With a fright part of speech. Morphological analysis "With a fright

Narch. . 1. Tested fright; Frightened by an explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

NARCH, NAM in synonyms: 1 From a fright (1) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (fright) ... Orphographic Dictionary

with frightened - Copyright and cope ... Russian spelling dictionary

with frightened - with a copy / hectare and cope / gu ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

with frightened - Copsy / GU and with the Copail / ha, Narach ... Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen.

Pereami, frightened (frightened), MN. No, husband. Only in expressions: with a fright or fright (collapse) due to a strong sudden frightement. "At Nedzhenov from the fright even the blood of the nose went." Chekhov. "Sick with fright." Chekhov. Dictionary… … Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Or progress who, frighten, to catch up with fear, frighten. You strain me to death, and all because of the trifles! Shipping, cross the pigeons, swag or overtaken from place to place. Pereami (g), get frightened strongly. Crossing cf. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

With a connecting dictionary of Russian synonyms. With the counterpart Narach, the number of synonyms: 1 with a fright (1) dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

And, offered. about blood, blood, genus. MN. Blood, g. 1. Liquid tissue, which moves through the blood vessels of the body and provides power to its cells and the metabolism in it. Deoxygenated blood. Arterial blood. □ [Semen] hit himself with a knife in the left ... ... Small Academic Dictionary


  • Lexi Sexy, Kate Moore. The best way to lose excess weight is an active intimate life, "says Lexi Clark in his scandalous bestseller about non-standard slimming methods. The poor thing did not even suspect that ...
  • Shoot his pants and run, Margarita Yuzhina. What to do? Some rich spouses died at their dacha ... from hunger, and Zina's waitress Korytskaya is forced to investigate the reason for such a strange death. Ask: Skinking a frightener of Zina should ... electronic book

They are written separately:

1. Nareny combinations of prefix prefix without, for, before, under, whenwith nouns names (including those not used outside of these combinations), for example:

without end, without straining, without the bias, without a prolite, without wake up, without a disaster, without demand, without care, without cut, without a silent, without tired, without a roller;

for blossom, for loyalty, for the type, for seed, for order, for laughter, for driving;

before shearing, beyond recognition, before the dump, to death, to death, before falling, to hell;

under the side, in the evening, under the mountain, under the breath, turnkey, at the end, under the spoon, under Mikitka, armpits, under the start, under the slope, under the hand, under the power, under the priest, to become, under the booze, under the slope, in the morning, under the hops, under the skeins;

when death, with money, at its own, with their own;

about the reserve, also with the form of a return pronoun: to itself (not loud).

Note 1. They are picked dottel, sometimes, in a row,as well as upoof.

Note 2. On the comprehensive beforewith the words of the spatial and time value ( back, Donom) See § 136, p. 6.

Note 3. From nareny combinations under the mouse, under the armetc. It should be distinguished by a noun podmychi (units. armpit), writing foaming; Wed, eg: sather (what?) podmychiand sather (Where?) armpits; The jacket hits in armpits.

2. Naremic combinations consisting of the prepressive console and form of the genus. p. Nouns on -Y (-A), eg: with the appearance, with hunger, with fright, with a lie, with Mahu, with a wave, with a scope, with a fright, with a scatter, with overclocking, with a swift, with the go (and from the fright, with a flight, from the fall, from the skill, with Furnace, from running out, with overclocking, from scope).

Note. They write a punk immediately, srod, breakdown, sort, breakdown, spur;fusion writing on the side, from above, below, firstdetermined by the rule § 136, clause 6.

3. Nareny combinations of prefix-prefixes in, with with the second part, starting with vowels, eg: in exchange, in the embracing, in the edge, in the tightness, in the girth, alone, overnight, in retaliation, in a shock, in a hunt, at a loss, in the pack, to the reproach, in the emphasis, in reproach, in the open, in general , both, with a needle, with inside, with a loaf, with caution, with drains, with hunting, with mind, with intent.

4. Naremic combinations formed by repetition of nouns or numeral with a pretext and writing in three or four words, eg:: side by side, with a side on the side, with an eye on the eye, with an hour for an hour, head head, leg in foot, footprint, hand in hand, from hand to hand, from century to century, from year to year, Once at a time, once from all time, once at times, from time to times, from dark to dark, soul in the soul, point to point, honor for honor, rank, by rank, word for word, one for one, two for two, Three on three (But: Cross-cross, see § 118, p. 2).

5. Naremic combinations (two or more), in which the noun, implementing one definite value, is used in various case forms with the same or different pretexts, for example: from the knowledge and without a knowledgeand in the heads and legsand in the legs (o bed), to the side and asideand on the side, in a dead endand in a dead endand on the challenge, for memoryand by memory, conscienceand on conscience; abroad, abroadand from abroad; For the sicknessand for the sinus, at homeand at home, on the backyardand on the backyards, at riskand roots, on the puncturesand on karachetsi; squatting
and squat; on Kulachkaand on cams, on kulichkiand on cakes, running (take) and on blisters, on barsand on the lips, on the opponentand on the Pictory (Dvor), on the tiptoeand on tiptoe; on fours, on all foursand from four; under the flagand under the spoon; armpit, armpits, under the arm, armpitsand from under mouses; Under the Spud, under the Spudand from under the desdend.

From this rule there are exceptions, as defined as a tradition of writing and other rules, for example, written separately with evil, but it pits it was called, with an inside out of an inside out, alone - one, before shearing - a shot;they write a punk inside - inside - from the inside, there - on the burial, ahead - chairs, insert - Icestari, married - married, Severe - Semes.

Note. From nareny combinations abroad, abroad, abroad, abroad, outside the city, for the citynouns should be distinguished score (communication with abroad), abroad (work on abroad), convergence (in summer I prefer the convergence). About noun podmychi (cf. Nareny combination podmychi) See § 137, p. 1, Note 3.

Objectives lesson:

To give the concept of adveria as part of speech;

Show general meaning, morphological signs and syntactic roles;

To form students the ability to find adverbs in the text, determine their syntactic role in the proposal;

Rail interest in learning Russian language.

Type of lesson: The lesson explanation of the new material.

Equipment: 1) cards with individual tasks; 2) Presentation materials performed in the PowerPoint program.

Intergovernmental ties: Communication with computer science, history, literature.

The topic of the statement of the lesson: "Love and know Russian."


I. Topics message, lesson objectives.

1. Teacher's word:

- On a huge beautiful planet, Russian in the country of morphology lives different parts of speech, many of whom are already familiar to you. Name them.

- right, these are nouns, verbs, the names of adjectives, pronouns, the names are numerical, prepositions, unions, particles, interjections and, of course, adcharation. Here about this part of speech and we will have a conversation in the lessons of the Russian language.

2. Wordwork.

- Let us turn to the "Russian Dictionary" S.I. Ozhegova.

- Record on the board:

1) adverb - a set of local govors of some language possessing common dialectic features (Great Raspius).

2) adverb - immutable part of speech, denoting a sign of action or other sign (Clear, here, always).

II. Explanation of the new material

1. "We will be familiar!" Acquaintance with concept adverb.

- Guys, and you never thought, why do you have such a name? Why is it so called? After all, it is known that the names of the nouns denote the items that exist, the names of the adjectives - "attached to the nouns", pronoun take the place of other names. And adverch?

- Let's listen to the story of the naschaya himself.

2. Speech of the boy in the role of adverb (or expressive text reading using the presentation slide).

- I'm still very young, but I originated from an ancient noble kind. Pay attention to the Bully Root -Ret. He was famous in ancient Russian language. Then he had a verb with the meaning of "talking." From him there were such words as revelation, speech, adverb(talk), emboss other.

And if you literally translate my name into a modern language, it will be "tagged". And in Latin, I am called "Prigolire". This is because I almost always live and work with the verb. An adjective is inseparable with a noun, and I can help the verb: the pretty to him, I explain, I clarify it, I will give it a clarity.

Although I was born later than other parts of speech, my youth does not prevent me from being friends and work with them.

I want to draw your attention to my main feature - unchanged. I am always sure about what I say, and never be inclined to anyone, I do not change my end, but I have it. In sentences, I most often have been a circumstance.

3. Working with illustration.

- write down the words to the word adverb.

- What did you learn from the story of adveria about this part of speech?

4. Working with a textbook. Reading theoretical material.

- What did not tell about himself Mr. Nareny?

- What morphological signs have adverbs?

III. Fastening a new material.

1. Warning dictation.

The task. Insert the missed words in these offers.

1) adverb is (unchangeable) Part of speech.

2) adverb never (varies).

3) Naschai never happens (endings).

4) In the proposal, the adverb is most often (circumstance).

2. Questions for adventure.

The task. From verb run Put questions to adverbs and write phrases.

Run (when?) Today, tomorrow, in the morning.

Run (Where?) Here, near, ahead.

Run (where to?) Forward, back, down.

Run (where?) from afar.

Run (as?) fast slow.

Run (what for?) Especially .

Run (why?)with a fright, from fear.

3. Working with questions to adverch.

- Guys, did you notice that we set questions from the verb? Remember what questions answers adverb. To remember it better, repeat them several times in the following order:

where? where to? where? why? what for? and as?

The task. Make up and write 2-3 sentences using as many different adverbs as possible.

IV. Training exercises.

1. Working with text.

The task. If you are writing the text by inserting missed letters, you will learn how the adverb is paid for your greed.

DEFLY-DEMLY Parts of the R_ walled Ka_Sti order in their g_r_dah and pr_Gl_Sili on the help of a muddy v_lschebnitsa m_rugology. In order for the P_BYA, they are not confused by, M_rfology pr_l_zhila each part of the speech to choose into_passes that most of all approach. Essentially chosen immediately chosen the most k_romet who? and what? Adjective wisely_no p_пр_sil what? and whose?, gL_GOL - what to do? and what to do? Each part of the speech of Rados_no N_SLA D_MA's own to_s, kr_syafully p_ sled them on SV_EM D_MIK, ZN_KOMLY with them everyone who was able to serve. H_Rechiely was very late and, froze. It is greedy password_pas how?, when?, where?, why? And others and, no matter how it is, not to choose the most likely. Then m_rfology about the detailed to him all the brings, which were still left. So the melt is now n_rechny for OP_D.D. and greed.

2. Make a phrase.

The task. "Adcharations were missed." Choose the verbs suitable by the meaning of adverbs.

Speak - Calmly, riding, politely, very, clearly, hard, frosty, out loud, together.

Sing - Great, loud, far, threesome, sitting, sometimes, always, often, together.

Work - In a different way, dirty, low, skillfully, neatly, long, a lot, fast, tasty.

Go - Near, close, gentle, sweet, stupid, on foot, from afar, together, slowly.

3. Remember the proverbs.

The task. Remember and write down the proverbs in which there are adverbs.

1) maybe not a rope viet, but painfully The loop will throw.

2) Baba with WHO - mare easier.

3) trouble yes need outward

4) without kids grief, and with children - twice.

5) without bread and in water sudden live.

6) Take care of the dress dream And honor spring.

7) Beris friendly - will not be cargo.

8) rich and in the Belek oK.

9) God high, And king long away.

10) Close, Yes sklizko; long away, Yes easily.

11) the patient is all bitterly.

12) Fear of the Cow in front and horses - rear.

13) Disease Yes Woe will be wound soon.

14) in the swamp quiet,yes, live there famously.

15) to take a debt easily, Yes, give heavy.

16) everywhere oK, Where we are not.

17) you see nicely, Yes, you are by.

18) in every wise pretty you just.

19) in a dream Happiness, reality bad weather .

20) Cat with a dog friendly Do not live.

4. Advanced go pretext?

The task. Determine where in these proposals from the prepositions, and where the adverbs.

1. Around Standing silence. (Adverb)

2. Tourists are located around campfire. (Pretext)

3. Do not bother listen after Tell me. (Adverb)

4. After Little rest is all friendly. (Pretext)

V. Creative tasks.

1. Cheerful story.

The task. Make a small humor story on one of these drawings using adverbs.

2. Draw adverbs.

The task. What does the adverb look like? Let's remember. It is young, but it does not inclined anyone, does not change. He has no end. The adverb loves to command, point the verb, how to do it. Advice is friends with many parts of speech. This is how schoolchildren drew it. Draw and you guys, the portrait of Mr. Adchai, reflecting in it what they learned about this part of speech.

Vi. Tasks of increased difficulty.

1. Determine the parts of speech.

The task. There is such a people's mystery: "I will take dusty, I will make liquid, I will throw a stone into the flame," there will be a stone. " (BUILD: pie. ) Which part of speech you will assign here forms dusty and liquid? What are the foundations for this you find?

Answer. Dusty and liquid Here - nouns (more precisely, substantive adverbs or adjectives in brief form). This is evidenced by the conditions for their use in the statement. Both forms play the role of direct addition and denote some subject. As for their morphological appearance, it is generally not so much different from the form of any nouns like spot or trees. It is worth adding that in the history of the Russian language, the nouns, adjectives and adverbs were bounded much stronger than today.

2. Find the adverb.

The task. What a member of the sentence is word form way In the following sentences? In which one of them is the word is adverch?

1) We will go straight, and you go a steady way.

2) The problem of refugees should be solved by negotiation.

3) everything must be done by, and you have forever some tricks.

Answer. In the 1st sentence way - noun with the meaning "Road, Route"; in the 2nd sentence way - preposition with the value "method, tool"; in the 3rd sentence way - The adverb (more precisely, the adverbialized pelvic form of the noun) with the value "as it should be as it should be." For modern Russian language, these are already three different words-ionone.

VII. Entertaining material for lesson.

1. Guess the riddles.

1) Soon eats, finely chews.
Itself does not swallow, the other does not give. (Saw)

2) Stand together, go apart. (Legs)

3) top leather, too, too, and in the middle is empty. (Drum.)

4) Large, crushed fractionally and drove all the land. (Rain.)

2. Competition game.

The task. For five minutes, choose data for informations as much as possible synonyms and antonyms. Wake up on the pair, compare your records: repetitive words cross out. Wins the one who will have more original words.

3. From the history of words.

The task. Determine how dialects happened perhaps, after you, prone.


1) AB - Instant - "Maybe" (a noun from it happened string bag ). Ordonsky Russian string bag - Wicker or knitted handbag (grid) for food or other non-heavy items that take with them just in case, on maybe. In the dictionaries in this meaning is noted from the 50s of the XX century.

2) adverb vnavinc Indicates "face up". This adverb is opposite prick those. "Face to earth, face down." The same root -Nick-,
And in the verb nickname - "Lean down". Console vz- in a word vnavinc close to the meaning up. Therefore, if nich Indicates a "face down", then vnavinc - "face top".

VIII. Summing up the lesson, homework.


1. Volina V.V. Cheerful grammar. M.: Knowledge, 1995.

2. Goriunova G.G., Lobanovskaya ZD, Dolzhenko O.A. Instant and eloquence. Workshop in Russian. SPB: Parity, 2004.

3. Grigoryan L.T. My tongue is my friend. Materials for extracurricular work in the Russian language. Manual for teacher. 2nd ed. and add. M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

4. Norman B.Yu. Russian language in tasks and answers. For Olympics, Quiz and self-education. Minsk: New Knowledge LLC, 2004.

5. Russian proverbs and sayings / ed. V. Nikna. M.: Fiction, 1998.

6. Solovyova N.N. Russian language in tasks and games. Notebook for creative work. 7th grade.
M.: Mainland Alpha, 2004.

To be continued

A.I. Grishchenko,
school number 1339,

1. Independent parts of speech:

  • nouns (see Morphological Norms of Sum.);
  • verbs:
    • communion;
    • verbalia;
  • adjectives;
  • numeral;
  • pronouns;
  • adveria;

2. Speech parties:

  • prepositions;
  • unions;
  • particles;

3. Interdomitia.

None of the classifications (by the morphological system) of the Russian language do not fall:

  • there are no words and no, in case they act as an independent offer.
  • introductory words: So, by the way, in the same way, as a separate offer, as well as a number of other words.

Morphological analysis of the existence

  • the initial form in the nominative case, the only number (with the exception of nouns used only in the plural: scissors, etc.);
  • own or nominal;
  • animated or inanimate;
  • genus (m, w, cf.);
  • number (units, mn.);
  • declination;
  • case;
  • syntactic role in the proposal.

Morphological Sewing Plan

"Kid drinks milk."

Kid (answering the question of who?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - kid;
  • permanent morphological signs: animate, nominal, concrete, male genus, I -LO decline;
  • non-permanent morphological signs: nominative case, single;
  • in syntaxially, the sentence performs the role of the subject.

Morphological analysis of the words "milk" (answers the question of whom? What?).

  • initial form - milk;
  • constant morphological Characteristic of the word: medium kind, inanimate, real, nominal, II decline;
  • changeable signs Morphological: accusative case, the only number;
  • in the proposal direct addition.

We present another sample, how to make a morphological analysis of the noun, on the basis of a literary source:

"Two ladies ran up to a nuddle and helped him stand up. He began to shoot down the dust from the coat. (Example from:" Protection of Luzhina ", Vladimir Nabokov)."

Ladies (who?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - lady;
  • permanent morphological signs: a nominal, animated, concrete, female kind, I decline;
  • non-permanent morphological Single characteristics: single, genitive case;
  • syntactic role: part of the subject.

Nuzhin (to whom?) - Nouns name;

  • initial form - LUZN;
  • loyal morphological Characteristic of the word: name your own, animated, concrete, male genus, mixed decline;
  • non-permanent morphological signs of a noun: the only number, a dutiful case;

Palm (what?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - palm;
  • permanent morphological signs: female genus, inanimate, nominal, concrete, I decline;
  • non-permanent morpho. Signs: The only number, the Certificate case;
  • syntactic role in context: addition.

Dust (what?) - noun name;

  • initial form - dust;
  • major morphological signs: a nominal, real, feminine kind, the only number, an animated is not characterized, III decline (noun with zero ending);
  • non-permanent morphological Characteristic of the word: accusative case;
  • syntactic role: addition.

(c) coat (where?) - noun;

  • initial shape - coat;
  • permanent correct morphological Characteristic of the word: inanimate, nominal, concrete, medium kind, unclear;
  • morphological signs are non-permanent: the number by the context cannot be determined, the genitive case;
  • syntactic role as a member of the sentence: Supplement.

Morphological analysis of adjective

The adjective name is a significant part of speech. Answers questions what? What? What? What kind? and characterizes signs or quality of the subject. Table of morphological signs of the adjective name:

  • initial shape in the nominative case, the only number, male race;
  • permanent morphological signs of adjectives:
    • discharge, according to the value:
      • - high-quality (warm, silent);
      • - relative (yesterday, readable);
      • - Pretty (Hare, Mine);
    • the degree of comparison (for high-quality, which have a constant sign);
    • full / brief form (for high-quality, in which this feature is permanent);
  • non-permanent morphological signs of adjective:
    • qualitative adjectives change according to the degree of comparison (in comparative degrees a simple form, in excellent - complicated): Beautiful-beautiful is the most beautiful;
    • full or short shape (only high-quality adjectives);
    • sign of kind (only in the singular);
    • number (consistent with nouns);
    • case (consistent with nouns);
  • syntax role in the proposal: The adjective name is the definition or part of the composite name of the facility.

Morphological parsing plan

Example sentences:

Full moon rose over the city.

Full (what?) - The adjective name;

  • the initial form is complete;
  • permanent morphological signs of the adjective name: high-quality, full form;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic: in a positive (zero) comparison degree, female family (consistent with nouns), nominal case;
  • according to syntactic analysis, a minor member of the sentence, performs the role of determination.

Here is another literary excerpt and morphological analysis of the adjective name, in the examples:

The girl was beautiful: slim, thin, blue eyes, like two amazing sapphire, and looked into your soul.

Beautiful (what?) - The name adjective;

  • the initial form is beautiful (in this meaning);
  • permanent morphological norms: high-quality, short;
  • non-permanent signs: a positive degree of comparison, the only number, female;

Slender (what?) - the adjective name;

  • the initial form is slim;
  • permanent morphological signs: high-quality, complete;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the word: full, positive degree of comparison, the only number, female genus, nominative case;
  • syntactic role in the sentence: part of the fant.

Thin (what?) - The name is adjective;

  • the initial form is thin;
  • morphological Permanent Signs: Qualitative, Full;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics of the adjective: positive degree of comparison, the only number, female family, the nominative case;
  • syntactic role: part of the fad.

Blue (what?) - the adjective name;

  • initial form - blue;
  • table of permanent morphological signs of the adjective: qualitative;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics: complete, positive comparison degree, multiple, nominative case;
  • syntactic role: definition.

Amazing (what?) Is the adjective name;

  • the initial form is amazing;
  • permanent signs of morphology: relative, expressive;
  • non-permanent morphological attributes: multiple, genitive case;
  • syntactic role in the sentence: part of the circumstance.

Morphological signs of verb

According to the morphology of the Russian language, the verb is an independent part of speech. It can designate an action (walk), property (chromium), attitude (equal), condition (rejoice), sign (whiten, rolling) object. The verbs answer the question of what to do? what to do? what is he doing? what have you been doing? Or what will happen? Different groups of verbal flowform are inherent inhomogeneous morphological characteristics and grammatical signs.

Morphological forms of verbs:

  • the initial form of verb is an infinitive. It is also called an indefinite or immutable form of verb. Non-permanent morphological signs are absent;
  • hidden (personal and impersonal) forms;
  • unqualified forms: involved and ready.

Morphological analysis of verb

  • initial form - infinitive;
  • permanent morphological signs of verb:
    • transitivity:
      • transitional (used with noun a vinitive case without an excuse);
      • non-optical (not used with nouns in the vinegenic case without an excuse);
    • return:
      • returns (IS IS IT, I);
      • non-refundable (no, oh, he);
      • imperfect (what to do?);
      • perfect (what to do?);
    • conjugation:
      • I Hiding (Cause-Eat, Causes, Causes, Causes / UT);
      • II Hiding (STO-IS, STO-IT, STO-im, Stro-Ite, ST-YAT / AT);
      • different surgery verbs (want, run);
  • non-permanent morphological signs of verb:
    • mood:
      • reference: What did you do? What did you do? what is he doing? What will make?;
      • conditional: what would you do? What would you do?;
      • mandatory: Do!;
    • time (in the zealing ignition: the past / present / future);
    • face (in the present / future time, expressive and imperative challenge: 1 person: I / we, 2 PERSON: you / you, 3 face: he / they);
    • rod (last time, the only number, expressive and conditional inclination);
    • number;
  • syntactic role in the proposal. Infinitive can be any member of the sentence:
    • to be sure to be today a holiday;
    • subject to: to study will always be useful;
    • supplement: All guests asked for it to dance;
    • determination: he had an insurmountable desire to eat;
    • circumstance: I went out to go.

Morphological leasing verb example

To understand the scheme, we will conduct a written writing of the verb morphology on the sentence example:

Raine somehow God sent a piece of cheese ... (Basnya, I. Krylov)

Sent (what did it?) - part of the speech verb;

  • initial form - send;
  • permanent morphological signs: perfect view, transitional, 1st lining;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: the expressive inclination, the last time, the male genus, the only number;

The next online sample of the morphological examination of the verb in the sentence:

What silence, listen.

Listen to (what do you do?) - verb;

  • the initial form is to listen;
  • morphological Permanent Signs: Perfect View, Earthless, Return, 1st Hiding;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the word: imperative inclination, multiple number, 2nd face;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

The Morphological Plan of the verb online is free, based on an example of an entire paragraph:

It must be warmed.

Do not, let him know another time how to violate the rules.

What rules?

Wait, then I will say. Has entered! ("Golden Trank", I. Ilf)

Warning (what to do?) - verb;

  • initial form - warning;
  • morphological signs of verb permanent: perfect species, transitional, non-returnable, 1st lining;
  • non-permanent morphology part of speech: infinitive;
  • the syntax function in the sentence: an integral part of the tag.

Let him know (what does it do?) - part of the speech verb;

  • initial form - know;
  • non-permanent verb morphology: imperative inclination, singular number, 3rd face;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

Violate (what to do?) - word verb;

  • initial form - violate;
  • permanent morphological features: imperfect, non-returnable, transitional, 1 loss;
  • non-permanent signs of verb: infinitives (initial form);
  • syntactic role in the context: part of the fad.

Wait (what do you do?) - part of speech verb;

  • initial form - wait;
  • permanent morphological features: perfect species, non-returnable, transitional, 1 lingness;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: imperative inclination, multiple number, 2nd person;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

Entered (what did it go?) - verb;

  • initial form - enter;
  • permanent morphological signs: perfect species, non-returnable, non-repease, 1 loss;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: past time, expressing inclination, the only number, male race;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.