What is the will in biology. Attention and will presentation to the lesson on biology (grade 8) on the topic

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Under the will usually understand the conscious regulation by the person of their behavior, ensuring the overcoming of difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The volitional action performs two functions: an incentive, causing to fight obstacles to achieving the goal and overcome them, and the braking is the ability to keep themselves from unwanted actions.

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  • Exposure and restraint are the same manifestations of will, as well as activity in achieving conceived. Figuratively speaking, the will is a desire that has become actions.
  • Volitional action, being the result of a thorough analysis of all possible options, Ends the assessment of what was done, and correcting errors, if they were allowed.
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    The volitional act begins with the choice of purpose. Fine when a goal dictated by a sense of duty coincides with the desire to enjoy future work. Then the human energy triples. There is a state of passion, inspiration. Best works of art scientific discoveries, sports feats were committed in this state. But much more often between a sense of duty and a momentary desire arises conflict. Then there is a struggle of motives, the struggle of motives. A person must decide what he will do, and dwell on something one.

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    The process of choice is a difficult state, sometimes painful. In indecisive people, it can delay long hours, sometimes days and even years if the goal is related to the choice life path. But the decision is made, the goal is set, and the person is again in front of the choice: how to achieve conceived.

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    The scenarios of future action seems to be played in consciousness, until, finally, there is no option that seems optimal. Only after this follows itself. It is final, but not the final stage, because consciousness controls each stage of activity and, if necessary, contributes to it, correction of results.

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    • Human ability to evaluate the complex situation and take non-standard solutions called resourcefulness. It is associated with the volitional qualities of the personality.
    • To illustrate, we give one fact from the biography of F.I. Shalyapin. When Fyodor Ivanovich arrived in Italy on tour, an unfavorable setting was formed around him: they had attacked Russian national art around the newspapers. A day before the premiere, people came to him who were getting on the fact that they had disappeared by performances, and demanded a big redemption.
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    Shalyapin refused to pay and kicked out extortionists, although the threat was far enough. And the day of the premiere. Put the opera Guno "Faust". On the scene Shalyapin in a suit of Mephistofel. The orchestra lost his entry - Shalyapin is silent. Lost entry again - the same. Public in bewilderment. And suddenly, Shalyapin dumps Mephistofel's raincoat and performs the romance "Black". The public is exploded by applause. Opera passes with unprecedented success.

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    • In order to achieve the main goal - to dispel the prejudice to Russian art and maintain the performance, Shalyapin found a witty way: an unexpected leakage won the viewers.
    • Each person lives among people. They give advice, try to convince, and even force to do in their own way. The volitional person is able to think about proposals, tips, agree with the necessary and useful, discard unacceptable.
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    Persons with insufficiently developed will either come about others, or there are ones that they are advised. In the first case, the suggestibility is manifested, in the second - negativism. When analyzing their actions, it turns out that they cannot substantiate their behavior, since they act impulsively at the level of subconscious and emotions.

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    • Emotions are the most ancient form of reflection of reality associated with satisfaction of needs. Translated from the French word, emotion means "exciting, worried."
    • The centers exist in the brain, the initiation of which leads to pleasure or to suffering, they are figuratively called the centers of Paradise and Hell. Thanks to the work of these centers, people and animals analyze the incoming information at the unconscious level and evaluate its value: it foreshadows harmful or useful events.
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    Distinguish such manifestations of emotions: emotional reactions - crying, laughter; emotional states - mood, anxiety, excitement, stormy emotional flash (affect); Emotional relations, or feelings in the narrow meaning of this word, - love, hatred, jealousy, etc.

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    Emotional state can be positive, negative or neutral if developing events do not have a relationship to us. Depending on these states, hormonal shifts occur in the body. So, you already know that adrenaline is distinguished when fear of blood is allocated, and norepinephrine.

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    In this regard, the shtical is distinguished (from Greek. Stheneia - power) emotions that increase human performance, and asthenic (from Greek. Astheneia - weakness) that prevent him from carrying out conceived actions. To the first one can attribute the burdens, confidence in the success of the case, to the second - excitement that prevents thinking, speak, act.

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    Manifestations of emotional state: mood (good or bad); Passion when the will and emotion are fused in a single impulse (the highest expression of passion is inspiration); Stress - voltage close to the limiting capabilities of the body; Affect is an emotional outbreak that comes out from under the control of the will. It was in the state of affect, Ivan Grozny killed his son Ivan. This scene is depicted at the famous picture of I.I. Repina "Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan."

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    Emotional relations are those feelings that we experience to another person, animal, work, new information etc. Love, including sex, hatred, jealousy, envy - all this manifestations of various feelings. From emotional states, they are distinguished by the focus on a specific object. Feelings are rather contradictory: love can be mixed with annoyance, sadness, joy, i.e. Depending on the circumstances, the sign of emotions may vary.

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    Feelings have dynamics: they are born, reach the highest strength, then fade away, and even become opposite: hate can go into love, fervent love - to change indifference. Especially stealing hobbies, they are often in adolescent, but they can be in a mature and even in old age. Despite the fervor, the hobbies quickly fade after the first result achieved, since, essentially, the dominant phenomena are related, and the dominant is known, after its permission, the other is inferior.

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    • Attention is called the concentration of consciousness on one or another activity, object or event.
    • When a person intensive attention is intensive, even its appearance varies. He has an adaptive movement: he listens, peers, trying not to miss any detail, not a single word. Look at the listeners depicted on the picture of Rembrandt "Anatomy Anatomy Lessum" (see Fig. 1). How are their poses expressive!
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    Caution can be focused on your own thoughts. The eyes of a deeply conceived man often directed the distance, so that the objects located nearby are not distracted by reflections. Often there is a breath delay: it becomes more rare.

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    Distinguish involuntary and random attention. In addition to the will of a person arises involuntary attention. Any bright, unexpected stimulus, causing an indicative reflex, becomes the object of involuntary attention.

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    Typically, involuntary attention lasts until the object retains novelty. With the loss of novelty, involuntary attention begins to fluctuate and is easily lost if the object caused it does not cause interest.

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    Arbitrary attention

    it is manifested in the exercise of a conscious intention of a person to do business, sometimes not interesting, but necessary, requiring the applied effort. Everyone who came across the need to learn a complex and low-attractive text, knows how difficult it is to force the will to force themselves to focus on it.

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    But the case can be helped if you do not just read the text, but to actively work with it: draw up a plan, to outline, build schemes that detect links between the events described or processes. It doesn't matter what program you will work, it is important that it existed and the item is performed. Then attention will be sustainable, and the work is productive. Check observation and attention can be in practical work.

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    Inattentive person is called scattered. The first reason for scattered is the weakness of arbitrary attention. Any extraneous stimulus causes an approximate reflex, and a person is distracted from the main case. The second reason for scattered is deep concentration of a person at a certain occupation: non-irritation is not noticed to them, as it affects the inhibited in this moment Plots of the brain.

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    Under the will, understand the conscious regulation of behavior, ensuring the overcoming of difficulties on the path to the goal. The volitional action can perform both motivating and braking function.

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    Emotions are associated with the possibility (or inexpensability) to meet the needs. Emotional reactions (laughter, crying, physiological shifts in the work of the heart, hormonal system) have an unconditional reflex nature. Emotional states (mood, excitement, stress, passion, affect, etc.) or conducive activities (lunatic emotions), or violate it (asthenic emotions). Emotional relations, or feelings in a narrow sense (love, hatred, jealousy, etc.) are always directed to a certain object and have dynamics.

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    Attention is called the concentration of consciousness on one or another activity, object or event. There is an involuntary (arising independently of will and consciousness) and arbitrary attention, which is supported by a volitional effort and requires a lot of energy costs. Active work with an object allows you to maintain attention for a long time without voltage.

    See all slides

    Will, emotions, attention is a separate part that psychology studies. Few of us people think about the fact that these concepts are completely diverse.

    What is attention so

    There are several species to which this concept shares. Each of them is not just invented, but has causes of occurrence and form of manifestation.

    Caution happens:

    1. arbitrary
    2. involuntary.

    Arbitrary attention occurs when a person puts the effort of the will to something.

    Incultural attention is an accident. A person does not accept any informed participation here.

    The character of a person can be described by what and how he draws attention mainly. Arbitrary attention is inherent not to all living organisms. This is an exceptionally human feature. Animals, in turn, have only an involuntary look. Management of consciousness of living beings and created attention.

    Each person cannot only do what he wants, if he is trying to achieve certain goals in his life. Whether the will, emotions, attention makes it possible to achieve any heights. Arbitrary attention is formed by constantly learning and consolidating his knowledge by practicing.

    Physiology also gives its explanation to the process of arbitrary attention. It appears in the cerebral cortex and is constantly maintained by pulses, which are directed from the signal system. The labor process constantly affects the formation of arbitrary attention. The longer the person holds him, the stronger he tires mentally and physically. In order not to experience the overwork, it is necessary to constantly alternate labor. As you know: "The best rest is a change of activity." Therefore, after a difficult job, proceed to something else, and then - again grasp it. Another option is a huge interest to concentrate attention.

    The relationship of will and emotions

    Of course, the will and emotions of not only compatible, but closely related to each other. For a successful concentration of attention to anything, the efforts of will should be applied. Then the person delves into the content of the material and monitors it without tension. This attention is called afterplay. Some psychologists are also called arbitrary. The fact is that the learning process is now becoming easier, a person is much less likely fatigue. The emotions that the person receives from the material being studied directly affect its further training.

    Also, attention is divided into species depending on where it is drawn:

    1. Externally-directed attention - the world's items.
    2. Internal-directed attention - thoughts, feelings, memories.

    The last look is often involuntary if a person is distracted by something during operation. The reason here is inattention.

    Arbitrary attention is focused only on the fact that it is necessary for a person in this field of work.

    Unproducible attention does not need a will, since it does not need to focus on something concrete.

    Arbitrary attention involves the constant participation of will. This species is associated with the presence of different interests that constantly compete with each other. But when choosing one goal, a person connects the will, thereby suppresses other interests.

    In order to concentrate on something one and achieve heights, favorable working conditions are necessary. Each person in the right to choose the mode and type of work. Here you need to choose the golden middle. Qualitative performance work cannot be carried out in excessive noise and perfect silence.

    State educational institution
    Higher professional education
    "Ryazan State Medical University
    named academician I. P. Pavlova
    Federal Health Agency
    and social development "

    Abstract on the topic
    "Will in Psychology"

    Completed: Milova S., 1 course student,
    therapeutic faculty, 9 group
    Checked: Petrushina L. V., Associate Professor
    psychology with a course pedagogy

    Ryazan 2011.
    Introduction ................................................................................. 3
    CHAPTER I. VOLLY SPHERE OF PERSONALITY ........................................................... ........ 4
    1.1. Arbitrary actions and their features .................................... 4 - 5.
    1.2. Analysis of a complex volitional action .......................................... ... 5 - 7
    1.3. The main qualities of the will ............................................................ 7 - 8
    Chapter II. Development of Will in humans .............................................................. .. 8 - 10
    2.1. Conditions for the development of will in humans ........................................................... .. 10 - 11
    2.2. Village qualities of the person ...................................................... .. 11 - 13
    2.3. Development of volitional qualities ................................................................ 13 - 17.
    Chapter III. The statement of the volitional disorders .................................... eighteen
    3.1. Voliski disorders ...................................................... ......... 18 - 21
    Conclusion ...................................................................................... 21 - 22
    List of references used ................................................................. .. 23

    Any human activity is always accompanied by concrete actions that can be divided into two large groups: arbitrary and involuntary.
    The main difference of arbitrary actions is that they are carried out under the control of consciousness and require certain efforts on the part of a person aimed at achieving consciously delivered sangs. For example, imagine a sick person who, hardly takes a glass with water in his hand, brings him to his mouth, tilts him, makes the mouth movement, i.e. Performs a number of actions combined one goal - thorough thirst. All individual actions, thanks to the efforts of consciousness aimed at regulating behavior, merge into one, and the person drinks water. These efforts are often called volitional regulation, or will.
    Will - this is a conscious regulation by the person of his behavior and activity, expressed in the ability to overcome the internal and external difficulties in the commission of targeted actions and actions.
    The main signs of the volitional act:
    - application effort to perform a volitional act;
    - the presence of a well-thought-out plan for the implementation of the behavioral act;
    - reinforced attention to such a behavioral act and the absence of the immediate pleasure obtained in the process and as a result of its execution;
    - often the efforts of the will are directed not only for victory over circumstances, how much to overcome yourself;
    - Sphere Development of the Will personality.


    Will- the mental process of conscious and targeted regulation by the person of its activities and behavior to achieve the goal. Will is one of the most important conditions for human activity.
    Warely activity cannot be reduced to the activity of the body and identify with it. Activity is characteristic and animals. They satisfy their biological needs, adapting to living conditions, have a long impact on surroundingBut this happens without a certain intention on their part.
    The will manifests itself in an effort, in the inner voltage, which is experiencing a person, overcoming the internal and external difficulties in the desire to act or contain itself.
    Arbitrary actions are deterministic, like all other actions of a person, but since they are caused by footsteps in the cerebral cortex from previous stimuli, it sometimes seems that they arise by themselves without reason. The fact that the motor part of the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain is simultaneously sensory, plays an important role in the regulation of volitional action. In the process of volitional action from the actuator in the cerebral of the brain, information is received on the nature of actions where it is compared with the image of a planned action, ahead of its results. Such a comparison of the executable action with it contributes to clarifying the reflex act in accordance with what a person seeks.

        Arbitrary actions and their features
    In volitional activity distinguish arbitrary and involuntary actions.
    Act- One of the components of the human activity, prompted by its motive and relating with a certain goal. The action is always aimed at achieving some goal. A holistic action consists of three parts: an indicative basis, the process of execution and the control process.
    Action - structural unit Conduct, human activity, providing its interaction with the substantive world. According to the psychological structure, the action includes a goal, method and conditions of execution. Using the target, the result is predetermined that is achieved at the end of action.
    Methods of action serve such a transformation of an object that will lead to the achievement of the target. The conditions of action are non-specific features of the subject and features of the state of the person at the time of the action. According to the structure of mental regulation, the action consists of two main parts: a) regulatory and b) executive. All actions man digested in the learning process.
    Unknown actions and movements are called involuntary actions. This, above all, movements that are caused by unconditional stimuli and are carried out by subcortical departments of the Central nervous system. They are associated with the protection of the body from damage or with the satisfaction of its organic needs. Unprompected movements can be not only definitive and reflex, but also conditionally reflex. Incoming movements are not realized, but, therefore, and are not controlled. Most often it happens when the stimuli act suddenly, unexpectedly.
    Arbitrary actions and movements are always conscious. They are characterized by targeted and appropriate organized. In the process of conscious solution, the problem of movement is controlled, become arbitrary. Even involuntary movements, such as blinking with eyes, cough, breathing and others, can be arbitrarily adjusted.
    Arbitrary movements are more complex than involuntary. However, as showed by I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov, fundamental differences in the mechanism of their implementation. Arbitrary movements, as well as involuntary, are reflexive. Arbitrary actions arise a conditional reflex pathway from involuntary movements. Little children have all movements involuntary. But as a result of training and education, children gradually master them, learn to consciously direct their movements and lead them.
    In the process of development, a person learned not only to arbitrarily act, but also arbitrarily delay his actions. Arbitracy and arbitrarily delaying actions, a person regulates its activities and behavior.
        Analysis of complex volitional action
    Volosses are determined by the conscious goal. Acting, a person sets itself a task, it is planning its implementation, chooses solutions. To successfully learn, a person must be aware of the purpose of learning, its tasks, be able to organize their implementation, be persistent.
    Each volitional action is motivated. Motive- This is a driving force, which coordinates a person to action, to the struggle for achieving the goal. Motives are human needs, feelings, interests, awareness of the need to act.
    Clarity of the goal, understanding of the case, awareness of the task, its importance always give rise to force, energy and decisiveness of action. The more important task becomes, the greater energy and perseverance, people show in the struggle for its implementation.
    Volosses are simple and complex.
    Simple volitional action- This is an action, the implementation of which does not need special strength of the forces and a special organization of action. It is characterized by direct transition to the decision and in the implementation of this decision. For example, if you wish to quench thirst, a person pours water into a glass and drinks it if he is cold, he puts on a coat, etc. These actions do not need complex methods for their implementation.
    Complex volitional actionneeds a significant voltage of forces, patient, perseverance, the ability to organize yourself to perform an action. So, a person who resolving mathematical tasks to achieve success must carry out a number of volitional action. The complexity of the volitional action depends on the complexity of tasks, on the execution of which it is directed.
    The will of a person manifests itself in overcoming not only the external difficulties characteristic of various types of activities, but also internal, generated, for example, desires that go into a section with tasks, fatigue, etc. Overcoming internal difficulties requires awareness of the need to fulfill a certain task and at the same time maintain composure.
    Man's desire is sometimes manifested in form inquiries. As a rule, attractions are inexpressive, little informed. The desires that are manifested only in the form of impulse, do not lead to a targeted volitional action.
    Aware of your attacks, thereby turns them into desire. Wishing, a person is aware of the purpose of his aspiration, the direction of its activities.
    However, realizing the purpose of activities, a person needs to still see the ways of successful implementation, how to achieve it. Determining the necessary paths and ways, a person is deeper aware of their aspirations. A deep-conscious man, the desire allowing expressively to present not only the purpose of the activity, but also ways and ways to implement it, it determines the lust, an active desire.
    The wish follows the action that the volitional act is completed. However, this happens not always. Sometimes a person fluctuates: act or not. In this case, it arises a special, intermediate state of a volitional act called the wrestling of motives. This state arises when there are contradictory desires - some forced it to a certain action, while others impede its implementation. For example, a person speaks the struggle between the desire to take up the task and the desire to go to the movies. As a result of this struggle, the motives man takes a certain decision. It manifests itself or in the form of an intention to act, or in the form of an intention to abandon action.
    The decision, being deeply conscious, turns into action. Performing actions begins with its planning, the organization of methods needed to carry out the task and ends with its completion. So, a person, deciding to construct a radio receiver, get acquainted with the systems of radio receivers, draw the scheme, will get the parts necessary for the radio receiver and finally mounted it. So the decision is completed. The success of a volitional act depends on the volitional qualities of a person, the depth of awareness of the task, interest, as well as from knowledge, skills and skills, without which the successful achievement is impossible. Skills, usual actions make volitional actions with clear and more organized, contribute to rapid and successful implementation.
        Main qualities of will
    Focality- One of the volitional qualities of the person. It is determined by the principle and conviction of a person and is distinguished by the deep awareness of its tasks and the need to implement them. The focus is manifested in the ability of a person to be guided in his actions not by random aspirations, but persistent beliefs, principles. People without a clear focus, without solid convictions, the clear principles that they would be guided in their activities are often influenced by random desires, affect the influence of others. The behavior of unspecified and unprincipled people is characterized by a weak will.
    Important Will Quality - initiativeThat is, the ability to independently set itself tasks and without reminding and forcing others to carry them out. Initiative is characterized by effective activity. To show little initiative, putting a task before you, you need to carry it out, bring to the end. This is possible only with proper activity in actions.
    The essential features of the will of the person are also determination, aged ostand perseverance. These qualities are manifested in the ability to make timely and deliberately to make decisions, especially in difficult circumstances, where need to slow down negative aspirations and actions, and create opportunities to overcome difficulties on the way to goal. These features help bring to the end every business, overcoming all the obstacles that are found on this path. Great cases, wonderful scientific inventions are possible only if there are these features.
    Perseverance must be distinguished from such a feature as stubbornness. Stubbornness- This is a raised, no justified manifestation of will, which is that a person insists on his inappropriate desire, without taking into account the circumstances. Stubbornness is the manifestation of not the strength, but weakness of will. Taking a decision, a stubborn person denies evidence, does not take into account the interests of others and their actions often cause harm.
    Another important volitional quality of man is his independence. The independence of the will is manifested in the ability to critically refer to actions and actions as their own and other people, not to be negative influences from others. Independence is the result of a high human principle, his moral excerpt.
    Suggestibility- This is the quality opposite to independence. The suggestibility is a person exposure to the influence of other people. The suggestibility of people inherent without persistent beliefs, solid principles. They are uncritically imitated by others, hesitate between opposite glances, without one's own opinion. The first thought heard by the sudden man becomes his thought, but afterwards this thought he easily changes to another.
    An important volitional feature of a person is self-proposal. It manifests itself in the ability to own themselves, lead their behavior and activities. The composure is an important component, the personality trait that we call the courage. Hosted by himself, the man boldly takes for the responsible task, although he knows that it is associated with danger, even threatens his life. The absence of self-control makes a person unbendable, impulsive. People who do not own themselves are easily affected by feelings, often disturb the discipline, they are afraid of difficulties, they are lost and fall into melancholy.
    A peculiar manifestation of man's bravery is conformism. His essence is that a person, although he has his thoughts and beliefs, but in actions and actions obeys the influence, the pressure of the group, without defending its position. The aggregate of the positive qualities of the will, characteristic of the person, determines its will power. Both positive and negative qualities of will are not congenital. They develop in the course of life and activity.

    Chapter II. Development of Will.

    Will, like most other higher mental processes, is formed during the age of age. Thus, the newborn child predominates reflex movements, as well as some instinctive actions. Vololovaya, conscious actions begin to form much later. Moreover, the first desires of the child are characterized by great instability. Desires quickly replace each other and very often wear an indefinite. Only on the fourth year of the life of the desire to acquire more or less sustainable.
    At the same age, children first noted the emergence of the struggle of motives. For example, the children of the two-year-old age after some oscillations can make a choice between several possible actions. However, the choice made depending on the motives of moral order becomes possible for children not earlier than the end of the third year of life. This happens only when the child can already control his behavior. For this, it is necessary, on the one hand, a fairly high level of development, and on the other - some "formation" of moral installations. Both are under shape under the influence of training and education, in the process of constant interaction with adults. The nature of the forming moral installations is largely dependent on the moral settings of the adult, since in the first years of life the child seeks to imitate the actions of adults, and gradually in the process of mental development, it begins to analyze adult acts and make the appropriate conclusions.
    Like all mental processesThe will is not developing in itself, but in connection with the general development of the personality of man. Sometimes you can meet the high level development already at an early age. Moreover, a fairly high level of voltage development is most often observed in children of a creative type, passionate about any activity, for example, in children with artistic or musical deposits, which are able to study their loved ones on their own clock. This is because gradually passionateness in any occupation, accompanied by systematic labor (drawing, modeling, music or sports), contributes to the formation of the volitional characteristics that are manifested in other spheres of vital activity.
    What are the main ways to form the will? First of all, the success of this process depends on parents. Studies show that parents seeking to give a child comprehensive development and at the same time presenting enough high demands to it can expect that the child will not have serious problems with the volitional regulation of activities. Such shortcomings of the welfare behavior of children, like whims and stubbornness observed in early childhood, occur due to mistakes committed by parents in raising the will of the child. If parents in all seek to please the child, they satisfy each of his desire, do not impose a demand that they must be carried out unconditionally, do not teach him to restrain themselves, then, most likely, the child will have a lack of volitional development.
    A prerequisite for the education of a child in the family is the formation of conscious discipline. The development of parents in a child of volitional qualities is a prerequisite for the formation of discipline, which not only helps to understand the need to comply with certain rules of conduct, but also provides him with internal discipline, expressing in the ability to regulate and compare its desires with the terms of real activity.
    An important role in raising volitional qualities is played by the school. The school makes a number of requirements for the child, without the execution of which the school learning itself cannot be carried out normally, but also the formation of a certain level of discipline. For example, a schoolboy should sit at the desk of a certain time, he cannot stand out without the permission of a teacher, talking to his comrades, he must prepare homes given to him lessons, etc. All this requires him a fairly high development of volitional qualities and at the same Time is developing in its necessary will to fulfill these rules. Therefore, the identity of the teacher and the school team are of great importance for the upbringing of will.
    The teacher, who communicates with the child in school, has a direct impact on the formation of certain personal characteristics and, having a bright person, leaves the child an indelible trace. Often it causes a child to imitate the behavior of the teacher in the child, and if the latter has a well-developed volitional qualities, then there is a high probability that the same qualities will be successfully developed in his students.
    A similar picture is observed in relation to the school team. If the activity of the child proceeds in the team, where there is a high-demand atmosphere, then the child may be formed by the corresponding personality characteristics.
    No less important to physical education of the child, as well as familiarizing it with artistic values. Moreover, the formation of volitional characteristics does not stop at an older age when a young man proceeds to self-employed work, during which volitional qualities achieve the highest development. Thus, the whole process of education of the child determines the success of the formation of soliving qualities of the person. Therefore, it is not by chance that the will is very often considered as one of the central and most informative characteristics of the person.

    2.1. The conditions for the development of will in humans.

    The development of will in humans is associated with such actions as:
    1) transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary;
    2) the acquisition by man control over his behavior;
    3) the development of volitional qualities of the personality;
    4) And also with the fact that a person consciously puts more difficult tasks and has increasingly distant goals that require significant volitional efforts for a long time.
    The development of volitional regulation of behavior in humans is carried out in several directions. On the one hand, this is the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary, on the other - the acquisition of a person "control over their behavior, with the third - development of volitional qualities of personality. All these processes ontogenetically begin with the moment of life when the child takes on a speech and learns to use it as An effective means of mental and behavioral self-regulation.
    Inside each of these directions of development of will, as its strengthening, specific transformations occur, gradually raising the process and mechanisms of volitional regulation on more high levels. For example, inside the cognitive processes of the will initially performs in the form of external speech regulation and only then - in terms of the intracean process. In the behavioral aspect, the volitional administration initially concerns arbitrary movements of individual parts of the body, and subsequently - planning and management of complex movements complexes, including braking of some and the activation of other muscle complexes. In the field of the formation of volitional qualities of the personality, the development of the will can be represented as a movement from primary to secondary and further to tertiary volitional qualities.
    Another direction in the development of the will is manifested in the fact that a person consciously puts themselves increasingly difficult tasks and has all the more distant goals requiring applications of significant volitional efforts for quite a long time. For example, a schoolboy still in adolescence can put in front of him the task of developing such abilities to the formation of which he has no pronounced natural deposits. At the same time, he can put a goal in the future complex and prestigious activity, for the successful implementation of which this kind of ability is necessary. There are a lot of life examples of how people who have become famous scientists, artists, writers, sought their goals, not possessing good maps, mainly due to increased performance and will.
    The development of will in children is closely correlated with the enrichment of their motivational and moral sphere. The inclusion in the regulation of higher motives and values, an increase in their status in the general hierarchy of incentives, managers, the ability to allocate and evaluate the moral side of the actions performed - all of these important points in raising will in children. The motivation of the act, into which the volitional regulation turns on, becomes conscious, and the act of arbitrary itself. Such an action is always performed on the basis of an arbitrary built hierarchy of motifs, where the upper step is occupied by a high-moral motivation, which gives moral satisfaction to a person in case of success. A good example of such activities can serve as an extensive activity associated with higher moral values \u200b\u200bcommitted on a voluntary basis and aimed at the benefit of people.
    Improving the volitional regulation of behavior in children is associated with their common intellectual development, with the advent of motivational and personal reflection. Therefore, it is almost impossible to bring up the will of the child in a child from its overall psychological development. Otherwise, instead of will and perseverance, their antipodes may occur and consuming their antipodes: stubbornness and rigidity may also encourage positive and valuable personal qualities.
    A special role in the development of wills in children in all listed areas performs games, and each type of game activity makes its own, specific contribution to the improvement of the volitional process. Constructive objects that appear the first in the age development of the child contribute to the accelerated formation of arbitrary regulation of actions. Scene-role games lead to the consolidation of the child the necessary volitional qualities of the person. Collective games with rules In addition to this task, one more thing is solved: strengthening the self-regulation of actions. The doctrine that appears in recent years of preschool childhood and turning into leading activities in the school, the greatest contribution contributes to the development of an arbitrary self-regulation of cognitive processes.

    2.2. Village qualities of personality

    In accordance with the complexity of volitional activity, various volitional qualities of the person are also complex and diverse. Among the most important of these qualities, it is possible, firstly, to allocate initiative. It is often said that the "first step is difficult." The ability is good and easy to take up the case on your own aspiration, without waiting for stimulation from the outside, is a valuable property of the will. A significant role in initiative plays a well-known intensity and brightness of motivation; Intelligent data are also important. The abundance and brightness of new ideas and plans, the wealth of imagination, drawing emotionally attractive pictures of those prospects that the new initiative can open, connected with the intensity of the motivation and the activity of aspirations, make some people the "ideas generator" in the environment in which they fall. New beginnings and new impulses for other people are constantly based on them.
    The line is the opposite of them are inert nature. Since holding a case, inert people are also capable of continuing him sometimes without perseverance, but they are always particularly difficult for them to start something and without stimulation of themselves, on their own initiative to do something.

    \u003e\u003e Will, emotions, attention

    § 57. Will, emotions, attention

    1. What stages are the volitional act?
    2. Why do emotional reactions are the same for all people?
    3. How do people experience emotional states: mood, affect, stress, depression? What is emotional relations?
    4. What properties does attention possesses?
    5. How to make yourself be attentive?

    Volitional action.

    Under the will usually understand conscious self-regulation behavior A person who provides overcoming difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The volitional action performs two functions: a motivating, causing to fight obstacles, overcome them, and brake, capable of keeping herself from unwanted actions.

    Man or animal activities are encouraged by needs. Often it happens that at the same time a person is experiencing several different desires.

    The first stage of the volitional act begins with the choice of purpose. Often there are a momentary desire, supported by a pleasant perspective, and the case that needs to be done, but which does not give any pleasure.

    The right choice is not all and not always given easily. It is the result of the struggle of motives (motivation).

    The next stage of the volitional activity is the choice of funds to achieve the goal. Human Thinking out different variants Actions and stops on the one seems to him the best. And the choice of the target, and the choice of a method for its achievements is a thought process in which the results of the action, both the final and intermediates are considered. Usually it happens earlier than the performance itself. And when it begins to be implemented, a person continuously checks the results obtained with his own intention. Depending on the coincidence or mismatch of intermediate and finite results with what is conceived, a person stops his work Or rebuilds it.

    Thus, the processes of volitional action are largely the result of mental actions that predetermine muscle activities and control it.

    Constability and negativism.

    The volitional man weighs the proposal. He agrees if it corresponds to his intentions, or rejects if it does not fit for it. The volitional person never acts automatically.

    People who do not differ independentity come differently. They are either passively followed by the leader, or in line by him. In the first case, we can talk about the suggestibility, in the second about negativism. Both are a sign of insufficiently developed will.

    And in the first and in the second case, the choice of purpose and the choice of a method of action is absent. Actions are imposed on the part, they are not comprehended, impulsive and differ only on the sign.


    In the brain there are centers, the initiation of which leads to pleasure or to suffering. Thanks to the work of these centers, people and animals estimate the resulting information From the point of view of its importance for its body: does it predetermine the benefit or harm? For example, joy and pleasure from well-done business are fixed in memory and stimulate their use in the future.

    Emotional reactions.

    Plach, laughter, manifestation of pleasure, fear, sadness and other feelings in all people are similar. These are emotional reactions that are inherent in all people, because they have an unconditional reflex nature. Emotional reactions do not always correspond to the emotion sign. You can cry from grief, but there may be tears of joy.

    Emotional states.

    From emotional reactions to be distinguished by emotional states. People can have a good or bad mood. They can experience joy or sadness, encountered with one or another event in everyday life or at work, reading a book by browsing a film or theatrical production, listening to music or watching a sports contest.

    Sometimes a person can be in a state of a stormy emotional outbreak and losing the volitional control over himself - this is the condition of affect. It was in such a state that the king Ivan Grozny killed his son.

    The glazed eyes of the king, shown in the picture of Ilya Efimovich Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan," seem insane and unreleased.

    Affect usually lasts long. When it ends, a person is experiencing a bitter regret about the soda. The condition of the affect can manifest itself in panic escape, an attack of aggression, in a stupor, close to fainting. Consciousness at this time loses clarity and focused only on the action performed, and not on its consequences. At the moment of affect, the main properties of the dominant (see § 53), and any additional impact may result in strengthening this state.


    In any work there may be situations when it is necessary to spend much more forces than usual. Getting a new, difficult task often makes us go to a higher working rhythm. This leads to the voltage of the body's forces. Such tension Canadian scientist Hans Selre called stress.

    Emotional experiences are developing before work and are associated with the assessment of the task and the necessary efforts to solve it. It is usually a state of anxiety in combination with the experiences of uncertainty in the successful solution of the problem.

    When a person is included in the work, the alarm state passes. If the work is successful, the experience of confidence increases, reaching sometimes to the degree of excitement. Usually during this period, the work is most effective. However, if it has to do too long, fatigue comes, which is accompanied by a deterioration of well-being. Long overvoltage can lead to neurosis, hypertension and other diseases.

    Emotional relationship.

    Along with emotional reactions and states there are emotional relations. They are usually called feelings. Emotional relations are always directed to a certain person, an object or process. Love, friendship, enmity, jealousy, envy - all these examples of emotional relations. Usually they combine various emotions: for example, loving her child, parents and rejoice in his success, and are upset of his failures, and they blame him for the wrong deeds, and approve of his good behavior.

    Feelings are not always constant. They appear, reach their apogee, and then can weaken or fuse at all. It depends on the circumstances and the human temperament. One people feel more resistant and deep, others are quickly replaced.


    The direction and concentration of consciousness on one or another type of activity, the object or event is called attention.

    The focus may not only be external events, but also internal experiences: memories, reflections, thinking about certain actions, ways to solve problems that have arisen.

    With very intense attention, even the appearance of a person changes. He has an adaptive movement: he listens, peers, trying to get the most necessary information for him.

    The physiological basis of attention.

    The most elementary form of attention is indicative reflex. It turns on every time the mismatch between what was expected, and what happened in reality. The unexpectedly, the new stimulus will be brighter and significantly, the more chances of being in the center of our attention.

    Emotionally significant things and events stronger attract attention than uninteresting and monotonous.
    Involuntary and random attention. In addition to the will of a person arises involuntary attention. Any external stimulus, if it is new and causes an indicative reflex, becomes the cause of involuntary attention. The same happens when perceiving an interesting or emotionally significant event. We can long, without distracting and not making them effort, read interesting Romanwatching a movie or play.

    Arbitrary attention is manifested in the exercise of a person's conscious intentions and requires it an application of volitional efforts. A person needs to make himself perform uninteresting, but the necessary work. The frontal bark departments of the Big Brain take part in the processes of arbitrary attention. They control the activating brain systems so that activation is sent to the desired place and at the corresponding point in time.

    The main properties of attention.

    Caution can be stable and fluctuating. If you look at a fixed item without any purpose, after a few seconds we will distract from it, because the absence of change leads to the braking of perceive parts of the brain. Stability of attention in moving, changing objects is much higher. Increases stability of attention and active work with the subject, even stationary, when a person considers it according to a certain program, directing his attention first on some details, then to others.


    Inattention person is called scattered. It can occur for two reasons. First, due to the weakness of arbitrary attention. Any external event causes involuntary attention and distracts from the main activity. Secondly, the scattering can be caused overly concentrated attention when it all is aimed at solving the main task, and any extraneous events are simply not coming. The reason for this lack in a weak ability to distribute and switch attention.


    To be attentive, you should first know the shortcomings of your attention. If the diffraction is caused by the weakness of arbitrary attention, then it is necessary to train it. To do this, choose exercises that require long-term voltage of attention, such as choosing a path in a maze, tracking line among others that mask it.

    To generate a skill to switch your attention, you can recommend the search for scattered numbers, where you have to go to the next figure. But the main thing in raising attention - the ability to actively work with the object, to set a number of tasks and consistently achieve their solutions.

    Volifle action: Wrestling motives, choice of goal, method of action, action itself, evaluation of results; suggestibility, negativism; Emotional reactions, emotional states: affect, stress; emotional relations; Attention: involuntary and arbitrary, sustainable and oscillating, scattered.

    1. What is volitional action?
    2. Give examples of situations when the will performs a motivating function, and when - brake.
    3. What value do the suggestibility and negativism?
    4. Tell me what significance in human life have emotions.
    5. Give examples of affects and those properties of the dominants with which they possess.
    6. What is stress?
    7. What is attention?
    8. Why are approximate reflexes associate with attention?
    9. What are the physiological basis of attention?

    1. Describe the main types of attention.

    2. Hero of the Gogol Tale of "Shinel" Akaki Akakievich was in love with his work, that even at leisure saw smooth lines and favorite letters. He was distinguished by great scattered. Explain what is the reason for its reason.

    Laboratory work

    Measuring the number of vibrations of a truncated pyramid (Figure 119) in various conditions

    Equipment: Stopwatch or clock with a second arrow.

    Preliminary explanations.
    Try to imagine a truncated pyramid (Fig. 119), facing the truncated end to you and from you. When both images are formed, they will replace each other: the pyramid will seem to be addressed to you, then from you. Each time you change the image, you must enter the notebook, without looking into it. To pull the eyes from the picture is impossible! In terms of the number of oscillations of these images, you can judge the stability of attention. Usually measure the number of attention oscillations per minute. To save time, you can measure the number of oscillations for 30 C and the result to double. Before holding experience, prepare the table

    I. Determination of the sustainability of involuntary attention. Look at the drawing, without breaking away from it for 30 s. Each time you change the image, make a barcode in the notebook. The number of vibrations of attention for 30 with double. Both values \u200b\u200bbring to the appropriate table graphs.

    II. Holding an arbitrary attention. Repeat the experience, observing the same methodology of the holding, but try as long as possible to hold the image that has developed. If he still has changed, it is necessary to hold a new image as long as possible. Calculate the number of oscillations. Results bring to the protocol.

    III. Determination of sustainability active work With an object. Imagine that the drawing depicts the room. Little square - its back wall. Think how to arrange furniture: sofa, bed, TV, receiver, etc. Perform this work for the same 30 s. Do not forget to make a touch when you change the image, and come back to the original image every time and continue to "furnish" the room. "Out" the furniture should be mentally, without breaking away from the drawing. Receive the results to the table in the corresponding graphs.

    The discussion of the results. Usually the largest number of attention fluctuations is observed at arbitrary attention.

    When arbitrary attention with the installation, the number of attention is reduced by the emergency image, but the execution of this instruction requires great effort, because the picture and the installation remain the same. Therefore, a person has to continuously deal with focusing. In the third case, many test vibrations have practically not manifested, although the image of the pyramid remains the same. This is the result of the fact that each subsequent search creates a new situation, causes the mismatch between what is done, with what is to be done. This maintains stability of attention.

    The subject of the lesson: "Will, emotions, attention."

    Purpose: Get acquainted with the definitions of "Will", "Emotions", "Attention".


    A) educational:

    1) determine the volitional processes, analyze the volitional act, clarify the causes of negativism and suggestibility;

    2) to give the concept of appraisal activities;

    3) show the value of emotions, the difference between the concepts of "emotional reaction", "emotional state", "emotional relationship";

    4) disclose the physiological basis of arbitrary and involuntary attention, its main properties;

    5) show how to support attention with the least effort;

    6) Suspend advice with appropriate laboratory work.

    B) Educational:

    1) continue formationscientific worldview;

    2) educate collective labor skills, purposefulness.

    C) developing:

    1) Continue the development of cognitive interest in learning biology;

    2) develop the ability to generalize, analyze;

    3) develop training skills;

    4) develop curiosity.

    Equipment: tables depicting a brain, unconditional braking schemes of salivaeotivative reflex; Clock with a second arrow.

    Type of lesson - combined.

    Methods - Vite-Visual-practical


    1. Organizational moment (1 minute)
    2. Repetition of the material studied (6 minutes)
    3. Study of the new material (25 minutes)
    4. Fastening the knowledge gained (3 minutes)
    5. Homework (1 minute)

    Teacher's activities

    Activities of students

    Organizing time

    Hello guys sit down. Who is absent today? Sorry, they will miss so much interesting.

    Repetition of the studied material

    Guys, let's remember that we studied in the previous lesson. What needs in our body basic, and what secondary?

    Basic - sleep, food, water, communication.

    Secondary - needs in subjects of use created by man in the process of his work activity

    Right. And what types of cognitive activity have we studied at the last lesson?

    Perception, feeling, memory, thinking, mind.

    Studying a new material

    Today in the lesson we will continue to study cognitive processes, and learn what will, volitional acts, emotions and attention. And so, the topic of our lesson "Will, emotions, attention".

    What is the will? Will is a conscious self-regulation of human behavior, providing overcoming difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. Will action performs 2 functions: motivating and brake. What do you think these features are?

    Increased - encourages to fight an obstacle, overcome it, and the braking is the ability to keep themselves from unwanted actions.

    What causes the will?


    Right. The volitional act consists of several stages. The first is the choice of the target, the second - the choice of funds to achieve the goal. Both of these stages are the result of human mental activity, in the process of which a person thinks at once and the final version. Due to this, the processes of volitional action preceded muscle activity and controls it. And who is such a volitional man?

    This is the one who always thinks well their actions, do not go for anyone, independently make decisions.

    Right. But there are also weak people. Most often, they are either passively followed by the leader, or they act in advance. In the first case, we are talking about suggestions, in the second - about negativism. Let's look at their distinctive features. To do this, I suggest you fill in the table "Comparison of a volitional act with suggestibility and negativism."

    Normal Volve Akt.

    Conscious choice of goal

    Conscious choice of ways of activity

    Animed action, assessment of planned results and their subsequent correction, if necessary.


    There is no choice

    The choice of a method of activity is absent

    Action is imposed on the part


    There is no choice

    There is no choice of ways

    The action opposite to what is imposed on the part

    We looked at what will will be. And what is the emotion and where do they come from? In the brain there are centers responsible for the manifestation of pleasure or suffering. All this is expressed in the form of emotions. What emotions do you know?

    Crying, laughter, fear, joy.

    Right. Only this is not the emotions themselves, these are emotional reactions. They are inherent in all people, as they are of unconditional reflex nature. Emotional reactions do not always correspond to emotions. What bright example can be given to this?

    You can cry from grief, and from joy.

    Right. From emotional reactions it is necessary to distinguish the emotional state of a person. What do you think it can be expressed?

    In a mood. It may be bad and good.

    And what emotional states are familiar to you?

    Affect, stress.

    Let's look at what it is. Affect is a condition of a turbulent emotional outbreak, during which a person completely loses his volitional control. Usually he lasts long and after his end, a person regrets what he did. Stress is an overvoltage of the body forces, which if it continues for a long time can lead to neurosis, hypertension and other diseases.

    But also, along with emotional states there are emotional relations. They are always directed to one object, face or process. What examples can you give?

    Love, friendship, jealousy, envy.

    Feelings are not always constant. They can appear, develop to any certain moment and weaken, or fade at all. It depends on the circumstances and temperament of a person.

    Attention is the direction and concentration of consciousness on a particular object. The most elementary form of attention is the estimated reflex. There is also arbitrary and involuntary attention. Caution can be stable and fluctuating. And what is scattering?



    Paragraph 57, questions after paragraph