Pupsiki about what was before ... or children's stories about the past life. Memories of children about past lives

Find proof of reincarnation is surprisingly easy: there are thousands of documented and well-studied cases around the world collected by scientists during the last century, which prove the reality of past lives and reincarnation.

There are evidence that at least some, and perhaps, all people already existed in another body and lived another life.

When the abnormal "memories" of events appear, i.e. Those who were not in real life experiencing them, as a rule, believe that these memories proceed from their own previous lives.

Nevertheless, memories flashing in consciousness may not be memories of past life. Instead, they appear to be "cases classified as reincarnation." The latter are widespread.

Stories involving the possibility of reincarnation, an unlimited number, both in geographical and in cultural attitude: they can be found in all corners of the planet and among people of all cultures.

Of course, the memories of past lives are greater than from the present, because past lives were a great set.

For reincarnation, which was actually carried out, the consciousness of someone else's personality should enter the body of a particular entity. IN esoteric literature This is known as the relocation of the Spirit or Soul.

Usually, such a process occurs in the womb, perhaps already at the time of conception or shortly thereafter, when the rhythmic impulses begin with something further develops in the heart of the embryo.

The spirit or soul of a person does not necessarily migrate to another person. Buddhist teachings, for example, tell us that the soul or spirit does not always be embodied on earthly and in human appearance. See also: Our Alien Children: How to establish a process of communicating with children.

It may not reincarnate in general, developing in the spiritual sphere, from where it either does not return or returns only to perform the task that should be performed in its previous embodiment.

But what interests us here is the likelihood that reincarnation can really happen. Can a consciousness that was the consciousness of a living person will be reborn in the mind of another?

In his book "Strength inside", the British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon wrote that evidence on this score is too much to ignore them: "For many years, the theory of reincarnation was for me a nightmare, and I did everything possible to disprove it, And even argued with my customers after the trance that they say nonsense.

But the years went, and one client after another told me the same story, despite their various and changeable conscious beliefs. More than a thousand cases were investigated until I agreed to admit that reincarnation exists. "

Options and variables in cases classified as reincarnation

Perhaps the main variable is the age of a person who has reincarnation memories. This is mainly children aged two to six.

After eight years, as a rule, experiences will fade and, with rare exceptions, disappear completely in adolescence.

The way a reincarnated person died is another variable. Those who survived violent death seem to be more quickly reincarnated than those who died naturally.

The history of reincarnation, as a rule, is clear and distinct in children, whereas in adults, they are manifested mainly fuzzy, are the nature of unclear premonitions and impressions.

The most common among them are dejas: the recognition of the places faced for the first time, as familiar. Or the feeling of the balance of a horse is a meeting of a person for the first time with the feeling that you are familiar with him or with her before, also happens, but less often.

Are the stories about reincarnation reliable information? Certificates and proofs of places, people and events were tested with reference to eyewitness testimony and the birth certificate and place of residence.

Stories are often confirmed by witnesses, as well as documents. Often even the smallest details correspond to real events, faces and places. Bright stories Reincarnation is accompanied by an appropriate model of behavior.

The stability of these models suggests that a reincarnated personality is manifested even when this person was from another generation or other sex.

In a small child, the values \u200b\u200band behavior of the elderly person of the opposite sex can appear from the past life.

Innovative studies of the latest reincarnation stories are the work of Yana Stevenson, the Canadian-American Psychiatrist, who led the department of perceptual research at the Virgin University Medical School.

For more than four decades, Stevenson explored the experience of the reincarnation of thousands of children, both in the West and East.

Some memories of past lives presented by the children were checked, the events described by children were found in a person who lived earlier and the death of which coincided in detail with the one that the child said.

Sometimes the child had harm spots related to the death of a person with whom he or she were identified may be some noted or changing the color of the skin on the body part of the body, which includes a rock bullet, or a malformation on hand or on a foot, which Lost the deceased.

In an innovative article published in 1958, "the evidence of the viability of the stated memories of previous embodiments," Stevenson analyzed the evidence of the stories of the reincarnation of children, presenting stories about seven cases.

These cases of memories of past lives could be identified with the events that children told, and often printed in little-known local journals and articles.

Proof of reincarnation: first-hand history

History of Reincarnation 1: The case of Ma Tin Ong Mio

Stevenson informs about the case with the Burmese girl named Ma Ting Ong Mio. She argued that it was the reincarnation of the Japanese soldier who died during World War II.

In this case, vividly expressed enormous cultural differences between the person who reported this experience, and the person, whose experience she reports.

In 1942, Burma was under Japanese occupation. Allies (antihytler coalition, or the Allies of the Second World War - the association of states and peoples fighting in World War II 1939-1945 against the Nazi Block countries) regularly bombed Japanese lines of supply, in particular, railways.

The village on-Tool was not an exception, being close to an important railway station near Poang. Regular attacks are a very hard life for residents who have tried to survive in every way. Indeed, survival meant to get along with Japanese invaders.

For Aii Tin (residents of the village, which later became Ma Ting Ong Mio), this meant to discuss the relative advantages of the Burmese and Japanese cuisine with a centerast, regularly enveloping with a naked torso, a chef of the Japanese army, which was stationed in the village.

The war ended, and life returned to some kind of normality. In early 1953, before it was pregnant with his fourth child.

The pregnancy was normal, in one exception: she dreamed of the same dream in which the Japanese cook, with whom the connection was long lost, pursued it and reported that he was going to come and stay with her family.

December 26, 1953 to her daughter gave birth and called Her Ma Tin ong Mio. It was a wonderful child with one small feature: she had a birth spot with a large finger in the paha area.

As the child grows, it was noted that she had a great fear of aircraft. Every time the plane flew over her head, she began to worry and cry.

Her father, at Aii Mong, was intrigued by this, as the war ended many years ago, and the planes were now simply transporting machines, not combat weapons. Therefore, it was strange that Ma was afraid that the plane was dangerous and will shoot it.

The child was becoming more and more sullen, stating that he wants to "return home". Later, the "house" became more specific: she wanted to return to Japan.

When she was asked why suddenly she wants it, she stated that she recalls that she was a Japanese soldier, and their division was based on on-Tool. She remembered that she was killed by machine-gun fire from the plane, and that is why she was so afraid of aircraft.

Ma Ting Ong Mio became older and recalled more and more about his past life and the previous person.

She told Yana Stevenson that her previous person would come from Northern Japan, the family had five children, the elder - a boy who was in the army to the cook. Gradually, the memories of past lives became more accurate.

She remembered that she (more precisely, as a Japanese soldier) was located near the heaps folded next to the acacia of firewood. She described herself dressed in shorts and shirtless. The allies plane noticed him and fired around the area around.

He ran into the shelter, but at that moment he was wounded a bullet in the inguinal region and died instantly. She described the plane as having two tails.

It was later established that the Allies used the Laymoting Laymiding Plane in Burma, who had exactly such a design, and this is an important proof of reincarnation, because the little girl Ma Tin Ong Mio could not know anything about such a design of aircraft.

In adolescence, Ma Ting Ong Mio showed distinct men's features. She string short hair and refused to wear women's clothing.

Between 1972 and 1975, Ma Tin ong Mio was surveyed three times about her reincarnation memories Dr. Jan Stevenson. She explained that this Japanese soldier wanted to marry and had a permanent girlfriend.

He did not like the root climate of Burma, nor spicy food of this country. He preferred strongly sweetened dishes with curry. When Ma Tin Ong Mio was younger, she loved to eat half a fish, and this preference had passed only after one day the bone was stuck in her throat.

History of Reincarnation 2: Tragedy on rice fields

Stevenson describes the case of reincarnation of a Sri Lankan girl. She remembered the last life in which she drowned on a flooded rice field. She told that the bus drove past her and sprayed water before she died.

Subsequent studies in search of evidence of this reincarnation found that the girl in the next village drowned after she had gone with a narrow road to avoid a moving bus.

The road was over the flooded rice fields. Slipping, she had no equilibrium, fell into deep water and drowned.

The girl who recalls this event, from the very early age had an irrational fear of buses; She also began his hysteria if she turned out to be near deep water. She loved bread and sweet dishes to taste.

It was unusual, because in her family such food was not accepted. On the other hand, such preferences were characterized for the previous person.

Reincarnation History 3: The case of Svania Misra

Another typical case was investigated by Stevenson with a Svanilant Misra, which was born in a small village in Madhya Pradesh in 1948.

When she was three years old, she began spontaneous memories of the past life, as a girl named Biya Pathhak, who lived in another village at a distance of more than a hundred miles.

She said that there were four rooms in the house in the house, and it was painted in white. She tried to sing songs that she claimed she knew earlier, along with complex dances that were not known in the middle of her family and friends.

Six years later, she learned some people who were her friends in the past life. This was supported by his father who began to record what she told, and was looking for evidence of her past incarnation.

This story aroused interest outside the village. One researcher who visited the city discovered that a woman who corresponds to the description given by Svanilate, died nine years ago.

Studies subsequently confirmed that the young girl named Beiya lived in such a house in this city. Father Svania decided to take his daughter to the city to submit it to members of the Biy family and check whether it was really this reincarnated personality.

Especially for checking the family, people who were not connected with this child were presented. Svetalama immediately determined these people as unfamiliar.

Indeed, some of the details described in her last life were so accurate that everyone was amazed.

Case of Reincarnation 4: Patrick Kristensen and his brother

Another case is inviting substantial evidence of reincarnation - this is the case of Patrick Kristensen, who was born by Cesarean section in Michigan in March 1991.

His older brother, Kevin, died of cancer twelve years ago at the age of two years. The first signs of cancer from Kevin began to appear six months before his death, when he began to walk with a noticeable chromota.

Once he fell and broke his leg. After the examination and biopsy of a small nodule on the head, right above its right ear, it was found that a small Kevin cancer with metastases.

Soon growing tumors were found in other places on his body. One of them was a tumor of eyes, and, ultimately, she led to blindness to this eye.

Kevin was made chemotherapy, which was introduced through a vein on right side His neck. In the end, he died from his illness three weeks after his second birthday.

Patrick was born with an oblique gothic spot, reminiscent of a small incision on the neck on the right, in the same place where there was puncture of veins for chemotherapy in Kevin, which indicates a stunning testimony of reincarnation.

He also had a nodule on the head just above the right ear and clouding the left eye, which was diagnosed as Belmo cornea. When he began to walk, it was noticeably chrome, again, another additional proof of reincarnation.

When he was almost four and a half years, he said his mother, that he would like to return to their old orange brown house. It was an exact coloring of the house in which the family lived in 1979, when Kevin was alive.

Then he asked if she would remember that he had an operation. She replied that she did not remember, because this never happened to him. Then Patrick pointed to the place just above the right ear.

Reincarnation History 5: Memories of the ancestors Sam Taylor

Another case offers important proof of reincarnation with the participation of the eighteen-month-old boy named Sam Taylor.

Once, when his father changed his diaper, the child looked at him and said: "When I was in your age, I also changed you diaper." Later Sam spoke in detail about the life of his grandfather, who were absolutely accurate.

He said that his grandfather's sister was killed and that his grandmother did dairy cocktails for grandfather with a kitchen combine. Sam's parents were adamant that none of these issues were discussed in his presence.

When Sam was four years old, he was shown a group of old family photos laid out on the table. Sam happily defined his grandfather, declaring each time: "This is me!".

In an attempt to test his mother chose an old school photo, at which his grandfather was a little boy, and there were still sixteen other boys.

Sam immediately pointed to one of them, once again declaring that it was he. He accurately pointed out his grandfather's photo.

That these evidence tell us

Cases identified as reincarnation can be bright and convincing to some extent, as they appear to testify and prove that the previously living person is reincarnated in a new body.

This faith is supported by the observation that the moles on the body of the subject correspond to the bodily characteristics of that person, whose embodiment they are. This is especially striking in the case when the identities of past lives suffered from injuries.

The corresponding signs or deformations sometimes appear again in a new body, as if suggesting evidence that reincarnation really exists.

Many observers of this phenomenon, including Stevenson himself, adhere to the opinions that the relevant moles are important evidence in favor of reincarnation.

However, the coincidence of the moles and other bodily functions in a child with the fate of the previously existing personality is not necessarily a guarantee that the person is reincarnated in this child.

It may well be that the brain and the body of a child with these moles and bodily characteristics are specially adapted to recall the personality experience with similar godded spots and deformations.

This passage of reincarnation is taken from the book "Immortal Mind: Science and Continuity of Consciousness Outside Brain" Erwin Lasshlo and Anthony Peak with the permission of the publisher.


  1. Believe or not?
  2. 1824
  3. Amazing very night!
  4. Ask relatives!

Believe or not?

Many people wonder if there is actually the reincarnation of the human soul?

On the Internet, you can find a lot of evidentity evidence, remembered past lives under the guidance of experienced hypnotists, but there is always a doubt. Suddenly the subject retells not the memories of his soul, but imperceptibly inspired by him, or his fantasy is simply started in a slightly corrected hypnotist flight, giving birth such exciting stories that the diva is given?

The argument with which you won't argue

However, there is evidence of the reincarnation of the human soul, disarming the most stubborn skeptics. And these are the memories of children, their amazing stories about the events of the past, whom they could not know any way. Usually, such bursts of memory occur spontaneously and administered to the stupor of the adults surrounding the child, which eliminates the suggestion and fantasy.

This article presents the most interesting examples of such cases.


One of the earliest documented cases of memory of the child of the past embodiment of his soul occurred in Japan in 1824. A nine-year-old boy from the wealthy peasant family suddenly said to his sister, which is absolutely sure that he has already lived before. His stories interested doctors, police and historians who were amazed by the degree of detail his memories: he called the names of the relatives of his past family, animal nickling, dates and events occurring in the terrain where he was never. He was interrogated many times and checked the information received with archives data.

It turns out that in his previous life, the boy lived on another island of Japan, also in the peasant family, and in 1810 he died of smallpox, being a mature man. During the interrogations, he told the investigators several dozen cases from the life of the village where he lived, called the exact day of his death and told in detail about his own funeral.

What do scientists think and talk about it?

American scientist Jim Tucker traveled many countries by collecting the stories of children about past lives for 15 years, and revealed some patterns of this phenomenon:

  • Most children remembering the past of their soul are between the ages of 2 to 6 years old,
  • 20% of them remember the life of the soul between death and past birth,
  • 90% of the children surveyed had the same gender in the past life as in the present,
  • the average gap between the death in one life and the birth in the new on the basis of children's stories is 16 months.

Amazing very night!

If there is young children in your family, it may well be that they can also tell something about their past incarnations like those whose parents led the following evidence of the existence of reincarnation.

1. Treaten child somehow declared me that he really likes the new dad, while his father is native and the only one! And the question "Why do you think so?" He said that his previous dad was a very suitable man and killed him with a blow to his back.

2. My son told that he had other parents and brother, called their names, but, unfortunately, they all died in a car accident. The next day, I asked him again about it, for which he was angry and stated - I did not know more.

3. Once I asked the older daughter from curiosity, who she was. Answered - princess. Smiled. I think any girl will say that, but still asked the younger. And she says: "Grandma" and tells me that she lived in a house on a mountain with another old woman and they were very hard to wear water from the river to the mountain home.

4. The son of a girlfriend, who was then 2.5 years old, once approached the refrigerator, where the photos of military aircraft hung, pointed to one of them and said: "That's what I crashed."

5. When my daughter was a year and a half, she saw how I turn on the desk lamp and said it clearly: "Electric Lamp". Where should she know english at that age?

6. Daughter told me that she wore my maiden's little part of his life. But I actually got married, being pregnant. When she was only two, she had something in detail about the industry, I think, metallurgical, and told about the nuances of some particular narrow specialization.

7. At four years, the son said to me: "Mom, as well, that I chose you!" I asked him: "How is it so?" In response, he said: "I saw you. You were so kind, and I decided to go to you "and called the clothes in which I went during pregnancy.

Ask relatives!

The human soul really lives many lives. This is remembered by some children, and sometimes both adults. Perhaps even you, turning thoughts to your own childhood or asking relatives, you can remember or hear unusual cases confirming this beautiful and indisputable fact!

Project "Regression in past lives and life between lives. Awakening the soul. " Zhanna Lysenko.

A few months ago came across one of the information portals for an article in which some rather unusual children's statements were collected. It was also interesting to read the reaction of readers to these statements. If we talk briefly, the reaction can be divided into two types.

  1. Those who believe in reincarnation and past lives. Such users were quite calmly reacted to these children's statements, realizing that all this is connected with the past lives.
  2. Those who do not believe in reincarnation. From such readers could be heard that something like: "Good fantasy children's".

A little about it and let's talk. And I will start with a breakdown from the book of the alto, where it is very good about this is written.

« What is a human being? The human being in life is a multidimensional spatial object, which is built around the soul and has its reasonable personality. The apparent eye of the familiar shape and the device of the physical body, together with its physicochemical processes and the control system (including the material brain), is just a part of the overall design of a person who belongs to three dimension. That is, a person consists of a soul along with its information shells, individuals and structures, let's say, consisting of various fields of other measures (including the physical body located in a three-dimensional dimension).

What is a reasonable person? In the new design, in a new body, a new person is also formed - anyone who makes a choice between spiritual and animal begins, who makes himself comes to life, analyzes, draws conclusions, accumulates personal luggage of sensually emotional dominant. If, during the life, a person is spiritually developing so much that the merger of his personality occurs with a soul, it forms a qualitatively new, mature creature, different from human, which goes to the spiritual world. This is in fact what is called "the liberation of the soul from the captivity of the material world", "care to Nirvana", "achieving holiness" and so on. If during the life of human such a merger did not happen, then after the death of the physical body and the destruction of the energy structure, this reasonable person goes along with the soul to rebirth (reincarnation), turning, say conditionally, to understand the essence, in suburb. When the physical body dies, the human being continues its existence. In transition, it has a spiral-shaped view with spiral structures. In this education and the soul is concluded along with its information shells - subcases from previous incarnations, including the personality of recent life.

In the photo of the soul, the edge shell is clearly traced. It consists (as depicted to the ball) from red (residue of vital energy - prana), as well as yellow and white-yellow colors of other energies. The softening shape of the sky-blue color with shades of light green; It has a characteristic spiral structure, twisted to the center having the shades of the rainbow and white splashes.

Information shells located around the soul are sensually emotional clots, or rather a reasonable information structure that associative can be compared with a kind of nebula. Simply put, these are former personalities from past incarnations. Such sublipses near the soul can be much, depending on how many reincarnations have had.

Anastasia: It turns out Substitch - this is a person, like you, which was active in past incarnations of your soul.

Rigden: Yes. In other words, this is an ex-personality from a past life with all the luggage of sensual emotional dominant (positive or negative), which she has accumulated in his time for life, that is, with the result of its intensive choice.

Personality, as a rule, does not have a direct connection with sublocities, so a person does not remember past lives and, accordingly, the experience gained knowledge of these sublipses. But in rare cases, when applying certain circumstances, a vague sensation is dejaul, or short-term spontaneous manifestations of the activity of the latter (preceding the current embodiment) of sublocity. This is especially characteristic of a person in early childhood.

There are cases recorded in psychiatry work when children who do not have any deviations, with healthy parents, show a short-term unnatural behavior of akin to the border disorder of personality. I will give one of the examples. The girl of four years began to dream of the same dream: against the background of the world, the boy who calls her to himself, but not allowed. She began to complain to parents to this oppressing her sleep, and in the evenings to show unpredictable, unusual aggressive behavior and unusual force. A four-year-old girl in anger turned the tables, chairs, heavy tumbler, did not recognize the mother, rolled her hysteria in the indictment that "You're not my mother," you will die anyway "and so on. That is, the words and behavior of the girl were unnatural for her, but are very characteristic for sublocities that survived the reincarnation and in the state of "hell", experiencing torment and animal pain. And the next day the child again became normal, he behaved, as usual. This is the typical case of a short-term manifestation of negativism of the previous subcase. The best thing that can be done in this case is to actively develop the child's intellect, expand its horizon of knowledge of the world and wait for the primary splash, a new person will be formed.

The primary burst occurs, as a rule, by 5-7 years of human life. The fact is that in early childhood to the primary burst, such a short-term activation of the previous person (sublocity) can occur. The latter, while a new person is being formed, trying to break through to consciousness and capture power over man.

But much more often there are other cases of supraity. This is when children aged 3-5 years (during the period when a new person is not yet formed) begin to argue from the position of an adult, an experienced person. In rare cases, it can be detailed details of their previous adult lifewho, in essence, it is impossible to know at that age. And most often it happens that the child unexpectedly wisely speaks about some reason, expressing clearly not children's thoughts, and this sometimes mystically scares adults. Parents do not need to be afraid of such manifestations, but you should simply understand their nature. When the identity of the child is formed, they will pass.

So, each subtleness retains the individuality of his past consciousness in the form of desires, aspirations that dominated her active life. Personality, as I said, does not have a direct connection with sublocities, that is, a person consciously does not remember his past lives. However, at the subconscious level, such a personality connection with sublipses is preserved. Indirectly the latter can influence the identity and "push" it to certain actions, inclining to the adoption of certain decisions. This happens at an unconscious level. In addition, sublocity, figuratively speaking, as "foggy light filters", because of which the immediate connection between the soul and the new person is significantly difficult, so to speak, between the source of the world and those who need it. " (p. 83-89)

And now, I will give examples of interesting children's statements, which is enough on the Internet.

I do not bring the story completely, because it is big, but in brief, Mom Maxim had an older brother, her older than 14 years old. He loved and cared for his sister, their dad died early. The brother was a pilot of civil aviation and died in a car accident returned from the flight home. The story ends with the words of the little Maxim: "Do you remember, I promised to roll you on the plane? So, when I grow up, I will definitely become a pilot and fulfill my promise, Mom! "

"A boy with a long red mark on his head was born in the community of druses on the border of Syria and Israel.

When the child turned 3 years old, he told his parents that in the past life was killed. He remembered that the death of him came from hitting an ax on the head.

When the boy was brought to the village from his memories, he was able to call his name in past life. Local residents said that such a person actually lived here, but disappeared about 4 years ago.

The boy remembered not only his home, but also called the name of his killer.

When meeting with the child, this man seemed frightened, but he did not confess the crime. Then the boy pointed the place where the murder occurred.

And surprisingly, the skeleton of man and an ax, who turned out to be a murder tool on this very spot.

The skull of the found skeleton was damaged, and just the same notin was on the head of the child

"At the age of three years, the boy struck his parents, saying that he was not their son, and that before him called Chen Mindao!

The boy in detail described the place where he lived before, and even called the names of his parents.

He also remembered that he died during revolutionary actions from saber shocks and shots. And on the abdomen of the child were actually ramibable spots, similar to traces from Sabli.

It turned out that the former birthplace of Tan Jiangshan is not so far away. And when the boy turned 6 years old, they went to his former native village with their parents.

Despite its childhood, Tan Jiangshan was easily able to find his home. Surprisingly everyone, the boy loosely spoke on the dialect of the place where they arrived.

Going to the house, he recognized his former father and introduced Chen Mindao. Santa - the former father of the boy with difficulty could believe in the story of the child, but those details that the boy told about his past life, forced him to recognize her son.

Since that time, Tan Jiangshan has another family. His father from past life and sisters accepted him as the former Chen Mindaoo. "

(English. Ianpretymanstevenson) (October 31, 1918 - February 8, 2007) - Canadian-American Biochemistry and Psychiatrist. The object of his study was the presence of information about the lives of people who lived to them (which, according to Stevenson, proved reincarnation, or reincarnation).

Within 40 years, Stevenson explored over 3,000 cases of reports of children who declared the events of the past. Each time the researcher documented the stories of the child and compared them with actual events.

Stevenson tried to find explanations to the phenomenon not only in terms of the possibility of resettlement souls, he tried to exclude and deliberate deception and cases where children could accidentally get information in the usual way or if the likelihood of false memories of both the subject and the members of its current or alleged last family . A few cases of Stevenson discarded. Stevenson did not say that his research proves the existence of reincarnations, carefully calling these facts of the "assumed reincarnation", and considered the reincarnation not the only thing, but still the best explanation for the majority of cases studied by him.

After many years in the study of reincarnation, Stevenson wrote:

"Orthodox theory in psychiatry and psychology represents human personality As a product of a genetic material of a person (inherited from ancestors through parents), changing under the influence of the environment in the prenatal and postpartum periods. But I found that there are cases that we cannot satisfactorily explain genetics, influence ambient Or their combination "(" Family Circle ", June 14, 1978)

Stevenson had its own study system, his set of techniques. In his work, the doctor was based on the following principles:

  • families in which there was a child who owned information about the life of the dead people, the monetary reward was never paid,
  • studies were carried out mainly with children from two to four years,
  • the proven case was considered only the one for which one could get documentary evidence to recall events.

Yang loved to work with children. They usually remember the "their" previous life and begin to talk about it from a two-year-old age. The most typical is age from two to four years, less often the memories of past life appear in children of older age. Often the child begins to talk about his own former life as soon as he learned to speak. Sometimes he has to use gestures to supplement what he can not clearly express in words (Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and theoretical Issues, p. 637.)

By five to six years (and almost certainly - to eight), these memories are flexible and disappear. This is the age of age in which the circle of communication of the child is expanding, he begins to go to school, etc. Presumably, this new experience is superimposed in the memory of the child on those layers in which the memories of former life are contained, and over time the latter becomes inaccessible.

(Stevenson. Explanatory Value of the Idea of \u200b\u200bReincarnation. - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, May 1977, p. 317.)

In many cases, the first words that have pronounced children are the names of the places where they lived or the names of the people they knew before, which completely discourages their parents.

Talking about the past life, the child can behave somewhat strange. His behavior may seem unusual for his family members, but to be coordinated with what he talks about his own life (and in most cases its full compliance is detected with the description that the relatives of the deceased person) ... Another feature: the child often shows " Adult "attitude towards peace and behaves not to years seriously, wisely, and sometimes with a patronage condescension in relation to other children. It is typical for those cases when the subject is convinced that he is still an adult, and not a child.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and theoretical Issues, PP. 637-38.)

Subjects often talk about the weirdness of their sensations in physical bodies. They express discontent about the fact that they were in them young children.

(Stevenson. The Possible Nature of Post-Mortem States. - Journal of the American Society For Psychical Research, October 1980, p. 417.)

Events that children remember best are associated with the death of their former personality and leading circumstances. If a person says that in the previous life he died not to his death, traces in the form of moles, birthday spots, scars, scars can remain on the body. About 35% of children who told about their past life had birthmarks or congenital defects, the location of which corresponds to the wounds (usually deadly) on the human body, whose life the child remembers.

(Stevenson. Reincarnation: Field Studies and Theoretical Issues, p. 654.)

Stevenson's research information, which I briefly briefed in small passages, in my opinion, is very well correlated with what is written in the alto. At what age, unusual children's spellings begin and end, they are their character and child behavior.

Well, another moment I will leave without comment. In some cases, children tell me that they themselves choose their parents. I will give some examples of such statements. As far as these statements are correct, I can not judge.

"Remembering your own death, many subjects have gained confidence in life. They no longer feared death. They realized that death is not yet an end, this is a new beginning. For all the memories of death was a source of inspiration that gives the opportunity to change the course of the whole life. " "If the energy is not created from nothing and does not disappear anywhere, and our soul is energy and life force - this is energy, then why not allow reincarnations? Since no energy is dying, why don't we continue to change and transform? " Two excerpts from the book of American cars Carol Beumen "Past lives of children" will immediately determine your attitude on the topic. Or you have a 100% realist and nothing beyond the framework of the everyday you are not interested, or you are curious in good sense. Still, probably there are no people, almost no, who at least occasionally, at least they did not conceive, where my thoughts, feelings, feelings, experiences, all my inner world will go after my death ...

The other day again passed on all channels a message about the opening of English scientists: our consciousness does not die together with our physical death. Some of this are absolutely confident, others believe that scientists in such a way knock out money for further research. And the phenomenon of DEJA Vu-Daezh vu, literally translated into Russian - "already seen"? More often it happens at a young age, fading over the years, as if under the layers of life with her concerns and problems. And what bright moments happen when the sound, the smell, some thing, a tiny detail suddenly turn off you from reality, as if you were transferred to the moments where you were once. Stunning moments! Experiences of Dae Nu are too real to reject them.

Have you ever had to listen to strange stories of young children aged two to five years old? Once the son of my friend (now an adult young man, and then he has not achieved and five years old) described in detail how he found a wallet on the road. Fifteen years have passed, and I can't forget this, it would seem that a small case was so detailed: the wallet was lying on the sideline, plowed with small pebbles, brown, with cracks, and there were vintage coins. I remember the girlfriend said: "Again fantasies ..." But what the Carol Beumen writes on this occasion. A child who is passionate about fantasy creates a temporary reality that changes according to his will: now he is a soldier, and after a minute a doctor or king. Memories of past lives are a consistent reality with detailed, reliable details. She is sure that a mother who knows his child well can distinguish the fantasy from memories of past lives. And the push to her research was given a four-year-old son: he suddenly had a stormy tantrum during the fireworks, and then he began to tell that he was a soldier, as he was able to clarify, in the civil war in the United States. Carol studied a few studies on the topic of reincarnation, gathered a huge number of facts.

A two-year-old girl Liya rushed with her mother in a car on a special orphanage and looked out the window. On the bridge through a deep gorge, she clearly and confidently said: "Mom, it really reminds the place of my death." Mother even stopped the car and carefully asked a few questions. And that's what he heard: "The car fell from the bridge to the river. I didn't have a belt, and I flew into the water. I lay on the stones and saw at the top of the bridge, sparkling in the sun, and bubbles that climbed upstairs. " Mother was stunned: no bubbles in the water of her tiny daughter could not else and never see. From the year, approximately Leia occasionally recalled his death and always worried about safety belts.

The baby got sick ear, he explained that he was hit by a big truck on the street and he died. A two-year-old girl gave a toy dog. In great excitement, she said that the dog reminds her the Muffa Psa, who she had before. The girl constantly spoke of four gray houses, about the mother "in a long skirt." "Fantasy" her appeared to parents too stable. And one day the girl asked why she was not a boy who lived at the railway. On the rails he killed him by train. She only called the town of Harvord and the name Benson. It turned out, it is not far, and one day the family went there. Reality coincided with the description that the child gave. In church books found Benson. Indeed, in 1875 they had a boy, but six years later, the mention of him disappeared.

"Investigations" of Dr. Yana Stevenson

But the most striking facts of children's memories of past lives give India, periodically they appear in the press. And this is an explanation, but it is later.

Misra's welded was born in 1948. When she spent three years with the father of the town of Krasny, who was at a distance of hundreds of miles from her house, suddenly showed her hand aside and asked the driver to wrap to her house. And then other details began to appear, which the father recorded. The girl in that life was called Bia. She described her home inside and outside, remembered railway and limestone, school. She died of "sore throat" and remembered the name of the doctor. The rumor about the Svarlate spread, and once in the house to her family, and at that time it was ten years old, the husband, son and brother of real Bii, who died in 1939 came without warning. The welded immediately recognized her older brother and gently called him "Baba", as called in that life. The ten-year-old girl learned the husband of Bii and her son, who was thirteen years at the time of her death. They tried to knock her down, giving themselves for other people, but she stood on her. The weld reminded her former husband that before his death gave him two thousand rupees in the box. And it was true. A few weeks later, the girl was brought to the house where Biya lived and died. She immediately noted the changes, asked about Parapete, about the tree, which was not now. She remembered and called more than twenty people from among the relatives and acquaintances of Bii with their respective relations with emotions. Weldlast has grown, finished the university, married and retained a connection with the Bii family.

Another Indian phenomena. Four-year Ravi declared his parents that he was Munna, the son of a hairdresser. With all the details, he told how two men, another hairdresser and the windows washer, lured him into the garden, cut her throat and buried in the sand. These "fantasies" began to annoy him close, and the boy also threatened to escape "to his other family." Rumors about an unusual child reached the father of the real munna. They met, and the boy learned him, remembered his toys, the watch that his father bought him in Bombay. Ravi was born with a strip walking through the whole neck, reminiscent of a long scar from a knife wound. With age, she began to decrease. Yes, and Ravi himself at eighteen years did not remember anything, but he knew about his memories only on the stories of loved ones. Shamlini girl raised a cry while trying to swim it and hysterically cry when traveling on the bus. Having learned to speak, she told that she was shot down by the bus when she was driving during a flood.

Indian facts gathered the doctor of medicine psychiatrist Yang Stevenson, whose works studied Carol Beumen. Faced with the facts of memories of past lives in children, he went to India in 1961 to explore one known case. Three years later they had over four hundred. The innovation of Dr. Stevenson is that he turned to young children for obtaining evidence of reincarnation. The memory of the child, unlike an adult cleaner, not touched by worldly experience, is not clogged by books and especially television. Jan Stevenson limited the field of his research only by spontaneous memories, without any impact of hypnosis or other incentives. Like a detective, Stevenson puts the goal to disclose the case, verify it (verification - verification of truth, the establishment of reliability). He does everything possible to avoid mistakes. It uses the services of two, and then three translators, leads to a tape recorder, collects documentary evidence, builds the chronology of memories, takes only the testimony of witnesses, and not from the second mouth. Conducts the "cross interrogation" of the child, members of his family, relatives of the previous person - the term to determine the deceased. He considered verified by only the case that can be explained from any doubt only memories of the past life. In his archives of these about nine hundred. Why is the vast majority of cases from India? Perhaps the fact is that in this country always believed in reincarnation. That's why similar memories of children parents do not consider "children's fantasy." Listened to the child, go to meet him, if I want to go to the place of my past life.

Doctor Stevenson proved that reincarnation - reincarnation of the soul to another body - exists? He himself insists that he collected data testifying in favor of reincarnation, but he never says that it is proved. His position: Here's evidence, and then decide for yourself. Carol Beumen does not hide that believes in reality memories of past lives. What are their common features?

Listen to the child with heart and soul

The first is unusually early ageWhen children begin to remember themselves in the image of previous personalities: between the two and five years, or even earlier, as soon as the first phrases begin to be. Later, the memories are fading, falling into the subconscious, pale, like dreams in the morning. The second trait is phobias (fears) in children with explicit memories of past lives. More than a third of such children have fears related to the cause of their death in that life. If the previous person died under the wheels of the truck, then the child is afraid of cars. If drowned, water is afraid. Fear of height, fear of aircraft can be associated with a fall. Finds of Dr. Stevenson are confirmed by what psychotherapists guessed: deaths in the current life cause death in the present life. The third feature is the significance of the moment of death. More than 70 percent of children, on research by Dr. Stevenson, remember how they were dying, and half are violently. Death leaves a much deeper imprint in memory than everyday events. And especially death violent, coming suddenly, unexpectedly, scary, with strong emotions. The author of the book is facing these conclusions with the conclusions of other psychotherapists, refers to Eastern philosophies - Buddhist, Hindu, in particular, to the fact that consciousness exists separately from the body and continues after death. It is difficult for this idea to understand the people of European culture, we were taught quite another thing that consciousness is born with the body and fuses with him. But now, even in our, long-terrible country, many supporters of reincarnation.

So, if you return to the significance of the moment of death, then with a sudden, terrible death in humans there is no time to comprehend your life and your care. And he dies as if unfinished by negative emotions - fear, hatred, a sense of guilt, anger ... and therefore leaves this world "with unfinished deeds of the soul" and transfers these emotions intact into other lives. And already there suffers from fears, incomprehensible experiences, becomes a patient of psychiatrists. Why most children's memories are tragic? Because the basis of their stress in the past life, terrible death. Happy long life, poor calm care to the world of others does not lead people in another life to a psychotherapist.

Carol Beumen, having studied what was possible, went further. She decided to confirm that children's memories could heal. Few friends who acquaintances took this idea. Some won skepticism. Another seemed to have forgotten about common sense. (It is possible that something like this is experiencing readers "Evening" and now.) One friend said that Carol entered into a dangerous territory, from where it may not be a refund ... But Carol found like-minded people. He participated in the conference of the Association for the Research and therapy of past lives. It was invited to the famous Oprah Winfrey show in the US, after which it became quite known in the United States and began receiving letters and calls, which expanded and replenished her knowledge of reincarnations and healing capabilities. I decided to write a book for parents: to help them recognize the true memories of children about past lives, translate them to the level of consciousness and thus cure from fears and complexes.

Carol Beumen highlights four signs of memories of past life, which are intended for personal communication with the child. A confident tone when children are not waiting for the reaction of parents, and directly declare something, not even subject to doubt: it was - that's all. The invariance in time, the stability of memories, no matter how time would have passed since the first mention of the past. The child can enter additional details, but the skeleton of events is always saved. The third sign - knowledge, in no way explained by experience. The boy of one and a half years suddenly says that he died when I skate: fell and hit his head about ice. And calls a small town, his parents do not know about the existence. But they find this town on the map. Suddenly, the child begins to speak in words and phrases on an incomprehensible language, which he could not even hear in this life, for example, on Aramaic, and he sounded two thousand years ago. The fourth sign is the conformity of the behavior of the past life. Little boy, for the first time, being in the cabin of a small plane, examined the dashboard, pressed the buttons, on the pedals - demonstrated that he knows how it all turns on.

Parents in no way should be disappeared, mischieving with strange words and behavior of their children. Keep calm, show interest, admit the truthfulness of the child's story, even if you suddenly hear: "When I was with another mom, I was a boy." Try to understand what the child wants to express, Cairol advises. No need to ask the question "Why?" This word makes the child look for explanations or interpretations, interrupt the flow of memories. And be sure to show sincere interest, it will inspire a baby to a deeper penetration into his memory. The topics of past lives do not have to be negative. A child can remember his beloved grandmother from past life and it will warm him. It is important to give a boy or a girl to express emotions to the end. Parents notice how their child suddenly fell silent among the game, seeking to be glazed eyes in something visible. This is where it can begin. It is possible that with tears, hysterics. And even in complete renunciation. Son says: "I was shot and killed in me." Then I looked at my mother and shouted a loud angry voice: "You have not saved me!" And it repeated several times. It is necessary to calm the boy gently and convincing: "There was not me there, and the other mother." And then he may tell, what happened. Emotions will spill out, negative feelings will be forgotten.

Of course, it is impossible to state a book saturated with a huge number of facts. The author advises: write down everything that your child will tell, and not only words, but also gestures, facial expression. Recording - beautiful way Understand your own thoughts and in the experiences of your Chad. You can deal with the relationship between the children's memories and the features of the Son or Daughter's personality ... a lot of tips. I am sure that someone will think: they say, when to do it - it is necessary to work, to collect on life, we are not any Americans who pay well. It is their moms can sit with children. And where to us before the past lives, there would be here in this. And indeed, all this "dangerous territory." What will answer here. If you are preparing your children for a normal life and see one of the main goals, the time will always find attention. The value of the book is not even looking for a past life, but in the ability to listen to children with a soul and heart, which showed Carol Beumen.

Who was I in the past life? Such a question has repeatedly arose from those who are interested in finding the meaning of life and their destination. But it turns out that for some children the answer to this question is not closed.

The following stories and stories are unreasonable memories of children about past lives. All of them were written by readers in the comments to my, which I have published in the Star Hour group on Subscribe.ru.

This topic caused great interest and responses from readers and in this article I brought the most interesting comments that suggest that small children remember their last life and can even tell us about it in detail .. Names - "Nickname" and the style of authors left unchanged)

Real stories - memories of children and adults about past life

Katerina Katya:

My younger son told a lot of interesting things in three years - according to his descriptions it turns out that one of his incarnations was in England (or the English colony), somewhere in the 18-19th century - the reversion at the time of Mark Twain, with details of life, architecture, The interior, historical wardrobe ... In such small details that a child at such age just can not know.

Sergey Rodnik:

Katerina, this is a very interesting certificate and proof of past life! Could you please describe the story of your son?

Katerina Katya:

Why start?

Probably, with the fact that I began to communicate with him even during pregnancy. (Now he is almost 8 years old). The brightest memory is exactly a month before his birth (he was born to the Annunciation - April 7) he would dream and says that he wants to congratulate me from March 8. What awaits with the look of our meeting. What will be white and blue-eyed (so it is it - and this is my mother - brunette with brown eyes). What wants us to call him Anatoly. It so happened that I did not obey and called Son Mikhail. Three years old, when he had already said quite tolerably, asked - whether he likes his name, what he replied: "The name is good, and the angel is good, but I had to call me differently!"

Another time I remember, he cured me from concussing the brain. I did not even have time to get into the trauma. Lyed on the sofa with a strong nausea and headache after hitting the head about the iron beam. He approached me:

"Something so on my head I wanted to stroke ... she hurts you, what ???"

And I sat at the head of about 15 minutes, I moved my hair with my hands.

Once touched to tears grandmother-neighbor - she has a fracture of the neck of the hip, it misunderstood and it is very tormented. She is sitting and son on a bench:

- Baba Sonya, you have a leg hurts here ...

- Baby, how do you know?

- And I feel "(also 3-4 years)

Well, about England - I even recorded that I managed how on the courses of the stenograph - the sheet of one and a half did, if you recreate, it turns out about such a connected story: (this is during the game, not referring to anyone ..., or rather, it is he toys She told - put them in front of him and in a state "here-now" - as if he led them to an excursion).

Now look - this is our home, yes, so big. This is a staircase. On the walls, portraits are my relatives. And this is mom and dad. See which flowers are beautiful in these vases - our gardener puts our gardener every morning. Aunt loves live flowers (unfortunately. The name of the aunt has evaporated from the memory, and I cannot look for this record now where, but it was something similar to the names from the "foresight sagas"). And Mom loved while alive was.

And on the second floor my room. From the window you can see the garden - there are these flowers and grow. And the meadow is visible. And forest. In the woods of wolves. But they do not go here - there is nothing to eat. They go there, where the cows are lively - in those houses. There, people still live, who care for cows. And I can feed the cat - she is not necessary for milk - the wolves do not need milk. And so much meat in the house is not stored, we bring it from those houses. Here are fruit lying - I can eat how much I want. My room is my toys, my books, my outfits. Here is this Hat aunt for a birthday last year presented. My dresses are in this church ride, and this is my favorite! To the hat ... "

Well, it's somehow so ... And since I draw, I quickly threw a picture of a girl of about 12- such as Becky Tetcher from the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", showing a son, he answers: "Yes, that's me!"

Then suddenly he looks at me with suspicion:

- Wait, mom, how do you know, what girl I was ???

Well, already specifically for me to clarify in the wardrobe: (only by going to the children's language) hats with ribbons - some stitched, and others like baskets, from sticks (twigs or straws), and if the skirt lift - there are long pants with here Such here (shows hands - type "Ruffle") and shoes with ribbons. And the dress behind the shoelace. And the front is apron ...

There were even moments, but from memory is erased ...


I am sure that this is all true. When my son was 2 years old, he also surprised us too. We arrived at the cottage with her husband and son. He generally started talking very early and very purely. They fucked kebabs, sit with her husband on the steps, the husband smokes. The son comes from behind hugs, and says:

- After all, I know you for a long time, I still noticed.

- I ask: when then? He speaks:

- Well, a long time ago. You see mommy, even when you lived at grandmother Gali in Ukraine, and dad with their parents.

- And how did you choose us?

"I don't remember how, but I knew exactly that I would give birth to you and I would live with you, and you will never offend me."

- I sometimes remember something else, but less and less - the son said, showing his finger into the sky.

Here is a story.

* Nikol *

Thank you very much for the article !!!

My eldest son at 3 years old and her husband said: Mom, when I lived in heaven, I watched a lot of pictures and on these pictures I saw you and I really wanted to live with you.
Katerina Katya

Yeah ... Ours, too, somehow put it in response to the father (the Son has the third - after two daughters)

- How did we wait for you for a long time!

We got such a phrase:

- Hee ... waited for them! So I was waiting for Daaaaaaaa! Where longer you!


My 4-year-old daughter also surprises me, which once I notice that she sometimes says about something - the time passes and everything comes true, as the child said. For more than a year, she said that we would live in the city (said the name of the city, lived for 2.5 thousand km from this city). And what would you think - everything so happened that we really moved in six months and live in this city. Now she strongly says that we buy a car and indicates a finger on a foreign car))) I say that there is no money, she insists on his)))). So be it)))).

And often speaks about the sea that you need to come and say hello to the driver ..., during pregnancy and the first 2 years of life, we really lived by the sea. She calmed down when I brought it into carrying and put at the water at all, it was not afraid of the water and fled to the water in any weather ... some kind of mysticism.

Shumaeva Irina

My son also surprised with such things, talking about the fact that he had parents, called their names. Brother (it turns out that it was when he did not know us), but they died in a car accident ... the next day, when I asked him to tell him about it, he got angry, and said that I had no need to know, this information Closed for me. The next story was about the ocean, connecting the thin world with physical, the souls fall into it, who want to come to the ground, and he is called "Elkraing" or something like that ... Of course, this is all perceive to tell you ... Something ... In general, The head does not fit, it is easier for the people who study all sorts of esoteric knowledge ... well, and now he often "pleases" by the knowledge of energy, where what light in humans (in chakram) ... And so - a completely normal child ... amazing.


Wonderful phenomenon! All of the above is the confirmation of the hypothesis of the new generation of amazing children. This is a completely new formation of people! They remember their "past", they have a connection with the energy-information field of the Earth, and, consequently, access to the future! People! Take care of them! Create all the conditions for them - they are the future of our civilization!


My girls were 3 years and 1.5. Walked on the street. A woman with a grandson passed by. Grandson is a little older than my girls. They were detained near us. The children were played out, and we had a conversation. The woman told me how her grandson lived in France in France, stood on the balcony and saw the fascists from the sky on the parachutes in his city are descended (even the city called and how he had previously called it now). How he was shot then, and asked me, did I recognize your children who they were before? I am the daughter of the Communists and Atheists with aide from her, aside. Girls took and home.

And at home, all the same from curiosity asked the eldest - who she was. Daughter answered - princess. I no longer had questions ... They are all years to 10 princesses. But still asked the younger. And she says - grandmother. I say:

- Well, and I thought I had only princesses.

The youngest is so very serious:

- No, says grandmother.

And begins to tell, lived on a mountain in a green house with another grandmother, there is no water, you need to go to the river, and in the mountain oh how hard water is worn. And this is a city child from the high rise. Goosebumps on the back crawled. Experiment broke out. And sorry, it may be the older and indeed princess. Now would ask a lot. That woman said that children can be asking for up to 4 years. They all remember well, even if they themselves do not start talking on this topic.

Here are more interesting stories sent by readers


"My daughter under the eye of the scar after the operation, there was a skin transplant, shorter the scar. And apparently the grandmother spoke to her about this shrama, to which my daughter answered: "I knew that I would have such a glazing, but I wanted so much to be born that I agreed." Here are some such words. She was then three years. Now for 13 years, but it still remembers it and confirms when we ask her. I, honestly, shocked. I do not understand, it can invent, but in the soul something moves, because in childhood I also had some kind of "thrust for past life" in the form of very vague memories, similar to fantasy. "


"Hello. I remember vaguely the face of some people. I know my appearance to the details. And even the name. I know exactly what was born a guy in the Middle Ages. Where - I do not remember. Was warina 19 years old. I remember the king and my best friend warrior. I remember it constantly ... I want to go back ...

I want to add. I know everything before the details, the memories go every day events, especially when I listen to music.
I remembered five of some girls, two of them sisters, and I can even describe my family.

  • Senior brother - Dark curly hair, pale blue bottomless eyes, dark shirt, green vest.
  • My father is an eared man.
    Mother - woman in scarf.
  • There was a six-year-old brother. Blue eyes, round almost without hair lyrco.
  • There were still three best friends.
  • As I said, I was 19 years old. Short dark hair, brown eyes.
  • I remember another person, and a blacksmith who made me a sword

In short, we are tired of lifying ... if that, I am now 13 years old.

The most interesting thing that I communicate with the girl, she describes the last life, and all her people coincided with my memories. It turned out that she was my friend, her name was Valerie, and Robert me.
Yes, there were a lot of beautiful guys and girls. Good were times ...
True, I died thinks from the spear of the Vikings.
He lived in Spain, as I remembered, in Troas, the war took place next to the castle.


[Email Protected]

Now I am 33 and I do not really remember what thoughts were in childhood. But from the oldest age, the Indians fascinate me and all that is connected with them. At the age of 7, I first read the children's detectives about Nancy Drew. The heroine went to Peru, where the action of the book took place. Reading the description of the terrain, rites of this country, I felt a burning interest. When he grieved, interest was not lost, but another strange phenomenon joined him ...

My friend gave me a cassette with the songs of the Indians of North America. During the first listening, I started crying the vanity, I became so sad, I wanted to "home". There home, in that world, where these sounds. This music accompanies me all my life, every time I am longing in my distant house. I understand exactly. What is a longing for the past, which I do not remember the mind, but I remember at the level of the Spirit. And for some reason I know exactly what was a man.

Stories from dreams

There was a period, 5 years ago, when bright strange dreams attended me every night. I ask you to record them. For example ... I live on another planet. I and my people. We have no atmosphere on the planet and we live inside it. In order to eat, you need to go to the surface and catch one of the many energy balls that fly there. This was our food. In one day we go to the surface and we discover that the balls were almost left. There was a feeling of sadness in a dream. We understood. that it's time to look new house. And I woke up. Still sleep .... I run to swim on the lake (there are no lakes in the city) through the forest, running towards the w / d, she is high.

I climb on this embankment, moving the rails and how the slides run down to the lake, which is somewhere there ... in the distance. With everything I'm scattered, I'm cut into the water .. and water, it is not even water at all, it is sparkling sparks of happiness, love, fun, it is hundreds of trillion refreshing sparkling at all wet diamond droplets! It is such a crazy magic, it is such ecstasy, it is impossible to describe what happened to me in this lake .... And how sorry was to open your eyes ...
Still sleep, short: evening, I and some kind of guy go to the roof of my 9-storey house and see that a huge red planet hangs very much. You are seriously looking at her and understand that the time has come for serious change on Earth.

And probably the coolest dream, which visited me ...

I sit on the couch in the hall (at home), in the lotus position. There is some round medallion on the neck. I sigh and completely consciously take a medallion in the palm and "activating" it. Slowly climb over the sofa and hang over it. The feeling of absolute normality of what is happening, understanding that I could always. And then inside it starts to nascent. Some huge energy that requires exit. I scatter hands aside and she splashes from me with a bright light, but I do not like it. I need to get rid of my body. It hinders it, I have to distribute this love, which of me is breaking, it is too much ... The whole body begins to glow and vibrate, I scream in a dream, I want to remove this body that restrains me ... .. ..

And I wake up, the morning ... I can not realize what happens why I am lying on the bed in my body, I'm shaking me, I have vibration waves. I get up, I pick up in the hall, I sit on the sofa, in an attempt to do the same thing that was in a dream .... No medallion, it does not work .... I went all day as a sneaky, so I wanted to return what was in a dream ... At the physical level, all the cells trembled. It is impossible to explain this in our language, just not enough words. Gradually, the feeling passed, the cycle of strange dreams also stopped. But there is a memory, maybe something will begin again through time ... I would know)))) Here is such a little experience, maybe something will come in handy)))

Look also video - remembering the boy about the past life


After such stories - the memories of past lives of man are beginning to think about the secrets that each of us carries. And who knows whether these stories are the proof of life after death, which all religions and mystical teachings say?

And if some children remember their previous existences or reincarnation in another body, then for many of us - adults, the answer to the question of who I was in past lives while remains the mystery, which is still to solve.

Dear readers!

If you know similar stories - share, please, them in the comments.

Children remember and talk about past life: not fictional memories and stories sent by readersArticles similar subjects:

Reviews 89.

    How interesting! I had never doubted about the reincarnation of our souls, and now I wanted to ask friends who have small children so that they ask them such a question they were? New evidence may be discovered

    Elena, if you have interesting evidence, please share them in this topic or by mail. I collect these materials for the book.

    Well, I thought that only I believe it :-).
    I have two examples.
    My eldest niece between 3 and 5 years often repeated the mysterious phrase: "When I had a little boy ..." Those who heard it from the Karaupusik, began to laugh and it was embarrassed. At that time she did not go to the garden and there were almost little boys in her surroundings.

    The second example. My youngest niece. She said once: "It was when I had three babies ..." It was said naturally. How about something really happened in the past.

    Thanks for the meaningful comment! I hope that when such evidence will be collected quite a lot, faith in the reincarnation of the soul will be knowledge.

    And for such "tricks", parents led to a psychiatrist ...

    Sergey, are you only interested in reincarnation of souls? Or something else?
    As for past lives:
    I saw a lot and for a long time to describe - if briefly, then Tutathathamon - saw himself with a boy facing the mirror (the mirror was from some kind of metal). I knew who I thought.
    Then - asteriste - I saw myself with a huge ancient pipe - I looked at the stars and made a star map in the form of a graphic scheme.
    Then the monk - the hermit collected herbs, cooked a potion, healel ...
    And who was in Poland? Did not watch.
    Simply during the 90s was engaged in the so-called commerce. And during the visit of one castle (we lived in it), all the catches and the location of the buildings, I knew as my apartment.
    Even knew where the nearest church is located. I went and found it there ...
    The house in which the family of the kings of Romanovna executed - led me to horror. I was stuffy and could not describe the feeling of fear. Just flew from there and no longer went there.
    Not to consider.

    Svetlana, you have a very interesting experience! At what age, the memories of past lives began to come?

    a familiar elder child often issued a similar ....pro church is a lot of what, although it was then not drove there and generally the family is far from religion. Then his grandfather with a grandmother at Christmas took him to Catholic. The schorkow, and when he saw Nurseri and the whole composition, he had a face very surprised, he was so surprised and was confused ... as if he could just not correlate what he saw with reality ... the rest of the day went shocked…

    another friend who has 4 children, told that the third son also comments some things, and as he said that her older children in the past life were her husband and wife ... he said that the girl would be born, but not this time (when she is pregnant Currently went), ...
    And my mother asked like her boomb (3 years), Lisa, and the angels exist? ... Lisa, not distracted by the game of the tale, and also showed how they talk ... Lisa also did not come into contact before that with religion.

    Elena, thanks for valuable evidence! This once again proves the continuation of life outside the physical world.

    "And if the children remember their last life, then for adults, the previous existence remains the mystery, which is still to be solved."

    Unless in order to treat incomprehensible fears and phobias. Regressive therapy can help in this regard. Just so, out of curiosity, you should not climb in past lives. I remembered the dream, who dreamed of me at 4 years old, and I clearly saw how I kill a little baby. After I remembered such an old dream, disappeared every desire to dig in my past life. I am very regretting that I created such in the past life. Therefore, the sores are above the roof. But now I have kind of doing good things and correct.

    I agree that from curiosity to climb past lives. Such memory should be opened naturally when a person is ready to accept it. In addition, the personality in each embodiment is updated for a specific task, so digging in past lives may even interfere with the fulfillment of their mission. Children are given because the soul finally enters the new body only by 7 years, so they remember the memories of the past life.

    And I began to remember my last life from 10 years, maybe earlier. Excerpts come to me different moments. I know that I was famous. I lived a very rich life, I was glad of my life, I had a lot of friends, I was very rich and beautiful. But memories come excerpts (not like others who remember all their life). I even remember the 1-room apartment (or at home), in which I lived. She was very richly furnished. I led a life that many famous top models and others behave. When I see somewhere how you live famous people, I get it acquainted, as if I also lived.

    Anastasia, this is valuable experience. Be sure to record these excerpts - they will help to understand the causes of the events taking place in the life.

    I think I did something bad in that life. In this, I am paying. Now I'm not a star, with complexes and with many disadvantages, I live in a poor family, not beautiful, etc. In short, the opposite of past life.

    Do not despair, in this life everything can be fixed. For this she is given.

    and if from childhood, there are some excerpts of moods, then happiness, then sweet sorrow ... And as if I should find the same feelings, to experience in this life ... Also you can not try to understand what it is? Do not need to climb into knowledge of past lives, if I am sure that all these memories are connected with the past (or last) lives?
    I remember myself from the diaper of this life, as she lay in the crib, as Parents ignored ... I did not know how to talk yet, even turn it out ... ie. I was a few months. But even then I understood everything perfectly, that's how now. Parents speech, every word understood as an adult.
    I remember how I asked my mom in 5 "Is there any past lives"? Mom answered that there is no life alone and after death, our soul flies to the sky to God.

    Marina, I did not understand from your comment: Do you recognize the existence of past lives or not?

    Each of us has in memory scraps of memories of past life. Someone is clear, right up to the details - as in those given in this article, someone is vague. I also sometimes recalled some moments from past lives, and then I learned from different sources that it was not fantasy at all, and we really come here many times, every time changing the physical shell, but the memory of all lives is not erased, but just forgotten for the period Another embodiment.

    I wonder, and dreams are really memories of other incarnations?
    Recently was on regression. Of the 15 people in the hall did not remember only me. All others remembered. Their stories were very convincing.

    And my parents told me such a case: I was 3 years old (I was born in 91), Mom, Dad and I sat in the room, and here I will give it away from this: "When I was big, I was cut Belly, pulled out the intestines and stitched the stomach. Then I was cut my head and got the brains ... "The parents were shocked. At the same time, I showed accurate anatomical lines for which the corpse pathologates are cut ... That is, it turns out that I told what I saw my soul after death?!?!?!! I myself do not remember this moment, as I said it, although I remember a lot from early childhood 1.5-2 years. What do you think about it?

    I think this memory is associated with one of the past lives. But what you described is more similar to the preparation for the mummification, which was distributed in ancient Egypt and was used in the burial of noble people. A man's soul after leaving the body can see everything that happens around the body and even feel what is happening with the body.

    Hello. I remember vaguely the face of some people. I know my appearance to the details. And even the name. I know exactly what was born a guy in the Middle Ages. Where - I do not remember.
    Was warina 19 years old. I remember the king and my best friend warrior.
    I constantly remember this ... I want to return.

    I remember the dream, which was dreaming in the sixth grade. Painting of the city, house 2-3 floors M-shaped, lingerie on ropes hanging. In the house in the area of \u200b\u200bthe angle of Arch. Behind the house field, high culture, in the belt, and in Dali Mountains. I hear the noise of technology. At this moment the tank drives into the courtyard, small, clearly not Russian. Tank makes a turn inside the yard breaking all the rings. Dust Gar ...
    People start running in the field and I run along with them. bright sun. Rear shoot ... At some point, I feel strong pain in my leg, fall and wake up.
    Was it a dream ....

    Elena, thank you! Interesting memory.

    Dmitry, in a dream episodes from past lives may appear. Especially if the dream is very realistic for sensations.

    Thank you Sergey!
    I also associate. Moreover, for the next two years, I operated this leg 2 times.

    In response to the history of Shumaeva Irina

    ... The next story was about the ocean, connecting the thin world with the physical, the souls who want to come to the ground, and it is called "Elkraing" ...

    It is very interesting because Crying in translation is not only "crying", but in some cases "screaming" calling "," praying "or" glorifying ", and EL prefix means holiness.

    Lena, if you know how to draw - sketch that remember. And write until you forgotten. Memory has a feature to lose. And at an older age, it may be necessary to remember something .... And if it's not just fantasies, it will be able to be a good opportunity to deal with today's problems.

    Anna, thanks for the addition - decipher the word "Elkraing".

    Elena, thank you for your story about the past life, I placed her in the article. Interested that you communicate with the girl from whom they met in the past life. Perhaps in this life you have some kind of joint task - the mission to be realized.

    I thank all readers for participating in this topic!

    Alena, thank you for very interesting stories! This is really spiritual experience of the memoirs of past lives, not only on our planet, but also on another planet and in the small world. It is very interesting to describe the condition with a medallion and swimming in the Lake Love. If you remember something else, please share with me and blog readers.

    being on regressions from Maria Malka, one girl about 18-22 years old on a cut refused to tell what she was brought at the time of regression. Woman alone became just something to write .... It looked ridiculous.
    One man of 35 said that he saw himself in the image of a woman. Told about his heavy life in the body of a woman.
    And another lady saw herself with the captain of the vessel who died at the reefs.
    Of course, it is interesting to hear these stories. And on sites to climb where there are these stories. But it is not the usual reading of our brain information from the earth's field.
    I recently heard, I do not remember where that the brain can in principle cannot think. He is not adapted to this. But it can create conditions for thoughts.

    Dmitry, at the expense of the brain I met similar information. Its essence is that the brain is only an information handler (type of processor in a computer), and thoughts and memory are not in the brain ... I will not deepen where is a separate topic. As for regressions - I admit that there may be a game of imagination or fantasy. But I completely trust personal experience, such as Alena.

    Group F.P.S Song Morning Breeze Song Just in the topic
    I in past lives was a man periodically pop up strange memories, then I am a type of mafiosa, then France from the old England, then a businessman ... and strange habits pop up, friends notice too and very surprised by TC much that sometimes it happens to me at all ... up to 13 I saw bright and very believable dreams permanently shocking relatives, but unfortunately, after several concussions, I don't remember almost nothing, but I don't stop haunting the feeling of deja vu .. Sometimes I can interrupt the conversation and finish a person what he wanted to say) many scares many))

    Yes, it seems that in dreams the memories of something will be remembered, and it seems not in the present time (incarnation). While it can be compared and suggest that the embodiment was before ... everything else is kind of fortune telling ...
    The fact that people really predict and end someone else's thoughts, it may be just a conversation experience. Already knowing in which the veneer moves, our consciousness suggests which point it will come. Here you can turn to the question: "What is consciousness?". And apparently you are not alone possess this opportunity.

    Somewhere read that the Earth is a drive of information, and it is quite possible that we periodically connect your brain to this drive, and he reads we need in this moment file. And the key can be anything, and how the Uppan is talking, and how you met. And what a drink dirling into a lunch break ...
    Remember "Love" after all, too, does not arise from scratch. To one person pulls, there is no other. For years, we are growing and we have already visible in those who did not want to look, something is absolutely different, and you notice that interest is shown to you. And it may be that the life of you put on a common wave (for a while, on always - unknown), but now you are pulling towards each other ....

    Psychologists do not always help patients, for a simple reason that they did not experience that their patient, for them it is just a job. And the person who has passed a similar situation without any education will be able to enter the situation and help to resolve it.

    In general, the psychology and relationships of psychologists with patients were well said in the 1988 Soviet film, with Kostoloshevsky in the lead role.

    Nastya, Dmitry, thanks for valuable comments!

    Let these unseen history serve for a new understanding and attitude towards human life. The experience of memories of past lives is very important for the awareness of the events that occur in this life.

    I thank everyone who participates in the discussion of this topic.

    I remember my children's dream, which I saw quite often aged about 3-5 years. I'm in the Russian hut, the door is underpect and I can not go out. The house is burning, I hear the crash of the tree. I have only two outputs: windows and door, but I can't get to any of them. On the hands of pencils small childHe does not cry, he sleeps. And I will spend plastic over the stove with a child in my arms. And I do not know how to explain: under the ceiling across the room as if the boards are so lying, something like shelves, only you can climb. Reminds the beams, only between the board and the ceiling is such that you can crawl on the knees. I remember that I creep into my left hand to my child and the idea that I had quite a bit of time. Fire cracking becomes stronger, the fire is already under me, but from the street I hear the voices and female and men, and such hope for salvation. In general, I almost crawled to the other end of the hut, as he heard the crunch of the tree, I turned around and saw that the beam begins to burn. And I scream to save him and throw a child in the window, hoping that it would catch it there. I myself also wanted to climb there, but I did not have time. The tree cracked and broke, and I fell into the fire. I remember how I screamed and I was hot and hurt. Then the flash, everything becomes white and I woke up.
    Sleep dreams so often that I remember some details today. Wank in cold sweat, called mom and cried. According to her records and my memories is already recreated. Then I did not know in the principle of the decoration of the hut, later, the class in 7 in the lessons of local history was shown and explained. I looked at the pictures and knew that in such a way I once lived.
    By the way, since childhood, fear is near the fire and fears of hot temperatures. I can't go to the bath, I can't drink too hot tea or wash under hot water

    Here is another confirmation of the dinar.
    Apparently it is not just children's fears, but they are bigger than something.

    Dinara, thanks for sharing their sleep. In my opinion, this dream is a memoir of past life, the fear of fire and hotly evidenced by the fear.

    As a child, I often started telling the stories to my parents, especially the father of the words, when I was an adult, but he was angry and I stopped, in my childhood I chatted a lot .. .. Often I saw a strange woman, I was creeping to me, I kept my hand for one hand stomach, another stretching to me, I don't know who it is, I am now 19 years old, what I told me already and I don't remember, but about this woman to forget to be no one, when I studied at school 5 years ago I saw one woman, got into a stupor and Immediately recalled the one ... who she was I did not know and I was trying to figure it out, until I thought that the woman was me, but there is a possibility that I was opposite to kill her .. .. That's all remembered ...

    Here again I remembered the case from my childhood, I often spoke here you are not my real parents you adopted me and so on ... In this spirit. Always Tenula to the initial scholars of the Buddha, they always checked them.

    By the way, too, very interesting fact, I was born I had an older sister Olga, then I, after me there was a three more brothers Ilya Semen and Yegor. So, when my mother was pregnant with Semen, I often dreamed of the same delusional dream,. I dreamed of a war, a man in a suit but with a strange sewed type of heads, in which I was sticking out, but this is not so important, I also dreamed of another boy, a small growth, the whole urgent, shiny color, sitting in some cell and that's I repeated the words, I seed me seed, at the end of this creature scored by spears or swords when as, and I woke up in the sweat. I thought that the one who would be born at mom will be a freak, or I don `t know well it seemed to me, but the Normal Patzan was born, without Isyan, but on my back, and the left-handed Plock had the seeds so far the birthmarks are now 11 years old, By childhood, I remember he constantly played games in which called himself colonel. Do not know, maybe it's just a coincidence, where is the color in a dream? I dont know. But many of the relatives uncle grandmother are still called him colonel.

    Alexey, thanks for the interesting stories! Judging by some details, it is really memories of past lives. Children often in childhood call themselves in games with the names associated with past lives or somehow show these memories. For example, I loved military games as a child, and constantly painted officers of different ranks in the royal army uniforms with orders, chains and accelers. Moreover, they drew them not just like that, but by increasing the ranks - as if it was my career in the army. So your stories are another proof of our past lives. And if someone does not believe or doubt - give a link to this article. So many stories and with such details it is impossible to invent.

    Somewhere from half a year ago a dream dreamed. I am 23. In childhood, I did not talk about any degeneration. But the dream was very remembered. It all started with a slide. Hollyk is so in a wastewater, which in the winter is noticed by snow and it is so cool to ride as cool as a slide, and there is a lonely tree. Around the wasteland. So I'm a boy, although in my life a girl, six years old, I ride a slide with my father. Then I have been fourteen for years in the city begins war. The Germans came close. In a dream I live in Leningrad. Only the beginning of the blockade, I have a father, mother and younger brother. So my father is calling for war, and me, brother and mother want to evacuate. But I'm a man, no matter under the women's skirt. And when refugees were leaving, I planted my mother and brother in the car and told them that I would go to calm down, and I was hidden and watched as my mother leaves. As she screamed, I wanted to jump, but the military kept. Came running to the father satisfied. Father was angry, but left. Germans went to the offensive. I do not know what it is called, but we poured the hill from the ground. Sort of mound. Behind them are fighting back from the Germans. I was killed in the first week of war. Near the bomb fell and the explosive wave fell asleep with sand. In short, I'm small, did not get out of the sand, and died. The only thing that is reliably that my most great fear from childhood, to be buried alive. I learned everything about lethargic sleep. I was afraid that they confuse and bury. I'm not afraid of anything in life, but it's right before buming. And then in the continuation of sleep. My brother, who left Mom, is born a son, and that has his own. And at the age of six years, a boy with dad rides from a holly roller on a wasteland next to the tree. And he says that he was already here. In a dream it is 70-80 years old. Like this.

    Alexey wrote here that he saw a woman in a stupor came ..
    And I saw the elder .. Who watched me, as if watching .., when I watched the TV with the whole family, as I remember ... Everyone sat back to the door of the room, with I on the floor lay, under the head of my head with my hands ... And then Song -84, Toli 86 .... And I turn off ... and I know, he stands there, turning away - yes! ... Long beard, long white clothes ..
    I remember I ask myself, I slept? And they are not, I watched the concert.
    And so there was a couple of times ...

    I remember the sleep of 3-4 class, then I studied at the boarding school:
    I'm in war. Too light, and I need to go down from the cliff. I do not go down, I see, as it were, from the side that the Germans stand over the cliff and start shooting at me. Crashing gently, rather hill, but at the bottom of the river. The Germans shoot and it becomes hurt. Waking up that I feel that the foot lies on the metal frame of the bed, the mattress moved under the deflection of the springs. The leg really hurts.
    I remember this dream, but I compared it with the fact that a movie was shown in the boarding school about the war, not rarely ... and it was posted in this image.
    I already wrote about a dream in which I run around the field from a tank that shoots and also hits my leg. Only there is a plot in some Latin American country. And again the leg .... True, I am not where I did not hit.

    I very clearly remember how I swung on the swings between palm trees and in adulthood fell from them and besides the palms around, I didn't remember anything else ... When I started to talk right away, I asked my mother: "Do you remember that place with palm trees and swings from which I fell?". What Mom answered me that we were never in place where palm trees grow and I didn't fall out with a swing, we did not sit in the city and my mother didn't plant me ... I still clearly remember those palm trees and remember the high swing from which I Fallen, even the buzz from the knock on the ground I remember ... Maybe it's not memories of past life, but a totality of brain activity? After all, the child hears parents a few weeks after conception ....
    And I remembered another curious fact-this year did an MRI of the cervical department, because I have a very hurt head and neck all my life. As a child, they said that the pubertal period then everything will pass. Now I am 25 and nothing has changed. According to the results of the MRI, there were three doctors and everything was asked me one question: did you fall in childhood, hit in the neck area? I always answered that there was no, never hit my head, neck, never had shake ... Maybe it's somehow stones ...

    Catherine, it is difficult to understand what it applies to this memory. Perhaps due to some kind of memory from the past life, especially since in this life you neither are nor parents in such an atmosphere. But, some diseases in this life are often associated with injuries or diseases from the past. It may also be fears associated with injuries in past lives.

    Anargul interesting story, Thank you! With a probability of 80-90% this is a memoil from the past life. The brain is not able to invent such details and leave them in memory.

    Hello. Currently reading your stories and decided to write my own. First, I want to say that I heard about the reincarnation for a long time, and I did not say that I didn't believe, I rather didn't pay attention to everything (as I already understand) my ripple memories from the past embodiment until my son was born. He is now 2 years old, he began to speak very early. He had a half-and-and-half circle, he spoke Quarters on some not understandable language (at first it seemed to me this kindergarten), but then I began to pay that he was the same text constantly repeats with the rhyme verse, he was 1 and 6 and he It would not be possible to shake it, soon he began to heal the same text in rhyme under his breath, clearly speaking and it was clear that this is not a set of meaningless words, this is another language. On this he did not cease to amaze me, a couple of months ago, he just ran to me hugged me and said: "Mom let's go to Batumi" I didn't pay attention and did not understand what kind of word, in 10 minutes 10 It comes on again to me and says: "Mom, I want to Batumi." I asked: "What? What is Batumi, "he repeated again:" I want in Batumi. " I asked: "Son, what is it?" I was struck by his answer, he said: "There is my house." I immediately unwound, I went to the Internet scored the word "Batumi", and what was my surprise when I issued a search engine that this is one of the cities of Georgia. I was shocked, from where 2nd one year old child could know about this city. We have no relatives gapuzin, we have never been in Georgia, he could not hear on TV since he does not look at the TV at all and besides, he is on my question "What is Batumi?" answered "my house there." I do not know how to explain how to explain it, and he is often between the case, without fading says "Mom-Mama Bubushka, but dad grandfather. Always says so, not confused.
    I all began to analyze, and I dare to assume that my crumbs memories from past life. Now I remembering my memories, although I don't claim that let me go to milliseconds in front of me and the episodes of past lives were too. I have always been constantly, kai only eyes threw it in front of me as if I was in the inevitable situation, I want to kill me, with what the paintings came out from the times of war, I'm scared, I stand and realize that this is the end, and they explode. Until now, for me, the fear of such a situation is in such a situation where death is inevitable, and have to accept. And once looked at himself in the mirror and before the eyes of a couple of bonds, the second was slipped the face of the bearded red old man, although I am a deemushka and her redhead, but a burning brunette. And the most interesting thing that I felt that this is C. On this all did not end. Somehow with the kittamas stupidly, and the eyes closed the eye on the sofa, and a bearded old man was again gone, and what I saw it, as if I was not from the side, and I was the very old man. I had a dirty felling pants, old shoes, and I was in the bazaar, the eyes of someone tried to find and rubbed my beard ... I immediately woke up in the cold sweat, looked at the watch, I took just 3 minutes.
    Here are such things. Now I do not know what to think, I'm trying to understand. But how? How is it at all possible?

    Hello Anna. Children often remind us of past lives, only not all adults pay attention to this and perceive seriously. As for your question - how is this possible? Science can not yet provide intelligible explanations to such memories, but there are deserving studies of scientists, for example, Yana Stevenson, who explored and described about 3,000 such cases. So this is possible, but it is difficult to understand because of the restrictions of our materialistic mind.

    Thanks for answering. I left my story in several sites to at least someone responded.
    I will continue my story ... a couple of days after the story with Batumi, I decided to finish my own child in question and I say: "Son, what did you do in Batumi?" He replies: "Played" I ask: "And who did you play with Lily?" he answers "no" and calls some strange name and without further pains he himself continues "in the hint played, rose highly high up," and at the same time it shows how they jump on horseback, continues "he rose up, I'm scared, I I'm afraid mom, I want to go down here, "and looks down shows on the floor. I say: "You, too, do not be afraid," I'm trying to enter the situation and play out. And he looked down again, made frightened round eyes, said "I am afraid of my mother, I don't want to" rushed to my neck and hugged me tightly, it seemed right now he would strangle me with fright. I myself was frightened, but I did not even be understood and between the case decided to ask: "Son, and who is your mom?" He looked at me on my neck and said: "You are my mom." Finally I calmed down and decided more than my son not to get and not injured his psyche. But I do not have other words how to go nuts, be like this.
    The husband told her, he laughed and twisted his finger near the temple with the words: "You seem to be at home, it's time for you to go to work, otherwise you scatter crazy, sweet." He did not believe, but I am confident, the son at that age could not compose this.

    The fact of the matter is that children do not compose. I am also known for an interesting case when a 4-year-old child stubbornly spoke to parents that he fought at the front, his name and that he was buried in such a place - called the village not far from Novosibirsk, where they lived. And the father decided to check this information and really found in this settlement In the graveyard, the grave called the son of man. This case was written in one of the newspapers a few years ago.

    Only after 5 years, children most often forget these memories, and then in more adult age can even deny that something similar said.

    Here I had an idea to ask the baby and take everything to the video and see what he will tell more adulthood. Then I think, why is it injured by the baby. By the way, he often talks about OM, that I and his mother and my grandmother's mother. And ridiculous and no. He says when her grandmother was little she said Mom (he had in mind that I was called my mother), if you listen to the words, I got my mother-in-law was my daughter. I think that it becomes funny)))

    Anna, take off the video - a good idea!

    I remember that there was a man and saddles in conclusion, then I was shot. My wife came to prison, everything cried and forgave me for the whole pain I brought her. I was betrayed to all who I trusted and only my wife was left to the end. I remember that I was someone from the intelligentsia (there was a complete not expectation from betrayal of loved ones and friends, I hoped to the end). I remember that I had mistresses, for them a wife forgiven. Sat in a dirty chamber, stinky, wrists were constantly hurt from handcuffs, heard a knock of the keys and expected death. Now I am a girl and even met people from a past life, looked at them as their relatives, they did not understand this.

    Anna dated November 26, 2015.

    Anya, and from where do you know that they are from the past life?
    How did you understand it?

    Anna, according to your story there was an association that it was in the days of the "Stalinist repression" in the 30s of the 20th century. Perhaps you were some kind of official, many of which were then shot. I wonder how you learned in this life, who were familiar with the past?

    And I want home all my life, even being sort of at home. And to her mother, being close to Mom. I always feel older than many people, including our own parents, so all your life is alone.
    I remember the house in detail in which 2 of your lives lived. In the first life I do not remember who was, but I remember how I went to my house, a wooden and two-story with a large staircase, which was used to right and left. On the right on the second floor there was a piano, lace napkins were lying and a young met me, but a sick woman in a dark dress and a light collar. Feels like the beginning of the 20th century. For the fall was autumn, the cold was felt, but there was a calm in the soul.
    And the second life is a child in the Soviet sandals run and play together with other children on the first floor of the same house, there was a dining room. Then I go out of the room to the room and I know that there is another way out of the house. The interior was already completely different. From the house they made a hostel, or a communal, or an orphanage. Perfectly remember the porch, there was summer and the sun.
    Often finds a strong longing that I am not in my place now and not with those people, although everything is fine in my life. As I already, finally, find harmony with real reality.

    An interesting very story, strange.
    Maybe the hypnosis could clarify more?

    Accidentally climbed to this site, and when you publish a book? And then I have above the roof of the paronormal information on personal experiments, Including past lives I remember .. the latter is quite detailed, and the previous episodes. He herself was thinking about writing a book, and then the head would blow up so much information.

    Veronica, materials for the book I have not enough. If you have materials on the topic of memoirs about past lives that were not published earlier on the Internet, I can publish them on this site as separate articles while maintaining your authorship. For publishing questions, contact the page

    Good day, Sergey! I read the comments and agree with many, except for one position - the communication of the mother with the child who was in her womb. I believe that it is her fantasy, since we are moved into the body already born people. Who "us" - I can not really explain, but I will tell everything in order. In my memory there are two strange fragments that did not erase time. I have never told anyone about them, as it was born in the USSR and I would be considered mentally not normal. Then in the 90s work in law enforcement agencies, hereinafter in the 2000s State Service I.D. Fragment first - I am in some "room" similar to a medical laboratory, near me two externally similar to people, we communicate in the language that I cannot remember (I think under hypnosis I would be able to reproduce the conversation in this language), one I will say that it was a "sentence," I did something wrong in the past body and is obliged to re-serving the sentence. Then, after manipulations with the devices of one of those present in the room there was a sphere in which there was something like the portal to the room, in which a newborn baby was lying in the stroller. I really did not want what had to happen and opposed it in every possible way, which apparently and gave a little failure in blocking my memory and this fragment remained in it. On this, the first memories ends. The second fragment - I am in the body of a child, clearly understand that it is absolutely not managed by me, the child lies in the wheelchair, the two people bent over him and talk to my language unknown to me, since I think in the language in which I communicated in the first fragment. I just realize that I am very indignant and I do not want what is happening, trying to either do something, but as in the cell locked in an uncontrolled body ... I repeat, I think that under hypnosis, I will certainly be able to describe everything in accuracy and reproduce the speech of communication. And at the expense of the Lini of Fate - during life there were repeatedly occurred by such moments in which it clearly realized that this was already happening with me, so to speak deja vu ... I think it is hypnosis and pull out all the details of memories.

    In Moscow, many specialists in reincarnation (reincarnation). One of these professionals Maria Monok. I had 2 times on the overall reincarnation. I did not affect me in the first one for the second time. And the people who were with me (15 people) told a lot of interesting things. Including my wife. And then I even tried to draw from her words what she saw.
    Type on the Internet "Maria Monok", and find out how to contact it, and cost. The general session is up to 1000r, and the individual with it must be discussed.
    There are other specials, you can also find. The process is interesting.

    As for memory and visions, it seems in childhood I saw something, and maybe it was real. And maybe sleep ...

    In childhood, quite often, at the time of falling asleep, I saw a man lying on bed. I saw from the side and in the haze, but clearly realized that it was me. And around people with sad faces.
    And such a feeling is frightening-accelerating-unscrewing ... and anxiety about what I leave these people. But, an incredible horror was precisely from this feeling, which now I can not take place in a verbal form.
    Always cried, and my mother who tried me to calm down, and so far, surprised:
    As a child of 2 years old, it could say so in an adult: "Oh, Lord!"
    It was also surprised because they themselves were brought up atheists and communists. And at that time, no one spoke in the family in the family.
    Perhaps this is the memory of the moment of death, which is not "embraced" at the moment of birth?

    Anna, this memory really resembles the moment of leaving the body. Obviously, emotion was very strong, therefore, it remained in consciousness.

    Andrei, I apologize that I do not immediately answer your very interesting and valuable comment. As for communicating your mother with a child in the womb not everything is so unequivocal. I think it is not fiction, but communication with a child or more precisely to the soul, which puts in the body of the child at the spiritual level, i.e. not through the body. We are all of several levels of consciousness and the corresponding bodies. And it also seems to me that the soul enters the body at the moment of birth, and according to some teachings, this process continues for several years (up to 5 or 7 years).

    As a child, I saw 5-7 and the same dream once, I could not throw it out of my head. I saw the moment of death (as I think my past body). No one told him, but he creates questions that torment me. The shower campaign that saw flour saves the memory of them.

    Dmitry, far a few retain the memory of his death in past life and torment. Obviously, this experience why you need in this life.

    My sister said in the year three, which was already in this (in one of the apartments of relatives) the bathroom and asked where the mirror and why not smoothly? - I say a finger on the wall. The mirror was removed before her birth, and also made the repairs, replaced a smooth fabric with wallpaper. The mother then noticed for her certain phrases inherent in the Prababke, which died in one year before the birth of the baby. Already being an adult, the sister periodically gives such pearls who remember everything like grandmothers. But no one is so expressed in the family, and does not say. Those. She was not where it was to hear or know.
    I will say myself that in childhood I really liked the theme of the cowboys, well, it was also fashionable, therefore it is difficult to say how connected with reincarnation. But I also love horses very much, and even in childhood it was engaged in this sport, but I always attracted a feeling of freedom, I wanted to go through the field, and not in the hangar. And never attracted care as others. Selected the wildest, evil and bold horses. And always found with them mutual language. This false left left. In childhood, Kgda was all played in the dolls, I certainly chose the role of the cowboy - the boys.

    Hello. I do not even know where to start. From childhood I remember a lot of things that obviously in this life did not happen. This is not just memories of some one life, it is hundreds of passages and sensations that have been preserved in my memory from past lives. Moreover, most interesting, it cannot be called only passages from life, the fact that I remember applies to travel in other worlds and thin matter. I do not know why I remember it all. But it was born with a strong conviction that I myself came here with some kind of purpose. And there was always more than confident that the death of physical is not death at all. If I will tell all the memories, it will be very long. I will tell the most interesting. From extraterrestrial memories, I remember how I moved from one measurement to another, I remember how to go to the endless horizon away, it was necessary to go for a long time and I made myself to overcome it all, because I needed to get there, I knew that as soon as I would get to This horizon, I will be in another world. It looked as if I was going on some field, and it was endless. I know for sure there is no time there, so if I'm not mistaken, to make the transition, it was necessary to go eternity. In general, all this in detail to explain certainly difficult. I still remember yourself in these different worlds, it is hard to describe it. I remember a bright white creature.
    How much I remember! This is so strange. From life memories I remember the moment: I look at the people who bathe in the pool, near the sun beds, in my opinion it is a cruise ship, because something over the pool is something. I am happy at this moment, in me a peace. I also remember how I was sitting in the waiting room and looked at the entrance door, we clearly waited for someone and worried.
    Often I remember some feeling from past lives to this day. And in lately In a dream, I am like a zipper hit and I see myself in another embodiment and the head is spinning "I'm".
    I also remember some of the foxes from childhood, or that this is without a concept. I am like a lifeless body, sorry for the terrible details, but it consists of only the muscles, it fats me, around the endless desert, only the rails, I overlook these rails and immediately after that the train is passing. I think this is some kind of tip for me in this embodiment. Maybe this "showed" before my birth. I try to decipher all my life, probably the train symbolizes time, and this body is inaction and passivity, because of which I can lose time and literally "the train will leave." It is necessary for me in this life you need to "catch" for some train.

    Thank you for an interesting story! I sent you an email address on cooperation. Did you receive a letter?

    Good day.

    I wanted to ask if you could personally contact some of those who came across such cases? Perhaps the child told some story, parents told about what you talked in childhood or remember?

    I am a student of an art university and my project is connected with rebirths and as a study of the topic would like to personally talk to someone.

    The topic is interesting. Some children are open to consciousness and they remember past their lives. This is all clear. We will all be retronted in the wheel of reincarnations. And we live a huge number of times. And here there are stellar children, such as Indigo and Crystal. "They also talk about themselves. Only not about past lives, but about where their star is homeland. Well, their planets, about their spiritual kind. My friend is a familiar crystal girl. And 9 years old now. For 5 years, he said from where she came and who she was. But people It was strange to react to her conversations. She stopped talking about it .... And such cases are not single. The girl with a very deep and adult look. From the moment of birth, she watched the eyes of an adult, consciously. This is the most chief sign Such children. It comes to self-study at home. In school, it refuses to go. Do not recognize the system of school learning, any violence. Do not converge with children who are not similar to it. Indeed thinking ... Feels people through, any insincerity, false. She also has a very creative nature. These children are born increasingly and more often. They come here without karma, they are others. Do not run in the wheel of reincarnations. They come from the highest worlds. With pleasure I continue to watch this girl.

    Dara, it is for such children who created this topic on the site so that their parents are attentive and appreciated by such envoys of space. It would be nice if you share your observations about this girl. I am ready to publish them and promote the ways available to me. Write - send to the address in "Contacts".

    And I often have a deja voya, and so really and brightly, that I am absolutely sure that I lived in those personals that gives the brain. For example, I first arrived in another country and walking through the forest, in one moment I suddenly clearly realized that it was already here. And it was not just, and I get acquainted every village, bush. I know that behind the hillow will be a stream and a cellar dug in the ground. So it turned out. Perhaps this is my past, in which I lived? Rather, one of them.

    These interesting examples are the most direct confirmation of the resettlement of souls and reincarnation. I also often happen when you begin to "remember" what's exactly did not seek in this life.

    When my daughter was 3 years old, I asked her who she was in a past life, she jumped on the sofa at that time and immediately hesitated the Baba Tanya. Baba Tanya is my husband's mother, her grandmother, which I can't stand! My daughter is already 8 years old, and I think that would it mean? By the way, then after a while I repeated once again, but she did not understand the question and I did not answer the NCH!

    I somehow read such stories for the night and I dreamed of sleep: I am an Indian, I have a 10-year-old son. I'm afraid of my husband to death, but I love another person. I'm going to escape with him. Here the son appears and I cry, I stroke him in the face and say that I will come back. The husband comes out, I'm scared and say something like that I love him. He seems to guess. I don't know what kind of sleep. But I thought earlier that in the past life was a soldier in the Great Patriotic War, often the war was dreaming, I was killed or how hiding in the building from the Germans, with me a small child.

    Thank you for sharing. On dreams It is difficult to determine who we were in the past life, since memories can come from different incarnations.

    Hello everyone! I was born 06.06.1986. In childhood (I am not a writer, I will not be prevented, I will set out how I can) I am very painful during to a military period. I do not know how to convey the condition (this is how-lived a very long time in the same house , in his hometown, and I left) parents, I do not even remember, I said or not, but I knew and dreamed of buying bread, a lot of bread. I wonder some of the adults asked me a question - what's your dream? -I said Buy a bread shop. I understood everything with all my chutter, until a certain time (age), that I am not a place here. Each of us has the feeling that he is super man - agree, especially in 18 ....
    I don't want to write more) in the bathroom I plunge) P.S. I am not registered psychdis ...
    I think who felt will understand.
    Waiting for an answer.

    Hello, Victor. Here you will definitely not accept psychic)), because People gathered, who somehow came across such phenomena. Any vague sensations and impressions of some other life in another period of time may be associated with partial memories of past lives. In fact, such sensations and memories are often encountered in the lives of people, just few people pay attention to them. Many do not consider them worth attention. Thank you for sharing!

    Hello. My son from 1991.r., Did not talk until 3 years, when he was 1.5 - 2 years old, I put it in the afternoon to sleep, myself gently beside him, he fell asleep and I slowly began to get out of bed, he shuddered , I also started talking (with eyes closed), I will not tell you right now, but there was a meaning that he was driving in a atback, described the weather, bright sun and summer day later he flew through the windshield, circle of fragments, blood, green grass , the dead people, he even called the brand of the buses of the groove. On that moment I experienced a real shock - a child who did not speak at all told the whole confession at the right Russian language quite as an adult. He began to speak almost a year after this case. At 4, he walked with a grandmother from kindergarten And on the road she told her (I do not remember that there was a lot of time), she was constantly asked who he said this - it could not be, he answers her: Parents, she says could not tell you this, and he says it Grandma This is not these parents (here it became terribly terribly), she says: And what?, he grinned and says this parents who live there, she asks: Where is there?, he says well, there is like a pipe, I tell you Now I'll show you, they walked past the reinforced concrete ring (well), he led her and he says well as it is in the pipe. My eldest son began to talk at 11 months and did not happen anything like him.

    Hello. Thanks for your story! Of these stories there are an idea of \u200b\u200blife, as a continuous process with changing decorations. And new children or as I call them the "children of the future", we help to realize that in fact a person is immortal.

    Good day.
    You, it would be nice to understand the sense of life. In what happens to our "I", in a physical body. Realizing this, you will understand the reasons for these memories. They naturally, for "something." But, while you are only stating them. Memories of past lives, about early childhood, it's like a tool, to configure awareness, your self-perception. But, as you can do the setting, if you do not know the necessary "parameters". Realize these parameters and aware of the meaning of life is the same thing.
    With respect.

    Good day.
    I have a question, I will start with the fact that my first son was born, I didn't leave his feeling, I mean the first glance, he was so thirsty about helping the baby constantly crying, especially the look was expressed when I was bathing him, after everything went, maybe This is due to the past life? After when the second son was born, his pegs was learningly memorial not
    everything around and imnenet my face, it all went for a long time somewhere, when I asked my girlfriends, moms or acquaintances was the first view of their baby, then everything did not give this importance and always asked what? Moma I do not remember what glance was with us, our family three children

    Victoria, our children are always associated with us in the past lives, because people in the family have karmic connections from past lives.

    Dear Sergey!
    I will be glad to tell you about my experience, as this topic has always attracted me: the past and his perception of different people, the psychology of artistic creativity. I try not to believe in the reincarnation, although I do not deny such a possibility. I am a believer, therefore I do not undertake to take such responsibility, claiming that God can, and there is no something, or all his capabilities are exhausted by revelations. Perhaps we can not imagine the whole variety and complexity of the world, and for our shower it is more useful to know something. Therefore, it is not necessary to limit the consciousness of the sacred texts, but it is not necessary to unnecessarize on this topic. Human guesses and fabrications will remain human guesses. And yet there are a number of facts, attempting to justify which, even without any connection with the phenomenon of reincarnation, can lead us to the striking discoveries, to know how our mind is arranged, memory, etc. It is not worth denying the possibility of the existence of a noosphere and T . d. Can you explain these cases with something else? For example, as in this story with Cavin. After all, no one in the family of Roberts died, it is not related to reincarnation. But both the dog, and the house, and others are described correctly. And why did he stubbornly called James Roberts his father? Where does such information come from? Let's postpone the religious concepts about Karma, etc. and analyze the facts. I'll tell you the details in a personal letter. Sincerely, Victor.

    Hello, Victor. I will be grateful if you share my experience with blog readers.