenian Olympics or the World Cup 2006. Obviously, you need some kind of fundamentally new conceptual approach to bring the men's Russian basketball from the present crisis, to return him to his former glory ...

Summing up the first century of basketball development in the Soviet Union and in Russia, I would like to believe that the accumulated glorious traditions will not be committed to the oblivion and Russian male basketball will return the lost leading positions in Europe and the world, and the Russian women's team will finally be completed on the upper rows of European, The world and Olympic tournaments, as, in fact, were already in the 50s and 1950s of the last century ...
III. The characteristic of basketball as physical education agents.

Basketball is one of the most popular games in our country. It is characterized by a variety of movements; Walking, running, stopping, turns, jumping, fishing, throws and running the ball, carried out in martial arts with rivals. Such a variety of movements contribute to improving metabolism, activities of all organism systems, form coordination.

Basketball has not only health and hygienic value, but also agitational-educational. Basketball classes help to form perseverance, courage, determination, honesty, self-confidence, a sense of collectivism. But the effectiveness of education depends, above all, on how purposefully in the pedagogical process is carried out by the relationship of physical and moral education (Belov S., 1990).

Basketball, as a means of physical education, has been widely used in various units of physical culture movement.

In the national education system, basketball is included in the programs of physical preschool children, a common medium, medium, vocational, technical, secondary special and higher education.

Basketball is a fascinating athletic game, which is an effective means of physical education. It is not by chance that it is very popular among schoolchildren. Basketball, as an important means of physical education and recovery of children, is included in secondary schools of secondary schools, schools with polytechnic and industrial training, children's sports schools, urban departments of public education and department at sports voluntary societies.

The consolidation of the results achieved and the further increase in the level of sports skills are closely intertwined with mass recreation work and qualified preparation of reserves from the most talented young men and girls. Such reserves are prepared in children's sports schools.

Perennial training of children requires accounting for the features of their age development, and in connection with this, a thorough set of funds and methods of academic work. Currently, there are many benefits that cover the modern basketball technique in detail. They set out the general issues of the organization. pedagogical workAlso presented specific practical materials that need to be assisted at a certain age.

One of the most important tasks of the secondary school is to educate the need for everyday exercise classes. The solution to this task requires physical culture of perseverance, creativity, many skills and knowledge from the teacher. And above all, you need to be able to build on only our activities, but also the activities of students in the lesson. Moreover, so that it has its appropriate continuation in the form of independent lessons at home for the purpose of physical self-improvement. And for this, first of all, you need to know the real possibilities of your pupils.

A variety of technical and tactical actions of basketball games and actually, gaming activities have unique properties to form vital skills and skills of schoolchildren, the comprehensive development of their physical and mental qualities. The mastered motor actions of the game of basketball and the exercise associated with it are effective means of improving health and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical culture.

IV. Olympic basketball
At the Games of the III Olympiad in St. Louis 1904, a demonstrative basketball tournament was held, in which five American club teams participated. Basketball players were held at the Games of the IX Olympiad in Amsterdam 1928.

In 1932, at a meeting held in Geneva, representatives of the National Basketball Federations of Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Portugal, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland, and representatives of Bulgaria and Hungary were also attended by observers, the representatives of Bulgaria and Hungary were also decided to educate the International Amateur Basketball Federation - FIBA .

In 1935, the IOC decided to recognize the Basketball Olympic Sports - and he was first included in the official program of the Games of the XI Olympiad Games in Berlin in 1936. In the basketball tournament of these games, men's teams 21 countries took part. The first Olympic champions were US basketball players. Silver medals went to Canadians, and bronze - Mexicans.

First after the end of World War II, the XIV Olympiads in London in 1948, men's teams from 23 countries participated in basketball competitions. The Americans were so confident in their superiority over the rest of the opponents in this sport, which was sent to the game not the US team, and the team composed of Basketball players of the University of Kentucky, who won in London Gold Olympic medals. Silver medals won the French, and bronze - Brazilians. And at the Games of the XV Olympics in Helsinki of 1952, a non-national team was presented in the US basketball tournament, but the University team from Kansas. Nevertheless, gold medals again won the basketball players of the United States. The second prize took the debut at the Olympic Games the USSR national team, the third - the Uruguay team.

To participate in the Games of the XVI Olympiad in Melbourne, 1956, the United States has already expressed the national team, staffed by the best players of the amateur basketball of this country. Americans once again became Olympic champions. As four years before, the USSR team was a silver medalist, and the Bronze became the team of Uruguay.

At the Games of the XVII Olympiad in Rome, in 1960, the US basketball players continued their uninterrupted series, confidently winning gold medals. Again - for the third time, the USSR national team remained in second place, and Bronze won the Brazil team.

In the Basketball Competitions at the Games of the XVIII Olympiad in Tokyo, 1964, again, the US team was primarily over the sixth time. Silver awards, for the fourth time in a row, won the USSR national team. The owners of bronze medals, as in previous games, was the Brazilian national team.

Basketball players tournament at the XIX Olympiad games in Mexico City in 1968, ended the next, seventh, victory of the US national team. Silver winners for the first time became Yugoslav, and the USSR national team was in third place

In the Basketball Competitions at the Games of the XX Olympiads in Munich, 1972, men's teams of 16 countries participated. The final match, in which the United States and the USSR nationally met in the struggle for gold awards, was destined to become, perhaps the most tense and dramatic duel in the history of the Olympic basketball tournaments. The US team at the very end of the match lost with the score of 48:49, when Douglas Collins his throw brought two points to the Americans - and in three seconds before the end of the second half, the expense was 50:49 in favor of the US national team. The Americans have already prepared to triumph victory, but later the legendary "three seconds" have sharply changed the situation. Coaches of both teams alternately figured out relations with the judicial board: the Americans believed that the meeting time was already expired, and the management of the USSR national team insisted that three seconds should be played. Finally, after stormy disputes, the judges decided to continue the game for three seconds. At this time, due to the front line, under his shield, the Basketball Player of the USSR national team Ivan Eshchenko's long accurate Pass across the entire platform sent the ball to Alexander Belov, and that in the fight against trying to prevent him from the Americans Kevin Joys and Thomas Mac-Millon scored the ball in US team ring. The score was 51:50 in favor of the USSR national team. The executives of the American team were protest, and while he was considered to players of the USSR national team in ignorance and incredible nervous tension were waiting in their locker room. But finally, they were reported that the US team protest was rejected. So the basketball players of the USSR, violating the very long hegemony of Americans at the Olympiad games, first won gold medals. The US national team remained in second place, and her players, expressing disagreement with the decision of the judicial board and the appeals jury, refused to go to the awards ceremony and receive silver medals. Basketball players of Cuba became owners of bronze awards.

At the XXI Olympics games in 1976, the number of men's teams participating in basketball competitions was reduced from 16 teams to 12. But for the first time IOC included in the Olympic program of women's basketball teams in the Olympic Program. There were six these games on these games. In the Men's Olympic tournament, the strongest in the eighth time, the basketball players of the United States were, in the final of the victims of Yugoslavov, who got silver medals. The USSR national team, losing in the semifinals of the Yugoslav team, in the match for the third place won Canadians and became a bronze medalist. In the women's basketball tournament, the USSR national team was better than others, which won all his rivals. Silver awards were awarded to US basketball players, Bulgarian Bronze team.

Due to the fact that a number of countries, including the United States, boycotted the games of the XXII Olympiad in Moscow of 1980, did not participate in the Men's and Women's Women's Female Prefabricated Favorites in Basketball Competitions. In the men's tournament, where 12 teams competed, Yugoslav came to the final, the victims of the USSR team, and the Italians who won the Spaniards in the semifinals. The final duel brought the victory of the Ugoslavia national team, which for the first time won the Olympic medals. Silver awards got a team of Italy. In the match for the third place, the basketball players of the USSR national team defeated the Spanish team and became owners of bronze medals. In the women's tournament (with the participation of six teams) the basketball players of the USSR national team, as and four years before, became the Olympic champions. The second and third winners were the teams of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, respectively.

In the Basketball Competitions at the XXIII Games in Los Angeles, 1984 did not participate in the men's and women's teams of the USSR, as well as the teams of some other socialist countries, boycotting these games. In the men's basketball tournament, the strongest of the 12 participating teams were the US team, she won the Olympic gold medals at the ninth time. Silver awards for the first time went to the Spaniards. Bronze medals won Yugoslav. And in the women's tournament, in which 6 teams participated, the US basketball players first defeated. The owners of "silver" were athletes of the Republic of Korea, and "Bronze" - the team of the People's Republic of China.

At the XXIV Olympics games in Seoul, 1988, the basketball players of the USSR national team, the beat in the final of Yugoslavov, won gold medals, and their rivals received silver rewards. Only in third place was this time the male team of the United States. In the women's Olympic tournament, the second time in a row, the US basketball players. The second and third prizes were taken by the team of Yugoslavia and the USSR.

In the Basketball Competitions at the XXV games of the Olympics in Barcelona 1992, as in Seoul, 12 male and 8 female teams participated. However, it is noteworthy that for the first time in the Olympic history of this sport at these games, they were able to perform the best basketball players-professionals. Before that, the path of amateur and professional basketball in official competitions did not intersect. The development of amateur basketball and the holding of such largest competitions as the world championships and basketball tournaments on the Olympiad games, led and now managed, created, as noted earlier, in 1932, the International Amateur Basketball Federation - Fiba. The best professional clubs of the United States are combined into the National Basketball Association - NBA, formed in 1949 after the merger of the American Basketball Association and the National Basketball League, and play their championship. The basketball level in the NBA championships is much higher than in competitions under the auspices of the Fib. In the National Basketball Association, both due to prestigiousness and in connection with a very high payment of professionals players in the NBA clubs, almost all the world basketball stars are collected, not only from the United States. Americans in NBA clubs an overwhelming majority, but from some European and other countries with a high level of development of this sport, the best players arrive there.

To the Games of the XXV Olympics, the connection of amateur basketball with a professional was essentially a "unilateral movement street": the best amateur team players, especially those who came to the US Olympic team, after their triumph at the Olympiad games often passed into professionals, speaking then or other NBA club. Such a path was a lot of talented American basketball players who first became Olympic champions, and later - NBA stars: for example, William Russell (champion of games in Melbourne-1956), Oscar Robertson (champion of games in Rome in 1960), Michael Jordan and Patrick Ying (Champions of Games in Los Angeles 1984).

One of the practical incarnations of changes in the position of the IOC in relation to professional sports was the admission of basketball players to participate in the Olympic Games. Thanks to this decision, the Americans managed to collect Olympics in the Male Olympics of the USA on basketball almost all NBA stars, and therefore it was not by chance that this team was called "Dream Tim", that in translation from English means "Dream Team". On its composition performed in Barcelona 12 of the best players selected from professional clubs NBA, - Irwin ("Madzhik") Johnson, Michael Jordan, Patrick Yingg, Charles Barkley, Larry Berd, Clyde Drexler, Scott Pippen, Chris Mulllen, David Robinson, Karl Malone, Christian Lentner, John Stockton. Naturally, none of the teams of other countries could have been able to confront American "Dream Tim" at the XXV games, which everyone gave gold awards before the beginning of the Olympic Competitions. And this forecast was unmistakable: the male team of the United States, confidently winning all meetings on the site in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwas champion without any problems. It was already the tenth Olympic victory of the male US team. Silver medals received the team of Croatia, losing to the finals of Americans. In the third place, the Lithuanians gave way to the United States in the semifinals, and the United team of the CIS countries, losing in the semifinals of Croats. Lithuanian basketball players, as part of the team of which in Barcelona 1992, were four Olympic champions Seoul1988, the composition of the USSR team - Arvidas Sabonis, Sharunas Marchyulönis, Rimas Kurtarytis, Valdemaras Homicheus, defeated the United CIS team in a fundamental match and won bronze medals. But in the women's basketball tournament of the Games of the XXV Olympics, the combined team of the CIS countries won. The second and third prizes won the basketball players of the People's Republic of China and the United States respectively.

After Games in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe Basketball Olympic Competition Protection program has not changed, and at the XXVI Olympics Games in the Atlanta 1996, two sets of medals were still played - among male and among women's teams.

One of the main characteristic features of basketball development has recently been to increase the number of countries in which this sport is popular, which, in turn, has strengthened competition in the international arena. In addition, the circle of teams that are among the leaders in this sport expanded also for the reasons of a political nature, in particular those that led to the breakdown of the former Soviet Union and the former socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia - Sforge.

After the collapse of SFD, among the world's leading in the world, the male team of Croatia was. She had silver Olympic awards in the Basketball Tournament on Games in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band then, bronze medals at the 1995 European Championships, which allowed the Croats to participate in the Games of the XXVI Olympiad. And another leader - the male team of the Union of the Republic of Yugoslavia, which, after the cancellation of UN sanctions, entered the international arena and, won the gold awards at the European Championship1995, where they defeated Lithuanians, received the right to perform at the Atlanta Olympic Games.

After the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, Lithuania's strongest in the men's basketball, which won not only the Olympic Bronze Medals on Games in Barcelona 1992, but also silver at the European Championships in 1995. These victories introduced Lithuanians among the participants of the Olympic basketball tournament on the games in Atlanta.

At the same time, the latest performances in the international arena of men's basketball teams of Russia and Ukraine were much more modest, which in previous years were, along with the Baltic republics, the main suppliers of players for the USSR national teams. The men's national team of Ukraine could not get into the final part of the 1995 European Championship, which served simultaneously with the qualifying tournament to the games in Atlanta. And the men's team of Russia, although he participated in this European championship, could not show high results and also did not get on the games of the XXVI Olympiad.

Expansion of the geography of countries having strong basketball teams, and the associated aggravation of the struggle in international competitions did not affect only rivalry for the first place. As in the women's team tournament on games in Atlanta, where the United States national team was clearly stronger than all, and, especially, in the Olympic tournament of men's teams, where out of competition, and it was predicted in advance, the US team was. She again composed of the best basketball players and named "Dream Tim-3". "Dream Tim-2" represented the United States of America at the World Championships, held between the games of XXV and XXVI Olympiad.

To the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Americans were collected in "Dream Tim-3" 12 Superstars from the clubs NBA - Shakil about Nile, Khakim Oladjavon, Charles Barcley, Reggie Miller, Karl Malone, David Robinson, Scotty Pippen, John Stockton, Grant Hill, Lenny Wilkins, Mitch Richmond, Antferni Hardui. Did not want to participate in the "Dream Tim-3", and therefore refused the opportunity for sure to become a three-time Olympic champion, an outstanding basketball player of our time Michael Jordan. However, and without him the male US team in this sport without him. It was in Atlanta to the head stronger than all of his rivals. In the final match, the Americans with a score of 95:69 defeated the team of Yugoslavia and won the gold medals. Olympic "silver" went to Yugoslavam. Bronze Olympic Awards again, as in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwon the Lithuanian team, which in The semi-final duel was given to the Yugoslavia national team, and in the match for the third place in the persistent struggle with the score of 80:74 won from Australians.

As for women's basketball teams, then among the leading international arena, the US teams, Brazil, Australia, Cuba, the People's Republic of China, Italy, and from the states formed after the collapse of the USSR, are the teams of Russia and Ukraine. The Golden Olympic Medals on the Games in Atlanta confidently won the US basketball players, in the final match, with a score of 111: 87, the winning world champions - Brazilian athletes who got silver awards. In the match for the third place of Australian with a score of 66:56 defeated the Ukrainian team and won bronze medals.

"Bronze" team of Australia in the women's Olympic tournament and the fourth place of the Australian national team in the men's tournament in Atlanta - testimonies of the undoubted success of basketball players of this country. It can be successful to the fourth place conquered in these Olympic Games by European championships, basketball players of Ukraine. Whereas the speech in the Atlanta of the Russian women's team, who was considered on the eve of the games one of the favorites and applicants for the Olympic medals, is unlikely to be called successful: the Russians did not even fall into the semifinals and eventually occupied only fifth place.

For the period during which basketball is included in the Olympic program, from 1936 to 1996 inclusive, the best results for the total number of Olympic awards in this sport achieved the US team - 18 medals - 14 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze. Next followed by the former USSR - 12 medals - 4 gold, 4 silver, 4 bronze. Yugoslavia - 8 medals - 1 gold, 5 silver, 2 bronze. Brazil - 4 medals - 1 silver, 3 bronze. Bulgaria - 2 medals - 1 silver, 1 bronze. The national team of the PRC - 2 medals - 1 silver, 1 bronze.

After counting the Olympic medals, conquered in basketball, separately by male and separately female teams, the picture for all the years is as follows. In men: USA - 13 medals - 11 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze, former USSR - 9 medals - 2 gold, 4 silver, 3 bronze. Former Yugoslavia - 6 medals - 1 Golden, 4 silver, 1 bronze. In women: USA - 5 medals - 3 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze. Former USSR - 3 medals - 2 gold, 1 bronze. Bulgaria - 2 medals - 1 silver, 1 bronze.

During which the basketball competitions are members of the Olympiad Games program, only three Golden Olympic Awards were conquered in this sight. This was managed to achieve Teresa Edward, playing as part of the US teams, who defeated the Games XXIII, XXIV and XXVI Olympiads - in the Los Angeles of 1984, Seoul 1988 and Atlanta 1996. Thus, the time interval between the first and third gold medals conquered by this athlete was 12 years.

Twice honored the title of Olympic champion 21 basketball players - 11 men and 10 women. Among men are all eleven - US team players at the games of different years. Among women-basketball players eight out of ten two-time Olympic championships - the USSR national team players, and two - national team players.

The greatest among basketball players the total number of Olympic medals of various dignity - four - have three athletes. Two of them - players of the Men's USSR national team Gennady Volnov (twice "silver" - in Rome in 1960 and in Tokyo in 1964, "Bronze" in Mexico City of 1968 and "Gold" in Munich 1972) and Sergey Belov ("Bronze" in Mexico City of 1968, "Gold" in Munich 1972 and twice "Bronze" - in the 1976 Montreal and in Moscow of 1980). And Teresa Edward's mentioned American basketball player has in his collection, in addition to the three Golden Olympic awards, also the fourth - a bronze medal, conquered at Barcelona in 1992.

Teresa Edward (USA) was the youngest among basketball players by the Olympic champion: she won the first of three gold medals (on games in Los Angeles) at the age of 20. It is not interesting that the same Teresa Edward managed to become the Olympic champion and in the most solid age: this American athlete who won the third golden award (at the Atlanta games) when she was already the 33rd year.

The youngest Olympic champion among basketball players - Spencer Haywood (USA), who was 19 years and 186 days, when his team won in the final at Mexico City Games. The most Greater Olympic champion in this sport was a national team player who won gold on Games in Barcelona, \u200b\u200b- Larry Berd - 35 years and 244 days.

The total number of medals won by one athlete:

4 - Gennady Volnaya, USSR (Russia), 1960, 1964,1968, 1972

4 - Sergey Belov, USSR (Russia), 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980

4 - Teres Edward, USA, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996

3 - Catherine McKlein, USA, 1986, 1992, 1996
The greatest number of gold medals won by one athlete:


2 - Robert Curland, USA, 1948, 1952

2 - William Haaland, USA, 1952, 1956

2 - Burveng Haldorson, USA, 1956, 1960

2 - Chris Mallin, USA, 1984, 1992

2 - Patrick Yingg, USA, 1984, 1992

3 - Scotga Pippen, USA, 1992, 1996

2 - Charles Barclay, USA, 1992, 1996

2 - Karl Melone, USA, 1992, 1996

2 - John Stockton, USA, 1992, 1996

2 - David Robinson, USA, 1992, 1996


3 - Teres Edward, USA, 1984, 1988, 1996

2 - Tatyana Ovechkin, USSR (Russia), 1976, 1980

2 - Angela Rupshen USSR (Lithuania), 1976, 1980

2 - Tatyana Nadyrov (Zakharova), USSR (Russia), 1976, 1980

2 - Olga Suharnova, USSR (Russia), 1976, 1980

2 - Nelli Ferrybnikova, USSR (Russia), 1976, 1980

2 - Nadezhda Olkhova (Shuvaeva), USSR (Kazakhstan), 1976. 1980

2 - Julian Semenova, USSR (Latvia), 1976, 1980

2 - Ann Donovan, USA, 1984, 1988

2 - Catherine McKlein, USA, 1988. 1996

The greatest period of time between medals won:


12 - Zenny de Azevedo, Brazil, 1948-1960

12 - Gennady Volnov, USSR (Russia), 1960-1972

12 - Sergey Belov, USSR (Russia), 1968-1980

12 - Kreshir Chosich, Yugoslavia, 1968-1980

12 - Sergeyus Yovaisha, USSR (Lithuania), 1980-1992


8 - Lee Quing, China, 1984-1992

8 - Geng Highkey, China, 1984-1992

8 - Kong KSyuedi, China, 1984-1992

The greatest period of time between the won gold medals:


8 - Michael Jordan, USA, 1984-1992

8 - Chris Mallin, USA, 1984-1992

8 - Patrick Ying, USA, 1984-1992


12 - Teres Edward, USA, 1984-1996
The youngest winners:


18 - Magonis Valdmanis, USSR (Latvia), 1952

18 - Vladimir Tkachenko, USSR (Ukraine), 1976

19 - Victor Zubkov, USSR (Russia), 1956

19 - Philip Hubbard, USA, 1976


17 - Geng Highkey, China, 1984

18 - Nancy Lieberman, USA, 1976

18 - Kostadinka Radkova, Bulgaria, 1980

18 - Spring Baikusha, Yugoslavia, 1988

18 - Zana Llas, Yugoslavia, 1988
The most young champions:


19 - Terry Discinger, USA, 1960

19 - Charles Scott, USA, 1968

19 - Spencer Haywood, USA, 1968

19 - Philip Hubbard, USA, 1976

19 - Stephen Alford, USA, 1984


20 - Teres Edward, USA, 1984

20 - Cheryl Miller, USA, 1984

20 - Victoria Ballet, USA, 1988

20 - Elena Baranova, OK CIS (Russia), 1992

The most important age winners:


37 - Sergeyus Yovaisha, Lithuania, 1992

36 - Sergey Belov, USSR (Russia), 1980

36 - Rimas Kurtinaitis, Lithuania, 1996

35 - Zenny de Azevedo, Brazil, 1960

35 - Larry Berd, USA, 1992

34 - Janis Kruminsh, USSR (Latvia), 1964

37 - Robin Maer, Australia, 1996

37 - Oliva Oliva Orensee, Brazil, 1996

34 - Maria Paul Silva, Brazil, 1996

32 - Teres Edward, USA, 1996

31 - Michel Timmes, Australia, 1996

30 - Krasimir Bogdanova, Bulgaria, 1980

30 - Vera Jurashkovich, Yugoslavia, 1980

30 - Maria Angelis, Brazil, 1996
The most important age champions:


35 - Larry Berd, USA, 1992

34 - John Stockton, USA, 1996

33 - Khakim Olageuuon, USA, 1996

33 - Karl Melone, USA, 1996

33 - Charles Barkley, USA, 1996

32 - Gennady Volnov, USSR (Russia), 1972

32 - Irwin Johnson, USA, 1992


32 - Teres Edward, USA, 1996

31 - Nadezhda Zakharova, USSR (Russia), 1976

31 - Nelli Ferryabnikova, USSR (Russia), 1980

31 - Catherine McKlein, USA, 1996

30 - Raisa Kuriekova, USSR (Ukraine), 1976

30 - Tatyana Ovechkin, USSR (Russia), 1980

29 - Tatyana Nadyrov (Zakharova), USSR (Russia), 1980

V. Basketball in Tambov.

For the first time about basketball in Tambov, a little more than two years ago was seriously spoke. Despite this, in all universities of our city there are competitions in this sport. And Tambov State Technical University not an exception…

On November 16, competitions among basketball girls began in TSTU. Four faculties were submitted for participation: Humanitarian (GF), economic (economy), energy and architectural and construction (ASF). The games passed four days. After the intense struggle of the economy and energy 1st (42: 5), as well as the GF and Economa for 2nd (19:18 ), prizes were distributed as follows:

1st place - Energy Faculty.

2nd place - Humanitarian faculty.

3rd place- Faculty of Economics.

4th place - Architecture faculty.

I would like to congratulate energy from the victory and wish success in all their further endeavors.

Basketball team TSU-Tambov Won a preliminary stage of the VII Cup of Russia for basketball among men's teams, reported to the correspondent N.A REGNUM. In the Committee on Sport and Tourism of the Tambov region.

In the stage, which was held in Voronezh on September 4-8, the teams of the Higher League "A" took part "Lipetsk" and "Dynamo-Polytech" From Kursk and Higher League "B" "Voronezh Skiff", "Belogorie-technologist" (Belgorod) and "Dieselist" (Marks). Tambov basketball players were stronger than rivals in four matches, losing only one day "Dieselist" from Marx. The team from Tambov scored nine points, firmly settled in the first place and came out in the 1/8 finals of the Russian Cup finals on basketball among men's teams. The match 1/8 of the Final Cup of Russia will be held on September 30 at the TSU-Tambov home area with one of the teams of the Super League "b".

Trainers made a great contribution to the development of basketball in Tambov
V.Yu. Tymchuk - After graduating from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A.I. Herzen in 1969 worked as a physical education teacher in Volgograd, a teacher in sports games at the Faculty of Physical Education of the TGPI, a basketball coach in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. From 1975 to 1981 V.Yu. Tymchuk works as a basketball coach in the pedagogical school # 2 Tambov. From March 1, 1988 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sports Disciplines TGPI, Chairman of the Subject Commission for Sports Games. V.Yu. Tymchuk coached the women's team of TGPI on basketball. He took part in the organization and judging of the urban and regional basketball competitions, was a member of the regional federation of basketball, chairman of the colleague judges on basketball at the city federation. Under the leadership of V.Yu. Tymchuk Women's team of TGPI on basketball seven years won in competitions for the city and field championship.

IN .YU. Tymchuk was a competent, qualified teacher and coach. Among students and colleagues were a reputable and respected teacher. In 1996, dismissed in connection with the transition to work in the pededout number 2.

T.V. Gorokhova (Rybkin) - After graduating from the Faculty of Physical Education in 1970, he worked as a teacher in a basketball teacher in DUSSH No. 2. From September 1, 1973, he works as an assistant, senior teacher at the Department of Sports Disciplines. Tatyana Vladimirovna conducts training and training classes with basketball students, training activities on rolling games, managing pedagogical practice.

The female basketball team of the faculty since 1973 for 20 years was the strongest in the city and the region. All girls who trained from Tatiana Vladimirovna had the first and second sports discharge.

Tatyana Vladimirovna systematically increases its professional level, actively engaged in scientific methodical work. She published more than 50 works, including: "Moving Games" (2000), "Correctional Moving Games for Children with Violation Violation" (2005), "Moving Games on Basketball Training Curses" and others in 2000 G. She was awarded the scientist of the associate professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Sports Disciplines.

Since 1997, T.V. Gorokhova (Rybkin) is the Deputy Dean, since 2003. - Central Director of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports on Educational Work. It controls the living conditions of the students' living, the organization of social and useful work of students, organizes and controls the work of curators of training groups, student asset. All extracurricular mass events held at the Institute of Physical Culture since 1997 are preparing under the leadership of Tatiana Vladimirovna.

For progress in educational and public work T.V. Gorokhov (Rybkin) was marked by diploma of the rectorate, urban and regional sports organizations.

Klepikov V.P. - He graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the TGPI in 1952, in 1959 - the Historical Faculty (in absentia). From 1952 to 1956 He worked as a sports game teacher in the National Pedagogical School of Physical Education. After disbanding the Rasskazovsky Pedarchilde since 1956, the order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR was renewed in the Blagoveshchensky Pedagogical Institute for the position of senior teacher in sports games. Since 1957, he has been working as a teacher at the Department of Sports Disciplines.

Viktor Petrovich conducted lectures and practical classes in sports games, trained the prefabricated (male and female) team of the Institute for Basketball. Training classes conducted on a high theoretical and methodological level. Perfectly worked with groups of sports cultivation on basketball. Under the leadership of V.P. Klepikova Male and women's team of basketball players of the Faculty and Institute successfully performed in urban, regional and republican competitions. As a coach, he was a real professional. It happened, during the game will take a minute break, after which the team, as a rule, played as if she was replaced. He found the necessary words for students at the turning point of the game.

For the successful training of teams to competitions by order of the Institute V.P. Klepikov was repeatedly encouraged by diplomas and gratitude to the rectorate.

V.P. Klepikov was elected to the Party Bureau of the Faculty of Physical Education, many years headed the squad of popular volunteers (DND). For a good organization of work on the protection of public order in the city was awarded the honorary diploma of the rectorate and the diploma of the Leninsky district of the CPSU.

V.P. Klepikov was elected by a member of the regional basketball federation.

June 30, 1990 V.P. Klepikov is dismissed due to retirement. On July 15, 1990, the order of TGPI was out of the number of teachers and employees in connection with death.

E.. A.. Sasikina - graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture in 1944, from 1948 to 1953. He worked as a teacher in sports games in the Tambov technical school of physical culture.

Since 1953, he has been working as a sports game teacher at the Department of Sports in the Tambov Pedago. Elizabeth Antonovna conducted lectures and practical classes with basketball students. Coached the women's team team of the Faculty of Basketball. As part of the women's national team, the area participated in the Republican competitions. E.A. Sasikina independently engaged in research and methodical work. I made a presentation at the Scientific Conference in Leningrad.

From September 1, 1969 E.A. Sazikina is transferred to the post of senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education of the TGPI. From August 26, 1969, he performed the responsibilities of the Department of Physical Education. In 1970 and in 1972 awarded Honorary diploma The rectorate for progress on the preparation of pedagogical personnel. in 1978 E.A. Sasikina is dismissed due to retirement.
and many others…


  1. Yakhontov E.R. Basketball for all - M.: Physical Education and Sport 1984

  2. Beardy S.A. Basketball history // Collection of scientific articles of teachers and graduate students. Issue Xiv- Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bRussika 2000

  3. "Planet Basketball", article Mikhail Chuprov.
4) Brief excerpts from the book "100 Years of Russian Basketball", Directory, Publishing House "Sovetsky Sport", Moscow 2006.

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