High chicago buildings. Chicago skyscrapers

This huge 250-meter giant has been published by nothing distinguished from the general Chicago landscape, but it is worth going closer, as it turns into a real waterfall, striking the imagination with the unreality of its design - it seems that some kind of fabulous ice colossus grew up among the city

Skyscraper "Aqua", built near Lake Michigan, despite its unreal, futuristic look, nevertheless, not emanated from the general panorama of Chicago. This effect is achieved due to the fact that all unusual lines hidden from a horizontally conventional structure and become visible only when approaching the building - the greater the angle under which you look at the AQUA giant, the more "waves" become visible on its surface. When you stand right under it - it seems that the skyscraper is literally "storms")

250 meters of altitude are divided by 81 floor. In the building "Aqua" there is a hotel and ordinary residential premises. The facades of the skyscraper are decorated with real "lakes", the role of water in which windows play, skillfully accented due to the hide of the rest of the windows elongated uneven protrusions of the facade.

Curved, wavy balconies and window glass create a folded curtain structure for the facade or ripples on the water. The windows have a blue-green shade, indistinguishable from the color of water stroit. The use of console shields in the building of the building allows you to protect against the summer sun, but do not block the light in winter, and the light color of the facades reduces the level of heating of the skyscraper.

According to the results of the recently prestigious European architectural competition "The Emporis Awards - 2010" Aqua skyscraper was recognized as the best skyscraper of 2009. Emporis experts award award to Aqua project architects for achievements in design and for the courage of the architectural solution.

More precisely, 250-meter "Aqua" I am struck by the experts "with an original design solution in combination with environmentally sound design." The jury noted that this building should set a high bar for future generations with a sphere of large-scale hotel construction.

It should also be noted that in order to draw up the rating of the most beautiful height of the world, the experts needed carefully to study 305 skyscrapers from all over the world, the construction of which was completed last year.

Chapter Emporis Daniel Kikhefer described the building in his own way: "The building looks quite ordinaryly from afar, however, when approaching unusual" liquid "outlines are found, from which passersby intercepts breathing"

This contest, organized by the German Bank of Data On Emporis Real Estate Objects, is held every year, and the award is awarded to buildings at least 100 meters high, the construction of which has already been completed. For example, the winner of 2008 was the Tokyo Cocon Tower Cocoon Tower 203 meters high. But she, in any case, does not go to any comparison with elegant "Aqua"

John Hancock Center is one of the highest buildings in the USA. Its height is 344 meters, and with the antenna - 457 meters. The building is incredibly popular due to the observation deck located on the 94th floor, which offers a delightful view of Chicago.

Also in the building there are a shopping center in five floors, parking, office and residential premises, a television station and a restaurant. And on the 44th floor there is the highest pool in North America.

The skyscraper was noted in cinema where documentary film "Life after people" in one of the scenes building is destroyed. Every day a huge number of tourists comes here who want to capture Chicago from a bird's eye view. Local inhabitants love here, because of the impressive size of the building they called His "Big John".

Skyscraper Sears Tower (Willis Tower)

Willis-Tu "Wur (Eng. Willis Tower) until 2009 was called as Sirs Tower" SEARS TOWER). This skyscraper is 443.2 meters high (527 meters with a spire) towers in Chicago, Illinois. His construction was launched in August 1970 and completed three years later - 4 May 1973.

At the time of completion of the construction of Sirs-Tower had 110 floors and was the highest skyscraper in the world. He kept this status for almost 25 years, and today shifted only on the fifth position. Nevertheless, this moment This is the highest skyscraper in all connected states.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building exceeds 418,000 square meters - it is 57 football fields. In the building there are 104 high-speed elevators that divide the building into three zones.

Do not everyone know about the history of skyscrapers and how they appeared. This is enough interesting story And about it in our new article.

Time went, small companies grew and turned into mighty corporations, and the new generation of industrial and financial magnates required all the more impressive premises for their headquarters. The need for new offices successfully coincided with the development of a new type of buildings - skyscrapers in the nineteenth century. Until the 1880s, the construction of buildings above 8-9 floors was considered irrational, since the buildings made from bricks demanded such a strength of the foundation that even the windows and doors in the lower floors were unsafe, however, as a result of a set of small and large innovations, the construction of skyscrapers Suddenly it became possible. The main innovation was that the walls of houses began to make more easy, because The building was not held on them, but on the steel frame.

The word Skyscraper (skyscraper) existed in England since 1794 and was used in the most different values: High hat, high ball in baseball, the topmost sail on the ship. For the first time, this word was used to describe the house in 1888 (although the term skyscro-building appeared four years before) and not in New York, as it would be possible to think, but in Chicago. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Chicago was the leading city in the world in the construction of large structures on a very simple reason - due to the devastating fire of 1871. The first skyscraomb of Chicago was the house of an insurance company of houses, built in 1883-1885, which quickly followed the house of Le Letera (1889), the house of confidence (1894) and the House of Carson, Piri and Scott (1889). Soon the skyscrapers so changed the cityscape (city landscape, Americanism of 1850) throughout America, that the word Skyline, who meant the "horizon line", acquired a modern meaning - the outlines of skyscrapers against the sky.

The Home Insurance Building (House Insurance Building) is the world's first skyscraper, built in 1885 in Chicago, USA, was demolished in 1931.

House of Krasone, Peel, Scott. 1889 Building.

Skyscrapers were born in Chicago, but the New York became their real birthplace. The first New York skyscraper, the twenty-one-storey New York House of the world, opened in 1890, and soon over the city and other high-altitude houses were risen: Pulitzer (1892, 93 meters), Fleyron (Iron) (1903, 86 meters ), Times Taer (1904, 110 meters), Singer (1908, 180 meters), Metropolitan Life (1909, 210 meters) and, finally, built in 1913. House Wolworth (240 meters).

It seemed that nothing more than Wolworth with his 58 floors, where 14,000 people worked, it was already impossible to build, and indeed, during the seventeen he was the highest building in the world, until Chrysler was built in 1930. It had 77 floors, and it was almost one and a half times higher than Wolworth (320 meters). In accordance with the project, Chrysler should have had a height of 282 meters, but the opponent of the architect decided to build a building on 60 centimeters above the 40th street. Then the architect Chrysler Wang Allen hastily and secretly designed a 37-meter steel spire, which became a wonderful decoration of the building. The unconditional championship Chrysler kept very long. He has not managed to finish him when, on the 5th Avenue on the place of the Valdorf-Astoria Hotel, work began on an even more ambitious project of Empire State Building. Having risen to a height of 381 meters, a 102-storey building held the world championship for forty-three years, while Chicago in 1974 did not build a 110-storey, 443-meter, murderous Sirs Taer.

The use of steel frame and light walls made it possible in principle to build high-rise buildings, but did not solve all problems. It took to make a lot of improvements so that these houses could function. Among them were revolving doors that allowed to avoid drafts that prevented normally regulate the temperature of the building and extremely fire hazardous, and most importantly, were needed fast and safe passenger elevators.

It is believed that the elevator invented Elisha Otis, although various lifting devices have long existed when OTIS became famous in the late 1850s. He never claimed that he invented the elevator. Its contribution was in the invention of a simple, reliable device - spring mechanism with clamps on gears, which made the use of a vertical elevator safe. Obtaining spectacular show, Otis traveled around the world, demonstrating the safety of the elevators constructed. The elevator in which he was, pulled up on a height of 15 meters on a height, and his assistant, to the horror of the audience, swayed the rope with an ax, but the elevator had time to fall only for several centimeters before the mechanism invented by Otis. Orders on its device came hundreds. (And yet the first elevators were not very reliable. In 1911, New York Tribune reported that in the two preceding years at least 2,600 people were killed or injured in accidents related to elevators).

The skyscrapers unrecognizable changed the appearance of American cities, but almost nothing added to American speech. It is said that the expression of Twenty-Three Skiddoo, meaning in the slang "Making as soon as possible," appeared thanks to the iron skyscraper located at the intersection of the 23rd street, 5th Avenue and Broadway. The unusual geometry of the house allegedly created strong drafts, raising the skirts of women on the approach to the building on the 23rd street, where men gathered to lay up on women's legs, but the police were alert and drove the zooak by this exclamation. Unfortunately, no evidence of this theory exists. It is known that the word Skiddoo, meaning "running away", was the invention of the fruit on the neologisms of the caricaturist TA. Dorgan, who worked in the first quarter of the nineteenth century, but how it is not restlessly contacted the number 23, remains (as much more) unknown.

The list of the highest buildings in Chicago ranks in height. High-rise buildings of the American city of Chicago, Illinois, which is considered to be the birthplace of skyscrapers.

The highest building in Chicago - 108-storey skyscraper Sirs Tower with a height of 442 meters, built in 1974. This skyscraper is also the highest in the United States, and fourth in the world. In addition, Sirs Tower has the most floors among all buildings and the greatest height before the tip of the antenna (527 meters) among buildings, the construction of which is completed. Both of these titles are expected to go to the Burj Dubai Tower at the end of 2009. The second and third of the height of the building in Chicago - Aon Center and John Hancock Center, respectively. As of June 2009, John Hancock Center keeps the title of the highest residential building in the world. Chicago is the only city of the world, which completed the construction of more than one building with a height of more than 100 floors.

The history of skyscrapers in Chicago began in 1885, when the construction of Hoham Insurens Building, a building, which is often considered the world's first building with a steel framework in the world is completed. At first, the building was built with a height of 10 floors and 42 meters, but then, after restructuring, the building began to have a height of 55 meters and 12 floors. Historically, Chicago played a prominent role in skyscrapers. The building of the Masonic Church was the second highest building in the world after the New York Warld Building. Three buildings in Chicago were the highest buildings in the United States, including the building of the commodity exchange, which was the highest in the city in two of its incarnations. The boom of high-rise construction in Chicago began very early: in the late 1920s - early 1930s. During this period, 11 of the 91 highest buildings were built in the city. In the early 1960s, the second wave of high-rise construction was followed. Since then, more than 80 buildings have been built with a high height of more than 150 meters, including the famous Sirs Tower, Aon Center and John Hancock Center. Now in Chicago 104 completed buildings with a height of more than 150 meters, another 12 buildings are in the construction process. It is believed that Chicago is the second in the number of skyscrapers a city in the United States after New York. As of June 2009, in the city of 1107 completed high-rise buildings. If you judge at the average height of the city's skyscrapers, Chicago is the highest city in the world.

Two buildings are being built in Chicago, whose height should exceed 300 meters: 610-meter tower Chicago Spire, and 319-meter Water Tower. It was assumed that the 150-storey skyscraper of Chicago Spire at the end of construction in 2012 will be the highest building in the United States, the tenth in the world in the world and the second in height of the residential building of the world, however, due to economic difficulties, the construction of this building was frozen. There are several projects projects, the highest of which is Waldorf-Astoria Hotel 383 meters high. As of June 2009, more than 115 high-altitude buildings are built in Chicago or planned.

For almost 25 years, Willis Tower's skyscraper in Chicago (until 2009, Sirs Tower) was the highest building in the world, while in 1996 he was sent to Petronas Tower Towers in Kuala Lumpur. Currently, this building in the roof level is the highest building of the United States of America.

Skyscraper Sirs Tower: History and Description

The height of 110-storey Willis Tower to the roof is 442 meters, and taking into account the installed antennas 527 meters. The design of the skyscraper began in the 1960s for Sears Roebuck and Company. Bruce Graham became the main architect of this world-famous architectural structure.

Chicago is not in vain called the city of winds, it is here that the wind is on average blowing at a speed of 7 meters per second. Therefore, the future skyscraper was necessary to provide increased resistance. To do this, a system of connected pipes made of steel, which formed a framework of the building was used. Up to 50 floors frame form 9 connected pipes, then the building begins to narrow. Up to 66 floors go seven pipes, up to 90 floors - five pipes. The remaining 20 floors support only two pipes. Such a solution was very stable, at the top point Willis Tower deviates only 0.3 meters.

Steel is lined with black anodized aluminum from about 16,000 dark glass windows. Total mass of Sirs Tower - 222,500 tons. The building stands at 114 piles scored deep into rock base. The lowest level of construction is 13 meters below the street level.

Construction continued from 1970 to 1973. The number of builders, simultaneously involved in the construction site, reached 2400 people. The total cost of Sirs Tower in Chicago amounted to about 150 million dollars.

Office premises Tower Willis Tower occupy an area of \u200b\u200b418,000 square meters. meters. The highest functional floor is at an altitude of 436 meters. The building contains 104 high-speed elevators. The whole complex is designed for a simultaneous visit to 12,000 people. During the day, more than 25,000 people are visited during the day.

SIRS Tower Skyscraper has always been one of the main attractions of Chicago. For the year it is attended by about 1.5 million tourists. At an altitude of 412 meters there is an observation deck of Sirs Tower, which opens the view of the panorama of Chicago and its surroundings. After the events of September 11, 2001, control was strengthened in the skyscraper. There are several dozen police officers around the building, and for entering inside it is necessary to undergo control, comparable to the world's largest airports.


The main purpose of the building is the location of office space. But besides this, the tower performs the functions of television and broadcasting. Since 2000, four 9-meter antennas are installed on the roof, providing the entire Chicago signal.

Antennas Tower

In 2009, the Siers Tower in Chicago with the arrival of a new tenant was renamed Willis Tower.