Pushkin and royal village. All the same: we are a whole world of Alien; Fatherland We are tsarist village Tsarist village

Do you like museums? I love those in which the spirit is preserved, the atmosphere - the time of Lee, the owners of Lee. Today, October 19, on the anniversary of the Tsarskoselsky Lyceum, it's time to take a walk through his corridors and classes.

The very creation of this extraordinary educational institution, his order, and most importantly, of course, his disciples still cause surprise and admiration.

Educational institution with the title borrowed from Ancient GreeceIt was opened on October 19, 1811 in the Flegele of the Catherine Palace in the royal village.

For 6 years, young nobles should have received not only a gymnasic, but also university education. In general, amazingly, what hopes they were imposed on them!

The emperor himself provided special patronage, and the first director was appointed not a teacher, and the famous Russian diplomat and the enlightener V.F. Malinovsky.

It was the only educational institution of that time in which the charter banned corporal punishment. The main principle is respect for pupils, the upbringing of the true sons of the Fatherland.

The list of students scored to the very first course of the lyceum is also amazing. Name only some - Pushkin, Pushkin, Kyhelbecker, Delvig, Matyushkin, Gorchakov, Korsakov, Volkhovsky. Not only their names entered the story, but also the ability to preserve the lyceum friendship until the end of their days - an example, of which, perhaps, the story does not know. (Next, I will quote a lot of "Notes on Pushkin" I.I. Pushchina, to whom, as not the first lyceum, lead a conversation with us?!)

In the summer, the parents of young nobles wrote petitions to the sovereign, and then admitted to exams passed serious tests. The enrolled lucky was waiting for October. Even in the exams, the Pushchin met his future friend: "There was some official with paper in his hand and began to launch in the names. - I hear: al. Pushkin! - Spent a live boy, curly, fast-eyed, also somewhat confused. [...] We all saw that Pushkin was ahead of us, I read a lot, what we did not hear, all that I read, remembered; But his dignity was that he did not think to turn out and it was very often able to be in those years (each of us was 12 years old) with rarers, which for any circumstances before and easier and easier find the case of anything learn. "

And he came, the solemn day of the opening of the lyceum.

"The celebration began with a prayer. In the court church served lunch and prayer with water construction. We attended the choir at the ministry. After prayer, the clergy with the Holy Water went to the Lyceum, where the whole establishment sprouked us.

In the Lyceum Hall, between the columns, the large table was supplied, covered with a red cloth, with a gold fringe. On this table lay the highest grades, given to lyceum. By right side The tables stood in three rows; With us - director, inspector and governers; on the left - Professor and other officials of the Lyceum Department. The rest of the room of the hall, at some distance from the table, everything was tired by the rows of chairs for the public. All the highest dignitaries and teachers from St. Petersburg were invited. When the whole society gathered, the Minister invited the sovereign. "

This is a lot of amazing sizes and magnificence still lies on this table, only under a glass cap.

Shocked all the performance young teacher A.P. Kunitsyn.

Cuckacle tribute heart and wine!

He created us, he brought up our flame,

Put the cornerstone

They are pure lamps are excited ... *

In the same hall there will be lyceums to take exams, in the presence of a high commission and their relatives.

Thanks to the memorization of other lyceums, the passage and memories of other lyceumists, entered the case of the case when in the presence of the famous, but already very elderly, then the poet G.R. Derzhavin is very young A. Pushkin read his poem "Memories in the Tsarskoye Selo." Pushchin will write about it: "Listening to the familiar poems, frost on the skin ran with me. When the Patriarch of our singers delighted, with tears in his eyes rushed to kiss him and painted his head curly, we all, under some unknown influence, were reverently silent. They wanted to hug our singer themselves, it was not: he ran away! .. "The same case mentions Y. Tynanov in the novel" Pushkin ", the same case in the picture I.E. Repin.

And Pushkin himself many years later writing:

Old man kestin noted us

And, in the coffin, blessed.

Describes in detail the Lyceum Indoor, Rules of the Day.

"In the lower floor, the economic management and apartments of the inspector, governers and some other officials serving in the lyceum were placed; In the second - dining room, hospital with a pharmacy and conference hall with the Office; In the third - recreational hall, classes (two with departments, one for students after lectures), physical office, newspapers and magazines and a library in an arch connecting the lyceum with a palace through the choir of the Court Church. In the upper - Doodourtes. For them, throughout the entire structure, arches were worn in the inner transverse walls. Thus, a corridor was formed with stairs at two ends, in which the rooms were separated on both sides by partitions: only fifty numerons. Each room is an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a border, a mirror, a chair, a table for washing, together and night. At the office inkwell and candlestick with tongs.

In all floors and on the stairs there was a lamp lighting; In two middle floors, parquet floors. In the hall of the mirror in the entire wall, the furniture is palfast.

That was a bowl of our!

With all these amenities, it was not difficult for us to get used to the new life. Following the discovery, the correct classes began. Walk three times a day, in all kinds of weather. In the evening in the hall - the ball and running.

We got up the call at six o'clock. Dressed, went to prayer in the hall. Morning and evening prayer read out loud in turn.

From 7 to 9 hours - class.

In 9 - tea; Walk - up to 10.

From 10 to 12 class.

From 12 to the hour - a walk.

Per hour - lunch.

From 2 to 3 - or purple, or drawing.

From 3 to 5 - class.

At 5 o'clock - tea; up to 6 - walk; Then repetition lessons or auxiliary class.

According to Heads and Saturdays - dance or fencing.

Every Saturday is a bath.

At half past 9 hours - a call to dinner.

After dinner to 10 hours - recreation.

In 10 - evening prayer, sleep.

In the corridor at night there were nights in all arches. The duty uncle was measured by the steps on the corridor. "

In Pushkin's room, live flowers are always standing.

The library was located in the transition from Flegene to the Ekaterininsky Palace, there were 5 thousand copies, at that time the number is simply huge. Tried to write out all the novelties. The literary creativity of the lyceumists themselves flourished and in every way encouraged. It went out several handwritten magazines.

"At the very beginning - he is our poet. As now I see the afternoon Cosansky class, when, graduating a lecture a little before the urgent hour, Professor said: "Now, gentlemen, we will try feathers: Describe me, please rose with poems" our verses were not glued at all, and Pushkin MiG read two quatrains, which everyone delivered us. "

But among the best students practically did not happen. Nobody will say where it was his place in the class, because Licecilists moved around the rows depending on the current academic performance, and the young Alexander often roamed from the first row to the last.

Pushkin's Pushkin writes touching: "To love it here, it was necessary to take a look at him with the complete fit, which knows and sees all the irregularities of character and other shortcomings, put up with them and cums in the fact that they will love even in each comrade . Between us, somehow it came soon and imperceptibly settled. "

All my life noted by A.S. Pushkin Lyceum Anniversary, he has several poems with almost the same name "October 19," just sometimes it was necessary to celebrate alone, and then the lyceums became less and less, some poems are already imbued with light sadness, but a real longing for the departed.

But it's forever:

My friends are beautiful:

He is like a soul inseparable and eternal,

Nickless, free and careless!

He fought under the canopy of friendly music.

Wherever we quit a judine,

And happiness where b n n

All the same we; us the whole world foreign

Fatherland us tsarist village.

Rhines the forest of the crimson
Srebrinded frost fading the field,
Will the day seem to be involved
And leaving the edge of the district mountains.
Dust, fireplace, in my desert cell;
And you, wine, autumn jelli friend
Swipe me in the chest is an Otradny hangover,
The minute forget of bitter flour.
Behind me: No friend with my friend
With whom I would have stored a separation,
Who could shake his hand
And wish funny many years.
I drink one; Wanting imagination
Around me his comrades calls;
Familiar not heard approximate
And my cute soul is not waiting.
I drink one, and on the brags of the Neva
My friends today are called ...
But many lies are there from you?
Who else did you not care?
Who changed plenty habit?
Who made the cold light from you?
Whose voice is fallen on a fraternal roll ring?
Who did not come? Who is not among you?
He did not come, curly our singer,
With fire in the eyes, with a guitar of sweet-eyed:
Under the peace of Italy is beautiful
He sleeps quietly, and friendly cutter
Did not draw on the Russian grave
Words are somewhat in native language,
So that once found hello sad
Son of the North, wandering in the edge of someone else's.
Are you sitting in the circle of your friends,
Aliens Heaven Lover Restless?
Ile again you pass the tropic sultry
And the eternal ice of the seaside seas?
Happy way! .. From the Lyceum Mortgage
You stepped on the ship jokingly,
And since then in the seas your road,
About Waves and Storms Favorite Child!
You kept in wandering fate
Wonderful years are initially morals:
Lyceum Noise, Lyceum Fun
The medium of stormy waves dreamed of you;
You extended our hand because of the sea,
You wore us alone in the younger soul
And repeated: "For a long separation
We are a secret rock, perhaps condemned! "
My friends, beautiful our Union!
He is like a soul inseparable and eternal -
Non-gas, free and careless
He fought under the canopy of friendly music.
Wherever we quit a judine,
And happiness where b n n
All the same: we are a whole world of Alien;
Fatherland us tsarist village.
From the edge to the edge, pursue a thunderstorm,
Tangled in the networks of the stern,
I am with a thrill on the Lono friendship of the new,
Charter, a student caressing ...
With prayer my sad and rebellious,
With the hopeful hope of the first years,
To friends with a different soul looked tender;
But the Gorka was Nevratsky hello.
And now here, in the forgotten way,
In the abode of desert blizzards and refers,
My sweet was preparing for me:
Three of you, friends of my soul,
I hugged me here. Poet home the house,
About my Pushkin, you visited the first ;
You sat down the expense day sad,
You've turned his lying on his day.
You, Gorchakov , lucky from the first days,
Praise You - Fortune Glitter Cold
Did not change your soul free:
All the same you are for honor and friends.
Us different way the fate is appointed strict;
Stepping into life, we quickly diverged:
But by chance the country road
We met and fraternally embraced.
When the fateful of anger
For all someone else's orphan homeless
Under the chapter chapter, I'm languid
And I was waiting for you, the Plemos Devos,
And you came, the Son of Lens is inspired,
Oh Delvig My. : Your voice awakened
Cardiac heat, so long sleepy,
And cheerfully I blessed fate.
From the infancy of the spirit of songs in us burned,
And we knew the wondrous excitement;
From infancy, two muses flew to us,
And sweets were their caress our lot:
But I loved already applaoot
You, proud, sang for music and for the soul;
Your gift as life I spent without attention
You brought up your genius in silence.
Muses service does not tolerate fuss;
Great should be great:
But younth advisers Lukovo,
And the noisy are pleasing to us ...
Make a friend - but late! And sad
Look back, traces without seeing there.
Tell me, Wilhelm , it was not that we were
My brother is native on the muse, on destinies?
It's time! our spiritual torments
Do not stand peace; Leaving the delusion!
Suffer life under the village of Privacy!
I'm waiting for you, my late friend -
Come; Fire Magic Story
Cardiac dedication to revive;
Talk about the stormy days of the Caucasus,
Oh shiller, about glory, about love.
It's time for me ... Pit, about friends!
Anti-fuel diet;
Remember the poet Prediction:
Will be used for a year and with you again I
Will be covered by my dreams;
It will be used for a year, and I will come to you!
How many tears and how many exclamations,
And how many bowls raised to heaven!
And the first one is complete, friends, half!
And all before the bottom in honor of our Union!
Bless, jubilant muse
Bless: Long live lyceum!
Mentors who stored youth our
All dear, and dead and alive,
To the mouths of the applied bowl,
Do not remember evil, pay for the benefit.
Full, half! And, in the heart of marriage,
Again to the bottom, drink to the drop!
But for whom? About friends, guess ...
Hurray, our king! So! Let's drink for the king.
He is a human! They rule the moment.
He is slave, doubts and passions;
Forgive him the wrong sling:
He took Paris, he founded a lyceum.
FIRST, while we are here!
Alas, our hour of an hour is rare;
Who is sleeping in the coffin who, a given, orphans;
Fate looks, we will win; Days run;
Invisible leaning and the referee,
We are clinging to the beginning of your own ...
Who of us under old age is lyceum day
Ceremony will have to be alone?
Unhappy friend! The medium of new generations
Bump and extra, and someone else,
He will remember us and days of compounds,
Having closed her eyes trembling hand ...
Let him with the healthy even sad
Then this day will spend on the bowl,
As now I am, the reclusive is yours,
He spent without grief and worries.

The Tsarskostsky Lyceum was solemnly opened on October 19, 1811. It was a higher educational institution in pre-revolutionary Russia, operating in the royal village from 1811 to 1843. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a lyceum belonged to the Russian state Worker And the initiator of the reforms of Alexander I Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, who considered that Russia requires a constitution that should destroy differences in the rights between the estates.

The purpose of the lyceum was the preparation of the highest government officials. Talented boys were taken here for 10-12 years - as a rule, immigrants from the poor noble families. The number of liceists was 30 people, and the term of study was 6 years. The lyceum was a closed educational institution, and the life of his pupils was strictly regulated. Boys could not leave his territory throughout the year, even on vacation.

The learning process of lyceumovists

The Lyceum was taught mainly disciplines having a humanitarian legal orientation. The training program covered both the gymnasium ("initial"), and university ("final") courses. Each new course has a schedule and the number of classes differed somewhat. For example, in 1812, Licecilists were engaged in 10 hours french language, 6 hours Latin, 10 hours German, 3 hours in Russian, 4 hours mathematics, 3 hours geography, 3 hours history, 3 hours cleaning and 2 hours drawing. Just a week there were 47 school hours.

The daily schedule of lyceumists looked like this:

6.00 - lift, fees, prayer;
7.00 - 9.00 - lessons;
9.00 - 10.00 - tea, walk;
10.00 - 12.00 - lessons;
12.00 - 13.00 - Walk;
13.00 - Lunch;
14.00 - 15.00 - purity, or drawing;
15.00 - 17.00 - lessons;
17.00 - tea;
until 18.00 - a walk;
18.00 - 20.30 - Repetition of lessons and auxiliary classes (on Wednesdays and Saturdays - Dancing or fencing);
every Saturday - Bath;
20.30 - dinner;
until 22.00 - recreation;
22.00 - Prayer and Sleep.

In the first edition of the lyceum (1811-1817), except for Pushkin, the most outstanding figures included: the Decembrist Pushkin, the Poet-Decembrist Kyhehelbecker, Poet Delvig, Matyushkin's Marigoller, Chancellor of Russia Prince Gorchakov.

In 1817, passing 15 exams within seventeen days, the lyceumists received certificates. Pushkin turned out to be twenty-sixth by academic performance (out of 29 graduates), showing success only in Russian and French literature, also in fencing. Lyceum graduates could receive a civilian rank from the 14th to the 9th grade, and additional military training was held for the desires to enter military service.

Historical jokes about the Lyceum youth Pushkin (cases of real life)

In the Lyceum was produced by the handwritten magazine "Lyceum Sage", where Pushkin wrote poems. Once he wrote: "Wilhelm, read his poems to fall asleep soon." Offended Kühelbecker ran to the pond, but he had time to save. Soon in the "Lyceum Wise" drew a caricature: Kyhehelbecker is token, and his long nose sticks out of the pond.
Sometimes the wisdom of professors was that they simply did not interfere with the development of the talent of their student. Professor Mathematics Kartov did not try to force Pushkina to know his subject, he saw the poet's talent and, joking, said: "You have, Pushkin, in my class it all ends with zero. Sit down to your place and write poems. "
Someone, wishing to confuse Pushkin, asked him in society:
- What is the similarity between me and the sun?
The poet immediately answered:
"It's impossible to look at you nor in the sun without frightening."
Once Pushkin was sitting in the Count Count C. and read some book. The count of S. desired on the contrary, on the sofa, and on the floor, near the written table, played two of his children.
"Sasha, tell me something with an expression," the graph appealed to Pushkin.
Pushkin, without thinking at all, the patter answered:
- Children's fellow lies on the sofa.
The graph was offended.
"You forget, Alexander Sergeevich," he said strictly.
- But you, the graph seems to do not understand me ... I said:
- Children on the floor, smart lies on the sofa.
One day, Pushkin gathered his loved ones, friends and acquaintances. Repeated was pretty. The conversation was touched by the love of Pushkin's love, and Delvig, by the way, said aloud that Alexander Sergeevich was in too intimate relations with one young countess, while the poet was only respectful. "My motto is to cut the truth!", "Delvig graduated loudly. Pushkin becomes pose and says the following: "Poor, unhappy truth! Soon it will not completely exist, it will not be: it will finally dance Delvig. "

Entertaining facts

The word "lyceum" comes from the ancient Greek "lika" - this was the name of one of the outskirts of Athens, where the temple of Apollo was located with an excellent garden, in which Aristotle was engaged in students in the famous "Gymnasia". In the XVIII century, educational institutions with the name "Lyceum" appeared in France, and then spread throughout Europe. Tsarskoselsky Lyceum is the first lyceum in Russia.
Unlike most educational institutions of that time, in the Tsarskoselsky Lyceum was a ban on the bodily punishment of pupils, enshrined in the Lyceum Charter.
Anton Antonovich Delvig (Baron, Russian Poet, publisher) was the nearest lyceum friend Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Alxandr Mikhailovich Gorchakov (Russian diplomat, state chancellor, classmate Pushkin) more than a quarter of a century led foreign Policy Russia and survived all his classmates in the Tsarskoye Lyceum.
Pushkin fell into the Lyceum "according to Blatu". The set was small (30 people), but Pushkin had an uncle - a very famous and talented poet Vasily Lvovich Pushkin, personally acquainted with Speransky, the founder of the lyceum.
Pushkin's lyceum was seriously engaged in poetry, especially French, for which he was nicknamed by the Frenchman.

Near the fence of the Znamensky Church, there was a Dernea pedestal, which was a marble board with the inscription in Latin: "Genio Loci" (Genius - the patron of these places). There is a version that at the pedestal was originally Bust Alexander I, which then disappeared without a trace (maybe during a strong fire in 1820). Be that as it may, the pedestal and the board with the inscription of the lyceum legend firmly associated with the name of Pushkin. Subsequently, the board followed the lyceum to Petersburg, where it was installed in the Lieceum Garden.
One of the most famous traditions in the Lyceum - after graduation exams, break the lyceum bell, which for six years collected students to classes. Every graduate took himself a fragment for all his life to keep the part of love, warmth, the concerns that they were surrounded in the walls of the lyceum, which became the second home for many. For the first release from the fragments of the bell, Engelhardt ordered to make commemorative rings with the inscription. The cast-iron ring in the form of the hands intertwined in the friendly handheldness was for Pushkin and his lyceum comrades of the invaluable relics and the sacred talisman. The famous scientist and teacher Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky was appointed the first director of the lyceum. Together with Speransky, he was the author of the first lyceum charter, and his expression "common cause for the general benefit" was the motto of lyceum. Despite its short stay as director, he largely determined the worldview of the lyceumists. According to one legend, angry for something, the emperor refused the director of the lyceum in the right to build cottages in both royal residences - Pavlovsk and the Tsarist village. Then Malinovsky, not deciding to disobey and at the same time wanting to annoy the emperor, built a cottage at an equal distance from both tsarist palaces, and gray tape of the Highway from Pushkin to Pavlovsk, diving, walked around the house on both sides. This cottage was known under the name of the Malinovka. During the Great Patriotic War The Malinovka was destroyed. The following outstanding graduates were also completed at one time: Russian Minister of Justice (1862-1867) Dmitry Nikolaevich Zamyatnin, a well-known archivist and head of the archive of the Department of Customs Fees Nikolai Ivanovich Kaidanov, as well as the famous Russian writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin.

History of the building of the Tsarskostsky Lyceum

The four-storey building of the lyceum was built as a fluel of the Catherine Palace between the church corps and the Znamensky Church. Construction was carried out in 1789-1792 on the project of architect I. Neelova.

In 1811, when it was decided to establish a Tsarskoye Lyceum, the architect V. Stasov rebuilt the building according to the needs of the educational institution. On the 1st floor, the rooms of teachers, lazaret and administrative premises were placed on the 2nd dining room with a buffet, a stationery and a small conference room.

On the 3rd floor there are a large hall, decorated with paintings on antique themes, classes and library. The 4th floor occupied Doodourtes - Pupil Rooms.
Pushkin Liceist Room is striking simplicity and small size: 4 meters long, 1.5 meters wide.
Today in the Museum of the former Lyceum recreated the original situation in which the life of the Lyceumists of Pushkin Release was held.
In 1843, the Lyceum was renamed Alexandrovsky and translated into St. Petersburg. The inner premises of the former lyceum were replaced under residential rooms.

1899 - a monument to Pushkin-lyceist is installed in the Lyceum Garden. The monument was created
* * *

Scriptwriter: Alexander Slonim
Director: Abram Naroditsky
Assistant Director: Adolf Berginker
Operators: A. Sigayev, A. Dudko
Artists: I. Makhlis, S. Meinkin, P. Yakimov
Sound: A. Gavryushov
Composer - Yuri Kochurov

Valentin Lithuanian (died in the summer of 1941 near Minsk) - Pushkin
A. Mazin - Komovsky
Anatoly Muruzin - Pushchin
I. Paramonov - Kyhehelbecker
Oleg Lipkin - Delvig
Cheslav Sushkevich - Gorchakov
K. Smirnov - Yakovlev
Vladimir Gardin - Meyer, Governor Lyceum
Valentina Ivasheva - Natasha
Nina Chaternikova - Princess Ellen
A. Molebras - Derzhavin
Sergey Karnovich Valua - Arakcheev
George Krantert - Alexander I

Wherever we quit a judine,
And happiness where b n n
All the same: we are a whole world of Alien;
Fatherland us tsarist village.

In the suburbs, 25 kilometers south of St. Petersburg, located the city of Pushkin (until 1918 - the Tsarskoye Selo), named after the great Russian poet, whose talent in the young years developed here, and life was inextricably linked with these places.

History of the royal village

Initially, at the site of the royal village, in the XVII - early XVIII century there was a Swedish manor (estate) "Sarah Mazz". After the expulsion of the Swedes and with its development, the estate (Mazz) turns into a village, and the name "Sarah" in Russian is transformed into the "tsarist". In the XVIII century, the construction of churches and palaces, the bookmark of parks and the arrangement of decorative ponds take place. Under Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Peter I daughter, the royal village develops and becomes an imperial residence, the center of the political and court life of the country.

Pushkin in the Tsarskostsky Lyceum

At the age of twelve, in 1811, Pushkin was brought to the royal village for training in the preferred higher educational institution for the training of noble children, the Imperial Tsarskoye Lyceum, which had opened on the instructions of Emperor Alexander I. It was during the years of study in the Lyceum opened and the poetic talent of Pushkin was applied, during this period Pushkin created a large number of poetic works.

In 1817, Pushkin was released from the lyceum in the rank of college secretary. Memories of the years spent in the lyceum, about lyceum friends, forever remained in the poet's soul.

Pushkin in the house of China

In 1831, after the marriage of A.S. Pushkin with N.N. Goncharova, a young family moves to Petersburg, and then, for the summer, to the royal village. Here, in the office in the House of China, where Pushkin stopped with a young wife, was written "Tale of Tsar Saltan", the letter of Onegin to Tatiana, the poem "the more often the lyceum and other works.

Royal village on the map

The State Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Village" is located at: Russia, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, ul. Sadovaya, D.7.

Related materials:

Pushkin and royal village. The speech of Innocent Annensky, spoken by him in the Pushkin celebration in the Imperial Chinese Theater in the royal village.

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Today, Russia celebrates two hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the famous Tsarskosiel lyceum

October 19 (according to the old style) of 1811, a Tsarsko-Seli Lyceum was opened, who had known as a school, which robbed the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He spent only 6 years there, however, it was in his walls that he met his best friends who accompanied him throughout his life - Pushchina, Deligus, Kühelbecker. Lyceum has become one of the bright chapters in the life and work of the poet. Lyceists of the first issue, where "neither threw a judine," where "happiness did not led," always thoughts and hearts turned to their "Fatherland" - the Tsarsko Selo lyceum, where personalities were formed, the worldview of each of them.

My friends, beautiful our Union!
He is like a soul inseparable and eternal -
Non-gas, free and careless
He fought under the canopy of friendly music.
Wherever we quit a judine,
And happiness where b n n
All the same we: we are a whole world of Alien;
Fatherland us tsarist village.
("October 19". A. Pushkin)

Decree on the creation of the lyceum was signed by Alexander I 24 (12) August 1810. Then, in the very early XIX. Century, society hoped for change, for the revival of the Spirit of Freedom, believed in the celebration of justice. For these dreams, many people saw a quick appearance new Russia, free from slavery and ignorance. Then the project Mikhail Speransky appeared, which for a year and a half, bypassing bureaucratic wires, was implemented and revenge on the country a new sample educational institution. "The facility of the lyceum is aimed at the education of the youth, especially intended for important parts of the state service," said in the first paragraph of the Lyceum Charter. Speransky saw in the lyceum not only the place to prepare educated officials, but also hoped that people were brought up in his walls, ready for the transformation of the Fatherland.

On the day of the solemn opening of the Lyceum Adjunct-professor of moral and political science, Alexander Petrovich Kuckingin, referring to pupils, spoke of the duties of a citizen, about love for Fatherland and the debt to him. Pushkin in the poem, dedicated to October 19, will remember:

You remember when the lyceum arose,
And the king for us was opened by the pane of Tsaritsyn,
And we came. And met us kunitsyn
Greetings between royal guests ...

Cuckucks finished his brilliant speech with words that were struck by all lyceumists: "Do you want to mix with the crowd of people of ordinary, reptile in the unknown and every day absorbed by the waves of oblivion? Not! Do not return the idea of \u200b\u200bthis imagination! Love for glory and Fatherland must be your leaders. " And again his gratitude to Pushkin will express Kunitsina in the following verse:

Kurtnina Gift of Heart and Wine:
He created us, he brought up our flame;
Put the cornerstone
They are lit with a clean lamp.

Pushkin course was first, then 30 people were adopted in the Tsarskostsky Lyceum. In general, according to the charter, the children of the nobles were taken in the lyceum. Training lasted 6 years and equated to the university. The first three years, Lyceists studied the objects of senior gymnasium classes. The following three years were dedicated to subjects of three university faculties: verbal, moral and political and physical and mathematical. At the same time, by the end of training, each pupil was perfectly to master the art of writing in French, German, and especially in Russian. A lot of attention in the lyceum was given physical Education Children. The training program had gymnastic exercises, mobile games, dancing, horse riding, fencing, swimming. In addition, daily for a few hours a day, lyceums walked in the park to any weather. It was connected not so much with hardening as with the upbringing of a courageous and independent nature. "The basic rule of good methods or method of teaching is not to donate the mind of children with extensive expressions, but to initiate its own action," said in the Lyceum Charter.

The Tsarskostsky Lyceum was a closed educational institution, so the routine of the day was strictly regulated. At 6 am, pupils got up, in an hour it was necessary to have time to dress, wash, pray and repeat the lessons. From 7 to 9 was "Class 0" - the so-called training classes. Next, the lyceums drank tea with a white bun and went for a walk, then they were engaged again for two hours. At 12 o'clock, the pupils were walking, in the second hour she had dinner and again engaged in three hours. A tea has drank tea in the sixth hour and went to the Tsarskoyelian garden, gymnastic exercises were made. With six to half the ninth, the lessons were repeated, and at this time there were classes for lagging. Then - dinner, hour of rest and at 10 o'clock - sleep.

Classes in Tsarskostsky Lyceum began on August 1, academic year Completed on July 1, but even in July, pupils should have remained in the royal village. Thus, all 2060 "lyceum days" pupils were divorced from home, relatives and amounted to a single lyceum family.

Were in the lyceum and their traditions. For example, the most famous - after graduation exams, break the lyceum bell, which for 6 years convened pupils to classes. Each graduate took himself a fragment. For the first, Pushkin issue, the second director of Lyceum E.A. Engelgardt ordered to make commemorative cast-iron rings in the form of arms twisted in the friendly, which have become for the mascot liceists.

On September 6, 1843, the Lyceum, by decree Nikolai I, was transferred to St. Petersburg to the building of the Alexander orphanage, since then he has become referred to as the Imperial Alexander Lyceum.

After 200 years, the institutes began to renamed universities and the academy, instead of schools, more and more lyceums and gymnasium appear, but for some reason, Pushkin, Lomonosov, Delvigi appear in Russia. So, not in the name of the case ...

The phenomenon of the Tsarskoselsky lyceum is that the teachers did not try to "strike" the pupils, did not set the goal to shove as much knowledge as possible in their heads, to teach the correct crossbars in blancs Eger. Then, 200 years ago, teachers tried to raise an honest and noble person who respects and loves their fatherland, appreciates justice, has a sense of self-esteem. Such a system of education and upbringing contributed to the development of solid personalities, ready to devote to the "soul of beautiful gusts".

Saying goodbye to graduates, Engelhardt ripped out: "Go friends, on your new field! .. Keep the truth, sacrifice everything for her; Not death is terrible, but a scary dishonor; Not wealth, not ranks, do not hide a person, and a good name, keep it, keep clean conscience, here is your honor. Go friends, remember us ... ".

The President of the Historical Perspective Foundation Natalia Narlanitskaya told in a conversation with an observer on the development of education in Russia over the past 200 years, the meaning of the Tsarskoye Lyceum for the history of the country:

The Tsarskostsky Lyceum became the nursery of highly educated and at the same time loyal to the Fatherland of people. Education was great, classic: with Latin, Greek, with three European languages. On the French aristocracy, he spoke from childhood, another English, German ... Therefore, Pushkin and his classmates were freely read Schiller in German, Bairon - in English, Standal and Rabol - French. This, of course, made them open to the whole world culture. On the example of Pushkin, it can be said that this did not make them nihilists in relation to his own history. Just Pushkin and was the answer to the Russian and Europe dilemma. Europe was part of Russian culture, which preserved its originality and was, of course, the pearl in the entire general government and world culture.

To compare with today's day, then let's be frank: all over the world the education has become universal, mandatory, democratic. All that is being done universal is reduced by level. Therefore, this is a general trend, here not only we are an example of such a decline. It is clear that the program is drawn up with the calculation of the average person, including those who have grew, where there are no books where parents do not read, and now watch TV. If the programs were more difficult, it would be impossible to learn to children who have not read in languages \u200b\u200bsince childhood, so it is necessary to watch philosophically. But the need for educational and educational institutions of high-class is not just preserved, but also dictates.

See what the elite we have, i.e. the socially active layer. She speaks on a jargon, does not know his own history, can not write a dictation without 30 orphographic errors on one page. In connection with the new standards of education, which is horrified by the entire academic community, there is no possibility to raise the successive carriers of our domestic and region culture. The next generation will not be able to read neither Tolstoy, nor Dostoevsky, because they are not able to perceive the breadth of associations, comparisons, references, etc. Therefore, we need such educational institutions (at least from grade 8), where talented children, looking for knowledge, with pleasure they are perceive, could expand their horizons in the modern setting, erudition.

It is the fall of the general immune erudition that is a common place, even in the highest educational institutions Russia. I know that a long time ago there is an idea of \u200b\u200breconstitution of the educational holding (we use the current word) called the "Tsarskoselsky Lyceum", which would assume the presence of gymnasiums, even universities, which would be assigned some status of elite institutions in a good sense of the word. Elite is not in the sense that the children of rich parents would fall there, and elite in the sense of talents.

Not only Pushkin, Delvig, Kyhehelbecker, but also the brilliant Russian Chancellor Gorchakov was a graduate of the Tsarsko Selo lyceum. Panoramic view by world history, international relations, the patterns of world politics, the continuity of some interests of large powers in their development are absolutely necessary conditions for a genuine diplomat, which knows where it is possible to compromise, and where it is impossible, which requires strong will, and that - tricks, subtleties in negotiations. This requires a wide education.

In our educational institutions, in my opinion, the weak point is insufficient control over the development of the program. We can sit under the desk, distract the teacher with questions, and do not perform at the seminar, Colloquium. For example, in Harvard, all the answers must be in writing - it disciplines. And nowhere is there such a shame as advertisements on the Internet (and before and in the subway could be found): "I write diplomas, coursework." In America for writing off the exam, a person is excluded with the Wolching ticket and can not do anywhere, because it leads to a criminal offense.

The educational institution has always been educational, because together with knowledge there was an ideological frame, moral principles: honor, debt, not lie, be noble. That's what was always, and it should be restored. Large knowledge, data to a person with a wolf mentality, make it a predator, he can cause greater harm than an ignorant fool. The combination of professionalism, moral qualities, openness to world culture is very important for the upbringing of the elite in the good sense of the word.

Our educational institutions are called elite when the money of rich parents has a swimming pool, rides abroad. Sometimes it turns into an early social selection tool. The system of education in past centuries, I would say despite the separation of classes and classes, was more democratic, because the children of aristocrats were taught to carry deprivation.

Therefore, the anniversary of the Tsarskostsky lyceum is to celebrate. One name Pushkin is worth it! Singer and freedom, and the powers of the Great - that's what we lack. We have or freedom want both the state, or vice versa. Freedom and Power - exactly what Russia needs.