Sociological point of view. Culture in terms of sociology

© A.S. Peas.

Sociology (from lat. Socius - public; Dr. Greek. Λόγος - science)- This is a science of society, systems that make up it, the laws of its functioning and development, social institutions, relations and communities.

By definition of Anthony Hyddens, sociology - This is "studying the public life of a person, the study of groups and societies."

By definition of Yadov V.A., sociology - This is the science of the functioning of society, about the relationships of people.

The main purpose of sociology is"Analysis of the structure of social relations in the form in which they are in the course of social interaction."

Due to the diversity of approaches characteristic of the current state of this discipline, "no definition of sociology is completely satisfactory."

The founder of "sociology"

The founder of sociology is considered to be French philosopher Auguste Cont (1798-1857). In his most important work, the "Course of Positive Philosophy" (in 6 volumes - 1830-1842), in the 3rd volume published in 1839, he first used the term "sociology" and put forward the task of studying the Company on a scientific basis.

The origins of an understanding of the causes of sociology as independent science on society are inextricably linked with the philosophical system of positivism, which, in turn, arose on the wave of the rapid development of natural science (physics, chemistry, biology) at the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries.

Subject of sociology

Item - a specific social phenomenonconsidered as key. For example, group cooperation, social relations, social organizations, social actions, social groups, social community, social processes, social life (the patterns of their development, functioning, trends).

There are several main approaches to the definition of the subject of sociology.

1) Sociology is a universal social science, designed to study the deep bases social Life (O.Kont, Spence)

2) Sociology studies social (interaction between people, social groups). According to this approach, sociology does not have a specially designated sphere of social phenomena (unlike political science, economy, legal, etc.). On the other hand, it is not a comprehensive science on society. Sociology seeks to comprehend the nature of social relations between people, the laws of adapting people to each other, relationships showing in any areas of social life (economic, spiritual, political, societal).

3) Sociology is the science of the formation, development and functioning of social communities and the forms of their organization (social institutions, social structure, social systems). Social community - various forms Organizations, interaction of social constituents: individuals, groups, layers, classes, ethnosocyal, territorial, state entities and humanity as a whole).

In a narrow sense, under the subject of sociology, they understand:

1) a person, his consciousness, his attitude to public changes; human research; as a member of social community; social layer; social institution; The motives of behavior in a particular public situation, its needs, life orientations, the inner world.

2) the human activity, through the study of which the institutional, stratification, managerial is disclosed. And other levels of organization of public life.

3) relations between groups of people who occupy a different position in society, which makes no way in economic and spiritual life. Differing levels and sources of their income, personal development structure, type of public consciousness.

4) Social structures and structural elements (individuals, social community, social institutions): socio-demographic, national; Socio-professional, etc.

5) From the point of view of globalists modern world Describes with genetic, geopolitical, trans cultural positions; Learn: historical systems (civilization; cultural and historical types).

6) Real Public Consciousness - the activities and behavior of people as an incarnation of knowledge, installations, value orientations, needs and interests enshrined in collective consciousness.

In the broadest sense, sociology is a science of society, and The laws that manifest themselves in public events in the subject area of \u200b\u200bsociology are: society as integrity; social community, institutions and organizations; personality, personality interaction and community; social actions; Social processes and changes.

Object of sociology - what sociological is sent to Attention and research. But this is not just a society, or some combination of public relations of people. First, it is primarily modern society. Secondly, partly this is the past society, since historical comparisons are needed for a better understanding of modernity. Thirdly, and this is especially important, the object of sociology is information about society: objective and subjective, primary and secondary, collected using a wide variety of methods on the basis of various sources.

Question 2 "Structure and Functions of Sociology"

Depending on the level of the knowledge gained in sociology, it is also allocated:

1) Theoretical sociology, which gives a deep generalization of the actual material, by constructing the theory revealing the universal patterns of the functioning of society (social system and its structures).

2) Applied (empirical) sociology - studies the practical aspects of the social life of society on the basis of generalocial theories and actual materials.

3) Social Engineering is the level of practical implementation of the knowledge gained in order to model ways to resolve specific social problems. In addition, sociology has both internal studies and sectoral division (labor sociology, economic sociology, the sociology of leisure, family, education, religion, small groups, youth, gender, settlements, etc.)

Functions of sociology

1. Cognitive - As science sociology gives an increase in new knowledge about various areas of social life, about the trends of social development.

2. Applied (practical) The function is that sociological science not only learns social reality, but also has managerial potential.

The implementation of the theoretical and cognitive function allows sociology to expand and concretize the knowledge of the essence of society, its structure, patterns, the main directions and trends, paths, forms and mechanisms of its functioning and development. The enrichment of scientific sociological knowledge occurs both on the basis of the internal improvement of theoretical sociology and as a result of the dynamic development of the very object of the knowledge of this science - social activities. And here a special role belongs to empirical sociology and special sociological theories, giving a deep systemic reflection of the essence and patterns of the development of society. Applied (practical) function of sociology is that science not only knows social reality, but also produces a proposal for managers of all levels in the context of improving social policy, for the rational management of society.

3. Social control function Allows you to relieve social tensions and crises in society, informing the power structures on the strengthening of social control over processes in society.

4. Ideological function In the fact that these sociology (knowledge) are used to develop a certain mentality, value orientations, behavior stereotypes, image. Sociological knowledge can serve as a means of manipulating the consciousness and behavior of people, or data obtained by sociologists can be a means of achieving public consensus.

5. Prognostic (futurological) The function of sociology is the ability to generate forecasts on the trends in the development of social processes in the future.

So, sociology plays a key role in modern intellectual culture and occupies a central place in social sciences.

Question 3 "The place and role of sociology in the Society Society"

Place of sociology in the system of sciences

The specifics of the position of sociology in the system of socio-humanity sciences is as follows:

1) Sociology is a science on society as a whole, its phenomena and processes.

2) Sociology includes general sociological theory, or the theory of society, which acts as the theory and methodology of all other socio-humanity sciences.

3) all social and humanitarian sciences studying various parties to the activities of society always affect the social aspect, i.e. Those laws and patterns that are implemented through people's activities.

4) Technique and methods of studying humans and human activity, social measurement methods, etc., developed by sociology, are necessary and used by all other social and humanitarian sciences.

5) there has been a whole system of research carried out at the junction of sociology and other sciences, which were called social studies.

Meanwhile, Sociology does not apply for philosophy in relation to sociogumanitarian sciences. It gives a scientifically informed theory of society, its structure, gives an understanding of the laws and patterns of development and the functioning of these structures. The interaction of subjects and society.

When comparing sociology with other sciences, you can identify the following specifics:

1) Sociology - Social Philosophy

Similarities in the object lies in the fact that both sciences comprehend the originality of society, its difference from nature and follow the goals of its existence and development. The subject of social philosophy, in contrast to sociology, is to study the public life of the pod of view, ideological problems, the main of which are sense-forming. If philosophy has the main method of cognition - this is a speculative analysis based on the chain of logical conclusions, then for sociology, these are empirical methods of data of statistics, demographics and other disciplines.

2) Sociology and Psychology

The sphere of psychology is the study of an individual "I", i.e. Identification of individual psychological features (instincts, desires, temperament), human psyche as a unique unique world, as well as an irrational unconscious. The sphere of sociology is the problem of interpersonal interactions, the interaction of individuals and groups, in the personality of the sociologist, you are interested in the values \u200b\u200bof the orientation, its social positions, role expectations.

3) Sociology and history

The general subject of data of science is the analysis of social facts - the general problem is to consider both the presence of certain social laws and the existence of individual unique processes that affect the direction of the development of society. The specificity is as follows: Sciences are divided into two groups:

a) Nomestic, which are looking for in society, the general laws of functioning and changing society explores repeating, unchanged in events, these are the science of laws, and to which sociology belongs. The main method of sociology is a generalizing, finding the main trends.

b) idiographic - these are the science of events that describe single, from the point of view of its unique individual characteristics.

4) Economics and Sociology

General in these sciences is an understanding that the material production and economic activity of a person is the main forms of society. The economy studies the forms of mathematical production and its means. Sociology studies human position in these economic conditions; What are the relationship between people in different economic conditions.

5) Sociology and Political Science

Political science examines the political sphere, political structure, regimens, the influence of the state to society. Sociology explores the political sphere through the prism of relations between people and believes that it is believed to identify the patterns of political life, one can only consider the characteristics of society as a social system.

Amounted to: Arthur Sergeevich Gorokhov.

Passing a sufficiently long path of development, sociology has become a science whose task is to study the constantly changing society. Sociological studies reveal models and patterns of various social connections and, relying on these common models and patterns, try to show (and sometimes predicted) why certain phenomena and events occur at this time and in this place.

Many sociological work is descriptive, descriptive, they show the external properties of social activities and events - verbally and via numbers. The result of such descriptive studies are usually hypotheses relating to various social phenomena. These hypotheses are used in subsequent studies, to identify causal links and developing theories.

Thus, models of social values \u200b\u200band social changes are described; deviating behavior and family life. Revealed the relationship between the social class and educational goals, between the structure of the organization and the system of information, the living environment and family forms, technology and the style of the manual.

The listed dependences are simple sociological objects, but in reality a sociologist is faced with very multifaceted interrelated social processes.

The primary objects of a sociological study - the community of people and the social structures and processes, the development and change of these structures and processes. Sociologist is interested in the models and patterns of the social world (Baldridge, 1980).

Social facts (this term was used by Durkheim) are usually broader and multilateral than in the ordinary worldview. Social facts include, for example, bureaucracy, overcrowding, crime, unemployment and MN. Dr. Such facts can only be studied in the aggregate of all social phenomena associated with them and involved in their environment. (For example, the social fact of "crime": economic, psychological, mental reasons, educational values, the presence and quality of leisure places, alcoholism, genetics, etc.)

Already from these examples, it can be seen that sociology can be considered complex science, since: a) the subject of its research is extremely diverse, b) it considers the multi-sended causal relations in society and culture, c) it faces various models of changing social problems. .

Sociology is based on facts and operates with theories, i.e., the sociology of empirical and theoretical. In this sense, it can be considered "conservative" science. Radical it is because it does not leave anything outside the study field, none of the sphere of human activity for her is not holy and not tabulated. Public opinion is necessarily taken into account sociology, but it comes to him - critical.

Sociology has its special approaches and methods, its main goal is the development of sociological theory. The sociological point of view in a new way reflects the world and human experience.

Sociology is objective in the sense that knowledge gained in the studies of sociologists can be checked by the life practice of other people. The objectivity of science is often understood as freedom from values. People are associated with various values, but researchers seek to avoid such connectedness whenever possible, that is, to be objective or at least to state their initial positions clearly and unbiased, so that the reader himself can see possible value ties. Weber brought fame to his differentiation of empirical knowledge and evaluation. This question is a discussion and currently, and even express doubts about the possibility of presence in social sciences free from values \u200b\u200bof statements in general.

4. 2. Materials and research methods

Sociologist uses information acquired in various ways in its research. He must contact his observations, guesses or common sense, but he can achieve actually with scientific knowledge only with the help of a substantiated research methodology. The methodology is understood as a system of various rules, principles and measures that manage research.

Along with their own methodology, sociology is also guided also by the following general criteria for scientific research.

Systemativity when conducting observations, material processing and reviewing results.

Supervision: The researcher tends to identify common patterns, invariance, and not content with a description of single and isolated cases. The more comprehensive explanation of any phenomenon, the most likely to predict its manifestation.

Accuracy in measuring signs, as well as in the use and definition of concepts. Methods and measurement results require reliability and validity.

The requirement of simplicity, i.e. The economy of scientific research. The desire to achieve goals with a small number of basic concepts and connections. The results of the study must be rosary and defined.

Objectivity. A detailed and accurate summary of the question will give the opportunity to check and monitor the study.

The methodology of sociology determines the methods and methods for collecting sociological material to obtain (generally speaking) answers to questions, why certain phenomena and events occur in a certain time and in a certain place. Methodology indicates which methods of research can and it is recommended to apply in each case. Sociological issues are issues that can be answered with the help of observed or confirmed facts.

The most common from the methods of collecting information for sociological research There are experiment, survey and interviews, observation, as well as the use of statistics and documents.

Experiment. The situation of the experiment allows in specifically controlled conditions to study the impact of the variable under study in the experimental group. To determine the impact, measurement is performed before and after the experiment in certain situations both in experimental and in control groups. In the preparation of experimental and control groups, they strive, with the exception of an experimental variable, to possibly much the same.

With a sociological study, it is often difficult to create a controlled experimental situation, so it is necessary to resort to various situations similar to the experimental situation. Of these, perhaps, the most common is the use of data "EX POST FACTO", i.e., on the basis of the facts already inconsistent, experimental and control groups are drawn up, and the conclusions are made only after events that are important from the point of view of the issue under study.

Poll and interview. The survey and interviews are called the "Survey" method. This is a general coverage of the question, after which the data is subjected to statistical generalizations. Polls are may be the most frequency methods Information collection, especially since they began to spread, except sociology, and in other areas of science. Postal polls make it convenient and with relatively small economic costs to reach a large number of respondents, but this method also has many disadvantages. For polls are best suited for compressed questionnaires.

Interview gives, due to its versatility, good source provisions for a very solid study of social behavior, various public relations, opinions, etc. The success of the interview depends largely on the wording of issues, from the interviewer, the respondent and the situation interviews and, of course, also from the relevance of the problem being interviewed. The interview is a very efficient, but methodologically complex method of collecting information.

The survey and interview methods include many different options. Such are, in particular, group surveys and telephone interviews that are suitable in certain cases.

Observation. Sociologist often falls in its studies to resort to observation to supplement and clarify the information obtained using other methods. Moreover, the observation itself is also a method for collecting information, since the participating (included) and non-inclusive (inconquent) observation can be systematically and securely collecting information on the phenomena to which other methods are not suitable. As an example of the participating observation, the study of prison communities, conducted by I. Galtung, who himself was in prison as a pacifist; non-participatory observation is the study of K. Brouna about the norms and customs of the use of alcoholic beverages (who did not make the author of the Vakha fan).

Statistics and documents. Different types of statistics provide multilateral opportunities for sociological research. In official and unofficial statistics, information on society and social phenomena is collected in such an extent that they can find materials to consider a wide variety of problems.

Various newspapers and magazines, television and radio programs, movies, books and written materials are generally excellent source points for consideration of many social phenomena and problems using the detention. Currently common discursion analysis is also successfully used to interpret social relations and social phenomena. Statistics and documents largely ensure the objectivity and scientific research and scientific research.

Sample. The object of sociological research is so wide that it is practically impossible to conduct studies of this object as a whole, exploring each unit of a certain general population. The only alternative remains to draw conclusions based on a selective aggregate, representing the general population. With the help of various sampling methods developed by statistics, a certain part of the optimal parameters (i.e. selection) is selected from the general population (i.e. selection), which is exposed to research and study. The results obtained in this way make it possible to draw conclusions about the general population as a whole.

The most common sample methods include a probabilistic sample with random numbers and systematic sample with an equal interval of numbers. When the general population consists of various groups, perhaps most convenient to use a separate sampling, and the selection is taken from each group. In studies covering the whole country, it is possible to apply a group sample in which research objects are first divided into groups from which the selection is taken. For example, when the general set is students of 1-4 classes of rural communities, first studied communities are selected, then schools, classes and finally students. This method is called a four-stage group sample.

Research model. The following is submitted in the form of a summary of the course of empirical research step by step. The general lines (with some variations) are guided by researchers:

1. Statement of the problem. Naturally, the problem of research is its source point and essence.

3. Advance of the hypothesis. The problem of research should be experimenting and verified. This requires a verification approval that at first determines the relationship between variables. So, the hypothesis is a scientifically reasonable assumption of the essence of the problem under study.

4. Selecting the method of collecting information and data analysis.

5. Collection of information.

6. Material processing, results analysis. Actually research: Connection, classification, comparison and statistical information verification, drawing up tables according to the data obtained, etc. To check, refutate or confirm the hypothesis advanced and for finding answers to the questions.

7. Conclusions. Presentation of research results, indication of finds and omissions, unclear items, assessment of the implementation of the study of the study, justification of the theoretical and practical importance of the results obtained; The definition in the first approximation of promising studies arising from the results of this, etc. The named questions should be made in the published research report.

The above was predominantly quantitative methods, i.e., methods based on various measurements. Along with them, methods that can be called qualitative materials that use the so-called "soft" materials (for example, documents, diaries, letters) are also used in sociological studies. It is possible to use complex statistical solutions in them, but first of all, various methods of interpretation, conclusions and philosophical interpretation. All this is connected with the language expression.

A modern sociological study is a battery, i.e. it uses various methods and methods for solving problems and ensure that greater reliability of the results.

A sociological study is simplistic, searching for answers to problems chosen by the researcher himself or given to him.


The goal of sociological research is to identify, describe and explain the patterns of social processes, relations, phenomena, as in any science to give a satisfactory explanation to everything that requires an explanation. Such an explanation can be considered a sociological theory. According to E. Khan (Erich Hahn, 1968), the theory can be said when there are: 1) the scientific level of knowledge or research and 2) systematically organized terminology.

In the broadest value to the "theory", everything is as formal or distracted as opposed to empirical. With the help of a correct sociological theory, human behavior can be explained primarily by the influence of the environment, social expectations and social structure.

Although the theory reflects the essence of the object under consideration, with it, as such, in its pure form, cannot be observed in reality. For example, the provision that members of society is divided into social layers is not theory, but an empirical fact or knowledge. However, the explanation of the deep reasons for this division is already a sociological theory.

Sociological theory is a theory of social phenomena or society. On the basis of scientific sociological theory, certain forecasts of the state of society and possible social events can be made. A more private component of the theory is "concepts".

Running forward, we note that theoretical concepts express something abstract and are the opposite of an empirical fact that is concrete and observe. Typical sociological concepts are, for example, a group, norm, role and status (see in detail. 5). Several types of sociological theories can be distinguished.

Explaining the theory reveals and examines the social causes of existing in the society of phenomena.

The predictive theory seeks to predict the future on the basis of knowledge of the trends existing in society.

The classifying theory is more describing than explaining or predictive, it represents the identification of the most distorted significant signs of the phenomenon. For example, the "ideal type" of Weber can serve as an example of such a theory.

Functional theory refers to classifying theories. It classifies and interprets phenomena and their consequences. The functional theory shows the causal relationships of different parts of the system and the effects of each part to the whole.

Instead of a functional theory, researchers can use the term "functional analysis", which can be considered synonymous with the functional theory, or the term "system theory", when the value of the whole is emphasized. Many researchers noted that social sciences have not yet have a systematic approach, there are only research methods and a number of generalizations, and those on a relatively low level. For this, Robert Merton (1968) used the expression "mean theory". Some researchers compare the theory with a paradigm, which is understood as an image of thinking or the direction of science (WisWede, 1991).

Despite the criticism aimed at the theory, it is possible to use the concept of theory, especially when it can be obtained with useful information about social relationships. The theory has a close relationship with the reality studied. The theory is a paradigm or model of reality. Sociological theory is based on the relationship of factors, variables, concepts. "Competent", the correct sociological theory should not be something cut off from reality, an end in itself, but should be a way to open new relationships and patterns.

Below is a scheme of the process of scientific work on Walter L. Wallis (Walter L. Wallace, 1969), which discusses the development of theory and its application in the study. Wallis considers sociology of unconditionally scientific discipline and allocates in it, according to this scheme, five areas that correlate with each other.

As an example, we use the analysis of Durk-Game about suicide. It comes from observations of people who commit suicide. These observations give some empirical generalizations of the type "among the Protestants are higher frequency of suicide than among Catholics."

The next level of knowledge depends on the answers to questions:

1. What is the importance of belonging to one or another religion in that particular case when it comes to suicide frequency?

2. Can you generally consider suicide frequency to consider some particular case?

These issues, combined, affect the phenomenon that requires an explanation (suicide), and a phenomenon that explains (religion). At the same time, it is possible to "raise" the empirical generalization above the initial form and as a result of this, increase the scientific information used. Belonging to any religion, i.e. explaining the phenomenon, can be generalized using one degree or another integration. Suicide as an explanatory phenomenon is only one of the expressions of the so-called disorganization, that is, the functional disorder of society, or the weakening of predictability. With the help of these broader concepts, the above-mentioned empirical generalization can be represented in the form of the following theory: "The condition of personal disorganization varies inversely proportionate to the degree of social integration."

The above can be clearly shown by the scheme located on with. 85. It shows that in empirical generalizations we are talking about the relationship between two variables (A - 1), but at the level of the theory, attention is paid to the mutual relationship of theoretical concepts (A - B).

At the next stage, you can check the theory. Based on the theory, hypotheses are put forward by logical deduction. According to this theory, unmarried women and unmarried men are socially less integrated than married and married.

For this reason, the first have higher frequency of suicide than the latter. This hypothesis is checked using a collected observation, after which empirical generalizations are made, and, finally, the hypothesis is included by logical induction into the theory.

The development of the theory, on the one hand, and its application - on the other, can be set forth on Wallis (1971) in the following form: in the development of the theory, observations obtained during the study process are important, and under the application of the theory, application objects are important. When observing and conclusions, it is necessary to take into account the situation of the theory. The theory helps to send a study for consideration of essential issues.

After checking the hypothesis, it is considered proven and serves as the basis of logical conclusions leading to theory.

As noted above, the development of sociological theory and empirical research is in relationships of mutual influence. Validity and generalization of the results of the study directly depends on this interaction.


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February 15, 2015 Famous French Sociologist Frederick Lebaron conducted a cycle of lectures and a seminar occupation for students and teachers of the Baltic state University them. Immanuel Kant. With the BFU of the city of Kaliningrad Frederick Lebaron bind a long-standing friendly relationship. Vice-President of the Sociological Association of France, a student and a follower of Pierre Burdyu, authoritatively declares that sociology is inseparable from the economy and is a unique tool for assessing the level of well-being of society.

Back in 2008, Nicolas Sarkozy, as president of France, proposed experts to dissociate the previous system of criteria for the assessment of social development: the volume of industrial production and GDP, calling them irrelevant and unable to give an objective assessment of the quality of life of a person in society. Frederick Lebaron intently watched the work of the established commission, which, by the way, did not fulfill the task set by the French government.

Why can not be fully reed to GDP as an indicator of the well-being of society? Tubes on roads increase the statistics of gasoline consumption. Consequently, road congestion helps to increase the share of production and consumption of petroleum products. However, car traffic jams are rather a negative phenomenon that also contributes to the deterioration of the environmental situation.

The share of home products is also not taken into account by GDP. Although the level of production of dacha and utility farm is quite high. Six acres may well feed the average Russian family. The shadow economic sector should not be discounted, especially considering the Russian level of corruption.

What parameters the French research team has invested the quality of life? First of all, the experts take into account material income, the level of education of the population, the quality of health services. It is necessarily taken into account the state of the environment and indicators of the physical security of the population. All statistical information should take into account the indicators of social inequality. In addition, experts refused to consider only the volume of investments as an indicator of the development of the economy. In the first place there were indicators that determine the degree of return on the invested funds. This indicator, which introduced a government commission, refers to the so-called stability criterion. The effectiveness of the use of resources is important: natural, intellectual and social. Not all of them are fill. Minerals and water wealth require more than a responsible approach to their use.

The economy considers the concept of quality of life from a material point of view. But sociologists invest in the definition of a decent life indicators of happiness or misfortune. Is it possible to be happy in a separate country? Does humanity have sought to do this all over his own history? If the government determined the quality of life from the point of view of not only the economy, but also sociology, it would have forced to consider such parties to human existence as the Institute of Marriage and Childhood, the living conditions of disabled people and the elderly members of society. For example, children are not today a source of economic income, but they define the future income of the state from the point of view of labor resources. French experts propose to consider the level of quality of life from the point of view of the "cultural and specific substantiation of contentment or discontent", which is most likely determined not today, and the prospects for the development of society. Situation in countries Latin America The most close to "happy indicators": they have the process of smoothing social differentiation, it is planned steady economic growth. People felt and took the spirit. Consequently, in terms of "contentment" they feel no worse than the Germans and the French.

Unfortunately, the economic crisis does not add the number of happy people in russian society. But there is hope for the cyclical development of the economy, when the period of economic rise will necessarily begin after the crisis phenomena. And after him, prospects and hopes for the best quality of life will appear.

The content of the article

SOCIOLOGY(from Greek. Socio - Society, Lat. Logos - Word, Science) - Society Science. it general definition He has several clarifying explanations: 1) Science about social systemsfrom which society consists; 2) science on the laws of the development of society; 3) science on social processes, social institutions, social relations; 4) science on social structure and social communities; 5) Science on the driving forces of consciousness and behavior of people as members of civil society. The last definition is relatively new and many sociologists are increasingly separated. Based on this definition of sociology, its subject is a combination of social phenomena and processes characterizing the real public consciousnessin all its contradictory development; Activity, valid behavior of people as well conditions(environment), which affect their development and functioning in the socio-economic, socio-political and spiritual spheres of society.

The emergence of sociology as science.

The term "sociology" in the literal sense of the word means "science on society" or "the doctrine of society". For the first time, he used the French philosopher Auguste CONT in the 1840s. However, many of the future science provisions were anticipated in the writings of Confucius, Indian, Assyrian and ancient Egyptian thinkers. A special place in the substantiation of social ideas belongs to the ancient Greek philosophers Platon, Aristotle. French enlighteners 18 in. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Voltaire, Denis Didro, Representatives of Utopic Thought - Thomas Mor, Tommaso Campanella, Claude Henri Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Robert Owen developed ideas about the possibilities of improving society in the realities of the New Time. but all social ideas made and formulated before the 19th century were the forerunner of sociology, its origins, but not the most science itself. The emergence of sociology as science reflects a qualitatively new stage in the history of society, when it appeared in the human dimension - each person became a subject of the historical process. This fundamental turn in social practice and social science is associated with the great bourgeois revolutions, mainly with French at the end of the 18th century. She proclaimed freedom, equality, fraternity of all people, regardless of social origin, social status, religion, national affiliation. It is from this period that the new understanding of the role of a person begins to study the consciousness and behavior of people as active participants in economic, social, political and cultural changes.

The main milestones of the development of sociology.

From the middle of 19 century. calculated first stage In its development - the stage of formation of the scientific basis of sociology. The search for fundamental ideas was a wide front: if O.Kont spoke about the possibilities of the knowledge of the Company with the help of "social physics" (he liked the Nature Society and therefore he considered the knowledge of social life with the help of natural laws or the eyes of them like), social Biological School And its founder of Speser compared the Company with the development of a living organism, taking advantage of the use of biological laws in their knowledge. In the same age, the search for the essence of sociology led and socio-psychological school: DVD, G.Bon, F. Nennis, N.K. Mikhailovsky, N.I. Kareyev, E.V. D. Roberti focused on the problems of the person, which they considered as the unity of biological and social principle in man, And social life was represented as a special manifestation of world energy. In the second half of the 19th century. Enjoy great popularity geographical direction in sociology, The ideas of which were found the most complete embodiment in the works of E.rektnikov, F. Totselyl, L.I. Meshnikov, defending ideas about the decisive influence of the geographical environment on the development of society and personality. In the same period, a significant impact marxist concept in sociology,the prominent representatives of which were K. Marks, F. Engels, G.V. Plakhanov, V.I. Lenin and to a certain time P. B. Strew, A.A. Bogdanov and M.I.Tugan-Baranovsky. The basis of this concept is the decisive influence of socio-economic relations on the process of interaction between various classes and the role of the revolutionary struggle in solving all social conflicts. In addition, Russia declared itself socio-legalpresented by N.M. Korkunov, L.I. Petrazhitsky, P.I.Novgorodtsev, B.A. Kistaskovsky and B.N. Herinin, who gave great importance Power, regulatory and ethical relationships in society. They analyzed the processes of domination and subordination, paying particular attention to the role of the state in solving social problems.

Second phase In the development of sociology, which is often called classic, is represented by the works of the French scientist E. Dürkheim, German researchers M. Deber, Zimmel. They claimed another vision of sociology - not to "alluring" about society, but to study the most important components of public life: social facts (E. Dürkheim), political and economic phenomena (M. Deber), social laws (Simmel). It was they who laid the search for new approaches, incl. And the empirical, to the definition of the object and the subject of sociological science, which also developed V.Paretho, Mozka, U. Dilteem, P.A.Sorokin, Z. Zznetsky and other major representatives of the sociological thought of the first half of the 20th century.

These searches continued throughout the 20th century. and led to K. third, modern stage in the development of sociologySubject to the following basic schools in sociology.

Structural functionalism.

The most fully foundations of this concept are set forth by the American sociologist T. Parsonz, based on his search for the concept of Spencer and Durkheim. The basic idea is the idea of \u200b\u200b"social order", which personifies the desire to support the equilibrium of the system, to coordinate various elements among themselves, to achieve agreement between them. These submissions have long dominated in Western sociology, sometimes under several modified title - structuralism. In France, it was developed by M. Foux, K. Slevi-Strauss, and others. The main approach of this theory is to determine the parts of society, identifying their functions. At the same time, structural functionalism practically rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, calling for the maintenance of "equilibrium" inside the existing system, coordinating the interests of various structures and subsystems. Such a conclusion was made on the basis of the analysis of public and state Device The United States, which T.Parson considered the standard, and the stability of which was regarded as a great achievement.

Improving structural functionalism was called neoeavolutionismwho addressed the problem of a person and tried to explain the process of complicating social systems through the all-expanding differentiation of functions performed by individuals. R. Merton, trying to overcome the limited structural and functional approach, created the theory of social changes by introducing the concept of "dysfunction". He brought the idea of \u200b\u200bchange to the functionalism, but limited the change in the "middle" level - the level of a particular social system. The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial change caused the need to search and study for causal relationships.

Theories of social conflict.

At the heart of the development, the American scientist, Ch.r. Mills, argued, is extremely critical to traditional social science, there is a conflict, and not conformism, consent, integration. The society is always in a state of instability, because it has a constant struggle between various social groups that personify certain interests. Moreover, relying on the ideas of K. Marx, M. Deber, V.Pareto and Moska, Mills argued that the highest manifestation of this conflict is the struggle for power. Another conflict theorist, the German sociologist R.Darerendorf believes that all complex organizations are based on the redistribution of power. In his opinion, the conflict is based on not economic, but political reasons. The source of conflicts is the so-called political person. Ranking conflicts (conflicts of opponents of one level, conflict of opponents who are in relation to subordination, conflict in the whole and part), he received 15 types and analyzed in detail the possibility of their "sewage" and regulation. Another supporter of this theory, the American sociologist L. Kozer, determined the social conflict as an ideological phenomenon, reflecting the aspirations and senses of social groups or individuals in the struggle for power, for changing social status, redistribution of income, reassessment of values, etc. Most of the representatives of this area emphasize the value of conflicts that prevent the society of society, open the way to innovation, become a source of development and improvement. At the same time, this position rejects the elements of conflicts and advocates the possibility and need to regulate them.


The creative impulse of this theory is that conscious human activity is put forward to the first place, the need to study interpersonal interaction instead of developing social relations implemented by a structural and functional approach. Another feature of this direction was a support for the study of a specific state of human relations within certain social organizations and social institutions, which allowed theoretical schemes to saturate the "blood and flesh" of the surrounding social reality. ().

Social exchange theory.

The most bright representatives of American sociologists J. Hamans and P. Blau proceeded from the primacy of the role of a person, not the system. They defended the enormous importance of human mental qualities, for in order to explain the behavior of people, they need to know them independent state. But the main thing in this theory, according to Blau, is that people are constantly striving to receive remuneration (approval, respect, status, practical assistance) for their actions. And entering into cooperation with other people, they receive it, although the interaction will not always be equal and satisfying all its participants.

Symbolic interactionism.

In finding out the exit from the contradictions of the behavioral approach, representatives of this theory began to explain the behavior of people from the point of view of the value that the person or the group gives one or another aspects of the situation. American sociologist J.G.Mid as the creator of this theory focused on the study of the processes "inside" behavior as a whole. Supporters of this approach are of great importance attached to the language symbolism. For them is characterized by an idea of \u200b\u200bactivities as a totality social roleswhich personifies in the form of language and other characters, which served as the basis for the name of this direction as "role theory".

Phenomenological sociology.

She takes his beginning from the philosophical concept of the German scientist E. Gusserl. Based on this theory, the "sociology of ordinary consciousness" arose, based in the works of the Austrian philosopher and sociologist A. Syuts. The focus of supporters of the phenomenological approach turns out to be not a world as a whole, as in positivists, but a person in its specific dimension. Social reality, in their opinion, does not have some objective data, which is originally outside the subject and only then through socialization, education and education becomes its component. Phenomenologists have a social reality "constructed" through images and concepts expressed in communication. Social events, according to their ideas, only seem objective, whereas in reality they appear as the opinions of individuals about these events. Because it is the opinions that form a social world, the concept of "meaning" is in the center of attention of this school

As part of the phenomenological concept, two major schools have developed - sociology of Knowledge and ethnomethodology(the last term is designed by analogy with an ethnographic term ethnonauka - Apparel knowledge in primitive societies). Concerning sociology of Knowledge, it is represented by K.Mankheim, who paid focus on the study of those structures in which one way or another are the relationship between thinking and society. It was from these positions that he approached the interpretation of ideology, truth, the role of intellectual life in society. These ideas were developed by Americans P. Berger and Nemtsom T.lukman, who sought to substantiate the need to "legalizing" symbolic universals of society, for the internal instability of the human body requires "the creation of a sustainable living environment by the person." American sociologist G. Ruginkel, being one of the brightest and consistent representatives ethnometerodology, Formulated its program position: "The features of the rationality of behavior should be identified in the behavior." In accordance with this, the main task of sociology is to identify the rationality of everyday life, which is opposed to scientific rationality.

In the last quarter of a century 20 century. Received World SociologyBy the founder of which a German sociologist working in the United States, W. Vilestine, considers the processes of development of society from the point of view of globalization processes, the intensity of which became a tangible reality.

Modern sociology continues to generate new theories and concepts. According to the French sociologist A.Turena, the peculiarity of modern sociology is to change the subject of research and research orientations. If in the middle of the 20th century. All the problems focused around the concept of the social system, now it focuses around the concept of action and an active figure (actor). In the historical plan we can say that Max Weber won the Emil Durkheim. A classic approach to sociology, within which it is understood as a science of social systems, almost disappeared. The influence of the most prominent representatives of this tradition - Parsons and Merton - weakened. Accordingly, the categorical apparatus has changed: the concepts of social institutions, socialization, integration Are not more central sociological concepts. Much more importance acquire The concept of crisis, Risk and close to them categories - Disorganization, violence, chaos. In addition, within the framework of the Frankfurt school, the main content of the theories of which is to determine the role and value political powerThe content of ideologies, the causes of the radicalization of behavior, the conditions for the formation of social movements and protest shares are investigated. An increasingly popular version of sociological thinking becomes theory of rational choicewhich the American sociologist N.Kulmen suggested. The concept of the system is also denied. The main attention focuses on the concepts of resources and mobilization. The original contribution to modern sociology is the concept of P.Budje about Social Field, about Social Capitaland Social space.

But especially attractive for the newest concepts of sociology are the ideas of the role of a person as active Social Subject, under the influence of which transformations are carried out both in the macro and in the meso and microcrin. In this regard, such definitions of sociology become the most common. "Sociology is a science of social behavior" (P.A.Sorokin). "Sociology is a scientific study of human behavior and the social environment of a person who affects this behavior" (K.Dub). "Sociology is a science of the methods of studying human behavior" (St.Mur, B. Khendry). "Sociology is a systematic study of society and the social activity of human being. As specific discipline It is considered in the form of knowledge about how a real person thinks and acts in the appearance of the social Creator "(J.Mayesis). Thus, the face of modern sociology is increasingly determined by theories that go to the person, his consciousness, behavior in real socio-historical conditions. In other words, almost all sociologists at the end of 20 - early 21 centuries. In direct or indirect form, they proceed from human problems, individual as a social being, considering consciousness and behavior by the main criterion of public changes. It is the humanistic orientation that the human measurement of social science is the most important characteristic of the state and development of sociology, which allows to determine its content as a concept sociology of Lifewhich in its essence takes into account the condition and trends of public consciousness and behavior in close connection with the objective conditions for their existence.

Subject of sociology.

If you analyze the main results of the search for the essence and content of sociology in the second half of the 20th century, it can be argued that the object of all deserving studies is social reality in all its controversial development. All major work of modern sociologists, withstood the test of time, were associated with the analysis of socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural problems. But what does it mean to study social reality? Which side to come to her? What to take for the initial analysis base? As real sociological practice shows, in most studies (and theoretical, and applied), regardless of the proclaimed goals, as a rule, social processes and phenomena in terms of the state of a really functioning social consciousness are analyzed. In this regard, the subject of sociology is a combination of three components of consciousness, behavior and environment (the conditions for their manifestation). Consider in more detail each of the named components.

Public consciousness (from the position of sociology) acts as a real consciousness consisting of knowledge, opinions, value orientations, installations, needs and interests. Each of these structural elements grows from directly practical activity, not separated from public existence. Moreover, they reflect not only random, natural bonds and relationships, but also sustainable patterns and trends in the development of society (let it be in an imperfect). A person develops as a generic, social being with its consciousness and its implementation in all spheres of public life.

In general, the real consciousness in its content is a combination of rational and emotional, interlacing ideological elements, established traditional connections and habits. And if the emotional component of the real consciousness is more connected with a direct impression, a momentary impact, its rational component integrates the last experience, and lessons not only personal, but also public life, which allows you to catch the social sound of the events of events. This manifests itself that relative elements of the practical perception of reality with scientific, theoretical consciousness relate to the individual elements. The predominance of the spontaneous, emotional in real consciousness and behavior does not in any way remove the importance of rational, the possibility that it ultimately will determine its focus and maturity.

Moreover, All the named components of the real consciousness are collective creativity products, characteristic of both society and social groups, layers and communities.. Arcing as a reaction to the direct perception of reality, as a reflection of the established conditions of existence, the real consciousness acquires an independent role, expressing in public opinion, the mindset of people.

Real consciousness includes common sensewhich does not deny the possibility of the knowledge of deep essential processes - it even implies its constant enrichment and use in human practical life. The real consciousness is not the result of some specialized activity (in contrast to its specific forms - political, aesthetic, moral, etc.) and reproduced by all kinds of human activities. Although the real consciousness is formed under the influence of direct experience, in public embodiment, it forms a kind of phenomenon, the Creator of which is the class, nation, a social group or a social layer. Real consciousness is not a collection or mechanical generalization of ideas and views - it forms a new specific essencein which sustainable trends are manifested, objectively reflecting both the state of consciousness and the depth of comprehension of public existence.

And finally real consciousness reflects public contradictions, a wide range of everyday illusions, often very close in essence to everyday consciousness.. "... taken ... as a totality of ordinary experiences, that is, all those chases and joys, hopes and disappointments, of which everyday life is developing, this ordinary consciousness turns out to be solid concern, compared with which scientific and philosophical consciousness seems to be something It seems to theraction of [the peace of mind] thinkers of the Ellinism era. " (T.I.Owerman, 1967)

When considering a real functioning public consciousness, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it consists of (and accordingly investigates) of its components such as:

1) Knowledge, beliefs, attitude (when a sociologist finds out that people know how informed they are, how "scientifically" their understanding);

2) value orientations (what aspirations, desires are considered as an important condition for the existence, assessment and regulation of behavior);

3) motives (for the implementation of what needs and interests are the efforts of people);

4) installations (value relations to the social object, expressed in readiness for a positive or negative reaction to it).

Especially need to pay attention to the phenomenon social mood, the main characteristic of public consciousness, which, as shown by the results of sociological research, is a stable characteristic with possible changes in the attitude of people to specific economic and social realities.

The second basic concept of sociology is the activity, the behavior of people who protrude the step of realizing all or individual components of a really functioning public consciousness. The consciousness and behavior are inextricably linked each other, determine each other, constantly interact, enrich each other and conflict among themselves. Therefore, they need to be analyzed in inextricable unity, relationships and interconnection. Components of consciousness(knowledge, ideas, motifs, values, installation) They become only the real force when they are embodied in activities, in the actions of people.It is no secret that public intentions, desires, orientation for one reason or another are not always implemented in acts, in promotions, in real affairs. Therefore, it is important for sociology to know the forms and methods of "turning public consciousness into public strength" (K. Marks). The process of implementing the prognostic function of sociology, living consciousness and behavior - much more rich in the content of the specific states of social life in which intertwined both scientific knowledge, judgments and conclusions, and the natural, dictated practical experience, direct perception of reality and the corresponding effect. In other words, living, practical consciousness and behavior is a really functioning social life in all complex weaves as natural relationships and relations and random, single, and sometimes opposing social progress of views, ideas and ideas. It is this approach that allows many processes in sociology in the language of sociology, to identify the general inherent in them not only in all areas of public life, but also in the context of various socio-economic systems. In this regard, it is appropriate to bring the characteristic of sociology given by P.A.Sorokin as "science that studies the behavior of people living in the medium of themselves like" (1928).

And finally, the third component of the subject of sociology - Wednesday or Specific socio-economic, Socio-political and Social and cultural conditionsExperientizing all types of social macro-, meso and microenvas. Sociologist is designed to take into account "Special Life Circumstances", which determine the consciousness and behavior of people.

Study of consciousness and behavior in a specific socio-historical setting, Translates the sociology from the plane of the recording science into the plane of the active public force involved in solving everyone without the exception of actual problems of human development.In this regard, it is appropriate to recall that public consciousness and behavior becomes the subject of study only in civil society - a company born at a certain stage of the historical process, as a result of the era new storyleading his countdown from the period of the Great Bourgeois Revolutions, from the time when society separated from the state.

Only in civil society conditions, a person can demonstrate fundamentally new features of behavior and lifestyle, when he gets the opportunity to act as an independent social force, the influence of which largely depends on the level and degree of consciousness, the work of the participants of the real historical process. The fact that the Creator and the driving force of the development of this society is the consciousness and behavior of people, says such a figurative expression attributed to the English historian and the philosopher T. Karley: "Revolutions do not occur on barricades - they pass in the minds and hearts of people."

The structure of sociology.

Structure sociological knowledge Depending on those methodological principles that are used in the study of social reality. Sociology uses such types of its classification as macro and microsociology, theoretical and empirical, fundamental and applied sociology, etc. There are proposals to determine the structure of sociology, taking into account the whole scientific knowledge, when knowledge accumulated by all sciences is involved in the explanation of its content. When answering this question, you can proceed from two prerequisites: to strudust only the knowledge that claims to be called sociological, secondly, It is considered the main source characteristic of its separation on theoretical and empirical sociology.

1. Basic, source - first - the level of sociological knowledge forms theoryand methodologywhich focus on the clarification and definition of the object and the subject of sociological science, its conceptual (categorical) apparatus, patterns (trends) of both social reality and sociology itself, its functions, places among other sciences. As part of this analysis, the historical material (history of sociology) is also involved, which shows the genesis of ideas, the emergence, birth and focus of searches (theories, concepts), as well as clarifying the place of sociology in the system of social and humanitarian knowledge. In addition, at this level is involved (adapted, adaptable) theoretical knowledge of other sciences in the respect, as it contributes to clarification, enrichment and development of sociological knowledge. This structural level of sociological knowledge is called theoretical sociology.

2.Empirical sociologywhich are presented by special sociological theories connecting theoretical and methodological knowledge with empirical data obtained during specific sociological studies. The empirical sociology is the unity of theoretical knowledge (or theoretical intentions) and their empirical checks, resulting in the initial position, effectiveness and efficiency. Methodologies and techniques. But empirical sociology, consisting of special sociological theories, has its own inner hierarchy. This hierarchy begins, firstly, with generalizing(systemic) Special (sometimes they are called sectoral) sociological theories - economic and political sociology, sociology of social and spiritual spheres of society. The basis for such a structure of sociological knowledge is informed by social philosophers and most sociologists to divide the life of society to various spheres that are associated with certain types of activities - labor (production), social (in the narrow sense of the word), political and cultural (spiritual). Concerning Economic sociologyIt is investigated by the social problems of the economic life of society through the study of the consciousness of people and the corresponding type of behavior related to the implementation of the goals and objectives of social production, with the process of meeting the needs and interests of people in the conditions of the functioning of socio-economic relations. Referring to another sphere of society social LifeIt should be noted that sociology in this area studies such essential and fundamental problems as a social structure in all its diversity, social processes and institutions, social communities. In its framework, the prerequisites, conditions and factors of the transformation of classes, social layers and groups in the subjects of conscious activities are investigated. Political sociology He studies a huge reservoir of the transition from objective to subjective, conscious development. It studies political (class, group) interests that are based and proceed from will, knowledge and action, i.e. Methods and forms of expressing political activities of man, classes and social groups and addressed to the entire spectrum of feelings, opinions, judgments and relations of people to the functioning of power relations, which makes it possible to submit ways to functioning statehood, to identify pain points for political life. The fourth in a row, but not by the meaning of the generalizing special sociological theory is sociology spiritual life societies exploring activities to master the existing cultural values, creation of new, distribution and consumption of accumulated. This process is complex, multidimensional and ambiguous, so it is so important to determine its main components. To such structural elements The process of socializing personality, education, mass information, cultural and educational activities, literature, art, science should be considered. Finally, to generalizable (system) special sociological theories belongs sociology management. It is associated with the use of a special class of tasks - a mechanism for regulating social processes - and therefore can be considered independently, at the level of detection of certain common characteristics, regardless of specific circumstances, and can be applied within each of the spheres of social life and the components of their elements, which requires identifying and Analysis of specific control features in each specific area of \u200b\u200bconsciousness and behavior of people

Secondly, along with generalizing (system) theories exist Main Special Sociological Theories, the subject of which are social processes and phenomena, their specific relationships with other phenomena and processes that are in their integrity are an integral part of one or another sphere of public life. In these theories, there are not common interactions that exist between all public phenomena, but only characteristic relations within the specific sphere of public life. Thus, economic sociology includes the study of such processes that form the entire set of socio-economic phenomena: labor sociology, market sociology, sociology of the city and village, demographic and migration processes, etc. In this sense, social life sociology includes the study of the socio-professional and age structure, ethnosocyology, the sociology of youth, family, etc. In turn, political sociology includes power sociology, political parties and public movements, law sociology (although some researchers identify it into an independent scientific and applied theory), the sociology of the army, international relations. As for the sociology of spiritual life, it is represented by sociology of education, culture, religion, media, science, literature and art.

Today in sociology is already more or less executed over 50 major special sociological theories. Some of them received the status of fundamental disciplines, other - applied, third - theoretical and applied. Their position is still not fully understood in terms of prospects for sociology, and from the point of view of social needs. Analysis of the place of special sociological theories in the system of sociological knowledge implies a constant critical review of their development, especially those who are direct importance to understanding the place, roles and functions of sociological science in modern conditions, and to improve the efficiency and quality of research.

In sociology more than in any other social science, it is noticeable to divide on theory and empirity, but this does not mean that they exist separately, without interacting with each other. Following the apparent independence of the theory and empiric in the practice of the work of sociologists, except deep scientific and methodological miscalculations, does not turn around.

Thirdly , along with generalizing(systemic) And the main special sociological theories exist private auxiliary conceptsThe object of studying which is the specific, individual phenomena and processes that are derived from more "volumetric" processes and social phenomena. Such objects of research are within the framework of the sociology of education - higher or pre-school education, in the framework of the sociology of youth - youth movements, interest groups, etc. In this way, the modern structure of sociological knowledge consists of four elements - theoretical sociology consisting of theoretical and methodological knowledge and empirical sociology, which includes three levels of special sociological theories, divided into generalizing(systemic), Basic and private(concrete).

Basic characteristic sign Sociology in the modern era becomes the Anthropocentric approach, because the modern era revealed the incredit and ever-increasing value of the person and its activities, the lives of people in its entire manifold. As part of this approach, a person appears before us and as a social development resource and as a carrier of social capital, which is a huge reserve and momentum of social development. Modern approachesThe defining subject of sociology is noticeably shifted in the direction of human resources, to recognizing that the analysis of the problems of people's lives in all its diversity is increasingly becoming the object of attention of sociology. Man in society and society for a person - this is the essence of modern sociology

Modern sociology is increasingly inclined to the interpretation itself like sociology of LifeSince it operates with indicators of relations and interactions of people to real problems, situations, to all of what happens in society in which they work and live.



Shpansky Ya. Elementary concepts of sociology. M., 1960.
Weber M. Election op. M., 1990.
Zaslavskaya T.I., River R.V. Sociology of Economic Life: Essays Theory. Novosibirsk, 1991.
Sorokin P.A. Human. Civilization. Society. M., 1992.
Burdy P. Policy sociology. M., 1993.
American sociological thought. M., 1994.
Merton R.K. Explicit and latent functions. // American sociological thought. M., 1994.
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Monson P. Boat on the Avenues of Park: Introduction to Sociology. M., 1995.
UK P. Sociology of social change. M., 1996.
Walleretine I. Social change forever? Nothing never changes // Socis. 1997, № 1
Parsons T. System modern societies . M., 1997.
Radaev V.V. Economic sociology. M., 1997.
Volkov Yu.G., Mostovaya I.V. Sociology. Textbook. - M., 1998
TURENA A. Return of a person acting. Essays of sociology. M., 1998.
Poys V.A. Strategy of sociological research. Description, Explanation, Understanding Social Reality. M., 1998.
Giddens E. Sociology. M., 1999.
Sociology in Russia. - Under Ed.v.a.yadov. M., 1999.
General Sociology. - studies. Location. Ed. prof. A.G.Efendiev. M., 2000.
Kravchenko A.I. Basics of sociology. M., 2001.
Sociology. - Tutorial. G.V. Osipov, L.N.Moskvichev et al. M., 2001
Tishchenko J.T. Sociology. General course. M., 2003.

Society, or society, as any other phenomenon needs observation and research. For this, in 1832. The term - "" was introduced with an argument. First of all, which is engaged in consideration and study, its systems.

Do not count the touch of the mind. His mental disorder is connected exclusively with the amount of information. In 1829, he cured from the ailment and continued to work.

The Frenchman continually was very far from science. He graduated from the technical university, and his interest in the "mechanism" of the Company's work was based on identifying connections and principles, as it would be or mechanics. The idea to analyze public relations so much captured the contoution that he literally lived, clinging for each logical and illogical chain of connections in the life of groups of people. He terrorized drunks and easily accessible women. I tried to withdraw patterns.
As a result, the young contact earned an insanity and was placed in a psychiatric clinic, which, however, did not prevent him from writing out two work, which was based on the science of sociology: "Course of Positive Philosophy" and "Positive Policy System".

According to Cont, Sociology The functioning of society: the system of relations between people, their interaction, interdependence and the influence of certain factors per person, group, mass. Sociology also considers the patterns of various social actions and relations between personalities. The main purpose of this science is to analyze the component of the structure of social relations.

Although the term and has a specific interpretation, who first introduced him to turnover, there are other definitions and approaches to the meaning of the concept, and therefore in the study you can find a variety of descriptions of "sociology", "sociology", "sociality" and related Concepts.

Ase sociology

Speaking of science specifics, it should be noted that it consists of directions where society is considered as an ordered system. In second place, science is interested in individual as part of the group. Individual cannot be a separate object in the system, it expresses a specific belonging to a particular social group.

The consciousness of society is constantly changing, therefore there is no single theory in sociology. There are constantly formed a huge number of views, approaches that do not rarely discover new directions of this science.

If we compare sociology, for example, with philosophy, then the first is based on reality. It shows life, the human essence is at the moment of reality. The second, in turn, considers society in abstract.

First of all, sociology studies public practice: how the system is being formed, as it is fixed and assimilated by individuals. Considering the structure of science, it should be noted that it is quite sednate. There is a whole system of its classifications.

Most often allocate:
- theoretical sociology,
- empirical,
- Applied.

Theoretical one is focused on scientific research. Empirical is built on methodical techniques, and more close to practice. Directions of sociology are also diverse. It can be gender, fiscal. There is a sociology of culture, medicine, law, economy, labor and others.