What is at the bottom of Bermud. Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

Mysterious and ships are not the only secret Bermuda triangle. In 1991, we found strange structures at a depth of about 2,000 feet oceanologist at a depth of 2000 feet, similar to the pyramids. These structures had simply gigantic sizes. In height, they were 3 times superior to the pyramid of Heops, which is the largest pyramid on land. The scientist conducted research, as a result of which he managed to establish that underwater pyramids Made from very smooth material, possibly from thick glass. In addition, Meyer believes that the age of the pyramid is approximately half a century, therefore, they could not be built by fair civilizations.

These mysterious pyramids are located in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. According to the scientist, if revealing the secrets associated with strange pyramids, it will be possible to get closer to the rays of the secrets and the Bermuda triangle itself.

The news made a real extender. Meyer held a press conference on Bahamas, where he introduced journalists with the exact coordinates of the pyramids, the graphs of their images, photographs and ehograms, as well as a report on their research. Thanks to the hydrocators and computerized analyzers located on the ship, we managed to get images of the pyramids, according to which they are perfectly smooth, there are no algae and the presence of other forms of ocean flora or fauna on their surface. On the material from which mysterious pyramids were created, with no seams, cracks or connectors were present, they were as if created from a single monolithic piece. Meyer pointed out that the technology used for the construction of underwater pyramids, modern science Unknown. According to the scientist, it is necessary to underwater study of the pyramids to obtain more accurate data.

However, after the Bahamas of the press conference in the media, there were practically no messages devoted to the mysterious underwater facilities. As if someone deliberately hides information from the general public. Most likely, this is due to the fact that often that fly out of the water or quickly go to the ocean bottom. It is known that such flights are observed often, and the special services trace them. Scientific experts and employees of the US intelligence service believe that the underwater complex produces a colossal amount of energy than the abnormalities in the Bermuda triangle area. It is possible that glass pyramids There are only part of a huge energy complex.

Despite the proof of existence on the ocean's pyramids provided by Meyer, it is difficult to find it. For the second decade, Meyer supporters are trying to find the mysterious pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to serious calculations, it was possible to establish that the pyramid can be not far from Puerto Rico. Researchers dealing with this issue believe that there is some mysterious communication between all the pyramids existing on Earth. Such pyramids are found not only in Egypt or Mexico, such structures were discovered in many places of our planet: Brazil, China, Russia, Japan, Australia Ukraine. And this is not all countries in which the pyramids are found.

Most pyramids are on land. But there are those that were found under water. In addition to the pyramids in the Bermuda triangle, not so long ago in China, a stepped pyramid was found about 20 m high. It consists of stone slabs and is located at the bottom of the lake in the Chinese province Yunnan. This largest and most preserved pyramid, but besides her, at the bottom of the lake, there were still nine facilities of the same magnitude and about two dozen objects scattered throughout the bottom. According to scientists, these structures were built with ancient civilization and represent the city. Pyramids at the bottom of the lake in China do not cause many disputes and questions, but pyramids in Bermuda Triangle Still remain covered by mystery.

It should be indicated that V. Meyer was not the first one who pointed out the existence of underwater pyramids in the Atlantic. Russian scientist S. Proskuryakov In 1977, in one of his work mentioned that the echo sounders of the fishing vessel fleeing near the Bermuda islands recorded a strange elevation, resembling a pyramid. This mention was the reason for the organization of a well-known American Ufologist and an atlantologist Charles Berlice of the Expedition to the Bermuda Islands area. According to members of the expedition, they really managed to detect a strange mountain located at a depth of 400 m, which strongly resembled the pyramid. The height of the pyramid was approximately 150 m, the parties had an equal length

On the this moment Many researchers seek to solve this phenomenon. People are interested in who, when and why built these strange pyramids. I would like to hope that the answer to these questions will be shedding light on the mysterious disappearance of ships in the Bermuda triangle area and will explain the causes of the anomalies there.

Glass pyramids under the Bermuda triangle. Lost Atlantis.

In 1995, a researcher from the University of Minnesota Mark Hammons and his colleague Jeffrey Kate said that Atlanta was ... aliens, united in human bodies! For communication and movement, they used telepathy and levitation, and also have highly developed technologies based on energy crystals whose debris and are now on the bottom of the Bermuda triangle. They still emit dangerous rays.

It is possible to use energy that is allocated with the help of functioning crystals, which are inside the pyramid (pyramids), which are located "under the" Bermuda triangle to stabilize the situation and restore the broken boundaries (measurements) of worlds.

Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda triangneette of strange structures at a depth of two thousand feet using a hydrolyator were discovered by the oceanographer Dr. Verlage Meyer.

Studies with the help of another equipment allowed a scientist to determine that two giant pyramids may be made of something like thick glass. Pyramids are really impressive structures, because each of them is greater than the biggest pyramid on land - the pyramids of Heops in Egypt. It was also possible to establish that the pyramids of about half a century, that is, they are not fragments of the departed civilizations.

V. Meyer believes that the disclosure of the secrecy of strange underwater pyramids, located, by the way, in the very center of the conditional triangle, will break the light on the terrible and mysterious, which is associated with the Bermuda triangle.

In his press conference at the Bahamas, the scientist provided a report, cards with accurate coordinates of pyramids and graphics with their image. It is noteworthy of the statement of oceanographer, that modern science is unknown technology on which underwater pyramids are created. Perhaps the underwater study will give such facts that are difficult to imagine.

Already one decade, adherents of mysterious destination Pyramids of the Earth are trying to find the missing Atlantic pyramid. Scientists conducted serious scientific research calculations and concluded that this pyramid could be located in the Atlantic Ocean area near Puerto Rico. Many researchers are confident that there is a logical connection between all the pyramids, evenly distributed throughout the Earth. Brazil, Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Russia, Bermuda and even Ukraine - here is a far incomplete list of countries in which various pyramids were found.
The researchers have repeatedly come across the finds of underwater pyramids. Most recently, a stepped pyramid was discovered, consisting of stone plates, the height of which is about 20 meters. This pyramid is in China at the bottom of the lake in the southwestern province Yunnan. Interestingly, at the bottom of this lake there are still nine objects of the same value, and total number Constructions of this species number thirty. As scientists suggest, objects are the creation of ancient civilization. But if with such pyramids everything is more or meable, then the Bermud's pyramid is covered with a complete secret.
One of the most mysterious and mysterious places on our planet is the Bermuda Triangle. This is a mysterious place, where, according to the assurances of most eyewitnesses, there are many inexplicable phenomena. With each year in this mysterious place there are more and more of a variety of mysterious incidents. Among them are natural anomalies, the disappearance of ships and aircraft, the loss of memory in humans, and all this makes fear and horror on people, thereby attracting more and more travelers and researchers. Such a term as a Bermuda triangle appeared not much and not enough about 50 years ago. But the mystery of the Bermuda triangle is never solved until our time, even though there are hundreds of eyewitnesses who watched the anomalies in this place. In our article we will talk about the most famous facts from the history of the study of the Bermuda Triangle, as well as on the existence and research on its territory of one of the most mysterious phenomena. This phenomenon is called Bermud's pyramid.
In the Atlantic Ocean not far from the south-east coast of the United States and is the well-known Bermuda Triangle. The peaks of the Bermuda Triangle lie on such islands as Bermuda, Miami (Florida) and San Juan (Puerto Rico), total area Triangle 925000 square kilometers. He received its name by name, which was previously called one of his vertices - "Devil Island". This island has been completely surrounded by reefs, which and destroyed not one hundred ships. It is interesting to note the fact that the Bermuda triangle is not present in the list of US geographic places, it is not on the map, there are no documents confirming or rejecting this mysterious and overnight the mysterious region in the whole world. Everything that you have to rely researchers is only on those stories that we tell witnesses.
But in 1977, the Russian scholar S. Proskuryakov wrote in his works, which was not committed from the Bermuda islands at the very bottom of the ocean echo sounds of the fishing vessel, a hill was recorded, which very much resembles a pyramid that later and contributed to the organization of a special expedition under the guidance of the famous American Atlantologist Charles Berliner. It is the members of the expedition and found at a depth of 400 meters a mountain like a pyramid. They believed that this mountain was an accurate copy of the pyramid of Heops. Its sizes are height amount to a hundred fifty meters, and even saved equal lengths of the parties.
About the found pyramids in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda triangle reports come quite often. So, American oceanographers in the early 1990s found a submarine pyramid, which, as is known, is exactly in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, in its very center. Scientists have processed all the collected data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth, something resembling glass or ice. The sizes of the pyramid turned out to be almost three times the pyramid of Heops.
This news was a real sensation, which was discussed at the conference, which was carried out in Florida. Journalists present on it received many photos and echograms. Hydrocators and computerized high-resolution analyzers installed on the ship showed volume and perfectly smooth, not overgrown with algae surface of the pyramid. It had no seams, no connectors, no cracks. The question arises, why at the moment in the media the topic has become closed? The answer to this question is rather hidden in the fact that in the area there are ups for UFOs directly from the water and the entrance of unidentified objects in sea depths. The special services are monitored by such flights that occur quite often. Therefore, according to scientists and employees, the US intelligence agen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda triangle occur due to the work of very powerful in the amount of energy of the underwater complex. It follows that, perhaps, a glass pyramid is the central part of such an energy complex that is built by someone. It is impossible not to remember the prophecies of Edgar Casey about a huge crystal, which possesses huge forcescapable of causing devastating cataclysms for all mankind on the planet.
In the early 2000s, we learned about the discovery of two more pyramids in the Bermud. Oceanographer Vellag Meyer with the help of special equipment tried to find out the substance from which the pyramids consist. The researcher concluded that the pyramids consist of glass. In his opinion, the technology of manufacturing the pyramids is still unknown by scientists. After examining everything age characteristics These pyramids, scientists concluded that this is so-called "glass" pyramids not more than 500 years. Increasingly, it is interesting to find a randering of this phenomenon. Would you like to know by whom when and for what purpose these pyramids were built. It is possible that this discovery will help explain scary secrets Bermuda triangle, mysterious disappearance of ships and aircraft on its territory, causes anomalies that occur there.

Pyramid at the bottom of the ocean in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

Mystery of Atlantov

Modern humanity about Atlantis is known very little. The legends say that the Atlanta was highly increased, unusually beautiful, freely overcame the earthly gravity and exchanged thoughts without speech ... The mystery of the disappearance of the civilization of the Atlanta to this day does not give rest to both serious scientists and researchers enthusiasts.

Gift aliens

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his writings called "Dialogues" wrote that Atlanta "themselves brought upon themselves trouble." But his story breaks down and does not reveal the secrets of the tragedy. Perhaps it was possible to solve it by the American clairvoyant Edgar Casey, who, entering Trans, watched the visions from the long-disappeared worlds.

According to him, "Atlanta used crystals for worldly and spiritual purposes." In his revelations, Casey saw a large hall in the temple of Poseidon, called the "Light Feed". In it was kept by the main crystal of Atlantis - Tuaoy, that is, the "firestock". He had a cylindrical shape, the top absorbed sunny energy And accumulated it in the center. The first crystal was donated by the Atlantam by representatives of alien civilizations, which warned that it was necessary to handle it carefully, since a terrible destructive force was concluded.

In general, the crystals were the most powerful storage devices of solar radiation and star light, they accumulated the energy of the Earth, their rays were burning even powerful walls. It is due to this that the Atlanta was erected by palaces, temples and developed extrasensory abilities.

Casey statements were met by scientists with a fair fraction of Skepticism. But soon there was confirmation of what was said: Julius Caesar in his "Notes about the Gallic War" wrote that a certain priest-Druid told him about the ancestors of Galov, who came to Europe from the "Island of Crystal Tower." According to legend, their glass palace rummaged in the middle of the sea somewhere in the center of the Atlantic. The ships sailed past him, but those who tried to go closer, gibbles: some invisible forces were captured by the vessel, and it disappeared forever. The myth lived to Middle Ages: in Celtic sagas, this inexplicable force is called "magic cobweb". One of the heroes of Sag managed to escape from the house of the glass and return home. It seemed to him that he spent only three days in the palace, and in his homeland there were whole thirty years!

There is a legend that part of the saved Atlanta fled to Tibet. The peoples of Tibet preserved a legend of gigantic pyramids crowned with large crystals of rock crystal, which served as antennas for receiving the living energy of the cosmos.

Sea mystery

In 1970, Dr. Ra Brown went to rest on Baria Island, located near the Bahamas. Scientist was a lover of snorkeling. Once he went for immersion. What was his amazement, when at great depth he discovered the well-preserved pyramid, equipped with unknown technique. Among the rods and holders were crystal. When Brown tried to take him with her, he heard a warning voice inside himself. Nevertheless, he raised him to the surface. Within 5 years, Rei Brown has protected the find. But in 1975, still decided to show it at the Congress of Psychiatrists in the United States. Psychologist from New York Elizabeth Bacikon After looking at the crystal, I suddenly received a message from Stone about his belonging .... oregetsky God of death Tutu!

A few years later, high-energy crystals of unknown origin were discovered at the Day of Sargassov Sea. They dematerialized people and ships with their radiation. It is not excluded that the anomalies in the Ramen of the Bermuda Triangle arose as a result of the impact of this energy complex. Edgar Casey warned about the danger of shipping in the Bermud district, because, in his opinion, the destructive energy of the crystals acts in our day. That is why there is a so-called "paradox of time and space".

In 1993, the American weekly "News" reported about an amazing incident with an American submarine, floating in a "triangle" at a depth of 200 feet (70 m). The sailors heard a strange noise overboard and felt the vibration continued for about a minute. And then the whole team ... instantly aged. But the most amazing found out after the float to the surface: it turned out that the submarine is located in the Indian Ocean of 300 miles from the eastern coast of Africa and 10 thousand miles from Bermud!

It is possible that the strange phenomenon occurred under the influence of the energy crystals of the Atlanta hidden, according to Casey statements, at the Sea Day to the east of Andros island at a depth of 1500 m.

In the summer of 1991, the American hydrological vessel found a huge pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle - three times the famous Hoeop Pyramid! Judging by the echo signals, reflected from its surface, the faces are composed of a material similar to glass or polished ceramics. Surprisingly, they turned out to be absolutely clean and smooth, which is not at all typical of the object at the ocean day.
After the return of the hydrological vessel, a press conference was organized. In it, researchers demonstrated photographs, ehograms and research results. Ship hydrolyators showed images of the faces of the pyramid, on which no blocks were seen, as if the plane was perfectly smooth.

Dangerous rays

In 1995, a researcher from the University of Minnesota Mark Hammons and his colleague Jeffrey Kate said that Atlanta was ... aliens, united in human bodies! For communication and movement, they used telepathy and levitation, and also have highly developed technologies based on energy crystals whose debris and are now on the bottom of the Bermuda triangle. They still emit dangerous rays.

Apparently, the numerous disappearances of the ships are connected with them, in the area: live objects, that is, people, as if "are exempt" from their bodies and go to a subtle astral world. Weaker rays are so changed to the psyche that they may occur hallucinations.

In 1999, Shannon Breyskey from New Zealand became a member of one of the inexplicable accidents, which decided to cross the Pacific Ocean on a yacht alone. That's what she told reporters.
- When I was already approaching Bermudam, something terrible happened. At noon, when I was in the cut, the sea surface externally grumbled. It seemed that I got into the fog strip. Soon the real storm began, and the haze thickened so much that the visibility was zero. There they appeared around me .... Friends! These were people in a sailor form, some women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that they were all dead long ago, and it was experiencing a crying horror. Suddenly I saw my deceased husband: he stretched his hands to me. At that moment I lost consciousness.

When Shannon woke up, the clock was shown midnight. It turned out that the woman was in the infamousity of the whole twelve hours!

No less strange case occurred with the German girl of Mina, born near Bermud on board the cruise liner. At four years, she began to read the thoughts around others, moving a pencil on glass. For several years now, its phenomenal abilities have been studied in one of the psychotherapeutic clinics of Germany.

All these facts indicate that the chief crystal of Atlantis has been preserved in working condition. He lies at a great depth in the center of the Bermuda triangle and continues his mysterious effect.
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At the bottom of the Bermud triangle, the pyramids were found several times more than Egyptian.
In early 1977, Echohotes of the fishing vessel registered at the bottom of the ocean, somewhat away from the Bermuda islands, the irregularity resembling a pyramid. This served as a reason for American Charles Berlitsa to organize a special expedition. This expedition found a pyramid at a depth of 400 meters. Charles Berlitz argues that its height is almost 150 meters, the length of the base is 200 meters, and the slope of the side faces is the same as the pyramids of Heops. One of the sides of this pyramid is longer than the other.
The found pyramid is three times higher than the largest Egyptian pyramid (Heops), has glass (or similar to the glass-crystal) faces that are immaculately smooth and smooth, like mirrors.

Alexander Voronin (President " Russian society According to the problems of Atlantis, "):
"In the early 1990s, American oceanographers with the help of hydrolycate devices were found in the very center of the Bermuda triangle underwater pyramid. Processing the data, scientists suggested that the surface of the facilities of the pyramidal shape is perfectly smooth, possibly glass! In size it is almost three times more Hoeop's pyramid ! According to the characteristics of echo signals reflected from its surface, the faces of the pyramids are composed of some mysterious material similar to polished ceramics or glass. The sensational news was announced by scientists at a press conference in Florida.
Relevant materials of oceanographic studies were provided to journalists: photos, echograms. Ship hydrolytators and computerized high-resolution analyzers showed bulk images of very smooth, clean, not overgrown with algae, faces of the pyramid. The pyramid consists not from blocks, no seams, no connectors, nor cracks are visible. It seems that it is sharpened from a single monolith. But in the following years, the US authorities sedold information about the glass pyramid, and this topic became closed in the media. According to the United States Navy intelligence officers, it is known that the UFOs are observed in the area directly from the water and the entrance of unidentified objects to the sea depths. Last years The special services are monitored by such flights that occur quite often.
The staff of the special services and the US Army are forced to admit that anomalies in the Bermuda triangle occur due to the work of a huge energy complex of underwater residents, maybe the Atlanta who survived after the tragic catastrophe. Thus, the glass pyramid is the central part of such a complex built by the Self Priests of Atlantis. A similar group of structures in the form of glowing pyramids was also recently discovered near the southern part of Chile, in Bellingshausen, at a depth of 6000 meters. We can talk once again about the commercial prophecies of Edgar Casey, in particular, about a huge crystal with a monstrous force that can cause destructive cataclysms on the planet and destroy traces of the former civilizations. Pyramid reports seem to be found in the Bermuda Triangle area are regularly coming. In the US Navy Hydrographic Service in August 1948, the Mount of American Scouts is mentioned for the first time. This is a hosted mountain rises from a depth of 4400 meters and comes to 37 meters from the surface of the ocean. Thorough promresses in September 1964, performed by the American Scientific Research Ship "Atlantis - 11", showed that there is no mountain. Geologists concluded that information about this underwater grief was obtained as a result of the so-called "false bottom". About the underwater pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle said another famous Atlantologist Charles Berlitz. The expedition headed by him discovered the mountain like a pyramid. He believed that this mountain was an exact copy of the pyramid of Heops. It was at a depth of 400 meters, its height was 150 meters, and the base is 200 meters. However, talking about the identity of the pyramid of Berlitz with recently discovered yet. Alejandro Seriyo Perez, a resident of Guatemala, the descendant of the Mayan shamans, is the elder of both Americas. It was proclaimed by two all-American congresses. Cities, built on Yucatan, says Perez, built ancestors of Maya who came with Bermud. And this word first sounded - May. May is Atlanta. At first they lived in a diamond city on Bermuda and from there came to Tollan. Most main city - Diamond, on Bermuda, with a pyramid under water.
However, in 2003 a new message came that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle, two mysterious giant pyramidal structures were found. Okeanographer Vellah Mayer with the help of special equipment managed to find out that they consist of a substance resembling glass. The dimensions of the underwater pyramids located in the very center of the mysterious triangle significantly exceeds the dimensions of such structures on land, including the famous Hoeop Pyramid. However, preliminary evidence suggests that the age of these pyramids does not exceed 500 years. Who and why built them and remains secret for seven seals. Mayer argues that the technology on which the pyramids are made, earthlings are unknown. "

Long ago is considered an abnormal zone and truly creepy placewhere the aircraft and ships disappear with all the crew. He receives wide fame in the 60s, when articles about the damned triangle, which occurs with paranormal phenomena, not a clear scientific explanation. Everyone who is looking for a Bermuda triangle on the map will be disappointed: its clear location and borders are not. It is known that the most mysterious site in the world is located next to the islands, from which he got its name.

Strange finds at the depth

A powerful splash of interest in this place is observed after the report of scientists, found strange underwater buildings. It turned out that unbelievable artifacts mystical and poorly studied Bermuda triangle retained to this day. The pyramid, found at the very bottom of the ocean by the American expedition using the most modern equipment, surprised by its gigantic sizes. Later, unique systems operating at the bottom, found another, exceeding the Egyptian structures in size several times.

Amazing pyramids

Scientists puzzled the incredibly smooth surface of the monolithic structure - without the slightest scratches and visible seams. And the material resembling glass, from which strange structures consisted, was not previously the sign of specialists who arrived to study the find in the Bermuda triangle. The pyramid, to the surprise of scientists, was not covered with algae and shells, which turned out all items, for a long time in the water. But, judging by the photographs made at the bottom of the ocean, these ancient buildings are at least 500 years. And they are built with the help of our inaccessible technology civilization. All scientists who participated in work are inclined to believe that it is these pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle and caused the disappearance of ships and their crews.

Version First: Unidentified Objects

Immediately there were opponents of versions of Americans who called the age of underwater buildings. They were explained to their position as follows: on photographs, it is impossible to determine the exact date of creating finds. However, if they still admit that the oceanographic expedition was not mistaken, and the pyramids are really 5 centuries, it suggests the most obvious version of their creation, which the aliens from distant cosmos attached their hand to this. And such an explanation is a numerous confirmation in the form of unidentified objects immersing at the bottom of the ocean in the area of \u200b\u200bfinds and emerging from it.

The impact of such activity can be unambiguous: the underwater pyramids are the base of aliens. Probably, not in vain after such messages ominous zone, where the Bermuda triangle manifests its abnormal properties, was closed, and all the information was classified.

Version Second: Lost Atlantis

And many are remembered by an ancient legend about residents of creating a repository for their knowledge before the ambulance of the state. And still there are versions about high and beautiful residents of the mainland who have left live on the seabed. Who knows whether the mysterious region is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, hiding the pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle, the place of their today's habitat? In 1995, American researchers said that residents of ancient civilization with developed technologies had extraterrestrial origin. By moving into human bodies, aliens used some sunlight drives, the rays of which had a destructive force, so it was necessary to handle them carefully. Now these energy crystals are allegedly located at the bottom of the ocean, from where it comes devastating for all living radiation.

Missing in the Bermuda triangle

This extensive water area without clear boundaries is a huge scientific interest. It is known about 100 units of military and civil engineering mysteriously missing in the area, called the cemetery of the Atlantic. But it is necessary to explain that the remains of human bodies and any fragments in the mysterious region are not found, although the bottom of the Bermuda triangle was carefully investigated, and repeatedly. None of the tragedy still has a clear scientific substantiation.

Disappearance of ships and aircraft

Back in 1918, a cargo American ship disappeared, following the devilish place. He did not give a disaster signals, but simply disappeared with radar along with the numerous crew. There were a variety of versions, even the most fantastic, but none of them could explain the reasons for the mysterious disappearance. The authorities announced that only the sea was the circumstances of the tragedy.

In 1945, 5 America aircraft disappear without a trace, negotiations with pilots speak of their complete disorientation and a meeting with something that cannot be explained. The devices did not work, and experienced pilots could not determine their location, which was very strange. Last words Pilots contain references to what they are in that is, in the opposite side of the specified route.

Communication after that interrupted forever, and the speech speech was later called this nonsense. Amazing that after 40 years at the bottom of the Mexican Gulf, one of the nobody was found to give explanations instant moving The combat vehicle is 700 kilometers, and the authorities signed in their full helplessness. There were many such cases in the anomalous region, but experts did not give a single explanation to mysterious disappearances.

Radiation of the energy complex

You can relate differently to the version of scientists about the existence of an underwater energy complex, which allegedly stores the Bermuda triangle. The pyramid found at the bottom of the ocean maybe its top. But it is just known that the powerful radiation of this working complex affects the objects and flying over a dangerous water management, and people under its influence move from the living world to astral. It is known about the outputs of the electronic equipment, so many devices are programmed to automatically shut down when the abnormal zone passages. And the lack of algae on the smooth surface of the found pyramids can be explained by the destructive power of rays emanating from them. Researchers talk about a terrible threat that the Bermuda triangle is still tired. Ocean hides a lot of centuries at its depths of mystery ancient civilizationswho are not logical explanation. Scientists of all over the world are fighting over the raysterity of incredible phenomena, find new artifacts and try to comprehend them from the point of view of science. But for now all their attempts are in vain.

New underwater find

At the end of 2012, the world learns about this sensation. We are talking about research by the Canadian couple, hired to describe the oceanic bottom and for a long time worked in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mysterious triangle. The media explode to the news that scientists have finally revealed the mystery of the Bermuda triangle. They found in the underwater pictures made with the help of a robot, not only a new pyramid, but also ruins ancient City, buried under the layer of century alley. Destroyed walls of stone houses are stored engraved inscriptions on an unknown language, and long tunnels and sanded roads, huge monolithic plates, sculptures of sphinxes and other structures of incomprehensible destination cannot be a natural brainchild, these are clearly artificial structures created by the hands of people. Only people? ..

World Event: Atlantis found?

Canadian scientists believe that this city of incredible sizes was discovered by the Americans in the 70s, after which an amazing find was classified for a long time. Do the ruins of an ancient settlement have the attitude towards the disappearance of the mysterious Atlantis? Scientists confirm the version that large-scale buildings were erected first on Earth, and after the global catastrophe collapsed and went under water. It is very similar to the history of the drunkenness of the legendary mainland, which had no chance to escape from deep aqueous grave.

Canadians explored using special equipment Bermuda triangle. The pyramid, folded not from one-piece blocks, and from huge multi-colored stones, is similar in shape with Egyptian, but much surpasses it in size. Scientists reported that large boulders located in the destroyed city were found in the English Stonehenge - another world riddle.

Traces of Indians, not Atlanta

Many researchers are skeptical about the statement of Canadians, believing that they did not at all revealed the mystery of the Bermuda triangle. According to them, the underwater world keeps the remains of an ancient Latin American culture. There are versions that this small settlement of the Indians Teotiuskan, who has gone under the water, has had a strong effect on the culture of Aztecs. The studies of the destroyed metropolis are still continuing, and scientists hope for the discovery of new facts that can shed light on this mystery in the history of mankind.

Unsolved tragedy

It should be noted that anomalous zonesIn which people disappear without a trace, not only the Bermuda triangle belongs. On the world map, scientists have noted at least ten such mysterious districts. However, this is a mystical place to this day constantly excites the minds, causing tremendous interests and researchers, and inhabitants to strange phenomena. It is not yet clear the causes and circumstances of all numerous tragedies, these cases will be shrouded in mystery. Most likely, humanity has not yet reached the level of development that would explicitly understand the nature of the current forces in an abnormal place.

Bermuda Triangle - District in the Atlantic Ocean, in which allegedly occur mysterious disappearances Sea and aircraft. The area is limited to lines from Florida to the Bermuda islands, further to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through Bahamas. Analogous

The world ocean carries a lot of closed secrets, which for now hundreds of years everyone also remains under the vehicle unknown. Among the first - the riddles of the Bermuda triangle - the mysterious region of the Western Atlantic, which is already at least the century, the myths and legends are composed.Bermuda triangle walked out the glory of the ominous area. Scientists have long beat over his mysteries, intelligence and investigative works are constantly underway here and finally there are first results - sensational opening Canadian researchers made - at the bottom of the sea in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bermuda Triangle, they found an ancient sunken city.
According to scientists, they reviewed in the pictures of the ocean's bottom in the area four pyramids, one of which is made entirely of glass, engraved inscriptions are visible on the walls of the buildings.According to scientists, the city resembles the cities of ancient Latin American cultures, in particular the culture of the disappearing civilization of the Totyukan, which existed in the territory of modern Mexico. It is assumed that the sunken city was built a half or two thousand years ago.
Canadian researchers state that it is still unknown that this is found, but it is quite clear that nature could not create such structures with symmetric architecture.