Hero of the Soviet Union. Brief biography. Seven brave: the first heroes of the Soviet Union

Biographies of the Heroes of the Soviet Union - War Participants in Afghanistan

Arsenov Valery Viktorovich

Private, senior scout-grenadeometer of the 173rd separate detachment of special forces, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on June 24, 1966 in the regional center of Donetsk region of Ukraine, Donetsk in the family of the worker.

From the fourth of the eighth grade studied at the boarding school.

From 1982 to 1985 he studied in the Donetsk Construction Vocational School. After his end, he worked as a metal structural assembler at one of the Donetsk plants.

From October 1985 in the ranks of the Soviet Army. The service was held as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Participated in 15 combat outputs.

On February 28, 1986, participating in battle with the superior forces of the enemy in 80 kilometers east of Kandahar, the senior scout-grenadeometer, being seriously injured, continued to fire. At a critical moment of the fight, the brave warrior of the price of his life was closed from the enemy bullets of the company commander and saved his life. From the received wounds died on the battlefield.

Goroshko Yaroslav Pavlovich

Captain, commander of the company of the 22nd separate team of special forces, hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on October 4, 1957 in the village of Borschevka Lanovetsky district of the Ternopol region of Ukraine in the family of the worker.

In 1974 he graduated from 10 classes, worked at an electric repair plant.

Since 1976 - in the Soviet Army.

In 1981 he graduated from Khmelnitsky Higher Military Artillery Command School.

From September 1981 to November 1983, he served in Afghanistan as a commander of a mortar platoon and an ardent assault company.

After returning to the USSR, he served in one of the joints of the special forces.

In 1986, at a personal request was sent to Afghanistan.

On October 31, 1987, a group under his command loss to the aid to the group of senior lieutenant Onichuk O.P. As a result of the battle, 18 Mujahideen was destroyed. Scouts from the group Goroshko Ya.P. Patched the bodies of the dead intelligence officers from the group Onbuchuk O.P. And under the fire of the enemy, they brought them to the place of evacuation.

In 1988, he became a listener of the M. M. Military Academy Frunze, and at the end of it continued to serve as Deputy Commander of the 8th Separate Brigade of Special Forces, quarterly in the city of Izyaslav Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine.

After the collapse of the USSR since 1992, Ya.P. Pea stood at the origins of the creation of military exploration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He served in the 1464th shelf of special appointment of the Black Sea Fleet of Ukraine.

Islamov Yuri Verikovich

Junior Sergeant, a soldier of the 22nd separate team of special forces, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on April 5, 1968 in the village of Arslanboba Bazar-Korgonsky district of the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan in the family of Lesnik.

After graduating from elementary school, he moved to the city of Talitsa of the Sverdlovsk region, where in 1985 he graduated from 10 classes.

In 1986 he graduated from the 1st year of the Sverdlovsk Forestry Institute and passed a course in the parachute section.

From October 1986 in the Soviet Army.

From May 1987, he served as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan as a commander of the department in one of the parts of the special forces.

On October 31, 1987, the group, as part of which he was, entered into battle with the superior forces of the enemy from the Kislak Dari in the province of Zabol, near the border with Pakistan. Voluntarily volunteered to cover the waste of his comrades. During the battle was wounded twice. Despite this, continued to fight until the last cartridge. Entered the hand-to-hand fight with the enemy and blew himself along with six Mujaughches.

Kolesnik Vasily Vasilyevich

Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on December 13, 1935 in the village of Slavyanskaya (now the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban) of the Slavic district of the Krasnodar Territory in the family of employees - the main agronoma and teacher (taught Russian and literature). Father has been studied in China for more than five years and in Korea rice production. Freely spoke in Chinese and Korean. In 1934, having completed study abroad, he began to break the first checks for rice breeding in Kuban.

In 1939, the Father was sent to work in Ukraine, in the Mirgorodsky district of Poltava region so that he organize rice cultivation. Here the family found the war. Father and mother went to the partisan detachment, leaving four children on the hands of grandparents.

On November 6, 1941, coming to the village for children, parents and one more partisans were issued by the traitor and fell into the hands of the Germans. The next day they were shot in front of children. Four children stayed on the care of her grandparents. In the occupation, the family survived due to the grandmother, which was knowledgeable in folk medicine and treated the inhabitants of the village. For her services, people paid products.

In 1943, when the Mirgorodsky district was liberated, Basil's two sisters took on the upbringing of the middle sister of their mother, and the youngest Vasya took the little one with his brother. The husband of Sisters was the Deputy Head of the Armavir flight school. In 1944 he was transferred to Maykop.

In 1945 he entered the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School (Maikop), and the Caucasian Suvorov Military School was finished in 1953 (translated into the city of Ordzhonikidze in 1947).

In 1956, after the end of the Caucasian red-known Suvorovsky officer's school, his fate associated with the troops of special forces. The service was held in the posts of the commander of the 1st (intelligence) platoon of the 92nd separate company special forces of the 25th Army (Far Eastern Military District), the commander of the company of the 27th separate battalion of special forces in Poland (Northern Troops group).

In 1966, by graduating from the Academy. M.V. Frunze, consistently held the posts of the head of the explosion of the brigade, the head of the operational intelligence department and the headquarters of the Brigade (Far Eastern Military District, the Turkestan Military District).

Since 1975 - Commander of the Special Forces Brigade, and later served in the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

With the introduction in 1979, a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan was located in the fighting area. The battalion formed and trained on a special program of a regular number of more than 500 people on December 27, 1979 was directly involved in the assault of the Palace of Amina. Despite the fivefold numerical superiority of the brigade of the palace guard, the battalion under the command of V.V. Kolesnik captured the palace just in 15 minutes. For the preparation and exemplary performance of a special task - the operations "Storm-333" - and the courage and courage, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 28, 1980, to him, one of the first "Afghans", was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was awarded the orders of Lenin, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of the 3rd degree, medals, as well as the Order of the Red Banner and two medals of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. He had 349 parachute jumps on his account.

In 1982 he graduated from the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Under the leadership of V.V. The chariot consistently and purposefully improved the organizational and staff structure and the system of combat training of military units and special purpose compounds.

Being in stock, until the last days of life was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of Special Forces. He took an active part in the patriotic education of Suvorovs of the newly created North Caucasus Suvorov Military School in the city of Vladikavkaz.

Kuznetsov Nikolai Anatolyevich

Guard lieutenant, soldier of the 15th separate team of special forces, hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on June 29, 1962 in the village of 1st Peterka Morshansky district of the Tambov region. With a four-year-old sister, after the death of parents, they remained at the upbringing of the grandmother.

In 1976 he entered the Leningrad Suvorov Military School.

In 1979 he graduated from a school with a praise.

In 1983 he graduated from the Higher Officer Command School. Kirov with a gold medal.

After graduating from the school, Lieutenant N. Kuznetsov was sent to the airborne division into the city of Pskov to the post of commander of the special substation group. He repeatedly appealed to send it to a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

In 1984 he was sent to Afghanistan.

On April 23, 1985, the platoon of Lieutenant Kuznetsova N.A. He received a task - as part of the company to develop a location and destroy the Gang of the Mujahideen, seated in one of the kisanar province.

During the fulfillment of the task, the platoon of Lieutenant Kuznetsov was cut off from the main strength of the company. Fight battle. By ordering the platoon to break into your own, Lieutenant Kuznetsov N.A. Together with the rear ward, it remained a waste. Left one on one with dusts, Lieutenant Kuznetsov N.A. Faced to the last cartridge. The last, sixth grenade, subwying dresses closer, Lieutenant Kuznetsov N.Au undermined them with them.

Mirolyubov Yuri Nikolaevich

Private, driver BMP-70 667th separate detachment of special forces of the 15th separate team of special forces, Hero of the Soviet Union

Born on May 8, 1967 in the village of Norovichi Shablykinsky district of the Oryol region in the peasant family.

In 1984 he graduated from high school in the village of Chistopolsky Saratov region, he worked as a driver in the state farm "Red Banner" of the Krasnokartizansky district.

In the Soviet Army since the autumn of 1985. The service was held as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Participated in many combat operations; It was wounded in one of the battles, but remained in the ranks, successfully completing the combat task.

During the fulfillment of combat missions, destroyed ten Mujahideen.

In one of the battles, risking his life, made a headquarters of one of the parts of the special forces from under the fire of the enemy.

In one of the combat yields made a search of the caravan opponent and thereby cut off the waste path. During the knob, the wounded machine gunner replaced the wounded machine gunner, the resistance of the Mujahideen suppressed fire.

In 1987, demobilized. He worked as a driver in state farm. He lived in the village of Chistopolsky Krasnopartizansky district of the Saratov region.

Onishchuk Oleg Petrovich

Senior Lieutenant, Deputy Commander of the Rota of the 22nd Separate Brigade of Special Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union.

On August 12, 1961 were born in the village of Petrintsy Izyaslavsky district Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine in the family family.

He graduated from 10 classes.

Since 1978 - in the Soviet Army.

In 1982 he graduated from the Kiev Higher Officer Command School named after M.V. Frunze.

From April 1987 - in Afghanistan.

"The Deputy Commander of the Company Candidate of the CPSU Senior Lieutenant Oleg Onishchuk, heading the reconnaissance group, successfully fulfilling the tasks for the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, showing courage and heroism, fell by the death of brave in battle on October 31, 1987 in the Kislak Duri in the province of Zabol, near the border With Pakistan ... "- so the official description of the cause of his death sounds.

Everything was more difficult in life. The group of Oleg Othychuk was sitting in ambush - waited for a caravan. Finally, in the late evening of October 30, 1987, three cars appeared. The driver was first eliminated by the group commander from a distance of 700 meters, the remaining two cars were hidden. A group of accompaniment and cover of a caravan, who tried to repel the car, scattered with two arriving Mi-24 helicopters. In a half of the morning, October 31, in violation of the order of command, Oleg Onichuk decided on his own, without waiting for the arrival of helicopters with an inspection group, inspect the truck. At six in the morning, he, together with a part of the group, came to the truck and was attacked by more than two stujaheds. According to the testimony of the Spetsnazov who survived in that fighting, the group died for fifteen minutes. It is impossible to fight in an open area against the anti-aircraft installation and a large-caliber machine gun (were in the village of Dari). According to the seizure of the hero, in that situation, in the early morning, the group had to take the battle, even if onishchenko did not start inspection of the truck. In this area, over two thousand Mujahideen was stationed. Although losses would be significantly less. The main guilt for the death of the special forces of their colleagues impose on command. By six in the morning, the armorroup should arrive and fly helicopters. The column with the technique did not come at all, and the arrivals arrived only at 6 o'clock 45 minutes.

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Chapter II. The beginning of the war: Deploying German National Policy in the Occupied Territory of the USSR and Countermeasures of the National Policy of the Soviet Union (June 1941 - November 1942

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The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established by the decision of the USSR CEC dated April 16, 1934. Later, on August 1, 1939, as an additional sign of distinction, for the Heroes of the USSR, the medal "Golden Star" was approved, in the form of a five-pointed star fixed on a rectangular block, which was issued awarded together with the Order of Lenin and the diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. At the same time, it was found that the decent title, the decent title of hero, was awarded to the second Order of Lenin and the second medal "Golden Star". With a rewarding, his bronze bust was installed on the Hero's homeland. The number of awards by the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was not limited.

The first heroes of the Soviet Union

The list of the first heroes of the Soviet Union opened on April 20, 1934. Polyarniki pilots, participants of the rescue of the disaster of passengers of the legendary ship "Chelyuskin": Anatoly Lyapidevsky, Sigismund Levanevsky, Nikolai Kamanin, Vasily Milokov, Mikhail Vodopyanov, Mauritius, blind and Ivan Doronin.

Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Great Patriotic

More than 90 percent of the total number of heroes of the Soviet Union appeared in the country during the Great Patriotic War. This high rank was awarded 11 thousand 657 people, of which 3051 are posthumously. In this list, 107 fighters who have become twice with heroes (7 awarded posthumously), also in the total number of awarded and 90 women (49 - posthumously) were also awarded.

The first heroes of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War were:

Air Force:

Fighter pilots Younger lieutenants Zhukov Mikhail Petrovich, Healthy Stepan Ivanovich and Kharitonov Peter Timofeevich, distinguished in air battles with opponent bombers.

On June 28, these pilots on their fighters I-16 applied against the enemy bombers JU-88 taranny strikes (the first ram was performed 15 minutes after the beginning of the war Dmitry Kokorev).


The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on the Fleet was first assigned to the Sailor of the Northern Fleet, the commander of the department of senior Sergeant Kislyak Vasily Pavlovich, who distinguished himself during the landing of the landing in the Motovsky Gulf in Polaria in July 1941 (replaced the killed commander, and then held height for 7 hours .


The first hero of the Soviet Union in the Ground Forces was the commander of the 1st Moscow Motor Store Division of the 20th Army Colonel Crazer Yakov Grigorievich for organizing the combat operations of the division, which, applying the opponent's confer, detained his occurrence for two days at the turn of the Berezina River.

Armored troops:

The first (other data was not found) The heroes of the Soviet Union were the commander of the Tank of the 1st Tank Regiment of the 1st Tank Division of the 14th Army of the Northern Front, Senior Sergeant Borisov Alexander Mikhailovich and Deputy Commander of the Tank Battalion of the 115th Tank Regiment of the 57th Tank Division 20th Army of the Western Front, Captain Kaduchenko Joseph Andriovic.


The first of the artilleryrs, the Hero of the Soviet Union became the gunner of the gunner of the Anti-Tank Battery of the 680th Rifle Regiment of the 169th Rifle Division of the 18th Army of the South Front of Krasnoarmets Yakov Kharytonovich Kolchak.

People's Commissariat of the Interior:

The first heroes of the Soviet Union were border guards headquarters No. 5 of the 25th Cagulsky border detachment of the Moldovan Border District, which entered into battle on the Prut River on June 22, 1941: Senior Lieutenant Konstantinov Alexander Konstantinovich, Jr. Lieutenant Buseitskov Ivan Dmitrievich, Jr. Sergeant Mikhalkov Vasily Fedorovich. 11 days, in full surroundings held the outpost.

Also, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded the head of the head of the 25th Kagulsky border detachment of the Moldovan Border District by Lieutenant Vetchkinin Kuzme Fedorovich.


The first heroes of the Soviet Union were the Belarusian secretary of the district party, Commissar of the partisan squad "Red October" Pakhon Pimenovich Papers and the commander of the same detachment Pavlovsky Fedor Illarionovich.

The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union is four full cavaliers of the Order of Glory:

Four times of heroes On the list, only two are Marshals of the USSR Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovi H and Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich.

Among all the heroes of the Soviet Union, 35% were the individuals of the ordinary and sergeant composition (soldiers, sailors, sergeants and elders), 61% - officers and 3.3% (380 people) - generals, admirals and marshals.

In September 2000, in Makeevka, on the initiative of the then urban head, Vasily Jarteas, the decision of the Executive Committee of the Urban Council was laid by the heroes, on which a memorial obelisk was installed, where the names of the 64 heroes of the Soviet Union, who worked and worked in Makeyevka were perfected.

The highest difference in the USSR was the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was honored by citizens who committed a feat during combat operations or distinguished by other outstanding merits to the homeland. As an exception could be assigned in peacetime.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established by the decision of the USSR CEC dated April 16, 1934. Later, on August 1, 1939, as an additional sign of the difference, for the Heroes of the USSR, was approved, in the form of a five-pointed star fixed on a rectangular block, which was issued awarded together with the Presidium of the USSR BC. At the same time, it was found that the decent title, the decent title of hero, was awarded to the second Order of Lenin and the second medal "Golden Star". With a rewarding, his bronze bust was installed on the Hero's homeland. The number of awards by the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was not limited.

The list of the first heroes of the Soviet Union opened on April 20, 1934. Pilots - Polarniki: A. Lyapidevsky, S. Leanievsky, N. Kamanin, V. Molokov, M. Vodopyanov, M. Slepnev and I. Doronin. Participants of the rescue of the disaster of passengers of the legendary steamer "Chelyuskin".

The eighth listed was M. Gromov (September 28, 1934). The aircraft crew led by them has established a world-winning flight on a closed curve at a distance of more than 12 thousand kilometers. The next heroes of the USSR were pilots: the crew commander Valery Chkalov, who was making together with G. Baidukov, A. Belyakov a long non-final flight on the route Moscow - Far East.

It was for military exploits for the first time the heroes of the Soviet Union became 17 commanders of the Red Army (a decree of December 31, 1936), participating in the Civil War in Spain. Six of them were tankers, the rest - pilots. Troym of them, the title was assigned posthumously. Two of the awarded were foreigners: Bulgarian V. Groanov and Italian P. Dzhibelly. Total fights in Spain (1936 -39) The highest difference was assigned 60 times.

In August 1938, this list replenished another 26 people who showed the courage and heroism, shown in the defeat of the Japanese intervents in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hassan. In about a year, the first hand of the medal "Golden Star" was held, which 70 fighters received for exploits during the battlefield in the area r. Chalchin-goal (1939). Some of them were twice the heroes of the Soviet Union.

After the start of the Soviet-Finnish conflict (1939-40), the list of heroes of the Soviet Union increased by another 412 people. Thus, before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Hero received 626 citizens, among which were 3 women (M. Oblov, P. Osipenko and V. Grizodubov).

More than 90 percent of the total number of heroes of the Soviet Union appeared in the country during the Great Patriotic War. This high rank was awarded 11 thousand 657 people, of which 3051 are posthumously. In this list, 107 fighters that have become twice with heroes (7 awarded posthumously), and 90 women (49 - posthumously) were also awarded.

The attack of Hitler's Germany in the USSR caused an unprecedented raising of patriotism. The Great War brought a lot of grief, but she also opened the height of courage and character hardness, seemingly ordinary ordinary people.

So, who could expect heroism from the elderly Pskov peasant Matthew Kuzmin. In the first days of the war, he came to the draft board, but there he was dismissed - too old: "Go, grandfather, to grandchildren, we will understand without you." Meanwhile, the front was inexorably shifted east. In the village of Kurakino, where Kuzmin lived, the Germans entered. In February 1942, the elderly peasant was unexpectedly summoned to the commandant in the commander - the commander of the 1st Mornetral Division, the Kuzmin - an excellent tracker, perfectly knowing the terrain and ordered him to assist the fascists - to hold a German squad in the rear of the best battalion of the Soviet 3rd shock army . "You will do everything as it should - I will pay well, and if not, the peary on yourself ...". "Yes, of course, of course, do not mind worrying, your graduate" - the Kuzmin felt preferably. But after an hour, the tricky peasant sent the grandson with the note to our: "The Germans ordered a detachment to you in the rear, in the morning they assign them to the development of the village of Malkino, meet." In the same evening, the fascist detachment with his conductor went on the road. Kuzmin drove the Nazis circles and deliberately exhausted the invaders: forced to climb the hills with steep slopes and getting through a thick shrub. "Well, you can do, your gradually, well, there is no other way here ...". At dawn, tired and frozen fascists were on the fork in Malkino. "All guys came." "How come!?" "And so, here will rest and there will be visible ...". The Germans looked around - they walked the whole night, but moved from Kurakino just a couple of kilometers and now stood on the road in an open field, and twenty meters before them there was a forest, where, now they understood that, there was a Soviet ambush. "Oh, you ..." - a German officer snatched a gun and discharged the whole clip in the old man. But at the same second, a rifle volley broke out of the forest, then another one, the Soviet machine guns were shot dead, the mortar denounced. The fascists rushed, shouted, randomly shot in all directions, but none of them gone alive. The hero was killed and took with him 250 Hitler's occupiers. Matvey Kuzmin became the oldest hero of the Soviet Union, he was 83 years old.

And the youngest cavalier of the highest Soviet title - Valya Kotik came to the partisan detachment of 11 years. At first he was a coherent underground organization, then participated in combat operations. His courage, fearlessness and hardness of the character of Valya, who saw the views of the senior comrades. In October 1943, the young hero saved his squad, in time noticing the approaching punishers in time, he raised his alarm and first entered into battle, killing several Nazis, including the German officer. On February 16, 1944, Valya was mortally wounded in battle. The young hero is posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was 14 years old.

All the people, from Mala to Great, rose to fight with the fascist contrace. Soldiers, sailors, officers, even children and old people flew themselves against the Hitler's invaders. Therefore, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of awards with high title Hero of the Soviet Union falls on the war years.

In the postwar period, the title of GSS was assigned quite rarely. But even until 1990, the awards were continued for the feats during the Great Patriotic War, not produced at one time for various reasons, the intelligence officer Richard Zorge, F.A. Flying, legendary submariner A.I. Marinesco and many others.

For military courage and dedication, the title of GSS was assigned to participants in hostilities who carried out international debt in North Korea, Hungary, Egypt - 15 awards, 85 initnationalist warriors of them were received by the highest difference in Afghanistan.

Special group, awarding pilot pilots of military equipment, polar researchers, participants in the development of the global depths - only 250 people. Since 1961, the title of GSS was assigned to astronauts, in 30 years he was honored with 84 people who committed a space flight. Six people were awarded for the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP

It is necessary to note that in the postwar years there was a vicious tradition of assigning a high military difference for the "Cabinet" achievements dedicated to the anniversary days of birth. So there were repeatedly marked heroes of type Brezhnev and Budenny. Golden stars were awarded and both friendly political gestures, due to this list of the Heroes of the USSR, the heads of the Allied states Fidel Castro, President of Egypt Nasser and some others.

The list of Heroes of the Soviet Union was completed on December 24, 1991, the captain of the 3rd rank, an underwater specialist L. Lododkov, who participated in a diving experiment on long-term work at a depth of 500 meters under water.

In total, during the existence of the USSR, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union received 12 thousand 776 people. Of these, 154 people were honored twice, three times - 3 people. And four times - 2 people. The first heroes were the military pilots S. Gritchevich and Kravchenko. Three times Heroes: Aviation Marshals A. Tashkin and I. Kozdub, as well as the Marshal of the USSR S. Budyan. Four of the heroes in the list are only two are Marshals of the USSR G. Zhukov and L. Brezhnev.

In history, there are cases and deprivation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - only 72, plus 13 canceled decrees of the assignment of this title, as unreasonable.

Biographies and feats of the heroes of the Soviet Union and the cavaliers of the Soviet orders:

Hero of the USSR is the most honorable title that existed in the Soviet Union. He was awarded for outstanding exploits, significant merits in the times of hostilities, as an exception could award in peacetime. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union appeared in 1934.

Honorary title

During the existence of the Soviet Union, 12,777 people received the title of Hero of the USSR. At the same time, sometimes a person who was awarded such award was deprived of it. It is known that 72 people were deprived of her for actions, which in the future faded this title, also there are 13 precedents, when the decision was canceled as unreasonable.

The heroes of the USSR often became repeatedly. For example, Tierchin, weekly and leddub were awarded it three times, and the beetles and Brezhnev - four.

Interestingly, the title was assigned not only to people, but also cities. So, after the Great Patriotic War, the title of Hero of the USSR received 12 cities and a hero Fortress Brest. In this material we will focus on the most iconic names from this list. Now you will know exactly how many heroes of the USSR existed for all this time.

The Hero of the USSR (photo from above) Anatoly Lyapidevsky became the first in the history of the Hero of the Soviet Union. This reward was presented in 1934. He was a pilot, after the war he received the rank of major general.

He went to serve in the Red Army back in 1926. In 1934, Lyapidevsky participated in the salvation of Chelyuskintsev. In terrible weather conditions, he made 29 departures in order to search for the missing expedition. As a result, he managed to detect their camp. The pilot risky risen on the ice and took 12 people from there, of which there were two children, and the rest are women.

After Lyapidevsky took part in the Great Patriotic War, commanded the 19th Army, led by the Aviation Plant. He died in 1983, when he was 75 years old.

Volkan Manenov

The list of Heroes of the USSR has names not only by the citizens of the Soviet Union, but also foreign states. First of all, of course, from the republic's friendly advice. These include the Bulgarian pilot Volkan Harran. 15 years he served in the Red Army. He received the rank of Colonel-General.

As a fighter pilot, he participated in the Civil War in Spain on the side of the replictsents of the republic. He became the first foreign citizen who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union of the USSR.

In addition to battles in the Kuban, he participates in the Mius offensive operation, air battles in the Donbas, in Melitopol, Crimea.

In 1944 he was appointed commander of the Guards Fighter Shelf. Now he pays more and more time to command, can no longer make combat units so often. Although the Germans were afraid of him until the end of the war, declaring everything around in advance: "Attention! In the air of the Tashkin".

Four titles of the Hero of the Soviet Union at the Soviet commander, who after the Great Patriotic War received an unofficial nickname Marshal of Victory.

During the battles with the fascists, he led the General Staff, commanded the front, was a member of the rate of the Supreme Commander. His role in the decisive and final victory in the Great Patriotic War is difficult to underestimate.

Many believed that after Triumph in 1945, he was popular in the country of Stalin, which forced the leader to reconsider his attitude towards the legendary commander, soon removing him with key positions in the management of the Soviet Army.

What are similar and what are the fate of the Soviet pilots, the first to receive the highest honorary title of the USSR

The first heroes of the Soviet Union - seven people - were, which is naturally by pilots. In young Soviet Russia, who is strongly striving to enter into the number of the leaders of the industrial world, the attitude towards aviation was special. She became for the pre-war USSR in the same way than cosmonautics - for the post-war: a romantic dream of mastering a new living space. After all, the country itself was in many ways an attempt to realize the dream of a new one before the unknown life. So where else to wander the sky, how not in such a world?!

The same romantic dream, only a little inferior dream of the sky, was the idea of \u200b\u200bmastering marine spaces, and the climax, the simultaneous embodiment of both these ideas was the work on the development of the Russian North. And in the fact that the first heroes of the Soviet Union were the pilots of polar aircraft, which rescued the participants in the audacious polar expedition of the first half of the 1930s, there is absolutely nothing strange. On the contrary, it would be surprising if it turned out otherwise, if the first were the pilots that took the crew and passengers of the sunken steamer "Chelyuskin" first first.

Seven Heroes of the Chelyuskin Epopea

The greatest heroism, for which the highest award of the USSR was established, would not be without the greatest catastrophe. She became the first and last flight of the Paarochkin "Chelyuskin". On March 11, 1933, he was lowered under the name "Lena", June 19 was renamed Chelyuskin in honor of the legendary Russian researcher of the North Seeds of Chelyuskin, and on July 16 went on a campaign on the Northern Sea Route.

Chelyuskina was for one navigation to go from Murmansk to Vladivostok - the future port of the registry - and thereby prove that such campaigns are possible. Let not alone, but with support for icebreaks, but possible. For the country gaining industrial turnover, it was important: the northern seaway saved significant forces and means for the delivery of goods to the Far East. Alas, the expedition actually proved the opposite: without serious icebreaking support and without specially built for the Arctic ships, it is impossible to expect success within one navigation.

On September 23, 1933, in two months of swimming, "Chelyuskin" finally lost ice, and on February 13, 1934, Ilicate a steamer, and he sank for two hours. But a single person became the victim of the disaster. Expedition Relief Boris Mogilevich, who came from the vessel among the latter (along with the captain by Vladimir Voronin and the head of Otto Schmidt's expedition), was crushed with deck cargo fasteners. Another 104 people managed to fully fall on ice with everything necessary for wintering equipment and began to wait for help from a large land.

It was quite clear that the only way to quickly evacuate the Chelyuskintsev was to remove them with airplanes. To help another steamer was meaningless: long and there is no guarantee that he will have time to walk before the ice begins to break the ice. To guarantee the success of the rescue operation, the seven of the most experienced pilots have attracted the seven of the most experienced pilots of the only polar aircraft: Mikhail Davopjanova, Ivan Doronina, Nikolai Kamanina, Anatoly Lyapidevsky, Sigismund Levalevsky, Vasily Milokova and Mauritius Slepnev - the future of the first heroes of the Soviet Union.

The first 12 people were evacuated on March 5 by plane AnT-4 Anatoly Lyapidevsky. The second time getting to Chelyuskintsev managed only on April 7, and within six days 24 by flights all the winter drivers were taken to the Great Earth, in the Chukotka village of Vankarem. Evacuation ended on April 13th. Three days later, the Supreme Council established the new Higher Award of the USSR - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and after another four days, April 20, she was awarded to seven polar velocities. Each of them deserves let a short one, but a separate story - in the order, in which all the seven were handed a diploma of assigning the highest degree of differences.

The very first: Anatoly Lyapidevsky (gram and medal "Golden Star" No. 1)

Anatoly Lyapidevsky, who was honored to be the highest honor - to be the first among the first heroes of the Soviet Union, was one of the youngest (younger it, and only for a year, only Kamanan) participants in the legendary seven. In the aircraft, he came in 1927, after graduating from the Leningrad Military Theoretical School of the Air Force, and then the Sevastopol Military School of Marine pilots.

Anatoly Lyapidevsky. Photo: РERVYE-Geroi.ru

In April 1933, Lyapidevsky became dismissed to the reserve moved to work in civil aviation. At first, he flew by a flight pilot in the Far East, and then asked for a translation into just organized control of the main control of the main administration of the Northern Sea-Army - Polar Aviation. Less than a year, after 29 unsuccessful flights to the Purga and the blizzard on March 5, 1934, Anatoly Lyapidevsky became the first of the flyers of the spacing, who was lucky to find the Chelyuskintsev and land on the tiny portion of smooth ice, cleared by winter vehicles: only 150 by 450 meters!

The pilot did not assume that this first flight for which he evacuated from the ice of all ten women and two children - everyone, so to speak, "weak" wintering workers, "will become for him and the last in the epic. When preparing for the second flight to the Chelyuskins, Lyapidevsky plane during the flight from Wöhlen in Vankarem, where the rescue operation headquarters was located, made a forced landing in the ice, lifting the chassis rack. Save the crew of Chukchi, who saw the plane sitting. He managed to repair and raise into the sky only on April 25. So that he became the first in the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lyapidevsky found out late for five days: after an emergency landing, a radio did not work.

The youngest: Nikolai Kamanin (gram and medal "Golden Star" No. 2)

The second hero of the Soviet Union was the youngest of the "magnificent seven." In 1927, in 1927, to become a cadet of the Leningrad Military Theoretical School of the Air Force, Kamanina had to survive and add an extra year. He was believed, and the dream of a Vladimir boy about the sky began to come true. A year later, the Kamanin graduated from school in Leningrad and entered the Borisoglebsk military aircraft school of pilots, and since 1929 he began the service in the Far East of Lung-Bombarding Aviation. And for five years, he earned such an excellent reputation that when the order was commissioned from the Far East from the Far East to participate in the salvation of Chelyuskintsev, other candidates, except for Kamanin, and was not.

Nikolay Kamanin. Photo: Airaces.ru.

The detachment of pilots, which entered Vasily Molokov, on the light bombers R-5 traveled to Vankarem a month and a half! Everything resisted: both the weather, and the technique not prepared for operation in the polar conditions ... Only people did not let down. As a result, having lost two planes, the detachment of Kamanin flew to Vankarem and began the evacuation of the Chelyuskinians from April 7. On the first day, the Kamanan with Molokov was taken out of the camp to the big land six people, sazing three passengers in the cabin, where one pilot-observer was located in the usual time. In total, the most young of the heroev pilots managed to evacuate 34 people in Vankarem - this is the second performance indicator among all seven pilots.

The most efficient: Vasily Molokov (gram and medal "Golden Star" number 3)

The Army Service of Vasily Molokov began in the Russian imperial fleet in 1915 in the Baltic, and after the revolution managed to combine the call service with the call service, becoming a mechanic in naval aviation. In 1921, Miloki graduated from the Samara School of Marine pilots and returned to where he began his service, - to the Baltic.

Vasily Molokov. Photo: wikipedia.org.

After 10 years, he went to the reserve, worked as a pilot on passenger lines in Siberia, and in 1932 he became one of the first polar pilots. In 1933, Milks are already commanding the aircraft carriage as part of the control of the main management of the main administration of the Northern Department of Severviar, and in March 1934, when the "Chelyuskin" dies, receives the prescription to enter into the detachment of Nicholas Kamanin. Molokov's participation, as Kamanin himself recalled, seriously helped a detachment: Milks knew the cunning nature of the North and knew how to fly in Arctic conditions. It was not by chance that he became the most effective pilot of the "magnificent seven": a total of milk evacuated on his R-5 39 Chelyuskintsev! For example, on April 11 of Milks, the four flights took out 20 people - five at a time. To do this, he had to plant people not only in the cockpit of the Observer pilot, but also in the submerged parachute boxes - half-one-meter plywood "cigars", where it was possible to lie, bent the knees.

The most romantic: Sigismund Levanevsky (gram and medal "Golden Star" number 4)

The biography of Sigismund Levanevsky is romantic even for such a romantic time, as the first years of Soviet Russia. A native of St. Petersburg, blood pole, he in October 1917 became the Red Guard and accepted the most active part in the revolutionary events. Then there was a civil war, the struggle against the bandits in Dagestan and the work of the crown in the airborne detachment in Petrograd. From there, in 1923, Lemanevsky and sent to study to the Sevastopol military school of the sea pilots, in which he ... was late! He had to work for almost a year on the usual post of Zagokhoz in the same school so that it was still to do next year. However, the school did not regret it: Levanevsky quickly became one of the best cadets, and then, after serving in linear parts, he returned there by the pilot instructor.

Qualification helped Laanievsky among the first to meet the pilots of the air service management of the main administration of the Northern Department of Severvy: He worked there from the spring of 1933. And it is completely logical that his as an experienced pilot was attracted to the salvation of Chelyuskintsev. But here the romantic biography of Leuanievsky made itself felt. He became the only one of the first heroes of the Soviet Union, who during the rescue operation ... did not evacuate a single person! In February 1934, he, together with the pilot Mauritius, a blindfall and authorized government commission, George Ushakov, sent to the United States to buy missing Fleetster multi-site aircraft. On March 29, 1934, in the midst of spontaneration, blindnev on one plane and Levanevsky with Ushakov, flew from the American Nome in Vankarem on the other. But the fleshle is only blind. Levanevsky due to strong icing made a forced landing, breaking the plane. But he still delivered the head of the operation to the destination, albeit on foot.

Of all the seven first heroes of the Soviet Union, Levanevsky did not live even before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. However, the final of his biography was more than romantic. On August 12, 1937, he was on the plane of DB-A with a crew from five people went to the transitsky flight Moscow - Ferbenks. The next day, the aircraft with the on-board number of the N-209 disappeared, and the mystery of his disappearance is not solved to this day ...

The most professional: Mauritius blindnev (gram and the medal "Golden Star" number 5)

The profession of the military pilot, Mauritius, blindly began to master before all other members of the "magnificent seven" - during the First World War. He was called up to service back in 1914, a year later released from the school of the ensign workers, and in 1917 he graduated from Gatchina flight school and served as a commander of the aircraft in the rank of headquarters. However, the revolution shouldn't take a revolution immediately and unconditionally, participating in it as the commander of the Red Guard of the Luga District of Petrograd.

Mauritius blindnev. Photo: Old-yar.ru.

Then there were command positions in the only nascent Red Air Flote, and since 1925 - work in a civilian fleet with a stay in a military reserve (with regular fulfillment of pure military tasks). Since 1931, he began to fly blindly in the Arctic: he became a pilot of controlling the main management of the Northern Department of Severvice. Together, they were sent to the United States for nine seats Consolidated Fleetster. Promotively flying from Nome in Vankarem (hitting in Purga, because of which he began to look out the plane, blindnev, unlike Levanel, did not break on, and returned and flew out the next day), he took the first round of April from the camp Five Chelyuskintsev. And on April 12, it was Knepnev that another complex task was: to deliver the sickly Otto Schmidt from Vankarem in Alaskinsky and at the same time to return home airclauses of Clyde Armstedt and William Lavorei (the first was a mechanic on the Luvenevsky aircraft, the second - Slepnev, but both flew in a blind-donell car, Since the head of the Ushakov Operations flew on the Valevsky car).

The most resistant: Mikhail Vodopyanov (gram and medal "Golden Star" No. 6)

Mikhail Vodopyanov came to aviation later than everyone else from the "magnificent seven." However, it is how to calculate. Formally, he only graduated from the "Bestolt" flight school in 1928 (which later became Aeroflot). But in 1918, waterpysters, volunteer, which went to the Red Army, served as a fuel transporter in the division of Ilya Muromets aircraft in Lipetsk! And ten years left that after demobilization, return to aircraft, so hit the nineteen-year-old young man from Lipetsk.

Mikhail Vodopyanov. Photo: Warheroes.ru.

After that, the flight career of Dvophenan was confident in the mountain. At first - the pilot of the "Bladet", which participated in the fight against locust in Central Asia, then - the pioneer of the passenger route for Sakhalin. Since 1931 - the pilot of the Flight Detachment "True", which delivered the Master of the USSR main newspaper to the largest cities, primarily for the Urals. And then there was a test flight Moscow - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, an accident on Baikal and the hardest injuries, after which only on the head of the pilot left 36 (!) Svs. With such injuries, not the fact that the rescuers, Chelyuskintsev in civil aviation could not take! But Mikhail Vodopyanov achieved his: he was included in the participants of the sprocket and instructed to participate in the stretch of the top three aircraft - two PS-3 and one P-5 from Khabarovsk in Vankarem. Together with Vodopyanov flew pilots Ivan Doronin and Viktor Gallshev, who commanded the flight. Having overcome 6,000 kilometers, the three pilots reached Anadyr, where the Motor refused the galushev's aircraft. In Vankarem, only drains were flying and followed by Doronin. For three flights, 10 people took out 10 people, proving that it was not for nothing that insisted on its inclusion in the detachment of rescuers. He, by the way, was the participant of the last flight on ice floe on April 13 - along with Nikolai Kamanin and Vasily Molokov.

The most experienced: Ivan Doronin (gram and medal "Golden Star" number 7)

As Doronin himself was recognized as his comrades in the Chelyuskinsky epic, he, a native of the Saratov province, "did not go on the train or a steamer." But after hexadecimal, she scored his one with interest. In the Komsomol Pourevka, Ivan went to restore the military fleet and found himself in Leningrad - first at the courses of marine technicians, and then in the Naval School. But soon he exchanged one ocean to another: in 1924, Doronin achieved that he was submitted to Egoryevsky Aviation and Technical School, from which he was transferred to the Sevastopol Military School of Marine pilots.

Ivan Doronin. Photo: wikipedia.org.

Five years later, Ivan Doronin left the army and began to work as a civil pilot, mastering Siberian and Far Eastern highways. Rather, not even so much mastered how much laying. In his service list, by 1934, the first span on the Highway Irkutsk - Ust-Midkan, as well as participation in the Polar Expedition in the Kara Sea. And in the flight book it was recorded that for nine years of work Doronin flew 300,000 kilometers without a single accident!

The more interesting was to him, the most experienced pilot, who broke together with Mikhail Vodopyanov in Vankarem from Khabarovsk for 6,000 kilometers, to suffer an accident in the first departure to the Chelyuskins! And not in its fault: when landing the ski of the PS-3 aircraft, on which Doronin flew, came across the ice jet outrest, walked aside, hit the other jet and broke. The plane is powerlessly froned directly on the ice airfield ... The car quickly quickly put in order, but during the Chelyuskin Epopea Doronin managed to make only one flight and take two people. This, however, did not affect the decision to give him the title Hero of the Soviet Union - among other seven heroes.

Five years waiting for the "Golden Star"

A decree on the introduction of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union did not provide for any additional signs of differences, except for the diplomas of the USSR CEC on the assignment of the title. True, the first heroes together with the diploma were presented and the highest award at that time - the Order of Lenin. Two years later, this practice was approved by a decree of the only elected Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and after three years later, in 1939, there was a positive sign of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union - the Medal "Golden Star" appeared. Since by the time of the highest difference, 122 people were already awarded, the medals were handed over, so to speak, rearly, but strictly adhering to the order of assigning titles. Accordingly, the Medal "Golden Star" No. 1 was awarded the owner of the diploma No. 1 - Anatoly Lyapidevsky, and then on the list. From the participants of the "magnificent seven" personally could not receive the award only Sigismund Lewaevsky: By that time, he had been listed for the missing missing.