The idea of \u200b\u200bthe movement in the mechanical picture of the world. Modern high-tech technologies

1 The next steps in creating a new picture of the world were made by the Italian scientist, one of the founders of the exact science of Galileo Galileem (1564-1642) and the German astronomer Johann Kepler (1571-1630). Both were convinced by Copernicus followers. Galilee first used the pylon tube of its own design for astronomical observations, finding the mountain on the moon, i.e. Opening that the moon has an ideal shape of a ball inherent allegedly the bodies of the "heavenly nature", but has a completely "earthly" nature. Thus, the idea coming from Aristotle, about principled difference between "perfect" heavenly bodies and imperfect earth. Other Astronomical Discoveries Galilee - the detection of four satellites of Jupiter (1610), identification of Venus phases, observation of spots in the sun - had a huge ideological importance confirming the material unity of the world. It was clear that the Earth was not the only center around which all the bodies should apply. Finally, he proves that the Milky Way consists of clusters of countless stars. These astronomical discoveries made an authentic coup in astronomical science. It was an important evidence in favor of Copernikovskii Systems of the world.

Galileo Galilee also acted as an opponent of the mechanics and astronomy Aristotle. He refuted the teachings of Aristotle that heavy bodies fall faster than the lungs. Studying the kinematics of the movement of the body, he first used the concept of inertia. According to the army then the Aristotelian concept, the concept of inertia did not exist and it was believed that any movement, except natural, requires a continuous impact, and termination of impact leads to immediate cessation of movement. Galilee opposed such a concept.

Using the concept of inertia, Galiley explained why the Earth when handling around the Sun and rotation around its axis preserves both the atmosphere and everything that is in the atmosphere and on ground surface. The Open Galilee is the principle of relativity for mechanical phenomena, known as the principle of relativity of Galilean and arguing that if the laws of mechanics are fair in one coordinate system, they are fair and in any other coordinate system moving straight and evenly relatively first, i.e. in inertial reference systems. In another wording, the law sounds like this: no experiments conducted in the inertial reference system cannot be proved, the reference system is resting or moving! Uniformly and straight. All the laws of mechanics in all inertial reference systems are manifested the same, the space and time is absolute in them, i.e. The time interval and body sizes do not depend on the status of the reference system.

Simultaneously with the law of inertia, Galilev used another main position. classical mechanics - The law of independence of the action of forces. He applied it to the movement of bodies in the field of gravity of the earth.

In their philosophical viewsBased on natural science conclusions, Galilee is standing on the positions of the new mechanical natural philosophy, mechanistic natural science.

He comes from the recognition of the endless and eternal universe, everywhere. It claims that the Heavenly World consists of the same physical bodies as the Earth. All the phenomena of nature, in his opinion, obey the same laws of mechanics. Matter itself as a real substance of things consists of absolutely unchanged atoms (here Galiley relies on the atomism of democritus); All sorts of manifestations are reduced to purely quantitative properties, so everything in nature can be measured and calculated; Movement of matter acts in a single, universal mechanical form. In all the phenomena of nature, according to Galilean's ideas, strict mechanical causality is found, therefore, in finding the reasons for the phenomena and knowledge of their inner need, the main, genuine goal of science, "the highest level of knowledge" is found.

The source of knowledge, on Galileo, is the experience. He condemned Scholastics, cut off from reality and based exclusively to authorities. The Galilee Scientific Research Method coincided with the observations and experiments, an assumption is established - a hypothesis, which in practice gives a physical law. In the main features, this method has become a method of natural science.

Galilee Physics and Mathematics existed apart. He knitted physics explaining the nature and causes of movement, and mathematics, allowing to describe this movement, i.e. Formulate his law. As one of the founders of classical mechanics, Galiley made two fundamentally important steps: addressed the physical experience and connected physics with mathematics.

When developing its system of the world, Copernicus proceeded from the assumption that land and planets turn around the Sun circular orbit. To explain the complex movement of the planets by ecliptic, he had to introduce 48 epicycles into his system. And only thanks to the efforts of the German astronomer Johanna Kepler, the Copernicus World System acquired a simple and slender look. Kepler made the next step - opened the elliptical form of orbits and three laws, the movement of the planets around the sun. The first two law of Kepler was published in 1609, the third - in the first 1619, the first law was most important for understanding the general device of the solar system, which argued that the planets turn around the Sun on elliptical orbits, and the Sun is in the focus of one of these ellipses . At one time, the Greeks assumed that all heavenly bodies should move in a circle, because the circle is the most perfect of all curves. Although the Greeks knew a lot about the ellipses and their mathematical properties, they did not reach the understanding that, heavenly bodies can move somehow otherwise than in circles or complex combinations of circles. Kepler first dared to express such an idea. His laws were crucial in the history of science primarily because they contributed to the proof of Newton's law.

Kepler insisted on a physical explanation of the phenomena of nature, did not recognize theological ideas (for example, he argued that comets are material bodies), as well as anthropomorphic understanding of nature, endowed with its spiritual forces, opposed alchemists and astrolories.

Kepler's teachings on the laws of motion of the planets were of great importance for the formation of a natural science picture of the world, I opened the way to find the search for more general laws of mechanical movement of material bodies and systems.

In the works of contemporaries Galilee and Kepler Italian physics and mathematics Evangelists Torrichelli (1608-1647) and French mathematics, physics and philosopher Blaze Pascal (1623-1662) developed experimental physics. In addition to solving the problem of the movement of the body thrown at an angle to Gori-1 umbrella, Torricelli for the first time experimentally proved the existence of atmospheric pressure in experiments with mercury tubes. Pascal entered the history of physics as the author of the law on the comprehensive uniform transmission of fluid pressure, the law of reporting vessels and the theory of the hydraulic press.

The formation and further development of mechanics depended on mathematical descriptions of physical patterns, and in this direction it is necessary to allocate the works of the French scientist] Rene of Descartes (1596-1650). Descartes laid the foundations of analytical geometry, applied its apparatus to the description of the movement of bodies, developed the concepts of variable values \u200b\u200band functions. I "Beginning of Philosophy", published in 1644, Descartes formulated three laws of nature. The first two express the principle of inertia, the law of preserving the amount of movement is formulated in the third. In the knowledge of the world, Descartes put the insight of the mind on the first place. He believed that with the help of logical reasoning, you can build a picture of the world. The followers of Descartes were called Cartesians (Cartesia - Latinized Name of Descartes).

In the world of Descartes, Matter is identical to the space, all the space is filled with matter, there is no emptiness. Atoms are denied, Materia is divisible to infinity. All phenomena Descarten reduced mechanical movements. All interactions are carried out through pressure, collisions - some parts of the matter are put on the other, pushing them. The whole world is filled with vortex movements (moves in a circle). The infinite divisibility of matter in Descartes is not quite consistently combined with the existence of "matter particles". At Descartes there are three types of such particles: omnipresent sky particles, fire particles and dense matter particles. The movement is made by force emanating from God. The same force divides continuous matter into parts and particles and persists in them, being the source of their circular (vortex) movement, in which some particles are pushed out from their places by others.

The role of French scientist and in the development of astronomy, the universe was considered as a self-developing system. It was originally in a chaotic state, then the movement of particles of matter acquired the character of centrifugal vortex movements, as a result of which heavenly bodies were formed, including the sun and planets. Thus, the emergence of the solar system and the entire universe occurs, on Descartes, without divine intervention, based on the laws of nature. "God so miraculously established these laws that even if we assume that he did not create anything except said (i.e., matter and movement), and did not submit any order to matter, no proportion, but, on the contrary, left only the most unimaginable Chaos ... So in this case, these laws would have enough so that the particles of chaos themselves are wrong and settled in such an excellent order that they would form a very perfect world. "

Decience of Descartes was a single science. Like philosophers of antiquity, Descartes included natural philosophy in his teaching. However, the basis of its natural philosophy Descartes put the mechanics, and it carried a mechanical one-sided character, which was characteristic of the natural science of that time. Descartes can be considered the founder of the principle of closestreaming in physics. Will new theory of light, the theory of electromagnetic field, molecular physics are the development of Descartes' ideas. Indeed, in the writings of many largest physics of the XIX century. You can find ideas that are the development of Descartes' ideas expressed by them in the XVII century.

Period of formation and formation natural Sciences It falls at about the XVII century: he begins with Galilea work and ends with Newton's research.

Galilee and Kepler, based on the dynamic and kinematic laws of Aristotle, rethought his mechanics and as a result of the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism came to their kinematic laws. These laws predetermined fundamentally united for earthly and celestial bodies with Newton's mechanics with all the mechanics formed by him, including the law world full gravity. Galilee, studying the free drop of bodies, first introduced the concept of inertia and formulated the principle of relativity for mechanical movements, known as the principle of relativity of Galilee. An English physicist Isaac Newton introduced a decisive contribution to the formation of mechanics (1643-1727)

The laws of mechanics obtained by Newton and the "Mathematical Beginners of Natural Philosophy" were given a slender logical system of the physical picture of the world (briefly "beginning") in 1687. Newton is more than any of the other thinkers of his generation, contributed to the scientific picture of the world not only new content, but also a fundamentally new style of unambiguous explanation of nature. Newton created the foundations of the theory of the gravitational field, brought the law of gravity, which determines the force of gravity, which acts on this mass at any point of space, if the mass and position of the body serving the source of the forces of gravity are given, i.e. While attracting other bodies.

Newton's dynamic laws not only follow from the respective kinematic laws of Galilee and Kepler, but also themselves may be based on all three kinematic laws of Kepler and both kinematic laws of Galilee, as well as all sorts of theoretically expected deviations from them due to complex structure and mutual gravitational perturbations. interacting tel.

I. Newton believed that the world consists of corpuscles forming the body and filling emptiness between them. Having established the law of the World Health, Newton did not give explanations to the reasons for the mechanism of transmission of interaction. Young Newton believed that the interaction through the emptiness is being carried out by God. Later, it comes to the ether hypothesis as an interaction carrier.

The period of the formation of mechanics over time turned into its celebration. Mechanics has become the basis of the worldview. Everything that man himself created, all that is in nature has, was considered a single mechanical essence. This was also facilitated by further discoveries in natural science, especially in astronomy of a later period.

the formation of a mechanistic picture of the world demanded several centuries and ended only by the middle of the XIX century. It should be considered as an important stage in the formation of a natural science picture of the world.

In this system of the world, substances consist of atoms and molecules in continuous motion. The interactions between the bodies occur with direct contact (under the action of the forces of elasticity and friction) and at a distance (under the action of the forces of grave). The space is filled with the all-perch ether. Atomic interaction is considered as mechanical. There is no understanding of the essence of the ether. According to the mechanistic picture of the world, gravitational forces bind all without exception of the body of nature, they are not specific, but by common interaction. The laws of gravity determine the ratio of matter to the space and all material tel to each other. The real unity of the universe in this sense creates in this sense. Explanation of the nature of the movement of the heavenly bodies and even the opening of the new planets of the solar system was the triumph of the Newtonian theory of aggregation. H The mechanistic picture of the world was founded in the following four principles.

1. The world was built on a single foundation - on the laws of Newton's mechanics. All transformations observed in nature, as well as thermal phenomena at the micro-reference level, were reduced to the mechanics of atoms and molecules, their movements, collisions, clips, disconnections. It was believed that the discovery in the middle of the XIX century. The law of preserving and turning energy also proved the mechanical unity of the world.

2. In the mechanistic picture of the world, all causal relationships are unequivocal, Laplace determinism dominates here. In the world there is accuracy and the possibility of predetermining the future.

3. In the mechanistic picture of the world there is no development - in general, as he was always. The mechanistic picture of the world actually rejected qualitative changes, reducing everything to purely quantitative changes.

4. The mechanistic picture proceeded from the presentation that the microworld is similar to the macromir. It was believed that the micromyr mechanic could explain the patterns of the behavior of atoms and molecules.

In essence, this picture of the world was metaphysical, all the diversity of the world was reduced to mechanics, qualitative development, as well as all that happened in the world, it seemed strictly predefined and unambiguous.

Metaphysical views on the picture of the world were given Isamo Newton to a constant retreat from the natural scientific worldview and to the explanation of the phenomena with supernatural forces, i.e. The intervention of God. Newton believed that the solar system from the century there is such as we know her now. But in this case, the initial position of the planet in orbit and its initial speed does not find a physical explanation. According to Newton, the planets received the initial speed in the form of a shock from God. The sustainability system also does not find its explanation with the help of alone for the forces of grave, and Newton leaves the action of divine forces here.

Thus, Newtonov The concept of forces took a certain role in the nature of God, unlike the Cartesian physics, which each phenomenon explained to the special model of the vortex and according to which God, once creating a nature, no longer interferes with it. In the philosophical models of the worldview, this has found a deep reflection in all conflict and complexity inherent in the spiritual world of man in the era of liberation from putscholastic.

Naturally scientific picture The world in his own sense of the word, as we have already noted, begins to form only in the era of the emergence of scientific science science in the XVI-XVII centuries. Analyzing the process of restructuring consciousness in the era of the XVI-XVII centuries, the western explorer of the externalistic direction E. Tsilzel believes that the formation of new bourgeois economic relations penetrated by the spirit of rationalism led to a gradual weakening of the religious, magical perception of the world and strengthen the rational ideas about the universe. And since the development of production demanded the development of mechanics, the picture of the world of this era acquired a mechanistic character.

In the history of scientific knowledge, classical mechanics were a new theoretically developed area of \u200b\u200bnatural science, which became the basis of the mechanistic picture of the world. The mechanistic picture of the world was and remains the beginning on which the subsequent paintings of the world are based, based on the success of synergetics or the idea of \u200b\u200bglobal evolutionism.

One of the characteristic features of a general scientific picture of the world is that its basis is the picture of the world of the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, which occupies a leading position in this historical period. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. The leading position among the sciences occupied the mechanics, so the natural science picture of the world was named mechanistic. The laws of mechanics also extended to society and per person.


  1. Galilee Dialogue about two systems of the world // Gallia Evim. Tr. M., 164. T.1.
  2. Conversations and mathematical evidence // Ibid by T.2.
  3. Descartes R. Selected works. M., 1950.
  4. Descartes R. Works 13, T.2. M.: Thought, 1989.
  5. Newton I. Mathematical began genuine philosophy. Per. A.N. Krylova // Izv. Nikolaev Mor. Acad. 1915. Ame.4.

Bibliographic reference

Rajabov O.R. Formation of the mechanistic picture of the world // Modern native technologies. - 2007. - № 10. - P. 98-101;
URL:\u003d25571 (date of handling: 04.01.2020). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

The first natural science picture of the world was formed on the basis of the study of the simplest, mechanical form of motion of the matter. It explores the laws of the movement of earth and celestial bodies in space and time. In the future, when these laws and principles were transferred to other phenomena and processes, they became the basis of the mechanistic picture of the world.

The creation of classical mechanics, Science is obliged to Newton, but the soil for him was prepared by Galilee and Kepler, with brief characteristic Their scientific results will begin this chapter.

3.1. Galilee and Kepler - Newton's scientific predecessors

The formation of a mechanistic picture of the world is fairly associated with the name of Galilee, who established the laws of movement of freely falling bodies and formulated the concept of inertial movement and the mechanical principle of relativity. But the main merit of Galilee is that it applied for the first time to study the Nature experimental methodtogether with the measurement of the values \u200b\u200bstudied and mathematical processing of their results. If the experiments were sporadically raised before, then their mathematical analysis was for the first time systematically began to apply Galilee.

The approach of Galilee to the study of nature was fundamentally different from the previously existing naturophilosophicalthe approach in which a priori was invented to explain the phenomena of nature, i.e. Not related to experience and observations, purely speculative schemes.

Naturophilosophy, as its name shows, is an attempt to use a priori philosophical principles to explain the specific phenomena of nature. Such attempts were made, starting from the ancient era, when the lack of concrete

data scientists sought to compensate for common philosophical arguments. Sometimes they expressed ingenious guesseswhich for many centuries ahead of the results of specific studies. Enough to remind at least about atomisticthe hypothesis of the structure of the substance that was nominated by the ancient Greek philosopher Levkipp (V c. BC) and more detailed developed by his student of democritus. However, as concrete sciences gradually occurred and separated from unrelated philosophical knowledge, natural philosophical explanations were brake for the development of science. This can be verified by comparing the views on the movement of Aristotle and Galileo.

Based on the a priori naturophilosophical idea, Aristotle considered the "perfect" movement in a circle, and Galilee, relying on the observation and mental experiment, introduced the concept of inertial movement. In his opinion, the body that is not affected by any external forces will not move in a circle, but evenly in a straight trajectory or stay alone. Such a representation, of course, is abstraction and idealization, because in reality it is impossible to observe such a case so that any strength does not act on the body. However, this abstraction is fruitful, for it mentally continues that experiment, which can be approximately realized, when, as the effect on the body of a number of external forces (friction, air resistance, etc.) can be installed that it will be Continue your movement. With the help of a mental experiment serving a continuation of a real experiment, it is possible to imagine that in the absence of impact of any external strength, it will move evenly in a straight trajectory endlessly.

The transition to experimental study of nature and mathematical processing of the results of experiments allowed Galileo to open the laws of movement of freely falling tel. The fundamental difference between the new method of researching nature from the naturophilosophical approach consisted, therefore, in it, hypotheses were systematically checked experience.

Experiment can be viewed as a question facing nature. At the same time, it is necessary to formulate the question of nature so much to get a completely unequivocal and definite answer.

The experimental method is activeintervention in real processes and phenomena of nature, and not passive observation. To do this, you should build an experiment to

the ability to make the most insulated from the impact of foreign factors that interfere with the observed phenomenon in the "pure form". In turn, the hypothesis, which is a matter of nature, should allow an empirical verification of some consequences derived from it. For these purposes, starting with Galilee, they began to use mathematics to quantify the results of experiments.

Thus, a new experimental natural science, unlike the Naturophilosophical guesses and the aging of the past, began to develop in close cooperation of the theory and experience when each hypothesis or theoretical statement is systematically checked by experience and measurements. It was thanks to this Galileo managed to refute the previous assumption expressed by the Aristotle that the path of the incident body is proportional to its speed. Embeding experiments with a drop in heavy bodies (cannon nuclei), Galilev was convinced that this path is proportional to their acceleration, equal to 9.81 m / s 2. From the astronomical achievements of Galilee, it should be noted the opening of the satellites of Jupiter, as well as the detection of spots in the sun and mountains on the moon.

A new major step in the development of natural science was marked by the discovery the laws of motion of the planets.If Galiley was dealing with the study of the movement of the earth's bodies, then the German astronomer I. Kepler (1571- 1630) began to explore the movements of the heavenly bodies, and thus dared to invade the area that was previously considered for the forbidden for science. Of course, for this, he could not appeal to the experiment and therefore for determining the orbits and the laws of the motion of the planets was forced to take advantage of the many years of systematic observations of the Mars of Planet Mars, made by the Danish astronomer T. Brage (1546-1601). Having tried the many options, Kepler stopped on a hypothesis that the trajectory of Mars, like other planets, is not a circle, as thought before him, and ellipse. The results of the observations of Brage corresponded to this hypothesis and, therefore, confirmed it, so it was possible to confidently disseminate the result in the orbits of other planets.

The opening of the laws of the movement of the planets by Kepler was invaluable for the development of natural science. It testified, firstly, that there is no insurmountable abyss between the movements of earth and celestial bodies, since they are subject to certain natural laws; Secondly, the method of opening the laws of the movement of heavenly bodies in principle does not differ from the discovery of the laws of the movement of the earth bodies.

However, due to the impossibility of the implementation of experiments with heavenly bodies, to study the laws of their movement, we had to refer to systematic observations. Nevertheless, the studies were carried out in close interaction of hypotheses and observations, followed by a thorough check of the hypotheses extended by measuring the movements of heavenly bodies.

3.2. Classical mechanics Newton

In his work on the creation of theoretical mechanics, Newton relied primarily on the Open Galilee principle inertia and the law free fall tel. The principle of inertia applies only to cases when external forces do not affect the body. But in the real world you can hardly observe such situations. This is evidenced, in particular, the law of free fall of the tel.

However, this law is only a special case of rectilinear equal onesmovement of bodies under the influence of gravity. Newton also set as a goal to find the general law of the movement of bodies, to which any forces act, and their trajectories can be the most different. Since the body movement depends on the force attached to it, and the force gives the body acceleration, therefore it was necessary to find a quantitative, a mathematical method for determining acceleration. Therefore, the formation of classical mechanics took place in two directions:

1) generalizations of the results obtained earlier, and above all the laws of movement of freely falling bodies, open by Galileem, as well as the laws of movement of the planets formulated by Kepler;

2) creating methods for quantitative, mathematical analysis of the mechanical movement as a whole.

It is known that Newton has created its own version of differential and integral calculation directly to solve the main problems of mechanics: definitions instant speed Movement as a derivative from the time and acceleration as a derivative of the speed of time, or the second derivative. Due to this, he managed to accurately formulate the basic laws of the speakers and the law of the world. Now quantitative approachthe description of the movement seems to be somewhat granted, but in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It was the largest conquest of scientific thought. To compare, it is sufficient to note that the Chinese science, despite its undoubted advances in empirical areas (invention

rohy, paper, compass, etc.), and could not be able to rise to the establishment of quantitative patterns of movement.

The decisive role in the formation of mechanics was played, as already noted, experimental methodwhich provided the opportunity to check all guesses, assumptions and hypotheses with carefully thought-out experiments.

Newton, like his predecessors, attached great importance Observations and experiment, seeing the most important criteria for separating false hypotheses from true. Therefore, he sharply opposed the assumptions of so-called hidden qualities, with the help of which followers of Aristotle and natural philosophers generally tried to explain many phenomena and nature processes.

"To say that every kind of things is endowed with a special hidden quality, with which he acts and produces effects," Newton pointed out, "it means nothing."

In this regard, he puts forward a completely new principle of nature research, which is now characterized as method of principles,and Newton himself called them beginnings.

"To withdraw two or three general starts of movement from phenomena and then state how the properties and actions of all bodily belongings arise from these obvious began, it would be a very important step in philosophy, although the reasons for these began and were not still open."

These starts of movement and are the basic laws of mechanics that Newton accurately formulates in their main labor "mathematical starts of natural philosophy", published in 1687. Natural philosophy in the title of this book in the XVII-XVIII centuries. identified physics, the most important part of which was considered mechanics. With the presentation of its main laws, he starts his work.

First lawwhich is often called inertia's lawpostulates:

Any body continues to be held in his condition of rest or uniform straightforward movement, while it does not agree with the attached forces to change this state.

Of course, in real conditions of movement, it is impossible to completely free themselves from the impact of external forces on the body. Therefore, the law of inertia is idealizationin which distracted from a truly complex picture of the movement and represent a picture of the ideal, which can be made in the imagination by the limit transition, i.e. mental decrease in the impact on the body of external forces andtransition to such a state when this exposure becomes equal to zero.

Previously, thought that the body would immediately stop after the effect on him would cease. So the intuition suggests us, but she deceives us, because after the action of the strength, the body will be held some other way. This path will be the more, the smaller opposition to external forces on the body. If it were possible to completely eliminate the action of external forces, the body would continue to move forever. Such scientific approach Galilee adhered to the analysis of the movement, and behind him and Newton. Based on erroneous intuition, Aristotle in his "physics" put forward the opposite look, which for a long time dominated in science.

"The moving body stops if the force pushing it ceases its action."

Thus, about the movement and acting on the body strength, from the point of view of Aristotle, can be judged by the presence of speed, and not by changing the speed or acceleration, as Newton claimed.

Second basic lawmoves in mechanics centrala place. In contrast to the apparent ideas, it shows that the greater the power attached to the body, the greater the acceleration, and not just the speed it acquires. Indeed, in principle, the body moving at constant speed and straightly, does not experience any forces.

The history of science testifies that natural science that arose during the scientific revolution of the XVI - XVII centuries was connected for a long time with the development of physics. It was the physics that remains today the most developed and systematized natural science. Therefore, when the worldview of the European civilization of the new time arose, the classical picture of the world was developed, naturally appeal to physics, its concepts and arguments, in many respects identifying this picture. The degree of development of physics was so great that she could create his own physical picture of the world, unlike other natural sciences, which only in the 20th century were able to put this task (creating chemical and biological paintings of the world).
Therefore, starting a conversation about the specific achievements of natural science, we will begin it from physics, from the painting of the world created by this science.
The concept of "physical picture of the world" is used for a long time, but only in lately It began to be considered not only As the result of the development of physical knowledge, but also as a special independent type of knowledge - the most general theoretical knowledge in physics (system of concepts, principles and hypotheses), which serves as the initial basis for building theories. The physical picture of the world, on the one hand, summarizes all previously obtained knowledge of nature, and on the other, it introduces new philosophical ideas into physics and their concepts, principles and hypotheses of which before that were not and which fundamentally change the foundations of physical theoretical knowledge: old physical concepts And the principles break, new arise, the picture of the world is changing.
The development of physics itself is directly related to the physical picture of the world. With a constant increase in the number of experienced data, the picture of the world remains relatively unchanged. With a change in the physical picture of the world, a new stage begins in the development of physics with a different system of source concepts, principles, hypotheses and style of thinking. The transition from one stage to another marks a high-quality leap, a revolution in physics, consisting in the collapse of the old picture of the world and in the appearance of a new one.
Within this stage, the development of physics is evolutionary, without changing the basics of the picture of the world. It is to implement the possibilities for building new theories in this picture of the world. At the same time, it can evolve, to win, remaining within the framework of certain specific physical ideas about the world.
The key in the physical picture of the world is the concept of "matter", which goes essential problems physical science. Therefore, the change of physical picture of the world is associated with the change of ideas about matter. In the history of physics, this happened twice. At first there was a transition from the atomistic, corpuscular ideas about matter to the field - continual. Then, in the XX century, the continual representations were replaced with modern quantum. Therefore, we can talk about three consistently replacing each other physical patterns of the world.

Mechanical picture of the world

It develops as a result of the scientific revolution of the XVI -XVII centuries. Based on the works of Galilee and P. Gassendi, restored the atomism of the ancient philosophers, research on Descartes and Newton, which completed the construction of a new picture of the world, formulated the main ideas, concepts and principles that made a mechanical picture of the world.
The basis of the mechanical picture of the world was atomism, which the whole world, including a person, understood as a set of a huge number of indivisible particles - atoms moving in space and time.
The key concept of a mechanical picture of the world was the concept of movement. It is the laws of Movement Newton considered the fundamental laws of the universe. The bodies have an internal innate property of moving evenly and straightforwardly, and deviations from this movement are associated with the action on the body of the external force (inertia). The measure of inertia is the mass, the other is the most important concept of classical mechanics. The universal property of the bodies is.
Solving the problems of interaction of bodies, Newton offered the principle of long-range effect. According to this principle, the interaction between the bodies occurs instantly at any distance, without any material intermediaries.
The concept of long-range effect is closely related to the understanding of space and time as special environments that enjoy the interacting bodies. Newton offered the concept of absolute space and time. The space seemed to be a large "black box", accompanying all the bodies in the world, but if these bodies suddenly disappeared, the space would still be left. Similarly, in the form of the current river, the time also presented, also existing absolutely independently of matter.
In the mechanical picture of the world, any events were strictly predetermined by the laws of mechanics. Accident in principle was excluded from the picture of the world. As P. Laplas said, if a giant mind was found, capable of arguing the world (knowledge of the coordinates of all bodies in the world, as well as the forces acting on them), he could definitely predict the future of this world.
Life and mind in the mechanical picture of the world did not have any qualitative specificity. Therefore, the presence of a person in the world did not change anything. If a person once disappeared from the face of the earth, the world would continue to exist as if nothing had happened.
Based on the mechanical picture of the world in the XVIII - early XIX. explosive Earth, celestial and molecular mechanics were developed. The development of technology was going rapidly. This led to the absolutization of the mechanical picture of the world, to the fact that it began to be considered as universal.
At the same time, empirical data began to accumulate in physics contrary to the mechanical picture of the world. So, along with the consideration of a system of material points, fully corresponding to the corpuscular ideas about matter, I had to introduce the concept solid mediumrelated to the essence of the case is no longer with corpuscular, but with continued ideas about matter. So, to explain the light phenomena, the concept of ether was introduced - special thin and absolutely continuous luminous matter.
In the XIX century Methods of mechanics were distributed to the field of heat phenomena, electricity and magnetism. It would seem that this testified to the great successes of the mechanical understanding of the world as a general initial basis of science. But when trying to go beyond the mechanics of material points, we had to introduce all new artificial assumptions, which gradually prepared the collapse of the mechanical picture of the world. Similar to light phenomena, for explaining the heat, electricity and magnetism, the concepts of a heatort, electric and magnetic fluid were introduced as special varieties of solid matter.
Although the mechanical approach to these phenomena turned out to be unacceptable, experienced facts were artificially seen under the mechanical picture of the world. Attempts to build anteromatic model of Ether continued in the 20th century.
These facts not stacked by the mechanical picture of the world showed that the contradictions between the established system of views and the data of experience were irreconcilable. Physics needed a significant change in ideas about matter, in the change of the physical picture of the world.

Electromagnetic picture of the world

In the process of long-term reflection on the essence of electrical and magnetic phenomena, M. Faraday came to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to replace corpuscular ideas about the matter in continuous. He concluded that the electromagnetic field is completely continuous, the charges in it are point-of-power centers. Thus, the issue of building a mechanical model of ether, the incompatibility of mechanical ideas about the ether with real experienced data on the properties of light, electricity and magnetism. The main difficulty in explaining the light with the help of the concept of ether was as follows: if the ether is a solid medium, then it should not prevent the movement in it and, therefore, should be similar to very easy gas. In experiments with light, two fundamental facts were installed: light and electromagnetic oscillations are not longitudinal, but transverse, and the speed of distribution of these oscillations is very large. In the mechanics, it was shown that transverse oscillations are possible only in solid bodies, and their speed depends on the body density. For such high speed as the speed of light, the density of the ether has many times had to exceed the density of the steel. But then, how do the bodies move?
One of the first ideas of Faraday appreciated Maxwell. At the same time, he emphasized that Faradays put forward new philosophical views on matter, space, time and strength, in many ways changed the former mechanical picture of the world.
Matter glances changed dramatically: the combination of indivisible atoms has ceased to be the final limit of matter of matter, as such, a single absolutely continuous infinite field was taken with power point centers - electric charges and wave movements in it.
The movement was understood not only as a simple mechanical movement, primary in relation to this movement form, became the distribution of oscillations in the field, which was not described by the laws of mechanics, but by the laws of electrodynamics.
The Newtonian concept of absolute space and time did not fit the field ideas. Since the field is absolutely continuous matter, there is simply no empty space. The time and time is inextricably linked with the processes occurring in the field. Space and time ceased to be independent, independent of matter entities. Understanding space and time as absolute lost the place of relational (relative) concept of space and time.
The new picture of the world required a new solution to the problem of interaction. Newtonian long-range concept was replaced by the Faraday principle of closestream; Any interactions are transmitted by the field from the point to the point continuously and with the final speed. *
Although the laws of electrodynamics, as well as the laws of classical mechanics, definitely predetermined the events, and the accident still tried to exclude from the physical picture of the world, the creation kinetic theory Gas introduced into the theory, and then in the electromagnetic picture of the world the concept of probability. True, while physicists did not leave hope for probabilistic characteristics, clear unambiguous laws similar to Newton's laws.
Did not change in the electromagnetic picture of the world an idea of \u200b\u200bthe place and role of a person in the universe. His appearance was considered only a whim of nature. The ideas about the qualitative specifics of life and mind with great difficulty laid the path in scientific worldview.
The new electromagnetic picture of the world explained a large circle of phenomena, incomprehensible from the point of view of the previous mechanical picture of the world. It deeperly revealed the material unity of the world, since electricity and magnetism were explained on the basis of the same laws.
However, insurmountable difficulties soon began to occur on this path. So, according to the electromagnetic picture of the world, the charge began to be considered a point center, and the facts indicated the ultimate length of the particle-charge. Therefore, B. electronic theory Lorentz Particle-charge Contrary to the new picture of the world was considered in the form of a solid charged ball with a mass. The results of Michelson experiments were incomprehensible to 1881 - 1887, where he tried to discover the body movement on inertia with the help of devices located on this body. According to Maxwell's theory, such a movement could be found, but the experience did not confirm this. But then about these minor troubles and pursuances of physics tried to forget, moreover, the conclusions of the Maxwell theory were absolished, so that even such a major physicist, as Kirchhof, believed that nothing unknown and unopened in physics.
But by the end of the XIX century. More and more inexplicable inconsistencies of theory and experience accumulated. Some were due to the incompleteness of the electromagnetic picture of the world, others were generally not coordinated with the continued ideas about the matter: difficulties in explaining a photo effect, a strollery spectrum of atoms, the theory of thermal radiation.
The consistent application of the Maxwell theory to other moving media led to the conclusions about the non-absoluteness of space and time. However, the conviction in their absoluteness was so great that scientists were surprised in their conclusions, called them strange and refused them. This was what Lorenz and Poincaré did, whose works are completed by the Doeseinstein period of physics.
By accepting the laws of electrodynamics as the basic laws of physical reality, A. Einstein introduced the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relativity of space and time to the electromagnetic picture of the world and thereby eliminated the contradiction between the understanding of matter as a certain type of field and Newtonian ideas about space and time. Introduction to the electromagnetic picture of the world of relativistic ideas about space and time opened new opportunities for its development.
This is how the overall theory of relativity appeared, which became the last major theory created in the framework of the electromagnetic picture of the world. In this theory, created in 1916, Einstein gave a deep explanation of the nature of the nature of the nature, for which the concept of the relativity of the space and time and the curvature of the single four-dimensional space-time continuum, depending on the mass distribution, was introduced.
But even the creation of this theory could no longer save the electromagnetic picture of the world. FROM end XIX. in. increasingly irreconcilable contradictions between electromagnetic theory and facts have been found. In 1897, the phenomenon of radioactivity was opened and it was found that it is associated with the transformation of some chemical elements to others and is accompanied by the emission of alpha and beta rays. On this basis, empirical atom models appeared, contrary to the electromagnetic picture of the world. And in 1900 M. Plank in the process of numerous attempts to build the theory of radiation was forced to express the assumption of the interruption of radiation processes.

The formation of a modern physical picture of the world

At the beginning of the XX century. There were two incompatible ideas about matter: 1) or it is absolutely continuous; 2) or consists of discrete particles. Physics made numerous attempts to combine these two points of view, but for a long time they remained unsuccessful. It seemed to many that physics came to a dead end from which there was no exit.
This confusion was aggravated when in 1913 N. Bor offered his atom model. He suggested that the electron rotating around the kernel, contrary to the laws of electrodynamics, does not radiate energies. It emits it with portions only when leaving from one orbit to another. And although such an assumption seemed strange and incomprehensible, it was the model of the boron atom largely contributed to the formation of new physical ideas about matter and movement. In 1924, Louis de Broglie expressed a hypothesis of compliance with each particle of a certain wave. In other words, each particle of matter is inherent and the properties of the wave (continuity), and discreteness (quantum). These ideas found confirmation in the works of E. Schrödinger and V. Heisenberg 1925 -1927, and soon M. Born showed the identity of the wave mechanics of Schrödinger and Schrödinger's quantum mechanics.
So there are new, quantum-field ideas about matter, which are defined as a corpuscular-wave dualism - the presence of the properties of the wave and particles in each element. We went into the past and ideas about the immutability of matter. One of the main features of elementary particles is their universal interdependence and mutualism. In modern physics, the main material object is a quantum field, the transition from one state to another changes the number of particles.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe movement is changing, which becomes only a particular case of physical interaction. Four types of fundamental physical interactions are known: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. They are described on the basis of the principle of similar: the interactions are transmitted by the corresponding fields from the point to the point, the interaction transmission rate is always finite and cannot exceed the speed of light in vacuum (300,000 km / s).
The ideas about the relativity of space and time, dependence on their matter are approved. Space and time cease to be independent of each other and, according to the theory of relativity, merge in a single four-dimensional space-time continuum.
The specifics of quantum-field ideas about patterns and causality is that they act in a probabilistic form in the form of so-called statistical laws. They correspond to a deeper level of knowledge of natural patterns.
The quantum-field picture of the world first includes an observer, from the presence of which the resulting picture of the world depends. Moreover, today it is believed that our world is as it is, only due to the existence of a person whose appearance has become a natural result of the evolution of the universe.
Quantum-field, quantum-relativistic picture of the world and is currently in a state of becoming, and new elements are added to it every year, new hypotheses are put forward, new theories are created and developed.
For more information about the problems facing the physical science building a picture of the world, we will talk about the content below.

Seminar Plan (2 hours)

1. The concept of a physical picture of the world.
2. Mechanical picture of the world, its main content.
3. Electromagnetic picture of the world.
4. The formation of a modern physical picture of the world.

Threads of reports and abstracts

1. V.Geeenberg on the relationship of physics and philosophy.
2. Modern physics and oriental mysticism.


1. Akhizer A.I., Ramp M.P. Modern physical picture of the world. M., 1980.
2. Heisenberg V. Physics and philosophy. Part and integer. M., 1989.
3. Gudkov N.A. The idea of \u200b\u200b"Great Synthesis" in physics. Kiev, 1990.
4. Unity of physics. Novosibirsk, 1993.
5. Capra F. Tao physics. St. Petersburg., 1994.
6. Pakhomov B.Ya. The formation of a physical picture of the world. M., 1985,

Dialectics of Nature and Natural Science Konstantinov Fyodor Vasilyevich

2. Mechanical picture of the world

2. Mechanical picture of the world

Physics has become a full science in the XVII century, when there was a public need for a deeper study of nature. Prior to this, nature understanding was based on everyday knowledge and natural philosophy. Further development of social production was impossible without a deeper understanding of nature phenomena.

When moving from the ordinary to scientific understanding of nature, materialistic ideas played a major role. In the works of P. Gassendi and Galilean, the atomism of ancient Greek philosophers was restored. At the same time, the concept of movement was put forward. R. Descarte believed that it determines all the phenomena of nature. Galilean's hypothesis was truly revolutionary about the possibility of moving without an engine (the law of inertia). Finally, I. Newton completed the construction of a new, revolutionary picture of nature, formulating the main ideas, concepts and principles that made a mechanical picture of the world.

I. Newton begins his main treatise ("mathematical starts of natural philosophy") with the presentation of the basic concepts of the picture of the world. Based on the atomistic ideas about matter, it introduces the concept of mass as the number of matter, gives the body "internal congenital property to move evenly and straightforwardly, and the deviation from this state of movement connects with the action on the body of" external force ". At the same time, I. Newton puts forward a "hypothesis of a bit of" as a universal property of all bodies "to each other". After putting a task to explain all the phenomena under the observed movements, I. Newton complements the picture of the world with its understanding of time, spaces and movements that exist absolutely, that is, regardless of matter.

As you can see, formulating the general initial starts of its work, I. Newton outlined certain physical ideas about matter and movement, space and time, interaction and patterns in accordance with the philosophical ideas of Galilee and P. Gassendi (atomistic ideas about matter), R. Descartes, who attached the primary importance to the movement, and T. Gobbs, proving the objectivity of the length. At the same time, one of the leading philosophical ideas, which was guided by I. Newton in his studies, was the idea of \u200b\u200bunity and universal interconnection of phenomena.

On the basis of the mechanical picture of the world, Newton formulated the laws of movement, which he considered the fundamental laws of the universe. The creation of mechanics contributed to the accelerated development of theoretical methods for the study of nature. According to historians of physics, from 1690 to 1750, mathematical physics is particularly rapidly developing.

In the theoretical basis, Mechanics I. Newton was a system of material points. Based on the Newtonian ideas about nature, the mechanical picture of the world, L. Euler and Ya. Bernoulli developed a number of new physical theories - the theory of driving a solid body, the theory of elasticity and hydrodynamics. J. L. Lagrang systematized the mechanics and set itself the task of explaining all the phenomena phenomena purely analytically, guided by the mechanics and the mechanical picture of the world. At the end of the XVIII and early XIX century. P. S. Laplas, implementing the Lagrange program in explaining the universe, developed "earthly", "heavenly" and "molecular" mechanics.

The successes of the mechanical theory in explaining nature phenomena, as well as their great importance for the development of equipment, to design various machines and engines led to the absolutization of the mechanical picture of the world. She began to be considered as a universal scientific picture of the universe. The whole world (including human) was understood as a combination of a huge number of indivisible particles moving in absolute space and time, interconnected by the forces, instantly transmitted from the body to the body through the void (the Newtonian principle of long-range effects). According to this principle, any events are rigidly predetermined by the laws of mechanics, so that if I existed, by expressing P. Laplas, the "comprehensive mind", then he could definitely predict and predict.

At the same time, at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. Physics accumulated empirical data contradicting the mechanical picture of the world. So, along with the consideration of a system of material points (which fully corresponded to the corpuscular ideas about matter) I had to introduce the concept of a solid medium, which is no longer possible with corpuscular, but with considative ideas about matter. Thus, there was a contradiction between the mechanical picture of the world and some facts of experience. To explain the light phenomena, the concept of ether was introduced - a special thin and absolutely continuous "light matter". However, Newton has already tried to show that these phenomena can be explained on the basis of the principles that were at the heart of the mechanics created by him. He developed a corpuscular theory of light, thereby expanding the content of the mechanical picture of the world.

In the XIX century Methods of mechanics were distributed to the field of heat phenomena, electricity and magnetism. It would seem that all this testified to the great successes of the mechanical understanding of the world as a general initial basis of science. However, when trying to go beyond the limits of the mechanics, the points of the points had to introduce all new and new artificial assumptions, which gradually prepared the collapse of the mechanical picture of the world. So, to explain the warmth, the concept of "heatorod" was introduced, i.e., a special thin solid matter, for explaining electricity and magnetism, they assumed the existence of special continuous types of matter - "electric" and "magnetic" fluid. F. Engels criticized empiricals who thought that they explained all the phenomena, bringing some unknown substance under them: light, thermal or electric. These "imaginary substances can now be considered eliminated," he wrote. And indeed, later, the kinetic theory of heat was built on the basis of the mechanical picture of the world, the law of preserving and turning energy was formulated, and thus the "heatborbon" was discarded.

But the mechanical approach to such phenomena, such as light, electricity and magnetism, turned out to be unacceptable. Experienced facts were artificially seen under the mechanical picture of the world. Despite the many attempts, the mechanical model of the ether as a material carrier of light, electricity and magnetism was not possible to build. However, within the framework of this picture of the world, this circumstance was not attached to the principle value, and attempts to build anteromatic model of Ether continued even in the XX century. Considering that such a model is still possible, and referring to the successes of the mechanical picture of the world, in particular the kinetic theory of heat and statistical mechanics, many largest physics of the second halves XIX. And even the beginning of the XX century. It was believed that mechanistic world-thundering is the only scientific and universal. So, according to the testimony of M. Planck, his teacher F. Zholly stated:

"Of course, in one or another corner, you can still notice or remove the dust or bubble, but the system, as an integer, is quite firmly, and the theoretical physics is noticeably approaching the degree of perfection, some century has a geometry."

The attempts not crowned attempted to explain on the basis of the mechanical picture of the world the phenomenon of light, electricity and magnetism indicated that the contradictions between general physical knowledge and private - the experiments were actually irreconcilable. Physics needed a significant change in ideas about matter, in the change of the physical picture of the world. But physicists committed to the old dogma prevented an understanding of this fundamentally important circumstance.

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2. Romantic picture of the world The most important goal of his artistic and philosophical creativity of Romantic was seen in the most accurate expression of the formation and development of life in all its dynamics. The organic structure of the world of romance was looking for equivalents in "Organic"

In the very emergence of the mechanical picture of the world, a major role was played by completely new ideas of worldview and new ideals of studying activities, which were in the culture of the Renaissance and the very beginning of the new time. They have arisen in philosophy, they represented a collection of ideas that the information provided a completely new presentation of knowledge accumulated by predecessors and practical facts obtained in the study of physical processes and allowed to create a completely new system of presentation reports on processes. And also the principle of the unity of the material played a very important role in creating a mechanical picture of the world, he did not consider the scholastic division into the Heavenly World and the Earth, the principle of patterns and the causality of natural processes, the principle of experimental presentation and accession to the creation of a study of the world with the help of an experiment describing it laws of mathematical laws. After building a mechanical picture of the world, these principles have grown into its philosophical substantiation.

The main part The mechanical picture of the world amounted to theories and laws of mechanics, which in the XVII century was the most developed section of physics. In general, the mechanics were the first and main fundamental physical theory. . Theories, ideas and principles of mechanics were a list of the most accurate knowledge of physical laws, the most fully reflected physical processes in nature. Mechanics as science studies the mechanical movement of material bodies and arising when the interaction between the bodies is moving. Under mechanical movement implies a change in the mutual position of bodies or particles relative to each other in space over time. For example, particle oscillations, the movement of solids, marine and air flows, etc. The interactions that occur in the process of mechanical movement, they are actions of bodies relative to each other, as a result of such an interaction, a change in the speed of movement of these bodies in space and time or their deformation is occurring.

One of the main concepts of mechanics as a fundamental physical theory is the following concepts, such as a material point - body, forms and sizes of which can be neglected in this task; absolutely solid - The body whose distance between two points remains constant, and its deformation can be neglected. Such concepts are characterized using the following designations: Mass - measure of the amount of substance; The weight is the force with which the body interacts with the support. Mass is a constant, while weight can be changed. These concepts are expressed with the following physical quantities: energy, coordinates, strength, impulses.

The main concepts of the mechanical picture of the world were such atoms as a theory that the whole world, including a person, considered as a system of a huge number of material particles - atoms. They moved in time and space in accordance with existing laws Mechanics. Matter is a substance that consists of absolutely solid, smallest, indivisible, moving particles (atoms). This is an explanation and there is a corpuscular idea of \u200b\u200bmatter.

The main definition of the mechanical picture of the world was the concept of movement, which was presented as a mechanical movement of tel. Bodies have such a property as uniform and straight traffic, and deviations from such a movement are due to the action on the body of the external force. Mechanical movement is the only form of movement, i.e. Changing body position in space and time.

All interactions, no matter how many of them, the mechanical picture of the world translated into gravitational interaction, which determined the presence of the forces of attraction of bodies relative to each other; The magnitude of such forces was determined using the world of global. It follows from this that if we know the mass of one body and the force of gravity, then we can determine the mass of another body. Gravitational forces are universal forces, i.e. These forces can act constantly between bodies and inform any other bodies of the same acceleration.

The mechanical picture of the world (mechanical representations) is formed using the N. Copernicus heliocentric system, natural science based on the experiment of Galilee, the laws of Heavenly Mechanics I. Kepler and Mechanics I. Newton.

Isaac Newton is considered the creator of the mechanic as science. In 1686, he presented his work "Mathematical starts of natural philosophy", where he formulated this physical theory, which became canonical.

Newton begins his story with several axioms and definitions that are connected with each other in such a way that it arises what can be called a "closed system". Each such concept was given its mathematical symbol, and then the relationship between different concepts are considered in the form of mathematical equations that are recorded using such characters. The mathematical representation of the system ensures the impossibility of contradictions of characters inside the system. Thus, the interaction and movement of bodies under the action of external forces are solved in the form of possible answers of the mathematical equation or a system of such equations. The procedure for definitions and axioms, which is recorded as a certain number of equations, can be considered as a description of a constant structure of nature, which does not depend on the specific location of the process of processing the process, not on time and, therefore, has the power, so to speak, in general independent of any space without time.

The connection of the different concepts of the system between each other is so close that if you change at least one of these concepts, then the whole point of the theory is destroyed. On this basis, Newton's system has long been treated as complete. Scientists believed that in the future its task would be only the practical application of Newtonian mechanics to increasingly deep regions of science. And in fact, physics developed only in this direction for more than two centuries.

The construction of its own Newton system begins with the introduction of such definitions as basic physical concepts, such as strength, mass, inertia, the number of movement, etc. By solving the problem of interaction between bodies relative to each other, Newton proposed the principle of long-range effect. According to this principle, the interaction between the bodies occurs instantly, regardless of the distance, without the interaction of material bodies, that is, the intermediate environment does not accept the interaction of participation.

After these definitions, Newton introduces such concepts as absolute and relative space, time and movement, which is devoted to the "teaching", the final chapter "began". The second chapter contains axioms that are presented in the form of three laws of movement. On the basis of this axiomatic basis, the deductive construction of the entire system "began" is unfolded.

The concepts of space and time are introduced by Newton at the level of primary terms and is obtained by physical content using axioms, through the laws of movement. Although they consist of axioms not only because they are determined, but also because they introduce a picture of the implementation of the Axioms themselves: the laws of movement of classical mechanics are valid only in inertial reference systems, which define each other as systems that move inertially in relation to Absolute space over time. It should be borne in mind that the absolute space of Newton performed in its system in various hypostasses: theological space as a sensority of God; The space of the picture of the world as an emptiness; Theoretical space as a universal inertial reference system; Empirical space as a relative space. Accordingly, one isolating the absolute space, which precedes the laws of the movement, and the other is set. In any case, you can define the original status of the absolute space and time - the box in which there are no walls and a clean duration. This is shown in the well-known provisions "began" Newton.

Absolute, true mathematical time flows uniformly and therefore called duration.

Absolute space regardless of all external, and it remains always the same and devoid of all movement.

And absolute time, and absolute space exist completely regardless of matter. Thus, matterium, space and time represent three entities independent of each other.

In relation to the mechanical picture of the world, the Universe was a well-established system that acted with the help of laws of strict need, in which all phenomena and items are related to clear causal relations. In such a world there is no accident random, it is completely excluded from the picture of the world. Casual could only be the reason why we do not know. Since our world is rational, and man is endowed with a mind, then, in the end, he can get accurate, complete and comprehensive knowledge of being.

Mind and life in the mechanical picture of the world did not possess exact specifics. A man in such a picture of the world was viewed as a natural body with other bodies, and therefore remained inexplicable in his "lovely" qualities. Therefore, the presence of a person in the world has not changed anything. If a person had disappeared once from the face of the earth, the world would continue to exist, as it was before. In fact, the classic natural science did not want to know a person at all. It was implied that the world is natural, there is nothing human in it, such a world can be described objectively, and such a description will be an accurate and complete copy of reality. Knowing a person as one of the objects of a well-established system automatically eliminated it from such a picture of the world.

Thus, it is possible to allocate the main stages of the formation (construction) of the mechanical picture of the world:

1. Within the mechanical picture of the world, a corpuscular (discrete) model of the world has developed. Matter is a real substance that consists of atoms and molecules. Atoms are absolutely impenetrable, durable, indivisible and characterized by weight and mass.

2. The concept of absolute time and space: the space constantly, three-dimensional and in no way depends on the matter; time does not depend on either the matter or by space; Time and space are in no way connected with the movement of bodies, they have an absolute character.

3. Movement - relatively simple mechanical movement. The laws of movement are fundamental laws of nature. Bodies move straight and evenly, and deviations from such a movement and there is an action on them of external force. The universal property of bodies is such a force as the strength of gravity that is long-range. The principle of long-range proposed Newton. And according to its principle, the interaction of bodies between them is instantly at different distances, without any material intermediaries. The long-range concept was based on the understanding of space and time as special environments that enjoy interacting bodies.

4. All mechanical processes were considered by the laws of mechanics and submitted to the principle of determinism. Determinism is such a philosophical approach that recognizes only objective patterns and caused by the conditionality of all the phenomena of society and the nature of the denial of unreasonable phenomena. Accident was excluded from this picture of the world. Such a clear determinism found its expression in the form of dynamic laws. Dynamic Law is a law that manages the behavior of the selected object and allows you to establish the exact connection of its states. Dynamic law, abstracting from random phenomena, expresses direct necessity. Therefore, it reflects objective reality with an accuracy that excludes random relations.

5. As the basis of the mechanical picture of the world in the XVIII - XIX centuries. Developed celestial, earthly and molecular mechanics. Macromiro and microworld obeyed the same mechanical laws. This led to the absolutization of the mechanical picture of the world, which was considered at the time universal.

The development of the mechanical picture of the world was mainly due to the development of mechanics. The successful discoveries of Newton's mechanics at the main extent contributed to the absolutization of Newtonian ideas, which was expressed in the future in attempts to summarize the diversity of nature phenomena to the mechanical form of motion of the matter. Such a point of view was called mechanistic materialism (mechanism). However, the development of physics showed the inability of this methodology, since it was not possible to describe magnetic, thermal and electrical phenomena using the mechanics laws, as well as the movement of atoms and molecules of such physical phenomena. As a result, in the 19th century, a crisis has occurred in physics, which testified that physics needed a significant change in the views on the world.

Conducting an assessment of the mechanical picture of the world as one of the stages of the development of a physical picture of the world, it should be borne in mind that with the development of science the main provisions of the mechanical picture of the world were not simply removed. Science development only opened the relative nature of the mechanical picture of the world. An insolvent was not the mechanical picture of the world, but its initial philosophical idea - mechanism. In the depths of the mechanical picture of the world, elements of a new - electromagnetic picture of the world have already been folded.