Babaitseva Russian language 10. V

Russian language 10-11 class

Tutorial (in-depth)


Those children who study this discipline on a more in-depth program will undoubtedly know it better. However, they have a lot more problems, not to mention that d / s take a lot of time. It is quite natural that schoolchildren want to deal with something other in addition to study, but most often they simply do not work. Reshebnik to the textbook "Russian language 10-11 class" Babayitseva It will help the guys better distribute your duties, to delve into all aspects of the subject and quickly, as well as competently cope with the errors.

What come into the collection.

The manual has six hundred and seventy-one exercise, as well as tasks for repetition that cover all sections of this subject. GDZ in Russian language 10-11 class Babaitseva is aimed at a deeper study of discipline, so all numbers refer to the category of more complex. Detailed answers will help students understand difficult moments.

Is it worth using them.

School program varies depending on the direction educational institution. Therefore, if in one school, the guys ask relatively simple tasks, In others, they have a very difficult and intense time. The higher the complexity of the material, the more responsibility falls on the shoulders of students. But since teachers only superficially illuminate a new topics, sometimes it is very difficult for them to understand all conflicts d / s. Some children prefer to simply write off the workpiece from classmates or found on the Internet, which is in principle incorrect, since such an action does not carry a special benefit. But here is a thorough job of tasks by reshebnik to the textbook "Russian language 10-11 class" Babayitseva It will help not only to delve into all the nuances of the subject, but also to free more free time. "Drop", 2017

Tutorial V. V. Babaytseva "Russian. 10-11 class "Designed for schools with in-depth study of the Russian language. Despite the fact that it is not included in the list of books approved by the Ministry of Education, it is often used by teachers of Russian-speaking schools. The textbook includes all the information necessary to meet the requirements of the State Standard.

The textbook has two parts. The first part is theoretical, it contains all the rules, tables and schemes that students studied in 5-9 classes. It allows you to systematize the entire material passed, repeat and explore it more in-depth. In the second part there are exercises that will enable the knowledge gained, check how well they are learned. If necessary, you can always return to the theoretical part and re-read the desired topic.

A feature of this textbook is that in it a lot of attention is paid to the development of speech, the ability to formulate and clearly express their thoughts. Also, the allowance will help learn how to analyze the text, write writings, which is useful not only in the lessons, but also when passing the exam. The textbook brings up love and reverent attitude to the language, literary creativity. It will fit well both to prepare for lessons and for self-study.

On our site you can download the book "Russian. 10-11 class" Babayitseva Vera Vasilyevna for free and without registration in FB2, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

Purpose: Reveal the concept of "synonymous richness of the Russian language."


    deepen knowledge of students about synonyms;

    identify the role of synonyms in the text, their expressive and visual function;

    consider how the synonymous richness of the Russian language of the artistic word is used.

Used tutorial: Babayitseva V.V. Russian language: Quality Collection: 10-11 Classes: A manual for schools and classes with a depth. Learning Russian language to the textbook V.V. Babaytseva "Russian. Theory. 5-11 classes. " - 2nd ed. stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2000.

Methodical justification. The topic "Synonyms" is familiar with students, they studied it in the section "Lexicology" in the 5th grade:

    definition: synonyms (gr. Synonymos - the same name) - words, various sounds, but the same or close to lexical meaning;

    the concept of "synonymous series";

    the role of synonyms in speech (make our speech more accurate, diverse, expressive);

    the role of synonyms in the text (help to bind parts of the text, allow you to avoid unjustified repeats of the same word);

    contextual (text);

    lexical and syntactic synonyms (sea wind - wind from the sea - syntactic synonyms; speak - to express - lexical synonyms);

    synonyms: commonly used, neutral in stylistic terms and stylistic painted, emotional, estimated.

In the lessons of literature and rhetoric, the children learned such stylistic figures of speech, as gradation, amplification, antithesis; Such trails like epithets (including color), periphrase.

All these knowledge will be needed at this lesson.

At the lesson, students learn about the division of synonyms for the following groups:






Also ten-graders will be given brief information On morphological and syntactic synonyms.

Analyzing the texts of the Word Masters, students systematize the knowledge of the expressive and visual function of synonyms, which will allow them to independently select the texts where the use of synonymous wealth of word masters is evident.

Children should not just extract information, but the main thing is to make a connected, convincing, bright response to the topic "Synonymous richness of the Russian language". Such lessons help children competently analyze texts, make their own.


I. Intelligent workout.

4th is superfluous. Justify your answer.

Song, temporary, morning, deciduous.

Answer: Excessive Word "morning" (from the point of view of the morofemics), because It has a morpheme composition: C U Y, the rest: C u u y

In the spring, in the morning, step.

what value distinguishes these words from each other?

Answer: lexical.

what does this words unite?

    grammatical: all words - adverbs;

    have the same morpheme composition: C ^ What part of speech is the etymological connection?

Answer: With noun: early spring, sunny morning, free step.

Teacher's addition: The transition of speech parts into a discharge of an adverb is called adverbialization (writing words and values \u200b\u200bto an individual dictionary that each student leads).

Methodical explanation: Intelligent games help in preparing children to the Olympiads, learn competently, from a scientific point of view to justify your answer.

Individual task (At that moment, when the intelligent warm-up is going, one student works at the board, after executing the task it is included in the work of the class).

Treatment analysis:

Bezver Faith (subfixtary-suffix).

Transcription: [B? and ei? ER? th? b]

At the end of the intellectual workout, an individual work check.

Question: What happened at the end of the word?

Answer: reduction.

Task: Let the explanation of this term.

Answer: Weakening of the articulation of sound and change its sound.

II. Check your homework.

Homes students had to:

get acquainted with the writing and lexical meaning of the following words: abbreviation, articulation, affix, prefix, reduction (using the dictionary linguistic terms);

selective Text Analysis: Task 241 (V.V. Babayitseva. Russian language. Collection of tasks. 10-11 classes):

    expressive reading;

    topic, type of speech (with proof), speech style (without proof);

    find suggestions with comparison, determine the type of comparative design (appropriate offer or circumstance);

    write synonyms denoting the red color, clarify the value of each color (using an intelligent dictionary);

    name other synonyms (the brightest), identify their meaning.

The first task will allow children to repeat terms (the topic of the previous lesson), their characteristic feature and, therefore, the difference between the synonyms.

The second task is directly related to the lesson.

Under the dictation of the teacher, children write words, pronounce in syllables and give a lexical interpretation.

Abbreviation (from Lat. Redfish) - a way to form words from other words or phrases;

Articulation(Japping to ignite) - work of speech bodies aimed at production of sounds;

Affix- service morpheme, the common name of all morpheme, except for the root;

Prefix (Attached ahead) - Prefix;

Reduction (See above).

Question: What unites all these words?

Answer: These are the terms - vocabulary, limited.

Question: What is the characteristic feature of terms?

Answer: Unambiguity.

Task 241. (Text I represent completely: an excerpt from the essay of M. Gorky "fires").

And at night, the forest accepted indescribably terrible, fabulous look: the blue wall grew up above, and in her depth, between the black trunks, madly noticed, jumped the red shaggy animals. They fell to the ground to the roots and, hugging trunks, the dexterous monkeys climbed up, fought with each other, breaking the bruises, whistles, whiskers, ridiculously, and the forest crunched, exactly thousands of dogs gnawed.

The figures of fire between the black trunks flowed endlessly diverse, and was the tirelessness of the dance of these figures. That's clumsy bouncing, knitting, rolls out on the edge of the forest of a big redhead bear and, losing the shreds of fiery wool, climbs, accurately behind honey, on the trunk up, and reaching the crown, hugs the branches of her shaggy hug of the crimson paws, swinging on them gold sparks; Here the beast easily moved to the next tree, and where it was, on black, the bare branches were lit in the many blue candles, purple mice are fleeing, and with bright movement they can be clearly visible, how intuitively the blue haze and as the bore of the trunk Creep, up and down, hundreds of fiery ants.

Sometimes the fire crawled from the forest slowly, stealing, exactly the cat on the bird hunt, and suddenly, raising the sharp face, looked around - what to grab? Or suddenly he was sparkling, fiery bear-buntie and plenty of earth on the belly, widely spreading their paws, raking grass in a red huge mouth.

A crowd of little men flee from the forest in the yellow caps, and away, in the smoke, behind them, someone was high, like a mast pine, smoky, dark, walked, waving red chorugwy, and whistle. Jumps like a hare rush somewhere out of the forest red com, all in fiery needles, like a hedgehog, and behind him waving a smoky tail. And in all the trunks on the edge of the forest, fiery worms are crawling, gold ants, fly, dazzlingly sparkling, red beetles.

Tasks on the text:

Read the text expressively.

Determine the text of the text.

Answer: Night fire in the forest.

Determine the type of speech, prove.

Answer: 1) The text refers to signs of a night fire in the forest. 2) All text you can put a question: what is around? 3) Text can be photographed in one frame.

Consequently, the type of speech is a description of the state of the medium. The language of the text corresponds to this type of speech: Frequent use of adjectives, widespread use of expressive-visual means of language: Metaphor ("Shaggy Beasts", "Fire Fights", "Red Bear", "hugs the branches ... Shaggy hug of the bugs", "shrimp The rain of gold sparks "," Beast "," Blue Candles were lit "," Purple mice "run", "hundreds of fiery ants", "Flame Bear - Ovsenik", "The crowd of small men in the yellow caps" and others - we are talking On fire), epithets, comparisons (about this later), etc.

The verbs in this specification are in the form of nonsense. The views of the present and past time, the forms of verbar time denote not a consistent change of parts, parts, and their location on the same plane.

Determine the style of text (without proof).

Answer: Artistic style.

Find offers from comparison. Determine the type of comparative design: Pressure offer or circumstance?

Answer: Puttinglements:

And the forest crunched, exactly thousands of dogs gnawed bones. (Comparison: Forest during a fire, image of comparison: thousands of dogs; a sign of similarity: crunch of the forest during a fire - dogs gnaw). Next, it is possible without explanation.

Sometimes the fire crawled from the forest slowly, stealing, exactly the cat on the bird hunting ... (Pressing Offer - Incomplete Proposal: Pass the fag "crawled")

Circumstances (selectively):

Lovely monkeys climbed up ... (comparison in shape certificate case)

There was someone high like a mast pine ...

Jumps like a hare, rushing somewhere from the forest red com, all in fiery needle, like a hedgehog ... etc.

III. Theme lesson.

On the board the topic "Synonymous richness of the Russian language".

We continue the conversation, relying on students' knowledge, home text and additional information about synonyms available on printed sheets obtained by each students. All distribution material issued to children for use when writing a response to a ticket question.

Teacher: Working on the text, you had to perform, apart from previous ones, more tasks: Repeat information about synonyms, found in the text synonyms denoting red, determine how these synonyms differ in value, what is their role.

Give the definition of synonyms.

Answer: Synonyms - words, various sounds, but the same or similar to lexical significance (red, crimson).

The reduction material has the following information:

1st card . The composition of the synonyms of the Russian language is already being studied for more than 200 years. The first synonymic dictionary was released in 1783, the author - D. I. Fonvizin. Modern science achieved great success in the study and description of lexical synonymy.

Synonyms Dictionaries:

    "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" edited by L.A. Czech. The author Z.E. Alexandrova (1968, 1986).

    "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" edited by A. P. Evgenaya (1970) (2 volumes).

    "Synonym dictionary. Reference Manual "Edited by A. P. Evgenaya (1975).

(Explanation: The first information is the teacher to children, the material remains from them. In addition to handouts, children remain the records made by them on their own in the course of the lesson necessary for writing a ticket).

2nd card .

I. Groups lexical synonyms:

    absolute (linguistics - linguistics);

    ideographic (distinguished with shades of value: timid, fearful, cowardly, non-red);

    contextual (text) (proud, brave view);

    single (synonymous - synonymic);

    stylistic (face - face).

In the course of dating with the second card, which also remains among students, I propose the following tasks to children:

Choose synonyms for words (words on the board)










Question: What group of synonyms include these words? (absolute)

What role is synonyms play in this case? (give the lexical interpretation of words).

3rd card .

Morphological synonyms: (formed when interacting with spoken and book styles of speech)

spoken forms of nouns with zero ending in the parental case of a plural displacing forms forms:

shootless - without a chase

one hundred grams - one hundred gramy

books (a cup of tea, a lot of people) crowded spoken forms (a cup of tea, a lot of people)

full forms of adjective in the function of the facility are displaced by brief: the book is interesting - the book is interesting.

But there are cases when complete and brief form do not form synonymic pairs:

a) you, Masha, evil. (Full form softens the rating)

Child so


live (mobile)

simple form comparative degree adjective admissible in all speech styles, and complex form peculiar in the main book (scientific and business) speech; (bold - more bold), a simple form of excellent degree is estimated as a book, and the complex is more neutral (the highest - above all)

Syntactic synonyms

in phrase: blueberry jam - blueberry jam;

in a simple sentence:


single maintenance (b / l)

Smell like lilac.

Smell like lilac.

You will not rest all.

Do not redo all.

Who does not know Pushkin?! - Everyone knows Pushkin.

in a complex sentence:

Hurricane wind blows - it is impossible to get out.

It is impossible to go out: hurricane wind blows.

Hurricane wind blows, and it is impossible to get out.

It is impossible to go out, because hurricane wind blows.

Blowing hurricane wind, so it is impossible to get out.

Synonyms - simple and complex offers:

The experienced was not in vain. - What I survived, has not passed for nothing.

Synonyms - involved, particle inclusive turns and pressing proposals:

After conducting comrades, a long time stood silently. - When Tonya spent his comrades, she stood silently for a long time.

Synonyms that differ in ways to transfer someone else's speech:

Alyosha said he was sick.

Alyosha said: "I'm sick."

Explanation: This material in the lesson is very briefly reported; Grade 10 students are able to independently assimilate this information at home.

Apply home text.

The task: Name synonyms denoting red.

    red animals

    red Bear

    fire wool

    bagric paws

    fire ants

    flame Bear - Bunny (bear, exterminating oats in the fields)

    purple mice

    red Palace

    red Horugwy (Khorugwe - Military Banner)

    red Room

    fiery needles

    fire Worms

    red beetles

    "Red" - 5 times

    "Fire" - 4 times.

The task : Specify the value of each color.

    redhead - red-yellow;

    fire - color of fire, red (sparkling);

    crimson - red thick, dark shade;

    flame - color of fire (hue of the hill, this is a color epithet)

[The task: Give an example so that the word "flame" has become a metaphorical epithet.
Answer: Flame love (strong, passionate, hot,

    purple - dark or bright red (single synonym - purple).

Question: Synonyms form nests or rows. What word from this synonymous series will be reference?

Answer: Red. No wonder it repeats 5 times. The word "fiery" is also repeated 5 times, as a picture of a fire is described. Therefore, the repeat in the text is fully justified.

Question: What function do these synonyms do?

Answer: are color epithets; Together with nouns form metaphors: "Red Beasts", "Red Bear", etc.

Synonyms-adjectives help create a bright, poetic image of a fire. In addition, the shades of red allow you to more accurately draw the subject, avoid unjustified repeats.

The injection in the text of synonymous trails creates such a stylistic figure as amplification.

Question: Name the brightest, in your opinion, synonyms. Determine their role.

They (shaggy beasts) ... whistles, buzzed, rude ...

Whistle - make a whistle (sharp high sound).

To buzz - to publish a long, monophonic sound.

Swear - publish a loud, low and rippled sound.

Synonyms transmit sounds that are heard in the night forest during a fire.

Sometimes the fire crawled out of the forest slowly, stealing (furtively, quiet, hidden) - the reception of graduation - the location of a number of words in the order of increasing (descending) of their semantic and emotional significance (in this case of increments)

There was someone high ... Smoky, dark ... (gradation)

On black, bare branches (contextual synonyms), etc.

Teacher: We continue to consider how the word masters use synonyms in their works.

The distribution material (texts are typed for each student, they can use them when drawing up a response to the "synonymic richness of the Russian language").

The letters were not and was not, he is now did not live, but only day day existed In the incessant waiting. (I. A. Bunin. Mitina Love.)

Mouth and lubs - The essence of them is not alone.
AND oph. - not at all glotes!
One is available depth,
Another - deep plates.
A. Markov.

Task: Find synonyms in the first and second texts. What stylistic figure is built on synonyms?

Answer: 1) did not live - but existed;

mouth - lips; Othmy - glades.

Stylistic figure - antithesis (co - or contrasting contrasting concepts, positions, images).

Teacher: Synonyms can oppose the text and compare if the author wants to pay attention to those who are distinguished by these close words different. To learn how to use the synonymic wealth of the Russian language, it is necessary to remember that it is important not so much that it combines synonyms, how much is that they disconnect.

Turn to the task of 245 textbooks.

D. I. Fonvizin left us the "Experience of the Russian Distributor", in which he gives samples of the subtlest interpretation of differences between synonyms. So, he writes about the words "timid" and "cowardly": "Roby runs back, cowardly nearers ahead; Roby does not protect, cowardly does not attack. It is impossible to hope for the resistance of a timid, nor for the help of a cowardish. "

Question: What feelings do you have a timid man and cowardly?

Answer: Robust causes a feeling of pity, cowardly - contempt.

Task 246.

Insert the word from the brackets instead of points. Motivate your choice.

It was also heard (sad, sad) singing of children's votes, this from the street was a funeral procession (A. N. Tolstoy).

That's the old woman - then my with (sad, sad) I remember now! (F. Dostoevsky).

Answer: In the first sentence: "Sad singing", in the second: "with a sad feeling." The word "sadness" causes a sense of regret.

Teacher: For Writers, the use of synonyms - one of the complex problems - "flour words": It is necessary to find the only, exact word.

Task: Choose, in your opinion, the most accurate word, explain the missed orthogram and arrange the punctuation marks, graphically explain. What product was taken by a proposal, about whom?

Everyone has a card with a proposal on the desk.

His (dirty, blurry ... s) The gloves seemed to be detachable by his (small, small) aristocratic hand and when he took one glove, then I was surprised by the huge of it (pale, white, bloodlessly) fingers.

Answer: Roman "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov, Tale "Maxim Maximach". Portrait of Pechorina (through Maxim's perception).

His perbucket nN.the gloves seemed to be detachable in his little aristocratic hand, and when he took off one glove, then I was surprised by the worship of his pale fingers.

An explanation of the choice of words: Pechorin - Aristocrat is always accurate, so the word "dirty" is inappropriate; The word "blurred" denotes a temporary feature (the circumstances of life).

Aristocratic hand - small (shade of refinement, refinement).

Fingers paleSince they simply did not touch the sun, but they are also weak ("Surprised Help").

a complex syntactic integer consists of two parts connected by writing bond. I. and I Part is a simple sentence, II and I - Complexed with pressing time.

Teacher: The word produces aesthetic impression when artistic speech corresponds to the ideological orientation of the work, contributes to the phrase phrase.

Task: Card with text.

So they are so impossible
So magnificent, so smart
So piety is full
So careful, so accurate
So impregnable for men
That the kind of them really gives spleen (blues).

Answer: A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Task: Disposition Synonymous words and phrases. What does this selection of synonyms reflect?

    immaculate - piety is full;

    great - impregnable;

    small - caution.

This selection of synonyms reflects the consistent movement of the thought of the poet when creating the image of a reference secular lady.

Task: Card.

During the session, it is difficult to students who have a lot of passes and skills, gaps and flaws.

Task: Find synonyms. Is it appropriate here for their use?

Answer: Skip - absenteeism; Spaces - flaws.

In this case, the inept use of synonyms generates speech redundancy. It is easier to say: during the session it is difficult to students who missed classes and have not learned those or other sections of the program.

Teacher: The use of several synonyms in a row is only an aesthetically justified when each new synonym specifies, enriches the value of the previous or introduce other shades of expressive color.

For example, V. G. Belinsky about verses A. S. Pushkin:

"All acoustic wealth, the whole strength of the Russian language appeared in it in an amazing completeness; It is gentle, sweet and soft, like a wave ropot, tight and thick, like a resin, a born, like zipper, is transparent and clean, like a crystal, soul and fragrant, like spring, strong and mighty, like a sword's hand in the hand of the hero. "

IV. The outcome of the lesson.

Question: What is the role of synonyms in speech?

    With the help of the selection of synonyms can be explained lexical meaning the words.

    We are more accurate, expressive, allow you to avoid unjustified repetitions, associate parts of the text.

    Based on synonyms, such as epithets, metaphors, gradation, amplification, antithesis are built on the basis of synonyms.

    Proper, skillful use of synonyms helps to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, copyright position.

V. Homework.

Prepare a story on the topic "Synonymous richness of the Russian language" using materials from the lesson.

Collection "Dictations - Russian Language" of the Russian General Education Portal

Culture written speech

Winged words and expressions

National Corps of the Russian Language: Information and Reference System

Support Selfographic Compact: Russian spelling allowance

Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature: Portal "Russian Word"

Russian letter: origin of writing, manuscript, fonts

Open International Schoolchildren Olympiad in Russian

Scroll - history of writing in Russia

Russian reference service

Tests in the Russian language

Russian Development Center

Electronic manuals in Russian for schoolchildren

1.3. The place and role of the learning course "Russian language" in the curriculum.

Level of study educational material - In-depth. For the study of the Russian language in 10 B class currency for 2016-2017 academic year 102 school hours are envisaged - at the rate of 3 hours per week.

1.4. Planned course mastering results.

As a result of the study of Russian profile level The student must

know / understand

language functions; Basic information about linguistics as a science, the role of the Old Slavonic language in the development of the Russian language, the forms of the existence of Russian national Language, literary language and its signs;

system device language, interconnection of its levels and units;

the concept of linguistic norms, its functions, current trends in the development of the norms of the Russian literary language;

components of the speech situation; The main conditions for the effectiveness of speech communication;

analysis of educational and scientific, business, journalistic, conversational and artistic texts;

evaluate the oral main aspects of speech culture; Requirements made to oral and written texts of various genres in the educational and scientific, everyday, socio-cultural and business sectors of communication;

be able to

spend different kinds analysis of linguistic units; language phenographs and facts allowing ambiguous interpretation;

distinguish between options for norms, deliberate and unintentional violations of the language norm;

conduct linguistic and written statements from the point of view of language design, the effectiveness of achieving communicative tasks;

explain the relationship of the facts of the language and history, language and culture of Russian and other peoples;

audition and reading

use different types of reading (introductory-studying, introductory-abstract, etc.) depending on the communicative task;

remove the necessary information from various sources: educational and scientific texts, reference books, media, including those presented in electronic form on various information carriers;

own the main techniques of informational processing of oral and written text;

speaking and letter

create oral and written monologic and dialogical statements of various types and genres in socio-cultural, educational and scientific (on the material being studied academic disciplines), business spheres; edit your own text;

apply in the practice of speech communication The main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language; use in their own speech practice synonymic resources of the Russian language;

apply in practice the spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language;

comply with the norms of speech behavior in various fields and situations of communication, including when discussing discussion issues;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life for:

awareness of the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; admission to the values \u200b\u200bof national and world culture;

deepening linguistic knowledge, expansion of the horizons in the field of philological sciences and the preparation of higher philological education.

1. Educational and thematic plan

No. p / p








Repetition at the beginning of the year

Examination number 2 (test)

General information about language

Text. Text syntax.


Mini essay.

Compressed statement.

Types of speech.


Essay - Description

Overall - reasoning

Oral and written speech

Examination №4 (test)



Report as a speech genre

Synonymy of Russian language

A culture of speech


The role of Pushkin in history history

Number of hours


works - 8.

outdations - 5.

dictates - 3.

tests- 4.

1 Introduction to the science of language. General information about language.

Language features. Language value. Language is an instrument of thinking. Language - means of communication. Expressive and communicative language functions.

Language and speech. Language, speech and word as synonyms in speech. Terms "Language", "Speech", "Word". Speech activities.

Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation.

Russian as the National language of the Russian people. Russian as a means of interethnic communication in the Russian Federation. Russian language among other languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Russian as one of the working languages \u200b\u200bin the UN.

Indo-European family of languages. Slavic languages. Rusika at the present stage.

2 Repetition.

Language as a system / mechanism / device. The concepts of the phoneme, open and closed syllables, phonetic position (strong and weak). Features of Russian verbal stress. Logical stress. Sound organization of artistic text. Sound harmony.

The ratio of graphics and units of the sound system language.

The history of the formation of the spelling system and graphics in Russian

command. Orphography reforms 1918, 1956

Basic principles and norms of modern Russian spelling.

3 General information about Russian.

The composition of the modern Russian language. Literary language as center of the system of modern Russian language. Common conversational speech. Restore. Dialectisms. Jargonism.

4 Russian is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Text text. Wholeness and connectedness. Logical sequence of proposals. Unity theme, key words and suggestions. Tools of communication parts: lexical repeat, consumption of single-handed words, unions, particles, etc. Chain and parallel communication parts of text.

5Types of speech: narration, description and reasoning. Their signs. Combination different types Speech in the same text. Selection of language tools for building text depending on the topic, goals, type of speech, addressee and speech situation.

6 oral and writing forms of speech. Their specifics are about the oral and written form of speech, their characteristics and spheres of use.

7 literary language and its norms.

Orphoepic, lexical, morphological, syntactic norms.

8 styles of the literary language - spoken and books: scientific, business, journalistic, artistic. Their signs. Sphere of use. Use of the means of one style in the works of another style.

9 synonymism of the Russian language. Lexical, morpheme, morphological and syntactic synonyms. Sources of replenishment of synonyms. The role of synonyms in speech.

10 Culture of speech. Speech content, compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language, the accuracy of typing, clarity, purity, expressiveness, emotionality of speech, etc.

11 The role of A.S. Pushkin in the history of the Russian literary language. Pushkin's predecessors. Pushkin is the creator of the modern Russian literary language. Rolla A. S. Pushkin in the history of the Russian literary language. Predecessors A. S. Pushkin. A. S. Pushkin - the creator of the modern Russian literary language.

12 Generalization and systematization of the extension of the dictionary formulation of modern Russian: word formation, book vocabulary, peripheral vocabulary (dialectisms, professionalism, jargonisms), borrowing peripheral vocabulary.


Evaluation criteria learning activities students in Russian.

The values \u200b\u200bof the assessment are designed to provide the same requirements for knowledge, skills and skills of students in the Russian language. They are installed:

1) unified evaluation criteria for various aspects of the oral and written forms of the Russian language (criteria for assessing spelling and punctuation literacy, language registration of a coherent statement, statement content);

2) uniform standards for assessing knowledge, skills and skills;

3) the volume of different types test work;

4) Number of marks for various types of test work.

The oral survey is one of the main ways to take into account knowledge of students in the Russian language. The student's deployed response must be a connected, logically serial message on a specific topic, show its ability to apply definitions, rules in specific cases.

1) fullness and correctness of the answer;

2) the degree of awareness, understanding of the studied;

3) Language response.

The rating "5" is set if the student: 1) fully sets out the material studied, gives the right definitions language concepts; 2) detects understanding of the material, can justify their judgments, apply knowledge in practice, lead necessary examples not only on the textbook, but also independently compiled; 3) sets out the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of the literary language.

The rating "4" is raised if the student gives an answer that satisfy the same requirements as for the estimation of "5", but allows 1-2 errors that itself corrects, and 1 - 2 shortcomings in the sequence and language design of the outlined.

The rating "3" is placed if the student discovers knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but: 1) sets out the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in determining the concepts or wording of the rules; 2) does not know how to deeply and evolve their judgments and lead their examples; 3) sets out the material inconsistently and allows mistakes in the language design of the outlined.

The rating "2" is set if the student reveals ignorance to the most appropriate partition of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning randomly and uncertainly sets out the material.

The estimate "1" is set if the student reveals complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material.

Evaluation ("5", "4", "3") may be put not only for a one-time answer (when a certain time is given to the student's preparation check), but also for dispersed in time, i.e., for the amount of answers, the student's data on The course of the lesson (an irrigation point is excreted), provided that the student's responses were not only heard during the lesson, but also a test of his ability to apply knowledge in practice was carried out.

Assessment of dictation

Dictation is one of the main forms of spelling and punctuation literacy. For dictations, it is advisable to use connected texts that must meet the norms of the modern literary language, be accessible in the content of students in this class.

The volume of dictation for X - XI classes is up to 200 words. (When counting words, both independent and service words are taken into account.)

Control vocabulary dictation IX -11 classes - 35 - 40 words.

A dictation, which aims to verify the preparation of students on a particular topic, should include basic orphograms or shows this topic, as well as to ensure the reveal of the strength of previously acquired skills. Final dictatesheld at the end of the quarter and year, check the training of students, as a rule, by all the topics studied.

For control dictations, such texts should be selected in which the spells studied in this topic would be presented at least 2 to 3 cases. From previously studied spells and points include basic; They must be represented by 1 - 3 cases. In general, the number of unsophograms and parameograms should not exceed in IX - XI classes - 24 different orphograms and 15 points.

Dictation is estimated by one mark.

The rating "5" is exhibited for the unmistakable work, as well as in it there is 1NEG-pipe spelling or 1 non-knuckle punctuation error.

The rating "4" is set in the presence of 2 spelling and 2-point errors in dictation, or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors, or 4 punctational in the absence of spelling errors. The rating "4" can be exhibited at 3 spelling errors, if among them there are the same type.

The rating "3" is set for dictation, in which 4 spelling and 4 pavetuction errors are made, or 3 spelling and 5 punctuation errors, or 7 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors. In IV class, it is allowed to set an estimate "3" for dictation with 5 spelling and 4 punctuation errors. The rating "3" can also be delivered if there are 6 spelling and 6 punctuation errors, if among those and others there are similar and non-bugs.

Evaluation "2" is exhibited for a dictation, in which up to 7 spelling and 7 punctuation errors, or 6 spelling and 8 punctuation errors, 5 spelling and 9 punctuation errors, 8 spelling and 6 punctuation errors.

With more errors, dictation is estimated by the Ball "1".

Evaluation of additional task:

Assessment of the control vocabulary dictation:

The rating "4" is set for a dictation, in which the student allowed 1 - 2 errors.

The rating "3" is set for a dictation, in which 3 - 4 errors are allowed.

The rating "2" is set for a dictation, which adheres to 7 errors.

Test table estimation test tasks.

Test tasks are estimated on a five-point scale.

Each assessment matches the percentage of performance



Russian language

From 72.












Grammatical tasks


Exhibited for errorless work, as well as for the work in which non-nephographic or punctuation error is allowed.

Exhibited if all tasks are executed correctly.


Exhibited with the presence of 2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors; or 1 ORF. and 3 item.; or 4 item. In the absence of spelling2-2, 1-3, 0-4

Exhibited if not less than 2/3 tasks are correct.


Exhibited if 4 ORPHRs are admitted to work. and 4 item. Errors, or 3 ORPHRF. and 5 point., or 7 punctational in the absence of spelling.4-4 , 3-5 , 0-7

Exhibited if not less than half of the tasks are correctly performed.


Exhibited if up to 7 spelling and 7 punctuation errors are made in dictation, or 6 ORFs. and 8 point., or 5 spelling and 9 punctational.7-7, 6-8, 5-9

Exhibited if more than half of the tasks are not fulfilled in the work.


When b O. lesm than the mark "2", the number of errors

Exhibited if the work is not executed.

Criteria for estimating dictations and grammatical tasks

The main criteria for writing and presentation

Any essay and the presentation is estimated by two marks: the first is posted for the content and speech design, the second is for literacy, i.e. For compliance with spelling, punctuation and linguistic norms. Approximate text volume for detailed presentation in grade 10-450-500 words

Claims and presentation requirements:

  1. compliance of the content of the work topic and the main thought;
  2. attracting the required volume of literary material to illuminate the topic;
  3. persuasive evidence, the argument of judgments and conclusions;
  4. compositional harness of work, sequence of presentation, proportionality and logical consistency of its parts;
  5. stylistic unity, clarity and accuracy of the presentation of thought;
  6. independence of the approaches to the disclosure of the topic;
  7. the reasonable use of literary quotes, critical material within the framework of the topic;
  8. speech literacy, variety of dictionary and grammatical system of speech;
  9. compliance with text grammatical standards of language.

With the composition of the writings and presentations are checked:

ability to disclose the topic;

the ability to use language tools in accordance with the style, theme and purpose of the statement; Compliance with language standards and spelling rules.

  • compliance with the work of the student and the main thought;
  • fullness of the disclosure of the topic;
  • correctness of the actual material;
  • sequence of presentation.

When evaluating the speech design of works and presentations, it is taken into account:

  • variety of dictionary and grammatical system of speech;
  • style unity and expressiveness of speech;
  • the number of speech shortcomings.

Literacy is estimated by the number of errors admitted to the student - spelling, punctuation and grammatical.

Criteria for evaluating writings:




  1. The content is fully consistent with the topic.
  2. Actual errors are missing.
  3. The content is set in consistently.
  4. Work is characterized by the wealth of a dictionary, a variety of used syntactic structures, accuracy of typing.
  5. Reached style unity and expressive text.

In general, it is allowed 1 defects in the content and 1-2 stylists. 12

It is allowed:

1 orphographic or

1 punctuation, or

1 grammatical error.

1 – 0 – 0

0 – 1 – 0

0 – 0 – 1


  1. The content of the work mainly corresponds to the topic (there are minor deviations).
  2. The content is mainly reliably, but there are single inaccuracies.
  3. There are minor sequence disorders in the presentation of thought.
  4. The lexical and grammatical system is quite diverse.
  5. The style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness.

In general, no more than 2 mischief in the content and no more than 3-4 speech shortcomings are allowed.2 - 4

It is allowed:

2 spelling and 2 punctuation

or 1 spelling and 3 punctational, or 4 punctational in the absence of spelling, as well as 2 grammatical errors.

2 – 2 – 2

1 – 3 – 2

0 – 4 – 2


  1. The paper admitted significant deviations from the topic.
  2. The work is reliable in the main thing, but there are actual inaccuracies in it.
  3. Separate outlines are made.
  4. The vocabulary and monotonous syntax constructions are also poor, misuse is encountered.
  5. The style of work is not distinguished by unity, we are not expressive.

In general, no more than 4 lablems are allowed in the content and 5 speech shortcomings.4 – 5

It is allowed:

4 spelling and 4 punctational.

or 3 spelling. and 5 punctational, or 7 punctational in the absence of spelling, as well as 4 grammatical errors.

4 – 4 – 4

3 – 5 – 4

0 – 7 – 4


  1. Work does not correspond to the topic.
  2. Many actual inaccuracies are admitted.
  3. The sequence of presentation of thoughts in all parts of the work is broken, there is no connection between them, the work does not correspond to the plan.
  4. The dictionary is extremely poor, the work is written by short-term sentences with a poorly pronounced link between them, frequent cases of incorrect wording.
  5. Violated style unity of text.

In general, 6 mischiefs in the content of up to 7 speech shortcomings were admitted. 6 – 7

It is allowed:

7 spelling and 7 punctuation

or 6 spelling and 8 punctational, or 5 spelling and 9 punctational., or 8 spelling and 6 punctuation, as well as 7grammatic errors.

7 – 7 – 7

6 – 8 – 7

5 – 9 – 7

8 – 6 - 7


More than 6 mischiefs are admitted to the content and more than 7 speech shortcomings.

More than 7 spelling.

Evaluation of oral students' responses.

The oral survey is one of the main ways of accounting for students in Russian language and literature. The student's expulsted answer must be a connected, logically serial message on a specific topic, show its ability to apply definitions, rules, etc. In specific cases.

When assessing the student's response, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

  • Fullness and correctness of the answer;
  • The degree of awareness, understanding of the studied;
  • Language decoration of the answer.


Put if the student:

  1. fully exposes the material studied, gives the correct definition of language and literary scholars;
  2. detects an understanding of the material, can justify its judgments, to apply knowledge in practice, bring the necessary examples (including independently compiled);
  3. presents the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of the literary language.


It is raised if the student gives an answer that satisfies the same requirements as for the estimation of "5", but allows 1 - 2 errors that itself corrects, and 1 - 2 shortcomings in the sequence and language design of the outlined.


It is raised if the student discovers knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

  1. sets out the material incompletely and admits inaccuracies in determining concepts;
  2. it does not know how to deeply and evolve its judgments and cause their examples;
  3. sets out the material inconsistently and allows mistakes in the language design of the outlined.


It is set if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant partition of the material being studied, makes errors in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning randomly and uncertainly sets out the material. The rating "2" notes such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastering of the subsequent material.

The estimate may be put not only for a one-time answer (when the student's preparation check is given a certain time), but also for dispersed in time, that is, the sum of the answers given by the student throughout the lesson, provided that the student's responses were not only heard during the lesson, but also a test of his skills was carried out, to apply knowledge in practice.

In the complex control work consisting of dictation and additional (phonetic, lexical, spelling, grammatical) tasks, two estimates for each type of work are set.

When evaluating additional tasks, it is recommended to be guided by the following.

The rating "5" is raised if the student fulfilled all tasks correctly.

The rating "4" is raised if the student fulfilled properly at least 3/4 tasks.

The rating "3" is set for work in which at least half of the tasks are correctly performed.

The rating "2" is set for work in which more than half of the tasks are not fulfilled.

The estimate "1" is raised if the student has not fulfilled any task.

Note. Specographic and punctuation errors made when performing additional tasks are taken into account when evaluating the estimate for the dictation.

When evaluating the control dictionary dictation, it is recommended to be guided by the following.

The rating "5" is set for a dictation, in which there are no errors.

The rating "4" is set for dictation, in which 1-2 errors are allowed.

The rating "3" is set for a dictation, in which 3-4 errors are allowed.

The rating "2" is set for a dictation, which adheres to 7 errors. With more errors, dictation is estimated "1"

Evaluation of training work

Educational work (various exercises and dictations of non-controlled nature) are estimated more strictly than test work.

When evaluating training work, it is taken into account: 1) the degree of independence of the student; 2) stage of learning; 3) the amount of work; 4) clarity, accuracy, calligraphic correctness of the letter.

If possible errors were warned during the work, the estimates "5" and "4" are put only in the case when the student did not allow errors or allowed, but corrected the error. At the same time, the choice of one of the estimates at the same level of literacy and content is determined by the degree of accuracy of the recording, underscores and other design features, as well as the presence or absence of the descriptions. In work, exceeding the number of words, the volume of dictations for this class, for the estimation of "4" is permissible and 2 error corrections.

The first and second job, both cool and homely, when fixing a certain skill or skill is checked, but at the discretion of the teacher may not be assessed.

Independent work performed without preceding the analysis of possible errors is estimated on the standards for the test work of an appropriate or close view.

Grade B 2016 - 2017 academic year

1. Educational and thematic plan

No. p / p








Repetition at the beginning of the year

Examination number 1 (dictation with grammatically task)

Examination number 2 (test)

General information about language

Examination (№3). Dictation S. additional tasks And his analysis

Composition-reasoning "Russian language among other languages \u200b\u200bof the world."

Russian language is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world

Lesson-discussion on the topic "How long can the literary language be considered modern?"

Text. Text syntax.


Mini essay.

Compressed statement.

Types of speech.


Essay - Description

Control vocabulary dictation.

Overall - reasoning

Oral and written speech

Examination №4 (test)

Russian literary language and its norms

Examination number 5 Control presentation with a creative task (according to F.M. Dostoevsky)

Examination (№6) on the "norms of the Russian literary language" and its analysis. (Test)

Styles of the Russian Literary Language


Examination (№7) Lesson-test on the topic "Styles of the Russian Literary Language".


Report as a speech genre

A statement of memory with a creative task.

Synonymy of Russian language

A culture of speech


The role of Pushkin in history history

Generalization and systematization of passed in grade 10

Examination (№8). Control dictation with additional tasks.

Number of hours


Number of test work:

works - 8.

outdations - 5.

dictates - 3.

tests- 4.

III calendar - thematic planning


Lesson number


Planned results and level of their assimilation

Type of lesson

Types and forms of control

Introduction (1ч.)

Introductory lesson

The role of language in society. Specificity of the course of the Russian language in high school

Know: the role of the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, on the reflection in the history and culture of the people.

Be able to: explain with the help of a dictionary meaning of words with the national cultural component

Lesson introduction of a new knowledge

Tutorial exercises. Message about the relationship of language with society, history, culture.

Repetition (7h. + 3h.)

Examination number 1. Input control dictation with grammatical task

Orphograms. Signs of punctuation in a complex sentence at the junction of unions. Grammar parses.

Know: Coupled Spells and Preams

Be able to: write unmistakably

Lesson of knowledge control

Control dictation

Recall the studied. Phonetics. Spelling.

Phonetics. Graphics. Orthoepy. Sound. Letter. Sounds consonants and vowels. Consonants: sonornal, ringing, deaf, solid, soft. Public sounds: shock, unstressed. Repetition of writing based on phonetic principles of spelling. Morphological principle. Phonetic, traditional, differentiating spellings. Types of orthograms. spelling norms of the modern Russian literary language

Know: Tools of language expressiveness and how to create them in Russian phonetics;

types of orthograms, spelling standards of the modern Russian literary language

Be able to: use the algorithm when choosing a letter;

understand the aesthetic value of artistic text, the peculiarity of the writer's language

Work on the table, selective dictation. Comprehensive analysis Text

Recall the studied. Morfemic. Word formation.

Root morpheme, affixing morphemes. The basis of the word. Derivative / non-derivative basis. Simple, complex basis. Spelling Morphem

Word formation. Single words. Morphological and nemorphological methods of word formation. Stylistic features of the words. Morphological principle of spelling

Knowing: the morpheme composition of the word, the concepts producing the base, synonymy and antonymy of affixes; Morphemny, word-forming and etymological dictionaries.

To be able to: select examples of words with the specified morpheme composition and the method of word formation, compare the morpheme system of words, methods for their formation, apply the morphem and word-forming algorithm.

Lesson - Workshop

Morphem and word-forming analysis of words. Practical work: Definition of the function of the morpheme in the word, finding information on the origin of words in the etymological dictionary, the education of the word according to a given word formation model. Text analysis

Recall the studied. Morphology.

Morphology. Part of speech. Systematization of ideas about the system of parts of the Russian language speech, about grammatical signs, education, spelling and use in speech words different parts speech. The main morphological norms of the modern Russian literary language

Know: Morphological Signs of Speech Parts

To be able to: use dictionaries to clarify the grammatical standards of consumption of words of different parts of speech, analyze compared, transform syntactic units, replacing them synonymous

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Comparison of morphological phenomena and facts allowing ambiguous interpretation.

Recall the studied. Syntax. Phrase. Simple sentence.

Units of syntax. The difference between phrases from a simple sentence. Types of verification. Two-storey and single-partition.

A simple complicated offer.

Know: The subject to study the syntax. The difference between phrases from a simple sentence.

Be able to: be aware of the phrase and offer as the main syntactic unitintended for the implementation of the communicative function. Systematize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of simple sentences, a grammatical basis and the means of its expression, types of phrases, single-maintenance proposals, types of fagged, types of secondary members of the sentence. Perform the analysis of phrases and simple proposals, determine the method of complicating proposals.

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Test tasks in the format of the exam. Complex

text analysis


Recall the studied. Syntax. Difficult sentence.

Signs of punctuation in a complex sentence at the junction of unions.

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Perform the tasks according to the algorithm. Designing proposals, replacing synonymous structures. Solution of test tasks.


Examination (№2) by the type of exam and its analysis. (Test)

Types of complex offers. Types of pressing parts in complexed offer. Unions and allied words.

Signs of punctuation in a complex sentence at the junction of unions. Check the property skills and skills

Know: Types of complex proposals, types of grammatical relations in a complex sentence and union expressions, types of apparent in a complex proposal, the structure of the polynomial complex offer, ways to subordinate toaders, distinction between unions and allied words.

To be able to: produce a comprehensive analysis of text, including work with a graphic explanation of spelling and punctuation marks,

perform punctuation I. syntactic analysis Proposals, to arrange punctuation marks in accordance with punctuation norms.

Lesson of knowledge control


General information about language (10h. + 3h. + 2h.)

Language features.

the main features of the language: expressive (emotional), communicative, cognitive (cognitive), accumulative, i.e., the function of accumulation, storage and transmission of social experience and knowledge, aesthetic, function of exposure, speech as a form of existence of the language and source of its development, speech activity

Know: Some features of the development of the Russian language, what is speech, forms of speech, speech situation.

To be able to: operate with terms when analyzing a language phenomenon.

Combined lesson

Text analysis


RR Detailed presentation with the preservation of copyright features.

Topic, Home Thought, Microthem, Keywords. Stylistics: speech style. Text Analysis: Type of speech. Compliance with the proprietary norms when creating a connected statement

Know: Distinctive features of detailed presentation

To be able to: determine the topic, the main idea, identify the stylistic features of the text, allocate keywords and with their help to build text.

Speech Development Lessons

Detailed investment



Language features. Language, speech, word. Speech activities.

Language as spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people, as a multifunctional developing system.

Knowing: the main features of the language: expressive (emotional), communicative, cognitive (cognitive), accumulative, i.e., the function of accumulation, storage and transmission of social experience and knowledge, aesthetic, the function of exposure, and the form of the existence of the language and the source of its development, speech activity.

Be able to: Recycle
and convert information from one form
in another

Combined lesson

Comparative analysis, compilation of the reference scheme

Repetition of spelling. The spelling of unstressed vowels is rooted.

Know: Classification of unstressed vowels, testimiting vowels at the root of the word.

To be able to: apply the knowledge of spelling norms for the reasoned selection of writing, perform test tasks

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Explanatory dictation, test tasks

Repetition of spelling. Spelling alternating vowels in the root.

Morphological principle. Phonetic, traditional, differentiating spellings. Types of orthograms

Know: Classification of unstressed vowels

Be able to: see identifying signs Orphograms, graphically explaining the orfirogram.

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Distribution dictation. Comprehensive analysis of text.

Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation.

the spheres of activity in which Russian is functioning as a state. The varieties of the Russian language that constitute the concept of "National Language".

The identity of the Russian National Language.

russian as a means of socio-political, economic, scientific, cultural and other connections between the peoples of Russia.

Know: general about history slavic writing, About changes in Russian, its relationship with other languages. To be able to: operate with terms when analyzing a language phenomenon, organize joint learning activities

Combined lesson

Individual students of students. Compilation of reference abstract

Russian language among other languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

russian language as one of the Indo-European languages, Russian language in the circle of other Slavic languages,

Know: The concept of the social roles of the Russian language in society, the political and legal status of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the link language and history.

To be able to: use familiarizing reading, extract the necessary information from academic texts

Combined lesson

Working with a table, Text Analysis

PR Overall-reasoning "Russian language among other languages \u200b\u200bof the world." (C.SS EGE)

Russian language as one of the Indo-European languages, Russian language in the circle of other Slavic languages,

signs of Slavs in modern Russian, their role; Give historical comment on language phenomena

Know: The concept of social role Russian language in society, the political and legal status of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the link language and history.

To be able to: use informational reading, to extract the necessary information from academic texts. Writing an essay - reasoning on a given topic.

Lesson for the development of speech

Writing-reasoning. " (C.SS EGE)

Rusika at the present stage.

Russism as a science of Russian, its main sections and development directions, prominent linguistic scientists

To know: the concepts of philology, rusotics, the status of the Russian language as state, the role of the Russian language in the environment of official communication, the main stages of the development of the science of Russian.

To be able to: keep a dialogue, own the basic norms of constructing oral and

Leading new knowledge

Observation, work with text, vocabulary dictation


Repetition of spelling. The spelling of the consonants is rooted.

Checked, unchecked, double consonants

Know: Species of Ophograms.

To be able to: own a way of action when choosing consonants on the letter

Repeat - generalizing lessons

Explanatory Dictation, Test


Examination (№3). Dictation with additional tasks and its analysis.

Check the property skills and skills

Know: Learned by the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Be able to: follow
in practice, the basic rules of spelling
and punctuation

Lesson of knowledge control

Control dictation

Russian is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world. (1ч. + 1ч.)


Vocabulary. The composition of the modern Russian language.

Non-Russian vocabulary, borrowed vocabulary, old elevation. The role of old-places in the creation of a high style. Common repetition of spelling and punctuation

Dialectisms, jargonisms, terms, professionalism. Stylistic features of the use of vocabulary having a limited sector of use. Backway repetition of spelling.

Outdated vocabulary: Archaisms, historians. Neologisms. Individually copyright neologisms. The use of outdated vocabulary and neologisms in fiction.

Know: The concepts of the lexical meaning of the word, the lexical norm, the group of words depending on the origin, the sphere of use.

To be able to: produce a lexical analysis of the word, choose from a synonymous series the necessary word, taking into account its value and stylistic properties, comply with lexical norms.

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Lexical analysis. Comprehensive analysis of text.


RR Lesson-discussion on the topic "With what time the literary language can be considered modern?"

History of development, formation of Russian modern language, norms of a modern literary language

Know: the norms of the modern literary language; Rules for discussion.

To be able to: formulate your point of view, argue it.

Lesson for the development of speech

Speeches of students.

Essay, miniature

Text (8h. + 4h.)


Text. Concept of text.

Text. Signs of text. Wholeness and connectedness. Logical sequence of proposals. Unity theme, key words and suggestions. Tools of communication parts: lexical repeat, consumption of single-handed words, unions, particles, etc. Chain and parallel communication parts of text.

Know: Defining the concept of text as a unit of communication, which dropped in accordance with the copyright, is characterized by completion.

Be able to: comment and evaluate information source text, transfer the text content in the form of plans, schemes, tables, abstracts, abstracts, create text in accordance with the communicative task and the situation; Determine microthemes.

Repeated - generalizing

Drawing up a memo "How to identify the topic, basic thought and problems of text" in the form of an action plan.


Ways to express the topic. Title. The beginning and end of the text.

Structural elements of text.

Language methods and means of organizing text.

Know: The role of the title, beginning and end of the text.

To be able to: emphasize the role of the title in the expression of the topic of the text and the creation of its thematic integrity

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Text analysis. Designing text


RR Ways to express the topic. Presentation.

Composite text structure. Theme of text, its characteristic. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. The possibility of its reflection in the formulation of the topic

Know: Basic Concepts: Idea, Problems, Topics.

To be able to: determine the topic, idea, problems of tex

Lesson for the development of speech



Group of consoles.

Know: Conditions for the choice of consoles on -z, -s; Prefixes are pre-

Be able to: correctly write words with immutable consoles, with consoles with a darkened value, consoles to -s, -s; Prefixes are pre-

Repeat - generalizing lesson

Commented letter, distribution dictation


Ways to express the topic. Keywords.

Topic, Home Thought, Microthem, Keywords. Stylistics: speech style. Text Analysis: Type of speech. Compliance with the proprietary norms when creating a coherent statement of a text analysis from the point of view of theme and ideas, a functional variety of language. Aspect analysis of text.

Know: Concepts: Text, Topic, Idea, Keywords, Thread Expression Methods

Be able to: create texts based on this

Combined lesson

Comprehensive analysis of text


Text syntax. Offer in the text.

The phrase and offer as basic units of syntax.

Syntactic ties of words in phrases and suggestions.

To be able to: determine the topic of text, the circle of problems set in it, it is argued to set the copyright position. Select microthelers in the text, evaluate the correctness of paragraphic membership. Install the correct sequence of proposals in the text, restore the missing link in the supply chain, to produce textual analysis, identify the means of imagery and expressiveness in the text. Find and correct compositional, logical, stylistic errors in the text.

Lesson - Seminar

Text analysis



RR Number and nature of proposals in the text.

Mini essay.

Text structure of different types of speech, stylistic features of text.

Know: text structure of different types of speech, stylistic features of text.

To be able to: determine the topic of text, the circle of problems set in it, it is argued to set the copyright position. Select microthelers in the text, evaluate the correctness of paragraphic membership. Install the correct sequence of proposals in the text, restore the missing link in the supply chain, to produce textual analysis, identify the means of imagery and expressiveness in the text.

Lesson for the development of speech

Mini essay.



Methods for connecting proposals in the text.

The composition of the modern Russian language. Literary language as center of the system of modern Russian language. Text. Signs of text. Wholeness and connectedness. Logical sequence of proposals. Unity theme, key words and suggestions. Calm presentation.

Know: The concept of the ways of linking proposals in the text.

Be able to: determine the ways of communication of proposals in the text, allocate in the letter of turnover with the Union as

Combined lesson

Working with text, registration of the main thought in the form of quotes


Text parts communication means.

Tools of communication parts: lexical repeat, use of single-handed words, unions, particles, etc. Chain and parallel communication of text parts.

Know: Structural features of text, ways to express the topic.

To be able to: use in the preparation of text various means of communication links (various types of repetitions, writing Unions, coordinated use of time forms, various circumstances, lexical and contextual synonyms, introductory words, etc.), chain and parallel relationship of proposals

Combined lesson

Complicated chief


PP compressed presentation.

Knowledge of text compression techniques, the ability to highlight keywords, phrase.

Know: Concepts: Theme, Idea, Type, Text Style, Text Compression Tests

To be able to: understand the text perceived by the rumor, maintain the typology of the text, the stylistic features of the text, expressive linguistic and speech tools, use all the well-known methods of text compression.

Lesson for the development of speech

Compressed statement

Types of speech (6h. + 3h.)


RR Types of speech. Narration.


Types of speech: narration, description, reasoning. Their signs. Meditative texts. Combination of different types of speech in one text. Selection of language tools for building text depending on the topic, goals, type of speech, addressee and speech situation.

Know: Composition of Writing - narration.

To be able to: draw up the text of the composition - the narration in accordance with the topic, the logic of the presentation, the copyright.

Speech Development Lessons


42 - 43.

Repetition of spelling. Spelling consoles.

Group of consoles.

Know: the spelling of unchanged consoles, the conditions for choosing a vowel or consonant in the prefixes to -s, -s, consoles

Be able to: unmistakably write words with consoles

Repeat - generalizing lesson