Mac mock exceptions. Unstressed vowels in word roots

The spelling of the roots is -mak-, -mock-. -mock- - “soak with liquid” Example: get wet, get wet, blotter -mak- - “immerse in liquid and take out” Example: dip a brush.

Picture 13 from the presentation "Spelling Roots" to lessons Russian language on the topic "Spelling Roots"

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a picture for a Russian lesson for free, right-click on the image and click "Save Image As ...". To show pictures in the lesson, you can also download the presentation "Spelling Roots.ppt" for free with all pictures in a zip-archive. The archive size is 448 KB.

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Spelling roots

"Spelling in the roots of words"- Based on the meaning and rhyme, reconstruct the missing words. I. Describe the proposals under No. 1, under No. 2. What task should be done? Find out which part of the word the spelling is in. Spelling rules for vowels and consonants at the root. A. Spelling at the root (generalization). Formulate the topic of the lesson.

"Single-root words with a root"- Very much. A miner is a worker in the mining industry. Mountain miner mountain hilly slide. Wasp. Aspen wasp. Single-root words. Boletus. Objective of the lesson: For every sovushkin advice Clever little heads Clap their eyes in response. Learn to find the same root words, highlight the root. Algorithm. The burner is burning.

"Roots Lag-Lodge"- Grow - grow a plant - grow thickets - grow. GROWING - GROWING - GROWING PLANT-GROWING-GROWING Exceptions: sprout, branch, Rostov. Let's sum up: VETERAN, VITRINA, THERRITORY, MILLION, hello, VINEGRET, profession, romashka, shepherd. Observe: what does the spelling depend on? Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

"Unstressed vowel roots"- I. Enchanted letters. Creative title. Tower "Insert unstressed vowels." Figure "Tree of cognate words". I. Composing a fairy tale "Stress over a vowel can make a letter clear." Russian language Literary reading The world Participants are students of grade 3. A. Fundamental question. Independent work task groups.

"Root Spells"- Alternating vowels. Remember the rule "I - S after Ts". Doubtful and some unpronounceable How are consonants checked? O-E-E after hissing in all parts of speech. What are the 4 groups of alternating vowels in the root? Lesson objectives. Root or not? Yes. No. Answer the questions

Municipal educational institution

"Primorskaya average comprehensive school»

Agapov district Chelyabinsk region

Lesson summary on the topic:

"Vowel alternation in the roots of equal / equal and mac / mok"

6th grade


teacher of Russian language and literature

Alekseeva Elena Alexandrovna



Lesson topic: Vowel alternation in roots equal / equal and mac / mok

Lesson type: combined

Methods: verbal, visual

Equipment: textbook: textbook: Russian language: Textbook. for 5 cl. general education. / M.T. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others - M .: Education, 2011 .-- 239 p.

Photo of an animal, didactic material, scheme.

Lesson objectives:teaching- to teach schoolchildren to correctly write roots equal / equal; poppy / mok.

developing- develop logical thinking, written and spoken language;

educating- to form teamwork skills, to foster love for animals.

Board decoration:

Level up




level up

get wet

gets wet

During the classes

1.Ormoment (1 min)

Task: organize the attention of children, work mood.

2. Verification homework(5 minutes)

Task: check the degree of assimilation of the passed material; updating basic knowledge.

At home, the students completed exercise 337 according to the assignment: to copy the text, insert the missing letters, highlight the roots in the words. Before checking homework, students answer the questions:

1. Did everyone do their homework?

2. Are there any homework questions?

Weak students check homework with signal cards. Medium - stencil. The strong ones make a summary table for homework.

3. Spelling warm-up (5 min)

Tasks: 1. Reproduce the knowledge gained in previous lessons.

2. Create a mood for repetition of the material.

Pupils write down a sentence under dictation, explain the placement of punctuation marks, highlight the roots in all words.

Three students work with individual cards (Appendix 1). One student is at the blackboard.

The companies, without mutual agreement, pulled themselves up in wet overcoats, lined up in the ranks .

Individual students submit work. The teacher gives a grade to the student working at the blackboard.

Question to students: Why in words leveled and soaked is the letter o written at the root?

The teacher dictates the second sentence.

Vasya dipped a sheet of paper and made the edges equal .

Questions to students:

    Why in words dipped and equal a letter is written a fundamentally?

    Why do you think in words aligned and equal, soaked and dipped, despite the similar roots, are they written different letters?

    Look up the meaning of words in explanatory dictionary what is the difference between them?

Output: vowels are written in the roots of equal / equal and mac / mok, depending on the meaning of the word.

4. Learning new material (5 min)

The teacher with the students draws up the scheme "Spelling of vowels in the roots of equal / equal and mak / mok".

equal / equal

value = equal, same value = smooth, even

exceptions: level, equally, exceptions: plain, peer alignment

poppy- / mok-

value = immersed in liquid value = permeate liquid

Conclusion according to the scheme: at the root is equal / equal- is written a if the word has the same meaning, the same, O- when the value is smooth, even. In the roots of the poppy, it is written a if the word has the meaning to immerse in a liquid, O

5. Fixing the material (15 min)

Task: practicing the acquired knowledge in practice.

1.Words are written on the board, students explain the spelling of roots equal / equal-, mac- / mok-.

Conclusion on the assignment: in words level, level at the root is exactly O, because words have a meaning smooth, even, in the rest of the words it is fundamentally equal to a, since the words have the same meaning, the same. In the word get wet at the root is written O, since the verb has the meaning to be immersed in a liquid, and in other words it is written in the root O, since they have a meaning - to let the liquid pass.

2. The teacher distributes the cards. Pupils should find the words to be studied in the listed words.

Roughness, plain, burnt, blotter, peer, lightning, touch, dip, get wet.

Conclusion on the assignment: the words roughness, flaw, peer, blotter, dip, get wet are the object under study, since they have a root equal- / equal- or mac- / mok-.

3.Write words from the blackboard, highlight the root in them and explain its spelling.

Conclusion on the assignment: in words with roots equal- / equal- written at the root a if it matters - equal, same, O- if smooth, even. In words with roots, mac- / mok- is written in the root a if the words indicate immersion in water, O- if the value is, let the liquid pass.

4. Distributional dictation ... The teacher dictates the words, the students distribute them in 4 columns: words with the root equal-, equal-, mac-, mok-, graphically explaining the spelling.

Get wet, plain, peer, uneven, dip, equalize, level, blot, soak, dunk.

Conclusion on the assignment: in words, get wet, get wet, soak is written in the root O, since verbs have a meaning - to let the liquid pass; dip in words, dip in the root a, since verbs denote immersion in liquid; the word equation is written at the root a, since a word with a meaning equal, the same, in the words plain is written a since this is an exception; unevenness in words, equalize at the root O, since the meaning is even, smooth, the word peer is an exception.

5. Pupils come up with pairs of phrases in which the same words with roots equal / equal-, mac- / mok- are spelled differently.

Sample: trim a haircut - trim the street; dip in sour cream - dip.

Conclusion on the assignment: among words with roots equal- / even-, mac- / mok- there are homonymous forms, the spelling of which differs in context.

6. Work in groups. The strong group comes up with words that are similar to the alternation of roots equal / equal-, mac- / mok-, and explain their difference. Middle group make up a short story in which words with roots equal / equal, mak / mok are used. The weak group, using suffixes, prefixes, is with roots equal / equal, mak / mok.

Conclusion on the assignment: it is necessary to distinguish between words that are similar to the phenomenon under study. The spelling of roots is equal / equal-, mac- / mok is not affected by the presence of prefixes, suffixes.

6. Working with a photograph of an animal (10 min)

Task: development oral speech, the ability to use the studied phenomenon in the text.

The teacher posts a photo with the animal and asks the students:

    What style of text can you write when looking at a photo?

    What could be the themes of the story?

    How do you feel about animals? Do I need to take care of them and take care of them?

Exercise:at Students write a short essay on a photograph, using words with roots equal / even- and mac- / mok-, explaining their spelling and highlighting the root in them.

Conclusion from the photo: the text written from the photograph can be of different styles (artistic, scientific), the narrative themes are also varied - animal, animal life in winter, wolf rescue. Animals are one of the most unprotected creatures that need care, protection, as they are constantly hunted.

Conclusion on the assignment: words with roots equal- / even- and mac- / mok- give imagery to the text, convey an additional characteristic of phenomena and objects, clarify details.

7. Summing up (2 min)

Task: check the degree of assimilation of new material, identify whether the goals of the lessons have been achieved.

Questions to students:

1.What new have you learned today?

2. What is the main thing when writing the roots equal / equal-, mac- / mok-?

Output: words with roots equal- / even- and mac- / mok- are written depending on their meaning. In doing so, it is important to remember about exceptions, as well as about words that may be similar to these roots. Some words have homonymous forms that differ in spelling depending on the context.

The teacher grades students for their work in the classroom.

8. Homework briefing (2 min)

Task: explain the purpose of the homework and how to do it.

At home, students make up a spelling dictation according to the learned rule. Allocate roots in words, explaining their spelling.


Card 1

(For) r ... for hundreds of kil (ll) ometers of races (ss) t ... a green plain was.

Card 2

Write off a sentence, insert missing letters, write test words, if possible. Place punctuation marks. Parse it.

Only the Pirate indifferently st ... yal in the st ... rone, (as) as if nothing ... oh (not) happened.

Card 3

Write off a sentence, insert missing letters, write test words, if possible. Place punctuation marks. Parse it.

On b ... lots and on salt marshes already (not) anything (n ...) grew.

List of sources used

    Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: punctuation and spelling. - M .: Ayris, 2003 .-- 384 p.

Internet resources

The spelling of the roots is -mak-, -mock-. -mock- - “soak with liquid” Example: get wet, get wet, blotter -mak- - “immerse in liquid and take out” Example: dip a brush.

Picture 13 from the presentation "Spelling Roots" to the lessons of the Russian language on the topic "Spelling the roots"

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a picture for a Russian lesson for free, right-click on the image and click "Save Image As ...". To show pictures in the lesson, you can also download the presentation "Spelling Roots.ppt" for free with all pictures in a zip-archive. The archive size is 448 KB.

Download presentation

Spelling roots

"Spelling in the roots of words" - Based on the meaning and rhyme, restore the missing words. I. Give a description of the proposals under No. 1, under No. 2. What task should be done? Find out which part of the word the spelling is in. Spelling rules for vowels and consonants at the root. A. Spelling at the root (generalization). Formulate the topic of the lesson.

"Rooted words with the same root" - Very strong. A miner is a worker in the mining industry. Mountain miner mountain hilly slide. Wasp. Aspen wasp. Single-root words. Boletus. Objective of the lesson: For every sovushkin advice Clever little heads Clap their eyes in response. Learn to find the same root words, highlight the root. Algorithm. The burner is burning.

“Roots Lag-Lodges” - Grow - grow a plant - grow thickets - grow. GROWING - GROWING - GROWING PLANT-GROWING-GROWING Exceptions: sprout, branch, Rostov. Let's summarize: VETERAN, Vitrina, TerRitoria, MILLION, Hello, VinEgret, Profession, Romashka, Shepherd. Observe: what does the spelling depend on? Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

"Unstressed vowel roots" - I. Enchanted letters. Creative title. Tower "Insert unstressed vowels." Figure "Tree of cognate words". I. Composing a fairy tale "Stress over a vowel can make a letter clear." Russian language Literary reading The world around Participants students of the 3rd grade. A. Fundamental question. Independent work of groups to complete assignments.

"Root Spells" - Alternating vowels. Remember the rule "I - S after Ts". Doubtful and some unpronounceable How are consonants checked? O-E-E after hissing in all parts of speech. What are the 4 groups of alternating vowels in the root? Lesson objectives. Root or not? Yes. No. Answer the questions