Secrets of sea depths. Secrets of sea depths The most mysterious places in the ocean

Chapter 1. Liberate place

Initially there was a sea! Salted ... thick and warm, like cooled soup. In case, scientists consider, and life originated. Negal worms were hatched from one-cell cells in millions of years, silent mollusks have developed from the worms, of all this together - prehistoric fish. And then due to which science is unknown, the ancient ocean suddenly began to chase, and sushi appeared.

Then the most intelligent of the ancient fish, leaning on the fins, and crawled onto the land. And crawled, where her eyes glanced. Therefore, if you believe in the theory of evolution, then the person did not take place from the monkey, namely from this fish with big fins.

But what remains at the bottom of the ocean, when the most ancient ancestor of man left him?

American staff of Greenpeace planned to take deep-sea samples in the Bering Sea to check the degree of its pollution. However, this failed to do this - during the immersion on underwater researchers, the creature of huge sizes.

It rushed to the underwater apparatus and on researchers with apparent aggression, attacking Batiskof, he did not mind even the bright light of the spotlight. But until recently it was believed that huge squids, attacking ships and boats are just the sailors!

In the Gulf of Mexico in 2004, during the underwater expedition of the National Department of Ocean and Atmospheric Research, scientists managed to reach another squid of monstrous sizes, which closed to the vessel. But sometimes the giant squids are not limited to a simple approach, and attempt to attack, which is hard to repel the seamans.

From the appearance of such creatures, the blood is blocked in the veins. Scientists called this monster hellish calm-vampire - he has a bright bloody color, the huge tentacles are connected by the membrane, which are covered with small spikes; Transparent convex eyes change their color from red to a poisonous blue. According to scientists, these creatures are of huge sizes - can reach several hundred meters in length and are able to drain on the bottom almost a whole ship!

For some reason, it is in New Zealand that the sailors and simple researchers are most often faced with monstrous marine inhabitants. The remains of one such creature were thrown ashore on the Beach of Pukekhin, which in New Zealand. The 10-meter worried carcass of the marine monster resembles a prehistoric lizard, his jaw is littered with numerous sharp fangs. Most likely, this is a predator. But the most shocking in the other - the monster's carcass was strongly injured, probably from attacking even larger being. Are predators live in the marine abyss, which are many times superior to such a monster? And if it really is so, whether such monsters bear a threat to us, people?

New Zealand, Bay of Suorova. Under water, the oblongation was clearly visible, around which waves arose in the course of his movement. To create such a wave under water, you need to possess truly impressive sizes! By the most modest attacks, the monster length is 12 meters, and the weight is a few tons. Some researchers believe that such monsters can be involved in many underwater accidents.

On June 26, 1983, in the bay of Sarane, the underwater atomic boat "K-429" sank at a depth of 42 meters. The submarine conducted teachings and suddenly suddenly went to the bottom. This was not anywhere anywhere and never: with the sunken submarine through the 45-meter ocean thickness, over one hundred people took immediately. All of them remained alive, except those who died in the first minutes of the accident. Official version: When immersed, the commander of the atomic underwater rocket mines forgot to shake the upper bug hatch, and the boat collapsed into the ground. However, there was an unofficial version - the boat simply lost in a fight with an underwater monster.

Underwater atomic boat "K-429"

This version seems incredible, but not far from the place of death in 2005, another Russian military Batiskof also sank. The underwater apparatus was at a depth of 190 meters, when controlling control was lost. Then the military did not find what to say, they simply recognized: the cause of the tragedy could be contacted with an unknown underwater subject. But then adding added: for example, with a cable. But could Baatiskof clinging for some submarine cable and therefore fail? Many such version seems implausible. Moreover, in front of the immersion of the underwater apparatus with the help of hydroacoustics and cameras were investigated by the bottom, but nothing was found. Then where did the ill-fated cable come from? These and other numerous accidents and catastrophes with underwater deep-water devices pushed researchers to the idea that some unknown science underwater creatures inhabit the depths of the oceans.

It is surprising, but almost all attempts by a person to penetrate into a black chance of desperate resistance. It may be possible to open the secret could shoot James Cameron, who a few years ago visited Mariana Wpadin. However, the films from the immersion of the famous director on the monstrous depth are still not fully made public.

But Cameron shot his underwater expedition more than 6 hours! From this record, the world saw only a few minutes, but even on these skillfully mounted frames, you can see the unknown modern science of the inhabitants of the underwater depths: "cosmic" creature with a poisonous color, obviously a predator, for each cell there is a powerful electrical discharge. Or an unknown creature sailing past the camera, is a gigantic tental or the tail of a creature resembling octopus?

And for the scenes could be a meeting with unknown creatures. Perhaps it was they who attacked our submarines. This version, of course, seems fantastic, but only at first glance.

In March 1963 in the water area Pacific Ocean Near Catalina Island, which in California, an unknown object snapped out of the water and hung right in the air. In the morning of the next day, all American newspapers wrote about the California incident, as it was called in the press. Different versions of what happened. Some assumed that an unidentified object belongs to the civilization unknown to us, which is based on the Pacific Day. Others - explained the photographers made by the Mirage, which arose as a result of the curvature of space and time. I survived all the New York tabloids, which are all as one, published by the copy of the US Navy on the same day. According to these publications, the military recorded by hydroacoustic devices an unidentified underwater object, which at a huge speed - 280 kilometers per hour! - moved right under the ships at a depth of 6.5 kilometers. Moreover, the newspapers wrote that the Special Commission, having studied the materials, could not find out what kind of underwater vessel could correspond to such characteristics.

A few years ago, when almost everything forgot about the California incident, American researchers unveiled curious documents, according to which a strange object, seen in 1963 over the banks of California, could be nothing more than the secret development of the Soviet military - a flying submarine!

In the mid-1930s, the Soviet Union has begun to create a powerful navy. Then it was proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a device that would unite the characteristics of the submarine and aircraft. In 1934, such a project of a flying submarine was represented by the cadet of the Engineering School named after Dzerzhinsky Boris Ushakov.

In the form of a flying submarine resembled an aircraft, but in reality this unique aircraft should have been fighting in two environments: in the air and water. It is difficult to believe in it, but the boat should be divered in just 1.5 minutes, but to float for two. This made it fantastically mobile, which means almost invulnerable!

Experts believe that such a development would allow the Soviet military to introduce new maritime fighting tactics. But the grand project existed only in the drawings, the water of PLL was never descended, which means a strange object, seen over California, could not be secret Soviet development. But then what was it? Until now, it is not known!

Some underwater anomalies can really be written off on testing the latest secret weapons. But how to explain the case that occurred in Finnish bay During the Second World War?

In 1944, the Soviet Trailer "T-409" performed a combat task - he had to neutralize enemy mines. The ship drifted in full darkness to stay unnoticed how suddenly there was a huge glowing circle before him. A strange object marked the traveler's location for enemy aircraft and began pursuit, which made the ship with an excellent target. Then the commander decided to stop the ship. As soon as the ship turned off the engines, the mysterious object at the same moment lost interest and disappeared. According to the stories of sailors, many Soviet ships turned out to be in a similar situation in a similar situation, so they quickly discovered the enemy.

Why in the Finnish Gulf during the war, glowing circles appeared and what the nature of their occurrence is still not clear. Some scientists argue that mysterious circles from light are nothing but unicellular living organisms - plankton! It is he who glows under water is not worse than phosphorus!

Phytoplankton creates a rather large electric field, two or three malelvolt. Scientists from the wounds first measured electricity from marine creatures, this is considered to be discovered. If phytoplankton can create an electric field, then, of course, bacteria too. In general, the biological component in the creation of the electric field in water is very large, that is, in the ocean there is a bioelectric effect.

If the source of the bright glow is indeed organisms living in water, then how then to explain the stories of Soviet sailors? According to their evidence, the speed of such "plankton" sometimes beat all imaginable records! In addition, how to explain that primitive microscopic organisms capable only to resist the flow of water, synchronously lined up into the correct geometric figures? In order to behave in a similar way, invertebrate organisms must be intelligent, and this contradicts the data of modern biology. But, despite the contradictions, such an outstanding underwater intelligence, eyewitnesses often observed in the waters of Kamchatka.

"Project 1906" - about the program of research of the sea depths with this code name Submarizers still speak only in a whisper. Documents that indicate the existence of the Soviet underwater deep-water apparatus "Search-6", and are now stored under the vulture of "Secret". Only a little is known that Batiskof "Search-6" in the 1980s explored the waters of Kamchatka. In August 1986, the underwater apparatus with the crew on board made the first immersion in the Kamchatka Fault area to a depth of 6035 meters, where he received serious damage to the case.

In July 1987, another attempt was organized by a deep-sea expedition, but then something went wrong. From a depth of 5,600 meters, Batiskof rose with a strongly obstinate nose. After two mysterious incidents, the project was closed. But the most mysterious is the fact that all dive parameters fixed on the film and magnetic tape disappeared without a trace. What exactly hide these missing records and what actually happened to "Search-6" during the dive? Researchers argue: the existence of a secret project is trying to not remember today, and all the information is carefully hidden, because BATICFF has been attacked by an unknown creature twice.

In such a version, you can believe or not believe, but on the territory of the Kola Peninsula and Kamchatka, legends about the relict animal are preserved. Saama's indigenous people called His "Yalpin Uy", the Russians called "Poloz", and Marie - Shemchka. An animal of huge sizes inhabited in water and was very aggressive if you believe legends. The same legends argue that the monster was like a giant snake with disproportionate head and shark jaw. Surprisingly, a creature similar to what the legends described, perhaps really existed. And, perhaps, it was how it attacked Soviet ships and Batiskof, because there are many cases with mysterious incidents. It is known, for example, that in 1946, BroNSvik tanker with displacement of 15 thousand tons and 150 meters long was attacked by the giant sea monster between the Hawaiian Islands and Samoa. The captain of the vessel of Arne Grenningzterer said that a huge challenge mollusk unexpectedly emerged from the depths and caught up the vessel, which was at the speed of 12 knots. The boom appeared on the surface of the ocean, then there was a ships behind the ship, quickly climbed the vessel, some time sailed in a parallel course and suddenly rushed to the attack.

Shares his opinion van Dzer, American cartographer:

"Monsters exist, there is no doubt. Some of them are hybrids - they represent a combination of the head of one being with a tail or body of another. Some medieval authors have distinguished between fish and marine monsters - there are whole scientific categories. I'm trying to remember earlier examples. Even in encyclopedia there are facts when a creature resembling octopus, attacked ships. And this monster was so strong that he could paint sailors from ships. There was a case in the XIX century, it is documented - when a giant fish, similar to a huge whale, took the boat to the ram and the submarine sank. There is a mention of the sea monster, which was called "Ramamo". This underwater monster was attached to the bottom of the ships and slowed their movement. There are cases when the ship was slow, and the sailors thought that it was a racora, but then the marine creature attacked the boat and drove it to the bottom of the ocean. These creatures are very aggressive. "

Ancient authors reported on the attack of giant spruits on the ships. In the ancient Roman writer, Plinia in one of the works is a description of an ancient monster, "Polyps" of which, that is, the tentacles, reached a 10-meter length. American zoologist Verril is still in late XIX. The century explored a squid found on the coast of Newfoundland Island, his length reached 18 meters. However, there are reports and 30 meter monsters.

In early May 1874, a tragedy occurred in the Indian Ocean, the cause of which an attack of an unknown marine creature was. The story of saved sailors appeared even on the pages of London newspapers. According to the published material, the monster with the body of the shark and the bugish outflow on the head attached to the ship when the sea was, more than ever, calm. The monster hit the schoon on the right side, she overturned and went to the bottom.

Incredibly, but the description of this sea monster with accuracy to the details resembles a creature, which fishermen in the Black Sea caught up so long ago, off the coast of Crimea. Compare: Predatory fish with a dinosaur sequence and a great ugly outflow on the head. This is a creature, being on the deck, rushed to the sailors, trying to bite them. Fishermen handed over to Monster in Sevastopol biologists, and those announced a scientific sensation. According to the oceanologists, this creature is like a very ancient view of the shark, which in nature are not found for a long time, and the ugly thief on their heads have been preserved since the times of dinosaurs. There is only one case of catching such a shark at the end of the XIX century. It is not clear only how an ancient monster fell into the Black Sea.

Anatoly Tavrichesky, Oceanologist:

"In the entire World Ocean, the sailors met these gigantic snakes, but the most reliable and most frequent observation is in the Black Sea. Previously, such a very rarely observed, now the object appears every year from the Karadag region to Sevastopol, to Cape Fiolent. After all, the Black Sea is a closed pool with a depth of 2,200 meters. At the depths of meters 400, some kind of large object. What was it? It is not known, but this is a hydrogen sulfide zone. In the oxygen zone, we see our Black Sea Snake Flies constantly, every year. "

Researchers argue: due to monsters that inhabit the depths of the ocean, the court may indeed disappear and their crews. However, according to scientists, these terrible stories about the monsters living in the abyss are nothing compared to real secrets that hides the world ocean.

In the summer of 2001, the French archaeologist Frank was discovered at the Day of Abukirskaya Bay, not far from Egypt, the ruins of the city, who stayed under water at least 2000 years. Despite such a long term, many city buildings are well preserved: pier, temples, statues of the gods, fragments of residential buildings. The ancient statues have been well preserved, which once decorated this city.

There was a fragment of a giant stele, which, most likely, was at the front gate. For a long time, researchers could not understand what kind of an ancient city and why he was under water. Everything fell into place when they discovered a huge plate, hidden under the fat layer of Slah. When he was cleared, it turned out incredible: the inscriptions said that an ancient city is heraklion, the legendary Egyptian megapolis, where Cleopatra was crowned. For a long time, this city was considered mythical, because no evidence and artifacts, in addition to mentioning in the ancient Greek myths and legends, did not exist.

Ancient Heraklion was considered to be the gates of Egypt and was the main seaport that time. His moorings were clogged with ships from Cyprus, Sicily and the islands of the Aegean Sea. In this port city there were the best shopping shops of that time - with jewels, incenses, homemade utensils. Some of these items are now resting at the seabed. And in Heraklion harbor, there are now fragments of at least 10 ships filled into a bunch. And that's what is surprising - the masts of all these shhun are tilted in one direction. This discovery across the researchers to the idea that all these vessels were surrounded by a huge tsunami - a multi-kilometer wave, which in one instant erased from the face of the Earth the largest port city of the ancient world.

But what power should have been wave to flood the whole city? And how was this tsunami? In search of answers, American scientists studied the geology of this area and found out something sensational. It turned out that a whole series of earthquakes in the Mediterranean zone, which continued for 50 years in the XIII century BC, led to the flooding of many legendary cities known to us only from the works of ancient geographers and historians. Troy, Jericho and almost 50 other ancient cities-states one after another were crushed in the marine underworld.

Scientists believe that the opening of heraklion suggests - the mythical Atlantis is also not fiction. And although today it is believed that the story about the ancient island-state is just a fairy tale for people with a rich imagination, it is quite possible that underwater archaeologists will find Atlantis on the oceanic day under the layer of sand and il, as the mythical heraklion found. In the meantime, you can only guess exactly where Atlantis was located and why she was on the seabed. According to one of the versions, by the way, the legendary island was not far from Heraklion on the Santorini archipelago.

This is one of the most beautiful places. globe. The archipelago is located in the Aegean Sea, 200 kilometers from the coast of Greece, and consists of several islands that form a surprisingly correct circle with the purest lagoon in the center. Few people know, but the archipelago did not always look like this. It is difficult to believe that once Santorini was a single landing of sushi, however, he stood right on the current supervulkan !! Three and a half thousand years ago he exploded. The powerful eruption almost completely destroyed the middle of Santorini, and he went under the water. Only five small islets remained on the surface. Incredible, but it is nothing more than a part of a giant crater!

The ancient city of Akrotiri found in 1967 on the island of Tira, which is included in the Santorini Archipelago. Settlement more than four thousand years, but it has been perfectly preserved. Not only two-time and three-story houses survived, even unique frescoes were almost failing. However, the preservation of the complex is not at all related to incredible technologies for the construction of ancient masters. The city of Akrotiri looks just for one reason: almost three and a half thousand years he was completely buried under the layer of volcanic ash.

The catastrophic eruption of the volcano on Santorini occurred in 1640 to our era, but so far it is considered one of the most powerful in the entire history of mankind. Strong eruption lasted for several days. During this time, the volcano threw a huge mass of the ashes into the atmosphere, which for the years plunged the planet to Dusk and changed the climate for thousands of kilometers from the epicenter. Santorini himself was most injured - the island fell aside a layer of hot ash with a height of 30 meters. But the worst thing happened when the volcanic crater suddenly failed! In its place there was a huge funnel with an area of \u200b\u200b40 square kilometers and a depth of 400 meters, which instantly began filled sea water. The rolled zhero of the volcano turned into a huge rapid boiler. Water connected with Looy, caused a powerful explosion. From him in the Aegean Sea climbed Tsunami. Waves reaching in the height of almost 20 meters, hit the island of Crete and completely destroyed the most ancient in Europe highly developed mined civilization.

Map of the Greek Island Santorini

It is believed that even an earlier eruption of the volcano on Santorini could be destroyed and Atlantis, which was somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago. And although the existence of this legendary land by scientists has not yet been proven, archaeologists find a lot of artifacts, which testify that the ancient humanity was not at all so primitive as we used to count.

So, under water discovered more than 500 places with remnants of man-made buildings. Many of them indicate that prehistoric humanity has reached high degree technological progress. There are evidence that ancient people enjoy much more advanced technologies than we can imagine.

But that's not all. Many underwater artifacts, according to researchers, pushing the idea that they were on the seabed not as a result of a flood or global cataclysm, but were built there! So, quite recently, in the Mediterranean Sea offshore Sicily, scientists have discovered a giant monolith, a kind of underwater Stonehenge.

The stone is really similar to the famous megalithic structure, which is located in the British County Wiltshire. The height of this underwater monolith is 12 meters, and the weight is simply a colossal - 15 tons. Moreover, scientists do not doubt that this stone boulder is just as well as Stonehenge slabs, she was shed man. But surprisingly not even this. Studies of scientists showed: There are no structures or ruins of an ancient city around the unique underwater artifact, which would indicate that underwater monolith was once part of them and then plunged into aqueous vague, for example, as a result of a global flood. On the contrary, scientists argue: everything indicates that the unique stone artifact was always on the seabed. Moreover, by the suggestion of scientists, this monolith is nothing more than the foundation of one of the buildings of the future underwater city, the construction of which has not happened.

Three openings are drilled in the stone, one of which is through. Initially, scientists decided that these holes were needed to move the giant slab. But after all, drill this deepening in the stone is not so simple! And according to the calculations of scientists, a discovered plate at least 10,000 years. This means that technologies that allow you to create such a hole in the stone, at that time simply did not exist. But in this case, how did these recesses appear and for what you need? After studying the strange find in more detail, underwater archaeologists made the shocking conclusion: these strange holes have absolutely direct appointment. As if the parts from the puzzle, the same plates were attached to these holes of the slab from three other sides, of which a whole building or underwater fortification was to appear in the future.

This strange technology at first glance technology becomes quite explained, if we assume that construction was really conducted under water. In this case, such fasteners were simply needed primarily so that the underwater flows and excitement of water in the storm did not destroy the construction. After all, it is here, at the coast of Sicily, one of the most powerful water films of the World Ocean is formed. Scientists call this rare natural phenomenon with a system of two underwater funnels: "Haribda" and "Schill", they were known about the time of Homer. The reason for such a huge underwater funnel becomes a collision with each other of tidal and tidy flows.

Perhaps it is these currents and forced underwater builders to change their mind and interrupt the starting construction site? But if this hypothesis of scientists is true, then somewhere nearby the other underwater city should be located, which once belonged to the same civilization. And such a underwater settlement was found! Just 500 kilometers in the east of Sicily, scientists discovered the ruins of ancient buildings. On 9,000 square meters, fragments of buildings, streets, ruins of the stone harbor were found.

Scientists suggest that they discovered the once prosperous port city of Pavlopetri, who led trading with the whole Mediterranean. Now it is located at the very shore at a depth of 3-4 meters. However, not everyone agrees with such a hypothesis. Some researchers believe that the plates that were discovered in the foundation of the buildings of this underwater city, very much like megalith found off the coast of Sicily. But if it really is so, what civilization belongs to these man-made structures?

The history of mankind scientists wrote in ancient finds and various fossils. After examining them, they came to the conclusion that the primitive root of culture in primitive society appeared only in the Epoch of Golocene, that is, about 12,000 years ago, when the last ice age ended. Over the next 7000 years, human culture has practically did not develop, remaining in the Stone Age. The first traces of writing appeared only 5,000 years ago, therefore the entire preceding Era of the Earth is called the prehistoric period. However, the surprise of scientists, archaeologists and simple researchers find more and more prehistoric relics at the bottom of the oceans, which completely turn the usual ideas about our history. Many of these finds indicate that an ancient civilization once existed on Earth, which could not live only on land, but also under water.

Unique underwater artifacts Scientists have discovered in 2000 off the coast of India. Archaeologists suggest: they came across the ruins of the unique ancient city of Dvark, to which more than 32,000 years! Under water there are ruins of ancient buildings - the basis of some facility, a well-preserved stone staircase - you can only guess where she led, stone arches, the arches of which are decorated with intricate embossed figures, the work of the ancient master. In the same place - dishes made of copper, a jug, covered with a thick layer of Slah and the already launched here not one thousand years.

According to legend, Krishna lived in this city. According to the legend, the city plunged into the seabed immediately after the death of the Indian God. Now the dwarper is under water at a depth of only 40 meters. Divers still raise ancient artifacts to the surface, which confirm that this underwater settlement in ancient times was part of the legendary city. This unique find made it possible to look at the myths and legends that reveal us unknown story Many territories of the globe.

Scientists helps google Service Ocean. With it, you can consider images that resemble the outlines of the streets. A similar grid of intersecting lines is located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean 1000 kilometers from the coast of North-West Africa. Historians suspect that this may have an ancient underwater civilization.

Amazing underwater buildings of an unknown city were noticed by the air navigation engineer, which was announced by the "Map" found. Perhaps these outlines of ancient streets really were once created part of an ancient underwater civilization and disappeared under water many thousands of years ago. But the stories are known to the find, the finding of which in the depths of the World Ocean it is impossible to explain with one global flood.

The hypothesis about underwater civilization seems not so fantastic, after it becomes known that the projects of the so-called "hydropolis" exist in our time. Few people know that today in Florida, anyone can feel like an underwater resident, simply by booking a room in the world's first seabed. Air, drinking water and electricity in a double hotel hidden under the thickness of water are supplied by a powerful cable hose right from the shore. In case of an emergency, an autonomous life support system is provided. Underwater residents will be able to spend at least 5 days on a dry soldering, until evacuation. The hotel opened in the mid-1980s, at first this underwater base was created for oceanologists, but then a hotel was decided from the laboratory. Comfort numbers do not differ from earthly, there are shower, toilet, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave, TV, stereo, DVD player.

For the first time the idea of \u200b\u200bthe underwater city of the future appeared, oddly enough, in the USSR back in the 1960s. The project was called the code name "Ighyandr-66". The underwater house was made in the form of an inverted glass by the staff of the Institute of Mountain Mechanics and Technical Cybernetics. Only imagine, in those years, the hydrolyolis volume in only 6 cubic meters turned out to be the most real underwater technological paradise. It was equipped with telephone connection, video equipment, artificial and natural light. The house was designed for two people, a bunk bed was made for sleep. Fresh water and air were delivered along the hoses from the surface. Ventilation allowed even smoking inside the house. Food in special conference delivered divers. Despite the undisputed success of the Soviet scientists, the project, after the creation of submarine houses "Ithyandr-67" and "Ighyandr-68", in which even rabbits, turtles and rodents lived with people, it was decided to close. Why - still not known.

By the way, the French Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Kusto in the 1960s also worked on the creation of an underwater city. The project was called "Preclentant". According to the plan, 5 inhabited stations should appear on the oceanic day, where the researchers could live for a long time. The first base was arranged at a depth of 10 meters. Two aquanauts stayed in it in 196 hours and they proved this - a person can live comfortably in the underwater house. Then a little deeper staged a second station - she more resembled a "underwater village". In addition to the house for researchers at the facility there were rooms for mini-submarines and a warehouse. There people spent a month. And finally, the third base was organized at a record depth of 100 meters. There, the oceanographers were three weeks, breathed a mixture of helium and oxygen and carried out work outside the station. At a depth of 110-130 meters, they mounted an oil tower. This was proved that at high depths, a person can perform complex work even faster than on land. Should I doubt that underwater construction - absolute reality?

Due to the lack of financing, the project Kusto had to close. At the same time, scientists claim: already until the end of the century, or rather, in the next 30-40 years, a city station with apartments and shops, institutions and plants, hospitals and theaters, streets and restaurants will be built in the center of the Atlantic. However, for this will have to overcome the difficulties not less than when landing people on Mars. But they are simply necessary to overcome them, scientists believe, otherwise, humanity may simply not survive, because the latest data suggest that the World Ocean level will soon rise in the near future. This means that people will have to master not only land, but also water.

Nature began to remind us often about it. Not so long ago, a hurricane fell on Karachay-Cherkessia. The squall wind reached 20 meters per second, he literally pulled the trees with the root, turned the cars and demolished the roofs from houses. Moreover, a strong degrees of chicken egg began during a hurricane. Because of these huge grades, 28 people were in a hospital with bruises and dissection. In Italy, not far from Naples, also fell a huge degrees with a ball for tennis.

In Georgia, too was a hail. She preceded him the strongest hurricane, which took the roof from 80 houses in the Georgian region of Kakheti. In total, the inhabitants of six villages were injured in a total of a natural disaster, but the greatest damage was caused by the village of Gelati, where the element completely destroyed the harvest.

Georgians are perplexed: What happened to the climate in their sunny country? After all, they only recently managed to recover from a large flood and just fixed their zoo, which for a long time was closed due to summer flooding. Then, in June 2015, hundreds of residential buildings in the center of Tbilisi were flooded. Water streams demolished cars, houses and bridges and even destroyed the zoo, where dozens of predators were escaped.

Experts believe that something is wrong on the planet is happening. The climate changes dramatically. Only in recent months at different points of the globe were recorded anomalous floods, unprecedented strength of hurricanes, snowfall and drought.

In our country, this news remained almost unnoticed, although it is the most discussed in Asia countries. At Japan, recently hit the hits of the elements. The most powerful hurricane destroyed hundreds of houses for the last attachment, paralyzed all the transport links. The country was damage to several tens of millions of dollars.

A month ago in Tajikistan, the village streams were gone from the mountains, which blocked the bed of two major rivers. As a result, two new huge lakes appeared, which were overwhelmed with water and broke out. All the water joined the surrounding villages. Destroyed were houses and buildings, road roads and power lines. According to preliminary estimates, the damage amounted to 100 million dollars.

In our country, this year also happened a few floods. At first I was flooded at home in six settlements of the Khabarovsk Territory, then, due to prolonged rains, several districts of St. Petersburg were flooded, then sochi was almost completely left under the water.

Summer in Central Russia was generally anomalous rainy, and with the arrival of the autumn water became even more. It seems to be nothing special, it happens, happens on the planet and villages, and landslides, and hurricanes. However, the staff of the Research Laboratory with NASA placed a new report on the network, which says that a new World Flood may occur on Earth!

Whether the flood is really worldwide or floods only some regions, until it is known to anyone, but it is already clear that humanity is not ready for such developments. According to scientists, such a prospect does not promise anything good, because the water of the World Ocean has been studied much less than space. One can only guess which monsters are hidden in the World Ocean.

Scientists have recently recorded strange sounds right off the coast of Antarctica. Scientists suggested that the source of this frightening low-frequency sound is icebergs scrapers on the bottom of the ocean. Glaciers melt, and the whole snow continent comes in motion. But many researchers do not agree with this conclusion. They are confident that this sound can only be published by living beings living under multi-kilometer prats. After all, the sound constantly fluctuates: it is approaching, it is distinguished, as if the source of this strange sound is moved.

The ocean is filled with a huge number of sounds. This is the torque of ice, and the splashes of waves, and the screens from the movement of continents, and the eruption of volcanoes, and the "conversations" of fish. What was most surprised - dolphins and cetaceans were the most speakers. An unthinkable amount of sounds, tones, radiation, both in frequencies and by diversity periods and by manifold.

But is it possible? After all, it is considered that ice water is absolutely lifeless, microbes can be existed in it, where there is marine animals! However, several years ago, scientists have proven that it was not. Under the multi-meter crust of ice Antarctica there are living beings.

Unusual translucent fish whose skin is visible all its internal organs, scientists have discovered at a depth of 750 meters! It survived in incredibly difficult conditions - in the dark, salted water, with monstrously low temperatures and in full insulation from the external environment. Another inhabitant of Antarctica is a creature that resembles a shrimp, such as those that fall to us on the table. He was discovered by scientists from NASA, when they dried the Antarctic ice to take water samples.

At the depths of the ocean, which we considered lifeless, there is a real life, including in Antarctica, despite the minus temperatures. Ocean is everywhere in populated.

Under the ice of Antarctica can truly live unknown science creatures. They could make the strange sounds that recently recorded scientists off the shores of the Ice Continent.

The fact that mankind that walks with the tablets was launched by the Internet all the planet and launches space rockets into space, almost nothing knows about submarine depths, they say the pictures of the lake from space, which captured an unusual dark ring on the gladeless surface of Baikal. Such, almost black, circles were first seen back in 1999, then in 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2009. In the early 2000s, scientists organized daily space monitoring the surface of the lake and found out that mysterious dark formations, regardless of the time of day, appear in different places of the lake.

Russian scientists are convinced that mysterious circles are the result of a rare natural phenomenon, and not traces of some unknown civilization. Most likely, these circles appeared due to the warm underwater flows of the lake. But if it really is so, then what temperature should be the treated flow of Baikal, so that its stream leaves such adapters on the surface of the lake? The researchers have calculated: so that such circles remain at the two-meter thicker, water should almost boil! Otherwise, the current simply will not be able to blur such a thick layer of ice. However, neither confirm nor refute one of these hypotheses. Modern science is not yet possible, because Baikal today is practically not studied. Even those few scientists who made attempts to explore the lake came across his depths with something inexplicable.

On July 24, 2008, a deep-water research apparatus "Peace" is unloaded from the Russian vessel to Lake Baikal. This is the first immersion of a similar apparatus in fresh water. The situation is non-standard, and the whole team is in tension. The "world" slowly begins to dive into aqueous abyss: two hundred meters, four hundred ... There is only black outer around. Unexpectedly, at a depth of 500 meters, the device gives a signal: an object is found. An alarm red button lights up, the Batiscip goes on the rapprochement. Disassemble what exactly is overboard, the scientists fail. From the bottom instantly begins to rise Il, water purles. The team comes from the ground: "immediately pop up!", And the "world" goes to the surface. What exactly fixed the deep-water apparatus and why was the decision on the emergency lift of Batiscopa, it is still not known. By official version, Storm began, and continuing work in such conditions was simply dangerous. However, there is another, unofficial version, according to which Batiskof met at the depths of Baikal, what by ideas modern science In fresh water can not be.

Deep-water research apparatus "Mir-1"

The next immersion of the "World" took place only in a week and was even more strange. Practically immediately after the device reached 700 meters, made a failure of the equipment, and then scientists who were inside the "world" felt a strong push and a deaf blow, after which the metal was crushing. It became clear: Batiskof encountered something. But with what? The device weighs a bough of 18 tons, and only the object is truly giant size can withdraw it from equilibrium.

Scientists stated that serious damage to the BATICFF received as a result of a collision with the platform "Metropolis", on which the expedition was based. Allegedly a banal storm then hurt the movement of the device, and therefore an abnormal situation occurred. This explanation seemed to be absurd to many researchers, because after a few days the network came to the network exactly when the Batiskof was damaged: "The layer of hydrate in the wall is transparent. Blimey! You look exactly transparent as ice. Do we have a camera writes? Now writes, yes "(recording is turned off).

Next recording is broken. But if you believe the information published by the information themselves, it was next to these hydrates, they found "bituminous buildings of a bizarre form" that for some reason did not fall into the frame. Moreover, transparent Baikal water was absolutely calm. But then what storm said scientists? And what did researchers actually faced?

This is not the only mystery of Baikal. Back in 1982, a strange phenomenon was recorded by researchers of the Irkutsk Institute - the brightest glow of the Baikal Water. Measures of water samples at different depths of the lake showed that the intensity of the glow with depth decreases, while the brightness of light in the same place can change. It seems that the source of this glow is artificial, then scientists said. But what does this mean? Is there really unknown objects of artificial origin at the bottom of Baikal?

It is incredible, but the evidence testimonies are preserved, according to which the strange underwater luminescence of Baikal can move.

In June 1992, a group of students of the Institute of Technology saw in the depths of the lake pulsating lights resembling electric welding, they soon formed a large circle that rolled over the surface and after some time it disappeared.

1977 year. During the descent of Soviet hydrons along the underwater ridge of Baikal, an amazing phenomenon was made, which was described by the staff of the Institute of Oceanology. Then the hydronauts studied the degree of penetration sunlight To depth. At that moment, when scientists reached the desired depth and turned off the spotlight to carry out measurements, they saw a powerful foreign glow in the thickness of water, which moved. Scientists, surprised seen, did not even manage to give a reasonable explanation of what happened. And today, after many years, the glow of Baikal water remains unsolved secret.

The depths of the seas, the oceans and the largest lakes of the Earth keep a lot of secrets capable of changing the history of the whole earthly civilization. Scientists do not doubt that humanity expects many sensational discoveries, when we become the full owners of the water element. In the meantime, we are known to us about the natural phenomena, with which we face in the thickness of the water.

Take as an example Easter Island. Since the opening of its Europeans, amazing phenomena no longer ceased to occur. One of them is associated with the "disappearing" islands. Since 1802, the captains of many vessels have been recorded in their ship journals about discovering near Easter of the Easter of small islets, but time passed, and other ships, going through the same course, did not meet them, as if these islands disappeared without a trace. Thus, in 1912, the Captain of the British Shuttle Ship declared the discovery near the island of Easter a giant stone plateau with cliffs in which the "windows" were cut down. The ship sent later to explore the find, the plateau did not find. Some researchers explain the disappearance of the islets, as surprisingly sounds, moving to another dimension.

With the island of Easter, a lot of mysterious and inexplicable is connected at all. A tons of books are written about him in which scientists are trying to find answers to questions about the appearance of the island. Some researchers believe that in fact Easter is not an island at all, but a wreck of sunken ancient mainland.

The final point in the question is whether the Easter Island is a piece of sunken mainland and hiding near him in the ocean depths of underwater cities, put the studies of the French archaeologists. In 1978, scientists discovered that mountain ridges burned to the sea around the island, and many underwater vertices have strange holes resembling windows. Archaeologists, descended into deep-water depression, said that they found something like a huge underwater city, to explore which they could not. The official ban on underwater archaeological studies gave local police. What is connected with such unwillingness of local authorities to disclose the details of an unknown underwater building, scientists only have to be found out.

However, Easter Island is not the only point of the Pacific Ocean, which keeps a lot of secrets. So, near the Japanese island of Yonaguni, a strange, squeezed out of stone was found to the archaeologist Robert Shofom, the sculpture in the form of a human head.

Surprisingly, such a find was made at another point of the globe - just 19 kilometers from Lake Titicaca on the ruins of the ancient city of Tiaanac. This discovery has not only a head, but also a torso of an ancient sculpture.

But the most incredible in the other - the figure below the belt is covered with an unusual ornament that resembles the scales. According to experts, this is not artistic fiction. The ancient master really depicted unknown to us, but really living beings, semi-grayster-cores. Moreover, the Incas, who considered the Titica area of \u200b\u200btheir Praodina, were sacred to the fact that their God was covered with fish scales and appeared from the water of the lake.

According to Philipp Koppens, a researcher of ancient civilizations:

"We find stories that some creature came out of the water to Earth, transformed into a person from the form of fish, which he had to be under water. And now he came out of the water, stepped on the ground, took the form of a person, became a representative of civilized humanity, told people about astronomy and various other sciences, and then night was missing in the water. There is an assumption that in some period of time, reasonable creatures left the sea to land to direct our development. Where did they come from, they never told, whether they were representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations or a lost earthly civilization, until it is known. "

But that's not all. In Sumerovo-Akkadian mythology, the mysterious race of the semi-pole-cruise suite is stated. According to the preserved records of the "History of Babylonia" the priests of Beros, people lived as animals until the semi-born-seruznuts came out of the water of the Persian Gulf. Beros calls these creatures by Oannes. They, according to the fragments of the "History of Babylonia", taught residents of Mesopotamia to letters, sciences, construction of cities and temples, agriculture and processing of metals. This is how Beros described Oannes: "He had a fish, and under the fish head was another, [human], there were legs like a person and a fishe tail [for them]. His voice was human, and the language is understandable. In the afternoon, this creature has not taken food. It gave people writing, science and art. When the sun was sat down, this creature went to the sea again and held all night in his depths, for it was amphibious. "

Today, the images of the semi-pole-crucidity we can observe in different points of the globe. On the walls of the Palace of the Assyrian Tsar Sargon in Iraq, in the British Museum, where ceramic statuettes of semi-grayster-cruisitudes are stored with a height of a habit of 12 centimeters, and on the ruins of the old Persian capital Pasargada, in modern Iran. The cult of amphibious people was distributed in India, China and even in the Russian north. And although modern archeology interprets similar images only as an illustration of legends, some independent experts suggest that ancient people have painted what is called, with nature, what they really encountered. So, unknown to us amphibians in time immemorials could sometime really inhabit the Earth.

But if the civilization of the semi-humility civilization really inhabited the earth, what happened to her? Why can we only guess about its existence, encountering a few ancient artifacts? Scooter to figure it out yet. However, according to one of the hypotheses, in the most deep-water points of the World Ocean - in the gutters and depressions - there is still a reasonable life. And periodically she makes itself felt.

Researchers out different countries Constantly record under water strange sounds. It is possible that such sounds make some underwater creatures. Perhaps they are even intelligent, and maybe, on the contrary, too primitive. Perhaps it is just the poorly studied natural phenomenon of the World Ocean, some ultrasounds that are not so easy to distinguish from the voices of living beings.

"High Em-6" - the so-called vessel, which in 2003 in the waters of New Zealand without signs of life on board discovered a patrol ship. The military tried to communicate with the drift vessel, but the answer from Schoon did not follow. When patrol rose aboard a strange ship, they found that it is absolutely empty. All crew members disappeared without a trace. It seemed that the ship was not controlled. It went with an absolutely incomprehensible course, and there were no signals in general. It brought on the most gloomy thoughts.

A similar ship-ghost was discovered several years later, in 2006, in Eastern Australia. Cargo ship "Jan Seng" drifted on the waves without a single soul on board. But where did the entire crew go? Answer this question was not so simple. According to one of the versions, the crew of the boat could simply fall overboard during the storm. However, life jackets remained intact. In addition, all things were too neatly unfastened. On another hypothesis, extended by sailors, the crew could be stolen. But this version did not endure any criticism - there were no traces of staying foreign, struggle or searched. Moreover, all the goods turned out to be untouched. So, there was no attack on Schoon. But then what happened to the crew?

There are a lot of such examples, and we know about them only from those who were saved. For the most part, those hundreds of thousands of ships who sank in the World Ocean, go to the bottom along with everyone on board, so we simply do not know what happened at them at the last moment.

So far, scientists have fought over the raysterity of the disappearance of sailors, another ship disappeared in the Mediterranean - "Bel Amika". This happened in just four months after the tragedy with Jan Song. Sails were also raised, all things remained lying in their places, but no captain, no sailors were. At the same time, there were no obvious instructions on what reason the crew members could leave the ship and where they headed.

And in the XIX century, and in our time there are a ship in the ocean, where everything is fine, he is afloat, the soup is boiled on the galley, and there are no commands, everyone disappeared. Where to? There were versions that everyone was taken by aliens on a flying saucer ... But here is the version that they all jump into the water, not excluded, although it is also rather fantastic.

The first to find the reason for which the ships team disappeared for many years in a row, in the 1930s, Soviet hydrograph Vsevolod Berezkin tried. He was convinced that everything is some kind of poor physical phenomenon. During research in the Karazia sea on the Hydrographic ship "Taimyr", Berezkin recorded a strange frightening phenomenon. Filling the shell meteorological bowl-probe with hydrogen, before letting it into the air, the scientist climbed it into the ear and at the same moment felt the sharp pain in the eardrum - there was no sound, and the pain was. So for the first time, a strange and frightening phenomenon was discovered, which scientists called the "voice of the sea".

Then an unknown natural phenomenon put scientists in a dead end. Only a few years later, the Soviet physicist Vasily Schuuleikin installed: a special infrasound may be born in the ocean. Human ear does not perceive him, but the impact on our body is simply destructive. Without the visible causes of a person who affects the infrasion, covers panic, he begins to split his head and shudders in the whole body. Flying from unbearable sensations, he can rush overboard the ship, in the marine bunch.

If it seems to you that on this planet, humanity has already studied everything, then you are deeply mistaken. The ocean is one of those natural phenomena that seem to be familiar at first glance, and actually make in themselves many unsolved secrets. All, probably heard about the sunken Atlantis and the Bermuda triangle. However, this is still not all riddles and wonders of the ocean, there are still surprising scientists. Before you are 15 of the most incredible facts about the ocean and its inhabitants.

1) luminescent plankton

From the part it seems that he fell on another planet, the blue glow, emanating from water, is not associated with the planet earth. In fact, this amazing radiance is caused by a luminescent plankton. And although it looks fabulously, luminescent plankton is not the only creature on Earth with such ability - fireflies do the same thing, only on land.

2) Red grains

Sounds and beautiful and crazy at the same time. And such tides are really dangerous. The red water gives the flowering of a special type of algae. The degree of threat depends on the concentration of these algae: the fact is that during flowering they highlight a special toxin, which is able to destroy fish, plants and other living organisms, thus disrupting the balance of the ecosystem. For a person, this toxin can also be dangerous, since, depending on its quantity in water, itching and more serious allergies may occur. There are cases when these algae had so much that toxin penetrated even into the air.

3) shark cannibals

No, we are not talking about what a shark can eat a person - this is known for us for a long time. It is much more surprising that shark can attack her like - on small sharks, sometimes even the same species. Scientists only recently faced such a shark behavior. It is believed that they are capable of it only in the case of strong and long hunger.

4) Fish-artist

At the ocean's day, patterns were found similar to those that we derived a stick in the sand. It turned out that these circles "draw" fugus fugus males to attract female.

5) Pirosomes

Pirosome - fascinating underwater creatures. They look like huge, hollow, closed from one end tube with luminescent elements. In length they can reach several meters. In addition to the alien appearance, they also are amazing that this tube, which is considered one being, actually consists of a variety of small organisms that copy themselves to create a huge colony, from the side of the seemingly single organism.

6) Glass squid

This kind of squid has a special body making his body absolutely transparent. And not all glass squids live at great depth. There are both subspecies living on a well-lit shallow water, so transparency greatly helps them hide from predators.

7) underwater waterfalls

You probably remember the fact that on the island of Mauritius, however, the largest underwater waterfall is in the Danish Strait. There are such amazing natural "tautologies" in the meeting places of two flows - warm and cold. As cold water Heavy warm, it literally falls down. Here you have a waterfall. It is a pity that the absolute majority of such phenomena is hidden from the human eye.

8) mysterious disappearances

There are many stories about non-traced disappeared ships and aircraft: Some just disappeared with Radarov, others have time to inform the dispatchers about malfunctions. Combines these cases, the total result - disappeared ships and airplanes were not found.

This time it will be discussed about an American submarine. In 1968, she disappeared into Atlantic Ocean. There were many rumors around her disappearance, including the torpedo and the origin of the Soviet specials of services.

9) mysterious construction at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

And although in this article we are talking about the oceans, it is simply impossible to get around this mystery. In 2012, a building was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, which threatened a new round of rumors about regular visits UFOs. It is not difficult to say. The construction of the structure resembles a well-known ship from the "Star Wars" Universe - "Milestone Falcon." Scientists still can not say exactly what kind of phenomenon. Natural origin is extremely doubtful, because the design includes metal elements that could not form naturally. One of the versions is also the assumption that this structure was built in the time of the ice age.

10) black holes

Everyone knows what black holes in space are invisible to the human eye, they create a vacuum, which delays all the objects nearby. Some time ago, scientists discovered about the same, only under water. This powerful whirlpool delays everything that comes across towards him.

11) Icy Flowers

Fragile, as if crystal, flowers can be found throughout the Arctic, as well as on ice drifting in the ocean. In addition to the fact that they are simply fabulously beautiful, they are also a source of marine salts and other elements that, as a result, evaporate and remain in the atmosphere.

12) underwater icicles

They are found in the cold seas and oceans, especially near glaciers. When marine water freezes, part of the salts is supplanted, forming a saturated and heavy salt solution that flows down the ice into the usual, less cold and salty seaside water. Next, this solution is lowered down under the action of its own severity, along the way freezing the water from which it comes into contact.

13) wave killer

The killer waves are extremely rare. And thank God. Their height reaches 30 meters, and their appearance is almost impossible to predict. Sailors say that such waves look like real walls of water.

14) underwater buildings

Near one of the Bahamas, called bimini scientists discovered something resembling ancient road. Anything, but this road is under water! Of course, the discovery became a sensation and immediately spawned a lot of rumors about the discovery of the lost Atlantis. However, during further research, it was found to believe that this road is the result of geological changes, and not human activity.

It should be noted that the Bimini Road is not the only submarine attraction, applying for the role of Atlantis. At the shores of Japan there is an amazing place called Jonaguni. Japanese believe that these remains ancient civilizationwho deceased, most likely, as a result of the tsunami.

15) Ocean Milky Way

Blue flashes were recently seen in the ocean. They are amazing that they can be seen from satellites. Scientists are building different assumptions: someone says that it is simply a large cluster of luminescent organisms; Others argue that this is impossible, because the concentration of bacteria in water should be simply unimaginable so that the glow can be seen from the satellite. Anyway, there is no accurate answer to this question yet. The riddle remains unsolved.

Reading time: 4 min

In the entire history of civilization, the world ocean managed to study a maximum of 5%. We know about the processes taking place on the vast expanses and in the thickness of the water under them less than about the back side of the moon. Lifegid talks about the striking secrets of the inner life of the ocean and the power of the element.

Alas, there is a possibility that much of what is happening in the World Ocean We will never know. Fast large-scale changes occur on the planet: the temperature of the atmosphere increases, the polar caps are taped. Due to the rapid economic activity, the ocean is subjected to colossal pollution with plastic waste. Under the threat of disappearance, coral reefs and many species of ocean animals were.

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Ocean - creating torment

Back in the XIX century. For the bottom of the oceans, telegraph cables were laid. It was soon that an unknown force from time to time easily tears thick wiring harnesses. Cases were noted when several telegraph lines have come out within a few hours, and they were broken by a clear straight line.

It is now known that most often this natural phenomenon occurs in underwater canyons located to the locations of large rivers in the ocean. The study of such accidents made it possible to learn about the existence of called turbidate streams. We are talking About huge fluxes and muti, which break off from shallow water over steep underwater slopes.

In the course of the movement down, the stream captures all new masses of bottom sediments. Finally, it reaches the soleside of the slope, its energy is dried, and the material brought is placed in a thin layer. For millions of years, sedimentary layers of impressive thickness and the characteristic structure are formed at the bottom. Geologists even gave them a special name - turbiditis.

Below is a roller with laboratory modeling of the turbidate stream.

It is possible that this phenomenon remains only known only to a narrow circle of people associated with marine geology and oceanology.

But Nature allowed himself an unexpected "advertising move." At some point, the history of the turbiditis, which has accumulated at the bottom of the modern Biscay Bay, has been pronounced, crumpled and raised above sea level. So there were famous beaches of the Basque Country. The coasts destroyed by countless rows of stone teeth attract photographers, and even became the place of shooting of one of the episodes of the "Games of the Thrones".

The surface of the beach of Sokenet in the Basque country has formed turbidite threads Millions of years ago (photo Flickr)

Alien Ecosystem and Smokers Ocean

In the last quarter of the 20th century, the most important discovery took place: in the zones of the mid-ocean ridges (rifts), powerful streams of mineralized boiling water are beaten from the mid-ocean ridges! Above the stumps from which these fountains are broken, black clouds of sulfur compounds rose, for which they were called "black smokers".

Around them was formed incredible, as for the earth, ecosystem. The place of photosynthesis in it occupied the oxidation of inorganic substances. Therefore, around the "smokers" settled the numerous world of creatures that do not need any light or oxygen. They feel great in darkness and in a soup from substances, poisonous for other organisms. Huge pressure is also nipple.

And one more important nuance. The sea presented a chance in the future to discover a similar life at the bottom of the oceans on satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.

Ocean and flowers from the snow queen

Global warming causes significant changes in the atmosphere and near-surface waters in the polar regions. And generates unprecedented natural phenomena. For example, the so-called "frosty flowers".

Field of "Frozen Flowers" in the Canadian Arctic (Photo Matthias Wietz)

Interestingly, references to this phenomenon you will not find in diaries and descriptions of researchers of the beginning of the 20th century. It is doubtful that they do not notice such a phenomenon. But in the last couple of dozen years, reports of "frosty colors" became ordinary. It is about the following. Sometimes the air temperature over the sea covered with young thin ice, quickly drops below the -20 ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the water and ice remains around 0 ° C.

In such conditions near the surface of the ice, the layer is saturated with water vapors. If at this moment the windless weather is maintained, then water vapor, contacting frosty air, it settles on the surface of the sea in the form of numerous ice crystals with a size of several centimeters. Immediately after the formation of crystals, saline aerosols begin to settle on them. Therefore, "frosty flowers" is much salty than the ice-sleeve.

Fields of frosty colors are short-lived. Quite enough ice to become thicker and colder, blend the wind - and an unusual spectacle disappears in the eyes.

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Fingers of death

This phenomena received fame of five years ago thanks to the shooting BBC. Although for the first time was described in 1974 called him Brianikl (Eng. Brine - strong brine, rape and icicle - icicle).

When the Antarctic salt marine water turns into fresh ice, the saturated salt solution accumulates in the cavities in the thickness of the ice. It has an extremely low temperature. In case of ice skiding, the overcooled brine is lowered down, and in the course of its movement, an ice tube is formed, inside of which is a very cold, concentrated solution.

At birth, the tube is fragile, with thin walls. But the flow of cold brine contributes to their thickening and expanding. When such an ice tube reaches the bottom, she freezes all the living, which time to touch. Low-moving marine organisms are doomed to death when colliding with brickles.

Spectacular fraud atmosphere

The green beam is called a short bright flash, appearing at the moment when the Disk of the Sun finally disappears by the horizon. Or, on the contrary - just rises in the morning over the sea. Perhaps this is the most romantic of all natural phenomena mentioned in this publication, which can be seen in the sea.

It is rare, but not unique. The navigators were always the people somewhat superstitious, but the green beam was not afraid: it was believed to see him - to luck. Jules Verne, Anton Chekhov, Strugatsky's fans mention a green beam in their works. He also appears in the third part of the "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Although the phenomenon is called a beam, in reality it can look in different ways: like a green land of a solar disk, or just like a green segment. But the classic still remains a green flame rising from the sea.

The occurrence of the green beam is caused by the refraction of light in very transparent air. That is why this optical effect is extremely rare on land.

Underwater waterfalls

There are in the oceans and waterfalls: more dense water rolls down the slopes on the bottom. Moreover, these waterfalls largely exceed the land analogs. The most huge of those discovered in the sea - in the Danish Strait, separating Greenland and Iceland, its height is about 4000 m (for comparison: Angel, the record holder among landfalls is 970 m).

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For the first time the idea of \u200b\u200bthe underwater city of the future appeared, oddly enough, in the USSR back in the 1960s. The project was called the code name "Ighyandr-66". The underwater house was made in the form of an inverted glass by the staff of the Institute of Mountain Mechanics and Technical Cybernetics. Only imagine, in those years, the hydrolyolis volume in only 6 cubic meters turned out to be the most real underwater technological paradise. It was equipped with telephone connection, video equipment, artificial and natural light. The house was designed for two people, a bunk bed was made for sleep. Fresh water and air were delivered along the hoses from the surface. Ventilation allowed even smoking inside the house. Food in special conference delivered divers. Despite the undisputed success of the Soviet scientists, the project, after the creation of submarine houses "Ithyandr-67" and "Ighyandr-68", in which even rabbits, turtles and rodents lived with people, it was decided to close. Why - still not known.

By the way, the French Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Kusto in the 1960s also worked on the creation of an underwater city. The project was called "Preclentant". According to the plan, 5 inhabited stations should appear on the oceanic day, where the researchers could live for a long time. The first base was arranged at a depth of 10 meters. Two aquanauts stayed in it in 196 hours and they proved this - a person can live comfortably in the underwater house. Then a little deeper staged a second station - she more resembled a "underwater village". In addition to the house for researchers at the facility there were rooms for mini-submarines and a warehouse. There people spent a month. And finally, the third base was organized at a record depth of 100 meters. There, the oceanographers were three weeks, breathed a mixture of helium and oxygen and carried out work outside the station. At a depth of 110-130 meters, they mounted an oil tower. This was proved that at high depths, a person can perform complex work even faster than on land. Should I doubt that underwater construction - absolute reality?

Due to the lack of financing, the project Kusto had to close. At the same time, scientists claim: already until the end of the century, or rather, in the next 30-40 years, a city station with apartments and shops, institutions and plants, hospitals and theaters, streets and restaurants will be built in the center of the Atlantic. However, for this will have to overcome the difficulties not less than when landing people on Mars. But they are simply necessary to overcome them, scientists believe, otherwise, humanity may simply not survive, because the latest data suggest that the World Ocean level will soon rise in the near future. This means that people will have to master not only land, but also water.

Nature began to remind us often about it. Not so long ago, a hurricane fell on Karachay-Cherkessia. The squall wind reached 20 meters per second, he literally pulled the trees with the root, turned the cars and demolished the roofs from houses. Moreover, a strong degrees of chicken egg began during a hurricane. Because of these huge grades, 28 people were in a hospital with bruises and dissection. In Italy, not far from Naples, also fell a huge degrees with a ball for tennis.

In Georgia, too was a hail. She preceded him the strongest hurricane, which took the roof from 80 houses in the Georgian region of Kakheti. In total, the inhabitants of six villages were injured in a total of a natural disaster, but the greatest damage was caused by the village of Gelati, where the element completely destroyed the harvest.

Georgians are perplexed: What happened to the climate in their sunny country? After all, they only recently managed to recover from a large flood and just fixed their zoo, which for a long time was closed due to summer flooding. Then, in June 2015, hundreds of residential buildings in the center of Tbilisi were flooded. Water streams demolished cars, houses and bridges and even destroyed the zoo, where dozens of predators were escaped.

Experts believe that something is wrong on the planet is happening. The climate changes dramatically. Only in recent months at different points of the globe were recorded anomalous floods, unprecedented strength of hurricanes, snowfall and drought.

In our country, this news remained almost unnoticed, although it is the most discussed in Asia countries. At Japan, recently hit the hits of the elements. The most powerful hurricane destroyed hundreds of houses for the last attachment, paralyzed all the transport links. The country was damage to several tens of millions of dollars.

A month ago in Tajikistan, the village streams were gone from the mountains, which blocked the bed of two major rivers. As a result, two new huge lakes appeared, which were overwhelmed with water and broke out. All the water joined the surrounding villages. Destroyed were houses and buildings, road roads and power lines. According to preliminary estimates, the damage amounted to 100 million dollars.

In our country, this year also happened a few floods. At first I was flooded at home in six settlements of the Khabarovsk Territory, then, due to prolonged rains, several districts of St. Petersburg were flooded, then sochi was almost completely left under the water.

Summer in Central Russia was generally anomalous rainy, and with the arrival of the autumn water became even more. It seems to be nothing special, it happens, happens on the planet and villages, and landslides, and hurricanes. However, the staff of the Research Laboratory with NASA placed a new report on the network, which says that a new World Flood may occur on Earth!

Whether the flood is really worldwide or floods only some regions, until it is known to anyone, but it is already clear that humanity is not ready for such developments. According to scientists, such a prospect does not promise anything good, because the water of the World Ocean has been studied much less than space. One can only guess which monsters are hidden in the World Ocean.

Scientists have recently recorded strange sounds right off the coast of Antarctica. Scientists suggested that the source of this frightening low-frequency sound is icebergs scrapers on the bottom of the ocean. Glaciers melt, and the whole snow continent comes in motion. But many researchers do not agree with this conclusion. They are confident that this sound can only be published by living beings living under multi-kilometer prats. After all, the sound constantly fluctuates: it is approaching, it is distinguished, as if the source of this strange sound is moved.

The ocean is filled with a huge number of sounds. This is the torque of ice, and the splashes of waves, and the screens from the movement of continents, and the eruption of volcanoes, and the "conversations" of fish. What was most surprised - dolphins and cetaceans were the most speakers. An unthinkable amount of sounds, tones, radiation, both in frequencies and by diversity periods and by manifold.

But is it possible? After all, it is considered that ice water is absolutely lifeless, microbes can be existed in it, where there is marine animals! However, several years ago, scientists have proven that it was not. Under the multi-meter crust of ice Antarctica there are living beings.

Unusual translucent fish whose skin is visible all its internal organs, scientists have discovered at a depth of 750 meters! It survived in incredibly difficult conditions - in the dark, salted water, with monstrously low temperatures and in full insulation from the external environment. Another inhabitant of Antarctica is a creature that resembles a shrimp, such as those that fall to us on the table. He was discovered by scientists from NASA, when they dried the Antarctic ice to take water samples.

At the depths of the ocean, which we considered lifeless, there is a real life, including in Antarctica, despite the minus temperatures. Ocean is everywhere in populated.

Under the ice of Antarctica can truly live unknown science creatures. They could make the strange sounds that recently recorded scientists off the shores of the Ice Continent.

The fact that mankind that walks with the tablets was launched by the Internet all the planet and launches space rockets into space, almost nothing knows about submarine depths, they say the pictures of the lake from space, which captured an unusual dark ring on the gladeless surface of Baikal. Such, almost black, circles were first seen back in 1999, then in 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2009. In the early 2000s, scientists organized daily space monitoring the surface of the lake and found out that mysterious dark formations, regardless of the time of day, appear in different places of the lake.

Russian scientists are convinced that mysterious circles are the result of a rare natural phenomenon, and not traces of some unknown civilization. Most likely, these circles appeared due to the warm underwater flows of the lake. But if it really is so, then what temperature should be the treated flow of Baikal, so that its stream leaves such adapters on the surface of the lake? The researchers have calculated: so that such circles remain at the two-meter thicker, water should almost boil! Otherwise, the current simply will not be able to blur such a thick layer of ice. However, neither confirm nor refute one of these hypotheses. Modern science is not yet possible, because Baikal today is practically not studied. Even those few scientists who made attempts to explore the lake came across his depths with something inexplicable.

On July 24, 2008, a deep-water research apparatus "Peace" is unloaded from the Russian vessel to Lake Baikal. This is the first immersion of a similar apparatus in fresh water. The situation is non-standard, and the whole team is in tension. The "world" slowly begins to dive into aqueous abyss: two hundred meters, four hundred ... There is only black outer around. Unexpectedly, at a depth of 500 meters, the device gives a signal: an object is found. An alarm red button lights up, the Batiscip goes on the rapprochement. Disassemble what exactly is overboard, the scientists fail. From the bottom instantly begins to rise Il, water purles. The team comes from the ground: "immediately pop up!", And the "world" goes to the surface. What exactly fixed the deep-water apparatus and why was the decision on the emergency lift of Batiscopa, it is still not known. According to the official version, the storm began, and continuing work in such conditions was simply dangerous. However, there is another, unofficial version, according to which Batiskof met at the depths of Baikal, something that can not be available in fresh water.

Deep-water research apparatus "Mir-1"

The next immersion of the "World" took place only in a week and was even more strange. Practically immediately after the device reached 700 meters, made a failure of the equipment, and then scientists who were inside the "world" felt a strong push and a deaf blow, after which the metal was crushing. It became clear: Batiskof encountered something. But with what? The device weighs a bough of 18 tons, and only the object is truly giant size can withdraw it from equilibrium.

Scientists stated that serious damage to the BATICFF received as a result of a collision with the platform "Metropolis", on which the expedition was based. Allegedly a banal storm then hurt the movement of the device, and therefore an abnormal situation occurred. Such an explanation to many researchers seemed absurd, because in a few days the network came to the network exactly when Batiskof was damaged: "The layer of hydrate in the wall is transparent. Blimey! You look exactly transparent as ice. Do we have a camera writes? Now writes, yes "(recording is turned off).

Next recording is broken. But if you believe the information published by the information themselves, it was next to these hydrates, they found "bituminous buildings of a bizarre form" that for some reason did not fall into the frame. Moreover, transparent Baikal water was absolutely calm. But then what storm said scientists? And what did researchers actually faced?

This is not the only mystery of Baikal. Back in 1982, a strange phenomenon was recorded by researchers of the Irkutsk Institute - the brightest glow of the Baikal Water. Measures of water samples at different depths of the lake showed that the intensity of the glow with depth decreases, while the brightness of light in the same place can change. It seems that the source of this glow is artificial, then scientists said. But what does this mean? Is there really unknown objects of artificial origin at the bottom of Baikal?

It is incredible, but the evidence testimonies are preserved, according to which the strange underwater luminescence of Baikal can move.

In June 1992, a group of students of the Institute of Technology saw in the depths of the lake pulsating lights resembling electric welding, they soon formed a large circle that rolled over the surface and after some time it disappeared.

1977 year. During the descent of Soviet hydrons along the underwater ridge of Baikal, an amazing phenomenon was made, which was described by the staff of the Institute of Oceanology. Then the hydronauts studied the degree of penetration of sunlight to the depth. At that moment, when scientists reached the desired depth and turned off the spotlight to carry out measurements, they saw a powerful foreign glow in the thickness of water, which moved. Scientists, surprised seen, did not even manage to give a reasonable explanation of what happened. And today, after many years, the glow of Baikal water remains unsolved secret.

The depths of the seas, the oceans and the largest lakes of the Earth keep a lot of secrets capable of changing the history of the whole earthly civilization. Scientists do not doubt that humanity expects many sensational discoveries, when we become the full owners of the water element. In the meantime, we are known to us about the natural phenomena, with which we face in the thickness of the water.

Take as an example Easter Island. Since the opening of its Europeans, amazing phenomena no longer ceased to occur. One of them is associated with the "disappearing" islands. Since 1802, the captains of many vessels have been recorded in their ship journals about discovering near Easter of the Easter of small islets, but time passed, and other ships, going through the same course, did not meet them, as if these islands disappeared without a trace. Thus, in 1912, the Captain of the British Shuttle Ship declared the discovery near the island of Easter a giant stone plateau with cliffs in which the "windows" were cut down. The ship sent later to explore the find, the plateau did not find. Some researchers explain the disappearance of the islets, as surprisingly sounds, moving to another dimension.

With the island of Easter, a lot of mysterious and inexplicable is connected at all. A tons of books are written about him in which scientists are trying to find answers to questions about the appearance of the island. Some researchers believe that in fact Easter is not an island at all, but a wreck of sunken ancient mainland.

The final point in the question is whether the Easter Island is a piece of sunken mainland and hiding near him in the ocean depths of underwater cities, put the studies of the French archaeologists. In 1978, scientists discovered that mountain ridges burned to the sea around the island, and many underwater vertices have strange holes resembling windows. Archaeologists, descended into deep-water depression, said that they found something like a huge underwater city, to explore which they could not. The official ban on underwater archaeological studies gave local police. What is connected with such unwillingness of local authorities to disclose the details of an unknown underwater building, scientists only have to be found out.

However, Easter Island is not the only point of the Pacific Ocean, which keeps a lot of secrets. So, near the Japanese island of Yonaguni, a strange, squeezed out of stone was found to the archaeologist Robert Shofom, the sculpture in the form of a human head.

Surprisingly, such a find was made at another point of the globe - just 19 kilometers from Lake Titicaca on the ruins of the ancient city of Tiaanac. This discovery has not only a head, but also a torso of an ancient sculpture.

But the most incredible in the other - the figure below the belt is covered with an unusual ornament that resembles the scales. According to experts, this is not artistic fiction. The ancient master really depicted unknown to us, but really living beings, semi-grayster-cores. Moreover, the Incas, who considered the Titica area of \u200b\u200btheir Praodina, were sacred to the fact that their God was covered with fish scales and appeared from the water of the lake.

According to Philipp Koppens, a researcher of ancient civilizations:

"We find stories that some creature came out of the water to Earth, transformed into a person from the form of fish, which he had to be under water. And now he came out of the water, stepped on the ground, took the form of a person, became a representative of civilized humanity, told people about astronomy and various other sciences, and then night was missing in the water. There is an assumption that in some period of time, reasonable creatures left the sea to land to direct our development. Where did they come from, they never told, whether they were representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations or a lost earthly civilization, until it is known. "

But that's not all. In Sumerovo-Akkadian mythology, the mysterious race of the semi-pole-cruise suite is stated. According to the preserved records of the "History of Babylonia" the priests of Beros, people lived as animals until the semi-born-seruznuts came out of the water of the Persian Gulf. Beros calls these creatures by Oannes. They, according to the fragments of the "History of Babylonia", taught residents of Mesopotamia to letters, sciences, construction of cities and temples, agriculture and processing of metals. Here's how Beros described Oannes: "His body was fish, and under the fish head was different, [human], the legs were lower as a person and a fishe tail [for them]. His voice was human, and the language is understandable. In the afternoon, this creature has not taken food. It gave people writing, science and art. When the sun was sake, this creature was again sent to the sea and held all night in his depths, for it was amphibious ".

Today, the images of the semi-pole-crucidity we can observe in different points of the globe. On the walls of the Palace of the Assyrian Tsar Sargon in Iraq, in the British Museum, where ceramic statuettes of semi-grayster-cruisitudes are stored with a height of a habit of 12 centimeters, and on the ruins of the old Persian capital Pasargada, in modern Iran. The cult of amphibious people was distributed in India, China and even in the Russian north. And although modern archeology interprets similar images only as an illustration of legends, some independent experts suggest that ancient people have painted what is called, with nature, what they really encountered. So, unknown to us amphibians in time immemorials could sometime really inhabit the Earth.

But if the civilization of the semi-humility civilization really inhabited the earth, what happened to her? Why can we only guess about its existence, encountering a few ancient artifacts? Scooter to figure it out yet. However, according to one of the hypotheses, in the most deep-water points of the World Ocean - in the gutters and depressions - there is still a reasonable life. And periodically she makes itself felt.

Researchers from different countries are constantly recorded under water strange sounds. It is possible that such sounds make some underwater creatures. Perhaps they are even intelligent, and maybe, on the contrary, too primitive. Perhaps it is just the poorly studied natural phenomenon of the World Ocean, some ultrasounds that are not so easy to distinguish from the voices of living beings.

"High Em-6" - the so-called vessel, which in 2003 in the waters of New Zealand without signs of life on board discovered a patrol ship. The military tried to communicate with the drift vessel, but the answer from Schoon did not follow. When patrol rose aboard a strange ship, they found that it is absolutely empty. All crew members disappeared without a trace. It seemed that the ship was not controlled. It went with an absolutely incomprehensible course, and there were no signals in general. It brought to the most dark thoughts.

A similar ship-ghost was discovered several years later, in 2006, in Eastern Australia. Cargo ship "Jan Seng" drifted on the waves without a single soul on board. But where did the entire crew go? Answer this question was not so simple. According to one of the versions, the crew of the boat could simply fall overboard during the storm. However, life jackets remained intact. In addition, all things were too neatly unfastened. On another hypothesis, extended by sailors, the crew could be stolen. But this version did not endure any criticism - there were no traces of staying foreign, struggle or searched. Moreover, all the goods turned out to be untouched. So, there was no attack on Schoon. But then what happened to the crew?

There are a lot of such examples, and we know about them only from those who were saved. For the most part, those hundreds of thousands of ships who sank in the World Ocean, go to the bottom along with everyone on board, so we simply do not know what happened at them at the last moment.

So far, scientists have fought over the raysterity of the disappearance of sailors, another ship disappeared in the Mediterranean - "Bel Amika". This happened in just four months after the tragedy with Jan Song. Sails were also raised, all things remained lying in their places, but no captain, no sailors were. At the same time, there were no obvious instructions on what reason the crew members could leave the ship and where they headed.

And in the XIX century, and in our time there are a ship in the ocean, where everything is fine, he is afloat, the soup is boiled on the galley, and there are no commands, everyone disappeared. Where to? There were versions that everyone was taken by aliens on a flying saucer ... But here is the version that they all jump into the water, not excluded, although it is also rather fantastic.

The first to find the reason for which the ships team disappeared for many years in a row, in the 1930s, Soviet hydrograph Vsevolod Berezkin tried. He was convinced that everything is some kind of poor physical phenomenon. During research in the Karazia sea on the Hydrographic ship "Taimyr", Berezkin recorded a strange frightening phenomenon. Filling the shell meteorological bowl-probe with hydrogen, before letting it into the air, the scientist climbed it into the ear and at the same moment felt the sharp pain in the eardrum - there was no sound, and the pain was. So for the first time, a strange and frightening phenomenon was discovered, which scientists called the "voice of the sea".

Then an unknown natural phenomenon put scientists in a dead end. Only a few years later, the Soviet physicist Vasily Schuuleikin installed: a special infrasound may be born in the ocean. Human ear does not perceive him, but the impact on our body is simply destructive. Without the visible causes of a person who affects the infrasion, covers panic, he begins to split his head and shudders in the whole body. Flying from unbearable sensations, he can rush overboard the ship, in the marine bunch.

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The world ocean is full of riddles, and it gives us the opportunity to dream and fantasize. He takes about 70 % our planet and only 5 % Water space were studied. This means that under the aquatic shell of the Earth, many secrets are hidden, which are still not discovered.

website collected 10 amazing objectsfound under water. But this is just a drop in the sea. We cannot imagine what awaits us in water depths.

Big Blue Hole, Belize

In recent years, as a result of the movement of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, the distance between them has increased significantly. This impressive phenomenon can be seen both on land, and plunging deeply under the water. The phenomenon was sealed by several underwater photographers.

Sea biologist Alexander Mastard Noted that visitors can be very surprised by crystal clear water and charming species. The speed of the plates at the same time is about 2.5 cm per year.

The ancient city of Heraklion, Egypt

Once in the province of Zhejiang there was a mysterious city called Shied. His mystery was that one day he simply disappeared. As it turned out later, the valley in which the city was located, turned into an artificial reservoir for the construction of a new hydroelectric power station. The authorities had to move 290 thousand people. Dam was built on the territory of the city, as a result of which she turned out to be at the bottom of the lake.

It is difficult to believe it, but more than half a century, wooden beams and stairs of the city are in good condition, as if time in it flows somehow differently.

Sculpture underwater park

A unique museum was created by an English sculptor. Jason Taylor. It is located at the Day of the Caribbean Sea, not far from the shores of Grenada. The first exhibits were shipped to the seabed in 2006.

To date, the museum has more 65 ExhibitsThe collection of which is replenished annually. This project benefits not only as a cultural object, but also as an important part of the ecosystem of wildlife.

"Black smokers" at the bottom of the ocean