Jan Amos Komensky Quotes of Education. Statements and Aphorisms Komensky I

Publication date: 2011-10-05 02:03:00

Komensean Yang Amos, Famous Czech teacher, "Father of the New Pedagogy", Humanist, a public figure, was born in 1592 in Nivnice, in the Czech Republic, in the Protestant family of the community of Czech brothers. He studied in a fraternal Latin school, teaching there was so tedious and uninteresting that in the last of its classes Komensky began to think about reforming school learning. Two years he studied at the University of Heidelberg, then traveled to G. G. Returning to the Czech Republic, Jan Amos became a school teacher in Priera. It was then that for the first time he begins to use his method of learning Latin, relying on the "Rules of easier grammar." In 1616, he became a priest of the family community of Czech brothers and a preacher. In 1612, he began working on full dictionary Czech language - "Treasury of Czech language." This work took 44 years old. In 1627, Kamensky began working on "didactics" in Czech and finished it in 1632, almost immediately translating it on universal Language Sciences - Latin, under the name "Great Didactika" (1633-1638). Kamensky demanded the harmonious development of human abilities, awakening and strengthening the independence and insistence of a student, humane treatment of students. He argued the need for visual learning and the uselessness of mechanical memorization of something incomprehensible. At the same time, in determining the purpose of upbringing Kamensky, the influence of the religious ideology is clearly traced: he talks about the preparation of a person for eternal life. In the educational method, he considered the most essential order and naturalness. From here, the basic training requirements have emerged: it is necessary to start it if possible earlier, the educational material must correspond to the age of students.

In 1650 Kamensky was invited to Hungary to restructure school Education In the lands of Prince Sigismund Rakoki. Returning in five years in the city of Leszno, he survived the horrors new war - In 1656, the city was burned and looted by the Swedes who fought with the responding speech. The House of Komense himself was also burned, during the fire all his books were killed and almost all manuscripts.

At the invitation of the Amsterdam Senate in 1657, he went to Holland, where he lived until his death. In Amsterdam, Kamensky continued to work on started in 1644. The general labor of the "Universal Council for the Firing of Human Affairs", which gave a plan for the reform of human society. The first two parts of labor were published in 1662, the manuscripts of the remaining five parts were found only in the 30s. 20 c.; Fully, this utopian work was published in Prague in Latin in 1966. The result of the Kamensky's summary of his works in the book "The only necessary" (1668).

In an effort to revive the teaching and awaken in children interest in knowledge, Kamensky applied the method of dramatization educational material and on the basis of " Open door To the languages, "wrote a number of plays, who made the book" School-game "(1656). In Hungary, he graduated from the first in history. The illustrated textbook "The World of Sensual Things in Pictures" (1658), in which the drawings were an organic part of educational texts.

In most pedagogical work Kamensky seeks to give his definition to the teacher who, in his understanding, should own pedagogical skills and love his work, awakened the independent thought of students, prepare from them active people who care about the general good.

Kamensky had a huge impact on the development of world pedagogy and school practice. Many of his didactic provisions entered the current theory of learning. Died in Amsterdam in 1670


  • Children willingly always do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not be interfered, but you need to take measures to always have something to do.
  • There are children with sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and almost always consider hopeless; Meanwhile, great people are usually overlooking them, unless to educate them properly.
  • Anticipation of ignorance is the education that the souls of young people should be on schools.
  • It should be constantly refreamed of young people golden Rule: nothing extra! So that everywhere could be protected from suggestion and disgust.
  • A completely unproduced one who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can absorb, and in what only he wants.
  • The happy one school that teaches zealously learn and do good, still rursing is the best and tightness - the best.
  • Where they do not entail the abilities, do not push there.
  • It is easy to follow the right to those who are right go ahead.
  • Wise time distribution is the basis for activity.
  • Do not hunt for praise, but try to act like all my strength.
  • There is nothing harder how to re-educate a person badly brought up.
  • Nothing feigned can not be long.
  • Education must be true, full, clear and durable.
  • Under the name of morality, we mean not only external decency, but also the entire inner base of motivation.
  • Consider the unfortunate that day or that hour in which you did not care anything new and did not add anything to your education.
  • Only then in a person firmly and reliably, which he agreed into the nature of him in the first time of life.
  • The one who knows little can be small and learn.
  • The mind illuminates the path of the will, and the will commands actions.
  • Read and not understand - the same thing to do not read at all.
  • What is a beautiful ignorant like not decorated parrot feathers?
  • Extracting from the classics will bring excellent benefit, and something will always meet, which is tightly in the head, will pass into the flesh and blood.
  • The study of wisdom elevates and makes us strong and generous.
  • Books are a wisdom plant tool.
  • Who, being even an adult, can speak only among the words, and not affairs, he and a person is not to be considered.
  • Known feature of people: before any wonderful discovery will be made, they are surprised how it can be done, and after - as it was not open before?
  • Without an example, nothing will be learned.
  • Eternal law will be: to learn and learn from everything through examples, instructions and application in practice.
  • The tree also needs correction and frequency of refreshment with winds, rains, cold weather, otherwise it is easily weak and faded. Similarly, the human body is needed generally strong movements, activities and serious exercises.

Jan Amos Komensesky, (1592-1670), Czech teacher Humanist, Bishop, Inventor Cool Urgent System

Where they do not entail the abilities, do not push there.

Since we bring up people, not parrots, then they must be constantly led by the clear light of the mind.

Wars need to reject as something animal, for people like humans. Not war, and the world is put by the goal of your life!

Aristotle compared the human soul with a clean board, on which there was no nothing written, but on which, however, it would be possible to write everything ... the difference is that on the line the line can be carried out only to the limits of its edges, while for the letter and Drawing in the mind you will not find any boundary because the mind is unreserved.

No one is done by the master, without exercising in mastery.

Do not hunt for praise, but try to act commendable.

Easy to follow the one who goes in front.

Only then in a person firmly and reliably, which he agreed into the nature of him in the first time of life.

Eternal law will be: to learn and learn from everything through examples, instructions and application in practice.

Without an example, nothing will be learned.

The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, cold weather, otherwise it is easily weak and sluggish. Similarly, the human body is needed generally strong movements, activities and serious exercises.

Children willingly always do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not be interfered, but you need to take measures to always have something to do.

There are children with sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and almost always consider hopeless; Meanwhile, great people are usually overlooking them, unless to educate them properly.

Known feature of people: before any wonderful discovery will be made, they are surprised how it can be done, and after - as it was not open before?

Extracting from the classics will bring excellent benefit, and something will always meet, which is tightly in the head, will pass into the flesh and blood.

The study of wisdom elevates and makes us strong and generous.

Books are a wisdom plant tool.

Who, being even an adult, can speak only among the words, and not affairs, he and a person is not to be considered.

Wise time distribution is the basis for activity.

There is nothing harder how to re-educate a person poorly brought up.

Nothing feigned can not be long.

Education must be true, full, clear and durable.

Under the name of morality, we mean not only external decency, but also the entire inner base of motivation.

Anticipation of ignorance is the education that the souls of young people should be on schools.

It should be used as much as art that art is to introduce morality is supplied properly in schools so that the schools are, as they are called, "masterfully people."

It is necessary to constantly refresh the golden rule in the memory of young people: nothing superfluous! So that everywhere could be protected from suggestion and disgust.

A completely unproduced one who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can absorb, and in what only he wants.

The happy one school that teaches zealously learn and do good, still jealous - the best, and everything is right - the best.

Consider the unfortunate that day or that hour in which you did not care anything new and did not add anything to your education.

The one who knows little can be small and learn.

The mind illuminates the path of the will, and the will commands actions.

What is a beautiful ignorant, if not decorated parrot feathers?

Jan Amos Komensei



pedagogue, writer

Eternal law will be: to learn and learn from everything through examples, instructions and application in practice.

Without an example, nothing will be learned.

The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, cold weather, otherwise it is easily weak and sluggish. Similarly, the human body is needed generally strong movements, activities and serious exercises.

Children willingly always do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not be interfered, but you need to take measures to always have something to do.

There are children with sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and almost always consider hopeless; Meanwhile, great people are usually overlooking them, unless to educate them properly.

Known feature of people: before any wonderful discovery will be made, they are surprised how it can be done, and after - as it was not open before?

Extracting from the classics will bring excellent benefit, and something will always meet, which is tightly in the head, will pass into the flesh and blood.

The study of wisdom elevates and makes us strong and generous.

Books are a wisdom plant tool.

Who, being even an adult, can speak only among the words, and not affairs, he and a person is not to be considered.

It is easy to follow the right to those who are right go ahead.

Wise time distribution is the basis for activity.

Do not hunt for praise, but try to act like all my strength.

There is nothing harder how to re-educate a person badly brought up.

Nothing feigned can not be long.

Education must be true, full, clear and durable.

Under the name of morality, we will understand not only external decency, but also the entire inner base of motivation.

Anticipation of ignorance is the education that the souls of young people should be on schools.

It should be taken as much as possible to implement the present morality to be put properly in schools so that the schools are as they call them, "masterfully people."

It is necessary to constantly refresh the golden rule in the memory of young people: nothing superfluous! So that everywhere could be protected from suggestion and disgust.

A completely unproduced one who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can absorb, and in what only he wants.

The happy one school that teaches zealously learn and do good, still jealous - the best, and everything is right - the best.

Consider the unfortunate that day or that hour in which you did not care anything new and did not add anything to your education.

Only then in a person firmly and reliably, which he agreed into the nature of him in the first time of life.

The one who knows little can be small and learn.

The mind illuminates the path of the will, and the will commands actions.

What is a beautiful ignorant, if not decorated parrot feathers?

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (K) by Brocgauz F. A.

Komensky Komensei (Jan-Amos, Latinized. Comenius) - the famous "Father of the New Pedagogy", Rod. March 28, 1592 in the Moravian town of Ugrian Brod. His father, Martin, Czech from MST. Comments, belonged to the "Community of Czech brothers", this better expression of gusity. Osapoteev more B.

From book big Soviet Encyclopedia (S) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Ko) author BSE.

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (TU) of the author BSE.

From the book Aphorisms by Yermishin Oleg.

Jan Amos Komensesky (1592-1670) Thinker-Humanist, Pedagogue, writer Eternal law, will be: to learn and learn through examples, instructions and use in practice. The example of the example will not be learned anything. Drain also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment wind help

From the book 100 great biblical characters Author Ryzhov Konstantin Vladislavovich

Amos Brison Olkott (1799-1888) writer, teacher Loneliness - the surest sign

From the book of the Formula of Success. Desktop Book of the leader to achieve a vertex Author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

From the book of the author

Komensean Yang Amos Komensesky (1592-1670) - Czech Thinker-Humanist, Pedagogue, Writer, Public Affairs. * * * Consider the unfortunate that day or that hour, in which you have not learned anything new and did not add anything to your education. Eternal law will be: to teach and

  • Without an example, nothing will be learned.
  • There is nothing harder how to re-educate a person badly brought up.
  • A completely unproduced one who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can absorb, and in what only he wants.
  • The one who knows little can be small and learn.
  • Education must be true, full, clear and durable.
  • Who, being even an adult, can speak only among the words, and not affairs, he and a person is not to be considered.
  • Wise distribution of time There is the basis for activities.
  • What is a beautiful ignorant, if not decorated parrot feathers?
  • Under the name morality We understand not only external decency, but the entire inner base of motivation.
  • Extracting from the classics will bring excellent benefits, and something will always meet that it will be firmly in the head, go into blood and flesh.
  • It is necessary to constantly refresh the golden rule in the memory of young people: nothing superfluous! So that everywhere could be protected from suggestion and disgust.
  • The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, cold weather, otherwise it is easily weak and sluggish. Similarly, the human body is needed generally strong movements, activity And serious exercises.
  • Do not chase for praise , but try hard to act commendable.
  • The mind illuminates the way will , and the will commands actions,
  • Where they do not entail the abilities, do not push there.
  • Children willingly always do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not be interfered, but you need to take measures to always have something to do.
  • Only that in a person firmly and reliably, which he agreed into the nature of him in his first time of life.
  • Nothing feigned can not be long.
  • Read and not understand - the same thing to do not read at all.
  • Books is a planting tool wisdom.
  • There are children with sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and almost always consider hopeless; Meanwhile, great people are usually overlooking them, unless to educate them properly.
  • Happy Ta school which teaches jealous Study and doing good, still jealous - the best, and everything is jealous - the best.
  • Eternal law will be: to learn and learn from everything through examples, instructions and application in practice.
  • It is easy to follow the right to those who are right go ahead.