Kinematics and primary physical concepts. Conditions

  1. During the archaeological excavations, an old bottle was found, the lower part of which has the form of parallelepiped and in terms of the volume of more than half of the entire bottle. The upper part of the bottle has an irregular shape (see Fig.). Having at the disposal a ruler, a plug to this bottle unlimited water reserves, determine its volume.
  2. In swimming competitions, two swimmers start at the same time. The first swims the pool for 1.5 minutes, and the second is in 70 seconds. Having achieved the opposite edge of the pool, each swimmer unfolds and sails in the opposite direction. After what time after the start, the second swimmer is painted with the first, bypassing it on the circle?
  3. The vessel volume V \u003d 1 l is filled with three quarters with water. When a piece of copper was loaded into it, the water level rose, and part of it volume V 0 \u003d 100 ml resulted over the edge. Find a lot of slicing copper. Copper density is known.
  4. The cyclist goes on the road and through every beack passing by the pillar of the power line. By increasing the speed to some value, the cyclist began to pass by the pillars every 4 seconds. How often will it be passing by pillars, if it will increase the speed for such a magnitude?
  5. Pedestrian for the first 20 seconds passed 30 m, for the next 40 seconds - 58 m, and for the last 30 seconds - 45 m. Determine the speed of movement on each site to find middle speed For all the movement.
  6. The seventh grader goes to school from the house with a constant speed of 2 m / s Distance from the house to school 10 3 m. Once he decides to return from the clutch home to turn off the forgotten electrical appliance. Will the boy goes to schools to the beginning of the lesson, if from this moment will run at a speed of 14.4 km / h.
  7. Dolphin sails at a speed of 18 km / h along the walls of the square pool; Describing the square at a constant distance from the straight parts of the walls. For 1 min he envelopes the pool 3 times. Find the distance between Dolphino and the wall. The length of each wall is 30 m.
  8. The contents of the package of buckwheat cereals weighing 1 kg flooded with water and welded. How much water was bought when cooking porridge? It is believed to believe that water either turns into or absorbed, entirely spending on an increase in the amount of damnity of dry and boiled bucky.
  9. Two sentries, moving straightly, is guarded from the opposite sides of one small object. Graphs of the dependence of the coordinate time hours are given in Fig. Build; 1) The charts of the speed of the speed V of time from time to time, 2) a graph of the speed of their first time relative to time.

  10. The seller Vasily works in the store located near the Metro Station "Lomonosovskaya". It is known that he runs at a speed of 10km / h. To come to the store exactly at 9 am, Vasily runs every day by escalator. Sometimes he is in a hurry confuses an escalator, working on the rise, with an escalator running on the descent, and then he is late for 12 minutes. Once the escalator stood, and Vasily was late for 3 minutes. What is the speed of the escalator?
  11. At the lesson, Peter's physical education and Masha fled together in a straight track, starting from school. Then Petya ran faster, and Masha went. After some time, the guys simultaneously turned back and reached the school at the same time. The graphs of the velocity projection of the guys on the direction of the track from time to time are given in Fig. Build graphs of the dependence of the distance between Pete and Masha from time to time.

  12. The corner of the rectangular table for tea is worth Alice (see Fig.). At a distance of 48 meters from carrying Martov Hare and Dollshik. In search of a clean tea device, they began to scatter in different directions along the table, and the speed of the hare is 6 m / s, and the caliber speed is 1.5 m / s. At what distance from Alice will they meet again? Stamp length 100 m, width - 8 m.

  13. The first half of the Baba Yaga flew at a speed of 20 km / h. Then the weather was sent out, and half the time Yaga flew at a speed of 10 km / h. To top it was broken by broom, she broke the broom, and the remaining time had to go with a speed at a speed of 5 km / h. Find the average grandmother speed.
  14. Tourists filled the bowler to the edges of the snow and wrapped 0.75 liters of water from it. Find the volume of the kitten, if it is known that water is four times the tight of the snow, assembled in the bowler by tourists
  15. Two friends, Peter and Paul, went by train. Peter had a ticket to the first car, and Paul in the last (cars numbered from locomotive). Pa one | From the intermediate stops, the locomotive was overtook toward the tail of the train, so Peter arrived at the end item in the last car, and Paul - in the first compare the paths of the wagons in which Peter and Paul were driving.
  16. Made of iron cube has a density of 7800 kg / m 3. The cube is heated and due to the thermal expansion of the length of its ribs increased by 0.5%. How much did the density of the cube changed?
  17. Wires produce stretching from solid preparation of copper. 8640 kg of copper was spent on the manufacture of copper wire of rectangular section during the day. The speed of stretching the wire is constant during the day and is equal to 1 m / s. Find the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe wire if the wire was performed in the cross section of only one size. Copper density is known.
  18. There is a cast iron ball and a ball from a light unknown alloy. The weight of the cast-iron ball is 1.25 times the mass of the ball from the unknown alloy. The volume of the cast-iron ball is 2 times less than the volume of the second ball. The density of cast iron is known. What is the density of an unknown alloy?
  19. In the windless weather at some height above the ground, the air balloon hung. A parachutist jumped out of a bowl gondola vertically down. The chart of a parachutist is shown in Fig. From what height above the surface of the earth the parachutist began to drop at a constant speed?

  20. Two boys pass with constant speeds a straight line of the road. The first boy goes on stilts at a speed of 1.5 km / h, 1.5 times more than the speed of the second boy running without stilt. one). What is the average speed of the second boy's boot (walking without stuff) in one step of moving legs? 2). What is the middle speed of the second boy's boot for all the way of movement on this fragment of the road? Justify the answers.
  21. To determine the constant velocity of the vessel regarding the water, the vessel is produced in the rectilinear section of the river between the marins located on one bank L. \u003d 4.2 km. Mileage time for the river t. 1 \u003d 300 seconds, and against the current - t. 2 \u003d 420 seconds. What is the speed of the vessel regarding the water? The flow rate of the river is constant on the entire test site.
  22. The railway rover, standing on the river bank at the point in (see Fig.), Rhines the ax, and waves begin to diverge from it. After what time of the wave on the water from the ax, a cannibal is reached on the opposite shore, at point A, located opposite B? The flow rate of the river is equal u., speed of waves propagation relative to water v., width of the river d..

The night passed calmly. In the morning, the Iron Woodcutter finished the raft, chuck down the poles for himself and the horror and offered the travelers to sit down. Ellie with the same way in his arms settled in the middle of the raft. The cowardly lion stepped on the edge, the raft was tilted, and Ellie screamed from fear. But the iron lumberjack and scared hurried to jump on the other edge, and the equilibrium was restored.

The iron firing and scared drove the raft across the river, behind which the wonderful plain began, in some places, which covered with wonderful groves and the whole sun.

Everything went well, until the raft approached the middle of the river.

Here, the rapid flow picked it up and carried it along the river, and the sixtes did not reach the bottom. Travelers were confusedly looked at each other.

Very bad! - exclaimed the ironwood. - The river will take us into a purple country and we will fall into slavery to an evil wizard.

And then I will not get brains! Said said.

I am courage! - said Lev.

And we will never return to Kansas! - Ellie and Totomy shouted.

No, we have to get to the Emerald City! - cried scared and violently on the pole.

Unfortunately, in this place, it turned out to be ironsight, and the pole deeply stuck in her. He did not have time to release the pole from the hands, and the raft was carried within the flow, and after a moment, she was afraid already hung on the pole in the middle of the river, without support under his feet.

Hello! "I just managed to shout my friends, but the raft was already far away."

The position of the terrible was desperate. "It's worse me here than before meeting with Ellie," thought the poor fellow. - There, even though Raven tried to scare - all the same occupation. And who puts frightened in the middle of the river? Oh, it seems, I will never get brains! "

Meanwhile, the raft has a downstream. The unfortunate horrid remained far behind and disappeared behind the river turn.

We'll have to climb into the water, - the cowardly lion is browing, trendling with all the body. - Wow, how I'm afraid of the water! Now, if I got a courage from Goodwin, I wouldn't have a water ... but we would not do anything, you need to get to the shore. I swim, and you hold on to my tail!

The lion sailed, puffing from the voltage, and the iron firing tightly kept behind the tip of his tail. It was difficult to work - to drag the raft, but still the lion slowly moved to another shore. Soon, Elya was convinced that the pole pulls out the bottom, and began to help the lion. After a lot of effort, completely exhausted travelers finally reached the shore - far away from the place where the crossing began.

The lion immediately stretched on the grass with his paws up to dry the wet belly.

Where will go? He asked, squinting in the sun.

Back, where our friend remained, - answered Ellie. - After all, we can not get away from here, without having hurting our cute terrible.

The travelers went the shore against the flow of the river. For a long time, they, having hung heads and swallowed with her legs in thick grass, and with sadness they thought about the comrades left in the middle of the river. Suddenly the Iron Woodcutter shouted from all his might:


And they saw the horror, having mastered in the midst in the midst of a wide and fast river. He was afraid, they looked like such lonely, small and sad that the travelers had tears on her eyes. Iron woodcutter promoted the most. He flew out aimlessly along the shore, risked for some reason to put into the water, but now he ran back.

Then he drove the funnel, put to his mouth, like a mouthpiece, and shouted deafeningly:

Scattered! Dear friend! Hold on! Make a favor, do not fall into the water!

The iron rover knew how to politely ask.

Before the travelers, the answer is weak:

- ... Zhua! ... I ... E ... FLAY ...

This meant: "Keep! Never get tired! "

Remembering what was horrid and in fact never tired, friends were very encouraged, and the Iron Woodcutter screamed again into his funnel-Ruor:

Do not lose hope! We will not leave here until you reserve you!

And the wind has the answer:

- ... Du! ... E ... Love ... and ... nya ...

And it meant: "Waiting! Do not worry about me! "

Iron woodcutter suggested a long rope from wood bark. Then he, the woodcutter, climbs into the water and will remove the horror, and the lion will pull them out for the rope. But the lion shook his head mockingly:

You are not swimming no better than the ax!

Iron woodcutter was confusedly silently.

Must be, I will have to swim again, "the lion said. - Only it will be difficult to calculate the flow to bring me straight to the terrible ...

And I sit down to you on your back and I will send you! - suggested the Totemka.

While the travelers were judged yes ruined, looked at them with curiosity looked at the long-legged stork. Then he slowly approached and began at a safe distance, pouring his right leg and squinting the left eye.

What are you for the public? - he asked.

I am Ellie, and these are my friends - ironwood, a cowardly lion and the Totem. We go to the Emerald City.

The road to the Emerald City is not here, - noted the stork.

We know her. But we took the river, and we lost the comrade.

And where he?

Won, you see, - Ellie showed, - hanging on the pole.

Why did he climb there?

Stork was a detailed bird and wanted to know everything to the smallest details. Ellie told how terrible was in the middle of the river.

Oh, if you saved him! - cried Ellie and pleadingly folded his arms. - How would we be grateful to you!

I'll think about it - it's important to say the stork and closed the right eye, because storks, when they think, be sure to close the right eye. But he closed the left eye even earlier.

And so he stood with his eyes closed on his left foot and swayed, and she was terrible on the pole in the middle of the river and also swayed from the wind. The travelers are tired of waiting, and the ironwood said:

I listen to what he thinks - and slowly approached Aista.

But it came to him even, with the gathering, the breath of Aist, and the woodcutter shouted in surprise:

Yes, he sleeps!

Stork and in fact fell asleep while I thought.

The lion was terribly angry and crushed:

I'll eat it!

The stork slept sensitively and IMG opened his eyes:

Do you think I sleep? - he schitril. - No, I just thought. Such a difficult task ... But, perhaps, I would move your friend to the shore, do not be so big and heavy.

Is it a heavy? - cried Ellie. - Yes, after all, it was scoopped straw and lightly like a feather! Even I raise it!

In this case, I will try! - said Stork. - But look if he is too heavy, I will bother him into the water. It would be nice to first weigh your friend on the scales, but since it is impossible, then I am flying!

As can be seen, the stork was a careful and detailed bird.

Aist waved wide wings and flew to the terrible. He clung to his shoulders with strong claws, easily raised and moved to the shore, where Ellie sat with friends.

When I was scared again on the shore, he hugged his friends hotly and then turned to Aista:

I thought I would always try to hang around on the pole in the middle of the river and scare fish! Now I can't thank you as it should, because I have straw in my head. But, having visited Goodwin, I deal with you, and you learn what is gratitude to a person with brains.

Very happy - Stork answered solid. "I love to help others in the misfortune, especially when it's not worth a lot of Labor ... However, I'm sick with you." I'm waiting for my wife and children. I wish you to get safely to the Emerald City and get what you go!

And he politely gone to each traveler his red wrinkled paw, and every traveler shook her friendly, and she crashed so shaking that he almost tear off. The stork flew away, and travelers went along the shore. Scared walked and sang:

Hey-gay gay-go! I'm again with Ellie!

Then, three steps:

Hey-gay gay-go! I'm again with iron woodcase!

And so he came through all, not excluding the Totoshki, and then again began his awkward, but a cheerful and good-natured song.

R. Floats in water, and 1/4 of its volume protrudes over the surface of the water. Of the 10 of the same logs tied the raft (see Fig.). What height is the floating raft?

Task 2.

The railway rover, standing on the river bank at the point B, drops the ax, and the waves begin to diverge from it. After what time of the wave on the water from the ax, the cannibal is reached on the opposite shore, at point A, located opposite b? The flow rate of the river is equal u., speed of waves propagation relative to water v., width of the river d..

Task 3.

h. \u003d 5 m, the piston is lifted. At this moment, water is stopped. At what height h " Will the water in the tube b? The area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe cross section B and the narrow part of the tube a are equal. The cross-sectional area is wide and narrow parts of the tube A are equal, respectively S. 1 \u003d 4 m 2 and S. 2 \u003d 3 m 2. The height of the narrow tube A x. \u003d 1 m. Atmospheric pressure r 0 \u003d 100 kPa, water density ρ \u003d 1000 kg / m 3, constant g. \u003d 10 N / kg.

Task 4.

Three springs attached to the ceiling, horizontally hanging a homogeneous thin rod. Distance between the first and second springs L. L. 23 \u003d 30 cm. Spring rigidity coefficients are known: k. 1 \u003d 1 kh / m, k. 2 \u003d 2 kh / m, k. 3 \u003d 1 kh / m. Tensions of the first and third springs are equal to Δ x. 1 \u003d 5 cm and Δ x. 3 \u003d 10 cm. Find a stretch of the second spring Δ x. 2 .

Task 5.

The body is raised using an inclined plane and block systems (see Fig.). What minimal power F. need to attach to raise the body of the mass m. H., Length L.

Task 6.

II option

Task 1.

Uniform cylindrical log radius R. Floats in water, and 1/6 of its volume protrudes above the surface of the water. Of the 15 of the same logs tied the raft (see Fig.). What height is the floating raft?

Task 2.

The railway rover, standing on the river bank at the point B, drops the ax, and the waves begin to diverge from it. Through time t. Waves on the water from the ax reached the cannibal located on the opposite shore, at point A, located opposite B. The speed of propagation of waves relative to the water is equal v., width of the river d.. Find the flow rate of the river u..

Task 3.

The U-shaped vessel on one side is covered tightly adjacent to its edges with a piston and filled with water, as shown in the figure. In the tube B begin to slowly pour water. As soon as the height of the water level in it reaches h. \u003d 9 m, the piston is lifted. At this moment, water is stopped. How much of its initial position will be the piston after the water level in the tube will be installed again? The area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe cross section B and the narrow part of the tube a are equal. The cross-sectional area is wide and narrow parts of the tube A are equal, respectively S. 1 \u003d 5 m 2 and S. 2 \u003d 4 m 2. The height of the narrow tube A x. \u003d 1 m. Atmospheric pressure r 0 \u003d 100 kPa, water density ρ \u003d 1000 kg / m 3, constant g. \u003d 10 N / kg.

Task 4.

On three springs attached to the ceiling horizontally hanging a homogeneous slim rod. Distance between the first and second springs L. 12 \u003d 10 cm, Distance between the second and third springs L. 23 \u003d 50 cm. Spling springs are known: Δ x. 1 \u003d 1 cm, Δ x. 2 \u003d 2 cm, Δ x. 3 \u003d 1 cm. The stiffness coefficients of the first and third springs are equal k. 1 \u003d 1 kN / m and k. 3 \u003d 2 kN / m. Find the rigidity coefficient of the second spring k. 2 .

Task 5.

The body is raised using an inclined plane and block systems (see Fig.). What maximum mass m. You can raise, applying force F.? The height of the inclined plane is equal H., Length L.. Brocks are weighty. Friction neglect.

Task 6.

After the rain, the rear window of the car is covered with water droplets. In which case will they disappear faster: if the car moves or is worth it? Answer justify.

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Tale: "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

But what kind of miracle?

From the wet MGLL I heard a reply Röv Lion.
- There's Earth! There! There!
With the silent force, the lion rushed forward and in front of him, a unknown high shore was crushed. He was answered not lion, but echo!
The lion got out to the ground, lowered the seeding Ellie, hugged her front paws and began to warm her with his hot breathing.
He scared kept behind the iron drill, while wethed hands still served him. Then the waves tearned it from the woodcutter and entailed, shaking like a chips. The smart head of the sorrow with precious brains was heavier to the body. The wise ruler of the emerald city sailed down his head and the water washed off the last paint with his eyes, mouth and ears.
Iron woodcutter has yet seen among the waves, but the rising water poured it. That's just a funnel stayed above the water, but then she was hiding. And the faint and good-natured iron rover all disappeared into the raging river.
Ellie, Lion and Totomy Three days expected on the shore of the water drop. The weather was wonderful, the sun shone brightly, and the water declined quickly. On the fourth day, the lion swam to the island. Ellie sat on his back with the same way in his hands.
Going out to the island, Ellie saw that the river covered it with her tina. The lion and the girl went to different directions, Mind. And soon there seemed a shapeless figure, rolled by il and excavated by algae. It was not difficult to find out in this figure of the Iron Woodcutter. The lion fell on the call of Ellie with huge jumps and scattered dried dirt and tina.
An invincible Iron Woodcutter stood in the same posture in which he stayed in the middle of waves. Ellie a bunch of grass thoroughly held out the rusty members of the woodcutter, arched the masonle from his belt and smeared his jaws ...
- Thank you, cute Ellie, - were the first words. - You bring me back to life again! Hello, lion, old buddy! How glad I am to see you!
The lion turned away: he cried from joy and hurried to wipe the tears with the tip of the tail.
Soon, all the joints of the Iron Woodrovskoy came to action, and he had fun next to Ellie, Totoshka and Lv. They were looking for a raft. On the way, Toleka rushed to a heap of algae, sniffed and began to break her paws.
- Water rat? - asked Ellie.
"I will be worried about such a rubbish," Totomka replied with disdinned. - No, there is something better!
By algae, something suddenly flashed and the Great Joy of Ellie, a golden hat appeared. The girl gently hugged the pussy and kissed him in a muzzle, smeared tina, and the hat hid in a basket.
The travelers found a raft, tightly tied to the sixth, driven into the ground. Cleaning the raft from dirt and tina, they floated down the river Ohibay Island on which disaster suffered. Moving a long sandy braid, travelers fell to the main river line. A shrub was seen on the right bank. Ellie asked Iron Woodrovskogo to rule there: she saw a horror hat on a bush.
- Hooray! - shouted all four. Soon they were also found the horror of the bizarre pose among the bushes. He was wet and rash and did not respond to greetings and questioning comrades: Water thickened his mouth, eyes and ears. It was not possible to find only the magnificent cane of the ruined - a gift of Migunov: she obviously took her river.
Friends pulled out the horror on the sandy coast, outstretched the straw and spread out on the sun, waved to dry the costume and a hat. The head was dried with bran: shaking the precious brains The girl was afraid.
When the straw dried, the horror was blocked, the head put in place and Ellie pulled out because of the belt of paint and the brush in a waterproof tin box, which she stored in the emerald city.
Ellie, first of all, painted the rural eye horror, and this right eye friendly and very gently winked her. Then the second eye appeared, and after him, ears and Ellie had not yet finished her mouth, as the funny crazy had already sang, having interfered with the girl to draw.
- Hey-gay gay! Ellie saved me again! Hey-gay gay-go! I'm up again - again with Ellie !!!
He sang, sailing, and was no longer afraid that someone from the subjects will be seen: because it was a completely desert country.

The lion becomes the king of animals

Resuning after experienced disasters, travelers went on. Behind the river, the area has become more fun. The shady groves and green lawns appeared. Two days later, the travelers entered a huge forest.
- What a charming forest! - admired lion. - I have not seen such adorable dense forests. My native forest is much worse.
- very much gloomy here! - noticed the scary.
"Not a little," the lion replied. - See which soft carpet of dry leaves under your feet! I would like to stay here forever live!
- In this forest, probably there is wild animals, "Said Ellie.
- It would be strange if such a wonderful place was not settled! - answered the lion.
As if, in confirmation of these words, a deaf roar of many animals was concerned. Ellie was afraid, but the lion calmed her:
- Under my guard you are safe. Have you forgotten that Goodwin gave me courage?
The drowning path led them to a huge clearing, where thousands of animals gathered. There were elephants, bears, tigers, wolves, foxes and many other animals. The nearest animals with curiosity stared at Lion: across the meadow there was a rumor about his arrival.
The noise and roar subsided. Big Tiger came forward and lowered Lion:
- Welcome to you, King Beasts! You came on time to destroy our worst enemy and bring the world to animals of this forest.
- Who is your enemy? - asked Lion.
- A terrible beast appeared in our forest. It looks like a spider, but twice the elephant. When he walks through the forest, there remains a wide range from the fallen trees. And who would not get to him, he grabs front paws, drags to his mouth and sucks blood. We gathered to discuss how to get rid of it ...
Lev thought.
- Are there lions in your forest? - he asked.
- To the great of our misfortune, none.
- If I destroy your enemy, do you recognize me with your king and will you obey me?
- Oh, with pleasure, with great pleasure! - The animal gathering is familiar together.
- I'm going to fight! - Deadly declared the lion. - Protect my friends until I come back. Where is the monster?
- There! - showed a tiger. - Go along the path until you reach big oaks. There, the spider digesors the large bull caught in the morning.
The lion reached the lair of the spider, surrounded by the creaked trees. Spider slept, digesting food. He was much more confused by the twelfth beast made by Goodwin, and the lion considered the enemy with disgust. Powerful paws with scary claws were attached to the huge body of the spider. The beast was very strong in appearance, but his head was sitting on a thin long neck.

"Here is the most weak point of the monsters," the lion thought. He decided to attack the sleeping spider immediately.
Historing, Leo did a long jump and fell right on the back of the beast. Before the spider came to his sleep, the lion with the blow of a clawed paw rearranged his thin neck and quickly drenched. The head of the spider rolled away, and the torso grabbed the ground claws and soon slept.
Lion went back. Come on the clearing, where the beasts were looking forward to his return, he proudly stated:
- From now on you can sleep well: the terrible monster is destroyed!
The enthusiastic roar of the animal flock was the answer to him. The beasts solemnly swore in loyalty to the lion, and he said:
"I'll be back, as soon as I send Ellie to Kansas, and I will rule you wisely and gracious."


Crossing through the river

The night passed calmly. In the morning, the Iron Woodcutter finished the raft, chuck down the poles for himself and the horror and offered the travelers to sit down. Ellie with the same way in his arms settled in the middle of the flesh. The cowardly lion stepped on the edge, the raft was tilted, and Ellie screamed from fear. But the iron lumberjack and scared hurried to jump on the other edge, and the equilibrium was restored. The iron firing and scared drove the raft across the river, behind which the wonderful plain began, in some places, which covered with wonderful groves and the whole sun.

Everything went well, until the raft approached the middle of the river. Here, the rapid flow picked it up and carried on the river and the sixth did not take the bottom. Travelers were confusedly looked at each other.

Very bad! - exclaimed the ironwood. - The river will take us into a purple country and we will get into slavery for an evil wizard.

And then I will not get brains! Said said.

I am courage! - said Lev.

And we will never come back to Kansas! - Finished Ellie and Totem.

No, we have to get to the Emerald City! - cried scared and lodge on the pole.

Unfortunately, in this place, it turned out to be ironsisted and the pole deeply stuck in her. He did not have time to release the pole from the hands, and the raft was carried within the flow, and after a moment, she had been scared in the midst of the river in the midst, without support under his feet.

Goodbye! "I just managed to shout my friends, but the raft was already far away."

The position of the terrible was desperate. "It's worse me here than before meeting with Ellie," thought the poor fellow. - There, even though Raven tried to scare - all the same occupation. And who puts frightened in the middle of the river? Oh, it seems, I will never get brains! "

Meanwhile, the raft has a downstream. The unfortunate horrid remained far behind and disappeared behind the river turn.

We'll have to climb into the water, - the cowardly lion is browing, trendling with all the body. - Wow, how I'm afraid of the water! Now, if I got a courage from Goodwin, I wouldn't have a water ... but we would not do anything, you need to get to the shore. I swim, and you hold on to my tail!

The lion sailed, puffing from the voltage, and the iron firing tightly held at the tip of the tail. It was difficult to work - to drag the raft, but still the lion slowly moved to another bank of the river. Soon, Elya was convinced that the pole pulls out the bottom and began to help the lion. After a lot of effort, completely exhausted travelers finally reached the shore - far away from the place where the crossing was started.

The lion immediately stretched on the grass with his paws up to dry the wet belly.

Where will go now? He asked, squinting to the sun.

Back, where our friend remained, - answered Ellie. "After all, we can not get away from here without hiding a cute terrible."

The travelers went the shore against the flow of the river. They walked for a long time, hanging his heads and swallowing her legs in thick grass, and with sadness they thought about the comrades left over the river. Suddenly the Iron Woodcutter shouted from all his might:


And they saw the horror, having mastered in the midst in the midst of a wide and fast river. He scared published such lonely, and small, and sad that heels had fed in his eyes. Iron woodcutter promoted the most. He flew out aimlessly along the shore, risked for some reason to put into the water, but now he ran back. Then he drove the funnel, attached to his mouth as a mouthpiece, and shouted deafeningly:

Scattered! Dear friend! Hold on! Make a favor, do not fall into the water!

The iron rover knew how to politely ask.

Before the travelers, the answer is weak:

- ... Zhua! ... I ... E ... FLAY ...

This meant: "Keep! Never get tired! "

Remembering that I was afraid and never really got tired, friends were very encouraged and the Iron Woodcutter screamed again in his funnel-Ruor:

Do not lose hope! We will not leave here until you reserve you!

And the wind has the answer:

- ... Du! ... E ... Love ... and ... nya ...

And it meant: "Waiting! Do not worry about me! "

Iron woodcutter suggested a long rope from wood bark. Then he, the woodcutter, climbs into the water and will remove the horror, and the lion will pull them out for the rope. But the lion shook his head mockingly:

You are not swimming no better than the ax!

Iron woodcutter was confusedly silently.

Must be, I'll have to swim again, "the lion said. - Only it will be difficult to calculate the flow to bring me straight to the terrible ...

And I sit down to you on your back and I will send you! - suggested the Totemka.

While the travelers were so judged yes rideward, they looked at them with curiosity looked at a long-legged stork. Then he slowly approached and began at a safe distance, pouring his right leg and squinting the left eye.

What are you for the public? - he asked.

I am Ellie, and these are my friends - ironwood, a cowardly lion and the Totem. We go to the Emerald City.

The road to the Emerald City is not here, - noted the stork.

We know her. But we took us the river and we lost the comrade.

And where he?

Will you see? - Ellie showed her finger. - hanging on the pole.

Why did he climb there?

Stork was a detailed bird and wanted to know everything to the smallest details. Ellie told how terrible was in the middle of the river.

Oh, if you saved him! - cried Ellie and pleadingly folded his arms. - How would we be grateful to you!

I'll think about it - it's important to say the stork and closed the right eye, because when storks think, be sure to cover the right eye. But he closed the left eye even earlier.

And so he stood with his eyes closed on his left foot and swayed, and she was terrible on the pole in the middle of the river and also swayed from the wind. The travelers are tired of waiting and the Iron Woodcutter said:

I will listen to what he thinks - and slowly approached Aista.

But it came to him even, with the gathering, the breath of Aist, and the woodcutter cried surprise:

Yes, he sleeps!

Stork and in fact fell asleep while I thought.

The lion was terribly angry and crushed:

I'll eat it!

The stork slept sensitively and IMG opened his eyes:

Do you think I sleep? - he schitril. - No, I just thought. Such a difficult task ... But, perhaps, I would move your comrade ashore, do not be so big and hard

Is it a heavy? - cried Ellie. - Yes, because it was scooped straw and light as Pyryshko! Even I raise it!

In this case, I will try, "said Stork. - But look if he is too heavy, I will bother him into the water. It would be nice first to reserve your friend on the scales, but since it is impossible, then I'm flying!

As can be seen, the stork was a careful and detailed bird.

Aist waved wide wings and flew to the terrible. He clung to his shoulders with strong claws, easily raised and moved to the shore, where Ellie was sitting with friends.

When I was scared again on the shore, he hugged his friends hotly and then turned to Aista:

I thought I would always try to hang around on the pole in the middle of the river and scare fish! Now I can't thank you as it should, because I have straw in my head. But, having visited Goodwin, I deal with you, and you learn what is gratitude to a person with brains.

Very happy - Stork answered solid. "I love to help others in the misfortune, especially when it's not worth a lot of Labor ... However, I'm sick with you." I'm waiting for my wife and children. I wish you safely reach the emerald city and get what you go for!

And he politely gone to every traveler his red wrinkled paw, and every traveler shook her friendly, and she crashed so crawling that he almost touched her.

The stork flew away, and travelers went along the shore. Happy horrid walked, sailing, and sang:

Hey-gay gay-go! I'm again with Ellie!

Then, three steps:

Hey-gay gay-go! I'm again with iron woodcase!

And so he moved everyone, not excluding the Totoshki, and then again began his awkward, but the cheerful and good-natured song.