Visualization to attract. Corrective visualization: attract the desired strength of thought

  • Money visualization- One of the powerful practices, having mastered which you can believe in yourself and attract money in your life.
  • In essence, this is what we want to have in our lives and imagine visually, i.e. - This is the process of creating images or as an image in the brain.
  • A person is able to visualize a lot, including very easy to visualize money and their coming in your life.
  • You can create success and attract money by directing thoughts to the right direction, creating images and feelings of gratitude.

Money visualization Or mental cash cinema is a programming methodology that will help you use your potential at the maximum and steps to achieve the planned results in the field of money attracting.

Method of money visualization.

  • Money visualization method involves all your feelings: evolving the vision of hearing tanging taste intuition
  • The method assumes that you create in your imagination two parts of the film: one with the current situation, the other - with the desired outcome.

Steps by money visualization method

Film 1.

  • Make three deep breaths. With each sigh, delay your breath for 3 seconds, and, exhausted, tell yourself "relax". It calms the brain.
  • Imagine that you are in the cinema hall in which the screen and the multimedia projector are located, you can only manage you.
  • Imagine that you turned on the projector and on the screen there is a film about you, showing the current situation of your life.
  • Look at the situation with the new feeling, listen to your thoughts and feelings, mark the new thing that you feel.
  • Remember that you are the owner of this situation, and since this is a film about it, then you are able to stop what is happening anywhere in the film or repeat the fragment again and again for better perception. Look at what is happening on the screen as the opportunity to learn and grow.
  • When viewing the current situation, you can realize those solutions that created this situation. You do not need to do this specifically, they can manifest themselves in your mind, then just tick them.

Film 2.

  • Finish viewing the current situation.
  • Now start watching the second part of the movie.
  • Let it be a multidimensional film showing the desired end result (this may be the situation in which you get the amount you need, for example, getting a winning bank).
  • Feel and feel the joy of this wonderful point! Smile, realize how you are satisfied and happy. This is already happening with you. You are a participant in these events.
  • Concentrate on this picture and lock it for 30-60 seconds.
  • Enter the film and become part of it. Feel completely involved in the situation where you have achieved the desired result. Fully enjoy this result. Engage all your senses.
  • Feel confidence, satisfaction, huge joy, happiness. Remove the image. Relax.
  • Programming Completed - Seeds are sown and you are rewarded.

Why should I use the money visualization method?

  • The method allows us to increase our ability to automatically experience positive emotions again and again in various situations in the future.
  • the application of the technique makes it possible to save positive setting For some time after its use, without applying special efforts, it will help include energy forces and increase your potential.
  • The best time to visualize money the best time for monetary visualization is time before bedtime or time after morning awakening.

Money visualization rules

  • Imagine that money flows to you easily and naturally.
  • Feel money in your hands and feel the joy of their presence.
  • Enjoy financial independence And the authorities that she gives.
  • Imagine how you benefit for yourself and others use the money you received.
  • Remember that every time, programming yourself, you accumulate confidence, manage your future and feel your consistency.
30 steps to the wealth of Praddina Natalia Borisovna

Lesson 17 Visualization

Lesson 17.


Friends, so many wonderful books are written on this topic that I will not repeat. I just know what I knew my own experience: in your life, it begins to happen what you focus on a large amount of time!

Try not to just understand this idea of \u200b\u200bmind, but feel all the creature: it's worth thinking about something - and the endless thinking ocean of energy around - immediately responds! As soon as you are born some thought, the idea, a dream, a desire - some people or circumstances contributing to its implementation immediately begin to appear in your life.

You are your thoughts and images that have been provoking the events!

However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is easy to imagine and dream - this is not enough! It is necessary to think purposefully, systemically, persistently.

Therefore, if you seriously decide to achieve wealth and success, then we react to creative visualizations as seriously, as well as their immediate daily work. For wizards dream - this is also a job!

Visualization is the most powerful tool for influencing its subconscious and suggesting new installations. You can easily consolidate the program of wealth and success not only with the help of thoughts, words, but also images. With the help of visualization you climb over consciousness, make a feeling of joy and positive relationship To the money on the deep level of their psyche.

In order for visualization to be not just your fantasies, but began to act, remember several basic rules.

First, you must clearly imagine what you want. For example, you need a specific amount of money for education or to travel to Canaries. Discard common pictures in which you simply see yourself in the rays of wealth. The more accurate you imagine your desire, the more real it becomes.

Secondly, the visualization works only with constant repetition.

It is worth accessing it until the goal is reached. The imaging efficiency is manifested when you perform its large number of times. Thus, you concentrate on your purpose, and the Universe responds to your request to a greater extent. Already after figurative views, you will seem that your dream is in fact. Of course, it is not worth forceing to force themselves to fulfill the visualization. She must deliver the joy, otherwise all the efforts will be in vain.

Thirdly, insert your emotions into visualization. The universe responds only to emotional thoughts and images. If you represent the pictures of wealth, without putting your feelings in them, the effect of visualization will be minimal.

Fourth, focus your thoughts in visualization on treadmill. Imagine that you have already received what you want. The universe itself will take care of bringing you to the goal and will present you different opportunities. Even if nothing immediately changes anything in your life, do not despair. Repeat visualization and carefully follow the signs that the universe sends you. Soon you will achieve your goal.

From the book rustle of the morning stars by Zeland Vadim.

Visualization of the goal methods to achieve goals in transfing are outside common sense and everyday ideas. Of all the well-known non-traditional methods, the closer goal of the desired goal is to the transfin. This method is to

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From the book Rainbow Heaven by the author Rinpoche Kalu.

Visualization Imagine yourself in your usual form, with pollution and other things, and visualize on your guru on the pattern in the image of the Vajrasattva Guru. It should look like a reflection in the water. Perhaps at first it will be somewhat volatile and lifeless, but

From the book 30 steps to wealth Author PRINT PO Natalia Borisovna

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Visualization Thanks to this unidirectional aspiration, light is emitted from the body flawless, cleaning unclean karma, unclean manifestations and a durable mind. Now external world

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Lesson 17 Visualization Friends, so many beautiful books are written on this topic that I will not repeat. I just say that I learned on my own experience: in your life, it begins to happen, what you focus on a large number of attention

Few people know that everything is good that surrounds us, it was born first in our thoughts, and already came around material view. Moreover, everything you dream can be implemented with the help of thought.

Third: healthy lifestyle. As they say, in healthy body - Healthy mind. Do not eat a lot of fatty foods, sweet, exercise in the measure of the capabilities of the body. A month later, you will see how strongly we were transformed.

A very strong effect produces an integrated approach that implies the sharing of all three techniques.

Programming your future

To properly use the full potential of your thoughts, you can also use the techniques of affirmations, meditations, but not to study and purify their inner world, and on its transformation.

It is best for you to help you the constant presence of thoughts about what you most wish. Live desires, think about what you need. Do not distract anything else. Be stronger, motivate yourself, become masters of your business, become obsessed. Only in this case can you become the best.

None of greatest people Did not become so without a great desire and perseverance. You may not possess special abilities, but your persistence and faith can create true miracles. Most great athletes simply knew that they would become the best. In order for your confidence to acquire meaning, it must be constantly reinforced by work on himself.

There are several techniques of visualization of thoughts, and they are all incredibly strong. Do not be afraid to use resources and time to stay in a raised mood, thinking about what awaits you in the future. Do not doubt that only you are the creators of your happiness. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

29.03.2017 02:35

To achieve happiness in life, it is not necessary to apply titanic efforts at all. The main thing is to mood. ...

Material well-being - what every person seeks to seek. In order for money to always be in the wallet, and things were completed successfully, it is important to have not only good professional skills, but also the corresponding thinking. The strength of thought can be realized any desire, including and to attract a cash flow.

The fact that the thought is material, it is known for a long time. Pondering the negative and negative outcome of the events, we program ourselves to failure and poverty, while positive thoughts help achieve the favor of fortune and material benefits. What is the difference between a rich man from the poor, and why someone accompanies financial success, and someone gains profits by side? The whole thing is in the form of thoughts. If money, despite all the efforts, do not go to your hands, it was time to analyze his thinking, to learn the psychology of wealth and learn how to attract material goods and the success of the strength of thought.

How to attract money and the success of the strength of thought

First of all it is necessary exclude from their speech phrases, repulsive money: "It's not for me to my pocket," "I lack money," "the poor is much happier than the rich" and so on. Giving such words, you program yourself for the eternal shortage of finance and, more worse, look for advantages in this lack. Such behavior prevents the disclosure of your money channel, so it must be changed to change to radically. Transform these phrases: "This is not my pocket, but only for me," I lack money, but this is a temporary phenomenon. " And the acquittal stereotype is that the poor are happier than rich, you need to be expelled from our consciousness completely and irrevocably.

The next step is to visualize the desired. Draw yourself a bright visual image of money and career achievements. Opening your wallet, mentally increase the amount that is located there, and it will increase in reality. Especially productive for visualization is the period before falling asleep and after awakening: at this time the facet is weakened between consciousness and subconscious, so the images that you imagine will postpone in the subconscious and will define your behavior. That is, if for some time you will draw a picture of your own success in my head and fall asleep with this thought, it will begin to behave accordingly, and it will be much easier to achieve the goal. In addition, on the border of sleep and reality you can visit you a good idea about how to get out of financial difficulties and increase income.

More often imagine that you have already achieved material well-being - It will help you to feel the necessary emotions and recharge your energy. Negative thinking will immediately go away, leaving the place of the psychology of wealth. In addition, the permanent feeling of the proximity of the goal contributes to its achievement.

Pronounce affirmations for money and success. This is an effective way to configure yourself to attract money. Every morning, pronounce the phrase in front of the mirror "I know that today good luck will accompany me in all matters," "I respect money and let them in my life," "I wish prosperity and material well-being and make every effort to achieve this " The main thing is to say these phrases confidently, experiencing only positive emotionsAnd Fortune will smile to you, and the cash flow will not bypass you.

Do not forget about thanks. Receiving income or committing another victory, thank the universe for the opportunities sent to you, so that luck and further accompany you. You can reinforce the words: Help the money to the needy person, and this amount will return to you in a triple size.

Attract wealth is not so difficult. Configure yourself on a monetary wave, step up the career staircase and make a profit. We wish you good luck and tight wallet, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

02.11.2015 01:00

The strength of thought has a huge impact on our lives. There are phrases that are capable of changing life to ...

Step number 2. Imagine your dream already realized. Very bright and color in mind all the details and feelings accompanying the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving what you dream about. Create this dream from understanding that You are the creator of everything that already exists in your life and everything will be in your life . All you lived already and what is in your life today is your creation! Take this reality as it is, forgive yourself for mistakes , Thank you for experience and begin to create consciously.

Only from love for their creation in the present and past you will enter the energy of making your creative nature, to create your ability. Then you can create everything you want! If you create a dream from the idea of \u200b\u200ba lack of something in your life, then any dream pictures will contain vibrations of lack and create a lack again and again. This is called the deficiency of thinking. Read more about what it is and how it is manifested in life can be read in the article. How not to cross the happiness and well-being.

All creation should take place from the adoption of everything that is and was, from the energy of love and gratitude for all the created and from their conscious choice to create something other, the best, perfect, etc. Feelings of love and gratitude is the canvas on which you need to draw a dream. Decorate it with all the wonderful emotions. Remember that it is the feelings and emotions that is the key to the transfer of your order to the Universe! Learn to visualize so that frost on the skin ran from bright feelings so that the tears appear in front of the eyes so that the joy overwhelms the heart so that self-confidence filled each cell, etc.!

It is very important to see the implementation of your dreams as a faithful fact, not the future! Work with one dream until you master the technique as a master! Your condition for the day should be emotionally appropriate that you are worried during the visualization of manifestation! This attracts like - this is the law of attraction, which is already mentioned very much. Focus your thoughts! Strengthen the will and faith in your limitless features! Remember that everything you can think about - you can manifest! But you need to fulfill all the conditions of the process of manifestation.

Step number 3.. Release your goal for implementation. After you clearly defined your goal, your desire, a very important stage to release it for implementation. What does it mean? Let me go out - it means no longer to be attached to it, remove all the expectations and not to say (even mentally) the universe: "Well, where is she? Well, when will it happen? But I only visualize, so much imagine, well, when will it happen?" Do not rush events, trust performers of your desires - your Higher I and the Universe. Impatient very slows down the process of manifestation and the implementation of the desired one. Here you can spend some analogy. For example, you ask for your girlfriend Lena to find something on the Internet on the topic of cooking. She replies: "Yes, of course, I will see." A couple of minutes comes. You say again: "Lena, you already found, what I asked about?" She replies: "Yes, yes, of course, I remember. I'm looking for another five minutes and come to her again with the same request. What do you think after what time the Lena will endure patience and she will tell you everything that thinks of you? Also with the universe. I do not need your expectation and impatience to remind her every "five minutes" about her request.

Exercise pink bubble.

In order to learn to let go of their wish to the world there is a very simple and unusually effective meditation. The exercise is as follows:

Sit or lie more comfortable, turn on relaxing, meditative music. Breathe deeply, slowly and naturally. Pass the inner eyes in all parts of your body. Gradually, relax deeper and deeper.

Imagine what you want to have. Imagine that the desired already manifested. Create as soon as possible picture. Now mentally surround your fantasy with a pink bubble; Your goal is in this bubble. Pink color - heart color; The vibration of this color is such that when you surround them an imaginary object, you can be sure that the thing you make will most fully fit your creature.

The last step is to let go bubble, and it will fly into the universe, carrying the image you created. This is a symbol of what you emotionally do not attach yourself to the goal. Now he can fly freely through the universe, collecting the energy necessary for its manifestation (manifestation).

That's all you need to do.

Video tutorials in mathematics.

The technique "Pink bubble" is taken from the site

Step number 4. Act. Perform at least one small action on the way to your goal every day. For example, if you decide to build a house, then you can see one day on the Internet prices for suitable land plots in that area where you plan to do it. The next day is to estimate the scheme of the house that you are going to build and so on. Another very important remark. It is better if the result you declare will be on the verge of your capabilities. What does it mean? If you wish to buy a car, and you have enough money for him, it will be a boring event. And you will forget about it all the time (if the need does not sign, of course).

But if you dream about a car that you are not on the pocket today, then your subconsciousness will feel that you are in danger. And give you additional excitation energy so that you have overcome your danger, and have achieved success. People have such a long excited state on the way to the target called "excitement". And if you are in Azart, then everything will be the most successful way for you, you know. Of course, if you are before cleaned their past failures and uploaded to the subconscious PU about your inevitable success. That is why the welcome result should exceed your current capabilities. Otherwise you yourself will forget to get to the place where it can be obtained.

Leave different paths implementation. When formulating the target, you do not need to limit the ways to implement it. This means, when formulating a goal, it is better to use such verbs that will allow you to use any way accessible to you. For example, you want to improve your housing conditions. Based on domestic ideas, you think you can only buy a new apartment. With this setting, your goal formula will look something like this: "During the current year I get a beautiful three-room apartment." That is, you have chosen only one way to achieve your goal - buying an apartment. And now your subconscious will not look for other opportunities, but will focus on the process, as a result of which you buy an apartment for the usual price. Most likely on credit. This is an ordinary way of thinking and arising from it actions.

And another option is possible. You admit that life (with the help of the subconscious) can somehow be erupted and offer you the desired apartment for significantly smaller money. Or completely without money - it also happens. Not the fact that you will have this way, but it is better not to block this opportunity. Therefore, it is recommended when the purpose is noted that you "buy" an apartment ". And a little expanding ways to get it, and immediately record the result that you dream: "For the current year I enter my beautiful three-room apartment." You enter, and you bought it, or were inherited, or you presented it - it's all the same.

Put only the actual purpose you really need. In the target formula, write only what you really need. That is, to achieve what you are willing to attach your strength. Even better, if with the thought of the desired goal you feel the excitement (!) And ready to go to it in any conditions. What is it about? The fact that if the declared goal does not inspire you, then you will most likely be achieved. She is just not interested in you, and you will find thousands of options where you will send your strength and get more pleasure from it. That is, the goal "I'm getting married, so my mother behind me" is not a true goal. This is your mom wants to see you married, not you yourself. So let mom come out ... There is an article on this topic. In pursuit of illusion. How not to live in life for nothing?

Step number 5. Thank.Take with gratitude what sends life. Thank the Universe for any, even the most minor, positive changes on the way to the goal. Thank you for every step of the universe towards meet. Why is it important? Again, we will draw an analogy. If you made a person something good, I had some kind of service, and he did not thank you, even "Thank you" did not say. Do you want to make something similar for him? I doubt. Similarly, the universe. When you thank when you accept with gratitude what they give you, you set up your radiation on the line of life, where it becomes even more.

Visualization. Step by step algorithm.

In more detail about this simple step-by-step imaging algorithm, subject to which the goals are implemented the fastest, easy and optimal way, you can find out the video.

Excerpt from the speech of Igor Solonevsky at the conference "Disclosure of Secrets 2.0"

Useful materials.