Industrial practice report Interior Designer. Designer Practice Report Example

A student-designer consists of typical partitions.

  • Introduction The section from which the report begins. It describes the basic characteristic of the organization in which the student passes the practice. There is a work plan, with the transfer of specific goals and tasks.
  • Project part. This section consists of several subsections in which this is speech On stages of design and project objectives. This section describes general characteristics Enterprises for which the designer project will be created, the creation of a technical assignment, the development of the design project, the implementation and implementation of the project itself detailed description All of his stages.
  • Familiarization of the student with the work of the enterprise.
  • Description and analysis of legal instruments and standards regulating the work of the designer.
  • Conclusion. This includes conclusions both about the work of the enterprise as a whole and the specific conclusions about the work of the designer.
  • List of used literature.

Samples, examples of reports in practice 2015,2016:

The report on practice is essentially a design of the design decision, for a particular organization. At the very beginning, the Introduction concisely describes the organization in which the student passes the practice. The history of the enterprise is described, significant dates in one way or another positively influenced the development of the organization. Also briefly describes all the goals and tasks in the travelers. In addition, the introduction should be mentioned about the work and role of the designer at the enterprise in general. Then more detailed characteristics of the organization are given, the directions of work and the main structural units are described.

The next stage is the designer project itself. The technical task is carefully described, a detailed plan for implementing a project is compiled. After drawing up the plan, each item should be described in detail, and the design stage. The student in the report should clarify what influence on the enterprise can provide its design decision.

The peculiarities of the practice of a designer's student is that it includes not only the creation of a design project, but also to study the characteristics and subtleties of the designer profession. This is meant by the fact that during practical classes, the student should explore the regulatory and legal framework that regulates the immediate process of the designer's work.

In conclusion, the student must state detailed conclusions made during work in the organization. The findings relate to both the work of the enterprise as a whole and specific conclusions on the features of the designer's work. A student designer can also describe his suggestions to improve the design department of the organization. After that, a list of references used is allowed to use both printed materials and a variety of Internet resources.

  1. Introduction In this section of the report, you need to bring a brief description of the organization in which the practice passes. In addition, set out the work plan for the time of practice and list specific tasks set for the entire period for which the report is surrendered.
  2. Project part. It consists of several chapters in which the stages of design and project objectives are said. So:
  • The overall characteristics of the enterprise for which the designer project is required.
  • Creating a detailed technical task.
  • Development of a designer project.
  • Project implementation. With a detailed description of each stage.
  • Familiarization of the student with the production process in the enterprise.
  • Study of legal standards for the respective positions of the Organization Designer.
  • Conclusion. The general conclusions on the work of the enterprise should be included in it, and conclusions about the designer's work.
  • List of materials used.
  • A student-designer practice report is a project of some kind of designer decision, for a particular organization. At the beginning of the report, under the jurisdiction, it is necessary to describe with clear and applicable offers, then the enterprise on which the practice passes. If possible, lists the significant moments in its history with a positive impact on its development. In addition, it is necessary to briefly describe, in the introduction, the goals and objectives that will be carried out in the process of passing practice. And small conclusions about the work of the designer at the enterprise as a whole. Next, you need to give more detailed characteristics of the enterprise, describe the direction of its work, and briefly condemn the basic structural units. After that, go directly to the designer project. Create an exact individual technical task. Create a detailed project implementation plan. Next, describe in detail each design of the design, explaining what the design decision of the student will have for the enterprise, and how it will affect its shared work.

    It is also necessary to understand that the production practice includes besides, directly, the designer project, also to study the characteristics of the designer profession itself. That is, during practice, you need to be performed into legal and regulatory documentation that regulates the process of the designer's work, as well as learn the responsibilities and requirements.

    In conclusion, it is necessary to set out the conclusions made during work in the organization as in detail. These should be conclusions both about the position of the designer and the work of the organization as a whole. Also in conclusion, you can add any rational suggestions, to improve the work of the design department. After that, you need to bring the list of materials used, both printed format and information taken from the Internet.

    The practice of a designer, which must be passed before writing the dip. Project, causes various feelings from customers. On the one hand, it is possible to feel the atmosphere of the diploma in the team, to evaluate its prospects in this specialty.

    With the arc side, you should write. And no more and no less than his writing will be the main one when setting the mark in the offset. It is clear that this is a certain extent biased because professional skills are considered little, but do not do anything.

    In essence, at any enterprise, in any firm is issued approximately similarly. The practice report consists of three main parts.

    1. . In this section, you should provide information related to the company, its history, structure, direction of basic activities, the form of ownership, and so on.
    2. Main part. As a result, it is necessary to describe several sections. First of all, there is an analysis of your work performed by events. Secondly, theoritical questions in the future are considered practical application, Next, will be covered in the dip. Work.
    3. . In this section, the practice report covers your personal awareness of the company's positive and negative graduates, proposals for the reorganization of production, other criticism and wishes.

    There are other types of practices - introductory or, for example, production. Of course, the report on practice in this case will be slightly different. But not the structure, but the volume of reflected material.

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    ? Federal Agency for Education
    Kuban State University
    Institute of Primary and Medium Vocational education

    On the passage of production practice "on the profile of a specialty"
    From 06.06.2011 to 07/03/2011

    Head from Inspio _________ FULL

    Head from Organization _________ FULL

    Work completed:
    Student 3 courses
    Specialties 032401 "Advertising"
    Full name

    Krasnodar 2011.
    Company feedback
    About the passage of industrial practice by the student

    Student FIO
    specialties 032401 "Advertising" Group of 3 courses, from 06.06.2011g. On 07/03/2011
    passed production practice "according to the specialty profile"
    at the enterprise IP "FULL NAME"
    at the address Schuchi, Per. Sea 12, 3 fl.
    1. Testa of practice from 06.06.2011. On 07/03/2011
    2. Violation of labor and executive discipline was not observed
    3. General level Theoretical training high
    4. The ability to work in the specialty showed
    5. Communicability level high
    6. Obtaining a working position in the future possible, as a specialist in advertising and PR technologies
    7. Evaluation of Practice: Excellent
    8. There is a prospect of employment to an enterprise after graduation student learning and receiving a diploma.
    Notes: Diana has high levels Knowledge in the specialty, responsible approaches any entrusted work.

    Executive Manager
    Director, FULL NAME

    2011 _________________

    Practice plan
    Chapter 1. Brief characteristics of the enterprise
    1.1. General information. Types of economic activity. Operating mode
    1.2. History of creation and development
    1.3. External marketing environment. Major competitors firm
    1.4. Advertising. Its role in the development of the competitiveness of the company
    Chapter 2. Enterprise Organizational Structure
    Diary of practicing practice
    Company feedback
    Chapter 3. Conclusions and suggestions
    3.1. Analysis of the organizational and managerial activities of the RA "PRIDE". Proposals for amending the structure of the Republic of Armenia and its organizational and legal form
    3.2. Analysis of the competitiveness of RA "PRIDE". SWOT analysis of the activities of agency
    3.3. Events to improve the competitiveness of Ra "Pride"
    3.3.1. Changing the pricing policy of RA "PRIDE"
    3.3.2. Providing new types of advertising services. Release of new types of advertising media
    3.4. Improving the advertising activities of the RA "PRIDE"
    3.4.1. Defining the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign
    3.4.2. Defining the target audience. Market assessment and segmentation
    3.4.3. Distribution of the advertising budget and the choice of distribution of advertising
    Attachment 1
    Appendix 2.
    List of used literature


    In accordance with curriculum I, a student of the Institute of Primary and Secondary Professional Education, with KubSU, 3 Courses, the specialty "Advertising" was adopted for the passage of production practices in the design - Studio "Pride" (hereinafter RA).
    Being an assistant advertising specialist, my responsibilities included:
    - observation of employees of the enterprise;
    - the study of the structure, activities, documentation and mode of operation of the enterprise;
    - participation in the work of the advertising department;
    - assistance and study of the process of developing advertising campaigns;
    - monitoring of the advertising market in Sochi;
    - identification of industries, with the greatest need for advertising in Sochi;
    - search for solutions and ideas to increase the competitiveness of the Republic of Armenia;
    - Assistance in the development of the philosophy of the Republic of Armenia;
    - Analysis of the most sought-after types of advertising in Sochi.
    The purpose of the production practice is to study the work of the Republic of Armenia, consideration of the specifics of the advertising market Schuchi, studying the peculiarities of promoting advertising services, an analysis of the advertising and economic activity of the Republic of Armenia and the analysis of the competitiveness of the company.
    The object of the study is the design - Studio "PRIDE".

    Practice plan "According to the specialty profile" from 06.06.2011 to 07/03/2011

    No. p / p
    Planned work
    06.06.11 – 12.06.11
    Acquaintance with employees of the enterprise, the history of creation and development, the mode of work. Acquaintance with the activities of the enterprise, documentation of the enterprise and the regulations in the market.
    13.06.11 – 20.06.11
    Acquaintance with the advertising department, its composition, the main functions of specialists.
    Work as an assistant manager for advertising and working with clients, with the following duties: work with databases, assistance in working with clients, participation in the development of presentations of the enterprise for customers, familiarity with the basics of the work of the BTL manager, studying the marketing environment in Sochi, and the study of advertising activities of the enterprise.
    21.06.11 – 26.06.11
    Collection of data on the work of the enterprise, its position and competitiveness in the advertising market in the city of Sochi, on the clientele and pricing policy of the enterprise. Compilation brief characteristic Enterprises.
    Study of the organizational structure of the enterprise in conjunction with the Director (FULL NAME) and the compilation of its scheme.
    Drawing up a sheet of conclusions and proposals for the work and advertising of the enterprise.
    27.06.11 – 03.07.11
    Fastening the knowledge gained and skills through work: supervisor; work as an assistant priced - manager and participation in the development of an advertising campaign; Participation in the publication of souvenir products.
    Development of media plan for RA "PRIDE".



    Chapter 1. Brief description of the enterprise
    1. 1. General information. Types of economic activity. Operating mode

    Design - Studio "Pride" (hereinafter RA "PRIDE") was founded on February 3, 2006, director Yuri Ovchinnikov. The organizational form of the enterprise is individual entrepreneurship (IP). The actual address of the Republic of Armenia: Russia, Sochi, Per. Sea 12, 3 floor.
    Works RA "PRIDE" with Mon. - Fri, from 10 - 18 hours, lunch break from 13-14 hours. Day off: sub., Sun.
    RA "PRIDE" is a full-cycle advertising agency, that is, it provides a full range of advertising services and has its own printing. These services include:
    1. Marketing development strategy (creates a plan for building and selling a brand for the target audience).
    2. Creating advertising. These are specialists in advertising (project managers, art director), which create advertising itself and copywriters who constitute advertising texts that contribute to an increase in sales.
    3. Media Planning. Research, in order to identify the target audience and best practices for it.
    4. Buying advertising in the media.
    5. Planning. The definition of quantitative and qualitative factors affecting the perception and attitude of the consumer to the advertised product (example: a certain car is positioned as "female", thereby cutting a male audience; or a strong alcoholic drink, which preferences gives men, the calculation of the women's audience will be minimal).
    6. Production. This is the process of physical conversion of an advertising strategy into real advertising in print, advertising on radio and television, or any other type of advertising.
    The main task of RA "PRIDE" is to make a profit, providing services to customers and meeting their needs, in such services, as branding, design, creative and other developments, conducting marketing research, presentations, placement in the media, delivery of souvenir, printing products, etc.
    Clients during the existence of the company's company (many of which cooperate with RA still): FGU Center World IT, Utrichian Dolphinarium (Anapa), Dolphinarium "Watering", "Baltika - Sochi", autocomplex "Boomer", "YuzhproektkommunStroy" , "Schochijorstroy", "Yugspetsstroy", "Manor - Sochi", TC "Alexandria", car market "Ferrara" and others.
    In work with clients, a typical agreement is used, which lies with the client indefinitely and negotiates the general conditions of cooperation. Also an integral part of the contract are applications in which the execution of specific works, their cost, execution time and other individual conditions are stipulated. Treaty for the provision of services of RA "PRIDE" in Appendix 1.

    1. 2. History of creation and development

    The history of the creation and development of the agency takes its beginning with the current director of Yuri, who, before becoming the director of PRIDE, has tried himself in many areas and specialties. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating RA Agency arose spontaneously, but rapidly developed and embodied in life. It all started with the hobby of the web design and several orders for the development of sites from acquaintances. Having his individual entrepreneurship of problems with the official design of the company in Yuri was not. But, there were difficulties with a rental area under the company, the financial capabilities were very limited, and the specialists of this sphere among friends were immediately found. Then the first improvised office was the house of Yuri, he was the only employee of the Republic of Armenia and the master "on all hands." The first customers became familiar and relatives, with small orders of flyers and advertising booklets. Oshiving the basics of advertising business and marketing, Yuri took up the development of the logo, corporate colors and banners of its own computer store. The budget has already become allowed to create a mini advertising company, rent an area and create your own staff. The first staff of the staff was out of 3 people, but large enthusiasts of their business. So, step by step RA "PRIDE" was part of the city's advertising market. During the year, the Agency has already had its own database of regular customers and shut off its own printing.
    Now the main activities of the RA are:
    1. Development of trademarks and their communications (development of titles, corporate styles, promotion programs, advertising ideas, logos).
    2. Neiming (development of the name of the brand, firms, slogans, etc.), copywriting, rewriting.
    3. Marketing research, interviewing, survey, information fees, etc.
    4. Outdoor and printed advertising (banners, flyers, flyers, booklets, pillars, drying, etc.)
    5. Advertising inside commercial premises.
    6. Direct Marketing (Direct Mailing, Delivery Business Correspondence, Neasadresses).
    7. Production (souvenir products, placement of outdoor advertising, printing leaflets, business cards, etc.)
    8. BTL (creation of promotions, presentations, etc.)
    9. Design, web design.
    The company experienced different stages during development. The share of revenues of the company brought in various directions from time to time changes. At the beginning of the agency, the development (design, idea) and implementation (printing, survey, installation) brought about 50/50. During the crisis of the market for services and the sharp rise in prices for products, the indicators have shifted 15-20% of the development (as many firms and companies saved, preferring this work to their employees, which was not very beneficial on sales), and 80-85% amounted to Implementation and accommodation. Currently, the ratio has changed in the opposite direction and is 60/30 in favor of developments. Polygraphy is still separate in demand.

    1. 3. External marketing environment. Major competitors firm

    The advertising market in Sochi appeared quite a long time, but the development began to receive only in the last 5 years. Also, the demand for advertising agencies has grown during this time. Some "giants", ascertaining new ideas in the market, were ruled quite a long time for this scope of services. Such were the RA "Elephant" (in collaboration with the Kuban advertising house) and Ra Pirate (from the group of companies Pirat Energy).
    After the start of the Olympic construction in Sochi, the number of enterprises and companies providing sharply increased different kinds Services that could not but cause an increase in advertising agencies and printing houses. For example, a table and demonstrating the pace of market development:
    Tab. 1. Growth of the number of enterprises in Sochi from 2009 to 2011 *

    Rural host
    Transport and communication
    Health and Social Services
    Hotels and restaurants
    Large institutions for treating and recreation
    Trade and Business Centers

    * According to SOCHIADM.RU

    Total 1167 new potential customers for advertising agents. It is especially profitable to "catch" the client only that has fallen into the market.
    The growth of enterprises and today continues to gain momentum, and the advertising services market changes and offers increasingly new ideas. It is enough to carefully track trends to stay in demand.
    Today in Sochi, companies positioning themselves as related to advertising sphere, about 390. The same number includes firms (agencies and printing houses) engaged in advertising as a concomitant service or marketing marketing services. Consider the relationship between enterprises with a full range of services and firms with separate advertising directions.
    Diagram 1. Percentage of RA of the full cycle and
    firms with separate advertising directions.

    *In my experience
    Assessing the results of the chart, you can make a false conclusion that the full cycle does not use with a wide demand and may be unprofitable. But they have one main plus, only in such agencies can be made absolutely everything for advertising enterprises and services, in the literal sense without leaving one cabinet. For such advantages and it is worth a focus, developing the advertising concept of the company.
    Despite competition in the RA advertising services market, "Pride" has its own small, but permanent client base for many years. Good customers, good orders. Customers of this company are people who are interested in the successful business of their company, in the progress of their company, and most importantly they appreciate high quality Work and quick execution of the order. Also, a significant plus of RA "PRIDE" is a sufficiently long term of existence on the market of services. Many of the clients recommend the company, their friends.
    It is necessary to study a good policy of competitive firms, for the proper formulation of the tasks and goals of further advertising campaigns, as well as to allocate the budget for them. To allocate competitors from the company, consider all enterprises engaged in advertising, in terms of existence in the city.
    Diagram 2. The time of the existence of RA in Sochi.

    * Data received by me
    For major competitors, I take some of the larger agencies that work for more than 6 years. They are the departments of large media holdings ("Elephant", "Pirate", Maxim (Sochi Branch), "Advertising - Sochi", Orange RPK, RPK "Grazs", RPK "Mir"). I allocated them in the main competitors and amounted to an approximate percentage of the costs of profits on advertising campaigns, and the overall assessment of competitors.
    Tab. 2. Total assessment of competitors.

    RA (RPK)
    Approximate percentage of advertising
    RA elephant
    Outdoor, maintenance, souvenirs, printing, print layout design
    Outdoor, Internet, information in reference books, Television (Rentv (Efcat Sochi))

    Internet, outdoor, printed publications (rest! Sochi)
    Full cycle
    Outdoor, Internet, reference books.
    Advertising - Sochi
    Outdoor advertising in transport
    Internet, reference books
    RPK Orange
    Svetkography, souvenirs
    Internet, information in reference books
    RPK graphics
    Full cycle
    Internet, information in reference books
    RPK Mir
    Full cycle, carrying promo-shares and PR services
    Internet, outdoor, reference books.
    * Data from the Internet

    Advertising in the field of service (including in the advertising market) is measures for the dissemination of reliable information on consumer (useful) properties of services (products) in order to formulate them. That is, it should solve problems:
    1. Inform the population (or a whole audience) about the place, forms, service methods, the cost and timing of orders;
    2. Influence the formation of demand for products (services) to increase their implementation and reduce the effect of seasonality;
    3. To educate the aesthetic tastes of customers.
    Despite not a bad client base, stable earnings and a positive reputation among the clients of RA "PRIDE" for almost 6 years old, he did not advertise himself.
    How this is not strange. Many years do not advertise themselves at all (except that buying information in reference books and at best the availability of the site). "PRIDE" more relate to this group, believing that cooperation with regular customers is very important and replenishing the client base is carried out by type of radio, due to business reputation. Even when placing advertising information on RA in directory and online directories (I provided examples of this kind of advertising), dry information text is used, bringing to the consumer (without special allocation of the target audience) the main coordinates of the company, its services, benefits, sometimes - information about promotions .
    You can rarely meet advertising on TV or on the radio, especially with an interesting storyline. Everything is designed for professionals (who apparently do not laugh and remember the bright), without an attempt to beat the advantages of cooperation, interesting design solutions, the presence of memorable slogans and the ITP.
    RA "PRIDE" has all the basic information, together with advertising, price regions, etc. To be on the official website of the company (, which is now on reconstruction). Also, RA makes electronic letters with commercial offers to various enterprises (the cold call method).
    Advertising campaign can be considered correspondence participation in the thematic forum "V element. Advertising market "In April 2008 in Rostov-on-Don. You can also note the increase in the level of knowledge and qualifications of some employees after the forum. Indeed, among employees of the advertising department and marketing, only the designer has a professional artistic education that corresponds to their professional activity. But, unfortunately, no employee of the company has its completed higher (or passing courses of this subject) education in advertising or marketing.
    Very often you can hear the opinion that there are services (products) that do not need advertising. It is unlikely to be recognized correct. After all, without broad information about the services provided, no enterprise can constantly and systematically replenish the client base, and therefore will not be able to receive a larger profit, which is necessary for further development. Especially in the current conditions of high competition of the city, advertising does not just have to inform, but also to cause interest, create the need for the audience in this service.

    Director Design - Studios "PRIDE", FULL


    Student, FULL NAME

    Chapter 2. Enterprise Organizational Structure
    Figure 1. Organizational and managerial structure of RA "PRIDE"
    The main commission is the director. The structure of the company is constructed as follows: The main part of the personnel is divided into advertising designers and managers. Over all departments, except the accounting is the manager, represented by the office manager, he is the deputy director, in case of its absence. Direct Communication Director of the Company holds him, secretary and chief accountant. The main communication with the staff of the middle and lower link occurs during the planer, meetings and the process of coordination of project development. Production base in RA is represented by typography workers (printers) and specialists in the installation of advertising structures. The company has and the IT department submitted by two people. The first technological specialist responsible for all technical base and software firms, the second artist on computer graphic, engaged in the development of three-dimensional models, graphics and the embodiment in virtual life Design solutions. He takes orders, both from the main designer, so it is associated with the senior IT specialist. All specialists of the middle of the enterprise are interconnected.
    This type of communication and control makes it possible to increase and the effectiveness of the decisions made, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the quality of the tasks assigned and the work of the RA as a whole.
    Each link in RA performs its specific functions. Next, consider them.
    The director functions include:
    1. Control over the movement of financial and material values;
    2. General management of the activities of the Republic of Armenia;
    3. Control over the condition of equipment and office equipment;
    4. Ensuring the fulfillment of RA duties before the customer;
    5. Decision of all issues related to commercial, financial and economic and industrial and economic activities of the company;
    6. Organization efficient work all structural departments and their interaction;
    7. Participation in the creation of advertising strategies based on promising directions;
    8. Drawing up, conclusion, the signing of contracts, signing and consolidating all the documentation of the enterprise, as well as documents related to the manufacture of products and execution of the RA services;
    9. Analysis of the demand market and proposals;
    10. Organization of methodical assistance to all the head of the divisions.
    The functions of the chief accountant include:
    1. Accounting and tax accounting in accordance with national standards and regulatory acts operating in the Russian Federation;
    2. Providing tax, financial and statistical reporting on time and authorities established by current legislation;
    3. Providing an annual report to the Board authorities;
    4. Organization of accounting of property, receipt of funds, etc.;
    5. Taking measures to prevent misunderstanding.
    The functions of the secretary include:
    1. Implementation of work on organizational and technical support of the administrative and administrative activity of the head;
    2. Acceptance and mailing a business correspondence;
    3. Conducting office work;
    4. Preparation of documents, materials and personal applications for signature to the head;
    5. Implementation of control over the execution of orders and orders in the Agency;
    6. Organization of reception of visitors, promoting the efficiency of consideration of their complaints, wishes and complaints;
    7. Formation of cases;
    8. Performing orders and requirements of the director.
    The functions of the office manager include:
    1. Analysis of agents and all subordinate structures;
    2. Drawing up, contracting and registration of special permits for advertising product during the absence of the director. As well as the fulfillment of all his duties during his absence;
    3. Public relations;
    4. Finding out the needs and wishes of consumers and customers;
    5. The implementation of the delivery and preparation of all the documents important for the work;
    5. Participation in the planning and distribution of the company's budget;
    7. Monitoring changes in the structure of the company, in the work of subordinates;
    8. Responsibility for order in the office, as well as accurate execution of customer orders;
    9. Implementation of collective work of all employees.
    The functions of the main designer include:
    1. Acceptance of orders for the design part of the work;
    2. Preliminary graphic description and substantiation of the future advertising product;
    3. Resolution of specific issues with the client;
    4. Interaction with the artist on computer graphics.
    The production of production functions include:
    1. Development of a product promotion strategy;
    2. Processing of information about the market, competitors, and new trends in the advertising business;
    3. Prediction and analysis of sales, demand for services;
    4. Introduction of new services, the development of advertising campaigns for the agency;
    5. Organization of marketing events;
    6. Monitoring the timing of orders;
    7. Search for contractors and temporary specialists (if necessary);
    8. Preparation of trainings and seminars for the company.
    Advertising specialists include ( Job description Appendix 2):
    1. Replenishment of the RA client base;
    2. Meeting of the client and the presentation of the goods;
    3. Customer management;
    4. Search for solutions to customers' tasks;
    5. Planning advertising campaigns;
    6. Creating a positive image of the company;
    7. Drawing up and providing in the established periods of reporting on work;
    8. Stimulating the client to repeated orders;
    9. Establishment and support of communication with the media in order to post advertising information;
    10. Interaction with other employees of the creative department.
    The functions of employees of the production base include:
    1. Reception of raw materials;
    2. Production of advertising goods within the prescribed period;
    3. Installation of advertising goods.
    Currently, 15 people have a full-time employee in RA "PRIDE", but the company is committed to expanding and reorganizing activities. Also for temporary work, on request of customers, supervisors and promoters are invited to conduct promotions and presentations. In general, the agency is quite young only 3 specialists for more than 30 years. And the average age of employees is 23-25 \u200b\u200byears old.

    Director Design - Studios "PRIDE", FULL


    Student, FULL NAME
    Diary of practicing the practice of the profile of the specialty from 06.06.2011 to 07/03/2011

    Description of work performed
    Acquired skills
    Introductory interview. Excursion to an advertising agency, familiarity with his staff.

    Acquaintance with the activities of the enterprise, with its economic activity. Studying the position in the market, familiarization with the market of goods and services to Schuchi, under the supervision of the director of the Republic of Armenia. Studying the distribution of responsibilities among specialists.
    Analysis of the city market. Allocation of more developing areas of goods and services. Analysis of the position of the company in the clientele market and closest competitors.
    Acquaintance with creative (advertising) department. Studying the separation of work and functions of each specialist. Acquaintance with the Customer Base of the Agency. Work as a customer service manager (call, conducting a survey on the quality of service, the effectiveness of custom advertising, about where they learned about the agency).
    Business dialogue. Holding telephone questionnaire
    Training on new trends in advertising services in Sochi. Monitoring the negotiations of a specialist with the client.
    Search for non-standard advertising solutions within the budget.
    Work as an assistant advertising manager. Participation in the manufacture of presentation for customers. Studying prices for advertising and for the work of specialists. The analysis of the agency's philosophy (motto, slogan, corporate colors, goals).