Julian II. Emperor Julian - a noble philosopher

Abram Borisovich Ranovich.

Antique critics of Christianity.

Emperor Julian against Christians.

The first book.

It seems to me to properly state in front of all people those arguments that convinced me that the cunning doctrine of Galilean is the fiction of people who are enjoyed. Without making anything divine, using the children's prone to fiction, unreasonable part of the soul, it gave wonderful visibility of truth.

Reimary to give the analysis of all dogmas, which they are taught, I want to first say that readers, if they wish to argue, should, as in court, do not put forward any extraneous issues and do not speak with the accusations before they are not justified in Estimated charges of accusations. For so they will be able to be better and more either to defend their own business, if they want to work out for us, but should not put forward oncoming lawsuits, protecting against the claims that are excited by us.

It is necessary to figure out where and how we had the concept of God, then compared what they say about the Divine Ellina and Jews, and then again ask these "neither Ellinov, nor the Jews, belonging to the Galilean sense, for what reason they preferred Our teachings and, in addition, why they are not to the teachings (Judaism), but they refused him and went on their own way. Recognizing that nothing good and nothing serious with us, Ellinov, nor in the Jewish teachings perceived from Moses, they learned from those and others (only) what was to these peoples like some kera. Kera in Greek mythology - women's demons, the embodiment of the fate of man; Cours are pressed to a person since his inception and relentlessly follow him until the death they themselves are predetermined. From the Jews, they learned the wickedness arising from the frivolity, from us - a bad and empty lifestyle arising from our laziness and vulgarity, and it was pleased with the highest piety.

What the concept of God in humans is not acquired by the teachings, and inherent in nature, is proved by the fact that all people and in particular in public life, each person and every people have a thrust for the Divine. We all believe in something divine without any preparation, although it's not easy to know him easily, but it is impossible to explain it to everyone ... Along with this, the concept of all people is another thing: we are still somehow spinning to such an extent. To the sky and to the gods that are on it that, even if someone honors another God, in addition to these, he will definitely take him a housing in heaven; He does not remove it from the ground, but, putting the king of the universe as it were for the most honorable place in the world, thinks that the end of the earth is on earth affairs. Do I need to call on the Witnesses of Ellines and Jews in this case? There is no one who would not extend his hands to the sky when it prays or swear by God or the gods; In general, when a person is a thought of the Divine, he rushes to the sky. And it is quite natural. Believing that heavenly does not diminish at all, does not shy away and is not subjected to any of the tests inherent in the disordered (earthly world), but that his movement is harmonious, the order is slim, which is strictly defined by the Light of the Moon, that the sunrise and sunset is set at once forever The deadlines - people naturally thought that the sky was God and the throne of God. In fact, nothing is added to the sky and nothing is taken away from it, it is not subject to change from change or movement; It is therefore not knowing either death or born; Being in nature is immortal and imperishable, it is purely from any spots. Being, as we see, eternal and ever moving, it either contributes to the best and more divine our soul - the same, in my opinion, as our body contains our soul - and therefore it is worn around the great Creator; Either, having received a movement from God himself, it rotates in a boundless circle in continuous and eternal movement.

Hellena was invented about the gods of incredible, monstrous myths. They said that the Kronos fasted his children and then jumped them back; They talk about blood mixing marriages: Zeus was combined with his mother and, having giving children from her, married his own daughter, or rather, did not even marry, but simply, having combined with her, handed it to another. Next - the myth on how the Dionysus was rippled and, as then, his members were again glued. This is told by Greek myths. Coming with this, the teachings of Jews about the garden, which God planted, about the creation of Adam, and then about creating his wife for him. God from them says: "It's not good to be a person one, we will create a helper, respectively,"; And she generally turned out to be not an assistant at all, but he was the reason that he was, and she herself was thrown out of Paradise. This, of course, is completely ridiculous. Is it conceivably that God does not know that the assistant created by him will not be in good condition, but in evil? And snakes in what language talked with Eve? Is it really on human? What do such things differ from the myths fictional by Ellity? And the fact that God banned the knowledge of good and evil created by him, is it not the top of absurdity? After all, what could be more stupid than not to know how to distinguish good and evil? After all, such a person will obviously won't avoid bad and strive for good. And most importantly - God forbade a person to use the reason; After all, that the distinguishing of good and evil is the case of reason, clear and fool. Thus, the snakes are more benefactor than the destruction of the human race. In addition, God must admit envious; In fact, when he saw that a person had gained reason, so that he didn't taste, as God says, from the Tree of Life, he drove him out of Paradise, so straight saying: "Here Adam became like one of us Knowing good and evil; And now, maybe he is striking his hand and also takes away from the Tree of Life and tastes and will live forever. " (And the Lord sent his God from the Garden of Eden.) So, all this, as I understand it, if only it makes a secret meaning, full of cruel hula against God. Ignorance that the one that was created as an assistant will cause a fall, the prohibition of knowing good and evil - and after all, only for this, it seems to strive to humaniously - and besides, still jealous fear so that a person, having tasted from the Tree of Life, did not turn into Immortal - this is too much envious and jealousy.

If you compare the views that everyone consider true, and the traditions that we had an encouraged by the fathers, then our mythology does not know the special Creator of this world. About the gods that were before the creation of the world, Moses say nothing at all, and even about the creature of Angels, he did not dare to say anything; In many places, he often says that they are famous for God, but whether they were born from him, whether they were created by one God, but they are set to praise the other or somehow differently - nothing is indicated. He talks about how the sky and the earth were arranged and all that on earth: some things, according to him, were created by ordering God, like the light and the toll; Other God created as the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon; Third existed earlier, but were hidden while he did not share them, as, as far as I remember, water and drying. At the same time, Moses decided not to say anything about the origin or creation of the Spirit; He only says: "And the Spirit of God rushed over the surface of the water"; And whether he was originally or born - he does not clarify this.

Here, if you want, comparable to the statement of Plato. Let's see what he talks about the Creator and what the words attribute to him during the creation of the world, and, thus, compare the cosmogony of Plato and Moses. Thus, it becomes clear that better and more worthy of God - the "idolater" Plato or the one, about whom in Scripture it is said that "the face of the Lord spoke to him." Number, 12: 8.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The lands were insidency and empty, and darkness over the surface of the abyss, and the Spirit of God rushed above the surface of the water. And God said: "Let there be light," and became light. And he saw God light, which is good. And God separated the light from darkness. And God called the light in the afternoon, and the darkness called at night. And there was evening, and it was morning, one day. And God said: "Let there be tough in the midst of water." And called God the hard heaven. And God said: "Yes, water will be gathered, which is under the sky, in one place, and sushi will appear"; And so. And God said: "Yes, the earth will graze, grass and tree is prolific." And God said: "Yes, they will shine on the firm heaven to shine on Earth." And God put them on firm heaven to manage the day and night. "

At the same time, Moses does not say that the abyss, darkness and water are created by God. But since he talks about the light that he appeared on the orders of God, he should have said somehow about the darkness, and about the abyss, and about the water. And he does not say anything about their origin, although they often mention them. In addition, he does not mention either about the origin, nor about the creation of angels, nor how they were seduced, but speaks only about the material concerning the sky and land; Thus, according to Moses, a disembodied God created nothing, but only ordered the matter that existed before that. After all, the words "the land was anhydrous and empty" mean nothing but the fact that the liquid and solid has a matter - matter, and he displays God only as an organizer.

But listen that the Platon speaks about the world. "Indeed, all the sky, or cosmos - let's call it and otherwise, as it will seem acceptable, - have always existed, without having any beginning, or have any beginning originated? The world has a beginning. For it is available to vision and touch and has a physicity. And all this is something sensual; The sensual, perceived by reason and sensation, arises and is mortal ... So, according to the right argument, this world must recognize this world by a living being, animate and reasonable, which was actually born in the fishery of God. "

We compare only one item: What kind of God says at Moses and what Plato.

"And God said:" We will create a person in the image of our and likeness to our way; And yes, they are dominant over the fishes of the sea and over the birds of heaven, and above the cattle, and over the entire land, and over all the reptiles reptiles on the ground. And God created a man, in the image of God created him; He made them a man and a woman and told them: Move and breed and fill the ground, and possess it, and dominate the fish with the sea, and above the birds of heaven, and over all animals, and over the whole earth. "

Listen now the speech that Plato attributes the Creator of the Universe:

"The gods of the gods, all that I Creator and Father will be indestructible, so my will. In essence, everything related is destroyed, but what is fine, harmoniously coordinated and well organized, it would be sinner to want to destroy. Therefore, since you are created, you do not have immortality and complete non-deepebility, but you will not die and do not get death in the lot, as my will is even higher than those shackles and stronger those properties that you were limited when you have arisen. Now spin in those instructions that I give you. There are three more types of mortal, but not born; If they were not, the sky would be imperfect, for it would then not conclude all kinds of living beings. But, if I create them and they will get life from me, they will become equal to the gods. Therefore, in order for the mortal and the universe of this in reality is to be all, do you, in accordance with our nature, the creation of living beings, imitating my strength, which I created you. At the same time, since they are supposed to have something from immortality, the Divine beginning, which leads their desire to follow justice and you, I will lay in them, I will deliver and give them. And everything else you give; Attaching to the immortal mortal, separate and produce live creatures, grow them, giving them food, and restore the dying. "

And so that you do not think it is a fantasy, I will clarify you. Plato calls the gods visible sun, the moon, the stars and the sky, but they are like invisible. The sun visible by our eyes is the likeness of the misappropriate and invisible; Again, being our eyes and each of the shining - similarity of the misfortunes. These are these misfortunes, invisible gods that are in them and with them and those born by the Creator themselves and from him that happened, Plato knows. That's why the Creator he says: "Gods, that is, invisible, gods" - obviously visible. The general Creator is them - the one who arranged the sky, the earth, the sea and the stars and gave rise to their prototypes in the scope of the world. So, look like wisely and further reasoning Plato. "There is also," he says, - three kinds of mortals "- obviously, people, animals and plants; For each of the species has their own laws. "If," says, "any of them occurred from me, it is definitely necessary for him to be immortal." After all, for the misappropriate gods and for the visible world, the cause of their immortality is what they are born by the Creator. "After all, what is the immortal," he says, "as necessary, they are given to them from the Creator" - it's about a reasonable soul, "the rest, mortal, attach to the immortal you". Thus, it is clear that the gods-creators, having perceived the creative power of his father, gave rise to the mortal that there is in animals. In fact, if there was no difference between the sky and man and even, swear by Zeus, between the sky and reptiles or floating in the sea of \u200b\u200bfish, then the Creator would have to be one: but once there are a big difference Between the immortal and mortal, which does not become more, no less, then the reason should be at one one, the other is different.

So, since Moses, obviously, did not disassemble everything relating to the appropriate Creator of this world, comparable to among themselves the opinion of the Jews and our ancestors about nations.

Moses says that the creator of the world elected the Jewish people, cares only about him, only he thinks about him, he was given his care; On the rest of the nations he does not remember, no matter how they live and what the gods they worshiped; You can not only assume that he allowed them to use the Sun and the Moon. But about it below.

While I will show that he himself (Moses) calls him only Israel and Jews, and Jews are chosen, the same prophets, Jesus Nazhai, and even surpassed everyone ever and somewhere Pavel deceivers. We listen to their speeches and above all Moses: "And Pharaoh said: Israel is my firstborn. I told you: let me go to my people to make me serving. You did not want to let go. " Ex., 4:23; The quotations from the Bible everywhere given Julian inaccurately, but in meaning right. And somewhat further: "And he says to him: The God of Jews appeared to us. We would like to go to the desert for three days of the way to bring the victim to our God. " And below, again in such a way: "Lord God Jews sent me to tell you: let me go to me, so that he makes me serving in the desert" ... Ex., 5: 3; 7:16. Here in the fragments that have come to us; There is no statement by the statement of prophets and Jesus about chosen jewish people . And that God from the very beginning cared only about the Jews and that it was his favorite site, they say not only Moses and Jesus, but obviously, Paul. As the polyps in accordance with the cliffs change color, so he changes his teaching about God depending on the case; then he insists that only Jews - the goet of God, he, convincing Ellinov to join him, says: "God is not only the God of Jews, but also of the pagans; Of course, both the pagans. " Rome., 3:39. It is reasonable so to ask Paul: If God was not only the Jews, but also the pagans, what for the sake of he sent the Jews a rich prophetic grace, and Moses, and anointing, and prophets, and the law, and wonders, and wonderful myths? You hear how they shout: "The Bread of Angels A eat man." Ps., 78:25. At the end, he sent to them to them, and to us - neither the prophet, nor anointing, nor the teacher, nor the messenger who was upcoming later and we are no longer mercy from him. So, for tens of thousands or, if you please, thousands of years he did not pay attention that all people in such ignorance worship, as you are expressing, idols, everything from the east to West and from the north to the south, with the exception of a small The tribe living even part-time 2000 years in the corner of Palestine. If he is God of all of us and the Creator of everything, why did he not pay attention to us? Therefore, it is necessary to think that the God of Jews in reality is not the Creator of the whole world and does not rule over the universe, but that he is limited, as I said, and he should believe, has a limited, along with other gods. And after that, will we still listen to you that you are the universe you or someone from your root imagined yourself to subtlety? Is all this particular? "God jealous!" Why does he jealous and charges with children for the sins of fathers? And now look again, what do we talk about it? Ours say that the Creator is a common father and lord of everything, and other nations are distributed to them between the gods of peoples and cities, and everyone controls their shares, as he is typical. But in the father everything is completely and all one, and partial deities have every other force: Ares is in charge of military affairs of peoples, Athena - military affair associated with wisdom, Hermes - cases requiring intention and enterprise, and according to the nature of one or another god managed They follow them. And if the experience does not confirm our ideas, we recognize that our theory is fiction and deprived of reliability, and we will praise yours. If, on the contrary, experience from the century confirms what we say, but in your arguments nowhere is nothing folding, what are you clinging for your claims on the advantage? Let me say why the Celts and Germans are brave, Ellina and Romans are usually circumventive and humans, while being adamable and militant, the Egyptians are more intelligent and the people, Syrian, are unnecessary, fancy, and at the same time smart, hot, frivolous and dirty people. If you do not see any reason for such a difference between nations and argue that it is rather a case of the case, then how can I believe in this case that the providence manages the world? If anyone believes that there is some reason here, then let, for the sake of the creator himself, will say and explain to me. As for the laws, it is clear that people created them in accordance with their nature: those who have absorbed most of all personification, created laws socially useful and humane, and (laws) wild and inhuman - those who have the opposite character. The legislators added very little to their natural inclined and customs. After all, the Scythians did not approve of Anaharsis, which introduced a vaccine cult; And among the Western peoples for small exceptions, you will not find people prone and capable of classes in philosophy, geometry, etc., although so many years as the Roman power has been established; The most talented of them reach reducing to owning the language and speech, but they are not involved in any other sciences. According to Herodotus, the Scythians killed their sage Anaharsis (VI century. To the new era), who, having visited Greece, decided to start the Scythians of the Allen Mysteries. This is what is the stability of natural character traits. Where did the peoples of the differences in the nravas and laws?

Moses leads a completely well-fated cause of differences in languages. He says that the Sons of Human, gathering together, wanted to build a city, and in it a large tower; But God said that it was necessary to go away and mix their languages. And in order not to think that I slander, read in a row, which is said in the books of Moses: "And they said: Well, let's see the city and the tower, and the top of her to heaven; And make yourself a monument, so that we do not dispel on the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came up to see the city and the tower, which the Sons of Human were built. And the Lord said: Here are one people, and one language in everyone; And that's what they began to do, and now there will be no difficulty for them in anything that they would think to do. We will take advantage and mix there their language so that one does not understand the other. And scattered their Lord on the face of the whole land, and they stopped building the city and the tower. " So you want us to believe such things, and you do not believe that Homer speaks about alouds, that they have rummaged the three mountains one to another, to take the attack. Odyssey. And I say that it is just as fabulously as that. You, recognizing the first, on what basis, for the sake of God, reject the legend of Homer? And already about the ignition of these people, I think, and it is not worth talking: if even all people had one tongue on the whole earth and one speech, they will not be able to build a tower reaching the sky, even if they used all the land on a brick: For the infinite number of bricks in the size of the Earth will be required to get to the orbit of the Moon. If we assume that all the people have gathered that they have one language that they turned the whole land in a brick and in the dashest stones, when would the tower be achieved to the sky, if even people, lined up with a housal, stretched her thin needles?

And so, taking such a clear fable for the truth, asking God that he was frightened, no matter how people did not eat at him, and for this descended and mixed their languages, you after that still dare to boast what God knew!

Let's return once again to the story of how God mixed languages. Moses leads the reason for this - God was frightened, so that people did not take something against him, making the sky affordable for themselves if they speak in the same language and would be able to challenge. But, as the case happened, he does not indicate, but only says that God has gone to the ground for this; Obviously, on top, without going down to Earth, he could not do this. As for the differences in the nras and customs, then neither Moses and no one explained this. But the difference in national customs and laws among people is generally more than the difference in language. Who, for example, from Ellinov will say that you can go with my sister, daughter or mother? And the Persians are considered permitted. Do I need to list everything in detail, mention of love for freedom and about the recalcity of the Germans, about how Smirns and submissive Syrians, Persians, Parfyan and in general, all the eastern and southern peoples, who obey the despotic monarchy? But if these more important and valuable properties are created without divine providence, what are we in vain and worship who do not fife anything? Does our respect have the right to any respect for our lifestyle or about the nravas or about the customs or on the establishment of legitimate order and statehood?

No resolutely. You see what absurdity leads this reasoning. All good, which is observed in humans, manages the soul, and the body follows it. Therefore, if God neglected by our mental properties, and he did not take care of the material equipment, did not send us teachers and legislators, as Jews, according to Moses and subsequent prophets, - for what we have to bless him?

But God gave us those gods that you do not know, and good patrons, no worse than whom, from the ancient times from the Jews, the patron of Judea, about which he only got to take care of how Moses says and his followers to our time. And if we assume that the real creator of the world is the one who worshiped Jews, then we are even better about it, and it gave us great benefits than them, both spiritual and external, - we will talk about them later - and sent us legislators not worst, if not the best than Moses.

As we said, if the differences in the laws and the nravas created the national god of every people, not an angel and a demon under his beginning, and not a special property of the souls to obey and subjugate the best, then let me point to me, who else and how did it give this is. For this, it is not enough to say: "God said, and became"; It is also necessary that the nature of creation does not contradict the orders of God. I will explain what I said: God ordered the fire, appearing, stretched up, and the earth - down; But in order for this order of God, it is not required that the fire is easy, and the earth is hard? The same applies to other phenomena ... as well as relative to the divine. The reason is that the human race is subject to death and drain; Naturally, therefore, that things are changed and can change in various directions. God is eternal, and his orders should also be so. As such, they are either the nature of things, or consonant with nature; After all, nature cannot resist the bearing of God and cannot stand in contradiction with him. Therefore, if God even commanded, so that the languages \u200b\u200bare mixed and become warm, or gave the same order about public building Peoples, he reached the execution of this not only by his field and did not only create a difference from us. To do this, it was necessary that in the peoples who had to be different were laid various natural properties. In this one can make sure if you see how the Germans and Scythians from Libyans and Ethiopses are very different: Is it really the result of a simple commandment, and for the formation of a color of the skin, God did not come to the aid of the climate and local conditions? Yes, and Moses knew it - and hid it; After all, he confesses languages \u200b\u200bnot to God; He says that God left not alone, of course, with him, not one, but a few; Moses does not say who they are, but it is obvious that he meant close to God. In the Bible, God speaks in a plural: "Come", "Mix". If, in this way, not only the Lord went to mix the languages, but also the accompanying, it is obvious that the mixing of the morals is not one of God, but that, in all likelihood, in the creation of this discrepancy, those who were mixed with him languages.

Why am I, not wanting to spread about it, said so much? To show that if you consider the proper Creator of the Universe, about whom I announced Moses, then we have a better opinion about him, considering His universal lord of everything and recognizing, in addition, the national gods, to him subordinates, who are the governors of the king, and all of them Differently carry out their task. And we do not put it in the position of the opponent of the gods set them. And if even he, having highlight some separate God, instructed him from himself the leadership of the universe, then we still obey better and know the God of the Universe, not even knowing that, that is, the lowest god, to whom the Supreme God handed over the management of the world ) Who got the leadership of the most insignificant share.

Surprise is worthy of the law of Moses, his famous decade: "Do not decorate, do not kill, do not false witness." However, we will write down all the commandments by his own words, as they are recorded, according to him, God himself:

"I am the Lord God, who brought you out of Egypt"; (Ex., 20: 2 Sl) Then the second commandment: "Yes, you will not have any other gods except me; Do not make yourself a cumir "; This is also indicated by the foundation: "Because I am the Lord God, God-Zeper, for the blame of fathers punishing children to the third generation." "Do not pronounce the name of the Lord God of your vain." "Remember Saturday's day." "Your father's father and mother." "Do not commit adultery." "Do not kill." "Do not steal." "Do not pronounce false testimony." "Do not wish your neighbor."

Is there such a people who would not consider it necessary to observe all these commandments, except "do not worship other gods" and "Remember the Sabbath Day"? Everywhere the punishment is established for violation of them - in some places are more severe, in others the same as they are installed by Moses, and somewhere softer.

But the commandment "Do not worship different gods" concludes a considerable slander on God. "For God is a zealous," he says; And elsewhere he repeats: "Our God is a fire eating." Dev., 4:24. Well, if a man is jealous and envious, you blame him, and when God turns out to be jealous, are you glorifying it? And how to commemorate such an obvious slander on God? After all, if he is jealous, then, it means that all the gods enjoy reading and all other peoples honor the gods against his will. So why did he not oppose, being so jealous and not wanting to read other gods, but only it? What, or he was unable to be, or did he at first not wanted to prevent the cult of other gods? The first assumption is that he was unable - wicked; The second is consistent with our view. Throw this nonsense and do not enthusiastically bring such hulu. After all, if he does not want someone to worship, what are you worshiping his illegitimate son, whom he never recognized and did not consider him? I will easily prove it; You threw it to him, not knowing from where ... As can be seen from the comments of Kirill Alexandria, in the missing rows, Julian was talking about the fact that Christians borrowed the myth of the Son of God from Greek mythology. ... Nowhere God does not show himself an angry, indigestive, angry or swear, he does not change his decisions so easily ... ... as Moses says about Finees. If anyone read the book numbers, he knows what I mean. After the Finees, cauting the fan of Waal Friend, together with his prevailed woman, his own herself killed them, inflicting them a very painful and shameful wound, - he says that he pierced the woman through the uterus, (numbers, 25: 5-8) - God He says: "Finees, the son of Elyazar, the son of Aaron, a priest, turned his rage from my sons of Israel, reroxted among them among them, and I did not destroy the sons of Israel in my jealousy." Numbers "25:11.

What could be an insignificant reason, according to which God was angry, according to the fact that the author wrongly writes about him? What can be meaningless (this rage of God), if ten, or fifteen people, or, say, a hundred - not a thousand, really, and however, let's say, even a thousand, dare to break one of the laws established by God? Was it really it was that six hundred thousand killed because of one thousand? According to biblical data, the Jews numbered 600,000 people in the desert; In the text that Julian refers, it is said that God wanted to destroy all the Jews and, until the Finees walked his rage, he managed to destroy 24,000. I believe that it is much better to come together with thousand good people Saved and one vicious than thousands of thousands killed with one ... Here Julian, according to Kirill, joins the extensive reasoning that he does not follow the Creator of the sky and land to show the temper so ferocious that he often has a desire to destroy the whole genus of Israel . If his anger against one of the heroes and a minor demon turned out to be intolerable for entire countries and cities, then who could have resist if he was angry with demons, angels or people? It is necessary to compare it with the meekness of Likurg, the innovation of Solon or with mercy and the impartiality of the Romans in relation to the criminals. Likurg is the legendary legislator of ancient Sparta. Solon - one of the major politicians Ancient Greece, poet and legislator; In 594, before the new era, he made the reform of the Athenian state system. And how much our views are better than Moses supplemented, you can see from the following. Our philosophers prescribe to us to imitate the gods, and the imitation of this is to contemplate the existing. And what this contemplation is alien to passion that it lies in spiritual peace, clear without words. It was because we are in spiritual peace by rushing to contemplation of the existing, we like to God. And what is the imitation of God praised by Jews? "Finees," he says, "the rage from the sons of Israel turned my rage, overlooking me among them." It turns out that God stopped angry when he found a man who divided anger and annoyance with him. Similar things Moses in many places of their Scripture speaks of God.

And that God cared not only about Jews, but also about all the people and the Jews did not give anything important, the Great, and we are much better and excellent, you can see from the following. The Egyptians have the right to say, as they can count quite a few names of the wise men, that they received many by the success of Hermes, - I mean Hermes, which Egypt visited Egypt for the third time; Haldey and Assyrians -Oangness and Bela, and Ellina - thousands, starting with Hiron; All mystics and theologians have occurred from the latter; And the Jews think that only their wise men should be glorifying ... "Then," Cyril writes, "he scans David and Samson and says that they were not so strong in the battles that they are significantly inferior in the strength of the Allenian and Egyptian heroes, And the size of their kingdom was limited to barely outside the Judea. " This refers to the so-called Hermes Trissegist (three times the greatest), identified with the Egyptian God of Tom; The cult of this deity had mystical traits; The followers of hermetic sacraments preached the doctrine of the Logos, which had an impact on Christian theology. Oannes, or Ea, is one of the main gods of the Old Vendian religion, the Lord of the Water Element. Bel, or Marduk, -The unlimited deity of Babylon; Subsequently, he became the Supreme God, whom the Greeks were identified with Zeus. Chiron is a mythical creature, a centaur (receiving, semi-loss); According to Greek myth, he was an educator of Achilles and a healer.

Did he give you the beginning of knowledge and philosophical education? And what is it expressed? The science of heavenly phenomena was developed by Ellinov, and the first observations were made from barbarians in Babylon. Geometry has reached high development, originated from lands in Egypt. The arithmetic, which the beginning of the Phoenician merchants laid began, has become a sample of science. Ellity combined these three disciplines with musical rhythm, connecting astronomy with geometry and both by attaching them to science about the numbers and their harmony. Thus, they established the laws of musical art, discovering the most correct or very close to them the laws of harmony, delighting hearing.

Do you need to list separately all people and all achievements? Is it necessary to call people like Plato, Socrates, Aristide, Kimon, Fales, Likurg, Agecilai, Archdons, or, Better, a number of philosophers, commander, builders, lawmakers? It is possible to make sure that even the most bad and dishonest of the leaders were much softer to the offenders than Moses to innocent. What kind of kingdom to me (first of all) talk? Whether to talk about Perse, or about Eak, or about Minos Cretan, which cleared the sea from Pirates, driving and pushing the barbar to Syria and Sicily, - advanced on both sides of their borders, he took possession of not only the islands, but also by coast countries. Perseus, Eak, Minos and Radamatii - Heroes of Greek mythology. The last three were considered judges in the underground kingdom. I divide with my brother Radamantate, but the concerns about people, he published the laws that he taught him Zeus, and his brother was provided to execute the judicial duties ... Here Kirill missed much, putting it in brief: "After that, it is started in the open sea of \u200b\u200bnarratives and mentions about Hellenic history; He talks about Dardan born from Zeus and the daughter of Atlanta Electra, about how he founded Darudania, and after death began to reign near Zeus. By bringing to the end in his spirit an empty chatter about Dardan, he moves to Eney's flight, his departure from Troy to Italian tribes, then he mentions Romule and Rememe, how Rome was founded. " And when many wars arose after its foundation, he hipged everywhere, always defeated; Strongly thanks to it, Rome needed stronger safety; Then Zeus gave him the wisestly nutu, the most beautiful nose, who spent time in deserted groves, communicating with God in pure reflections about him ... Numa Pompiliili - the second legendary Roman king, who led the establishment of a number of religious institutions on the advice of Nymph Egeria, visiting the king in a secluded grove. He installed most priests. Thus, Zeus gave the city these laws, people with absolute and inspired, through Siville and other predictors who were at the time native language. And the shield dropped from the sky and the head discovered in the hill - where, apparently, did the location of the Great Zeus got its name - should we attribute these things to the gift of the first or second rank? According to Roman legend, the shield fell into the reign of Numa from the sky, which was transferred to the storage of priests and served as the shrine-defender (Palladium) of Rome. Another legend says that, a spear of the Hill of Capitol, the workers have found the head of the wonderful way (Latin Caput), and hence the alleged capitol received its name. And so, you are miserable people, while we keep the weapon falling from the sky, which sent us the great Zeus or Father Ares in the form of a not verbal, and real collateral that he will constantly defend our city, you refuse to worship him and honor him , And worship the tree of the cross, making his sign on the forehead and cutting it on horses. Ares - the Greek God of War - Roman Mars. Shouldn't you hate intelligent among your followers and regret stupid for what they reached such a fall and, turn away from the eternal gods, turned to a Jewish corpse? I am lowering my mother's mystery, and I respect Maria. Mari (156-86 to the new era), the Roman commander, was a zealous fan of the Frigian Great Mother Kibel, which Julian dedicated a special laudatory word. See: Plutarch. Mari, 17-18, sent by the gods, inspiration is rarely, on a few people, not every person can get it and not at any time. Therefore, the Jews (prophecy) ceased, and even the Egyptians it has not been preserved; Apparently, natural oracles (silent) under the influence of time. Therefore, our Vladyka and the Father Zeus so that we are not completely deprived of communication with the gods, gave us the opportunity to observe through the Holy Action so that we receive as needed with the appropriate help.

I almost forgot the greatest gift of Helios and Zeus; But it was right to save him to an end. This gift is not only our; He, I think, we have a common with Hellen, relatives to us. I mean that Zeus in the scope of the world gave rise to Asclepia, and on Earth showed him through the life-giving power of Helios. The latter, having having his way from the sky to the ground, appeared in the human form in the epidavra; From there, moving on, he moves his fertile homework over the whole earth; He arrived in Pergam, in Ionia, in Tartage and, finally, in Rome; Then went to the brand, from there in Egi; Then in all places on land and at sea. In all listed cities were the Sanctuary of Asclepia, famous wonderful healing patients. He does not visit each of us individually; However, he corrects the souls prone to delusion, and heals the bodily illness.

What kind of gifts of your god can boast the Jews that you have moved away from us and follow them? If you kept their teachings, you would not be completely unhappy; It would be worse than before you were with us, but still your position would be tolerable and tolerant. Being under the rule of cruel, harsh and largely wild and barbaric laws, instead of our soft and humans, you would be worse in other relationships, but your cult would be cleaner and impeccable. And now you, like a booze, descended from there spoiled blood, and they were left cleaner. Jesus, prevented the worst out of you, became famous for thirty too years old and in his entire life did not make anything memorable, except for the healing of the blind and chrome and spells of the standing in the villages of Wifsaide and Bifania are great feats. The piety of the Jews, since it is, you do not want to know; But you imitate their anger and severity, (like them) destroy the temples and altars and killed not only those of our who remain true to the religion of fathers, but also belonging to your own delusion of heretics that mourn the corpse is not the same way as you . However, it is more likely to do it according to your aspire, because neither Jesus nor Paul has given such an order for the reason that they did not hoped that you would ever get such power. They were pleased if they managed to deceive maids and slaves, and through them - women and men such as Cornelius and Sergius. Hint of Acts of Apostles (Ch. 10, 13). If there are at least one of the prominent people of that time among them - I mean the reign of Tiberius or Claudia, then consider that I gave everything.

I do not know where the inspiration came from me as if I came down and said that "What did our gods please you, what did you move to the Jews?". Isn't it because the gods of Rome were given to rule, Judah, they only gave freedom for a short time, and always did their slaves and aliens? Look at Abraham: wasn't he alien in a foreign land? Unless Yakov were not a slave first from the Syrians, then by the Philistines, and in old age from Egyptians? Does Moses say that they will bring them out of Egypt, from the house of slavery, stretched hand? Settling in Palestine, they changed their fate no more than, as observers say, chameleon - skin color, then conquering their judges, then staying in slavery from alien. And when they founded their kingdom - we will not talk yet, as it was; God, after all, not in his will gave them royal power, as Scripture says; They were forced him, and he warned them that the royal power would be bad, (1 Tsar., 8:11) - the only thing - that they lived a few more three hundred years and worked on their land. And then they were subordinate at first at the Assyrians, then at Middan, after that the Persians and, finally, now with us. And Jesus preached by you was a subject of Caesarians. If you do not believe, I will prove it somewhat later. However, it is better to say now.

You say that he, together with his father and mother, was included in the Quirnia census. But what good gave his relatives his birth? This, they say, because they did not want to obey him. How so? Is the cruel and cruel people who listened to the same Moses? And Jesus, who orders the winds, marking the sea and the expelled demons, creating the sky and the earth, - in reality, not one of the students decided to say about him, only one John, and it is unclear and unclearly, but let's say that it is said, - I failed to save my friends and love their predisposition! We will talk about it a little later when I proceed to the detailed analysis of the gospel ridiculous clarifications and the lucavia. And now answer me the following: What is better to be constantly free and integer two thousand years to rule over most of the earth and the sea or be a slave and live on someone else's pointer? There is no such shameless, who would prefer the second. And in war to win worse than suffering a defeat? There is no such fool who thought so. And if it is so, then call me the Jews of one such a commander as Alexander, like Caesar. You do not have this. Actually, I swear by the gods, I understand that he insults these husbands, (by the fact that he compares them with the Jews) but mentioned them because they know. People worse than their majority does not know; But from these, each individually is more than all Jewish figures, combined.

And in relation to civil legislation, the nature of the court, the management of cities, beauty ... the success of science, the development of free arts Do not Jews are miserable barbarians? True, malicious Eusevius claims that the Jews had poems, and vanishes the fact that they owned logic, whose name he knows only the first-head of Hellenes. Was the Jews have a medical school, like Ellini School of Hippocratic and others? Eusevia. Rager. EV. Xi, 5, 7; "And they had poetic works, as, for example, the Great Song of Moses and Psalm David 119, written by the so-called Greek heroic size." Is it possible to compare the "wise" Solomon with Ellity Fokilide, Feognide or Isocrate? Fokilid Greek poet Moralist Ser. Vi in. Until the new era Feognid- Greek poet the second half of the VI century. Before the new era, the author of the philosophical elegances in which he acts as an ideological aristocracy in its fight against the demos. If you compare Solomon's parables with the sayings of Isocrat, you will make sure I am sure that the son of Theodore is higher than the "wisest" king. But they say, he was skillful in worship. But what? Didn't this Solomon worshiped our gods introduced, as they say, in a deception wife? What a great virtue! What depth of wisdom! He failed to become above pleasure, and the speech of a woman was seduced. But if a woman could deceive him, then do not call him wise. If you are sure that he is wise, then you should not think that he was deceived by his wife, but that he is on the basis of his own judgment and understanding and, due to the instructions received by him, the instructions began to worship and other gods. After all, envy and jealousy does not even reach the best people, especially since they are inconspicuous by the angels and gods. But you are committed to the lower forces that can be unmistakably called demons; They have ambition and vanity, and the gods have nothing like that.

Why are you sending to Hellenic science, once for you enough reading your Scripture? After all, and from this it would be necessary to hold people rather than from biting the podded meat; For from the last, as Paul says, the harm does not get harm, but you, the wise men, argue that the conscience of who sees his brother for the podden meat will be seduced. Rome., 14:20: 1 Cor., 8: 7 cl. But because thanks to our science, every of you who has noble deposits, retreats from their wickedness; Who has preserved a drop of diving, he is the right to refuse your wicked religion. Therefore, it is more important to keep people from sciences than from sacrificial meat. But you yourself seem to me know that the difference between your scriptures and our in the sense of knowledge is not in your favor that no one can become a decent person from your writings, and from ours - a person is doing better than himself, even if he It was in all respects a talentless. And who, by nature, talented and to the years, he also received an education, he actually becomes for people the gift of gods, a man who has become a light skill of knowledge improving the state system ... As a commander, he striking many enemies in heroic campaigns on land and sea ... "After that," Kirill writes, "he raises the sacred and the ongoing written writing for what it is written in Jewish."

This can be accurately prove: Collect all your children and make them study them; And if, grew up and becoming men, they will be something more worthy than slaves, then tell me that I am a chatter and madman. You are up to that sorry and are unreasonable that you consider the divine teaching, from which no one becomes either smarter or brave or more persistent; And then, thanks to which you can buy courage, mind and justice, you give Satan and worshiping Satan.

Asclepius heals our body, the muse, together with Asclepius, Apollo and Hermes, are skillful - our souls, Ares and Enio help us in war, and all this is headed by a virny, who does not have an Athena with Zeus. Ares and Enio correspond to Roman Mars and Bellen, Athena - Minerwe. Athena is called "not having a mother" (Ametor), since, according to Greek mythology, she was born from the head of Zeus and the mother did not have. And now see, do not exceed you in all respects - in arts, wisdom and understanding; Whether it is about the subjects of consumption or imitative art for beauty - like sculptures and painting, about the art of management, about the therapeutic art of Asclepia, whose sanctuary is available everywhere on Earth, - all this God gives us in the lot permanent. I myself, when I was sick, cured asclepius, pointing the medicine; That Wonder Zeus. Thus, if we, devoting yourself to the spirit of the apostasy, are in the best position as spiritually and bodily and financially, why did you leave our religion and stick to that?

Why do not you remain correct to the teachings of the Jews and do not follow the law that God gave them, but rejecting the law of the fathers and giving up those whom the prophets were pronounced, did you leave those further than our supporters? In fact, if you look at your teaching, then your dishonest faith is consistent with the Jewish audacity and pagan indifference and lowness. From those and others you borrowed not the best, but the worst and made the trim from the vices.

Jews have exactly established cult customs, shrines and thousands of prohibitions necessary in life and the vocation of priests. The legislator banned to worship all the gods, and he ordered to serve only one, whose part of the same, and Israel - hereditary will "; (De., 32: 9) But he said not only that, but as if he added: "Gods do not become gods." Ex., 22:28; In Russian translations instead of "gods" - "judges". But the shameless and bold followers of him, wanting to destroy all awe at the crowd, decided to "not serve" (someone else's gods) to join (duty) to blame them, and only this you removed from there: otherwise you have nothing to do with them. Thus, from the new teaching of the Jews, you have appropriated the custom of thinning by the gods by us, and from our religion you, throwing the reverence before all the highest being and devotion to the laws of fathers, borrowed only permission to have everything like a garden greens. It is truth to say, you have been pronounced by the fact that you have developed what we have low. This, it seems to me, quite naturally happens to all nations; You decided to adapt your religion to the lifestyle of another variety of people - merchants, solaries, dancers and summers.

These are not only the current, but also those who have perceived the teachings from Paul from the very beginning, it is seen from what Paul testifies in their messages to them. I think he was not so apparently so that in the letters to them to make them such heavy reproaches, not knowing (what they deserve them); If he even crushed them praise of such a scale, he would have to blush if they were even deserved, and if they were false, he would have been accused of a low bowl and slavery. But this, that Paul writes to his listeners about themselves: "Do not be deceived: neither idolaters, no harmniks, nor corrupted, nor the husbandloods, nor thieves nor Lychihimens, nor drunkards, nor the moonful, nor predators of the kingdom of God do not inherit. And you know, brothers, that you were such; but washed, but sanctified by the name of Jesus

Christ. " 1 Cor., 6: 9 cl. As you can see, he says that they were such, but sanctified and washed; Obviously, abundant water is capable of washed and clean, penetrating to the soul itself. Well, baptism does not wash off leprosy at the lease, it does not wash away neither lichen, nor warts, nor gout, nor dysentery, nor water, nor paronymichs, no small, bombed damage, and adultery, robbery and in general, all the lawlessness of the soul is destroying? .. Further Kirill sets out in his own words: "Christ's cognition of the true God in the network of the faith, he equates to the slaves, who ... not withstanding the Iga slavery, recognized for the benefit to run, because they will be deceived in their hope Will not worse than it was. "

Christians say that they differ from the current Jews, but that they are true Israelis, in harmony with the prophets, and that they follow Moses most and followed by the prophets in Judea; Let's see what they most agree with the prophets. You need to start with Moses, who, according to them, predicted the future birth of Jesus. But Moses are more than once, not two, not three, and many times prescribes to read the god alone, whom he calls everywhere, but anywhere else. He calls Angels, Vladyk and, of course, a lot of gods, but by exceptional he considers the first and does not allow any such nor by him, as you came up with. If you have somewhere on this account at least one statement of Moses, you are given to bring it. As for the words "Lord God your will erect your prophet from the brothers of your, like me; Listen to him ", then it does not speak here about Born Maria. Julian here quotes the acts of the apostles (ch. 3), where in turn the author quotes Deuteronomy (18:18). But even if you agree with you, then (Moses) says that he will be similar to him, and not God, something will be a prophet, like him, from the environment of people, and not from God. As for the words "Scepter will not go away from Judah and the mentor from his thighs", (life., 49:10) This is not about Jesus, but about the kingdom of David, which actually ceased to Carn Sedeks. Here in Scripture it is said somehow ambiguous: "While the appropriate to him", and you have been converted to "While the one who applies." In the Jewish text it is said: "While comes" - "Schiloh"; Translated "70 intercovers" (Septuaginta) incomprehensible word "Schiloh" was translated as "appropriate to him" - "Schelo". Other translators went further and faked this place so that you can see the hint of Jesus here. That all this is not related to Jesus, clear; After all, he is not from the tribe of Judah; After all, he was born, in your opinion, not from Joseph, and from the Holy Spirit. But you, by making it a genealogy of Joseph, take it out of Judah, and it was not able to come up with it skillfully: Matthew and Luke expose each other, disagreeing between themselves in his genealogy. However, since we intend to disassemble in detail in the second book, we'll wage it. But agree with you that he is the ruler from Judah, (but then) he is not God and not from God, as you have been said, and (there can be no) "everything is started to be without him" . Meaning the Gospel of John (8:42): "I exhausted from God." But, (you will say), it is said in the book of numbers: "The star from Yakov, and a man from Israel," is torn; that this applies to David and his descendants, obviously; After all, David was the son of Jesse. Number, 24:17; Apparently, in the copy that Julian had, instead of "Israel" it was written "Jesse": this explains his further reference to David, Son Jesse. So, if you try to convince on the basis of these (texts of the Scriptures), then remove and present at least one statement as I brought them a lot. And what (Moses) recognized only one God, the God of Israel, he speaks about it in Deuteronomy: "So that you know that the Lord God is yours - this is God, there is no other other than him." Second, 4:35. And further: "And put in your heart that the Lord is God, in the sky at the top and on Earth below, there is no other, except for him"; (Dev. 4:39) and again:

"Listen, Israel, the Lord - Our God, Lord One", (De. 6: 4) And once again: "You see that I am - I am not God except me." Second 32:39. Thus, Moses argues that there is only one only God. But maybe these will say: "And we do not say that there are two or three." But I will show that they say that they say, and I will get sick on John, who says: "It was first that God was at God, and God was God." In., 1: 1. You see, - it says: "God had"; Whether it is about born Maria or someone who is born - I will immediately answer and the fotion - it does not make any difference; (on this issue) I give you to argue with each other. Fotin - Yeressiarch, rejected by the birth of Jesus, as God, from a womb of a woman. A letter to Him Juliana has been preserved. But that (evangelist) says "God" and "first" - this must be certified. Well, since it is consistent with the teachings of Moses?

But this, they say, consistent with Isaiah, for Isaiah says: "Seva will suffer in the womb and give birth to the Son." IS "7:14. Suppose that God really speaks here, although it does not apply to God: so she was not a Virgin, but a married woman, and before getting pregnant, she connected with her husband. In the Jewish text, "Almah" is said, which means a young woman, not a virgin. Suppose she was a virgin; But after all, it is not said that God will be born from her. And you do not cease to call Maria Virgin, although (Isaiah) does not say that Born from the Virgin will be the "only beggar son of God", "born before all the creatures"; Can anyone show in the speeches of the prophets said by John: "All through it began to be, and without it nothing began to be"? And what we prove, everyone can hear from the prophets in a row: "Lord God, save us, except you, we do not know anyone." Is., 26:13. The prophets king Jescia prays: "Lord God of Israel, sitting on Cherubims! You are the Intrivable God alone. " IP. 37:16. After all, there is no place for the second. But if, in your opinion, Logos - God from God, which occurred from the nature of the Father, on what basis do you call the Virgin Mary to the Virgin? How is she, being a man could give birth to God? In addition, you dare to say that she gave birth to the Savior, whereas God clearly says: "I am, and no one, except me, the Savior.".

And that Moses called the angels of the gods, you can make sure of the following words: "And the sons of God, seeing the daughters of human, that they are beautiful, they took themselves in his wife, what kind of who chose," and somewhat lower: "And after the sons of God began to enter To human daughters, and they began to give birth to them. These are strong, sincerely nice people. " Life., 6: 2, 4. It is clear that we are talking about angels, and here you do not need to give extraneous proof, as it follows from the message that they were not born from them, but giants; It is clear that if he believed that their fathers are people, and not the creatures of the highest order, possessing a special force, he would not say that they gave rise to giants; In my opinion, he expressed the idea here that the giants occurred from the mixing mortal with immortal. And so, calling many sons of God, moreover, not people, but angels, really wouldn't he tell people about the only root Word of God, or the Son of God, or how do you call him there if he knew about him? That he did not consider this great, (it is seen from the fact that) he speaks about Israel: "Israel, My Son, my firstborn"; (Ex., 4:22) But why Moses did not say this about Jesus? He taught about the one God and about many of his sons, between which the peoples were distributed, but the original son of God, or the Word of God, or another, falsely, who later were fictional, he did not know from the very beginning and not taught him clearly. You have listened to Moses and other prophets. But Moses often speak a lot in such a way: "Lord God of your fight and one serving"; (Ex., 4:22) How does the gospel talk about Jesus that he prescribes: "Go to teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," (MF., 28:19) If they wanted to serve him ? And you, thoughts in consent with this, at the same time deify along with the Father and Son ...

It follows a significant pass, as Kirill transmits the text of Julian in his own words: "He says that Christian laws do not agree with the laws of Moses, that Christians do not want to live according to the customs of Jews, although they took the customs of Ellin. Both those and others live according to the same custom, with the exception, at the most two or three are the fact that they do not recognize other gods and so-called sacrifices for fortune telling on the liver. But what of the time all the other people have common with the Hellen without change? Jews have very important circumcision. He does, he says, and the temple priesthood of the Egyptians, as well as Haldei and Saracin, but without borrowing (from the Jews). In the same way, he says, they had an honor of the victim as Pervinki, burnt, victims for sin, victims of offerings and, in his opinion, respectful victims, cleansing and sanctification. He thinks that Jerophant Moses sacrificened the demons unclean and disgusting and - which is still outrageous - the legislator, says, provided it to the priests, so that we can end it in the fact that he made laws that contradict his own practice. If, as he says, we see that he prescribes to bring established sacrifices also dangerous demons, how does he disgust us from evil and, rather, does not lead us right on this road? "

Listen again, what he talks about the demons: "Let the two goats sacrifice for sin and one Aries in the burnt offering. And I will bring Aaron Taver to sacrifice for sin for myself and clean myself and your house. And he will take two goats and will put them in the face of the Lord at the entrance of the Tribal of the testimony. And I will leave Aaron about both gods of the lot: one lot from the Lord, another lot for his reserved, "so that he says, send him to his abuse and send it to the desert. Lion, 16: 5,; In the Jewish text of the Bible, it is not about the "scapegoat", as in translations, and about the "goat Azaleu", that is, a goat, brought to the sacrifices of the Spirit of the desert to God-Kozl (Azale); The editors of the Jewish text were also shocked by such a neighborhood for Yahweh and replaced the "Azale" less cutting ear, albeit meaningless, "azazel". This is how the scapegoat is sent. And he says about the second goat: "And the goat is sacrificed for the sin of the people before the Lord, and will bring blood for the veil, and it will frown the base of the altar, and will cleanse the sanctuary from the uncleanness of the sons of Israel and from their crimes in all their sins." Lev., 16:15. From what is clear how Moses knew ways of sacrifices. And that he did not consider them, as you, unclean, you can see from the following words: "If someone, having impurity on himself, there will be meat of the victim of the Lord, then the soul of him from the people of His." Lion, 7:20. This is how Moses is careful about to taste the sacrificial meat. It should be reminded and foregoing, about what we all said. Why do you disappear from us, do not keep the Jewish law and do not remain faithful to the prescriptions of Moses? "But," will someone from you, looking expressively, "after all, the Jews do not bring victims!" But I am a blind way in the fluff and dust: first, you and other legal entities adopted in the Jews do not follow; Secondly, Jews in the caches bring sacrifices and now they still eat sacrificial meat and pray before bringing the sacrifice, and give the right blade to priests instead of Pervok, and, having lost the temple, or, as they usually say, shrines, seek to bring the God Pervinki from sacrificial animals . And you who, invented new sacrifices, why not bring victims? After all, you do not need Jerusalem? However, this is I already telling you too much, it broke out, although I first wanted to show that the Jews agree with the pagans except that they believe only in one God. This item is their feature, and we are alien; But everything else, as if they have the same as we, - temples, sacred sites, altar, cleansing, different defensive rites; In all this, they do not differ from us at all, or very little. .. "We do, according to him, a mistake in relation to both faiths, since, on the one hand, we do not admit a majority, and on the other hand, we recognize not one God, according to the law, and three instead of one" (Kirill) .

Why don't you with regard to food are not chisty like Jews, but say that everything can be used, like garden vegetables: you believed Peter, who, they say, said:

"That God cleared, you do not read unclean." The Acts of the Apostles (10) say that the apostle Peter, being in the house of the Kozhevnik and hungry, "came to the frenzy" and saw "the cloth and ... in it all sorts of four-legged earthly animals, reptiles and birds of heaven. And he was a voice to him: "Get up, Peter, Fuck and eat." Where is the proof that in antiquity God considered it unclean, and now he did it clean? Moses, after all, indicates relatively four-legged, that every cattle, whose, as he says, twisted hoofs and on the hooves a deep incision and who chews the chewing, is clean, and who does not have this - unclean. So, if a pig in the vision of Peter received a property to chew a chewing gum, then you have to believe it. Truly miracle, if after Peter's vision she acquired this property. If he lied as if he had a vision, or, in your opinion, the "revelation" of the leatherman, how did you ever believe in such a matter? Did Moses protected something difficult to you, forboving there is besides pork also birds and fish, having received an indication of God as they, like those are rejected and unclean? However, why do I apply to this for so long when you can see (straight), does it (Moses) any power (Christians)? After all, they say that God has added the second law; He was written in relation to the case at a limited time, and then a new one appeared, because he was limited to time and the place of Moses. I clearly show that they tell a lie, and will bring from the books of Moses not only ten, but thousands of evidence, where he calls the law eternal. Listen to the outcome to start from the book: "And yes it will be this day you remember and celebrate it as a holiday to the Lord, your childbirth; As the establishment of the eternal celebrate it ... And on the first day, destroy the quasan in your homes "... Ex., 12: 14-15; Further in the text pass-seems to be, Julian brought other quotes from the Bible to the proof of the Eternity of the Law. I still missed a lot of such that my number gave me the right to declare that Moses considered the law eternal. But you show, where it says something similar to the bold statement Paul, that "the end of the law is Christ"? Rome., 10: 4. Where did God declare the Jews another law besides the existing one? Nowhere is this, and there is no amendments to the existing law. Listen again Moses: "Do not add to the fact that I am commanded to you, and do not divert. Observe the commandments of the Lord God of your who I command today, "(De., 4: 2) and," cursed anyone who will not be faithful to everything. " This refers to Deuteronomy (27:26). And you not only found a trifling to subscribe or add to the law written in the law, but recognized the law of a special courage and the greatness of the soul at all, meaning not the truth, and the easiest opportunity to attract everyone ... "Here he mentions the message of the Holy Apostles ... to convert from pagans. "You like," they wrote, - the Holy Spirit and we do not impose any burden on you more, except for this necessary: \u200b\u200bto refrain from the podded, fornication and removal and blood. " He blames it and says that "the Holy Spirit did not want to" violate the law of Moses. In addition, this aristocrat embarrassment over the Holy Apostles, especially over Peter, and says that he is a hypocrite and as if Paul influenced him that he tries to live on the customs of Ellinov, then according to the customs of Jews "(Kirill).

You are confused that even the rules you are taught to the apostles you do not keep. At the same time, the later rework them towards the deterioration and deepening of the wickedness. Neither Paul, nor Luka, nor Matthew, nor Mark dreamed to call Jesus God. But Honored John, noticing that many people in many cities of Ellala and Italy became infected with this disease, and also, I think, having heard that the graves of Peter and Paul begin to use the worship, the first decided to say (that Jesus is God). Having said a little about John the Baptist, he again returns to the Logos proven to them and says: "And the word has become flesh and dwells with us"; (John, 1:14) But how - he was ashamed to say. Nowhere, he does not name Neither Jesus nor Christ, but as long as he speaks of the Word, he little-in-making, unnoticed to us, inspired by John the Baptist gave such a testimony of Jesus Christ that he was the one who should be recognized by God-Word. However, here John speaks Jesus Christ, I do not argue against this, although some apostates believe that Jesus Christ and the John Logos heated - various faces. In fact, it is not. For, whom he calls God-word, that John the Baptist confesses to Jesus Christ. But see how carefully and urgent, he brings to his drama, a wicked ending, he is before the deft deceiver that he again sees and adds: "God never seen God; The only society, which is in the depths of his father, he revealed. " In., 1:18. So this is, or that, God-word, which became flesh, this "only begotten son, is in the depths of the Father?" If he, it means, and you saw God somewhere, for he "dwells with you" and you saw the glory of him; What do you declare that no one ever seen God? After all, you have seen if not a father's God, then God-word. If the "only beef son" is one, and God-word is another, as I heard from some of your adherents, it turns out that John did not dare (call Jesus God).

But this evil was covered by John. And how much you still came up with, adding fresh corpses to the old corpse! That is, the cult of saints added to the worship of the corpse of Jesus. Is it possible to requent evaluate this abomination? You all filled with graves and tombs, although you have not been said anywhere that you have to lie on the graves and take care of them. You have come in our viciousness to the fact that you do not find it necessary in this matter to reckon with the words at least Jesus Nazori; Listen to what he talks about the graves: "Mount to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, which are like the coffins of the failed; Outside the coffin seems beautiful, and inside it is full of bones of the dead and every uncleanness. " MF., 2 3:27. So, if Jesus says that the coffins are full of impurity, how do you call for God? ... Pass. According to Kirill, Julian, "he adds to this that when one of the students said:" Let me go and bury my father, "Jesus said:" Go for me and give the dead to burn your dead. " With this position of things, in the name of which you are lying on the graves? Want to know the reasons? Not I will answer this, but the prophet Isaiah: "They sleep on the graves and in the crypts for the sake of prophetic dreams." Is., 65: 4. (In Russian Synodal translation: "Sits in coffins and spend the night in the caves.") Notice how the ancient of the Jews is a magical action - to sleep on the graves for the sake of dreams. It is clear that the apostles after the death of the teacher were engaged and from the very beginning passed this custom and you, newly assumed; They are arterly than you, made by magic and popularly showed our successors to the factory of this magic and abomination.

The fact that God from the very beginning through Moses and the Prophets was cursed, you perform, and bring the victim to the altar and to share them you refuse. "Now," they say, "the fire does not go away (from the sky), like with Moses to burn victims." With Moses, it happened only once, and the second time later, after a long time at Ilya Fesviana. As Moses and, before him, Patriarch Abraham consider it necessary to get fire from the outside, and in short prove ... "We follow the mention of history with Isaac, etc." (Kirill). But not only this; When the sons of Adam brought the God Pervinka, "the Lord wishes," says the Bible, "on Abel and for the gift, and he did not win him for Cain and for the gift. Cain was very upset and understood his face. And the Lord said to the Lord Kain: why did you upset? And why do you face your face? If you bring good and choose wrong, you will not get sick. " Life., 4: 4 cl. Art. 7 in the Jewish and Greek text is distorted and in Russian editions translated arbitrarily. The version that Julian quotes, is visible, as can be seen from the further, free option proposed by the commentator. Want to know what their gifts were? "And it was a few days later - brought Cain from the fruits of the land of Dar to the Lord. And Abel also brought him from the original sheep of his own and from Tuka. " I am really not a sacrifice, but the choice of God, when I said to Kaina: "If you bring good, but you will choose wrong, do you make sure?" So explained to me some of the very well-known bishops. But he first deceived himself, and then others, because when I began to ask, in what sense the choice was worthy of the censure, he had nothing to say and there was nothing to say in front of me. Seeing that he was confused, I told him: "God reproached exactly what you are talking about. The kind will of both was the same, because both of them realized that we had to bring sacrifices to God. But the choice one of them did successfully, the other did not get into the goal. Why and how? On Earth there is an animated and inanimate, and for God, like a lively and lifestyle, living more valuable than non-living, as it participates in life and is connected with the soul. Therefore, God was pleased with those who brought the victim perfect. "

Well, we will return to them again. Why don't you commit circumcision? "Paul," they say, "said that the cutting of the heart is commanded, and not the flesh, and this is Abraham. The text in this place is obviously spoiled. Only he did not speak about the flesh, and it was necessary to believe that he and Peter were announced in their righteous speeches. " Listen again, how (Scripture) suggests that the circumcision on the flesh is taught to Abraham as a covenant and as a sign:

"Here is the covenant who God must keep between me and you, between your offspring your childbirth; Cut your extreme flesh your, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and to you and between me and the offspring of yours "... life., 17:10 Sl. "To this," pins Kirill, "he adds that Christ himself said that it was necessary to fulfill the law, speaking in one place:" I did not have to break the law and the prophets, and fulfill, "and elsewhere again:" Who will break One of the commandments of the smallest and teach so people, the slightest in the kingdom of heaven. " After (Christ) unambiguously prescribed that the law must be observed, and threatened the punishment for the violation of at least one commandment, what will you think about yourself justification, who broke all the commandments, combined? Either Jesus says in a lie, or you lie everywhere and in all your keepers of the law. "Circumcision will be on your body," says (Moses); Having distorted it, they say: "We are cut with a heart." Of course, after all, there is not a single villain, not a single scoundrel: to such an extent you are "cut off with a heart." "Observe the desalinco and the Easter, we cannot," they say, "because the Christ is sacrificed for us once." Perfectly. But did he forbade there either desolation? I swear by the gods, I am one of those who are not going to fulfill with the Jews of their ceremony, but I always honor God Abraham, Isaac and Yakov, who, being chaldems, belong to the kind of priests and governors, learned circumcision when they lived among the Egyptians, And they began to worship God, which, being pretty and mighty, was favorable to me and to those who honor him, like Abraham, but does not look at you. For you do not imitate Abraham, do not erect the altar to God, do not build him altars and do not honor him with the sacraments like that. Abraham always brought victims as we, and often used fortune-planets. This, perhaps, is also an Allensky custom. He was more involved in the bird. Yes, and as a manager of the house he had a gadel. If someone from you (me) does not believe, I will definitely indicate that Moses has been said about this: "After these events, the word of the Lord is to Abraham in the night vision: do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield; Your reward will be quite great! And said Abraham: Vladyka, what do you give me? After all, I remain childless, and the masks, the son of homegrown, inherit me. And here was the word of the Lord to him: it will not be this to your heir, but the one who will happen from you will be your heir. And brought him out and told him: Look at the sky and pick up the stars if you could not count them. And said: That will be your offspring. And God believed Abraham, and he immediately influenced him in righteousness. " Life .. 15: 1 cl. Tell me in this case, why the foresteering angel or God brought him out and showed the stars? Is it remaining in the house, he did not know what many seen sparkling stars always at night? But I think he wanted to show him the wandering stars in order to lead as an obvious confirmation of the obstendhest favorable sentence of the sky. And so that no one suspects that this is my interpretation stretched, I certify it by quoting the words following these; Further is written: "And he told him: I god, who brought you out of the Helje, to give you this land of possession. He said: Lord Lord, why should I find out that I would own it? And he told him, take me a three-year-old bird, a trileten goat, a twilty ram, a gorge and a young pigeon. And he took himself all of them and rake them in half and put one part against another; Only birds are not cut. And the predatory birds descended on the dissected parts, but Abraham distilled them out. " Life., 15: 7 cl. You see that the prediction of the angel or God is supported by a piercing, and not to learn, like yours, and the fortune telling is accomplished with sacrifices. "In anyone. He himself, he himself, he says, the voices of birds reported that he would put in the royal throne." And (the meaning of what) says (Scripture), - that the arrival of birds confirmed the promise - Abraham, I experienced confirmation, for the faith without truth seemed to be some kind of absurdness and stupidity. And the truth cannot be obtained on the basis of empty words, but it is necessary that the words are accompanied by an obvious sign that would make sure that the prediction in the future will be fulfilled. You still have another reason for neglecting (law) - the fact that the victim cannot be sacrificed, having lost Jerusalem; But after all, Ilya brought the sacrifice on Carmel, and not in the Holy City ...

True, Ellina composed myths about the gods - incredible and full of unprecedented. They say they, as if the crowns swallowed their children and then again monster them back. Talk about wicked marriage unions: Zeus Allegedly combined with his mother, he had children from her, and he himself married his own daughter, who his mother gave birth to him. Moreover, coming down with her, he then lost his other without constraint. Then tell how Dionysus It was crawling into parts and as members of him were again collected together. That's what the Ellen's myths say, but compare the Jewish doctrine about how God hits the paradise, as he creates Adam, and then his wife for him. God says: "It's not good to be a person one; I will create an assistant, respectively, "- and this" assistant "has not resolutely helped him, deceived him and caused him the reason that he and she were driven out of Paradise and lost heavenly bliss. All this is real fables.

For it is not meaningless if God does not know that his creation will not only be useless for whom it is intended, but, on the contrary, will bring some misfortunes? And on what, we ask, the language of Zmiy was to talk to Eve? Is it really on human? What is different from the myths made by Hellen? Well, not the top of this nonsense: God refuses to man, they created, in the knowledge of good and evil! Could there be anything unreasonably a person who does not know how to distinguish good and evil? It is clear that such a person will not avoid evil and will not strive for good. But the most important thing is that God did not give a man to enjoy knowledge, and meanwhile there is nothing more precious to humans.

After all, the ability to distinguish good and evil is the property of mind, and this is obvious even for the most unreasonable; So, the serpent can be called more than a benefactor, and not the destruction of the genus of the human, God for the same reason should be called envious. For as soon as he saw that a person had acquired a mind, he drove him out of Paradise, so that God says, did not taste from the Tree of Life. Here are genuine words of God: "Adam became like one of us, knowing good and evil; No matter how hard he is his hands, and he also did not even take him from the Tree of Life, and did not taste, and did not live forever. " And the Lord God deprived him of the bliss of paradise life. If all this together is not taken by a myth, who has a secret meaning, then, I am convinced, these Rosskazni about God are filled with blasphemy. Not to know that created as an assistant will cause the death and prohibit the knowledge of good and evil, which, in my opinion, is the greatest heritage of the human mind, and even curvily wake up, no matter how a person did not taste from the Tree of life and did not become immortal from the mortal - All this is inherent only to the unfair and envious.

Speaking about the widespread of various languages, Moses Moves a completely fabulous story. If you believe him, the sons of human, uniting, decided to build a city and in it - a huge tower, but God said that he will come down from the sky and mixes their languages. To anyone did not think like I slander MosesLet's turn to his own words:

"And they said: we will build a city and tower, tall to heaven; Let everyone know about us before, rather dispel on the face of the whole land. And the Lord descended to see the city and the tower that human sons were built. And the Lord said: - Here is one people and one in all languages; And that's what they started to do, and they will not stop from what they conceived; We will take advantage and mix them there, so that none understand the speech of another. - and scattered their Lord from there along the whole earth; And they stopped building the city. "

So, you demand that we believe it, and do not believe that it is said Homer About alouds, as if they were removed to prank one on the other three mountains, "so as the attack of the sky to take." And I believe that both of these narches are similar to Basni. Why do you - swear by the gods - taking the first, reject said Homer?

Against Christians. Word I, in Sat .: Late Greek Prose / Sost. S. Polyakova, M., "State Publishing House fiction", 1961, p. 649-650.

Julian Flavius \u200b\u200bClaudius, Julian Apostode (Lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bClaudius Iulianus) - Roman Emperor (361-363).

Son Yulia Constance, nephew of Constantine I. His father and other relatives died at a massacre arranged after the death of Constantine. He received strict Christian education, but his teacher Enun Mardonii was able to interest the young man in the pagan literature and the old gods. At about 342, the emperor translated it to Niccoming, after 6 years, Juliana allowed to return to Constantinople. In 355, Constances II proclaimed him Caesar and appointed the army commander in Gaul to protect borders from Frankiv and Alemannov. After several victories of Julian, the largest of which was Polwy at the Argentor in 357, soldiers in Lutection in 360 were proclaimed by his emperor; The civil war was avoided only because of the sustainable death Constance II in 361.

Having become the emperor, Julian held financial and tax reforms, expanded the rights of municipal courage, improved the army and mail. In the plans of Juliana there was a religious reform, during which he wanted to revive the Roman traditional religion on the basis of neoplatonic philosophy and the cult of the Sun, but his efforts could not be crowned with success due to the unexpectedness of his measures, excessive demanding to the lifestyle and the intellectual level of priests and, In essence, the lack of a significant social base interested in these transformations.

Julian has half alarmed with Christians in his writings. The main idea of \u200b\u200bJulian in this controversy is the opposition of Ellensky education and Christian uneducation, classical culture for it is a single integer. Julian opposes the statutes about the Union of Platonism and Christianity declared by Christians. Nevertheless, he tried to postpone some of the Christian institutions and customs on the pagan soil.

In 363, Julian began a campaign against Persia. He reached her capital of Kteisifon, but could not take the city and turned back. In the battle in Marange, he was wounded and soon died. Speech, letters and epigrams of Juliana are preserved; Anti-Christian treatise "Against Galilean" reached fragments, notes about war with Aleannes are lost. Juliana is evaluated in different ways: the pagans of Zosim, Ammonian Marcellin and Libania respond about him with great warmth, while Christian authors criticize him extremely sharply.


L'Empereur Julien. Œuvres Complètes Trad. Jean Bidez. Paris, 1924-1964;

Julian. To the Council and the people of Athens / Per. M.E. Grabar parse // Monuments of the late ancient oratorical and epistolary art. M.-L., 1964. P. 41-49;

Julian. Against Christians / Per. And B. Ranovich. // Ranovich A. B. First sources on the history of early Christianity. Antique critics of Christianity. M., 1990. P. 396-435;

Emperor Julian. Letters / lane. D.E. Furman ed. A.Ch. Kozarzhevsky // VDI. 1970. № 1-3;

Emperor Julian. Works / trans. T.G. Side. St. Petersburg., 2007.


Juliana bust. Athens, Archaeological Museum.

Julian Apostode (Iulianus Apostata; Flavius \u200b\u200bClaudius Julian, Flavius \u200b\u200bClaudius Iulianus; 331-363), Emperor Rome in 361-363; The nickname of the apostate received from the Christian church.

He accidentally avoided the death when his whole family was destroyed during his uncle, Emperor Constantine, the struggle for the throne. In his youth, Julian Apostode received Christian education under the leadership of Eusevia (then Bishop Niscii), but later became interested in Greek pagan philosophy. In 355, the Emperor of Constantius appointed Julian apostate by the governor of Gaul, where he showed an outstanding administrative and military talent, reflecting the invasion of Germanians and strengthening the provincial management apparatus. In 360, having received an order to replicate the East to participate in the campaign against Persia, Legions, who were under the command of Julian apostate, rebelled and proclaimed him by the emperor. When next year Constantia unexpectedly died, Julian Apostode became the ruler of the Roman Empire.

In Christianity, which for one generation turned from the persecution of sects to the official and militant religion, Julian Apostode not only saw a destructive disease undermining the states of the state, but also experienced a deep disgust for Christian verbation and morality. The opposition of Julian Apostate to Christianity was expressed as in the publication of the Edictibility of them about violepability and at the base of the pagan cult in which he served as the Supreme Priest ( pontifeks Maximus). Julian Apostode adopted a resolution regulating the behavior and lifestyle of pagan priests, formulated the ethical norms of the pagan faith and imposed a ban on a number of books containing attacks on paganism. The polemical compositions of Julian Apostate against Christianity reveal deep knowledge of the Bible and the New Testament. Many themes affected by Julian apostate in the composition "against Galilean" (as Christians called then) relate to Judaism. Julian apostate accuses Christianity in that it borrowed the worst features of Judaism and paganism, and blame him for a gap with Judaism. He claims that the beliefs of Jews do not differ from the beliefs of other peoples, with the exception of faith in one God, and also rejects the Christian allegorical interpretation of the Bible.

Julian Apostode examines Jewish monotheism in two aspects. First, it indicates that the Christian faith in the divinity of Jesus is incompatible with the Bible, which recognizes only one God. Secondly, he is trying to present Judaism as one of the pagan facilities in order to oppose Christianity to all adopted religious beliefs. Therefore, he proves that the Jews are the elected people of their God, who is the local national deity and no difference between the gods of other land and cities. At the same time, the intolerance of the Jews to other gods and respect them by Saturdays causes displeasure from Julian's apostate. He compares the plots of Books of Being with the epic of Homer and Plato's cosmogonia and proves that the pagan idea of \u200b\u200bthe Divine is standing above the Judaistical Concept. The confirmation of this he sees in Jewish history, which is replete with the epochs of enslavement, as well as that Jews, relatively with their number, gave very few great commander, philosophers, scientists, lawyers, doctors, musicians, etc.

The attitude of Julian Apostate to Jews was determined through his controversy against Christianity. Before going to the war with a percion (on which he died), Julian Apostode promised to cancel the anti-Jewish laws and allow Jews to restore the Jerusalem Temple, in which the service was going to participate in person ("Message to the Jewish Society"). Soon after that, he wrote that "the temple is already being erected again" ("Message to the clergyman"). Jewish sources contain only extremely uncertain hints for it. Historian-pagan Ammonian Marcellin (see Roman literature) writes that, apparently, Julian apostate wanted a restored temple to become a monument to his rule. He ordered the allocation of the necessary funds and building materials and was responsible for the project for Antioh's alpius, however, according to Roman historians reports, attempts to start construction put an end to the fire that covered the ruins of the temple. The Fathers of the Church tell about it in the embezzlement form and add that the Jews with enthusiasm adopted the proposal of Julian apostate and flocked the temple grief, carrying stones for construction, however, when the first stones were laid, the warning of the Jews began earthquakes and hurricane storms, and then The Jews were facing the heavenly fire and the vision of Christ.

From all this it can be concluded that Julian Apostate intended to restore the temple to strengthen paganism in opposition to Christianity (from his point of view, Judaism was one of the forms of pagan religion, the characteristic feature of which rituals of sacrifice serve), and to refute the prophecy of Jesus regarding the temple ( Luke 21: 6; Matt. 24: 2). Latest Christian authors (Amvrosiy Mediolsky, Messages, 4th century; Salamansky coinstand, "Church History", 5 c.) Approved that after publishing the order of Julian, the apostate about the restoration of the church of Jews beat Christians and burned churches in Ashkelon, Damascus, Gaza and Alexandria . However, most researchers are more likely to believe Bar of Hebraus ("Chronography", 13th century), according to which the Jews of Edessians killed the entertainment decret of Christians.

Discovered in 1969 on the western wall inscription with a quote from IP. 66:14, perhaps, refers to this period of the revival of Messianic hopes.

Julian Flavius \u200b\u200bClaudius(Flavius \u200b\u200bClaudius Julianus) (331-363) - the Roman emperor (361-363), was born in Constantinople, son of Julia Constantia, consolidated brother Konstantin I Great, the admirer of Platonic philosophy; For the appeal from Christianity in paganism, he received the nickname "apostate" with church historians.

Julian was a possible applicant for the throne, especially after in 337, during the riots and intrigues, followed by Konstantin, his father and other relatives were killed. Emperor Constantius II referred to Julian with suspicion, at 345, together with a consolidated brother, Konstania Gall, he was exiled in Mavel (Cappadocia). In 350 constants, Galla Caesar was prescribed, i.e. The younger co-program, in the East, but in 354 Gall was shifted and executed. The incomes of the environment Constance forced Julian to constantly fear for their lives, but he was patronized by Empress Eusevia, and in 355 Julian called to the capital to marry Elena Elena and appoint Caesar and then sent to Gallia to return the province to the raids of Franks and Alemannov, Under the power of the empire.
Julian, with zeal, began to work, elected tactics was intelligent and effective, but he was prevented by the misties of military leaders, at the beginning of Marcello, and then replaced his Barbation. The war went mainly on the territory of modern Alsace and on the banks of the Rhine. In 356, Julian dismissed the colony Agrippin (Sovr. Cologne), but was besieged in the agility (Sovr. Sans). In 357, he had to reflect the onslaught of Alemannov, broken to Lugdun (Lyon), but later he successfully fought with them on the Rhine and forced them to conclude a truce.

In 358, Julian cleared Lower Germany from the invaders, and next year they attacked Alemannov on their own territory and advanced to Mogontiak (Sovr. Mainz). In 360 Julian sent Lupicin to Britain to prevent the invasion of the North of Pictites and Catotters.

At this point, Constances, who intended to start a campaign in the East, as well as the fearful growth of his junior co-coherent, demanded that Julian had selected parts of the Gallic army. Initially, Julian took an expectant position, but since Constances insisted on his own, legionnaires proclaimed Julian Emperor. Julian's suggestions about the Full Agreement Constance rejected, concluded peace with the Persia and returned to Antioch. Civil War It seemed imminent. Julian decided to resolve the enemy and in 361 he moved to the east himself, but in November it came to the news that Constances died by appointing him to his successor.

Soon Julian began preparations for the campaign against Persians. At the beginning of 363, he refused to accept the Persian ambassadors and spoke with very significant forces from the Antioch to Carries, and then moved down the Eufrat, at the same time sent by the army under the command of the procopy downstream of the Tiger. With the army and fleet, Julian successfully left behind the channels of Mesopotamia, and then won the gate of Ktesiphon, but did not take the city. After waiting for a proofer, which was not joined by him, Julian burned his fleet and moved back towards the Tiger.

On June 26, 363, he died from the wound, perhaps the spell of his own warrior (probably a Christian). The follow-up tradition attributes to him the death words "You won, Nazareyanin!" In which the real historical victory of Christianity and the failure of Julian's neo-language reform, on the Roman leggings of the Legions of which remained the motto Soli Invicto (unbeatable sun).

Julian stayed by the emperor for 20 months. In internal politics Julian sought to respect the legality and restriction of the authorities of the court click.

I attempted to revive pagan politicalism as a new state religion, streamlining it with the means of neoplatonic philosophy. However, generally speaking, Julian's apostasy remained his personal matter, as he did not find support in the circles of Roman aristocracy. He himself in his youth received an Helinistic education, he studied from the famous philosophers (Edezi, Maxim Ephesian, Chrysanphi from Sard) and Ritizors (Libania) of their time; In 355, Athens was dedicated to Eleusinsky Mysteries ( see also Eleusin).

With short-term Board, Julian resumed pagan sacrifices, the antique pantheon of the gods was restored, the ancient oracles were sounded, mystery and rites were held. Antique philosophy, pagan mysticism and oriental cults intertwined in Julian's worldview in their own teaching, the main dominant of which was the cult of the Sun. Distinguishing, according to the sample of Jamblich, the worlds breathtaking, thinking and sensual, Julian, the focus of each of them considered the Sun God; The Sun of the Sensual World was for him only the reflection of the Sun of the Sun-awaited world.

At the same time, Julian avoided the direct persecution of Christians, he conducted a politician of violence, hoping to defeat Christianity Idean. Not exposing Christians to harsh harassment, he deprived them of imperial patronage and banned to a mustache in the field of free arts. In addition, Julian patronized Jews and tried to restore the Jewish community in Palestine. He even started recreating the temple (perhaps in the peak of Christianity).

The writings of Juliana (speech, hymns, conversations, letters) carry the imprint and largely the program of future transformations. The most significant works - To the king of the sun, To Mother of God, Against Galilean (directed against Christians and, in particular, against Bishop Kirill Alexandria), Feast. In his controversy with Christians, Julian sought to show the impossibility of deifying any person, the impossibility of even the thought of God.

Works: Emperor Julian. Letters. - Bulletin ancient history, 1970, № 1–3; Against Christians. (Excerpts). - In the book: Ranovich A. B. First-sources on the history of early Christianity . M., 1990.

Maria Solopova