What is mainland? Continent and mainland - two big differences.


The mainland is fully located in the southern and eastern hemisphere. Its coast is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In size, Australia is the smallest mainland on Earth. Its area is about 8.89 million km2, which is 6 times less than Eurasia.

The mainland has not been known to Europe for a long time, although the ancient Greeks said about him. The world found out about Australia in the Epoch of the Great geographic discoveries. Spaniard Torres, Dutchman Tasman, Englishman James Cook gave the first information about Australia. From the end of the XVIII century, the master of continent begins. The British government first referred to Australia of criminals, and in the southeast of the continent there was a city of Sydney as a colony of convicts. In connection with the discovery of rich mineral deposits, many "seekers of happiness" seemed to have good pastures for livestock here, and England declared the mainland with her colony.

Australia in the past separated from the mainland of Gondwan. It is based on a platform, which slowly rises, it slowly goes away. Now Australia is the most flat mainland, with aligned and monotonous relief, and the most calm: there are no acting volcanoes and earthquakes. In the east, the mainland is located strongly destroyed mountains - a large waterproof ridge with the highest point of Kosyushko (2230 m). The continent is very surprised by geologists. It seems he is simply "stupid" minerals. Here is the third part of all diamonds of the planet, the fourth part of all uranium reserves among developed countries of the world. Geologists have found the oil and gas field, iron ore. By the extraction of Bauxites Australia occupies a leading place in the world. The astrase is the most dry mainland on Earth. It is located in the southern hemisphere, so in December - summer, in June - winter. Thanks to the location in tropical latitudes, the mainland receives a lot of solar heat, so there is a hot summer and relatively cold winter. The average temperatures in the summer + 20 ° C, in winter + 12 ° C, although they can sometimes be lowered to -4 ° C on the plains and up to -12 ° C in the mountains. The precipitation in Australia falls mainly in the north (summer, thanks to monscons) and in the east (all year, thanks to the Pacific Ocean). The rest of the territory is moistened weakly. Australia is located in four climatic belts: a subequatorial, tropical, subtropical, moderate.

In Australia, there are no large, full-flowered rivers. The largest river system is Murray with a large influx of Darling. The river level changes: during drought it drops, and during the rain it increases. Most lakes do not have drain and salted. The largest of them - the Eyre, underlying the ocean level of 12 meters. Distinctive trait Australia is a wealth of underground waters (about 40% of the territory). Most of the Western and Central Australia intersects a rare network of dry beds - screams filled with water only during the rain period.

Nature has created a huge reserve in Australia, where many species of plants and animals have preserved, close to the fact that they inhabited the land in distant times and disappeared on other continents. 75% of plants and 90% of animals in any corner of the world are no longer found. Eucalyptus growing here, which has become a country symbol, herbal tree, palm trees, tree fern, numerous acacias, ficuses, bottlepot. Very peculiar I. animal world. Only here is inhabited by the echidna and the waterproof - the most primitive mammals, numerous short, a variety of birds: Ostrich Ema, parrots of Kakada, Parrots, Paradise birds, Larhvosts. The world is rich in poisonous snakes, lizards, locusts, mosquitoes.

24 million people live in Australia. The population consists of Anglo-Australians (80%) and indigenous people-Aboriginal (1%), as well as immigrants from other countries. On the territory of the mainland, the population is posted extremely unevenly. Almost all of it is concentrated on the eastern and southeastern outskirts of the mainland, where the best natural conditions. Aborigines live here. They exist in the benchmarks in reservations (territories allocated to accommodate indigenous people). Many of them work with bathers or lead the lifestyles of the semi-critical hunters and collectors.

On the territory of the mainland there is only one state - the Australian Union. His capital is the city of Canberra.

Geographical position: Southern Hemisphere, East Hemisphere.

Area: 7631.5 thousand square meters. km.

Extreme points:

Extreme Northern Point - Cape York, 10 ° 41? Yu. sh.;

Extreme South Point - Cape Southeast, 39 ° 11? Yu. sh.;

Extreme Western Point - Cape Schip Point, 113 ° 05? in. d.;

Extreme East Point - Cape Byron, 153 ° 34? in. d.

Climate types: subequatorial, tropical, subtropical.

Geology: Ancient Australian platform, East Australian fold belt.

Relief: predominantly plain, the average height of the mainland is 215 m; Along the east coast of the mainland, a large waterprooped ridge, Western Plateau, Deserts: Big Sand, Gibson, Victoria.

Additional Information: Australia is washed by the Indian Ocean, Tasmanov and the Coral Seas of the Pacific Ocean; The length of the continent from north to south is 3200 km, from west to east - 4100 km; The population of Australia is 21 million people.


Antarctica is the southern polar region of the Earth, inside the southern polar circle. Antarctica includes the mainland of Antarctica, the southern outskirts of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans and Islands, which are within 50-60 ° of southern latitude, where the warmer and cold water of the oceans converge. Antarctic Square - 52.5 million km. " The seas entering this area are very stormy, the waves sometimes reach the height of more than 20 meters. In winter, water freezes, and ice surround Antarctica ring, whose width ranges from 500 to 2000 km. In the summer of the flow carry ice to the north, together with Icebergs. By definition of scientists at the coast of Antarctica, more than 100 thousand icebergs of different sizes are simultaneously floating. The first in the water of Antarctica penetrated Amerigo Vespucci in 1502, opening a number of islands.

Antarctica - Polar region on the south side of the globe. Here, inside the polar circle there is an ice mainland. It is about twice as much as Australia - 14 million km2. The average height of the mainland is 2040 meters. Volcanic activity has not stopped and so far. In the central part of the ice cover rises almost up to 4000 meters. Separate peaks of Antarctic Andes - Range, stretching along the shores of the Pacific Ocean, are elevated with ice to 5,000 meters or more. At the same time, the height of the continent would be less if there were no ice on it. Its here much - 24 million km3. This is more than 90% of all freshwater reels on Earth, which are stored here in a frozen state. The average thickness of the ice cover is more than 1,700 meters, the maximum is more than 4000 meters. It is thanks to the Ice of Antarctica looks like a huge white dome on the southern pole. If the ice was suddenly melted, he would raise the level of the world's ocean by 60 meters, which would lead to a reduction in the area of \u200b\u200ball the mainland, including the Antarctica itself, which would have become the archipelago - the cluster of the islands, since a significant part of the mainland under the ice dome lies below the ocean level.

Antarctica is the coldest of all the mainland. In the winter months, frosts can reach -90 ° C. Summer frost less, only -20 ° C. In Antarctica there is no rain: the precipitation here falls in the form of snow. The climate of the center of the Center and His coasts is very different: in the center almost all year round, the mouldrtie and a clean sky, and strong winds and blizzards reign on the shores. Wind speed there can reach 90 m / s. Such a wind can easily carry heavy items for considerable distances. Dry snow, rushing at high speed, is able to repaid thick ropes and polishes metal to shine.

Ice Antarctica is considered the main "refrigerator" of our planet and has an impact on its climate. The mainland receives a very large amount of solar heat. It turns out that the South Polar Summer cannot be exit from the room without sunglasses; The skin will quickly sunbathe. But the ice of Antarctica reflects up to 90% of solar radiation, and the mainland does not heat up. And for the polar night it is very getting out.

Most of Antarctica is a icy desert, only life will be warm at the coast. Where few rocks come from ice from under ice, the oasis of the continent's life is located. This is just 0.02% of its territory. The organic world of Antarctica is poor, only rare mosses, lichens and algae inhabit it. Penguins - the main decoration of the continent. Whales, seals live in the waters of the seas.

Antarctica does not belong to any state, no one lives constantly. Nevertheless, 16 countries founded their scientific stations here, where various studies of the nature of this mainland are conducted. Antarctica is the continent of peace and cooperation. Within its limits, any military preparations are prohibited. None of the countries can declare her land. It is legally enshrined by the International Treaty, which was signed on December 1, 1959.

The opening of Antarctica occurred in 1820 by Russian navigators F.F. BELLINSHAUZEN and M.P.Lazarev, and in December 1911, the Norwegian Expedition of R.Amundsen, and after it, English R. Scott reached the southern pole.

Geographical position: South Polar region of the Earth, inside the southern polar circle.

Area: 13,975 thousand square meters. km.

Climate types: Extreme Antarctic with average temperatures 30-50˚ below zero.
Antarctica is the coldest mainland on Earth. Excluding the coast of the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula, all the mainland lies in the Antarctic climatic belt. Despite the fact that the central Antarctica in winter for several months continues the polar night, the annual total radiation approaches the annual total radiation of the equatorial zone (the station East - 5 GJ / (M2-year) or 120 kcal / (SM2-year)), And in the summer it reaches very large values \u200b\u200b- up to 1.25 gd / (m 2 months) or 30 kcal / (see 2-month). However, up to 90% of the incoming heat is reflected in the snow surface back to world space and only 10% goes on its heating. Therefore, Antarctic Radiation Balance is negative, and the air temperature is very low. In Central Antarctica there is a pole of the cold of our planet. At the East station on August 24, 1960, the temperature of -88.3 ° C was recorded. average temperature winter months from -60 to -70 ° C, summer from -30 to -50 ° C. Even in the summer, the temperature never rises above -20 ° C. On the coast, especially in the Antarctic Peninsula area, the air temperature reaches 10-12 ° C, and on average, the very warm month (January) is 1 ° C, 2 ° C. In the winter (July) on the coast, the temperature average per month varies from -8 on the Antarctic Peninsula to -35Os at the edge of the Ross's shelf glacier. Cold air rolls from the central districts of Antarctica, forming Stock Winds reaching the coast of high speeds (average annual up to 12 m / s), and when fused with cyclonic air flows, turn into hurricanes (up to 50-60, and sometimes 90 m / s ). Due to the predominance of descending flows, the relative humidity of the air is small (60-80%), off the coast and especially in Antarctic oases decreases to 20 and even 5%. Comparatively small and cloudy. The preciputes fall almost exclusively in the form of snow: in the center of the mainland, their number reaches 30-50 mm per year, in the lower part of the mainland slope it increases to 600-700 mm, slightly decreases at its foot (up to 400-500 mm) and again increases Some shelf glaciers and on the north-west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (up to 700-800 and even 1000 mm). Due to the strong winds and the loss of abundant snow, blizzards are very frequent.

Large sections of nude rocks near the coast, possessing specific natural conditionsObtained the name of Antarctic oases, summer temperatures here are 3-4 higher than above the surrounding glaciers. A peculiar antarctic lakes located mainly in coastal oases. Many of them are unprecedented, with an increased salty of water, up to bitter and salty. Some lakes and in the summer are not exempt from ice cover. Very characteristic of lagoon lags, located between the coastal rocks of the oasis and the surrounding shelf glacier, under which they are communicated with the sea.

Geology: Ancient Antarctic Platform.

Relief: The average height of the mainland 2350 m; Extensive Ice Plateau, MGG Valley, Mountains Land Queen Mod, Prince Charles, Hamburg and Vernal Mountains; TRANSSTRATIC Mountains

Additional information: Antarctica is washed by the South (Antarctic) Ocean; Only 0.3% of sushi is not covered with ice; The average ice cover thickness is 1800 m; There is no permanent population on the mainland.


Africa is the hottest mainland on Earth.

The name "Africa" \u200b\u200bappeared in the II century BC, but then it was not yet the name of a huge mainland located in the North and South, West and Eastern hemispheres. In 146 BC. Romans seized land on the territory of modern Tunisia. They founded the colony there, calling it in Africa, obviously named the tribes of Afarikov who lived in the extensive territory until Gibraltar. Other areas of this continent were called Libya and Ethiopia for a long time. In the XVI century, the scientist Mohammed Al-Vazan wrote that the name "Africa" \u200b\u200b(in Arabic "Iphrikia") comes from the word "Faraka", which means "divide". It is possible that in the title of the mainland it is this content, since the Red Sea separates Africa from Asia.

Africa is the second largest mainland after Eurasia. Its area is 30.3 million km2. Most of the mainland is located in the northern hemisphere. Africa, like other fragments of Gondwana, massive outlines. She has no large peninsulas and deep bays at her shores.

Relief of this mainland, like any, depends on the history of development earth crust, the actions of internal and external processes. The basis of Africa is an ancient platform, therefore the plains are dominated on the mainland. The lowland is quite rare, they are located on the banks of the mainland. The inner part of Africa is busy with high plains, occasional deep gorges - valleys of rivers. The mainland looks like a high table among its ocean surrounding. Above this "table" a number of even higher vertices and mountain arrays rise, many of which have volcanic origin. Under the influence of internal processes, separate areas of the platform climbed, forming high platea (East African), others descended, which led to the formation of major catlovin (Chad, Congo, Calahari). Movements were accompanied by the faults of the earth's crust. IN East Africa There is the largest splash on land. He stretched along the Red Sea, through Ethiopian Highlands to the mouth of the Zambezi River. There is a push of an African lithospheric plate, so earthquakes and volcanic activity are frequent.

Africa is rich in minerals: these are different ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (states of copper especially stand out by the states of Zaire and Zambia; Bauxites are located in Guinea, iron ores in Mauritania, Liberia, Angola); Diamonds (Africa gives 98% of the total mining of diamonds in the capitalist world); Gold, on the extraction of which Africa ranks first in the world; Uranium ores are mined in South and Central Africa. In the sedimentary cover of the platform in the north of the mainland, oil and gas reserves.

Africa is the hottest mainland. It is located the greatest Sugar desert in the world, in the north of which, in Libya, the highest temperature on the planet was registered: + 58 ° C. In the center of Africa drops a lot of precipitation throughout the year. This is due to the fact that it in the center crosses the equator, where the area of \u200b\u200blow pressure is formed and precipitation falls out. To the north and south of the center there are areas with seasonal moisture savanna and the dry climate of the desert. The north and southern tip of the mainland have a subtropical climate. At the southern part of the mainland, there are precipitation from the Indian Ocean by the trade winds. In the northern part of the continent of precipitation falls, it is due to the areas of high pressure, which are formed over 30 ° lathes, as well as with a feature of the trade winds. They in the northern hemisphere are formed over Asia and come in sugar dry.

The River Congo, Zambezi, Niger, Senegal, Orange, Nil and others proceed through the territory of the mainland. Neil is the longest river in the world. The Africa River is multi-way only in its equatorial part, as many precipitation falls there. Many Africa Rivers are fast, spoiled, replete with waterfalls, lakes are focused mainly in the East, where water fills the cracks of faults.

Rich and diverse animal and vegetable world of continent: elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions, monkeys, ostriches; Palms, acacia, ficuses and others. Many of our smaller brothers live in national parks, the size of which in Africa surpass the size of some European states. The main part of the mainland population is the indigenous population - Negorids are the African branch of the Equatorial race. North of the mainland is populated by representatives of the Arab peoples. The population of the mainland exceeds 600 million people, and it increases every year.

Geographical position of Africa: Most of the Africa is located in the northern and eastern hemisphere, smaller - in South and West.

Square Africa: 30 million square meters. km.

Extreme points of Africa:

Extreme Northern Point - Cape El Abiad, 37 ° 20? from. sh.;

Extreme Southern Point - Cape Needle, 34 ° 52? Yu. sh.;

Extreme Western Point - Cape Almadi on Peninsula Green Cape, 17 ° 32? s. d.;

Extreme East Point - Cape Hafun on Somalia Peninsula, 51 ° 23? in. d.

Types of climate of Africa: subtropical, tropical, subequatorial, equatorial.

Geology of Africa: mainly ancient Precambrian platform.

Relief Africa: predominantly plain; Mountains: Atlas, Caps, Dragons Mountains; Highlands: Ahaggar, Tibesty, Ethiopian Highlands; East African Plateau; extensive sahara plateau; Congo Congo; High plains of Calahari.

Additional information about Africa: Africa's shores are washed by the water of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Mediterranean and Red Seas; The length of the continent from the north to the south is about 8,000 km, from the west to the east - 7500 km; The population of Africa is 933 million people.


Eurasia is the greatest mainland on Earth. It takes 1/3 of all sushi. Eurasia Square is 53.4 million km2. Formed its two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The conditional border between them is made along the Ural Mountains, the marine border passes through the Black and Azov seas, as well as on the sheds connecting the Black and Mediterranean Sea. The name "Europe" came from the legend that the Phoenician king Agenor had a daughter Europe. Almighty Zeus loved her, turned into a bull and kidnapped. He took her to the island of Crete. There, Europe first stepped on the land of the part of the world, which since then wears her name. Asia is the designation of one of the provinces to the east of the Aegean Sea, the so-called Scythian tribes to the Caspian Sea (Asia, Asian).

The coastline is very cut and forms a large number of peninsulas and bays. The largest peninsula are Arabian and Industan. Mainland is washed by the waters of the quiet, atlantic, northern ice and indian oceans. Weather formed by them are the most deep in the east and south of the mainland. In the study of the mainland, scientists and navigators of many countries took part. P. P. Semenova-Tien Shansky and N.M. Przhevalsky.

Eurasia relief is complicated. The mainland is significantly higher than others. In the Himalayan mountains is the most high mountain The world - Jomolungma (Everest) with a height of 8848 m. 14 Eurasia vertices exceed the highest tops of other continents. Eurasia's plains are distinguished by huge sizes and stretch for thousands of kilometers, the largest of them: Eastern European, West Siberian, Medium-Russian Plateau, Indo-Gangskaya, East-Chinese. Unlike other continents, central regions Eurasia is occupied by mountains, the plains also occupy coastal territories. Eurasia is also the deepest landflowing: the shore of the Dead Sea is located 395 meters below the ocean level. Such a variety of relief can be explained only historical development The mainland is based on the Eurasian lithospheric stove. It contains more ancient sites of the earth's crust - the platform to which the plains are confined, and the folding zones that have connected these platforms by expanding the continental area.

On the southern borders of the Eurasian Plate, where its joint with other lithospheric plates occurs, powerful formation processes occurring and occurring, leading to the appearance of the highest mountain systems. This is accompanied by intense volcanic activities and earthquakes. One of them in 1923 destroyed the capital of Japan Tokyo. More than 100 thousand people died.

The relief of the mainland had an influence and ancient glaciation, who captured the north of the mainland. It changed the surface of the earth, smoothed the vertices, left numerous moraine. Eurasia is extremely rich in mineral resources as a sedimentary and magmatic origin.

Eurasia is the continent of the strongest contrasts. This is the only mainland, where all the climatic belts are presented: from the Arctic to Equatorial. Over 1/4 of the territory in the north of the continent occupies an eternal permafrost, about the same - sultry deserts and semi-deserts. Eurasia is located a pole of cold - in the northeast of the mainland, on the Oymyakonsky Highlands. Here the air is cooled to -70 ° C. In this case, in the deserts of India, the temperature in the summer rises to + 53 ° C. On the territory of Eurasia is one of the most wet places on Earth - Cherrypundy. The territory of Eurasia proceeds many rivers, the length of many of them is about 5 thousand kilometers. It is Yangtze, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur, Huanghe, Mekong. Most large lake In the world - the Caspian Sea is also located on the territory of the mainland. Here is the deepest lake - Baikal. It contains 20% fresh water on Earth. Mainland ice is an important keeper of freshwater.

The natural zones of Eurasia are more diverse than on other continent of the globe: from the Arctic desert to the equatorial forests.

Eurasia is the most populated mainland. More than 3/4 of all the inhabitants of the globe live here. Eastern and southern mainland areas are especially tightly populated. By the diversity of nations living on the mainland, Eurasia differs from other continents. Slavic peoples live in the north: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats and others. South Asia inhabited numerous Indian peoples and the Chinese.

Eurasia - the cradle of the oldest civilizations.

Geographical position: Northern hemisphere between 0 ° C. d. and 180 ° c. d., some of the islands lies in the southern hemisphere.

Eurasia Square: about 53.4 million square meters. km.

Extreme points of Eurasia:

Extreme North Island - Cape Flygeli, 81 ° 51` with. sh.;

Extreme Northern Material Point - Cape Chelyuskin, 77 ° 43` with. sh.;

Extreme Eastern Island Point - Ratmanova Island, 169 ° 0` d.;

Extreme Eastern Material Point - Cape Dezhneva, 169 ° 40` d.;

Extreme South Island Point - South Island, 12 ° 4` sh.;

Extreme South Material Point - Cape Piaay, 1 ° 16` with. sh.;

Extreme Western Island Point - Montshake Rock, 31 ° 16` h. d.;

Extreme Western Material Point - Cape Rock, 9 ° 30` d.

Eurasia climatic belts: arctic, subarctic, moderate, subtropical, Mediterranean, tropical, subequatorial, equatorial.

Geology of Eurasia: On the territory of Eurasia is the East European, Siberian, Sino-Korean, South China, Indian platforms.

Eurasia relief: the average height of the continent is 830 m; On the territory of Eurasia there are mountain systems: Himalayas, Hindukush, Tien Shan, Altai, Alps, Caucasus, Karakorum, Kun Lun, Tibet, Ural Mountains, Pamir, Carpathians, Mountains of South Siberia, Mountains of Northeast Siberia; Sayano-Tuvinian Highlands, Deanskoye Plateau, Medium-Big Plateau; Plains: Eastern European, West Siberian, Great Chinese, Indo-Gangskaya; Turan lowland.

Additional information on Eurasia: Eurasia is washed by the Northern Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans; The length of the mainland from the west to the East is 16 thousand km, from north to south - 8 thousand km; More than 4.3 billion people live in Eurasia.

North America

North America is the third mainland of our planet in the area, which is 24.2 million km2. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Northern Ocean Oceans. Mainland is severely cut, which is the result of movement lithospheric plates. Next to the mainland is a lot of islands and archipelagoes, the largest of which are Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The coastline make up numerous bays and peninsula.

In the opening and study of the mainland, Vikings (X century) took part; Englishman D. Kabot, investigating the eastern and northern banks of the mainland (XV century); Englishman G.Goods (XVII century), Englishman A. Makkenzi (XVHI century); Norwegez R.Amundsen (XX century). Russians contributed great contribution. They opened and mastered the large spaces of the north-western part of the continent: these were V. Bering, G. Shelehov, Alirikov.

The western part of the mainland is occupied by the mountains - Cordillera, in the northern part of which their highest peak is rising - Mac-Kinley Mount (6193 m), covered with snow and glaciers. The mountains are unusually beautiful: deep depressions are adjacent to the huge ridges and volcanoes, the mountains are dissected by deep valleys. The central and eastern part of the mainland is busy with the plains. In the east of the continent there are low mountains of Appalachi. They are very destroyed.

North America is rich in minerals: in sedimentary rocks there is a lot of oil, natural Gas.Coal. The northern part of the plains is highlighted by deposits of metal ore: iron, copper, nickel. Cordillers are rich in ores of non-ferrous and noble metals, oil, coal.

North America is located in all climatic belts, except equatorial. It creates great differences in its climate. In the north of the mainland in winter there are low temperatures, the solar heat does not go to the ground, as there is a polar night. There are frequent fogs, more cloudy, snow storms. The mainland center is characterized by cold winter and relatively warm summer. The greater length of the mainland from the West to the East leads to the formation of significant climatic differences: changes in temperature, quantity and season of precipitation. In the south of the mainland, it is hot all year round, a lot of precipitation falls on the coast and the islands.

The relief has a significant impact on the mainland climate: the absence of mountain ranges in the north creates conditions for penetration of the southern latitudes of the Arctic air masses; The absence of mountains helps and tropical air masses sometimes have far north. Differences between these air masses create conditions for the formation of hurricanes bringing a lot of disasters. The cooling effect on the climate of the mainland has the ice cover of the Arctic.

SAMI large river North America - Mississippi with the influx of Missouri. According to his role in the life of the American people, it has the same meaning as the Volga for the Russians. Many rivers and in the northern part of the mainland. The largest river Cordiller - Colorado, which struck the Canyon in the mountains in a length of 320 km. It has ripple walls folded in different rocks. Canyon depth 1.5 km. The continent has an abundance of lakes, especially its northern part, which in a recent geological past was repeatedly covered with a glacier. There is a group of the Great Lakes, which occupy a record square in 250 thousand km.

There are almost all natural zones on the mainland: from the Arctic desert to the desert. Black and white spruce grows, balsamic fir, pine, a variety of deciduous forests, the abundance of heat creates here the favorable conditions for the growth of herbs, among which cereals prevail.

A variety of animal peace: sheep, bison, coyota (steppe wolves), foxes, bears, lynx, American cunits, skunks, moose. The most famous trees of North America are sequoia - coniferous trees with a height of more than 100 meters, a diameter of up to 9 meters.

Indigenous population - Indians and Eskimos. They inhabited the mainland long before the penetration of Europeans. Scientists found that the Indians and Eskimos are immigrants from Eurasia. With the arrival of colonizers, the fate of the Indians was tragically: they were destroyed, drove with fertile lands. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, negros were brought to work on plantations, many of them after the abolition of slavery wanted to stay here. The main part of the population is coming from different countries Europe.

Geographical position of North America: Western Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Northern America.

Square of North America: 20.36 million square meters. km.

Extreme points of North America:

Extreme Northern Point - Cape Murchison, 71 ° 50 's. sh.;

Extreme Western Point - Cape Prince Wales, 168 ° z. d.;

Extreme East Point - Cape Saint Charles, 55 ° 40 's. d.

North America climate types: arctic, subarctic, moderate, sharply continental, oceanic, subtropical, tropical, subequatorial.

Geology of North America: The Precambrian North American (Canadian) platform is held most of North America.

North America relief: the average height of the mainland is 720 m; Rhinestone cordillera, hill, plateau and lowlands of Labrador and Appalachi, Lavrentian elevation, great plains, indentantic and subsection lowlands.

Additional information: North America is washed by the Northern Arctic, quiet and Atlantic Oceans; The population of North America is about 475 million people.

South America

South America is one of the two continents located in the Western Hemisphere of the Earth. Mainland is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The outlines of the banks of the mainland, like other fragments of Gondwana, are pretty simple: few islands and peninsulas. Only the Fire Land Archipelago, located in the south of the mainland, claims to be more or less significant. According to the area, the mainland ranks fourth - 18.3 million km2.

In the study of South America, H. Columbus, A. Westucci, A.Gamboldt played a big role.

South America relief allows it to divide it into two parts: the mountain region of the Andes in the west of the continent, narrow stripe Stretching along the Pacific coast, and extensive plain, with plateales (Guianskoye and Brazilian) and lowlands (Orinok, Amazonian, La Plati). Andes, or South American Cordillera, - the world's longest mountain system, stretching for 9 thousand km from north to south. Andes huge wall buried the mainland from the Pacific Ocean. The highest top of the Andes - Mount Akonkagua (6960 m). An earthquakes often occur in Andachs. In May 1960, there was a catastrophic earthquake in Chile. Underground shocks stuck all the coast. In 7 days, 35 cities were destroyed, at least 10 thousand people died. The eruption of volcanoes began, gigantic waves were formed - tsunami, wash off everything from the coast.

The earth's crust under the plains performs slow oscillations, in the deflections it was formed flat lowlands of South America, and a plateau was formed in the raised areas. The vertical movements of the cortex were accompanied by its faults. They smashed the mainland's plateores into separate arrays, raised by the gorges.

The mainland is very rich in minerals: oil, iron ore, non-ferrous and noble metal ores.

South America is the most raining mainland, since most of it is in the equatorial latitudes, where the wet air from the oceans is in the mainland is the wet place on Earth. On the Western slopes of the Andes, near their northern endings, rains pour so much water for a year that, not stacking, she could cover the ground to a layer to 15 meters. But not far from this place is the Atakam Desert. This is one of the most dry places on the ground: there are no rain drops for years there. The mainland is in a subequatorial, equatorial, subtropical, tropical and moderate climatic belts.

On the territory of South America proceeds the largest River of the Earth - Amazon. The river basin is equal to Australia. The second largest mainland river - Parana. Shells from Brazilian plateau, it forms a 72 meters high waterfall. It represents a whole system of waterfalls stretching for 3 km. Rocks are heard in 20-25 km. In the lower flow, Parabor is called a law that translated from Spanish means "silver river". The third largest mainland - Orinoco River. At one of the tributaries of this river there is the highest waterfall in the world - Angel, that translated from Spanish means "Angel". His height is 1054 m. South America is rich in lakes. The most remarkable - Lake Titicaca. This is the largest highland lake, it is located in Andes. In this lake salt more than in other freshwater lakes, as 45 rivers and streams flow into it, and only one flows. The temperature of the water in Lake is constant (+ 14 ° C).

The main wealth of the mainland is the plant world. He gave humanity such valuable cultures like potatoes, chocolate wood, rubberos gevent. The main decoration of the mainland - wet tropical forests where grow different kinds Palm, Melon Tree, Seba. Crowns of trees, herbs, shrubs are located in 12 floors-tiers, and the highest of them rise sometimes above the ground up to 100 m. In South America, they rarely meet a large beast. The sloths, armor, amusements, exotic birds, snakes, unpealing hordes of insects are the basis of the animal world of this mainland. Dangerous Amazon Rivers, they are replete with crocodiles and predatory fishes with Piranhas.

More than 300 million people live in South America, and the population consists of indigenous - Indians, blacks, which were delivered as slaves from Africa and Europeans. The colonial past of the continent is reflected in the domination of Spanish and portuguese languages and in the socio-economic retardation of many countries of the continent.

Geographical position: Western hemisphere, southern part of America.

Area: 17.65 million square meters. km.

Extreme points:

The extreme northern point is Cape Galinas on the Guahir Peninsula, 12 ° 28 'p. sh.;

The extreme southern point is Cape Froord on Pueostrov Brunswick, 53 ° 54 'Yu. sh.;

Extreme Western Point - Cape Parinas, 81 ° 20 'h. d.;

The extreme eastern point is Cape Kabu Branka, 34 ° 47 's. d.

Climate types: subequatorial, equatorial, tropical, subtropical, moderate.

Geology: South American platform.

Relief: The average height of South America is 580 m; Mountains of Andes, Guiangian Highlands, Brazilian Plateau, Amazonian Lowland, Orinokskaya and Laplatskaya Lowland, Patagonia Plateau.

Additional information: South America is washed by the quiet and Atlantic Oceans, the Caribbean Sea; Here the most time river in the world - Amazon proceeds; More than 355 million people live in South America.


See how the rest of the continent relative to other continents, the equator, the Northern and South Pole relates, in which hemisphere is mainland, for example, North America in the northern hemisphere, and Africa crosses the equator. Describe it as in detail.

Carefully examine the coordinate grid and find the coordinates of the mainland: the northernmost (top), southern (bottom), western (right) and the eastern (left) point. In order to find the coordinates of the point, find latitude and longitude.

Count the breadth from the equator if you go from the equator up, the value of the latitude will be positive if you go down - negative. By paper, it is impossible to determine the exact value, count about the drawn parallel (horizontal lines). That is, if your point (for example, the needle cape is the southernmost point of Africa) lies between parallels of 30 ° and 45 °, divide this distance to the eye and determine about 34 ° - 35 °. For more accurate definition, use the electronic card or geographic satin.

Longitude counts from zero meridian (this is a line passing through London). If your point lies east of this line, in front of the meaning of the "+" sign, if west, put "-". In the same way, like latitude, determine the longitude, only not horizontal, but by vertical lines (meridians). The exact value can be found only by electronic map or using a sextant.

Write down the coordinates of all extreme points of the mainland in the form (latitude from -90 ° to + 90 °, from -180 ° to + 180 °). For example, the coordinates of the needle cape will be equal (34.49 ° of southern latitude and 20.00 ° of Eastern longitude). Modern recording of the coordinate system implies entry in degrees and decimal fractionsbut used to be a popular dimension in degrees and minutes; You can use both the other recording system.

Globes and geographic maps have its own coordinate system. Thanks to this, they can be applied and find any object of our planet. Geographic coordinates are longitude and latitude, these angular values \u200b\u200bare measured in degrees. With their help, it is possible to determine the position of the object on the surface of our planet relative to the initial meridian and equator.



Determine, the river flows in the mainland. In the northern regions, atmospheric precipitates quickly accumulate into ice, therefore rivers with a rapid flow there is not observed. In the south, on the contrary, the rain moisture evaporates quickly, therefore rivers there are also not. The fastest rivers with rapid and rapid flow are observed in the middle part of the country.

Find out where the river flows. All rivers fall into the sea or oceans. The place of the connection of the river and the sea is called the mouth.

Determine in which direction the river flows. There will be no problems with this, since the direction of the flow of rivers is from the source to the mouth.

Also, for a complete geographic study, set as the river flow (i.e., what is the current: fast, slow, stormy stream), depending on the relief.

Determine the type of river. All rivers are divided into mountain and plain. At the mining flow rapid, violent; At the plain - slow, and the valleys are wide and terraced.

Explain Economic I. historical meaning rivers. After all, throughout the development of humanity, the river played a significant role in the development of the area. From the ancients they were used as trading paths, for fish farming and fishing, forest alloy, water supply and irrigation of fields. Since ancient times, people settled on the banks of the rivers. Now the river is the main source of hydropower and the most important transportation.

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What is a tundra?

The natural zone is located in the northern hemisphere and covers the northern part of Russia and Canada. Nature here is very scarce, and the climate is considered severe. Summer is practically absent - it lasts only a few weeks, and the temperature usually keeps at 10-15 degrees Celsius. The precipitation falls often, but their total number is small.

Tundra extends along the entire coast of the Northern Ocean. Due to constant low temperatures, the winter is held here about nine months (the temperature is up to -50 ° C), and during the rest of the time the temperature does not rise above + 15 ° C. Low temperatures also lead to the fact that the Earth is all the time frozen and does not have time to thaw.

There are no forests and high trees. In this area there are only swamps, small robies, mosses, lichens, low plants And shrubs that are able to survive in such a harsh climate. Their flexible stems and a small height allows them to adapt to cold winds.
However, Tundra is still a beautiful place. This can be seen in the summer when it sparkles with different colors thanks to a variety of delicious berries that are steel of a beautiful carpet.

In addition to berries and mushrooms, in the summer in the tundra you can find the flock of reindeer. At this time of the year they feed all that they will find: lichens, leaves, etc. And in winter, the deer is powered by plants that get from under the snow, while they can even smash it with hoofs. These animals are very sensitive, possess a magnificent charm, and also know how to swim - the reindeer can freely swim the river or the lake.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation world in the tundra is very poor. The soil of this zone is unlikely to call fertile, since most of the time it is freezing. Some plant species can survive in such difficult conditions where there is little heat and sunlight. Mossi, lichens, snowy buttercups, stamps are growing here, and some berries appear in summer. All plants here are dwarf growth. The "forest", as a rule, grows only to the knee, and local "trees" are not higher than the usual mushroom. The geographical position is completely not suitable for forests, because here many years in a row holds a low temperature.

As for animals, Tundra is most suitable for those of them who prefer the sea. Because of the large amount of water in these places, there live a lot of waterfowl - ducks, geese, gagar. Animal world tundra is rich in hares, foxes, wolves, brown and

Extreme North Point of Africa

SAMI extreme point The African continent has the following: 37 ° 20 '28 "northern latitude and 9 ° 44' 48" Eastern longitude. Thus, it can be stated that this point is located on the territory of one of the small states in North Africa - in Tunisia.

A more attentive consideration of the characteristics of this point shows that it is a cape, outstanding far enough into the Mediterranean Sea. The Arabic name of this point known throughout the world is pronounced as Ras-El Abyad, but it is often possible to meet the abbreviated version of this phrase - "El Abyad".

From a meaningful point of view, both of these options are legitimate. The fact is that "RAS" translated from Arabic to Russian just means "Cape", so the use of a Russian analogue in this situation is quite acceptable. In turn, the word "Akyad" can be translated from the original language as "white", and "El" is just an unsewable article in this situation. Thus, the name of the extreme northern point of Africa translated into Russian means "white cape."

Nevertheless, according to geographers, it is unlikely that this name is assigned to him in connection with its northern position. Most likely, such a name reflects the special color of the sand on this coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Other names

At the same time, the Cape, which is the extreme northern point of the African continent, there are other names. So, in times, when Tunisia was a French colony, the name was quite common in European countries, which is a translation of the Arabic original into French: he was called "Cap Blanc", which french Also meant "White Cape". However, the original source of this name was the Arabic name of this geographic point.

Another name, common in those times, was the name of "Ras Engel", which, by analogy with modern name, was often reduced to the Engel version: in fact, such a name can be translated into modern Russian as "Cape Engel". Researchers suggest that this african cape could be obtained in honor of the German traveler of Franz Engel quite well-known at one time, who made several significant geographical discoveries at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, although his activity was more connected with South America, rather than with Africa .

Each of us heard the word "mainland". It is often used in educational institutions, news, films, and even in conversations with friends or with colleagues. But not everyone can give accurate definition to the word "mainland" and tell about its features. So let's find out together what the mainland is and what is his role in our world.

What is mainland: definition

The mainland (continent) is a fairly large array of the earth's crust, the greatest part of which appears on the surface of the world ocean. From which it can be concluded that the mainland is not only dry, but also its part, located under water (peripheral).

There are six continents in modern era: South America, North America, Eurasia, Australia, Africa and Antarctica. The largest of the listed is Eurasia. It is located in all four hemispheres and takes more than a third of the sushi of our huge planet.

What does the geography of the continents study? The geography of the continents studies the natural landscapes of the earth's surface, planetary patterns, as well as the conditions for their occurrence, distribution and development. When studying the geography of continents, the use of geographical maps that are divided into groups play a huge role. For example, to study the geography of the mainland, you must familiarize yourself with the 3 main groups of cards: on the topic they are dedicated to cover the territory and scale. In addition to the card, it is important to learn aerial photographs and space pictures from satellites. To study the geography of continents, there are several research methods: cartographic, historical, observation method, physical, mathematical, chemical methods, as well as a method of space research.

It seems to be all of them seems to be determined. This is a major sushi massif, from all sides washed and oceans. But what is the difference between the continent and the mainland, many scientists explain, based on the theory of continental drift, which was presented in 1912 a German geophysicist and meteorologist Alfred Lothar Vegener.

The theory of the drift of the mainland

The essence of the theory is that a long time ago, in the Jurassic period, 200 million years ago, all continents were a single land. And only then under the influence of tectonic forces they were divided.

Proof can be the structure of the continents. It is enough to look at the map to see: the relief of the West Bank of Africa is perfect for the relief of the eastern shore of South America. The vegetable and animal world of continents are also similar, which share thousand kilometers. For example, Flora and the fauna of North America and Europe. Welder outlined his theory in the book "The origin of the continents and oceans".

In fairness it is worth saying that his idea had a lot of critics. But by the end of the 60s of the 20th century, as a result of numerous studies, the theory turned into a teaching about the tectonics of the plates, allowing to divide such concepts like mainland and continent.


There are six continents on Earth:

  • Eurasia is the largest of the mainland, an area of \u200b\u200b54.6 million square meters. km.
  • Africa is the hottest of continents, an area of \u200b\u200b30.3 million square meters. km.
  • North America is a mainland with the most rugged coastline with a variety of bays and islands, with an area of \u200b\u200b24.4 million square meters. km.
  • South America is the thinner of 17.8 million square meters. km.
  • Australia is the most flat mainland, an area of \u200b\u200b7.7 million square meters. km.
  • Antarctica is the southernmost and at the same time the coldest mainland, with an area of \u200b\u200b14.1 million square meters. km.


Unlike the mainland, there are only 4 continents on Earth. Continent translated from Latin - "Continuous". Therefore, it is unlikely that Europe and Africa can be called separate continents, because they are separated by an artificially created Suez Canal.

The same applies to North and South America. They disconnected in 1920 the Panama Canal. Interestingly, the idea to connect the quiet and the Atlantic oceans through the narrowest ending was born back in the XVI century, since the benefit from this for trade and navigation was obvious. However, the King of Spain Philip II "drove" the project, saying: "The fact that God connected, a person cannot disconnect." However, over time won common senseAnd one continent divided into two mainland - North and South America.

On the planet there are four continents:

  • Old Light (Eurasia and Africa).
  • New Light (North and South America).
  • Australia.
  • Antarctica.

The theory of continental drift and history allow you to answer the question "Continent and Mainland - what's the difference?". - This is a large area of \u200b\u200bsushi, washed with water. And the continent is a continuous area of \u200b\u200bsushi, washed with water, which may include continents related to the land.

Our native planet Earth consists of continents that are washed by the oceans. Scientists believe that our planet formed 4.5 billion years ago, and life, 600 million years after the formation of the planet. Since then, it is constantly changing.

The entire surface of our planet consists of water and sushi. Water occupies more 2/3 earth surfaces, and on a solid part only falls 29% . Sushha consists of continents and islands. Water part of the surface to share on the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers.

How many continents on earth and what are they called?

The mainland is part of the solid surface of our planet, which is washed from all sides with water. Sometimes these parts of the Earth call continents. The continents are flattened pretty evenly. There are six of them six. They are called Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica.

IMPORTANT: Not so long ago, scientists doubted that the continents only six. Recent studies show that their number today can be replenished with another continent.

EURASIA. The biggest mainland on Earth is Eurasia. Her area occupies 36% all the solid surface is about 55 million square kilometers. Ural Mountains They divide the continent into two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. The most part of Eurasia is occupied by Russia.

Initially, the mainland was called Asia. This term introduced a German scientific and encyclopedist Alexander Humboldt At the end of the XVIII century. The term appeared in the scientific literature in 1880 with the filing of Austrian geologist Eduard Zyus.

The mainland was formed after the split of the protector Laurelisia In two parts: North America and Eurasia.

Eurasia are several facts:

  • Tibet is the highest point of the world
  • Wpadina of the Dead Sea - the lowest point in the world
  • Oymyakon - the coldest point in the world
  • Bosphorus - the most narrow strait in the world
  • Eurasia - Motherland of large civilizations
  • All climatic zones are located in Eurasia
  • Eurasia population - 4.5 billion human ( 75% population of our planet)

AFRICA . The second in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland on Earth is Africa. The area of \u200b\u200bthis continent - 30 million square kilometers ( 6% sushi). Most scientists agree that Africa is the cradle of our civilization.

Term "Afri" introduced residents of ancient carfagen. They called people who lived not far from their city. Most likely the term has occurred from the Phoenician word "Afar"dust. The Romans who broke the Carthage called Africa their new province. After that, Africa began to call nearby land, and later the entire continent.

I wonder: some scientists believe that the name of Africa could appear from the Latin word "Aprica" (solar). Historian Lion African believed that the term could form from the Greek word «φρίκη» (cold). Letter «α-» added at the beginning of this term translates as "without" — « without cold" Russian science fiction writer and paleontologist Ivan Efremov believed that the word came from an ancient language Tu-Kem. (Dr. Egypt. "Afros" - foal country).

Future mainland Africa held in supercontinent Gondwana Central place. When the plates of this continent diverged, Africa acquired modern outlines.

The most unique place of Africa is undoubtedly the desert Sahara. By area it takes 9 million square kilometers (more than the United States Square) and covers ten countries. At the same time, every year the territory of the desert is growing. Most of the desert takes not the sand, but stones and pebbles.

Sugar is the hottest desert in the world (her surface can warm up 80 degrees), but under it there is a huge underground lake ( 375 square kilometers). Thanks to which there are oases in Sahara.

Africa several facts:

  • In Africa, there are places where the man's leg has not yet passed
  • On this continent there are tribes with the highest and lowest residents of the Earth.
  • Health in African countries is at the lowest level. Because of this, the average life expectancy on this continent 48-50 years
  • In Africa talk to 2000 languages. The most popular of them is Arabic
  • On this continent, large stocks of gold and diamonds. Africa mined half of all gold
  • Before 80% The GDP of Africa countries falls on agriculture. The most popular grown crops are cocoa, coffee, dates, peanuts and rubber trees

NORTH AMERICA . North America is located in the northern western hemisphere. The area of \u200b\u200bthis continent takes 20 million kilometers2. Moreover, almost the entire territory of the mainland is divided between Canada and the United States. Although the mainland consists of territories 24 countries. The continent was opened in 1502 year.

It is believed that America opened an Italian traveler Amerigo Vespucci. In honor of him, the mainland was named. It was offered to make German cartographers Martin Waldzemueller and Matthias Ringman. The first world map in which this mainland was indicated as America appeared in 1507 year.

North America

Interesting: There is information that Vespucci was not the discoverer of this continent. For a long time, they made Scandinavian Vikings led by their legendary leader Eric Gye. IN 986 The year they reached the shores of America. But, it is believed that the Vikings knew where to sail in advance. So, they learned about new lands knew from someone else.

Like all other continents, North America was formed after splitting the plates of supercontinents. Initially, parts of the plates of forming modern North America consisted of a supercontinent Penga. Then broke from him Laurelisia And already from this protectant formed North America and Eurasia.

North America several facts:

  • This mainland includes the largest island on our planet - Greenland
  • Hawaiian mountain Mauna Ke.and it is considered the highest in the world. Its height above Jomolungma for 2000 meters
  • The biggest administrative building in the world is considered Pentagon
  • In the American staff Iowa has the world's largest Popcorn factory
  • The average resident of the continent conducts 90% its free time in the room

SOUTH AMERICA . Continent, which is preferably located in the Western and Southern Hemispheres of Our Planet. The mainland takes about 18 million square kilometers. It lives over 400 million human.

In the chalk period there was a split supercontract Pangea. From him turned off Gondwana. This proto-material then collapsed on Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America.

Part of South America opened Columbus. It was he who was the first of Europeans suggested the presence of a big mainland.

South America

South America Several Facts:

  • The biggest country of South America is Brazil
  • Through this continent proceeds the largest river in the world - Amazon
  • In South America, there is the largest waterfall in the world - Angel
  • Capital of Bolivia city La Paz considered the most high-mountainous capital of the world
  • IN Chile The desert of the Atakama, in which there is never precipitation
  • IN Paraguay still allowed duel
  • In South America, the biggest beetles in the world live - the wood-level beetles, the largest butterflies - Agrippines, the smallest monkeys - toys and the most poisonous frogs - a mon-pine poisonous frog

AUSTRALIA . Mainland, located in the eastern and southern hemispheres of our planet. All its territory is one country. Which has the same name - Australia.

The mainland was opened by Dutch navigators in the XVII century. V. YANSZON In 1606 discovered the presence of a new land in Coral Sea. It was a peninsula, which was subsequently called Cape York. The navigators determined that this section of sushi is only her small part. And called it Unknown Southern Earth (Terra Australis Incognita.). When legendary James Cook fully examined these lands their name decreased to "Australia".

The area of \u200b\u200bthis mainland is 8 million kilometers. Or 5% from common Square sushi. A third of the territory of the mainland occupies a desert.

Australia are several facts:

  • The continent is a very small population density. Because of this, it is not indicated by the number of people on square kilometer, as in other continents, and among square kilometers per person
  • Australia has built the longest road in the world. Its length is 145 km and it passes in the desert nullarbor
  • Dingo's fence is the longest fence in the world. His length (5400 km) is more of the great Chinese wall twice

ANTARCTICA. Name "Antarctica" Educated from the Word «ἀνταρκτική» (Greek. opposite the Arctic). For the first time the term appeared in the book Aristotle "Meteorology". Mainland was opened by Russian navigators F. F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazarev in 1820 year. In 1890, the continent was given the official name "Antarctica". Did a Scottish cartographer John Bartholomew.

Antarctica a few facts:

  • The mainland, according to the 1959 Antarctic Convention, does not belong to any countries. Only scientific activities are allowed here.
  • Scientists have found traces of tropical life in the continent glaciers. Palm residues, araucaria, macadamia, baobab and other thermal-loving plants
  • Every year, Antarctica is visited over 35 thousand tourists. They watch colonies of seals, whales and penguins, are engaged in snorkeling and visiting scientific centers
  • Two large marathons are held on this mainland: Antarctic Ice and McMarto

Seventh mainland . Periodically, the media informs that scientists "discovered" a new one, the seventh mainland. Most often in this education include New Zealand, Caledonia And nearby islands. They are located on one plate, which was once part of the supercontinent. Gondwana. The plate area is 4.9 million square kilometers, and it is fully suitable for the requirements of the continent.

How many parts of the world on earth and what are they called?

Parts of the World are the established historical and cultural entities, which, along with the continents, enter the islands and other parts of the sushi. At the same time, in one part of the world there may be two mainland - America. But, also in one mainland can enter two parts of the world. On the mainland, Eurasia are part of the world as Europe and Asia.

Today it is customary to distinguish six parts of the world:

  • Europe
  • America
  • Antarctica
  • Australia and Oceania

But, besides such a conditional division, our planet is divided into "New World" and "Old world". To the old light include Europe, Asia and Africa. That is, those parts of the world that were known to the ancient Greeks. In the period of great geographical discoveries, America, Australia and other parts of sushi appeared on the world map. Which were open after 1500. They are referred to "New Light".

How many continents on earth and what are they called?

Very often, people are confused when mentioning the word mainland and continent. Is there any difference between these concepts? Today, these terms are considered synonyms. Both continents and continents are huge sushi arrays that are washed with water from all sides. Therefore, it is customary to allocate six continents. The most about which we told in the first section of this article. Namely:

  • North America
  • South America
  • Antarctica

Interesting: The above-described model is used by Russian geographers scientists. In India, China, Western Europe and some English-speaking countries allocate seven continents. They include Europe and Asia to different continents. In Hispanic countries, Greece and Eastern Europe, North and South America are merged into a single continent. In addition, some scientists use the Earth model consisting of four continents: Africania, America, Antarctica and Australia.

How many oceans on the planet Earth and what are they called?

Oceans are the largest water objects on our planet. They wash the mainland and make up about 2/3 surface of the planet ( 360 millions of square kilometers). As in the case of continents, there are several options for dividing the World Ocean.

  • Ancient Romans called Word "Oceanus" All "big" waters, washing the territory known for them. At the same time, they allocated:
  • Oceanus germanicus or Oceanus SepTentRionalis. - North Sea
  • Oceanus Britannicus. - strait of the English Channel

Today, scientists share the world ocean for four parts:

QUIET . The largest and most profound ocean. Occupy near 50% all surfaces of our planet. Name "Quiet" Gave Ocean Fernan Magellan. He crossed him in four months and at the same time did not encounter any obstacles.

Pacific Ocean Several Facts:

  • The deepest point of the earth's surface - Besleless Challenger
  • In the Pacific Ocean Located the largest form of relief - Great Barrier Reef
  • Tour Heyerdal Crossed by the Pacific Ocean on a primitive raft, proving the possibility of traveling by ancient people over long distances
  • MORE HALF OF ALL WATER BIOMASS is located in the Pacific
  • In the northern part of the ocean is the "large garbage stain". This accumulation of waste of human life products is in area from 700 th 115 million km²

ATLANTIC . The second area is the Atlantic Ocean. Of 92 million square kilometers of its surface more 16% Associate on the sea, bays and straits. For the first time this ocean atlantic called Herodotus. Greeks believed that Mediterranean Seawhich belongs to this ocean, stood Atlant and kept the sky on his shoulders.

Atlantic Ocean Several Facts:

  • In the center white Atoll There is a huge underwater hole. This picturesque place seems bottomless. But, in fact, its depth 120 meters
  • Ocean passes through all climatic zones of our planet
  • In the Atlantic Ocean there is a zone with the most difficult navigation. It is called « Bermuda triangle» . Thanks to the adventure literature and cinema, it was given mythic power.
  • Through this ocean passes Golfstream - Warm current, which heats European countries

INDIAN . It takes the fifth of the world's ocean. Western Indian Ocean Ancient Greeks called Eritrea Morce. But, later this part of the world's ocean became called the Indian Sea. Final name to the Indian Ocean Oceanus Indicus gave Pliny senior In the first century, a new era.

Indian Ocean Interesting Facts:

  • This ocean is considered the first officially open.
  • It is believed that in this ocean the lowest fishing catch
  • Washed by the waters of this ocean island states of Maldives, Seychelles and Sri Lanka, many call the perfect place to relax
  • Considered the warmest ocean on our planet

ARCTIC . The smallest and less deep ocean on Earth. Its area does not reach and 14 Mul square kilometers. Was allocated in a separate ocean in 1650 year geographer Varrenius and named Hyperborean (Dr. Greek. Βορέας - The mythical god of the North Wind). In most countries, he is named Arctic.

Northern Arctic Ocean Interesting Facts:

  • All ocean resources are divided between Russia, USA, Canada, Denmark and Norway
  • More than 25% of oil reserves fall on the water area of \u200b\u200bthis ocean
  • The main visiting card of this ocean is icebergs

I wonder: in some literature you can meet another one - the fifth ocean. He's called South And placed around Antarctica. But nor specialists nor navigators consider part of the water of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean with the real ocean. The last attempt to introduce on geographic Maps Peace South Ocean failed in 20 00 year. The international hydrographic organization has not ratified the decision on the allocation of this part of the World Ocean into an independent entity.

Map of the mainland and oceans on the planet Earth

Video. Traveling on planet, mainland and oceans