The size and temperature of the planet Saturn. General information about Saturn

Planet Saturn is one of the most famous and interesting planets In the solar system. Everyone knows about Saturn with his rings, even those who have not heard anything about existence, for example, uranium or neptune.

Planet Saturn is one of the most famous and interesting planets in the solar system. About Saturn with his rings know everything, even those who have not heard anything about existence, for example, or Neptune.

Perhaps, in many ways, such fame he got due to astrology, however, in a purely scientific plan, this planet is of great interest. Yes, and astronomers - lovers love to watch this beautiful planet, because of the simplicity of observations and a beautiful spectacle.

So unusual I. big planetAs Saturn, of course, has some unusual properties. Having many satellites and huge rings, Saturn forms a miniature solar system in which a lot of interesting things. Here are some interesting facts about Saturn:

  • Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and the latter, known since ancient times. Next after him was open with the help of a telescope.
  • Saturn is the second on the size of the planet in the solar system after Jupiter. This is also a gas giant that does not have a solid surface.
  • The average density of Saturn is less than the density of water, while twice. In a huge pool, he would cry almost like foam.
  • Planet Saturn has a slope to the plane of the orbit, so the seasons are changing on it, each last 7 years.
  • Saturn has 62 satellites today, but this is not final. Other may be open. More satellites only at Jupiter.
  • - The second in size in the solar system, after the car, satellite. It is 50% more moon and even a little more Mercury.
  • On the satellite Saturn Enzelda, the existence of the treated ocean is possible. It is possible that some organic life could be discovered there.
  • Saturn shape is not spherical. It rotates very quickly - the day lasts less than 11 hours, so it has a flat form in the poles.
  • Planet Saturn highlights more energy than it gets from the Sun, like Jupiter.
  • Wind speed on Saturn can reach 1800 m / s - this is more sound speed.
  • Planet Saturn has no solid surface. With a depth of gas - mostly hydrogen and helium is simply compacted until it turns into a liquid, and then into a metal state.
  • On the poles of Saturn there is a strange hexagonal education.
  • Saturn has polar radiances.
  • The Magnetic field of Saturn is one of the most powerful in the solar system, spreads a million kilometers from the planet. Near the planet there are powerful radiation belts dangerous for electronics of cosmic probes.
  • The year on Saturn lasts 29.5 years. For so much planet makes turn around the sun.

Of course, this is not all interesting facts about Saturn - too diverse and complicated this world.

Characteristics of the planet Saturn

In the wonderful film "Saturn - the Lord of the Rings", which can be viewed, the announcer says - if there is a planet, transmitting the magnificence, mystery and horror of the universe, then this is Saturn. " This is true.

Saturn is great - this is a giant framed by huge rings. It is mysterious - many processes that occur there are still incomprehensible. And he is terrible, because terrible things are taking place on Saturn - winds up to 1800 m / s, thunderstorms of hundreds and thousands of times more than our helium rains, and much more.

Saturn is a planet - a giant, the second largest after Jupiter. The diameter of the planet is 120 thousand kilometers against 143 thousand y. It is more than 9.4 times, and could accommodate 763 planets such as our.

However, at large sizes, Saturn is rather light - its density is less than that of the water, because most of all this huge ball is lightweight hydrogen and helium. If Saturn is placed in a huge pool, then he will not drown, but will swim! Saturn density is less than 8 times. The second planet after it is density.

Comparative dimensions of the planets

Despite the huge sizes, gravity on Saturn is only 91% of the earth, although his total mass is more than that of the earth is 95 times. We will be there, a special difference in the strength of attraction would not see, of course, if you discard other factors that we would simply kill us.

Saturn, despite the giant sizes, rotates around the axis much faster than the Earth - day there lasts from 10 hours 39 minutes to 10 hours 46 minutes. Such a difference is explained by the fact that the upper layers of Saturn are predominantly gaseous, so it rotates in different latitudes at different speeds.

The year on Saturn lasts 29.7 of our years. Since the planet has an axis tilt, then, as we have, there is a change of seasons, which creates a large number of strongest hurricanes in the atmosphere. The distance from the Sun is changing due to a few elongated orbit, and on average, 9.58 AE.

Satellites Saturn

To date, Saturn found 62 satellites of various sizes. This is more than any other planet. Moreover, 40% of all satellites Solar system Rates around Saturn.

Around Saturn rotates one of the largest (second after Gamed) satellite of the solar system -. He is almost twice the moon, and even more Mercury, but less. Titan -torova and the only satellite with its own atmosphere from nitrogen with methane impurities and other gases. The atmospheric pressure on the surface is one and a half times more terrestrial, although the strength of gravity is there only 1/7 from the earth.

Titanium is the largest source of hydrocarbons. There are literally lakes and rivers from liquid methane and ethane. In addition, there are cryogases there, and in general, Titan is largely similar to Earth at an early stage of existence. Perhaps there will be able to find both primitive forms of life. It is also the only satellite where the descent apparatus was sent - it was Guigens, which landed there on January 14, 2005.

Such species in Titan, Saturn Satellite.

Encelada - the sixth largest satellite Saturn, a diameter of about 500 km, which is of particular interest to research. It enters the top three satellites with active volcanic activities (other two - and Triton). There is a large number of cryogeneizers throwing water to a large height. Perhaps the tidal effect of Saturn creates enough energy in the depths of the satellite, so that water existed in liquid form.

The geasers of Encelada shot by the Cassini apparatus.

The subsurface ocean is also possible on the satellites of Jupiter and Ganymed. Enceladuda orbit is in the ring F, and the water feeding from it feeds this ring.

Also, Saturn has several other major satellites - Ria, Japteg, Dion, The Afony. They were opened among the first, due to their size and visibility in fairly weak telescopes. Each of these satellites is its own unique world.

Famous rings Saturn

Rings Saturn - His " business card", And precisely thanks to them, this planet is so famous. Saturn without a rings is difficult to imagine - it would be just a nonable whiten ball.

Which planet has rings like Saturnian? There are no such in our system, although there are rings and other gas giants - Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune. But there they are very thin, sparse, and not visible from the ground. Saturn rings are well noticeable even in a weak telescope.

For the first time, the rings found Galileo Galile in 1610 in his homemade telescope. However, he saw not such rings that we see. He looked like two incomprehensible rounded balls on the sides of the planet - the image quality in the 20-fold Galilean telescope was so-so, so he decided that he sees two large satellites. After 2 years, he again observed Saturn, but did not find these formations, and was greatly puzzled.

The diameter of the rings in different sources is indicated slightly different - about 280 thousand kilometers. The ring itself is not at all solid, but consists of smaller rings of different widths, separated by intervals, too different widths - dozens and hundreds of kilometers. All rings are indicated by letters, and the gaps are called slots, and have names. The largest gap is between the rings a and b, and is called Cassini's slit - it can be seen in the amateur telescope, and the width of this gap is 4700 km.

Saturn rings are not at all solid, as it seems at first glance. This is not one single disk, but a plurality of small particles that rotate in their orbits at the level of the equator of the planet. The size of these particles is very different - from the smallest dust to stones and blocks in several tens of meters. Their composition is the usual water ice. Since the ice has a big albedo - reflective ability, the rings are perfectly visible, although the thickness of them is only near a kilometer in the "fat" place.

As Saturn and the Earth appeals around the sun, we can see how rings are all wider than the rings, then it completely disappears the performance of this phenomenon is 7 years. This is due to the inclination of the axis of Saturn, and hence the rings that are located strictly by equator.

By the way, that is why Galilean was not able to detect the Saturn Ring in 1612. It was just that at that moment was located "edge" to the ground, and with the thickness of everything in a kilometer it is simply impossible to see it from such a distance.

The origin of the rings of Saturn is still unknown. There are several theories:

  1. Rings were formed at the birth of the planet itself, it is like a building material that has not been used.
  2. At some point, a certain large body was approaching Saturn, which was destroyed, and rings were formed from his debris.
  3. Once around Saturn, several large satellites like titanium rotated. Over time, their orbit turned into a spiral, approaching them to the planet and inevitable death. As the satellites approached, we were destroyed by generating a lot of debris. These debris remained in orbit, facing and more crushing, and over time they formed the rings that we see now.

Further research will show which version of the events is correct. However, it is clear that Saturn Rings is a temporary phenomenon. After some time, the planet will absorb all their material - the fragments go with orbits and fall on it. If the rings do not feed the material, then over time they will become smaller until they disappear at all. Of course, it will happen not for one million years.

Saturn's observation in a telescope

Saturn in the sky looks like a pretty bright star in the south, and you can even watch it in a small one. It is especially good to do this in confrontation, which happens once a year - the planet looks like a star of 0 magnitude, and has an angular size 18. " List of the nearest confrontations:

  • June 15, 2017.
  • June 27, 2018.
  • July 9, 2019.
  • July 2020.

These days the brilliance of Saturn even more than Jupiter, although it is much further. It is explained by the fact that rings also reflect a lot of light, so total area Reflections turns out much more.

You can even see the rings of Saturn even in binoculars, although you have to try to distinguish them. But at 60-70 mm, the telescope can already be quite well considered and the plate of the planet and rings, and the shadow on them from the planet. Of course, some details consider it is unlikely to succeed, although with a good decking the rings you can see the Cassini gap.

One of the amateur photos of Saturn (150 mm Synta BK P150750 reflector)

To see some details on the platter's disk, a telescope with aperture is required from 100 mm, and for serious observations - at least 200 mm. In such a telescope, you can consider not only cloud belts and stains on the disk of the planet, but also parts in the structure of the rings.

From satellites the most bright - Titanium and Reia, they can be noticed already in 8-fold binoculars, although it is better to 60-70 mm telescope. The rest of the major satellites are not so bright - from 9.5 to 11 SL. in. And weaker. For their observation, a telescope with awards from 90 mm will be needed.

In addition to the telescope, it is desirable to have a set of color filters that will help better highlight different details. For example, dark yellow and orange filters help see more details in the belts of the planet, green highlights more details on the poles, and blue - on the rings.

Saturn - Planet of the solar system with rings: size, mass, orbit, composition, surface, satellites, atmosphere, temperature, studies with apparatus with photos.

Saturn - Sixth Planet from the Sun And, perhaps, the most beautiful object of the solar system.

This is the most distant from the star Planet, which can be found without the use of devices. So about its existence known for a long time. Before you one of the four gas giants, located 6th in order of the Sun. You will be curious to know what Planet Saturn, but first meet the interesting facts about the planet Saturn.

Interesting facts about Planet Saturn

Can be found without tools

  • Saturn stands on the 5th place in brightness in the solar system, so you can see in binoculars or telescope.

He saw ancient people

  • After him, there were still Babylonians and residents far East. Named in honor of the Roman titanium (analogue of the Greek Kronos).

The most flat planet.

  • The polar diameter covers 90% of the equatorial, which is based on a low density indicator and rapid rotation. The planet performs axial turnover once every 10 hours and 34 minutes.

Year lasts 29.4 years

  • Ancient Assyrians because of the slowness called the Lubadshagush planet - "the oldest of the oldest."

IN upper atmosphere There are stripes

  • The composition of the upper layers of the atmosphere is represented by ammonia ice. Under them are water clouds, and then there are cold mixtures of hydrogen and sulfur.

There are oval storms

  • The plot over the North Pole accepted a hexagonal form (hexagon). Researchers believe that it can be a wave picture in the upper clouds. There is also a whirl over the southern pole, resembling a hurricane.

The planet is represented mainly by hydrogen

  • The planet is divided into layers that are denser penetrated to Saturn. At high depth, hydrogen becomes metallic. Based on a hot interior.

Endowed with the most beautiful ring system

  • Saturn rings are made of ice fragments and a small impurity carbon dust. Stretch by 120700 km, but incredibly thin - 20 m.

The lunar family includes 62 satellites

  • Satellites Saturn - Ice Worlds. Titanium and Reia are the largest. Enceladus can have an subsurface ocean.

Titan is endowed with a complex nitrogen atmosphere

  • It consists of ice and stone. The frozen surface layer is endowed with lakes from liquid methane and landscapes, covered with frozen nitrogen. May have a life.

Sent 4 missions

  • These are the devices of Pioneer-11, Voyager-1 and 2 and Cassini-Guigens.

Size, mass and orbit planet Saturn

The average radius of Saturn is 58232 km (Equatorial - 60268 km, and Polar - 54364 km), which is 9.13 times more terrestrial. When mass in 5.6846 × 10 26 kg and surface area - 4.27 × 10 10 km 2 Its volume reaches 8.2713 × 10 14 km 3.

Polar compression 0,097 96 ± 0.000 18
Equatorial 60 268 ± 4 km
Polar radius 54 36 ± 10 km
Surface Square 4.27 · 10 10 km²
Volume 8.27 · 10 14 km³
Weight 5.68 · 10 26 kg
95 Earth
Average density 0,687 g / cm³
Acceleration free

falls at the equator

10.44 m / s²
Second cosmic speed 35.5 km / s
Equatorial speed


9.87 km / c
Rotation period 10h 34min 13C ± 2С
Tilt axis 26.73 °
The declination of the north pole 83,537 °
Albedo 0.342 (Bond)
Visible Star Village from +1.47 to -0.24
Absolute Star


Corner diameter 9%

The distance from the sun to the planet Saturn is 1.4 billion km. At the same time, the maximum distance reaches 1,513,783 km, and the minimum is 1,353,600 km.

The average orbital speed reaches 9.69 km / s, and on the passage around the star Saturn spends 10759 days. It turns out that one year on Saturn lasts 29.5 of the world. But here the situation with Jupiter is repeated, where the rotation of the regions occurs at different speeds. In the form of Saturn resembles a flattened spheroid.

Composition and surface of the planet Saturn

You already know what Planet Saturn. This is a gas giant represented by hydrogen and gas. Surprises the average density of 0.687 g / cm 3. That is, if placing Saturn in a huge reservoir, then the planet will remain afloat. He has no surface, but has a dense core. The fact is that heating, density and pressure increase when approaching the kernel. In detail of the structure is explained in the lower photo of Saturn.

Scientists believe that Saturn on the structure resembles Jupiter: the rocky core, around which hydrogen and helium focuses with a small admixture of volatile substances. The kernel of the composition can resemble the earth, but with an increased density due to the presence of metallic hydrogen.

Inside the planet, the temperature mark rises to 11700 ° C, and the amount of radiated energy is 2.5 times higher than what is obtained from the sun. In a sense, this is connected with the slow gravitational compression of Kelvin-Helmholts. Or the whole thing in the rising droplets of helium from the depths of the hydrogen layer. At the same time, heels is distinguished and helium is taken away from the outer layers.

The calculations of 2004 say that the kernel must be more terrestrial mass 9-22 times, and the diameter is 25,000 km. It is surrounded by a dense layer of metallic hydrogen in a liquid state, followed by a molecular hydrogen-saturated helium. The most outer layer extends 1000 km and is represented by gas.

Satellites Planet Saturn

Saturn is able to boast 62 satellites, among which only 53 have official names. Among them, the 34-diameter does not reach 10 km, and 14 - from 10 and to 50 km. But some internal satellites extend for 250-5000 km.

Most of the satellites were named after Titans from myths Ancient Greece. Small orbital inclons are endowed with the most inner moon. But irregular satellites in the most separated sites are located in millions of km and can be made over for several years.

The internal is the MIMAS, Enceladus, The Afony and Dion. They are represented by water ice and can have a rocky core, ice mantia and bark. The smallest is the MIMAS with a diameter of 396 km and weighing - 0.4 x 10 20 kg. The form resembles an egg, distinguished from the planet for 185.539 km, which is why 0.9 days goes to the orbital passage.

Enceland with indicators of 504 km and 1.1 x 10 20 kg has spherical speed. On the passage around the planet spent 1.4 days. This is one of the smallest spherical lunas, but performs endogenously and geologically active. This caused the appearance of parallel faults on southern polar latitudes.

Large geysers noticed in the Southern Polar Plot. These jets serve as a source for replenishing the Ring E. They are important because they can hint on the presence of life on Encelade, because water comes from the underground ocean. Albedo is 140%, so it is one of the brightest objects in the system. Below you can admire the photo of Saturn's companions.

With a diameter of 1066 km, Temide is in second place in size among Saturn's satellites. Most of the surface is represented by craters and hills, as well as a small number of plains. Crater of Odyssey distinguished himself, stretching at 400 km. There is also a canyon system that deepens for 3-5 km stretches for 2000 km, and the width is 100 km.

The greatest inner moon is Dion - 1112 km and 11 x 10 20 kg. Its surface is not only ancient, but also badly damaged from shocks. Some crater reaches in diameter 250 km. There is also evidence of geological activity in the past.

External satellites are located beyond the feature of the E-ring and are represented by water ice and rock. This is a diameter of 1527 km and a mass - 23 x 10 20 kg. Distressed from Saturn 527.108 km, and the orbital pass spends 4.5 days. The surface is also littered with crater and noticeably several large faults on the rear hemisphere. There are two large shock basin with a diameter of 400-500 km.

Titan extends 5150 km, and its mass is 1.350 x 10 20 kg (96% of the mass of the orbit), which is due to the largest Saturn satellite. This is the only major moon with its own atmospheric layer. It is cold, dense and accommodates nitrogen and methane. There is a small amount of hydrocarbons and ice crystals.

The surface is difficult to see due to dense atmospheric haze. Only a few crater formations, cryo-volcanoes and longitudinal dunes are visible. This is the only body in the system with methane-ethanne lakes. Titan removed by 1,221,870 km and it is believed that it has an underground ocean. By going around the planet leaves 16 days.

Hyperion lives near Titan. With a diameter of 270 km, it is inferior to the size and mass of the Mimas. This is an egg-shaped brown object, which, due to the crater surface (2-10 km in diameter), resembles a sponge. There is no predictable rotation.

Item extends 1470 km, and by weight it takes 1.8 x 10 20 kg. This is the most distant Moon, located at 3,560,820 km, because of which he spends on the passage of 79 days. He has an interesting composition, because one side is dark, and the second lighter. Because of this, they are called Yin and Yang.

Inuit include 5 satellites, named after Inito mythology: Ijigira, Kiivik, Paliak, Siarnak and Tarkk. Their abroad orbits range from 11.1-17.9 million km, and the diameter takes 7-40 km. Orbital slopes - 45-50 °.

Gallic family - Outdoor satellites: Albiorix, Befin, Erripo and Tarvos. Their orbits are 16-19 million km, the slope is from 35 ° to -40 °, the diameter is 6-32 km, and the eccentricity is 0.53.

There is a Scandinavian group - 29 retrograde moons. Their diameter is 6-18 km, distance - 12-24 million km, slope - 136-175 °, and eccentricity - 0.13-0.77. Sometimes they are referred to as the Fillais family in honor of the largest satellite extending for 240 km. This follows IMIR - 18 km.

A group of alkinids lives between the inner and external lunas: Mesfon, Anfa and Pallen. This is the smallest satellites of Saturn. Some major moons have their own small. So the theforest - Telesto and Calypso, and Dion is Elena and Paltech.

Atmosphere and temperature of Planet Saturn

The outer layer of the atmosphere of Saturn is 96.3% consists of molecular hydrogen, and by 3.25% of helium. There are also more heavy elements, but there is little information about their proportions. In small quantities, propane, ammonia, methane, acetylene, ethane and phosphine were found. The upper cloud cover is represented by ammonium crystals, and the lower - ammonium hydrosulfide or water. UV rays lead to a metal photo gallery, which causes chemical reactions hydrocarbon.

The atmosphere looks striped, but the lines weaken and expand to the equator. There is a section on the upper and lower layers, differing in composition based on pressure and depth. The top is represented by ammonia ice, where pressure is 0.5-2 bar, and the temperature is 100-160 K.

At the level with a 2.5 bar pressure, the line of ice clouds begins, which stretches to 9.5 bar, and the heating is 185-270 K. The ammonium hydrosulfide bands are mixed at a pressure of 3-6 bar and temperature - 290-235 K. bottom layer represented by ammonia B. aqueous solution With rates of 10-20 bar and 270-330 K.

Sometimes long-period ovals are formed in the atmosphere. The most famous is large White spot. Each Saturnian year is being created during the summer solstice on the northern hemisphere.

The width stains are able to stretch a few thousand km and celebrated in 1876, 1903, 1933, 1960 and 1990. Since 2010, the "Northern Electrostatic Perturbation", noticed by Cassini, was conducted. If these clouds adhere to frequency, then the next time we will note the appearance in 2020.

By wind speed, the planet is in second place after Neptune. Voyager recorded an indicator of 500 m / s. In the north pole, a hexagonal wave is noticeable, and in the southern - a massive inkjet stream.

For the first time, the hexagon saw in the pictures of Voyager. Its parties stretch 13,800 km (more of the earth's diameter), and the structure of the structure occurs in 10 hours, 39 minutes and 24 seconds. The swirl in the South Pole was observed in telescope Hubble. There is a wind with an acceleration of 550 km / h, and the storm of size resembles our planet.

Rings Planet Saturn

It is believed that these are old rings and could form together with the planet. There are two theories. One says that earlier the rings were a satellite, which collapsed because of the close approach to the planet. Or the rings have never been part of the satellite, but perform the residue of the nebular material, from which Saturn himself appeared.

They are divided into 7 rings, between which the gap is set. And in the most dense and in diameter covers 14,600 and 25300 km. Stretch at 92000-117580 km (c) and 122170-136775 km (a) from the center. Cassini Department is 4700 km.

With separated from at 64 km. In width takes 17,500 km, and removed from the planet for 74658-92000 km. Together with A and B accommodates the main rings with larger particles. Next go dust rings, because they are located in small pieces.

D takes 7500 km and extends inside at 66900-75510 km. At the other end are G (9000 km and remoteness in 166,000-175,000 km) and E (300,000 km and remoteness in 166,000-480000 km). F is located at the outer edge A and it is more difficult to classify it. Mostly it is dust. Width covers 30-500 km and extends 140180 km from the center.

History of study of the planet Saturn

Saturn can be found without the use of telescopes, so he was seen more ancient people. Mentions are found in legends and mythology. The earliest records belong to Babylon, where the planet was recorded with reference to the sign of the zodiac.

Ancient Greeks called this giant Kronos, who was the god of agriculture and performed the younger of Titans. Ptolemy managed to calculate the orbital passage of Saturn, when the planet was in opposition. In Rome used Greek tradition and gave today's name.

In ancient Hebrew, the planet called Shabbata, and in Ottoman Empire - Zuhal. Hindus - Shan, who judges all judging, assessing good and bad things. The Chinese and the Japanese called him the earthly star, counting one of the elements.

But behind the planet was observed only in 1610, when Galiley saw her into his telescope and showed rings. But the scientist thought it was two satellites. Only Christians Guygens corrected the mistake. He also found Titan, and Giovanni Cassini - Jappu, Reia, The Afony and Diona.

The next important step was made by William Herschel in 1789, when I found MIMAS and Enceladus. And in 1848, hyperion appears.

Figure Saturn from Robert Hook (1666)

FEL in 1899 found William Picering, guessing that the satellite had an irregular orbit and rotates synchronously with the planet. In the 20th century it became clear that Titan had a dense atmosphere, which was not seen before. Planet Saturn is an interesting object for research. On our site you can explore his photo, get acquainted with the video about the planet and find out more interesting facts. Below is the map of Saturn.

Click on the image to enlarge it

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General About Saturn

© Vladimir Kalanov,
"Knowledge is power".

Saturn - sixth to the distance from the Sun and the second after Jupiter in terms of the planet of the solar system. Saturn is the furthest planet, which can still be seen with the naked eye. The planet is known from prehistoric times.

View of Saturn
in natural colors

View of Saturn
in conditional colors

The average remover of Saturn from the Sun is 1427 million km (minimum - 1347, maximum - 1507). In the telescope or even in a good binoculars, the color of the planet seems bright yellowish. Special beauty and spectacular spectacles create Saturn rings. But you can admire the beauty of the rings not every day for the reasons we will tell about. A characteristic feature of Saturn is a very low average density of its substance. This is not surprising: most of the volume of the planet is gas, more precisely - a mixture of gases.

Saturn looks like Jupiter, as they say, and in shape, and in content. Saturn is noticeably flattened along the pole axis: the equator diameter (120000 km) is 10% more diameter at the poles (108000 km). In Jupiter, this indicator is 6%.

The period of rotation of the equatorial region around the axis of the planet is 10 hours. 13 min. 23 s. Although Saturn revolves around his axis more slowly than Jupiter, he fighters stronger. It is explained by the fact that the mass and density of Saturn is less than that of Jupiter.

Interestingly, the period of rotation around its axis of Saturn - the planet known since time immemorial, was calculated only at the end of 1800. Made this Great English scientist German origin William Herschel (Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel). According to its calculations, the period of rotation of Saturn is 10 h. 16 min. As you can see, Herschel was not mistaken at all much.

Compared to Earth Saturn, of course, looks like a giant: the diameter of his equator is almost 10 times more terrestrial. The mass of Saturn is 95 times more than the mass of the earth, but since the average density of Saturn is minor (about 0.7 g / cm³), then the force of gravity on it is almost the same as on earth.

The average speed of the Saturn in orbit around the Sun is 9.6 km / s, which is significantly lower than the speed of the orbital movement of Jupiter. This is understandable: the further the planet is from the Sun, the lower its speed. And Saturn is removed from the Sun to the distance, on average equal to 1427 million kilometers, which almost twice the remoteness of Jupiter from the Sun (778.3 million km).

The inner structure of Saturn

Astronomers believe that internal structure Saturn is almost no different from that on Jupiter. In the center of Saturn there is a huge silicate-metal core, which is about 0.25 radius of the planet. At a depth of about ½ radius of Saturn, i.e. About 30,000 km. The temperature rises to 10,000 ° C, and the pressure reaches 3 million atmospheres. The kernel has even higher pressure, and the temperature can be 20000 ° C. It is in the kernel that is a source of heat that warms the entire planet. Saturn, according to calculations, highlights heat twice as much as it gets from the sun.

Saturn's core is surrounded by hydrogen, which is in the so-called metallic state, i.e. in liquid aggregate statebut with metal properties. In this state, hydrogen has high electrical conductivity, because Electrons lose touch with atoms and are freely moving in the surrounding volume of the substance. The value of terminological clarity in any science is very high. Let the readers estimate how successful our attempt to disclose the content of the term "metal hydrogen", often occurring in the literature.

However, will continue the story of the structure of Saturn. Over metal hydrogen, closer to the surface, is a layer of liquid molecular hydrogen, which passes into the gas phase adjacent to the atmosphere. The composition of the atmosphere is: hydrogen (94%), helium (3%), methane (0.4%), ammonia, acetylene and ethane are present in minor quantities. It is believed that in general, Saturn almost 90% consists of hydrogen and helium with a huge predominance of the first.

© Vladimir Kalanov,
"Knowledge is power"

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Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet of the solar system according to the diameter and mass parameters. Often, Saturn is called fraternal planets. When compared, it becomes clear why Saturn and Jupiter were indicated as relatives. From the composition of the atmosphere to the features of rotation, these two planets are very similar. It is in honor of such a similarity, in Roman mythology Saturn It was named after the Father of the God of Jupiter.

A unique feature of Saturn is the fact that this planet is the least dense in the solar system. Despite the presence of a tight, solid core in Saturn, a large gas-made outer layer of the planet brings the average density of the planet only to 687 kg / m3. As a result, it turns out that the density of Saturn is less than that of the water and if it was the size of the matchbox, it would be easy for the flow of the spring stream.

Orbit and Rotation Saturn

The average orbital distance of Saturn is 1.43 x 109 km. This means that Saturn is 9.5 times further from the Sun, than the total distance from the ground to the Sun. As a result, sunlight is required about an hour and twenty minutes to get to the planet. In addition, given the distance of Saturn from the Sun, the duration of the year on the planet is 10,756 terrestrial days; That is about 29.5 of the world.

Eccentricity of Saturn orbits is the third largest after and. As a result of the presence of such a large eccentricity, the distance between the perihelion of the planets (1.35 x 109 km) and Appliances (1.50 x 109 km) is very significant - about 1.54 x 108 km.

The slope of the axis of Saturn, which is 26.73 degrees, is very similar to earthly, and this explains the presence of the same seasons on the planet as on earth. However, due to the remoteness of Saturn from the Sun, he gets significantly less sunlight During the year and for this reason, the seasons on Saturn are much more "lubricated" rather than on Earth.

Speaking about the rotation of Saturn is as interesting as the rotation of Jupiter. With the speed of rotation of about 10 hours of 45 minutes, the Saturn in this indicator is inferior only to the Jupiter, which is the most fast rotating planet in the solar system. Such extreme rates of rotation undoubtedly affect the form of the planet, giving it the form of spheroid, that is, the sphere that discovers somewhat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe equator.

The second amazing feature of the rotation of Saturn is the various speeds of rotation between different visible latitudes. This phenomenon is formed as a result of the fact that the prevailing substance in the composition of Saturn is gas, and not a solid body.

The Saturn ring system is the most famous in the solar system. The rings themselves consist mainly of billions of tiny particles of ice, as well as dust and other comic garbage. Such a composition explains why rings are visible from Earth to telescopes - ice has a very high indicator of the reflection of sunlight.

There are seven wide classifications among the rings: a, in, s, d, e, f, g. Each ring received its name according to the English alphabet in the order of discovery periodicity. The most visible from the ground rings are A, B and C. In fact, every ring is thousands of smaller rings, literally pressing together. But there are spaces between the main rings. The space between the rings A and B is the largest of these gaps and is 4700 km.

The main rings begin at a distance of about 7,000 km above the equator Saturn and stretch for another 73,000 km. It is interesting to note that, despite the fact that this is a very essential radius, the actual thickness of the rings is not more than one kilometer.

The most common theory for explaining the formation of rings is the theory that in the orbit of Saturn, under the influence of tidal forces, a medium sized satellite broke up, and it happened at the moment when his orbit became too close to Saturn.

  • Saturn Sixth Planet from the Sun and the last of the planets known to the ancient civilizations. It is believed that the inhabitants of Babylon were observed for the first time.
    Saturn is one of five planets that can be seen with the naked eye. It is also the fifth in the brightness of the object in the solar system.
    In Roman mythology, Saturn was the father of Jupiter, the king of the gods. A similar ratio has a similarity of the planets with the same name, in particular in size and composition.
    Saturn highlights more energy than getting from the sun. It is believed that such a feature is due to the gravitational compression of the planet and the friction of a large number of helium in its atmosphere.
    Saturn takes 29.4 terrestrial years for a full turnover of orbit around the sun. Such a slow motion on stars served as a reason for the ancient Assyrians to designate the planet as "Lubadsagush", which means "the oldest of old".
    The fastest winds in our solar system are blowing on Saturn. The speed of these winds was measured, the maximum indicator is about 1,800 kilometers per hour.
    Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system. The planet mainly consists of hydrogen and has a density less than that of the water - which technically means that Saturn will float.
    Saturn has more than 150 satellites. All these satellites have an ice surface. The largest of the Titanium and Reia. A very interesting companion is Encelada, as scientists are confident that under his icy crust hides the water ocean.

  • Saturn Saturn Titan is the second largest companion in the solar system, after the satellite of Jupiter called Ganymed. Titanium has a complex and dense atmosphere, consisting mainly of nitrogen, water ice and stone. The frozen titanium surface has liquid lakes from methane and relief, covered with liquid nitrogen. Because of this, the researchers believe that if Titan is a harbor for life, then this life will be in the root differ from the earth.
    Saturn is the most flat out of eight planets. Its polar diameter is 90% of its equatorial diameter. This is due to the fact that the planet with low density has a high speed of rotation - the turn around its axis occupies 10 hours and 34 minutes from Saturn.
    On Saturn there are storms of oval shape, which in their structure are similar to what they occur in Jupiter. Scientists believe that such a drawing of clouds around the North Pole of Saturn can be a real sample of the existence of atmospheric waves in the upper clouds. Also over the southern Pole of Saturn there is a whirlwind, which is very similar to hurricane storms, occurring on Earth.
    In the lenses of Saturn telescopes, as a rule, visible in pale yellow. This is because its upper layers of the atmosphere contains ammonia crystals. Below this upper layer are clouds that are mainly consisting of water ice. Even below, layers of ice sulfur and cold mixtures of hydrogen.

Saturn is one of the eight major planets of the solar system. Its chief distinctive feature is large and incredibly beautiful rings.


  1. The planet weighs 95 times more than the Earth. Its weight is 568 · 10 24 (568 septillion \u003d 568 with 24 zeros) kilogram.
  2. This giant can accommodate Earth 750 times, being the second largest after, planet in the solar system.
  3. The planet consists of gases, hydrogen in it is 94%, and the rest is mostly helium.
  4. Day on the planet lasts 10 with a quarter of hours.
  5. One turn around the Sun is accomplished for almost 30 terrants.
  6. The temperature on the surface reaches -190º Celsius. The planet enters a separate class of "ice giants" of the solar system, and is located almost 10 times further from the Sun than the Earth (for reference: our earth Located from this hot star by 150 million km).
  7. The diameter of the rings is about 300,000 km. On a quick rocket you would fly from one edge to another 2 days.
  8. This huge ball, surrounded by ice rings, rotates at a speed of 60,000 km / h.

The history of the origin of the name of the planet

Her radiance in the sky noticed in the VII century BC. e. Residents of ancient Assyria (modern Iraq). After many centuries, the Greeks called this planet Kronos, in honor of their harvest God, perhaps the reason for this was its special position in the sky during the summer harvest period. Roman god farming was Saturn , therefore, today the planet has such a name. By the way, one day of the week - Saturday - is also named after this Roman God (Saturday).


In 1610. Galileo Galilee was the first to see the rings in his telescope Saturn. He saw some small objects, although I did not understand what it was. In her diary, the scientist painted what he saw. Later, 45 years later, the Netherlands physicist H. Guigens gave an answer to this question. He also realized that there was not one ring around the planet, but several gigantic.

Today is astronomam it is known about the presence of 7 main rings. And each of them has its own characteristics. For example, the ring A is almost transparent, so light easily passes through it. Ring B dense, saturated with material. C is even more transparent than A, and the ring D is completely indistinguishable. Rings from the ground can only be seen due to the sun, because they consist of ice particles, Which reflect a large amount of sunlight.

The shimmering rings are incredibly large. They spread so widely that they would fit between our planet and the orbit of the Moon. However, their width is not the thick of one or two floors of a modern high-rise building. They are like solid discs, but consist of billion pieces of various cosmic fragments. Will be inside one of the rings, you would seem that you fell under Grad.


Saturn - Sixth Planet from the Sun. Its atmosphere consists of 5 layers. This huge ball of hydrogen and helium revolves around its axis, while changing his form. Something similar happens to the pizza when the cook throws it up. Rotating, it becomes flat and pulls out on the sides.

Saturn has a very low density. This is the only planet in the solar system, which less dense than water. It is bloated, and gases occupy a lot of space in comparison with the total mass. If there was a huge ocean, able to accommodate the planet, then this big ball did not sink, but kept on the water.

Also, this ice giant has a very powerful weather system. The view is a very quiet and calm planet, although it is not. Storms there can last days, weeks and even months. Wind speed can reach 1600 km / h. It is believed that there is lightning, which is millions of times stronger than on earth.

Faithful icy bowl satellites

The largest satellite planet - Titanium. It exceeds the size of Mercury, as well as two times more than the moon. He was opened by Christian Guigens back in 1655. In comparison with Titan Encelad - One of the small satellites. This is a tiny object, the diameter of which is only 500 km (1/8 of the moon). It was opened in 1789 by William Gershel. Encelada is a shiny ball of ice and stone. It is geologically active. Scientists observe constant eruptions on it. Astronomers still openly unknown satellites of the Lord of the Rings, so the exact amount is unknown.

Kassini orbital

In 1997, Kassini, a ship weighing 5.5 tons, went to Saturn. The device reached this amazing giant of 2004. And much about the planet is known thanks to the Cassini satellite. He commits a round of rings, satellites and the planet itself. Daily scientists conduct a thorough study of the pictures that are obtained from the spacecraft.


Our report helped with one eye to look at. The planet with the ears, as Her Galileo Galilee depicted in his abstracts, turned out to be a real pearl of the solar system. She admires the cosmos lovers with their flickering beauty and amazes the mathematical perfection of scientists.

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