What subjects should be handed over to the designer architect. How to go through a creative contest in the architectural university

Many young people are interested in how to become an architect. This prestigious and good experts are always in demand. Nevertheless, become a competent architect - a difficult task that requires long-term training and titanic efforts.

History of profession

If you think about how much hundred and thousands of years exist pyramids of Egypt, the ancient temples and other structures, it can be concluded that the architect is one of the most ancient professions. One of the most famous names of those times - Imhotep.

In the Renaissance Epoch, it becomes especially popular and prestigious. Since Italy was the center of art development center, it was in this country that the largest number of talented specialists were concentrated.

With the development of science, technology and industry, the circle of responsibilities of the architect narrowed somewhat. Today, its main function is the design. Nevertheless, it has the right to control the process of building and finishing.

Why it is worth choosing an architect profession

Become is the dream of many young people. There are several significant causes:

  • architecture is not just a scope of activity, but a lifestyle;
  • good specialists are respecting in society;
  • considering that the architecture does not stand still, you will also constantly develop;
  • the specialist has the opportunity to express his thoughts by transferring them to projects;
  • the ability to work independently without bosses and subordinates;
  • the result of long and painstaking work can not be just seen, but also to mess;
  • good projects architects improve people's lives;
  • despite the need to strictly follow the standards, there is always space for experiments and innovations;
  • a good architect is always in demand (even on pensions);
  • the ability to work in many areas of activity is from the construction of small residential buildings to large industrial facilities.

What you need to know to become an architect

In order to design beautiful and reliable buildings, it is important not only an education, but also congenital talent. Nevertheless, without a certain theoretical base, it is also impossible to become a good specialist. What you need to know to become an architect? Here are the main points:

  • computer design programs;
  • the main calculated formulas;
  • the foundations of environmental and geodetic norms, as well as the construction of maps;
  • drawing up and reading technical documentation;
  • construction rates.

Official duties

We ask how to become an architect, you must first understand the essence of the profession. So, the following list of tasks is responsible for the specialist:

  • construction of drawings, compilation of estimates, making layouts, as well as the development of other documentation that concerns the building;
  • design of the object, the construction of which is planned;
  • implementation of continuous supervision of the construction process in order to determine its compliance of project documentation;
  • making decisions in case of identifying any deviations;
  • contacts with customers of projects and suppliers of materials.

Basic requirements for applicants for the position

Those who are looking for a response to the question of how to become an architect will be useful to learn what claims are nominated for applicants for the position. So, if we are talking About a solid company, it is important to have the following characteristics:

  • higher education according to the appropriate profile;
  • experience in a similar position for at least two years;
  • free possession popular computer programs design and modeling;
  • knowledge of paperwork and ability to properly draw up paper;
  • knowledge foreign languages (if the firm works with foreign counterparties);
  • knowledge of the latest trends in the field of building materials.

Where to get an education

From young people, it is often possible to hear the phrase: "I want to become an architect!" Naturally, for this you need to get an appropriate education. It should be borne in mind that when entering the university, it is necessary to possess certain drawing and drawing skills, which simply cannot be obtained within school program. Therefore, the issue of preparing is worth it in advance. This is the surest way to become an architect. How many years does training take? At the Institute you will have to spend 5-6 years. But a good architect learns and self-improvement all his life.

Of course, the greatest chances of entering those who have been engaged in art school since childhood. Nevertheless, if you have natural abilities and desire, the foundations of the academic drawing can be quite possible for 1-2 years. It is worth paying special attention to the image of still lifes and gypsum natures (these tasks are most often found during admission). Also worth tagging the drawing with the tutor.

Usually the competition is large enough for in universities. Naturally, not everyone can get a cherished place. But this is not a reason to despair, because there are still colleges and technical schools, where they teach this specialty. In addition, with a diploma of secondary education can also be enrolled in the institute. Of course, learning will delay, but this is a real chance that you can use.

Few know that it is quite possible to become an architect and without special Education. So, you can get a construction or design bureau where you will simultaneously receive salary and get the knowledge and experience necessary for further career growth. After about 10 years, you can get the appropriate license. The main thing is talent and desire.

Profile items

Many young people are interested in the question of what items need to know to become an architect. Of course, the list may differ slightly depending on which university you will choose. Nevertheless, the standard set of disciplines looks like this:

  • russian language and literature (standard exam for admission to any university);
  • mathematics (a very important object for the architect, but the leadership of some establishments replaces its history, believing that creative potential more important than accurate sciences);
  • creative exam (includes tasks for drawing, composition and drawing).

How to become a good architect

It is important not to just get the education of the architect, but become a good and in demand by a specialist. This task requires titanic efforts. Therefore, if you firmly decided: "I will become an architect!" It is necessary to take the following:

  • Carefully approach the selection of an educational institution. It is necessary to do this not according to the principle of "where to take", but "where it is better to teach." Communicate with the current students or graduates of various universities, as well as try to get information about learning programs and compare them with each other.
  • Get ready for admission in advance. Approximately two years before the graduation, it is necessary to start in depths to draw and draw. You can hire a tutor, but it will be best to sign up for training courses at school.
  • Start working still as a student. So you will receive an invaluable experience, which, being multiplied by fundamental theoretical knowledge, will make you a valuable specialist.
  • Many ambitious graduates seek to open their own architectural bureau immediately after receiving a diploma. This is an erroneous step. It will be much better if the first few years you work under the start of an experienced architect, from which you can adopt the experience of management work.
  • Work out your style. This can be done, carefully studying the works of famous masters.
  • Do not miss a single festival, exhibitions and other events where you can prove yourself. Even if you do not have any work, to show your skills, you will certainly visit such an event to get acquainted with the latest trends in the field of architecture.

What prevents being a good architect

Thinking about how to become a good architect, it is worth knowing not only about those things that contribute, but also about those that interfere with the achievement of the goal. The second category should include the following:

  • Search for light paths. Even if you have a born talent for drawing and drawing, it does not mean that the architect's diploma is in your pocket. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to work hard and strive for new knowledge.
  • Dream of high salary. It should be understood that the "price" of the architect rises with experience. Sometimes, it takes not one year before the specialist will earn a name and good reputation.
  • Impressionability and vulnerability. These qualities are one of the main enemies of the architect. Be prepared for the fact that your professional qualities and projects will be tight criticized by customers and manuals.

Personal qualities of a good architect

What do you need to become an architect? First of all, these are innate abilities and personal qualities that will be supported in the process of mastering the profession. So, a good architect must have the following characteristics:

  • Creative potential. It can not be identified with a banal skill to draw. Pencils, markers, paints and so on are just tools that will help you reflect original and non-standard ideas.
  • Spatial thinking. This is very important quality for the architect, because it must create a not just a flat picture, but represent volume images. Fortunately, if you do not have this quality from nature, it is quite possible to develop it.
  • Exacerby sense of responsibility. As the architect creates not simple objects, but those in which people will spend time, he must take care not only about aesthetics and comfort, but also about security.
  • Streetness. In order to make a good project, you will have to learn over Watman.
  • Feeling taste. This quality is simply necessarily an architect who wants to engage in creative projects, and not typical buildings.
  • Observation. A good architect should notice all the details of existing objects so as not to repeat and create something new and unusual.
  • Good which will greatly facilitate your work on the project.

Modern state of affairs in the industry

Unfortunately, on this moment Domestic architecture is experiencing not better times. Not only qualified specialists, but also simple people It is noted that modern structures are tasteless and even ugly. At the same time, authentic architectural monuments are destroyed under the influence of time and human factor.

If we talk about the labor market, then the situation is also not the best. Get a good high-paying job is not so simple, because the competition in this area is huge. Nevertheless, any crisis is typical. It is possible that the new generation of young professionals will derive the domestic architecture on a fundamentally new level.


The architect is one of the most prestigious professions whose history has several millennia. It gives not only a good financial situation, but also high status and respect in society. That is why many are interested in the question of how to become an architect. Of course, for this you need a born talent, but without hard work, you will not work with a good specialist. Need to constantly learn, self-improvement and take for any job to acquire invaluable experience. Be prepared for the fact that you may have learned years of study and work to become a popular and highly paid specialist.

Every person wants to have one's own housing. Moreover, it is desirable that this accommodation is both safe, and comfortable, and beautiful both inside and outside. In addition, for residents of cities it is very important that the streets and houses are located reasonably (that is, as convenient as possible to accommodate a large number of people). How to do this, knows the architect, to become whom many applicants want.

Every person wants to have one's own housing. Moreover, it is desirable that this accommodation is both safe, and comfortable, and beautiful both inside and outside. In addition, for residents of cities it is very important that the streets and houses are located reasonably (that is, as convenient as possible to accommodate a large number of people). How to do this, knows the architect, to become whom many applicants want.

The popularity of this profession is easily explained. First, it refers to the discharge of prestigious, secondly, opens up great opportunities for self-realization, and thirdly, it allows financial independence. Only now, not everyone may become an architect, since this profession, like many others, has its own specific features that we will talk about today and talk.

Who is an architect?

A specialist carrying out architectural design and development of volumetric plans of buildings, internal spaces and facades. Also quite often in the duties of the architect include the calculation of the reliability of buildings designs.

The name of the profession occurred from the Greek αρχι- (main) and τέκτων (builder), and the very first known modern science The architect was imhethep (III century BC), under the guidance of which the construction of Josra Pyramid was conducted. However, this is not the only challenger for the championship in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. According to Sacred ScriptureThe first architects were amazing and agolya (Builders of the tabernacle).

Today, architects personally practically never control all stages of construction, as there are other qualified specialists for this. Under the direct leadership of the architect, only the design stage remained, from which the safety, reliability, convenience and beauty of the builded structures depends. By the way, the profession of the architect itself has several directions: architect - urban planner, architect-restructor, landscape architect, etc.

It is not difficult to guess that the main task of the architect is to find the most optimal solutions in the design, taking into account the nature of the terrain, the safety of buildings and the rational use of areas. Among official duties You can highlight the design of the object, the development of project documentation, the visualization of future buildings and the development of design projects.

What personal qualities should the architect have?

Architect profession It is located on the junction of two diametrically opposite professions: artist and engineer. Accordingly, the architect must have personal qualities that allow combining and creative inclinations and the ability to sober mathematical calculation. Among these qualities can be allocated:

  • well-developed spatial thinking;
  • announced artistic taste and overall feeling of harmony and style;
  • excellent visual memory and observation;
  • drawing ability;
  • analytic mind;
  • creativity;
  • punctuality;
  • preferably;
  • communicability;
  • organizational abilities;
  • stress tolerance;
  • erudition;
  • rationality.

Advantages of the profession of architect

Humanity has always experienced and will have a need for the construction of new homes and cities. This means that the architect's profession will always be in demand, and the young specialist is relatively easy to find a job. However, not only this attracts a huge number of applicants who want to become architects. Those who firmly decided to enter department of Architecture They know that the profession of the architect guarantees them:

  • promising career perspectives - in the presence of talent and greater disability in just 5-7 years, a young specialist can overcome the way from the assistant to the chief architect.
  • high earnings - today almost all specialists in the field of architecture receive quite a worthy wage (from 25 to 100 thousand rubles).
  • the ability to realize your ambitious plans - very many talented architects were able to achieve world fame, which allows them to dictate fashion on this or that style in architecture.

Disadvantages of the profession of architect

Work architect, like any other profession, has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. And the most obvious disadvantage is that despite the good career prospects to achieve sharp success will not be possible. On the way to the top of the career ladder, a young specialist will have to go through all the stages - from the subset to the leading specialist.

Another disadvantage of this profession can be considered quite a complex learning process, during which students account for not only to nourish the numerous and most widely drawings, but also to take practice at a construction site (at the same time most often a simple handyman).

Many specialists among the shortcomings of their profession also call the need to embody the desire of customers who do not always cause positive emotions. Therefore, sometimes architects have to spend a lot of time and nerves to convince the customer, and to prove it the irrationality of his desires.

The end of the school marks for all schoolchildren fun summer vacation, and for graduates and their parents headache: where to do and where to find the use of abilities. The list on the labor market is constantly updated. There are specialties that have long been awaited in the fly, but there are innovative professions, one name is hard to spell over people of the older generation. But together with this there are professions that are of great popularity, both in the old days and now. Such a popular traditional destination is architecture. What subjects need to take on the architect? Let's deal with.

Back in distant ancient times, when humanity was just learned to build, architects were popular and popular. These were people dear in society. Then the architect did not get a question where to learn and what items are needed for this.

The architectural skill was simply transmitted to her inheritance from the Father to the Son. There were no relevant educational institutions. But the architects became exceptionally competent and smeared. This is evidenced by centuries-old buildings that have come to this day. And the skill of the ancient masters can only be envied.

IN modern world Architectural skills are learn in many educational institutions. And interest in this profession does not fuss, because construction and design will exist until there is human civilization on our planet. Modern specialist should have not only certain skills and skills, but also creative thinking and creative approach to work.

To become an architect, it is necessary to complete the highest educational institution. The architectural institute is usually received after grade 11. This profession requires extracts, perpetuity, the ability to carry out all sorts of calculations and create projects. But at the same time, without a flight of fantasy and the ability to see and create a wonderful thing in this matter.

A varieties of architectural business

The architect's profession is constantly improving and becomes more and more diverse.

There are such species of the specialty:

  1. Architect restorer. The scope of such a specialist includes not only the development of projects of all kinds of structures, but also the restoration of the already destroyed architectural monuments. After all, many such monuments under the influence of time and natural, and sometimes human factors are destroyed over time. The task of the restorer is to restore it efficiently and at the same time get close to the original. Of course, this is a task not from the lungs. To make a qualitatively such work, you need knowledge from various spheres. That is why the architectural craft is studying for 5 years.
  2. Landscape architect. Such a person is engaged in the design of gardens and parks. This requires deep knowledge of not only architectural business, but also in the field of vegetation and agronomy.
  3. Architect designer. Such a specialist should be able to not only build on the century, but also create masterpieces of monumental art, original and beautiful design. Of course, in addition to the architect skills, he must own creative maps. After all, it is the beautiful appearance of the building outside and the interior inside depend on this specialist. The profession is especially in demand, because except directly project projects, a specialist develops interiors of private houses and apartments.
  4. Main architector. This specialist should clearly understand all the intricacies of his craft. Know all problematic places and deviate them in a timely manner. In addition, a person must have pronounced leadership skillsAfter all, it is necessary to organize work and distribute responsibilities - this is also his work.

Landscape architect

What subjects to pass

Now we will find out how to turn on the architect and what items are needed for this.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that after grade 9, it is also possible to enter the architectural college. There are construction colleges in which there are architectural directions. Of course, to take exams on an architect in a technical school or a college much easier than to enter the institute. The main requirement for admission to such educational institutions is a quality drawing. Moreover, such a drawing must be volumetric and in several versions:

  • volume geometric figure (to choose as applicant: cube, or ball, or pyramid, etc.);
  • volumetric pattern of ornament.

After college, you can start looking for a job, and you can not stop at the achieved and continue learning at the Institute. After all, when admission to work, any employer will give preference to the applicant with higher education.

For admission to the Architectural Faculty of the University or Institute, only complete education (11 classes), confirmed by the certificate, is needed.

There are quite a lot of relevant institutions. The faculty of design and architecture is very popular. This specialization unites in itself the profession of engineer, and the profession of the artist. At this faculty, the architecture sphere gives a person a complete picture of the construction business, but the design section includes a complete study of art and the acquisition of skills to artistically think and represent a picture.

What you need to take to this faculty:

  • russian language and literature;
  • history;
  • creative task (what exactly will this task be determined by each university individually).

For admission to the architect-restorer:

  • mathematics;
  • russian language;
  • or informatics (to choose an apprecier);
  • all the same creative competition.

Entrance exams for the architectural faculty, regardless of where and in which educational institution they pass, have a lot in common. All institutes, universities and academies will require eME results on the above subjects. And of course, a creative competition will have to be passed directly in the educational institution.

Training in such institutions is quite interesting. A relatively new practice in some universities was the tradition of learning novice specialists directly in construction companies (who have a contract with educational institutions). This practice is quite interesting and showed itself as very promising. The student can create its own projects, adopt the experience of professionals.

Useful video: What exams need to take on the architect?


The architect's profession has always been and always be popular and in demand. If you like the development of all kinds of projects, a creative approach to interior design of premises, then architecture is your vocation and, maybe, in the near future, your last name will be in the ranking of the architects known for the whole world.

1. To do is just the beginning of the way. It is important to understand that the goal of the creative contest is to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe load and the necessary skills during training. This means that your goal should be not " passcreative task ", A" send the necessary skills "- At the maximum possible level for you, in order to work fruitfully during training. Therefore, it is important to immediately form the right attitude towards classes - as part of the business part of the life, which you are interested in and which you will not leave after receipt, and not as a jack, the exam, to which you need to prepare and just pass.
2. Competitiondepends on the university to which you want to do. For example, in the marchs on the budget some and after several training courses in the provincial university do not always pass. But the main thing is not to be afraid! The choice is always. For the beginning, decide on the ambitions and capabilities (you want to go to your hometown or go somewhere, is there any opportunity to pay for training in the event of an admission to the contract form, whether you will be ready to postpone training and enroll in the desired university A year later, not from the first attempt, etc.). As decide on universities, find programs entrance tests. Look for students of these universities, student communities, VKontakte groups, ask questions directly local.You will definitely share the necessary information about the preparation.
We are looking for a teacher with this information.
3. Lecturer. It is needed for proper hand setting. It is important that this person will inspire you, and it would be nice to have an idea about architectural education. Run from the one who says that you will not work or you will not have time, from the one who will not be interested in the specifics of tasks. This is for academic pattern, composition. If there is a task for drawing, then you can prepare yourself, it is not difficult. If you have an architectural faculty in your city, look for a teacher there, ask students. Coursesthere are usually annual (per year before admission) or short-term, summer or spring. There is worth going to familiarize yourself with the requirements of a particular university. But it is better to find as early as possible the teacher with whom will be comfortable. :)
Do not forget that there are other exams, about mathematics - it will also need to not only pass, but also be able to love. :)

For two years it can be prepared thoroughly. Remember, the main thing is your aspirations and desires. You can prepare, and if something does not have time or fails - in any case, you can enter a year, or to enter another university, or change the university during training - this is not a problem at all! :)

P.S. Two years before admission, I got to the teacher who only put the sunflowers and generally stated that in two years I definitely do not prepare, A la "Well, do not dream." In the end, it threw and returned to classes in the already 11th grade, but to a good teacher. On the first, I put a chopped head, I myself did not believe that it would work out, but he explained competently and - she could! I needed eight months of regular training by academic pattern, twice a week at four o'clock. Summer month before the competition held in the workshop, worked all day. Received! And could have been sitting with still lifes and listen to what I do not learn how quickly.

Architect(from Dr. Greek. αρχι - the main one , senior and other Greek. τέκτων - Carpenter, builder) - a specialist carrying out architectural design, including the development of volume-planning and interior solutions. Architectural design is the organization of an architectural environment, including building design, including the development of interior and volume planning solutions. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and drawing (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The profession architect is closely related to the construction, so this profession is one of the most ancient. Around the world there are many unique palaces, temples, town halls, residential buildings, bridges built in various architectural styles. For these styles, we can determine the era of construction, the morals of the inhabitants of cities, their traditions or wealth. The beauty of one or another construction can cause people certain feelings and mood. This makes the architecture of art in which each architect communicates with the audience through his creations, gives his mood, his thoughts and ideas.

Each stage of human development is inherent in the emergence of a certain architectural style. Architectural monuments Capable to inform historians no less than the preserved parchments or annals. The civilization of antiquity was left behind the greatest architectural creations: the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum and such examples can be given a lot. Architecture Ancient Russia (Old Russian architecture) It is customary to consider the period of Russian art since formation Kiev state and to Peter I reforms (from IX to XVII centuries).

Technical progress does not stand still, construction technology is constantly complicated, and together with them and the profession of architect. The tasks that are placed in front of the architects are changed, and the competence of a modern specialist is determined more clearly than earlier. But the main goal remains unchanged - to obtain an architectural structure, optimally combining security, rational and efficient use of the area, as well as the features of the original and unique design idea.

Types of professional architects (In general), depending on the kind of activity:

  • architect (in a narrow sense) engaged in the development of the concept, project documentation and drawings for the construction (in the architectural part), provides author's control over the implementation of the project;
  • the chief architect of the project carries out general management of construction processes;
  • architect-urban planner performs the design of urban areas or large complexes, develops urban planning documentation and general plans of settlements;
  • landscape architect Engaged in the creation of projects of breakdown parks, gardens, household plots
  • chief architect of the city or district - Municipal employee providing development and control over the implementation of regulatory legal acts of bodies local governments in the field of urban planning;
  • architects restorers Restore architectural monuments
  • historians and theorists of architecture carry out scientific or teaching activities in the field of architecture.

The profession of the architect is creative and is considered relatively free, that is, the architect in his work is independent and relies only on his personal ideas about beauty. Restrictions may be only objective conditions for strength, safety and benefits, as well as preferences and desires of the customer.

Necessary professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of construction standards and rules (SNiP), guests;
  • skill of independent development of the main construction solutions necessary for working documentation, architectural drawings;
  • knowledge of automated design systems (AutoCAD, Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD);
  • knowledge of methods of design and settlement;
  • possession of cartography, geodesy, ecology;
  • the presence of a developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • availability of artistic skills in the field of drawing, graphics, compositions;
  • the presence of mathematical and analytical abilities, design abilities.

Personal qualities

  • creative skills;
  • developed spatial thinking;
  • responsibility, vigilance;
  • organizational abilities;
  • originality, resourcefulness, creativity;
  • realistic;
  • feeling of harmony, taste and style;
  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • communicability;
  • punctuality, tacty.

Place of work

  • project institutions;
  • research institutes and institutions;
  • architectural and construction companies;
  • designer studios and bureau;
  • architectural workshops, studios;
  • restoration workshops;
  • furniture stores, salons;
  • state organizations (territorial administrations in architecture and urban planning);
  • educational institutions;
  • architectural monuments;
  • private practice.

Salary and Career

Salary on 02/25/2019

Russia 25000-75000 ₽

Moscow 30000-120000 ₽

Career in the architectural environment usually begins with an architect assistant or work in the team of architects. Further, with a great desire, sufficient experience and the presence of talent for about 5-7, it is possible to become the main architect. Also, working as an assistant architect in a short time, such as leading specialist. Often, specialists associated with construction (engineers, technologists) come to the architectural profession. After the successful completion of advanced training courses, they receive a new specialty.

Currently, there are no low-pay specialties in architecture, qualified specialists get quite a lot, although it is necessary to understand that employees public institutions They are still less than specialists of private companies. But in any case, it is not necessary to strive to become a popular architect and chase the grand facilities, you can engage research activitiesSmall architectural forms, teaching. And if architecture is your calling, then you will definitely become successful and will receive good fees, and maybe even get the Pritzker Prize (Analog Nobel, only for achievements in the field of architecture).