Syntactic analysis of the sentence in mid-April. Syntactic analysis of the sentence

Words and phrases are the constituent of each sentence on the letter and in oral speech. It should be clearly understood to be clearly understood which communication between them should be to build a grammatically correct statement. That is why one of the important and difficult topics in school Program Russian language is a syntactic analysis of the sentence. With this analysis is carried out complete analysis All components of the statement and establishes the connection between them. In addition, the definition of the proposal structure allows you to properly place the punctuation marks in it, which is quite important for each competent person. As a rule, this topic begins with the parsing of simple phrases, and after children it is taught to conduct a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Territory Collection Rules

Analysis of a certain phrase, taken from the context, is relatively simple in the Syntax section of the Russian language. In order to produce it, determine which of the words is the main thing, and what is the dependent, and determine which part of the speech each of them relates. Next, it is necessary to determine the syntax link between these words. All of them are distinguished.

  • Coordination is a kind of verification connection in which the genus, the number and case of the case for all elements of the phrase determines the main word. For example: a distant train, flying comet, luminous sun.
  • The control is also one of the types of verification, it may be strong (when the case of words is necessary) and weak (when the dependent word is not predetermined). For example: Waterflowers - Water from the watering can; The liberation of the city is the liberation of the army.
  • The adjoining is also the subordinate type of communication, but it applies only to unchangeable and not inclined by peredry. Dependence Such words express only meaning. For example: riding riding, unusually sad, very scary.

Sample of the syntactic parsing of phrases

Syntactic analysis The phrases should look something like this: "Beautifully says"; The main word - "says", dependent - "beautifully". This connection is determined by the question: says (how?) Beautifully. The word "says" was used in the present time in the singular and the third person. The word "beautifully" is adverb, and therefore the syntactic connection is expressed in this phrase - adjoining.

Syntactic pavement scheme

The syntactic analysis of the proposal is slightly similar to the analysis of the phrase. It consists of several stages that will learn the structure and attitude of all component components:

  1. First of all, the purpose of the statement of a separate proposal is determined, all of them are divided into three types: narrative, questional and exclamation, or motivating. For each of them is characterized by its mark. So, at the end of the narrative sentence telling about any event, it is worth a point; After the question, naturally, a question mark, and at the end of the motivating - exclamation.
  2. Next, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical foundation of the sentence - to be both faithful.
  3. Next Stage - Description of the structure of the sentence. It can be single-maintained with one of the main members or twisted with a complete grammatical basis. In the first case, it is additionally necessary to specify what exactly the proposition is in the nature of the grammatical basis: verbal or called. And then determine whether in the structure of the statement of secondary members, and specify whether it is common or not. At this stage, it should also be specified whether the proposal complicated. Complications consider homogeneous members, circulation, turnover and introductory words.
  4. Next, the syntactic analysis of the proposal provides for the analysis of all words by their affiliation to parts of speech, family, the number and case.
  5. The final stage is an explanation of the punctuation marks in the proposal.

An example of a simplicity of a simple sentence

The theory of the theory, but without practicing it is impossible to fix a single topic. That is why in the school program a lot of time is paid to the syntactic exams of phrases and suggestions. And for training you can take the simplest suggestions. For example: "The girl was lying on the beach and listened to the surf."

  1. Offer narrative and unkonsectative.
  2. The main members of the sentence: the girl is subject to, lying, listened to - said.
  3. This offer is twisted, full and common. As complications are homogeneous taled.
  4. Disaster of all words of the sentence:
  • "Girl" - acts as subject to and is a nouns of the female kind in the singular and the very nominal case;
  • "Ly" - in the sentence is a taught, refers to the verbs, has a female genus, the only number and past time;
  • "On" is a pretext, serves to communicate words;
  • "Beach" - answers the question "Where?" and is a circumstance in the proposal expressed a noun male race in the proposed case and the singular;
  • "And" - the Union, serves to connect words;
  • "Listened" - the second lean, the verb of the female race in the past time and the singular;
  • "Surf" - in the sentence is a supplement, refers to the name of the noun, has a male genus, the only number and is used in the vinegenic case.

Designation of parts of the sentence on the letter

When syntaxially analyzes phrases and proposals, conditional underscores are used, which indicate the belonging of words to one or another member of the sentence. For example, the subject to be emphasized by one line, the previous one, the definition is denoted by a wavy line, the addition - dotted line, the circumstance is a dotted line with a point. In order to properly determine exactly what a member of the sentence before us should put on it with a question from one of the parts of the grammatical framework. For example, the definition is responsible for the questions of the adjective, the addition is determined by the issues of indirect cases, the circumstance indicates the place, time and cause and answers the questions: "Where?" "Where?" and why?"

Syntactic analysis of the complex offer

The procedure for the analysis of the complex proposal is slightly different from the above examples, and therefore should not cause special difficulties. However, everything should be in order, and therefore the teacher complicates the task only after the children learned to disassemble simple proposals. For analysis, a complex statement is proposed, which has several grammatical foundations. And here should adhere to such a scheme:

  1. First determine the purpose of statement and emotional color.
  2. Further allocate grammar Basics in a sentence.
  3. The next step is the definition of communication, which can be carried out using or without a union.
  4. Next, you should specify, by any connection two grammatical foundations are connected in the proposal. It may be intonation, as well as writing or subordinate unions. And immediately conclude, what is the proposal: a complex, complex or non-union.
  5. The next stage of the parse is a syntactic analysis of the proposal in its parts. Produce it according to the scheme for a simple sentence.
  6. In the conclusion of the analysis, the proposal scheme should be built on which the connection of all its parts will be visible.

Communication of pieces of complex offer

As a rule, unions and allied words are used in complex proposals to communicate in complex proposals, which are necessarily a comma. Such suggestions are called allied. They are divided into two types:

  • Complex proposals connected by unions a, and, or, then, but. As a rule, both parts in such a statement are equal. For example: "The sun shone, and the clouds sailed."
  • Complexed proposals that use such unions and allied words: to, as if, where, where, because, though other. In such proposals, one part depends on the other. For example: "The sun rays will fill the room as soon as the cloud passes."

The tasks associated with the syntactic analysis of the text cause difficulties in schoolchildren and students of Philfak. Compeated syntactic analysis of the proposal requires enough extensive knowledge in the field of Russian. But, having basic concepts, you can successfully cope with the tasks.

What is a syntactic analysis of the sentence

The syntactic analysis is a proposal analysis for the following criteria:

  1. View of the purpose of the statement.
  2. View by emotional coloring.
  3. The number of foundations (hereinafter simple and complex offers are dealt according to a specific order).
  4. Characteristics of suggestions.
  5. Constructions complicating offer (if any).
  6. Punctuation analysis.
  7. Scheme (if required).

Syntactic analysis of deals free online

Find a program capable of correctly performing a syntactic analysis in full taking into account all the nuances, it is quite difficult. But still there are several services on the network that will help in solving the problem.

SEOSIN.RU resource is the most popular of available. When you enter a proposal to the appropriate window, you can get a syntactic analysis of text.

If a semantic analysis is required for the parsing, it is best to use the program of the famous Advego Exchange.

You can also get an online solution from specialists - philologists and linguists. To do this, go to the appropriate forum (, Professionals will help to help with the analysis and give an exhaustive answer to the most difficult question.

Make a syntactic parse yourself

To comprehend all the wisdom of the parsing, you can, if you carefully read the information below and practice slightly.

I. The purpose of the statement

Depending on the purpose, the proposals are divided into:

  1. narratives (transmit information, say something, claims or deny. At the end of such proposals there is a point or an exclamation mark);
  2. questionative (contain a question, at the end put (required!) Question mark);
  3. watching (Contain prompting, call, request, requirement). Characterized by the motion intonation, the use of the vagabol's verbs, let the particles, let it, come on.

II. Emotional coloring

The indicator is the presence exclamation mark. He is - offer exclamation, not - unkonsectant. Any of proposals for the purpose of the statement can be exclamation.

III. Number of grammatical foundations

According to the presence of the foundation there are simple and complex. Simple include those in which 1 grammatical basis.

Accordingly, in a complex sentence should be 2 or more foundations.

III. 1. The procedure for the analysis of a simple sentence

You should specify a type of proposal for the availability of the main members.

The main members are subject to both faithful.

Subjectanswers questions who and what? It can be expressed almost any part of speech.

Predicate answers questions what makes what this subject is who he is what it is, in what condition is? It can also be expressed by different parts of speech.

The secondary members include addition (answers questions of indirect cases), definition (What? Whose?) And circumstance (Where? When? Where? How much?, etc.)

III. 1.1 Common and non-prolonged offers

If the proposal contains only the main members - it non-prolished. If there is at least one secondary member in the sentence - common.

III. 1.2. Single-main or doubled

If there is a suggestion in the sentence - the offer is twisted. If only one main dick - single.

III. 2. Dissection of a complex offer.

After determining the type of simple or complex proposal, it is necessary to disassemble secondary members, find complicating designs and explain the formulation of punctuation marks.

Examples of syntactic analysis

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: the sun has already been quite high in the pure sky.

  • 1 base is simple
  • The base is the sun (subjectable) stood (led). Secondary members of the sentence: stood (where?) In the sky (circumstance). In heaven (what?) Pure (definition). Standing (how?) Already quite high (circumstance).

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: The rain passed through the garden path.

  • Narrative, non-promotional,
  • 1 base is simple
  • there are both main member - twisted,
  • there are secondary - common.
  • The basis - the rain passed.
  • Secondary members: passed (where or how?) On the track (circumstance). Track (what?) Sadovaya (definition).
  • There are no complicating designs and punctuation signs.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: between the tweesting tops showed blue.

  • Narrative, non-promotional,
  • 1 base is simple
  • there are both main member - twisted,
  • there are secondary - common.
  • The base - Syaney seemed.
  • Secondary members: seemed to be (where?) Between the tops (circumstance), (what?) Blue (definition).
  • There are no complicating designs and punctuation signs.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: old handwritten books were valued by the weight of gold.

  • Narrative, non-promotional,
  • 1 base is simple
  • there are both main member - twisted,
  • there are secondary - common.
  • The basis - the books were valued.
  • Secondary members: appreciated (how?) On the weight of gold (circumstance). Books (what?) Old handwritten (definition).
  • There are no complicating designs and punctuation signs.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: the summer was dry, the rains almost did not fall out.

  • Narrative, non-promotional,
  • 2 foundations (summer was dry and rained did not fall out), so we make a disclaiming of a complex sentence,
  • 1 part - unpropered,
  • 2 part - common. A secondary member - the circumstance (how?) Almost.
  • Unsoyous.
  • Parts are separated by a comma.

Many PC users may have a need for a syntactic analysis of the sentence. This may be caused by classes according to the standard school program, educating philology and linguistics at the university, or other related purposes associated with syntactic analysis of verbal structures. At the same time, the syntactic parse itself implies the possession of the necessary knowledge of knowledge, because a number of users may have a need to make it easier to facilitate this process, in particular, due to the involvement of supporting online resources. In this material I will tell you how to perform a syntactic analysis of the offer mode online, and what resources will help us in this.

As you know, a classic syntactic analysis of the proposal is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Definition of the purpose of statement of proposals (narrative, prominent, questional);
  2. Determination of emotional coloring proposals (exclamation, non-exclacial);
  3. Determination of the number of grammatical foundations at the proposal (one basis is a simple sentence, two or more bases - complex);

If a proposal simple, then it is also necessary to determine the single-maintained or two-stroke, common or not, complicated or not, which parts of the speech are expressed by members of the sentence, to draw up a proposal scheme.

If a the proposal is complex, then it is necessary to define an allied or non-union connection, the communication method (intonation, verification, writing), to determine the type of complex proposal (non-union, complex, complex) and so on.

Syntactic disclation online - features of implementation

The abundance of the syntactic parameters and the wealth of options for drawing up proposals make a syntactic analysis with the help of robotic systems quite complicated. Therefore, there is a fairly small amount of resources that carry out a syntactic or adjacent analysis of the proposal (text). Below I will describe a number of such resources, and I will tell you how to use them.

SEOSIN.RU - Resource allows you to perform text analysis

SEOSIN.RU resource is one of the most well-known resources of such a plan. The possibilities of this site, according to the development of developers, allow you to carry out a morphological and syntactic analysis of text online, as a result of which the user receives statistics about the existing text.

To work with this resource, go to the specified link, insert the text into the window, enter the control number at the bottom, and click on "analyze".

ADVEGO - Semantic Text Analysis

The popular content exchange "ADVEGO" can boast the built-in tool for semantic text analysis, which can also be useful in the syntactic analysis. This tool determines the total number of words used, the number of significant and unique words, the number of "water" and so on.

To work with the resource you need to register. Then go to the "SEO-Analysis of the Text" tab on top, insert the required text on the page that opens, and click on "Check".

Instrument of semantic analysis on "Advego"


The resource is a powerful linguistic tool that allows the syntactic analysis of various English-speaking offers with the help of such as Linguistic Knowledge Builder, Pet System Parser, Answer Constraint Engine Generator, and others.

To work with this service, go to the resource, insert your English-language offer to a special line, and click on the "Analyze" button on the right. The system will handle the offer and give you the result.


Help Satisfaction Analysis Offers Online You can relevant philological and linguistic forums (in particular,, and others). You can register on one of these forums, and in your post ask specialists to help in the syntactic analysis of the proposals you need.


Conducting a syntactic analysis of the proposal involves the possession of the appropriate knowledge base, without which such a parse will be simply impossible. At the same time, the resources available on this topic are quite scarce, and as a result of a number of conceptual causes, a full-fledged syntactic analysis of the proposal cannot be carried out (this is especially true of Russian-speaking resources). Therefore, in this regard, I recommend or replenishing my knowledge base, or to ask for help for the philologic forums - you will surely help you in the necessary syntactic analysis.

Syntax is the most difficult section of the modern Russian language. At school, the syntactic analysis of the proposal almost always causes serious difficulties, since when analyzing it is necessary to use the previously obtained knowledge comprehensively: to be able to distinguish part of speech, refer to information from vocabulary, it is excellent to navigate in the semantic load and functions of different sentences, correctly indicate simple proposals in the composition Complex and determine their role.

At school and university, various requirements for syntactic analysis of the sentence are presented. Schoolchildren usually denote parts of speech, when analyzing commenting on every word. The requirement is due to the fact that for the correct analysis it is necessary to know the morphology well, it is impossible to confuse the concepts of syntax and morphology (there is a common error when the parts of the speech and the members of the sentence are mixed). On the philological faculties of different higher educational institutions Syntactic parsing schemes are individual: it depends on what training complex is learning what are methodical development At the department. When preparing for admission, the applicant will need to find out the requirements of a particular university, otherwise the analysis can be recognized as incorrect.

To properly make a syntactic analysis of the sentence, you need to master the large amount of theory, be able to accurately use terms, get a practical skill. Practice plays a particularly important role, so it is advisable to regularly train, analyzing the proposals of a different level of complexity.

Strict requirements are presented to the syntactic analysis: it can only be done on a clear scheme, not retreating from the given algorithm. Often, it is also necessary to draw a graphical scheme of the sentence, reflecting in it levels of membership, the dependence of simple proposals from each other. Also members of the sentence are graphically allocated. different signs Directly in the text (several types of substitution lines).

General scheme of syntactic discharge offer
Exists general schemeAccording to which the syntactic analysis of the proposal is carried out. It varies depending on specific requirements, but the main base remains the same.

  1. The purpose of the statement is indicated: a narrative, incentive, question offer.
  2. At this stage, it should be written, what proposal is to intonation: exclamation or non-visible.
  3. The type of sentence is determined: simple or complex consisting of several simple.
  4. Sophisticated offers you need to specify the type of design: simple (single-type), complex (different types of communication between simple proposals in the composition of complex).
  5. It is indicated by the type of communication of the proposals: allied, non-union.
  6. Allied proposals have two types: complex and complex.
  7. For a complex proposal, the type of appendage is determined: the definition, thantening, circumstantial, attachment;
  8. Need to designate the type of circumstant put supply offer:
    • image image;
    • places;
    • time;
    • conditions;
    • measures and degrees;
    • comparisons;
    • concessions;
    • consequences;
    • goals;
    • the reasons.
  9. If the proposal is complex, a description of the communication of parts in the complex is performed. Parts are numbered, all types of communication are indicated (non-union and union, supervisory and writing), if necessary, make membership on levels.
  10. Then go to the characteristic of each simple sentence, indicating its number.
  11. An analysis of a simple proposal continues the indication of the main members: single-maintained or twisted.
  12. A single offer is determined by its type: called, generalized personal, impersonal, definitely personal or vaguely personal.
  13. At this stage, you need to write a type of faith: PGS (simple verbal led), ghps (composite verbal led) or SIS (composite nominal leakage).
  14. Now it is necessary to determine the presence of secondary members: common (secondary members), unpropered (secondary members are missing).
  15. In this pale, the discretion indicates whether the proposal is complicated than exactly it is complicated.
  16. At the end of the analysis, it is necessary to determine the type of offer on the fullness: complete or incomplete. Incompletely called proposals in which the main or minor members are omitted, but they can be easily restored from context.
Also, it will also be necessary to graphically designate members and borders of proposals in the text, draw the schemes, pointing out the numbers of offers, alliances, asking questions to the receiving proposals from the main.

Methods for expressing members of the sentence
Knowledge of ways to express members of the sentence will help make a syntactic analysis of the proposal properly, not by the way it part. Often, students of schools are hard to determine even the main members of the proposal, since there are a number of difficulties, and generally accepted stereotypes prevent true to find the basis and accurately analyze secondary members.

It must be remembered that different parts of speech have almost unlimited possibilities and can be almost any suggestions, with rare exceptions. Often, schoolchildren are getting used to that subject - this is a noun, and the legend is verb. We have not seen suitable parts of speech in the sentence, they find themselves in a difficult position and do not know how to disassemble it in composition. In fact, it is impossible to make an analysis in such a framework.

Subject answers the identity of the nominative case and is expressed different parts Speech: noun, pronouns, numerical. Also subject can be expressed:

  • adjective (red - my favorite color);
  • communion, which passed into the noun (surrounding silence);
  • union (and - Connecting Union);
  • an uncertain form of verb (for example, an indefinite form of verb with a visional case: have a serious advantage in the house).
Predicate answers questions: What does the subject do? What happens to the subject? What is the subject? What is he?

To distinguish different types Taken, it is important to remember the lexical and grammatical meaning of words. Lexical significance reflects the meaning of the word, and the grammatical contains grammatical categories (for example, inclination, time, number and genus). Types of fag:

  • PGS: The failed pronounced personal form of the verb, in which the GZ and the Lz coincide. Sometimes PGS is expressed by phraseologism containing a hidden verb form.
  • SGS: should consist of at least two words. Each word carries its value: infinitive verb ( lexical meaning) and modal or phase bunch (grammatical meaning). The phase bunch indicates the phase of action, and the modal reflects the attitude towards action. The bunch can be expressed by words reflecting the assessment of action, desirability, necessity, brief adjectives.
  • SIS: must consist at least from two words. Named part (LZ) and formal or semi-significant bundle (GZ). More common formal bunch: verb be. In the role of the nominal part protrude all registered parts of speech, adverb, phrase. The semi-significant bundle there are verbs to make, become, to appear, to appear, and others; Condition verbs, movement.
Definitions answer what questions? whose? They are divided into consistent and inconsistent.
  • The agreed definition of learn is easily, it is pronounced - adjective, adjective, communion, ordinal numerical. The main thing is not to confuse it with the name of the SIS.
  • The inconsistent definition is usually expressed by nouns in indirect cases, but sometimes they become adverbing, philantal, infinitives, adjectives comparative degrees. There are also inconsistent application definitions.
Addition answers questions of indirect cases. More often expressed nouns.

Circumstance answers the overall question as? It is expressed by adverbs, nouns. Circumstances are divided into discharges:

  • time circumstance;
  • places;
  • image image;
  • the reasons;
  • comparisons;
  • concessions;
  • conditions;
  • goals;
  • measures and degrees.
It is necessary to take into account the nuances of expressing members of the offer with different parts of speech in order to correctly perform the syntactic analysis of the proposal.

Types of departing offers
Analyzing the complex proposal, it is important to correctly determine the type of the pressing offer. It can be a circumstantial, thanks to and definitive.

  1. Candidate spectacular proposals respond to questions of indirect case. Unions, allied words are associated as a means of communication.
  2. Puttingular definition proposals relate to noun, joined with the help of allied words, sometimes unions, answer questions? What?
  3. Puttingular circumstances are distinguished depending on the discharge:
    • By places answer questions where? where? Where? joined with the help of allied words;
    • In time answer questions to how long? how long? when? for how long? The connection is common with the help of unions only when, as long as, etc.;
    • According to measures and degrees answer questions to what extent? How much?, belong to the word expressing the concept that may be degree of manifestation;
    • According to the image, answer the question as?, In the main part You can insert words in this way, so;
    • According to the conditions answer the question as provided?, Connecting unions - when, if, as soon;
    • For the causes reveal the question of why?, Unions due to the fact that, since, because, due to the fact that;
    • For purpose: Questions for what purpose? what for? etc. Unions only if, in order to;
    • By investigation: Corollary follows from the first part, the Union so;
    • Concessions: questions Contrary to what? Despite what? All the unions, for nothing, despite the fact that;
    • By comparative: Questions How what? Like which? Unions as if, exactly, like;
  4. Approaching attachments do not answer questions, do not express the semantic relationship circumstances, but give additional information to the main part. Means of communication: Union words (relative pronouns that, where, from where, when, how, why, why, why).
In the polynomialic sentences you need to specify the type of submission. It is consistent: the first appendage is subordinate to the main, the second apparent is first, etc. For parallel submission Podepie depends on the main thing, but respond to different questions. When the submission is homogeneous, the apparent depend on one main word, respond to one question.
Universities are mainly the polynomials of proposals, therefore, there are levels of membership, the relationship between them, indicate all blocks and features of their relationships among themselves, draw complex schemes. The school is usually limited to suggestions consisting of two or four simple.

We explain why someone somehow placed the signs of punctuation in the sentence. The procedure for syntaxially. And at the end, we make the analysis of the apparent and main proposals as simple offers. Errors when analyzing a simple proposal§4. We allocate the grammatical basis of all simple proposals, of which it consists of complex.

Offer narrative, unkonsectant, complex, connection to the union, a means of communication submissions because a complex proposal. We allocate the necessary phrase from the offer. We indicate which part of the speech is the main and dependent word. Next, we specify how this phrase is connected with this syntax.

It is important to comply with the procedure for parsing. Next, we disassemble the words that are included in this turnover. First, we note that in this sentence, there is direct speech. We indicate the direct speech and text of the author. Almighty scheme offer. First, we indicate which proposal for the purpose of the statement is a questionnaire, narrative or motivating. We find unions with the help of which simple proposals are connected in the complex.

We read them, call the number of simple proposals that are part of the complex. We define what the relationship between simple proposals is in meaning. In meaning, we establish how simple suggestions are formed in the complex sentence. I. Disassemble a proposal for members. II. Divide the offer on parts, numbered parts in order. III. Make a descriptive analysis according to the following scheme: 1. For the purpose of the statement: - narrative, - questionnaire, - motivating.

In a simple sentence:

Direct addition is the addition in the form of a vinitive case without an excuse belonging to a member of a sentence expressed by the transition verb. They are mainly associated with part of a complex proposal, but can also be used in a simple proposal for communicating homogeneous and inhomogeneous members. If we have an offer, then select the phrases from it. Naturally, the characteristic of phrases differs from the characteristics of the sentence, because the phrase is not an independent syntactic unit, as a proposal.

But a simple sentence has only one grammatical foundation, and complex - more than one. Therefore, it is important for the latter to identify the character of the syntactic relationship between parts. That is, the pavement schemes of a simple and complex proposal have important differences. Getting started, it is important to understand which syntax units you understand and what is required for this.

In a sentence, having homogeneous members.

1. To determine the main and dependent word, allocate the main thing, to put the question to the dependent. 3. Determine the view of the syntactic connection: coordination, control, adjoining. The second simple sentence: Two-part, the grammatical basis, and I went to the class, is not complicated.

Sample discretion sample

The proposal with a direct speech, direct speech is in the preposition in relation to the words of the author. The writings of the author are a simple proposal, two-part, unpropered, full, uncomplicated.

The simplest way to respond to the incorrect input chain of the lexeme is to complete the syntax analysis and display an error message. However, it is often useful to find in one attempt to syntactic analysis as many mistakes as possible. When an error is detected, the syntax analyzer skips the input lexemes one by one until one of the specially defined set of synchronizing lexes is found. Sometimes when an error is detected, the syntax analyzer can perform a local input correction so that it allows it to continue to work.

Naturally, this strategy is powerless, if the real error occurred before the error detection point by the syntactic analyzer. When such products are triggered, an error is recorded, but the syntax analyzer continues to work as usual. Under the order of words, the proposal means the consistent location of its members.

The change in the usual, direct order of words in the sentence leads to their semantic and emotional allocation. The syntactic analysis of a simple proposal is firmly included in the practice of primary and secondary school. This is the most difficult and comprehensive type of grammatical parsing. The structure and value of a simple supply is studied from grade 5. Let's start with the simplest: we will help the guys to prepare for the execution of the syntactic parsing in grade 5.

We show the dimensions between the level of requirements in the syntactic parsing format. The analysis is constantly being worked out in the lessons and participates in the grammatical tasks of control dictations. The disclaiming of a complex supply in grade 5 wears training character and is not a means of control.

The content and structure of such proposals can be very diverse. Stage 2: Determine the intonation and emotional color color. At this stage of the syntactic analysis of the offer, see which punctuation sign is at the end of the sentence. Stage 3: Find in the proposal grammatical foundations. Stage 4 for a simple sentence: Find the main members and give a description of the proposal.

And finally, we indicate how his grammatical meaning is. Next, you need to talk about how this offer is built. First, the previously defined and subject is determined, then the minor, which are included in the first - to be subject to, then the faithful. Determine the value of all this complex proposal - contrasting, alternation or enumeration. Explain how exactly complexed offer It is, we draw attention to how it is built, which is connected to the apparent to the main offer and what it applies to.

Next, you need to take the analysis of the sentences on members, while pointing to what parts of speech they are. To begin with, consider the syntactic analysis of a simple sentence with examples. The syntactic analysis requires knowledge and skills. The first simple sentence: a single-part, with the main member - the fag not asked, the common, not complicated. Grammar parse - in computer science, syntactic analysis (PARSING) This is a process of comparing the linear sequence of the lexeme (words, tokens) of the language with its formal grammar.