How to survive care with your favorite work. Forced simple or gift of fate: how to cope with the loss of work

by Notes of wild mistress

The crisis is unpredictable. And, it seemed, yesterday you did not threaten anything in your workplace, and today the boss announces a reduction, and you are fired. It is clear that this is a serious stress, but you should not consider yourself an unlucky person, to fall into the despondency and fate. You need to get together with the forces and show character to get out of the situation, while maintaining health and self-esteem, and do not make nonsense in a state of shock, resentment and irritation.

And shock will definitely be, even if you intuitively felt the possibility of dismissal. This is due to the fact that you were set before changing the life, because the loss of work will surely require this. Therefore, it is so important to keep under the control of emotions and your actions when you reported on the dismissal. If you do not have the opportunity to somehow affect such a decision, then you need to leave well and without unnecessary words.

If suddenly you are offered to sign a statement application for your own accord or a document that causes you doubts, ask time to reflections. By law, the employer must notify you about the dismissal of at least 2 months, in addition, you are compensated. It can not be dismissed from work to reduce a pregnant woman, as well as a young mother who has children under three years.

Overwarming you emotions can be shown at home, among the people close to you who will understand and do not coordinate. Surely you want and complain, and crouch, and blame in injustice - do it in the walls of your house. This discharge will help you already calmly look at the situation, analyze it and schedule an action plan.

You will need acquired calm when you begin to take steps in finding a new workplace, because, keeping in my soul, bitterness, irritation, it will be difficult for you to focus on interviews and even be objective to yourself. In addition, such feelings are difficult to hide, and the employer, first of all, we need stress-resistant employees.

If your relatives or acquaintances offer you their help in employment, do not refuse. It is very good that there are people near you who are ready to help and support.

As for the company that dismisses you, then it is necessary to part with it, at least calmly, so you can try to negotiate, for example, about a later date of dismissal. It will be quite possible if you behave any long-term work and able to be argued to explain to the authorities that you should complete it. And the won time you will need to search new work.

In addition, we should not forget about compensation: according to the law, the employer is obliged to pay you a salary for 2 months, if during this period you have not found a new job. In addition, do not forget that the company must pay with you for unused vacation for the entire service life. So make sure that it was done.

It can be accepted with the bosses about the preservation of the place for you, but on part-time - often the company has forced to go for a large reduction, difficulties arise, and they use the services of previous employees to not be found and not to teach new ones.

You can also find out maybe there is workplace In another division of the same company. Even if you have a smaller salary in the transition, you should not immediately refuse to refuse - it is already important that you will have an income until you find a new job.

In addition, with a calm behavior in this situation, you can contact your former authorities with a request to give recommendations and characteristics - this will help you with new employment. Moreover, it is possible that it is your boss who can recommend you with his acquaintances and other companies.

What if you still have a day when you do not need to rush to work? Get on the organization of your life for a period of forced unemployment. First of all, make a budget for a year, in which you consider all the necessary expenses: for utility payments, medical care, food, car, clothing. Now consider what accumulation you have and income that can come soon.

Now try to reduce costs as much as possible. Think from what you can refuse. Maybe change the car to cheaper or start using public transport? You can change mobile tariff, find a cheaper Internet provider, refuse some purchases.

If you have outless loans, contact the bank and discuss the situation with the consultant, because any bank is interested in getting at least some money from you, and therefore may agree to concessions, for example, to temporarily reduce credit payments or even on what - It is a deadline to freeze them.

If you have the opportunity to get at least for temporary work, do not neglect it - even if it is not very soul, you can hold out without loss of some time, until you find a permanent place.

And, of course, without losing time, immediately go around the search for new work. In order not to miss any possibility, it will be noted for yourself what you would like to find, that is, that you know how well and love to do. But in the same way, list those items that are impossible for you, for example, trips on business trips, etc. and, of course, determine for yourself the minimum wage that you need to maintain the previous standard of living.

Perhaps fate gives you a chance to change your profession, so try yourself and in the fact that you are interested in, but is not your main profession. If the specialty that attracts you requires additional knowledge, think about to learn a little. Even one-day training can become a momentum to the most important changes.

If you do not need to hurry to work every day, it does not mean that you can afford to fully relax and conduct a free lifestyle. On the contrary, you need to be even more collected than always, so everyone starts, making up the plan of necessary cases, and observe it clearly. Constantly read in the media, Internet ads on vacancies, send a summary for all addresses that you seem to be a little relevant to your interests, call potential employers, go to all interviews. Communicating with friends, say that you are in finding work - it is very important in opening time It is in the right place, because, "His Majesty is the case," may be subject to any time.

Be sure to support relationships with friends and relatives, lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, we do not become fresh air, normally eat and in no case turn your life in the tragedy. Moreover, use the job search time to relax, strengthen health and gain strength for further activities.

Pay great attention to preparing for interviews: Refire the answers to the most common questions. At the interview, try not to be nervous, and do not consider every interview with the last chance - this is just another possibility that you still have enough. Openly answer questions about why you were fired from the previous job, and try to focus on what you can and want to do for the company so that the employer chose your candidacy.

And, of course, do not cease to believe in good luck. It is the most qualities of self-confidence and tranquility that, when choosing a candidate for a free vacation, will be given advantage in your favor.

By passion passions, it is inferior only to divorce or death close man. Especially if we are talking about dismissal.

Experts advise: Try to leave with dignity, not offending others and without destroying yourself. From how you behave at this difficult time, your future life depends.

Will in fist!

There is a huge temptation to finally express all that you think about him. Or make some nastyness: hide the necessary data, carry out the phone numbers of important customers, for a while paralyzing the work of the once native firm.

Do not do that! First, the professional circle is very narrow, and when your new head will call the former, it is unlikely that he will find a couple of good words to your address. Secondly, if you want the Chef to truly regret your dismissal, you need to act in the opposite way.

Collect the will in the fist and on the last day warmly say goodbye to him, saying the most good words. Maybe he will not call you back (which, by the way, is not excluded), but for sure will give excellent characteristic. No matter what kind of relationships you had before this minute. As you know, the first and last words are remembered most.

Risk group

Loss of work often undermines human self-esteem. He has a feeling of resentment and the feeling of loss of control over life: "Why did you miss me?", "Did I really have the worst worker?", "I do not decide anything in this life." If such thoughts are visited, you need to say to yourself: "Stop! Life is not only work. In such a difficult situation, it is much more constructive to ask another question - why did the fate threw you such a test, what lessons can I remove from this?

Practice shows: most often the work is losing people having two opposite psychological plants. First of all, these are those who are imperceptibly for themselves to live on inertia, who work has not been making no moral, nor material satisfaction. But it is not enough courage to put the appointment on the table by Bedolfi. And every morning goes to work as on the cautious. Here is the fate and throwing him an unexpected permission of the problem - in the form of a reduction in personnel or rotations leading to dismissal.

Oddly, risk losing work and people with another installation - workaholics who identify their lives with work, putting it first in scale life values. Often, fate punishes such one-sidedness. In addition, too the registry officer often causes annoyance at the authorities: suddenly he will be professional than his leadership?

Vicious circle

Having lost its work, a person gets at his disposal a huge amount of free time. Perhaps at first it even pleases: finally it will be possible to rest! But relaxing truly, as a rule, it does not work. And the unemployed person begins to worked out suddenly the emptiness formed in his life. According to the observations of psychologists, such a situation is a nutrient medium for the appearance of neurosis.

A kind of vicious circle arises: due to the fact that there is no work, you are experiencing depression, and this, in turn, does not make it possible to find a job. If such a state lasts long enough, the case can reach not only before depression, but also to severe physical ailments. Such a "psychophysical wear" effect of psychiatrists often observe not only those who have lost their jobs, but also in those who have retired: an intensive man suddenly begins to grow rapidly, all sorts of sores begin to stick.

To do not bring themselves to this, experts advise: the search for a new place should be started on the same day when you were informed about the dismissal. The more time passes after losing the work, the more difficult it will be to find it. Take away to the dismissal as a strength test, as for the exam, passing which you will come to success.

The more actions, the stronger the return

And in order for the time "from work to work", do not destroy yourself, and at the same time relationship with friends and loved ones, try to work out a clear strategy:

● Keep the former rhythm and routine of life. Stop, breakfast, dinner and dinner at the same time as before. If you are a man, we certainly silence every morning. If you are a woman, happily and apply light makeup.

● Daily do something to search for work: view the websites on the Internet, send a summary, learn employment logs, go to interviews. The pattern is notified: if you called not at five today, and at ten firms, then tomorrow you will receive calls twice as much as in previous days.

● Use free time to do your health. Do not look late the TV, pour, do not drink coffee and strong tea, be sure to go out every day to the street. Visit the dentist, other doctors, go through the course of treatment, if necessary. Make all boring, but the necessary home affairs, which before the hands did not reach.

Do not close

Unfortunately, often in a period of forced inaction, a person is spoiled with loved ones. At first, he sympathize with him, but as it closes, goes depressed, it begins to annoy others.

● Try not to turn off the life of the family: take on any duties that previously performed by others, share your thoughts, discuss home problems.

● If you are invited to visit friends, do not refuse, referring to bad mood. Maybe just there you will meet the one who helps you find a job. Despite the progress in the field of employment (Internet, recruiting agencies), we prefer to take to work, as before, "by acquaintance."

● Do not neglect the proposal of temporary work, continuing to look for permanent. If you prove yourself well, it can become constant.

● No one is insured against dramatic turns of fate. Even genius. The example of one of the players of the Madrid Football Club "Real" is widely known. The remapion of the car accident for a whole year chained it to a wheelchair. In the end, he managed to stand up on his feet, but with a brilliant football career I had to say goodbye. "What to do? After all, except for football, I don't know anything! " - a former football player tormented. Friends advised him to try himself in ... a singing genre. And they did not lose. So the world was brilliant Julio Iglesias.

● no less significant story of another famous man. Before being glorified on the literary Niva, he was ... an accountant. Everything has changed when no one who does not famous Mr. Porter was accused of an embezzle and landed. From longing and hopelessness, he began to write stories. From prison, he went out by a popular footlist known under the pseudonym about Henry.

7 loyal ways to lose work

1. Do not have plans.

2. Do not maintain at the proper level and not update your skills and skills.

3. Do not provide any results.

5. Surround yourself with squeezes.

6. Forget to pay tribute to others.

By the way

Stress caused by dismissal is stronger in men. Women are more resistant to fate and flexibly respond flexibly to the stressful situation. Very painful loss of work people pension ageAs well as those who crosses the "dangerous" age frontiers: the so-called age of the first adult (33-35 / 35-37 years) and mature age - 46-48 / 52-54.

The level of experienced stress depends on psychological typeto which a person belongs. Temperamental personal peopleAlthough perceived the news of the dismissal is hard, overcome the stressful situation relatively quickly. As a rule, it is enough for two weeks to get rid of stress. Another thing is phlegmatic people, closed. Stress develops with increasing and stretching for a long period.

In this article we will talk about how to survive dismissal from work. With this problem, almost every person came across at least once in his life. And it's not always easy to cope with this, especially if the work liked and you have invested a lot of strength. Completion of the retirement age can complicate. So what to do and how not to afford to surrender?

Causes of dismissal from work

We list those professionals who can get into the risk area:

  • Employees who have been achieved that do not improve their qualifications do not improve skills.
  • The results of the employee's activities are not seen by anyone.
  • People believing that they do not depend on anyone.
  • Employees surrounding themselves with whims and ignoring constructive criticism.
  • People who are badly launched with colleagues.
  • Those who refuse to mention their career achievements.

Consequences of dismissal

What can be expected if you were fired from work? The first thing you will experience is shocking and stress. The usual world around a person collapses, familiar remains in the past, self-esteem drops sharply. Often a large number of layoffs occur in crisis situations, in the period when the bosses seeks to leave only the most valuable and promising workers. And this leads to the fact that the person who fell into such a situation is beginning to climb the thoughts that he is worse than everyone, is unable to achieve anything in life, etc.

It is impossible to dwell on it, you need to distract from the gloomy dum. Think about the fact that everything is relatively, because someone is better in one, someone in the other. Do not forget that this failure can be the beginning of something new.

And now we will analyze two in more detail. beautiful way Conduct depression and proceed to search for new work.

First method

How to survive stress when dismissing? Psychologists have long been proven that the emotional state of a dismissed person is comparable to those feelings that people are worried after treason or divorce. Therefore, the consequences, especially for those who have a weak psyche, can be the most severe, starting with depression and insomnitz, ending with nervous disruptions. To survive dismissal and keep health, you need to follow the advice that we will submit below.

Where to begin? Step one

How to survive dismissal from work? First you need to undergo the main stages of stress, which are four:

  • The phase of denial. Shock state when it is very difficult to realize what is happening around.
  • Phase anger. The first emotion appears - aggression. A person is constantly in a state of irritation, angry at loved ones and relatives, his own, fate, life.
  • Phase bargaining. Attempt to return back to work by making something significant. For example, bring a new client or prepare a report.
  • Phase depression. A person realizes that all attempts come back in vain.

Step two

We continue to describe the algorithm how to survive dismissal from work. So, we stopped at the depression stage. It is impossible to drive your negative emotions inside yourself, you need to learn them off out. To do this, you need to pick up a suitable way. It is not bad for such a goal gym. Celebrate with a boxing pear, presenting the head or unfriendly in her place, arrange the Marathon race, splashing aggression in motion.

In no case do not follow from loved ones. Tell us about experienced friends. After they speak, it will be much easier. Gradually, the circumstances of the dismissal will begin to remember everything less and less clearly, and emotions are divert.

Step Third

Remember, if they fired from work - this is not the end of the world, because life continues. However, negative stress stages can be delayed for several weeks. Do not let them stay with you for a long time. You can use special psychological receptionwhich is called the "Alarm clock". Mentally need to "start" internal hours on a day. When the "Alarm clock is silent", start actively acting.

If you managed to survive the phase of negative emotions, then get ready for the adoption stage. During this period, you can analyze your behavior and understand what dismissal was caused. This will make it possible to comprehend what is happening and will help begin to act further.

It is necessary to make a list of those positive moments that allowed dismissal into your life. For example, you got rid of the pick-up of the head or podkoms of colleagues.

Step fourth

You were fired from work. What to do? Abstract from emotions and analyze recorded reasons for dismissal on points. Do not take seriously aspects such as a crisis, staff reduction, harmful chief, etc. Be honest with you, and perhaps you will understand that you have long ever need to throw this job.

Then think about what profession is closer to you and what would really want to do. On the paper sheet, write down those knowledge and skills that are required for the selected work. Mark the skills that you do not own, and start filling the gaps in education.

Pitch fifth

There are many ways to survive dismissal. The advice of the psychologist is convinced in one - as soon as stress passed and it became clear what I want to continue, you need to start looking for a new work. And here it is impossible to limit ourselves to one way. It is necessary to use all possible - ads, Internet sites, acquaintances, employment service, etc.

Try during your search to save that routine of the day, which was to dismiss - awake, breakfast and dinner, do business at the same time. This will help keep yourself in a tone and do not relax. To your search for a new service place, treat as an exam.

Second way: Do not forget about the formalities

Consider another option of how to survive dismissal from work. The emergence of depression is possible anyway. However, you can switch your attention to the formal side of the case.

After the first emotional shock, the thoughts will begin to appear that dismissal will spoil your labor book and put a cross on a career. You need to immediately drive these ideas. Do not try on the role of a friend and do not shiver before the director. There is nothing more to lose you anyway, so try to figure out. Be sure to find out the reason for dismissal. Do not forget about your rights and labor legislation. You cannot be put up for the threshold without livelihood. Do not let the employer progress on it.

Be sure to control your emotions. Do not allow pity to take the top, try to keep calm. During conversations with the leadership, do not threaten and do not go to the person. The discussion must be kept strictly by business. In advance, study the TC (dismissal and everything that is connected with it, especially) and pick up the paragraphs of the law to which you will refer. We are worthy. Bad relationships With a former employer may complicate the search for a new place, as the bosses may refuse to recommend.

Do not relate to the failure of your entire life. Try to perceive it as an opportunity to start all over again. In addition, in the old place you have acquired certain skills and experience that will be useful in the future life.

Dismissal pensioner

How to survive the dismissal of a pensioner? After all, people of this age are more vulnerable in such a situation. Often, pensioners give a lot of strength and drag on with all his heart. For them, work has long become an integral and very important part of life. Therefore, it is much more complicated to cope with depression.

Have you been fired after you retire you? What to do? Usually, pensioners remain a lot of friends. Do not forget about them and correct. Support for loved ones can help. Remember that the pension is an excellent opportunity to live in your own pleasure. You have a lot of time that you can spend on yourself and your hobbies - more often walk, find a hobby.

Tips of the psychologist for pensioners and people of prenets

It is terrible to lose the place where it remains very little to retirement. The reasons for dismissal from work can be different, but you need to ensure that they are legal.

By this time, a person accumulates great experience, brings his skills to perfection and perfectly understands its sphere, but employers prefer to hire young people. Especially hard in this situation for women.

At older, they no longer think about what field you want to work, since it has long been decided and change something late. It is necessary to analyze your skills and knowledge, and then define the branch where they can be most in demand. You can find a suitable vacancy with neighbors familiar and even former colleagues. The latter are especially valuable in this regard, as they continue to rotate in the necessary professional circles.

You need to pay attention to your appearance. At the interview, you should hold a friendly and confident in yourself. At the same time you need to be ready for failure. You can hear "no" you can many times, so you do not need to despair and fall into Handra. Try not to lose the combat mood and do not forget about the power of belief.

Today, the main requirement for a potential employee is the ability to work on a computer. Therefore, you will have to master this skill if you are applying for a good position.

TK: Dismissal. The legislative framework

Any dismissal should be based on 80 articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this law and read all the amendments that have been made to it.

If the case is complicated, it will be useful to refer to the lawyer. You must make sure that everything happens according to the law and the boss does not try to deceive you without paying the compensation. IN stressful situation People rarely think about the legal side of the case, as they are in the phase of denial or anger. And when emotions are dulled, then demand something too late. If you yourself can not deal with legislative subtleties, refer to your loved ones.

WikiHow works on the principle of wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by several authors. When creating this article above its editing and improvement, including anonymous, 15 people (a) worked.

Your boss invites you to the office, closes the door and says: "... We are not satisfied with how you work in this post, so we decided to dismiss. Free the workplace and get a calculation in accounting." How to cope with this situation without dropping your dignity?


    Give yourself a minute (or five) to come to yourself after shock and gather with thoughts. Take a breath. If you want to cry, please do not change the situation, but perhaps you will help you to overcome it better, splashing your emotions.

    Perceive the situation correctly. Perhaps your first urge is to consider yourself a bad employee, a person and a loser in general, but this is just a voice panic. Instead, tell me: "I performed inappropriate for myself." This is important: the work is not to blame and you are not to blame, it is a combination of work and you did not work. So do not be ashamed of the situation. There are millions of reasons why work does not work, and none of them implies 100% of your guilt.

    Do not try to change the decision. You can visit the temptation to ask you another chance, but you should resist him. The decision is made and almost always irrevocably. Molbi only weaken your ability to further negotiate.

    Treat negotiations on the conditions of your dismissal. The employer does not want extra problems, in particular, to earn a bad reputation. So that's what you can negotiate:

    • Agree on how the employer will respond, in the case of appealing to it for the recommendation. The safest version of his answer is: "Yes, he worked as an employee, but in our organization there is a policy of non-disclosure assessment."
    • Ask generous compensation. Require the payment of holidays and hospitals, as well as such compensation on which, in your opinion, they can agree between the monthly and three-month salary. Perhaps you will not pay as much as you ask, but this is a good start of negotiations.
    • Ask the employer to extend the action of the DMS for some period.
    • Ask help in finding new work. Some employers offer employment firms. If not, ask which organizations you could recommend to find work. They may have information on vacancies.
  1. Dire with self-esteem. Do not wait for the end of the working day - assemble things in the workplace and go. If you stop colleagues to say goodbye, thank them politely, but do not shake the walls with screams about the fact that you just happened. Never say anything bad either about the boss, nor about the company - burn all the bridges so that you are not haunted offense.

    Immediately report the happening family. Even if you are still experiencing shock and shame, tell your family about what happened and discuss how you can do everything with it. Despite the fact that your relatives also experience shocks and unpleasant feelings, in the long run you will easier begin to take further actions together.

    Give yourself a restoration time. You will have the temptation immediately start searching for a new job, but you need to give yourself time to experience what happened, get rid of shame and panic and begin to think clearly. Take a couple of weeks to spend it with your family and concentrate on further plans.

  2. Realize that this is not the end of the path. Despite the fact that it is sometimes difficult, it is not necessary to think about that together with the dismissal from work you have ended with all life. Start considering the situation as a turning point on the way to change for the better. Of course, this is a difficult time, but it is it that can give you new opportunities.

    • Hold the time to figure out whether you want to stay in the same area of \u200b\u200bactivity or it is worth trying something else.
    • Perhaps in the first few days you will constantly call your friends and colleagues to find out how your business. Hold on to talk with everything in a row. Pass everything through one friend that you are fine and that you just took the time to a break, and then in the next few days, weeks or months - no matter - call back everything.
    • Make sure the dismissal is carried out in accordance with the terms of your labor contract and labor legislation as a whole.
    • Be responsible. Returning home, cancel all purchases other than the most necessary and form a budget in accordance with those means that you have. Develop a financial plan. This will reduce the level of stress and keep you from getting enough for the first job.
    • Sometimes compensation for dismissal is given under certain conditions: you can not discuss the reasons for dismissal, you cannot discuss the terms of compensation, you cannot negatively respond about the company or its leadership, you cannot go to work towards competitors and so on. If you breed these conditions, compensation can be recovered with you back through the court.
    • Get official written Confirmation of the company's intentions.
    • As a rule, after message about dismissal, access to a personal computer closes. Accordingly, (since you read this article, you have not been fired) today, Come to work:
      • Send to your personal email address all personal information from the computer that you would like to keep after dismissal: personal mail, examples of workers Matelov, recipes for their colleagues - anything. Do not send it all from your working address, go to your personal mail and send from there.
      • Make copies of all the files you want to leave yourself (templates of documents, materials for work, contacts) and take home.


    • Resist the motivation to call colleagues and complain to the company and its leadership.
    • Come home, do not try to collect things and leave the city. Flight from problems only aggravates the situation, and besides, moving to another city without visible to the reasons - a red rag for employers. It is better to update your resume and place it on the respective sites.

How to survive dismissal?

"Olga Ivanovna 36 years old, the last 2 years she worked as an accountant in a large organization, was a promising employee and dreamed of raising. The news of the dismissal heard from the new director, who took office a month ago.

The boss called to his office and said that in its services the company no longer needs. Effectively thanked for the work and offered to leave at his own request. Something vaguely spoke about the shortcomings in the work, hinted at the uniformity. No specifics did not succeed, general phrases.

Olga Ivanovna was shocked, she did not see reasons for dismissal. Hazard, irritation, anger rod to the throat. Ahead of her was waiting for uncertainty ... "

With dismissal faced almost every person in life. Sharp changes associated with loss of earnings, painful search for work in the already elderly age only add fear of new reality. How to survive dismissal and save faith yourself? Why is the loss of work so painfully hits for pride? How to find a worthy new job?

Why is the dismissal experienced so acute?

Almost always, the situation associated with dismissal is perceived painfully. The reason lies in our unconscious. The head and company are perceived by us as a parental para-symbolic father and mother.

Father (supervisor): Trains, sends, develops (sends to negotiations, trainings, seminars); carefully monitors the achievements (controls the effectiveness of the employee, reports, the implementation of the plan); It shows rigor and generosity (punishes reprimand, scolding, penalizes, premises).

Mother (company): takes into his arms (collective); feed, sew (issues salary); develops (makes it possible to career growth); Entertains (corporate events and holidays).

Lose job is how to break the connection with the symbolic parents. Employee, as small child, It feels that he no longer needs mom with dad, he is no longer loved and drive. From this it becomes hurt and hurt. As if the child became "bad", and the mother, whatever she was, remains her mother. More can not be rented on the Father, it is more interesting for other children.

Collective (children of the company and supervisor). With them, the child competed for the love of Pope and Mom, they swore with them and having fun. And now, after dismissal, the symbolic family did not become and this place in the soul no one can fill. Aggression, anger, depression, that is what the child feels, who lost his place among the brothers and sisters.

Perfect feelings

No need to perceive this situation as a tragedy and deeply go to the longing. Relations with symbolic father and mother always end when joint activities are ends, the project, the task. The basis of the relationship is not love, but mutualizing.

Many people thanks to the dismissal finally found themselves, they benefited from the current situation and even became famous. Who knows, maybe destiny gives you a chance?

5 steps to victory over the situation

You opened the new chapter of your life biographyFinally, you have time for yourself, accumulated affairs, forgotten hobbies and unrealized desires. It's time to do yourself!

Take a new experience.

Analyze what actually happened why you were fired? Disassemble possible reasons: late, reduce your effectiveness in the work, injustice of the bosses, your own laziness and fatigue, professional and emotional burnout? Or you "reached the ceiling" in your post and you have nothing to strive for?

1. Wash the strengths.

What advantages do you possess? You may have a wonderful organizer, responsible performer, an excellent partner or partner. What tasks did you get to solve best?

2. Model motion vector.

Decide in which field you will continue to continue? All the roads are open. You can be improved in the familiar area of \u200b\u200bthe area or boldly change the generation of the activity. What do you want from new work, posts? Think about the opportunity to organize your business. Many successful people Found themselves in business just after dismissal from work.

Even after the loss of your favorite work, do not be dug. Ended an important stage in your life, ahead is new, come to him responsibly. Do not blame all in a row in your troubles, do not blame yourself, do not self-yourself. Make the right conclusions about what you should not do in a new workplace. Thanks to this situation, you became wiser, your next choice will be conscious and correct.

4. Make a new job.

In the process of finding a job, pump your professional skills. If the internal blocks and fears interfere with the greater, go to a psychologist. Restore emotionally and continue working on yourself. One hundred percent winnings can only be in one competition when you compete with me yesterday.

5. Work like.

Work should bring joy and pleasure. Do what you like. The result is measured not only by salary, but also the level of satisfaction from the case you do from day to day.

Act, all in your hands!

Dec 13, 2018 billh41235