Olga Gaiko: "I rely only on what is tested by time. "Mom's choice was correct."

Dance is her life. It seems she could not choose another way, because the scene of the Bolshoi Theater was dreaming from childhood. Not just dreamed, and day after the day went to the goal - through the trials that fate presented her. It is often compared with the legendary Maya Plisetsk, although she has never had idols. It admires thousands of fans and always followed by her flight, even not imagining what is behind this air lightness. When she talks about the scene, goosebumps flew around the body. It seems to love the dance more and it is impossible. She is Prima Ballerina Bolshoi Theater of Belarus Olga Gaiko.

- How does the day begins at the People's Artist of Belarus?

- No matter, there is a performance on this day or not, I get up at 8 am. A sip of tea or coffee, light breakfast - and fly to classic dance lesson. Despite the fact that in the profession I am about 30 years old, it is very difficult to rise so sooner: I still, I Ohova. It's funny, but I can do a ballet machine at the lesson ... in half a day. Therefore, I try to quickly lead myself to the tone, so that the muscles earned, and the body would not be relaxed. Sometimes even persuading myself: "Olya, you need!". (Smiles.) But by 12 o'clock in the afternoon I already like a cucumber!

- Is it changed in this standard morning if the play in the evening?

- Certainly! From the morning - a specific attitude and internal concentration. All thoughts are about the play, movements, emotions, viewers. I'm trying to collect yourself in a single whole to create a full-blooded image. On this day, I, of course, can be approached, but I'm not sure that I react to others. Because I turn into a kind of lump. And I look like a closed door. I guess, not only me. This applies to any artist. Such a concentration is important for everyone, I want to lose anything, do not miss anything, to collect everything - and throw out on the stage, before the public ...

- But all performances pass differently.

- Yes, there is such an interesting moment. Sometimes you are dissatisfied with yourself, but the public takes you amazing warmly. Conversely: It seems that you have laid out 100%, and I did not understand you. But one will say exactly: the viewer feels everything, he will not be deceived - it is impossible to smear it. Sincerity, openness, artist emotions are important in the dance, because our main task is to fill the human soul with light and beauty.

- You often say that the desire to be a ballerina was born with you.

- Of course, the first impulse is asked by parents. My mom, let her not be connected with the world of art, always loved to dance, participated in self-conceiving. I was given me to rhythmic gymnastics at 4 years, and then also to the dance ensemble "The same age". I loved movements, choreography, physical exertion. And when at 8 years old it was necessary to make a choice between dancing and sports, we were advised to try to enroll in the choreographic school (now - College Gymnasium).

As soon as I got up to a ballet machine, I immediately realized who I want to be, what should achieve and what I need to do for this. Not just dreamed of the scene of the Bolshoi Theater, but I understood: I will dance only the main parties as a leading soloist! I do not know how to explain it, but all this felt with my church, moreover - I saw it. Perfectly remember these my thoughts at 9 years old. Of course, the sport instilled me the quality and character of the leader, and I dreamedly stubbornly sailed to my goal - to be the first. For me it was unacceptable to do something crazy, notified, in the profession I was laid out at the maximum. I put myself a goal - to be a ballerina, and I went to her. There was no other way for me - only dance.

- It was hard?

- Honestly I confess, I do not understand when you shake over your children in a ballet school and say: ah, what are they are poor! .. If you love it - this is normal! There were 10 girls in our class, and we just enjoyed sitting in the school from morning to night - to engage in classics and folk dances, go to the specialty. Yes, we were tired, but I could not come to mind: everything, I throw a school! It was fatigue in the buzz! Yes, we were put in the position and wounded their legs, but it was natural. It was not difficult for me. I am not hard now. Yes, physically you are tired, but you get colossal compensation - from the role, dance, scenes, viewers ... Why go to the choreographic school, if you do not like ballet? If hard, you can always find a lesson ...

- Do you remember the first performance?

- In the second year of study, we were going to go with concerts to Germany. These were my very first tour, so, of course, worried. And I had to prepare the variation of the Fairy of dolls. Until now, every day I thank my beautiful teacher - the teacher from God Irina Nikolaevna Saveliev - for her magnificent ballet St. Petersburg school, which she handed me and my fellow students Marina Westhers and Irina Yerombina.

For the girl 10 years, the variation of the fairies of dolls is quite complex. But it turned out to be thanks to Irina Nikolaevna, she managed to convey everything so well and sue that there were no movements with whom I would not have coped. This is my first serious work, and I still remember the order of dance.

- Who did you want to be like your profession?

- We often went to the theater on performances in which Ekaterina Fadeev danced. For us, she was a ballerina with a capital letter. We gave her flowers, we admired her, standing behind the scenes, we took autographs from her. We really liked it. But, you know, the word "idol" always scares me, I never had them. I always tried to make something from myself. Yes, of course, there were benchmarks - strong personalities, professionals. I watched records with their performances, read their biographies. I remember, in childhood, when my mother and I were admired Andris Liepi and Nina Ananiashvili, I could not even mind that I could once touch them, hug them, work next to them. My delicate love was Maya Plisetskaya. In these people, I draw inspiration. I do not copy, I'm not trying to be similar - thanks to them, configure yourself to a certain way.

- Surely to people who you trust, who are authority for you, can be attributed to your mom?

- Mommy - My Tamington! She is always very kept in praise. And so it was always, from childhood. Is she proud of me? I believe that yes. But we never talk to her on such topics. The fact that she has a daughter ballerina and folk artist, it does not perceive as a miracle or something supernatural. Although the surrounding try to prove it the opposite. (Smiles.)She knows how I am devoted to my profession and that it was always. When, after training, I came home and rolled down, it was she who supported me - and physically, and morally. Probably, only she knows how much it can be hard ...

- Another just enrolling in the choreographic school, have you already dreamed about the scene of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus?

- The last three courses of the school, I rushed into the theater with all my soul, just thought: faster, faster, faster! Having come to the big, a couple of years stood in the corpsorette, but it was a clean formality, because it quickly began to prepare solo parties. Of course, I will never forget the moment when I was offered to dance the third, the so-called "black" act "Swan Lake": with all the play I would not have coped immediately. Now I understand that I was given by the party of Odillia a big advance, because I was 18 years old! Worried - insanely, but also passionately wanted to dance. Just burned this desire! I did not understand what level the ballerina should be to approach and touch this role ... But now I am very grateful for the fact that I fell this chance.

- Starred sickness?

- I love to watch people, and herself tested a lot of things, so I can say for sure that almost everything pass through this period. I do not know what kind of disease is - star or moon . (Smiles.) At a certain stage, you achieve something, take off, consider yourself almost cemeter. But it long lasts, because his life has his sense of humor. As soon as you decide that now the clouds will run your head, you fall, and you fall very painful.

- Often you can hear that the ballerinas are sacrificed to their profession ...

- My profession is my life, the dance is the air that I breathe. I do not bring any sacrifice to the ballet altar. I like what I do, because my ballet is my work and my inspiration.

- Is it difficult to be in the status of folk artist?

- You know, dancing is much easier and easier when you are not burdened with any titles and status. When the burden of responsibility is hanging on you, you understand: you simply have no right. But you are a living person - and everything can happen. But I never perceived the title as something global. When I tell me: "You are a folk artist!", I answer: "And what? ..". I am a pretty open and simple person. Although at some point it became hard for me to carry this cargo, he began to put pressure on me. And then I understood: you just need to enjoy the profession and nothing to prove anything. Yes, there are successful and less successful performances, but we are not a car, not robots. On the scene, you can live only with emotions and feelings, the technique should not be in priority. Ideally, if everything in you is harmoniously combined and this balance is observed. But if the dancer is in high degree Machine, but it blows from it with cold, for me it is not an artist.

- One of the most unpleasant sides of the dancer profession is injuries. And about it, unfortunately, you know no obstacle.

- When you live your profession, serious injury is just a catastrophe. In my case, a year and a half I suffered from a knee pain, could not understand what was with me. While once did not happen to break the ligaments. The most difficult operation was followed, but the most difficult was the rehabilitation process. I specifically left my photos after surgery. To never forget how it happens when everything is turned over inside you, breaks, but you try to rebuild yourself and your thoughts, understand how to live on without your loved one ... When you wake up after anesthesia and do not understand whether you can walk normally. And so much to dance or put the pointes, it remains only to dream ... Here the priorities change at such a moment. All that seemed important to you: career, success, your significance - turns into dust.

Theater is a huge mechanism, a conveyor. And performances should continue. For which I am very grateful to the big - for the fact that I was waiting for me here. Supported and said: quietly go into the form and come back.

- The operation was done in February 2016, and in September you swobs began to go to the theater lessons.

- After surgery, I lasted at home for a month. You know, as afternoon, you suffer from our thoughts and roar in the pillow, the moment comes when you start to dream of the simplest things: get out and drink coffee with someone, take a walk in the city. This is a very strange fortune when you try to gather yourself again after it crashed into fragments. Perhaps these forces to become another person are given only from God.

I am grateful to life for those people whom she presents me, people who penetrate me and my problems. The doctor Alexander Pipkin made a real miracle, because I don't understand how so masterfully can carry out the knee operation so that you can again go dancing. And my rehabilitologist Svetlana Skakun practiced with me every day - helped me feel a new one. Of course, close friends were supported, came, called, but cry and say, as you feel bad, and it is impossible to ship in the very relatives. In fact, in such a situation you will remain one on one with the world and your problems. You learn everything from scratch, including - to open and trust people.

Now for me every day is a miracle. After the operation, I could not walk and dragged my leg, she did not listen to me, and now I am doing a ballet machine, dancing and jumping ... I went on stage - and there is no greater happiness for me! .. Yes, you can fly very high, But do not forget that there are falls. And these tests are necessary to realize themselves as a person, analyze their actions, work on themselves, fight their shortcomings and climb over the spiritual stairs.

- You were able to go to the scene after such a rather large break.

- And it was gorgeous! I just flew to this scene, I most wanted to return there, because I knew: I was waiting for me! And it could not betray this trust. I went out and enjoyed every minute, every sound of music, work with a partner in a duet, the applause of the audience. Now I say - and my goosebumps run on the skin ... before, before the injury, I could say: "Tired, hard, I want to relax." Now I do not understand: why should I rest? I am enjoyable! And I can sincerely say: I am a happy man. This happiness is to live and be in constant search for harmony among themselves and the outside world. But how much time and labor went with me to understand it!

Elena Balabanovich

Photos from the personal archive of Olga Gaiko

She is the unconditional Prima of the modern Belarusian ballet. High, elegant beauty with bright eyes and quiet voice. Her performances on the scene of the Belarusian Bolshoi Theater are eagerly awaiting true balletomans and enthusiastic fans. Odetta-Odile, Carmen, Giselle, Sylphide, Esmeralda, Zarema, Tamar, Rogunda - She has dozens of parties and roles. We met with Olga Gaiko immediately after recent tour in France.

- Olga, a few words about your recent tour: What kind of performance, what is the heroine?

The choreographer from St. Petersburg Nadezhda Kalinina presented the play "Bolero" based on the biography of the ballerina Ida Rubinstein - alive, dynamic, bright, emotional ballet, which turned out to be very close to me on plastic and energy. I didn't feel like that for a long time in the play - in order to fulfill the game of the legendary Ida, it was necessary to turn the soul to turn inside out and reincarnate into passionate, inspired woman, in love with the dance.

The play sounds the amazing music of different composers. Staging strong on drama, so I literally lived each of its ten performances. The public, mostly the French, took very well. And in Paris, and in other cities we went to bow three or four times.

- Theatrians and balletomans remember you in the cult ballet "Spartak", "Romeo and Juliet", "Til Unelenshpigel".

I really performed a party of Freigia in Spartak - I love these Greek and Roman themes, this atmosphere, plastic, hairstyles. But this party danced this game, Frigia seemed not at all quiet and weak, but, on the contrary, heroic, with character, with a rod to support his man. Just as the Nya from Tila, in the image of which I tried to bring my individuality.

One of my favorite parties was once Juliet - we have a very well disclosed this image in the performance, the path from the girl to a woman who is interesting to show in the acting and dramaturgical plan. Valentin Nikolayevich Elizariev taught a deep understanding of the role and immersion in the image, helped to reveal my potential. There were other roles.

A turning point for me was the image of Abbi in the ballet "Love under Kniths", which he put Yuri Puzakov. I had to overcome myself, creating this ambiguous and strong acting image. The heroine, of course, the cunning, but unhappy.

- In the Belarusian scene, you worked with cult modern choreographers ...

I thank the fate for the fact that she brought me with such amazing masters. With Nikita Alexandrovich Dolgushin, we prepared the ballets "Esmeralda", "Silfida", unfortunately, did not have time to do "Giselle". And Alexander Tikhomirova, then Assistant Nikita Alexandrovich, worked out with me every step, nuance, movement in Esmeralda.

I received a tremendous inspiration from the very presence of the master in the hall, the professional professional, representing the old Leningrad school, from his filing of the material, from his relationship to soloists, to the ballerinas, from working with it - very intelligent, good man. For each rehearsal, I fled, flew, I was avenged that I was able to just look at the legend, on a great person.

During rehearsals he never felt that I could not, there was no doubt about my individuality, because he was constantly trying to reveal each dancer, convince us that we can all. I really doubted whether the "Sylphide" ballet for the height (I was high), the image, style. But I fell in love with this ballet, rehearsals inspired me every day, and I realized that I would like and can try something new. Nikita Alexandrovich gave this confidence.

Working with Andris Liepi also became a real discovery for me, a sip of fresh air. See you with him, I always associated myself with a classic dancer, because mostly danced the classics - gentle, air, elevated. But in some period, I want to try to reveal yourself in a new way, try something else. It was working with Andris over the performances of "Shehherazad" and "Tamar" helped me discover some other acting and plastic faces.

The Sultan's Party, the wife of Sultan and the beloved Golden Slave, in "Shehherazade" was initially very difficult, I did not feel plastic, so it took a very big inner job. I revised a huge number of video recordings with different ballerinaries, studied many theatrical sketches and texts ... And at some point I understood what my heroine should be. I also understood that first of all should get his individuality, and then paint it, as the balletmaster requires.

ballet "Bakhchisarai Fountain"

- After the role of Zarema in the Bakhchisarai Fountain, an Eastern topic should be very familiar to you.

I am really close to Eastern images, but in the performances of the era of the "Russian seasons" of the beginning of the last century, which reconstructed Andris Liepa on our scene, plastic is very specific. In these ballet, the classic dancer needs to link the body, shoulders, hands, neck, hips.

Is the Spanish heroine in the ballet "Laurencia", who put the star ballet Nina Ananiashvili on our scene?

In the Spanish theme, too, a lot of passion. I am an emotional person, so expressive, temperamental Spanish dances are very close to me. As for Nina Ananiashvili, I grew on her records. My mom was in love with her as a ballerina and always told me: "Look, Olya, what her hands, how she moves, how she dances!"

I can say that Nina was my idol on which I was equal. Therefore, when she came to our rehearsal hall for the first time, I was in full delighted and did not immediately believe that I would have happiness to work with the Great Ballerina.

- Your teachers of steel and legends of the Belarusian ballet Lyudmila Brzhosovskaya and Irina Savelyev.

With Lyudmila Herrynovna we passed a very big way in the theater. I would say that we grew together: she is like a teacher, I am like her student. For me, it is a reference to a real woman, a real man, a very thin, lightweight person. This is a close man.

Irina Nikolaevna Savelyev taught in our choreographic school classic dance. She was a famous ballerina at one time, a representative of the stunning Leningrad ballet school. Together with me, Irina Nikolaevna studied Marina Vezhnovets and Irina Eromkin. We are all very different, because our teacher was able to make individuality from each.

She climbed our lives and our career. Teachers are not only given professional knowledge. Irina Nikolaevna always wanted us to possess the right human qualities: justice, honesty, persistence. Successful due to a strong character, but not meanness. Today, Irina Nikolaevna is no longer teaching, but we always try to be in contact with her, we come to visit, share with her joys and not only.

Yes, I was surrounded by stunning masters, thanks to which I took place on the stage. Without false modesty, I do not feel that they were failed.

Is the fact that in the ballet is defeated by the one who knows how to overlap through the laziness, resentment, "I do not want" and seek your own?

In the choreographic school we looked in the mouth of the teacher - she was the goddess for us. And he did not talk about any insults, there were no extra emotions. In the head was the only goal: to become a ballerina. They walked to it every day, absorbing every word. What insults? Only gratitude.

You came to the theater and almost immediately became a soloist, starting to dance the leading parties, including the most difficult - Odettes-Odillia in the Lake Swan.

I came to the theater in 1997, and today, from the height of the years lived on the stage, I can say that the advance payment made me a chance to show yourself, for this I am very grateful and Valentina Nikolayevich Elizar'ev, and Yuri Antonovich Trojan. Before this role, it is still necessary to grow. For me it was very difficult, honestly. At the age of 18, it is a rain and emotion.

ballet "Shehherazada"

- Why not every ballerina can dance swan? What data are needed for this party?

I can say that in our time, different ballerinas are dressed in Odillia. But earlier there were enough rigorous canons. In order for the audience to believe and almost saw the wings, the swan neck, the ballerina must be possessing certain physical data, external textures: plastic, long, flexible hands, thin swan neck. But, on the other hand, today every dancer can try to reveal himself by making his swan.

The image of Odette-Odillia is accompanied by the entire creative career. Do you know everything about him? Who is closer to you: White Swan or Black?

Yes, this party is always near. But, despite the fact that it is dancing for many years, still thinking out the image every time. The creative understanding of the work is an infinite process, and we are growing up, we are improving, becoming wiser. Honestly, both heroines are equally close to me. Sometimes Odile I like even more. She is a free woman: strong, bright, passionate, tempting.

And the black ballet pack and feathers in a suit add the image of magnetism, secrets, mysteriousness. Dance in contrast is always interesting. The medals have two sides: sometimes you do not understand where you play, and where are you real, where this face is dividing the image that you create, and your individuality that invested in it and complement it.

Always I want not to flatly perceive what is happening on the stage - white or black, and somehow color, to give depth, nuances, shades. Every year I am increasingly convinced that you need to dive into emotions in the dance and strive to touch the soul thin strings so that the viewer felt it to hooked.

- How do you understand what touched, hooked the hall? Does not prevent the "Fourth Wall" between the hall and the scene?

I feel it. It is very difficult to explain, but I am sure that this connection is - between the scene and the viewer.

In your repertoire of 36 roles, judging by the information on the theater site. Among them, the absolute majority of positive heroines are much less negative, and there are several contradictory characters.

I don't remember how many roles I have. But there is a resistant feeling that I did not tell something that I need to do a lot. All the roles are really very different. In each batch, it is necessary to reincarnate depending on the image, era, style, suit - and it is very interesting. Something to look for and get out of myself.

Attitude towards the party is changing in different periods of life. Sometimes you strive to express yourself in some difficult, characteristic, passionate parties, and sometimes you want peace, positive heroines and emotions.

- Are you so sorry for your heroines? What give you negative roles?

Yes it's true. I regret them. Negative roles were always interesting to me. Because in the contrast you can experience yourself in the acting, for this, every role is trying to make a maximum of convincing, yours.

- Which of your today's heroin is close and understandable to you? Isolde, Carmen, Jadigig, Dark Angel?

Carmen is just a woman, she is clear. It seems to me that there are many such women in our time, and at all times. She, like a wind, changeable, ambiguous, and cold, and hot, elusive. I love I love (Ballet "Tristan and Isolde". - Approx. ed.) and the party is beloved in the ballet "Little Prince", because it is interesting to be not only some kind of fatal, passionate heroine, but also lyric, dramatic.

I am also very close to the style of Balanchine and a small role of a dark angel in his ballet "Serenade". I love neoclassico, this Balacian style, this plastic, when you are dancing simply music, without a plot.

- And comic roles?

I did not have such roles. Yes, I do not feel the need for them. I always have to show the nerve, drama. Although, maybe it would be interesting.

- Did you refuse somewhere from roles?

There were a party in which I felt uncomfortable, and it was absolutely not mine. It came out, maybe once, and on it all ended. But this is a normal situation.

- Is it true that sometimes artists on stage feel more comfortable than in life?

Interestingly, from the very first of his speeches, even in the school, as soon as it crossed the scene, I became another person. I did not have a framework, a special embarrassment, I opened up - both for myself, for the audience. Although I was enough shy at school.

- Entry from the artist? ..

Perhaps it depends on the upbringing.

- You are workaholic?

I can say that if it were not a workaholic and even to some degree fanatics, I would not have come to my goal. Of course, everyone has moments when you are too lazy when you don't want to do something. But without certain qualities of the nature of the success would not be.

- Does a woman sick with something sissue for the profession of ballerina?

I set this question many times. But I do not understand what is meant. Maybe from the outside it seems that we are many sacrifice, but what?

- free time, for example ...

There are no victims, there is a conscious choice of every person. If you choose the path of the leading ballerina - this is your choice, you go to him, you do not donate anything, you like everything. So you are concentrating on this, you have a goal, I would even say Paphos, - the mission, to tell something, convey to people. If you want to marry, you get married. If you want, then you combat it all.

You danced in the theaters of France and Italy, Germany and Spain, Holland, China and other countries. Are you invited to work abroad?

Yes, of course, there were opportunities and good suggestions. But I do not imagine myself outside the walls of this theater. I "sick" by this theater and Belarusian art. There was a couple of times the temptation to leave, but Minsk, Belarus translated.

- Looks like you are a fan of profession, theater.

Yes, this theater and this profession.

- How do you feel about criticism?

Over the years - everything is easier. Naturally, I need criticism from people that I respect, which I trust unconditionally, which are authority for me. These are my teachers, and people are not from the profession. Of course, this is my mom. But I have my own great professional experience, and my own opinion.

Previously, criticism perceived painfully. There was such a daring, emotional, maxim: I can do everything, I can do everything. According to youth, after all, you consider yourself just a genius. Not now. I hope for wisdom, experience.

Who inspires you? Somehow the fashion historian Alexander Vasilyev, who made sketches of costumes to "Laurencia", said that Olga Gaiko could play in the film Maya Plisetsk ...

Maya Plisetskaya was the benchmark for me. Once I even saw her in Sheremetyevo, but I did not have enough spirit to approach her, now I regret it. I am inspired bright personality, personality, strong characters with a rod.

A few years ago, the anniversary coin dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater was revealed depicting the People's Artist of Belarus Olga Gaiko. What were the sensations?

For me, this is an honor, and this is not just a pathos.

- How does mom refer to your awards and regaliaries?

Absolutely calmly. I know that she is proud of me, but we do not express our externally strong emotions at home.

- How do you relax after the performance?

I sleep, go to the movies, drink coffee. I love painting, I enjoy the contemplation of paintings - if possible, we visit museums on trips. I like reading, especially the classic. I love beautiful perfume. On stage, of course, perfume smells interfere with breathing, and manifest completely differently, and outside the theater I do not like calm, floral, fresh smells, I like more oriental, slightly sweetish.

- Comply with the nature?

I have oriental roots.

What do you like flowers? Administrators in the theater lobby tell stories about fans coming on the performances of Gaiko with roses.

It was, and it is very nice. Previously liked roses. But now I am different to everything - just love flowers.

- What about clothes do you wear everyday? Always at a parade?

When you draw a scene every other day, you do hairstyle, "emotion", disturbing your nervous system, Most often, in the afternoon or in the morning you do not want to paint and especially dress up. Of course, I try to appear on the solemn events in all its glory, but in everyday life Everything is very simple: jeans, sweater, minimum cosmetics.

I do not feel complex on this. Just so many images have to try on what outside the theater you just want to be ourselves.

- nervousness, stress is part of the acting profession?

I think yes. Everything is connected with our inner state, with thin edges of the soul. You are reincarnated, worry - the profession is.

- Where do you move? What is your life route today?

It is very difficult questionwhich I can ask. Now I am again in finding the truth, myself - it is difficult to answer unequivocally. I am trying to comprehend my life and professional experience, enriched spiritually. And I rely only on what is tested by time.

Olga Savitskaya leaned

Photo: Glory Potalach, Mikhail Nesterov, Vasily Maxyseenok, from the archive of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater

Have you ever wondered if your chosen profession is suitable? In our experiment, three superprofessionals and three applicants pass the test for career guidance. Whether they chose the case? Why do people know not only their interests, but also the features of memory, attention, performance? Results - Test.BY testing.

The success of the selected pro is unlikely to challenge. This is the main transplantologist of the country, Director General of the Belarusian division of EPAM Systems, the leading ballerina of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater.

Applicants chose in random order. Medist and professional sportswoman from Grodno. Girl from the village. And the guy from the middle school of Minsk. All of them practically decided where they will come this year. Is the choice true?

In the Republican Center for Human Problems, with BSU, each of the heroes stayed for about three hours: so much time went to the diagnosis of the computer and the consultation of the psychologist.

The first half of the testing of the heroes "quenched" triangles, caught up with a joystick, clapped in his hands, remembered the figures, listened at the same time in two ears a number of words, then to learn them among the proposed and so on. All about speed! So the test estimated psycho-physiological data: the features of the work of the hemispheres of the brain, the level of development of RAM for words and numbers, performance, balance, information processing speed, switching attention, analytical abilities, and so on.

The meaning of manipulations is immediately painted. It is impossible to subjected to adjust the outcome of the test. Everything rather, it looks like a game that is very tiring by the end. And when the head of all the heroes became "cast-iron", the participants were offered to quickly determine the parity-oddness of the number of numbers. In the center they say that the mental performance is determined.

The second half testing determined professional preferences - in general and on this moment. Among the questions - "Do I like to conduct experiments?", "Do you like to repair technics?" Here everything is a clinker. This kind of questionnaire tests more than once in their life did each of the heroes. Results, if desired, can be manipulated. Our crisps assured that they were as frank as much as possible.

Olga Gaiko, 35 years old, People's Artist of Belarus

Olga Gaiko - Prima-ballerina of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater. It was she who in the party of Odette-Odillia from the ballet Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake" is depicted on the gold and silver commemorative coins "Belarusian ballet. 2013 ", issued to the 80th anniversary of the theater.

With the profession, Olga oriented Mom, who worked all his life in Minsk at the factory. The woman gave a daughter for five years in rhythmic gymnastics. In parallel, the girl went to the "Dream" ensemble, the head of whom he advised her to try to enter the choreographic school.

- In the dance you can freely express your feelings, "explains Prima. And the sport instilled purposefulness and responsibility.

Loads in the school were constantly very high. Grandma saw how hard to do in a ballet class, how much strength went, and said Ole: "Why do you need it?!" She answered that it would still be a ballerina.

"When you madly love the case that you are doing, then difficulties and loads in pleasure," explains Olga.

When did you understand that something else exceeds?

- In college heard that I was one of the best students ... Ballet and theater - this is mine, 100%, - Complete Olga Gaiko.

The actress of the Bolshoi Theater Opera and Ballet believes that she still has a tendency to psychology and pedagogy. Check?

"Mom's choice was correct."

Olga was not so quickly folded in the process of performing tasks. But the test showed a strongly developed imagination and perseverance. It is a creative emotional nature with a clear-shaped type of thinking. In addition, Olga is always focused on the result. Just these qualities and allowed her to succeed in the profession "Artist", which is expected in the list of the main recommended.

The work of the architect and restorer is alien to Olga.

- I, of course, love to look at beautiful things. But this is not mine. But the design, first of all the interior, is, yes, it is curious to try, "it comments on the outcome of vocational guidance testing.

Olga Gaiko could well light up and literature, if they deepened in her time. At least, writing essays in school she loved. Ballerina considers its work not extreme: it turns out to be tailed, immersed in the image and not distracted by the public. According to Olga, thanks to the test, it will not be so looked at its profession ("There are many passionately loyal people in the theater). And the result confirmed: Mom's choice was correct.

Oleg Rummo, 45 years old, Professor-transplantologist, Honored Doctor of Belarus

The first in the country performed the transplant operations of the liver, pancreas with the kidney. At the age of 40, he headed the republican scientific and practical center for transplantation of organs and tissues, whose supervisor is today. From the Dynasty of Medikov: Mom and Dad - doctors, grandmother - nurse, sister, wife and her parents - from medicine. With honors graduated from the Minsk State medical Institute By specialty "Therapeutic case" in 1993 and the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus in 2010.

- I am an excellent student in life. All items walked equally well. And all these conversations about dreams and dreams ... I did not have a dream, "says Oleg Rummo.

Oleg Rummo's father was a surgeon, deputy head physician Slutsk Central District Hospital.

- Mom is also a doctor. Therefore, it was not necessary to choose. Parents actively pushed out, and my decision was in favor of them. But this did not cause some rejection, "says the doctor of medical sciences.

Success, Oleg Rummo believes, succeeded, thanks to the ability to quickly grab useful and interesting material.

- There is head on the shoulders to accumulate knowledge. Of course, manual (produced by hand) skills are very important. Therefore, spent a lot of time in the clinic.

Everything came also because Rummo was interested in all that is connected with the profession and happens around her.

"It's like a matter of life, if a person finds him, then devotes himself entirely, and then the experience becomes faster.

In the life of the surgeon, everything was not so simple, but it turned up the opportunity to implement the desired one.

- There were people who are ready to help simply because you are sympathetic, and you can do what you still need to do, and there is no one more suitable nearby. In addition, there are state interests and the desire to see Belarus the Republic of Belarus, "explains the head of the transplant center.

In the year declared 2008, it was necessary to "shoot" something.

- There were guys, and I am from their numbers that took and done (I mean the first liver transplantation in Belarus. - TUT.BY). And the president provided all sorts of support.

Rummo - Perfectionist. "Or not to do, or do well." Let not all things. What is important to do thoroughly, the surgeon refers to work and family.

It is also important to understand whether you feel satisfaction.

- If "Kaifovo" with this woman to live, then excellent, and no - you have to divorce. And in work.

The surgeon is enjoyed that for 2-10 hours "owns" man. It works for his own satisfaction, but believes: a doctor for whom the patient ceases to exist, you need to drive from medicine.

Reflections about whether the profession is chosen, even after the institute, when the future professor received a salary of only $ 6.

"Cosmetology, dentistry? I would not go to medicine! "

- It turns out not to burn, I have to work in the pharmaceutical area, cosmetology, dentistry and physiotherapy. He would never go to medicine in his life if he worked as a dentist or a beautician.

With the fact that the extreme work schedule is not the best option for him, the doctor of medical sciences agrees.

- I'm afraid to take risks - it's true. In transplantation at all I have no right to risk. Human life? Did you want to risk yours? And to dangerous situations carefully preparing, every action I bring to automatism.

Rummo found another way to stay in medicine and not burn, being a surgeon. Now most of its time (approximately 70%), he works as a "supervisor", and operates several times a week.

"Maybe I am even more able to organize, combine, commuting," assesses himself as the leader Oleg Rummo. - But I receive pleasure from the manual, and from operations.

Oleg Rummo really loves systemicity and everywhere looking for logical connections.

- Here in English I spend a crazy amount of time and money, despite the fact that I have a very good (and the test confirms it. - Tut.BY) memory. Why? Yes, because foreign languages - This is a pure crawler, there are no logical connections, and I have a completely different type of thinking.

- Defectology, speech therapy? Well, what of me speech therapist. Re-Ryu ... I would die.

In the role of the teacher Rummo had already seen himself. He worked in a medical university at the Department of Surgical Diseases. Yes, and now is a professor of the Transplantation Department of Belarusian medical University Postgraduate education.

- I like teaching too, normal work.

The surgeon is good to the proposed testing of the administrator.

- Yes, I can quickly bring the documents in order.

But the activities with military specificity he "tolerate hates".

- From weapons, we get rid of any ways. I was given permitted pistols, but they do not cause me any feelings. More beautiful hours and costumes.

Sergey Divin, 43 years old, general director of the Belarusian division of EPAM Systems

Photo: Olga Shucailo, Tut.by

It has three higher Education: Legal (Belarusian Institute of Management), Economic (BGEU), Management in the field public relations (Institute for advanced training). It believes his current profession - the manager. And the tasks in front of the head are constantly different - from any field of activity.

- Now, for example, my functions are largely similar to the work of the construction of the builder. Estonian general contractor failed, and in the absence of normal design documentation, it is necessary to complete the building with a huge number of marriage. Every day I understand this or that problem of construction, "says Sergey Divin.

The first profession that the general director of Epam Systems was received, "Energetik" (power supply of industrial enterprises and installations).

- I graduated from the 20th school in Bobruisk. Nearby was a mechanical and technological technique in which the brother studied. Preparation Brother was pleased, and therefore I row went to the nearest institution and then four years considered trolleybuses, passing on Minskaya Street opposite the technical school.

Then there was a service in border troops, and there was a lot of time to spend in the dresses, night watch. Bobruychanin remained alone and could think for a long time about who he was and what he most like.

"It was the most useful period from the point of view of career guidance," says Sergey. - Immediately after the army went to the Faculty of Law. There and found yourself. I liked to do legal practice.

It was like to work in MTBank, then - in the manufacturing holding, where Divine led the legal service.

- The bank began to show what has always been hidden - organizational abilities. I think I feel good to understand people, understand them.

After hitting the company EPAM by the head of the legal department, gradually engaged in administrative work. And now almost 14 years old Divine as director. But he still continues to search and analyze what is closer to him.

- 14 years in Epam flew like one moment. Every year, every day is a new challenge, and there is no time to think that it was initially laid in you. What if I'm an artist?

"Almost all issued professions is what I am doing in life."

- Jurisprudence, managerial activities and teaching with more fall under my inclinations. This coincides with what you have to do in life - comments the test results Sergey Divine. - What made for myself? I am on the right track: there was a jurisprudence, now - management activities, ahead - teaching :).

"In high schools, such a test would be useful for me, and for my parents," says the manager. - The test itself is interesting from the point of view of identifying psychophysiological features, but in part of the definition of specialties it is somewhat outdated. In my opinion, the qualifications of the early 90s were taken as the basis. Now the "landscape of professions" has changed, and use stamps like "lawyers", "programmers" cannot be used. Inside each of these terms, dozens of specializations that require different skills appeared. For example, "Business Analysis" and "Testing", "UX-Design" - all these terms hide the people's "programmer". In general, the questionnaire would cost to improve taking into account new professions.

Margarita Meshchanskaya, going to Grodno State University. J. Kupala

Margarita Meshchanskaya, 11th grade of gymnasium number 10, Grodno. It goes to the gold medal, in all subjects it is understood equally well, and to allocate some kind of difficult to her. It will most likely choose the technical specialty, because the soul is mainly mathematics and physics. In addition, the girl is focused on more monetary professions.

Today, in priority, she has a profile "Programmer-economist" and a specialty " information Systems in the economy ", which can be obtained in Grodno state University them. Y. Kupala. The specialty advised mother, once graduated from the Mathematical Faculty.

Margarita is a professional volleyball player, plays for the Grodno team "Neman-UGSU" and as part of the Youth national team of Belarus.

- Time to prepare for centralized testing (due to sports. - Tut.BY) I have very little, sleep late, I get up early, "says Margarita.

Sport - already the profession of Margarita. And what specialty will tell testing?

"It will be possible to choose creative specialization"

The case with Margarita is very curious. For psychologists who advise in the Republican Center for Human Problems, to offer her professions turned out to be a task not from simple. The interests of the girl (sports, programming, mathematics) had to be combined with a predisposition to think figuratively. This was added to the recommendations to work with people, but avoiding extreme conditions (which, in general, is almost incompatible with professional sports).

According to the test results, the option is ideal for it - programming with a creative slope (but not economic. - Tut.BY).

"I just want to create something new in programming," the girl commented. - It would be interesting to make sites. Where I do, there is an opportunity to choose a specialization.

Margarita agrees that she has good figurative thinking, and she has already thought about the profession of architect.

"But in Grodno architects are not so claimed," she explains why she stopped thinking about this specialty.

As for the sport, the tough loads to her, and the truth is not a joy.

- At the week I have only one day off. Yes, I'm tired.

Marketing, journalism? "No, not mine," says Margarita. And in order to make music, you need special educationwhich the graduate has no.

Professional guidance testing of Margarita Meshchanskaya has already passed at school. There was exactly as in the center, a questionnaire for interests. But psycho-physiological features did not detect. And it turned out to be useful for the applicant: to know not only what you want to do, but also what you can.

Vyacheslav Artemov enters the BSU

Vyacheslav Artemov, 18 years old, School No. 161 of Minsk. Enters the Faculty of Law BSU. Will go to learn to a lawyer because when admission it will be necessary to hand over your favorite items - for example, social science. And do not have to pass the CT in mathematics.

The closests also advised so that Glorally passed testing. The demand of the profession in the labor market also had a weight.

"I will develop the perfection"

Vyacheslav is an absolute contradiction between the chosen specialty and psychophysiological characteristics. A young man is going to be a lawyer. And the test shows that a graduate has a non-standard thinking. With non-standard logic, it is difficult to succeed in this profession, a psychologist notes. So the Slavs will be more suitable for the specialty, where he can show his original perception of reality. In a good way, Vyacheslav should be chosen from the proposed professions. Especially since the guy is just fascinated by history and philosophy.

The test results are very close to reality, says Vyacheslav.

- I recognize yourself in them. And just where I knew that I could fail, the test and showed my weaknesses.

Despite all the recommendations, refuse to enter Jurfak, the glory in their plans is not going to change anything, believes that philosophy can be studied and himself. At this stage, Vyacheslav considers it important to do not engage in what is interesting, and what is more likely in life.

I will develop ancientness, "he answers the question, will not be boring to learn.

Historian in school glory does not want. But it turns out interesting fact: In the case of non-notification at the Faculty of Law, the Asbiturian is assessed by the philosophical faculty. So wish the glory (forgive) to enter the philosophical.

Its non-standard thinking an applicant is going to use outside the profession - in creativity. As it turned out, the test was not in vain offered a graduate to do literature. The schoolboy loves to write writings.

- Himself. Now few people write himself. Very many "roll".

A year ago, Glory wrote his arguments about the character Sherlock Holmes on the Internet site. So the profession of the scenario and criticism is close to him:

- In these areas you can develop out of some institutions. If a person wants to write - it will become even an electrician.

About the profession of the draft, geologist, topograph, meteorologist Glory did not think. Such classes are interesting to him. But I don't want to plunge into them.

About web design:

- Three years ago, I tried to understand in the programs. Honestly, not hooked.

Found in this test is not so much in vocational guidance, how much is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their brain.

If suddenly in the future, Glory decides to change the profession, will definitely look into the test results.

Marina Golovacheva, comes to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Marina Golovacheva, 11th grade of the educational and pedagogical complex Kindergarten - High School of Village Old Village of Minsk District. Enters the investigative and expert faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Since childhood, a girl dreams of wearing a shape. Considers himself a fighting.

- I am always with boys. In my class - seven guys and only two girls. And seven years I was generally the only one. Yes, they fought, - Marina smiles.

And recently, representatives came to school Investigative Committee, agitated. The director said that he can only recommend Marina for admission. That's how it was decided.

By the way, even if Marina does not arrive, it is going to get a job in the police or guard from 18 years.

"We will act according to plan"

Test results commented on Mother Marina Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

- In the fifth grade such a test is a find. I see: I could put a little on Marina with studies, because the diagnosis showed good psychophysiological characteristics (for example, she nicely remembered the numbers).

- Who knows, maybe she will work in a notary.

About the proposed test work at the customs in the family also thought.

The girl and her mom agrees and with the fact that Marina needs breaks in work. Already, it's hard for her to sit down a lesson - you need to run, sing, dance, play sports ...

The results of the testing of an applicant will take a medical examination and psychophysiological examination that needs to be received for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

* There are 400 thousand Belarusian rubles in the republican center of human problems in the Republican Center for Human Problems.

06.10.2012 - 21:10

One of the heroes of the week is not an official, not a combine and not leader political party. But the heroine of the party in the ballet. And Carmen, and Juliet, and Esmeralda. And now the People's Artist of Belarus. Ballerina Olga Gaiko - Among those who president of the country presented state awards at the beginning of the week.

At the age of five, Mom led a little Olya in the artistic gymnastics section so that it was plastic and graceful. And already at the nine gifted girl herself decided to devote himself to ballet.

At the end of the choreographic college, Olga was almost immediately accepted in the corps of the big and gave the party Odettes-Odillia in the Swan Lake.

Four years later, in 2001, Olga Gaiko became the laureate of the prestigious international premium "Debut". From the moment the career of the ballerina rapidly went up. And today, in the repertoire of the leading master of the scene of a large only major roles: Proud Carmen, romantic dread, who has a charming Shahryzade and loving Esmeralda. Despite such a variety, all images of Olga - loved ones.

The light of the sofit and the scene is the front side of the work of the artist. Gorgeous shiny packs Olga puts on only a performance. For more than 20 years, every morning, rejois starts the same way as the ballerina-schoolgirls - from the classic ballet exercise complex. Classes are held daily.

After the clockwork - four hours of rehearsals. Once relax - in three weeks, the troupe should prepare the premiere of the Ballet Ballet "Serenade". Olga has one of the key roles. Because the People's Artist, despite the experience and merit, carefully listens to the comments of the famous French choreographer Natuts Glushak.

At two hours - the long-awaited break for lunch. Contrary to the problem of the strict diet of the ballerin, the eating Olga loves tastefully.

Another weakness of the artist is shopping. Shopping Olga can walk for hours.

Before the play, the ballerina is thoroughly combed and causes makeup. He is very bright that the audience even the most distant rows of the parquer could consider the face of the prince.

Saturday evening and on the stage of the big - the long-awaited premiere of the ballet "Serenade". In it, Olga Gaiko will appear immediately in two new horses - the heroine of the performance and now the People's Artist of Belarus. The judges will remain the same - viewers.

News on the topic

June 25 In the Bolshoi Theater will show the ballet "Anastasia"

Belarus news. The Marathon "Ballet Summer in Big" started synchronously with the second European games, reported in the program "Metropolitan details" on STV.

According to the idea, it will give the opportunity to fans after the sporting glow of passions in the stands to fill spiritually. All week there are a festival premieres here. On June 25, this ballet Vyacheslav Kuznetsova "Anastasia" in the formulation of Yuri Trojan.

The fate of the Belarusian Princess Anastasia Slutskaya is based on the plot. The production involved the leading ballet artists of the Bolshoi Theater. History is a complex and confusing, and for theatrical scene it is just interesting.

Yuri Troyan, artistic director of the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus:
We always try to show new works, premiere performances at this festival. But the most important thing is that the viewer compets, worries. I as the author see and the dignity, and the shortcomings of the performance. But it seems to me that he found the way to the heart of the viewer. It is most important.

Vladimir Gridyushko, General Director of the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus:
The program as always includes the presence of invited theaters. Mariinsky Theater, together with the project of the People's Artist of Russia Igor Flask Dance. Dance. Dance. And two evenings devotes to us and the Belarusian viewer Theater "Kiev Modern ballet» .

The festival of sewage will be completed on June 28, a gala concert with the participation of world ballet stars. Persons and premieres of the leading theaters of the world will come to the scene.

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High. Thin. Huge eyes. Smile as a bright flash. In this young woman, passionate Carmen lives, and proud Rogneda, and Exotic Shareherzada, and Romantic Aurora. Where and how? .. Bio-graphics for such questions do not give any answers. Olga Gaiko was born in Minsk. At the age of five, he came to the section of rhythmic gymnastics, then in the dance ensemble "Rowers". After the end of the choreographic school, it works in the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of Belarus, dancing in almost all of its productions.
No, does not dance - flies. She knows the laws of levitation, and the hall is afraid to breathe when Gaiko in the twine hangs almost every and a half meters above the scene.
- And what time is thought at this time?
- Some concrete thought is not. There is a concentration of physical and emotional forces. You focus on the image and think about the accuracy of each movement, live on the stage with strong sensations. The soul breaks out of the body, and you begin to feel the hall, he supports you. And gives the power to soar.
- On the first day of October, you received a medal and certificate of folk artist from the hands of the state. Do you feel your chosen?

Olga Gaiko - the youngest folk artist of the country.

- I dont think about it. I just feel responsible for the fact that I do.
- Ballet people - Caste. Live in the theater, more precisely, the theater, marry their own. Lifestyle is scared: Home - Work - House. This is true?
- Do not generalize. Everyone makes his choice than to live and how to live. I always had a goal to which I was striving. And to achieve it, it is necessary to succeed. Yes, the ballet schedule subordinates all my time, but this does not mean that I deny myself to communicate with good people, my friends are not from the ballet world.
- Do you get up? ..
- At eight in the morning. But after a heavy performance I allow yourself to get up later.
- How can I remove the nerve and mental stress after the performance?
- It is better not to shoot, otherwise you get used to, and this is fraught ... you need to be able to quickly switch to something else.
- Do you have a Domrabota Nitsa?
- No, somehow we cope with yourself, my mother helps. Household duties in the family are distributed harmoniously. We always feel when you need to substitute your shoulder to each other.
- What do you like to hate?
- Very often thinking about it, reflecting on the psychology of people. It came to the conclusion that everyone needs to work with him and not to show "non-disregard" nature in all its glory ...
What I love? Family This is the most important thing, the rod in life. About her mother, Elena Vladimirovna Gaiko, always speak with awe. This is a woman who devoted life to his children, invested the soul in us, put on his feet. She lives for me and my brother. Perhaps in me she implemented his unfulfilled dreams. Mom subtly feels plastic, music ...
- on tour in free time where are you going?
- Usually there is no free time, we see the country from the window of the bus. But if I falls a minute, I go to the museum. Impressed Prado. And to visit the Louvre, you need to come not on tour, but just to Paris. I love painting very much. Impressionists. I also love to wander through the streets, to penetrate the atmosphere
- Does the books feed you?
- Yes. Books mostly read in the electronic version. Now I reread the "idiot" of Dostoevsky, re-opening it for myself, he gives an understanding of the nature of people. Nature ... in any weather I go beyond the city. Hour looks like a forest, I am painful - I return the updated.
- What are your favorite flowers?
- Belarusian roses. They smell.
- Domestic fans differ from foreigners?
- Yes. Our audience open, grateful, but somewhat restrained in the manifestation of emotions.
- The biggest fear of ballerina?
- Fear of unclaimed. Fear of great injury.
- They say you are all broken, with torn tendons, with myositis ...
- Truth. And I am. But we do not dramatize our sores, unless, of course, do not fly out due to injury from the scene for a year. I got used to pain, I do not feel it, as a result, the disease passes into the chronic phase, which is already bad. Nevertheless, physical pain is part of our profession.
- Time is ruined by the ballerina?
- It helps me. The body as a tool becomes more experienced, and the brains develop.
- What about pensions in 40 years?
- Yes, the ballet age is short, and therefore it is very important in time to get a venture and state supportrecognition.
- Are you every day at the machine?
- Everyone.
- And on vacation?
- Not. We relax on vacation. And then you catch up. We have a week and a half. This summer I was on the Mediterranean Sea.
- I do not see a tan.
- I can not stand to sunbathe. For my skin tan skin is harmful.
- You have a bright appearance, you are temperament. You were not invited to shoot in the movies?
- Not. Apparently, you need to take the first step. I would like to try myself in the series.
- Well, yes, you are a lyrical heroine ...
- It seems to you. I'm different.
- For example, when you driving and cut you, you go out and tell a person such that he is ready to fall through the earth!
- Exactly! (Laughs.)
- Let's promote the myth that the ballerina is powered by one cabbage leaf.
- Let's. It from the Volochkova went - about spinage leaves. In fact, she eats normally. Personally, I love well-cooked meat, I prefer Itan Yansk cuisine, for example I like pizza.
- We eat overnight?
- It happens. During the spectacle, such an energy is spent as the appetite is brutal.
- Sorry, what is your height and weight?
- 174 and 53. This is normal. When you go to the scene in a trico and an open pack, the scene itself increases the weight of several kilograms.
- Can you refuse to dance with a partner if he is new to the stage? Suddenly, fulfilling support, drops ...
- In no case! We will work with it in the hall until you achieve a good result.
- Did you shuck out theater of other countries?
- called. Unsuccessfully. I have a mutual love with a large theater of Belarus.
It can be seen in my return on the stage.
- What kind of people's artist of Belarus Olga Gaiko would wish the five-year-old Gaiko Olga, running on rhythmic gymnastics and not knowing his future?
- more courage and self-confidence.
In children you need to believe and raise their self-esteem. Dear adults, tell them good words, in advance, distribute praise. Children will not spoil it. They will simply grow wings.
- To soar above the scene?
- And for this too.

Pair of pigeons
"Ballet shoes is a characteristic. She gives an idea about the theater, and about the ballerina, "says Olga Gaiko
- You have a very small leg, judging by the pointers ... By the way, how long do they live?
- Here I have been dancing for almost six months.
- Whose production?
- American, handmade. They are durable, they can be washed. See, a soft plastic is inserted here in the sock. These pointes meet the World Standard.
Shows satin pointes that you want to stroke like pigeons.
- For work I need not one couple, but a few. Need shoes with different insoles ...
- And there is such a miracle ...
- 100-110 dollars couple. The theater helps - takes the financial burden.