Is nothing more than anything. Nothing but

I ask you to explain the spelling "nothing (,) as" and "nothing more (,) as" (as well as in indirect cases). Those. When one is used, and when another.

Designs nothing but does not exist.

Designs none other than and nothing but, in which who and whatmay stand in indirect cases without prepositions and with pretexts (no one else, like; no one else, as; not anyone else, as; not with anything other than etc.), should be distinguished from the structures in which pronoun no one and nothing(also in different cases without prepositions and with pretexts). Cf. Parly following examples: 1) This is not someone else like his native brother. - No one else, besides his native brother, can not know this. 2) It is nothing but the most impudent deception. - Nothing is interested in it. 3) He met with no one else, as with the president of the country. "With anyone other than the president, he disagrees to meet." 4) He agreed not to anything other than on the leadership of all work. - It will not agree to anything other than the leadership position. In each pair, the first proposal is affirmative, the second is negative. (Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Full academic reference book / ed. V. V. Lopatina. M., 2006. § 78, paragraph 3 of the section "ORFography".)

Question number 269728.
Why in the phrase "nothing is so charged in the morning on Monday, like .." Nothing is spelled together?

Russian reference service response

Negative pronouns are generally written in a punk (except when there is a preposition inside the pronoun: no one, but with no one).

Question number 265275
Is the punctuation in the proposal "is not too thoroughly hiding a smile of joy with a shade of embarrassment, you will turn out and leave, wishing to enjoy these minutes of happiness without dividing them with anyone"?

Russian reference service response

Yes, such an arrangement of punctuation marks is possible.

Question number 259599.
Sorry, a difficult offer was caught: "No one would greet anyone, neither more, not forgiven - by hand." Does signs right here?

Russian reference service response

Especiallynot inspired. The phrase is built not quite correctly, this design is possible: Nobody greet anyone with anyone, nevertheless forgivers - by hand.

Question No. 242874.
Hello! Tell me, from the two proposed options is the first one?
1) He is not familiar with anyone in the district
2) He is unfamiliar with anyone in the district
Thank you!

Russian reference service response

Correctly separate writing: he is not familiar with anyone in the district.

Question number 234757.
Good day. Recently saw in the television program writing the word "nice" - together. The program was not humorous, therefore believed. Asked the question at work everyone said that he was written "with anyone." I stuck everyone that they answered wrong. The next day, colleagues brought dictionaries and now go me. Help leave dry out of the water and deal with several versions of writing. Thanks in advance. Trofimchuk Anton

Russian reference service response

Proper writing of the particle, the pretext and pronouns - _no with whom, neither from anyone_ (but: _, nobody, nobody_, etc. - without an excuse).
Question number 211438.
They argued with the chief editor on the bottle of "Martini" on the following question: if the words of the author tear a direct speech into two parts, after the first part there is a comma and dash (and the first part expresses the completed thought), what sign is put after the author's words - a comma or point? Help please understand.

Russian reference service response

According to D. E. Rosental:
If a direct speech was to stand at the site, the point was standing, then the comma and dash, and after them - the point and dash, the second part of the direct speech begins with capital letters: _ "I am not connected with anything with anything," he reminded him of himself. - reality I am hostile. ._

Nothing else

nothing else

Ply or separately? Spelling dictionary. - M.: Russian. B. Z. Bona, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .

Watch what is "nothing different" in other dictionaries:

    nothing else - I can't do anything else. Cf. Do not read / m, ka / k ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Content: I. R. Modern; II. History of the city r.; III. Roman history to fall of Western R. Empire; IV. Roman law. I. Rome (Roma) The capital of the Italian kingdom, on the Tiber River, in the so-called Roman campaign, under 41 ° 53 54 North ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Negative pronoun

    Negative pronoun - 1. In negative pronsections, it is written: a) under the emphasis - not, for example: to ask for a nékoy, not to be surprised; b) without emphasis - neither, for example: not to ask for no one, no one is surprised. 2. In negative pronsections ... ... Spelling and Stylistics Directory

    The writer was born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died on January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of the merchant, Marie Fedorovna Nechava, held a place of Headquarters in the Mariinskaya hospital for the poor. Busy in the hospital and ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (from Lat. Universalis General) general concepts. In philos The problem of ontological and gnoseological status of W. The question is that such real being, how is the perfect, as possible, rational conceptual knowledge, like ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    It is central to the mental and artistic development of the whole of Europe. She belonged back in the XII century. That advanced value that she did not lose to this day. The song about the National French Hero Roland is powerfully flooded ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - 'Archeology of Knowledge' ('L Archeologie du Savoir', 1969) Fouco work, final, the so-called 'archeological period' in his work and a component of a peculiar triptych with the works of the clinic. Archaeological view of the doctor '... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    The power of the working class, established as a result of the Socialist Revolution and aimed at building socialism and the transition of society to the construction of communism. This power is called. Proletarskaya because the leading position in society ... Philosophical encyclopedia


  • Maxim Fry (set of 9 books), Maxim Fry. Just a few years ago, his books forced millions of people to fall into the blissful stupor. They brought the warmth and light of someone else to our world, learning many to dream. Friendship and love, magic and ...
  • History and class consciousness, Georg Lukach. "The relationship between the denial of the" ordinary stroke of things ", the desire to achieve a" reality ", to the" other existence ", on the one hand, and the formation of the" new set of subjectivity ", on the other, - ...

Depending on the context of the sentence, in Russian it is possible to use both various pronouns and sustainable combinations.


Nothing - Negative location noun, always written in a punk. Emphasis falls on the last syllable on the letter "O" - nothing. It is an integral part of some phraseological units.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
He lay a look into the sky and nothing worried him.
Nothing cares me anymore and does not touch.

Something - indefinitely pronoun, it is written in a punch. It is used only in nominative and vinegenic cases, means an uncertain subject. Emphasis falls on the first syllable on the letter "E" - something.
In the sky, I saw something incomprehensible, similar to a plate.
Something terrible looked at me straight from the forest.
I want something unusual for my birthday.

Nothing - Sustainable combination in which the negative pronoun is used. Accent, respectively, falls on the letter "O" - nothing.
Nothing other than its own benefit, he was not interested.
The grandmother nothing else was already interested.
We are no longer suitable for nothing.

Something other - A combination of an indefinite pronoun "something" (emphasis on "O" - something) and the determinant pronouns "other". Used in the affirmative proposals.
Over we flew not the plane, but something else.
There was something other in the forest, probably otherwise.
Thank you, but we were offered something other.

Nothing but - In such a design, the negative particle "not" is written separately with the pronoun "that". It is a steady combination and is used as a particle. It is used in the affirmative proposals in which there is no second denial.
His behavior is nothing but an ordinary farce.
Please note that it is nothing but stalactites formed thousands of years ago.
This is nothing more than the River Amazon River.

To better understand the difference between all the structures, you need to use them in similar proposals.
I could not surprise me nothingexcept flying plates.
In the sky flew away somethingsimilar to a flying plate.
He was not interested nothingexcept flying plates.
This is not a flying plate, it is something other.
Before you nothing but Mock up of a flying saucer.

No more and no less, as, not more and no less, as, it is a dictionary of Russian synonyms. No matter how narach, the number of synonyms: 6 it is (28) ... Synonym dictionary

nothing but - see not I; Not other (Other), as in ZN. Union. That's it. It is nothing more than a flammock ... Dictionary of many expressions

nothing but - See no one else like / nothing else ...

nothing but - Little lake, revealed to us. Cf. Nothing / In / E ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Part. Is used when emphasizing that we are talking It is about this subject, phenomenon, a concept, corresponding to the meaning: exactly, just. Dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

no one else like / nothing else like - In the turns "No one else, as" and "nothing more than" is put by a comma in front of the Union "How" (allocated by the signs of punctuation of the turnover with the Union "How"). Tomsk's words were nothing but a mouse chatter, but they deeply called in the soul of the young ... ... Penctuation Dictionary

Nothing but ... Orphographic Dictionary

not other - not that / otherwise, like ... Ply. Apart. Through a hyphen.

not other - Not so about in OE, like ..., BUT: NOT ON OA ... Russian orthographic dictionary

- 'What is philosophy?' ('QU EST CE QUE LA PHILOSOPHIE?', LES EDITIONS DE Minuit, 1991) Book of delegise and Guattari. According to the thoughts of the authors marked in the introduction, "What is philosophy" This is a question that 'ask, hiding anxiety, closer to ... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

- (1) that (1) [Сто] What, what, what, what about what, a place. 1. Questionally. What item (thing), what phenomenon? What it is? What are you waiting for? What's wrong with you? Why are you displeased? What of that (should)? "What will Moscow show me?" Griboedov. "What… … Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov


  • , Sharpe Bayron. On the draft scientific conclusions about why people buy and how brands based on ten-year studies of the behavior of real buyers are growing. Marketing - creative activity, in something ...
  • How emotions are born. Revolution in the understanding of the brain and management of emotions, Lisa Barrett. What do you think emotions are given to us from birth and they are nothing but a reaction to an external stimulus? Lisa Barrett, relying on modern neurobiological research, opening social ...

There are special designs with particles not and nor.

1. The design with the verb can and double denials should be distinguished from the design with the verb mevel with the preceding not and repeating amplifier. Cf. Parly examples: 1) He can not do not work. - He can neither work or rest. 2) He can't not read, he cannot but write, he can not listen to music. - He can neither read or write nor listen to music.In the first sentence of each pair, it is argued that the corresponding action is made; In each second, it is impossible to produce these actions.

2. And the particle is not, and the particle can enter the designs with the location words who, that (in different cases), how, where where, from whereetc.

a) Designs with a particle are not included in exclamation or questioning and exclamationial offers, in which a particle is often present only, for example: Who did not know this person! What just did not admire him at this unusual exhibition! Who does not know this house? What does my dreamer do not include the mind? (Hold.). How not to love your native Moscow! (Bar.). Where I just did not have to go! Where he just did not appeal!

Such proposals - in the form of negative - in content always contain a statement. ( Who did not know this person!means "everyone knew this man"; Where I just did not have to go!means "He everywhere had to be").

b) structures with locomotive words and particles either (often - with the previous particle would always be part of the seeding puttinglements, For example: Who will die, I am all the murderer (P.). Oh or sorry, but will have to refuse it. Whatever happens, you need to keep calm. Someone asked, no one knows. Whatever the child either overwhelmed, just not to cry (Ambassador). Whatever the answer, it is better than complete uncertainty. He could not Yamba from Chorea, as we fell, distinguish (P.). Wherever he worked, he was appreciated everywhere. Wherever I look around - there is a thick rye everywhere! (Mike.). Whenever it came to him, he is always busy. No matter how much the culprit is in this case, you can't find anyway.

3. Designs are not other than anything else, in which who who can stand in indirect cases without prepositions and with pretexts ( no one else like; nothing else like; not anyone else like; nothing with nothing likeetc.), one should be distinguished from the structures in which nobody also includes pronouns (also in different cases without prepositions and with pretexts). Cf. Parly following examples: 1) This is not someone else like his native brother. - No one else, besides his native brother, can not know this. 2) It is nothing but the most impudent deception. - Nothing is interested in it. 3) He met with no one else, as with the president of the country. "With anyone other than the president, he disagrees to meet."4) He agreed not to anything other than the leadership of all the work. - It will not agree to anything other than the leadership position.In each pair, the first proposal is affirmative, the second is negative.

4. And the particle is not, and the particle is part of a number of sustainable combinations.

a) a particle cannot be part of complex unions: not yet; not that; not that ... not that; not only but; Not that (not) ... A; not that (not so) to ... a. Examples: Wait until the transfer is over. Stop, not I'll scream! The weather is unpleasant: it is not the rain, not that snow. He is not only a poet, but also the composer. The relationship between them is not the fact that not friendly, but hostile. He is not something for ten minutes, but for an hour late. He is not a rude, but somewhat flashing. She is not so angry, but indifferent.

The particle is not part of the combinations close to the meaning to particles: it is not at all, it is unlikely that no, not, almost, hardly, not at all, no one, not, not, not, almost, almost, not; No more than, no more than, no more than anything.

The particle does not begin with many sustainable combinations, including comprising the proposed designs of nouns: not ahti (like, what), not the god news (who, that, what IT. p.), not in the arc, not in the spirit, not in the event, not in the way, not in the freak, not in moderation, not in the rise , not as an example, not in joy, not in itself, not in the power, not in the expense, not sin, God forbid, not to fat, not to laugh, not before, not to good, not to Liu, not to The place, not to the yard, not to the hop, is not a joke, not at the address; not by day, but by the hour; not at the power, not on the teeth, not by the larger, in itself, not even an hour, not with the hands, it was not there, not at the case, notand etc.

b) the particle is neither an integral part of a set of sustainable combinations.

Combinations, which are in the form of the Put supply proposals: by all means, no matter how verti, like a throw, no matter where it is, wherever you caught wherever you go, which neither say.

Combinations with initial single nor: Neither Aza, nor Belmes, nor my God nor a boom boom, nor into ziste, nor into the tooth (foot), in any way, in no case in any case in any case , nor so much nor what (put), nor a penny, nor a hug, nor for a penny (perishing, abyss), nor for a minor tobacco (perishing, abyss), never, nor ZGI, nor a droplet, no penny, Neither a spear nor the crumbs, nor to hell (not suitable), nor on the hair, nor on the penny, (who, what, what) neither on there, nor on iota, not for a minute or a step, nor foot, nor under what kind, nor with something, no word, nor from the places, nor from the place, nothing (stay), no fig, nor a feature nor a step (exclamation) nor Shisha.

Combine with repeating nor: Neither be either no longer any less, neither to take care of either into the mother either in his father, nor into the warehouse in the way, nor yes nor nor give either two nor two nor the bottom of the tire nor afternoon or at night nor sulfur nor the body nor it is cold nor alive either dead, nor for anything, neither the skin is neither the faces nor the cope or the court or the end of the land or to I sat down to the city, nor a spoon nozzle nor little, nor a little nor there, nor might go, nor our own, nor a response, neither lead, no rest, no longer a crow, nor go through Neither the Pooh neither the pen, nor the fish nor the meat, nor the shatter, nor the people, nor the Lada, nor the Lada, nor the Hearing of the Spirit, nor a dream, neither to sit down or with this nor shame neither of the conscience nor so neither the soak, nor there, nor the same, nor TPRU, nor there, nor here, nor dignify either to add nor mind nor ear, neither digging, nor cool, not hot, nor Shalko or Valko;more detailed combinations of the same structure: neither God candle is neither Choht Kocherga, nor in the city of Bogdan, neither in the village of Selifan, nor in the fairy tale say not to describe.

Note. For writing such combinations without a comma, see "Punctuation", § 26, Note 1.