An abnormal "devil's belt". What happened in the Afghan anomalous zone? Anomalous zone in an abandoned military unit

Many processes in the depths of the ocean and on its surface challenge scientists who have not yet found a clear explanation for them.

Our planet is as mysterious and unexplored in many ways as space. Man is trying to conquer Mars, while not even suspecting what is happening on his own planet.

Many processes in the depths of the ocean and on its surface challenge scientists who have not yet found a clear explanation for them. In today's selection, we will tell you about the four most mysterious places on our planet, included in the so-called. Devil's belt, which includes Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar Wedge, Afghan Anomalous Zone and Hawaiian Anomaly. Why about four? Because we have already written about the Bermuda Triangle more than once.

On the territory of the Devil's Belt, ships and planes crash, people become anxious, many go crazy. The hypothesis of a connection between the five anomalous zones belongs to the hydrobiologist Ivan Sanderson (1968).

The following is striking: the zones are equidistant from each other by 72 degrees and located at 30 degrees of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

As more and more places of disappearance of people and ships were plotted on the globe, each area acquired the shape of an oval or diamond with the same slope to the east for all.

The devil's sea. This large anomalous zone, a triangle with peaks on the islands of Honshu, Luzon and Guam, is located southeast of Japan.

In fact, this is the Pacific analogue of the Bermuda Triangle (they call it “Japanese Bermuda”), which is not going to reveal its secrets yet.

The frightening name of this anomalous zone is not accidental - the mere presence of the devil in the Sea creates an oppressed state of life. A number of pieces of evidence have been documented to support this. In 1978, B.I. Ustimenko was successfully engaged in the germination of wheat seeds.

However, to his great surprise, at the time of the passage of the Devil's Sea, the seeds refused to germinate at all. They swelled, burst, a white mass flowed out of them, but not a single sprout appeared.

People in the area feel overwhelmed, lethargic, and sailors claim that there are no whales, dolphins or albatrosses to be seen in the area.

The exact cause of the Sea of ​​the Devil is still not known. Japanese fishermen are afraid to even talk about this place. Few daredevils dare to go out there to fish.

The first reports of strange disappearances of people and ships in the area leaked into newspapers back in 1896. Then everyone learned about several fishing boats that did not return home. An investigation was carried out, but no traces of the wrecks were found.

From 1950 to 1954, nine ships disappeared in this small sea, which greatly worried the Japanese government. Moreover, this time they were not small peasant boats, but large cargo and military vessels.

According to the testimony, during the disappearance there was always a beautiful calm weather. Only one of these ships managed to send an SOS signal, while the rest suddenly disappeared from the screens of the monitors watching them.

At the same time, one of the disappeared warships, the destroyer "Power of the Sun", was equipped with the latest electronic equipment and was able to detect moving objects slightly larger than a cow at a distance of 200 km.

The military, of course, were very alarmed, tk. in connection with the disappearance of the destroyer, many secret developments were under threat. The ship was searched for more than a month, checking every square meter of the sea surface, but to no avail. As a result of intensive searches, only a few fragments were found, but no people were found.

The Japanese government had high hopes for the research vessel Kayom-ru, which would use its instruments to survey the seabed, find wrecks and clarify the situation with strange disappearances.

But these plans were not destined to come true. On August 11, "Kayomaru" exploded 6 km from the coast in front of many eyewitnesses. According to experts, an underwater volcano was to blame, after which the area was declared a dangerous zone.

On the this moment The Devil's Sea claimed more than 700 lives aboard Japanese warships. What caused their disappearance remains a mystery to this day.

The Gibraltar Wedge is a large anomalous land zone in Algeria. The base of this anomalous zone lies in the sandy desert Big Western Erg (Erg-Igidi plateau), and the extremity narrow stripe stretches towards the Strait of Gibraltar.

In the vast expanses of the desert, from time to time, a strange chilling whistle of unknown origin suddenly appears. In absolute silence, a quiet, rustling sound first arises.

It is distributed simultaneously from all directions, so that it is impossible to determine its source. It seems that it is pouring from the sky, until it seems to rise from the ground, then it flies from somewhere on the side, simultaneously to the left and to the right. The rustle gradually grows, begins to change the tonality, sounds in different ways.

Gradually, it develops into a high-pitched loud whistle. This whistle first causes a feeling of vague anxiety, then the anxiety intensifies and after a while the person is seized by animal horror, forcing him to rush in panic, not making out his way, just to escape from this terrible sound.

The fatal whistle can last for hours, driving people crazy, and then stops as suddenly as it started. What is characteristic is that it acts in the same way on animals. For example, horses stop listening to their riders, throw them off and race away.

This terrible cacophony ends instantly and can be repeated no earlier than in a month or two.

A reliable hypothesis that could explain the origin of the mysterious whistle has not yet been proposed. It is obvious that in the whistle itself there is infrasound - it is he who causes a panic state in people and animals.

But infrasound is not audible to the human ear, it affects directly the psyche. But where the whistle itself comes from, what or who makes it is a big mystery.

Perhaps this very sound was described in ancient Greek literature (for example, in Homer's "Odyssey"), when stories were told about sea sirens, with their voice driving sailors crazy.

This anomalous zone is not as destructive as the rest of the Devil's Belt, it does not account for human casualties... Or at least no one kept statistics. Perhaps that is why no one has seriously studied it yet.

Afghan anomalous zone. At the moment, it remains poorly researched. There are several reasons for this. Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, so it is unable to allocate funds for such exotic research.

Afghanistan is part of the Islamic world, with a great prejudice regarding foreign research on its territory. The third reason is that since 1978 Afghanistan has not emerged from civil war, aggravated by military conflicts with Western countries.

In such conditions, the study of the anomaly does not seem to be of any value for this country, there are more pressing tasks.

According to eyewitness accounts, UFO sightings can often be observed in this area. The appearance of objects can be different - there were also disc-shaped UFOs of a silvery color, and fiery-red balls, and oblong white capsules. Direct aggression from these objects was not observed, they rather monitored the area. However, their very appearance causes panic.

On the basis of the few collected evidence, several versions were put forward regarding the events taking place in the Afghan anomalous zone.

1. The valley was a former testing ground for secret weapons, and all that is observed in it are the residual effects of these tests.

2. In the valley, and at present, the Afghan military is periodically testing the latest weapons.

3. The valley is a powerful geopathogenic zone, and what is happening is associated with some unexplored natural phenomena.

4. In the valley, he landed a UFO, possibly of alien origin. Hawaiian anomalous zone, located north of the Hawaiian Islands.

It is not as famous and popular as the rest of the Devil's Belt zones. Perhaps if Sanderson had not figured out her whereabouts theoretically, she would have never been noticed.

This site The Pacific for a long time he was not noticed in any special "atrocities", and no sensational events took place in this zone. And only after the discovery of Sanderson, researchers began to look closely at this site.

A unique feature of the Hawaiian anomalous zone was found: not so long ago it was discovered that this place is characterized by the most frequent occurrence of wandering killer waves.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that such rogue waves are found in other points of the world's oceans. But the largest number of them falls precisely on the Hawaiian anomalous zone: within one month up to five or six such waves can be recorded here, while during the same period in the entire world ocean, no more than three or four of them are formed.

The very phenomenon of killer waves (other names: wandering waves, monster waves, white waves, maddened waves) was discovered relatively recently, only 30 years ago. So they began to call giant waves, the height of which can reach 40 m.

It was they who discovered in the process of monitoring the surface of the world's oceans these strange ones, which run counter to the classical ideas about the water element of education.

They have an amazing feature. These waves move along the surface of the ocean in an arbitrary direction, regardless of currents and wind direction. The length of such waves is, as a rule, about 1 km.

They are also characterized by the fact that their height along the edges does not decrease gradually, gradually disappearing, but sharply decreases. Those. it looks like a rectangular multi-storey building made of water is moving along the sea. Over time, the wave wastes its terrible energy and fades away.

The wandering wave has an enormous mass. The surface on which it collapses is experiencing tremendous pressure, reaching 120 tons per 1 sq. m.

Even the most powerful ship, colliding with such a bulk, can sink in just a few minutes.

Killer waves have repeatedly become " actors" in feature films... They are based on real events describing the wreck of ships colliding with wandering waves.

The discovery of the killer wave phenomenon has shed light on some unexplained disappearances ships in different parts of the world ocean.

But the nature of the wandering waves themselves has not yet been revealed, they still remain a big mystery.

Of course, there are some hypotheses about their origin. But they are currently not yet sufficiently supported by actual research.

It is very difficult to investigate rogue waves because it is impossible to predict where and when they will occur.

In this respect, the Hawaiian Anomalous Zone is of great scientific interest. After all, it is here that wandering waves are most common, and, therefore, there are more opportunities to study them.

Significance of AFGHAN ANOMALOUS ZONE in the Handbook of Miracles, Extraordinary Phenomena, UFOs and More


large pathogenic geoformation, which is part of the devil's belt, which contains 5 zones (Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar Wedge, Hawaiian Anomaly) equidistant from each other by 72 degrees and located at 30 degrees of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. (HF)

Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs and more. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what the AFGHAN ANOMALOUS ZONE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • AFGHAN in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dogs:
    greyhound AB looks aristocratic, proud and independent, without signs of lightness or rudeness. Features of this breed: exotic or "oriental" expression of the eyes, ...
  • ZONE in the Handbook of Secrets of games, programs, equipment, movies, Easter eggs:
    Zone: Misadventure strict regime If you throw a medicine for 300 health units, then it will be on the ground, but also ...
  • ZONE
    FREE FROM CUSTOMS CONTROL - a part of the territory of the state where any material assets that are the subject of foreign trade transactions are not subject to customs ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FRANCA is a currency area that includes the former French colonies in West Africa and French possessions in the Pacific Ocean. Bank ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    JOINT ENTREPRENEURSHIP - a separate part of the territory of a given country, considered as being outside its customs territory, on which special (preferential) ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE TRADE - 1) a zone within which a group of countries maintains free duty-free trade; 2) preferential trade area: a separate part ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE ENTREPRENEURSHIP - a separate part of the territory of k.-l. a state considered as being outside its customs territory, on which special (preferential) ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE - see FREE ZONE ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    DOLLAR - see DOLLAR ZONE ...
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • ZONE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from Greek] 1) a part of the surface of the ball (spherical belt), enclosed between two parallel circles; 2) in natural history, a belt or a strip ...
  • ZONE
    ZONE OF SHADOW, see Zone of Silence ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONE STRATIGRAPHIC (chronozone), unit of general stratigraphic. scales subordinate to the tier; includes layers with a characteristic complex of fossil organisms that do not recur in ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONE OF ISLAND ARCS, see Transitional ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONE OF SILENCE, in acoustics, area near the earth's surface where sound from distant powerful sources is not heard, while ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    COMFORT ZONE, optim. for the human body, a combination of temperature, humidity, air velocity and exposure to radiant heat (for example, at rest ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONE in music, a narrow band of sound. frequencies, within a cut, the change in frequency does not change the quality of the sound as a tone is defined. fixed ...
  • ZONE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZONA (from the Greek z? Ne - belt), strip, space between k.-l. boundaries; territory, plot of h.-l., characterized by definition. ...
  • ANOMALOUS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ANOMALOUS DISPERSION, see Wave dispersion ...
  • ZONE in the Popular Explanatory and Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -y, w. 1) Belt or strip the globe with their common natural conditions, flora, fauna, etc. Climatic ...
  • ZONE in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    ((column zone belt) 1) a space characterized by certain common features, a strip, an area, etc. (border z., z. artillery fire ...
  • ZONE in Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    zones, w. (Greek zone - Belt) (book). 1. Belt, strip, space between what-n. two lines. Geographic area. Hot zone. Zone ...
    one of the middle energy active zones in Europe, which became famous in the early 1990s thanks to the educational and journalistic activities of local ufologists, ...
  • DEVIL'S BELT in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    five equidistant from each other large anomalous zones of the Earth, located along 30 degrees north latitude: Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar ...
  • PLATO KUMTUBE (ANOMALOUS ZONE "ALPHA") in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a high-altitude region near the Chegen River in the Chegen Gorge and the Side Ridge in Kabardino-Balkaria, where there is a lot of UFO flights. Abnormal ...
  • AFGHAN HIGHLIGHTS in the Encyclopedia of Dogs.
  • YAKHROMSKAYA ZONE in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    geoactive site in the north of the Moscow region. It is famous for its beautiful landscapes, it is often visited by hikers in summer and skiers in winter (there is ...
  • ENERGY ACTIVE ZONE in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a special part of the planet, an anomalous zone that actively and noticeably reacts to solar flares and other space and anomalous phenomena. According to various ...
  • YGYATT WATER in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a possible anomalous zone, the banks of the Ygyatty River, a tributary of the Vilyui in Yakutia, where, according to the testimony of several eyewitnesses, a decrease and diving were repeatedly observed ...
  • PLIERS in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a small anomalous zone about 7 km southwest of the Zikeevo railway station in the Kaluga region. In the 1990s, in this place, ...
  • SHAYLOKH in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a possible anomalous zone, a place in the state of Tennessee (USA), where still eyewitnesses sometimes have the opportunity to observe a kind of chronomyrage - ...
  • DEATH CEMETERY (DEATOVA POLYANA) in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    anomalous zone in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, located at the node of the icosahedral-dodecahedral structure of the Earth. This name is often confused with "Devil's Glade" (see above) ...
  • CHERTOVA POLYANA ("DEATH CEMETERY") in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    geopathogenic anomalous zone located about 400 km south of the explosion site of the Tunguska body and probably related to this ...
  • CHEREPOVETSKY BOLOTS in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a possible anomalous zone, an area in the Vologda region, where numerous strange phenomena are observed. According to the stories of local residents in nearby settlements ...
  • TSEMESSKAYA BAY in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a possible underwater anomalous zone, the sea area near the Novorossiysk port, around which there are many legends and myths. Obvious incidents in this ...
  • KHOPERSKAYA ZONE (NOVOKHOPERSKAYA ZONE) in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    anomalous zone, an area in the east of the Voronezh region in Russia, in which eyewitnesses and researchers noted multiple observations of strange phenomena, UFOs ...
  • SARMYSH GORGE in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    possibly an anomalous zone, a section of the Bukantau mountain range in Central Kyzyl Kum (Uzbekistan), where a variety of anomalous have been observed since the end of 1980 ...
  • WATTON PRIORY, WATTON PRIORY in the Handbook of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs and more:
    a possible anomalous zone, an English place in which a large number of ghosts have been observed by eyewitnesses since the Middle Ages. ...

Many unusual processes in the depths of the ocean and on its surface challenge scientists who have not yet found a clear explanation for them.

Our planet is as mysterious and unexplored in many ways as space. Man is trying to conquer Mars, while not even suspecting what is happening on his own planet.

Many processes in and on its surface challenge scientists who have not yet found an intelligible explanation for them. In today's selection, we will tell you about the four most mysterious places on our planet, included in the so-called. Devil's Belt, which includes the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea, the Gibraltar Wedge, the Afghan Anomalous Zone, and the Hawaiian Anomaly. Why about four? Because we have already written about the Bermuda Triangle more than once.

On the territory of the Devil's Belt, ships and planes crash, people become anxious, many go crazy. The hypothesis of a connection between the five anomalous zones belongs to the hydrobiologist Ivan Sanderson (1968).

The following is striking: the zones are equidistant from each other by 72 degrees and are located at 30 degrees of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

As more and more places of disappearance of people and ships were plotted on the globe, each area acquired the shape of an oval or diamond with the same slope to the east for all.

The devil's sea. This large anomalous zone, a triangle with peaks on the islands of Honshu, Luzon and Guam, is located southeast of Japan.

In fact, this is the Pacific analogue of the Bermuda Triangle (it is called the "Japanese Bermuda"), which is not going to reveal its secrets yet.

The frightening name of this anomalous zone is not accidental - the mere presence of the devil in the Sea creates an oppressed state of life. A number of pieces of evidence have been documented to support this. In 1978, B.I. Ustimenko was successfully engaged in the germination of wheat seeds.

However, to his great surprise, at the time of the passage of the Devil's Sea, the seeds refused to germinate at all. They swelled, burst, a white mass flowed out of them, but not a single sprout appeared.

People in this unusual area feel overwhelmed, lethargic, and sailors claim that whales, dolphins and albatrosses are not visible in this area.

The exact cause of the Sea of ​​the Devil is still not known. Japanese fishermen are afraid to even talk about this place. Few daredevils dare to go out there to fish.

The first reports of strange disappearances of people and ships in the area leaked into newspapers back in 1896. Then everyone learned about several fishing boats that did not return home. An investigation was carried out, but no traces of the wrecks were found.

From 1950 to 1954, nine ships disappeared in this small sea, which greatly worried the Japanese government. Moreover, this time they were not small peasant boats, but large cargo and military ships.

According to the testimony, during the disappearance there was always a beautiful calm weather. Only one of these ships managed to send an SOS signal, while the rest suddenly disappeared from the screens monitoring their monitors.

At the same time, one of the disappeared warships, the destroyer "Power of the Sun", was equipped with the latest electronic equipment and was able to detect moving objects slightly larger than a cow at a distance of 200 km.

The military, of course, were very alarmed, tk. in connection with the disappearance of the destroyer, many secret developments were under threat. The ship was searched for more than a month, checking every square meter of the surface, but to no avail. As a result of intensive searches, only a few fragments were found, but no people were found.

The Japanese government had high hopes for the research vessel Kayomaru, which would use its instruments to survey the seabed, find wrecks and clarify the situation with strange disappearances.

But these plans were not destined to come true. On August 11, "Kayomaru" exploded 6 km from the coast in front of many eyewitnesses. According to experts, an underwater volcano was to blame, after which the area was declared a dangerous zone.

To date, the Sea of ​​the Devil has claimed more than 700 lives aboard Japanese warships. What caused their disappearance remains a mystery to this day.

The Gibraltar Wedge is a large anomalous land zone in Algeria. The base of this anomalous zone lies in the sandy Great Western Erg Desert (Erg-Igidi Plateau), and the extremity stretches in a narrow strip towards the Strait of Gibraltar.

On the vast expanses of the desert, from time to time, a strange chilling whistle of unknown origin suddenly appears. In absolute silence, a quiet, rustling sound first arises.

It is distributed simultaneously from all directions, so that it is impossible to determine its source. It seems that it is pouring from the sky, until it seems to rise from the ground, then it flies from somewhere on the side, both left and right. The rustle gradually grows, begins to change the tonality, sounds in different ways.

Gradually, it develops into a high-pitched loud whistle. This unusual whistle causes at first a feeling of vague alarm, then the anxiety intensifies and after a while the person is seized by animal horror, forcing him to rush in panic, not making out his way, just to escape from this terrible sound.

The fatal whistle can last for hours, driving people crazy, and then stops as suddenly as it started. Tellingly, it acts in the same way on animals. For example, horses stop listening to their riders, throw them off and race away.

This terrible cacophony ends instantly and can be repeated no earlier than in a month or two.

A reliable hypothesis that could explain the origin of the mysterious whistle has not yet been proposed. It is obvious that in the whistle itself there is infrasound - it is he who causes a panic state in people and animals.

But infrasound is not audible to the human ear, it affects directly the psyche. But where the whistle itself comes from, what or who emits it is a big mystery.

Perhaps this was exactly what was described in ancient Greek literature (for example, in Homer's "Odyssey"), when stories were told about sea sirens, with their voice driving sailors crazy.

This anomalous zone is not as destructive as the rest of the Devil's Belt; there are no human casualties on its account. Or at least no one kept statistics. Perhaps that is why no one has seriously studied it yet.

Afghan anomalous zone. At the moment, it remains poorly researched. There are several reasons for this. Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, so it is unable to allocate funds for such exotic research.

Afghanistan is part of the Islamic world, with a great prejudice regarding foreign research on its territory. The third reason is that since 1978 Afghanistan has not emerged from the civil war, exacerbated by military conflicts with Western countries.

In such conditions, the study of the anomaly does not seem to be of any value for this country, there are more pressing tasks.

According to eyewitness accounts, UFO sightings can often be observed in this area. The appearance of objects can be different - there were also disc-shaped UFOs of silver color, and fiery-red balls, and oblong white capsules. Direct aggression from these objects was not observed, they rather monitored the area. However, their very appearance causes panic.

On the basis of the few collected evidence, several interesting versions were put forward regarding the events taking place in the Afghan anomalous zone.

1. The valley was a former testing ground for secret weapons, and all that is observed in it are the residual effects of these tests.

2. In the valley, and at present, the Afghan military is periodically testing the latest weapons.

3. The valley is a powerful geopathogenic zone, and what is happening is associated with some unexplored natural phenomena.

4. In the valley, he landed a UFO, possibly of alien origin. Hawaiian anomalous zone, located north of the Hawaiian Islands.

It is not as famous and popular as the rest of the Devil's Belt zones. Perhaps if Sanderson had not figured out her whereabouts theoretically, she would have never been noticed.

For a long time this part of the Pacific Ocean was not noticed in any special "atrocities", and no sensational events took place in this zone. And only after the discovery of Sanderson, researchers began to look closely at this site.

A unique feature of the Hawaiian anomalous zone was found: not so long ago it was discovered that this place is characterized by the most frequent occurrence of wandering killer waves.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that such rogue waves are found in other points of the world's oceans. But the largest number of them falls precisely on the Hawaiian anomalous zone: within one month up to five or six such waves can be recorded here, while during the same period in the entire world ocean, no more than three or four of them are formed.

it mysterious place in the eastern regions of Afghanistan is part of the Devil's Belt.

The Devil's Belt includes 5 zones (Afghan Anomalous Zone, Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar Wedge, Hawaiian Anomaly) equidistant from each other by 72 degrees and located at 30 degrees of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Afghan anomaly remains poorly researched at the moment. There are several reasons for this. First, Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, so it is unable to allocate funds for such exotic research.

Surely, many scientists from other countries could and would like to independently equip expeditions to this mysterious place. But Afghanistan is part of the Islamic world, with a great prejudice regarding foreign research on its territory. And this is the second reason.

And the third is that since 1978 Afghanistan has not emerged from the civil war, aggravated by military conflicts with Western countries. In such conditions, the study of the anomaly does not seem to be of any value for this country, there are more pressing tasks.

Nevertheless, some information about the Afghan anomalous zone still surface periodically, albeit very fragmentary. According to the stories of a few eyewitnesses in this area, one can often observe the appearance of a UFO.

The appearance of objects can be different - there were also disc-shaped aircraft of a silvery color, and fiery red balls, and oblong white capsules. Direct aggression from these objects was not observed, they rather monitored the area. However, their very appearance causes panic.

One of the most detailed and reliable descriptions of the appearance of a UFO in the area of ​​the Afghan anomaly is a letter Rolf Meisinger, a German soldier. Between 1988 and 1990, he served in the top-secret unit for the elucidation and subsequent investigation of natural, physical and parapsychic anomalies and phenomena. Your letter with the outlined in it interesting facts and he was able to publish the evidence only in 2005. It was published in the newspaper “ Soviet Russia"Dated August 4, 2005.

Rolf Meisinger, on the instructions of his group, conducted a survey of eyewitnesses of mysterious phenomena. While in Afghanistan during the withdrawal period Soviet troops, he became acquainted with one of the airborne detachments ensuring the safety of the withdrawal. The Russian military told him about an amazing incident that happened to them in the anomalous zone.

It so happened that the detachment lost its intended route, hitting a sandstorm and taking the wrong course. For more than three days, the paratroopers wandered in the mountains, until, finally, they reached the valley to the river bank. The commander of the detachment took as a reference the ruins of some fortress, the outlines of which were clearly visible in the distance, and the detachment set off along the river towards these ruins.

From the very first hours of their stay in this area, the paratroopers felt uneasy. Having visited hot spots more than once, special forces soldiers in this deserted and safe valley suddenly felt an unaccountable, ever-growing anxiety.

Soon they noticed that no living creatures could be seen here and there were no sounds other than the sound of water. There were no birds in the sky, no insects in the air or on the ground. They did not meet a single snake along the way, which is so abundant in the Afghan valleys.

Having reached the ruins, the detachment stopped for the night. The night they spent in this anomalous zone cost seven soldiers their lives, and the survivors still recall it with shudder. Rolf Meisinger recorded the testimonies of the survivors, as well as the story of Major Galkin, the commander of the search group that found the surviving paratroopers.

The general picture of what happened on that fateful night is as follows. At about two o'clock in the morning, a sharp whistling sound pierced the air, reminiscent of the sound of a jet flying by. The detachment took up a defensive position. There were no planes to be seen. But suddenly, from above, on the left side, a powerful beam of white light cut through the night sky. Where it comes from, it was not possible to determine.

Light flooded the ruins, blinding the fighters. From the place where the beam touched the ground, there was a growing rumble, the ground trembled. After a while, in the sky above the detachment, from nowhere, a strange oval-shaped object appeared and hovered, unlike anything seen by the soldiers earlier. It was silvery and poured like mercury. Light spots appeared in the sky away from the object.

Sergeant P. testifies (second year of service):

“The tension was in the air. He seemed to have ceased to be light and transparent. At some point, the ground beneath us vibrated, and stones began to fall from the ruins on the opposite bank. Then from somewhere to the left and above, from the very darkness of the night sky, a wide beam of light hit.

Its source was not visible. This stream of light crashed into the base of the ruins and seemed to pierce them through and through. This feeling did not arise from scratch. Light also appeared on the opposite side of the ruined fortress. Only there did he come out, it seemed, straight out of the ground and, moreover, swirled.

We twisted our heads, not understanding anything. And then a strange oval object hovered in the air, right in front of the ruins. It was almost regular in shape. Its surface shimmered like a drop of mercury. White spots appeared slightly to the left of the object hanging in the air. And then I heard the command of the captain to open fire to kill ... And I don't remember anything else. "

The squad leader gave the order to open fire on the object. But he remained unharmed, as if absorbing the bullets that hit him. A flash of bright light blinded the fighters, and they lost consciousness.

Private T. (second year of service) testifies:

“It was a mesmerizing sight. There was nothing earthly in it ... We were aiming at both an incomprehensible oval object and the ruins of the fortress. The fact that we got into the fortress could be seen from the tracer paths and clouds of dust. The subject was worse. He seemed to be swallowing our bullets. "

Captain Z. (6 years in Afghanistan) testifies:

“I heard machine gun fire. Our position was critical. We were practically out in the open. In full view. I gave the order to open fire ... Then a bright light blinded me, and I felt that I was losing consciousness ... My last thought was that a grenade had exploded nearby. The strange thing was that I did not hear any detonation. "

The detachment was discovered on the sixth day after its disappearance, that is, two days after that terrible night. Seven fighters were dead, two were blinded, the rest were severely burned. None of them remembered what happened after the outbreak.

When the surviving paratroopers were taken to the hospital and the radiation levels were checked, Geiger counters next to them went off scale. Everything indicated that the detachment was exposed to the most powerful radioactive radiation.

Rolf Meisinger, accompanied by a Soviet military research group, which included Major Galkin, visited the landing site, in the very ruins. For three days, a thorough study of the area was carried out, a marching laboratory was deployed.

Soil and water analysis was carried out, round-the-clock video filming was carried out. Not far from the ruins, two deep depressions of regular shape were discovered, resembling craters from a powerful explosion. One night, we managed to capture strange light spots in the sky, the source of which was not identified.

The research results were to be forwarded to Russian Academy Sciences for a thorough study. But on the way back, the group was attacked by a detachment of mujahideen, the equipment was broken, and all analyzes were destroyed. After hours of firefight, the members of the group managed to break away from their pursuers, and soon they were picked up by a Russian helicopter.

However, invaluable research obtained at the risk of life has been lost. All that remains are eyewitness accounts recorded by Rolf Meisinger and preliminary conclusions drawn by team members based on field analyzes. Based on these data, several versions were put forward regarding the events taking place in the Afghan anomalous zone.

1. The valley was a former testing ground for secret weapons, and all that is observed in it are the residual effects of these tests.

2. In the valley, and at present, the Afghan military is periodically testing the latest weapons. The landing party got here during one of these tests.

3. The valley is a powerful geopathogenic zone, and what is happening is associated with some unexplored natural phenomena.

4. In the valley, he landed a UFO, possibly of alien origin.

The Devil's Belt includes 5 zones (Afghan Anomalous Zone, Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea, Gibraltar Wedge, Hawaiian Anomaly) equidistant from each other by 72 degrees and located at 30 degrees of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

The Afghan anomaly remains poorly researched at the moment. There are several reasons for this. First, Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, so it is unable to allocate funds for such exotic research.

Surely, many scientists from other countries could and would like to independently equip expeditions to this mysterious place. But Afghanistan is part of the Islamic world, with a great prejudice regarding foreign research on its territory. And this is the second reason.

And the third is that since 1978 Afghanistan has not emerged from the civil war, aggravated by military conflicts with Western countries. In such conditions, the study of the anomaly does not seem to be of any value for this country, there are more pressing tasks.

Nevertheless, some information about the Afghan anomalous zone still surface periodically, albeit very fragmentary. According to the stories of a few eyewitnesses, the appearance of UFOs can often be observed in this area.

The appearance of objects can be different - there were also disc-shaped aircraft of a silvery color, and fiery red balls, and oblong white capsules. Direct aggression from these objects was not observed, they rather monitored the area. However, their very appearance causes panic.

One of the most detailed and reliable descriptions of the appearance of a UFO in the area of ​​the Afghan anomaly is a letter from Rolf Meisinger, a German soldier. Between 1988 and 1990, he served in a top-secret unit for the elucidation and subsequent investigation of natural, physical and parapsychic anomalies and phenomena. He was able to publish his letter with interesting facts and testimonies set out in it only in 2005. It was published in the newspaper "Soviet Russia" on August 4, 2005.

Rolf Meisinger, on the instructions of his group, conducted a survey of eyewitnesses of mysterious phenomena. While in Afghanistan during the withdrawal of Soviet troops, he got acquainted with one of the airborne detachments that ensure the safety of the withdrawal. The Russian military told him about an amazing incident that happened to them in the anomalous zone.

It so happened that the detachment lost its intended route, hitting a sandstorm and taking the wrong course. For more than three days, the paratroopers wandered in the mountains, until, finally, they reached the valley to the river bank. The commander of the detachment took as a reference the ruins of some fortress, the outlines of which were clearly visible in the distance, and the detachment set off along the river towards these ruins.

From the very first hours of their stay in this area, the paratroopers felt uneasy. Having visited hot spots more than once, special forces soldiers in this deserted and safe valley suddenly felt an unaccountable, ever-growing anxiety.

Soon they noticed that no living creatures could be seen here and there were no sounds other than the sound of water. There were no birds in the sky, no insects in the air or on the ground. They did not meet a single snake along the way, which is so abundant in the Afghan valleys.

Having reached the ruins, the detachment stopped for the night. The night they spent in this anomalous zone cost seven soldiers their lives, and the survivors still recall it with shudder. Rolf Meisinger recorded the testimonies of the survivors, as well as the story of Major Galkin, the commander of the search group that found the surviving paratroopers.

The general picture of what happened on that fateful night is as follows. At about two o'clock in the morning, a sharp whistling sound pierced the air, reminiscent of the sound of a jet flying by. The detachment took up a defensive position. There were no planes to be seen. But suddenly, from above, on the left side, a powerful beam of white light cut through the night sky. Where it comes from, it was not possible to determine.

Light flooded the ruins, blinding the fighters. From the place where the beam touched the ground, there was a growing rumble, the ground trembled. After a while, in the sky above the detachment, from nowhere, a strange oval-shaped object appeared and hovered, unlike anything seen by the soldiers earlier. It was silvery and poured like mercury. Light spots appeared in the sky away from the object.

Sergeant P. testifies (second year of service):

"The tension hung in the air. It seemed to have ceased to be light and transparent. At some point, the ground beneath us vibrated, and stones began to fall from the ruins on the opposite bank. Then, from somewhere to the left and from above, from the very darkness of the night sky, it hit wide beam of light.

Its source was not visible. This stream of light crashed into the base of the ruins and seemed to pierce them through and through. This feeling did not arise from scratch. Light also appeared on the opposite side of the ruined fortress. Only there did he come out, it seemed, straight out of the ground and, moreover, swirled.

We twisted our heads, not understanding anything. And then a strange oval object hovered in the air, right in front of the ruins. It was almost regular in shape. Its surface shimmered like a drop of mercury. White spots appeared slightly to the left of the object hanging in the air. And then I heard the command of the captain to open fire to kill ... And I don't remember anything else. "

The squad leader gave the order to open fire on the object. But he remained unharmed, as if absorbing the bullets that hit him. A flash of bright light blinded the fighters, and they lost consciousness.

Private T. (second year of service) testifies:

"It was a mesmerizing sight. There was nothing earthly in it ... We were aiming at both an incomprehensible oval object and the ruins of the fortress. The fact that we got into the fortress could be seen from the tracer paths and clouds of dust. it was worse. He seemed to be swallowing our bullets. "

Captain Z. (6 years in Afghanistan) testifies:

"I heard machine gun fire. Our position was critical. We were practically in an open place. As in the palm of your hand. I gave the order to open fire ... Then I was blinded by a bright light, and I felt that I was losing consciousness ... My last thought was that a grenade exploded nearby. The strange thing was that I did not hear any detonation. "

The detachment was discovered on the sixth day after its disappearance, that is, two days after that terrible night. Seven fighters were dead, two were blinded, the rest were severely burned. None of them remembered what happened after the outbreak.

When the surviving paratroopers were taken to the hospital and the radiation levels were checked, Geiger counters next to them went off scale. Everything indicated that the detachment was exposed to the most powerful radioactive radiation.

Rolf Meisinger, accompanied by a Soviet military research group, which included Major Galkin, visited the landing site, in the very ruins. For three days, a thorough study of the area was carried out, a marching laboratory was deployed.

Soil and water analysis was carried out, round-the-clock video filming was carried out. Not far from the ruins, two deep depressions of regular shape were discovered, resembling craters from a powerful explosion. One night, we managed to capture strange light spots in the sky, the source of which was not identified.

The research results were to be forwarded to the Russian Academy of Sciences for a thorough study. But on the way back, the group was attacked by a detachment of mujahideen, the equipment was broken, and all analyzes were destroyed. After hours of firefight, the members of the group managed to break away from their pursuers, and soon they were picked up by a Russian helicopter.

However, invaluable research, obtained at the risk of life, has been lost. All that remains are eyewitness accounts recorded by Rolf Meisinger and preliminary conclusions drawn by team members based on field analyzes. Based on these data, several versions were put forward regarding the events taking place in the Afghan anomalous zone.

  • The valley was a former testing ground for secret weapons, and all that is observed in it are the residual phenomena of these tests.
  • In the valley, and at present, the Afghan military is periodically testing the latest weapons. The landing force got here during one of these tests.