Where on earth you can meet aliens. Aliens have long been among us

NASA recently added 1,284 objects to the list of confirmed planets outside the solar system. Now there are more than 3000 such exoplanets, and these are only those that people were able to detect. Scientists believe that almost every star in the Milky Way has, on average, at least one planet orbiting it. There are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone. With such a scale, it is difficult to believe that we are the only inhabitants of the universe. Here's a look at some of the more promising places where we might find life outside of our system.

Scientists judge whether a planet can be habitable based on factors such as size, rockiness, and distance from the parent star. The more rocky a planet is and the closer it is to the habitable zone - where planets can have liquid water on the surface - the more likely it is to be habitable.

Here are eight of the brightest candidates for organic planets.


If we rely on the factors listed above, this planet should be habitable even with a high probability than Earth. The exoplanet, discovered in 2015, is roughly the size of Earth. The distance from our planet is about 1100 light years (1 light year - 9 460 730 472 581 km). It orbits in the star's habitable zone, which is slightly colder than our Sun. If Kepler-442b turns out to be rocky enough, then the planet could be about twice as massive as Earth.


This planet was discovered in 2014. It is about 10% larger than the Earth and has a fairly rocky relief. The planet is in the habitable zone of its star, which is colder and redder than the sun... Distance from Earth - 500 light years.

Gliese 667 Cc

The planet orbits a cool, dim star, a red dwarf star, about 24 light-years from Earth. The planet was discovered in 2011, it is quite rocky, it is located in the habitable zone of its star. According to preliminary estimates, the mass of the planet is almost four times that of Earth, but scientists still have not been able to determine it accurately.

Alpha centauri

Alpha Centauri is a system of three stars only 4 light-years from Earth. The system is now well-known thanks to British physicist Stephen Hawking and Russian businessman Yuri Milner, who will create microsatellites and send them there. The project was named Breakthrough Starshot. Scientists believe that a planet very similar to Earth and located in the habitat of one of its three stars could be found in this system.


This ultracold dwarf, 40 light-years from Earth, made headlines when scientists announced that it could orbit three planets the size of ours. Despite the fact that these planets are outside habitable zone stars, two of them are tidally blocked. Tidal seizure is a state when a celestial body under the influence of gravity is always facing one of its sides to another celestial body. V this case the two planets are constantly facing their star: this means that pockets of water can form, where life could arise.


This exoplanet was discovered in 2011, and of all discovered planets, shewas found to be as close to Earth as possible. She is located 600 light-years from Earth and in a comfortable position in the habitable zone of her star. Kepler-22b is twice the size of Earth, with an average surface temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit, about 22 degrees Celsius.

The topic of contact with alien civilizations has always been considered one of the most pressing. And it continues to remain so to this day. Indeed, how can one remain indifferent to the message, and even confirmed by photo and video materials, about contact with aliens? Here even the most inveterate skeptic, as they say, will jump ...

A figurine of our ancient ancestors who once tamed dinosaurs

However, let's look at the problem soberly and we will reason as the hero of the famous TV movie said “based on facts and common sense". Where could aliens come from? Of course, fly from another planet!

Modern scientists have practically no doubts that Solar system there are no planets suitable for habitation of intelligent beings. With a certain degree of confidence, Mars is suitable for this role, where in a very distant past there was a way and an opportunity to support life.

Thus, if extraterrestrial civilizations can live anywhere, it is exclusively near other stars. But the stars are very far from us. Even the closest ones: Centauri - more than four light years, Sirius - eight and a half, Portion - eleven.

Hypothesis 1. Deep space - myth or reality?

If we assume that a planet revolves around some of the stars on which life arose and then developed a civilization capable of building an interstellar ship, then moving at a speed close to the speed of light, this spaceship would fly to us for years - and the same amount would take the return journey ...

Well, of course you can fly to see it once, but to wander back and forth and come into contact with earthlings is unlikely. Don't forget, we are talking about the nearest stars! And if these systems are not inhabited, and aliens come from even more distant worlds?

Advocates of contact with aliens believe that technologies are available to our brothers in mind that allow us to travel between the stars much faster than light. But doesn't this statement contradict reality?

In ordinary, so-called Einstein space, it is impossible to exceed the speed of light - this truth has been proven and there is no need to dispute it. This means that it is required to circumvent this prohibition by finding a way to "travel" faster than light, much faster.

Modern science sees one opportunity to achieve this goal - the curvature of space, up to breaking the metric and going out into hyperspace, where three-dimensional space most likely folds into a "string".

The problem is that these manipulations will require such an amount of energy that it would be extremely wasteful, possibly even disastrous, to make regular travel to the planets of other galaxies. So it turns out that, although the Cosmos does exist, free movement from star to star is more of a myth than a real possibility.

Hypothesis 2. UFOs - they are real!

And yet, simply brushing off the UFO problem will not work. If we were talking about isolated cases, everything could be attributed to spontaneous hallucinations, mental illness, and finally, simply to alcohol and drugs. However, dozens of UFO sightings are recorded in the world every year. Often, as already mentioned, there is evidence in the form of photo and video documents.

Yes, something can be explained by ordinary reasons - natural phenomena, terrestrial aircraft (secret developments of military engineering), or finally, optical illusion. But there are a lot of episodes that do not fall under these explanations.

It cannot, for example, be confused with an aircraft making a clearly controlled flight along a breathtaking trajectory inaccessible to any human technical means.

No matter how we doubt it, someone or something often appears on Earth, and this clearly comes from the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Hypothesis 3. It is probably worth looking for aliens nearby.

At first glance, the hypotheses presented in the first and second parts of this article contradict each other. In fact, they only force us to look for a more rational explanation for the incomprehensible phenomena that occur from time to time in our world.

So, intelligent beings - those whom we consider aliens, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization periodically (moreover, quite often) and contact with humanity. In doing so, they demonstrate their very advanced technologies.

Who are they? If we exclude the assumption of aliens as immigrants from other galaxies, then one thing remains, they are real earthlings!

Tell me this can't be, is this a crazy idea? Take your time to jump to conclusions and look at the problem without any prejudice. Our planet has existed for billions of years. Several tens of millions of years ago, it was quite suitable for life. And not only fit - it was Paradise. Humid tropical climate, lots of oxygen, well maybe animal world made up a somewhat frightening picture (dinosaurs) but you could live here comfortably, right?

The development of biological species is much faster than geological processes. It is possible that Tyrannosaurus rex (Latin for the royal tyrant lizard) was not at all the crown of creation in the era of lizards. It may well be that then a new biological branch appeared - reptilian primates, which turned into intelligent lizards and created their own civilization.

Then, as you know, there was an asteroid disaster that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, sentient lizards are unlikely to follow their giant cousins. The Lizard Sapiens survived, although for this they had to leave the surface of the planet. They either took refuge in protected cities at the bottom of the world's oceans, or went deep underground, where they continued their development.

Now, of course, they have reached unprecedented technological heights, and it is not at all difficult for them to hide from human eyes. They are watching us closely, waiting for us to "get sick with childhood diseases" and become worthy of a real Contact with another civilization. (T-rex, this is the most popular view an intelligent dinosaur, a participant in many films and a bunch of hypotheses).

Proposed by the physicist Enrico Fermi, sounds something like this: "Where are all the aliens?".

If we take into account the size of the Universe and the number of planets similar to Earth, then there must be tens of thousands, if not more, extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

And since the galaxy has existed for about 10 billion years, intelligent beings should have had enough time to communicate with each other.

So if aliens existed, why haven't we found them yet?

Extraterrestrial life

1. Earth is special

According to the hypothesis of a unique Earth, the series of events that led to the emergence of life on Earth were complex and unique. And although there are planets similar to Earth, none of them has that the ideal combination of conditions required for the development of intelligent life.

One of the factors contributing to the emergence of life on Earth is unique orbit and position of the Earth, thanks to which, over a long period of time, fairly stable climatic conditions are observed on our planet.

If the distance between the Sun and the Moon were different, then the planet would be too hot or cold, it would not have enough oxygen, and it would not be able to support other forms of life besides bacteria.

2. Intelligent life ran into an obstacle

According to the theory " Great Filter"alien life exists but does not have the technology to communicate or travel such distances. While our technology may bring us closer to this point, we we will stumble upon some kind of obstacle, or disaster will lead to our ruin.

Natural disasters periodically hit the Earth, and perhaps such events also affect other worlds, and their technologies do not have time to develop properly. We can also destroy ourselves, for example, in a nuclear war.

Whatever the scenario, we will most likely not only never be able to communicate with the aliens, but will most likely die if we try to do so.

However, some scientists believe that perhaps we will become the first to overcome this filter, and become superintelligent beings in space.

Extraterrestrial civilizations

3. They left the universe

According to futurist John Smart and his "transcendence hypothesis" intelligent alien life once existed in the Universe, and it became so developed that she concentrated on the inner outer space, and not on the outside.

This process can be compared to reducing the size of computers. At first, these were huge machines that took up a lot of space, which became smaller and more complex at the same time.

Intelligent life could evolve in a similar way, making more efficient use of space, time, energy and matter. Eventually, having reached nanoscale, we can become so small that we create and will exist in a black hole outside the space-time continuum.

Black holes are ideal for computing and learning, time travel, and energy storage. Civilizations that have not reached this level are doomed to failure.

Also, given Moore's Law, according to which the computing power of a computer doubles every two years, other creatures may have already reached the beyond before space exploration.

4. Earth is not as unique as we think

It may be too arrogant to claim that aliens are interested in us or our planet. It can be assumed that there are more interesting worlds that support life, and sentient beings are more likely to concentrate on the best places.

An alien race capable of traveling light years away would hardly care about communicating with us. In addition, they would most likely have more advanced technology and do not need our resources.

But no matter how smart the aliens are, time travel is not so easy. AND would they waste energy to get to our planet, rather than 8.8 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy?

5. We live in virtual reality

According to the "planetarium hypothesis" our world is a form of virtual reality " planetarium ", created in order to create the illusion of the emptiness of the universe... We did not find aliens simply because it was not provided for by the program.

The foundations of this theory were expressed by Descartes: "How do we know that the world around us is real - maybe we are just a brain in a flask, which believes that it lives in the real world?"

But modern adherents of this hypothesis believe that we we are in a computer simulation created by highly evolved aliens... These aliens are capable of using energy to manipulate matter and energy on a galactic scale.

Some physicists believe that we will discover this simulation if we notice a glitch in the system or develop a test that will prove this theory.

6. We live in a space "jungle"

Although intelligent extraterrestrial life may exist, our planet is too far away for communication.

It is possible that the Earth is so far from other inhabited worlds that we were simply not noticed... Some even believe that other worlds are relatively close and interact with each other, while we stand apart.

The idea is based on the mathematical theory of "percolation", which explains how things accumulate in a random environment. According to the theory, the universe formed with large clusters and small isolated regions.

The famous physicist Stephen Hawking believes that we no need to seek to establish contact with aliens, but it is better not to stick out until we have reached the proper level.

Search for extraterrestrial intelligence

7. We have not yet recognized their signals

Even Carl Sagan argued that "the absence of evidence is not the same as the proof of the absence of aliens."

Programs to search for extraterrestrial life relied on borrowed radio telescopes and other equipment that could be used for a limited amount of time.

Because of this, no significant progress was observed. But there is good news as well. Allen's antenna array- a radio telescope, consisting of 42 6-meter telescopes, created to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is ready for serious space exploration and may pick up signals from aliens.

8. We cannot recognize their signals

Even if there is life on other planets, does this mean that other beings evolved in the same way as on Earth? Perhaps, they are so different from us that we simply do not recognize their signal.

For example, bats visualize sound waves, while we only see light. It can be assumed that humans and aliens use completely different senses.

The problem is that we are looking for something similar to us, but perhaps extraterrestrial beings have forms that we cannot even imagine.

A highly advanced race can use communication methods that are beyond our technological understanding. And our primitive radio signals can be for them nothing more than white noise.

9. Superorganisms are naturally suicidal

According to Medea's hypothesis put forward by a paleontologist Peter Ward, humans and other superorganisms carry the seed of self-destruction. This is consistent with the "Great Filter" theory, which states that we we will die before we reach the level to communicate with aliens.

The hypothesis is named after the ancient Greek character Medea, who killed her children. In this case, Medea is a planet, and all living beings are her children.

Extinction is part of our nature and ensures our self-elimination before we create an imbalance on Earth. Once humans create an incurable disaster on the planet, we take action to destroy us.

The scientist believes that previous events of mass extinction, for example, two ice ages, were provoked by living organisms.

And if humans are to blame for the current global warming, our species may not survive on Earth either. In other words we will eliminate ourselves before we contact the aliens.

Aliens among us

10. They walk among us

Some people believe that aliens live and work among us.

So the former Canadian Secretary of Defense Paul Hellyer in an interview in 2014, he said that there are about 80 different types of aliens... Some of them, like the Nordic blondes, look very human-like. Other "short grays" look like typical aliens and are hidden from the general population.

For decades, there have been disputes about whether there is another world, whether there are peoples unknown to us, living creatures in our universe. According to scientists, the aliens not only exist, but also live among us. We simply don’t notice it or we don’t want to notice it. Anxiety in front of extraterrestrial creatures is constantly present. Since the relationship between organisms and people from another planet has been around all the time, we are somewhat similar to them.

Suppose that aliens are walking among us, then by their external signs we could simply recognize them, but in the evolutionary process they have learned to skillfully disguise themselves, therefore we cannot see them among us.

From the material, we can conclude: aliens from the galaxy have been living on Earth for a long time, while maintaining connections with their relatives in mind. In our time, there is Scientific research on decoding left by the invaders, which depicts signs unknown to the population of the earth. In addition, the research center workers disassemble and analyze crop circles left in different corners. the globe, if there is success in decoding, then it will finally be possible to answer all the disturbing questions about aliens.

According to Lachezar Filippov (Deputy Director of the Institute of Galactic Research Academy of Sciences), it can be said with determination that it took place long ago that aliens live among us and are watching us all the time. But, most likely, they do not carry any danger, but only study a person in order to establish contact. Lachezar Filippov says that even the Vatican announced the existence of extraterrestrial life and emphasized that it is possible to establish communication with them only with the help of mental strength.

Each person has his own views about these creatures: some believe that they came to save us from ourselves, others say that aliens will not bring us anything bad, and the rest do not believe in their existence at all. But, it has long been confirmed that we are not alone in the universe. Other organisms live on other planets, and we can only guess who they are.

If you delve into the history, then you can consider several examples of how alien beings were tracked and seen. Even in the Indian Vedas and Puranas, there were records that said that the Earth was visited by ships of extraterrestrial organisms, and arrived from other dimensions. In the scriptures, the reporting characteristics of aliens were applied - their appearance and mores. According to Vedic concepts, our planet has the shape of an egg, its structure includes seven higher and seven lower planetary systems. The earth in this case is explained by the middle system located in the center. In other words, it is the lowest planet among the highest, or the highest among the lowest. All planets are supreme, i.e. that we see.

So for what purpose do aliens come to our Earth? What do they need from us? These issues are dealt with by ufologists - scientists who study UFOs; they say that aliens on our planet collect medicinal herbs and plants in order to then make medicines from them, and if they ask the "earthly mother" to hold her baby in her arms, then these babies become strong in life in the future. But there is also another side.

There is a huge amount of evidence that aliens fly to earth to take people with them. An unlimited number of these cases prove the fact that aliens perform experiments on a person - as a result of which he remains languid mental and physical trauma after being on another planet. Aliens do not return everyone back to Earth, often, they forever take a person with them. Those who returned say they watched the faces of aliens, felt what they were doing to them, but were in a foggy state, and upon arriving back on earth, it seemed to them that they were asleep and it was just a dream.

There is an opinion that all people are already aliens, and earthlings like those on our planet have not existed for a long time. Representatives of other planets are highly developed individuals who have the highest mental capabilities and a pleasant appearance, identical with humans. But inside them there is frost and soullessness. They will not be able to feel any feelings, they are not sensual and sometimes cruel.

Such aliens themselves are on the verge of extinction, therefore, in order to save their own kind, they abduct pregnant women in order to track how the fetus develops and grows. This method helps them find out the secret of people's vitality. In addition, invaders have sexual intercourse with earthly people in order to get their offspring.

Aliens live among us and given fact undeniable. Take a closer look at those around you.

On Mars, there may still be alien life, scientists from NASA are sure. Experts emphasize that the simplest life forms lived in the oceans that covered the surface of the Red Planet.

UFO over Earth: aliens will save everyone

The scientific publication ToDay News Ufa notes that the new theory was put forward after the data obtained from a space probe - in orbit of the planet.

Of course, the oceans of Mars have dried up. But in new theory it says that life did not disappear without a trace. It is argued that underground oceans may still be preserved beneath the surface of Mars. NASA officials said it is possible that alien life in the form of microbes could have existed on Mars at the beginning of its history.

NASA headquarters hopes that the last representatives of the planet are still hiding underground. Another version is that they moved to rare oases on the surface of Mars.

By the way, earlier scientists figured out how aliens might actually look like. According to experts, the stereotypes imposed in movies and science fiction books are very different from reality. Scientists are confident that nature can greatly surprise with a variety of approaches to creating images of aliens. In general, forget about little green men with big heads!

It is noted that aliens can have thick skin, which provides the necessary protection from the sun's rays. Given that aliens can exist in slightly different conditions, it is assumed that instead of water, their "source of life" may be methane or silicon at an elevated temperature. the environment... The absence of limbs and head is also possible.

Earlier "Pravda.Ru" wrote that NASA experts said that ufologists, studying images published by the space agency, found mysterious dilapidated giant towers on the surface of Mars, the origin of which is unknown. According to experts, these unusual structures were at the bottom of a dried up alien lake. It is assumed that it previously contained water.

The mysterious towers were built by aliens who visited the Red Planet in the distant past, experts suggested. It was the structures created by aliens that got into the frame of the rover, and not rocks or other features of the relief; scientists have little doubt about it.

In turn, he revealed secret information about the aliens. He is sure that the aliens were responsible for the collision of the Russian satellite "Kosmos" and the American spacecraft "Iridium" over Taimyr in 2009. Due to a very strong impact, the vehicles crashed, suddenly crashing into each other, and then scattered into small pieces.

By the way, the famous ufologist Scott K. Waring said that he had discovered a UFO in the image of the Sun published by NASA. According to the ufologist, he saw a giant in the picture. "This ship is much larger than Earth. It is very large," Waring said.

According to the assumption of other ufologists, alien ships may draw energy from the star to recharge or to create space-time tunnels.

Our publication wrote about this. The chief astronomer of the American Institute for the Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations Seth Shostak is sure that people are not the only intelligent beings in the Universe. According to him, scientists are trying to record a signal transmitted by some advanced extraterrestrial civilization using radio telescopes. Researchers automatically check the received "alien messages" approximately every 10 seconds. A signal of interest to scientists arrives every two or even ten years.

And the likelihood of a possible meeting of a person with intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations. It turned out that it is approximately equal to the probability of writing a Shakespeare play by banging his head on the keyboard. As a result, the chances of universal loneliness for humanity turned out to be one in ten billion trillion ...

If we consider that civilizations that have already appeared in the Milky Way and in neighboring galaxies for the entire lifetime of the Universe (13 billion years) have already disappeared, then the chances become even less.