When the letter C is written. A15

Consoles in Russian many.
One is always written in the same way, make mistakes in writing them especially insulting.
Some consoles are written strictly according to the rule: understand how to act, and you will not be mistaken.
And there are those that require constant attention, for example, console pre- and pri-.
Learn how to write Russian consoles.

What consoles are written always equally?

1. Consoles in-, about-, from-, over-, under-, u-, about-, you-, on the-, per-, before-, by-, re-: to come in - make - run in- stand up

No problems! Write them always equally!

Many consoles are written always equally, for example: run away, get up. Do you hear different sounds at the beginning of these words? Sounds [in] and [f] is different pronunciations One console in. Why can the pronunciation be different? It depends on the subsequent sound. There is a law of stunning calls before the deaf. So, we can produce these consoles in different ways, depending on the phonetic position in the word, but they are always the same in the same way.


Remember these consoles will help list examples:

Inscription, signature and jog,
ending, dumping,
output, entrance and attack,
and income and sodium
and an approach, hike
and underground transition.

2. Prefix C-: Delivery

There is only a prefix from-.

The erroneous writing of this small console is so common that I had to allocate a special rule. The fact is that many confuse the console with consoles ending in the letters from or z.. We will be discussed below.

Write the console is always the same: and in front of the vowels, and in front of any consults: the delivery, make, wash off.

Before paired ringing consonants, the prefix is \u200b\u200bpronounced as [s]: to make, pass.

What consoles are written unenochnakovo?

1. Consoles ending in letters z. and from: helpless - homeless

Attention on the border of the console and root!

Consoles: Once - // Ras-, out - // Is-, without - // Bes-, WHO - // Re-, Vis - // Sun-, bottom - // NIS, through - // , Upon - // Cres- if the root of the word

  • begins to vowel or ringing consonants, write with the letter z.: homeless,
  • if the root begins on the deaf consonant, - with the letter from: helpless.

2. Consoles gRA - // Pro: lIGHT - truant

Think of the meaning:

If values \u200b\u200bare expressed:

  • "Frequency, history, antiquity, remoteness of times, phenomena, relationships, persons", write praises: Praslavyansky, Praded,
  • any others - write a console pro-: to simultane (long), view (quickly, running), prescribe (assign treatment), etc.

3. Consoles once- (races) // RO' Z- (RO' C): present - rO' SIDE

Attention to the emphasis:

In consoles once, races - // Rose-, Ros-

  • without emphasis, write but: Roll away,
  • under the stress - about: RO 'FABORS.

4. Consoles pre-//: premium, block - come, bind, cover, roadside

Think of the meaning:

Write pre-if values \u200b\u200bare transmitted:

  • "highly" - premium, fresh,
  • "Pere" - obstacle.

Write if the values \u200b\u200bare transmitted:

  • "Approximation" - come, come,
  • "Joining" - to sew, bind,
  • "A little bit" - cover, open,
  • "Near, close" - coastal, roadside


Many words are not included in the listed groups: get used to, attend, listen and others. Writing them to remember.

Do not confuse:

In a number of words per and for The root is included: the reason, hello, order, turn, despise, obstacle and others. Such writing to remember.

I-s after consoles for consonants: play-play

See the console for consonants? Then after it instead and write s!

After consoles,

  • ending on consonant in place and write s: Raffle, misintermetty.
    An exception: charge taxes, payment, fine
  • inter- and superphanage and: Mezhinskitsky, over-interest.
    Why? Because there is an important ban for the Russian language: you can not write s after well, sh,as well as k, g, x,
  • after the prefixes "foreigners" write and: Supergame, postpressionism.
    Why?Because the basic rule does not apply to borrowed foreign language consoles: des-, counter, trans-, post-, sub-, super-, pan-

The spelling of vowels-and (s) after C.

Chicken in the circus performed,
He played on the zimbalah,
On the motorcycle drove,
And he knew a lot of numbers.
It got from the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And only one did not know
Where do qi write, where is CSI?

After C, the letter and or s is written.

Letter you are written in the following cases.

1. In the root of words - exceptions:

gypsy, chicken, chickey, chicks, tiptoe, tiptoe, chick chick, tsyz, tsykhat, tsyk (and in derivative words, eg:: gypsy, Gypsy, Hanging, Chicks, Chick, Picky, Take a Take).

2. In the end of nouns and adjectives ,

cucumbers, Archers, Capital, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; Kutsi, pale, narrowlices.

3. In the suffix of adjectives -yn,

nisitsyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Tritizn Day.

Also written geographical names on the-csen, -syno,

Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno.

Note. In Russian surnames after C, the letter and or s in accordance with tradition and with registration in official documents, for example: Cipko, but Tsybin; Kunitsyn, Kuritsyn, Sinitsyn, Skobeltsyn, Solzhenitsyn,but Vicin, Yeltsin, Tsitin.

In all other cases, after C, the letter is written and, namely:

a) in the roots of words, including foreign-speaking own names:

circus, cycle, cylinder, cygaic, ration, mat, digit, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, syc; Cicero, Cyrcing, Zimmervald, Cincinnati;

b) in the suffixes of foreign language origin:

organization, electrify, medicine, calcite, publicist, skepticism;

c) after the first parts of complex and comprehensive words and in sound abbreviations:

blossinterview, specialty, CEC.


Write and:

  • core words: the circus, qi fra.;
  • exceptions: tsy gan, tsy C., on kids kidney, tsy films.
  • in words, the nation: section I., station I., station onna.

Write s:

  • in suffixes: Sister N., Birds N., Queen Ny..
  • in the end: streets, stitsa, sisters.


In the names, traditional Writing is maintained: Birds N., Qi n..


1. Fort the error:

I went to the expedition. The weather is unfavorable: Tsyklon. It was possible to collect insects team, even a tsykada fell. Bursts interfere with work.

2. Insert the missed letters. Orfogram graphically designate.

C ... Gan, Militz ... me, akats ... I, NARCH ... SS, PANTS ... Рь, on C ... kidneys,

c ... NGA, Lisizers ... N, C ... Plyona, from the streets ..., Section ... I.

3. Enter the missed letters. Orphogram graphically designate

C_Truce, c_Ganka, c_Ferblat, from street_, sister_n, for kunits_,

scissors ..., C ... Geeke, Akats_ya, c_kory, because of the door_.

4. Enter the missed letters. Orphogram graphically designate .

Ratz_ya, Tsarits_No, Afghans_, Ts_Gea, Multiplikatsay,take under prison.

5. Enter the missed letters. Orphogram graphically designate .

Ts ... Gan on Lecc ... and leafing pages ..., and the blue ... n read the tati.

6.The the desired letter, graphically designate the studied orfogram.

1. In his hanging palaces .. the owners of Skvortz fly ...
2. He admired C..tes of chicken: that none of ch..uckle, then - clever!
3. In C.Rka was trained dogs and cats.
4. Due to lack of vitamins, the sailors were sick.
5. The Father brought the hottest children ..
6. From the ancient Gold .. and many sports came to us.

Spelling and and after c

To unmistakably choose the letter y or and after C, it is necessary to determine which part of the word is a dubious vowel.
1. In the roots of words after C, it is necessary to write the letter and (for example: Circus, quote) in all words, except for the words of exceptions: Gypsy, tiptoe, chicken, care, tsyz.
2. In the end and suffixes after C, it is written (for example: Boytz-s, cucumbers, sisters-yun, tsaritz-oh). Exceptions here are verb to musitize, as well as all nouns, which in the nominative case will end the application (for example: station, position, action).

The exercise

1. - I apologize a little bit, "the official said, putting one hand-made T_ FRU on paper and moving two points on the left hand to the left hand. (N. Gogol)

2. Blood was poisted by everyone who was hearding this wolf, and crazy, death fear, taking the mind, drove them into the gap, in the deepest and close holes. (R. Krapp)

3. - Where are you, the beast, cut the nose? She screamed with anger. - Freater! drunkard! I myself call you Polits_ and. What a robber! (N. Gogol)

4. Stepan Trofimovich Deliberately translated the Russian proverbs and the root sayings on french, no doubt, knowing how to understand and translate better; But this he was fed from a special kind of chic and found him witty. (F. Dostoevsky)

5. The newspaper may lose reputation_u. If everyone becomes started to write that he escaped his nose, then ... and so already say that many inconsistencies and false rumors are printed. (N. Gogol)

6. Private was a large incentive of all arts and manufactory, but the state assignant_u preferred everything. "This is a thing," he said usually, "there is nothing better than this thing: there is no asks, the place will take a little, in his pocket it will always fit, you will drop it - you will not bother." (N. Gogol)

7. At that time, Ivan Yakovlevich, Ivan Yakovlevich, looked at the door of C_, but so fearful, like a cat, which was just carved for theft of Sala. (N. Gogol)

8. Motor Pots_ Cal and Small. (V. Nabokov)

9. ... It was silent Belolitz_ A man, with stood short hard hair on a cubic symbol and a fish glance of cold eyes, - in the specialty Latin, and later quite prominent soviet official. (V. Nabokov)

10. I always wanted to find a faithful friend, we would have a Muzitz_ with him, he would leave me a house and a flower garden. (V. Nabokov)

11. Remember, we somehow have breakfast in him who belonged to the hotel, on the luxurious, multi-tiered border of Italy, where the asphalt is completely multiplied by the glitter and the air smells of rubber and paradise. (V. Nabokov)

12. All mental illness is explained by the subconscious memory of the misfortunes of the ancestors of the Paz Paz, and if the patient suffers from, say, Megalomania, then for its full cure it is worth only to establish who from his great-grandfall was a dominant loser. (V. Nabokov)

13. Disserts_ I am deftly and hurts the prick of the then Slavophils and once delivered numerous and angry enemies between them. (F. Dostoevsky)

14. Occuping, he threw his kuts_ y jacket, took a shaggy fuchka through his head. (V. Nabokov)

15. But then he was then sambitz_, and with especially hastiness ordered to assure himself once forehead, that his career was defeated by his life "swirl circumstances." (F. Dostoevsky.)

16. Thought C_ Niche But after all, the elevation of the organization even sometimes contributes to the inclination to the C_. National thoughts, already one of the versatility of development. (F. Dostoevsky)

17. It was one gallets_ nat_ I am before the disease, especially since he really fell ill for two weeks. (F. Dostoevsky)

19. Abroad, Shatov radically changed some of the previous societies of their convictions and rearranged in the opposite extreme. (F. Dostoevsky)

20. Nats_ Annacy, if you want, never and was not different from us as in the form of a club Barskoy, and in the additives more Moscow. (F. Dostoevsky)

21. In anticipation, he arranged the migrated and offended Peter Pavlovich whole ovats_ Yu: hugged and kissed him; The whole city went away from him. (F. Dostoevsky)

22. He headed to the left, to the kitchen door, found it, passed senzet_ and descended on the stairs. (F. Dostoevsky)

23. Still buddies, still drinking, club and cards, and reputation_ I am an atheist. I don't like this reputation, Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

24. I even went out, for the necessary MOC_, only in full twilight, when it was completely dark. (F. Dostoevsky)

25. All of our still from the very beginning were officially predictable that Stepan Trofimovich will not accept for a while and asks him to leave him in perfect peace. (F. Dostoevsky)

26. - Alexei Nylch himself just because of the borders_, after a four-year absence, "Liputin picked up," they went to improve themselves in their specials. (F. Dostoevsky)

27. They only collect observations, and to the essence of the question or, so to speak, it does not touch it at all, and even the most morality is completely rejected, and hold the newest prince_ a public of universal destruction for good final goals. (F. Dostoevsky)

28. The many metropolitan and provincial newspapers and other magazines are published in Russia, and they are reported every day about a variety of incidents. (F. Dostoevsky)

29. By the way: here Skopts_ is in the county, curious people ... (F. Dostoevsky)

30. The daughter is somewhere in Turz. Yu husband delivered, and twelve years either hearing is neither spirit. (F. Dostoevsky)

31. She stood over him three minutes, barely translating his breath, and suddenly fear hugged her; She came out on the kidney, he paused in the doorway, crushed him back and retired unnoticed, with a new heavy sense and with new melancholy. (F. Dostoevsky)

32. At the entrance to our huge market square there is a dilapidated church of the Nativity of the Bogoroditz_, which is a wonderful antiquity in our ancient city. (F. Dostoevsky)

33. Waking up for tomorrow, fresh as an apple, immediately went to C_ Gansky Tabor, placed behind the river in Slobodka, about which he heard yesterday in the club, and the hotel was not two days. (F. Dostoevsky)

34. - How so, would you really go to the top five if I would suggest you? - Suddenly Verkhovlensky baked and put the scissors on the table. (F. Dostoevsky)

35. He decided to treat directly in the newspaper expedition_u and to make publicates in advance with a detailed description of all qualities, so that everyone who met him, could present him to him at the same moment or at least give to know about the place of stay. (N. Gogol)

36. I will not describe the picture of the fire in details: who does not know her in Russia? In the nearest allets from the vanish streets, the bustle and tesnotes were exorbitant. (F. Dostoevsky)

37. It turned out that one landowner, Nadezhda Egorovna Svetlitz_, told her yesterday to wait for himself in Hatov and promised to bring to Savival, but he did not come. (F. Dostoevsky)

38. Varvara Petrovna grabbed her hand, like Korshun C_ film, and rapidly dragged Trophimovich to Stepan. (F. Dostoevsky)

39. The main thing was tomil all the fact that nothing could be learned from all the confined confusion. (F. Dostoevsky)

40. Water licked low shore, covered with reeds, drugs in the ssami and the tense flesh of unacceptable irises. (J. Appandayk)

41. The most noble and impeccable indignation caught fire in his soul when, putting on Shawl, she caught a confused and incredulous look of her pupils. (F. Dostoevsky)

42. There was, for example, one moment in the "cancer building" in Solzhenitz_ on, when the Russian prose, and with her, and the writer himself, came to a distance of two or three paragraphs to the decisive breakthrough. (I. Brodsky)

43. Because - to suffer, children, it remains only seven minutes left - although the potential_ alto each cell is separately immortal, but, voluntarily assumed the differentiated function inside the organized community of cells, it falls into an unfavorable environment. (J. Appandayk)

44. The carcass of Bronnosaurus weighed thirty tons, and the brain is only two Uz_ and. (J. Appandayk)

45. But just as on a sheet of paper, hatched by a black pencil, a sobbing, long-lasting, long-lasting parties of the guitles of the Initis_ \u200b\u200bAla and the inscriptions, this picture revived melancholy and fear for his father again. (J. Appandayk)

46. \u200b\u200bThe boy wanted to become Dr. Meditz_ us, but did not finish himself and became a stranger. (J. Appandayk)

47. Ducks and frogs were embarrassed hoarsely and fuckedly on a marsh lake, looked through the thickets of Cherchers, Lip, Akats_y and wild apple trees. (J. Appandayk)

48. I have always drank lemonade here, as if saying goodbye to the VILABER_ for her before diving into the dark wilderness, which for some ridiculous mistake became our home. (J. Appandayk)


  • Educational:
    • introduce a new identification feature - availability c. before vowel, with spelling s - I. after c.;
    • learn justify the choice of vowels s - I. after c. in roots, suffixes and endings;
    • repeat spelling o-E. After hissing in the root of the word, unstressed vowels root, punctuation in a complex sentence;
    • propordately introduce a spelling -he N- In adjectives.
  • Developing:
    • develop attention, memory, logical thinking, ability to compare, classify, summarize;
    • expand the lexical stock of students.
  • Educational:
    • cause interest in Russian lessons.

Equipment:poster with algorithms, text of poem, differentiated cards, workbooks.


I. Organizational moment

- Hello guys! Sit down. Today we will continue to work in our small scientific laboratory, learn by the end of the lesson, who is the most attentive, resourceful, active in the lesson.

II. Explanation of the new material

- We are starting to learn a new spelling theme, we will get acquainted with the new rule for you. Let us turn to the material for observations and determine the subject of the lesson. (Material for observations on the board is still closed).

Station Street
Circus Sinitsyn

- What sounds are heard in all these words? Give the voice sound characteristic. (C) This sound today will be the guest of our lesson. And here is the word in which this sound lives. (I open the material for observations)Look, as written on the board. (Ts and qi)
- Why so? Our task is to figure out when after C need to write, and when - I. What is the topic of our lesson? Help me formulate it.
"Spelling s - I. after c.».

- To find out when after c. Written s, and when - and, We will continue our observations. Read expressively poem.

Chicken in the circus performed
He played on the zimbalah,
On the motorcycle drove,
And he knew a lot of numbers.
It got from the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And only one did not know
Where qi write, where tsy.


- What style does this text do?
- What is cymbals?
- Name words with s and and after c (Chicken, circus, cymbals, motorcycle, numbers, cucumbers).
- Chicken did not know where the tsy is written, where qi. Do you know? Now we turn to rule on page 173 of our tutorial. Read the rule. (Children read the rule out loud).
- When after c, it is written, and when and?
- We write examples of words in the notebook when they are written:

1) In the end of the words: birds, cucumbers, tits.
2) the second case when it is written - in the suffix of EN: sestryzn, Lisitsyn, Volchitsyn.
3) In the roots of the words, they are written: gypsy, Chicken, Tighten, Tips, Cars, Tschz Tick. These words need to remember.

- And so that you do not forget, I will read you another poem, which includes all these words. Write down these words from the poem to the notebook.

Gypsy chickel saw
Slage on the violin,
And the chick was assisted -
Downtown on tiptoe.

Ksyz guys not noise
And then Gypsy will someone
Stop the violin sing,
Our lesson will break.

- Well, chickens, everything is clear to you? (Yes)

Sounded for you guys
Our lesson about qi and tsy.
Who did not understand those chickens
Who remembers, well done!

- Read the words that were discharged. (Gypsy, chicken, tiptoe, ksyz, care (shry).
- Gypsy on tiptoe chick pulled the "tsyz" - the formula is well known.
- And when we write after C and?
- In the root of words: circus, digit and etc.
- in words on - tion: lecture, Section, Collection And others. These words ends the naughty, and the end of me, and qi is part of the root.
The rule that we study today is complex, rule-order, so we need to be an algorithm, a scheme of reasoning (poster in front of students).

Spelling s-and after c

III. Fastening learned

1. Oral spelling (Students explain the oral spelling of words written on the board using the algorithm).

delegation, cylinder, poultry, sinitsa, darkness.

2. Vocabulary dictation. (Teacher dictates, students explain the spelling of each word using the algorithm).

pancir, Tsaritsyno Mirror, Black Cygieka, Gypsy, Merry rehearsal, Singing birds, Cyclone, loudly tsy, yellow chick, acacia bloomed, tsyz to everyone.

3. Warning distribution semantic dictation. (Find out the word on lexical value and write down in two columns.)

1) Chicken chicken (chicken).
2) a sign to designate the number on the letter (digit).
3) one-eyed mythological creature (cyclops).
4) Tool for drawing a circle (circulation).
5) A person who is watching about the street on the street (policeman).
6) Stand on the tips of the fingers (on tiptoe).
7) Gloves with separation only for thumb (mittens).

- Read the words when after C written and, and when it.
- So, what did you meet today in the lesson?

IV. Task for the house:p. 86, Exercise №446.

V. The result of the lesson. Diagnostic work

I option.

Sea borders ..., sister ... n scarf, editor ... I am newspapers, c ... Gan, c ... RK, C ... Flocks, big c ... Stern, new c ... rkule, singing birds ....

2. Write out of this group of words only on the studied spell ( letters s-and After C).

Ra ... Scripture, Be ... Noisy, Lecte ... I, W ... Pot, C ... Flocks, under ... Riding, C ... Fries, under ... Rhae, at C ... Kidneys, Lisizers ... n Tail.

II option.

1. Insert the missed letters or after the C. Remarks the conditions for selecting letters or after C.

Listen to Lecc ...

2. Write out of this group of words only on the studied spell.

Ra ... order, c ... rkul, r ... drain, St. ... bath, c ... Gan, W ... Pot, Sinitz ... n, cl ... live, station ... I, Pants ... ry.

3. Make 2. complex proposalsUsing words and phrases from the first job, emphasize the grammatical foundations.