Climatic conditions in different parts of Angola. Angola.

Angola is considered traditionally friendly Russia by the state. Search Angola on the world map you need in southern Africa. The state enters a small group of countries in which Islam is officially prohibited. Despite the fact that it is in Africa, every tenth resident of the Chinese.

Angola on the world map and Africa in Russian

One of the country's attractions is desert Namib. Most of the Angolan territory takes a plateau.

The most attractive part of the Angola is the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Most foreigners come to relax on his beaches surrounded by tropical forests.


There is no summer time in Angola. Standard time zone country - UTC / GMT + 1. The time difference is 2 hours.

Visa for Russians

For Russians there is no visa-free entry to the country. Even for the transit visit to Angola, it is necessary to issue documents permitters to enter the country. This can be done in the embassy or in the consulates of Angola. The cost of a tourist visa for Russians is 100 US dollars (about 5900 rubles). With an urgent design - $ 200 (≈11800 rubles). The transit visa will cost $ 30 (≈1800 rubles.).

In the Russian Federation arrange the entrance documents In Angola you can in the following places:

  • embassy At the address: Moscow, ul. Ulof Palma, 6;
  • consulate At: St. Petersburg, ul. Sleerer, 36.

In order to get to the Consular Department of Angola in the Russian Federation, pre-recording is not required. You can submit documents through third parties. The term of consideration of documents does not exceed 5 working days. A tourist visa is issued to Russians for 30 days.

One of major requirementsThe documents that are necessary for registration of a visa are the validity of a foreign passport. It should be at least 90 days.

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Angola Located at: Republic of Angola, Luanda, Rd Mr. Miramar, ul. Huari Bumadena, house 170, p / me 3141.

Photo and country information

Angola can be bolder christian country. Most of her citizens confess this religion. The country is a member of the Komes, the UN and the African Union.

History of state

The long period of its history of Angola was the colony of Portugal. From his colonial dependence, she managed to get rid of only 1975. There are information that in the VI century in the territory of modern Angola lived bushmen tribes and a bow.

Until now, the country is inhabited by various tribes that are interested in tourists.

The old light discovered Angola in 1482, when the sea expedition of the Portuguese came to her shores, which he headed Diogi Kan.. Until the middle of the XIX century, their main occupation in Angola was a slave trade. They robbed the country and did not engage in its development. Historians argue that for 300 years of colonization, the Portuguese sold more than 5 million inhabitants of the country into slavery.

Get rid of the colonial dependence of Angola as a result of long-year struggle. After independence, the country was in a state of civil war for 27 years. Currently, the Republic of Angola is presidential Republic.


Many people are interested in what language they speak in the country - the state language in Angola is considered portuguese. The territory of the country is 1.247 million km². It lives a little more than 29 million people.

The country is divided by 18 provinceswhich consist of municipalities. The largest province of the country of the country of Moshiko (223 thousand km²), in the population - Luanda (6.5 million people).

Population Countries consist of three major ethnic groups: Ovimbundum, Northern Mbundu and Congo. White population consists mainly of Portuguese. The official currency of the state - Kwanza.

Climate and weather

On the territory of the country you can find various natural landscapes. She shares geographically on three zoneswhich define the climate of the country. Two main zones are the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and Angolan Plateau. They are separated by the transition zone. It consists of a large number of terraces.

Climate of southern part Countries - Passat subtropical. It is characterized by dry, cool in winter and hot summer with plenty of rain. The average annual temperature in this region is within + 21-23 degrees Celsius. In winter, it can descend below +16 degrees.

Northern part Countries belong to the zone with monsoon winds. It is a region with a tropical climate, it is characteristic of a large number of rains, they are here much more often than in the south. The rainy season lasts in this zone since October.

The air temperature in the north of the country is lower than South 3-5 degrees Celsius.

In this part of the country, the desert is observed at night sharp drops of temperature. The thermometer scale can descend at night to 0 degrees.

Capital and major cities

The capital of the state - Luanda. It is considered the most expensive city in the world. Most Angolets lives in the capital. The population of Luanda is more than 2.3 million people. The city is built close to the place of kwwana river in the Atlantic Ocean. From all sides, Savannah surrounds him, which preserved his primary floral world.

All other cities of the country are significantly less. In the list of large settlements:

  1. Bengela (513 thousand people);
  2. Umbo (325 thousand people);
  3. Malange (222 thousand people).

National holidays

The main national holiday of the country - Day of the National HeroHe takes on September 17 and is dedicated to the memory of Antonio Agostino Netovo. Under his leadership, the country was freed from colonial dependence.

Every year of the fourth of January in the country there is a day of victims of colonial repression.

In February 4, the country celebrates the day of the beginning of the armed struggle. In May 25 numbers in Angola celebrate Africa's Day. In November, 2 numbers in the country marked the day of the mercy of the departed, and the 11th day of national independence. Christmas The country is officially celebrated on December 25th.

During rituals in honor of the wedding, birth, crop, hunting and other important events in Angola use ceremonial masks. They are made of a whole piece of wood with the addition of vegetable fibers in the form of human heads, they have elongated foreheads, wide lips and narrow eyes. This is one of the most popular souvenirs in the country.


Unique nature He is the main attraction of the country. Most tourists go to Angola because of her rainforests, savanna and beaches of the Atlantic Ocean coast.

Rest in the country

One of the exotic areas of tourism is ethnographic tours. They are devoted to the lifestyle of local tribal peoples. Many of them continue to lead in the traditions of the Stone Age. Such tours can be attributed to the discharge of ecotourism. Among the popular tourist routes in Angola are hiking inland desert.

The infrastructure of the beaches in the country is poorly developed. Their length is 1600 km. Attract resting beaches Angolas can picturesque landscapes. Most Angolan beaches are wild, they are surrounded by tropical forests that are filled with various animals and exotic birds. The rich underwater world of the ocean can please the diving lovers.

The most amazing landscapes in the country can be found in Namibe. In this area of \u200b\u200bAngola is the seaf of the sea, deserts and savanna. This terrain is perfect for hunting. In Angolan savanna, you can hunt for African animals.


The mass poverty of the country's population and long years of Portuguese colonization influenced its national cuisine. Distinctive feature National traditions of cooking are mixing a large amount of ingredients in one dish.

Local fruits are always present on the Angool table: pineapples, Guava, bananas and others. In the villages remote from the coast, various dishes from corn, beans and rice are preparing. National dishes These places are dried meat and Muamba - fried chicken.

In cities and towns located on the coast prepare dishes from seafood. The most common dish of these places is baked on the grilled fish, wrapped in banana leaves. Among exotic Angolan dishes: Caracatia cooked in its own ink. Compared with this dish by its originality can telepium fried in palm oil.

All dishes from meat and fish are served by a sharp sauce of Piri Piri, and as drinks, residents of the country love to use local beer and wine.

Sights and Nature

There are few attractions in the country. The main monuments of architecture are concentrated in Luanda. The main feature of the capital Angolas are poted mosaic sidewalks.

Once in Angola can not visit the city Bengela. It contains a well-preserved fort, built by Portuguese during the colonization period. Building refers to the 16th century. Such structures were built to protect the banks of the country, survived for their history a large number of different wars. Inspection of the fort in these places can be combined with sea fishing. It is in these places canceled.

The big national property of the country is its parks. The most famous of them - Kisama. He is located in Bengo. This place is located approximately 70 km from Luanda in the northwestern part of the country. One side of the park goes to the ocean. The coastal line is 120 km.

On the territory of the park, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 9.9 thousand km², you can find tropical forest zone, Fields and savannah. In the park you can find elephants, red buffaloes and even a black sable.

In addition to the Kisama Park, tourists are popular with the following national parks:

  • Porto Aleshandri;
  • Kwanza-Sul;
  • Milando other.

For healing miraculous healing water, tourists travel to sources in bibala county.

Waters have a rejuvenating effect - they have the ideal for the human body the ratio of minerals.

Best hotels

Most of the country's hotels are located in Luanda. One of the most luxurious and expensive hotels of the capital - Epic Sana Luanda.. Hotel is a convenient location - it is just 2 km from the city center. There is everything for a comfortable stay: 5 restaurants, a closed and outdoor pool. All rooms have air conditioning, satellite TV and internet.

Book a room in this or any other Angola Hotel, if you use a convenient search form. You can point out city \u200b\u200bname, entrance and departure dates, as well as number of guests.

Most countries of the country are not so luxurious and are small hotels of family type. They do not differ in high level of service. Despite this, the price of accommodation in them is high even by European standards. Among hotels can be noted:

  1. five Star - Hotel De Convenções de Talatona HTA and Talatona Convention Hotel in Talatone;
  2. four-star - Aparthotel Mil Cidades in Bengele, Chik-Chik Namibe in Namib, Tropico in Luanda;
  3. three-star - Ibis Styles Iu Luanda in Cakuako, Mariuska in Luanda, Panguila Hotel in PHHILL.

A lot of interesting things about Angola you will learn from this video:

Luanda 23:28 28 ° C.
partially cloudy


Most hotels focused in the country's capital - Luanda. Not so long ago the construction of Epic Luanda Hotel (Epic Sana Luanda Hotel) - a five-star business class hotel. According to developers, this is one of the best and most modern hotels in the country. There is everything that corresponds to the luxury hotels: spacious and comfortable rooms, good service, large territory, parks and gardens, terraces, several pools and gym.

Angola - a developing country, mass tourism is not hereSo most hotels are located in large cities and in the capital. Small hostels and gests are common with modest service and lowest prices. If you are looking for just such a place, the Nancy Gest House is ideal, located close to the beach in the center of Bengel.


The most valuable in Angola is her nature: bright and unusual. Lot national Parkshitting the wealth and animal world. In the National Park Cameo many rivers and savanna forests. Sustainers, pastures, rivers and forests occupy most of its territory. It is here that you can see Lviv, black antelope and GNU. It was created 60 years ago due to the spread of poaching.

Kisama National Park Located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Here lives many animals listed in the Red Book: Antelope, Black Sable, Leopards and Herbivores.

Waterfall Kalandula, located 450 kilometers from Luanda, the highest and fast waterfall of Africa. Its height is 104 meters. It is best to look at the rainy season, it is then that his power feels.


Luanda is actively modernizing, the standard of living of local residents is gradually increasing, standard places of recreation and leisure appear: shopping centers, bars, restaurants, nightclubs.

Angola's kitchen is a mixture of local and portuguese dishes. A lot of meat, seafood, fresh vegetables, greenery and fruit. Almost all meat and fish are prepared on the grill and flooded with warm sauce.

Seeing the prices of local entertainment - do not be surprised. For some reason, Luanda is the most expensive capital in the world. For the same reasons, a system of street food bypassing expensive restaurants is developed. As in Asia countries, it is possible to meet a numerous row of mangals with improvised tables to have to have a snack.

Climate: semi-shattered in the south and along the coast in Luanda. To the north has a cool, dry season (from May to October). Rainy season (from November to April).


Unfortunately, currently tourism is very bad here, so there are almost no museums here.

The largest and famous - National Museum of Anthropology. Here you can see the objects of life and the decorative and folk creativity of numerous tribes and peoples inhabiting the country. The National Museum of Slavery is dedicated to the history of the slave trade.


30 kilometers from Luanda there is a Jembas tourist complex with a hotel, a well-maintained territory and a good beach.

The area: a narrow coastal plain rises sharply to a huge inner plateau.


In Angola, good roads with spacious highways. Public transport is complicated and inconvenient: most streets have no names, Only numbers, specific route: There is only an initial and final stop with an accuracy of the area.

Taxis appeared relatively recently, with the construction of large hotels. Among the locals are common mototxy (as in Thailand). It is enough to approach the side of the road and, as in the film, shout: "Taxi!", Motobike Taxi will definitely arrive almost instantly.

Without a driver, it is impossible to take a car into a hire. The neighboring cities can be reached by train.

Standard of living

In 2008, Luanda was recognized as the most expensive capital in the world due to the fact that the goods of mass consumption are difficult to access. For example, a liter of milk can cost more than $ 4.

An active oil and diamond production is carried out in Angola. The profit of foreign companies create high demand for housing, from here rental prices and food rapidly increase.

In major cities of the country are relatively safe.

Rustic residents are busy in agriculture, breed cattle, work on coffee plantations, grown cotton and cultivate bananas.

Resources: oil, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, copper, field swipe, gold, bauxite, uranium.

City of Angola

The capital of the country, as mentioned above, Luanda. Angola is the former colony of Portugal, who left the language, the kitchen and the architectural appearance of the city center. On old buildings you can still see the beautiful Portuguese tile "Azulju".

The second on the area and population of the city is Benghel. Located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.



Province de Luanda

8,8368 x 13,23317

Huumbo Province

12,77611 x 15,73917

Province de Bengel

12,34806 x 13,54556

Province de Bengel

12,57833 x 13,40722.

Province of Bie.

12,38333 x 16,93333

Province da Wila.

14,91667 x 13.5

De Malane Province

9,54472 x 16,34528.

Province de Namibe

15,19611 x 12,15222.

Zaire Province

6,1349 x 12,36894.

Province de Kabinda

Province of Uyg.

7,61328 x 15,05662.

Province yes South Lund

9,66078 x 20,39155

Province of Kwanza

11,20605 x 13,84371


Tsuango Zubanggo Province

Angola on the map

The state language Angola is Portuguese. In addition to him, the indigenous people speak several African adverbs. A little more than half of the population professes Christianity: 38% of them are Catholics, and 15% - Protestants. The remaining Alarms prefer traditional local beliefs. About 90 religious sects are registered in the country, and their number is growing every year. Since September 2015, Islam has been officially banned in Angola and closed all mosques.

Geographically, the country is divided into three regions. The Atlantic coast occupies a coastal plain wide from 50 to 150 km. In the center and in the West there is a plateau - an Angolan plateau, which covers 90% of the entire territory. His highest point is the vertex of Moko (2620 m). Between the coast and the mountains there is a transition zone, which consists of wide terraces.

The long-term civil war and other military clashes in Angola ceased at the beginning of the XXI century. The country has richly natural resources And only begins to disclose its tourist potential. Hotel service and travel infrastructure here are still at the formation stage.


In the West, Angola prevails a trade-stone tropical climate. Since the cold Bengelege current is held along the coast, the air on the plains is colder than on the plateau. Its temperature reaches +24 ... + 26 ° C in the very warm month in the year - March and to +16 ... + 20 ° C in the coldest month - July. The precipitation is a bit, and especially little rain falls in the southern part of the country, in the Namib desert.

The territory of Angolan Plateau is located in the equatorial monsoon climate zone. From October to May in the mountains, wet, rainy summer comes, and from June to September, the dry winter reigns. The air temperature is determined by a height above sea level. In the mountainous area, compared with the shorts, is always cooler and precipitation falls more.

In the south of Angola, in the desert, there are quite strong temperature differences. Sometimes at night the thermometer can fall to 0 ° C.

What to see in Angola

Angola coastline stretches along the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of 1650 km. There are many good beaches and excellent conditions for windsurfing and diving. Beach areas are best equipped with seaside hotels.

Fans of sports fishing are driven into the major city of Tombva, which is located on the coast in Namib. In coastal waters, many species of fish, sea turtles, crustaceans and mollusks live. Often black whales swim here. According to experts, the biodiversity of the ocean at the coast of Angola is not inferior to the Caribbean.

In Angola, popular eco-tourism. Almost half of the Angolan lands are covered with forests and savannahs. The most thick forests are located in the northwest of Angola. National parks are open in the country - Ion, Kissama, Cameo and Milando, where they make it possible to survive and multiply by rare and endangered species of local fauna: red buffalo, manati and sea turtle.

An elephants, various types of antelopes, zebras, monkeys, warts, lions, jackals, cheetahs and leopards live on the expanses of Savannes. Unfortunately, the number of hepards and elephants has significantly decreased from constant poaching, but the Angola authorities are making all possible efforts to eliminate this evil.

The country is covered with a branched river network. Angolan rivers belong to Zambezi and Congo pools. They are rapidly both thresholds, and the level of water in rivers strongly depends on monsoon rains. Kwanza, Kubago, Quito and Kunen are the largest rivers of the country, and there are hippos.

In some places, tourists make alloys on rivers on bamboo roofs. The largest popularity among travelers in Angola is the largest Duki-Du-Braganz waterfall, the picturesque waterfalls of Luango and Kambabwe on the Kwanza River, as well as tours to the desert expanses of Namiba.

The unique culture of local African tribes attracts lovers of ethnographic tourism. In different parts of Angola, the tribes leading the original lifestyle are preserved. In ethnic villages, tourists show ritual costumes, interesting rituals and traditional folk dances. Here you can also hear the game on musical instruments. The Angoles are perfectly owned by drums, Gitenla Gitar, Walking Long Bells, similar to Kissanji and Marimba, as well as Mublumbumbus Music.

One of the most revered by indigenous Angolers is the Black Stones, which are near the small town of Pongo Andongo, 115 km from Melange. They are large in size frozen volcanic lava emissions. There are many local legends associated with this natural attraction. According to one of them, the Angolan queen Zing Mbad Ngola went here, which was ruled in the XVII century. Angoles honor her for the active opposition to Portuguese colonizers. The queen united several neighboring tribes and founded the state in the central part of Angola - Matamuba.

Architecture and decorative and applied art

Traditional Angola indigenous residents are rectangular, single-storey houses with a flat roof. Because of the poverty, the Alarts do not often change the root, so you can see the buildings everywhere, on the roofs of which there are many stones. There are no such stones on the dwellings of more prosperous Angols.

In Angolan villages there are round huts that are made of clay using a frame of wooden stakes. The roof for these houses is made of grass and cane. It can be double or made in the form of a tent. Almost all the doorways and walls of buildings are decorated with cut-out or drawn images of animals, birds and spirits. Some tribes build houses on wooden stamps, and in cities use modern building materials and technologies.

The first works of the visual art of Angola include rock painted images in Canning, which were drawn by Africans in 8-5 millennia to our era. Nowadays in Angola, a wood carving is universally developed. Masters make ritual masks, furniture, figurines for decorating housing and household items.

Angolians know how to make good ceramics. Often clay products decorated with a thicker ornament. From the fibers of the trees, they are perfectly flying dishes and mats. All these products features a multicolored geometric pattern.

Sights of Lounda

The capital of the country is located on the Atlantic coast, next to the mouth of the Kwanza River. divided into the lower and upper city. The lower city is built along a semicircular bay and boasts architectural monuments of the colonial era. Elegant forms, interesting decor and mixing the styles of Baroque and classicism are represented by buildings, built by Portuguese, Spaniards, French, Americans and Americans. Inherited from Portuguese in the city, there were signs with the designation of streets made from ceramic tiles, and on the paved sidewalks you can see an elegant mosaic.

Christian temples are open in Luanda - the Jesuit Church, the Temple of Madonna Nazareth and the Temple of Carmelite. Making walks along the capital, it is interesting to visit the fortress of San Miguel, built in the XVII century. She was the first defensive construction of a European type that appeared in the country. Nowadays, the Central Museum of Armed Forces is located in the well-preserved old fort. In the upper city there are many beautiful mansions. Here are the buildings of government agencies, local university, seminary and the cathedral.

The capital of Angola is open in the capital, in which rich collections on the history and ethnography of the country are exhibited. Many tourists are also visited by museums of slavery and armed forces. In addition, in Luanda, there are interesting art galleries for inspection, gathered large picturesque and graphic collections. They exposed the works of famous Angolan artists, whose creativity received recognition at the international level - Antonio Ole, Roberto Silva and Viktor Teixeira ("Viteiks").

From the capital of Angolan travelers go to Eco-tours. Their routes run along virgin forests located near the city, just 30-40 minutes drive from the Central Bus Station. Many species of animals and birds live in the wild savanna, but it is better to use the services of an experienced guide to travel there.

Local kitchen

Native residents of Angola traditionally eat at home. This is caused by the lack of catering establishments and low levels of sanitary standards in eateries, cafes and restaurants. Thanks to the government program for the development of tourism, the number of cafes, restaurants and bars of an acceptable level of service is constantly growing. Especially many such institutions are opened in Luanda and in other major cities.

The several centuries of Portuguese colonization had a great influence on the local cuisine. Nowadays, culinary customs of local African tribes and Portuguese traditions are combined in it. In addition, the Portuguese, like Catholics, taught Angolians to observe the days of posts.

Locals love delicious and satisfying food. In Angola, more popular dishes from seafood, legumes, corn, rice, as well as soups. In many places they are preparing "Kakusso" - Tilapia, fried on palm oil. Chicken, fish, shrimp and even vegetable dishes are often seasoned with a "peer-pepper" sauce cooked from acute peppers. Salads make vegetables and greens from the country grown in the country, but the Angolas love to use venerable bananas and tomatoes for their preparation.

In the south of the country are grown by several grape varieties. Here developed winemaking.


In memory of the trip to Angola, travelers usually bring ceremonial African masks carved from a tree statuette, as well as crafts from stone and bronze. As a souvenir in the course of textiles, clay vases, jugs and trays, braided baskets, crafts from straw, cane and dry grass, mats with geometric ornament, tribal costumes and jewelry made of malachite. The culinary spices are also valued.

Markets and shops where you can buy souvenirs, there is everywhere. Next to Luranda, the most visited is the Benfica market.


The main type of public transport in Angola - minibuses painted from below in blue, and on top in white. The price of travel by bus or route taxi is 0.5-1 $, but foreign tourists are not recommended to use public transport. It is believed that for them it is easier and safer to move on taxi. For short distances, a taxi trip costs $ 5-6.

In Angola, right-hand traffic. Rental of passenger transport costs $ 45-55 per day, but it is rather problematic to ride on the roads inside the country, since most of them are in a broken state. In addition, in the event of a breakdown, it is almost impossible to contact the service center or emergency service. Those tourists who still decided to go to an independent trip by car in the countryside, try to stock tools in advance to the repair of the car on their own.

Airplanes fly from the coast of deep into the country. Such services are very popular among tourists and locals. It is flight from $ 100. Another option of movements within the country - railways. In Angola, three railway branches were laid, and the passage of them costs inexpensively.


Due to the prosperity and cases of hooliganism of the local population, tourists do not recommend walking through the streets of cities alone, especially in the dark. You also need to not forget that pocket thefts are common in the markets, in transport and shops. It is relatively safe and calmly only on those streets that are guarded by the guardianship.

Local drivers do not adopt the rules of the road, so the street transition can become a problem. Care you need to be anywhere - and in unregulated intersections, and where traffic lights are installed.

Use cameras and camcorders in public places with caution. In Angola, the shooting of military facilities, state buildings and representatives of local authorities in blue shape is not encouraged.


Local currency - Kwanza (AOA). You can exchange money in the departments of banks, exchange offices and hotels. In Luanda and big cities it is not difficult to do this. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00, and exchange offices - from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 to 11.00. In the province, the exchange currency turns into a whole problem. It is prohibited from Angola Angola forbidden, and the currency that remains not spent, it is necessary to exchange before departure.

In Angola, travelers face the problem of using credit cards or traveler checks. They are accepted only in some metropolitan hotels, restaurants and shops, so traveling in other places, except Luanda, you need with cash.

Visa and custom restrictions

To visit Angola, it is necessary to place a visa and have a medical certificate about the vaccination against the yellow fever. Getting a visa usually takes two weeks. A single tourist visa is given for a month. Citizens of Russia, traveling for a period of up to 30 days, is not needed. Those who are delayed in Angola for a longer period must be registered.

In the country, you can import cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and food - within the limits of personal needs. Foreign currency can also be imported without restrictions, but be sure to declare. It is strictly forbidden to export and import any weapon, narcotic drugs that have not been treated with precious stones, as well as products from ivory, turtle shells and mollusks.

  • Public organizations, shops and branches of banks, as a rule, work only on weekdays, starting from 8.00. Moreover, some of them are not open.
  • National holiday - the day of the declaration of independence of Angola - celebrate on November 11th.
  • The local population, mostly lives due to the maintenance of a natural economy. Foods that sell tourists are more expensive than in other African countries. This is primarily due to high inflation. A dozen eggs can be bought for $ 5, 1 l of milk for $ 2.5, 1 kg of cheese for $ 17-20, a bottle of wine for $ 3. Lunch in the cafe will cost $ 35.
  • Hotel accommodation is also expensive. The day at the hotel 2 * in Luanda cost from $ 100, and in the hotel 5 * - about $ 500. Most hotels are concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic coast. Hotels 5 * Very little. On the rest of the territory of Angola, only family hotels with a minimum level of service are open.
  • Many tourists going to Angola prefer to rent accommodation. It costs cheaper hotels, however cost more than in many countries of the world. For rent apartments from two rooms in the capital, you will need to spend from $ 7000 per month, and three-room - from $ 20,000.
  • Going for a walk in Angola, it is better to have a supply of drinking water with it, as it is not possible to buy bottled water in all places. The same applies to medicines. During the trip, a personal first-aid kit never hurts.
  • Most of the inhabitants of the country do not speak English, so tourists are better to have a phraser with them.
  • Zimbabwe

    By sea. Cities and Lobitu have ports in which passenger ships come from different countries of the world. In these and other ports on the Atlantic coast of the country, ships from Namibia also moored.

    By bus. A regular bus service connects the territories of Angola and Namibia. Especially a lot of buses and route taxis runs between the border cities of these two states.

The content of the article

AngolaThe Republic of Angola, the state in the south-west of Africa. Capital - Luanda (4.51 million people. - 2010). Territory - 1.247 million square meters. km. Administrative-territorial division - 18 provinces. Population - 13.3 million people (2011 rating). Official language- Portuguese. Religion- Christianity and traditional African beliefs. Currency unit - Kwanza. National holiday - November 11 - Independence Day (1975). Angola - UN member since 1976, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) from 1976, and since 2002 its successor - the African Union (AC), Non-Alignment Movement, Southern African Development Community (SADC), the common market of Eastern and South Africa (Komes) and 1996 Communities of Portuguese-speaking countries (palop).

Geographical position and border.

Continental state. The province of the Cabinda separates from the rest of the country a narrow strip of the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC - former Zaire). The western part is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It borders in the North-East with the Republic of Congo, in the East - with Zambia, in the south - with Namibia. The length of the coastline is approx. 1600 km.


Most of the territory is a plateau. The height of the most elevated part of it is the array of Bie - they reach more than 2000 m. The highest point - Moscow (2620 m). Minerals: Diamonds, Iron, Gold, Quartz, Manganese, Copper, Natural Gas, Oil, Lead, Sloud, Radioactive Ore and Zinc.

The climate of the inland areas is equatorial, monsoon. Clearly expressed two seasons - wet (October-May) and dry (June-September). The warmest months are September-October (+ 21-29 ° C), the coldest - June-July (+ 15-22 ° C). Per year drops from 600 to 1500 mm of precipitation. Climate coast - tropical, trade house. The average temperatures of the warmest month (March) are + 24-26 ° C, the coldest (July) - + 16-20 ° C. The precipitates are mainly falling out in February-March - from 50 to 500 mm per year. The thick river network, most of the rivers replete thresholds and waterfalls. The water level in them varies during the year. Large rivers: Kwanza, Kvito, Kubago and Kunen. Shipping Kwanza and Shilvango.

OK. 40% of the territory is covered with tropical forests (grow red and sandalwood, limb, tall, chitol, etc.) and leaf falling gentlemen. On the sea coast an abundance of palm trees. In the north, south, east and in the central regions - extensive savannahs (grow acacia, Baobabs, Berlin, Brachishegia, palm trees). In the north of the province of Cabinda - Mangrove Forests. In the wilderness of Namib (South of the country), the Velvichia dwarf tree is surprising. Rich Fauna - Hippopotamot, White and Black Rhbeles, Warts, Buffalo, Gazelle, Cheetahs, Giant Black Antelope, Hyena, Giraffes, Zebra, Kafrine Dramed (Large Rodents), Crocodiles, Leopards, Lions, Monkeys, Pangolines (Lizard Mammals), Elephants , pipes and sacks. A varied of Ornithofauna - Drops, Nakniks, Parrots, Rhino Birds, Poultry Secretaries, Funds, Udoda, etc. Many reptiles and insects, including Tsetse fly. Created several national parks. In coastal waters, a lot of fish, crustaceans and mollusks are found in black whales and sea turtles.


The average population density is 10 people. per quarter. KM (2009). The average annual population increase - 2.10% per year (2009). Birth rate - 42.91 births per 1000 population. Mortality - 23.4 deaths per 1000 population (July 2011). Children's mortality - 175.9 deaths per 1000 newborns. 43.2% of the population - children under 14 years old. Residents who switched the frontier of 65-year-olds are 2.7%. Life expectancy - 38.76 years old (men - 37.74, women 39.83 years old) (all indicators for 2011)
The overwhelming majority of the population qualifies as poor.

Angola is a polyethnic state (110 ethnic groups). 96% of the population belongs to peoples language family Bantu: Ovimbundum (37%), Ambund (23%), Bagonthgo (13%), Ngangela (approx. 9%), Chokwe (more than 8%), Nyanec (4.2%), ovambo (2.4%) et al. (2000). Each of the listed peoples consists of several ethnic groups: Ambund from 21 (Ambundu, Luango, Ngola, etc.), Ovimbundum from 16 (Bienin, MbIu, Sel.). In addition to the bow, the country (northeastern provinces) is inhabited by pygmes, and in the south and south-west - Bushmen (San). 2% of the population - Moutique, 1% - Europeans. From local languages, the most common languages \u200b\u200bof the Kikongo, Kimbundu and Umbunder.

In cities live OK. 30% of the country's inhabitants.

Large cities: Umbo 979 thousand. (2009), Bengela (155 thousand people), Lobitu (150 thousand people), Namib (125.4 thousand people) - 2002. It is estimated in neighboring countries (most of all in Zambia - approx. 250 thousand . people.) There are 470 thousand Angolans of Refugees (2003). Angola is one of the largest workforce exporters on the continent.


53% of the population profess Christianity (Catholics - 38%, Protestants - 15%), 44% of the population adhere to traditional African beliefs and cults (animalism, fetishism, the cult of the ancestors and forces of nature, etc.), approx. 3% - the parishioners of Africristian churches. Christianity began to spread to the con. 15 V. In 2001, there were 87 officially registered religious sects, their number continues to grow.

State device

There is a constitutional law 1975 with subsequent changes. The head of state is the president, elected on the basis of direct and secret voting on the majority system for 5 years. It has the right to be re-elected for another three term. Parliament - Single-Paul National Assembly, 220 deputies of which are elected for a 4-year term direct secret vote on a proportional representation system (130 - on the national list, 90 - 5 deputies from each of the 18 provinces).

The state flag is a rectangular cloth, divided into two isometric horizontal stripes of red (above) and black. In the center of the flag on the bands imposed an image of crossed machete and half of the gear wheel and a five-pointed star (between them) yellow.

Judicial system.Supreme and appeal courts, civil and criminal and provincial courts, as well as the military tribunal, are operating.

Defense. National army of 50 thousand people. Formed in May 1991 in accordance with the peace agreement concluded between the Government and UNITA. After ratifying the cease-fire agreement (April 2002), 5 thousand militants of UNITA were integrated into the army of Angola. In 2002, the National Armed Forces numbered 100 thousand people: Army (90 thousand people), Navy (4 thousand people) and Air Force (6 thousand people). There are also semi-long formation of 10 thousand people. 90% of the arms of the army - Soviet and Russian production. Defense costs - $ 265.1 million (1.9% of GDP) - 2003.

Foreign policy.

At the heart - non-aligned policy. Supports relations with the portuguese-speaking countries of Africa (entered in t. N. "Luzofonsky Commonwealth" - the organization Palop, - created with them with Portugal and Brazil in 1996).

Diplomatic relations between the USSR and Angolan are established on November 11, 1975 (recognized the Government of the MPLA one of the first). After the start of the Civil War, the USSR provided substantial material and military assistance, as well as moral support for the MPLA in the fight against the opposition groups of UNITA and FNLA. Russia is a member of the Troika observers for the settlement of the situation in Angola and the participant of the UN peacekeeping operations in the country. In 1998, the President of Angola J. Santos Santus visited Moscow with a visit. Declaration on the basics of friendly relations and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Angola and Agreements on trade and economic cooperation and the development of diamond complexes of the two countries were signed. In the beginning. The 2000th Russian company Alrosa built a mining and processing plant in Angola, owned by the joint diamond-mining enterprise "Katoka" (annually produces diamonds in the amount of $ 150 million), in which Alrose owns 32% of the shares.

Embassy of the Republic of Angola in the Russian Federation - Moscow, ul. Ulof Palma, 6. Tel. (095) 143-63-24, 143-65-21, fax (095) 956-18-80. Ambassador (from 2000) - Mr. Montica Robert Leal Ramush (General "Nagggo").


Its base is oil business (80% of profits - 2004) and diamond mining. Angola is included in the list of the main 17 countries of the debtors of subsacar Africa.


Share in GDP - 8%, employs 85% of the population. (2003). 3% of the extensive areas of fertile land are processed (one of the reasons is the presence of a large number of mines in the fields). Product production of wheat has been developed. Bananas, coffee, corn, maniacs (cassava), vegetables, sugar cane, sisal, tobacco and cotton. The development of animal husbandry prevents the distribution in 14 (out of 18) the provinces of the Tsetz Fly. Cattle is divorced only in the south. A fisheries is developed (forces of sea eel, tuna, etc.). In the economic zone of Angola, Russian courts each year exclaim. 25 thousand tons of fish and seafood. Forestry: Forest blanks are underway, cypresses and eucalyptus are grown for the production of paper and cellulose.


Share in GDP - 67% (2001). In 2002, the share of the mining industry in GDP, the main component of which is oil and diamond production, amounted to 54.7%. Almode extraction Angola ranks 4th in the world (2003). Enterprises for oil treatment, production of building materials, agricultural raw materials treatment factories (including sugar production and fish processing), tobacco, textile and chemical industries. On a joint venture, a motorcycle assembly is being built.

International trade.

Exports significantly exceeds import. In 2003, exports amounted to 9.67 billion US dollars, and imports - $ 4.08 billion. Basic export goods - diamonds, coffee, crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas, fish and seafood, sisal, crash forest and timber, and cotton. Main partners in exports: USA (41%), China (13.6%), France (7.9%), Taiwan (7.5%), Belgium (6.2%), Japan (4.9%) , Spain (4.3%) - 2002. Major products of import: military equipment, medicines, machinery and electrical equipment, food products, textiles, vehicles and spare parts for them. Main Import Partners: Portugal (19.2%), South Africa (14.7%), USA (13.2%), Brazil (7.1%), France (6.4%) and Belgium (5%) - 2002.


63.6% of electricity produced on hydropower plants, 36.4% - on TPPs using petroleum products as fuel. In 2003, the construction of the first queue of the Capanda hydrokomplex was completed, interrupted due to hostilities in 1990. There is a restoration of damaged power plants.


The transport system is destroyed as a result of a long civil war. Railway network (total length of roads - 2.76 thousand km) and 76.63 thousand km of roads (2003) need restoration and repair. The main ports are Cabinda, Lobito, Luanda and Namib. The merchant fleet consists of 124 vessels (2002). In 2003, as part of the NEPAD program ("New Partnership for Africa") a plan for restoring the port of Lobito has been developed. The air transport system is well developed: in 2003 there were 244 airports and runways (32 - with solid coating). In 2003, the restoration of airports in Bie, Luanda, Lobito, Namibe and Beambo began. Cargo-passenger transportation is carried out both within the country and in the state of Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and South America.

Finance and credit.

The monetary unit is a new quanta (AOA, introduced in September 1990), consists of 100 LVE. In February 2004, the national currency rate was: 1 USD \u003d 80.1 AOA.

Administrative device.

The country is divided into 18 provinces consisting of 163 municipal areas.

Political organizations.

There was a multi-party system (approx. 120 political parties and organizations). The most influential ones: " Folk Department Angola», MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola, MPLA), preyed. - Jose Eduard Santos Santos (José Eduardo Dos Santos), gene. sec. - Lawrence João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço (João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço). Ruling party, land. in 1956; " National Union for Complete Independence Angola», Unit (União Nacional Para a Independência Total De Angola, Unita), gene. sec. - Lamcab Paulo "Gato" (Paulo Lukamba "GATO). Founded in 1966; " National Liberation Front Angola», FNLA (Frentte Nacional de Libertação de Angola, Fnla), preyed. - Ngonda Lukas (Lucas Ngonda). Founded in 1962; " Liberal Democratic the consignment», LDP.Partido Liberal Democrático, Pld), preyed. - Analya de Victoria Pereira (Anália de Victória Pereira); " Social renewal party», Prz. (Partido Renovador Social, PRS), Leader - Kwangan Eduardo (Eduardo Kwangana); " UNITA-updated"(Unita-Renovador), preyed. - Ngol Manuvacol Eugenio (Eugeenio Ngolo Manuvakola). Created by former members of UNITA in 1998.

Trade union associations. National Association of Angolan Workers, Noat (União Nacional De Trabalhadores Angolanos, Unta). Created in April 1960, there is approx. 600 thousand members. Chairman - Dute da Silva No Manuel (Manuel Diogo Da Silva Neto), Secretary General - Vyazel Manuel Augusto Viage (MANUEL AUGUSTO VIAGE).


Officially mandatory is primary education (4 years), which children can get from the 6th age. The secondary education (7 years) begins with 10 years and takes place in two cycles of 4 and 3 years. In 2004, the work of 29 thousand new school teachers. 3 million schoolchildren and students are trained (2004). University. A. NEO (Luanda) was founded in 1963. On agrarian, engineering, medical, legal and economic faculties, 423 teachers work and 6.29 thousand students (2002) are trained. In 1997, the Catholic University of Angola was created in Lubango. University of South Africa (South Africa) through the Internet opened his correspondence department in Angola. The Research Institute of Agrochemistry (G. Yumbo), Veterinary Orbango, Geology and Medicine (both are in Luanda). In 2002, the National Institute of Oil is established - the only university in Africa, which is engaged in special training for the oil, geol-discovered and mining sectors of the economy. In 1998, 42% of the population were competent (men - 56%, women - 28%).


Hepatitis, intestinal and infectious diseases are common (access to clean drinking water has 32% of the population), cortex, malaria, meningitis, tribanosomosis ("Sleepy disease"), tuberculosis, personality and other cases of silence. The main health problems are associated with a low standard of living of the vast population of the country (45% of children seriously suffer from malnutrition). In addition to the high level of mortality, newborn marks high mortality among children under the age of 5 years. Only 27% of children under the age of 1 make up the necessary vaccinations. In 2001-2003, with the assistance of international organizations, more than 7 million children were made by measles.

In 2001, there were 350 thousand patients with AIDS and HIV-infected people (5.5% of the population), 24 thousand people died. For every 1000 people. In 1997, there was a 0.08 doctor (the lack of doctors and medical personnel is explained incl. Mass departure from the country of Portuguese professionals after independence). In 2000, health care costs amounted to 3.6% of GDP.

Press, broadcasting, television, internet.

The daily newspapers are published in Portuguese: "Journal Di Angola" (Jornal De Angola - "Gazeta Angola" - party and government newspaper), "Dyariua da Republika" (Diário da República - "Newspaper of the Republic" - Government Bulletin), monthly newspaper " Dr. Traballador served "(A Voz Do Trabalhador -" Voice of the Worker "), the newspaper" Progress "(Progresso -" Progress "). Magazines "Monsagement" are published (Mensage - "Message") and "Novbru" (Novembro - "November"). AIN Angola Information Agency (Agencia Angola Press, Angop) is currently operating since 1978. State national radio and television leads from 1975. There is an official government site on the Internet. There are 41 thousand people. Internet users (2002).


The country has good conditions for the development of the tourist industry - a variety of natural landscapes, rich flora and fauna, beautiful waterfalls (Duke de Braganza on R. Lukal, as well as Kambubva and Luando on R. Kwance), conditions for sports fishing and distinctive local culture Peoples. The development of tourism is largely hampered by the presence of a large number of unreleased mines that remained after the civil war. In 1997, 45,14 thousand foreign tourists visited Angola, in 2001 - 67.38 thousand: from Portugal (12.60 thousand people), France (9.13 thousand people), England, Brazil, Spain , Norway, USA, Philippines and South Africa. In 2001, 1726 Russian tourists visited the country (in 1999 - 1365 people.).

Sightseeing: In Nuanda - Museum of Angola, Slavery Museum and Central Museum of Armed Forces, Portuguese San Miguel Fortress (17th century), Ethnographic Museum in Cabinda, Museum of Dunda in the town of the same name, as well as archaeological and anthropological museums in G . Bengela, National Parks of Ion, Cameo, Kisama and Milando.

Visa regime. A visa-free transit is not allowed. You need to provide a medical certificate of vaccination against yellow fever. The import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is obligatory). Exchange it in banks and exchange offices, there is a black currency market. The export of the national currency is prohibited. Also the removal of weapons, raw gems and handicrafts from ivory are also prohibited. National cuisine combines African and Portuguese culinary traditions. Popular sharp sauce piri Pir. From the zhuggy pepper (served to the chicken, shrimps and fish). Planning traveling around the country, it is necessary to take into account holidays: January 1, February 4, March 8, May 1, September 17, November 3 and 11, December 10 and 25.

Architecture and visual art.

Folk dwellings among nations inhabiting Angola, usually have a rectangular shape, but they meet both round in terms of hut. They are put on the frame of the stakes, accused by the rods of trees or crown clay. Roofs of grass or straw is dupled or styled in the form of a tent. Doors and walls are decorated with scorched or drawn ornament and carved figures of people, spirits and animals. Some nations build their huts on wooden piles. The adoption of modern major cities became buildings from reinforced concrete structures and glass.

The fine arts of Angola takes their beginning long before AD. - Fashionable drawings in Canning are dating 5-8 thousand BC. Traditional sculptures (religious objects, statuettes of sea monsters and fetishes, made of wood, stone and ivory) among the peoples of Cabin, brightly colored sculptural compositions from the people of Yak, as well as women's figures, similar to Antelopes, Chokwe.

Among the professional Angola artists, many world name masters are Viktor Teixeira (Witeix's pseudonym), Antonio Ole, Roberto Silva. There is a National Union of Angolan Artists (UNAP). In Luanda there are several art galleries ("Witeix", the gallery of the Union of Angolan artists, etc.). In 1999-2002, an exhibition of works of modern artists Angola was held in Moscow - Alvaro Masiyra, Viktor Manuel Teixira (Vito), George Gumba, Francischka Wang Danema (Vana) and Felician Distas Santus Santus ("Kida").

Crafts and art crafts are developed wood carving (the manufacture of ritual masks and figures, which adorn the doors of houses, homemade utensils and furniture), pottery (stucco ceramics are decorated with a broken ornament), as well as weaving mats and wood fiber dishes with a geometric pattern of red and black color.


Began to develop from the second floor. 19th century (mainly in Portuguese). In 1891 a book published Folk wisdom in Angolan proverbs Local writer and folklorist J.Diasha Kwarder da Matti. The first poets - J. Da Silva Mai Ferreira, J.Diash Kwarder da Matta. The largest writers: Agostino Netovo, Alda Lara, Antonio Zhasinta, Antonio Cardoza, Jose Luandino da Vieira, Octaviano, and others. One of the youngest (27 years old) and popular modern writers is Ndal de Almeida (pseudonym - Onjaki). In 2002 his new book was released - Inari, girl with five pigtails. In the same year, his poetic collection was published in Portugal Bloody act. Modern young poets - Graciana Franciska Domingos, Luis Candswick and others. Since 2001 Angola participates annually in Moscow International book Fair. At the next exhibition in 2004 several hundred books of Angolan publishers were presented.


It has ancient traditions, differs by ethnic diversity. Music exists in an inextricable connection with a dance, an important element of which is a rhythm. Original ritual dancing batuku (at the people of Congo), kauwema ("Dance of Fire" from Ngangel), numbers (Chokwe) and others. In the performance of traditional music, accompanied by songs and dances, various drums are used (Puita, etc.) and xylophones (Kissanji, Marimba), Guitar Shingongu, Long Bells, Lira Dtiakumba, Mubymbhambumba Music onion Kalyal, Flute Pan and others. Composers: Mashada J.M., Mukenga F., F. yes Sish, etc.

The music of Angola has also absorbed the traditions of Portuguese musical culture, and in the 20th century. Latin American melodies and modern pop culture were influenced. National popular music develops from the 1950s. Since 1978, colorful tons in the capital are held. "Victory Carnivals". In 2002, the 24th Carnival was held. In 1900-2000, the performance of the dance ensemble "Moyo this" is popular.

Theater and cinema.

Theatrical extravagancies from the 17th century. accompanied church holidays in religious schools organized during monasteries and temples. The first semi-professional theatrical group called "Providencia" appeared in Luanda in 1847. In 1960-1970, the CTA Theater was actively worked (the name abbreviation in Portuguese) and the Analyst Theater Club. After the proclamation of independence, most of theatrical figures (Europeans) left the country. Amateur teams began to be created. Documentary Cinema is developing from the second half of the 1970s (11-serial tape I'm a young man and I do not regret the power, Volodya, People's Commander Dir. L. Vieir, etc.). First feature film - Be bold, comrade! - Removed by the director R.Darti di Carvalo in 1977. In 2003, the shooting of a feature film began Empty city (About the national tragedy - 27-year-old civil war) joint Angolan-French production. Directors - Maria João and Francois Hano.


Ancient history.

Archaeological finds confirm the fact of human habitat on the territory of modern Angola still in the era of Neolith. Inhabited her ancestors of modern San (Bushmen) who were engaged in hunting and collecting. In 5-6 centuries. They were pushed out to the southern regions came from the north of agricultural and cattle breeding tribes, which knew the smelting of iron. The first early education - Congo with the capital of Ganza Congo - originated on the territory of modern Angola in the 13th century. It occupied the northern regions, but the power of Manicongo ( supreme Ruler) Established beyond this state. Congo was the largest and most developed early state in the territory of Angola. The period of its heyday is the 15-first half of the 16th centuries, broke up in con. 19th century The preconquenal period also existed the state and political associations of Benghel, Cassanges (17th - early 19th centuries), Lunda (also known as Mwata-Yamvo, Con. 16 - 2nd floor. 19th century, the capital - G .Musumba), Matamba (1635 - Kon. 17th century) and NDonggo (15 - con. 17th centuries, the capital - Ganza-Kabasa). The population of these early states was mainly engaged in agriculture, pottery and weaving, skillfully melted metals. In Ndonggo, animal husbandry and mining of the "Nzymba" shells were well developed, which at that time served as a means of exchange in many African states. It distinguished him and the presence of numerous troops.

Colonial period.

The first of the Europeans who landed on the Angolan coast were Portuguese. In 1482, the expedition led by Diogu Cana opened the mouth of R. Konggo, and in 1484 an agreement was concluded with manicondo. In the beginning. 16th century The Portuguese built several forts, in 1576 Fort San Paulo de Luanda (modern capital of Malda) was founded. The influence of Portugal in the Congo intensified during the reign of King M.Nzinggi (1506-1543), who adopted Christianity and the name of Afonus I. at 17 V. Large uprisings of the indigenous population broke out - in 1570 under the leadership of MBUL Matadi, and in 1591, led by NSOO. Attempts by Portuguese in Con. 16th century The Angolan penetrate into the inland areas came across the stubborn resistance of the states of NDonggo and Matamb, who managed the Queen of Anna Nzing Mbati Ngola (the Catholic name Anna was obtained by her with baptism in 1622 at the age of 40). She headed the anti-Portoogal coalition, in which the states of the Congo and Cassangers were also united. By concluding the Military Union with the Dutch (ships of the Dutch East India Company landed in Luanda in 1621), she managed to return independence in 1648 by the State NDUgo. 31 years (out of 81 years) Deadly Anna Nzing Mbati Ngola behaved a fight with colonizers, as a result of which the capture of the inland areas was suspended. Subordinate to NDonggo Portuguese managed in 1671, matamuba - in the con. 17th century

The main source of enrichment of colonizers was the slave trade, the legislatively fixed by the Decree of the Portuguese King of January 11, 1758. (For three centuries, the colonial domination from Angola was exported approx. 5 million slaves - mainly in Brazil on the plantation of coffee, rubber and sugar). Without having forces for direct military expansion into the deep regions of the country, the Portuguese, trying to weaken the resistance of the indigenous population, laid armed conflicts between different nations. For information on natural wealth, Angola Portugal organized an expedition A.F. Yes Silva Port (1852-1854) and A.A. Serpp Pintu (1877-1879). The prohibition by the king of Portugal workers in 1836 (nevertheless, smuggling slaves continued until 1852) caused serious damage to the colonial economy. At the same time, the inner slave trade was preserved for several more decades - the work of slaves was actively used on cotton plantations, as well as a rubber assembly. A system of violent contracting of the local population was introduced, most of the workers were sent to work in salt mines and the construction of roads, some were sent to Cocoa plantations on the island of Sao Tome and Principe.

The final borders of Angola were identified by the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, convened on the territorial section in the R. Kongo basin between England, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and France), as well as separate Portugal agreements with the States listed, signed in 1885-1891. Attempts by Lisbon in the con. 19th century Subordinate the remaining internal territories of the country again came across the resistance of Africans: the uprising of the people of Boronon (1900), unrest in the Dama areas, Zombo and Kimbubug (1909-1910) and others. All of them were suppressed by Portuguese troops. After the fall of the monarchy in Portugal (1910) and the introduction of an administrative system (1920) in Angola (1920), the expulsion of the colony increased. Displeasure of the indigenous population led to new armed speeches (rebellion in Bengele in 1917 and others). In 1929 introduced Political, civil and criminal statute about the nativesAccording to which African residents of Portuguese colonies were divided into "Indineus" (natives) and "Assimiladush" (assimilated). "Indingenus" was subjected to discrimination, forced labor and arbitrary taxation. The Assymimiladush could become an African, who adopted Christianity, who possess Portuguese, having permanent income and leading European lifestyles. By 1940 the status of "assimilated" received 0.6% of the population (24 thousand people). Act Political, civil and criminal statute of natives (Indigenite system) canceled in 1961.

The first political organizations of the African population of Angola - "Angolan League" (founded in 1912, prohibited B1922) and created in 1929 "National African League" (CAL) and " Regional Association residents of Angola "(rage). Their activity wore educational character. Before a serm. The 1950s anticolonial movement was broken, often received the form of religious sectarianism - sects of currents were created (named after their founder S.Toku), who refused to work in farms belonging to Europeans. After granting Angola, the status of the "Overseas Province" of Portugal (1951) in the colony began to strengthen the state-capitalist sector of the economy. After World War II, Angola became one of the world's largest suppliers of coffee, intensive construction of roads serving mainly mining industry (including its new industries - oil, manganese and iron ores), increased diamond mining.

The rise of the anticolonial movement began in the 1960s. He was headed by "People's Movement for the liberation of Angola" (MPLA, the leader - Agushtinhu Netovo), "National Front of the Liberation of Angola" (FNLA, Leader - Holden Roberto, was created in the neighboring Congo on the basis of emigrant organizations) and "National Union for the complete independence of Angola" (UNITA, Leader - Johs Savimby), created in 1956, 1962 and 1966, respectively. MPLA was a union of several left political organizations. He acted for the independence of a single Angola, in 1960 the beginning of an armed struggle against Portuguese colonialists. FNLA and UNITA - anticolonial separatist movements, based on the support of the peoples of Barkong (FNL) and Ovimbundum (UNITA). On February 4, 1961, the MPLA raised a uprising in Malda, which was the result of which some concessions of the colonial authorities were canceled - canceled forced labor, the powers of local authorities were expanded. FNLA in April 1962 independently created the "Temporary Government of Angola in Exile" (Grare), which headed H. Beretto. MPLA in 1961-1972 managed to create several military-political districts with elective authorities. The leadership of UNITA went to cooperate with the colonial authorities.

The new Government of Portugal, formed after the victory of the 1974 revolution, provided Angola the right to independence. January 15, 1975 Between Portugal, on the one hand, and MPLA, FNLA and UNITA on the other, an agreement was signed on the practical ways of transition to independence. The transitional government was not possible to form a transitional government because of the armed clashes between the MPLA and FNLA. Unita spoke on the side of Fnla, however, the MPLA was able to displace their armed detachments from the capital. In October, the troops of South Africa and Zaire were invaded to support Flange and UNITA.

The period of independent development.

On November 11, 1975, the independent People's Republic of Angola (NRA) was proclaimed in Luanda. President of the country became A. NEO. The 1975 constitution consolidated the leading role of the MPLA in the state. In March 1976, the MPLA army with the help of arriving Cuban military units forced the troops of South Africa and Zaire to escape from the territory of Angola. FNLA and UNITA continued to resist the authorities.

In December 1977, MPLA was transformed into the avant-garde party "MPLA - Labor Party" (MPLA - PT). The government proclaimed a course of constructing socialism. The country collided with serious difficulties: with the beginning of a civil war from Angola, almost all the Portuguese left (including engineers, doctors, etc. Specialists), the industrial production fell, destroyed by the rebels or came to the launch of most of the plantations of coffee and cotton left by peasants, who were forced to leave their homes, fleeing from the Alert militant attack. After the death of A.Neto (September 1979), the chairman of the MPLA - PT became Jose Edward Santos Santos. The main source of income of the government of the MPLA - PT was the export of oil, which was producing American companies. UNITA continuing to resist the government with con. The 1970s began to receive assistance to the United States and other countries of the West. She managed to capture significant territories in the south and east of Angola. The source of stable incomes of UNITA (approx. 600 million US dollars per year) were diamonds, large deposits of which were in the territories controlled by it. Diamonds came true through the smuggled network to other African countries, and through intermediaries - all over the world.

In 1988, NRA, South Africa, the USA, Cuba and the USSR signed the New York Agreement on the Termination of UNITA's Assistance by South Africa and the conclusion from Angola Cuban divisions. A domestic political settlement in Angola was aggravated by the new performances of UNITA, which continued to persistently demand from the authorities to establish a multiparty system. Until 1990, mutual accusations in violation of the conditions achieved earlier agreements prevented the opposite parties to conclude peace. Since 1990 MPLA - PT began to be called MPL. The party proclaimed the change of the political course of Angola - the achievement of democratic socialism (the term is taken from the MPLA program document), a market economy and multiparty and multiparty. With the beginning of the holding in 1991 economic reforms Former owners returned to 100 companies, private firms were transferred to 48% of the shares of large state-owned enterprises. From August 1992, the country began to be called "People's Republic of Angola".

The general elections took place on September 29-30, 1992 in the conditions of new collisions between the warranty groups of the MPLA and UNITA. Of the 12 candidates for multiparty presidential elections, the greatest number of votes (but without the absolute majority of them) were gained by J.E. Santos shower (49.57%) and J.Savimby (40.07%). The last of the participation in the second round of elections refused. President became J.E. Santos shower. At the parliamentary elections, MPLA received 129 seats, UNITA - 70, "Social renewal party" - 6, FNL -5, LDP - 3, the rest of the parties - 7 seats.

UNITA management did not recognize the election results, did not agree with the distribution of posts in the new government and resumed military operations against MPLA. Particularly fierce battles unfolded in the area of \u200b\u200bG. Yuambo. With the assistance of the UN, on November 22, 1994, Lusak Agreements on Peace and National Reconciliation in Angola. In April 1997, the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation was created, in which, except MPL, representatives of UNITA and other opposition parties presented in the parliament were entered. In December 1998, after violation by UNITA, large-scale combat operations resumed. In service with 60 thousand militants UNITA were hundreds of armored personnel carriers and tanks, heavy and light artillery, several combat aircraft, air defense systems (air defense), modern radio communications systems, tens of thousands of small arms units purchased for funds from the sale of diamonds. After the fall of the racist regime in South Africa, the main help of UNITA provided Zaire. However, the ANC, who came to power in the South Africa republic, was not immediately able to establish control over private merchants and organizations of South Africa, who helped UNITA.

In September 1994, the Government of the MPLA adopted a new investment code, which significantly increased interest in Angola from foreign investors. The United States has intensified cooperation with the legal government of the MPLA. The export of Angolan oil, in which American corporations participated in the extraction, was mainly in the United States. The war in Angola prevented normal activities not only by American, but also English, French, Brazilian and Israeli transnational corporations (TNCs) interested in mastering the country's mineral resources.

The world community almost unanimously called Z.Savimby a culprit of the broken war in Angola. The UN Security Council in December 1998 unanimously adopted a resolution, which indicated that the root cause of the crisis was non-fulfillment by the leadership of UNITA obligations under peace agreements. The European Parliament in the same month adopted a resolution with a similar assessment of UNITA actions. The South African Development Community (SADC) joined these decisions in January 1999. The OAU declared its intention to declare Leader to UNITA Z.Savimby Military offense. UNITA bank accounts abroad were frozen, based on the results of the work of two UN expert commissions in Angola (under the leadership of R. Falahra), UN in 2000 decided to strengthen measures to overlapping the supply channels with weapons and smuggling diamonds. In response to these sanctions, UNITA militants shot down a few UN aircraft, several dozen employees of a charitable assistance mission were killed. In March 1999, the UN was forced to pull the flag over his headquarters in Angola. In the first half of 1999, the transfer of force was on the side of UNITA, but the population did not support his speeches. The Government of the MPLA in a short time carried out the re-equipment of the army (new weapons and military equipment purchased in the amount of $ 1 billion), and its number was increased to 100 thousand people. There were permutations in the government - the management of power ministries and key departments were transferred to combat generals. Unit's deputy group split into three factions: Supporting J.Savimby, representatives of the UNIT-updated party (created after the split in UNIT in September 1998, the Government of Angola recognized the party as official "UNITA"), the third, most numerous group was deputies. -triters.

In September 1999, as a result of the major onset of government troops, the main Bazazi UNITU - Antsulo, Bailundo (the spiritual center of the Ovimbundum, the Ethnic Base of UNITA) and the Zhambe, are captured by huge arsenals of equipment and weapons, incl. 27 tanks and 40 infantry combat vehicles. The offensive of government troops continued in 2000. Fearing repression, part of the higher UNITY ranks moved to the side of the legal government. Unita fighters, hastily retreating under the onslaught of government troops transferred to the counteroffensiveness, threw a large number of weapons and techniques. The formation of UNITA again passed to the partisan methods of warfare, the villages captured and severely disappeared with civilians. In the beginning. 2000, 92 of the Municipal District Angola were under the control of government troops (including 11 out of 13 districts where diamonds are produced). UNITA prevented the establishment of a normal life in the liberated areas: the militants attacked the orphanagers, they took the hostage of children, kidnapped priests and civil servants. The violent mobilization of boys aged 10-14 years old, which militants used in battles and punitive expeditions. February 22, 2002 as a result military operation Government troops in the province of Moshika was killed by Zh.Savimby. On April 4 of the same year, UNITA, weakened after the death of his leader, signed an agreement on the cease-fire. However, certain groups of militants in remote areas are still robbed and killed civilians.

As a result of a long civil war, an Angola economy was almost completely destroyed, OK was killed. half a million angles, more than 50% of the adult population did not have work, and 3/4 inhabitants were in extreme poverty. Inflation in 1990-1995 was 500%, in 1996 it reached a record level - 1650%. In 1999, the revenues received by the Government from oil exports made it possible to reduce inflation to a level of 329%.

Angola in the 21st century

In December 2002, the first post-war budget was approved (in April 2003 amended it). In April 2003, the Government also considered new laws relating to the investment regime in relation to foreign firms. The basis of the Angola economy is oil and diamond production. In terms of oil production, the country takes 2nd place in Africa (after Nigeria). In 1980-1990, the pace of development of the oil and gas industry in Angola was among the highest among African countries. Foreign partners in joint ventures are the largest TNCs - the American group "Shevron-Texaco" (owns 39.2% of enterprises in Cabin), Franco-Belgian company Total-Finn-Elf and Italian "Agip Eni". The Angolan State, submitted by Sonangol, owns 20-41% of the asses of joint oil-producing enterprises of the country.

The share of Angola in world production diamond is 15% (after South Africa, Botswana and Russia ranks 4th in the world). A serious problem for the government is the illegal mining of diamonds (according to informal data in the underground fishery of diamonds is employed by 290 thousand people.). In January 2004, the first operation of the Angola armed forces, aimed against the underground diamond fishery, was carried out in the province of Bie.

In October 2003, President J.E. Santos's souls stated that the next presidential and parliamentary elections would not be held until 2005, since they needed 14 preliminary conditions for their holding, first of all, the adoption of a new constitution. In the same year, a special commission for the development of a new constitution was established. It includes 25 representatives of MPLA and 15 from UNITA. The opposition required to conduct general elections no later than the end of 2005. In December 2003, J.E. Santos shower re-elected by the chairman of the MPLA.

The Government of Angola is a complex of complex tasks of post-war development - the fight against hunger and poverty (thousands of people die from hunger, the country in the level of mortality among newborns occupies the 5th place in the world), restoration of the destroyed war infrastructure, the destruction of anti-personnel mines (in the provinces of Umbo, Moshika, Maleta, etc. It remains approx. 4 thousand minefields), problems associated with the arrangement of returning Angolan refugees, as well as the transition of former militants to peaceful life. As a result of the dissolution of rebel formations (completed to the serm. 2003) disarmed approx. 90 thousand people For their temporary placement, more than 35 camps are created for their temporary placement. The last focus of tension remains rich in oil (89% of the mining of Angolan oil) Cabind Province, in which NA. 2004 Actions were activated by the actions of the separatist group of Flek (valid from 1975, with the second floor. 1990s took only minor shares). The separatists put forward the requirement of separating the province, the population of which allegedly makes a separate ethnic community from Angolants.

Since 2003, investments from the American oil company "Shevron-Texaco" in the implementation of three petroptural projects on the Angolan shelf (calculated for 2003-2005) were approx. $ 9 billion. The circle of consumers of the Angolan oil is expanding - withdrawing Saudi Arabia, Angola has become the largest oil exporter to China. GDP growth in 2003 amounted to 7.14% (in 2002 - 3.5%). Inflation in 2002 managed to reduce up to 106%.

A serious problem for Angola is to reduce external assistance. The IMF accuses the Angolan government in corruption and bad control. In 1997-2002, $ 4.2 billion (10% of GDP) obtained from oil revenues was disappeared from state accounts of Angolan (10% of GDP), and social needs were consumed. The IMF stated that the country's further international assistance must be provided only if it comply with the public budget consumption of articles. An obstacle to the new investments of Portugal to the Angolan economy is unpaid an Angoland debt (25% of debt paid to August 2004 - $ 258 million).

In May 2004, after unsuccessful attempts to convince the Government to hold elections in 2005, representatives of opposition parties came out of the commission on the development of a new constitution. In the government report promulgated in July 2004, it was stated that the simultaneous organization of presidential and parliamentary elections requires an amount of $ 430 million, and the preparations for them are estimated at 9-18 months. In August 2004, the Government of the MPLA called the preliminary date of universal elections - September 2006.

The Angola Parliament on January 21, 2010 adopted a new Constitution, which strengthens the presidential power and announces the entire land of state. The new constitution of the country was approved on the eve of 186 parliamentarians from 220.
The President of Angola Jose Eduard Santos Santos, heading the country over the past 30 years, will remain in his post at least before 2012, when parliamentary elections will be held in the country.

Lyubov Prokopenko


The newest story of Africa. M., "Science", 1968
Khazanov A.M., Riverov A.A. Angola.. M., "Thought", 1979
Fituni L.L. People's Republic of Angola. Directory.M., "Science", 1985
Zotov N.M. Angola: The struggle continues. M., "Science", 1985
Doria Jose. Economic Sovereignty Angola. M., "International Relations", 1997
Khazanov A.M. History of Angola in the new and the latest time. M., 1999.
Encyclopedia of African Peoples. L., 2000.
Agushtinhu Neto. Biographical essay (Per. from Portuguese Tokareva A.A.). M., 2001.
Brief historical encyclopedia in 2 volumes: Phenomena of the century. Countries. People. M., "Science", 2001
Modern African leaders. Political portraits. M., Publishing House "XXI Century-Consent", 2001
Andresen Guimarães, F. The Origins of The Angolan Civil War: Foreign Intervention and Domestic Political Conflict. BasingStoke, Palgrave, 2001
40 years together. M., 2002.
Angola. 25 years of independence: results and prospects. M., 2002.
The World of Learning 2003, 53 RD Edition. L.-N.Y.: EUROPA PUBLICATIONS, 2002
Angola: Ethnic groups and nation. M., 2003.
Africa South of the Sahara. 2004. L.-N.Y.: EUROPA PUBLICATIONS, 2003
African Development Indicators 2003. The World Bank.Washington, 2003.

Useful information for tourists about Angola, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, the currency of Angola, the kitchen, the features of visa and customs restrictions of Angola.

Geography of Angola

The Republic of Angola is a state in southwestern Africa, borders with Namibia in the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the North-East and the North, Zambia in the East, as well as the Republic of Congo. Washed from the west of the Atlantic Ocean. The Angola enters the Anklav Kabinda (30 km. North of the border with the Congo).

Angola can be divided into three regions: coastal plain, transition zone and a large inner plateau. Low coastal plain has from 50 to 150 km. The transition zone consisting of the terraces has a width of up to 150 km in the north and only 30 km in the center and in the south. To the east of it there is an extensive Angolan Plateau, which occupies two thirds of the country; The average plateau height over the sea level from 1000 to 1520 m, the highest point - Mount Mokco - is located in the central highway and has a height of 2620 m.


State device

State structure - Republic. Head of State - President. The government is appointed by the president. The Angola legislature is the National Assembly. The executive power is carried out by the Council of Ministers.


State language: Portuguese

African Languages \u200b\u200bBantia are widespread: Kikonhgo, Kimbundum, Umbund, Chokwe, Mbund, Quangia.


More than 53% of the population in Angola - Christians. Most of them are Catholics (38%) and Protestants (15%). About 47% of the Angols are confessing local beliefs.


International name: Aoa

One kwanza is equal to 100 stoppers. In the appeal go banknotes 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 kwwz.

The exchange currency on the kwwan is possible fairly unhindered both in banks, specialized exchange bunches and hotels and in the "black" market, but only in the capital and in large industrial regions, it causes a lot of difficulties in the province.

Credit cards and traveler checks are accepted for paying in most large hotels, shops and restaurants in the capital, but the use of them in other cities is almost impossible.

Angola map.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Angola

Where to stay

After the decades of civil war, Angola's huge reserves and diamond reserves began to reorganize their world. Despite the fact that the country needs to solve problems in all spheres of the economy, Angola does not forget about the tourist sector. Since 2005, the government pays special attention to investments in the development of hospitality infrastructure, solving a lot of issues, including eliminating language barriers in the field of hotel services: even the fact that Portuguese is the state language of the country did not help in the recent past economy. New hotels are built, the old number of rooms is renovated, and, according to optimistic forecasts of experts, soon Angola will take a worthy place in a number of other African countries in attractiveness for foreign tourists.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Angola

The main attractions of Angola belong to the country's natural heritage, however, and the cities of Angola have something to hit the Europeans. Luanda - the lively capital of Angola and the most big city Countries are known for their colonial buildings and mosaic sidewalks. The cities of Lobitu and Benghela, associated with Luranda along the coast of amazingly beautiful roads, are distinguished by a calmer measured life, and also worthy of visits to tourists. No less picturesque terrain in the south of the country in the vicinity of the city of Lubango. South Namib is still located - a wonderful and quiet coastal city. Approximately 70 km south of Luanda is the Kisama National Park, which is a tropical forests, intermitted with large open spaces of Savann. With the support of the government, other national parks of Lvando, Milando, Bengo and Jona are reborn.


Tips are up to 10% in restaurants (in cafes and street bars practically do not apply, but the encouragement of staff besides the score).


Work hours of institutions

Banks work from 10.00 to 16.00 from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 11.00 - on Saturday.


Ancient crafts are preserved in Angola, for example, a wood-carving and weaving. The figurines of people and animals are cut out of wood, ritual masks, as well as furniture. From cane, herbs or straw make mats and baskets with a clear geometric ornament. The ancient folk art Angola is a carving on ivory and the manufacture of various products from ebony. Most masters sell their works in the city markets.