How is it spelled “differently” or “differently”? Profit is treated differently by schools. Differently by schools.

Statement of the assignment - 2019

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

WHAT (WOULD) feel the flow of life more fully, in the fall of 1877 Tchaikovsky leaves (FOR) THE BORDER: he lives for a long time in Italy, Switzerland, France.
The stranger disappeared around the bend SO (SAME) suddenly, as he appeared, (BY) THAT could not see him.
(AND) SO, speech etiquette is a universal phenomenon, but (IN) PLACE with that, each nation has developed its own specific system of rules for speech behavior.
In a conversation, people behave (IN) DIFFERENT - depending on the topic, and SO (SAME) the motive and purpose of communication.
In "Self-portrait of an artist with a palette" and "Maidens of Avignon" by Picasso, there is much in common: the same (SAME) the very expression of faces, the same and the same color tones.

The correct answer is, so together.

What you need to know to complete the assignment correctly

1. Spelling of derivative prepositions
2. Spelling of conjunctions and homonymous parts of speech
3. Continuous and separate spelling of adverbs
4. Hyphenated adverbs
5. Spelling of particles

1. Spelling of derivative prepositions and homonymous parts of speech

1) Distinguish between derived prepositions and nouns with a non-derived preposition. It's simple - a derivative preposition can be replaced with an ordinary one (due to = due), a noun cannot be replaced with a preposition (an error has crept into the investigation of the case).

A derivative preposition WITHOUT written in two words with a final E, has the meaning of temporal duration, answers the questions HOW LONG? WHEN? The noun following it has the meaning of time. Between the non-derivative preposition B and the noun in the prepositional case FLOW, you can insert an adjective or participle. As a rule, we are talking about water or disease.

(How long?) Studied hard throughout the year.
(When?) I read a lot of books during the summer.
There are many turns along the river. - There are many turns in the lower (fast) course of the river.
Unexpected changes occurred during the course of the disease. - Unexpected changes have occurred in the closely studied course of the disease.
The derived preposition CONTINUED is written in two words with a final E, has the meaning of temporal length, answers the questions HOW LONG? WHEN? The noun following it has the meaning of time. Between the non-derivative preposition B and the noun in the prepositional case CONTINUES, you can insert an adjective or participle.
(How long?) Over the course of a month, the house was being renovated.
(How long?) The heat was unbearable for several days.

New characters appeared in the sequel to the novel. - New characters have appeared in the long-awaited sequel to the novel.
The derivative preposition CONSEQUENCE is written in one word with the final E, it can be replaced with a non-derivative preposition DUE TO, it indicates the reason, answers the question WHY? Between the non-derivative preposition B and the noun CONSEQUENCE, used in one of the cases, you can insert an adjective or participle.

(Why?) Due to (= BECAUSE of) illness I stayed at home.
Remember the verse hint: CONSEQUENCE - "from behind" - it is quite clear: We will write everything together, final E.
In the investigation of the embezzlement case, many new facts emerged. - In the sensational (notorious) investigation into the embezzlement case, many new facts were revealed.
In consequence of the theft case, an error crept in. - A mistake crept into the investigation into the embezzlement case.


Do not confuse the spelling of the derivative preposition INSEQUENCE (written in one word, at the end of E) and the adverb AFFECTED (written in one word, at the end of AI):
Subsequently (= THEN) he more than once
remembered about school. - Due to (due to) a broken arm, I could not attend school for a long time.


Subsequently, with the word "then" replace:
B - always fused, final - I.

A derivative preposition IN FORM, which is written in two words, should be distinguished from the derived preposition VVIDU, which is written in one word and is replaced by the non-derivative preposition FROM OUT:
IN SEE (= BECAUSE) - IN THE FORM of something
She was presented with a butterfly brooch. Allowed to be added as an exception.

From the derivative preposition ABOUT, which is written in one word and is replaced by the non-derivative preposition O, ABOUT, one should distinguish the derivative preposition AT ACCOUNT, which is written in two words and can be replaced by the derivative preposition THANKS.
Examples of
If you need to call, but there is zero on your account, use the service "Call at the expense of a friend".

The derivative preposition IN CONCLUSION is written in two words with the letter E at the end, when it means “COMPLETING”, “IN THE TOTAL”, “UNDER THE END”. An adjective can be inserted between the non-derivative preposition B and the noun CONCLUSION.

In conclusion (= at the end) of his employment contract... In conclusion, I want to draw a conclusion.

He spent six years in prison. - He spent six years in strict confinement.

In the conclusion of the report, I would like to summarize what has been said. - In the long-awaited conclusion of the report, I would like to summarize what has been said.

At the end of the work, I want to draw a conclusion. - At the very conclusion of the work, I want to draw a conclusion.


1. The derivative preposition IN CONNECTION WITH is written separately, in three words: in connection with departure.
2. A derivative preposition DIFFERENT from someone, something is written in two words with the letter E at the end:
Unlike me, my sister is an A's.
3. The derivative preposition AFTER is written in one word and can be replaced with a non-derivative preposition FOR:
My classmates followed me.
4. Memorize the spelling of the following prepositions, which are written together:
5. A derivative preposition FOR EXTENDED is written separately, in two words:
They were silent throughout the journey.

Distinguish between:

2. Spelling of conjunctions and homonymous parts of speech

Conjunctions TO, ALSO, ALSO, BUT, BETWEEN, BETWEEN, SO, OTTO are written together, they can be replaced with synonyms of the same part of speech.
Words similar to these unions in sounding of other parts of speech, WHAT, THE SAME, THE SAME, FOR WHAT, WHEREOF, AND SO, FROM THIS, are written separately. They consist of two components: one of them can either be removed from the sentence, or rearranged in another place, or another word can be inserted between these two components.

TO (union) WHAT (particle pronoun)
I stopped by to discuss this problem with you. I asked what else I could read about this
1) SHOULD not be removed from the sentence or rearranged in another part of the sentence.
2) A simple union that can be replaced with synonymous compound unions:
I stopped by to discuss this problem with you. = I came to discuss this problem with you.
1) SHOULD be removed from the sentence or rearranged to another part of the sentence:
I asked what else I could read about this. - I asked what I should read about it. - I asked what I would like to read about it.

2) The pronoun WHAT can be filled with content, replaced by a real name:
I asked what else I could read about this. - I asked what book (newspaper, magazine) I should still read about this.

ALSO ALSO (unions) SAME (particle pronoun) SAME (particle adverb)
I also read this story.
I also read this story.
I wrote the same essay as she did.
It's as windy outside today as it was yesterday.
1) SAME cannot be omitted or rearranged without distorting the meaning of the sentence.
2) Conjunctions ALSO, ALSO can be replaced by the union AND, putting this union at the beginning of the sentence:
I also read this story. - And I read this story.
The SAME particle can be discarded or rearranged to another place without distorting the meaning of the sentence:
I wrote the same essay as she did. - I wrote the essay that she did. - I wrote the same essay as she.

If the word "most" is present or it can be substituted;
The teacher said the same.

To the pronoun TO and the adverb SO, you can ask the question: composition (what?) Is windy (how?) So.
The pronoun TO can be replaced by the pronoun IT:
I wrote the same essay as she did. - I wrote the same essay as she.

The adverb SO usually corresponds to the word LIKE in a sentence: LIKE ..., LIKE ...

Everyone writes the SAME separately,
If further the word AS.

Memorize the spelling of the following stable word combinations:







ZATO (union) FOR THAT (pronoun with a preposition)
It was not possible to meet in any way, but letters were written often. Thank you for that kind invitation.
Do not take on what you cannot afford.
The ZATO union can be replaced by the NO union:
It was not possible to meet in any way, but letters were written often. - It was not possible to meet in any way, but letters were written often.

The pronoun TO can be easily replaced with a noun, adjective or adverb:

Thank you for that kind invitation. “Thank you for the too kind invitation.
Do not take on what you cannot afford. = Do not get down to business that you cannot afford.

The rules for spelling words in Russian are determined by spelling - the science that governs the rules of spelling. The main sections of spelling include spelling individual words and morpheme (indivisible significant parts words), the rules of merged, separate and hyphenated spelling words, use of capital letters and lowercase letters, graphic abbreviations and word wrapping.

The principles of writing words depend on the meaning (meaning) of the word, the separation of words and phrases, belonging to one or another part of speech (complex nouns, pronouns, adjectives, numbers, adverbs, particles).

How to write “differently” correctly

Taking into account these morphological features, words can have different spellings. For example, "differently" is spelled both together and with a hyphen, depending on the context.

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Part of speech definition

Determining whether a word belongs to one or another part of speech is a key principle for choosing a rule for writing such diverse words and phrases as "in different ways." To correctly determine the part of speech, you need to ask him the question:

  • To the question "How?" answers the adverb, respectively in this case hyphenated spelling should be used:

Example: We live (How?) Differently.

  • To the question "Which one?" (What? In the dative case) the adjective answers - in this case, the rule should be used separate spelling:

Example: We live in (What?) Different time.

Hyphenated (semi-continuous) spelling

In the case when the word "in different ways" acts as an adverb, the hyphenated spelling rule for this part of speech is applied to it, that is, the adverb is written with a hyphen if it is formed with the prefix "po" from full adjectives or adverbs with the endings "-om", "-mu", "-yi" (in different ways, in a pike way).

Example: Men and women think very differently.

Separate spelling

In the case when "in different ways" acts as a phrase of a preposition with an adjective, the rule of separate spelling applies, which is applied when, when parsing sentences, the adjective turns out to be a definition, and the preposition in its meaning refers to the noun being defined.

differently or differently

How is a word spelled?

The adverb "differently" needs a hyphen - differently .
The combination of the preposition "by" with the adjective "different" in the form dative case singular is written separately - differently .

Because of this, when writing a word, difficulties arise.

The rule for "differently" (adverb)

Word " differently"Is spelled with a hyphen, because it is an adverb that has the prefix" on"And the suffix" oh". Such adverbs are always hyphenated: in your way, in the old way, in a different way etc.

The preposition " on"With the adjective" differently"Will be written separately. But in the language these words never stand next to each other.

Examples of

  • Circumstances in everyone's life add up differently .
  • You can cook this dish differently .
  • People differently they talk about this person.

The rule for "differently" (a preposition with an adjective)

All prepositions with adjectives are written separately... The phrase " differently"Is no exception to the rule.

Examples of

  • The merchant took as a gift to his daughters differently cut silk on each dress.
  • Differently cocktail for everyone! The happy man exclaimed. - I'm treating!
  • We bought ourselves differently a ball of ice cream.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to statistics from last week, only 78% answered correctly)

Mercantilists believed that profit is created in circulation and foreign trade is its source.

A. Smith and D. Ricardo estimated profit as a deduction from the product of the worker's labor.

K. Marx considered profit as a secondary, derivative and transformed form of surplus value generated only by hired labor. (Profit is the time an employee is working for which he is not paid.)

Profit is income from all factors of production, that is, rent, interest and wages;

Profit is the reward for entrepreneurial activity and the introduction of technical improvements;

profit is a payment for risk and uncertainty. (According to Knight's theory)

Modern concepts of profit are being developed

in line with three main directions: Keynesian, institutional-sociological and neoclassical.

Keynesians put forward the concept of total profit at the macroeconomic level.

In institutional sociological theories, profit is interpreted from the standpoint of social, external economic factors: concern for the welfare of all members of society, etc.

V neoclassical theories, the most complete, the study of profit is carried out at the level of an individual firm, operating in conditions of perfect and imperfect competition and putting forward maximization of profit as the main goal.

W-product value

С - constant capital

V - variable capital (labor cost)

M - surplus value

We pay for the product more than the cost of the resources spent on the production of the product.

Indicators of profitability (profit)- Relative indicators, which most often reflect the level of profitability relative to a certain base. They allow you to assess the degree of effectiveness of various aspects of the firm's activities.

Indicators can be very diverse:

Product profitability- the ratio of (net) profit to the total cost. (How many rubles of profit brings 1 ruble of spent production.

Return on sales(often used) - the ratio of the operating profit (profit from sales) of a company to its revenue. (abbreviated - ROS)

Return on assets(ROA) - the ratio of net profit to the average amount of total assets for the period.

Assets can be any, respectively, and indicators can be varied.

Return on equity(ROE) - the ratio of net profit to capital. Capital can be general, equity, long-term, borrowed. Many other indicators can be built from one basic one.

Return on investment- the ratio of profit to the amount of investment.

Metrics allow you to assess the performance of your business.