Inexplicable and mystical cases of expedition. The most mysterious and inexplicable cases of people disappearing (20 photos)

The stories of patients who survived the experience of clinical death are caused by people an ambiguous reaction. Some such cases inspire optimism and faith in the immortality of the soul. Others try to explain mystical visions rationally, bring them to hallucinations. What actually happens to human consciousness within five minutes, when do the reanimated doctors convene over the body?

In this article

Stories eyewitnesses

Not all scientists are convinced that after the death of the physical body, our existence is completely stopped. Increasingly there are researchers who want to prove (perhaps first of all themselves) that after the bodily death of a person's consciousness continues to live. The first serious studies on this topic spent in the 70s of the XX century Raymond Mudi, author of the book "Life after death". But now the area of \u200b\u200bthe near-merchant experiences causes considerable interest of scientists and physicians.

Famous Cardiologist Moritz Roolings

The professor in his book "For the Threshold of Death" touched upon questions about the work of consciousness at the time of clinical death. As a famous specialist in the field of cardiology, ROOLINGZ systematized many patient stories that survived the temporary stop of the heart.

Afterword, Jeromonach Serafima (Rose)

One day Moritz Roolings, returning to the life of the patient, made him a gross massage. A man for a moment came into consciousness and asked not to stop. The doctor was surprised because the heart massage is a rather painful procedure. It was seen that the patient is experiencing authentic fear. "I'm in hell!" - shouted a man and begged to continue massage, fearing that the heart stops and will have to return to a terrible place.

Resuscitation ended with success, and the man told what horrors he had to see during the heart stop. The experienced flour fully changed his worldview, and he decided to turn to religion. The patient never wanted to get into hell more and was ready to change his lifestyle at root.

This episode pushed the professor to the idea to start recording the stories of patients whom he pulled out of the paw of death. According to the observations of the ROOLINGZ, about 50% of patients surveyed visited during clinical death in a beautiful paradise corner, where to return to real world I did not want at all.

The experience of another half is absolutely opposite. Their near-mercury images were associated with torment and pain. The space where the souls were, inhabited terrible creatures. These brutal creatures literally tormented sinners, causing incredible suffering. After returning to life, such patients had one desire - to do everything possible to never get to hell.

Stories from the Russian press

Newspapers more than once appealed to the topic of the endless experiences of people who passed through clinical death. Among the set of stories, it is possible to note the case associated with Galina Loagoda, which has become a victim of autoavaria.

It was a miracle that the woman did not doubt the place. Doctors diagnosed numerous fractures, tissue rupture in the field of kidneys and lungs. The brain was injured, the heart stopped and the pressure fell to zero.

According to the memories of Galina, before her gaze, the emptiness of the endless cosmos originated. After some time, she discovered himself standing on the site filled with unearthly light. Woman saw a man in white clothes that radiated shine. Apparently, because of the bright light, the face of this creature was impossible to consider.

The man asked a question that led her here. Galina said that she was very tired and wanted to relax. A man with understanding listened to the answer and allowed her a little here, and then ordered to return back, because in the world of living it is waiting for a lot of things.

When Galina Lagoda returned to consciousness, she had an amazing gift. During the inspection of her fractures, she suddenly asked an orthopedic doctor about his stomach. The doctor was shaken by the question, because he really bothered his stomach pain.

Now Galina is a people's healer, because it can see diseases and carries healing. After returning from the moment, she calmly refers to death and believes in the eternal existence of the soul.

Another case occurred with Major of the reserve Yuri Burkovoy. He himself does not like these memories, and journalists learned the story from his wife Lyudmila. Falling from a high height, Yuri thoroughly damaged the spine. He was taken to the hospital without consciousness with a cranial trauma. In addition, Yuri has a heart stopped, and the body moved to the coma state.

The spouse was sharply experienced these events. After receiving stress, she lost the keys. And when Yuri came to himself, he asked Lyudmila, whether she found them, after which they advised to look for a staircase.

Yuri confessed to his wife that during the coma he flew in the form of a small cloud and could be next to her. He also told about another world, where he met with his dead parents and brother. There he understood that people do not die, but simply live in a different form.

Newly born. Documentary About Galina Lagod and others famous peoplewho survived clinical death:

Opinion Skeptics

There will always be people who do not take such stories as an argument in favor of the existence of the afterlife. All these paintings of Paradise and Hell, according to skeptics, produces a fading brain. And the specific content depends on the information that religion, parents, the media gave during life.

Utilitarian explanation

Consider the point of view of a person who does not believe in the posthumous existence. This is a Russian renexcatalog Nikolai Gubin. Being a practitioner doctor, Nikolai firmly convinced that the patient's vision during clinical death is nothing more than the consequences of toxic psychosis. Images associated with the exit of the body, the type of tunnel, - a kind of sleep, hallucination that is caused oxygen starvation Summary brain department. The field of view is sharply narrowed, which is why the impression of a limited space in the form of the tunnel is created.

The Russian doctor Nikolai Gubin believes that all the vision of people at the time of clinical death are hallucinations of the fading brain.

Gubin also tried to explain why his whole life passes at the time of dying before the gaze. Resuscitator believes that the memory of different period is stored in different parts of the brain. First, cells with fresh memories are denied, at the very end - with early childhood memories. The process of recovery of memory cells passes in the reverse order: first returns early memory, and then later. So the illusion of the chronological movie occurs.

Another explanation

Psychology Psychology Specialist Watson has his theory as to what people see at the moment when their body dies. He firmly believes that the end and the beginning of life are interconnected. In some sense, death closes the ring of life, connecting with birth.

Watson means that the birth of a person is the experience of which he almost does not remember. Nevertheless, this memory is stored in his subconscious and activated at the time of death. The tunnel who sees the dying, is a generic path in which the fruit came out of the wife of the mother. The psychologist believes that this is a pretty heavy experience for the psyche of the baby. In essence, this is our first acquaintance with death.

A psychologist says that no one knows exactly how the newborn birth process perceives. Perhaps these experiences are similar to different phases of dying. Tunnel, light is only echoes. These impressions are simply resurrected in the mind of the dying, of course, painted by personal experience and beliefs.

Interesting cases and evidence of eternal life

There are quite a few stories that put modern scientists in a dead end. You may not be considered unconditional proof of the afterlife. However, it is also impossible to ignore, because these cases are documented and require a serious study.

Non-worth Buddhist monks

Doctors state the fact of death based on the cessation of the respiratory function and work of the heart. They call this condition to clinical death. It is believed that if the body is not reanimated for five minutes, then irreversible changes arise in the brain and here medicine is powerless.

However, in Buddhist tradition there is such a phenomenon. A high-dimensional monk can enter into a state of deep meditation, stop the breath and the work of the heart. Such monks retired in the caves and there in the pose of the lotus included in a special state. Legends argue that they can return to life, but official science are such cases unknown.

The body of Dasha-Dorzho ITIGELOVA remained nonplus after 75 years.

Nevertheless, there are such non-pecked monks in the east, whose withered bodies exist dozens of years without being subjected to destruction processes. At the same time, they grow nails and hair, and biopol in power is higher than that of a conventional living person. Such monks were found on Samui Island in Thailand, China, Tibet.

In 1927, Buryat Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itiglov left the life. He gathered his disciples, took the lotus pose and told them to read the prayer for the dead. Leaving in Nirvana, he promised that his body would continue after 75 years. All life processes stopped, after which Lama was buried in the cedar cube, without changing the position.

After 75 years, the sarcophagus was removed on the surface and placed in the Ivolginsky Datsan. As Dasha-Dorzho Haiglov predicted, his body remained nonplus.

Forgotten tennis shoes

In one of the US hospitals there was a case with a young emigrant from South America named Maria.

During the exit from the body, Maria noticed by someone forgotten tennis shoes.

During clinical death, the woman experienced an exit from the physical body and flew a little on hospital corridors. During the endless journey, she noticed the lying tennis shower on the stairs.

Upon returning to the real world, Maria asked the nurse to check if there was no lost shoes on that staircase. And it turned out that Mary's story was true, although the patient never happened in that place.

Dress in polka dot and broken cup

Another fantastic case happened with russian womanwhere the heart stop was recorded during the surgical operation. Doctors managed to return the patient to life.

Later, the woman told the doctor that she had experienced during clinical death. Coming out of the body, the woman saw herself on the operating table. The idea came to mind that she could die here, and did not even have time to say goodbye. This thought mobilized the patient to rush to her home.

There were her little daughter, mother and a neighbor, who went to visit and brought her daughter to the polka dot. They sat and drank tea. Someone dropped and broke the cup. This neighbor noticed that it was fortunately.

Later, the doctor talked to the mother of the patient. And in fact, a neighbor came to visit on the day of operation, and she brought the dress in polka dots. And the cup also crashed too. As it turned out, fortunately, because the patient went on amendment.

Signature Napoleon

This story may be legend. It seems too fantastic. This happened in France in 1821. Napoleon died in the link on the island of Saint Helena. French throne occupied Louis XVIII.

The news of the death of Bonaparta forced the king to think. That night he could not fall asleep. Candles dimly lit a bedroom. On the table lay the marriage contract Marshal Auguste Marmona. The document was supposed to sign Napoleon, but former emperor I did not have time to do this because of the military turmoil.

Exactly at midnight pierced urban clock, and the bedroom door opened. Bonaparte himself stood on the threshold. He proudly passed around the room, sat down at the table and took the pen in his hand. From surprise new king lost feelings. And coming to myself in the morning, he was surprised to show Napoleon's signature on the document. The authenticity of the handwriting was confirmed by experts.

Return from the world

Based on the stories of returned patients, you can make an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening at the time of dying.

Reiser Raymond Moody systematized the experiences of people in the clinical death stage. He managed to highlight the following general moments:

  1. Stop physiological body functions. In this case, the patient even hears how the doctor states the fact of disconnecting the heart and breathing.
  2. Viewing the entire lived life.
  3. Wearing sounds whose volume increases.
  4. Exit from the body, a long tunnel trip, at the end of which the light is visible.
  5. Arrival in place filled with shining light.
  6. Decience, extraordinary spiritual comfort.
  7. Meeting with people who have left lives. As a rule, these are relatives or close friends.
  8. Meeting with a creature comes from light and love. Perhaps this is the Guardian Guardian.
  9. A pronounced reluctance to return to its physical body.

In this video, Sergey Sklyar tells about returning from the light:

Mystery of Dark and Light Worlds

Those who had a chance to visit the light zone returned to the real world in the state of goodness and peace. They are no longer bothering the fear of death. Those who saw dark worlds were amazed by terrible paintings and long can not forget the horror and pain that had to experience.

These cases suggest that religious views The afterlife coincides with the experience of patients who were beyond death. At the top there is paradise, or the kingdom of heaven. At the bottom of the soul is waiting for hell, or underworld.

What a paradise happens

Famous American actress Sharon Stone was convinced of personal experience In the existence of paradise. She shared his experiences during the television show Opro Winfrey on May 27, 2004. After the procedure of magnetic resonance tomography, Stone lost consciousness a few minutes. According to her, this state resembled fainting.

During this period, it turned out to be in space with a soft white light. There they were met by people who were no longer alive: dead relatives, friends, good acquaintances. The actress realized that these were their souls who were glad to see her in the world.

Sharon Stone is quite sure that for a short time they managed to visit Paradise, there was a sense of love, happiness, grace and pure joy.

Interesting the experience of Betty Malz, which on the basis of his experiences wrote the book "I saw eternity." The place where she fell during clinical death, possessed fabulous beauty. There were gorgeous green hills, wonderful trees and flowers grew.

Betty got into an amazingly beautiful place.

There was no sun in the sky in that world, but the whole neighborhood is filled with shining divine light. Next to Betty there was a tall young man, closed in spacious white clothes. Betty understood that this is an angel. Then they approached silver high BuildingFrom which there were excellent melodic voices. They repeated the word "Jesus".

When Angel opened the gate, a bright light hung on Betty, which is difficult to describe in words. And then the woman realized that this light was carrying love, and there is Jesus. Here Betty remembered about his father who prayed for her return. She turned back and went down the hill, and soon woke up in his human body.

Travel to hell - facts, stories, real cases

It is not always the way out of the body takes the soul of a person into the space of Divine Light and love. Some describe their experience very negative.


Jennifer Perez was 15 years old when she had a chance to visit hell. There was an endless wall of sterile white. The wall was very high, there was a door in it. Jennifer tried to open it, but unsuccessfully. Soon the girl saw another door, she was black, and the castle was opened. But even the appearance of this door caused an inexplicable horror.

Nearby argel Gabriel. He firmly squeezed her wrist and led to the black door. Jennifer begged her to let go, tried to break out, but to no avail. Darkness waited for the door. The girl began to fall rapidly.

Having survived the horror of the fall, she barely came to his senses. There was an unbearable heat, from which he painfully wanted to drink. Around the devils in every way mock the human souls. Jennifer turned to Gabriel with a plea give her water. The angel looked at her and suddenly announced that she was given another chance. After these words, the girl's shower returned to the body.

Hell Peklo

Bill Wiss also describes blood pressure as a real bake, where the disembodied soul suffers from the heat. There is a feeling of wild weakness and complete impotence. According to Bill, he did not immediately come to him, where his soul fell. But when four terrible demon approached, the man everything became clear. In the air, smelled of gray and burned skin.

Many describe blood pressure as the kingdom of sewing fire.

Demons began to be tormented by a man claws. It is strange that blood did not flow from the Russian Academy of Sciences, but the pain was monstrous. Bill for some reason understood that these monsters feel. They source hatred towards God and to all of God's creatures.

Bill remembered that in hell was tormented by an unbearable thirst. However, it was not anywhere to ask. Bill lost all hope of deliverance, but the nightmare suddenly stopped, and Bill woke up in the hospital ward. But his stay in the hellish officer firmly remembered him.

Fiery hell

In the number of people who managed to return to this world after clinical death, Thomas Welch from Oregon fell. He was an assistant engineer on the sawmill. During the construction work, Thomas stumbled and fell from the walkways in the river, while he hit his head and lost consciousness. While he was looking for, Welch survived a strange vision.

In front of him extended the vast ocean of fire. The spectacle was impressive, the force came from him, inspiring horror and amazement. In this burning element there was no one, Thomas himself stood on the shore, where many people gathered. Among them, Welch learned his school friend who died of cancer in childhood.

The gathered were in a state of stupor. They seemed to have not understood why they were in this frightening place. Then it came to Thomas that he was placed in a special prison, from where it is impossible to get out, because the fire extends around everywhere.

From hopelessness, Thomas Welch thought about his last life, incorrect actions and mistakes. Involuntarily appealed to God with a prayer for salvation. And then he saw Jesus Christ, who walked past. Welch was glad to ask for help, but Jesus it seemed to feel and turned around. It was this look that made Thomas wake up in his physical body. Nearby stood workers sawmills that rescuffed it from the river.

When the heart stops

Pastor Kenneth Heigin from Texas became a priest thanks to the experience of clinical death, which fell on April 21, 1933. Then he was less than 16 years old, and he suffered to congenital heart pathology.

On this day, the heart of Kennet stopped, and the soul spoiled from the body. But her path lay not to heaven, but in opposing direction. Kennet immersed in the abyss. There was a pitch darkness around. As you move down, Kenneth began to feel the heat, which, apparently, proceeded from hell. Then he was on the road. A shapeless mass consisting of a flame was coming on it. She seemed to pull the soul inside him.

The heat covered Kenneth with his head, and he found himself in some pit. At this time, the teenager clearly heard the voice of God. Yes, the voice of the creator himself sounded in hell! He was broadcast throughout the space, shaking it as the wind pegs the leaves. Kennet focused on this sound, and suddenly a certain strength pulled him out of darkness and began to raise up. Soon he woke up in his bed and saw a grandmother who was very happy because he had no longer hoped to see him alive. After that, Kenneth decided to devote his life to serving God.


So, according to eyewitnesses, after the death of a person can wait for the paradise bush, and the hellish abyss. You can believe in it or not to believe. One conclusion is definitely suggested - for his actions a person will have to answer. Even if there is no hell and paradise, there are human memories. And it is better if, after the man's care, a good memory will continue about him.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubayev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Remove the Dead Baby!

Doctors clinicians in their essence are atheists. Most of them absolutely believe that the treatment they will prescribe will help. But there are cases when treatment does not help, and, suddenly, the present miracle happens, and the patient is unthinkable, without leaving any intelligible explanations, recovering.

And there are completely mystical cases that are remembered for life.

When I remember this episode in my life, then still goosebumps. Therefore, I do not recommend you impressive.

Student I was in practice in the maternity hospital. We were led to the resuscitation department of newborns. An hour before our arrival, a newborn baby died there.
When a person dies in the hospital, it is relying it to keep it in the department, to state biological death and already be taken into a pathological and anatomical department.

As a rule, after 2 hours the body is coocheries. We approach the time to the child together with the nurse. She inspects him, something is very frightened and begins to call doctors. We can not understand anything. Then she says: "The whole child has crushed out, and the neck and the head - no!". And this means that the child seems to be "looking around, who else to pick up with them."

Only she said it, as near in the intensive care chamber "gives a stop of the heart" another newborn baby. All the crowd run to him, begin to reanimate. A 26 week-old baby lay nearby in Kuveza. He had everything relatively normal, he developed well outside the body of the mother, and there were all the chances of his further discharge in a healthy form. He also "gives a stop"!

2 Brigades doctors are trying to save them hard!
And the nurse shouts: "Urgently joined the dead kid from the department, call the workers, let nails go to each angle of the resuscitation chamber!"

Well I say, the doctors before the last believe in their treatment, but then what the hell is not joking, found a worker and he scored on a nail into every corner.

And after a while, the condition of these two kids improved, and they safely went on amendment.

We, students experienced terrible shock! And the nurse said that in her practice it was so several times. Sometimes even these measures did not help and the dead child "nevertheless someone took someone."

Spot coffee

This story told me aunt who told her his acquaintance. They lived were a guy with a girl, they loved each other very much.

The guy recalled into the army. And at that time he was in service his girl died.

He arrived home, and his parents would not be injured to him who did not tell him anything.

Once he walked down the street and suddenly met her. They went to the cafe and ordered coffee, but Katya - so called his girl - shed coffee to her snow-white skirt.

When they approached her house, he said: let me spend you! She answered with a categorical refusal. The next day, he comes home to her and says: Call Katya.

Her parents sighed hard and said that she had long died. He said in surprise: how? We were in the cafe yesterday!

Parents have achieved to spread the grave. And when they opened the coffin on her snow-white skirt there was a stain of coffee.

Very tight tie

I want to tell you one strange story that has happened "recently" with me, and after which I still can not come to my senses. It happened in the summer when I, my girlfriend, her brother and another young man went after the session to rest on one of the local recreation points.
Removed a small house on four at the lake. I was very glad, because at that time it was very in love with the left - a guy who went with us.
And once, at night, the following happened. There were two rooms in the house: I slept in one and my girlfriend, and in another brother a friend and this very leva. I have never been before Lunatic, but what happened to me, I don't even know how to call. I sleep and suddenly wake up with the thought that Leva is too tight tied tie (although he did not wear a tie). And for some reason, he can not unleash him, and I think that if I don't do this, then leva suffocates.
Another more surprising was the other: I seem to have woken up, but I see the whole room in the blue light - sleeping girlfriend, all our things, furniture. I get out of bed and slowly go to another room. I go, I look: Brother Girlfriends and Lev are sleeping, and everything is seen still in the blue light. There is a complete silence. Leva, indeed, on the neck tie, tightened tight, and the face is distorted. I sit on his bed and start untying a tie.
Suddenly it happens incredible: I was like a volat to hit my head. I hear the Levin frightened cry, someone else was exclamated, and suddenly the blue light disappears, and the world becomes normal. I sit on the bed at Leva, and he looks at me frightened eyes and shouts:
- What are you completely crazy?!
I say:
- Wanted tie to remove. Then I watch: a tie, of course, no. And friends in the eyes already have a real horror. In the end, I was simply called Lunatic and Crazy and sent me to our place. After that, I was ashamed to look into the eyes of Leve. From myself, I did not expect this at all, I tried to figure out for a long time.
Then everything was somehow forgotten, but after two and a half months I called me and my friend witness this case and said that I recently had a leva with someone. He was alone, and their four. The fight was serious, and Levu tried to strangle the chain, wrapped her around his neck. Fortunately, at that moment people arrived at that moment and dispelled. Levka managed to save. After a couple of days, he himself called me and asked if I unleashed the tie on his neck. I said that almost, but not to the end, since he also prevented me. Now leva for some reason I am very much grateful for it.

Winter, evening, decided to pay out ...

As a child, there was somehow alone ... Winter, evening ... well, he jerk me to pay. He lit the candles, opposite the mirror installed another mirror, so that the corridor turned out, and stared at him. Type, narrowed from there should be my come. Yeah. 300 times he came to me of course ... I stared there for about 5 minutes. And I see, a dark figure appears from afar ... High, black and terrible. Neither the fig on a narrowed disgraced ... I was afraid, but I can't tear myself away from the mirror. The figure begins to quickly move from one wall of the corridor to another. And I remember that if something is happening, you need to say "Chur me", and a mirror with a dense cloth. I'm standing in a stupor ... no fabric. And it's getting closer and closer ... As a result, I pushed something. And the cat in the room went. The cat immediately arched by the arc, hurt, all that I could come up with, it is to throw back the mirror that kept in my hands, and grab the pillow to throw to another mirror. The last thing I saw, before throwing a pillow, like a mirror corridor stayed in the mirror ... and an approaching face to me ... Even not a face, but in general something incomprehensible and distorted. The pillow rushed, jumped out of the room)) it was terribly very ...
As a result, when it dares to go into the room, there was a crack on the mirror ...

Did death come

The case was in the country. There we have a lot of dishonest in our house, so this is not very surprising. But scary. Mom went somehow one to the country. I decided to go to bed in a small room, in the only one, where the icons cost. I woke up in the middle of the night, like a push. Watching the door to the room opens. And on the threshold, a woman stands. High. In a white dress .. And the whole flickering ... as if the fabric is worn. Mom in shock and wild horror, sat on the bed. Can not say anything. Just a terrible horror covered and still shout, nor live in any way. And the woman looks at her, and she stretches her hand. And mom feels that she calls her something and puts up straight, pull her hand. I do not know how much she sat so much, did not give hands yet. And the woman stands, and in the head of Mom's voice female "and the truth. Early you still. I'll be back". And that's it. let go of aunt in white. And the door is closed. Only mom on the bed sits, and the heart is raging.

And it was after my grandfather died. Mint Dad. I still studied at school. He came home after school, he lay down to build a watch in his room. And in the next room, Grandfather was sick lay. And I wake up also from push. I look, a woman is entering the room in white. And next to her a man in black robes. They entered and stand. I went nuts. I feel not to move Nikkak. I look at them, and I can't say anything. Scary very. And here the man here stretches my hands. I'm lying, not moving. And a woman looks at me. And the head winds, and shows the hand to the next room. Second, and they are not. I'm terrified from the bed jumping. And then mom comes into the room, and says that the grandfather just died ... terribly ....

And my friend told me that he had a woman in a hospital in white came, and called with him. He refused .. heavyly sick very ... what she told him. "Okay, in three days I'll be back". "That I managed to tell this friend, about aunt. And exactly three days later died ...

Slippers for the Poid

In one Ukrainian village tell such a case. A woman dreamed: the recent daughter recently comes to her and asks: "Mom, say slippers, here you have to walk a lot, and I have uncomfortable shoes, on heels ...". The mother itself did not see the mother, just heard her voice, but read the address on the envelope, according to which the transfer should be taken. For some reason, she remembered this address well.

Waking up, a woman could not find a place to find. He told about everything Cuma, and she advised to buy slippers and take away. The mother of the Powder went to buy slippers, but they were not sold anywhere - the times were still "stagnant." And then she accidentally turned up one friend that I bought myself new slippers somewhere and never had time to wear them. She regretted the mother of the girl and sold them to her. Moreover, the dead wore just this size.

It was necessary to go to Kiev. From somewhere, the woman knew in advance, to which bus to sit, as if she was whispered in the ear. Asked passengers, where to go away, found the said street, house, apartment ... The entrance door was open, in the middle of the room stood a coffin, it was a beautiful young dead man. Guest I cried, then approached my mother of the deceased, told her his dream and asked permission to put in the coffin bought slippers. "We did not become our own on this light, but on that our children were cried," she said, saying goodbye.

All these stories suggest that the otherworldly world exists for some kind of their own laws, and the inhabitants are able to penetrate our reality to declare their needs ...

Want to believe, you want no, but it really was, and the story it happened to me! This story occurred in the summer when I was only about 11 years old! It all started with the fact that my grandfather died, and grandmother remained to live alone in the hut! The children had already grew up his grandchildren, but after the death of her husband, she was scared one in House! Mom decided to leave me for a while to live at my grandmother! Since I was a child restless. I constantly kept under the sighting look so that I wouldn't drink anywhere! How I remember the grandmother washed me in the bath, and we went to bed, grandmother lay down with me, I slept near the wall. I woke up because my granny snoring, trying to get out of the blanket, and already sowing on the bed to push the granny, because of her terrible snoring, but I got a glance, attention to The kitchen, which was in the next room, and seeing there that some old lady climbed out of the open imagine, and stubbornly looks at me! As I remember it was dressed: a white handkerchief, some kind of dress, apron! View like a real man! Without giving value, I went to bed again !!!

After that, many years have passed! Grandma moved to live to us! Once we watched family photos, and I learned this old woman on the pictures, which climbed out of the sample, in the distant my vision in childhood! I was just in horror! I told my grandmother History! And she confirmed her by the fact that during the war, there was a house on the place, and my grandfather lived in it! Everyone went to war, and he stayed, because he himself was still small in order to fight, stayed with her mother And my sister! One of the winters his mother died, because of the typhus, there was no money on the coffin, and he pulled out the chalkboard from the floor of the kitchen, made her coffin, and took her sleigh in the forest, burying her!

This appearance of the old woman, I still remember, so that people still have in the light of all sorts of creatures that fear cause us !!!

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Most people probably heard about the mysterious disappearance of the Letchitsa Amelia Erhart, the bold criminal Di Bi Cooper, who cooked the aircraft "Boeing 727" and hiding in an unknown direction with a huge amount of money in her arms, or the Congressman Hayle Boggs, who disappeared during the flight over Alaska. Mysterious disappearances are not something new.

For any reason, people disappear without a trace and never appear again. There are many circumstances that force people disappear, escape, hide from society. Perhaps they want to get rid of problems in the family or at work, to go away from the persecution of the law or start everything else elsewhere. There are also those who decide to commit suicide in privacy, but their little. Very often people abduct, and such crimes, as a rule, remain unexplored due to lack of hook or evidence.

Faceless disappearances always cause anxiety. But there are even more strange and inexplicable cases when people in a matter of seconds mysteriously disappeared in front of others: there was a man, and after a moment it was no longer it, as if he was dissolved in the air. To just get out of the chair, it will be necessary for a few seconds, but in some cases people unexpectedly disappeared in such a short period of time, without leaving even no hints on what could happen to them.

In the world where we live, there are many strange things and phenomena that we cannot understand. As you probably have already guessed, then it will be about the strangest cases of people's disappearance in the entire history of mankind.

1. Annette Sejors

On November 21, 1987, the police received a statement about the disappearance of Corrini Sejors Malinos, a twenty-sest resident of the Berkeley County (South Carolina). The girl that day did not appear on that day; Her car was found parked opposite the plantation Mount Holly. But this is not the most strange part of the story.

Almost a year later, in the morning of October 4, 1988, an eight-year-old Daughter of Corriny, Annette Sejors, left the house and went to the stop, where a school bus was arrived in a couple of minutes. The stop was located just opposite the plantation Mount Holly, where the car was discovered by her missing mother. Very strange, but when the school bus arrived, Annette disappeared. Near the stop was found a note with the words "Dad, Mom returned. Many brothers for me. "

Experts found that the handwriting belonged to a little Annette. They did not find any signs that the girl wrote a note under coercion. According to some people, Corrini decided to return and pick up Annette. However, she left two sons at home, and since then there were no news about her.

In 2000, the Unknown person called the police and reported that the body of Annette was buried in Sumter's district, but the mysterious grave was never found. Investigation of the case of the disappearance of Annette Sejors was engaged in the sheriff of Berkeley County. It still remains unscrewed.

2. Benjamin Butst

On the night of November 25, 1809, the British diplomatic representative Benjamin Butst returned from Vienna to London. On the way, he stopped in the village of Pearleberg, not far from Berlin to eat and give a rest to his horses. After he satisfyed, he was told that the horses are ready to go on the road again. Butters apologized and told his assistant, which will wait for him in a carriage. After a few minutes, the assistant was very surprised when, opening the carriage door, did not find a botlast in it. Where he was having, no one had no idea. The last time the Batersta was seen when he walked near the hotel's entrance door. There were no traces of his stay in the yard. He just disappeared.

Because Batters had a diplomatic status, his searches were organized. Police with service dogs searched a forest, checked every house in the area and even examined the bottom of the platen river, but did not find anything. Later, a coat was found in the restroom, which, as beloved belonged to Benjamin Batsta. When re-searching in the forest, pants of a diplomatic representative were discovered.

This case occurred during Napoleonic Wars. People began to vomine that Mr. Butters kidnapped the French. As reported, Napoleon Bonaparte himself denied involvement in the disappearance of the British diplomatic representative and argued that no idea where he was. The emperor even offered his help in finding missing.

Despite all the efforts of the police, there were no more things and traces of the Batersta. He disappeared the pore.

3. Disappearance of children Sodder from Fayetteville (West Virginia)

It was Christmas Eve of 1945. Five children, Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sadder, thought up late. Their parents and other brothers and sisters have long been to sleep. For about one hour night, their mother woke up from loud sounds that came from the roof. She realized that the house was covered by fire. Then she woke her husband and children, and they got out together.

After that, the parents began to look for a staircase to help Mauris, Marta, Louis, Jenny and Betty, who were trapped on the top floor, but there was no one anywhere.

When the firefighters arrived, it was too late. Children, presumably died, but their bodies were not found in the charred residues of the house. Parents believed that Maurice, Marta, Louis, Jenny and Betty were kidnapped, after which they set fire to the house to hide the traces of the crime.

Four years later, the investigators on the site of the burnt house found six small bones, which were not damaged by fire and, presumably, belonged to the young adult. No other evidence was found.

In 1968, Socder's spouse received by mail a photo on which a young man was depicted. On her reverse side was the signature "Luis Sodder". Police failed to establish a person's personality in the photo. Spouses Sodder died, believing that it was their lost son.

4. Margaret Kilkown

Fifty-year-old Margaret Kilkin worked as a cardiologist at Columbia University. She conducted an innovative study related to hypertension, and made a big breakthrough. After a busy labor week, Margaret decided to spend the weekend in his country house in Nantucket (Massachusetts). In the local food store, she bought different products and alcoholic beverages in the amount of more than $ 900, stating that it is going to arrange a party and a press conference, which will present the results of its scientific research.

Having come home, Margaret called his brother and said he would come and woke her in the morning: she wanted to go to the church. The next morning, January 26, 1980, Brother Margaret came to her, but I did not find it in the house. Jacket Margaret hung in the closet, the shoes stood near the threshold, and the car was in place - in the garage. It was cold outside, so she could not go anywhere without his jacket.

Police carefully searched the house, but did not find any evidence. The strangest thing was that several days later, Margaret's sandals, her passport, checkbook, a wallet and 100 dollars appeared in the house. Do not notice them was very difficult.

Brother Margaret argued that she was a mentally unnewned personality. The police put forward a version according to which the woman made suicide, drowned in the Ice Ocean, but there was no evidence in favor of this theory.

5. Disappearance of famous secular lioness Dorothy Arnold

In 1910, the city of New York shocked the news of the disappearance of the twenty-one-year-old lioness and the rich heiress Dorothy Arnold. The girl was a beginner writing, whose first two stories were not approved by publishers. The public admired the beauty of Dorothy and quenched over her ambitions.

On the morning of December 12, 1910, the young beauty left the house, saying the mother that he wants to take a new dress for the upcoming ball. According to witnesses, she bought one book and half a chocolate, after which she went for a walk to the central park. Nobody saw her more.

Dorothy Arnold was a New York celebrity. How could it happen so that she just disappeared without a trace? It seems even more strange that her parents at first hid the fact of the disappearance of his daughter, inventing various excuses for curious friends. Apparently, they wanted to avoid a scandal.

The disappearance of Dorothy Anronold became known only six weeks later. People rumored that the girl led a double life and planned to escape to Europe. Nevertheless, there was no evidence confirming this version.

6. Disappeared tribe from Lake Angeukuni

Lake Angeiuni is located in the countryside of Canada, not far from the Kazan River. At the beginning of the 1900s, the Inuit tribe lived here, which was disappeared without a trace of 1930. These were hospitable people who were friendly to travelers, offering them hot food and overnight. They often visited the Canadian hunter Joe Labelle.

That night, when Labelle came to Lake Angeiuni, shone the full moon, which was illuminated by her bright light the whole village. There was an extraordinary silence around the circle; Even huskies were silent, which were usually noisily reacted to guests. There was no soul in the village. In the center gradually tramored the fire. Next to him lay a bowler; It can be seen, someone was going to prepare a satisfying dinner.

Labelle inspected several houses in the hope of finding someone who could explain what happened here. But nothing except food, clothing and weapons, he did not find it. The tribe, which consisted of thirty men, women and children disappeared without a trace. If they decide to leave, they would certainly take with them food and gear. Labelle discovered that all the husks died, apparently, from hunger.

Labella reported on the mysterious disappearance of the Canadian authorities, who sent investigators to Lake Angeukuni. They found witnesses who claimed to see a large unidentified object in the sky above the lake. Investigators also found that the settlement was abandoned about eight weeks ago. If this is true, then why did the huskies die so quickly from hunger, and who left the fire that Label discovered? The mystery of the disappearance of the whole tribe of Inuitov remains unsolved so far.

7. Disappearance of Didiritsa

It's one thing when someone disappears without leaving any traces, the other - when a person simply dissolves in the air in front of the witnesses of the witnesses. That is what happened in 1815. It all started when a man named Didiritsa dressed up in his boss's clothes, who died of a stroke, put on a wig and went to the bank to try to rent money from the office of the deceased.

Of course, the plan failed. Didiritsi caught and sentenced to ten years in prison. The term he had to serve in a Prussian prison, Weixelmund. According to prison records, when Dideritsi, along with other prisoners, brought into the yard for a walk, began to occur something strange: his body gradually became transparent. Ultimately, he literally dissolved in the air, leaving the empty iron shackles after himself. It happened in front of the amazed prisoners and guards. At the interrogation, all witnesses said the same thing: Didiritsi gradually became invisible until it simply disappeared. It is not able to rationally explain what happened, the prison authorities closed the case and found the "God's Will" occurred. More Didiritsa no one saw.

8. Louis Leprens.

On September 16, 1890, the French inventor Louis Leprenz sat on the train, followed from Dijon to Paris. Witnesses saw how Leprins checked the luggage and took his place in the coupe. When the train arrived in the capital, Leprens did not reach the final station. The conductor, thinking that Leprens just fell asleep, decided to check his coupe, which, to universal surprise, turned out to be empty: there was no inventor nor his baggage in it. The search of the entire train did not give any results. Leprens disappeared without a trace.

Passengers argued that the inventor did not leave his coupe during the trip. Since the train followed Dijon to Paris without stopping, Leprins could not get off him before. Moreover, the windows in its coupe were closed and locked from the inside. In the way, according to passengers and conductors, no incidents occurred. Leprens as if in the air was dissolved.

Interestingly, Louis Leprens managed to capture moving images to the film with a camera with one lens, which he himself invented. Simply put, Leprenc invented cinema. He was going to go to America to patent his invention. It was long before Thomas Edison received universal recognition. The disappearance of Leprenx cleared the path for Edison.

9. Charles Ashmore.

In November 1878, sixteen year old Charles Ashmore came out of his house in Quinsi (Illinois) to gain water from the nearby well. He did not return long, so his father and sister began to worry about him seriously. On the street it was cold and slippery, and something bad could happen to Charles. They went to his traces that suddenly interrupted about 75 meters from the well. They shouted his name, but did not follow the answer. There were no signs of falling in the snow. Everything looked as if Charles Ashmum was simply dissolved in the air.

Four days later, Charles's mother went beyond the water to the same well. Returning home, she argued that he heard the voice of his son. She went around the whole area, but Charles did not find.

Other family members also argued that Charles's voice periodically heard, but they could not disassemble the words he spoke. Last time This happened in the middle of the summer of 1879, and no longer repeated.

In 1975, Jackson Wright and his wife of Martha were passing through Lincoln Tunnel in New York. Couple decided to slow down and wipe the condensate from the glass. While Jackson was engaged in windshield, Martha came out of the car to wipe the rear window. Literally a couple of seconds after that she disappeared. Jackson did not hear and did not see anything suspicious. There were no cars in the tunnel. If Martha decided to escape, he would still notice her.

Initially, the police skeptically reacted to his testimony, however, carefully inspected the scene and not finding any evidence, excluded the version that he could kill his wife.

11. Jean Spengler

Gin Spengler was one of the little-known actresses who dreamed of a career in Los Angeles. She was beautiful, but did not have success, about which she dreamed. Jin was filmed mainly in episodic roles. The most famous picture, in the filming of which she took part, became the film "Trubach" (1950) director of Michael Kortis.

In October 1949, Jean went to a meeting with a former husband, and no one had seen her more. Two days later, the police found her handbag, inside which lay a note "Kirk, I can no longer wait. I'm going to take to Dr. Scott. Everything will work out. We must have time until the mother is at home. " No one knew about what pickle was discussed. The story was widely publicized. The mass of versions was put forward, but they were all unreasonable. The case went into a dead end. The only "quirk", which was able to find surrounded by Gin, was the famous actor Kirk Douglas. He starred in the movie "Trubach" with Spengler. Nevertheless, Douglas categorically denied his involvement in the disappearance of Jin.

Investigators also reached Dr. Kirk, a gynecologist, who, by a strange coincidence, disappeared on a mysterious manner a few weeks before Spengler disappeared. However, no evidence that binds it with the actress was not found.

Another version rotated around two bandits, which disappeared at about one time from Gin. A few weeks before the incident, they were seen at a party in the company Spengler. Nevertheless, there was no specific connection between the disappearances. What actually happened to gin, it remains only to guess.

12. James Worson

She went on 1873 year. James Warson, a shoemaker from Limington Spa (England), having fun with her friends in the local tavern. During the conversation, he stated that he could no stop the whole road to Coventry - as many as 25 kilometers. His friends decided to argue with him, because little believed that he was able to accomplish such a feat. To exclude the possibility of deception, they followed the Waston on the cart, harnessed horses. Warson ran a few kilometers without any problems.

When his friends began to doubt that they would be allowed to win, Wanson unexpectedly stumbled on something on the road. Witnesses argue that they saw the Waarson bent forward, but he did not fall into Earth, because the next instant the mysterious manner disappeared in his eyes.

Worson friends contacted the local police and explained the whole situation. At the scene was searched, however, nothing suspicious police found. Supozhnik James Warson as if in the air was dissolved.

13. The Mystery of the Airship L-8

During World War II, the airships were used to patrol the coastal areas and identifying enemy submarines. On August 16, 1942, the crew of the Aerizabl L-8, Ernete Cody and Charles Adams, were commissioned to perform one of these missions. They should have been flying over the Farallon Islands, 50 kilometers from the San Francisco coast, and then return to the base.

Once over the water, the crew L-8 reported that, allegedly discovered the place of oil spill and heads there for an investigation. On the path, the Airship was seen by two ships and the airliner of the company "Pan A". Another witness argued that he saw L-8 rapidly gained her height.

In about an hour later, the airship landed on the rocky shore of Dale-City, after which he flew into the sky again. Then L-8 fell on one of the revived streets of the city. Rescuers hurried to the place of fall, but were shocked when they saw that the cab was empty. The equipment was good. Parachutes and rescue rafts were in place. Only life jackets were missing, but the crew members often put on them when they flew over the water. Calls for help on the radio did not come. Ernest Cody and Charles Adams disappeared without a trace.

14. Disappearance F-89

In November 1953, the Radar of the American Air Force recorded an unknown object, which invaded the US airspace over the lake top. His interception was sent a fighter "Northrop F-89 Scorpion" with Lieutenants Felix Monkla and Robert Wilson on board.

Operators of terrestrial radar reported that first the Monkla flew high above the target at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour, and then went down and closely approached the object. Next, something unusual happened: two points on the screen of the radar became one. F-89C fighter merged with an unknown object, which after that left this area and disappeared.

Careful searches were made, but it was not possible to detect any traces of the F-89C aircraft.

15. The disappearance of Frederick Valenticity

In October 1978, the young pilot named Frederick Valentich exercised the training flight on the Cessna 182L along the coast of Bassov Strait (Australia). Suddenly he noticed that he had an unknown object. He reported this air traffic control in Melbourne, which insisted that there are no more aircraft in its surroundings.

When the object closely approached Valentich, he considered it, said: "This strange aircraft hangs over me again. He hangs ... and this is not a plane. " Then followed a few seconds of white noise, and the connection was interrupted. After that, Valentich's aircraft disappeared with radar.

Search and rescue work did not give any results. According to the Australian Air Forces, there were about a dozen reports of unidentified flying facilities on the weekends.

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