Form exam Russian download black and white. Exam forms, registration of forms, download exam forms

federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science summed up the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, which was held in the main date of the exam on June 9.

Almost 617 thousand people took part in the exam. Average score on the exam in the Russian language in 2017 is comparable to last year's result.

The minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points did not exceed 0.5% of the exam participants (in 2016, their number was 1%).

“This year the trend of improving results in compulsory subjects continues. The share of graduates who were left without certificates decreased by almost 1.5 times, and this is not taking into account the results of the upcoming retakes. These results testify to the success of the project "I will pass the exam" and are the result of serious targeted work that was carried out with lagging schoolchildren in regions and municipalities, where the results USE of the past years revealed serious problems with the level school education", - noted the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov.

The minimum threshold of 36 points, below which universities cannot set the passing score of the USE in Russian for applicants, was not able to overcome 1.6% of the participants. In 2016, the number of USE participants in the Russian language who did not overcome this threshold was 2.5%.

Due to the large-scale implementation of new technology for scanning participants' work at the examination points (PES), the verification of work and processing USE results in Russian was completed ahead of schedule. Exam participants will be able to find out their result five days earlier - from June 22 ..

Graduates of the current year who were unable to recruit the required certificate minimum score on the Unified State Exam in Russian, but received a positive result on the Unified State Exam in Mathematics, they will be able to retake the Russian language in reserve passing the exam- June 29.

Where to find out the results of the OGE on passport data in 2019, let's try to figure it out on this page of our website.

On the official website of Rosobrnadzor on the Question - Answer page, the following information is provided:

On the official website of the information support of the OGE, this information is duplicated. But there is a section, look at the screenshot, where you can find the site of the local administration of your region, where the results of the OGE are published. The region can be selected by clicking on the map.

On the official site information support The exam has the same section. There are more relevant working links here. In general, a complete disgrace - the state spends such money on holding the exam and OGE, and the information on the regions on these sites is not always up-to-date.

It remains to look for your OGE results on the websites of the department of education of the region or region.

If your region is actively involved in information support of the OGE, then their website is understandable and results appear quickly.

This is how the site with the results of the OGE 2019 in the Oryol region looks like:

It is not always necessary to enter passport data, some areas lay out tables from which you can find out your result.

Where the sites are advanced, the entry of passport data is required. This is how the website of the Republic of Tyva looks like:

When entering your passport data, be careful, as there are fraudulent websites that collect illegal personal information.

Some regional sites offer to contact the school, where you can find out the most reliable information about OGE results(GIA-9 class).

Blanks of the One State Exam approved by Ro-sobr-nad-zo-rum. Su-shchest-vu-et 4 types of forms of the exam:

  • registration form
  • form from-ve-tov No. 1 for assignments of type A and B
  • form from-ve-tov No. 2 for assignments of type C
  • up to half-no-tel-ny form from-ve-tov No. 2


  • An incorrectly completed USE form can cause the test to fail
  • Unified State Exam forms damaged during registration cannot be replaced
  • A new set of examination materials is issued only if the USE participant detects a marriage or incompleteness of examination materials.

Therefore, when preparing for exams, it is important to carefully study the forms. Below are samples of the 2011 USE forms. Training in their half-no-ness will help save time on the exam and avoid offensive mistakes due to incorrect recording of answers.

General requirements for filling out forms

  • The data must be filled in with a gel or capillary pen with black ink in capital block letters according to the sample. This measure will help to avoid scanning errors.
  • Even in drafts, do not use other colored ink and pencil, or putty for corrections.
  • Fill in each field starting from the first position.
  • When filling in the fields in all forms, use the writing of symbols at the top of form No. 1 as an example.
  • Mark answers with a cross (x). The symbol line should not be too thick. If the line is thick, only one diagonal line can be drawn in the field.
  • If you do not have information to fill in the field, leave it blank.
  • Do not make any entries or notes on your answer sheets that would identify you.
  • Forbidden make in the fields of the forms, outside these fields and in the fields filled in by typographic method, any entries or notes not related to these forms.

Registration form

The registration form is intended for the introduction of individual data of the student. In the upper part of the sheet, there is a vertical and horizontal barcode with its digital number.

On the fields at the top form, it is necessary to indicate the information of the following character:

  • regi-she code;
  • the code of the educational institution, where the graduate of the school was trained (for the graduates of the last years or those who go to college / university - the code of the educational institution, in which the participant received a pass to the exam);
  • number and letter-va of the class (not for half-nya-em-ha-e-ha-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-si-s);
  • the code of the point of the USE;
  • number of auditorium at the point of conducting the exam;
  • yes-that of the USE;
  • item code;
  • the name of the subject;
  • field for service use.

Codes subjects of the exam:

Item name


Item name


Russian language






Informatics and ICT

Social Studies




In the middle part registration form indicate information about the USE participant:

  • surname
  • honest (if available)
  • a series and number of a document, a convenient person

Also, the middle part of the form contains a short instruction on the determination of the whole-ness of the ind-di-vid-al-no-go complex-that of the participant ka Unified State Exam, field for under-pi-si participant of the exam and field for service use.

The USE participant completes the field for the upper and middle parts of the blank (except for the fields for service use) ... The exam participant's signature is placed strictly inside the "window".

In the lower part blan-ka-registration-ras-ras-in-bed-la-la, for-full-nya-e-ia-e-ts-tven-ny or-ga-niza-tor in the auditorium in the case of -yah, if the participant is removed from the ek-za-me in connection with a violation of the order of the USE or did not finish the ek- replacement for a respectable reason. There is a field for pod-pi-si ot-vets-twain-no-go or-ga-niza-tor.

Answer form number 1

Form from-ve-tov No. 1 is intended for recording of responses to tasks of type A with the choice of from-ve-ta from the pre-lo-wives-va-ri-an-tov and the recording of res-zul-ta-tov you-half-not-nia tasks of type B with an ot-ve-tom in a short form (word or number).

To write from-ve-you to-do in strict co-answer with the instr-truk-chi, which is given to the tributes in KIM. Corrections in the answer area are prohibited. A random stroke inside a square can be perceived as a mark.

Also, on the answer sheet number 1, the ver-t-cal and horizontal bar-codes, the line with the samples of the writing -ya sim-vo-lov, field for a half-non-participation of the USE, field for service-use. Information about the code of the re-gi-on, the code and the name of the item must coincide with the data entered in the registration form.

Answer form number 2

The form from-ve-tov No. 2 is intended for recording answers to-ve-tov for assignments with an expanded answer. Pole for ot-ve-tov ras-po-lag-yut-sya on the ti-tul-noy and back-side of the blank. In the upper part of the blank from-ve-tov No. 2, there are ver-t-cal and gorizon-tal bar codes, field for ru -copy-of-the-ness of information by the participant of the Unified State Exam, while the code of the region, the code and the name of the subject, must be with -from-vets-to-vat information, out-of-sen-noy in the registration form and the form from-ve-tov No. 1.

When answering Type C assignments, you must write neatly and legibly, respecting the page layout. Do not forget to indicate the number of the task to which you are answering, for example, C1. You do not need to rewrite the job condition.

"See overleaf".

Complete answer form №2

An additional half-no-tel-ny form from-ve-tov No. 2 is issued or-ga-niza-torom in the auditorium at the request of a participant in the exam in the case of tea neh-fleece space for recording once-will-return-that from-ve-that.

In the upper part, up to half-no-tel-th form from-ve-tov No. 2, the ver-ti-cal bar-code, go-rizon- tal bar code and its digital number, field ("Code of the region", "Code of the item" and "Name of the item ») For-a-full-nya-ized by a participant-no-one ek-za-men.

Information for filling in the field of the upper part of the blank must be completely co-pa-given with the information of the main blan -ka from-ve-tov No. 2.

Pole "Next to-half-ni-tel-ny form from-ve-tov No. 2" and "Sheet No." ... When issuing up to a half-no-tel-th form from-ve-tov No. 2, it is added a row-by-row number of the fox-that work-bots of the ka Unified State Exam (in this case, the list No. 1 is the main form of answers No. 2, which the participant of the Unified State Exam received in the form of individual -al-but-go kit).

If you do not have enough space on the front of the form to record your answers, you should make a note at the bottom of the form. "See overleaf"... In theory, an exam participant can use an unlimited number of additional forms to answer tasks part C... But experts are sure that a maximum of four will be enough, and do not recommend using more.

When using materials on other sites, a link to

To get the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam, you must not only answer correctly, but also know the rules for filling out registration forms and answers for the Unified State Exam. Errors, corrections can serve as an excuse that the correct answer will not be counted or the work will be lost altogether ...

Automatic check

This is explained by the fact that:

  • after the exam, the verification work is done not with paper media, but with scanned copies;
  • part of the data is processed automatically, the program can take some corrections for symbols and calculate it as a solution;
  • the check is carried out anonymously, the forms of the examination set are linked to each other with a barcode.

Therefore, markings that will identify the examiner are not allowed.

Filling: black handle only

The main requirement is to fill in only with a black pen - gel or capillary... Jobs are scanned - pale or blue, pencil marks may not be seen by the program.

Before the exam practice capitalizing printed letters - after all, this is how you will have to fill out the registration form.

The information that must be indicated at the top of the registration form must be written on the board by the organizers of the USE before the start of the exam. If this does not happen, information such as the two-digit code of the region where the exam is held, the digital code of the venue, even the audience number, must be checked with the organizers.

And without stopping into the fields

Never leave the information and answer fields. The requirement also applies to the signature, which do not forget to put both on the registration form and the forms intended for short (No. 1), detailed answers (No. 2).

We fill out the form number 1

When filling it out:

  • you need to follow the numbering;
  • do not add extra characters;
  • read carefully the texts of the assignments and write down numbers or letters, depending on the requirements;
  • if you need to write several words, write the words only together.

Only if the requirements are met will your correct answers be counted as correct.

We fill out the form number 2

It is intended for tasks with a detailed answer. This form is reviewed by people, not programs. The main requirement here is not to leave the fields, write legibly, indicate the numbers of the questions.

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