Right-brain man. Features of information processing by the right and left hemispheres of the brain

Left-brain thinking is responsible for consistent perception of information, step by step, first the first, then the second and only then the third. This perception is stretched over time.

Acting in this way, we successively, one by one, learn something about this world. This method is well known to all of us, since it was he who was taught to us in schools and universities, it is this method that is most mastered by mankind.

An example can be the perception of speech information: we read first one word, then the second, the third, and only after that we have a complete image in our head. We cannot read first the third, then the tenth, and then the first word in the sentence, so nothing will come of it. It is necessary to observe a certain order, an algorithm of actions.

What is the peculiarity of right-brain thinking?

Right-brain thinking is responsible for one-time processing of information when we "grasp" the whole image at once, when we see the whole picture at once.

An example would be the perception of a drawing or photograph. When we look at a picture, we see it in its entirety, and it appears in its entirety immediately before us. We don't need to follow a specific order, we never look at the image from left to right and top to bottom. Our eyes move erratically, focusing on those parts of the drawing where there are more details or that have caught our attention.

Which type of thinking is best?

  • Left hemispheric thinking is mastered better. It is indispensable when you need to act according to the rules, in accordance with strict schemes, a sequence of actions. For example, in production, in emergency situations.
  • In situations of uncertainty, incomplete information, right-brain thinking and perception save us. When we grasp the whole image, we may lose sight of some of its small details. But when there is a holistic image in our head, we ourselves can extract from it such details that we could not consciously track down. For example, knowing a certain person and knowing what he is like, we can with a high degree of probability predict his behavior in those situations in which we did not have to observe him.

Important flexibly switch between the two ways of thinking and apply them strictly according to their characteristics.

Science and Life // Illustrations

Science and Life // Illustrations


It has been known for about half a century that the two hemispheres of the human brain are unequal. The left hemisphere is more logical, while the right is more emotional.

American psychologist Paul Torrance was the first to study large groups of people, determining which type of thinking prevails in them - left-brain or right-brain. Having collected a lot of statistics, he identified four types of thinking:

left-brain with a predominance of logic and analysis;

right hemispheric, with a predominance of emotions, an intuitive and imaginative approach to problems;

mixed when this or that hemisphere "turns on" depending on the situation;

integrated when both approaches are used simultaneously.

The psychologist emphasizes that none of these types of thinking is worse or better than the other. They have their advantages and disadvantages, just like the four human temperaments - phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric and melancholic.

The proposed test is based on the Torrance methodology and allows you to independently determine which type of thinking is yours. After reading the following 120 options for the characteristics of thinking and behavior, underline the option that suits you best - A, B, or C. At the end of each option is a letter - P (right), L (left), or I (integrated). After answering all 40 questions, count how many letters P, L, and I you typed.

1. A) In order to remember or learn something, I need to specifically study this information - L

C) I remember various facts and details well without special study of the issue - P

C) In different cases, it happens differently - AND

2. A) I love science fiction - P

B) I prefer realistic literature - L

C) I love both - AND

3. A) Sometimes I like to dream, and sometimes I make quite realistic business plans - AND

B) I like to dream more - P

C) I prefer realistic planning - L

4. A) When reading or doing mental work, I like to listen to music or radio - P

C) If I read just for fun, I can listen to music or the radio at the same time, but when doing mental work or reading a textbook, I need complete silence - AND

5. A) If I were a writer, I would work in the genre of fiction - P

B) I would only write about what really happened - L

C) I could work in both genres - AND

6. A) I would prefer to discuss my psychological problems and difficulties in a group of people who also have these problems - P

B) I would prefer to share my psychological problems in private with a specialist - L

C) Both options suit me - AND

7. A) When I paint, I prefer to draw "from my head" using my own imagination and ideas - P

B) I like to copy more, pasting something from myself - L

C) I like both - AND

8. A) In my opinion, I can be easily hypnotized - P

B) I can probably be hypnotized, but not without difficulty - AND

C) I hardly succumb to hypnosis - L

9. A) I love action-packed adventure stories and stories of the mysterious and the supernatural alike - AND

C) I prefer adventure - L

C) I like mysterious stories more - P

10. A) At school, I treated algebra and geometry in the same way - AND

B) Preferred algebra - L

C) Preferred geometry - P

11 ... A) If I have to arrange any items in order, for example, put in order a library or a collection of stamps, I will arrange them in chronological order- L

B) I like to sort things more so that the connections between them are clearly visible - P

C) Both classification methods are equally good - AND

12. A) I remember texts and spoken words well - L

B) I have a good musical memory - P

C) I remember well both words and melodies - AND

13. A) Usually I finish my business by the specified deadline - AND

B) When planning my affairs, I proceed primarily from their number, and only secondarily I take into account the timing - L

C) I find it difficult to relate my affairs to any particular daily routine - P

14. A) My mood often changes - P

B) Mood swings are rare - AND

C) I almost always have an even mood - L

15. A) I like to communicate with animals - P

B) I don’t find rapport with animals very easily - AND

C) I find it rather difficult to communicate with animals - L

16. A) I treat cats and dogs alike - AND

B) I like cats more - P

C) I like dogs more - L

17. A) In the company I like to joke around - P

B) Depending on the circumstances, I can be serious, I can joke a lot and have fun - AND

C) I don't like too much fun - L

18. A) I am often absent-minded, as if absent, wandering in the clouds - P

B) Such absent-mindedness finds me only sometimes - AND

C) I am almost always focused, I stand firmly on the ground - L

20. A) When they explain to me how a particular device works, I equally well perceive both verbal explanations and a visual demonstration - AND

B) I prefer to be shown how it works - P

C) Better let them explain in words - L

21. A) I don't care if there are illustrations in the fiction that I read - AND

B) I prefer books without distracting illustrations - L

C) Fiction must be illustrated - P

22. A) I will read the story with equal pleasure or watch its film adaptation - And

B) I prefer to read - L

C) I'd rather watch a movie - P

23. A) I am equally attracted to rhythmic dances and poetry - AND

B) I like rhythmic dances more - P

C) Poetry attracts me more - L

24. A) In ballet, I prefer a modern, unconventional movement - P

B) If ballet - then only classical - L

C) I have no preference for classical or modern dance - AND

25. A) I like to communicate with people - P

B) I like to gossip about relationships between acquaintances - L

C) I love both communication and gossip about human contacts - AND

26. A) I prefer to think lying down - P

B) It is more convenient to think while sitting - L

C) I have no preference in this regard - AND

27. A) I would love to become a music critic - L

B) I would like to be a composer - P

C) Both professions are equally good in my eyes - AND

28. A) Thinking about the consequences of my actions, I rely mainly on intuition - P

B) First of all, I soberly and logically assess the consequences of my decisions and actions - L

C) I usually use both the first and the second method - AND

b A) When I have to listen to someone, I tend to listen carefully - L

B) Listening to someone, I shift from foot to foot, twirl around in a chair and constantly get distracted - P

C) I can control my attention by listening to lengthy explanations - AND

30. A) I like to analyze what I have read fiction- L

B) Literature is a work of art, and I perceive it purely emotionally - P

C) Both statements are true - AND

31. A) Depending on the situation, I can behave like everyone else or stand out for my non-conformism - AND

B) As a rule, I do not like to stand out with my behavior and act like everyone else - L

C) More often I behave in my own way, not looking back at others - P

b A) I am equally successful in performing both clearly formulated job assignments and cases in which I have to think for myself as the situation develops - AND

B) I prefer tasks in which I have more room for independent actions - P

C) I prefer to carry out assignments that are clearly scheduled point by point, so that it is clear to me what to do and how to do it - L

33. A) When I learn something new, I like to do it by free search - P

B) I like to study more systematically, according to plan - L

C) Both ways are equally close to me - AND

34. A) I remember names, titles, dates, phone numbers well - L

B) I remember well the location of various objects and the way to them - P

C) I remember both types of information well - AND

35. A) In books I look mainly for ideas - P

B) I look in books mainly for facts and details - L

C) Both interest me equally strongly - AND

36. A) I like to present ideas in their logical sequence - L

B) I'm better at showing the connection between different ideas - P

C) I can do both equally successfully - AND

37. A) I can just as well summarize what I have read or highlight the main idea of ​​the text - AND

B) I prefer to summarize - L

C) I prefer to highlight the main idea-P

38. A) I can come up with new ideas and draw conclusions with equal pleasure - AND

B) Conclusions attract me more - L

C) Searching for new ideas fascinates me more - P

39. A) I approach problems rationally, logically - L

B) I solve problems on the basis of intuition - P

C) I use both methods with equal success - AND

40. A) I am equally pleased to invent something new or improve something already known - AND

B) I like "rationalization proposals" more - L

C) Inventing something new is more interesting for me - P


You can evaluate the results according to the following table.

Suppose, answering the questions, you typed 10 L. We find 10 in the leftmost column and we see that 92 points correspond to ten in column L. Ten Is correspond to 76 points, and ten Ps correspond to 92.

If by some indicator you scored 120 points or more, then it is this type of thinking that prevails in you: R - right hemispheric, L - left hemispheric, I - integrated. If you didn't score 120 in any of the three columns, you have a mixed mindset.

Let's briefly describe these types.

Left-brain thinking. People with this type of thinking actively tackle emerging problems and solve them logically, willingly discussing and "speaking" these problems. They use intuition only when absolutely necessary. They organize their lives on a realistic basis, taking into account all the factual details when making decisions. Such a person prefers to keep his life under his own control, willingly takes responsibility and loves to know who is responsible for what. We are predictable in our actions. He places high on his duties and duties. For such a person, everything is aimed at efficiency, at achieving a goal.

Right-brain thinking... This person prefers an intuitive and sensual approach to problems. A logical strategy is used only when absolutely necessary. Highly values ​​ideal and humanistic goals and ideas, often reflects on common topics"the main thing". He does not like to have bosses over himself, appreciates his own initiative. For him, relationships with people around him are very important.

Mixed thinking strategy. Such people, depending on the situation, use either right-brain or left-brain thinking. The more points you scored in the table on the L or P column, the more the tendency to the corresponding type of thinking. Such a person tends to be unpredictable.

Integrated type of thinking. In such a person, both hemispheres work simultaneously and equally strongly. If you scored more points on one of the columns L and P than on the other, this means that, in principle, the corresponding type of thinking prevails in you, and in some cases this tendency may manifest itself - for example, when solving particularly difficult problems.

Regardless of what type of thinking prevails in you, you can learn other styles as well. As can be seen from the example of people with an integrated or mixed type of thinking, a person is able to use both logic and intuition equally effectively. If you tend to think logically about problems, try turning on your intuition. If you have a lot based on emotions and intuition, try to apply logical analysis.

Based on materials from "Omni" magazine (USA).

Right-brain people, or left-handers

The right hemisphere of the brain controls the subconscious and abstract thinking, orientation in space and the sphere of feelings. It is responsible for figurative memory, perception of music, intonation and rhythm, expressiveness of sound. It has been experimentally established that if you listen to music with your left ear, through an earpiece, the melody is recognized faster. Right-brain people have a better understanding of classical music with its subtleties and nuances. They issue high level associations. It is not difficult for them to abstract from the specifics and generalize. Those with more activated right hemisphere retain in their memory the most varied impressions of what they saw and heard longer.

The left hemisphere is responsible for speech, it “thinks” with words. The right hemisphere "thinks" in images, it reads information contained not in words, but in intonations, facial expressions and gestures. For a right-hemisphere person, it is not so much important what it is said how much how said.

Marina came to the child psychologist's appointment with anxiety about the behavior of her four-year-old son: in her opinion, the boy does not adequately respond to communication. At the reception there was a demonstration of such an "inadequate" reaction. Marina several times called Artyom to her place, since we asked her about it, but he was carried away by the designer and could not tear himself away from him, and therefore, in response to the first two requests, he asked to play "just a minute". For the third time Marina, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes, hissed, without raising her tone, but in a “metallic” voice: “Artem, leave the designer immediately and come to me.” Artyom immediately became bored with resentment and resolutely declared: "Don't shout at me!" Of course, the mother spoke in an even voice, but her facial expressions and gestures were just “screaming”, and the child heard it. As Marina later admitted, she left us both reassured and worried. She realized that everything was in order with her boy, just that he was clearly right-brain (by the way, Artyom took both a spoon-fork and a pencil with his left hand from childhood), and the confidence in the “normality” of her son could not but please her. But now she is worried about something else: how to communicate with a child who subtly feels intonation, how to learn to control oneself.

The left brain helps us read and understand a book. The right hemisphere, being sufficiently developed and trained, makes it possible to "read between the lines" and "hear between words." It makes us re-read over and over again long-familiar works, because every time we come across some discoveries, something that went unnoticed during the previous reading or viewing.

Let's make another test for right and left hemispheres. Read AM Gorky's ballad “About the Little Fairy and the Young Shepherd”. While reading, try to find and briefly formulate the main meaning of the work in the form of a summary.

A fairy lived in the forest above the river,

She swam in the river at night

And once, forgetting caution,

I got caught in fishing nets.

The fishermen watched, marveled ...

Their favorite companion, Marco,

Took a gentle fairy in his arms

And he began to kiss her hotly.

And the fairy, like a flexible branch,

Wriggled in mighty hands

Yes, I looked into Markov's eyes

And she laughed quietly at something.

They kissed the whole day,

And as soon as night fell, -

The beautiful fairy has disappeared

And with it Markov's strength.

Marco spent his days prowling through the woods,

And at night I sat over the Danube

And he asked the waves: "Where is the fairy?"

And the waves are laughing: "We don't know!"

Marco hanged himself on a bitter one,

A cowardly trembling aspen ...

And his friends buried him

Over the blue Danube in the gorge.

At night to his grave

That fairy came to sit ...

Sits and laughs at something ...

After all, that's how she loved it!

The fairy is bathing in the Danube,

As before, before Marco, I swam ...

And Marco is gone! From Marco

Only this song remained!

Now check yourself.

1. “Only those who somehow stood out, did something unusual remain in the memory of people” - you used left hemisphere.

2. "There are forces in the world that are incomprehensible and beyond the control of man" - you "read" with the right hemisphere and drew attention to the subtext.

3. "Often we imagine ourselves to be the masters of the situation, not being such in reality" - this option is obtained if you, agreeing with resume No. 1, did not calm down and reread the legend. While reading, you "slowed down" on the line where the fairy was "quietly laughing at something." All this means that you are of a mixed type, that is, you are able to turn on both hemispheres at will.

If the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, then thanks to the right hemisphere, intuitive insights and discoveries become possible. The scientist “dreamed” the periodic table in a dream, when the left hemisphere, which is responsible for the work of consciousness, was temporarily “turned off”. Intuition and insight are the right brain methods. Therefore, many are right-brain creative people- artists, poets, painters and musicians. Right-brain people simply love to look at everything and admire the smallest things.

My daughter at the age of three just drove us all crazy. We were in a hurry somewhere, and she froze at every step: "Mom, look, a leaf", "Oh, mom, what a dog!" and so on. She was delighted with everything, she had to consider everything. To tear her away from contemplation was about the same as “pulling a hippopotamus out of the swamp”, in general, the work is not easy, especially since the girl was terribly offended and threw a tantrum. So we preferred to leave at least half an hour earlier, so that our "eyeball", as we called her, could look at the world for his own pleasure.

If your child can stare at a blade of grass for half an hour, do not interrupt this process of contemplation. This is not increased harm and not a whim, but an impulse of the soul. Who knows, perhaps your future Leonardo is growing up. If you don't know how to help your child, just don't bother.

The right hemisphere has one hundred eyes instead of two, it is able to simultaneously see a lot, to catch connections between objects and events. It is to them, the "right hemispheres", that the dictum that there is nothing in the world is accidental belongs. Right-brain people easily accept new things, they are not conservatives by nature. And this is a great paradox, since they, while accepting the new, constantly look back, look at the lost and the past, and therefore most often look at the world with pessimism. It would seem that the higher the intellect, the more talents and abilities, the more objective a person's self-esteem should be. But no, self-esteem strongly depends on the emotional world of the individual, and therefore it is naturally gifted people who more often than mediocre ones doubt their talents, go through periods of the deepest depressions.

Since the right hemisphere is responsible for the sphere of feelings, it is not surprising that right-hemisphere people, among whom there are many left-handed people, have the abilities that are now commonly called phenomenal. The subconscious mind, for which the right hemisphere is responsible, is in charge of all those mental functions that we are not able to control. This includes primarily intuition and dreams. Telepathy and hypnosis, as well as the phenomena of automatic counting and absolute memory, also refer to the work of the subconscious and, accordingly, the right hemisphere.

It is also quite natural that many left-handers are related to art and science. We can recall scientists - I.P. Pavlov and J.C. Maxwell, artists - Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, connoisseurs of the word, who can taste and touch it - I. Dahl and L. Carroll. The genius left-handers include such personalities as Paul McCartney and Charlie Chaplin. If you believe the legends of deep antiquity, then Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great and Napoleon were also left-handed.

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Technology of "two-hemispheric" learning

as one of the methods of improving the quality of knowledge in the context of the transition to the second generation FSES


The changes taking place in Russia require an active search for social guidelines that reflect both the continuity of historical development and the need to define a goal that can combine state, social and personal needs and interests, the achievements of world civilization and the originality of domestic culture.

Raising development objectives domestic education in the category of national priorities meets this task in the best possible way. The education system is a sphere of social life in which the interests of the absolute majority of the country's population are represented to one degree or another. General education forms the basis of the system, includes many millions of students, employees of the education system, affects the interests of their families, employers, and various public organizations.

The experience of creating domestic education standards shows that standards are able to effectively fulfill their mission only if their development and adoption procedures are based on identifying and agreeing on individual, social and state needs in general education. Individual, social and state needs and interests can be classified as follows.

Individual needs of the individual (family) in the area general education integrate the potential of personal, social and professional success of students.

Personal success is a full-fledged and varied personal formation and development, taking into account individual inclinations, interests, motives and abilities.

Social success is an organic entry into the social environment and participation in the life of society.

Professional success - the development of universal labor and practical skills, readiness to choose a profession.

The main functions of the standard include the function of improving the quality of education. It is the realization of this function that the methodology of "two-hemispheric" teaching of students promotes.

Leading types of information perception in humans.

All people, adults and children, are conventionally divided into two large groups. One group includes people with a leading right-brain type of perception, and the other group includes people with a leading left-brain type of perception.

The left-hemispheric leading type of perception contributes to the easy assimilation of literate writing. Such people form a competent letter without much effort on their part - it is easy for them to "get it". Such children may not learn the rules, but write correctly. But they write essays worse. Left-brain children will have to make extra efforts to learn how to write good essays.

On the contrary, the right-hemispheric leading type of perception does not contribute to the easy mastery of literate writing. And even if such a child knows the rules perfectly, he often cannot apply them. But if such people read a lot, they can write good essays without much effort.

This happens because the right-brain type of perception is "responsible" for ease of communication, for expanded communicative and expressive speech, for its imagery. But the left-hemispheric type of perception is "responsible" for literate writing, for the consistency of building speech, for working with sign systems.

Society overestimates the role of the left hemisphere and logical thinking in the formation of the child's mental activity. School teaching methods train and develop mainly the left hemisphere, ignoring at least half of the child's capabilities

The right hemisphere is known to be associated with development creative thinking and intuition. The main type of thinking junior student is visual and figurative, closely related to the emotional sphere. This involves the participation of the right hemisphere in learning.

Right hemispheric a holistic, undivided perception is characteristic.Left hemisphere on the contrary, the whole is dismembered into its component parts. When students learn the rules of spelling words, they break the sentence into words, words into parts (root, prefix, etc.). To act according to the rule, it is necessary to stop the process of writing, remember the rule, select, for example, a root from an unwritten word, match it with the root given in the rule. Left-brain children cope with this, so their literacy improves after learning the rules.

Right hemispheric without thinking about the rules, they write without mistakes. But as soon as they stop, think, and a mistake is inevitable. This group of children should not dismember the word into parts, violate its holistic image, the unity of semantic, auditory and motor characteristics. The integrity of perception, the automatism of writing is violated, innate literacy is destroyed. They cannot be stopped during the letter and asked to remember the rule. Such children, having written the text without mistakes, often cannot cope with the task of parsing a sentence or word in parts. When checking, they read the text quickly, they do not notice mistakes and mistakes. For them, the main thing is to understand the meaning of what they have read, so they do not like self-tests.

Let us cite leading experts in the field of neuroeducation.

Professor Traugott: "We need to warn schools against left-brain training. This educates people who are not capable of real action in a real situation."

Professor Khrizman: "The right-hemispheres, the generators of ideas, are disappearing. The question is serious: we must save the nation."

Professor Kolesov: "True thinking is figurative, complex, when it is important not only to designate it with a concept, but also to understand it in a complex way."

Features of the main cognitive processes

in children with dominance of the left and right hemispheres of the brain

"Left-hemisphere" children

"Right-brain" children


Rather rational

Abstract, logical, formal, analytical (abstract cognition)


Using induction (primacy of the quotient) Operating with numbers (including a counting system), mathematical formulas and other sign symbols

Rather emotional

Visual-figurative, synthetic thinking (sensory cognition); reliance on associations, intuition, anticipation, Creative skills


The use of deduction (primacy of the general) Attraction of sensations, guesses, premonitions, representations, visual representations of life


Discrete (in parts)

Analytical and rational

Abstract, invariant

Better perceived stimuli are verbal, easily distinguishable, familiar

Good perception of speech (oral and written) of its semantic aspects; distinguishing the main

Poor perception of messages in the background of noise

Good perception of high-pitched sounds

The perception is holistic

Emotional-sensory perception

Perception specific

Better perceived non-verbal stimuli, difficult to distinguish, unfamiliar

Figurative information, spatial relationships, music (without its analysis), noises are perceived holistically

Good perception of messages against a background of noise

Good perception of low sounds


Good auditory memory

Poor memory for images

Good memory for numbers, formulas, words

Dominance of the transcoding function

Dominance of the transcoding function (semantic memorization)

Good random memory

Good memorization of the sequence of events and their probabilistic properties

Good figurative memory

Poor auditory memory

Good visual, imaginative, emotional memory, memory for sounds, smells, etc.

Dominance of the imprinting function

Good involuntary memory

general characteristics intelligence

The verbal, logical component is well developed; adherence to theory

The non-verbal, intuitive component is well developed; commitment to practice

Features of the "left-brain" and "right-brain" learning strategies

(according to V.V. Golenkov and E.B. Filippova)

    In the "left-hemisphere" strategy, the emphasis is on students' auditory-speech memory, ie. educational material mostly given verbally. The rules, the structure of the studied phenomena, i.e. symbolic generalizations (schemes) are, as it were, a verbal form of imprinting.

    Teacher's speechfor "left hemisphere" children should be logical, "as a proof of theorems", without excessive emotionality, facial expressions and pantomime. Excessive gestures, except for regulatory ones, are undesirable. The pace of speech and pauses for any style of teaching should correspond to the speed of translation of the teacher's external speech into the students' internal speech. Pauses and volume are used to more clearly highlight the semantic parts in speech.

    " Right-brain "learning strategy also characterized by features corresponding to the activity and mental disposition of "right-hemisphere" children.

    The educational process is based on the figurative thinking of students. The images used in the explanation should not be split into parts, but reflect the essence of the phenomenon being studied and act as the main means of conveying the material to students. The main in this case will be visual images, in certain cases it is necessary to involve auditory, kinesthetic (motor), and tactile, and olfactory, and emotional, which activate the corresponding types of memory.

    It is advisable to use visual material, diagrams, saturate speech with comparisons and metaphors. Especially effective is dynamic visualization (operating models), auditory (various noises), etc. Verbal information needs to be supported by figurative information, preferably unfolding in time, include emotions, actions (for example, draw something in the air), pay special attention to the informational significance of the elements of explanation (brevity and specificity)

By using expressive means speech - intonation, volume, pauses - the teacher can control the attention of students and establish trusting communication with them, which is necessary for cooperation in the lesson. Teaching "right-brain" students should be based on their capabilities, interest in art, literature and philosophical problems to the maximum extent. When assessing knowledge, it is important to take into account the increased emotionality of these children and remember that "bad" grades do not become an incentive for them in learning.

Types of students according to M. Grinder.

p / p

l / n

Likes information in writing.

Loves information in the form of graphs, maps, demonstrations.

Likes to check work.

Doesn't like to check work

Repeats actual information

Loves independent choice. Uses intuition

Analyzes from part to whole.

Analyzes from whole to part.

He prefers reading first, then film.

Likes to watch a movie before reading a book

Sees symbols (words, letters).

Sees specific objects.

From the point of view of neuropedagogy, the whole studying proccess appears as a serial chain:

    ensuring the student's activity, taking into account the above-mentioned features (creating conditions for a successful solution to the problem);

    comparison of the results obtained with the expected ones (a conscious attitude to the result of one's educational work);

    organization of the situation of success, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students in stages (motivational stage - operational - effective).

According to this structure, at each stage we must take into account the peculiarities of “right-brain” and “left-brain” children:

Organization of the situation of success.

The teacher forms a motive for achieving success in students. The situation of success associated with the motivational sphere at this stage is determined mainly by the psychological aspects of the child's personality.

For right-brain students it is necessary to focus on the social significance of a particular type of activity, since they have a highly expressed need for self-realization. The motives prompting to study school subjects are associated with the formation of the personality, with the desire for self-knowledge, with the desire to understand the relationship of people, to realize their position in the world. They are characterized by an orientation towards high appreciation and praise. The aesthetic side of subjects is of great interest to right-brain schoolchildren.

To form motivation for learning activitiesin left-brain students it is necessary to focus on cognitive motives. They are attracted by the very process of assimilating knowledge. They are characterized by a high need for constant mental activity. The social motive is the possibility of continuing education. Classes in school sciences are seen as a means for the development of thinking. The need for self-improvement of mind and volitional qualities is expressed.

Features of sensory perception

Cognitive activity that occurs in the left hemisphere triggers eye movements in right side(and vice versa). Therefore, it can be assumed that those who avert their eyes to the left in the process of thinking are right hemispheric, and to the right are left hemispheric. Therefore, for right hemisphere students, the most significant is the left hemisphere, and for left hemisphere students, the right hemisphere.

Often, during communication with the teacher, students begin to look to the side or "roll their eyes to the ceiling." This reaction is not accidental. Eyes to the side - there is no interest in the teacher and his information. The teacher, trying to get the attention of the student, accelerates the pace and volume of speech. The student, at this moment, processes the information that he did not have time to process. V this moment he does not perceive the teacher's speech. Moreover, the acceleration of speech by the teacher is perceived by the student as a kind of aggression towards him. Irritation occurs and defensive reaction... If the student's eyes go to the side during the conversation, pause. Give him the opportunity to assimilate the information received.

For the most effective perception of information from the chalkboardfor right-brain the color combination should be as follows: light board and dark chalk. The students must be seated in a semicircle. Outside of these conditions, the loss of information can be up to 30%.

For left-brain students the most significant is the right hemisphere; color combination on the board: dark background and light chalk; classic fit at the desks.

Right hemispheric

Left hemispheric

Spatial organization (part of the board)



Color organization (board and chalk color)

Light board and dark chalk

Dark board and white chalk

Conditions for successful activity

Images, context, connection of information with reality, with practice, creative tasks, experiments, musical background, speech rhythm

Technology, details, linear presentation style. Repeated repetition of educational material, silence in the lesson

Formation of motivation

Striving for independence, depth of knowledge, high demand for mental activity, in education

Operational stage.

Children with right hemisphere dominance do not control the correctness of their speech. Activities that require constant self-control are poorly performed by them. V oral speech problems in grammar and word selection may occur. Semantic gaps are possible, especially if the right-hemispheric student is also impulsive.

Children with left hemisphere dominance control their speech. But if asked to summarize, they will face certain difficulties. Left-brain students need help to develop fluency in oral and written speech... However, their accuracy in the use of words and the application of rules is usually higher than that of their right-brain classmates. However, left-brain students tend to be slower in writing.

At the operational stage, some children enter a critical period: on the one hand, it is necessary to complete the work, and on the other, there are not enough conditions for the implementation of the task. It is at this stage that the situation organized by the teacher is invaluable, which helps the child to get involved in work, stimulates his activity. Specific circumstances determine the use of certain techniques.

When choosing methods and techniques in the learning process, the teacher must take into account the peculiarities of the thinking processes of students with different types functional asymmetry of the hemispheres.

Right hemispheric

Left hemispheric

Perception of material

holistic, visual, speech intonation

discrete (in parts), the meaning of speech


fast, instant

slow, consistent


non-verbal, intuitive

verbal, logical





extroversion, fear, anger, sadness, rage

introversion, joy, a sense of pleasure


involuntary, visual-figurative

arbitrary, sign


visual-figurative, spontaneous, emotional, intuitive, three-dimensional

abstract-logical, formal, rational, programmable, two-dimensional

Effective stage

This stage of the teacher's activity is diagnostic, it determines the forecasts for the future. The student also corrects his activities with the help of the teacher: his conscious attitude towards the results should become an incentive for the upcoming activities.

The teacher is faced with the task of organizing the work in such a way as to turn the result of the student's previous activity into an emotional stimulus, into a conscious motive for completing the next task.

The teacher has an intention to search for mistakes, the student - to make them as little as possible. This leads to the formation of a performing style in a child and didacticity in a teacher. This situation is fraught with many negative consequences.

The performing style of thinking is formed in children already in kindergarten... Art school teachers point out that one year in kindergarten is enough to standardize a child's thinking. No wonder there is a law: in children's creative work, the teacher is prohibited from correcting even the most egregious mistakes. It has been noticed that among authoritarian teachers and parents, children are more conflicted, more often give others negative assessments.

Still the bottom line educational work usually comes down to an assessment. The teacher evaluates literacy, accuracy, correctness, etc. The student hopes that they will appreciate not only the result, but also his efforts.

When choosing methods of testing students' knowledge it is necessary to take into account the interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain.

For left-brain students the most preferable will be: problem solving, written surveys with an unlimited deadline, questions of the "closed" type. Written problem solving allows the left hemisphere to show their ability to analyze, and to closed-type questions, they will successfully select an answer from the proposed options.

For right-brain students methods of oral questioning, tasks with "open" questions, with a fixed deadline are suitable. Questions of the "open" type give them the opportunity to show their creativity, to demonstrate their own detailed answer.

Right hemispheric

Left hemispheric


do not control the correctness of speech, semantic gaps, free conversion

high self-control of speech, presentation of material

Typical errors

stressed vowels, vocabulary words, omissions of letters, misspellings, proper names are written with lowercase letter

unstressed vowels, skip soft sign, writing extra letters, replacing some consonants with others, case endings

Verification methods

oral survey, limited deadline for the assignment, open-ended questions (own detailed answer)

written survey, unlimited survey period, closed-ended questions (choose a ready-made answer)

For a lesson to be productive and learning to be effective, the teacher must usetechniques for teaching right-brain children.

1. Fantasy - composition with various tasks.

2. Compilation of riddles, jokes, jokes, tongue twisters, essays.

3. Drawing up fairy tales.

4. Acceptance of color changes. (We stepped into the picture. What did you see, hear, feel? What colors would you paint the picture? What can be added, removed? Why?)

5. The method of introducing a new hero. (To come up with a hero who would help Alyonushka, Ivanushka, etc.).

6. Reception "before the fairy tale". Come up with what came before the fairy tale. (Describe the place where two Frosts lived, etc.).

7. Description method. Offer to describe the doors where Cinderella, Rybka, Baba Yaga, etc. lived.

8. The method of change in the subsystem of the hero of the tale. Introduce instead of one hero of a fairy tale - another. How would the plot change?

9. MMCH. Describe how the ice girl felt. When she felt good, bad, etc.

10. Reception of revival. Invite children to describe nature in the person of a living creature or poems using key words.

11. Verbal drawing. Come up with your own picture, your musical instrument etc.

12. The method of miraculous transformations. (Describe good deeds that could help to take shape ...).

13. Reception of life in the plane (amorphous state). Offer to imagine yourself in the place of the hero that is in the studied material (kid, bear, old man, goldfish).

14. System lift. (The water cycle in nature).

15. Reception of synthesis. Conclusions after observation. (The name of the tale - what can it be - why?)

16. The method of trial and error. (Help yourself, occupy yourself, find what is dear to you, to your liking).

17. Problematic issue. How can you travel without leaving your home? etc.

18. Complement method. The teacher starts - the children finish.

19. Method of sound sensation. What sounds does rain, light, music of spring, winter, etc. make?

20. Association method. What does (a), (e) look like? This is a tree, snowdrift, etc. (Methods of work are taken from the RTV program).

The listed types activities facilitate the teaching of children with the same learning style and make it difficult for children with the opposite learning style or give the teacher a correct idea of ​​their knowledge and abilities, therefore it is necessary to apply methods of a differentiated approach to teaching.

Let's give an example of tasks in the study of literature.

Right hemispheric

Left hemispheric


Analysis of the story

Composing words and sentences from parts

Parsing words and sentences by composition


Listening to texts

Reading by Role

Teaching others to read

Spelling assignments

Troubleshooting Tasks

Finding the relationship

Applying the learned rule

Finding passages in the text

Text matching

Exercises that develop attention; logical, analytical thinking; teach to compare, highlight the main thing; set up for further specific activities, that isdevelop the left hemisphere of the brain ... These are exercises such as: “Find a logical error”, “Follow logical reasoning”, “Expand your view of the world”; fighting games: spelling, spelling, morphological, etc .; G. Eysenck's tests, “Proof test” test, tasks like “Choose the fourth superfluous”, “Make up an algorithm” and others.

Activate imaginative memory, develop creative imagination, the ability to see internal images, emotionally present material, that isaffect the right hemisphere of the brain educational games allow: "Competition of storytellers", "The Tree of Wisdom", "Magic Pencil", "Academic Council". They help to master abstractions, generalizations, bring perception, attention, memory to "combat" readiness, make it possible to quickly and optimally understand the educational material. Vocabulary work by the method of Cicero, "Matryoshka", using the "Spelling strategy" (from NLP); exercises on visualization of images, developing the ability to see internal images, such as "Make a portrait of a phrase", "Write a grammatical tale", reading by roles, also contribute to this.

Right-brain training.

Psychologists point out that up to the age of 10, students predominantly activate the right hemisphere, which is responsible for holistic perception, which contributes to development creativity, shifting the emphasis on non-verbal learning.

    Acceptance of the "Instant Presentation Card". Students on cards illustrate concrete and abstract concepts, which stimulates a non-trivial look at abstract concepts, activates imaginative thinking.

    Reception "Interpretation". While listening to a piece of music, students compare them with a certain concept written on the board and find a match. It is advisable to use this technique before studying the topic, because it allows you to extract and activate the information that the child already has about an object or phenomenon that is to be studied, so that later the perception of the topic would be more effective.

    Reception "Dramatization". This technique has long been used in the teaching of the humanities. Holistic learning involves applying it to learning natural sciences... Dramatization helps to remember the features of an object or natural phenomenon, to understand the dynamics of a process or a scientific concept. The educational game “I was born as a gardener” is based on a dramatization technique. Each student chooses a role for himself (for example, a flower), then he looks for the necessary information in additional literature, and uses it in the lesson. The teacher plays the role of a gardener who turns to this or that flower, speaks to him, learns about the peculiarities of his life.

Dramatization can be carried out in writing, inviting students to write essays about their mental reincarnations: "I am a snowflake," "I am a drop of water," "I am a butterfly," etc.

    Reception "Visualization". This is a controlled fantasy, imaginary travels under the guidance of a teacher: a trip inside your body, into the bowels of the Earth or the Sun, inside a living cell, etc. visualization can play the role of a problem situation or the role of an emotionally-shaped shell put on a logical-rational frame of scientific facts, information combining them into a coherent picture. For the implementation of visualization, you need a calm, friendly atmosphere in the lesson, dim light, calm music. The teacher can use text describing phenomena from popular science literature. While reading this text, students imagine a phenomenon and answer questions.

One of the advantages of such visualizations over visual methods is that it is not a passive assimilation of ready-made information that is carried out, but active work thoughts and imaginations, enriching the existing experience of the child, new images are created, developmental activities are organized.

Left-brain training.

The left hemisphere processes information logically, sequentially. It is necessary to use a logical way of reasoning - this is a skill that gradually develops from childhood. Children learn to make judgments, make inferences, using concrete examples first, and then moving on to abstract thinking.

    Reception "Classification". The assignment helps students understand that objects can be classified according to several characteristics (color, shape, size, etc.).

    Reception "Problem solving". Problem-based learning is closely related to left-brain learning, since the solution to the problem includes a logical analysis of the information available to students and related to this problem, as well as the analysis of the information received. Such learning can be made attractive to students only if it is motivated and has personal significance for the student. Students often do research to solve a problem. Conducting experiments and experiments, analyzing the information obtained by reasoning logically, students find a solution to the problem posed.

Combination of different types of training .

Types of training - physical-sensory, right-brain, left-brain, emotional, etc. - are theoretical, artificial categories. Combinations of training types must be used. For this, a variety of interesting teaching methods are used: brainstorming, mesh, synectics, lateral thinking, etc.

    Reception "Brainstorming". It means the free expression of ideas on a specific issue. This is a process, the purpose of which is to develop a choice of possibilities, alternatives. During brainstorming students should refrain from criticizing or evaluating any suggestion. Brainstorming is one problem-solving technique that students can use in the future.

    Reception "Grid". This form of brainstorming is designed to find connections between individual positions. The core of the network is making connections. When building a network, the problem is recorded in the center of a sheet of paper and branches are drawn in all directions, where the network of problems originating from the original is recorded.

    Reception "Sinektika". This is the process of using metaphors, analogies in reasoning, to make the unfamiliar familiar. By using this technique, students develop the ability to create their own connecting metaphors and analogies.

    Reception "Lateral thinking". Such thinking is associated with insight, creativity, humor. It is based on the restructuring of information, a departure from the rigid patterns established by practice. This technique helps students create new ideas, isolate and solve problems, study scientific concepts... Such thinking allows you to learn to think flexibly, to destroy old schemes.

Emotional learning.

The holistic approach considers the development of students' emotions as important as the ability to solve problems, think logically and observe carefully. The emotional component of learning can be incorporated into each lesson by asking an emotional question.

    Reception "Dilemma". This is a situation that requires a choice of alternatives. The ability to sort out options, see and choose an alternative is necessary for the formation of a creative personality. Values ​​sheets are provided to help students cope with the dilemma. They contain a description of the dilemma and questions for students. Students get acquainted with the statement of values, discuss it, answer questions.

    Reception "Occupation of positions". There are problems in life and in science that can evoke deep feelings. But students cannot analyze and express their position. In this technique, students mark the extreme positions on the topic under discussion, and give them the opportunity to explain these positions.


Creating motivation to learn is also an effective factor in delivering a quality lesson. The so-called "metaphor" - a kind of parable, instructive story, even anecdote, aphorism - which we do not decipher, we do not explain the meaning, helps to bring the child into a problematic state when he is interested in solving the task at hand. But, having told it at the beginning of the lesson, we act on both hemispheres of the brain, transferring the student from a problem state to a desired one. Let's cite as an example one of N. Peseshkian's stories:

Not a big difference.

One eastern ruler had a dream that all his teeth fell out one by one. In great excitement, he summoned the interpreter of dreams. He listened to him with concern and said: "Lord, I must tell you the sad news: you will lose one by one all your loved ones!" These words aroused the wrath of the sovereign. He ordered to throw the unfortunate man in prison and call another interpreter. He, having heard the dream, said: “I am happy to tell you the good news! You will live a long life and outlive all your relatives! ” The Sovereign generously rewarded the fortuneteller. The courtiers were surprised: "After all, you told him the same thing as your predecessor!" "It all depends on how you say what is said."

The division of consciousness ("subtle body") into yin and yang at the level of thinking is left-brain and right-brain thinking.

At the physical level, the cortex of our brain consists of two hemispheres, interconnected by a bundle of nerve fibers - the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere is responsible for the right half of the body, and the right hemisphere is responsible for the left.

In accordance with this, many esotericists accept that the right side of our body (regardless of gender) is associated with our "masculine energy", and the left half - with "feminine energy".

Left-brain thinking:

The ability for speech, analysis, detailing, abstraction is provided by the left hemisphere of the brain. It works sequentially, building chains, algorithms, operating with a fact, detail, symbol, sign, is responsible for the abstract-logical component in thinking. In our speech, the left hemisphere provides theoretical thinking, grammatical formulation of the utterance and characterization of the properties of objects.

Right-brain thinking:

The right hemisphere is able to perceive information as a whole, to work through many channels at once and, in conditions of a lack of information, to restore the whole in its parts. It is customary to correlate with the work of the right hemisphere creative possibilities, intuition, ethics, adaptability. The right hemisphere provides the perception of reality in its entirety of diversity and complexity, in general, with all its constituent elements. In our speech, the right forms the integrity of the semantic content, provides empirical and figurative (metaphorical) thinking, creates associations based on visual and sensory ideas about the subject.

According to the concept of V. S. Rotenberg, “the left hemisphere, out of the entire abundance of real and potential connections, selects a few internally consistent, not mutually exclusive, and on the basis of these few connections (ideally, a striving for only one, but very strong) creates an unambiguously understood context. This context is based on the establishment of unambiguous cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena. Thanks to the unambiguous context, complete mutual understanding is achieved between people in the process of their activities. Unambiguity also provides a logical analysis of objects and phenomena, a sequence of transition from one level of consideration to another. At the same time, all other connections that can complicate and confuse the picture, make it less definite and internally contradictory - all these connections are mercilessly cut off. Such a picture of the world, neatly trimmed to fit a typewriter of logical thinking, is no longer a picture in the full sense of the word, but a model that is easy to use. Everything school education in the conditions of Western civilization, it is aimed at the earliest possible formation in a person of an unambiguous context of left-hemispheric thinking.

The right hemisphere is busy with the exact opposite task. It "grasps" reality in all the richness, inconsistency and ambiguity of connections and forms a polysemantic context. A perfect example of this context is the dreams of people with whole brains. ... this example ... addresses the inner experience of each person. We all probably know the feeling of helplessness when, after waking up after a vivid and personally significant dream, we try to retell it in order to convey our feelings from it. And we are surprised to find that, although we clearly remember him in all the details, something important escapes when retelling, and not only from the listeners, but also from ourselves. What we are able to express in words is only a pale shadow, the skeleton of what we actually saw. And the point is not that we do not have enough words, but that it is not possible to convey in words that polysemantic context, which is formed by the abundance of intersecting connections between its individual images. Speech, in any case, speech is not poetic, in principle it is not intended to convey and express such a context, since it is built according to the laws of left-brain thinking "