Sensational discoveries of a scientist visited on that light. Who was on that light? The physicist atheist who visited the past kingdom

The leading designer of the OKB "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov was an atheist. He was a scientist and believed only in what could be fascinated and analyzed.

But one day he died suddenly. I went in the cough, sank down on the sofa and quiet. The relatives initially did not understand what was terrible.

Thought that I sat down to relax. Natalia was the first to come out of a stupor. Brother's brother by shoulder:

Volodya, what's wrong with you?

Efremov fell caught on his side. Natalia tried to grope pulses. Heart did not fight! She began to do artificial respiration, but brother did not breathe.

Natalia, Medic himself, knew that the chances of salvation decrease with every minute. Tried to "start" the heart, massaging the chest. The eighth minute ended when her palms felt a weak rush push. Heart turned on. Vladimir Grigorievich was silent himself.

Alive! - hugged his sister. - We thought you died. What is already all, the end!

No end, "Vladimir Grigorievich whispered. - There is also life. But the other. It is better…

Vladimir Grigorievich recorded the experienced during clinical death in all details. His testimonies are priceless. This is the first scientific study of the afterlife scientist who himself survived death. Vladimir Grigorievich published their observations in the journal "Scientific and Technical Statements of the St. Petersburg State technical University"And then told about them at the Scientific Congress.

His report on the afterlife became a sensation.

It is impossible to come up with it! - said Professor Anatoly Smirnov, Head of the International Club of Scientists.


Vladimir Efremova's reputation in scientific circles is impeccable.

He has a major specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, worked for a long time in the "Impulse" OKB. He participated in the launch of Gagarin, contributed to the development of the newest rocket systems. Four times, his scientific team received a state award.

Before his clinical death, he considered himself an absolute atheist, "says Vladimir Grigorievich. - trusted only the facts. All arguments about the afterlife considered a religious dope. Honestly, I didn't think about death. Affairs in the service was so much as for ten lives do not break. Next, there was no time to be treated - the heart of Shalilo, chronic bronchitis suffocated, other kalors crobed.

On March 12, in the house of the sister, Natalia Grigorievna, I had an attack of cough. I felt that I choke. The lungs did not obey me, tried to do inhale - and could not! The body has become cotton, the heart stopped. From the lungs with wheezing and foam came out the last air. The thought flashed in the brain that this is the last second of my life.

But for some reason, the consciousness did not turn off. Suddenly a feeling of extraordinary ease appeared. I have nothing to do anything - neither the throat, neither the heart or the stomach. So comfortably felt only in childhood. I did not feel my body and did not see him. But I had all my feelings and memories.

I flew somewhere on a giant tube. The feelings of the flight were familiar - this happened before in a dream. Mentally tried to slow down the flight, change his direction. Happened! There was no horror and fear. Only bliss.

I tried to analyze what was happening. The conclusions came instantly. The world in which has come, exists. I think, therefore, I also exist. And my thinking has a property of causality, since it can change the direction and speed of my flight.


Everything was fresh, bright and interesting, "Vladimir Grigorievich continues his story. - My consciousness worked quite differently than before. It covered everything at once at the same time, it did not exist for him, nor distances. I admired the world around. He was as if rolled into the pipe. Sun has not seen, everywhere, not discarding shadows. On the walls of the pipe, some inhomogeneous structures resembling relief are visible. It was impossible to determine where the top, and where the bottom.

I tried to memorize the terrain on which I flown. It looked like some mountains.

The landscape was remembered without any difficulty, the volume of my memory was truly bottomless. I tried to return to the place on which I already flew, mentally introducing it. Everything came out! It looked like teleportation.

There is no death - on the light also boils life. There are numerous messages from the afterlife - the voices of the dead accepted on the radio, computers and even on mobile phones. It is difficult to believe in such a fact. The author of these lines was also, rather, a skeptic - until he witnessed such contact with the afterlife in St. Petersburg.

We wrote about this in the three June rooms of the newspaper "Life" in the present 2009. And there were calls from all over the country, responses on the Internet. Readers argue, doubt, are surprised, thanks - the topic of contacts with the illuminated world hurt everyone for living. Many are asked to give the address of scientists who are engaged in similar experiments. Therefore, we returned to this topic. Here is the address of the Russian Association of Instrumental Transommunication (Raatch) - this social organizationwhich is engaged in research on the phenomenon of electronic votes:

Through this site, you can contact the head of Raatch by a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences by Artem Mikheev and his colleagues. But I want to warn everyone - research is carried out while at the experimental stage. Keep in mind that Raatch is not a firm for the provision of occult services, its members are engaged in science.

And one more important advice. Do not hurry yourself to try to come to contact with a different world using modern technologiesThis is still a lot of scholars. Believe me, the load on the psyche unprepared to such contacts is very large! Maybe you have enough to go to the church, put a candle and pray for the friends of friends and relatives who have gone into another world? Be sure that the soul is immortal. And separation from the people who went into the other world, only time.


The first address contact is that there is a connection with a specific person who went into a different world - became a radio station established by the family of Petersburgers of the Sweaters.

Their son Dmitry crashed in a car accident, but the parents found a way to hear the voice of them again. Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Svitnev and his colleagues from Raatch with the help of specially designed instruments and a computer have established a connection with other world. And the Mitya came to the questions of the Father and Mother! The son buried by them answered from the world: "We are all living in the Lord!"

This amazing bilateral contact lasts more than a year. Parents fix all negotiations in electronic form - more than three thousand response files for their questions. The information that comes from the light is stunning - a lot is contaminated with our traditional ideas about the afterlime world.

At the request of the readers of "Life", I asked Natasha and Vadim Svithinov, Mitya's parents. Here are their answers.

- By what kind of phrases, facts, intonations do you identify the interlocutor from a different world?

Answer: Don't you know your child's voice from billions of others? In any voice, there are intrinsic intonation, shades. Our Mitya has a characteristic, recognizable voice is very soft, penetrating in the heart. When we showed entries with Mitin's voice to his friends, those asked when they were produced, being absolutely confident that it was done before the tragic event interrupted Mitin life. We communicate with a very large number of people on the other side. In conversations, they see us by name. Among the Mitiny friends there is Fedor, Sergey, Stas, Sasha, somehow mentioned Andrei. And the very Mitu Friends on the other side are sometimes called on his "nickname" on the Internet, which he has chosen himself for a long time - MNTR, mirror making name of Mitya. Greetings on the contact Vadim and his colleagues. For example, one of Vadim's leaders who switched to the "one" came to contact with congratulations: "Wadyush, I congratulate you on the fleet day!" And on the question: "Who am I talking to?" Following the answer: "Yes, I am". Moreover, in addition to this person, no one Vadim has never called Vadyush. And sometimes they treat Natasha in the girl's last name Titlyanov, calling her in the joke of Titleshkina, Titland.

- How does a person feel in a different world feeling - in the first seconds, days, weeks, months?

Answer: As we are told on contacts, there is no interrupt from that side. The abyss exists only on our part. The transition is absolutely painless.

- What does it look like from there what is happening on earth?

Answer: Of the other world, this question is responsible for this: "Your life is a huge anthill. You constantly do yourself hurt. On the ground you are in a dream. "

- Is it possible to predict some events from a different world?

Answer: Events deleted in time from the present moment, from the other world are less clear than nearby. There were many predictive or proactive event events, for example, a warning about the gangster attack on a neighbor boy for three months before the incident.

- What are the needs of humans persist in a different world? For example, physiological - breathe, eat, drink, sleep?

Answer: What about needs, everything is very simple: "I am completely alive. Mitya former. " "We have a busy time, we almost didn't sleep for three months."

Somehow Mitya said at the communication session: "And now, mom, listen carefully," and I heard his sigh. He breathed diligently loudly so that I could hear his breath. These were real, ordinary sighs of a living person. They tell us that they have no time to eat - a lot of work.


- How much do related contacts persist?

Answer: Mitya often tells me about my mom - his grandmother, that she is there, and my mother, like Dad, was also present on contacts several times. Moreover, when I started very wandering on my mom, Mitya invited her, and since she was Ukrainian by origin, he spoke to me in a pure Ukrainian language. Vadim also communicated with his mother. Of course, related ties are preserved.

- How do you live and where do you live - is there cities, sat down?

Answer: Mitya told us that he lives in the village and even explained how to find him. And on one of our best contacts, his address was called when he was called in touch: "Forestry, North House".

- Date of the care of each of us predefined or not?

Answer: About the date of departure during our contacts there are no speech. We are always reminded that we are immortal: "Eternal you are in our eyes."

- Were there any tips from the world in domestic things?

Answer: Somehow Vadim on contact was told that he had 36 rubles in his pocket. Vadim checked and wondered with surprise - exactly 36 rubles.

Egor, our youngest son, was engaged in repairing a bicycle and could not determine a malfunction, and Vadim at that time spent a communication session. Suddenly, Vadim turns to Him and says: "Mitya said that the axis is damaged." The diagnosis was confirmed.

- Are there animals in the afterlime world?

Answer: There was such a case: the guys from the other side brought a dog to a communications session. We heard and recorded her Lai.

Ecology of life. People: Leading Designer "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov died suddenly. I went in the cough, sank down on the sofa and quiet. Relatives at first did not understand what terrible happened

The lead designer of the IPB "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov died suddenly. I went in the cough, sank down on the sofa and quiet. The relatives initially did not understand what was terrible.Thought that I sat down to relax. Natalia was the first to come out of a stupor. Brother's brother by shoulder:

Volodya, what's wrong with you?

Efremov fell caught on his side. Natalia tried to grope pulses. Heart did not fight! She began to do artificial respiration, but brother did not breathe.

Natalia, Medic himself, knew that the chances of salvation decrease with every minute. Tried to "start" the heart, massaging the chest. The eighth minute ended when her palms felt a weak rush push. Heart turned on. Vladimir Grigorievich was silent himself.

Alive! - hugged his sister. - We thought you died. What is already all, the end!

No end, "Vladimir Grigorievich whispered. - There is also life. But the other. It is better...

Vladimir Grigorievich recorded the experienced during clinical death in all details. His testimonies are priceless. This is the first scientific study of the afterlife scientist who himself survived death. Vladimir Grigorievich published his observations in the journal "Scientific and Technical Statements of the St. Petersburg State Technical University", and then spoke about them at the Scientific Congress.

His report on the afterlife became a sensation.

It is impossible to come up with it! - said Professor Anatoly Smirnov, Head of the International Club of Scientists.


Vladimir Efremova's reputation in scientific circles is impeccable.

He has a major specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, worked for a long time in the "Impulse" OKB. He participated in the launch of Gagarin, contributed to the development of the newest rocket systems. Four times, his scientific team received a state award.

Before his clinical death, he considered himself an absolute atheist, "says Vladimir Grigorievich. - trusted only the facts. All arguments about the afterlife considered a religious dope. Honestly, I didn't think about death. Affairs in the service was so much as for ten lives do not break. Next, there was no time to be treated - the heart of Shalilo, chronic bronchitis suffocated, other kalors crobed.

On March 12, in the house of the sister, Natalia Grigorievna, I had an attack of cough. I felt that I choke. The lungs did not obey me, tried to do inhale - and could not! The body has become cotton, the heart stopped. From the lungs with wheezing and foam came out the last air. The thought flashed in the brain that this is the last second of my life.

But for some reason, the consciousness did not turn off. Suddenly a feeling of extraordinary ease appeared. I have nothing to do anything - neither the throat, neither the heart or the stomach. So comfortably felt only in childhood. I did not feel my body and did not see him. But I had all my feelings and memories. I flew somewhere on a giant tube. The feelings of the flight were familiar - this happened before in a dream. Mentally tried to slow down the flight, change his direction. Happened! There was no horror and fear. Only bliss. I tried to analyze what was happening. The conclusions came instantly. The world in which has come, exists. I think, therefore, I also exist. And my thinking has a property of causality, since it can change the direction and speed of my flight.


Everything was fresh, bright and interesting, "Vladimir Grigorievich continues his story. - My consciousness worked quite differently than before. It covered everything at once at the same time, it did not exist for him, nor distances. I admired the world around. He was as if rolled into the pipe. Sun has not seen, everywhere, not discarding shadows. On the walls of the pipe, some inhomogeneous structures resembling relief are visible. It was impossible to determine where the top, and where the bottom.

I tried to memorize the terrain on which I flown. It looked like some mountains.

The landscape was remembered without any difficulty, the volume of my memory was truly bottomless. I tried to return to the place on which I already flew, mentally introducing it. Everything came out! It looked like teleportation.


Crazy thought came, - continues his narration of Efremov. - to what extent you can influence the world? And if it is impossible to return to your last life? Mentally introduced an old broken TV from his apartment. And I saw him at once from all sides. I knew everything from somewhere. How and where it was designed. He knew where the ore was mined, from which metals were paid, which were used in the design. He knew what a steelmaster did it. He knew that he was married that he had problems with the mother-in-law. I saw everything connected with this TV globally, realizing every trifle. And I knew exactly what the item is faulty. Then, when I was reanimated, I changed that transistor T-350 and the TV earned ...

There was a feeling of all the thought. Our KB has begun on the solution of the most complex task associated with the covered missiles. And I suddenly presenting this design, I saw the problem in all versions. And the solution algorithm arose by itself.

Then I recorded it and introduced ...


Awareness that he is not alone on that light, it came to Efremov gradually.

My information interaction with the surrounding situation was gradually lost one-way character, "says Vladimir Grigorievich. - A response appeared on the formulated question in my mind. At first, such answers were perceived as a natural result of reflection. But the information coming to me began to go beyond those knowledge that had in life. Knowledge obtained in this pipe has repeatedly exceeded my former luggage!

I realized that some kind of omnipresent, having no boundaries. And it has unlimited possibilities, impoverished and full of love. This invisible, but tangible to all my creature the subject did everything so as not to scare me. I realized that it he showed me phenomena and problems in all cause-effect. I have not seen him, but I felt sharply acute. And knew that this is God ...

Suddenly I noticed that something bothers me. I was dragged out, like carrot from the bed. I did not want to go back, everything was fine. Everything was knocked out, and I saw my sister. She was afraid, and I shone from delight ...


Efremov in their own scientific papers Described the afterlife with mathematical and physical terms. In this article we decided to try to do without complex concepts and formulas.

Vladimir Grigorievich, what can I compare the world in which you got after death?

Any comparison will be incorrect. Processes There are not linearly processed, as we, they are not stretched over time. They go at the same time and in all directions. Objects "On Tom Light" are presented in the form of information blocks, the content of which determines their location and properties. Everything and everything is with each other in causal relationship. Objects and properties are concluded in a single global information structure, in which everything goes according to a given leading subject - that is, God - the laws. It is subject to the appearance, changing or deleting any objects, properties, processes, including time stroke.

How free is there in your actions a man, his consciousness, soul?

A person, as a source of information, can also influence objects in the field affordable. According to my will, the relief of the "pipes" changed, earth objects arose.

Looks like films "Solaris" and "Matrix" ...

And on a gigantic computer game. But both of the world, our and ground, are real. They constantly interact with each other, albeit one from the other, and form together with the manager of the subject - God is a global intellectual system.

Our world is simpler for understanding, it has a hard frame of constants, providing the inviolability of the laws of nature, the binding event starts time.

In the afterlime world, there is no constant, or there are much less than in our, and they can change. The basis for the construction of the world is information formations containing the entire set of well-known and still unknown properties of material objects with the complete absence of the objects themselves. So, it happens on Earth under conditions of modeling on a computer. I understood - a person sees there what he wants to see. Therefore, the descriptions of the afterlime world by people who experienced death differ from each other. The righteous sees Paradise, sinner - hell ...

For me, death was nothing transmitted by joy, not comparable to anything on earth. Even love for a woman compared to the experienced there - nothing ....


Holy Scripture Vladimir Grigorievich read already after his resurrection. And he found confirmation to his posthumous experience and his thoughts about the informational essence of the world.

In the Gospel of John it is said that "in the beginning there was a word," the Bible of Efremov quotes. - And the Word was God, and the word was God. It was at the beginning of God. All through it began to be, and without it nothing began to be that began to be. " Is this not a hint that in Scripture under the "word" mean some global information essence, which includes a comprehensive content of everything?

Efremov applied his posthumous experience in practice. The key to many difficult tasks that you have to solve in the earthly life, he brought from there.

Thinking of all people has a property of causality, "says Vladimir Grigorievich. - But few people guess about it. In order not to hurt yourself and others, you need to follow religious standards of life. Holy Books are dictated by the Creator, this is the safety technique of humanity ...

Vladimir Efremov: "Death for me is not afraid now. I know that this is the door to another world. " Published

"It is quite possible that the worlds of the perception of our feelings are hidden, about which we do not suspect ...", - the attitude to the faith of Albert Einstein has changed throughout his life and still causes a lot of disputes.

Lead Designer OKB "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov He died suddenly. I went in the cough, sank down on the sofa and quiet. The relatives initially did not understand what was terrible.

Thought that I sat down to relax. Natalia was the first to come out of a stupor. Brother's brother by shoulder:

Volodya, what's wrong with you?

Efremov fell caught on his side. Natalia tried to grope pulses. Heart did not fight! She began to do artificial respiration, but brother did not breathe.

Natalia, Medic himself, knew that the chances of salvation decrease with every minute. Tried to "start" the heart, massaging the chest. The eighth minute ended when her palms felt a weak rush push. Heart turned on. Vladimir Grigorievich was silent himself.

Alive! - hugged his sister. - We thought you died. What is already all, the end!

No end, "Vladimir Grigorievich whispered. - There is also life. But the other. It is better…

Vladimir Grigorievich recorded the experienced during clinical death in all details. His testimonies are priceless. This is the first scientific study of the afterlife scientist who himself survived death. Vladimir Grigorievich published his observations in the journal "Scientific and Technical Statements of the St. Petersburg State Technical University", and then spoke about them at the Scientific Congress.

His report on the afterlife became a sensation.

It is impossible to come up with it! - said Professor Anatoly Smirnov, Head of the International Club of Scientists.


Vladimir Efremova's reputation in scientific circles is impeccable.

He has a major specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, worked for a long time in the "Impulse" OKB. He participated in the launch of Gagarin, contributed to the development of the newest rocket systems. Four times, his scientific team received a state award.

Before his clinical death, he considered himself an absolute atheist, "says Vladimir Grigorievich. - trusted only the facts. All arguments about the afterlife considered a religious dope. Honestly, I didn't think about death. Affairs in the service was so much as for ten lives do not break. Next, there was no time to be treated - the heart of Shalilo, chronic bronchitis suffocated, other kalors crobed.

On March 12, in the house of the sister, Natalia Grigorievna, I had an attack of cough. I felt that I choke. The lungs did not obey me, tried to do inhale - and could not! The body has become cotton, the heart stopped. From the lungs with wheezing and foam came out the last air. The thought flashed in the brain that this is the last second of my life.

But for some reason, the consciousness did not turn off. Suddenly a feeling of extraordinary ease appeared. I have nothing to do anything - neither the throat, neither the heart or the stomach. So comfortably felt only in childhood. I did not feel my body and did not see him. But I had all my feelings and memories. I flew somewhere on a giant tube. The feelings of the flight were familiar - this happened before in a dream. Mentally tried to slow down the flight, change his direction. Happened! There was no horror and fear. Only bliss. I tried to analyze what was happening. The conclusions came instantly. The world in which has come, exists. I think, therefore, I also exist. And my thinking has a property of causality, since it can change the direction and speed of my flight.


Everything was fresh, bright and interesting, "Vladimir Grigorievich continues his story. - My consciousness worked quite differently than before. It covered everything at once at the same time, it did not exist for him, nor distances. I admired the world around. He was as if rolled into the pipe. Sun has not seen, everywhere, not discarding shadows. On the walls of the pipe, some inhomogeneous structures resembling relief are visible. It was impossible to determine where the top, and where the bottom.

I tried to memorize the terrain on which I flown. It looked like some mountains.

The landscape was remembered without any difficulty, the volume of my memory was truly bottomless. I tried to return to the place on which I already flew, mentally introducing it. Everything came out! It looked like teleportation.


Crazy thought came, - continues his narration of Efremov. - To what extent can it be influenced by the world? And is it impossible to return to your last life? Mentally introduced an old broken TV from his apartment. And I saw him at once from all sides. I knew everything from somewhere. How and where it was designed. He knew where the ore was mined, from which metals were paid, which were used in the design. He knew what a steelmaster did it. He knew that he was married that he had problems with the mother-in-law. I saw everything connected with this TV globally, realizing every trifle. And I knew exactly what the item is faulty. Then, when I was reanimated, I changed that transistor T-350 and the TV earned ...

There was a feeling of all the thought. Our KB has begun on the solution of the most complex task associated with the covered missiles. And I suddenly presenting this design, I saw the problem in all versions. And the solution algorithm arose by itself.

Then I recorded it and introduced ...


Awareness that he is not alone on that light, it came to Efremov gradually.

My information interaction with the surrounding situation was gradually lost one-way character, "says Vladimir Grigorievich. - A response appeared on the formulated question in my mind. At first, such answers were perceived as a natural result of reflection. But the information coming to me began to go beyond those knowledge that had in life. Knowledge obtained in this pipe has repeatedly exceeded my former luggage!

I realized that some kind of omnipresent, having no boundaries. And it has unlimited possibilities, impoverished and full of love. This invisible, but tangible to all my creature the subject did everything so as not to scare me. I realized that it he showed me phenomena and problems in all cause-effect. I have not seen him, but I felt sharply acute. And knew that this is God ...

Suddenly I noticed that something bothers me. I was dragged out, like carrot from the bed. I did not want to go back, everything was fine. Everything was knocked out, and I saw my sister. She was afraid, and I shone from delight ...


Efremov in their scientific papers described the illuminated world with the help of mathematical and physical terms. In this article we decided to try to do without complex concepts and formulas.

Vladimir Grigorievich, what can I compare the world in which you got after death?

Any comparison will be incorrect. Processes There are not linearly processed, as we, they are not stretched over time. They go at the same time and in all directions. Objects "On Tom Light" are presented in the form of information blocks, the content of which determines their location and properties. Everything and everything is with each other in causal relationship. Objects and properties are concluded in a single global information structure, in which everything goes according to a given leading subject - that is, God - the laws. It is subject to the appearance, changing or deleting any objects, properties, processes, including time stroke.

How free is there in your actions a man, his consciousness, soul?

A person, as a source of information, can also influence objects in the field affordable. According to my will, the relief of the "pipes" changed, earth objects arose.

Looks like films "Solaris" and "Matrix" ...

And on a gigantic computer game. But both of the world, our and ground, are real. They constantly interact with each other, although they are separate one from the other, and form together with the manager of the subject -Bog - the global intellectual system.

Our world is simpler for understanding, it has a hard frame of constants, providing the inviolability of the laws of nature, the binding event starts time.

In the afterlime world, there is no constant, or there are much less than in our, and they can change. The basis for the construction of the world is information formations containing the entire set of well-known and still unknown properties of material objects with the complete absence of the objects themselves. So, it happens on Earth under conditions of modeling on a computer. I understood - a person sees there what he wants to see. Therefore, the descriptions of the afterlime world by people who experienced death differ from each other. The righteous sees Paradise, sinner - hell ...

For me, death was nothing transmitted by joy, not comparable to anything on earth. Even the love of a woman compared to the experienced there is nothing ...


Holy Scripture Vladimir Grigorievich read already after his resurrection. And he found confirmation to his posthumous experience and his thoughts about the informational essence of the world.

In the Gospel of John it is said that "in the beginning there was a word," the Bible of Efremov quotes. - And the Word was God, and the word was God. It was at the beginning of God. All through it began to be, and without it nothing began to be that began to be. " Is this not a hint that in Scripture under the "word" mean some global information essence, which includes a comprehensive content of everything?

A group of Russian scientists came to such a sensational conclusion after the thirty-year work in the field of gerontology (aging science). Our correspondent Andrei Arkhipov took an interview with the head of this scientific group "School of Winners" Andrei Ivanovich Rogov.

The information we received turned out to be so sensational that we found our duty to publish it. While she did not classify.

Question: Andrei Ivanovich! How really it is now to make a person immortal in the physical body?

Answer: You can not only make a person to the immortal, but also to return the old men youth, since immortality without youth would not make sense.

Question: Why don't you suggest everyone?

Answer: For this, we need small material resources, to complete work on special equipment - coherent frequency emissions. We have repeatedly treated this proposal, to the so-called, "new Russian" about the financing of the project, but it turned out that they not only do not want to live on forever young, but also ask us a counter question - "Why do you need it? Here is a paradox. Therefore, before offering our technology abroad, we found our civilian debt to have time to publish this information in Russia, in the hope of finding interested parties in the realization of these achievements in our homeland.

Question: What is the secret of your developments and technologies?

Answer: There is nothing mystical in our technology, but only clean science, however, the Third Millennium. Our scientific group discovered the method of rapid activation of the gone of internal secretion, or endocrine glasses from any person. About the very scientific approach To solve the problem of immortality in the physical body, with the help of the activation of the churches of the endocrine system, humanity has known for a long time, but it could not be practically implemented. We succeeded.

Endocrine glands are located in different parts The human body, but what is especially impressive - their location coincides with the eastern chakras, which are the energy centers of the body. Such a person, with activated glands, begins not only to feel the energy of each gland, but even that it is noteworthy, to feel its special impact on the central nervous system. This allows a person not only to feel and feel the impact, but also to regulate the selection of enzymes into the blood of the enzymes, for example, epiphydes of serotonin, humotonin and other enzymes and hormones, which establishes a hormonal equilibrium in the body.

A person with all the activated glands "chakras" and synchronizing their work, which launches the power of the spine (Kundalini), acquires the ability to live forever in the physical body. The real science of this method was always classified from "simple" mortals, mystified and called various religious teachings, confusing the situation and the dimming truth. Death mows and beggars and kings. Our scientific group, for the first time, in the history of mankind managed to close to the practical solution of this task. And make a method affordable for all mankind. Our ancestors have repeatedly tried to solve the task of activating the human endocrine glands for the acquisition of unlimited longevity and called these practices "Egyptian Mysteries", "Vedic rites" Taoist alchemy, Yoga, Kabbalah, etc. These practices were carried out only in secret organizations - orders, Lodge - For dedicated, from where they occurred, according to religious scientists, all existing on the planet, religious and mystical exercises.

Question: How is the activation of the stalls of the endocrine system for obtaining a harmonious person on your methodology?

Answer: Activation is possible in two methods - mental and technical.

The first method implies the initiation of the ENDOCRINE system of the human gland, with the help of the impact - the radiation of the human brain (consciousness) "relic frequencies", which are created with the help of archetypes our entire material world, starting with the creation of our universe. In Christianity, this method is associated with the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord - Christ on Mount Fovor and a nimber over the bare saints.

The second method with the help of special devices - emitters of coherent frequencies corresponding to the frequency-holographic spectrum of the tarot system (collective unconscious), in the amount of eighty-one archetype, which corresponds to eighty one face of the crystal of human consciousness, according to Indian and Buddhist philosophy.

Question: Are there other methods of activation of the glands?

Unfortunately no. Our method of activation of glands on modern stage It is the only reliable scientific tool for studying the work of a person's consciousness and its interaction with the material world, that is, the mathematical model of identifying the human material world consciousness through the sensual apparatus, expressed in sensations. Scientific search The law of this interaction is described in religious and mystical literature as the search for "Clash Grail" or "Philosophical Stone". It is important to note that the interaction of activated glands is visualized through the visual nerve of the person on the inner retina of the eye, it is in the above-mentioned images, which indicates that our ancestors partially owned this technology, but then for some reason she was forgotten or someone destroyed. Nowadays it is not possible to reproduce it in the most modern research centers. We can make a breakthrough in these studies, which will allow humanity to reach a completely new level of spiritual and technical development, defeating the disease, old age, creating new cheapest sources of energy, communication and much more from the field of the most bold ideas.

Question: What practically limits the life of a person?

Answer: W. ordinary person Cells share no more than sixty times, from which, unfortunately, death is inevitable. Thanks to our method of synchronizing the operation of the fork gland with epiphysis and regulation of the release of meltonin in the blood, the cells begin to share an unlimited number of times that practically solves the task of unlimited extension of life.

Question: What other abilities are the people who have passed the activation of the gloomy of internal secretion?

Answer: People with activated glands acquire completely new qualities and opportunities compared to ordinary people. Their reserve capacity of the body increases many times, which gives them over endurance and over the abilities: repeatedly increases the reaction rate, which significantly speeds up any learning process, develops visual - photographic and textual - language memory. These people begin to see and feel the infra of red, ultraviolet and other radiation, their vestibular apparatus begins to withstand any loads, without requiring a long workout. Such people claim that they feel and see their subtle "spiritual" or spiritual body and may come out of physical, seeing themselves from the side and read information at a distance. They see internal organs, their own and other people, and can also affect them with their hands or thought.

Question: Does your technology affect creative skills man?

Answer: People with activated glands begin to see and feel inland vision in their imagination any technical object or device also clearly as in real lifeBy spending with him any experiment or study in dynamics, like the physics of Nikola Tesla, who described this ability and argued that this method did all its inventions and discoveries that classified, considering premature. We could carry out this ability and make the property modern science And ready to teach any person due to the activation of the pituitary gland and epiphyse, which synchronizes the work of the left and right hemisphere of the brain and displays a signal to the visual nerve.

Question: Does the method of human worldview change?

Answer: Our method of activation of the glands not only sheds the light to the work of a person's consciousness, to the inexplicable science of the phenomenon in nature (such as ghosts, unidentified flying objects, etc.), but can also lead to the revision of many scientific concepts, laws and ideas in natural science.

Question: Is it possible to activate the glands of chemical, pharmaceutical or electromagnetic method?

Answer: Unfortunately, these methods are impossible to the activation of the glands, although it is precisely all the research centers in the world go to the world, to get a well-zero result at the output. The correct method was trying to use the alchemists of the past, considering the activation of the glands of the internal secretion of a person as a laboratory for distillation of substances, to obtain the "elixir of immortality", "philosophical stone". Where each gland corresponded to a certain metal or substance. Each feeling and feeling of man also was equated with alchemists to a certain metal or substance and encrypted in the form of certain alchemical symbols, which corresponded to a certain stage of alchemical "doing", i.e. Transmutations of the sensual and physical body of a person - the transformation of the death physical body of a person in the immortal. But, unfortunately, alchemists, having, it would seem, the right approach to solving the task of extending life and eternal youth was mired in mysticism and neglected purely scientific knowledge. In this regard, they did not receive the expected result. We, unlike them, we are in service with the full potential of modern science.

Question: Do you know specialists working on similar to your technique?

Answer: Unfortunately, there are no such specialists in Russia. Abroad, these studies are conducted in closed laboratories and research centers, and there are no publications based on the results of these works in open printing, but if a positive result was obtained, such as our, I have no doubt, it would be difficult to keep secret. Such discoveries can only make decent people. And they would have done all of them dependent, so that their discoveries became public to the public.

Question: Which of the scientists, in your opinion, in the history of mankind closer than all came to solving the problem of immortality in the physical body?

Answer: British scientists approached the decision to the decision: Samuel Liddem Mazers and W. Girls are the creators of the Golden Zarya's hermetic order in London. Under the leadership of Mantice, the Order reached his heyday in the 90s years XIX. century. An important place was allocated to research the ability of a person to see the "collective unconscious" mankind through the archetype tarot. Thus, they activated the glands of the endocrine system, including the sishkovoid gland, the so-called third eye - epiphysis. Mathers and Yields experimented with media patterns and symbols, which sometimes "broadcast" to third parties (initiation). Conscious of what huge power They possess the archetype tarot, they were convinced that with their help you can influence the consciousness of other people so that no one notices. In 1888, MANERS published a book with a remarkable name: "The Tarot: Its Occult Signification, Use in Fortune - Telling and Method of Play."

Also close in their works came to solutions of this task and outstanding physicist, laureate Nobel Prize Wolfgang Pauli. This physicist is the author of the first fundamental work on the theory of relativity.

Question: It is already clear to me that people with an activated endocrine system acquire super supports. But do these people imagine the danger for modern society?

Answer: acquiring superposts, people go to another - higher - the level of consciousness, inaccessible "simple mortal". In their psychology and character features, such qualities as nobility, decency, love of neighbor are wakewicked, exactly the fact that sometimes it is completely lost in modern society. Therefore, these people not only have no danger to society, but also can help civilization, mired in cruelty and immorality, to get out of the moral and ethical and economic crisis. Create favorable conditions for raising children.