Symbols of France. Symbols of France

Every year San Marino is visited by more than 2 million tourists. At the same time, in the San Marino itself there are only just over 30 thousand inhabitants. This means that San Marino is albeit small, but but a beautiful country for tourists. Thus, several medieval castles are still preserved here, which are considered the most interesting in Europe.

San Marino geography

The Republic of San Marino is located in the northeastern part of the Apennine Peninsula 10 kilometers from the coast of the Adriatic Sea. San Marino is an enclave of Italy (i.e., it has a border with only Italy). General territory This state is 62 square meters. km.

The highest point of San Marino - Mount Monte Titano (749 meters). In general, most of this small country are occupied by mountains and hills, and only in a small area there are valleys.


The capital of the Republic of San Marino is the city of San Marino, in which more than 4.5 thousand people live.

Official language

Official language In San Marino - Italian, which refers to the Romanesque group of Indo-European language family.

Religion in San Marino

More than 93% of the population of San Marino - Catholics belonging to the Roman Catholic Church.

State San Marino

San Marino is the parliamentary republic, where the main executive authority belongs to the two captains, which is making a local parliament for 6 months.

Parliament in San Marino is called a large General Council (it consists of 60 people elected by direct popular voting for 5 years). Thus, the political system of San Marino is very reminded by ancient Roman.

Maintenance political parties - "Right" Party "San Marinskaya Christian-Democratic Party", as well as the "left" party of socialists and communists.

Administratively San Marino is divided into nine districts.

Climate and weather

Climate in San Marino Mediterranean with elements of continental climate. Summer warm (average air temperature + 24c), and winter cool (average air temperature + 4c).

History of San Marino

According to the legend, the first settlement on the territory of the modern San Marino appeared in 301 AD, when Mason Holy Marin came there with friends. It was in 301 who built the church on Montte-titano in Mount Titano, and this is considered the beginning of the history of San Marino.

By the middle of the V century AD In San Marino, the local community of people who began to position themselves by residents of an independent state were already formed. However, San Marino received independence from the Italian Duchy of Urbino only in the middle of the 9th century.

In the 1600th year, residents of San Marino adopted the Constitution, and in 1631 Pope Roman recognized the independence of this state.

During the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon's Army Bonaparte did not occupy San Marino, although Italian lands were conquered.

In XIX, San Marino found asylum supporters of the association of Italy, including Giuseppe Garibaldi. After the unification of Italy, the independence of San Marino was saved. In the same XIX century, the Government of San Marino made President of the United States Abraham Lincoln an honorary citizen of his country.

During World War I, San Marino was a neutral state, but some of its inhabitants fought in the Italian army. During World War II, San Marino was also a neutral state, although the fascist party had a fascist party there. In September 1944, the German troops had a briefly occupied San Marino.

In 1992, San Marino became a member of the UN.

San Marino culture

Despite the fact that San Marino is an independent states, the culture of this country is very similar to the Italian culture. But this is not surprising, considering that San Marino is an enclave in Italy.

Folk dances and music in San Marino typically Italian. Literature in this country is also published in Italian.

Residents of San Marino carefully keep their traditions, considering themselves the real descendants of the ancient Romans. Perhaps this is partly, however, because this country is managed by two captain-regent, just like two consuls in ancient Rome.

In San Marino there are a lot of traditions and folk festivals. Tourists will be interested in changing the guard of the local guard in the State Palace of San Marino on Piazza Della Liebert, which is happening every hour from May to September.

Every year, the GiorNate Medievali festival ("medieval days") is held in San Marino on July 26-29, which turns into a continuous carnival. On September 3, every year the festival of Crossover "Palio Delle Balestre" passes.


Kitchen San Marino reminds Italian cuisine, although, of course, has its own traditional dishes. As in Italy, Macaroni (Pasta) is very loved in San Marino.

  • Faggioli Con Le Cotiche - thick beacon with bacon;
  • "Bustrengo" - a pie with raisins;
  • "Cacciatello" - caramel cream of milk and eggs;
  • Zuppa Di Ciliege - Cherry, stewed in red wine.

In San Marino produce wine of excellent quality. The most famous of the local wines is the fastened red wine "Sangiovese" and dry white wine "Biancale".

Attractions San Marino

San Marino, of course, a very small country, but it has a centuries-old history. San Marino rarely participated in wars, and therefore interesting architectural and historical monuments were preserved here.

Cities and resorts

In San Marino there are several large, local standards, settlementsWho is called called cities. The biggest ones are Serravalle (more than 9.3 thousand people) and the city of San Marino (more than 4.5 thousand people).

The landscape feature of San Marino determines the types of plants and animals growing and living in its territory.

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The country's landscape feature determines the types of plants growing on its territory. Vineyards, lemons, pomegranate, maslines, Mirt, Magnolia, Laurel, Cypress, Aleppo Pine are growing up to heights that do not exceed 600 meters above sea level. Also there are groves from cork and stone oak. Animal world San Marino is represented by such species as boars, rabbits, badgers, cunits, roasted, sulfur, hares, rats and field mice.

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San Marino ... 2

Introduction 3.

History ... 4.

State device ... 12

Arenage ... 12.

Great General Council. 12

Captain Regents ... 13

Tip XII 13.

State Congress ... 14

Castle guards ... 14

International relations ... 14

Attractions ... 16.

Government Palace ... 16

Fortress Walls ... 17

Fortress ... 18.

The first fortress of Guait ... 18

The second Fortress of Cell ... 19

Third Montal Fortress. twenty

Rules of entry ... 21

Customs Regulations ... 21

Reference phone ... 21

Literature ... 22.

San Marino.

Repubblica di San Marino

Captain Regent:

Antonello Baciocchi and Rosa Zafferani (1999)

60 km2 (23.4 MIL2)


25,061 (1999)
(average annual population increase - 0.22%)
population growth for 1000 people / year: 10.4;
fertility mortality: 5.4 / 1000;
Population density by 1 mile2: 1,062.

San Marino (San Marino) 2,397

Currency unit:

Italian lira.





GDP: $ 500 million (1997)
Growth: 4.8%
Inflation: 5.3% (1995)
Unemployment 3.6% (April 1996)
processed (arable) earth: 17%
Agriculture: Wheat, other cereals, sheep, horses, pigs, meat, skins;
Workforce: 15600 (1995)
Services 55%
Production 43%
Agriculture 2% (1993)


tourism, Textiles, Electronics, Ceramics, Cement, Wines, Olive oil.

building stone, lime, chestnut, wheat, skins, conservation.

industrial products, food.


The Republic of San Marino is the smallest and ancient independent state in the world. The territory of the country has the form of an incorrect quadrilateral and covers an area of \u200b\u200b60.57 sq. Km.

A severe lime relief elevation of Monte Titano (750 meters above sea level) towers over a hilly terrain (750 meters above sea level), on the south-western slope of which is the city of San Marino - the capital of the republic. In the countryside, the foot of Titano scattered eight places of famous Sanamarine castles with administrative control of eight councils, called the "Support of the Castle", the president of which has the right to the title of "Captain Castle". The whole territory is divided by nine administrative districts: San Marino, Accident, Borgo Maggiore, Kaisanova, Domaniano, Phaetano, Fiorentino, Montadezardino and Serravalle.

The Republic of San Marino is located in the central part of Italy between the regions of Marco and Romagna, a few tens of kilometers from the Apennine Mountains and just 22 kilometers from the resort town of Rimini, which is connected by modern high-categories.

The population (estimated for 1998) is about 24,900 people, the average population density is about 408 people per km2. Ethnic groups: Sanmaintsy 80%, Italians - 18%. The average life expectancy (for 1998): 77 years old - men, 85 years old are women. Birth rate (per 1000 people) - 10.5. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 8.1. Official language --Italian, religion - Catholic, Monetary unit - Sanamarinsky Lira, equivalent to Italian.

Territory intersected by two large rivers Ayus and San Marino, covered with greens of forests and parks, which are proud of every Sanamarin. The climate is soft and healing, thanks to the proximity of the Adriatic Sea.


According to legend, in the 4th century AD One Kamenotel, a Christian named Marino, who came from Arba, Islands in Dalmatia, to participate in the construction of the port in Rimini, disappeared on Mount Monte Titano from the persecution of Christians Edikati Emperor-pagan Diocletian.

In a short time, the fame of the Holy Man was separated (Marino still was counted in his life for the face of Saints - hence the prefix "San"), other believers were joined to him, and the first Christian community on Mount Titano was born.

Bishop Rimini Gaudenzio devoted Marino to San Diacon, and the Roman Patricia Donna Felichsima, facing the Christian faith, handed it to Harrow Titano.

After the death of Marino created around him the community did not break down, but continued to build his life, not forgetting about recent words Holy: I leave you free from other people (Relinquo Vos Liberos AB Utroque Homine).

As itself ancient testimony The existence of this community can mention the monk of Evgipia, who lived between the V and VI centuries, which tells about the lives of some Basilicia, a monk from Titano Mountain.

Subsequent documents, such as the "Ferretranian Judicial Mode" of 885, stored in the State Archive, are obvious evidence of civilian life in the spirit of independence, which does not give anyone the right to claim in relation to the people living on Titano Mountain.

The community policy for centuries that can be expressed by the saying "known to us - it is known to others" led to a sharp increase in raids on Sanamarinians, and fortifications began to build and serfs to protect against attacks.

The existence of a fortified city confirms the "Berengarius diploma" of 951 and Bulla Goning III 1126. Cardinal Anglico wrote in 1371 that the city is located "on a high cliff with three impregnable fortresses"

Until this time, the life of the population was based on the laws created by them, then on the laws of the Longobards. Subsequently state institutions Gradually transformed, reinforced fortifications were strengthened, the district walls connecting three serfs were constructed. Water supply was produced from capacious tanks to collect rainwater. The first tanks, the so-called "Fossi", were located in the first belt of defensive structures, next to 1 fortress. The remaining tanks, among which were larger (existing today), are located under the area in front of the government palace and were built in the period 1471-1478.

By the XI century, the Commune, having the Statute and its own consuls in San Marino. The growth of the population has led to the need to expand the territory, and this led to the acquisition of Pennaross and Kazolets. Documents on monetary calculations refer to 1200 and stored in the state archive.

The most ancient manuscript of the Statute dates back to 1295. Subsequently, six more statutes were published. The last, of September 21, 1600, consists of six volumes in which 314 articles are collected.

While in Italy, the population suffered from the cruel tyranny of several power families, the people of San Marino retained a free lifestyle, to defend themselves armed militia units, who submitted to the Regent captains, in the hands of which were executive. The people created new laws and changed them through the advice of all chapters of families, which was called the line (an important state body, preserved to the present day).

With the growth of church power in the Peninsula, there were more and more bloody crossbars between the deaths and gebells. Santamarinians, who, unfortunately, have experienced events in Italy, did not remain aside from this struggle. So for the first time on Mount Titano, disagreements between the civilian population; And supporters of the deaths (adherents of the emperor) were sent to the expulsion of supporters of gelphs (adherents of the Pope). Probably, consciousness close to the ideas of deaths, ripen in the residents of San Marino in the age-old struggle in defense against claims for jurisdiction and taxation by neighboring bishops.

The big other residents of Mount Titano was the bishop of Ferretrano Ugolino from the Fel Terrium family, which, despite his San, was an incorrigible death. It was worth the bishop of Ugolino and Sanamarinats of Outstanding from the Church Pope Innocent IV. Two years later, in 1249, in Perugia Anathema was removed from them.

But neither redemption from the church nor subsequent forgiveness led to peace and harmony.

Looking towards the death of Guido and Montefeltro and, afterwards, his son Federico, Sanamarinians continued to fight against Guelfo from Rimini, where the authorities belonged to the family of Tirana Malast.

This lasted until the world's conclusion in Romagne in 1299. The first attempt to subordinate the San Marino authorities of Pope was arriving in 1291 by a certain canonon of theodorich, who called on the residents to pay tribute to the high priest and recognize himself with his subjects.

Sanamarinets refused to defend their noble origin and their independence to resolve the controversial issue, Judge Palamed from Rimini was invited, one of the most authoritative experts of the right of that time, his centance was favorable to residents of San Marino.

Soon, in 1296, the Sanamarinians had to withstand a new Natisk: This time, the Fathers of Fetretrano, who, under the same pretext, tried to establish their influence on Mount Titano, and maybe it would have been possible, but Sanamarinians brought it to the attention of Pope Boniface VIII, whose legata confirmed the decision of the judge Palamned and recognized the complete freedom and independence of San Marino.

But a peaceful existence continued not long.

The church authorities of the nearby regions tried any ways to subjugate the Sanamarinians, but they always answered the blow to the blow.

In 1303, the ambassadors arrived in San Marino from the Church of Ferentrano were enclosed in custody, and military actions were again started, which ended with Sanamarinians, whose brave militia forced the bishop will save the world in 1320.

In 1322, Signoria Federico from Montefeltro, Ally Sanamarinsey fell into disgrace. Bishop Benvenuto and the Malatest family from Rimini tried to attract Sanamarinians to their side with the help of gifts and such respects as the forgiveness of the Church, the exemption from the taxes of the Sanamarin residents outside the country, the right to free trade, the ability to translate to San Marino Renta from investments. In exchange, it was requested to be considered the enemies of Urbino, which at that time were refuge in San Marino.

Too high was the price of treason, and the sanamarinians decided to refuse and continued the struggle against Malast until 1366.

For a long time, Malatest was disturbed by Sanamarinians with their attacks, but the Signora's Signora turned against him himself, as his relationship had worsened with Pope II and his ally Alfonso from Aragon, the King of Naples, whose Malatest took a fraudulent amount of money.

In this situation, on September 21, 1461, Sanamarinians signed an agreement on the Union with the Church of Rome and again began a war, which ended in 1463 by the conquest of the castles of Fiorentino, Montadzardino and Serravalle, who belonged to the Malasto family, and Fano Castle voluntarily joined the republic.

It was the last war of Sanmaarinsev, after which the boundaries of the country's territory no longer underwent changes.

For several decades, the world reigned in the country, but then in 1503 Cesare Bordja, Duke Valentine, the son of Pope Alexander VI, took the republic. Fortunately, the Sanamarinians had to endure Tiracy, after a few months, using the fact that in the Duchy of Urbino, the uprising rose, the Sanamarinians rose to the struggle against Valentine's troops and, thanks to the brave soldiers and good armed armaments.

Almost 40 years old, or rather, during Pavel III papacy, on the night of June 4, 1542, Fabiano and Monte Sansovino tried to conquer San Marino, having 500 soldiers, a lot of cavalry and everything you need for storming of fortress walls. But because of the thick fog, the enemy troops could not get closer to the city before sunrise, and the plan to capture surprise and destroy the Sanamarinians fell. Fabiano and Monte Sansovino returned to the original positions, and since that time it was not possible to accurately identify those responsible for this criminal action, but the ambassador of Emperor Charles V in Rome suggested the Imperial privileges in Rome and recommended not to trust the Papal ministers in Roman.

Subsequently, in 1631, after the death of the last duke of Urbino, the duke's reign was transferred to the Holy See. In the same year, a protection agreement was enforced, signed between San Marino and the Holy Throne in 1602.

In those days, the republic was experiencing a deep crisis of social and economic life. Lack of interest in state affairs and indifference of Sanamarinsev, the level of culture of which fell lower. This process contributed to the extinction of some noble families, which took the protection of freedom to heart, and emigration abroad in search of work and honors of the best representatives of the Company (speaking modern tongue - "Umov").

This negative period lasted until 1739, when the republic has experienced the most serious attempt on the freedom and independence of the country for all its centuries-old history. Under the pretext of the arrest of the two Sanmarin conspirators, which happened in the church, Cardinal Albertoni, the papal legate in the province of Romagna, on October 17, 1739, entered his troops in San Marino.

The invasion was preparing a number of dishonest enterprises, such as the arrest of Sanamarinians in the Italian territory of Romagna or blocking borders, which prevents the supplies of the necessary food in San Marino. Cardina Alberoni could not break by this Sanamarinians, and he decided to resort to strength and occupied the territory.

Houses of noble and respected citizens were robbed, because their owners refused to give an oath of loyalty to the dad, the captain-regents were abolished and replaced by a gamfalonimer and two obscene workers.

Sanmartsy, not wanting to obey tyranny, directed the secret messages of protest dad, asking them to rid them from unheard and criminal lawlessness.

From Rome, he arrived at Mount Titano Cardinal Enrico Enriches, directed here in order to consider the situation in San Marino. After his investigation, Dad removed Cardinal Alberoni from the borders of San Marino, and on February 5, 1740 freedom and souverinitis were returned. This event had a beneficial influence on the republic, which walked from apathy and indifference to previous years. The spirit of protection and citizens were revived, feeling a tide of love for his homeland, again felt republican pride.

The episode with Cardinal Albertoni was perfectly described by Poet Carduchchi in 1894 in his famous speech about "eternal freedom."

The future was prepared and bright moments in the life of Sanmarinians during the Italian hike Napoleon Bonaparte passed near the borders of the tiny republic.

I admire the pride of this little people and its traditions of freedom, Napoleon said: "It is necessary to preserve San Marino as an example of freedom" and sent Monta to Mount Titano, his ambassador and outstanding mathematics, entrusted to him to express his friendly location. Such high recognition of traditions of freedom and independence has never been facing the Republic of San Marino. Warm relations with France were maintained in the future in 1805.

Bonaparte met with all the honors Antonio Ophri, the Messenger of the Republic, who came to Milan to expand the trade agreement already concluded between San Marino and the Tsizalpin Republic. After Napoleon, Bonaparte Independence San Marino was recognized and confirmed by the participants of the Vienna Congress of 1815, which made its name with the corresponding sovereign characteristics in the number of European states.

The Republic of San Marino did not remain aside from the struggle for the national unity of Italy and gave a temporary refugee and protection of patriots and refugees who were knocking on her door. Many famous figures found refuge here in anticipation of the resumption of struggle. Especially proud sanmars one an outstanding event. After the fall of the Roman Republic, Garibaldi, who did not surrender the enemy, stopped with his volunteers at the borders of the republic.

The Austrians pursued, he entered San Marino and requested shelter for himself and his own 2,000 soldiers. Soldiers received shelter, Provit, and wounded - medical care. The government of the republic requested in exchange to protect the country from misfortunes and the destruction of war. General Garibaldi gave his agreement, said from the top of the Capuchin Convetern's front staircase, referring to the troops, about the dissolution of the first Roman Legion.

That same night, while the Austro-Papal troops surrounded the Republic, Garibaldi with its 250 loyal comrades With the help of Sanamarin Nikola Dzani, got out of San Marino 15 minutes earlier before the final environment.

The papal authorities were unhappy with the fact that Garibaldi was assisted, and tried to take revenge on it. A serious danger for the republic was 1854, when the papal authorities offered the Duke of Tuscany to capture San Marino, the "Nest of Liberals", the military through. Intervention of France, which sent its ambassador to San Marino with the proposal to defend the Emperor Napoleon III, made it possible to prevent danger.

Sanamarinsky volunteers took part in all the battles of Italy for independence, including the war of 1915-1918, and the military field hospital with Sanamarine personnel acted on the fronts.

In the republic broke out of the Second World War, the traditional neutrality was observed, and the unfortunate Italian brothers was granted asylum on the territory of the country, more than one hundred thousand refugees (eight times the maximum population) were found here.

State device


Arenage, or the Assembly of Heads of Family, in antiquity was the Supreme Body. Subsequently, due to the difficulties of adopting laws by such a numerous meeting, its legislative power moved to the Great General Council.

However, the row preserved the right to modify the statutes of the Republic and the "Petition Puti". This last right is used today, and Captain Regents receive numerous petitions provided by citizens on the first Sunday after April 1st and after October 1st.

Thus, in the hands of the people there remains an important tool for democracy, which allows to have direct connections with the highest government agencies. Failies filed must be considered within 6 months.

At the beginning of 1600, the Council, despite the recognition in the documents of the sovereign prerogatives of the row, almost deprived of its powers, and about three centuries did not convene it. On March 25, 1906, the People's Assembly of Heads of Families (Arena), gathered in the main church of San Marino, restored its ancient rights. A decision was made to elevate members of the Great General Council by universal voting, thus abolishing, thus re-election on co-optation, as was done before.

The Great General Council is the Parliament of the Republic, it consists of 60 deputies elected by universal vote on a proportional representation system for a period of 5 years.

The Great General Council has legislative, legal and administrative power. The competence of the Greater General Council is also the publication of laws and decrees, ratification of contracts and agreements, the appointment of diplomatic and consular representatives.

The Council has the right to declare pardon, amnesty and rehabilitation and the appointment of magistrates and representatives of state power.

The Council addresses two captain-regent, State Congress, Council XII, government auditors and regency commissions.

Captain Rentaurants

Captain-Regents are elected for a period of 6 months, from April 1 to October 1 and from October 1 to April 1 of each year. They perform the functions of the head of state and carry out the executive. Captain-Rentaurants are entitled to the title "Your Excellency", they chase at the meetings of the Greater General Council, Council of XII, the State Congress. Captain-Regents act jointly, and each decision should be made by mutual agreement, otherwise they have the right of veto relative to each other.
They can be re-elected for this post no earlier than three years since the end of their mandate, at the end of which captain-rents may be called upon to make a report on their activities to a special court of "Regency Commissioners", which should evaluate their activities, Considering the complaints presented and all that during the action of their mandate was fulfilled and did not fulfill.

The XII Council, according to the statute standards revised by law in 1923, is the highest judicial body and performs functions related to civil, criminal and administrative affairs. The XII Council is emphasized by special competence in the field of the administrative court in the sense that every citizen or organization who consider their rights in any decision or an administrative decree, can contact the XII Council in order to achieve revision or cancellation of the decision.

The XII advice also performs the functions of the "third instance" to achieve "double compliance" in the event that the verdict of the first instance of the court differs (even partly) from the sentence of the Court of Appeal.

In addition, the Council of the XII gives permission to acquire immovable property of citizens, recognizes the creation of organizations that do not pursue the objectives of the extraction of profits, and gives permission to the latter for the implementation of property operations.

The XII Council also deals with the protection of the property of widows and orphans.

State Congress

The State Congress, usually consisting of 10 members under the management of the regency, was established in 1945 by the association of two organizations: the economic congregation and congress on foreign affairs. On the basis of the Law of May 15, 1945, the State Congress exercises executive power together with resents and, practically, is the government of the country. It is divided into ten departments, each of whom is headed by one member of the Congress, which has the right to the title of a deputy, and leaders of foreign affairs departments, internal affairs and finances are the title of Secretary of State.

Governors of Cams

In administratively, the territory of the Republic of San Marino is divided into nine districts, or, as they are called, "locks" managed by the Council, i.e. "Castle Management", headed by the "captain", elected from members of the CP government. In two years, which can be extended. In the elections of the Castle, usually occurring every four years, all voters are involved, which are residents of the respective districts.


The main power of the republic is the high civilian spirit of San Marino residents, manifested in the main areas of the country's international policy, according to which Sanamarinians have established cooperation with a number of important international organizations. San Marino is a GOCODAP accounts member of the World Postal Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross, League of the International Red Cross Committee, the International Chamber of Justice, the UN Conference on Trade and Development, International Institute of Economics, International Institute for Private Law, World Organization for Tourism, The International Union of Protection of Industrial Property, the International Union of Salvation, the International Union of Telecommunications, UNESCO, the World Health Organization, the International Organization for Labor, etc. ....

San Marino is a valid member of the European Council and an observer country in the UN in New York.

Diplomatic missions and consulates of San Marino are available in many states, which, in turn, accredit their ambassadors and consuls on Mount Titano.


Government palace

The Government Palace, built by local stallows, was built on the project of the Roman architect Francesco Azzurrie at the site of the old Palace of the XVI century.

The construction started in 1884 continued for 10 years, the solemn discovery occurred on September 30, 1894. Outstanding speaker Josea Cardecci said during the opening ceremony of the famous speech "On Eternal Freedom".

The facade of the palace is richly decorated with the coat of arms of the castles of the republic. In the lower part of it, porticoes are located with three sodes, on the middle floor you can familiarize yourself with the memorial inscription enclosed in the frame, and the second floor is decorated with three large single-sided windows with fittings. The second floor has small windows. The upper part of the palace is crowned with a number of Gulef teeth. The left is the bell tower with a clock, also decorated with teeth, the figure of Saint Marino standing between St. Agate and sv. Leo.

In the right corner of the palace, at the middle floor level, the Pedestal is installed a bronze statue of San Marino, and under portica, on the right, the marble bust of the architect Francesco Adjurry Julio Tadolini is installed. The interior of the church is made in a medieval style, strict and solemn. The acquaintance begins with the atrium, richly decorated with coat of arms, memorial boards and bronze bust Josea Carduchi work Tullio Golfarelli. Having risen through the magnificent stairs to the first floor, you can go to the hall of assembly and audiences and the board of the Council with 60 chairs with silicon backs for advisers; In the hall there is a monumental fireplace, decorated with coat of arms of Sanmaari castles. From here you can get into the voting room and, along the screw staircase, onto the flat roof and to the tower, from which a magnificent panorama opens.

The Square of Freedom is located in front of the Government Palace, or, as it is also called, Pinenello, in the center of which the statue of the work of the sculptor of Galetti, transferred to San Marino from the Berlin Countess Sunima Geirot Vagerner in 1876.

Behind the statue, directly in the stone coating area, the marble plate was installed with the directions of the four sides of the light carved on it.

Under the area there are tanks for collecting rainwater, which served in the past centuries to ensure the water of Santamarinians.

Opposite the government palace there is a former post office, rebuilt in the style of the XIV century on the site of a "small building" of the commune. FROM right side The facade of this building is installed a stone slab on which the old lengths of length are cut out in action until 1907, the decimal metric system was subsequently adopted. Beautiful panorama, which opens from the square, allows you to see the Montalla cemetery at the foot of the city, another important monumental work of the ADZURRI architect.

Fortress Walls

The city of San Marino was reinforced and protected by three belts of fortress walls, erected into different times. The first belt (around the strengthening of Guaita) included the outer walls of the fortress and stretched to the crest of the cliff, on which ancient drink was towers. Within this belt were vintage tanks, the so-called Fossi, which served for water supply.

The second belt was in action already in early XIV. century, but built in parts: its oldest part dated XIII century surrounded the city, including the Square of the Government Palace. Within its limits, capacious tanks were installed to collect rainwater.

The construction of the third and last belt, on the project of the architect Joan Battist Belutsi, was completed in 1549.

With the growth and expansion of the city, most of the ancient walls were destroyed, but you can admire part of the wall (third belt), connecting the gate of Rupe with the gate of San Francesco and Titano Tower.

From the second belt, a beautiful part was preserved, restored in 1921, leading from the second Tower of Phratta to the parking lot of Kava Antique.

The walls connecting the Fratt and Montal Fortress (3rd Tower) were built during the construction period of the third, the last belt.


At the top of the mountain, three fortresses are towering Titano, or, as they are also called, the towers - Guaita, Cell and Montal, who in the past centuries have become the formidable protection of freedom and independence of Santamarinians. Nobody managed to break their durability and conquer these fortifications; The main enemy, led to almost complete destruction, was the careless attitude of the Sanamarinians to these attractions. Even the circumferential defensive walls were looted on stones that served for the paving roads and buildings of residential buildings. Only at the beginning of this century, with the revival of national self-consciousness, the restoration work was started, which ended in the end of the twenties.

Currently, these buildings, prominent and from the sea coast, fill the pride of the hearts of San Marino residents and attract millions of tourists every year from all over the world.

First fortress Guaita

It is impossible to determine exactly when the construction of the first defensive fortifications was started by the sanmarins. The founding date of the city is lost in the legends, though it would be legal to assume that the building of Guaites began approximately in the century. Already in 1371, Cardinal Anglico wrote: "... At the top of a high cliff, on which three inaccessible fortifications rise ...".

The first fortress, called Guaita, is two belts of fortifications, one of which, internal, retained all the characteristics of the feudal epoch forts.

The entrance gate was located at an altitude of several meters, and to enter them could be only with the help of a lifting bridge, currently destroyed. The fortress was repeatedly reparaged: in 1416, 1479, 1479, 1482, 1549 and 1615.

In the fortress, some copies of artillery guns are stored, the gifts of the Kings of Italy Vittorio Emmanuel II and Vittorio Emmanuel III, so far, currently acting and firing by idle charges during national holidays.

Until the end of the sixties, the fortress had an immigraard purpose, serving a prison; Currently, it contains an exhibition on the origin and reorganization of fortifications.

The second fortress is fair

Cell, sometimes called phratta, is the second strengthening of the city. The fortress was built in the first half of 1200 and was repeatedly restored subsequently. The latter, most significant work, which returned the ancient primitive beauty to the whole complex was held in 1925.

The Fortress of Cell (Fratt), as well as Guaita, was built on the edge of the abyss, on the highest top of the Titano Mountain, and its entire species speaks of the invincible spirit and the persistence of ancient residents of San Marino.

In the strengthening of fairies there is a museum of ancient weapons, the exhibits of which are among the period from the Middle Ages before the early 1900s.

Third Montal Fortress

Unknown for the construction of Montal, which is a single tower with a pentagonal base and an entrance gate, located at an altitude of several meters from the ground. The tower was restored in 1743.

Perhaps the Sanamarinians assumed to finish the construction of the fortress, turning it into one of the important fortifications, but, with a change in the situation in the country, this necessity disappeared. The tower served as an observation and watchdog, as well as to protect the left flank of the fairie from unexpected attacks of Malatest's troops from nearby Fiorentino.

Rules of entry

The country is included in the Schengen zone, it is necessary to have a passport and a visa, which is issued for free. Registration of citizens who arrived in the country for a short time is not produced. Each tourist must have with him $ 50 per day for the first 10 days of stay and $ 25 per day for the next period. The presence of money can be proved by applying a copy to the application: either a certificate of purchasing currency, or traveler checks, or a credit card with a state of account state. Interesting detail: The originals of the listed documents must be submitted at the time of applying.


There is no special inspection, no special declaration is required at the entrance, nor upon departure. There are no restrictions on the import of lire and other currencies. You can freely remove up to 20 million liras or equivalent amount in other currencies. The export of large amounts must be allowed customs authorities. For the import of hunting weapons, permission issued by the Italian consular office is necessary. It is visited at the border at the entrance. Transit is prohibited historical values and documents without accompanying permits from the relevant instances. Pets can be imported in the presence of a certificate from a veterinarian and real vaccinations against rabies.

Reference phone

(06) 100. Carabiniers (Military Police) - 112. Police - 113. Fire Protection - 115. Italian Automotive Club - 116.


1. Peckens B.A. The numbers on the map are indicated by ... M., 1986

2. Dakhin V.N. Republic of San Marino. M., 1989.

3. Encyclopedia "Circlevet" - (

4. San Marino site .- (