The beginning of the Reformation in Europe is the update of Christianity test. Test

Romanyuk Yu.V. Teacher history and social studies. MKOU Perebreinskaya School No. 1.

Test on the topic "Start of reformation in Europe" in grade 7.

1. Movement for the reorganization of the Church of the CXVI in. Titled:

A) Transformation

B) Reformation

C) deformation

D) Reformation

2. Special indignation caused trade by representatives of the Catholic Church:

A) indulgences

B) icons

C) the relics of saints

D) holy water

3. The birthplace of the Reformation was Germany, where this movement was supported:

A) Citizens

B) peasants

C) Monks

D) priests

4. The development of the Reformation influenced its teaching:

A) Prince Friedrich Saxon

B) I. Tezel

C) M. Luther

D) Karl V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation

6. The beginning of the Reformation is associated with attaching to the doors of one of the churches of several sheets of paper, which were called:

A) 95 theses against the Catholic Church

B) 95 theses against Pope Roman

C) 95 against prayers

D) 95 theses against indulgences

7. Fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bexercise M. Luther:

A) rescue prayer

B) saving labor

C) rescue faith

D) salvation by the church

8. Among the main provisions of the exercise M. Luther were:

A) faith is acquired only through the grace of God and does not depend on any man

C) a person escapes the case - good deeds are the goals of salvation

D) a person only saves faith

9. Karl V tried to protect the Catholic Church because:

A) was a zealous Catholic

B) believed that after the struggle against the dad, the struggle against the secular feudalists will begin, against the emperor

C) believed that the refusal to pay the church tith will lead to the failure to pay taxes feudals and the emperor

D) believed that Protestants want to overthrow him

10. The Augsburg religious world was concluded in:

11. Karl V agreed to sign in Augsburg of the religious world, because he, Karlv,:

A) tired of wars and pursuing his failures

B) adopted the teachings of M. Luther and himself became a protestant

C) began to be afraid to lose germany

D) experienced shower flour due to the fact that Christian blood sheds

12. According to the signed religious world in Augsburg, in Germany:

A) the equality of Catholics and Protestants was established

B) Catholics lost all their rights, and the Catholic Church was banned

C) Protestants lost all their rights, and the Lutheran church was banned

D) Catholic and Lutheran churches in Germany submitted to the emperor

Test on history The beginning of the reformation in Europe. Update Christianity. Counterdened 7 grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each in each of 8 tasks.

1 option


1) Effect of Humanism Ideas
2) great geographical discoveries
3) World Trade Development
4) strengthening the influence of the Catholic Church in secular power

2. Motherland Reformation is considered

1) Italy
2) Germany
3) Spain
4) France

3. The leader of the Reformation in Switzerland became

4. What position from the listed expresses one of the fundamental ideas of Martin Luther?

1) recognition of the justice of sins for the fee
2) the ability to save the soul only with the help of clergy
3) a person must make decisions and be responsible for them
4) good deeds a person must do not to save his soul, but for all mankind

5. The peasant war in Germany took place in

1) 1524-1525
2) 1517-1520.
3) 1520-1521.
4) 1521-1522.

6. Which of the listed provisions not Refers to the main ideas of Jean Calvin?

1) a person is free in choosing his life path
2) the fate of a person is predetermined in advance by God
3) a person must passively expect the accomplishment of his fate
4) a person must be a worker

7. Install the correspondence between the creed, the Order and their founders.

Creation, Order

A) Calvinism
B) Lutheranism
C) Order of Jesuits



The movement for the reorganization of the Catholic Church is __________.

Option 2

1. One of the reasons for the start of the Reformation can be considered

1) The crisis of morality inside the Catholic Church
2) distribution of scientific views on the structure of the Universe
3) expansion of contacts with new light
4) Development of manufactory production

2. Special distrust of the Catholic Church was called

1) the desire of the monks to lead a secluded lifestyle
2) media sales of indulgences
3) strengthening property bundle in society
4) the spread of Christian teaching in the new light

3. "95 theses", putting the principle of the Reformation, were compiled

4. To the main ideas of Martin Luther not belong

1) A person is saved only by faith
2) Vera is acquired only through the grace of God
3) only Holy Bible is an authority in faith affairs
4) without a priest person is not able to comprehend the sacred

5. Religious world in Augsburg was concluded in

1) 1517
2) 1520
3) 1555
4) 1557

6. The main predetermination of man on earth in the idea of \u200b\u200bCalvin

1) Success in Earth Affairs - human soul rescue sign
2) serving God is possible only through the renunciation of the world
3) To save the soul, only sincere passive faith in God
4) a person must blindly believe the word priest

7. Set the correspondence between religious teachings, the Order and the country where they originated.

A) Calvinism
B) Lutheranism
C) Order of Jesuits

1) Germany
2) France
3) Switzerland

8. Write down the word (term) in question.

The struggle of the Catholic Church with Protestantism is __________.

Answers to the test test. Start of reformation in Europe. Update Christianity. Counterfeiting
1 option
Option 2

1 option.


1) Signing of the Nante Edicta 2) Augsburg World 3) Bartholomeev night


A) Nante Edict b) the king becomes the head of the church in England

C) Barfolomeevian night d) the beginning of the Reformation in Europe

1) 1517 2) 1534 3) 1572 4) 1588 5) 1598

3. two

1) Lutheran 2) Conquista 3) Monastery 4) Pastor 5) Absolitism 6) Gentry


Movement for the reorganization of the Catholic Church, which covered Europe - ______________.


A) religious war b) reform ElizabethI. C) Reformation in Germany d) reform richelieu

1) equipped with a squadron 2) An Anglican church - state 3) "95 theses" 4) overclocking "heretics" in Vasi 5) finished the war with Spain

6. Continue deals. Write down only the missed word.

1.reformation in Germany began with the fact that October 31, 1517. Martin Luther nailed on the door

university Church Wittenberg Document - _____________.

2. The church, based on the teaching of Luther, began to be called ______________.

3. From 1524 to 1525. All Germany was covered by the uprising, called ___________________.

4. Supporters of the Reformation of the Church began to call _____________.

7. What are the main ideas of M. Luther

1) worship must be in Latin.

2) A person himself is responsible for his actions.

3) The church must obey Pope, and not secular lords.

4) The church is not an intermediary between a person and God.

5) the mercy of God does not depend on the merit of man.

6) The church must be cheap and abandon the ownership of lands and great property.

7) Monasticism should develop.


Verification work on "Reformation and Counforming in Europe"

Option 2.

1. Place B. chronological sequence The following events. Record the numbers in the correct sequence.

1) Signing the Nante Edicta 2) The beginning of the Reformation in Europe 3) Bartholomeev night

2. Set compliance between events and years:

A) Nante Edict b) the creation of the "Society of Jesus"

C) Equipment invincible Armada d) Augsburg World

1) 1517 2) 1540 3) 1572 4) 1588 5) 1598

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, excepttwo belong to the events of the reformation period and counter-formation.

1) Manufactory 2) Jesuits 3) Monastery 4) Bill 5) Absolutism 6) Puritan

4. Write down the term in question:

Convinced Prosttantians who sought to cleanse the Anglican Church from the residues of Catholicism - ______________.

5. Install the correspondence between the processes (events, events) and facts relating to these processes (phenomena, events). To the letter, select the desired figure.

A) Religious War b) reform HenryIV.

C) Board of Mary Catholic d) reform HeinrichVIII.

1) Equadron 7) Anglican Church - State

3) A special commission has been established to eradicate Yerezi 4) Bartholomeevian night 5) graduated from War with Spain

6) deprived the church of her wealth

6. Continue deals.

1) On the basis of the Augsbresk Religious World in Germany, two Christian tressures were recognized ____________________.

2) The head of the Church in each German principal was recognized __________.

3) All Protestants Pope announced _________.

4) A new monastic order was approved by a powerful gun in the fight against the reformation ____________.

7. What are the main ideas of J. Calvin.

1) Success in the affairs - a chief sign by God.

2) The person must hardly work and seek success.

3) All property should be common.

4) the fate of a person is predetermined by God.

5) It is necessary to obey the orders of Pope.

6) enrichment, accumulation, entrepreneurial activity - Balanced business.

7) idleness, desire for luxury, wastefulness - essential values.

8. Fill the table. "Reformation in Europe".

Conclusion: (write down that in general in the process of the reformation of these countries)












1.95 Theses


3.Crestean war


1.Cature and Protestantism

2. Jarn

3. Reely

4. Community of Jesus



Comparison lines




Supporters of the Reformation




On whose doctrine rest

Martin Luther.

Jean Calvina

Jean Calvina

How the Reformation was carried out



All layers of society

Result (which contributed)

Every prince chose his faith, thus the religious world secured the process political fragmentation, Turning the process of creating a single national state.

Helped strengthen absolute royal power. The state has become economically stronger, sea power.

Religious wars. Participation accepted nobles and townspeople. Created absolute monarchy And laidness was introduced. The strongest state of continental Europe.

Output. The reformation led to the formation of strong royal power, with the exception of Germany. The positions of England and France intensified.