Days of the week in English Interesting lesson. Name of the days of the week in English

Good day to everyone! As well as without a greeting phrase, words of politeness, numbers and time of day, do not do and without the name of the days of the week. We work from Monday to Friday, and we rest on Saturday and Sunday, we regularly look into the calendar, we plan a vacation, etc. Every day we mention our conversations alone or immediately a few days of the week, so in this audio speaking English lesson for beginners we will learn These words are.

As you know in the week of seven days, however, in some countries, in particular in Israel, Canada and the United States, the first day of the week is not Monday, and Sunday. At the same time, the work week of tradition begins on Monday, as in all other countries. In this online audio lesson, you will learn not only, what is called the days of the week in English, but also examples of phrases in English, which uses one or another day of the week.

Your name days of the week in english language Received from the ancient Roman and the Old Bologna gods. In addition, in the title of each of them there is the word "day" - day. Make sure, right now listening to the online audio record with a translation of all phrases and words into Russian /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ruen009.mp3 Thanks to this lesson, you not only learn the days of the week in English, but also repeat The topic of the last lesson is English numeral. Try to repeat the phrases behind the carrier, the original pronunciation.

Days of the week in English

After listening and remembering the lesson in the audio format, you can start studying its text material. A table with a text designation of all phrases and words will clearly demonstrate how to write expressions correctly, and how it can be translated into Russian. Since the ordinal numerals you studied an audio lesson on a last time, today you will need to learn much less than new words.

Days of the week (Days of the Week)
English Russian
the Weeka week
from Monday to SundayMonday to Sunday
The First Day Is MondayThe first day is Monday
The Second Day Is TuesdaySecond day it is Tuesday
The Third Day Is WednesdayThe third day is a medium
The Fourth Day Is ThursdayFourth day it is Thursday
THE FIFTH DAY IS FRIDAYFifth day is Friday
THE SIXTH DAY IS SATURDAYSixth day is Saturday
The Seventh Day Is SundaySeventh day is sunday
THE WEEK HAS SEVEN DAYSWeek consists of seven days
We Only Work for Five DaysWe work only five days

Knowledge of these few simple phrases in English are needed and enough for you to support the conversation on everyday themes with an English-speaking interlocutor.

Listen online and learn everything Audio English lessons

What is your favorite day of the week? And how do you not like? Answer Write in the comments and in English! Successes!

English lesson in 3 "b" class.

Teacher: Yenin Vera Aleksandrovna Mobu "Sosh No. 3" 2015

Subject: "Days of the week".

Type of lesson: Lesson for mastering new knowledge. The second lesson on the topic.

Objectives: 1) the activation of vocabulary on the topic of the week and consolidation of it in speech;

2) the actualization of grammatical material on the topic "PRESENT.Simple»;

3) to form monologic and dialogical speech skills.

Tasks lesson:

1) educational:

Improve skills speech activity;

Expand the knowledge of students on the use of grammatical phenomena on the topic "PRESENT.Simple»;

Improve reading skills.

2) developing:

Develop the skills of phonetic hearing;

Develop spelling skills;

Develop the ability of students to carry out monologic statements;

Develop self-test and mutual test skills.

2) Educational:

Raise interest in learning English;

Expand the horizon of students;

Relieve a sense of collectivism and a sense of responsibility.

To form a Wood:

1. Personal Wood:

Formation of moral and aesthetic values;

Formation of educational and informative interest in the new educational material and ways to solve a new task;

Development of cooperation skills with peers;

The formation of analysis and self-control skills.

2. Regulatory Wood:

Evaluation - the allocation and awareness of the students of what has already been learned and what is still subject to assimilation.

3. Communicative Wood:

Development of students' attention;

Implementation of the search for the necessary information to perform learning tasks.

Planned results:


Know the names of the days of the week;

Development of skills of auditing and sponge skills;

Development of reading skills;

Education of a friendly relationship to English speakers.


Awareness of the language as a basic means of communication between people.


The development of the communicative abilities of the schoolchildren, the ability to choose adequate linguistic and speech tools for the successful implementation of the elementary communicative task.

Maintenance concepts :

Newvocabulary: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Play Games, Paint Picture, Sing Songs, Make Toys, Have Quizzes, Read Stories, Watch Cartoons.

Intergovernmental ties: Music reading.

Methods and technologies: communicative-oriented learning, personal-oriented learning, development of cognitive interests, research learning, game, health-saving, ICT,

Technical equipment: computer, projector, presentation to the lesson, cards with emoticons, cards with words, didactic cards with tasks; Pictures depicting actions, workbook to the textbookSpotlight 3. (Additional: Video Internet Resource FilesYouTube..)

Organizational structure of the lesson.

I. Stage. Org.Moment lesson.

The teacher configures to communicate in English.

GOOD MORNING, CHILDREN! I'm glad to see you! Sit Down, Please.

How Are you you?

Are you Ready to Start Our Lesson?

Students respond to replicas.DL

- Good.morning.. L.

- Fine, thanks.. - Yes!

II. Stage. Goaling and motivation to activities.

Teacher: Put a cognitive task (solve crossword, keyword which is the subject of the lesson).

On thescreenpicturessOin words Dog, Apple, Yacht, Sun, Orange, Fish, Ant, Window, Egg, Elephant, Kite.

Students: solve the crossword, they themselves draw conclusions about the lesson (days of the week).

Cognitive Wood: take part in the conversation, formulate and put informative tasks.

Communicative Wood: work in groups.

III Stage. Solving educational tasks.

Background. Workout. Today I invite you to make a trip by day of the week. Imagine that we are on the train.

    The train moved, heard the knob of the wheels:tT.- dD- tT.- dD (First slowly, then faster).

    We pass by the forest, hear how the wind plays with leaves on the trees:h.- h.- h.- h.

    We pass by Polyany with flowers, hearing how the bees play with the mosquito:z.- s.-ð-θ

    Going further:tT.- dD- tT.- dD.

Guys, let's read the poem.

We.sing.oN.Sunday.. (We sing on Sundays)

We.workoN.Monday.. (We work on Mondays)

We read on tuesday. (wereadybytuesday)

We Write on Wednesday. (wewe writebywednesdays)

We Listen On Thursday.(We listen to Thursdays)

We.sPEAK.oN.Friday.. (We are talking on Fridays)

And We Play on Saturday.(We play on Saturdays).

Children read on a chain, translate.

Teacher: What will we learn? Word the goals of our lesson.

Pupils: We will sing, work, read, write, listen, using the days of the week.

Teacher: Look at the board, this is our plan "Plan.of.a.trip.»

Teacher. Purpose: Check the level of assimilation of the previously studied material.

Students. Purpose: repeat the material passed.

Cognitive Wood: to actualize the knowledge gained.

Communicative Wood: to form the ability to listen to the teacher, each other.

Regulatory Wood: Select actions in accordance with the task, use speech to regulate your action.

Personal Wood: to form motivation of educational and cognitive activity.

IV Stage. Actualization of knowledge and trial learning action. Implementation of the built project (action plan).

Teacher: Let's start our journey, for this you need to buy train tickets for this. You will receive a ticket if you correctly read the word on the card or the phrase in the picture. (Cards with days of the week, run snake, play basketball, there is a hot dog, drink Coca Claus, ride a bike, sleep, play football, draw, watch TV, play in sand, ride the car, watchDVD., play, listen to music).

All bought tickets.Good.. Let.s.go.tT.- dD- tT.- dD

1 station Sunday. . What can we do on sunday? We Sing. (Foreway).

aplative. 2, from.112. Song "WE'RE HAVING A Good Time."

Let's go ... TT-DD-TT-DD (soundtrains)

2 station Monday. . What do we do on monday? Work. (We work with grammar.)

Work in pairs. Task - make a proposal for the model and ask him a general and special question with a question wordWhen.? When?

We Swim on Sunday. Do we swim on friday? (common); WHEN DO WE SWIM?(special).

The teacher checks the answers. Children draw a butterfly in the grammar column.

Before you, self-esteem sheets, we are learning to evaluate work in the lesson, so that in the future you can evaluate your actions not only at school, but also in society.

Well done boys! Well coped!

Fizminutka. Conducts Mordvinov Vanya.

A little rested.

3 Station Tuesday . The next station "Tuesday" - Tuesday.What do we do on tuesday? We Read.

Repeatsoundstranscriptionon thecards.

cH [T∫] Bench C

ck [k] clock [s] - Circus -before E, I.[ k.] camel - Before oh, and

Pupils first listen to UPR.3, p.125, then read themselves.

Pupils read UPR.4, p.125. You need to read the words and determine the sound [k.], [ s.], [ t.∫ ].

Well done, fill in the Count "Reading" in a sheet of self-esteem.

Going on.Let.s.go.tT.- dD- tT.- dD (train sound)

4 station Wednesday . Drive up to the stationWednesday - Wednesday.What do we do on wednesday? We.write.oN.Wednesday.

Independent task: Insert the missed letters in words. (on a slide). Mutual writing.

The students are then exchanged notebooks and check on the sample on the slide, then filled with a "letter" graph.

S_nday, mond_y, tu_sday, we_nesday, t_ursday, frida_, sa_urday

We arefurther. Let's go ... TT-DD-TT-DD (soundtrains)

Fizpaus. I suggest to stop and rest a little again. (Video song.)

Purpose: make a dynamic break and repeat the verbs of the movement previously studied. Pictitateactionsmovementsorpantomimoy. Let'c Swim / RUN / JUMP / Sing / Drink Coke / Eat Hotdog / Dance / Listen to Music / Paint a Picture.

5 station Thursday . Drive up to the stationThursday - Wednesday.What do we do ON Thursday? We.listen.oN.Thursday.

It is necessary to hear what kind of sport guys are engaged in different days of the week. Students listen to the record (p.63 in working notebook) 2 times and arrows indicate actionsLulu.b., Larry.d., Mikec., Mayn.a.. Check work with answers on the slide.

6 station Friday. . We.sPEAK.oN.Friday..

Work in pairs.Let.s.sPEAK.English.! Play dialogs on the sample.

A - Hello!

B - HI!

A - What do you do ON SUNDAY?

B - I Play Games on Sunday. And what do you do on sunday?

A - I Listen to Music on Sunday.

Well done, perfectly coped with the task. Fill in the "speaking" graph in the self-esteem sheet.

7 station Saturday . Last station "Saturday». We Play On Saturday.weplayed.

Teacher: Let's Play Game "What Is Missing?"

Frontal work.

1. Lexical game. On the board card with words (days of the week). Children cover their eyes, the teacher hides the word, children must call what word is missing. Play 2-3 times (in time). Butterfly in a sheet of self-esteem puts a student who called the Word.

2. Game. Collect the word on the topic of the week of the week from the letters. (Work in the teams).

V. Stage. Reflection.

So it came to the end our journey by day of the week. Did you like it? Show me emoticons your mood.You.arehappy!

Let's remember that today we repeated (words, expressions, days of the week).

The purpose of the Teacher: Summing up the lesson, establish the compliance of the result obtained.

The purpose of students: to implement a statement and predictive control over the result and method of action. Make conclusions yourself.

I found out…

It was interesting…

I was surprised ...

I learned…

It was difficult…

I realized that ...

Look at your daisies and count how many butterflies you have collected.

The number of butterflies and will be your estimate for the lesson, do you agree? Repeat what they have forgotten. Learn what you do not know.

VI Stage. The final stage of classes. Homework.

1) Write your plans for the week. (

2) Recall the proverb about the days of the week and translate into English.

Reserve. The game.

You have 2 roses, red and blue desk. Raise your mood rose. Now make a bouquet of red roses if you like everything. If it was difficult, not interesting in the lesson, then from blue roses.

The Lesson Is Over. Your work is good. Thank you. See You Next Lesson.

Hello! We continue to get acquainted with the English daily vocabulary. In addition to the name of the time of the year and months, we often call the days of the week (Days of Week). This article is devoted to them: origin, the name, consumption and memorization methods. If you want to learn to talk in English, then you, one of the first, you need to learn the days of the week in English.

Distinctive features

English-speaking countries, like us, use a seven-day week. In most of them, the sevenneve begins his countdown from Monday, that is, the first day of the week is Monday. But in the USA, Canada, Israel is starting counting from Sunday. However, working days - from Monday to Friday. Remember this rule not to be confused when studying the American calendar.

One more a distinctive feature is that English Days of Week belong to own names. And this means that they, like months, are always written from a capital letter, despite their order in the sentence. Including the abbreviated form of days. Days of the week abbreviated another uniqueness english days Weeks - the fact that to reduce the calendar is simply taken from the word two first letters - Mo., TU., WE. In Russian, the reduction occurs in two consonants - Mon., W., Sat. Sometimes one or three letters can be used in English - FRI, Thu., Sat. And when writing the date, the first is the day of the week: Sun, 9 Mar 2014.

How to pronounce the days of the week in English?

To learn how to correctly pronounce English Days of Week, carefully examine the table and transcription:

Name in English


Russian pronunciation


Mondaymonday. ["MλNDEI]Mondi.MondayMON.
Tuesdaytuesday ["TJU: ZDI]TyusdayTuesdayTue.
Wednesdaywednesday ["WenZdei]"WenDey.WednesdayWED
ThursdayThursday. ["θə: zdei]TörsdayThursdayThu.
Fridayfriday. ["Fraidei]FreydayFridayFri
SaturdaySaturday ["Sætədei]SatyardiSaturdaySAT.
Sundaysunday. ["SλNDEI]SandaySundaySun.
Download the table, print it on the prominent place so that at any convenient moment it can be repeated or wrapped up;).

See also the video lesson for pronunciation


Before moving to the rules of grammar, learn how to name the time of day in English:

  • Day - afternoon [ˌɑːftə "nuːn]
  • Morning - Morning ["Mɔːnɪŋ]
  • Evening - Evening ["IːVNɪŋ]

The days of the day in English grammatical rules regarding the English days of the week and day can be reduced to the following multiple laws:

  • Always written with capital letters: I Like Sunday
  • Denotamicing days, apply with the pretext of "Till, By, From, ON": Christmas on Saturday, and in the designation time of the day - the preposition "IN": In The Afternoon
  • Used with such pretexts and definitions: This, Every Other, Next, By / Before, Every, Last
  • In combination with these words, the pretext is not used: Last Wednesday
  • Article is usually not used

Everything is extremely simple, understandable and available.

Methods of memorizing English days of the week

In order to remember anything, use any, even the most illogical and sometimes delusional ways. The main thing is the result, and how you reach it - it does not matter. I will offer several options, and you select the one you like or think of your own.

Option number time. Based on the analogy of sound:

  • Monday - Monkey - Monkey or Moon Day - Lunar Day, and sometimes there may be Monster Day (especially after yesterday)
  • Tuesday - True - Real or Use Day - Useful Day, Spend it productive
  • Wednesday - Wedding - Wedding or WHEN IS DAY - Question Day
  • Thursday - Syoss - Today is a well-advertised shampoo. Gunny day
  • Friday - Freedom - Freedom (ends working week) or Frare Day
  • Saturday - Satan - Devil, on Saturday, tear off the devilish, and for someone it is sad a day - Sad Saturday
  • Sunday - Sun - Sun, the most cheerful and light english days of week

Days of the week Second option. Take advantage of rhymed memorized songs:

Monday's Child Is Nice And Slow
Tuesday's Child Is Go, Go, Go Wednesday's Child Is Very Funny
Thursday's Child Is Happy and Sunny
Friday's Child Is Like A King
Saturday's Child Can Dance and Sing
Sunday's Child Can Stand On Her Head

Listen to the pronunciation of these words in English, look for something familiar in their sound, carry out analogies, invent the storage facilities on the principle: the more funnier, the faster. And you will succeed!

Finally option number three. By origin. Names of the days of the week in Romanesque and germanic languages originated from the name heavenly TelThat, in turn, received their name from the Old Rodannowan and the Ancient Roman gods. In antiquity, people found out that the planets move, and began to measure the time of time according to their movements.

So they received a lunar month for the main temporary unit of time, which was approximately 29 days. This period, in turn, included 4 lunar phases, which were about 7 days by duration. It is from the lunar phase that a sevenneve appeared. Then people knew only 7 planets, and then they were decided to call them in honor of the most revered gods. English culture adopted several names from Romans:

  • Monday - Moon
  • Saturday - Saturn
  • Sunday - Sun.

Saturday - Saturn The remaining names were formed later from the Scandinavian mythical gods, the motives of which brought to the British Islands of Vikings:

  • Tuesday - Tiu (TIW)
  • Wednesday - Wedroom (Wodeen)
  • Thursday - Tor (Thor)
  • Friday - Freya (Freya)

As a result, a sevenune is familiar for the British today:

The origin of the days of the week

TuesdayTiu.Tiu - Son Odina, God of War
WednesdayWoden.supreme God Vikings our
ThursdayThorTor - Son Odina, God thunder
Friday.Freya.FRAY - Goddess of fertility
Sunday.Sun.The sun

Choose the option you like, and learn the days in English for any of the techniques, or invent yourself. Check out the video to practice pronunciation. For kids, you can show training cartoons.

Hello, dear readers Blog!

Acquaintance of a child with an English everyday language can be continued to study the days of the week. To begin with the study of the origin of words, their pronunciations and use. In other countries, as in our, use a seven-day week. As a rule, counting on Monday, i.e. The first day in the week is Monday. But in a number of countries, for example, America, a countdown is applied, in which Sunday is considered the first day. This rule must be remembered, so that it does not confuse when meeting the American calendar.

It should also be well remembered about whether the days of the week in English are ranked to the names of their own, so when writing them, the capital letter should be applied despite the order of words in the proposal itself. There is one more in English distinctive trait - With a reduction in writing, you should write two first letters, for example, Mo., TU., WE.

When writing the date you need to specify exclusively day of the week. The names themselves went from the names of the ancient gods and from other planets.

Children are not easy to remember the days of the week, because they can not be born or give color color. Only multiple repetition and the use of the game forms of learning can lead to an excellent result. It is necessary to carefully listen to the correct sound of words in English, try to find something recognizable in it for yourself in pronunciation, pick up the association, come up with some reminder, and the more funnaya it will be, the faster the learning process will occur. First of all, attention should be paid on days that are important for a family, for example, the birthday of a grandfather or a hike in the zoo. It will not be superfluous to download or on their own forces to make pictures that are dedicated to the days of the week. These images can be hung by the bed in the children's room and during each day during awakening to demonstrate the desired picture that corresponds to the day. The child should know that there are weekdays and weekends. For a good memorization, light poems will also be suitable, which will help to remember the material. The poetic form of material feed contributes to light memorization, so it is worth reading the poems to the child every evening, additionally explaining the content of this or that poem.

Week - Week, in it - seven days -

Seven Days - count soon.

In order, call

From Sunday, start:

Sunday, Monday - We are in a team.

Tuesday, Wednesday - all go around.

Nadezhda Mirsayapova
Abstract English language classes "Days of the week"

Foreign teacher language

in a preschool institution

"Osted" d. s. "Merey"

Mirsayapova Nadezhda Ohell vNA

Subject: Days weeks

purpose: Teach to call days weeks in order and perceive them for rumor; consolidate the knowledge of the basic colors of the spectrum and the names of numbers from 1 to 7; Develop speech activity: to educate the ability to listen to comrades; ideate week and Days of the Week;

Equipment: Multicolored Petals of cardboard.

Bilingual component: Dystenbі, Seissenbі, Srsenbі, Baysenbі, Zhma, Senbі, Jeksengі

activities of the teacher activities of children


interesting Hello, Everybody! Hello, Kids! Hello guys! I'm SO Glad to See You! Let's Begin Our English Lesson.

So Spring has come. Snow almost came down. Start shining bright sun. Flowers already begins to appear and today I brought flowers to us on a lesson. Let's consider together petals: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven. Excellent! Children show interest in what is happening.

Consider with the teacher.


search teacher (pointing to the appropriate petals): Aha, Red, Yellow, Blue. White. I See. Guys, flower english - A Flower. Here, listen to a small story that happened with one of my familiar girl ane. She traveled with her parents and arrived in England On a visit to one woman. This woman had a wonderful garden in which multicolored flowers grew. This woman was englishwomanshe wanted to give Anna an unusual flower and told her english: What Color Do You Like? Choose! (What kind of flowers do you like? Choose). But Anya did not know what to say. Then her mother helped her who knew well english. She is her said: You show on the petal that you like and say "IT IS RED "This is red". Then the woman will give you it. Anya began to say how she was advised by Mom. She showed on the petals and said "IT IS ... and this woman gave Anna this unusual flower. And she told me this story when I arrived back to Kazakhstan.

And what do you think is unusual?

With this unusual flower, we will meet with you with the days weeks to ang.. Language with songsbut list me in Russian language days of the week(on Kaz. Yaz).

Days of the Week

Days weeks

Every Week Has 7 Days,

See How Many You Can Say.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

Tell Me, Please, What Day Is It Today?

On the blackboard, the teacher takes the petal of a certain color pronounced and sticks to the board. And so with each petal:

Monday is Orange,

Tuesday is brown,

Wednesday Is Yellow,

Thursday IS Violet,

Friday Is Green,

Saturday is red,

Sunday Is Pink.


Hands Up, Hands Down

Hands on Hips, Sit Down

Bent Left To The Side

Bent Left Bent Right

1, 2, 3 HOP 1, 2, 3 STOP!

Pronounce with children days weeks with the help of petals.

On consolidation of knowledge, it offers children to color the flowers of seven specials. The inclusion of children in the process of activity.

Carefully listen to the teacher.

Responses of children.

repeat days weeks in Russian.

Sing together with the teacher.

Repeat the teacher:

Monday is Orange,

Tuesday is brown,

Wednesday Is Yellow,

Thursday IS Violet,

Friday Is Green,

Saturday is red,

Sunday Is Pink.

Perform a fizminutka.

Children with pleasure are included in this type of activity.


corrigating encourages and thanks children for the knowledge they received

Aware of the results of its activities. Forgive with the teacher.

Expected Result:

Reproduce: Days weeks in Russian, Kazakh I. english.

Understand: workers and weekends weeks.

Apply: Skills of interaction with peers.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract English language classes "My family" "My family" exercise in English in senior group Shemendyuk Olga Yuryevna Pedagogue additional education Kindergarten №213 OJSC.

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Abstract English language classes "Colors" Objectives: Practical: Formation of ideas that different items can be classified according to one character. Educational:.

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Abstract English language exercise "Favorite animals" Objectives: Practical: Fastening the ideas of children about domestic animals. Educational: the introduction of a new lexico-grammatical material.

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