Congratulations on February 23 in English. Holidays in English with translation

Defender of the Fatherland Day Is a Russian Public Holiday Celebrated on 23 February. IT MAY ALSO BE CALLED 'Defense of The Motherland Day'. Defense of the Fatherland Day Honours Those WHO ARE CURRENTLY SERVING IN THE ARMED FORESS AND THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED IN THE PAST. During The Era Of The Soviet Union, It Was Called Red Army Day Or The Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.


Many Russians Observe February 23 As Men's Day Because Military Service Is Obligatory for Most Men in Russia.

Women Often Give Presents and Postcards to their Male Relatives, Including Those Who Never Served in the Military. On a workday Before Or After The Holiday, Many Women Also Congratulate Their Male Colleagues and Schoolboys Receive Small Presents from Their Female Classmates.

Russian Authorities Organize Local Parades to Honor The Military and Veterans on This Day.

Founded in 1919 to Mark The Establishment of the Soviet Red Army Day in 1923. After the Second World War, The Name Changed Again in 1946 to Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. After the Collapse of the Soviet Union, The Official Holiday Was Renamed The Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Common Symbols of Defender of The Fatherland Day Are A Soldier and The Russian Flag. These Symbols Often Appear On Postcards and Congratulatory Banners in Russian Cities On This Day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day


Defender of the Fatherland Day is a Russian public holiday, which is celebrated on February 23. It can also be called "During the Day of Motherland". The Day of Defense of the Fatherland honors those who are currently in the armed forces, and those who served in the past. In the epoch Soviet Union He was called the Day of the Red Army or the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy.

This is a day off for most people, and schools, banks and state buildings are closed.

Many Russians celebrate on February 23 as a male day, because military service Mandatory for most men in Russia.

Women often give gifts and postcards to men relatives, including those who have never served in the army. On the working day before or after the holiday, many women also congratulate their male colleagues, and schoolchildren receive small gifts from their classmates.

On this day, Russian authorities organize local parades in honor of military and veterans.

Founded in 1919 to commemorate the creation of the Soviet Red Army, the name was changed on the day of the Red Army in 1923. After World War II, the title changed again in 1946 on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the official holiday was renamed the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The general symbols of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland are soldiers and the Russian flag. These symbols often appear on postcards and congratulatory banners in Russian cities on this day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a wonderful holiday that is celebrated in Russia on February 23. In English, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is translated as:

the Motherland Defender's Day [Ze Mazeerland Defendes Day] - Holiday Defender Day of the Fatherland
to Defend [TU DIFEnd] - Protect, Protect
Congratulate [CongretyuTait] - Congratulations, Read Congratulations

Usually, with this holiday, it is customary to congratulate men and guys who served in the army or were in war.

The Motherland Defender's Day Is Coming, So I Am Going to Congratulate My Father and My Grandfather. [Ze Mazeerland Defenders Die Israg Kaming, Sow ai Em Gowing Tu Congretyuita May Fazar End May Grandfaze] - The Day of Defender of the Fatherland is raised, and so I'm going to congratulate my father and grandfather.

army [Army] - Army
To Serve In Army [TU SERVE IN AGER] - serve in the army

IN SOMEBODY'S HONOR [INSBOCE ONOR] - in someone's honor
Out Loud [Out Loud] - in hearing, loud

Peter's Grandfather Have Served in An Army for 4 Long Years, So He Had Wrote A Poem in His Honor, and He Is Going to Read It to Grandfather Out Loud For The Motherland Defender's Day [Piters Grandfazer Heavy Servd In Army Form Long Jars, Souh Hee Head End End Hawing TU RIDT IT TU GENDFAZER OUT LOOD FINE OF MAZEERLAND DEFENDERS DEY] - Grandfather Peter served in the army for 4 years, and therefore he wrote verse in his honor, and is going to read His rumor on the day of Defender of the Fatherland.

If you want to congratulate on english language His friend or relative who served in the army or participated in hostilities, then for congratulations you may need the following words:

wAR [thief] - war
Cold War [Cold Thief] - cold War
Army Actions [Akshons Army] - Military Actions
to Be a War Hero [TU BI E Thief Hirou] - to be a war hero
Continuity [Kontitheti] - contribution

I Wish All The Best, My Grandfather, and Congratulate You with the Motherland Defender's Day. I Hope You Will Be Happy and Healthy, Because for us You are A True War Hero [Ai Visu Yol Ze Best May Grandfazer and Ai Congretyuite Yu Visa Ze Mazeerland Defendes Day. Ay Hope Yu Vil Bi Happi & Helf, Bicoz Form A AR AR Hirou] - I wish you all the best, my favorite grandfather, and I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I hope you will be happy and healthy, then you are a real hero of war for us.

Dialogue about February 23 in English

  • Hi, Jerry! What Have You Bee Up Too?
  • Ow, Stew Good Day to You. Nothing Much Just Going to Join the Army in June!
  • Wow, Good for You. That is a Very Brave Decision.
  • Thank You Very Much. You know My Grandfather He Served in Army for 6 years in a row and He Even Participated in a Cold War in Syria.
  • I can not believe that. HE is a true national hero.
  • Right You Are. You know The Motherland Defender's Day Is Coming! And for This Particular Occasion. I Have Written A Poem in His Honor.
  • That Is Very Kind of You. I am Sure Your Brave Grandfather Will Love IT.
  • I THINK SO TOO. He Used to Love Reading Poams When He Was Young. And Now He Is Always Tired, I Hope My Poem Will Cheer Him Up.

Defender of the Defender of the Fatherland or Day of The Defender of Motherland is celebrated exclusively on February 23 and only in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

If anyone thinks that February 23 is a feast of military personnel, then you are somewhat mistaken! February 23 is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. And since each man, be he a soldier or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a farmer or just dad - defender. On this day, the signs of attention turn out to be completely small boys and schoolchildren.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, it is customary to give gifts to all representatives of strong sex. It is not so important whether a person served in the army or not. We offer you original and sincere congratulations in English with translation.

On the 23th of February We Celebrate The Defender's Day, The Day Of Great and Strong Men!
From the Bottom of Our Heart We Congratulate The Strongest Part of Our Society To This Men's Holiday!
Remain SO Strong, Intelligent, Kind and Brave, Loving and Tender - Remain The Best!
On February 23, we celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the day of bold and strong men! From the bottom of my heart we congratulate our most severe half with this holiday! Stay as strong, smart, kind and bold, loving and gentle - stay the best!

On the Motherland Defender's Day Please Accept Our Wishes for Good Health, Success, and Well-Being. Let Not The Weapons But a Constructive Dialogue, Mutual Respect and Accord Solve All Disputed Issues In This World.
On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, accept our wishes of good health, success and well-being! Let not weapons, and a friendly conversation, mutual respect and consent solve all the controversial issues in our world !!!

Let The Great Hope Keeps Alive While Still Alive Those Who Holds Heavens Above Our Heads!
Let Our Children Never See The Conported Face of the War!
Let Flowers and Birds and Butterflies Live All Over The Earth!
LONG, LONG LIFE TO All Of You, Our Dear Men !!!
Let them live in our hearts, while those who guard the sky over our heads live! Let our children never see the terrible face of the war! Let flowers, butterflies and birds live across the earth! Long, long life to you, our dear men !!!

Today IS The Day of The People I (WE) Love The Most In This World. My Lovely Dad and My Friendly Brothers (My Dear Colleagues and Respected Men), Thank You All for the Great Love, Tenderness, Care and Attention You Give Me (US). Happy All Men's Day - Day of the Defenders of the Motherland!
Today is the day of the people who I (us) are more expensive in the world. My beautiful dad and my friendly brothers (my dear colleagues and dear men), thank you all for great love, tenderness, care and attention, which I (we) get from you. I congratulate you on the day of all men - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!

This day Has Become A Symbol of Courage and Patriotism, Holiday of Real Men, For Whom The Love of Homeland, Honor and Loyalty Will Always Be Sacred. DEAR DEFEnders, We Wish You Strong Health and Happiness !!!
This day has become a symbol of power and patriotism, the holiday of real men, for whom the love of the Motherland, honor and devotion will always be holy! Dear defenders, we wish you good health and happiness !!!

Today, On the 23d of February, I Wish Happiness for Men of this World As The Deserve It Because The Continuity of the Human Species. Happy The Motherland Defender's Day!
Today, on February 23, I wish you happiness to men around the world, as they deserve it, as they contribute to the continuation of the human race. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

OUR HEROES AND DEFEnders! Please accept Our Sincere Congratolations on the 23D of February - A Holiday of Courage, Valour and Honour!
Our heroes and defenders! Take our sincere congratulations on February 23 - the holiday of courage, courage and honor!

Greetings and Wishes to February 23 / Congratulations and wishes for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) in English with translation

February 23 is considered the holiday only in Russia and the CIS countries. In English-speaking countries, this is a regular day that is not related to any men or the protection of the Motherland. In the UK or US, this day is celebrated only in international families in which there are immigrants from the Soviet Union or Russia.

There is also no complete analogue of the festival "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in English-speaking countries. For example, in June, in the United States and other countries, it is widely noted, but it is dedicated only to men who are parents. The general male holiday associated with the armed forces in English-speaking countries is not. But if we consider that in Russia on February 23, all men have long congratulated all men, and not only those who served and fought, the analogue of this day can be considered an international male day, which is celebrated worldwide in November.

Although officially in English-speaking countries there is no such holiday, we must be able to congratulate on February 23 in English. It may come in handy in different situations - for example, you can congratulate your English-speaking friends and at the same time to tell about the Russian traditions of the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How to congratulate men in English?

In English, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland sounds so - Defender of the Fatherland Day or Defender 's.Day. . Since this is an important, patriotic holiday, solemn phrases are suitable for congratulations:

Let Me Congratulate You on Defender of The Fatherland Day!

May I Congratulate You on Defender of The Fatherland Day!

Congratulating men, you can emphasize their qualities inherent in real defenders of their country.
For example,

Defender '! - Day of Defender of the Fatherland is the day of bold and strong men!

RemainsO.strong,intelligent,kind.and.bravelovingand.tender. - Stay as strong, smart, kind, brave, loving and gentle.

In addition to the wishes of personal happiness, health and success, in such a holiday, be sure to wish the world. Such greetings are particularly appropriate in a major team, at the working assembly or during the feast.

Let Not The Weapons But a Constructive Dialogue and Mutual Respect Solve All Disputed Issues In This World. - Let all controversial issues in this world solve mutual respect and constructive dialogue, but not weapons.

Let There Always Be Peaceful Skies Over Our Heads! - Let us only be peaceful sky!

Let.oURchildren.neverseetheirwar! - May our children ever see war!

In congratulations to men from February 23, English is appropriate to include English idioms associated with male subjects. Choose such expressions from our special selection of Idiom to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, which will be published tomorrow. Do not miss and stay with!