All about Lefters from Leskov's story. Description of left-handed

Adjective - The significant part of the speech, which indicates the sign or the quality of the subject, answers the questions what? / Whose? And usually performs in the proposal as a definition or name of the composite name of the facility. At adjectives in Russian there are grammatical categories of kind, numbers and cases. Some adjectives may also have a comparison degree category.

Camered by the adjectives of the quality of items or living beings can be their integral part or manifest itself in certain situations (for example, when using the subject), some signs are constant, and some are changing over time. Lexical meanings Adjectives are very diverse. They can designate color (red), size (large), space concept (right), age (young), quality (sweet), character line (daring), belonging (mumam), a sign of one subject through his relationship to another subject (cherry [garden]), action (sleeping [district]), place (French [Cognac]) or time (daylight [sleep]) and others.

Many grammatical categories of impressive names (genus, number and case) are purely coercive, or syntactically instellations: they are determined exclusively with what the main words (usually noun) are associated with these adjectives, i.e. The genus, the number and case of the nouns are simply duplicated in the corresponding form of the adjective, which is its definition: a strong person, strong man, strong people. If the noun does not have form forms of word, then in these cases, grammatical recognition of adjective indicate formally not pronounced noun categories. So, in phrases, drink black coffee and see the elderly Frau adjective black carries information that the word of male male coffee, inanimate and here are used in the wifyer case of the only number, and according to the adjective elderly, it is possible to understand that Frau is an animated extension, Upotra-declined in the vinate case of a plural.

Primary syntax function Adjectives - to be co-present definition: Material from site.

White sail is lonely in the fog of the sea blue (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Unclear adjectives act as non-disagreeable definitions:

Ball of khaki color, indigo children.

And full, and brief adjectives can be part of a named taent, while full adjectives used in the form of a nominative or cooling case:

I like that you are not sick with me (M.I. Tsvetaeva).

I was not tired so yet (S.A. Yesenin).

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Essay on the topic: "The image of Levshi in the story of N.S. Leskova" Left -sha

"Distinctive properties of prose N.S. Leskova - fabulous motifs, plexus of comic and tragic, the ambiguity of the author's character estimates - fully appeared in one of the most famous works Writer" Lefthem ". The capital hero, externally, no specially distinguished (" on the cheek The spot is a birthmark, and at the temples of the hair when studying the extensions "), is at the same time, according to the author itself, the most skillful among the Tula gunsmiths. However, the leaks do not idealize the hero, showing that with magnificent craftsmanship he is not strong in sciences" and instead The four rules of addition from arithmetic takes everything on the psaltry yes to half a stone. "

Lefty is a skillful master, one of those who participated in the attacks of fleas, personifies the talent of the Russian people. But the sled flea ceases to dance: Russian craftsmen have no basic technical knowledge that any English master has no elementary. Leskov does not give name to his hero, thereby emphasizing the collective meaning and the significance of his character ("where" left-handed "is, it is necessary to read the Russian people," the fishing line said). Left -sha, being in England, rejects the profitable offers of the British and returns to Russia. He is intenseless and occasionally, but he "scored", feels his own insignificancy next to officials and nobles. Left -sha is accustomed to constant threats and beatings.

One of the main topics in the story is the topic of the creative gifting of the Russian man, which has been depicted more than once in the work of Leskova (stories "Tuppean artist", "Imprinted Angel"). Talent, on Leskov, cannot exist independently, it must be based on the moral, spiritual power of man. Left -shest, a non-zezed peasant, is not afraid to go to the sovereign, as it is confident in its rightness, as his work.

The image of Levshi is standing in a number of other righteous images created by Leskov. He sacrifice itself for the sake of the Fatherland, in the name of the case. He goes to England without documents, hungry (on the road "at each station of the belt for one icon was still dragging to the guts with the lungs, they are not confused") to show the Russian centering and skill to foreigners, and causes respect for the British with its reluctance to stay in their country . Lefty has a number of qualities inherent in the gallery of Righteous Leskov: he true patriot, Patriot in the shower, gifted from birth, His high morality and religiosity is inherent. He passed through a lot of tests, but even for death, he remembers that the Military Secret of the British, the ignorance of which is negatively reflected on the combat capability of the Russian army.

In the inattention of the authorities to the fate of national talents, in the densence and the uneducation of the Russian people themselves are on fishing, the cause of the backwardness of Russia. It is interesting to compare Nikolai's conversation with Lefty, to which the emperor connects, and meeting the Hero with the British, who respect the masters in him, talk to equals. When Left -shess returns to his homeland, he falls and dies, no one needs. An abandoned hospital in the "common" hospital, he personifies the ingratiance, short-sightedness and ungratefulness of the royal power - the reason for the unusability of Russia, as the author believes.

Of the whole story it becomes obvious that Leskov sympathizes Lefters, regrets him; Copyright comments are filled with bitterness. In the form of left-handed the search for Leskov positive heroAnd, it seems, this image is closest to this purpose.

It's no secret that a person - the left-hander differs from a person - right-handed not only what he writes, holding a handle in the other hand. Let's try to learn about the features, characteristics and qualities of the left.

To date, there are about 8-15% of people in the world as a predominant hand, they are called left-handers.

Interestingly, the leading hand children are chosen at the age of three years, it is manifested in games, creative classes - for example, when drawing, decorating, modeling. It is believed that children who are left-handers, the right hemisphere of the brain is the predominant (dominant). His work is responsible for the perception of location and orientation in space, art perception, creative, including musical, abilities, intuition, imagination, emotions.

Psychologists often note that left-handed people are artistically gifted people, they have excellent musical hearing. In addition, the left-handers are characteristic of the pronunciation of some sounds and sometimes a delay in the development of speech. Speaking about other High Qualities, psychologists celebrate stubbornness, the ability to draw, sculpt, sing, difficulty reading and writing.

Lefty children are often trustless, direct, subject to someone else's influence, mood. Also inherent capriciousness, prosperity, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the desired one. The reasons for the distinguishing of right-handers and left-handers are that the right and left hemisphere The brain is responsible for various spheres of mental activity.

Also, experts note the connection of temperament with left-handed. Lefts in comparison with right-handers are more emotional, they have a problem with self-control. Lefty can instantly angry and get out of themselves, but they possess logical thinking, the ability to consistently process information, summarize it and analyze. The left-handers are distinguished by excellent physical mobility, a burden for sports, impressionable and vulneracy, they also have a tendency to fantasize and possess excellent memory.

Previously, most children who involuntarily preferred the use of the left hand were deliberately reasured. Many parents perceive the news that their child left-handed negatively, but do not be so categorical in their judgments. To date, all experts agree in a single opinion that it is impossible to move left-handed. The process of retraction of Levshi is a heavy test for his psyche, which will only cause stress and neurotic a child.

After retraining, children often suffer from neurotic disorders, including sleep disorders, appetite, headaches, enuresis, stuttering.

As recommendations on the behavior of adults with the child, Levshoy meets the Council not to focus on the fact that the child is different from other children with its left-handedness. In a situation where the baby feels that his peculiarity is raised by an increased interest from others, he can have self-esteem and developing shyness and insecurity.

Interestingly, when choosing a profession, it is worth considering the leopard of man. Lefters have proven perfectly in such areas as design, photography, painting, architecture, music, sports. It was noted that among the left-handed people, there are a lot of creative personalities who have achieved success, as an example, you can call: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Vladimir Mayakovsky, composers Bach, Beethoven, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe. If a child-left-handed child appeared in the family, it is not necessary to move it, rather you need to give a chance to show myself from the creative side and develop the features and skills that he successfully succeeds. Children need and important support for parents. Be healthy!

creative work

2. Description Levshi

Distinctive properties of prose N.S. Leskova - fabulous motifs, plexus of comic and tragic, ambiguity of the author's assessments of the characters - fully manifested themselves in one of the most famous works of the writer "Levshev".

I know us with the main character, the author does not demonstrate his attractiveness, just a few details: "Spit left-handed, on the cheek, a burning spot, and in the temples of the hair with the study of the extensions." However, Left -sha is a skillful Tula master, one of those Tula gunsmiths who managed to cut the English "nymphosoria" and, thus, surpass the English masters.

When meeting with the tsar himself, Lefty is not frightened, but "goes in what was: in a lap, one pant in the boot, the other wounds, and the ogetchik is old, the hooks do not fit, are straight, and the collar is broken; But nothing, not confused. " Left -shest, a non-zezed peasant, is not afraid to go to the sovereign, as it is confident in its rightness, as his work. Indeed, there is something to get down - the craftsmen not only did not spoil the dicks, but the British were passed on the skill: they picked up a steel flea and wrote their names on the horses. This is such a miniature work that it is possible to see the result in a "small melkoscope", which increases a few hundred times, and the masters for the cause of poverty did all delicate work without a "melkoscope", because they have "so the eyes of the target". However, the name of Lefshi was not on the horseshoe, as he considered himself unworthy of this. In his opinion, he did nothing special, because he worked with details less than the hilt: I spawned the carnations to kill them.

Lefty is ready to sacrifice the sake of the Fatherland, in the name of the case. He goes to England without documents, hungry (on the road "at each station of the belt for one icon was still dragging to the guts with the lungs, they are not confused") to show the Russian centering and skill to foreigners, and causes respect for the British with its reluctance to stay in their country .

The skill and ability of Levshi caused deserved respect from the British, but, unfortunately, he was deprived of technical knowledge accessible to English craftsmen, and, as a result, Svilnaya Limushy with the comrades "Nymphosoria" can no longer dance: "This is a pity - the British regret, "It would be better if you would of the arithmetic at least four rules of addition, knew, then would you have much more sensory than the entire sediment. Then you could figure out that in each machine there is a calculation of force; And then, Khosha you are very in my hands skillful, and did not realize that such a small machine, as in nymphosoria, can not be accustomed to the most accurate accuracy. Through this is now nimphosoria and misunderstands and dance does not dance. "

When Left -shess returns to his homeland, he falls and dies, no one needs. Abandoned to the floor in a "common" hospital, he personifies the inhumanity, short-sightedness and ungratefulness of state power - the reason for the unusability of Russia, as the author believes.

Of the whole story it becomes obvious that Leskov sympathizes Leftersh, regrets him, the author's comments are filled with bitterness. In the form of Leishes, the search for a fishing positive national hero was reflected, and, in my opinion, this image is very close to the goal.

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