Education of the Frankish kingdom. Franksk Empire (Franksk State)

Frank - It was a big tribal union, which has developed from several more ancient German tribes (Sigambra, Hamavov, Brukters, Tenkthers, etc.). They lived east of the Low Eve of the Rhine and were divided, as if by a wall, sirribonarian forests into two groups: Saliyev and Ripuariyev. In the second half of the IV century. Franks occupied Toksandry (the area between Maas and Shelda), settling here as the federals of the Empire.

Orange color shows the territory of habitat of Ripoary francs in the second half of the 5th century.

During the great relocation of peoples, the dominant situation among Saliyev was taken by the Meroving Dynasty. At the end of the V century, one of its representatives of CLODVIG (466- 511) stood up at the head of the Salic Franc. This cunning and enterprising conken laid the beginning of a powerful francian monarchy.

Reimsky Cathedral - where kings swear

The first king, crowned in Reims, was the leader of Frankings Chlodwig. This happened in 481. The legend says that the miracle happened on the eve of the coronation: the pigeon sent from the sky brought the Phial in the beak, a full elusion needed to induce the king to the kingdom.

The last Roman hold in Gaul was Susson with surrounding territories. Holwell, who knew on the experience of his father, about the untouched wealth of cities and villages of the Paris basin, and about the phenomena of the authorities, the remaining heirs of the Roman Empire, in 486. In the Battle of the city of Susson defeated the troops of the Roman governor in Gaulia Gaigria and captured the power in this region of the former empire.

To expand their possessions to the Lowholders of the Rhine, he is heading with the army to the area of \u200b\u200bCologne on Alemannov, who pushed the Ripoard francs. The battle with Tolbiak occurred on the field of Vollarhamian empty near the German town of Zulpy. This battle is extremely important in its consequences. The wife of Clodight, the Burgundian princess of Clotilda, was a Christian and had long been convinced her husband to leave paganism. But Chlodwig Medlil.

They say that in the battle with Alemann, when the enemy began to take the top, Chlodvig gave a loud voice to the vow to be baptized if she won. There were many Gallo-Roman Christians in his troops, hearing vows, they inspired and helped win the battle. The king of Alemannov fell in the battle, his warriors to stop the drowsy turn to Chlodvigu with the words: "Mess, we submit to you" (Grigory Tour).

This victory, puts Aleagnov dependent on the francs. The territory on the left bank of the Rhine, the region of the Neckar River (the right tributary of the Rhine) and the Earth to the lowerhouse lane go to Chlodvigu ...

Francois-Louis Ardi Dezhyin - the baptism of Chlodv in Reims in 496

Holweign donated the churches a lot of wealth and changed the white cloth on his banner, at which three golden toads were depicted, on blue, later, depicting a heraldic lily, who was a symbol of St. Martin, the patron saint of France. Chlodwig as if chose this flower as a cleansing symbol after baptism.

Together with the king, a large part of his squad was baptized. The people, after the speech of the king, exclaimed: "The merciful king, we refuse mortal gods and are ready to follow the immortal God, which he preaches remigions." Frank accepted baptism from the Catholic clergy; Thus, they became the one-on-shred Gallo - the Roman population, could merge with him in one people. This clever political step provided Chlodvigu the opportunity under the banner of fighting heresy to oppose the neighboring tribe of the Vestdy and other barbaric tribes.

In 506, Chlodwig creates a coalition against the Westgoth King Alarich II, which owns the fourth part of the South-West Gaul. In 507, he splits the army of Alarich in Vouei, near Poitiers, pushing the vibrations for the Pyrenees. For this victory, the Byzantine Emperor Anastasii I complied with his honorary title of the Roman Consul, sewed him signs of this Sana: the crown and purple mantle and the most in the eyes of the Gallic population as if confirmed by the power of Galodight in the newly conquered areas. He enjoys the support of the bishops seeing the winner in the winner in the fight against the Arianism, which they consider heresy.

Many of the Roman and Gallic nobility hurried to recognize the power of Glodight, thanks to which they retained their lands and dependent people. They also helped Chlodvigu to manage the country. Rich Romans robbed with Frankish leaders and gradually began to make a single ruling layer of the population. At the same time, the Eastern Empire was primarily focused on its own benefits, primarily in foreign policy.

The efforts of imperial diplomacy around the Frankish "Kingdom" chloride were sent both to the achievement of a favorable equilibrium of forces in the West and the creation of the Otlota against other Germans, in particular - is ready. In this regard, the Byzantine diplomacy continued the traditional policy of the Roman Empire: it is preferable to straighten with the barbarians with their own hands.

By order of the chloride, the codification of law was carried out, ancient judicial customs of francs and new decrees of the king were recorded. Chlodvig became the only supreme ruler of the state. He was now obeyed not only all the Frankish tribes, and the population of the whole country. The king's power was much stronger than the power of the military leader. The king passed her inheritance to his sons. Actions against the king caught death. In each region of the extensive country, Chlodvig appointed rulers from people close to him - counts. They collected taxes from the population, commanded the soldiers of warriors, led the court. The highest judge was the king.

To conquer and, most importantly, retain new lands, the warlord must rely on the tried loyalty of the military suite, everywhere accompanying and protecting it. Only a complete treasury is able to give it such an opportunity and only the capture of funds contained in the treasury of rivals can make it capable of acquiring loyalty to new warriors, and this is necessary if territorial claims apply to all Gallia. Chlodwig and its receivers, strengthening their power and providing themselves with the possibility of control over the acquired territories, generously disassembled the lands with their approximate and warriors as a reward for the service. The result of such darisions was a sharp strengthening of the natural process of "settlement of the squad to earth". Employment of the warriors estates, the transformation of them in the farmers-landowners took place in almost all countries of feudal Europe. Very soon noble people turned into large landowners.

At the same time, Chlodvig tried to unite the Franksky tribes under his authority, subordinate to other Merovingians. He reached this goal to cunning and atrocities, destroying the Frank Chiefs, who were His allies when winning Gaul, showing a lot of tricks and cruelty. Meroving was called "long-haired kings", because according to legend they did not have the right to cut their hair, for it could bring misfortunes for the kingdom and punishable by immediately deprivation of the throne. Therefore, at first the rulers of the Franks of their rivals did not kill, but simply squeaked their hair. But the hair was growing quickly ... and soon they began to cut them off with her head. The beginning of this "tradition" put the son of Hilderik and the grandson of Merovoy - Chlodwig, destroying almost all relatives - the leaders of the Salic Franc: Siagraya, Hararich, Ragnahar and their children, their brothers Rahara and Rigneur and their children.

He eliminated the king of Ripharic francs of Sigebert, to ensure his own son to kill his father, and then sent killers to the son. After the murder of Sigbert and his son, Chlodvig proclaimed himself also by the king of Ripaoce francs. At the end of the V century, the German tribes, calling themselves francs, form a new state (future France), which during the mercoings covered the territory of the current France, Belgium, the Netherlands, part of Germany.

The long-awaited moment came for Glodvius - he became the sole ruler of Franks, but for a while, in the same year he died. His buried in Paris in the Church of the Holy Apostles, which he himself built along with his wife (now the Church of Saint Genevieve).

Considering the kingdom as his property, he left him his four sons. Thierry, Chlodomomir, Hildeber and Chloatar took into the inheritance of the kingdom and divided into equitable parts among themselves, only sometimes uniting for jointly conquering campaigns. The kings became a few, the kingdom was still one, although divided into several parts, which German historians gave the name "Share Kingdom". The power of the Frankish kings has undergone changes from the end of V to the middle of the VI century. As first, only the authorities over one people or a nationality, uniting people for the war, she became power over a certain territory, and by virtue of this - the constant authority over noncountless peoples.

The fragmentation of the kingdom did not interfere with francs to unite their efforts for joint action against burgundy, the state was conquered after the protracted War in 520-530. By the time of the sons of Khlodvius, the joining of the region of the future Provence, which turned out to be bloodless. Merovingami managed to achieve the transfer of these lands from sharp, drawn into a long war against Byzantium. In 536 Osthots King Vitigis abandoned Provence in favor of francs. In the 30s. The VI century was also conquered by the prielemic possessions of Alemenov and the Land of Turing between the Weser and the Elbe, and in the 50s. - Land of Bavarov on the Danube.

But apparent unity could no longer hide the signs of future strife. The inevitable consequence of the section was civilian in the family of mercoings. These interdudes are accompanied by cruelty and treacherous killings.

Jean-Louis Besar - Hildeert I, the Third Son of the King of Glodight I and Cottilda Burgund

In 523-524. Together with the brothers, he took part in two campaigns against Burgundy. After the death of the chlodomer during the second campaign, there was a bloody collusion of Hilder and Chlotar, intricate to kill their nephews and divide their inheritance among themselves. So Hildertert became King Orlean, recognizing his heir to chloroard.

In 542, Hildertert, together with the chlorine, organized a campaign to Spain against Visigoths. They captured Pamplona and besieged to Saragoza, but were forced to retreat.

From this hike, Hilderte brought to Paris, the Christian relic - Tunic of St. Vincent, in honor of which he founded the monastery in Paris, later known as the abbey Saint-Germain de Pre. In 555, together with the nephew of the temple, Hildert raised the rebellion against Chloratary I and looted part of his lands. After the death of Hilderte, Chlorine took possession of his kingdom.

In 558, all Gallium united under the authority of Chlorotor I. He also had four heirs, which led to the new crushing of the state into three parts - Burgundy, Austzia and Nastyrah in the south-east was located Aquitaine, which was considered the common territory of all three Frankish kings. Meroving power represented ephemeral political education. It did not have not only economic and ethnic community, but also of political and judicial and administrative unity. There was no equal and social structure of different parts of the Franksky state. At the beginning of the VII century, in the king of Chlootar II, the land knowing the major concessions listed in the Edichet of 614, and those limited his power.

The last significant king from the house of the Meroving was Dagobert (Son ChloroI II). The following then the Merovingings were negligible one of the other. With them, the decision of public affairs goes into the hands of Majorov, appointed by the king in every kingdom from representatives of the most noble childbirth. Among this disorder, one position was especially allocated and achieved the highest power: it was a position manager of the Palace. The manager of the palace, the elegant mayor, or Mejor (Major Domus), in the 6th century, did not stand out from a number of many other posts; In the VII century, he began to take the first place after the king.

The Frank State fell into two main parts: Eastern, Austsia, or actually German lands, and Western, Neustrai, or Gallia.

One Austrasian Majord, Pische Geristalsky, was already so powerful that he forced himself to admit Mejort and in neastrics. As a result of conquering hikes, he expanded the territory of the state and the tribes of the Saxz and Bavarov paid him a tribute. The son of His Karl, from Alpaida's secret wife, also kept under his board both half.

In 725 and 728, Karl Pipin launched two campaigns to Bavaria, as a result of which she was subordinate to his kingdom, although he continued to be managed by his duke. At the beginning of the 730s won the aleania, which was, in the past, to the Franksky state.

Karl significantly strengthened the military power of the Frankish kingdom. With it, the military art of francs received further development. It was associated with the advent of the heavy cavalry of the Frankish nobility - in the near future the Knights.

Carl invented the original course. He began to issue state lands not complete, but in conditional property. So, in the Frank state received a special type of land ownership - benefits. The condition was in full "self-supporting" and the carrying of equestrian military service. If the land owner refused, for whatever the reasons, it was put on confiscated back in favor of the state.

Karl spent a broad distribution of the beneficiation. The foundation for these suggestions served first the land confiscated from rebellious magnates, and when these lands were dried, he conducted partial secularization (withdrawal of something from church, spiritual conduct and transfer to secular, civil), due to which a large number of beneficiaries were given. Using part of church lands to strengthen the beneficial system, Karl at the same time actively promoted the spread of Christianity and enrich the clergy in the land conquered them, saw a means of strengthening his power in the church. It is known for his patronage of missionary activities of St. Bonifation - "Apostle of Germany".

Arabs, conquering Spain, invaded Gallia. Under the city of Poita in 732, the troops of the Frankish Mayordome Charles were divided by the Army of Andalus Emir Abderrahman Al-Gafaka, who decided to show the Duke of Aquitania Ed.

There was a battle in which the desperate courage of Muslims crushed about the fortress of francs. The battle turned out to be in many ways the turning point in the history of medieval Europe. The battle of Poitier saved her from Arabic conquest, and at the same time showed all the power of the freshly created knightly cavalry. Arabs returned to Spain and stopped progress towards the north of Pyrenees. In the hands of Arabs now, only a small part of South Gaul is septimia. It is believed that it was after this battle of Karl received the nickname "Martell" - hammer.

In 733 and 734, he conquered the lands of friezes, accompanying the conquest of the active plantation of Christianity among them. Repeatedly (in 718, 720, 724, 738) Karl Martell campaigning against the Rhine against Saksov, he entered them with tribute.

However, he stood only on the threshold of the genuine historical greatness of the state of the francs. Before his death, he divided the Frankish kingdom between the two sons, Karloman and Pipin's short, the first of them received Mejoro in Austsia, Schwabia and Thuringia, the second - in neastrics, Burgundy and Provence.

Karl Martel inherited his son Pitsh Short, called so for his small height, which did not prevent him from possessing a great physical force. In 751, Majort Pipin Short, concluded in the monastery of the last Meroving (Hilderic III) and turned to Pope with a question: "Who should be called, who has only title, or who has real power?", And the dying dad answered exactly the way I wanted to ask. This, as if a simple question was thrown a challenge of the genital sacrality of francs embodied in the meringues.

Francois Dubua - Anointing to the Kingdom of Pipina Short in Saint-Denis Abbey

The holy bishop of Bonifacea made anointing of Pipina in the kings, and then the Roman dad Stefan II, who arrived to ask for help against Langobard, repeated this union of indigence. In 751, at the meeting of the Franksk, nobility and his vassals in Susson Pipin was officially proclaimed by the king of francs. Pipin knew how to be grateful: He forced the Langobard King's Langobard King to give the dad to the Pope of the Roman region and the land of the Ravenne Exarchate. At these lands in Central Italy in 756, a papal state appeared. So Pipin became a monarch, and the dope authorized the coup received the invaluable gift, the great importance of the precedent for the future: the right to deviate kings and entire dynasties from power.

Karl Martell and Pipine shortly understood that the spread of Christianity and the dispensation of church administration in German countries closely bring together the last with the Frankish state. Even earlier, individual preachers (missionaries), especially from Ireland and Scotland, came to the Germans and distributed Christianity among them.

After the death of Pipina, in 768, the Crown moved to his son Carlo, called later the Great. Majorta Australia from the home of the Pipinides (descendants of Pipina Geristalsky), becoming the rulers of the United Frank state state, marked the beginning of a new dynasty of the Frankish kings. Named Karl Dynasty of Pipinides received the name of Carolings.

On the board of Carroling in the Frankish society laid the foundations of the feudal system. The growth of large land ownership was accelerated due to the social bundle inside the community where it was preserved, the ruin of the mass of free peasants, which, losing their allods, gradually turned into parcel, and then personally dependent people. This process, which began in the Merovingians, in the VIII-IX centuries. accepted a rapid character.

Continuing the conquest policy of its predecessors, Karl at 774 made a campaign to Italy, overthrowing the last Langobard king Desidery and joined the Langobard kingdom to the Frank state. In June 774, after the next siege, Carl took a pavia, proclaiming it with the capital of the Italian kingdom.

Karl the Great has moved from defense to the offensive and against Arabs in Spain. He took the first trip there in 778, but he was able to walk only to Saragossa and, without taking it, was forced to return to Pyrenees. The events of this hike served as the plot basis for the famous medieval French epic "Song about Roland." Her hero was one of the warlords of Charles - Roland, who died in a skirmish with basks, together with the Arijard of the Frankish troops, covering the waste of francs in the Ronsevalsky gorge. Despite the first failure, Karl continued attempts to move to the south of the Pyrenees. In 801, he managed to seize Barcelona and establish a border territory in the northeast of Spain - Spanish brand.

Karl's longest and bloody wars led in Saxony (from 772 to 802), located between the rivers Ems and the Lower Rhine in the West, the Elbe in the East and the Eider in the north. To break the recalcitrant, Karl signed a temporary union with their eastern neighbors, cavity Slavs-encrypts, has long been hostile with saksami. During the war, after its completion in 804, Karl practiced mass resettlement of Saxons into the domestic regions of the Frankish kingdom, and the francs and encrypses in Saxony.

Karl's conquest was sent to the southeast. In 788, he finally attached Bavaria, eliminating the duke power there. Due to this, the influence of francs has spread to the neighboring Carinthia (texture), inhabited by Slavs - Slovenians. In the southeastern borders of the Franksky State of Karl collided with Avar Kaganat in Pannonia. Nomads-Avars committed constant robbing raids on neighboring agricultural tribes. In 788, they attacked the Frankish state, putting the beginning of the Frankish-Avar wars, which continued with breaks until 803. The decisive strike of Avaras was brought by taking a system of ring-shaped fortifications, called "cradies", surrounded by stone walls and frequencing from thick logs; Among these fortifications there were many settlements. Taking storming strengthening, the francs were enriched with reasonable treasures. The main garbage was protected by nine who followed each other walls. The war with Avara lasted for many years, and only the Union of Franks with the South Slavs allowed them with the participation of the Khorutan Prince Warner, who headed this campaign, to defeat the central fortress of Avar in 796. As a result, the Avar Power broke up, and Panonia was temporarily in the hands of Slavs.

Karl Great is the first ruler, solved to unite Europe. The Frankish state covered the huge territory now. It extended from the average course of the Ebro and Barcelona River in the south-west to Elbe, Salah, Bohemian Mountains and Vienna Forest in the East, from the border of Jutland in the north to medium Italy in the south. This territory was inhabited by many tribes and nationalities, various levels of development. The administrative organization of the new Empire of Franks since its appearance is aimed at universal education, the development of art, religion and culture. With it, the capitulary was published - acts of Caroling legislation, land reforms were carried out, contributing to the feudalization of the Frank Society. Forming border areas - the so-called brands, - he strengthened the state's defense capability. The era of Karl entered the story as the Age of the Caroling Renaissance. It was at that time that the Empire of Franks became a link between antiquity and medieval Europe. With his courtyard, scientists and poets were gathered, he contributed to the spread of culture and literacy through monastic schools and through the activities of enlightened monks.

Under the leadership of the Great Anglo-Saxon Scientist Alquin, and with the participation of such famous figures as theodulf, Pavel Deacon, Eingard and many others actively reborn the education system, which received the name of Caroling Renaissance. He headed the struggle of the church against the iconoborets and insisted that Dad turns on FilioQue (the situation of the saint's spirit not only from the Father, but also from the Son) to the Symbol of Faith.

Large rise is experiencing architectural art, numerous palaces and temples are being built, the monumental appearance of which was characteristic of the early Romanesque style. It should be noted, however, that the term "revival" can be applied here only conditionally, since the activity of Charles proceeded in the era of the spread of religious and ascetic dogmas, which became an obstacle to the development of humanistic ideas and the true revival of cultural values \u200b\u200bcreated in the ancient era.

His extensive conquests of Karl the Great demonstrated the desire for imperial universality, which found religious compliance in the universality of the Christian Church. This religious and political synthesis, except symbolic, had great practical importance for the organization of the internal life of the state, ensuring the unity of its heterogeneous parts. Secular power, when it was necessary, used the authority of the church to approve their prestige. However, it was an unstable union: the church, seeing his support in the state, claimed political leadership. On the other hand, the secular power, the strength of which gradually increased, sought to subjugate the papacy. Therefore, the relationship between the Church and the state in Western Europe included confrontation and inevitable conflict situations.

Karl could no longer rule the numerous countries and nations continuing to wear the title of King Frank. To reconcile and merge together all the different elements in their kingdom - the German tribes of francs, saksov, friezes, Langobards, Bavarov, Alamann with the Romance, Slavic and other components of the state, - Carlo needed to adopt a new one, so to speak, a neutral title that could It would give him an indisputable authority and meaning in the eyes of all subjects. Such a title could be only the title of the Emperor, and the question was only how to get it. The proclamation of Charles Emperor could only occur in Rome, and soon there was a case. Taking advantage of the fact that Dad Leo III, escaped from the Roman nor who hostile to him, hid at the court of the Frankish king, Karl took a campaign to Rome in defense of the Pope. Female dad, not without the pressure of Charles, in 800, walked his imperial crown in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome, solemnly laying on him the imperial crown with the title "Karl Augustus, the Gods of the Vented Great and Merging Roman Emperor."

The new Roman Empire of Charles Great was half less than the former, Charles Great was Hermann, not by Roman, preferring to manage the state from Aachen or lead wars. The Sacred Roman Empire of the German Nation existed a thousand years, until he was destroyed by another great conqueror - Napoleon, who called himself the successor of Charles Great.

The words king to Karl the Great did not exist. It happened on his behalf. In anagram, Karl the Great is encrypted his name - Karolus.

Despite the efforts of Karl the Great, the state of the francs did not gain political unity, but the weakening as a result of the external threat accelerated its decay. From this time, only church unity was maintained in Europe, and the culture for a long time was refuge in the monasteries.

The crushing of the empire grandsons of Charles Great in 843 meant the end of the political unity of the Franksky state. The Empire of Karl the Great interlaced due to the feudalization. With the weak states, which were his son and grandchildren, the centrifugal forces of feudalism broke it into parts.

According to the Verden Treaty of 843, it was divided between the descendants of Charles Great into three large parts: the West Frankish, East-Frank Kingdom and the Empire, which included Italy and the Earth along the Rhine (Lotter Empire, one of Karl's grandchildren). The section marked the beginning of the history of the three modern European countries - France, Germany and Italy.

The formation of the "kingdom" of francs is a peculiar result of a large historical path traveled by the West German tribal world for hundreds of years. Of all the Germans formed by the Germans longer, the very important role has been existed and played the most important role. Maybe this is explained by the fact that the francs settled with solid masses, fully outering the "Roman" population with certain terrrétilities.

On the site of the slave-owned territories of ancient Rome, free peasant communities were formed, the formation of large feudal possessions is beginning - the era of feudalism begins, or the era of the Middle Ages. And the formation of French civilization, as part of the European civilization begins.

In modern Europe, Karl Great is considered one of the forerunners of European integration. Since 1950, in Aachen, the capital of the Empire of Charles, the annual award of the Karl Great Prize is held for the contribution to the unity of Europe

A typical example of the early refortel monarchy was Frankish state, states in Western and Central Europe C V to the IX century. It was formed in the territory of the Western Roman Empire simultaneously with other barbaric kingdoms. This territory was inhabited by Franks since the III century. Due to continuous military campaigns of Mayordome Frankov - Karl Martella, his son - Pipina Shorty, as well as grandson - Karl GreatThe territory of the Empire of Franks to the beginning of the IX century reached the largest size.

The kingdom of francs existed significantly longer than all other barbaric states of continental Europe. Two and a half century, reaching Karl Great His highest power and its maximum territorial sizes. Frankish Empire The pranodina of a number of modern Western European states - France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.

The rapid formation of the Franksky state in the form an early refortel monarchy concelted victorious wars and class differentiation of the Frankish society. Since the Frankish state entered into the era of feudalism in the process of decomposition of the primitive community, bypassing the stage of slavery in its development, elements of the old community organization and tribal democracy remained. For society were characteristic multiplay (combination of slave-owned, tribal, community, feudal relations) and the incompleteness of the process of creating the main classes of feudal society.

Genesis of feudalism in francs

France's feudalization processes are developingin the period of the conquest wars VI - VII centuries. In the hands of the king focuses on the right of order of conquered land in North Gaul. The major owners of lands, livestock, slaves, colons (small tenants of the Earth) are becoming servant to know and royal warriors associated with vassal dependence on the king. To know the replenishment of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy, which passed to the service to the Frank King. The development of feudal relations accelerated due to the collision of community orders of francs and the propatory and proper orders of Gallo-Romans.

In the middle of the VII century. In North Gaul begins to develop feudal behavior with a characteristic division of land on the Lord and Peasantic. The Royal Land Foundation decreased due to the distribution of the Earth kings of his vassalam. The growth of major land tenure was accompanied by straightening strings, which showed the fragility of the Kingdom of Meroving. Public power in this period focuses in the hands of the nobility who seized all the main positions and, above all, the post of Mayordome. Majort With merctionings was a supreme official. Initially, he was appointed by the king and headed the palace administration.

With the weakening of the royal authority, his powers expand, and Majord becomes actual head. states. At the turn of the VII-VIII centuries, this position turned into a hereditary heritage of a noble and rich kind, which marked the beginning of the Caroling Dynasty.

The monarchy period of the Meroving (VI-VII centuries)

Western Chief Tribe (Salic) Franks Chlodwig From the genus Merovay, the Romans broke in the battle at Susne and subjugated to North Gallium (486). He and his squad accepted Christianity on the Papal ritual (496). Merovingings pursued two goals:

  • elimination of tribal separatism, unification of all parts of the state;
  • the elimination of old forms of management, subordinate to the country to the territorial districts, royal officials and judges.

The Legal Code of Salic Franks was Salic truth . Earth previously considered the property of the genus turned into allodium - Property of a specific family (end Vt in.). Allode could be bored, sell, buy.

At the head of the state was king. His government consisted of: the first adviser to the kingdom ( majort); Legal Counselor of the King (Palace Count); executive office (referendaries); Commander of the Royal Connection (Marshal). The governors of the king in a specific district (columns) were judges and tax collectors.

After the death of Chlodia, internecine wars begin, as a result of which the kings were almost completely removed from the country's management. The period comes "Lazy kings" . The actual head of state becomes Major.

Majort Karl Martell Conducted reforms. Confiscated part of church and monastic lands, he began to distribute them as beneficia - Gasons of land under the condition of military service and fulfilling certain duties. As a result, a permanent army was created. So there was a connection: the king ( senor) and submitted to him the beneficiary ( vassal).

The period of the monarchy of Carroling (VIII century - the first half of the IX century)

The transition of the royal authority to Carolingams provided successes Karl Martella The former Mayor of the Franksky state in 715 - 741. He restored the political unity of the kingdom and actually focused in his hands the Supreme Power. Confiscated in the recalcitable magnates and the monasteries of the Earth, together with those who lived on them, the peasants are transferred to them into the conditional lifetime holding - benefice .

Beneficiary - The Benefiization Holder - was obliged in favor of the person who presented the land, carry the service, mainly military, sometimes administrative. Refusal of service or treason king deprived the right to award. The reform led to the growth of feudal land tenure and strengthen the chain of peasants, and also gave impetus to education vassalitet systems - feudal hierarchical staircase, a special system of coodes: between the beneficiary (vassal) and the face given to the land (senior), contractual relations were established.

Karl Great (768 - 814)

Son Karl Martella Pipine Short He was proclaimed by the king of francs (751). With his son Karl Great The Frankish kingdom reaches its heyday (768-814). He takes title emperor (800). The territory of the state has grown by conquest. Italy (774), Bavaria (788), Northeast Spain (801), Saxony (804) were attached, (804), Avarian Kaganat in Pannonia (796-803).

With Carle, the traditions of ancient culture are reborn. Schools are opening for boys, the Academy is established in the city of Aachen. A romanesque style is formed in architecture.

The head of the state stood the king - the Supreme Sisser of all the feudalists. Vassals I steps were large secular and spiritual feudals: dukes, graphs, princes, archbishops, bishops. Vassals II Steps - Barons. Knights (small nobles) did not have their vassals, in their immediate submission were the peasants who were given to the land in the holding.

The peasant paid the landowner Rent. Rental forms: Exhaust (born), product, money.

Based on vassalite feedom - Hereditary land ownership, which was given under the condition of military service, military or monetary assistance and loyalty to his suzeraine.

Disintegration of the Frankish Empire

The grandchildren of Karl the Great on the Verden Treaty divided the empire into three parts (843).

  • Older - Lothar I received in possession of Italy, Burgundy and Lorraine - Earth along the r. Rhine.
  • Second - Louis German - Earth for p. Rhine (Saxony, Bavaria).
  • The third - Karl Lysia - Earth itself of the Frankish kingdom.

Verdinsky Agreement laid the beginning of folding three future European countries - France, Germany, Italy. Caroling dynasty had five Branches:

  • Lombardskaya, Founded by Pipin Italian, the son of Charles the Great. After his death, his son Bernard Managed Italy as a king. His descendants settled in France, where the titles of Clave Counts, Vermandoua, Amiens, True.
  • Larring It happened from the emperor Lotar, the eldest son of Louis Pious. With his death, the Middle Kingdom was divided between his sons, which received Italy, Lorraine and Lower Burgundy. Since the new rulers have no sons, in 875, the German and French branches were divided into 875.
  • Akvitan, Founded by Pipin Aquitaine, Son of Louis Gobious. Since he died before his father, Aquitania did not get sons of Pipina, but his younger brother Karl Tolstoy. Sons did not leave descendants, and in 864 the dynasty extinct.
  • German There was from Louis German, the ruler of the Eastern-Frankish kingdom, the son of Louis Gobiously. Divated its possessions between the three sons, which received the Duchy of Bavaria, Saxony and Swabia. His younger son Karl Thick Briefly reunited by the Western and Eastern Kingdom of Franks, who finally disconnected with his death.
  • French - The descendants of Charles Bald, the son of Louis Gobious. We owned the Western-Frankish kingdom, the board of the dynasty was interrupted after the death of Karl Tolstoy and during the time of usurpation of the throne Robertins (twice) and bozonids. After the death of Louis V in 987, representatives of the French branch of Carroling lost the royal throne.

With the collapse of the Frankish Empire in Europe, the period began feudal fragmentation . With the growth of feudal land tenure, individual seniors, large land owners, received privileges - immunity , in possession of the rights of military, judicial and financial power over the peasants who lived on their lands. The ownership of the feudalist, who received the immunity diploma of the king was not covered by the activities of state officials, and all government pursuances were transferred to the owner of the estate. In the processes of establishing the power of large landowners over the peasants in Western Europe, a huge role was played

The Union of German tribes, having a common name - francs, has developed in the III century. AD on the

the northeastern borders of Gaul, the province of the Roman Empire. Among

numerous barbaric kingdoms arising in the territory of Roman Gaul,

which even formally did not always recognize the power of Rome, by the end of the V c. Tower

the Kingdom of Salician (Primorsky) Francs led by Chlodwig (481 - 511).

Salic francs subordinate a number of German kingdoms and in the VI century. Gallia conquer

(now France).

The franc institutional wars accelerated the process of creating the Frank state.

The deep reasons for the formation of Frank state statehood are rooted in

decomposition of the Frankish free community, in its class bundle, which began

in the first centuries of the new era.

The state of francs in its form was a early refortel monarchy. It

originated in the transitional from the community to the feudal society, which he passed in

his development stage of slavery.

The Frank State has passed in its development two main periods: 1) from the end V c.

vii in. (Meroving Monarchy) and 2) from the VIII century. in the middle of the IX century. (Carolinga

monarchy). Rubbing, dividing these periods, is characterized not only by shift

ruling dynasties. He became the beginning of a new stage in the deep socio-economic and

political restructuring of the Frankish society, during which gradually

there was actually a feudal state in the form of a senory monarchy.

In the second period, the creation of a large feudal land

property, two main classes of feudal society: closed, hierarchically

of the cozenal, associated with vassal bonds of the class of feudal, with one

the parties and the affected peasantry operated by him, on the other. For changing

relative centralization and early refortion state comes feudal


Public system

In the V - VI centuries. Franks retained the old community organization. Relations

exploited among the francs themselves were not developed, there was a few

frankskaya to know that formed in the ruling top during military campaigns


The most striking social and class differences in the Ranclass Society of Franks

manifested themselves in the position of slaves. Slave labor, however, did not receive a wide

distribution of francs. The slave was considered a thing. His theft equated to theft

animals. The marriage of the slave with a free entrepreneur of the last freedom.

Salic True, a legal monument of francs, also indicates the presence of

franks of other social groups: clearly limited one after another: know

free francs (communities) and semi-free litas. Differences between them were

associated mainly with the origin and legal status of the person or the

social group to which he belonged.

An important factor affecting the legal distinctions of francs has become

to the royal service, royal squad, to the emerging state

apparatus. These differences were most pronounced in the cash reimbursement system,

which served the protection of life, property and other rights of individuals.

Along with slaves there was a special category of persons - half-blooded litas, life

which estimated half the verge of free, in 100 solids. Lit represented

by himself an incomplete resident of the community of francs. He could enter into the contract

relationships, defend their interests in court, participate in military campaigns together with

with his lord. He, like a slave, could be released by his master who, who,

however, his property remained.

The right of francs testifies to the property bundle of Franksky

societies. In the Solicile Prave, the Lord Chelyani, or Yard servants


However, the Salic True indicates the sufficient strength of old

community orders, about community ownership of fields, meadows, forests, equal rights

community-peasants on the community put on. The very concept of private ownership on

there is no land in Salic Pravda. It only records the origin of the Alloda, providing for the transfer rights to put on inheritance by the male line. Allod -

alienated, turning into the inheritance land tenure of free francs - formed

in the process of decomposition of community ownership of Earth. He lay at the heart

emergence, on the one hand, the womb land tenual, on the other -

land holding dependent on the peasants.

Franc feudalization processes are obtained by a powerful impulse during conquering

wars VI - VII centuries, when in the hands of the Frankish kings, serving aristocracy, royal

the warriors passes a significant part of the Gallo Roman places in North Gaul.

Clash of communal orders of francs and laterimian private special

orders of Gallo-Romans, coexistence and interaction so different

the nature of public engines and accelerated the creation of new, feudal relations.

Already in the middle of the VII century. In North Gaul begins to develop a feudal patrimony with

characteristic of her division of land on the Lord (domain) and peasant


The rapid growth of feudal relations is characterized by VIII - IX centuries. At this time in

frankivsk society takes an agrarian coup, which led to widespread

approval of large feudal land ownership, to spending a community of land

and freedom, to the increase in the power of feudal magnates. This contributed to the action of a number

historical factors. The beginning in the VI - VII centuries. growth of major land tenure

accompanied by straightening strains, revealed all the fraud of the kingdom

Meroving, which is by the end of the VII century. Lost land row and really called only the territory between Laurea and Rhine. In addition, after the death of CLODIV in 511

it was divided between his sons.

The end of all the exhaustion of them

land resources. Only on the basis of new complaints, the provision of new rights

landowners, the establishment of new senory and vassal ties could occur

at this time, the strengthening of the royal power and restoration of Unity of Franksky

states. Such policies and began to conduct Kirolings, actually ruling

the country is even prior to the transition to them the royal crown in 751

Reform of Karl Martella

Karl Martell (Hammer) was Majorta with several Frankish kings in the first

half VIII century. He came from a noble and rich kind of Arnulfing and rules with

715 to 741. His father was also Mayor, his son, Pipin Short, in 751

made by the king of francs. The son of Pipina was Karl the Great.

In an effort to strengthen the central government in the state and thereby prevent it

demand on Señoria, Karl Martell decided to create a qualitatively new army -

the feudal militia, in strict dependence on the king.

Confiscated some part of the lands of their political opponents and, the main

the church and monastic, Martell began to distribute it as so

called beneficiaries (beneficia, mercy) - awards. The beneficiary must

was to military service at the first request of the king.

A feudal communications occurred between the king and the beneficiaries: the king was made

senor, Beneficiary - Vassal. Obtaining land was accompanied by an oath


After the death of the beneficiary, his land and duties moved to his son. If it is not

it was, the king could withdraw the land plot and put on them another.

Karl Martell reached their immediate goals. New army allowed him

the son of becoming a king, and his grandson to merge under his authority almost all

christian lands of the West. Nevertheless, the reform of Karl Martella not only prevented

the disintegration of the state, but even promoted it.

The strengthening of royal authorities was facilitated not only by the reform of Karl Martell,

but new grip wars. To colonization, first of all, the south of Gaul in VIII - IX

explosive Weekly allodists were attracted, at the expense of which and was replenished at this time

equestrian knights class of feudal.

From the middle of the VIII century. The period preceding the completion of the process begins

frankish society bundle on the class of feudal landowners and class

peasants dependent on them. This contributed to the widespread relationship

patronage, domination and subordination arising from special contracts

commandments, Prekariya, self-accepting. The patronage entail

the establishment of personal and property dependence of the peasants from landowner


The peasants transferred them the right to ownership of their land, receiving them

back on the terms of the implementation of certain dates, payments and the like.

In the process of establishing the power of large landowners over the peasants in

Western Europe, the Christian Church played a huge role, which became large

land owner.

Commentation agreements (patronage) arose primarily in relations

peasants with the Catholic Church, monasteries. They were not always associated with loss

freedom and property rights to land commented, as it

took place in the case of a self-defense agreement. But after hitting it

patronage, free peasants gradually lost their personal freedom and through

several generations for the most part became serfs.

The prokaria agreement was directly related to the transfer of land. He enhanced

the emergence of the conditional holding of the Earth transmitted to temporary use,

accompanied by the occurrence of certain duties of the potarist in favor

major landowner. There were three forms of Prekaria: "Drinking of this" -

a peculiar form of rent for land, on the basis of which landless or

a little-earth peasant received a plot of land for temporary use. By

agreement "Drinks Reimbursed" Drikarist originally gave his site

land landowner and received him back to possession. This type of corrosion occurred,

as a rule, due to the collateral of the Earth to the provision of debt. Under the contract "Drink

presented "drike (most often under direct pressure of the landowner) already

who fell into one or another economic dependence, gave his plot to Mr., and

then he received his own and additional plot of land, but already as


The owner of the corrosion has possessed the right of judicial protection against third parties, but not

in relation to landowner. The drike could be back the landowner in

any minute. As the number of people suspended by the magnate people - Prekarists,

commented grew, he acquired an increasing power over them.

The state has fully assisted to strengthen this power. In the capitulary of 787,

for example, it was forbidden to take someone to the patronage of people left

señora without its permission. Gradually vassal connections or relationship relationships

encompass all free people.

In IX century Large beneficiaries achieve the right to transfer benefits on

inheritance. Beneficia comes to replace the feud. Large feudals turn into

sovereigns with political power in their possessions.

Political system

In the processes of the formation and development of the state apparatus of francs

review the three main directions.

The first direction, especially characteristic of the initial stage (V - VII centuries),

manifested itself in the rebirth of the bodies of tribal democracy of francs to the organs of the new

public authorities, in itself state bodies.

The second - was determined by the development of the award bodies.

The third - was associated with the gradual transformation of state power.

frankish monarchs in the "private" power of sovereigns - senors, with the formation

senorial monarchy, which revealed to fully at the second stage of development

frank Society (VIII - IX centuries).

Gaul conquest has become a powerful impulse of creating a new state

the apparatus of francs. It demanded the organization of the management of conquered regions, their

protection. Chlodwig was the first Frankish king who approved his exclusive

the position of the sole ruler. One of the most important political shares,

strengthened the positions of the Franksky state due to the support of Gallo-Roman Cleary,

it was the adoption of Christianity. To change the old generic community finally comes

territorial community (brand), and together with it and territorial division into district

(Pags), hundreds. Salician truth speaks of the existence of officials

kingdom: Graphs, Sacebarons, etc. At the same time, it indicates a significant

the roles of community management. Common breeding meeting at this time

franks no longer had. It was replaced by a review of troops - first in March

("March fields"), then (in Caroling) in May ("May Fields"). But on the ground

the hundredth meetings continued to exist, performing judicial functions under

chairmanship of Tonginov, who, together with Rahinburg, the experts of law were

representatives of communities.

The role of the community in court cases was exclusively great. She answered for

murder committed on its territory, put apartments,

testifying to the good name of their member. Relatives themselves brought to court

his relative, together with him paid verge.

The king performed primarily as the guardian of the world as a forensic

community solutions. His graphs, social models performed mostly police and

fiscal functions.

Royal prescriptions according to Salician truth relate to insignificant

circle of state cases - call in the army, calling to court. But Salic True

it also testifies to the strengthening of the power of the kings. The king directly invaded

in-depth cases, in her placement relationship, allowed a stranger to settle on

community land.

The power of the Frankish kings was inherited. All Neti State

management gradually focused in the royal palace, in the hands of the royal

servants and approximate. Together with the complication of government function

royal servants were increasingly differentiated. Among them are the palace

count, referendaries, camera. Palace Count performed mainly judicial

functions, led by judicial dips, watched the execution of the sentence.

The referendarian conducted royal documents, drawing out acts, regulations of the king and

ave. camerary followed earnings in the royal treasury, for safety

property of the Palace.

In the VI - VII centuries. The main ruler of the Royal Palace, and then the head

the royal administration is becoming a wardroom mayor, or Mejor.

The formation of local authorities occurs at this time under significant

the influence of the Late Rime Orders. Meroving graphs begin to manage districts,

like Roman governors. They have police officers, military and judicial

features. In the capitulia Tongin as a judge is almost not mentioned. Concept

"Count" and "Judge" become unambiguous, their appointment is included in the exclusive

the competence of the queen power.

At the same time, the newly emerging organs of the state apparatus of francs, copying

some Late Rima state orders have had different and social

purpose. These were the authorities expressing the interests of the German service

nali and large Gallo-Roman landowners. They were built on other

organizational basics. So, widely used in public service

king warriors. Originally consisting of the Royal Military Detachment

free French francs, and therefore the state apparatus was replenished

subsequently, not only romanticized galls, which were different

education, knowledge of local law, but also slaves, freed by

components of the Court Royal State. They were all interested in

strengthening royal power, in the destruction of old tribal separatism, in

strengthening new orders of enrichment and social prestige.

Expanding the participation of the feudalizing nobility in the management of the state,

"Senorization" of public posts led to the loss of the royal power of that

the relative independence she enjoyed earlier. It happened not

immediately, and at that time, when large land tenure has already acquired significant

dimensions. At this time, great power assigns the previously created royal

the Council, consisting of representatives of the servant for the nobility and the highest clergy. Without

the consent of the Council King actually could not accept a single serious decision.

Nobe the key positions in the management not only in the center were gradually transferred.

but on the ground. Together with the weakening of power kings more and more independence,

administrative and judicial functions acquired graphs, dukes, bishops, abbry,

who became major landowners. They begin to assign taxes, duties,

court fines.

In 673, secular power achieved confirmation by Hilperik II of Article 12

published in 614 the Edicta, who forbade the appointment of an official, as well as

subordinate to him man ", if they were not local landowners.

Consequently, management functions were fixed behind large local feudals. IN

further, the most important positions in the state became hereditary.

From the mid VII century, in the era of the so-called lazy kings, know already

directly takes the brazdes of the board in their hands, removing the king. First that

it was done by increasingly gaining the role and the values \u200b\u200bof the post Mayorom, and then

by direct displacement of the king. A bright example of this can be shift

royal dynasty in francs. Even in the VII century. With its power, land

wealth began to stand out the genus of Majorts of Pipinides. One of them, Karl Martell,

in fact, the rules of the country. Thanks to the reforms, he managed to

a certain time to strengthen the unity of the Franksky state worried

long period of political destabilization, dismemberment. Son and successor Karl

Martell, not wanting to formally recognize the king, produced state

the coup, sharpened the last reigning meringue to the monastery and took it


Agrarian coup VIII century. contributed to the further development of actually

feudal state, the administrative system in which the main role

began to play the organs of the Votchinsky government. New reconstruction of the control apparatus

contributed to the wide distribution at this time of immunity, by virtue

which the territory belonging to the owner of the immunity was withdrawn (partially or

fully) from the conduct of state authorities in judicial, submitted,

administrative cases. The wint, thus received political power over

his peasants. Immunity letters, as a rule, sanctioned already

the established relationship of the political dependence of the peasants from their senors -


Form of government Monarchy Dynasty Meroving, Carroling Kings - V century - List of kings of France Emperor West - - Karl Great - - Louis I Pious - - Lothar I.

Frankish state (kingdom; Fr. royaumes rEGNUM (Imperium) Francorum), less often Frankia (Lat. Francia.) - The conditional name of the state in Western and Central Europe C on the IX century, which was formed in the territory of the Western Roman Empire simultaneously with other barbaric kingdoms. This territory was inhabited by Franks since the III century. Due to the continuous military campaigns of Mayordome Frankov, Karl Martell, his son Pipina Short, as well as the grandson of Charles the Great, the territory of the Empire of Franks to the beginning of the IX century reached the largest size during its existence.

As a result, the tradition of sharing the inheritance between sons, the territory of the francs was only conditionally controlled as a single state, in fact it was divided into several subordinate kingdoms ( rEGNA.). The number and location of the kingdoms changed over time, and initially Frankia Only one kingdom was called, namely Austsion, located in the northern part of Europe on the Rhine and Maas rivers; Nevertheless, sometimes in this concept included the Kingdom of Neistria, who was north of the Loire River and the West Sena River. Over time application name Frankia Having shifted in the direction of Paris, setting as a result over the area of \u200b\u200bthe River of the Seine River, surrounding Paris (today known as Ile de France), and who gave his name to all of the kingdom of France.

History of appearance and development

origin of name

First written mention of the name Frankyia contained in praise speechesdated to the beginning of the III century. At that time, this concept belonged to the geographical area of \u200b\u200bthe north and east of the Rhine River, approximately in the triangle between Utrecht, Bielefeld and Bonn. This name covered the land ownership of the German tribes of Siksbrov, Salic Franks, Brukters, Ampsiviav, Hamavov and Khattii. The lands of some tribes, for example, Siksbri and Salic francs, were included in the Roman Empire and these tribes supplied the Cross-border troops of the Romans. And in 357, the leader of the Salic Frankings included its lands to the Roman Empire and strengthened his position due to the Union concluded with Julian II, who pushed the Hamavi tribes back to Hamaland.

The meaning of the concept Frankia Expanded as the lands of francs expand. Some of the Frankish leaders, for example, Bavton and Arbogast, were fraught with the loyalty to the Romans, while others, for example, Mulobyudes, acted in Romanesque lands for other reasons. After the fall of Arbogaste, his son Argius succeeded in the establishment of inherited county in Trier, and after the fall of the Usurper Konstantin III, some francs stood on the side of the ionsin usurper (411 years). After the death of Iowina in 413, the Romans could no longer be able to restrain francs in their borders.

Period of Meroving

Historical contribution of successors Chlodion It is not reliably known. It is definitely possible to argue that Hilderic I probably grandson Chlodionruled the Salia Kingdom with the Center in Tour, being federated Romans. Historical role Hilderika He lies in the will of the Land of Franks to his son Chlodvigu, which began to distribute his power over other Frankish tribes and expand the areas of its ownership to the Western and South Part of Gaul. The kingdom of francs was founded by the King Chlodvig I and for three centuries became the most powerful state of Western Europe.

Chlodwig accepted Christianity and used in his interest the power of the Roman Catholic Church. During its 30-year-old board (481 years - 511), he was defeated by the Roman commander Siagrada, conquering the Roman Enclave Susson, the defeat of Alemann (battle with Tobiake, 504 years old), putting them under the control of francs, won the brains in the battle at Vuye In 507, won all their kingdom (with the exception of septimia) with the capital in Toulouse, and also conquered brettons (According to the statements of the Frankish historian Grigory Tour), making them vassals of Frankia. He subjugated all (or most) neighboring frank tribes, living along the Rhine, and included their land in their kingdom. He also subjugated various Roman militarized settlements ( leta) Scattered around Gaul. By the end of his 46-year-old life, Chlodvig rules for all Gallia, with the exception of the province Septimania and Burgundy kingdom in the south-east.

Governing body Meroving It was a hereditary monarchy. The kings of francs adhered to the practice of divide inheritance: sharing their possessions among their sons. Even when several kings ruled MerovingThe kingdom is almost as in the late Roman Empire - perceived as a single state led by collectively several kings and only a series of different events led to the unification of the entire state under the rule of one king. The kings of the mercoings ruled on the affair of the Anointed Lady and their royal grandeur symbolized long hair and acclamation, which was carried out by their lifting on the shield according to the traditions of the German tribes for choosing the leader. After death CLODIVE In 511, his kingdom's territory was divided between its four adult sons in such a way that everyone went about an equal part of the Fisk.

The sons of Glodight chose their capitals around the northeastern region Gaul - the heart of the Franksky state. Senior Son. Theodorih I. Rules in Reims, second son Chlodomir - in Orleans, the third son of Glodight Hildehert I. - In Paris and, finally, the youngest son Chlotar I. - in Susson. During their rule, tribes were included in the Frank state state Thuringing (532 years), Burgundy (534 year) as well Saksov and Frizzy (approximately 560). The remote tribes who lived behind the Rhine were not reliably subordinate to the Frankish dominion and, although they were forced to participate in military campaigns of francs, during the time of the weakness of the kings these tribes were unguided and often tried to leave the Frankiv State. Nevertheless, the francs retained the territoriality of the Romanized Burgundy kingdom, turning it into one of its main areas, including the central part of the Kingdom of Chlodomiro with the capital in Orleans.

It should be noted that the relationship between the king brothers cannot be called friendly, mostly they competed with each other. After death Chlodomir (524) his brother Chlotar Killed sons of chlodomir to take possession of the part of his kingdom, which according to tradition was divided between the remaining brothers. Senior of the brothers Theodorih I., died of illness in 534 and his eldest son, TEEBERT I. managed to defend its inheritance - the largest frank kingdom and the heart of the future kingdom Austry. Ateberta became the first frank king officially ruined the connection with the Byzantine Empire, starting to minted gold coins with his image and calling himself Great King (magnus Rex.), Introducing your protectorate, spreading up to the Roman province of Panonia. Theodebert included in the Gothic wars on the side of the German tribes of hepids and pawnshops against the sharp, attaching to their own ownership of the province of Region, Norik and part of the Veneto region. His son and heir Aeabalid, I could not keep the kingdom and after his death at the 20th age, all the huge kingdom was departed to chloatar. In 558, after death Hildertert, the Board of all Frankish state was concentrated in the hands of one king, Chloro.

This second section of the inheritance on four soon was broken by the fratricide wars, which began, according to the approval of the concubine (and the subsequent wife) Halperica I. Fredgonda, due to the killing of his wife Gallevints. Spouse Sigiberta, Bruungilda, who was also sister killed Galswints, incited her husband to war. The conflict between the two queens existed until the next century. Guntratramn tried to achieve peace, and at the same time twice (585 and 589) tried to conquer Septimania U is ready, but both times suffered defeat. After sustainable death Hariberta In 567, all the remaining brothers received their inheritance, but Hilperick was able to increase his power during the war during wars, conquer again brettons. After his death, Guntramna needed to conquer again brettons. Prisoner in 587 treaty Andno-In the text of which the Frankish state is clearly called Frankia-between Brungildoy and Guntram Posted the latter protectorate over the young son of Brungilde, Hildehert II, who was a successor Sigibertakilled in 575. By the aggregate, ownership of Guntramna and Hildertert more than 3 times higher than the size of the kingdom of the heir Halperica, Chlorine II. In this epoch frankish state consisted of their three parts and such division in the future will continue to exist as Neustry, Austsia and Burgundy.

After death Guntramanna In 592. Burgundy It was entirely a hilderite, who also died soon (595). The kingdom shared his two sons, the older TEBERT II got Austry and part Aquitaniawho owned Hildertert, and the younger - Teodorich II, moved away Burgundy and part Aquitaniawho owned Guntramn. United, the brothers were able to conquer most of the territory of the Kingdom of Chlorini II, which eventually remains in possession of only a few cities, but his brothers could not be captured. In 599, the brothers sent their troops to the Dormely and took the region DENTELINHowever, they later ceased to trust each other and the remaining time of their reign were spent in the hostility that their grandmother was often fascinated Brungilda. She was dissatisfied with the fact that Theloberta excused her from his yard, and subsequently convinced theodorich to overthrow his older brother and kill him. It happened in 612 and the whole state of his father Hilderty was again in some hands. However, it lasted not long because theodorih died in 613 by preparing a military campaign against the chlorine, leaving the extramarital son of Sigibert II, which was about 10 years at that time. Among the results of the reign of the theodeberpt brothers and theodorich, a successful military campaign in Gasconi, where they founded duchy of vasquence, and the conquest of Basque (602 years). This first conquest of Gasconus also brought them land south of Pyrenees, namely, Biskaya and Hypuscane; However, in 612, they received hobs. On the opposite side of his state alemanna During the uprising, theodorich and francs won their power over tribes living beyond the Rhine. Theloberta in 610 by extortion received from the theodorich Duchy of Alsace, putting the beginning of a long-term conflict about belonging to the region Alsace between Austsia and Burgundy. This conflict will end only at the end of the XVII century.

As a result of civilian representatives of the house of the ruling dynasty - Merovinging, the authorities gradually passed into the hands of Majorov, who held the positions of managers of the Royal Court. During the short year of Sigibert II, the position mayordoma, which was rarely noticed in the kingdoms of francs, began to occupy a leading role in the political structure, and the Franksk group name began to unite around Majorov Varnachara II, Rado and Pipina Landenan, in order to deprive real power Brungilda, great-grandbank of the young king, and transfer power Chlotar. Varnarovar himself was already held by the post mayordome AustsiaWhereas Rado and Pipin received these posts as a remuneration for a successful state coup. Chloro, execution seventy-year-old Brungildy And the murder of the Ten-year king.

Immediately after his victory, the greatness of Khlodiev Chlotar II. In 614, chlorinated edict II was proclaimed (still known as Paris Edict), Which is generally considered a set of concessions and sending for Franksk nobility (recently, this point of view is questioned). Regulations edicta First of all, they were aimed at ensuring the reality and termination of corruption in the state, however edict Also recorded the zonal features of the three kingdoms of francs and probably endowed the representatives of the most important rights to the appointment of judicial bodies. By 623 representatives Austsia They began to persistently demand the appointment of their own king, since the chlorine was very often absent in the kingdom, and also because it was considered a stranger, as a result of his upbringing and preceding rule in the River River basin. Satisfying this requirement, chloroant gave his son Dagobertime I rule Austsia And he was properly approved by the warriors of Austsia. However, despite the fact that Dagobert had complete power in his kingdom, the chlorine retained unconditional control over the Frankish state.

During the Joint Board Chloro and Dagobertwhich are often spoken by the "latest ruling mercoings", not fully conquered from the end of the 550s saxi., rebelled under the leadership of the Duke of Bertalda, but were divided by the joint troops of the father and the Son and again included in frankish state. After the death of the chlorine in 628, Dagobert on the Testament of the Father bestowed part of the kingdom to his younger brother Chairibert II. This part of the kingdom was formed again and named Aquitaine. Geographically, it corresponded to the southern half of the former Romanesque province of Aquitania and its capital was in Toulouse. Also in this kingdom were included cores, agencies, Perigue, Bordeaux and Saint; duchy of vasquence It was also included in the number of its lands. Charybert successfully fought with bascamiBut after his death they rebel again (632 years old). At the same time bretonians Frankish dominion protested. The King of Brettonians Yudichael Under the threats of Dagobert to send troops, softened and concluded an agreement with francs to pay tribute (635). In the same year, Dagobert sent troops to doubt basquethat was successfully completed.

Meanwhile, by order of Dagobert Khilperik Akvitan, heir to Haribert, and all frankish state again turned out to be in some hands (632 years), despite the fact that in 633 influential to know Austsia Forced Dagobert to appoint them to the king of his son Sigibert III. This strongly contributed to the "top" of Australia, who wanted to have their own partitioned board, because the aristocrats prevailed at the royal court Neustry. Chlotar rules in Paris decades before becoming a king in Metz; also meroving Dynasty At all times, after him, the monarchy was primarily Neustry. In fact, the first mention of "neastry" in the chronicles occurs in the 640s. Such a delay in mentioning compared to "Austsia" probably takes place because the nestors (the components of the majority of the authors of that time) called their lands just "Frankia". Burgundy In those days, also opposes itself relatively Neustry. Nevertheless, during the time of the Grigoria of the Turovsky there were Austzians who were considered by the people, isolated inside the kingdom, and made rather sharp actions to gain independence. Dagobert, in his intercourse with saksami, ameganne, thuringingas well as slavs.who lived outside the Frankish state and whom he intended to make the tribute to pay, but was defeated from them in the battle under his inchstisburg, invited all representatives of the Eastern Natives to the yard Neustry, but not Austsia. This is, first of all, forced Austsia to ask for the appointment of his own king.

Young Sigibert. rules under influence maordome Grimald senior. It was he who persuaded the childless king to adopt his own son Hilderte. After Dagobert's death in 639, the Duke of Thuringia Radulf organized a rebellion and tried to declare himself as a king. He won Sigibert, after which there was the most important fracture in the development of the ruling dynasty (640 years). During the military campaign, the king has lost the support of many nobles, and the weakness of the monarchical institutions of that time was proved by the inability of the king to conduct effective hostilities without supporting the nobility; For example, the king was not able to even ensure its own protection without loyalty to support Grimaald and Adalgisel. Often, it is Sigibert III that is considered the first of lazy kings (Fr. Roi Fainéant.), and not because he did nothing, but because he brought little to the end.

Frankskaya to know was able to put control of all the activities of the kings due to the right to influence the appointment of Majorov. Separatism nobility led to the fact that Austrusion, neastric, Burgundy and Aquitania were more separated from each other. Right in them in the VII century. t. n. "Lazy kings" did not possess neither authority or material resources.

Major's domination period

Period of Caroling

Franksk State in the death of Pipina 768 and the conquest of Karl the Great

PIPIN strengthened his position in 754 by entering the coalition with Pope Stephen II, which at a luxurious ceremony in Paris in Saint-Denis presents a copy of the fear of a fertilization, known as Dar Konstantin, anointing Pipina and his family to the kingdom and proclaiming it defender of the Catholic Church (Lat. patricius Romanorum). A year later, PIPIN fulfilled this dad promise and returned the Ravenskinsky Exarchate papacy, repleteing it to Langobards. Pipine will give donad dad as Pipinova Dara Conquered lands around Rome, laying the foundations of the papal state. Papal throne had every reason to believe that the restoration of the monarchy in francs will create a revered basis of power (LAT. potestas.) In the form of a new world order, in the center of which will be Pope.

At about the same time (773-774) Karl won the Langobards after which northern Italy It turned out to be influenced. He resumed the payment of donations to the Vatican and promised the protection of protection from frankish state.

Thus, Karl created a state extending from the Pyrenees in the southwest (in fact after 795 included territories northern Spain (Spanish Mark)) through the almost all of the territory of modern France (with the exception of Brittany, which was never conquered by Franks) to the east, including most of modern Germany, as well as the northern regions of Italy and modern Austria. In the church, the bishops of the bishops and Abs were sought to receive the guardianship of the Royal Court, where the original sources of patronage and protection were actually. Karl fully showed himself as the leader of the western part christian Mira And his patronage over monastic intellectual centers was the beginning of the so-called period. caroling Revival. Along with this, with Carlo, a large palace in Aachen was built, many roads and water canal.

Foreign section of the Franksky state

As a result, the Frank state was divided as follows:

  • West Frankish kingdom of rules Karl Bald. This kingdom is a harbinger of modern France. It consisted of the following large feudal possessions: Aquitaine, Brittany, Burgundy, Catalonia, Flanders, Gascon, Septimania, Ile de France and Toulouse. After 987, the kingdom became known under the name Francebecause representatives of the new ruling capeting dynasty were originally dukes Il de France.
  • The median kingdom, the lands of which were messed between Eastern and Western Frank, Lothar I rule. The Kingdom formed as a result of the Verden Treaty, which included the Italian kingdom, Burgundy, Provence and the western part of Australia, was an "artificial" education that did not have ethnic or historical community. This kingdom was divided in 869 after the death of Lothar II on Lorraine, Provence (and Burgundy was in turn divided between Provence and Lorraine), as well as northern Italy.
  • East-Frankish Kingdom of Rules Louis II German. It contained four dukes: Shvabiya (Alemania), Franconia, Saxony and Bavaria; To whom later, after the death of Lothar II, the eastern parts of Lorraine were added. Such a division existed up to 1268, when the Gajenteufen dynasty was interrupted. Otton I was crowned on February 2, 962, which marked the beginning of the history of the Sacred Roman Empire (idea TransLatio Imperii.). Starting from the X century East Frankia also became known under the name Teutonic kingdom (Lat. rEGNUM TEUTINICUM) or Kingdom Germany, and this name has become dominant in the era of the Board of Salician Dynasty. From that time, after the coronation of Conrad II, the title began to be used. emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire.

Society in the frank state


Various tribes frankov, for example, salical francs, Ripoary Francs and Hamava, had various legal normswhich were systematized and secured much later, mainly when Karl Great. With carolingi appeared so-called barbarian Codes -

The origin of francs. Education of the Frankish Kingdom

In historical monuments, the name of the francs appeared from the III century., And the Roman writers called the Franks, many German tribes that worn various names. Apparently, the francs were represented by a new, very extensive tribal association, which included a number of German tribes, sparing or mixed during resettlement. Franks disintegrate into two large branches - seaside, or salical, francs (from the Latin word "Salum", which means the sea), who lived at the mouth of the Rhine, and the coastal, or Ripa and Franks (from the Latin word "Ripa", which means the shore) who lived south along the banks of the Rhine and Maas. Franks were repeatedly shipped through Rhine, making raids on Roman possessions in Gaul or settling there on the position of the Allies of Rome.

In V c. Franks captured a significant part of the territory of the Roman Empire, namely Northeast Gallia. The head of the Frankish possessions stood the leaders of the previous tribes. From the leaders of Franks, the merryov is known, in which the francs fought against Attila on the Catalaun fields (451) and on behalf of which the name of the royal family of Meroving. The son and successor Merovoy was the leader of Hilderik, whose grave was found near Tourna. The son and heir to Hilderiga was the most prominent representative of the family of Meroving - King Chlodwig (481-511).

Becoming the king of salical francs, Chlodwig, together with other leaders, acting, as well as he, in the interests of Franksk, made a conquest of extensive regions of Gaul. In 486, Franks captured the Susson region (the last Roman possession of Gaul), and in the future and territory between Seine and Laoray. At the end of V c. Franks caused a strong defeat of the Hermann tribe of Alemannov (Alamanov) and partially crowded them from Gaul back for Rhine.

In 496, Chlodwig was baptized, adopting Christianity with 3 thousand of his warriors. Baptism was a skillful political course by Clodight. He was baptized on the rite adopted by the Western (Roman) church. The Germanic tribes, moving from the Black Sea region, is the isgotes and posges, as well as Vandals and Burgundy, were, from the point of view of the Roman Church, heretics, as they were Ariana, who denied some of her dogmas.

At the beginning of the VI century. Frankish squads opposed the Visigoths who have owned all South Gallia. At the same time, great benefits that arose from the baptism of Clodight were affected. The entire clergy of the West Christian Church, who lived behind Laurea, was on his side, and many cities and fortified points that served as the place of stay of this clergy immediately opened the gates of francs. In the decisive battle of Poitier (507), the francs won a complete victory over the engines, whose domination has been limited only to the limits of Spain.

So as a result of the conquest, a large Frankish state was created, which covered almost all the former Roman gallium. With the sons of Chlodviography to the Frankish kingdom, and Burgundy was attached.

The reasons for such fast success of francs, who had still very strong community communications, were that they were settled in northeastern Gaul compact masses without dissolving among the local population (as, for example, posges). Moving into the depths of Gaul, the francs did not break the ties with their former homeland and had a new forces for conquest all the time. At the same time, the kings and Frankish know often satisfied with the huge lands of the former imperial fisk, without entering conflicts with the local Gallo-Roman population. Finally, the clergy provided a permanent support for conquests.

"Salic Pravda" and its meaning

The most important information about the public strictly francs reports the so-called "Salic Pravda" - the record of old judicial customs of francs, produced, as they believed when chlodevig. In this lawyer, various cases of francs are discussed in detail and fines are transferred for a wide variety of crimes, ranging from theft of chicken and ending with a ransom for killing a person. Therefore, according to the "Salic Pravda", you can restore the true picture of the life of Salic Franks. Such truths also had the truths of the Ripaercian francs, from Burgundy, from Anglo-Saxons and from other German tribes.

The recording time and editing of this usual (from the word custom) of the national law - VI-IX centuries., I.e., the time when the generic system at the German tribes was completely decomposed, there was a private ownership of Earth and arose classes and state. To protect private ownership, it was necessary to firmly fix the trials that were supposed to be applied towards persons who violated the right of this property. Required solid fixation and such new social relations arising from the generic, as territorial, or neighboring, communications of the peasant communities, the opportunity for a person to refuse kinship, subordination of free francs to the king and his officials, etc.

"Salic True" was divided into titles (chapters), and each title in turn into paragraphs. A large number of titles was devoted to defining fines, which had to be paid for all sorts of theft. But "Salic Pravda" took into account the most different aspects of the life of francs, so such titles were met in it: "On murders or if someone else's wife steps," about if one grabs a free woman by the hand, for the brush or for the finger, " "On four-legged, if you kill a person", "about the servant for witchcraft", etc.

In the title "On insulting with the words" was determined by punishments for the insult. In the title "On the application of injury", it was established: "If anyone breaks out another eye, it is awarded to pay 62 1/2 solids"; "If the nose breaks, it is awarded to pay ... 45 solids"; "If the ear breaks up, it is awarded to pay 15 solids", etc. (solid was a Roman coin unit. According to the VI B. It was believed that 3 solid was equal to the cost of cows "Healthy, Forest and Horned".)