Order in our own world and. "No Bardaku!": The most useful books that will help bring order in the house and in life

It seems that your life is not amenable to control? If you are sweeping in accounts, working responsibilities, disorder and other problems, then it is necessary to bring order in life. To begin with, correctly organize your time and the surrounding space: try to follow the schedule, get rid of the mess of the house and at work. Then disperse in your emotions. Get rid of unnecessary relationships, negative assumptions about yourself and surrounding reality. Finally, change your lifestyle and work on sleep quality, so that you feel easier to follow yourself and maintain order.


Part 1

Organize time and space
  1. Get rid of the mess of the house. Many houses are overloaded with unnecessary things. If your home is filled with different objects, then a sense of chaos may occur, which strengthens stress. In this case, a quick inventory should be carried out and decide which things you really do not need. They can be thrown or distribute them.

    • Explore cabinets and dressers. Do you have clothes that you no longer wear? Electronic deviceswho have not been used for several years now? Perhaps it was time to get rid of them and give away to other people or just throw away.
    • Explore the kitchen and bathroom. Throw all seasonings, canned foods and expired products. Get rid of old lotions, shampoos and packaging with cosmetics. It is also necessary to throw away all the drugs with an expired shelf life and empty medicinal bottles.
  2. Start using lists and graphics. If you want to bring order in the affairs, you will be very useful to lists and calendar graphics. Get the habit to draw up lists of current affairs and build your day around the logical front of work.

    • Determine your obligations for the next month or a few weeks. Write down everything you need to do - meet with your doctor, business, work obligations and other concerns.
    • Place the case in order of importance. How important is to go to the doctor? If you need to replenish the reserve of the medicine, sign up for the reception next week. If at work you need to implement an important project like a presentation, divide it into small tasks and put weekly goals.
    • Also make up small lists of weekly duties. For example, always go to the shop with a list of purchases. This will help you to quickly buy the necessary products and keeps out of excessive waste.
  3. Move your order at home and at work. It is always important to know where the necessary things are. Both at home and in the work office, the correct organization of space will increase the efficiency of labor.

    • Place things according to purpose. Books and discs should be stored on different shelves. Highlight the box or cabinet for stationery. At work, do not fold your documents in random stacks. Use different folders and directories for different types of documents.
    • Important items should be stored in convenient locations. For example, at home you can fix the keys hook. Place the spice in the kitchen according to the destination. The most used ones should be folded at the beginning of the box with seasonings. The rest can be moved to the rear wall.
  4. Come up with the system of work with accounts and emails. Many people often forget to pay bills in a timely manner and respond to letters. Make an order to this aspect of your life to reduce the level of stress.

    • Use colored labels for incoming letters. Mark the most important messages in one specific color in order to respond in a timely manner. You can also distinguish time during the day to work with correspondence. For example, make a habit every day to respond to letters from 11 to 14 hours.
    • Configure Automatic Accounts, if possible. Create a reminder in your electronic scheduler or circle the desired dates in the wall calendar.
  5. Contact help. If attempts to clean up in life are given to you with difficulty, then do not be afraid to ask for help. Periodically, each person needs a small impetus. If your friend knows how to maintain order, contact him for advice. You can also ask a friend to be with you while you will restore the order of the house. In the company, the scope of tasks do not look so frightening.

    Part 2

    Decide emotional problems
    1. Get rid of unhealthy or unnecessary relationships. If you want to bring order in life, you should get rid of the relationships that create an excess tension. Do not spend your time and strength on people who create some problems. Stop communicating with those who only takes your time and strength, it is bad for you or manipulates your emotions.

      • Install and observe borders with such people. For example, you can spend time with your employee in the company of other colleagues, if it does not create problems, but stop meeting it one on one.
      • Sometimes it is quite normal to tell a person that you do not want to see him. If he does not understand the hints, then say politely: "It seems to me that this friendship aghes me. I appreciate the time when we communicated well, but now everyone is better to go their own way."
    2. Take decisions that constantly postpone. Another way to bring order to life is not to slow with important decisions. If you are constantly postponing solutions that relate to work, personal life, health or other aspects, now it's time to show determination. Go to the future without uncertainty.

      • Think of solutions that are in suspended. We are not sure if you should continue with a romantic partner? Weigh everything for and against. Are you ready to live with him for a long time? With a positive response, try to save the relationship. Otherwise, it may be that random dates will be suitable for you now. Is it worth spending time on the relationship that are doomed to failure?
      • Think about your career. Your current work provides for promotion? Do you see yourself in this area in the next 5-10 years? If you want to leave, take a hard solution and do not run if you doubt. Such a decisive will help to find a new job.
    3. Recognize negative assumptions about yourself. Many people often have negative or irrational ideas about themselves and the surrounding world. Recognize and free yourself from a similar negativity to move only forward.

      • Throughout the day, people often face negative thoughts. For example, you may have a tendency to exaggerate the scale of the problem. This means that you assume the worst of possible outcomes. Also, people are characterized by polarized (black and white) thinking. They often do not notice that failure is an opportunity for personal growth, and not exclusively negative experience.
      • Learn to notice negative thoughts. If you are extremely sharply reacting to the situation, just stop and doubt the correctness of your judgments. Remind yourself that life consists of nuances, and no simple situations happen. Analyze all aspects and only then take it to a good or bad experience. Do not forget - most failures and failures are impersonal.
    4. Do not waste time for useless classes. Life can be overwhelmed by unnecessary affairs. Constantly busy person is not always successful or happy. If you are overloaded with different obligations, then analyze your affairs and cut off everything too much.

      • Try to do what you like and benefit. If the weekly assembly of the poetic club gives you a sense of satisfaction and help solve other tasks, then do not deny yourself in such a pleasure.
      • At the same time, not all classes are useful. Some things bring more stress than joy. If you visit church meetings only from a sense of debt, this makes no sense. Release the place for a more suitable and interested person.

    Part 3.

    Change your lifestyle
    1. Start follow sleep mode. Healthy sleep helps to observe order and effectively solve problems. Try to observe a healthy sleep mode so that you always have enough strength to follow the order and live full life.

      • Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body will adapt to a regular sleep and wake cycle, so observe the mode even on the weekend.
      • Choose a relaxing evening ritual, which will tell the body that it's time to fall asleep. You can read books, solve crosswords, take a warm bath. Try not to work at the computer before bedtime, since the blue emission of electronic screens stimulates our brain and interferes in the fall.
      • The bedroom should be comfortable. If the sheet, the blanket or pillow cause irritation on the skin, then replace them with more suitable items.
      Regularly look order and clean up. Get the habit of maintaining cleanliness. Your new and clean house will quickly decline, if you do not find time for regular cleaning. Create a cleaning schedule and follow the set order.
      • Select specific days of the week for cleaning. For example, on Tuesday you are released after lunch. Every Tuesday in the afternoon can be carried out fast cleaning.
      • One day can be distinguished per month in order to put the house in order and get rid of unnecessary things. For example, each first Saturday of the month move all things and eliminate all accumulated household problems.
    2. Find the golden middleness between work and personal life. Career is very important, but if it does not allow you to relax, then over time you will be more difficult to maintain order in life. Strive to find a golden middle to live a happy and full-fledged life.

      • Start your diary. Travelers, how much time a week is the work. Check how it affects your mood, how long have you been worried and are angry because of work.
      • Make a personal schedule. Find the time for yourself at least once a day. At this point, do not think about work. For example, every evening at 18 o'clock play the piano within an hour and at the same time do not remember about working moments.
      • Talk to employees. Perhaps they also do not always simply balance their working and personal life, especially when the work takes a lot of time. Try to contact your colleagues.

When I was a little, the terrible flour of my childhood was room cleaning. He always knew that her mother would return from work to six o'clock, 15 minutes before her arrival began to panic. Clothes with a whistle flew under the bed, the stool saved the cabinet from the collapse, and the books and toys were mixed with socks ... Socks are generally a separate story, which is ashamed to mention.

Order in life

In adult life A little changed. Although I do not mix dirty clothes with clean, but it is catastrophically difficult to go to work in the morning. My wardrobe as a keeper of chaos, it is better not to look once again. What fell first, then it was put on. Yes, and the kitchen is experiencing not better times if not a dishwasher, we would have to eat from plastic dishes.

Before the appearance of children, the inconsistency in everyday life was invisible. We have a little spent at home: concerts, walks, romance ... Nobody demanded about the order, and the mess was easily eliminated. Children filled the house with insane happiness, but excitement about purity became a grave burden.

Everything went wrong: two kids and new job I did not get along with beauty and glitter. Until a certain point, it bothered me, after eight hours of work I had enough for the vacuum cleaner, folded the shelves scattered clothes, books. The evening fairy tale had to change the lessons of purity, and there was no longer the forces to read the books.

"I turn into my mom!" I encountered this thought during the next sort of trash in the nursery. I realized that moment that I do everything wrong. Guidance of order in life Much more important than hanging things on her shoulders. And it is all propaganda, but I will not change a happy family to the departed apartment!

We are accustomed to living on a template and drive ourselves into the frame. It's all about this systematized and ordered world, where in the desire to organize your life we \u200b\u200bare confronted with reality - life turns out to be unpredictable and chaotic! All attempts to make order to this chaos unsuccessful. Everything happens exactly to the opposite - the order creates even greater madness.

Some neither try to bring purity - it will never work, this is a temporary phenomenon, and you need to accept it. People who have Bardak at home, others seem strange and wrong, but it is not!

It does not mean at all that you need to plunge into chaos. Rules and organizations Very helpful and important, but do not stand them to overestimate. Modern psychologists investigated the reasons for the slope of people and came to the conclusion that people who are inclined to spread things and accumulate garbage, actually more creative than everyone else. Amazing, but the fact.

Opinion of the world famous doctor of philosophy Kathleen Wughs: "We all want to become more creative people, more often experience insight. My advice to you: if you have a stupor, move into a dirty room. This will allow you to go beyond the usual perception and faster invent fresh ideas. The order is the result of our desire for security, chaos - our desire for creative rethinking of the world. "

But in order not to pay attention to the rules and live in his creative disorder, incredible power is necessary. Albert Einstein somehow noticed: "If the mess on the table means a mess in the head, then what does an empty table mean then?"

Creative personalities are not looped on separate details of their lives. They see a picture of the future, float over and easily adapt to change, without wasteing their temporary resource on such a strange thing as cleaning.

Mania causing order is often considered a sign psychological disorder. There is a scientific name of this disease - obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Sometimes the OCD develops into heavy phobias and depression. Excessive cleanliness is able to provoke Alzheimer's disease, and a pathological desire to get rid of microbes contributes to the development of autoimmune diseases!

In a healthy approach to cleaning there is nothing wrong, it is a great lesson for distraction and raising the mood, because you observe an exceptionally positive result! It helps to spill negative emotions, structuring thoughts.

Excessive thrust for purity - a sign of uncertainty and commissionality. This is a kind of defense against external worldwhere a person feels uncomfortable. Pathological clean go crazy from minor trifles, invisible ordinary person. But in fact the roots of the problem are deeper. Here you need to work with a psychologist.

1. Get rid of old paper
If you are at least some similar to me, your home is littered with different pieces - every posts, old recipes, unnecessary mail, notes to yourself. Get rid of all this. Destroy the paper in the shedron, you will achieve order and security in your home.

2. Mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming changes, imagining my ideal "I"
What do you admire the most? How do you see your future? How do you want to be? Imagine yourself in such a person.

3. Remember that unexpected events may be blessing.
As Dalai Lama once said: "Remember that the non-receipt of what you so longed to get, sometimes it turns out to be an amazing gift of good luck."

4. Ask the people you admire how they became those who are on this moment
I always admired my grandfather. Understanding how he started to conduct his business, as the difficulties overcome the difficulties during his life and as a landscaped his life, helped me to achieve my own prosperity.

5. Refuse alcohol, cigarettes and other vices
Perhaps they are crutches for you, distorted sound look at the world. And the money saved on the purchase of these harmful substances can be used for something pleasant, for example, on the journey.

6. Get rid of the negative elements of your life, be it a person or the work that you do not want to do
If you have friends who upset or suppress you, there is no need to maintain this relationship only from a sense of debt. Split such links and get rid of failures.

7. Start every day with a blank sheet, make a new list of things after a cup of morning coffee.
A clear understanding of what you have to do for today will help you to keep in the right direction.

8. Hover in the house full order and get rid of all unnecessary things
Not only from old recipes, as mentioned earlier, but also from all of that trash, which is a place for sales, garbage dump or which can be given to beggar.

9. Practice a simple storage system for personal information.
Creating a simple card file and system folders with stickers is something that does not require personal secretary services and capable of making your life much easier when you are looking for the necessary information.

10. Purchase products for the week in the most convenient time for this.
Make a list, budget and buy only the most needed to save time and money.

11. Pass the test for professionalism, which will help to identify your strengths.
If you did not have a career, and you do not know where to start to move a dead point, this way will be very useful to identify your strengths and choose the right direction.

12. If you have problems, consult with professionals
Many are struggling with dead shadows of the past or dragging the grave emotional cargo that does not allow them to move forward. Work with this cargo, get rid of it and move forward with professionals.

13. Make a revision and get rid of overdue medicines and food
When I B. last time I did it, I found anything, from a 3-year-old spice sachet to 5-year aspirin.

14. Develop your own diet, making focus on grain, vegetables and fruits
Proper nutrition produces a stunning effect on general level Energy of the body.

15. Take vitamins
Vitamin food additives helps reduce the possibility of developing many diseases, including oncology and osteoporosis.

16. Develop a complex of physical exercises by including your favorite activities in it, for example, dancing or cycling
My girlfriend prefers yoga, and I am football. Support the form in your favorite classes, it will give the result.

17. Sign up for a reception to the doctor who have long been postponed for later
How to just postpone the visit of the doctor, for example, the dentist, until you force you to sharp pain. However, preventive measures are very important to maintain the overall health of the body.

18. Perform your mind exercises
Crosswords, Sudoku and other games with words - something more than just entertaining pastime. It is proved that they increase mental abilities in general.

19. Make your own book
Now, with the development of Internet technologies, it has become much easier to do. You can upload your ideas on the Internet and make money on it. I publish my own books on the Internet.

20. Create a list of books for reading and sign up for reading lovers.
Most people complain that they would like to read more, but without a concrete plan you will not find enough time for this. Entry into the reading lovers club will not only expand the area of \u200b\u200byour social activity, but also help your reading plan and update the list of books for reading.

21. Every day we find time for privacy
Suzan Taylor (Susan Taylor) argues that "privacy helps to update consciousness and develop new ideas."

22. Practice respiratory gymnastics or meditation
Stress produces a destructive effect on your life and performance as a whole. I personally, being under the oppression of stress, sometimes forget to breathe. Do not forget to do deep breaths, it will improve the inflow of oxygen to the brain.

23. Be honest that you would do or say
Are you able to defend all your actions and actions? If not, analyze all your words and learn to express your thoughts honestly and straight. This will reduce the chances of a mistake on your life path.

24. Learn on the Past Errors
All make mistakes. Usually we are learning a lot on them during your life. Errors that we repeat several times are postponed in the subconscious as life experience and can serve as a good impunity in the coming situations.

25. Help how to voluntarily
Help others - a worthy way to improve your own life.

26. Learn foreign languages or purchase a new hobby

27. Read the biographies of people who inspire you
For the development of new ideas, try to understand how others managed to put their lives in order.

28. Talk with strangers
Unexpected conversations are sometimes surprisingly inspired.

29. Restore connections with friends and relatives who live far from you
Call those whom you miss, but all postpone contact. At your disposal the Internet and Skype, even a simple conversation online will help restore the lost connection.

30. Change toothbrush
Old toothbrush - bacteria storage.

31. More sleep
SHO is often neglected, while sleep is a source of energy, have a good mood and cheerfulness.

32. Drink at least 6 cups of water per day
A sufficient amount of fluid in the body allows you to save high level Energy.

33. Create your photo collection
Keep photos and electronically and in the photo albums. If your family is the same orders like in mine, then you have full shoe boxes styled by photos that only take place.

34. Integet to the art and people of art at the place of your stay
Visiting art galleries, you can get acquainted with artists, and such dating stimulate consciousness.

35. Sign up into the club for interest
My friend has seriously carried away by air simulation and plunged into it so much that he received a commercial aircraft piloting certificate. You never know when a simple hobby can become the main occupation and meaning of life.

36. Drive the calendar with marks
A constant visual reminder before eyes can be very useful. All people have different memory features.

37. Do not delay problem talk
Learn to solve problems quickly and specifically. This will help reduce the level of nervousness and anxiety.

38. Make a list of priority and engage in the first place in what gives you the greatest pleasure.
If you are lately They lost the understanding of what the greatest value in life represents for you, it will be useful to allocate time and determine that in life gives you the greatest pleasure. Strive for this as possible.

39. Conduct more outdoor time.
Nature has a valuable impact on us - she soothes the soul and clarifies thoughts. Hiking in the forest or rock climbing of any level of complexity give a sense of pride and perfection.

40. Visit public lectures
This may be the scientific lectures of any other. They help keep up with the times, keep up with life, be aware of the events occurring in the world and build further plans accordingly. The activity of consciousness is help in all areas of life.

41. Strengthen muscles
Make a massage, it increases muscle tone and improves blood circulation. Then the newly obtained energy will help you in routine work.

42. Let the laugh be an important part of your life
More often, see with friends with whom you can dress to laugh, or simply revise your favorite comedies. Laughter acts as an exercise of physical education and, as you know, prolongs life.

43. Select every day a little time for idleness
You can read, pour or just sit, staring at one point if you want it. Such a pastime calms the brain and allows you to feel new ideas.

44. Plan a vacation when necessary

45. Use new entertainment ideas.
You do not need to be Martha Stuart to arrange a stunning party; And the minimum of effort - and as the hostess or the owner of the holiday you are at the height. It will give you confidence in yourself.

46. \u200b\u200bThrow old clothes that you no longer fit
Many of us are squeezed into the old clothes, which is no longer relevant, which does not add to us Sharma. Feel comfortable in the clothes that most you go, and in which you spectacle look.

47. Live the present, not the past
The past will not return. Move forward and enjoy every moment of your life. Complete what should be completed and move on using the experience gained.

48. Learn to your mistakes and move forward
Arrange your life, rushing forward, and not looking back.

49. Diagnose your car
We periodically appeal to doctors to test your body. Also in time, spend the diagnosis of your car, without waiting until it is too late to restore something. Once I was stuck during a car journey in Malaysia, and this is not the most pleasant memory.

50. Plan the budget of the required home repair
Sewing money in the notorious cube to maintain the state of your home in real time, planning the necessary repairs in the coming year.

Hello, dear friends!

The average personality is very often in stress. This affects not only the quality of life, but also on the most mental process. It becomes difficult to concentrate, but it is impossible to critically approach the solution.

The head or as it is also called the "House of Soviets" is overflowing with a variety of thoughts, which in 99% of cases become obsessive. At home, we think about work, involving in labor - puzzled by homemade, and also the health of loved ones, unpaid accounts and a whole bunch of unresolved tasks! How to bring order in my head and in life to finally become a happy person? I dedicate an answer to this question today.

Skepticism and reality

Many of us, in the depths of the soul, are skeptics when it comes to the way to make life better in the "One Click". When a person reads or from acquaintances hears the phrase: "Intellight the order and will come to you!", His face illuminates a malicious smile. After all, we are not looking for simple ways!

It does not matter whether we believe in the laws of karma or Easter rabbits, Fengshui or affirmation, there are proven rules that they unfold life by 180%. What do we want from this world? Everyone has their own list, but it defies the words "success", "love", "recognition", "luck", "family" and "delicious coffee". Did you think, and what if all these wealth are already standing on the threshold of your home, just no space for the entrance of a priori?

How to do "general cleaning"?

Revision without compromise

The main rule of high-quality cleaning is not to regret the intentions and part with spent things, and not to shift them into another place (home crypt), called the storage room.

Review that you have in lockers, shelves and drawers. Which method to select Barahlishko? Ask yourself: "Would you like to have this centenary dress in your updated world?" Does the happiness brings this rusty discover for cans? How many of the centuries this disassembled thing? And what is it generally? The proportion of incomprehensible, broken (repair is impossible), leaning and broken items.

Understand, every old and battered thing is an unnecessary plan or a dream, and it happens that the thing completely worked out its task and should be recycled. You do not have to drag all your accumulated junk in life! Get rid of unnecessary!

Important note: Protect orders not only in 2 rooms. Surprise yourself and look at the mezzanine, workplace And car trunk. Fall from there with bats, and then throw it out, sell or give in good hands the things you did not use more than 60 days.

And yes, a leaky t-shirt and grandmother's towel also concerns. Go to extremes and clean the computer from unnecessary files, social networks And even mail! Get to finance, securities and refrigerators!

Order in relations

Thought, things are the only trash that can slowly turn into a scrap? Relations also require a systematic audit and efficient scanning for shelf life. A person, by nature, is very much depends on the environment and society.

But one thing when the atmosphere in your party is accompanied by success, mutual support or trust. A completely different option when communication is poisoned, sucks all the juices and pushes on the shaky path of relationships from pity or the word "must".

Important note: Do not pull connections with people in habit and rolled out. There will be no good process for anything good, but chaos will definitely add to life. Therefore, carefully look at the person, what is rotating around you, can it have many times in free swimming in the universe's expanses?

Clean mind

How does the disorder of the physical aspect prevent people from living? Everything is simple: we lose things, we cannot get together and completely block the energy. And disorderedity in the head - system problemWhat blocks vitality energy flows:

  • restless thoughts and lack of their order (scrolling phrases, situations, illustrating past events);
  • "Porridge in the head", when a person cannot decide on principles, plans and objectives;
  • inability to plan time;
  • no concentration of attention;
  • life in the past or future, but not in the present;
  • fears, complexes, physical and emotional clamps (blocks).

How to fill and radically change the approach to the situation? I bring to your attention some important rules.

Cleaning Rules Head

  1. Forgive yourself and others! If you systematically copy resentment and count them, I have bad news for you. Very soon the eye will begin to twitch, and the lips will always be inflated. Run the shackles of the offense and misunderstanding with loved ones! Only so you will be free from extra thoughts and experiences, making the atmosphere in the house. It is very important to spend a series and forgiveness of your loved one. Thanks to this rule you will be happy!;
  2. get rid of fear! To feel easily and naturally, you are extremely necessary to say goodbye to fear. They roll, limit and humiliate people! Because of them, the person independently knocks himself offense, underestimates self-esteem and crew creases while others enjoy the place under the sun. By the fault of fear, we can not leave the native zone of comfort, because it is terribly up to Ikota! It blocks any attempt to achieve the planned goals and stop thinking about the bad. Fear forces us to feel meager and unnecessary;
  3. live now! Do you think you will have another chance to live a day again? No, the reality is such that you are either online or connect to the process already a knuckle. Remember, the right moment will never come, so there will be now. In order to attract success, you need a little - visualize the process of achieving the goal and sincerely believe that it is not for nothing that you threw a favorite robe from the closet;
  4. refuse regrets! Interesting fact - the past has already happened. Regrets there is no place in life, otherwise, in old age, your favorite memories will be fragments: "Oh, could become a manager," "I would have to answer the call in 2003, I would now be married." Solid "kaba" Yes, "Ababa" will lead you to grief, and life is too short for this.

Auxiliary tools

To quickly cope with the guidance of order, you need to enlist the support of working tools. I agree, the work is not dusty, but your head will have to get your head. And you will help you make us familiar books and audiobooks.

Use time rationally, reading or listening to smart words. Spend moms on the way to work with benefit, and the day of the weekend is productive. Following this method, you will begin to notice the prospects where it was sad yesterday and frank laziness. I share the list of the most valuable books that at one time I was struck by:

  1. M. Silly - "School Flyliemy. How to clean up the house and in life. " Good literature For people suffering from the disease: "Do not bring the Lord, someone will visit and see my challenge ...". The author created a universal equipment for curbing disorder in life, find out what? :);
  2. R. Betz - "Throw old boots! We give life a new direction. " Reflections of a psychologist and his comments on today's article will pump you to a productive thought process;
  3. Ya. Frank - "Muse and the Beast". Funny book suitable for people of creative professions. The author managed to debunk the myth that inspiration and lack of chaos are quite compatible things.
  4. J. Kabat Zinn - "Wherever you go - you're already there." The book contains exercises and techniques that help streamline the mess in life. I will not tell in detail, but I will add thought useful video With the advice of a psychologist!

On this point!

Subscribe to updates, and in the comments, tell us about your ways to bring order in my head! Share an article with friends to tell about the general cleaning of reality!

While January has fun for holidays, parties, holidays and domestic gatherings, sure you, like us, during this time there have been a lot of things that are not located in the house desperately requiring cleaning. And cleaning is the last thing you want to do in a lazy winter period, when hot tea is waiting for hot tea with cookies, and in a laptop - a new season of your favorite TV series. It is good that there are professionals who know how to take themselves in hand and finally deal with the mess. We chose literary hits whose authors give the clearer, applied and simple recommendations.

"Ideal order for 8 minutes," Regina Leeds

Regina Leeds is an American author, an expert in the field of organization of space. In his book, she gives very practical advice and Lifehaki, where to start cleaning, how to approach the analysis of things of things and how to find an order of magnitude in the house when there is not enough time. The author offers to split one big task for many small, which you will not be difficult to fulfill. Yes, few people want to spend the whole day for cleaning at home, especially if it is not clear how to approach the mess. But if you organize cleaning in sectors and promise yourself to spend at least 8 minutes on it, but every day, this duty does not seem so impossible.

"Magic cleaning", Marie Condo

This book immediately after receipt on sale has become a bestseller. And not surprising! Her author of Marie Condo was fond of childhood since childhood, and already at 19 years old opened his service for cleaning and organizing life. In the book you will find the author's method of Marie Togo, for which it is to be taken when you are not well removed for several months already, or even more. And she will help to find inspiration at all start cleaning at home. To start, Marie offers boldly get rid of unnecessary things and surround himself only those subjects that give you pleasure. Sorting things she offers to do no room, but by category, based on their destination - cosmetics, office, dishes, accessories, etc. Cabinets and storage boxes Marie advises not to stuff up to failure so that you can look around everything that is located there. And in order to cope with the mess in the dressing room, it is worth trying to put clothes on Origami technique.

"Flyman School. How to bring order in the house and in life, "Marla Silly

Another system of how to stop the one's own home and fear the visit of the unexpected guests, offers Marla Silly. The basis of its principle is not at all cleaning at home and routine responsibilities, but love and respect for themselves, which is not always taught since childhood. In addition, Marla advises to introduce some rituals to his life, which disciplines. For example, every morning she advises to dress and even put on lacing shoes, even if you are not going to go anywhere. And every evening - wash the sink to the brilliance. The author talks about the importance of determining and eliminating the "hot spots" - the accumulation of things that you put there temporarily. And the Flywender technique includes the Ritual "Bugi-Vui 27" - before proceeding with cleaning, you need to get rid of unnecessary trash, quickly running around the house and collect 27 things on the trash.

"Death cleaning", Margaret Magnussen

Yes, only the name of this book is alarming and even fear, and therefore discarding the desire to read it. But the author of the book, the Swedish artist Margaret Magnussen, which determines itself as a "woman aged between the 80s and 100 years", advises the philosophical approach to the guidance of order in the house. Its method is really based on the need to relatives and close to disassemble just the mountains of things after leaving the person's life, and think what to do with them. In Sweden, this cleaning is even a special definition - Döstädning. Despite the fact that the author's concept tells about people aged, national traditions and built on many years of experience, this technique is suitable for young people. A conscious approach in cleaning implies not just getting rid of unnecessary, but also giving nostalgia, "farewell" with things. On the other hand, the author does not advise to start cleaning with personal belongings, like photo albums and postcards, since there is a chance to get stuck in memories, and never move away. Think whether it can be useless for you to become an acquisition for someone else - neighbors, comrades. If you feel sorry to throw them on the garbage, find new habitats for them - find out where the nearest commission is, crossbucking point or a shelter for homeless, where your old things can benefit. And try to look at cleaning not as a boring routine, but as a fascinating time, call friends or someone from relatives who can help, but at the same time chat.

"All over the shelves", Erin Vandand

The author of this book was previously led by the Unclutter.com website, so everything knows about cleaning. In his book, she advises not to allocate for cleaning some kind of other times, which is always sorry to spend on washing apartments, but to use the released minutes between the affairs. For example, you have a few minutes before the arrival of the guests or until the arrival of the courier while the teapot boils or the bath is closed while the washing machine works or you call someone from the girlfriends. In general, while you are waiting for the climax of important cases, this time is enough to make at least a small step towards cleanliness. To do this, the author suggests dividing the tasks of cleaning time - some can occupy thirty seconds, some one minute, five or fifteen - depending on how much time you have, for example, while dinner cooks. Erin also shows how to distribute the challenges around the rooms and zones so that you can start performing without moving from the same kitchen while the pan boils.

"There is no mess!, Or how to bring order to the nursery together with the child," M. Suzdaleva, A. Kaigorodova

Young mothers convincingly say that no one knows more about the mess and lack of time for cleaning than they. Therefore, the authors of the book decided to help them, showing many ways to how the house may remain clean, despite the fact that a 4-year-old crash (or several) lives in it and how to teach it to order and discipline. Tips are based on children's psychology and give quite clear recommendations that work for children. The child himself is unlikely to go out to be cleared, but if he is offered to play cleaning - his enthusiasm grows. It can be boring to draw up lists of affairs, and if you do it with the baby, he will perceive the task of Kakigra and will be happy to perform tasks to first put a multicolored tick on paper. Think about what Bardak happens when things have no storage sites, or things more than these places, or these places inappropriate. You may, together with your child, make an additional box for toys or children's things, which he himself can fold, coming from a walk. In general, mommies may not despair, but find solutions that turn out to be invented long ago.